r/EntitledPeople - Karen Tries To STEAL My Son From Me!

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g'day there guys it's your main man Marky back at it again with another episode of our slash entitled people now if you love this content I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy the content posted by user 1 SL 1 kk 1 titled crazy lady accuses me of kidnapping my stepson tries to kidnap him from me so this happened about a week ago and I honestly am still fuming from this I'm not sure if this belongs in this sub reddits but here goes first a little backstory I mixed ethnicity individual I've been confused for many races over the course of my 29 years on this planets but I'm literally Caucasian and african-american usually it can be figured out but the difference with me is my father is the Caucasian so therefore my hair is straight I'm originally from Texas and I'm usually confused for being Mexican but now I live in Massachusetts and have never had an issue with anyone concerning my race until this day also I'm married to a Caucasian woman who had a child before we were married his father is not in his life as much and I took the responsibility because I love this woman and I love this little boy as if he were my own he's four now and I've been in his life since he was one anyways onto the story my wife needed a few things from the grocery store and she needed to run a few more errands and usually she discouraged and knocks things out herself because I'm asleep I work nights but this particular day I happened to be awake and they offered to go for her she works hard and does a lot so I definitely felt it was necessary to do something for her so she could just relax for the day I took my son with me so she could rest up and just take it easy and it gave me time to spend with my son for some bonding we completed all of the errands which went smoothly and then we headed to the grocery store to finish up our day my son being a typical four year olds was full of energy running ahead of me laughing and speaking to everyone he comes across which I generally don't mind as long as he doesn't hate anyone and stays within I view as I'm making my way down an aisle looking for canned corn my son jogs to the end of it when an older lady is entering at the other end my son the sweet social butterfly he is approached and exclaims and excited hi me for and me Ryan bless his little hearts the lady looks down and says well hello there you shouldn't be running around unattended let's go find your parents I don't think anything of her statements because I assume she just hadn't seen me Ryan come back here bud please he excitedly runs back towards me and starts turning in circles because you know he's for long I'm still searching the shelves as the lady walks past me and stops behind me again I think nothing of it because it's a grocery store and you have to share the aisles I turn my basket around and start to walk towards the front cash registers when this lady literally blocks my path I say excuse me and try to walk around her and she moves her card in front of me again I honestly thought she was just getting confused and said excuse me once again and tried one more time to go around and she just blocks my path the following convo in series sorry about that we'll get out of your way oh I don't think so you're not going anywhere with that child you mean my son that's not your child he's white and you're Mexican he probably didn't even know his name until he said it to me sure whatever lady can you just move my wife is at home and anxiously waiting for us stop your lines you're not taking him anywhere you pervert this whole time my son is standing close to me holding my leg because he was honestly getting scared I was getting angry because I hadn't had much sleep and I have a short fuse anyway thanks dad I say as you can see he's standing close to me because he trusts me and you're scaring him so how about you buzz off no he's scared because of you he just doesn't know how to express it yet she looks at my son come on now sweetie I'm here to rescue you come with me thankfully my son was able to communicate to her he wasn't going anywhere with her but she was having none of it she literally grabbed my son and began to run it caught me off guard because I honestly could not fathom what was actually happening my son starts screaming loudly because he was so scared and this lady is just like don't worry sweetie he won't hurt you I promise suddenly I snap back into reality and I begin to chase after this crazy winch while running through the store I yell for people to stop her and that she's kidnapping my son and thankfully a worker stops her before she makes the exits why are you stopping me this Mexican here is trying to kidnap my grandson my son is literally bawling his eyes out and extending his arms out calling for me this lady was relentless and would not let go of my son even after he slaps her face multiple times I laughed a little I'm not gonna lie at this point a manager shows up and asks what's going on the lady spoke before me this pointing at me pervert is trying to kidnap my grandson and I was just trying to escape that's my son you freaking psycho now let him go the manager didn't know what to believe I don't blame him he was caught in a weird situation so I pulled out my phone and showed him pictures of me and my son that dated a year or so back as proof this lady still would not give up and accused me of thanking them like how would you do that exactly I'll never know but whatever sadly there were two other ladies they're taking the psychos side and said I was attempting to kidnap my own son because there was no way we were family because of our different skin tones one even called the police which I was actually happy about because I knew they'd be able to review the security cameras even still I called my wife to see if she could come to the store to get this situation cleared up quicker as soon as I told her what was going on she zoomed to the store she got there about the same time as the police the crazy ladies were giving their statements to the cops my wife walked in as soon as she walked in my son goes mama help my wife is a true mama bear and she immediately flew into a rage when she saw this lady holding my son let go of him now sorry sweetie I was just trying to protect him from this pervert over here yeah we saw him trying to kidnap him but this lady saved him the cop looks at the lady and is confused I thought this was your grandson oh I have no idea who that lady is she takes out her phone and shows the officer a picture of my mother-in-law okay I'm sorry he's not my grandson but I was charlie trying to protect him from this dirty pervert over here yeah I witnessed the whole thing he snatched that child and tried to run away with him but this lady stopped it yeah I saw it too he needs to be arrested and you pointing to my wife should be thankful that this lady was here to save your son because you obviously just let him loose wherever who are you talking about again all three crazy ladies pointed at me oh you mean my husband husbands yeah who do you think called me and got me here so fast I presented my ID to the officer and the manager and my wife did the same we also each showed us pictures of us on our phones to prove we were really a family the cop nodded in approval and handed our cell phones back and jotted down a few notes the three ladies for some reason still kept trying to say this is all fake and my wife was in on the kidnapping and said we needed to be arrested my wife lost it at this point and let off some colorful words I won't repeat here but she definitely got her point across then the nail in the coffin came from the psychotria the officer turned to the manager and asks sir did the cameras work er yes we have them inside and out okay great let's go review the three ladies faces went pale like ghostly pale the officer reviewed the outside camera as I pulled into the parking lots and saw me take my son out of the car and then as I went up and down the aisles and most importantly the instance when the woman snatched up my son and began to run upon his return he asks would you like to press charges and lady one says yes I would why would I be asking you that question shut your mouth and sit down he turns to me and repeats the question and I say absolutely lady one was a charged with attempted kidnapping false imprisonment providing a false police reports and child endangerment the other two were also charged with providing a false police report as well to make matters worse for lady 1 my son bruises easily and she left some terrible spots on him from where she was grasping him but he's fine this added a charge of child abuse to her rap sheets I have caught later this year but I'm not sure when because of kovat the officer will be following up with me in a few weeks sorry for the length posted by user cyanides titled 'he's entitled teacher calls cps on me because i refused to talk to her about my mom long term looky here I've dealt with my fair share of entitled people both in school and at work and have so many stories to tell but this one I remember so vividly I'm also not a native English speaker so mistakes may be made for context my mom was in and out of the hospital when I was around 10 to 13 years old because of bipolar disorder and by the time this all went down when I was 15 my mom was doing better home and she was even working so in my final year of secondary school one of my teachers began pulling me out of class in the middle of lessons and at first she just wanted to chat about my grades which for average but then she started asking more and more intrusive questions about my mom and her illness and began to compare my mother's illness to her mother who apparently had suffered from the same thing and began telling me sob stories about her childhood she also began asking me uncomfortable questions about my home life I didn't say much just sat there feeling very confused about it all this happened over the course of three months and eventually I got really sick of her pulling me out of the classroom in the middle of lessons and ice snaps I told her to stop pulling me out of classes and leave me the hell alone I turned to leave and go back to class she grabs me by the arm and tells me that if I continue to withhold information she would have to call the CPS I told her to call them they wouldn't find anything and she'd be wasting their time a few days later I get called out of the classroom not by her but by my principal who takes me to her office where a CPS worker my mum and my dad is waiting I realized I already knew the woman she had been at our house sometimes while my mom was ill the CPS worker my parents and I talked and she came to the conclusion that everything was fine but I broke down in tears because the whole situation had been really stressful my parents were ticked they demanded to know why the hell this teacher thought it was okay to harass me about something that was none of her business we never got a proper answer and the teacher refused to say anything she stared daggers at me though the CPS lady was angry about having her time wasted and demanded some type of action from the principal the teacher was not allowed to be in the room alone with me anymore and under no circumstance to take me out of classroom alone eventually she was moved to another class and ladle let go for harassment and assault of another student by the way I didn't tell my parents because I was a dumb kid thinking I was the one who would get in trouble about it posted by user Eagle i-295 titled Karon throws a small wine rack on the ground because I ordered it hello reddit's I'm Belgian so if I make any mistakes I'm sorry a little context first every year on the second Sunday of June it's Father's Day for Father's Day I ordered and paid for a small wine rack with six wines in it online so onto the story names are changed obviously characters are Karen the 40 year old woman without Karen haircuts Josh a male employee in the store Sarah a female employee in the store and friend of mine good guy Brian Brian for shorts who is the store owner and me the store in which I ordered it has a regular line and a reserved line the regular line the usual you get in after you took your stuff off the shelves the reserved line is for people who ordered something online this so they can get their stuff without having to wait in line so the regular line was pretty long around seven people but the reserved line was free so having ordered and paid online I set myself in the reserved line this did not sit well with a Karen she says sir we have to wait in the back of the line no I don't i've Karen cuts me off yes you do it's against the law oh no here we go again men I've ordered online and she cuts me off again I don't care what you did or who you are you have to wait in the back of a line like everyone else she looks around for support but no one was with her on this one by this time the Josh saw what was happening and tried to explain to Karin what was happening didn't really pay attention to the conversation but she was off my back so I give Sara my order number she goes to the back comes back with my package and I go home happy I wish that happens but this would not be a good one if it did though so here is what happens during the time that I gave my order and she got back with my package the other employee was done explaining things to Karin don't know if he gave up or if Karin brushed him off in the end but I get my package turn around and see Karin storming to me takes my package out of my hands I was a bit surprised about how strong she was and throws it on the grounds the wine rack foot was bent and four of the six bottles broken she says there now you have to get a new one and stand in the back of the line like everyone else I'm dumbfounded Sara says what the frick takes phone yeah Brian can you come to the counter we have a situation well what are you waiting for go get your stuff and get in the back of the line starts to go back to her place what is wrong with you woman what is wrong with you young man you cannot cut in line it's against the law meanwhile Brian arrives Brian separates both of us and gets our statements apparently according to her I cut in line and when she was stopping me through the wine rack to her then Brian goes away for a second to check the camera footage no change in Karen's face there comes back following conversation goes ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store why I didn't break the law he did pointing at me why should I leave I haven't even paid for my stuff please leave the store or the police will be called call them they'll say that I'm in the rides Brian sighs takes out his cell phone and does the police a few moments pass by and the police comb take statements from me Karen and Brian Karen went again with the throw the wine rack excuse police go to the back the room for the camera footage comeback and discord her in cuffs to the police car the whole time she was yelling this is against the law I was in my rights you can't do this what about him one of the police comes over and says technically what she did is assaults do you want to press charges hell yes then let me sign a paper with my statements and wish me a happy day further the owner of the store replaced the wine rack with another one they still have in the store but this one was with more expensive wine mine was 80 euro in total this one was 95 euro but didn't charge me for the extra 15 euro posted by user wafer 2016 titled the waitress licked my mother's plates or how my inner Karen was released hello happy people this story takes place several years ago in a time filled with pre-pandemic innocence people were free to eat at restaurants and actually sit in a dining room at the tables a wild concept I know but there you go my mother and I like to frequent a well-known Canadian restaurant chain known for their delicious rotisserie chicken and sweet potato fries do not forget the sweet potato fries all my Frank they are so good but I digress one nights just before Christmas that year we decided we wanted chicken for supper so we bundled up in our many layers and headed on over to miss Chalet see what I did there the Hearst s sent us next to the fireplace Christmas music was playing softly and we were filled with anticipation of the delicious meal to come we decided to start with the baked garlic Life a drippy buttery monstrosity that is delivered to the table under a mountain of diced onions and tomatoes having placed our orders we sat back and chatted idly about stuff that I can't remember now we had noticed our service seemed a bit snappish and dismissive okay she was a [ __ ] sure you know the Grinch was freaking Barney the Dinosaur compared to her maybe her shoes were too tight or her apron was upside down or maybe her heart was two sizes too small whatever the issue her height or her shoes our server clearly disliked her job after a while our noses were greeted with the beautiful scent of garlicky goodness and our delicious buttery loaf was placed before us along with two empty plates for us to use all was great until I looked at my mother's plates and saw it had a huge dirty smudge on its ill I got the server's attention and pointed out the dirty plates and this is where our wonderful candy canes scented evening went to hell in a handbasket what I'm about to reveal is the absolute truth with not one smidgen of exaggeration the waitress took my mother's plates licked her thumb wrapped the dirt off with said spit covered thumb and then handed mom her plate back and said here you go I stopped dead looked at my poor mother who was looking equally stunned and then turned and glared at the server my mother would like a new plate now server huffed fine full-out Stover to the counter and got my mum a new plate I was able to watch the entire time as it was within my view so I made sure it remained spit free after she slapped the plate on the table and stalked away I waved another server over and asked for the manager manager came over and I quietly explained what had just happened and she was horrified this is where the evening took another bizarre turn the manager apologized naturally and offered us free pie miss chalets go-to response for unhappy customers and told me to call head office so they can be made aware of it too I don't know what kind of drama was going on behind the scenes but a manager asking me to call the big bosses for her we had right next morning I did as asked and called the head office I was greeted with complete silence for a few minutes after sharing my story of garlicky wire then the rep squeaked out that is not proper miss chalets serving standards we were given a gift card for a free meal for both of us and after internal investigation the entire staff was sent for retraining on proper ways to serve customers which oddly enough includes not licking the plate yet that the boy posted by user tidal lion titles people using a loophole so they can vacation in other countries and following knows self-isolation protocols sir I saw on Facebook today a post about some Texans vacationing in BC they told border security that they were headed to Alaska but told restaurant staff that they were taking a detour to vacation in British Columbia the post said that they were not wearing masks or PPE now social distancing the visitors have no plans to self isolate etc decided to fact-check and while the article doesn't mention everything the post did the rest of the story checks out this is by Global News titled American tourists in Alberta RCMP investigating possible breaches of covert 19 restrictions seriously it's a global pandemic and do you want to abuse the system to say you're headed home to Alaska but just so you can go a vacation at the risk of exposing others how entitled do you have to be posted by user Justin on a morph titled she took my cat this is both a rent and a request for help my cat is not an indoors cat she's an outside one I tried to get her to stay inside but she's a big one that loves climbing the huge trees and chasing feral cats she did occasionally go inside but after a time she would always wait by the door to go outside and she always came back she responds to her name she responds to commands and behaves in such a way we sometimes call her the guard cats it's been a week since I saw her I was worried I didn't know what to do until I was outside with some neighbors they knew her very well and they said it was strange that they haven't seen her around and then an old lady walked by and said that black cat you mean or she's not black she's spotted and she's not that cat she's cats replaced name because it's foreign and tied to a spell no no she's little puff she's mine I took her in it's the best for her outside is not a place for a cats I can't believe you taught her such bad Mena's she only stays by the door who knows how you beat her that she's so afraid to stay inside how dare you how dare you I was really angry at this points I really care about cats and I can't believe someone is forcing her inside another neighbor says what rotten soul do you have inside that you steal others pets what a fuss you make about such a good thing I adopted her and you're lucky I didn't call animal control on you for animal abuse let cat outs she's not an inside cat you're stressing her you don't even know her she'll bite your hand when you pet her wrong that's the bad manners you gave to little puff I'll teach her discipline and you can't prove it's yours can you that's heartless give her cat back you should be more wise at your age I'm surrounded by idiots and she ran inside and she's right it's not like I have a certificate for cat or anything you usually don't have papers for Pet CR unless there's some breed and you want to prove that how do I get cat back this sounds like a stage play updates first things first I want to thank you all for the advice and shared your stories and so on you've been a great help yesterday I gathered all evidence I could the cat is mine but most of my photos with her were with her alone and I was a bit worried until we struck the gold mine my sister had a video old one of us hanging around with cat inside with cat getting scratches from both of us I went that evening to the old lady but she didn't answer the door it was dark outside so I figured she was asleep I talked to her neighbor instead who said she'll be looking for cats I didn't sleep much but I met with my neighbors today and a lot of people because there's nothing faster than the word of mouth in a village we discussed what we should do showed them the proof I had and we decided the police wasn't going to help there were multiple stories from them about police don't care or even worse giving them fines for wasting police time and that is how it is for villages so instead we decided to go together to the old lady with the proof I gathered so many people at first old lady didn't answer the door but we kept insisting and some people started yelling give cat back give cat back give cat back she answered the door finally and a shouting match started I don't remember much of it but I remember very well when one guy shouted above everyone else we're not leaving until you give cat back a couple of shouting between both parts and then it was over old lady went inside to release cats as she was outnumbered by a lots and couldn't fight the whole village if you're wondering how she kept cat inside she had cat tied to a bed leg with a blue rope used for making hay bales I wish I could say cat ran faster than everything but that's how she runs always we left old lady's place and headed for mine some people left and there were fewer by the time we reached my house but in the walnut tree in her usual place there was cats and after I thanked them and they said stuff like you're welcome they left me to attend to cats her fur looked a bit rough she came down from the tree when I called her she didn't want to go inside so I brought her food outside I stayed with her until she finished eating got her some water too but she wasn't interested I got close to her and scratched behind her ears her favourites and she had nothing against it I looked her over she didn't seem to have any injury or part that hurts you could see against her fur where she was tied but it didn't go into her skin so that's good after we hanged out a bit more she climbed back in the tree to stay in her favorite place I'll stay outside a little bit more I talked to the village vets and he doesn't have what he needs to get her microchips I thought so therefore I'll be taking care to the city in the next days I'm so thankful she's back and for your and village people's help you could say that I see what I want to see but the male goose looked a bit happy too as he doesn't need to fend off ferrets alone anymore the guard cat is back posted by user panis t turned there as luca titles karin tries to use my mother to get breakfast this happened a few months ago English is not my main language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes that I may commit our cast are Karen Karen's daughter my mum my dad myself the manager and the waitress so me and my parents like to go out to have breakfast every Sunday or that's what we did before this pandemic and on that particular day we were in one of our favorite restaurants located in a mall without suspecting what was going to happen my mom ordered a club sandwich and just before she took the first bite she noticed something was out of place among the salad was a blue wire the kind that is wrapped in plastic and used in bread bags to keep them closed she quickly called out our waitress and explained the situation in a very discreet way the waitress apologized took the plate away offered to bring her a free courtesy dish and said she would talk to the manager thinking back maybe the word free was what made Karen notice us right next to our table was a woman Karen and her daughter Karen's daughter when the waitress went away Karen suddenly began to talk to us she says that was awful they should have been more careful you could have chalked if you'd eaten that huh good thing I noticed before I started eating yes maybe the cooking staff should have paid more attention while serving but we weren't particularly angry about it mistakes happen and Sunday morning is always a [ __ ] time at that place as my mother said no one got hurt so we just let it slide Karen on the other hand proceeded to complain as if the wire had been in her plate instead of my mum's she told us about this time someone she knew friend sister I don't remember found a nail in their plate at another restaurants and sued the place I doubt it was true I feel like she was trying to impress us my parents were acting Polites just playing along probably thinking Karen was just a concerned woman I was silent for the most parts wishing she would just shut the hell up well I noticed that Karen's daughter was silent as well and that she had this expression of absolute misery in face now that I think about it it was a signal that Karen usually displayed the tip behavior quite often the manager finally came and because of the fuss Karen was making thought she was the one who had the problem and apologized to her the waitress corrected him and then he talked to my mother manager says we're very sorry please feel free to order what you want free of cost I'd like to have another club sandwich please no you should order something more expensive they committed a mistake you deserve it Karen's daughter quietly says mum please stop mum getting angry at Karen says a club sandwich is fine thanks the waitress and the manager retired and we thought that was all but we were wrong Karen's still complained about what had happened and in a not so quiet or discreet manner basically said that my mum was stupid for not taking an opportunity when provided she says if it had been me I would have sued this place for endangering my life Karen's daughter slightly raising her voice says mum please just stop that didn't even happen to you eventually the waitress came back with my mum's sandwich and at that points my dad and I were angry and wanted to tell Karen to stop with her complaining and bad-mouthing but my mom insisted we ignored her and tried to enjoy our breakfast the best we could Karen and her daughter finished eating and finally went away we sighed with relief thought that this was over and would have some peace but no again we were wrong the waiter says to my father shyly excuse me sir could you come with me please is there something wrong we just need you to clear a misunderstanding if this is because of my wife's incidents there's no problem from Alpine's we understand it was an accidents do not worry the waiter looking extremely embarrassed says yes is because of that there's this woman with the cashier claiming to be the missus my mum sister and requesting a null bill for herself on your behalf my dad practically stormed out my mum asked me to follow him and so I did just in time to see Karen yelling at a cashier a young woman and the manager trying to calm the weijin she says my sister and I have agreed to sue this place because your irresponsibility nearly killed her we put a piece of wire in her plaits and you still want me to pay for my meal that's enough you've been disrespectful to my wife and the ladies the waitress and the cashier you are the worst kind of person and are in no way related to me stop lying and pay your bill already my dad is the kind of person who rarely gets angry and when he does he gets extremely serious so I was really surprised to see him like that I want to clarify that he isn't a violent person but I had never seen him yelling at someone like that before I also noticed that Karen's daughter was crying right behind Karen talking on her cell phone and couldn't help to feel sorry for her because honestly she did nothing wrong and her only fault was having Karen as a mother something that she couldn't have chosen looking back I wish I had approached her to tell her that I knew none of this was her fault and that I noticed she was trying to calm her mother and we didn't blame her for anything meanwhile another way to arrived with the mall security they made sure Karen paid her bill then escorted her outside with her poor daughter following from afar the manager apologized again and because of the incident with Karen canceled our bill despite this my parents and I agreed to leave half of our total bill as a tip because the staff was in no way responsible for our bad experience and they suffered from it too still I doubt we will return to the same restaurant out of embarrassment or as we see in my country guerre Ben sure Ben yeah alright guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below um if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face I loved seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called Marky - link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 202,047
Rating: 4.9103975 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledpeople, r/entitled people, entitledpeople, entitled people, entitled, people, entitledpeople markee, markee, markee entitledpeople, reddit, r/entitled
Id: vkk3x2tc8QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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