r/AmiTheA**Hole For Telling My Friend She Can't Be A Virgin?

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g'day there guys makes way more excuses than money here back at it again with another episode of r slash am i the a-hole now if you love today's video i want you to sit back relax chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy this bloody good content posted by user eternal flower girl titled am i the egg hole for telling my friend she can't be a virgin i'm unsure if this is rude and or ridiculous so reddit can be the judge my friend elle is very adamant about saving herself until marriage we are both 21 female it wasn't even just for her she would shame and side-eye people who weren't married and sleeping together even one of our mutual friends she wholeheartedly believed that was a sin as she was very religious however she got a boyfriend and they ended up sleeping together and she told me that herself at it she told me he took her virginity one thing led to another and they broke up amicably after that we were hanging out and she went off on a tangent saying girls need to respect themselves and not sleep around that's what husbands are for and i say does that make you one of those girls what are you talking about i mean you had sex i explained that it doesn't have to be shameful and she can just not do it again until she's married if she pleases she seemed to be in disbelief that she's not a virgin anymore she also seemed upset that i mentioned that to her i mean we're 21 i hope she knows what sex is am i the a-hole for pointing this out edits oh wow i didn't expect this to blow up i do have one thing to say when my friend says sleeps around she also believes that any girl in a relationship is sleeping around because she is also being unfaithful to her future husband that was poor wording on my part i was reusing her words though i think a friend is just a bit of an oddball there i don't think she's coming to grips with what sex is i think she's been very sheltered i get that's just my interpretation of the situation and i don't know if it makes you an a-hole for pointing that out maybe in her perception you're being an a-hole by not agreeing with her views but i don't think anyone else would agree with that and i think everyone would agree that you're not the a-hole here at least i would not the a-hole and she's a hypocrite how does she think she can have sex and still be a virgin she either doesn't know the definition of sex or virgin this is one of those posts that makes me sigh and make disappointed comments about the state of sex ed in this country assuming usa i can only hope that she's not banking on the pupil loophole or any other loophole edits i want to point out that this chick probably felt a virgin was a big part of her identity now that's gone and she doesn't know how to navigate that which is hard doesn't make it okay for her to be judgey about people's pre-marital shenanigans but having your identity up and change on you is tough here's hoping she figures it out and gets nicer yeah it's in the u.s we actually had very inclusive sex ed she learned all the details from it and then decided to be self-righteous about saving herself after that well that's unfortunate in a different way then it sounds like saving myself for the man i will marry is a part of her identity she's probably having a lot of trouble reconciling that with the reality of you know reality having your identity change on you can be hard as hell i'm trying to stop myself from saying something snarky so instead i'll just hope that this experience teaches her to be less judgmental of others though there's a chance it'll go the other way people have sex because sex is fun that's all there needs to be that's what i thought i've seen several interviews of girls that saved themselves for marriage and how their families and churches would put them on a pedestal for staying a virgin then when they got married and lost their virginity they felt like they lost their identity and what made them worthy as a person many say it was hard to reconcile with and how they felt they no longer had a place or worth some even said that it really messed up their marriage because of how they felt afterwards placing such an emphasis on virginity is really bad for mental health and self-worth not the a-hole she is the a-hole for shaming people who aren't virgins she is also stupid especially for doing it herself there's just something that really bothers me about [ __ ] shaming while doing it themselves like i knew a gay man bragged to me about sleeping with two different dudes within an hour of each other then go on facebook to shame some guy for having multiple partners over the prior three years i've also had guys freak out at me because i've slept with other people before i met them despite being sexually active as well not the a-hole and calling out a shamer is acceptable if that person is being an abusive jerk in my opinion i've never encountered it before why do people care if you've had sex with someone before being in a relationship with them i mean if they knew you were sexually active what why are they mad it doesn't make any sense to me so many mental gymnastics going into their reasoning there posted by user am i the a-hole win period titled am i the a-hole for defending my sister's period against my stepmom even though i don't have a period i 16 male have a twin sister 16 female we live with our dad and stepmom our dad is an essential worker so he's out working most days leaving our step mum my sister's periods are bad she's on medication to help with the flow of blood but she doesn't have any prescribed painkillers and her cramps are bad she can barely move and sometimes she throws up we have some off the counter painkillers that my dad got for her which helps her a little when my sister has her period in cramps she usually doesn't leave her room i'm normally the one she will let into the room since we were very close so my stepmom doesn't fully understand how bad her cramps gets but i see them first hand only my dad and stepmom know where her painkillers are as she's too unorganized and would probably lose them every time she has a cramp she tells me and i go ask my dad my dad was at work this time so i asked my stepmom where the pills were and she started saying how my sister was such a drama queen i didn't really have time to argue with her since my sister was in her room in pain so i ignored it and just kept asking but she wouldn't tell me at this point i just called my dad and he told me where they were and i got them for my sister i could have just left it there but my stepmom's comments really annoyed me i went back downstairs and called her a fudging dick because she didn't just show me where the pills were i told her she was out of place to deny my sister her pills and have to make me call my dad when he was at work and that she should have just shut her entitled mouth up and told me not word for what you know i curse a lot she told me that a girl her age is just being dramatic and everyone has cramps so she didn't need to have the painkillers in case she became dependent she told me she had cramps too and they went away by the time she hit 25 and she didn't use any painkillers for them i told her she had no idea what she's talking about because she's never actually seen the pain my sister goes through because she never bothers to check in on her she told me to shut my mouth because she had more of an idea about what a period was like than i did because i'm just a boy she told me if her period was really that painful she would have come downstairs and asked for the pills herself i told her she could barely move from the pain so of course i'm the one who has to get them at this point i was getting really mad and i didn't want our neighbors to hear my yelling so i just went upstairs i told my sister about the fight but she really didn't give me an opinion on the fight since she was half asleep i've been thinking a lot about it and i'm very sure i'm in the rights but i don't want to act like i know everything about periods since i've never had one and she's had many am i the a-hole for arguing with my stepmom about periods i don't think you're the a-hole for arguing with her about it personally you're young and you haven't got much experience with it and obviously you've not gone through it yourself but you'd think throughout the stepmom's lifetime she would have had friends that had some sort of period pains that were that bad or maybe she just has empathy for her younger kids i know it does suck when people fake pain into drama queens but to have it on such a regular basis and continually being that bad come on i feel like you really need to have some empathy in that situation a lot of people have period pains that bad the stepmom's just being a complete [ __ ] and i think opie is great for educating himself and standing up for his twin sister it's really nice to see and i think he's not the a-hole as a result of that as a woman who had her pain denied by a step parent for many many years you were in the right eta opie your sister should definitely see a doctor about her period her periods should not be this traumatic the problem i think is that some women like me have almost no physical symptoms when on the rag i barely have cramps and other than that i'm fine besides being extra emotional right before my sister and other women have horrible cramps and women like me think they're faking eventually had a rough one and started to understand and then just got older and realized i'm in the minority when it comes to menstrual pain rp's system may have pcos if they're this bad though and probably should see a doctor endometriosis here i was told for 20 years that i was being overly dramatic and it can't be that bad finally found a doctor after struggling to get pregnant who did an hsg exam and found massive problems with one of my fallopian tubes exploratory surgery discovered endometriosis and all my organs on one side were fused together from it the more you know periods should not be extremely painful i would definitely suggest she sees a doctor about it multiple if no one takes her pain seriously had my pain not been brushed away for 20 i wouldn't be three surgeries in to fix the damage for it nor be struggling with infertility as there is medication that can help endometriosis to help prevent fertility issues posted by user yaki jackie titled am i the a-hole for splitting off my knitting club and joining a second one to escape mommy talk about two years ago i 36 female started a club through a meet-up site it was for women to get together and do stuff like knit crochet sew embroider and bead it started slow but ramped up and became a bi-weekly thing i became fairly close with a number of people and considered them friends as time went on and new people joined others moved away things shifted in the club a lot of new or expecting mothers joined the group conversations in the meetups would eventually turn back to being about kids no matter what other conversations were going on someone would be talking about their job and one of the mums would find a way to steer the conversation to her daughter's grades me and a few others would try to redirect conversation encourage quiet folks to speak up etc at one point a very cool new person joined amy and during the last two thirds of the meetup she said something like i didn't realize this was a mum group they all laughed about it but amy didn't come back i sent her a message through the meetup app and asked her about it because i thought she was a great addition and she said she just wasn't into mummy group stuff explaining the whole story to her she offered me a solution just let them have their mommy group and split off and to make a new one i felt bad because some of these women were really nice but just i don't care that much about your kids i'm sorry a light-hearted anecdote here or there sure but i started to dread going to the meetups because it would always always end up about their kids so amy started a new club and advertised it and i told a few of the other members of my group that i knew they were tired of being bulldozed we scheduled it differently and i continued to attend my old group a few more times until i said i was handing it off to another woman and stepping away i didn't give any reason didn't lie etc well about three months later they found out probably saw it on the meetup app boy it didn't go over well i got confronted by one of the mums and was told that i was an unfeminist and not family friendly and judgmental and a kid-hater i ended up saying look i get this hurt your feelings and i'm sorry but the old group just became something different than i intended and despite trying to shift it i felt like splitting off and forging a new group was the best choice for everyone now you guys can talk about your kids and we can talk about other things she ended up slamming me on instagram and facebook trying to make it into a big crusade but it kind of flopped i still grapple with feeling bad about it i think i was right and i tried to be polite about it but it obviously hurt someone's feelings badly enough to be this angry at me for this long am i the a-hole no i don't think i can really fault you for it you know it kind of sucks that you did have to leave and not be a part of that chitter-chatter but that's just life people move groups people move location they lose interest in things they don't want to talk about kids all the time everyone can choose where they want to socialize and do their knitting whatever floats their boat holding a goat that's all fine with me she is the a-hole for slamming you on instagram and facebook trying to defame you like that you're not the a-hole by going somewhere you feel more welcome not the a-hole people can always find ways to be offended and ticked off you didn't do anything wrong and i do think the way you did it was just fine it's not like you prevented them from having their mummy knitting club and i'm guessing you weren't contributing much to their kids talk anyway so i don't see why she cares that much that you're gone people love to make drama and y'all never know why they probably need that kind of drama because that's the only thing they have to talk about apart from their kids i have kids i participate in mum groups i agree with this some people are just hungry for gossip and drama i'm a mum and used to participate in mum groups too i quickly learned that some of these women have nothing else to talk about outside of their kids i like my own kids usually i don't give a crap about anyone else's and that whole bragging about achievements thing bugs the freak out of me one time after a round of oh my god carter just got his third stripe on his camo belt at taekwondo and addison just shaved three seconds off her 200 meter freestyle i was asked what my youngest was up to i said he recorded one brother fighting with his bare ass hovering over the other brother's face while sleeping i have three boys god help me and after 10 hours on youtube it got 23 000 views so i and my degenerate male spawn are no longer welcome lol so good see why are they looking for drama that's the quality content i'd be looking for if i was in these mom groups posted by user i don't know because they deleted their account lol am i the a-hole for logging into my sister-in-law's accounts and taking a post about me and my daughter down i am a mother to a seven-year-old girl for various reasons there are several people who i do not want having any form of access to her and that includes photos and social media i don't post about having a daughter keep my profiles professional and don't post photos with her in them i'm not an idiot i know once my daughter is old enough for social media she will put pictures of herself online but by then we will have had a serious talk about internet safety the kind of talk i can't have with a seven year i've been with my fiance for three years now and a few weeks ago he proposed we told his sister yesterday over a video call my daughter was with us on the call my sister-in-law has known my daughter since she was four she's really good with her and she knows the rules about social media i've had to remind her of these rules more than once because sister-in-law runs a mummy blog and her daughter is only a couple of months older than mine and the two are good friends so if she takes photos of her kid and mine is in the photos i ask her to crop my kid out she has thousands of followers on her blog and social media and is popular enough to have been sponsored a few times but she's not anywhere near living off of it and she has a nine to five job a few hours after the video chat was over i got a notification for sister-in-law's blog sister-in-law has posted about our engagement and alongside it she put a screenshot of us mid-call with my daughter showing off the ring and cross-posted it to all her social media where she's tagged us in it and the post is a long piece that makes clear that my daughter isn't my fiance's child this is the exact thing i don't want on the internet proof that i have a daughter alongside my name picture posted by someone in my fiance's family with a massive following on five different websites i untagged myself from what i could but my full name first middle and last name was on the post and still searchable we called sister-in-law and asked her nicely to take the postdown she refused my fiance then asked her not so nicely and she refused again and hung up on us i had a minor freak out and my fiancee said that his sister had the same password for everything when they were kids so if i wanted he could try and get in and take the posts down himself i said yes the password was the same so he logged in and took it all down then texted sister-in-law saying what we'd done and that he'd hoped it wouldn't come to this she is furious with us and made a whole new post about how we hacked her account and since then it's been non-stop messages from her as well as my fiance's immediate family saying we overreacted invaded her privacy and that we should have just asked her again to take it down before going nuclear are we the a-hole updates spoken to a lawyer who has a cease and desist ready to go when and if we need it and said that if sister-in-law did pursue legal action she'd come off way worse than us and we'd get off close to scot-free by comparison i can see why some people would think that just going into the account like that is a dick move and you know it's uncalled for but if it was me in the same situation i'd probably do it not gonna lie i feel like that action is warranted when you've asked multiple times hey i don't like this you know i don't like this take it down please take it down and then you put a gun to them and you say put it down now and they hang up on you and you're like why why would you hang the phone up while i have a gun at you anyway the point i'm trying to make here is that i don't think op is the a-hole i think that the sister-in-law wasn't respecting their privacy and continued not to respect their privacy and is like what you have the power to take it down now i'm just gonna slander you and drag you online because that's the cool thing to do i'm glad they have a lawyer ready to go and you know they're gonna take down sister-in-law if she tries it again opie not the a-hole you were forced to do this to protect your child her blog and popularity are certainly not as important as your kid the internet is forever and honestly i'd be furious at this she is incredibly selfish what reason did she give for refusing to take it down or stop posting about you then i need to loosen the rules on social media and be aware that she's going to end up on social media eventually plus that you never let me post about her and that an engagement is a special occasion that she should be able to share with her followers especially as her whole thing is family and me and my daughter will be two new additions to the family and the people i'm worried about seeing her probably won't see it anyway you mean her content pool is growing and how dare you cut her from using your daughter as a financial opportunity ah the nerve of you i mean the true nuclear option would be to ask her and everyone else who reblogged it to take it down for the safety of the child let them know you asked her not to and add that she didn't care that a post right now could put your child at risk i'm assuming if you're trying to keep stuff on the downlow that there are people who would absolutely make this a problem for you that kind of stuff ruins influences no true nuclear would have been changing her email address and passwords on those accounts and deleting all her posts then deleting the accounts oh that would have got you in legal trouble i'm pretty sure i think i feel like that's over the line and how funny is it that they're trying to lecture them on internet safety and yet they use the same password their entire life come on sis posted by user apartment trouble titled am i the a-hole for not giving a couple who's going camping with me a tent for two and asking them to sleep in the girls tent and boys tent i was organizing a camping trip invited a lot of friends and i had a couple's tent to lend out i treated spots in the tent as first come first serve as of this weekend the tents were planned out like this my big dome tent is the guy's tent two guys were sleeping in there and there was room for one more my other big dome tent is the girl's tent two girls were sleeping in there and there was room for one more julie's little tent my friend julie's tent she would be sleeping in it alone it could fit too snugly but she wanted to sleep alone and my little tent my own tent i'd be sleeping in it alone it could also fit too but very tightly so when my friend jess wanted to come and bring her boyfriend i said that there was room in the tents for them she could sleep with the girls and him with the guys she said that they should get a tent to themselves because they're a couple and it would be weird for a boyfriend to sleep with two guys he's never met i said that i've been treating 10th spots as first come first serve and everyone has already picked their spots she was like why do you and julie get two-person tents to yourselves and i said that julie bought her own tent and that since i was organizing the trip and supplying almost everything i took first dibs and picked my favorite tiny tent she wanted me and julie to share and give one of the tents of hours for her and her boyfriend or for one of us to join the big girls tent and give them our tent i said that if they wanted a tent for two that much they could just get a cheap one at walmart for the weekends but i didn't want to change tent arrangements when i told everyone for weeks the tent arrangements of first come first serve jess told me it was really inconsiderate of me that i'm acting like a kid having boys and girls tents and the grown-ups will let couples sleep together i said it's not about letting them sleep together it's just that the only spots are in the girl's tent in boy's tent am i the a-hole for not just switching spots why is this such an issue with them jesus christ just get your own tent if you're not happy with it you're already getting like everything provided for you why do you care if you can't sleep together just jesus it's a camping trip with friends you're not gonna be boning in the forest around your friends come on opie you're not the a-hole in this situation and i wouldn't give up my spot for them they're being choosing beggars in this situation and they can just not come if they don't want to that's fine too not the a-hole if she wants to sleep with her boyfriend so badly she can go out and get her own tent she's lucky or even nice enough to offer your other tent as it is exactly this beggars can't be choosers and all that the issue is the demand made to the organizer what she should have done is ask the other people and taken the no i don't know sounds like a whole behavior then too either you're asking the two men or two women to bunk as four pp of mixed gender in a big tent so you can have the other big tent or you're saying hey you guys that own your own tents one of you should give that up to us and go sleep in the other tents i think asking and then accepting a no would be a no a-holes here type of situation jess isn't entitled to anything but asking for a favor from the other campers wouldn't be wrong she goes into ahold territory by basically making demands and refusing to take no for an answer not the a-hole every time she brings it up send her a link to another cheap tent i suggest sending her increasingly expensive tent links i would suggest increasingly cheaper tents up to and including a cardboard box despite the seeming contradiction these are both the best course of action not the a-hole you have clearly said that it's first come first served and offered them a tent to stay in for free she is not an a-hole for asking you to swap but isn't a hole to keep pushing it and for saying that they should get to share a tent for free because they are adults alright i think that's where we're gonna leave today's episode guys i really do hope you enjoyed the content today if you guys loved watching it as much as i loved making it i would love for you to subscribe to the channel already if you haven't tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below maybe like the video who knows i'd also like to take this time to thank my awesome patreon and channel members without you guys you know i don't know what i'd do i'd probably be homeless on the streets of ireland crying irish dancing all over town it would just be a mess but now for real you guys are up on the screen now thank each and every one of you guys and if you personally want to join the club yourself there are links down in the description below there's also the join button next to the subscribe button small monthly fee but hey it goes a long way to help me create more awesome content with that said guys i hope you do have a lovely day night sleep evening day at work day at school whatever you're up to i hope you keep awesome today you're looking amazing and i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 38,314
Rating: 4.9456091 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: -94ceXJJ4Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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