r/EntitledPeople - The Tale Of Two Drunk Karens

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g'day there guys give me that because I said so back at it again with another episode of our slash entitled people now if you love today's content I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for a bloody good story or two or ten posted by user rhesus pie titled my sister and I went out for dinner last night and encountered a couple of entitled parents like the title said my younger sister and I decided to go for a late dinner last night in the next town over it's about 15 minutes drive and we both decided to get a lift there from my husband and a taxi home so we could have a drink dinner was great we went for a few cocktails afterwards and finished up around 11 most places have started to close around that time and there's only one taxi rank we joined the queue which was pretty long already about six people in front of us and waited when we were about three from the front my sister decided to run to the cash point and left me in the queue to hold our spots by this point the line for cabs was huge I'd say maybe 30 to 40 people behind us after about a 25-minute waits as the person in front of me gets into their cabin drives away to well-dressed and obviously drunk women aged around 40 ish stroll past the queue and stand in front of me I assume they are either not wanting a cab or don't know the etiquettes I said excuse me there's a queue here you'll need to get in line they both just looked at me and then one says with a smirk yes and we're at the front both turned their back to me and start chatting to each other I didn't really know what to say to that and my sister arrived back she immediately noticed that they weren't the same people as we'd been behind and questions me I tell her and she says to the women get to the back now they just looked at her and laughed taxi pulls up and it's important to note that my sister has a nasty temper at best and very little self-control sister goes I'm not joking if you get in that cab I'll drag you out by the hair I begin to wonder whether we'll end going home by cab or in a police van people behind have now clocked them into starting to make comments as well one starts to look uncomfortable and kind of edges away mouthy woman steps off the curb to open the taxi door my sister strode forward and literally hip-checked the woman out of the way of the open door it was actually really impressive I jumped into the cab and angry sis dives in behind me woman one is in the gutter screaming unintelligible nonsense at the now-closed car door and woman 2 is looking around as if she expected someone to come to their aid the driver asks what that was all about and we tell him he looks skeptical they must see it a lot sir I don't blame him he opens the window and shouts to the guy who'd been behind us a mate who was first these girls or those two meaning the cheeky queue [ __ ] the guy tells him it was us and we drive off chat to the driver as we go and he is suitably irritated by their behavior there's a one-way system in this town so to get back on the road we need you kind of have to double back on yourself as we drove past the taxi rank a few times the two women were again stood at the fronts ignoring the obviously ticked off people behind we marvel at the brass neck of the two and the driver taunts and mutters to himself legendary taxi driver then gets on the radio describes the women and says they aren't to be picked up as they're drunk and belligerent we tipped the driver very generously posted by user and then Noah oh three titled lady comes thirty five minutes early and complains about it's okay so my grandma isn't too the best blah blah blah sorry for that anyways this story happened to my mum two days ago and I wanted to share it people in this story el the entitled person my mum which is my mum of course and see my mum's niced customer so my mom is a nail artist and beautician she is well-known in the village that I live in and people know I'm her daughter her workplace is connected with the house it has three rooms one for nails one for waxing eyebrows etc and one for the other staff then a checkout area a bathroom and a private room I helped my mum by cleaning so that's how I heard them I get my pocket money like that my mum always makes appointments when the customer should come and takes her time for them for example one has the appointment at 3 p.m. and the other one at 5 p.m. see had her appointment at 2:00 p.m. and L and 3 p.m. see just wanted a simple nail design so it wouldn't take long 25 minutes after C arrived came L 35 minutes early of course my mum was ticked but didn't say anything she just told her to sit down and waves but L didn't want to and said but why should I wait I'm here now so she should leave my lung says you didn't come on your time so wait or go l just looked at see pier staff and sat down my mum was just ticked about points because of the Corona Corona my mum had strict rules from the health department's if she wouldn't keep them she would have to close that would be crap the whole family everybody has to keep to the times of their appointments and must not come earlier after 20 minutes my mum was done with C and they went to the checkout area L says finally took you long enough my mum ignored her and let C pay C says good bye see you next time and my mum says goodbye C okay now to you l please next time just keep to your time yeah yeah I will but now it's my turn I'm sorry but your appointment is in 10 minutes I'm taking that time to go to the bathroom and drink something no you can't do that I have an appointment I know in 10 minutes while I'm gone please disinfect your hands and go to the room l now angry said nothing and did what my mother said my mom did what she wanted to do and came back the whole appointments l just talked about her family and her job nothing interesting my mum often has people like this but this time it was the first time somebody acted like a customer should leave just because she is there at least she wore masks posted by user cafe con la bruja titled entitled friends once free ramen this is one of the many instances that led to me not wanting to be friends with this woman me is me entitled friend is Stacy not real mom but her mom's got it going on this happened a few years ago one day stacy texts me and asks if i want to go to a ramen place with her it's very popular so we have to leave early I said yeah since ramen pretty much always sounds good and she asks me to pick her up it's out of my way entirely but I don't mind much since I'm used to giving her rides and she doesn't drive after waiting for about 30 to 40 minutes we get seated and order our food drinks this place charges a price per bowl size then charges extra for each add in I don't have extra cash to spend I'm in school at that time so I get water a soda and like for extras Stacy gets to Saki a tea a large bowl and about 10 add-ins so I gently remind her that they charge per item and she says she's not too worried the food is great and we have an arcade conversation I was pulling away a bit at this point because she wanted to monopolize my time and was angry that I was working going to school and got engaged Stacy had multiple times that she disliked my now husband because he gets more of my love and attention than her when it's time to pay I ask if they do separate checks Stacy gives me a look the guy says no but we can pay cash in card awesome Stacy grabs a check from me and starts marking what she is paying for it says okay the rest is what you're paying for I'm like umm dude this is wrong you put your drinks in some of your food as mine no you had that she spent several minutes trying to convince me that I had eaten that I say I didn't eat that didn't have alcohol because I'm the designated driver and she says well I'm a single mum three kids different dads one in the picture but not together with her so it's hard for me look I know it's hard but I can't afford to pay for you I have school rent etc I can't be covering your meals plus you asked me to go out to eat Stacie she says you know Sandra's boyfriend Brian always pays for me when we go out Alex hubby never pays for me you need a better boyfriend's engaged at the time I say dude stop it's not our responsibility to pay for you when we eat especially when you invite us he didn't even tell me you were low on cash we argue back and forth for a while she finally pays her portion and the bill came out to around $65 $25 was mine left $5 for the tip the rest is hers she leaves exact cash no tip so leave an extra few bucks on the way back to our place she gets samba and asks why I'm so mad at her I say because you expected me to pay without even asking then said that alex is a bad fiance because he doesn't pay for you you know how hard we work what's going on in my life because I have some health issues and that we're both in school she says but you don't have kids you don't know how hard it is we argue more and I leave her at her place sorry for the long post and any mistakes I made on mobile TLDR entitled friend expects meals for free posted by user Ranjit Kumar Singh titled why do old people feel entitled to comment on your weight and then attacked when you clap back hey folks long time Lucca you know the rest law based on certain life experiences I just need to ask why do old people feel the need to comment on your weight and then it ticked when you clap back let me explain what I mean with the following stories backgrounds I've generally been a big guy for you had a period where I was fit and for basically lost weights and maintained it for years but the last 10 years since I got a job as a teacher it's been a struggle to maintain a work and health balance I would start doing workouts cardio or gym and be consistent for some days or weeks until I get a whole bunch of essays to correct coupled with school events etc so then plans would get derailed for some time and my diet would go out the window to this lockdown has afforded me time to work on this consistently so I've lost some weights and I'm still working on it however in my country people especially old people feel entitled to greet you based on your weight story one I had left work during a free period to pay a bill which was literally down the street from where I work so I'm walking minding my own business and some person would shout hey where are you going with all that weights so I just replied as loudly by your mother I'm too polite to people to tolerate this crap from them story to another time I was walking home from my work 15 minutes but its hearts like fry an egg on the sidewalk hearts I live in the Caribbean it was the start of a new school year and I'm intending to do my afternoon run as soon as I get home because I know if I wait until the evening I would lose that motivation so because of the heats I'm sweating buckets I spot an elderly lady that I know from my area walking in the opposite direction I'd usually say good afternoon or another pleasant greeting as I pass and be on my way before I even get to say that she says like you need the exercise like you need the exercise direct quotes no lie so I pause in shock and then I'm like screw this in my mind of course so I reply and you need a facelift she's angry I don't care but she never did that again story three just Friday I called out another old lady on said behavior sir after four attempts of her mentioning my weights and me avoiding talking about that with her to send his subtle hint I eventually asked her so answer me this what is it with you old people insisting that you must comment on another person's weights what kind of reaction were you expecting I know when I was brought up I was taught how to greet people properly clearly you were dragged up sir tell me now what kind of reaction were you really expecting again now after some seconds of silence I said I thought sir and I bounced literally out of the room when I got home I taught my mum if an old [ __ ] complains to you that I was rude ask her first what did she say first to earn that mom burst into laughter ended her conversation on the phone immediately and asked me what happened I have a great aunt who was entitled in her own way and she loves to do this but I'll post about her in another story stay tuned for that pursued by you sir thorn pudding titled aunt is not happy with wedding demands compensation they definitely seems to be something about aunties that make them so easily entitled as posts about them keep popping up here so he is mine back story I lost my dad to a tragic accident when I was a very young kid he was a jet pilot in the Air Force crap happens men my mum found herself a widow at the age of 28 with three kids tough times after a year or so of her being stuck in a heavy depression times of which I have but faint memories she came back to life after some months of dating she went to marry my dad's best friend with her and we were already well acquainted he was also in the military a commanding officer in submarines my dad's family was not pleased at all with that wedding to the point that my grandmother forbid any relative from attending it they felt like it was disrespectful to my dad's memory / legacy and they felt like they had a say in how my mom would lead her life from now on yeah like what the hell rights I have enough material to run a multi installment story about my dad's family and their bewilderingly teittleman's with our lives but for now I'll focus on my aunt's since that moment was probably the highest ranking in terms of induced astonishment for us so we are now some years in my mum's second marriage the year is 90 something I'm 9 or 10 and my little stepbrother is a couple of months olds we live in a coastal town you know because Navy base and my entitled dance ei announces she'll be visiting over the weekend because she wants to see her three nephews and niece my mom and stepfather obliged since they think it's important that we kids keep contact with our dads family and relatives despite my parents not being on very good terms with them entitled auntie arrives on Saturday and immediately demands that her trip be refunded by my parents then she proceeds to cost them belittle them and tell them how worthless they are seeing how the conversation gets quickly heated my mum washes us upstairs while my stepfather does the talking at some points I sneak out of my room and from the staircase witness how that last bit of conversation unfolded which gloriously ended my entitled aunties relationship with my parents mum holding my still very young stepbrother in her once's calm down entitled auntie and lower your voice you're upsetting the baby entitled auntie says don't you dare talk to me like that you little [ __ ] you [ __ ] you just couldn't hold it huh you just had to dishonor all of us by getting married again so you could have sex again huh stepfather says shut up entitled auntie this is absolutely insane I can't stand it anymore do you even realize what you're saying and you you horrible man what I think you were once invited our place for the summer by my dad how could you turn so evil after that don't you know my parents have you got no respect for them mum says and turtled aunty you were talking absolutely nonsense please respect me my freedom and our family by leaving our home stepfather says now fine she lays her eyes on our stereo in the corner of our living room and adds after a pause all of the sudden but I'm taking your stereo with me as a compensation what the actual what do you mean a compensation stepfather unable to remain patient and alonga says fine just take it and get the hell out of my place stepfather goes to unplug the stereo while entitled auntie grabs some random CDs that were lying around and titled auntie is quickly shoved out of the house by stepfather and my last memory of that afternoon is of her seen from the window of my sleeping room as she was trying to stuff the said stereo into her luggage open in the middle of our driveway she was never invited again and never tried to invite herself to our place after that PS as I grew older I was able to develop some sound a relationship with most of the relatives on my dad's side but entitled aunties somehow always remained a bit shy and distance posted by user salty Miyuki titled e-l tries to steal / rip my blanket so I hit her in the head with my knitting needles also forgot to add that I was 22 at the time so this happened just before Christmas when I was making some chunky blankets for my grandparents and my boyfriend's parents as gifts and I was using a technique called hands knitting you use your hands as needles instead but because I want to make a decent sized blanket I don't have enough arm to make so I had to use big knitting needles but these are like the hollow plastic ones you can get at Michael's not the wooden ones sir around the beginning of December I was just about to finish the first blanket and haven't started the second one I had to do a lot of trial and error with the first one so I was crunched for time some way started to bring the blanket with me when I go out because I want to get it done so I had gone to the grocery store with my mom and Danu she was going to be a while but I didn't want to wait in the car so I went inside with her and sat on the bench of the front and knitted after about 20 minutes a few roads that had to be unraveled a woman comes up to me and started a conversation with me at this time I was familiar with entitled people thanks reddit's so I was a little wary this woman looked to be in her 50s and wearing a very fluffy looking winter coats that looks more to show than to actually protect from the colds by the way this is Canadian Windsor she asked me what I was making and such etc then she asked me if I was selling the blankets and said she wants to buy the one that I was making at that mermans before I could say no she started to go grab my blankets I pulled back and immediately got up and told her no I wasn't selling and no she couldn't have this one and putting away my blankets she started to scream at me accusing me of stealing her blankets and actually succeeded to grab my blanket and started to pull luckily I was still holding on to the needle that had my car into Rouen it's let me just say that her pulling on my blanket didn't do as much damage and it just tightened the loops with the blankets and just stretched it but I was mad overwhelmed and anxious that this woman was trying to take the blanket that I was knitting for my grandparents so as I was yelling at this woman to let go of my blankets and during my overwhelming situation she was starting to get physical by pushing and slapping me sir in retorts I grabbed the free needle and whacked her hard on the side of her head with the bottom of the needle not the pointy parts and it results she lets go of the blanket and falls to the grounds with a look of bewilderment and shock and as soon as I did that security showed up right behind and grabbed the woman off the ground who was now spewing curses at me and at the security guards to press charges and I'm there she's standing there in a defensive position with my knitting needles ready to strike the manager of the store had saw the whole thing and called security and explained everything to me and asked me if I wanted for them to call the cops and press charges I blinked a few times by the way I have high-functioning autism so after that order then to make a quick decision after that I sort of just broke down almost like a computer I looked at the manager and told him no because I didn't want this to get big all because of her blankets but the woman was removed from the premise and she was banned with that store and all of the sisters stores in the area and my mom got her whole shopping trip close to 200 bucks worth of food almost free and the manager gave us like half a year worth of comp groceries for the troubles so yeah also have to explain to my mum why her trip was discontinued and why I was flustered as hell in itself my mum was super ticked that that it happens but seriously this is the first time I have ever encountered an entitled person before and it's wow this blew up my phone after waking up and it really shook me by the way the woman came back six months later while I was working as a cashier at that same store and that was an interesting encounter to say the least posted by user a username titled I don't need to carry my dog at the airport this is short but this just happened to me so I thought I'd share I'm at the airport with my mum and we're helping to train the TSA dogs to sniff out contraband we're sitting in d5 a place in concourse D where people wait to board their flights and a woman goes into the bathroom with her little dog the TSA guy were with waits outside to tell her that she has to carry the dog or put it in a carrying bag as soon as she comes out he tells her sir she says to him no it says I can have my dog on the floor or something to that effect he just has this look on his face like mate I've worked here for years with this same announcement about this going off every 15 minutes you can't tell me what to do and as if the prove his points an announcement came through echoing the whole concourse animals are not allowed on the airport floor and the service animals are permitted emotional support animals must either be carried or in a kennel and while this went off the TSA guy was pointing up at the speakers as if to prove his point sorry if this doesn't belong here or isn't satisfying I just thought it was kind of funny II posted by user jl jeffery o6 turtled street performer embarrasses entitled parent in front of crowd our cast are entitled parent karen SP is the street performer backstory me and my family were visiting yorkshire as a holiday two or three years ago and were walking down to a touristy trapped street place when we notice a large crowd up ahead a street performer had set himself up in the middle of the crossroad area so he was hard to miss my family and I had just bought some lunch so we sat down on a bench nearby and watched him while we ate he was doing the usual street performer type stuff juggling and fire eating the type of stuff that looked dangerous but actually was performed hundreds of times a day just as street performer was about to do a sword swallower enter entitled parents this is so fake I bet that sword bends or whatever entitled parent then pushed her way to the front of the crowd until she was stood right next to the SP he says maybe it is would you like me to run it through your heart and maybe then we can debate over whether it's fake or not entitled parents stares at him like street performers just dropped his pants and crapped on her shoes it's people like you who are ruining society probably don't even have an education I'll have you know that I graduated University majoring in engineering but didn't really enjoy it so I turned to performing and does your hair quotes performing provides you with enough money smiling smugly well yes it does I have a house and a wife with a kid sir I'd say I'm pretty well-off how much do you earn if you don't mind me asking entitled parent and mutt is something very low considering she stood there in designer clothes don't ask which brand I don't know or care well then looks like you'll be needing this picks up hatch that has it probably around 200 pound in its entitled parent turned away horrified and says I don't need your filthy stolen money I get all the money I need selling essential oils oh yes essential oils Agron so fake and perfume to scam I love your newest release odor pyramid scam in that case you won't need this puts hat down I will continue to perform here in jalath as you get in a bus and go home to watch TV and drink cheap wine you've bought with your benefits entitled parent went red in the face and stormed off the crowd then all cheered and applauded and street performer continued his performance funny thing was on the bus back to the campsite we actually saw entitled parents posted by user Fred said red titled Karin won't help a blind man because he's too useless to find it himself this happened to my friend who will call bill bail became fully blind in his early 20s from macular degeneration he's now in his early 50s and although he does a great job of getting around he has a seeing-eye dog who does a good job getting him around town he does have trouble with things sometimes his hearing is really good and he can usually recognize my voice and the sound of my power wheelchair I'm ac45 incomplete quadriplegic with an acquired brain injury the damage to the optic nerve in my brain caused half of one eye to become fully blind and the rest of my sight was affected even though I can see well enough my hearing is extremely sensitive and I can hear things from a long way away a while back before covert I was downtown doing some shopping I was in the grocery store when I heard some commotion in another aisle so I went to investigate I could hear Bill and another woman talking and as I rounded the corner it was Bill his dog standing defensively in front of him and a textbook Karen's standing near the chips and biscuits the conversation went something like this it was a while ago so the dialogue worn to be exact miss please I just find someone who works here or get your damn dog to find what you want it's not my fault you're too useless to know where things are what excuse me what in the hell does your problem oh goody it's the [ __ ] parade to the rescue me ignoring Karen bill it's Opie are you okay I asked this woman if she could help me find the chips and she started yelling at me too find it myself bill wears sunglasses and it's visibly obvious that he's blind I'm extremely angry at this point and I say what the hell is your problem ma'am did you wake up with your panties in a twist or something ignorance and stupidity although plausible doesn't count as disabilities so how about you run along and - let me help because clearly I'm more capable of navigating the store than you how dare you you little nerve ma'am stop walk away now before I make you my chancres much faster than you you want to test me you you and she walked away not wanting to know if I was bluffing I wasn't I helped bill find everything else he needed and we didn't see Karen again after that it takes a lot to make me angry and rude people are at the top of the list of things that get my goats it takes a few seconds to help someone so I don't get why she blew up at him about it I know it's not Karen's job to help him but there are better ways to avoid helping someone than yelling and insulting them all right now I think that's where we're gonna leave today's episode guys I really do hope you enjoyed the content today if you guys loved watching it as much as I loved making it I would love for you to subscribe to the channel already if you haven't tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below maybe you liked the video who knows I'd also like to take this time to thank my awesome patreon and channel members without you guys you know I don't know what I'd do I'd probably be homeless on the streets of Ireland crying Irish dancing all over town it would just be a mess but now for real you guys are up on the screen now thank each and every one of you guys and if you personally want to join the club yourself there are links down in the description below there's also the join button next to the subscribe button small monthly fee but hey it goes a long way to help me create more awesome content with that said guys I hope you do have a lovely day night sleep evening day at work day at school whatever you're up to I hope you keep awesome today you're looking amazing and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 30,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledpeople, r/entitled people, entitledpeople, entitled people, entitled, people, entitledpeople markee, markee, markee entitledpeople, reddit, r/entitled
Id: vTo3XCUSjEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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