r/AmiTheA**Hole For Calling Animal Control On Sister's Border Collie?

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get a there guys searching for logic in an illogical world back at it again with another episode of our /ma the a-hole now if you love this content like I love you then I want you to sit back relax chuckle like on the video and a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some bloody good content posted by user huckleberry residents titled am I the a-hole for calling Animal Control and having my sister's dog taken away hello oh I twenty-two female and super allergic to dogs like oatmeal baths and peeling skin days later allergic my sister 24 female nor is this and yet constantly asks me to dog-sit her little Cujo a forest year old border collie I always always say no well today she asks and I say no and think it's the end of it nope one hour later I hear my front door open clothes and car drive off I go to see what's happening and there's Cujo completely tearing apart my mudroom so he's essentially contained in this room where you're meant to take off your coats shoes umbrellas blah blah blah before you get into the house the first door doesn't have a lock it's kind of like a screen and the second door that leads into my house does she leaves him in between these two I immediately call my sister who says she just needed to leave him with me for a week and that I can just put him in the backyard and feed him once a day she didn't leave any food I tell her that she has 30 minutes to come back and get the dog or I'm calling animal control she says she's on her way out of town on a freaking bus and can't make it I just hang up 30 minutes later no sister I call animal control and they take Cujo away he has wrecked my entire mudroom probably five pairs of shoes a couple jackets and an antique bench thing my sister calls three hours later to ask about the dog who is obviously no longer there I tell her as much and that she'll be paying back for the damages as well she screams at me for a second before realizing she needs to go get Cujo and hangs up to try to get someone else to pick him up the shelter has a 48-hour policy so he could be adopted out if someone doesn't pick him up soon she refuses to pay me back and I'm honestly thinking about just cutting her off entirely am I the a-hole edits for everyone's saying I should have called friends and posted on Craigslist etc you're probably rights but I didn't have the time and state of mind to do sir I couldn't move him to the yard or drive him somewhere without risking severely swollen eyes and tongue and eventual full-body hives furthermore he had wrecked the entrance to my home and I've seen dogs chew and chloroplasts or Xand walls which would be a much more costly repair I absolutely wish I would have looked up specifically no-kill shelters though as far as I know he hasn't been picked up yet but our shelter was emptied out due to all the covert adopters so I am assumed that he'll be fine I'll try to remember to update not the a hole and what entitlements after you say no repeatedly she dumps the dog on you for a week she's not going to reimburse you for damages go ahead and cut her off she's such an a-hole and didn't leave any food crazy entitlements not the a-hole lack of food poorly trained she should not own a pets especially a dog as smart as a border collie number one smartest breed of all dog breeds they need stimulation and training not just thrown in a yard and fed by someone deathly allergic what an a-hole the dog going around tearing up the room also shows they were either extremely poorly trained or extremely stressed out or maybe even both no matter what it was this post is just yikes on so many levels not the a-hole please cut your sister off and you did the poor dog a favor if he can get adopted by a responsible dog owner bought a collie is a very intelligent and active working dogs who need a lot of training and stimulation it's not it's fault it tore apart your belongings it should have been trained years ago and to drop a dog off for a week with no food no toys nothing at minimum your sister is a neglectful idiot I know Border Collies are so intense I couldn't exactly blame him for ripping up my I suspect she left him with me because I'm the only one she knows with a yard so yard equals Border Collie friendly I suppose law my border collie mix can hop and climb fences so that's not border collie friendly to some I had a border collie mix and he spent 15 years jumping and digging under fences we replaced our old wood fence with the six and a half foot colorbond fence brand lights electrified wiring around the base and then had to put up additional curved-in tops for the bloody thing the a hole still got out until hips gave up on him turns out he was climbing a bloody tree I loved that little a-hole of a Houdini oh my god what an a-hole we had an Irish setter and an 8 foot huge chain-link fence and the a-hole kept getting out was he climbing was he piling up trees was he turning sideways and shimmying through the stairs no my dad hid in the tree house to spy one day a whole dog was opening the gate and closing it what a sneak he just wanted to go visiting that badly we put a latch that you needed thumbs to open on it to stop him posted by user throw away 9 to 9 300 titles am I the a-hole for refusing to split my inheritance with my siblings I'll try to summarize as much as possible I female 19 have an estranged grandpa more or less he's my dad's father but my dad hardly had a relationship with him I have two other siblings one younger 13 and one older 26 my grandma divorced my grandpa when my dad was only 10 so he lived with my grandma his whole life in a different States and didn't see him when he got older he saw him a little more and my grandpa started coming around a little bit more as well he'd stay for a week at a time and then go home he was an old bit a man to be honest he never got remarried and lived his whole life in his coastal town with the same friends he'd had his whole life he wasn't pleasant to be around and could hold grudges longer than anyone I've ever met but regardless of this he was filthy rich he earned a successful business that he sold for a million dollars he retired after selling but his house sits on an island as well as the biggest piece of land on the island so it sold for well over three million dollars I was never close with my grandpa but I look after his sister who was a registered nurse and he adores her he always told me that he was proud to see me follow in her footsteps he died a few months ago since then my family has been torn apart he left everything to me he essentially liquidated all of his assets and it ended up being close to eight million dollars I was shocked I didn't and still don't know what to do with the money but I'm going to save it my dad and stepmom as well as my siblings are hounding me to split the money with him I just can't do it my dad is an alcoholic who never said anything nice about his dad despite him being bitter my grandpa actually bought my dad a $300,000 house my dad would 100% drink away any money given to him as far as my siblings my brother has full financial support from my grandma as he is the favorite and he's very wasteful and ungrateful he never talks to me and always is very mean to me when he does my little sister is the only person I've actually considered she's very young and that's really the only thing stopping me her mom is money oriented and would take the money from her so I'm waiting until she's 18 and I offered to pay for her college but now my family is telling me I'm unfair and the money doesn't belong to me and I'm not deserving of it that I'm too young and I'll wasted on cars and clothes I don't agree and now they're all threatening to cut me off and never speak to me or even sue me if I don't give them all a chunk of the money I don't know what to do and I'm buckling under pressure here I've already had two police officers out to my house because my dad is claiming I stole the money from him everything was through an attorney I know I did nothing wrong legally but morally I don't know sir am I the a-hole I'm gonna speak on this morally because I don't like you really going into legalities on em either a halt but the only legality I would go into is that give them the bare minimum that is required in a lease so that they don't have to and you anymore Opie you are not the a-hole at all for keeping the money you have explained how everyone else is going to waste the money and how they treated the father throughout his lifetime and how you were the only one that actually showed up and there was a positive influence in his life you deserve it they have all shown throughout his lifetime that they do not deserve the money therefore I do not think that you should give them the money it would be morally like spitting on your grandfather's grave because he wanted you to have it so no you are not the a hole in this situation at all not the a hole my god these entitled people if they want to cut you off for money that your grandpa willed to you show them the door buy yourself a lovely home and move away from them pay for your sister's college and save the rest if you want to show right now that you were giving your younger sister the money put it in a trust that only she can access at 18 or 21 talk with the financial adviser / lawyer to set this up that way the mum cannot have access to it and it will be there for your sister should anything happen to you in the meantime with that amount of money I would speak to a financial adviser no matter what it is very easy to blow through the money not the a hole depending on how much leverage the mum has your mom might guilt your sister into handing the money over you can set it up with a lawyer or accountants that has to approve withdrawals which might be a nice stopgap in case Opie isn't around to pay the money directly to the sister other steps can be taken to make sure the money goes where it's supposed to yeah I wouldn't even mention a trust for the sister until she was old enough to access it telling everyone right now would just give the sisters mom years to manipulate the money out of her not the a-hole considering the circumstances you mentioned lawyer the hell up if they're going to sue you you might as well be prepared to deal with the BA also in terms of money I highly recommend you invest I don't want to tell you what to do but you can turn that 8 million into generational wealth that can continue to provide for your family for decades to come even putting that into some sort of account with interest would be a lot of money made from just interest my mum always said that if you win the lottery you should put it in a bank high-interest and live off the interest money which i think is a pretty smart move I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree that may have been a pretty smart move but now since the Fed lowered that rate to 0% interest doesn't pay squat my initially very high two point three percent interest from my brokerage is now 0.2% you're better off buying high dividend stocks generating passive income through dividends which pay out monthly or quarterly and letting the stock themselves appreciate in value generating even more money for example eight million dollars and 0.2 percent interest is sixteen thousand dollars a year the stock [ __ ] on the other hand has a six point seven six percent dividend yield and individual share prices have gone up from $40 twenty one to fifty-six dollars and 61 cents in the last three months if you invested that same eight million dollars in [ __ ] three months ago you'd be up three point two six million dollars already not counting these six point seven six percent dividends posted by user am i the a whole throw away sixty seven titles am I the a-hole for letting my sister say arigato and konichiwa at a Korean restaurants so my siblings and I two sisters plus three brothers Pross me decided to go to a Korean barbecue place a while ago one of my sisters let's call it Maddie is very proud of her language skills I don't know what that even means she doesn't let anyone correct and gets very upset if someone tells us she's wrong so as soon as we enter the restaurant she greets a waitress with a konnichiwa this waitress is a pro doesn't even look surprised she greets us in Korean and leads us to a booth we all sit down and hope that Maddie doesn't say anything like that again no such luck every time a waitress approaches our table she greets them with a konnichiwa and says arigato when they put down our food by the third or fourth time even the staff are looking amused one of my older brothers brave soul he is tries to tell Maddie to maybe cut down on the greetings and thanks since we are at a Korean restaurants emphasis on Korean she doesn't get it anta brave soul sibling number two attempts to directly tell her she's talking to them in Japanese gets cut off none of us try again at the end of the meal we are all trying to hold back laughter as we are leaving sister turns around and says konban WA after leaving the restaurants I was the first one to break I start giggling then my other sister follows as well Maddy immediately asks us why we're laughing we tell her that she'd been speaking Japanese in the Korean restaurants and she vehemently denies it we pull out Google Translate to prove it to her immediate you could have done that while we were eating instead of letting me embarrass myself in front of them yeah she didn't talk much during the drive home I'm gonna say no one's the a-hole here it's not really an a-hole move at all to them prove that to where they did try to do it she didn't realize so I guess maybe the sisters in a hole but I'd say it's more the sister just was dumb didn't understand and refused to understand I wouldn't say she was intentionally being an a-hole not the a-hole this sounds like a damned if you do and damned if he don't smarts your sister was told a number of times she was wrong but she got annoyed at the interference then she got annoyed outside when she realized she messed up your input wouldn't have made any difference at all agree not the a-hole she was told twice and continued she was certainly not left to speak Japanese unknowingly from entering to exiting the restaurants I had second hand embarrassment just reading the post it's worse when you're on the other end I'm Korean and all the white people with good intentions will say hello in Chinese or Japanese and in my head I'm like do I correct this guy or just let it be also when they absolutely butchered the language it's hard to keep a straight face come sulabha lalala hi yes very good sir everyone sucks yeah that poor server had to put up with your sisters crap and I doubt the Chi thought oh well I know the rest of the table is mocking her for it instead she probably thought you were all like your sister when you started laughing on the way out at her that could be interpreted as the whole thing being intentional your sister is arrogance but you should have clocked her after that first greeting this is a Korean restaurant stop using Japanese clock in this case doesn't mean punch it means basically to check someone or call them out it's queer black slang that I used because I'm a black queer this one restaurant staff have to put up with soft races in every single day and it hurts the staff could have been born and raised in opiez country and yet again they are hit by an e hull or whatever by ignorant people and made to feel they don't belong your sister sucks big time and RP also the a-hole for not dealing with it not saying anything doesn't excuse it posted by user throw away Zen 201 301 titled am I the a-hole for telling my niece to stay in the closets until she gets her inheritance my 42 male niece 17 female recently confided in me that she is a lesbian I supported her let her know I'd be there etc usual allies stuff however she told me she was going to come out to the whole world this week I let her know she should absolutely wait for her grandparents my parents to pass my father is incredibly wealthy and has tens of millions of dollars in assets that he will be passing down once he is gone my father is a raging homophobe who was flat out stated that any gay individual in our family would be written out of the will and to make sure the rest of us don't just split more money with said gay relative they will instead have that portion of the inheritance put aside for that family member donated to charitable causes that money will be erased from the inheritance since both my father and mother are incredibly poor health stage 4 cancer and debilitating dementia respectively I told my niece she should stay in the closet for a little while longer if she comes out as a lesbian and they find out she will quite literally lose out on seven million dollars she was a little sad but also appreciative since that is obviously a life-changing amount of money that will allow her to live luxuriously until she dies my wife however said that I am being an a-hole I'm telling this poor girl to hide who she is just to appease old bigots that is true I am asking her to appease old bigots but I feel like her life quality will be much better with 7 million dollars at the cost of one to two years in the closet at tops I have also seen my father's will and know who is getting wives so my niece is definitely going to receive 7 million as long as my father doesn't rewrite or edit his will am I the a-hole for telling my niece to stay in the closet so she can be a millionaire small updates my wife apologized for getting snippy with me and now agrees she should hide it for a year or two she is a powerful advocate of LGBTQ rights so she had an angry knee-jerk reaction to my dad's bigotry and I think that goes without saying absolutely not the a-hole for telling her to do that I'm pretty sure a lot of people would stay in the closet for one to two years just to get 7 million dollars inheritance when the risk is that in that 7 million dollars could go to causes that actively work against LGBTQ rights I'm saying just morally I would do that if I was her it seems the right thing to do even though a lot of people would not agree with that and people are entitled to their opinions opie not the a-hole Oh God I'm torn this is honestly an excellent case study for an ethics class my gut instinct is to say that you should never encourage someone to stay in the closet longer than they want to but yeesh that's a life-changing amount of money no a-holes here besides your parents for being raging homophobes for ethical reasons think of it this way she stays in the closet for the next couple years inherits the money of a homophobe then once she has the inheritance have a nice gay life and not have to worry about her homophobic grandparents bothering her for who she loves this is the way I see it while it's unpleasant that the only way is to conceal her true self it would provide a beyond sturdy foundation for the rest of her entire life and allow her to live a quality life of her choosing she could also once she inherits donate to charities that would help troubled lgbtq+ teens and young adults and the reverse of that is I have a feeling old Gramps is spiteful enough to have selected some anti LGBT organizations for that 7 million to be bestowed to normally I wouldn't advocate for someone to stay in the closet but one to two years to both get that money and also to prevent the money from going out to actively hurt other LGBT people seems like a really good reason to twiddle your thumbs not the a-hole seven million changes anyone's life and it's not like she'll have to hide it forever n'ver are you and your wife the only ones who know yes my wife myself and my niece my father trusts me immensely and is willing to discuss these matters with me my mother knows as well but her dementia is so bad that it doesn't matter she should also carefully consider how and to whom she shares the information amongst her friend group I have seen people out others for horrible reasons it would be awful if she chose not to come out now to family only to have some bad in ski rat a poison pen letter to her grandparents posted by user M either a hole throw away 37:22 titles am I the a-hole for addressing my uncle who was the same age as me as my uncle on a social media post and embarrassing him i-17 female have an uncle 17 male I've never viewed him as an uncle since he's the same age as me now the little crap finds it hilarious to address me as a nice whenever we meet it insists that I call him uncle family is very mare about its but mostly on his side you address your other uncle's as uncle's why not him he's a grandfather's son as well he deserves that title from dude just as much as Uncle Y and Zed and exterior accepts uncle's X Y & Z a roll around my mother's age so 20 to 30 years older than me not the same age he really put on the waterworks the last time and now I'm really the a-hole for making him you left outs by not calling him uncle and not responding what he says nice I've been disinvited from a few family gatherings because I refuse to bow down well in order to get on some of my family's good side I posted a family pic taken on my birthday in the caption I said thank you to auntie's XYZ and uncle's XYZ except this time I put him as an uncle I thought this would tide them over since captioning him as an uncle is easier for me than calling him uncle to his face my close friends know my family dynamics but the people I don't really know well they genuinely thought we were cousins of some sorts well I put him his uncle people kind of went crazy at first they kept saying I accidentally put him as an uncle and when I didn't reply he started getting messages like oh my god is Opie really your niece and sir Opie's grandpa is your dad all of your siblings are in there like 40s yeah I basically blew up his entire friends group with that one pic he's not talking to me and is pretty ticked I don't see I repeat doing that spitefully Opie was literally just doing what this man wanted you're not the a-hole for doing that he's the a-hole for putting so much pressure on you and then it finally coming out and him getting the repercussions and then putting that on you oh my god you did the thing that I told you to do and it had bad repercussions and I have to take responsibility for my action god you suck I'm not gonna talk to you anymore no open not a hole he sucks he's dumb not the a whole r slash malicious compliance is funny you did exactly what he told you to he shouldn't be married the tables have turned he can't even be married he wanted to be called uncle and all the other aunts and uncles also thought he should be called uncle it's not even that uncommon for uncles and aunts to be a similar age to nieces and nephews depending on the age of the parents and while some people might find it weird it wouldn't collapse to a friend group unless you lied about it's not the a-hole he asked you to call him uncle you did sir maybe not in the context he was asking for but he doesn't get to insist that you call him uncle in once and keep it a secret elsewhere also why is it embarrassing to him if he is the same age as his niece it just means that he is much younger than one of his siblings and that sibling has kids at a relatively young age sir once my mom had me at 30 my grandpa had me with his now extant grandma x-step grandma remarried and he let people assume his stepdad was his buyer dad I didn't know this until I posted that pic oh this info what have been useful for the opie not that it changes the judgments not the a-hole still but it makes it seem weird that he'd be upset without this info he was lying to the people about his family relationship you tell the truth because he was basically insisting that you do and now he's mad yeah whatever posted by user throwaway 908 173 titles am I the a-hole for taking away my son's inheritance hello I will try to make this brief I 56 and my wife 54 have a son 23 who just got married he is an only child my wife and I came to America when I was 22 years old we knew no one had no jobs but over the years we go to small restaurants and were able to make a living 10 years after we got to the USA we brought my mother-in-law over we had saved for years to give our son money when he turns 25 in our culture you give your child money when they are young and starting out because they will take care of you when you are old so they can buy a bigger house etc this is our culture I'll sign you about this his whole life his grandmother has lived with us her entire life she just turned 81 and still lives with us my son got married in December it was a nice wedding and his wife is very nice she's a white American I'm not adding that because I believe she is racist but it will explain some cultural differences in March all five of us were having dinner and his wife mentioned that they were going to start looking at houses when the pandemic is over my wife mentioned a bedroom on the first floor for we to come live with them my wife said it in a joking way we weren't planning to live with them for in a 10 plus years at least until we retire my daughter-in-law looks shocked she asked why can't we just use the guest room if we wanted to spend the night my son then tells me that she isn't used to our culture and that they would prefer to live with the family they make honestly I and my wife didn't know what to say our son gave us the impression that he was fine with us living with him when we got older he would even show us guest homes and the likes from magazines currently we have about $800,000 saved that we planned to give our son it's not a huge amount to support three people especially older people after they left my wife and I discussed our options and we decided that our best course of action was to speak to our bank and use our money for retirement he knows about the money but not how much I told my son and daughter-in-law about the new plan and my son got mad at me saying that he plans to use some of the money for a down payment on a house this is our only money for retirement it was surprised to go to him because he was supposed to take care of us we have to take care of ourselves now and don't feel like we owe him that money am i the a-hole edits they don't want us to live with them they said it when top than the plan my daughter in law says that she would constantly feel like they were having guests over she also said it wasn't because she didn't love us she also doesn't want her own mother to live with them edit - because we're business owners we take deductions that affect our Social Security benefits we will not get alights but my wife and I are healthy now and we can work into our 70s or 80s maybe I hope that clears some things up well their business earners and they know what they have to do with their money I'm gonna say the parents are definitely not the a whole in this situation if the son isn't planning to make that accommodation for them and they don't have an option outside of this money they have why should he take that money off them in this point and leave them with absolutely no money or ability to look after themselves in their old age I think that the son is being greedy in this situation and needs to respect that these people are not going to give them that money he is an adult he can make that money for his own house deposit and can paid himself like everyone else does the parents have to look after themselves everyone has needs the parents are not the a-holes no one's in a hole here expectations change and that's fine if he's not going to take care of you you need that money to take care of yourself that's really all there is to it yep it's really as simple as that if anyone is a bit of an a-hole it would be Opie's son for still feeling entitled to the money when he knew the expectations that accompany eights it was never phrased as here's a bunch of money because we love you it's been known all along that it's a here's a bunch of money to offset the cost of taking care of us our P's son is allowed to change his mind and only wants his wife and their children living in their home and no longer wants the Opie Plus wife to live with them but that money is for Opie Plus wife retirements that retirement now just looks different than they expected based on years of understanding I'd say son is the a-hole for that reason he knows the drill and is getting pissy because he wants the money for himself without fulfilling his side of the bargain Opie asks how do I explain that to him so he understands and you can say while we'd love to help you with the house this money was set aside for our expenses during retirements you and your wife aren't caring for us in our advanced age which we respects and accepts but that means we needed to care for ourselves maybe add it'll all pass to you once we pass away but until we do we need to pay for a home and I personally have a responsibility to set up your mother to live safe and dignified in case I pass before her and vice versa it's fine if you and your wife can't take us in but that changes our plans because it means there's a nursing home to budget for you're definitely not the a-hole ope not the a-hole your son has been well aware of what the money was for his entire life he chose not to tell his wife anything about it and chose not to volunteer the information to you that it wouldn't be happening only you found out because of a fluke in a random conversation why on earth would he think for even a minute that he would still get the money to take care of you when he had no intention of actually taking care of you at this point even if he said he changed his mind I wouldn't give him a penny without getting something drawn up by an attorney and signed by all of you stating what you expected in exchange for the money agreed the son seems to be an a-hole on up to three fronts one his reaction to their decision to keep this money as retirement money he knew their plan was to retire with him and he just told them that they can't he should expect their plans to change and shouldn't be guilt-tripping them about it they are changing their plans to accommodate him and his wife's desires too not informing his wife about any of this and advance he put her in a very awkward position though it does sound like she's handling this very well three he may have been trying to delay this conflict until after he had the money that's not clear from the purse but I have to wonder if it's true it upgrades his level of a holler II significantly I'm not sure how much of these factors is in play he's somewhere on the spectrum of a-holes there all right guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below um if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face and I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called Markie to link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 28,146
Rating: 4.9225616 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: 7ZZ2pO7IvtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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