r/ProRevenge - Boss FIRED me, but it cost him EVERYTHING...

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host day man Oh fight her off the night man oh champion of the Sun captain's acting today subreddit is our slash Pro revenge It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a good show all righty this story's called I got fired employers lawyers should have done their homework I did this happened to me about 20 years ago while in college I am being deliberately vague because reasons background I got a job basically office sitting on weekends I showed up at 8:00 a.m. and every hour I checked over things handled the occasional phone call and then left when the 4:00 p.m. person arrived most of the time I read watch TV or played games on my laptop in the year 2000 I probably work to no more than ten minutes of every hour unless something went wrong it went on like this for years the pay was decent holidays were double pay and I even had opportunities to cover weekdays shifts when others were sick one day while I was covering the midday shift my boss asked me to come into his office he told me that the evening weekday position was going to become available that night he offered me the position which I accepted I was told to punch out in return at 5:00 p.m. that night the reason it went down like this should be obvious things went okay for a while I showed up at 4:00 p.m. did the normal things and then left at 12:00 a.m. when my relief arrived it was a little more work more call volumes etc then after nine months things started to go south the daytime person developed a huge attitude problem and went from a nice person to a total Karen she would complain about everything I did for example one time a system jammed up at a remote site and she called them five hours later I saw the jam was still there so I called that site again to see if they were still working on it or if something else was wrong because the woman on our end who would be the one to help them was leaving soon they did have a problem and so I hooked them up my reward for making sure the problem got solved and not having to bother an upper-level employee at home on a Friday just after having left work I got yelled at because Karen complained that I had apparently ignored her log entry about the issue my defense was ignored the boss had me highlight important things on the log to verify that I had read them things plotted on for a while with this new normal I tiptoed around Karen when needed thankful for the fact I only had to deal with her for no more than five minutes I did this stupid highlighting thing and my log entry started getting more and more detailed even referencing Karen's calls when I had to follow up on an issue that crossed shifts the firing the following summer just after I crossed year mark I went on vacation to visit some friends out of state when I got back after about a week my boss came down after everyone had left and had me describe how I did a certain task which involved certain updates I explained to him how I did it and so forth he then told me that I had not been doing it at all in that he was firing me I had transposed the date code of the English file for the French file which was the previous one the newest one had already been applied anyway so nothing was wrong it was just a reason to get rid of me so I left the office my state is an at-will employment state which means that I can quit at any time for any reason and my employer can terminate me at any time for any reason the only exceptions were state and federal laws such as race religion etc I thought I was screwed so I just started applying everywhere I could during my job search I happen to accidentally stumble upon a link about employment law out of curiosity I read it and discovered that my employer had shot themselves in the foot in the employee handbook there was a job security class what this stated was that they would never lay us off and such if our jobs were eliminated we would simply be retrained and sent to fill an opening elsewhere in the company it sounds good but it resulted in them cooking up reasons to fire people to get around it but their fancy high-priced lawyers had missed something and my state's laws the ones passed by the legislature I was screwed because of at-will what they neglected was case law the ones determined by our courts this cite cited a case from the state Supreme Court that had ruled that a job security clause waived at will on the employer side turning it into a Just Cause relationship this means that they had to have a real reason to fire me the revenge with that in hand I sought out a lawyer after my consultation with her I said about collecting my evidence my former boss did not realize that I knew more about this program than he did seeing as I ran the same software on my own computer in laptop I experimented the date of the file which they tried to use against me is baked into the version too I was able to demonstrate to my lawyer that if I applied the same update over and over which my former employer stated would change the date every day would in reality display the date of the file I showed this by back dating my own copy by a year using the update archive available from the vendor next I showed her how the tasks used to be automated a script would snag the file and process it every day on its own a change on the vendor site broke the script it was an easy fix but no one bothered to do it because the guy who had written it retired the fix involved deleting three characters on one line in the script the task was also marked as only being a weekday task in my firing I was told how important this update was and so forth if it was so important why not done on weekends or holidays the vendor pushed out updates on those days too as I showed my lawyer the one from Christmas morning and why had the automation not been fixed with all that in hand she contacted them after presenting them with the law they broke and all the evidence I had collected they were forced to settle with me so in the end their fancy high-priced lawyers did not do their homework I did thank you to the wonderful librarians I have known in my life who taught me my information literacy skills they pay dividends in this case edit one obviously the terms of this settlement are confidential and as far as I know still in effect it was a good portion of my salary though I did also get unemployment during this time as well I never found out how the reaction went down as the main corporate office that would have dealt with this was in another state and I never had any contact with those people I imagine a new handbook was issued before they cut my check though so I feel bad for those who remain Karen's fate was sealed about a year later I saw a Facebook post by a former coworker mentioning that his job with them had ended so I asked for details the company experienced a huge loss in revenue as a result Karen lost her job as the site I had worked in was closed of about the 50 of us that worked in that office only ten or so were moved to another location thankfully most of the ones I liked were old enough to retire it did not take a genius to realize that my termination was simply a layoff disguised as a firing yeah job security is a thing you got to be careful about because if you have all your eggs in one basket and you get fired you're screwed doodled my friend because not every company's gonna have dummy lawyers that are dummy dumps this one's called track me you hardly know me kidding it's called track me sure I'll comply but not easy I am NOT a native English speaker so please excuse all the grammatical and spelling errors also user so my former workplace is trying to get a hold of me about a year and a half after I quit they gave me a job offer that turned out to be a whole other job bad for them it seems that they have a problem with the Scot the bucket the Swedish IRS I'm sorry if I pronounced that incorrectly I was trying it all started one day when the company told me that they were installing GNSS tracking in our vehicles they blamed Scot to variks wanting to know that we did not use them when off the clock well that's kind of true but in fact Scot serve our kid only wanted to know if we did and if so how much when I pointed this out to my boss he went off on an angry monologue stating that us low-level workers couldn't be trusted and finishing with that all we did was trifle away our per work hours so the statement from the company that they had no intention to follow us in real-time who was bullcrap the problem for our company was that our union had already banned the practice of following us in real-time with a few exceptions the tracking device installed was easy to Google and thereby even easier to figure out how to manipulate the biggest concern was it was tamper proof so no no on opening it up well since it used GPS / GLONASS as the only source for positioning there was a simple bypass after speaking to an old colleague of mine from the military I ordered an antenna 150 US dollars a Raspberry Pi got my former colleague to find a good software and created a dot GPX with a track going on every Road in Malta thereafter I sent the device to start via the 12 volt in the car and to simply tell the shielded tracker that I was driving around in Malta the effect didn't take long to show after a week the boss told me my vehicle needed service it did not I knew when service was due another week goes by and it suddenly needs something else both times they needed the car to go to another city even though our regular service station was in our town after a month I got another car the company blamed it on something with the lease after that they didn't say anything at all to me about cars or anything else until the day I quit last day there when dropping off my last things the boss straight-out asked me what I had done since everyone else's tracker seemed to work properly I told him I had no idea what he was talking about and went outside and laughed my ass off leaving the premise I met a co-worker who had always been really nice to me so for about two boxes of snus he got the setup for me until today I thought this would be a petty revenge on the company that tried to illegally follow my whereabouts but apparently they had sent in our tracking information to scat of akkad and well they had some questions either their records were lies and they needed to go over all the records from the company or they had to get all the paperwork from doing business abroad in before July the rumor spread real quick and now the union also has a couple of questions somewhere along the lines of so you could track your workers in real time we haven't signed off on this in conclusion had they only been up front and told everyone what they were planning and got the Union in on it I wouldn't have cared no they chose the other way of doing things those are some major ethical violations in my opinion like as soon as you're off the clock naaah employer needs to know nothing about you out got get out of here this story's called good luck paying for the car so this isn't my story it happened to a friend of a friend so exact details are difficult to get but this is what I was told for ease of story in to hide identities the names I will use our Jack and Jill data back story Jack and Jill had been going out for nearly five years by the point of the story a year prior Jill lost her job due to the company she worked for being liquidated money got tight for Jill so Jack offered to help by covering her car payments monthly installments road tax insurance and fuel so she could put the money she got to rents and utilities until she got a new job and was financially stable Jack had a fairly decent job so it wasn't a strain on his income a year goes by and Jill is still unemployed but not through rejections she got lazy and just spent all day doing nothing around her house whilst Jack was at work one day Jack it's off work early and decides to surprise Jill on the way back home but as he is approaching her house he sees another car in her driveway he parks on the street and sneaks up to the house and looks through the window to see Jill with another man Jack was pissed but he didn't burst in there he walked away got into his car and drove off when Jack got home he did a little digging and found out who the guy was through Facebook and found she had been having an affair for half a year with this guy he was now really pissed off and wanted revenge and he knew the best way to do it this is where the revenge comes in jill loved her car even though she barely used it so what Jack did was stop all the payments that were going out of his bank account and put them onto her account as the car was in her name and it was easy to do as the payments had only just gone out he had to wait for the end of the month for his revenge to unfold the end of the month comes in Jill's bank card is declined at the shops she calls the bank up to find out what is going gone and they tell her she is gone overdrawn because the car payments going out of her account Jill phone jack and asked why the payment is coming out of her accounts and not his jack coldly replied cuz I know you cheated on me and I'm not gonna pay for my ex-girlfriends car and hung up fallout of the revenge she tried to get Jack to pay for the car even got lawsuits involved but as she was the sole owner of the car it was declared he had no legal responsibility to pay for her car as she couldn't afford her Rotax or insurance she couldn't drive the car and eventually she got so far behind in the payments the car was repossessed to pay the debt she had to get a minimum-wage job and now takes the bus to and from work man stories like these make me feel really bad because she was dependent on him and she still cheated on him what an idiot but honestly the biggest red flag is when she was perfectly okay with leeching off of him for that long without even putting any effort toward getting a job geez at least she got what was coming to her crippling debt all right so prou revenge didn't have any new stories really so I'm gonna read story from our slash today I fudged up because we haven't read from there in a while and I miss it well anyway last story's called today I fudged up by slapping the absolute clot out of my girlfriend girlfriend was about to take a shower and was seriously getting her hustle on getting out of her kit she was making proper freakin haste for the tub and I realized that all her defenses were down note in my households bare asses are hunted down and terminated with extreme prejudice I went for the mother of all ass laps it was completely undefended territory and I was intending to create a masterpiece I was aiming for that initial dull whack and the resultant perfect satisfying vibrato complete with concentric ass flesh ripples a la that glass of water in Jurassic Park I made contact and immediately discovered the reason for her hurry my girlfriend was on the second day of her period I learned the term arterial spray from Dexter and have now found its southern companion I was reeling she was reeling did I say Bloody Mary three times in the mirror before spankin that ass I couldn't remember fortunately its trajectory as such was so that most of the menstruation creation spattered handily in the bathtub including the clot a penny sized curd of uterine lining best visually described as Gumby's aborted cousin unfortunately our bath mat did not escape entirely unharmed its cleaning was immediately and firmly relegated to boyfriend work by the way has anyone seen the thing from 1982 good movie and no that wasn't a comment for me even though it sounds like something I would say wow that story was definitely something ah man this is why today I fudged up is so good you get writing like this it's so good but honestly he got off easy because it could have been so much worse so much but can you imagine the panic after slapping her and just seeing blood splatter everywhere and he just looked down half expecting to see her ash just freaking got clapped off well that could be taken two different ways just like something else yeah don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 21,538
Rating: 4.8837461 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: VGylbVTqeuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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