r/idontworkherelady - Karen Tries To Buy My Son Because?...

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getting there guys it's humane man Markey back at it again with another episode of Asajj I don't work here lady now if you don't walk here lady I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy the video posted by user Care Bear ninja hair titles Karen thinks my son's a yard workers so we are mostly a Hispanic family that lives in a modest middle-class neighborhood our teenage sons maintain our lawn and also our neighbor's lawn she's a single mom and ER nurse and appreciates the help I'll cast Donna Karen eldest son 19 youngest son 17 me and husband with bonus characters at the end my sons had noticed a few times that there is a woman in a silver Lexus that rolls pastel home a few times when they've been out there she basically just pulls up in front of the house into idols in the middle of the street staring finally one evening she worked up the nerve to roll down the window and speak with them the first time she says hello I saw you boys doing the yards and wonder if you could do mine too possibly where do you live oh I live in three miles away much more expensive neighborhood I'm sorry ma'am we don't have a truck and the lawn equipment won't fit in my car okay thank you no problem bye a couple of weeks later Karen rolls up again and says hello I saw you boys doing the yards and wondered if you could do mine too I'm sorry ma'am like we told you last time we don't have a way to transport how lawn equipments also this isn't really a business we just do it in our spare time to help out well how did you get it all here we live here and we do our neighbors yards as a favor you live here let me speak to your master you mean our parents no your master Erna boss whatever youngest son comes inside to get me and relays what's happening I'm still a little disbelieving and think he's surely misunderstood oldest son just ignores her while she waits and resumes yard work I say hello ma'am how can I help you I need to talk to their owner and points at my sons I'm their mother what's the issue who is their owner I want to speak with them they don't work here lady this isn't a business they're my sons Karen still doesn't seem to understand that I am the mistress of the house also referred to in 2020 as the homeowner at this point my husband to his Caucasian comes out of the house to see what is happening Karen says to my husband sir hi I was wondering if you would allow your work is to come to my yard husband who has not been apprised of what the hell is actually happening but realizes something is definitely not right says hi ma'am these are my sons they live here is something wrong Karen seems to finally realize what is happening and mumbles something of an apology to my husband only and gets back in her car and leaves but wait there's more about an hour later two police officers to separate squad SUVs show up at our house lights flashing and weirdly parked blocking the streets my husband answers the door and the officer explains to him that they got a complaint that there was a burglary in progress my oldest son provided them with her vehicle description and license plate that he was smart enough to know it's sensing she would be trouble the officers explained that they have gotten several neighborhood watch calls about her apparently she often drives around our neighborhood trying to hire a handyman and lawn workers for cheap it reminds me of Dwight Schrute looking for un bueno worker eta / clarify I say mostly Hispanic because visually speaking my kids and I look more ethnic than Caucasian and we're bilingual second edits I was actually at the time naive enough to think she meant owner of the business the master part was what made me realize she was just were in the wrong world century mindset etc also this wasn't some little old lady that was second to third generation daughters of Confederacy type this woman appeared to be in her 30s and very suburban Lululemon type man that's horrible props to your sons to understand what was going on and get her vehicle description did you guys put in a police report and/or restraining order I wonder if you can basically get harassment as a charge we didn't file a report ourselves as no violence or threat of violence was made she was nice in her first interaction with our sons so the second time didn't really qualify as harassment just sheer stupidity I would imagine the police might have filed against her for making a false complaints unfortunately there's not much that can be done unless she continues to harass each neighbor multiple times and each neighbor files our reports I've met with our neighborhood watch captains and let them know to get the wideout to be on the lookout and report her each time we've done the same with other solicitors in the neighborhood as far as we know she has no family or friends in this neighborhood she just rolls here for cheap labor posted by user Crocker for loca titled the time one of them actually got to speak to the manager and it was my manager this happened a couple of years ago but I was reading an ask reddit thread that jogged this memory to come up anyway I think it was like 20 16 ish and I was working as a receptionist in an office my boss / owner of the business was actually a very good friend of mine that I had known for a really long time anyway she would occasionally give me employees gift cards to different places to buy some work attire as the dress code kept changing as the business did I took mine and set out two targets I was in the fitting room trying on some stuff when I hear what sounds like a stern angry talking when I come out it is in fact a stern angry talking she is standing with who I assume is her daughter in front of a mirror that was in the whole of the dressing room areas but not in the room itself she's basically railing into this poor girl who can't be more than 13 to 14 years old about how if she lost weight clothes might actually look good on her this lady was actually pretty big herself not that it's a bad thing but hypocrisy and mental abuses the poor girl looked defeated and I kind of watched them as I handed my items I didn't once back to the girl working and said something along the lines of men some people suck and a voice I thought was pretty low I guess it wasn't the thought the girl working the counter said it at first and started to go after her I told her I said it's because that girl didn't know me and didn't need to lose her job over me I mean I'm sure you can guess what happens next she wants to speak to my manager I try the whole oh I don't work here thing but her rebuttal is that I obviously do and obviously here on my day off and should still be reprimanded for being rude about a customer to my little friends not that I wouldn't be friends with the girl working there she seemed lovely but we had never met before to my knowledge anyway I'm about to tell her that when a new idea dawns on me yeah you can talk to my manager I tell her getting my fern outs I just have to call her because she isn't here today entirely true my manager was at home that day getting ready for a party that I was later attending at her house I call her she answers I say hey I have someone here at Target demanding to speak to you there is some quite obvious confusion on her ends all I hear is okay before putting her on speakerphone I'll be damned if a stranger was going to press my phone against their face okay you're on speaker immediately emic pant starts telling her how awful I am and what I did and is also adding spice that it's awful no manager errs on the floor to deal with this situation today my boss started laughing hysterically which made the britches even more angry well if you ask for a random person's manager don't be surprised that they don't work at Target you idiots I lost it at that point too I apologized to the nice lady working the rooms put my phone to my ear so I could laugh it off with my friend / manager and start to walk away of course bitching Stein is still yelling at me because I'm awful and I see what I assume is an actual manager coming over to the rooms sir I tell my manager I'll call her back and head back to see what lies she tries to spin and also try to make sure she doesn't accuse fitting-room girl of anything lo and behold she was trying to blame that girl and started yelling about that me this time coming back and I should be punished too luckily the manager saw me and immediately says I have never seen her before in my life she doesn't work here angry lady says she can't deal with her lies anymore grabs her poor embarrassed beyond all reason daughter and is walking away the manager apologized to me and the employee but it's not like I ever blamed him he was super kind once I got to my car I felt bad that I didn't give the door to the rest of my target gift but I knew there was no way I could have so I called my manager back and just about died laughing at the situation posted by user ginger kids Suze our titles this isn't your pizza ma'am in our area there are no zoning laws so we have homeowners associations that way a bar can't be built a next audio dream house you pay an annual fee and there are amenities like maybe a park in the pool the HOA contracts with the company for lifeguarding and pool cleaning to avoid liability our car star LG my daughter the lifeguard lifeguard any other lifeguards working that day Karen she's lived here forever and getting you fired kay hatches Karen's buddy jr. is Karen's four-year-old son and I F is the innocent family setting it's a beautiful summer morning in pool wonderland children laughing and splashing and several lifeguards including my daughter sitting on her throne of peace and tranquility pool Wonderland has some new rules this summer one now going down the waterslide with a child in your lap to no non swim we're in the pool if you happen to require a head covering of any kind it must be swimwear material this is an important detail for later scene one Karen KH tech jr. down the waterslide show a thing lifeguard atop the slide says sorry sir no children riding in your lap we do apologize it's a new rule this year hey no problem Junior is disappointed but not an unruly little thing what the hell that's rude Junior begins to crying as I assume this tone signals to jr. that once again mommy is going to lose it Karen's friend is like it's no big deal Karen now addressing life guide why can't my son go down the water side with his dad and a lifeguard explains the rules and Karen doesn't like it but compliers in a half scene two innocent friends shows up and orders pizza they have a small family birthday party which was scheduled in advanced with tables reserved many of the women are wearing what I understand to be Muslim swimwear appropriate fabric for the pool and covers much of the body including a hijab please don't jump on me if anything I said was ignorant or incorrect about the religion or the names I used I'm merely trying to paint a picture I mean no offense and hope none is taken but polite Corrections or constructive comments are always welcome innocent friend decides to get in the pool Karen also gets in the pool wearing a t-shirt and some shorts lifeguard says ma'am I'm sorry but you will have to get out of the pool you can't away that in the water excuse me I pay for the privilege to swim here and you cannot tell me what to wear it's a new rule this year we can't allow people to wear cotton fibers in the pool because it messes up the plumbing what about them she says disgustingly referring to the ladies in the innocent family if I have to get out so do they lifeguard now realizing she's dealing with a racist says men they are wearing swimwear you are not huh we'll see about that at this point Karen is now being told by the lifeguard supervisor on duty being told the same thing nice try Karen scene 3 pizza arrives there are four ends drinks and breadsticks Karen gets up and takes the pizza which was paid for already I imagine as no money changed hands not even for a tip god damn Karen juggles all this to her table and sticks her legs in the water on the side of the pool another pizza arrives and the innocent family is approached by a lifeguard as they were expecting a delivery innocent family says no that isn't ours we ordered four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks from nights that pee to place lifeguard looks around and sees huh for pizzas and drinks and breadsticks on Karen's table lifeguard to innocent family says I bet I know who this belongs to him let me help you she's thrilled after Karen has been such a nasty B she didn't even say anything lifeguard walked to the table set the pizzas down and helped the innocent family carry the four pizzas and drinks and breadsticks Karen says excuse me why do you think you're going without food lifeguard says this pizza isn't your pizza ma'am she has the order on her phone matching the pizza place and the order your pizza was delivered a moment ago and on your table Karen glances back in confusion covering her embarrassments it wasn't even the same damn delivery place with pure rage now yelling at lifeguard and demanding the police be called why would you call the police you have been harassing me all day and I know you have been staring at my son I have lived here for years and I'm going to the HOA boards to have you fired lifeguard laughs nervously and turns and walks back to her stand my daughter has bad anxiety and for years she is perfected a stone wall exterior where you think she doesn't care but she will cry later because I mean she's human karen trailing behind and yelling expletives now Karen proceeds to use her phone camera to video my daughter hoping to catch her doing what's I don't even know I mean she's literally paid to watch and scan patrons of the pool that's most of your damn job as a lifeguard by the end of the day the police have been called because Karen insisted the staff was out of line Karen's disruptive behavior has actually bothered other patrons mostly the innocent family as ugly comments about swimwear were overheard and made them uncomfortable it was following God since taking cell phone video that actually got Karen and her family kicked out many lifeguards and minors and this made the staff uncomfortable not to mention it's ludicrous to be distracting a first responder from their job Karen did not return to the pool for the remainder of the summer not because she was banned hopefully she went home and looked in the mirror and was too embarrassed by behavior posted by user diabetic five to three titles I'm 14 I don't work at Costco okay I've been reading the subreddit during quarantine and just remembered a story from about nine months ago Acosta Karen me and the nice gentleman one day my mom decided she wanted to get a new computer her work was being acquired by a bigger company and she thought she was going to be fired she thought that Costco was the best place to do it and I agreed to help her because she doesn't know much about computers we browsed for about 15 minutes and I told her that there wasn't anything appropriately priced for her needs when I here excuse me Italian see an older gentleman with an iPhone 7 can I upgrade this to an iPhone X I walk over never being one to not help someone with their phone he tells me that he has Verizon and wants to upgrade to the iPhone X I don't work here but if I were you I would wait a month to see what the Black Friday deals verizon has I got my eye for an X for $500 now trading and by that time Apple would have released a new phone lowering the price even more oh I'm sorry thank you I'll do that he leaves me alone and I agree to look at devices for a little longer but before I can even go back to looking I hear excuse me I not knowing she was talking to me go to browse excuse me I turn around and see she was standing behind me finally I need a computer me not feeling like dealing with another person tell her oh I don't work here yes you do I just saw you helping that man oh I did but I don't work here yes you do now I need a new computer no I don't I'm fourteen I see my mom start walking over and I start walking towards her don't you walk away from me hey mom mom we should keep shopping and I don't think we should be getting anything here I turn around to see Karen go pale as I give my mom a hug and walk away I tell my mom the story as we continue shopping we have a good laugh about the idiots of the world posted by user Zacks Morgan 12 titled x' put your cart back lady i-20 male took my friends to the grocery store today and waited for him in the car while I was sitting there the woman parked next to me decided to just push her card between our cars and leave it there well that doesn't sit right with me because if you give even one half of one crap you can find a kite returned somewhere nearby and in our circumstance there was one less than 30 feet away so I got out of my car and grabbed her card to take it back but I also flipped her the bird well I put her kite back and turn around to see her approaching me she asked me if I flipped her off and I said yeah because he didn't put your kite back and it's literally the easiest thing in the world she started lecturing me about respects and the unacceptability of flipping people off next thing I know she's telling me to come along with her so we can go find my manager well I obviously don't work here I'm not wearing a company uniform and in fact I'm wearing sweats and an old t-shirt with holes in it I very bluntly state that I don't work here and the look on her face was priceless she no longer had any way to make me atone for my egregious sin she started on her words for a second before asking me if I had parents who ever taught me respect I responded obviously I do they taught me enough respect to put my freaking card back well she had no clue how to respond to it and shuffled back to her car leaving me feeling proud of my small victory against the Karen hood posted by user lucky lady Lucy titled I'm a lifeguard not a waitress so I just got this job at a country club pool as a lifeguard the pay is terrible the people are terrible the food is decent the layout of this place is weird Dudek ovid you come in by the guard office my office and you have to leave by the poolside grill no exceptions so the portside grill has its own servers and tables to keep class away from the pool not that anyone ever listens to that rule the server's wear pink called tops and black shorts or skirts I said country club not classy Country Club I were a big white t-shirts that says guide on the front and back a hats a whistle and sunglasses sir one lovely 90-degree afternoon I get down off the guard stand and head over to the grill to get myself a refill on water this lady taps on my shoulder and asks me to get her another drink I can't remember what kind sir we'll call it a Cosmo I tell her my customer service voice that I'm a guide not a server and diamond Lea here for water she's scoffs and opens her mouth to say something snotty I just know it so I say it again in my god voice ma'am I'm refilling my water a server will be by shortly to get you another Cosmo and I walk off my poor manager comes up to me with that look on his face and I just give him attitude how else did he want me to handle it he hired me to guard lives not serve drinks was i totally was I overheated cranky and thirsty not to mention underpaid you bet edits my supervisor isn't deep waters certified he can do CPR just fine but he can't do a deep water rescue okay posted by user Frank's car five titles being kind can bring brownies to your life this happened like a year ago and I just wanted to share it I went to a supermarket to get something to eat before my next class at college I was walking in when I saw an elderly woman and her husband calling me from the parking lot this very nice lady just wanted some help to get a heavy box inside her car since I'm not a total piece of garbage and I always loved my grandparents I was happy to help them I lift the box and her husband says peppy some nickname I guess I think he doesn't work here I was wearing a black jacket jeans and black boots the store's uniform was a black sweater jeans and safety black shoes so I understand the confusion she started apologizing and asking me why did I help her I just replied you asked nicely then she just smiled and gave me something on a napkin they were going to a family reunion so she gave me some homemade brownies that they were bringing well that's it there is always bad experiences here so I wanted to share this nice and short one posted by user tanzanites 20 titled of course I really do work here look how I'm dressed took my octogenarian mothers shopping walked away from her for less than a minutes met a 30 year old Karen and her spawn so I took my mom to get some groceries and stuff at a mr. Waltons department store this just happened yesterday Saturday being really nice outs I'm wearing an old and faded black t-shirt with denim coveralls then I cut the legs off for summer mom is in her 80s and has a rollator Walker sir I push her carts and she walks beside me I tried to do the food items lost so the cold stuff stays cold but mom insisted on starting on that side ok I gave in and off we went after the groceries were in the cards mom heads us over to the electronics because I was telling her that javi and I are debating buying the all the Avengers movies versus getting a streaming service mum wanted to see the cost of the DVDs this is where we met Karen and her spawn I'm explaining DVD versus blu-ray to mom when Karen walks up to me and tells me she needs my help next mom is sitting on her Walker while we are talking I politely told her I don't work yar I'm a customer that I point out an employee in a blue vest ah no you are obviously helping this old lady to buy a DVD player I'm just telling you I am next sorry but I don't really work here I'm shopping with my parents listen here Missy I know you work here now as soon as you were done with the old lady I am next one thing I forgot to mention I have blue hair right now and have my hair up in two ponytails I know I don't look like a kid but I definitely don't look 50 either I hate being called Missy especially when the carbon-based life-form is younger the me if any of you have read other shopping trips I have posted you know my mom is a very feisty Italian mom says listen lady open your ears my daughter doesn't work here look how she's dressed man please I'm just asking this girl to serve me next spawns like mum she really doesn't work here look at her clothes and hair just be quiet you wanted a switch we're gonna get you a switch if their skull doesn't show more respect I'll make sure we get a discount by this point my mom is done in Italian she starts cussing out this woman my mom does not like being the center of attention but man if you annoy her duck and run just dark and run sales staff finally make it over to us since mom is getting louder the longer you let her go Karen sees the employee and starts in on how rude I am and what a horrid employee I am and I need to be disciplined for my attitude towards her the employee looks at me my mother and Karen and politely in Italian asks mum what happens mum calmly explains and refers to Karen as buta and tying trying not to laugh karen has her say and finally it's my turn and I turn to Karen I say look I don't know who your parents are but sweetie I could be your mother you're teaching your kid to act like this is unacceptable especially right now with the pandemic as places are going out of business I'm pretty sure you knew all along that I don't work here and we're hoping to cause enough of a scene to get the acting manager to give you a massive discounts I'm here to tell you that ain't happening today not here not in this store you think that just because I'm dressed in old frayed clothes you can pull a stunt like this then tell the staff that I accosted you and - I caused all the drama kiss again child on top of your bad behavior towards me caused my mother to get upset I am so tempted right now to call the cops and have you charged with harassment and elder abuse Karen left mom and I finished shopping and left in the car mom says I guess you're a little stressed today huh oh my god that was the understatement of the year edits just sorry comments pop-up then disappear yes some people do post and make up stories in order to get Cameron points I do nights I don't post much and I'm not doing this for karma points high school was over 30 years ago I don't need to be part of the popular crowd so if you're gonna make comments to that effect please go look for the truly obvious fake stories edit to Spanish and Italian are both Latin based languages and unless you want to go tell me mother that you think our Italian is incorrect please don't bother trying to correct mine in this post as I am repeating her a choice of words alright guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below um if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called Marky - link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 18,257
Rating: 4.9584293 out of 5
Keywords: r/idontworkherelady, Idontworkherelady, r/idontworkhere, i dont work here lady, Markee, Markee idontworkherelady, Markee Reddit, Wedding Crasher, Karen
Id: bVmquMJaYYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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