THE BEST CREATURE IN SUBNAUTICA | Subnautica - Part 19 (Full Release)

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Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is jacksepticeye, and welcome back to Subnauseous! We got some things that I want to do today some things that I should have done last time and kind of forgot about The main thing I want to do in this episode is get a cuddlefish! (Aggressive pointing) I was supposed to get one last time and I completely forgot about and I don't think I've ever actually gotten one in this game (Still pointing) And I keep pointing with my finger, and it's very aggressive looking so I'm going to stop there. I'll put this away (Thank you!) Sorry, I don't mean to point at ya (You're forgiven) But I want to do that and I think it's down.. People've been telling me it's down in the... Dagasi place..? I know where it is I just can't explain the one that's in the Underneath the island that one the one where I went down and I got the thing for the Cyclops generator I was down there already went down there twice actually and just didn't find the egg because I wasn't looking around it um... Another thing I didn't do was read the deadzone PDA which some people wanted me to do um... The reason I forgot is because I was falling when I got it and then if I was to read it as I was falling I would have missed all the stuff going on around me and I Might have died while reading it, and I didn't want to do that It would have just been stupid and distracting but then I forgot that I reloaded the game and don't have the PDA for it anymore I I don't I don't think I actually have all I have is Flora I don't think I actually have The- the dead zone anymore cuz technically on this file I didn't actually go to the dead zone So I might have to do that again But I don't really know how I could go over there in Sally and see what happens and go down on my own I don't know. I can't read the fucking thing until I pause the game I do know what it says though I do know some of the information that it gives you because it tells you that the place that you're on is not a Okay wait hold on I need to I need to assess okay, you guys have no power sources, so we're going to take out these three and put in that and That's it It says that the area you're playing in is like a A crater I think that you're not actually playing on Like the full planet and that's why you can't go certain directions And that's why there's like a big drop down into the dead zone. Cus everything else's land That's kind of built up so everywhere where I am right now in the play area Like obviously isn't the full planet and when I took off in the rocket you could see that there were other areas one area It was like little island. It was like I think there was a snow-covered area. I'm not sure but... Let's see how far- actually you know what? Think I might- how deep is your love? Open here. Oh, I will. I'm trying to figure out. How deep that base is in the in the grand reef? I think I can go down into it with Sally Why'd you say that what I'm leaving? Is that your way of- owww my fucking shins GEEZ I'm gonna go down and get my Cuddlefish first Because it's one thing that I just have not done and I want to do it. I want to get it I want (Grumbles) (grupily)Want the cuddlefish! Want it so bad! And then I'm gonna come back, and I'm gonna build up my base again But I also want to get the deadzone PDA cuz I want to see exactly what it says ummm... And in my base I also want to put in another moonpool because we have a Pepper, we have a Sally But we only have one home for each. One of them can live in Maria, but I think Maria needs her own Dock as well- HEEYYYYYY!!!! They're stealing my fucking camera Stop that! Hey, do I have any torpedoes? I fucking don't. Gimme back my camera! you SHITHEADS Can I even get it gimme gimme ya big hairy Mary Oh yeah, you're all angry. I'm not afraid of you, you guys can't even swim that fast. I... I'm faster. Also, I'm probably gotta should've got food and stuff before I went anywhere Oops You know what I can just, if only you could kill one of those stalkers. Might kill you and I eat the flesh from your bones Hey REAFIES Wherever you are. I can't see you right now, but I feel your love uhm... I just need fish. I just need regular old Jimmy Neutron fish Stabby stabby now you're dead Nice! I am the fearsome warrior of this ocean. Come here wut, wut the fuck what- come here Garyfish! Come here Garyfish. Yeah, you look like a Gary and all *MUNCH* Okay, that's good. You may commence your Lives in peace, again. I have gotten what I needed out of you It's all good in the hood Ah, there ye' are He-hey, Reefies you guys cute MUA BIG, TOWERING MOUNTAIN Lying in wait for us to SYKE!!! We're going underneath so that would also explain if this is a crater kind of thing it would explain the Extinction event that happened. Remember we got a PDA that talked about there being an extinction event that happened That one that I'm just talking about that's probably what that was then Something came crash landed, exploded. God knows whatever everything even and then Life had to adapt. HEY! Hi, sea treader How you doing, bro? Really? Can't believe they said that Okay, well keep me updated you talk to her and tell me what she says next cuz you shouldn't have to take that You're a cute and loved. Least, I love you. I forget where I'm going This game is so easy to get lost in, I just need a gap It's all I ever need. All you need to go deeper is a gap just give me a chance one opportunity Eminem mom's sphaghetti whoa whoa did I just reach like the fucking dead zone area again (wubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwubwub) (Bweep) Eehahahahah.. Okay, I got it and I don't have to go any deeper. That's cool. Geological scans of this area- (oh no.) OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! haha! Show a steep decline in all directions this data is consistent with the theory That, that the k-Aurora crashed on the edge of a two kilometer by two kilometer volcanic crater It has likely been millennia since an eruption reached the surface Encouraging the ecosystem within the crater to flourish the ecology of the trench, surrounding the crater supports only two kinds of life Microscopic and Leviathan class. exploration is ill-advised So all there is down there wugadugadugadug is leviathans micro people Yep. science. that's all that's down there so this whole area that you're playing in all of this is a crater of a volcano an eruption a extinction event god knows what either something crash-landed and caused Caused a big hekin' ruckus and got everything to like jimmy jam the way it is OR... (OR...?) uh... Something erupted from underneath so a volcano came up erupted like The way like if Yellowstone National Park erupts basically we're all focked It's kinda scary. Yellowstone National Park is in- is a volcano, eh, a volcanic region, and it's one of like the biggest volcanoes that if it goes off that We will probably all be thrust into Darkness because of the ash that will cover the entire planet, and it will change our climate we will all die So good times. so maybe that happened and that's why underneath down here is the lava zone because technically you're in a volcano It's cool! hey crab squiddies are you doing? What's up Okay calm down, Will ya I know I'm sexy, but there's no need to - booty call me like that Oh, Hi, Jesus Ah-hah, didn't get me, didn't get me, Hah Hah! Wadufuck is this place. I always forget where it is Haha! I also have to beg the question like you guys came down here the torgals and Marguerite you guys had a grand ol' spiffy time. BUT, why? why did you come here? It's a fucking terrible location no wonder you got devoured okay, is there a cuddlefish around here somewhere? that I didn't see there should be an egg laying around I didn't like pick them up and throw them away did I? Oh PDA (bart) Please stop fighting and listen we're sick (margrite) What? (Jack) oh... (Bart)You've been coughing right? feeling itchy? blisters? Yeah... (jack) I did this one. I did this this was because my save is actually before I came down here now, so This area that I can explore is (scary.wav) Is all new again (growling) HEYY!!! You attackin' my shit! Leave it alone! You leave Sally alone! She's a beautiful lady! Did I get this one? Paul:"Came outta nowhere." "An alien Kraken, bigger than a cyclops." "Tore a hole clear through the reinforced hull" "Barely got my breather in time" "I TOLD HER..." "I said others would come" "The rupture threw me clear of the habitat" "And the monster turned and bore down on me" "Just as its tentacles came within reach Maida appeared out of nowhere" "She had a seaglide in one hand a jagged piece of scrap metal in the other" "She meant to butcher that beasts or die trying." "The last I saw her" "She had the metal lodged in its neck as the monster did its best to shake her" "contorting off into the darkness" "I'm certain she got her wish" "one way or another" Jack: damn... Paul: "Then I thought I saw a light" "deep below me" "I hoped maybe Bart'd have swum clear" "I followed it" "and now, I" "Wonder whether I saw anything at all" "Our oxygen is low" "The habitat is gone." "I can't see the sky" "Something..." "Surely has the scent of my blood" Jack: That was- oh man. I'm sad that I missed that now before. That was the end That was the last one. That was how they died, basically. Jesus fuckin Marguerit went out like a badass Paul: "I've had it with you risking our lives" Marguerit: "Oh, stow it chief. The kid can't kill this disease without fish to study". "I'm just bringin' them home..." Paul: "Bart, tell her. Tell her I'm right" Bart: "You're both wrong!" (Jack) no! nono! "Marguerit, I can't find out how they resist the bacteria if you slaughter them all" (Jack) I GOT 'IM!!! M: "It ain't always they oblige to comin' in alive..." Jack: Okay, I got that I got that one before I didn't get this one though need to get out [Marguerit Maida has boarded the habitat] P: "What're you so happy about, Maida" M: "Hey, kid, I brought ya somethin'" P: "Is that a LEVIATHAN outside?" M: "Towed it home on the back of the sub" P: "you KILLED that thing?" M: "It's still breathin'. I was about to finish the job but I can stay and chat if you'd like." "No?" "Then make yourself useful and pass me that hardened blade" P: "Are you out of your mind?" "You brought that thing here?!" "What if it's not as dead as it looks?" "What if others come?" M: "You prefer got curious and came of its own accord or got messed up and dragged here?" P: "When we go off this planet, I am going to drag you through every court in the damn Federation" Jack: holy shit! Marguerit killed a Leviathan and dragged it on the back of the sub down here? And that's probably what attracted more of them to come down because then it was like Oh! Food! goody! and then one of them tore through the whole place, Marguerit tried to kill it- Fuck off. Marguerit tried to kill it and went off. Oh, I'm gonna get hit AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH Nutsack come on! come on baby! Thatta girl Marguerit tried to kill it and went off with fuckin knife and pieces of metal stuck on its back god knows what happened to her and then the dad tried to The dad tried to get out because the whole habitat then was ruined so he followed a light down into the dark I don't know what that's refering to... (Warper? Or crabsquid?) If anything actually had a light going down into the dark, or if that was just He thought he saw something then he went on anyway because was nowhere else to go so sad their story Oh man, I'm glad I went back there now. Just not just for the Cuddlefish, but to get the PDAs to end off the story Maybe a Mesmer gottim the hell are these It's your shit! You guys shietin all over the place Ye crafty bastards. alright, so I got the I got the cuddlefish AWWWWW.. awesome I really hope I didn't miss anything else back in that base cuz I um... I needed to get out cuz of oxygen I'll do one last sweep Ooh, there's an orange tablet down here Think I really need one though. Alright, I'm gonna drink my last water because I'm gonna get some as I go back anyway. I think the scan- I mean of all these little things that I could toss around to make my base look cool, but I think I got everything I think we're good This is also another reason why I wanted to keep the series going I could have ended it after the story But first off. I just wanted to keep playing it anyway because I love it But also there was so much stuff that I hadn't done yet I didn't ev-I have never even built an alien containment facility, which I'm gonna need it- heeey reefies. I gonna to build one of them to hatch my egg Because otherwise what's gonna happen? I would say sorry to that fish, but that was one of the biter dudes And I hate them. They also have a really cool sound though It's a shame that there's- as much as I love this game. There are some things that I think could have been improved like some of the designs of the creatures I get the the lev-er... the the Reaper Leviathan is cool because has like a fish tail it has like a shark tail horizontal basically or a dolphin tail even That's cool. I like that It's like a snakey kind of creature the thing is then you find the sea dragon sea dragon is still a snaky creature But it's more like a squid because it has all those tentacles coming out the back. That's okay. That's cool I really like that his- the design of them is a little too dinosaury Because the... the Reaper leviathans have like the claws on the front And they're really cool and unique like that's basically their hands, and then the sea dragon is like it looks cool It looks like an actual dragon which makes a lot of sense But then you get to the actual sea Emperor, and it's another creature that's large, but has a lot of tentacles coming at the back And I'm sure in the lore of the game. They'll be like well That's because the evolution of the creatures match each other in a way and that that's fine I I get that from like a lower perspective, but I just-i Can't-- who wish they just went nuts with some of the designs like the crab squids are really cool they're basically like brain crabs and those are awesome and the peepers are cool because they're small and Unique to themselves and where did I put all my lockers for storage? Oh, in here So little things like that and then some of the monster sounds are a little A little lacking because you have something like the crab squid which sounds incredible You have something probably the crab squid sound is my favorite sound in the game Sea treader sound is a little like the crab squid one. It's it's very deep. It's very like (Orangutan) Kind of sound it's like it hits you in the chest if you were near it, Oh, hey. The reef back sound is so cool because they're basically like big giant whales And I like the sound of the the Reapers But then you get to the sound of something like to sea dragon again, and it just sounds like a dinosaur which is terrifying when you're near it, but it's just It's kind of bland compared to everything else Everything else in the game just sounds freaking phenomenal And then some sounds are a little lacking here and there so don't worry. I do have my flaws with the game But they're like they're very very miniscule tiny petty kind of flaws- oh I didn't turn off the engine shit So they don't even really matter It was just a little a little few things here and there that I thought would have been cool if they were kind of changed around right interior pieces 5 glass and 2 titanium- hey man, that's easy! That's easy dawg Cheers Thanks, I would hope so that's how I left them I'm gonna take you because I want to deconstruct I Want to deconstruct man and humanity and figure out what it's all about, you know? God I have so many fully charged batteries Who knew. I'm taking them all out because I'm gonna build my Lockers into a room over here I also built an entranceway here, so it's closer so either side now I come from I'd have an entryway so Kinda wanted one of these rooms you know what I'll make my bedroom over this side So it's away from everything It's near as a moon pool, but it's kind of secluded on its own because all the work kind of goes on down here And I wouldn't want my bedroom area to be all like blocked off by that shit and then Because then I can have my bedroom on my tranquil garden in one area. Yeah, that'll work So here then I'm gonna end up building a bunch of lockers This is going to be like a storage area. Nothing but storage really is gonna go in here shiiit I know what I can do because I need a place for them for this so to put you here. Oh Yeah, my eating containment facility think about you here aquariums provide an ideal opportunity to study Which life forms you bring on board It may also be study you that's creepy also I can see down into it. That's freaking cool I'll get into it though they build a hatch I Don't even have to stuff to build a hatch all right Well, I'm gonna deconstruct you because you're not staying here, but All my seeds are gonna disappear, which is kind of annoying We go we go. I'm also going to take the Can I can I do it anywhere here my deconstruct you from I'm gonna be taking the Observatory off Because now I can come in and also line the wall with lockers so that's a little annoying though for the little cuttlefish's I Want them to have a nice place to be able to look around Okay better idea better idea I have a better idea hold on to your butt's everybody better idea There it is. I'm confused by my own base. I don't even know where I'm going anymore Okay a bunch you could just go in here for a second just for a second just so I have enough space to be able To do this Scott I'm walking back and forth you might as well. Call me the human. Yo-yo right now There Got it But now I don't have the pieces for it. I just need two more glass. Okay, cool. It's all happening people. It's coming together Don't you worry about Jack let me worry about blank air So this is gonna be part of my tranquil area It's very nice area I Like it a lot I need a course for that I can get a courts and then all around here because this is my tranquil zone I'm gonna put Windows Now in this one though because that's where the observatory is going or as I like to call it the observatory? Because I'm a scientist and I need to make things sound smart does this work You can't put a hatch on it Wow And then I can actually just go in and they can plant stuff Okay, so if I just drop you in here Yay, okay, you're going to grow up to be a big boy. All right. They're gonna be jacks. You're gonna be Jack's little buddy Jimmy hello ding ding ding ding ding. Yeah grow up big and strong now, please Cool, so this is my tranquil area. I might try and get some plants somewhere. I need to scan for them actually Selenia sytems I don't have enough to make it any of these oh, I've got to make my little jack counter I Just don't have the materials. It's just not gonna happen yet. I get up over the steps Okay, I'll come up with a name for you in the meantime because everything else I haven't this game has a name so you might As well - I need to decorate my room mom There's those posters I had I my figurines my locker oh Thanks, so I put you goddamnit Scrolling the wheel on the freaking Car scrolls my items as well, how does that make sense it? Also does it on the fucking brackets You just go right there Boom no time lost and I put the Aurora one okay your backwards to where I want So I'm just gonna do this instead of going through oh I almost said it again instead of going through the nightmare. I just went through already Now I need to find a place to put these posters Cuz you go great there But then that would also mean I can't have windows in some of these because I want to put up my posters Unless I can put a poster on that I can but then what's the point? Huh, I just like merge you oh my god Okay for now then You know what Maybe I'll put you up somewhere else Because I need my motivational Kitty poster somewhere somewhere where production is happening somewhere Where work is happening? So you come in here you wake up at the Moore and you go down you check on your items and everything and then you Come over here, and you're like oh I keep cam kitty has my back We need some of you for my farm anyway Okay's money as I can carry Nice Okay little do for my garden are You on No engine off way. It was off lane. You were lying to me before You silly I also need to still build my power cell charger and then they need to start making power on power cells and all that stuff, but my base is coming first right now I Need to make a second moon pool. Those aren't the targets for today oh? Wait my Gardens back here, no, it's not I haven't built it yet Indoor grow bed for titanium I even have for titanium Probably don't even have for titanium. Oh You have for titanium. I don't know how you want me to do Oh Think we've got it. Oh, I think we've got enough for another moon pool They put you like right alongside this one You are not gonna connect there. Are you oh? They're just connected anyway nice Let me see let me see let me see Oh Sexy it has two connections Where do you wanna have one then you piece of shit so we can win both sites? That's cool, okay, I move this over here to allow for that. I actually think you probably could have stayed there almost Wait take everything L cause, you're so full like and what be able to take everything out of that Right I need to make some glass ooh Now we have a port for Sally and pepper and Then when I played the original game in early access I ended up making a thing for Maria That was made out of parts of the base So it was just a bunch of tubes it all came out and around and I made a little Harbor for her to be able To go in you can't charge her like that Boy, it just looked cool. I thought so I might try something like that again Interior pieces you need a computer chip and copper wire don't think I have those offhand. Don't think I have any of that shit I Think that's about all we can do right now yes They powers going way down. I don't know what's being charged right now, or what's using up all my power Here we go No high smite God look at all the metal salvage everywhere, holy fuck well, that's kind of annoying oh You're alive Dude I was coming in to Train like plant stuff for you to eat Pick up quarry fish. I don't want to I Want to use this planter thing for a second We have more creature eggs as well. I forgot I Dropped some around here. I want to put this stuff in here Maybe it'll stop growing and make you a little microsystem. Okay, hold on a sec hold on a sec I want to go down here for a second turn off this fucking scanner because I can't see anything Yeah, I can't see scanner thing. Yeah. Good. One me put all that fucking metal Is that it, No thank God, it's gone away, it's gone away for good. It's never coming back Hello wah wah I will take you please We have a cuttlefish I need to give him a name My naming scheme normally goes with alliteration So cuttlefish I'll call you Kevin Kevin the cuttlefish? Oh look how cute oh? You are just like your namesake. I'm dropping these eggs. I don't know what they are. I remember finding them ages ago Pick up cuttlefish Why can I release you in the ocean? Okay, I'm a save right now. Just in case I end up messing this up and releasing him And he takes off and never comes back It'll be the quickest relationship. I've ever had a Curious species hatched from an alien from an egg in alien containment Yay wait oh god. I thought you were gonna go away, okay. I want to scan you come here little bro You're adorable Cuttlefish a small gray colored herbivore the coral fish displays high levels of intelligence curiosity and attachment Strangely the species has not been encountered in the wild and the scan specimen had to be artificially hatched with an alien containment unit My question is where did that the gas see people have And the absence of oil specimens little can be known for certain about the cuttlefishes lifecycle it is possible that environmental conditions have changed Forcing the species to the edge of extinction and leaving its eggs and permanent stasis It is also possible the cuttlefish has been genetically altered or even imported I Might be a thing maybe the degasing people had it on board and then brought it down here We do know that the cuttlefish is a herbivore which displays highly social behavior in its interspecies Interactions as we observed in earth dolphins before their extinction Oh Dolphins are extinct in this game this creature seems to understand the concept of other minds the prime indicator of true sentience and attempts to communicate with a series of chirps and Cheer ups Evidence suggests the cuttlefish is capable of understanding and following simple commands in addition to assessing the emotional state of Individuals around it and responding in kind Emotional connection between living creatures is an essential come around. It's a psychological health Command to follow ooh I Didn't work Who did he's following me For a little bit Oh Kevin I love you KeV keV, how do I play with you play with fish, ooh? Hahaha oh That's so cute, I would just want to see Kevin. I just want to see Kevin on his own Baby oh he's adorable I Love them so much, you're the most I've ever loved something this quick oh My god, please tell me you just stay around here then Cracker for you oh Shit did you like the cracker out of my hand keV him on a cracker I? Find me oh He's still my tiny beating fish loving heart no You're the best creature that has ever existed in this game Top of the morning to you Kevin, oh my god alone, okay? Can you can you follow me? KeV Hey keV, bro, yeah up here yeah, he is following me Okay, then you stay right here you stay around this area then What does he grow up you turn into a big boy? I? Hope so also. I just love that peppers legs hang down out of this. It's the goofiest thing ever My storage room is almost complete I have taken absolutely everything out of Maria so now all the stories that she was holding on to all the items and everything their inner Are now all gone and everything is in these lockers up here, and I'm making everything look So symmetrical wait I have the titanium, I just haven't converted it yet Because it is now in the form of Metal salvage so I needed her into that today titanium if you know I mean if you know, I'm saying if you know I'm talking about I know what's going on You put that there Boom look how neat and lovely that looks Okay, I'll take out the titanium again because I need that these ones are empty But these bits in here So these are all full every single one of these six are all full This is like half, and then these are empty so I have enough storage right now for everything that I need And I just really really like how it works this is like the storage room or the food and the items and everything is gonna be this is gonna be very streamlined if I Ever need like Oh food or titanium or anything? Hopefully come up here And I'll have what I need and then I start filling up these walls with stuff as well this might be a problem I might have to move that ladder eventually But I'm very very happy with the way this base is turning out. It looks really nice I Like it so much wait. What did you guys turn into you didn't turn into anything yet, but some of ye plants grew That's nice, what do you turn into like demons are they dead? They're not moving anymore All the breathing the small bit, okay, they're not dead they're fine Well that's a fucking shit day by which I mean, it's not because it's nighttime We'll go back. It's been a long day. Oh So good how many of you youand out there right now? How many of you are in the middle of yawning right now because I did that Hopefully a lot hopefully like 700 million It's more than the amount of people who watch my videos But you know what I think we have a dream here to accomplish also Maybe you want to start putting platforms all the way out to that. I want to make my base gigantic I Basically just want to keep adding to the base while also doing some other things and making my base More, let's streamline because I've already kind of ruined that I'm just kind of putting everything wherever I want. Hey keV Yeah, he's playing is he playing with other fish Kinda but not really I want to play with keV Yeah, he ate it with gusto that time ah Kevin's my favorite So hewed anyway I'm gonna leave this episode here as with every new episode of subnautica if there stuff that I've missed The dead zone the cuttlefish stuff like that I might pack and got some of the PDAs if there's anything like that that I kind of missed elsewhere Or if there's other places to see or anything like that Let me know and I will gladly explore them I think I still I still need to go find like The the heat suit and the still soon if I can find this still suit I'll be very happy Because with the still suit does is take water from the surrounding environment, I think and reclaims it Maybe reclaims your pee. I don't know I can't remember it reclaims water anyway and stores it in the suit and then you get this little bag that goes into your Inventory and you can drink the water from that so technically I wouldn't even need the water filtration system But whatever so what I also want to do is start getting more courts and start putting like glass everywhere somebody pointed out as well as like the reason you need a Foundation is because it adds strength to your base, and yeah that actually is true And I've completely forgot about axe I was like I could just build this without a foundation, but it would have helped a lot Okay, thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face like Your boys and a face I wrote Shh Thank you guys now in Syria, dude Oh Kevin you're my best friend
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,419,891
Rating: 4.9631538 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Subnautica, Subnautica game, subnautica gameplay, surivival game, alien planet, let's play, subnautica jacksepticeye, giant monsters, full game, full release, public release, subnautica full release, update, sally, seamoth, seamoth fragments, warper, reaper, alien base, alien gun, funny, funniest, neptune rocket, building the rocket, end, ending, story end, leaving the planet, escape rocket, dead zone, the dead zone, adult ghost leviathans, cuddlefish
Id: qHP8nghldc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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