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hey guys what's up it is ripe again back with more legal advice stories today we have a very special episode featuring some of the greatest legal advice stories we have read over the year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most exciting legal advice stories that we have ever read my old babysitter's won't leave me and my child alone please forgive me if this does not make any sense I'm kind of enraged at the moment so my mind is all over the place my son's old babysitter's who were friends at the time and were trusted had guardianship over him in case of medical emergencies while he was in their care while I worked I stopped working two years ago almost three and told them I would no longer need them to watch my child since we were planning to move to a different state anyway and I ended their guardianship after they tried to keep my son from me and told him that he could live with them forever and that I never wanted or loved him like they do since stopping their guardianship they have followed us around grocery stores comes up and stops us in stores and tries to force my child to come to them and when he doesn't they will cry and make a scene message me consistently about when they could have him kept and continued posting about how much they miss my child asked my family members mainly my sister if they can see him or how he is doing or if my family can send them pictures of my son even asking them numerous times to stop and just leave us alone they still continue to do these things it's getting to the point where I have to avoid certain parts of the county that we live in just to stay away from them if they see that I'm text somewhere on Facebook by a friend they would show up even if it is 30 plus minutes away so my question is what can I do at this point I'm pretty sure this falls under harassment considering I have asked them to stop trying to contact me or my child but I'm still not one unprecendented vise would be greatly appreciated located in Maryland eta my son is currently in the process of going to therapy because he's scared that they are going to try - take him away again there was one point in time that they took him out of the county for a week and would not let me get my child since they had guardianship they told me they were allowed to take him without my consent and there was nothing I could do about it when I finally got him back after the week was over I cut contact and went and filed to end their guardianship I have to admit it sounds extremely dangerous to give guardianship to someone even if they are trusted friends have you ever given guardianship of your kids to someone outside of your family feel free to let us know in the comments update my old babysitter's won't leave me and my child alone so it has been a while but I really wanted to update since a lot of people on the original post were concerned also sorry for the bad format I usually just comment on posts and don't post a lot so I'm clueless anyway so I had contacted a lawyer about the potential kidnappers because that's what they are not really babysitters and I found out they lied to me for a year or two about having guardianship of my son this was explained in the original post but brief rundown about it was they requested guardianship to be able to take him to the hospital for treatment if anything happened in their care being young and dumb I agreed apparently the courts never pushed it through because they did not contact my son's biological father after being told they needed to do that I did not know any of this until about a month ago after the lawyer had dug up a bunch of stuff they lied about having guardianship and held it over my head in order for me to not come pick my son up from their care and so they would take him out of the County / state without my consent anyway they are currently going through court for potentially trying to kidnap someone else's kid after being paid to watch the second child apparently they filed for emergency custody of the second child after not allowing the mother to come pick up their child since it is an ongoing case I cannot give too many details about it but I am being called in as a witness for their obsessive behavior and manipulation tactics they are no longer allowed to contact me my child or any firm members about myself and my child so the lesson we learned today is to never give guardianship to anyone outside of your own family I found out I had a child when CPS contacted me because her mother was losing custody now what to make a long story short I was a person who loved happy pills and as a result did a lot of dumb questionable things I've been clean for 11 years now about a week and a half ago I was contacted by CPS who asked if I knew Mary Smith a woman with whom I had a relationship when I was on drugs I said yes and was informed that she had a child Emma last name who had been taken from the home and I was named as her father with no other contact able family she could come to me or otherwise go to foster care it was relayed to me that I was listed as the child's father on her legal documents as well to cut out some bullcrap from the middle here I will just skip to the fact that I did accept emergency custody of the child and I do actually pretty strongly believe that I am probably her biological father for a number of reasons but I feel like at this point the case workers have been unhelpful and are basically like for all intents and purposes you are her legal father by him not answering my questions Emma apparently knew I existed and was told through her life that I was her father but her mother said she had no way of contacting me which I guess is technically true my questions how was I listed on the birth certificate legal records school records etc and literally never informed ever at any point how is this possible number two the caseworker said that because I am on the birth certificate and the undertone here was unless you have an identical twin somewhere that is 100% your child there's no need to take a DNA test is there any benefit to doing so and the third one this one I may have to consult with a lawyer on but if I am her father am I then entitled to child support or the foster care stipend that sounds terrible but I don't make a lot of money and I am stressed because there's times I feel I'm not sure if I'm going to have enough for myself even working full-time and I need to be able to provide for a kid now as well it's not about the money but it is a little bit about the money update to the story from before nearly three months later about the kid I did not know existed for ten years it has been almost three months now and I thought I would come in real quick to give an update overall the kid and I are doing great I really expected the adjustment period to suck but I feel like maybe this poor kid really needed some structure and stability and totally gloomed onto that I tried to just give her as much of my love patient structure and stability that I have to give I've been learning a lot about attachment trauma and everything it has been overwhelming but every night no matter how exhausted I am I get into bed and I thank God for her I would not trade her for anything in this world I tell her every night she is my favorite thing legally things are kind of boring I did the DNA test unsurprisingly got the result that she is mind biologically the emergency order is still in place yet mom is still in jail she was offered the option of going to rehab and refused she will be in jail for at least a few more months and after she's out we will make a parenting plan for visits with help from the social worker realistically I think she will die before she gets clean that sounds like a horrible thing to say but it is how it is it has been a wild ride it's not easy but it's joyful and it's really changed my life and made me want to be better in a lot of ways that was actually a very surprisingly wholesome story in the end and please let me know in the comments if you enjoy a slash legal advice furthermore if you have watched until here please don't forget to post some star emojis in the comments and also like the video if you want to support me thank you very much received a reckless driving ticket on my private property road / driveway before anyone gets upset about the speed this is a gated off private road / driveway there was zero chances of another car being on it unless they broke through a locked gate and trespassed on clearly marked private property so my driveway is in a weird spot that goes alongside a highway for about four miles before turning off and up towards the house the entire property is fenced off and gated / posted private property no trespassing it is about 800 feet from the highway and slowly moves further and further from the highway I use my driveway as a place to work out kinks in my cars get them set up properly etc before going to the drag strip I love cars and try to do things as safely as possible roll cages proper harnesses and helmet etc I never opened them up on the road because I have no need to I can do it on my own private property anyways last night I was having fun with my newly broken in engine swap car doing a few runs back and forth and after the sixth or seventh run down I noticed a cop with the lights on sitting down at the gate I head down and tell him I will be right back I have to go get the key to the gate but he insists I stayed there so I stay and he demands license registration and insurance I tell him I have none of those on me and the car is not even registered or insured I bring it to and from the track / strip on a trailer I tell him this because the car is not even street-legal and it is a track car so he just gets my information from my name DOB address etc I asked him why he's even here because this is not a road why is he stopping me he tells me reckless driving and he has me on laser doing 162 I start to argue that this is a private road / driveway clearly because he is sitting behind a locked gate and how can I be recklessly driving on private property he starts telling me I can go to jail if I keep arguing after about 20 minutes of just standing at my gate he gives me a ticket to sign for reckless driving the ticket does not even have a posted speed for the road on it because this is not a road what do I need to bring to the court date to show this is not a road and he has no jurisdiction to enforce traffic laws on I am NOT trying to cause a huge issue but it is kind of stupid he even gave me a ticket I did not feel like continuing to argue with him because it was going nowhere I live in Texas and the Sheriff's Department is who wrote the ticket guys have you ever received a reckless driving ticket I'm not sure how you guys drive cars but in general I Drive pretty slow so I don't have an issue with speeding tickets let me know how it is for you update to the story from before received a reckless driving ticket on private property before my court date came up I went around to the different county records officers and found an up-to-date plat map confirmed with several people that my driveway is not a road I even had a friend come by who usually does drone photos for farms and had a nice photo of the entire property taken showing the driveway with the GPS marker so that it can be lined up with the plat map so there's no confusion if my driveway is or is not a road two days before my court date I received a call asking if I want to take a deal on the reckless driving and avoid the court time etc I said no and confirmed the date with them court date rolls around and my 10:30 a.m. time is just an estimate apparently so I wait around until 2 p.m. right before I am finally caught up I'm offered the deal one last time again I decline this is where it gets hot I am not 100% sure what happened but the judge opens a folder and briefly reads it then calls up the county attorney they talk for about a minute then my case is dismissed so that's it I asked a sheriff outside the courtroom if it is possible to talk to the judge about it and I am told the best way is to write him a letter not sure what he read in the folder but I guess it was enough for him to see it was a pointless ticket I did not see the sheriff who wrote me the ticket anywhere either that day so I guess we did it reddit or something who knows but now I get the fun of trying to figure out what my insurance wants as proof so my rates don't jump because of the ticket by the way guys one question I have about American highways you know whenever I see Velox of people riding motorcycles in America I'm thinking wow these people drive pretty slow considering that the roads are so huge and there doesn't seem to be any police anywhere but then seemingly out of nowhere the highway police comes and stops the biker how frequently do you guys see police on the highway and the next story is not from our slash legal advice but instead from our own subreddit just to bring in a little bit of variety this story was posted by user Stacey roses me and is titled Walmart adventure with a service dog so this morning at about 5:00 a.m. I decided to head to Walmart with my friend who happens to have a service dog normally when we go there together we never have an issue Plus this Walmart seems to allow all dogs even the ones that are not service animals even though the sign out front says that only service animals are allowed in the store but I have seen people in there many times with many breeds of dogs some well-behaved and some dead bark and jump on people and yet the people at Walmart never ever say anything to those people so what happened today baffled me and my friend but it had nothing to do with the employees themselves just a random jerk so we get in the store and my friend service dog is trained to task whenever my friend is about to have an episode basically my friend has severe seizures and if she's about to have a seizure max her service dog will task he will put his paws on her on not just her leg to let her know she's gonna have a seizure we had just walked in the store when max started tasking so my friend sat down on the floor before she had a seizure max laid himself down on top of her which he's supposed to do but some random jerk started yelling and trying to pull max off my friend I looked at this guy and said leave him alone he's tasking and the jerk said talks the little people and I said he is a service dog and he's doing what he's supposed to do if you interfere with his tasking you are breaking the law and the jerk started laughing and said would lo so I explained the American Disability Act a da and explained how you are never supposed to interfere with service dogs because it could be dangerous to the person who is disabled mr. jerk then went off on me telling me I don't know what I'm talking about and I simply said I do know if you continue to interfere with my friend service dog I will call the police so you decide what are you gonna do meanwhile during all this my friend is still on the ground she's not able to say anything because basically she had passed out she had a seizure while on the ground and that is why max was laying on top of her he's supposed to do that because it has something to do with applying pressure on his master mr. jerk stormed off somewhere I'm not sure where but I did not care I was staying by my friend and Max a few people had circled us asking me what was going on so I explained to them and they completely understood the door greeter stayed by us to make sure nobody interfered also very great guy by the time mr. jerk came back my friend was already coming to and Max was sitting by her my friend was a bit dazed but she was okay mr. jerk looked at my friend and said the stupid dog was on top of you that's not what service dogs do my friend looked at him and said my service dog was doing his job that is what he's supposed to do so mr. jerk looked at the manager that he direct with him and said it's a full service dog the manager did not say a word so mr. jerk started asking my friend a whole crapload of questions that is basically invasive so my friend simply said you are only allowed to ask me two questions regarding my service dog mr. jerk scoffed and said oh yeah what is good so the dog Rita said you can only ask is that a service dog and what tasks does your dog perform for you the manager nodded with agreement and told the jerk to leave us alone the guy started going off and saying how he is gonna call the police on us for having a fake service dog so my friend said go ahead the manager looked at the guy and said sir you need to leave stop her these girls and their service dog or you need to leave the store the manager had said something I did not catch in the little walkie-talkie thingy and soon there were two guys there that I knew where security aka loss prevention apparently this jerk was actually caught on camera for a very long time and during the time my friend was having a seizure he was trying to get out of the store with some DVDs he was trying to steal they were hidden inside his jacket it was pretty bold of him to go get the manager and try to play like he was not doing anything wrong at all basically he knew he was being watched but was trying to get the attention of him and have it on my friend myself and Max it did not work mr. jerk was asked to follow the two security guys back to the office and this was when all hell broke loose mr. jerk started screaming yelling name-calling and he was throwing things at anyone nearby the dog Rita moved in front of my friend who was still on the floor to basically protect her and max a bunch of other people including myself we're standing in front of my friend also this jerk did not like that we were all standing there to protect the person he thinks has a service dog during all this commotion the police did show up the manager checked on everyone to see if they were okay and asked my friend if she needed a few more minutes my friend thank the manager and dog Rita for helping out and she thanked the people that stood around max of course was given a treat by my friend for doing his job we did get to finally do our shopping which was very calm compared to what happened when we just came into the store when we were cashing out everything had come down and the manager came over to us to apologize again for what happened the manager also asked if my friend had some information sheets he could share with his employees because he wants them trained right when it comes to eighty-eight and service dogs my friend was very happy to give him some of the cards she carries around with her that were in max service vest she also told him that if he needs more where he can get them and he thanked her we did not bother asking what happened to the jerk because we figured he got arrested for theft and whatever else okay I know some are gonna ask questions about Max he is a German Shepherd and very beautiful my friend has had him since he was a puppy my friend had helped training him to be a service dog he is like her baby she loves him and is very glad she got approved for a service dog Max is about three years old not sure what that is in tokyo's anyway he is very well trained also if you see someone with a service dog you should never ever distract them from their task you should never pet a service dog unless the owner says it's okay some people have signs on their service dogs vests that say service dog do not pet but also service dogs do not have to wear a vest if you need to understand more about service dogs you can easily find whatever information you need online have a good morning everyone I am now home drinking tea and watching some Studio Ghibli movies I think I will use entitled people as a flare since that jerk was entitled well Stacy thank you very very much for posting that story and actually I think I have mentioned this before my girlfriend's mother has a problem with seizures so maybe a service dog would be a good thing for her but of course only if that is a thing in Thailand let's move on to the last story which is also from our / ripe stories the last one was posted by real fawful alfredo and is titled how I got a former SM demoted the story today about the liquor store worker reminded me of the time I gotta SM demoted I worked for a Midwest grocery / drug combo chain I worked as receiving clerk and supervisor for the drug chain since I was coming up on 10 years with the same company I had done almost every job in the store except for liquor clerk and management however I could do management jobs all so I started working there just after divorcing my ex-husband a few months into my employment I started going back to church with my sister and her family my manager at the time had no problem adjusting my availability to give me Sundays off to go to church and Wednesday nights for Bible study there is a law in the new that employers cannot discriminate based on religion and must give time off to worship the accommodation carried over when I moved and transferred stores when I became receiving clerk my work hours where when receiving was open usually 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. minus 30 minutes for lunch being a supervisor I was required to work at least one weekend day which was Saturday when I worked a closing shift and I was off Sunday for church retail stores rotate managers very often and it was rare that we had the same management longer than a year corporate sent us a manager trainee so fresh out of business school the ink was barely dry on her degree she had almost zero experience in actually running a store just what she learned in Business School one of the first things she did was get rid of everybody's availability sheets and accommodations saying we would be available when the store needed us we ended up losing good workers because she was basically forcing them to work when they couldn't she was scheduling high school kids during school hours scheduled retirees at full-time hours some of them would lose their retirement benefits if they worked over a certain number of hours and she scheduled me during church time for almost a month I was trading hours with my co-workers so we would all be working within our availability and telling the manager trainee that we could not work those hours only to get the response of everybody words were needed if they don't like it they can leave spoiler alert a lot left new schedule was posted and again I am scheduled during my church time I printed out the law saying I got time off to attend church and handed it to the assistant and told her that I would not be working outside my availability and original accommodation she did not even read the printout instead tore it up and said the same if you don't look good you can leave so I took off my nametag put it in her hand and said bye and walked out when I got home I filed for unemployment and filed a complaint with the EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission the you agency that covers discrimination complaints stating that my nine-year accommodation for church was rescinded without notice and I was also denied being promoted into the manager training program because of my lack of sunday availability of course they try to say I was fired due to job abandonment and disputed unemployment I one after the store manager admitted that I brought up their scheduling problems to her and she did nothing and lost the EEOC claim because the store claimed I did not fill out a form requesting an accommodation the same one the trainee threw out and since I did not keep a copy unfortunately not being able to see nine years into the future thinking I would eventually need it however because she was named in the complaint and since the store got complaints from other employees who quit due to her scheduling practices and her refusal to accommodate anybody the trainee was demoted to a regular sales clerk and later left the company I know this because I kept in touch with the assistant manager who was at the store before she was every store was sent a directive from corporate that they were to accommodate every religious time of requests for the record yes I did go to the store manager at the time the store had just been sold to a new banner corporation and was in the process of restructuring her job was being made redundant they did not see the need for two store managers one over drug and one over food and since she was losing her job anyway she adopted her don't give Adam attitude and was very hands-off I think she spent most of her time updating her resume and looking for another job my parents have joined some New Age religion and intend to move me to a compound against my will what can I do to get the heck out of here my mom and stepdad are really into New Age science and beliefs I've never agreed with them on this and did not know how extreme it was recently though they have become involved in an extremely weird support group I say that in quotes because I have no effing clue who they are when I'm around they never mention any group names or what organization they work for or are a part of because of this I have not had much luck finding out stuff as New Age cult gives too many results to look into this Monday my mom and stepdad set me and my four siblings down they told us that we will be moving at the end of the month to a more stable location within a spiritual community according to them they plan to pull all five of us times 16 could not think of anywhere else to mention this out of school here and enroll us in their free mind awakening school wherever we move I try to get anything out of them but they refuse to talk to me at all about it according to them because I am still a child in mind body and spirit I need to listen to them not ask questions I have actually been freaking out since then and have been trying to get advice but I have been unable to they cut off the internet phone and TV Tuesday and they have been keeping an effing laser focus on me and my siblings since then I am currently at a friend's house and this is the only way I've actually got access to the Internet this seems like a cult 100% to me last night they had three people come and talk to me and my siblings and the stuff they told us was effing crazy I was talked to alone by an old man who told me about how my mind is closed and that I would slowly learn to open it as my parents have and that the leaders will love to meet me and put me in their programs I need to know what the eff I can do here my dad has shared custody of me and since Monday I've had no contact with him he's supposed to have a call with me every night but my mom claims he has been informed and supports this 100% I tried calling him this morning but he did not answer he lives in another state so it's kinda hard to get into contact with him outside of phone and email I am in a friend's house because I was able to leave the house for the first time in a week this morning after I told my parents I wanted to go to the park but came here and told my friend everything her parents are not home but she is trying to call them and I plan to stay here tonight if I can my parents have forbid me from using the internet because it is full of loads from them I am so lost right now it makes me sick I don't want to go with them to this obvious compound and I need to know what the f I can do here can I just run away and if my parents Harbor me can they get in trouble if my mom has been lying about my dad can he do anything Thanks I talked to my mom and told her because I would be moving soon and this might be one of the last times I could see my friend I would like to stay the night and she said it was okay and that his family was trustworthy not to try and corrupt my view I got into contact with my dad and he is pissed he did not agree and was told I did not want to talk to him my fifteen-year-old sister's dad was told the same despite the fact he has primary custody and she only spends the summers with us my sister's dead is going to call CPS too and I just got done with my call to them but I won't repeat what they said here I will be spending the night here and when my mom asks me to come back tomorrow my dad has told me not to go back and tell her that he will be flying down here to Florida immediately if I don't check in with him or he hears I went back to her he says that he's already looking into emergency custody I want to thank my friend's parents real quick because holy F have they been great they both have been great and are working with my dad right now to help me I also will be going and buying a burner phone tomorrow and withdrawing all my money from the bank my dad says he will handle getting my stuff from my mom when the time comes thanks guys for the advice crazy story so far but guys I'm curious did you ever have any experience with cults you know in the past one of my best friends actually joined a cult because his parents kind of forced him this is no BS by the way this simply happened a long time ago and the next one is gonna be an update to the story from just now update my parents joined a new-age cut and tried to drag me to a compound against my will since my last post got popular and people still seem interested in my situation I thought I would give you guys an update on everything it has been over a month and I'm sorry I kept you guys waiting things were pretty crazy and my therapist said it probably was not the best idea to rant about it online till I felt ready well now that I'm settled down a bit I feel like it might be good to get this off my chest anyway sorry if this disappoints you guys though as my dad says I should not include any personal details for fear of leaking my identity so even though I know the group now I won't be naming them for fear of it getting back to me so after I stayed the night with my friends family my mom and stepdad tried to get me to come back home immediately my dad said not to go so I somehow convinced my mom to let me stay the rest of this day and I would come home that night this plan did not work out very well though as my sister's dead called the police to report that he could not contact my sister and was afraid she was kidnapped it did not take long before my mom caught on that I was the one who leaked to him their plans and they freaked out my mom then came to my friend's house and tried to force her way in to take me because I had been corrupted and needed to be locked away from bad influences till we left for the compound my friend's parents called the police and I called my dad and he got to talk to my mom I will leave it short and say this was a nightmare situation that almost ended with my mom being charged with trespassing my mom and dad argued on the phone for over three hours outside of my friend's house in the end my dad made it so I would not have to go with them but the only safe place my mom would agree to me staying is with my uncle four hours away I stayed with him for over a week and it was the worst week of my life my mom called me constantly to try to talk to me and Silke me from the evil energies my father had possessed with me my stepfather also began to send me various threats and told me that at the end of the month I was coming no matter what after a week of this everything changed my mom stopped calling me my stepdad stopped texting and they went quiet for four days me my uncle my dad all of them could not reach them my sister's dead also stop being able to reach them during this time my mom bought my sister a plane ticket home and my sister's dead only learnt of this when he got a call after my parents dropped my sister off at the airport after this my mom called me one last time she proceeded to tell me that she had been mediating praying to my guardian spirits daily and talking to the leaders all to help me open my third eye to see the truth and understand I was being used by evil during these sessions apparently she finally realized the truth and saw me for the evil spawn I was according to her I am an evil seat and that I not only was brought here to bring evil spirits onto her and her good children I also infected the room and corrupted my sister she told me to send my uncle down and pick up all of my worldly possessions that were infected and to not come with him or ever contact her or her family again she ended by telling me that I was never her child and that she hopes the universe deals with you the last contact I know about was her telling my dad she wants to revoke her parental rights at the end of last month they moved to the compound with my three step siblings I moved out to live with my dad and have been in therapy since then things are still pretty raw right now and I really don't feel like getting into the emotions I feel - what's this but I feel like at least updating this may be a start thank you everyone who gave advice and sent me kind messages on here offering help I really do appreciate it Wow what a crazy story once again guys if you have ever been involved or know someone who has been involved with cults or sects then please let us know your story in the comments or even better on a ha slash ripe stories and if you have watched until here please don't forget to post some star emojis in the comments and also like the video if you like my content and want to support me thank you so much fired for being fat back story I am a woman in my mid-30s and very overweight not to the point of handicapped but I am a big girl I work at a company with around 25 employees and have been here for eight years recently the business was sold to a larger corporation who sent their own people in for management roles after laying of our entire management team consisting of four people I work with clients in the field and have a good work record and my clients like me and I have built relationships with them turned 2 today I get called into the office of one of the new managers who tells me my appearance is not a good fit for a client facing role and I can either take a pay cut and work in the call center or take unpaid leave and come back after I have lost a considerable amount of weight I was floored I have never had a client have an issue with my weight at least outwardly and I'm good at my job I meet all productivity goals and have never even received a write-up in my eight years I pushed and asked him if there had been any complaints to which he said no but they want to head off any future issues which may arise I said straight up so you're punishing me because I'm fat are you also demoting obese male co-worker in same role as me he said no and did not answer when I asked why the situation was different I left fuming and told him I was going home for the rest of the day to think about things can this really be legal what recourse do I have honestly my first instinct would be that is definitely not legal and it is incredibly discriminating let me know what you think in the comments update fired for being fed by the way guys I forgot to ask when was the last time that you got fired let us know in the comments I posted this two weeks ago and a lot has happened something happened before I could go any further with the lawyer I spoke to the Monday following the incident I was asked to come speak with the VP of HR I had never met and only knew by name because they worked directly for the company that bought hours out when I walked in the conference room there were four people waiting for me two of which I was told was part of legal what I did not realize is my friend who I mentioned in the comments of the other post ended up saying something to another co-worker because he was so horrified at the situation even though I told him to keep it secret this information ended up making its way up the chain and was not taken well to say the least I was asked to explain exactly what happened who I told and asked a lot of questions everything I said seemed to make them very uncomfortable especially when I told them I was in touch with a lawyer they had me leave the room for nearly 40 minutes and then called me back in and let me know they were very concerned about the situation and assured me it was an isolated power trip basically this is the holy crap part they say that due to my long tenure in my position knowledge of how the team works and my relationship with clients that they felt I would be a good fit for the position that jerk manager set in and if I wanted the position it was mine as their way of saying sorry they also made sure to mention the large salary increase and bonuses this would come with I took a couple minutes to think about it and took the offer by the way I'm not stupid I know they did this so I would not take any legal action against them but I love my job and don't blame them for the actions of a twenty-something on a power trip I also know it came down to he said she said and would have been a hard case to prove there's going to be a company-wide training on gender and interpersonal relations and I finally have an faced with the door I can actually close I am in the field a lot less now so I guess the jerk got what he wanted because now I don't interact face-to-face nearly as much as I used to edit for clarification he was fired not demoted or transferred guys I'm curious to know what would you have done if you were an Opie situation would you have taken the new job offer or would you have tried to kind of expose the company let me know in the comments and the next one my landlord shut off the electricity in the middle of a heat wave we are in New York electricity is included in our rent yesterday the landlord put notices on our doors warning that our power consumption was unreasonable trying to survive 100 plus degrees heat in a very poorly insulated building with no central a/c will do that I guess she threatened to suspend service temporarily if we continued the notice started with attention residents and I saw identical papers on some other doors so I assume it was directed at all tenants two hours ago she followed through with her threat the powers out in my apartment the hallways and stairs are barely lit my landlord is not answering her phone what can I do with the kind of person she is I'm worried that she will just wait for the end of the extreme heat evade consequences by turning the power back on and pulled this crap again in the next heat wave guys did a similar situation ever happened to you if you ask me turning the electricity off in such a heat is definitely not too far away from bodily harm so I'm sure the landlord could get into big trouble please correct me if I'm totally wrong update my landlord shut off the electricity in the middle of a heat wave this happened in New York I would like to thank everyone who replied to that post it was very helpful after the post - oh and I decided to get a hotel when we came back this morning the power was back on my neighbor told me what happened shortly after we had left someone in the building called 9-1-1 because their son was showing symptoms of heat exhaustion he is fine now by the way the firefighters were curious as to why the power was off long story short after the kid was safe they had a nice talk with the landlord about endangering a child's life to save some money and she was asked to turn the power back on the poor kids parents have already begun complaints to the relevant authorities I will be meeting a lawyer tomorrow about breaking my lease and the last one is titled my son stole a rare toy from my brother my brother is refusing to take it back and is threatening to get the police involved what do I do right now my brother is threatening to sue me for my son taking a figure from his collection and get the police involved here is the story last week my brother invited me and my family over for dinner while we were there my son asked to see my brother's collection of toys and figures my brother has spent a good deal of money on his collection and from what I know it is one of his biggest hobbies well after dinner we left and everything seemed normal well until yesterday my brother called me up furiously and told me my little boy stole something from his collection and I needed to return it immediately I honestly was upset at this but if my son had taken something that was wrong especially if it was from my own brother well it turns out that my son slipped away during dinner and took a boba fett figure from his collection he confirmed it because he has footage from his porch camera of him taking it out to our car I was furious and took it from him here's the problem though after I confirmed with my brother it was his I found out that my son had removed it from its packaging apparently the figure is worth almost $2,000 in its package and almost nothing out of it so my brother broke down over the phone and refused to take it back before hanging up well he just called me again today and said he wanted me to pay for a replacement immediately or he will get the police involved and sue me I told him I would help pay for one but not fully to which he said not good enough and hung up honestly what are my options here I cannot afford to pay him back right now if he does go to the police will my son get arrested he's only 15 it was very wrong of him to do but I think my brother is overreacting what can I expect if he does take me to court or call the police guys I'm actually really curious to hear your opinion about this situation do you think the brother is overreacting or is it an appropriate reaction let us know in the comments update my son took the Boba Fett figure so I never honestly expected the post I made to get where it did I also never expected the barrage of support and hate I would say these past 48 hours have been a right and that post has not helped in any way so why am i back well because I feel like I need to be I'm not here to give some apology to a bunch of Internet strangers for how I acted or seek validation I'm here because I feel that for myself I need to admit my own wrongs and move on to a better place so I want to talk about something first before I get into the update many people who responded talked about how me or my brother in a bad light and with how I reacted in the comments it didn't help the situation I was also hit pretty hard for how I was not taking my brother into consideration when talking about the issue to give some context for this me and my brother have never had a good relationship we have never seen eye to eye and after our father's death he cut contact with me for a good amount of time we are just too different in some senses he's a single nerdy guy who has no aspiration for family while I am the exact opposite in these past few years we have tried to fix this work as adults to bring what little family we have back together during our time apart he began collecting old nerdy things and I won't lie I never understood the appeal it is his life though and he can do what he wants so when my son stole and damaged his property I did not see how it was valuable to him and discounted it so when he asked for 2000 to fix it I really did not feel like it was worth it was this wrong of me maybe I don't feel bad about defending my son I only feel bad that I discounted my brother in the process sorry about that like I said I don't want sympathy I only wrote that out to allow myself to be true about the situation back to the update so after all was said and done my family had pretty much been thrown into chaos I had no idea what I was going to do and after talking with my wife we decided we would take many of your advice and have my son pay him back we collected all the non-essentials he had and planned to sell them to raise funds during this time I got back into contact with my brother and wanted to talk this out to make sure this did not end badly I offered to pay in full also some people in the comments said that the figure was worth less so I asked him he had it professionally valued a few months ago when he bought it and it was worth a total of $2,200 my brother said he plans to not sue us his renter's insurance apparently is willing to pay him the value he has listed but he would need to file a police report to get it at first we agreed not to go that route and simply pay him the value of it or one for a replacement if he could get it cheaper this was the plan until last night during the process of taking his things away my wife found a conversation he had with a friend he has over the Internet it turns out my son stole the figure to sell he had googled it while we were at my brother's house and found out how much it was worth and bragged to a friend that he was going to sell it at a pawn shop he did not realize that taking it out of the package would ruin it so he ripped it out to hid in the car better suffice to say I'm not happy about this I won't elaborate on this very much more but me and my wife have decided that what is best for all of us is that we let him face the consequences of this my brother is going to file a police report and collect money from insurance some may say this is a bit harsh but honestly I think this might be for the best in the end the way my son actively stole from family to make a profit worries me and I believe the only option that I can live with myself making is this I will stand by my son till the need but he needs to learn now before he is an adult so thank you all for the advice the support and hate are what I needed as a true wake-up call like I said I don't need pity I'm doing this so that I can be true to myself and maybe become a better parent in the end husband surprised me with the divorce cleaned out bank accounts and shut off credit cards how can I find an attorney with no money tonight when my husband got home from work he informed me he wants a divorce and will be leaving until it is done this is not a huge surprise honestly ever since our daughter was born we have just not been getting along what is a surprise is its suddenness I have been a stay-at-home mom since our daughter was born two years ago it just did not make sense to work and spend 90 percent of what I made on daycare so in talking to him before he was finished packing he told me good luck with the mortgage and bills I've taken my money out of your bank account and turned off your card on my credit I would say I was shocked but I really am NOT he's very mean when he is angry and never has seemed to connect with his daughter he wanted a boy and from the day we got the word we were having a daughter he has been distant I obviously need an attorney I locked into our bank account sure enough it is at five dollars what resources can I begin looking into to get an attorney for free to help at least make him pay the bills and food until I can find childcare and a job is there anything I can do myself with the courts that is semi quick to at least have him pay for the necessities since he cleaned out our joint account or at least money for Anna I understand it is all his money but we are married with a child I don't see how he can just leave us with nothing all of the sudden I am in Wisconsin I've tried to Google up the best I could since the little one went to sleep but I cannot find what I am looking for or even really know what I'm looking for thanks for anyone who helps then in return someone in the comments mentioned contact your local or State Bar Association you are not the first person to have this sort of thing happen and they will have the resources to help you get legal representation and also help with other financial matters also if you have bills coming due would be worth talking to creditors to let them know what is going on if your husband is on those bills to his credit we'll also take a hit from not paying but honestly guys taking the legal factor out of this for a second how heartless do you have to be to do something like that but let's see how the story continues surprise divorce husband clear bank accounts update I was not able to get much done over the weekend except sell the wedding ring for some food / diaper money today however was really busy I spoke to a few people I was able to get in contact with through legal aid I am told by the end of the week I should be with an attorney who can begin helping me file everything I need to begin doing and hopefully begin tracking down where he has put all the money and gets some back so I can continue to survive until I can be approved for childcare through state benefits and begin working again I am really surprised about how often this happens there are entire place is dedicated to helping men and women who have their wife / husbands do this to them I am filing for divorce before he can hopefully and for the return of the money into our account and in order to continue assisting with bills child support and other necessities such as diapers mortgage etc I probably will not have another update to this for a good long time but so many people wanted to make sure I was going to be okay and with everyone's advice to contact legal aid etc it looks like it hopefully might get better soon I also contacted the bank and other bills that are coming that I won't make and explain the situation they are somewhat understanding and hopefully I will be back at work soon to keep current thanks for everyone's help and advice I don't know how you guys feel about this story let me know in the comments but I think at least in my opinion there is not enough information on both dopey and the husband but I mean even without having too much information it's definitely not okay to just take all the money from the bank account and basically leave your child and wife with nothing and the next one is titled had my cat for three years stranger now claiming he lost cat as a kitten and is threatening to sue for return over two years ago a strike had wandered into my yard he had no tags and no microchip and had multiple infected bite wounds he was also unneutered I had his wounds treated and made a good-faith effort to find the owner this included posting flyers giving a description and contact info to the local vet offices and shelters and posting to the community Facebook page and places like Craigslist and the forum for the local paper no one came forward after his initial wounds healed we discovered his hint leg had been broken and had healed wrong he needed a major operation to fix it and was neutered at the same time though I had originally planned to find him a new home well after months of physical therapy and bonding he was not going anywhere fast forward to a few months ago someone contacted me on social media claiming to be the cat's original owner the cat has a distinctive marking and he does have photos that appear to be the same cat as a kitten he claimed that they allowed the cat outside and one night he did not return they assumed he was dead and purr the man himself made no effort to find him the cat was less than six months old when he disappeared and less than a year when I found him the man claimed his daughter was devastated and wants the cat returned I did not confirm the cat was the same animal since I cannot know for sure but I did say if it was the same cat I have now had him for longer than the original potential owner six months versus almost three years due to this and the fact that he had no tech or chip and the owner never searched for him I don't feel I have to return him I have not contacted the man since but he continues to message me at least once a week and is now threatening to take me to court I have not replied is this something I need to worry about should I look into getting a lawyer if he did try to sue for cat custody would he have a case considering the time line it is likely the cat's leg was broken while in the care of the owner and my vet is willing to testify to that would that increase the likelihood I would win if he tried to sue I'm really not willing to give up this cat I have paid over five thousand dollars getting him healthy but more important than the money is the simple fact that I love the furry little jerk I don't want him going back to a home that neglected him and let him roam without even the most basic care I don't believe the man knows where I live my social media was pretty locked down as far as personal info in the first place I don't actually know how he found me though and that makes me nervous if he continues contacting me is there anything I can do legally to discourage that this story leads me to the question have you guys ever taken in a stray animal or have you ever adopted an animal from a pet shelter let us know in the comments update the exceptionally stupid ending to the cats game saga cat now has a no-contact order you all thought it was over so did I but no turns out this story really could get weirder recap years ago I took in an injured stray cat the cat did not have a collar or chip a good faith attempt was made to locate possible owners after owning the cat for several years I began receiving messages on social media from someone claiming to be the original owner they demanded I return the cat and I refused and blocked them eventually they escalated to sending letters to my home on letterhead from a non-existent lawyer's office the letters demanded I pay hundreds for the privilege of keeping the cat or they would sue for what exactly was unspecified at this point it was clear this was a scam all yet a bizarre one someone on the bol a threat suggested reporting the letters to the local bar association I ignore the first two but when they kept arriving I went ahead and did so I assumed the bar association took some kind of action because the next letter I received was basically the scam are raging how dare you this was the first letter that contained an actual threat against my safety so to cut this already way to long story short I filed a police report after some additional letters my cat now has a no-contact order okay okay it is in my name but we all know it's really for the cat I would say the threats were of the more creative less actionable sort but I'm hopeful this will truly put an end to it this is honestly the single dumbest thing I have ever gone through my cat continues not to care if you have watched until here please don't forget to post some star emojis in the comments and also like the video if you want to support me thank you so much for all your support the next one is titled son has a peanut allergy school continues to give or allow him to get peanuts this has been an ongoing issue since the second day of school where he was given peanut butter crackers we sort of brushed it off as a new school year new students teachers a bit frazzled dealing with first graders no big deal his allergy is not really severe but still not fun to deal with and can potentially become life-threatening we had already informed the school of his allergy before the year started and even talked directly to the teacher about it because the default snack during the day if no other parents brought in a snack is peanut butter crackers we even offered to purchase a special alternative for him but they said it was unnecessary as they have other alternatives so we figured the issue was over when a few weeks later it happened again this time they claimed he grabbed another student's neck and ran off to eat it before they could stop him now my little one can be a little bit of a hard head and I can potentially see this happening so again we talked to him about peanuts how dangerous they are to him he continued to adamantly denying that and said missus gave them to him we then decide a meeting with the principal is an order not to blame the teacher or accuse her of lying but to hopefully get this under control again a few weeks of no more issues and then it happened again once again the story is he groped it and ran off and ate the whole package before we caught him okay so a six-year-old managed to grab an unopened package of crackers elude a teacher and an eight and eat the whole package before he is caught he's crying and swearing to us he was given them and after so many incidents we have to start believing him another meeting with the principal and teacher gets us a don't worry this won't happen again we have another long sit-down with our son to explain that even if it is given to you you have to ask to make sure it does not have peanuts or other nuts in it then the very next school day the meeting was on Friday he is given another snack of peanut butter crackers but this time he asks if there is nuts in it and then he is given the alternative we figure it kind of sucks that the kid has to be the adult right here but at the end of the day he is learning to ask about nuts we sent an email to the principal detailing the issue and say that the next stop is the school board if he's given peanuts again we get a response back saying if he's asking know what is the problem he should have known to ask to begin with we are teachers not parents we have no issues for a while until this week some parent brought in peanut butter jelly sandwiches for snack time and he was given one he forgot to ask about nuts but thought it was only in the crackers we find out the parent was aware of a nut allergy in the class it is on the parents neck sheet and brought in just the jelly one that was made separate from the peanut butter once however he was not given this one we spent a day at the hospital we have had endless talks with him about nuts and do our best to teach him but some of the blame has to be on the teachers here right two schools not have an obligation to deal with allergies the school lunch seems to have zero issues with his and has never given him a nut when there are several things on the menu rotation that contained them he gets a special tray that was nowhere near any nuts this is in Indiana any help is appreciated you know guys when I was in preschool I don't really remember ever having candy there we usually just had a lot of fruits and vegetables but anyway what would you do if your school knowingly feeds peanuts to your son or daughter even though they are aware he or she has an allergy in my opinion that is extreme negligence and I think the school should get in trouble for this update school kept giving our son peanuts even though he is allergic lawyers are expensive the past three months have been long and expensive but it is finally resolved now I cannot go into a lot of the details after but I can go over some of the details that happened during we contacted a few attorneys and finally found one we were comfortable with and then the fun started we first sat down with the principal and teacher with our attorney and he did not say anything except he needs to talk to someone else and not us our attorney then began collecting documents and statements / affidavits from our pediatrician another doctor and even got another opinion then he began having us get documents from the school some of which they said we could not have but our lawyer assured us we could have them so he sent the school district some nice letters and a few phone calls later we had everything talking to our insurance and the hospital was the easiest part of this entire thing which I thought would be more complicated and our insurance even offered their attorney services to our attorney which turned out to be quite helpful with some of the other issues that came up along the way he spent about a month going over everything talking to doctors getting more statements and reaching out to other parents etc during this time our child was moved from his normal classroom and placed in a special-needs classroom something we did not agree to or with our child has no developmental issues and an allergy hardly is a special neat so our lawyer then starts having us request more documents same act with the school and he had to send off letters and phone calls to get the new stuff related to him being put into a special-needs classroom the lawyer began sending letters about how the school district is punishing our child with a move to a more restrictive classroom and a different curriculum and magically the next day he is back in a normal classroom finally after three months of mostly playing the game with the school district getting them to give us the paperwork and requests they are legally required to we all finally sit down with the school districts attorney and our attorney now I cannot go into a lot of the details but I can tell you they settled without us moving on to the next step of having our meetings in a courtroom lawyers are expensive and so are hospital bills I just hope all of this does not make our child a target for the rest of the year we are going to be moving and changing jobs over the summer hopefully thanks for all your help and advice guys and girls the plans everyone brought up for us to look over was incredibly important because we already had them on file with the school you know guys I'm really happy that I don't have a peanut allergy because them I love all kinds of peanuts especially the ones that have a lot of salt and pepper on them do any of my ripe stars have a peanut allergy or any other kind of nuts it would be interesting to hear how the allergy impacts your everyday life in regards to what you can eat and the last one is titled hoarder in my building died she was infested with cockroaches they are literally pouring out into the hall now my building keeps telling me to file maintenance requests and has ignored most of my calls since November I am being financially impacted now as the title says there is a cockroach problem in my building but specifically on my floor a woman two units down from me had dementia and recently died in her apartment I knew something was wrong because I began to smell something in the hall she had been in there for days while she was alive the building had tried to address the pest infestation in her but meant as it began spreading quite rapidly anytime they tried to spray she refused to let them in and I believe it is because she was mentally unwell they served her an eviction notice but she died before the 90 days I think she was always wearing the same thing and was dirty all the time I called the LH I am local health integration Network the city and anytime I had someone lined up to help her she would refuse to let them in even though she would initially agree she would speak to my wife but not me but then forget everything she told my wife or that my wife said to her we tried to help her but she would forget who we where it genuinely makes me quite sad anyway she has died and they have been unable to locate any relatives she literally had no one last night I came home and there were literally cockroaches covering her door and all over the hallway adults babies and every other size I called building management and they kept telling me to put in a maintenance request that it has been their solution to every call we have placed better than that they also keep telling me to get her to put one in case you went on reading she is dead they have not even gone in to clean her apartment yet and a few days after the mailman delivered something and left her mail slot ajar making the whole hallway smell of death they refused to deal with this problem and I am very angry my dog and cat have started eating roaches in our apartment and I have had to ask some friends to care for them temporarily I pay a lot of money to live here and I am ready to threaten legal action as we have been financially inconvenienced and we have been deprived of the quiet enjoyment of our unit I don't know what to do I am at a loss and any advice would be appreciated update to the story from just now through the advice I received on this subreddit I contacted the city and a health department right away I was contacted almost immediately by a bylaw officer who asked me some more detailed questions the more we spoke the more interested he became called and asked me if I were to walk by deceased neighbors unit would I be able to see cockroaches coming out of the door to which I replied 150% he then asked me when she passed and if to my knowledge there had been a biohazard cleaning team come in I said no shortly after this phone call the building management sent their cleaners up to my floor to clean up all the earth we had put in front of my door I went out and asked them why they told me they were instructed to because they don't want people panicking etc I told them they were to leave it there as I have called the city and they are on their way they did not seem happy as if the whole floor is not already in a panic anyway literally every door now has this earth in front of it now I also made sure to let the bylaw officer know their solution so far has been to vacuum our floor multiple times a week with the same vacuum and then used the vacuum on other floors I have learned now we are not the only floor with cockroaches now this lack of care our concern about the cockroaches has just been pure negligence on their part I explained to the bylaw officer that the building kept telling us they could not legally enter the apartment and do anything according to Toronto health and bylaws that is bullcrap the situation is a public health hazard and therefore my building management could have taken action sooner but for some reason chose not to the bylaw officer on the phone gave me a pretty good understanding of how these things should work and let me tell you it is drastically different from the information I have been receiving from the building management the bylaw officer became very concerned throughout the course of our phone call and he said he would have to contact some people and then call me back I heard nothing until Monday come Monday morning I get a loud knock at the door from my building super saying that Wednesday they are coming to completely spray and gut the hardest apartment they will also be spraying the hallways and likely replacing the carpet entirely the cockroaches are also under the wallpaper as well the city has been here every day since and suddenly we are getting all these visits from head exclaiming they had no idea how bad things where I don't believe them at all we have all our evidence compiled to disprove building management claims that they did not move and we'll be handing it over from what I understand from the bylaw officer this is going to be quite a headache for building management now that the city and health department are involved they must produce a lot of paperwork and comply with the orders given to them with hard deadlines I have the personal contact information for the officer I spoke with and he has been incredibly attentive and helpful we went from submit emergence request to we are getting the whole apartment and treating your unit immediately in literally 48 hours after months of fighting and stress thank you so much reddit I could not have done it without your help sold them a used car now they suit me over it first off apologies for mobile formatting had to type this up and ask right after I got the court summons my wife and I decided to sell her Jeep about a month ago a local couple noticed it on let go and we sold it to them that weekend the next Monday I get a text from the wife asking if they can return the car to us and get their money back as it developed a rattle and they believe it is unsafe to drive well that rattle they hurt was the same one they hurt on the test drive and the same one that I pointed out to them as being a loose exhaust hanger but no this was a new rattle they had not heard before and they wanted their money back my wife and I declined and they threatened suing us for it I laughed it off they would not do that over something so stupid right wrong I just got a summons in the mail today so my question is do they have a case at all here everything I have read online from places like the FTC states all private sales are SS and it is on the buyer to properly examine and educate themselves before the purchase am I wrong in thinking that these two are being major P ITA just for the sake of it finally what should I bring to court with me to get us out of this if you have ever been similar situation aka selling your car to a private person and then that person making trouble please let us know in the comments update salt them a used car now they suit me this morning we had our court date and let me tell you it was pretty quick got in at 8:30 to out by 8:50 the plaintiff presented her case in which she said that we had not disclosed an airbag light that was on the dash and that the check engine light code we told them about was false information because it actually turned out to be another issue said the vehicle had more rust than they originally knew about and that they had not driven it because a mechanic told them it was unsafe to drive we presented our defense clearly stating they had the opportunity to have the vehicle checked by a mechanic but chose to take our word for it and that we brought all known faults to their attention prior to selling them the vehicle anything they found after they took ownership was not our issue anymore they had all chances to make a proper decision prior we brought up the FTC's private sale guide stating that all car sold from private party to private party RS is unless otherwise stated we neither expressed nor implied any warranties long story short the magistrate dismissed the case with prejudice to the plaintiff because NC is a buyer beware state and the buyer should have done all in their power to make an informed decision before purchasing the vehicle they have 10 days to appeal but I doubt that's gonna happen thanks to everyone that commented and gave my wife and I more information on the original post it sure helped guys did you ever have any negative experiences when it comes to selling items to a private person feel free to let us know in the comments someone I have never met claims they own my house hi everyone I wanted to get your opinion on something troubling I will try to be as detailed as I can be we live in New York City if that helps we were just away on vacation for a week and came back home yesterday when we returned among the other junk mail there was a letter a law firm for a person whose name I had never heard before directed to our address it said something along the lines of we have received notice that the foreclosure action has been filed against you please call us and we can represent you it also listed the names of the two people involved in the lawsuit as well as an incident number for the county's clerk's office this letter is not an official letter more of trying to drum up business for the law firm we returned on Sunday so we were unable to get in touch with the County Clerk until this morning this morning we called the county clerk's office and they said there is a list pendants filed on our property not a foreclosure we said how can this be possible we have never missed a mortgage payment and have lived here for six years we had a title search and checked for liens when we purchased the house and we know the last three families to live here over the past 20 years and it ain't these guys we have never heard of either of the people involved in this lawsuit the clerk could not really advise us but gave us the name of the law firm who initiated the action so we called them they told us that the person in the letter who we have never met spoken to or had any dealings with whatsoever is being sued because the law firms client was in dealings with him to by foreclosures to flip but now is out a lot of money due to some nefarious dealings on the part of the first guy apparently this con artist was required by the law firm to provide deeds to any properties he owns and among others he provided one for our address how he got this I don't know I assume he made it in Photoshop or something he claims he owns our house and the one across the street I have no idea if he actually owns the one across the street or not we are still listed as the owners of our home in public records and we have the deed I cannot stress enough how much we do not know the man claiming to own our house we have never met spoken to or had any dealings with him whatsoever we had never even heard his name until yesterday our house has never been in foreclosure while we have owned it and for any owners before that we have an appointment for a SOT with a lawyer on Wednesday the one who helped us buy our house six years ago coincidentally but I have no idea what's going on or what this guy hopes to gain how big of a deal this is or how complicated this will be to fix any guidance or advice anyone can offer in advance with our meeting with our lawyer would be very helpful thank you all edit hey all thank you so much for all your guidance figures that the post I made about potentially getting screwed is the one that takes off here is some more information based on everyone's comments the chance that this guy has a legitimate claim to our house is very small only a Sith deals in absolutes so I don't want to say the chances nil but this guy is a known con man being sued for conning somebody else I looked his name up online and apparently he keeps creating new real estate companies to fleece people out of money then escapes into the night he has done it at least three times that I can find based off dismal reviews of his real estate companies unfortunately I cannot speak to the people across the street because that was a flip that has not consulted he may or may not actually own it I have no idea at this point we are not personally involved in this lawsuit our property is just associated with it the con man has not made any attempts to acquire our property he is just lying to the law firm suing him saying he already bought it why I don't know the only thing I can think of is that he bought no properties with the money his business partner gave him and is now desperately trying to cover his ass with falsified documents why did he not think that he would be found out that is just the way malignant narcissists work I guess I definitely look into our title insurance standing I am a worrywart so if it was offered to us I would have taken it I will definitely keep you all updated as we meet with our lawyer tomorrow and things progress thank you all so much keep being awesome read it and if you have watched until here please don't forget to post some star emojis in the comments and also like the video if you want to support me thank you so much for your daily support I enjoy each and every comment I see and every star emoji I get update someone I've never met claim stay on my house hi everyone I cannot thank you enough for all your advice on my last post this is the first update and I am hopeful there will just be one more after this wrapping everything up so we can put this behind us this is what has happened since my last post after the initial letter from the law firm saying they can represent us we started getting phone calls from other firms saying they had been alerted to the Liz pendants and could also represent us we were not super happy with this and asked how they got our cell number they said they subscribe to a service that alerts them when things like liens foreclosures etc are filed on a property we hung up we looked at all our documents from the closing and confirmed that we do indeed have home owners title insurance yay our deed is a bargain and sale deed for those wondering we also pulled all deed / mortgages and other documents for our property going back to 1972 online the last action was when we bought our house no documents have been filed since I signed up on a CR is to be alerted to any changes made to the property documents thank you for the redditor who suggested that I and sorry to quickly chime in but if anyone knows what a CR is means please let us know in the comments and by the way to anyone saying I could just Google that that is exactly what I have just done but maybe since I am based in Europe Google does not show me the correct search results anyway I also emailed the DA for my County and their economic crimes Bureau had emailed me back to ask for my cell number to follow up with me I gave it to him but he has not called yet so maybe that will be in the next and hopefully final update my husband met with our lawyer this morning and I asked him to speak about all the things that you all suggested in the last toast prior to the meeting our lawyer had reached out to the firm who filed the list pendants and actually got a copy of the court transcript where the con man said he owns our property according to the transcript he claims he bought it in 2016 our lawyer called their law firm and basically said where is the deed they supposedly hemmed and hawed about it so we are starting to think they don't have it and never did they may just be going of the words of a sleazeball who is like yeah I totally own that place I even have a deed for it and no you cannot see it it's possible that based on this alone they filed against our property in addition it's not like this guy is saying he bought our house last week and the paperwork just has not been filed yet he claims he bought it three years ago and there is still no paperwork filed to attest to this fact I was able to pull up all records for our home going back nearly 50 years in about 15 minutes online our lawyer does not like the way this our the firm is handling this and basically said to them you have no grounds for this take it off the attorney handling this case at that law firm is out of the office today and tomorrow but we'll be calling our lawyer back on Friday I am hopeful that it will just be a matter of take this list pendants off and okay I will update again after the call between the lawyers I told my husband the number one question is where is the deed when we initially spoke with them they clearly said they had it in hand which is part of the reason I was freaking out I honestly just want to be done with this so getting back at the suing law firm for gross negligence or whatever term fits the issue is of no interest to me at the moment if they give us a hard time about removing the list pendants then we will see so far my takeaway from this that I would share with anyone going through something similar is that law firms are made up of people and just like people can be good and smart and kind like all of you they can also be dumb shifty and lazy and not bother to do their due diligence even though that is like 50% of why they exist in the first place but I'm not bitter thank you all so much for your help I will update again as things progress and hopefully conclude update number three to the house story so it has been a while since my previous update and I wish I could tell you all that it is because we were involved in a super exciting court battle no you are out of order but the truth is much more annoying and banal as life tends to be as we left it in the last post a couple months ago our lawyer called the law firm who submitted the action against our property and said you have no grounds for this take it off the paralegal he spoke to said the lawyer handling the case was out that day but would contact our lawyers soon they did not for weeks despite everyone bugging them they were very disinterested in resolving the issue color me shocked in the meantime we are getting junk mail from law firms and mortgage management companies at least every two to three days saying they can help us with this issue we don't have the notices start to be addressed to us personally instead of the this other random guy who said he owned our house this displeases us I start keeping a little pile of these letters next to the stairs with copies of our mortgage payment notices from the bank just in case this goes on for a while long enough for my initial anxiety to fade into more of a new situation until yesterday our lawyer finally got a response to his email from July where he outlines everything and attached a preponderance of evidence showing we continued to own our house and their responses and I quote we will remove the action period no good afternoon no sincerely we will remove the action short of an email after weeks of worry so with a whimper we got what we wanted obviously we will continue to monitor everything until they actually do what they said they will but it is a load of my mind I wish I had something more exciting to tell you but it seems in the legal world exciting means bad thank you all for your concern your advice and your up votes I hope that if any of you face a similar situation that reading this can help you figure out how to resolve it you know guys this story pretty much reminds me that my father's grandpa who died ages ago owns a piece of land somewhere near where I live now but we never really figured out where it actually is even though we have some of the papers or maybe we have all of them I'm not sure but at least to my knowledge we have never even visited that piece of land how is it for you guys did you inherit any land let us know in the comments my ex lied about vaccinating our immune compromised eight-year-old daughter she now has chickenpox and is in the hospital I want my eggs as far away from my daughter as possible me and my eggs split up before our daughter's birth there were a variety of reasons for this that I won't get into here one of them though was her anti science beliefs she is an anti boxer and does not trust science or medicine at all well this sucks because our daughter was born premature and immune compromised we have 50/50 custody of her but due to her condition and my wife's anti science beliefs we argue constantly on how to handle her well recently our daughter has made incredible progress and last year was given the go-ahead to get vaccinated for certain viruses including chickenpox and the flu my ex went crazy about this and started making my life a living hell and threatened up and down to take me to court around this time I also got a new job that paid a considerable amount more than my old one when this happened I decided I wanted to move my girl into a private school that has a program for immune compromised children and offered to pay 100% of tuition the only problem for her at least is that this school requires students to be fully vaccinated upto them medically allowed limit in my daughter's case my ex fought me up and down on this and we ended up in court the judge agreed with me and ordered my daughter to be vaccinated yet set a full breakdown but in the end agreed only on the condition she get to take her to lessen the emotional damage and make sure the the dismal poison her I demanded the medical forms confirming this and she agreed so my daughter finally got vaccinated and last fall started at her awesome new school well last week my daughter got incredibly sick and had to be rushed to the hospital from school she somehow had contracted chickenpox despite being vaccinated for it I have been stressed out from the minute I got the call and confused as hell how she got it my daughter must have picked up on this and thought I was mad at her because when I was visiting her in the hospital she decided to tell me the secret mommy promised to make her keep turns out my eggs did not vaccinate her she made my daughter lie about it instead she has been using special oils and salts to keep her from getting sick what about the forms I got saying she was vaccinated they were fake I called the doctor and it turns out she never went in and he never signed any forms confirming she was vaccinated so my eggs light and faked forms to convince me she was vaccinated I am pissed to say the least my daughter is in the hospital because my eggs decided to let her beliefs come before our child's health my ex does not know I know yet and I told my daughter not to tell her I want her gone now how do I approach this to make sure my ex suffers for this I have the forms she handed me and texts from the day she took her I also have the doctor on record saying he never signed off on this and that the ones I have are forged I'm planning on speaking to a lawyer but I would like to know going in what to do thank you by the way guys speaking about private schools what do you think of private schools did you send one of your kids to one or have you even visited one yourself maybe let us know in the comments and to be honest here in Europe there are private schools obviously but I would argue that the private ones are not really necessary because the public ones are pretty decent update to the story from before well a lot has happened since that day my daughter is safe with me and was let out of the hospital about a week ago she's getting better every day I know though you guys want the full story so here it is after I made the post I took the advice given to me and the next time I saw my daughter I told her that it was wrong of me to ask her to keep secrets and that it is okay to tell her mom along with that I saw a lawyer recommended to me by a trusted party when I went to see him he told me that this is a case lawyer salivate over and that my ex is in a lot of trouble I immediately filed for emergency custody of my daughter I also got into contact with the doctor again and explained the situation fully to him he says that while he will not be getting lawyers involved that he wishes for me to submit the evidence to the police and file a report along with this my lawyer has gotten into contact with the court that originally ordered us to vaccinate our daughter and has handed over everything I gave to him he has advised me to stay quiet on this matter so I will leave it at my ex is in a lot of trouble with them during this time my ex started to get suspicious maybe it was because a friend told her about a post on Reddit and she freaked out who knows a few days later when I saw her at the hospital we had an altercation she became hysterical and yelled various threats and insults at me including telling me that I want to pull Noah daughter right in front of our sick child she was escorted out of the building and the head nurse had bent her from coming back after this she sent me a barrage of texts telling me that I am a monster and that if she had vaccinated her that she would be dead now this was sent to my lawyer as he puts it she is what lawyers dream of when they hear who is on the other side of the court outside of this I have been advised to stay as quiet as possible so I will leave it with this this week I received emergency custody of my daughter until our custody hearing later this year I have heard that the DA is slowly getting ready to move forward with a multitude of charges against my ex and that will land her in jail soonish and that's really it for now I am going to follow the advice given by my lawyer and say nothing else to anyone I do not want the media involved in this for a few reasons so I have left this s fake as possible when this is all said and done if the interest is still there I may come back again but for now thanks for the advice in the original threat me and my daughter appreciate you all Amazon delivered my expensive product without honouring signature delivery and it got stolen so this is the first time I have ever had to deal with something like this and I am at a real loss and almost in tears right now I have been saving up for months to be able to get my significant other a great gift to help her in her career a brand new camera and I ordered one a couple of days ago on Amazon as I ordered I made sure it had signature at delivery because I have had other less expensive items stolen from my doorstep before and learned better fast forward day of delivery and I receive a notification on my phone that delivery was made with the picture and everything and flabbergasted by this I rush home because I was an hour away at a dinner with friends when I get home the item is not there I proceeded to contact Amazon who tells me to wait 24 hours after that I contact them again and after 3 hours and 15 transfers later the Jesus we will open an investigation into the meta come back in three days but during one of the conversations one of the agents told me they checked the tracking number and nowhere in the tracking was there any specification for signature required at delivery I feel like I am being duped or lied to because I have the screenshot that says signature required at delivery before I ordered I don't know where this is going to go or what legal alternatives I might have in this situation but any help would be really appreciated guys I'm curious did that ever happen to you here where I live packages usually don't get stolen but around Christmas time it can happen please let us know in the comments how it is for you update Amazon delivered my expensive product without honoring signature delivery and it got stolen I went straight to the police station once I could and was able to file a police report and made sure to get a copy of everything I proceeded to call Amazon this time rather than chat and make sure to explain everything to them in detail and also include the fact that I had filed a police report and was able to get them to refund my money I just want to thank everyone who commented especially those who advised me to file a police report and to call rather than chat with them I feel it really made a big difference thank you so much for all the advice and I wish you all a Happy New Year by the way guys how frequently do you use Amazon we order pretty much everything on there especially because we have Amazon Prime and whenever there is an issue with the delivery it is very easy to resolve the issue anyway let us know your experiences in the comments my roommate is accusing me of grand larceny I've been forced out of my home and my belongings are currently being thrown out of the window and onto the street New York City I'm sorry if the text is one big block I am on mobile I don't really know what to say I am baffled I've been living with a new roommate for about three months two weeks ago my roommate accused me of stealing three thousand seven hundred dollars out of his bedroom and swears up and down that it was me because he has footage he also filed a restraining order according to the police report this theft occurred between the hours of 4:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. of August 22nd 2019 however during this time I was about an hour away from home and have receipts to prove it I went to a 24 hour CVS and a bank that places me somewhere else not only that but I was at the airport at 6 a.m. going on vacation this was not me I did not get word of what was going on until three days into my vacation and was told I was wanted for grand larceny and fleeing the country as soon as I came back to New York on the 28th I called the detective and said a meeting when I did meet with him I showed him the receipts and provided him with my license plate to proof that I was not in the neighborhood the day off he very much nonchalantly brushed me off and let me know he will get around to my case because he has more important cases to take care of however this is literally ruining my life I have not been home since coming back and I've been staying with a friend my roommate is literally squatting in the apartment and ransacking my room I got a call this morning that he broke into my room and is currently throwing all my possessions out of the second-story window I am a student and cannot afford a lawyer right now I am about to head to my apartment and I don't know what to expect I don't know what to do any advice is appreciated guys have you ever lived in a shared apartment with a roommate if you ever had an awful roommate please let us know in the comments because I'm curious to hear what you have to say anyway the next one is obviously the update to the story from before first and foremost I just want to say thank you for the support and the advice given to me I did not expect such a huge amount of outreach when I posted yesterday it was just a jumble of words that I put together without putting in much thought because well I just got a phone call telling me all my things were being thrown out of the window and I pretty much panicked for some context I've been living in the same apartment complex for about four years I am very well acquainted with the neighbors security superintendent and so on so while I was away on vacation when the accusation happened my roommate went around the complex to anyone who would listen that I stole $3,700 I am wanted for a rest and there is a restraining order refraining me from even coming onto the premises this is how I was able to get the information through word-of-mouth so from all the advice that I was given I decided to check on this ro and could not find it at all in the system turns out my roommate merely just filed the police report and none of the things I was hearing was true so I go to my apartment complex and a lot of thinks we're in garbage bags and was thrown out of the window my things were everywhere so I call the police I let them know the situation and they came into the apartment with me along with my landlord my room was indeed broken into and trashed many of my valuables such as my laptop some sentimental jewelry that was given to me shoes etc were all missing I was devastated I filed a police report with the officers and stated everything that was missing and took a lot of pictures and videos like many of you stated during all this my roommate was there and it also looked as if other people started living there too turns out my roommate is using this situation to now squat on the property not pay rent and also brought other people and friends to live there as well unfortunately because of this there was no arrests even though all my valuables were missing and half my things were scattered across the street the police said that because there are so many people coming in and out of my apartment and no witnesses they were not able to arrest anyone I was advised that this was a matter of civil I think Court and I would have to settle this there they also advised me that I could stay here but they believe that it was not in my best interest or my safety to stay since he seemed violent and will be squatting on the property anyway which can take months to evict so they has courted me into my room to collect whatever else I had left and I am now still staying with my friend as for my lease my landlord is understanding and feels sorry for everything that has happened we are mutually agreeing to end the lease without any problems I don't really have a place to call home now and I pretty much have to start over since I was only able to grab clothes even if I did end up grabbing all my things I would not have anywhere to put it in hindsight I feel foolish for being tricked I guess this is a do-over but thanks to all of you at least I know the next steps to take and have some understanding of what to do and I find comfort in that again thank you and guys I'm kind of sorry that the stories here sometimes don't have a happy ending but that is the case when you read real stories as opposed to many of the fake ones you can see on reddit in my opinion for the most part our slash legal advice is the real deal anyway if you have watched until here please don't forget to post some star emojis in the comments and also like the video if you want to support me thank you so much Ontario people are living in our just built townhome claiming they are renting but we'll leave for only $15,000 police are not being helpful what am I supposed to do here me and my wife bought a new townhome it was finally completed last Friday we did a walkthrough and were given keys of the finished unit on Monday and everything was fine today was our move-in day we showed up before the movers only to discover two women sitting on blankets in our living room they got extremely defensive and claimed they paid to rent it and I called the police I walked around the back and the patio door looks like it was shattered the police came in and I provided them with all the paperwork showing we are the owners however he came back with a residential tenancy form that was apparently they both signed half of it seemed to be blank the landlord's name is someone who I have no idea who they are on top of that the kicker is that apparently their monthly rent is only $250 a month after about two hours of back-and-forth of this the police officer gave us a report number and recommended we seek legal aid however he cannot remove them from the premises until he is able to talk to the landlord who apparently no one can get ahold of after he left one of the women came up to my wife and basically told her they would leave for $15,000 no questions asked I offered them $500 and she laughed at me from when we were in there the entire house already stinks of cigarettes and I am pulling my hair out because of this I am trying desperately to get in touch with our lawyer we talked briefly to building company and they told us as soon as they gave us the keys it is not their problem to clarify I am in Ontario Canada update to the Ontario story today they were forcefully removed from the property by the police our lawyer was somehow able to get a judge to look at everything and approve having them removed the police officer basically told us to not move in and have the entire house professionally cleaned as there is a bunch of needles and other things laying around on top of all that it seems they tried to seemingly destroy everything in our house all the new appliances that came with our house are basically ruined all toilets and bathtubs seemingly look like they have been smashed with a hammer in some places it looks like someone tried to rip the effing wiring out of our walls etc basically as a final Fu to us our lawyer has basically told us the odds of us getting anything of value out of them is basically nil I wanted them to go to jail for breaking and entering but apparently it does not work like that I hate humanity Ted's honestly a horrible story and by now I have actually already heard multiple times that it is indeed extremely difficult depending on the country you live in to get rid of these squatters did you ever have any experience with people like this let us know in the comments mother-in-law is suing for visitation today I was served with papers to go to Family Court so my mother-in-law can have visitation with my children a bit of backstory my mother-in-law is mentally unstable she believes everyone is hacking her me included she is extremely paranoid and tries to brainwash my kids telling them I am hacking her that climate change as a hoax crystals have healing power admittedly the last two are no big deal the first one is a huge deal the wife and her mother had a falling out over the accusing me of being hacked into her phone my mother-in-law expressed interest in seeing the kids we told her if she wanted to see our children she had to do so under our supervision she then began gaslighting my wife by telling her me and my wife both have borderline personality disorder and told this to the entire family does my mother-in-law of any right to take my children out of my supervision does she have a case should I get a lawyer if I should get a lawyer how can I get one if I am broke any and all advice would be extremely helpful oh boy oh boy the crazy mother-in-law's are coming back but let's hope the community of our favorite um subreddit is not coming back as well update mother-in-law suing for visitation we went to court for our initial hearing in February I asked for dismissal citing Troxel V Granville the judge agreed that we were within our rights however she could not grant a dismissal because my mother-in-law requested an attorney the judge advised she did not qualify for an appointed lawyer so she should seek representation through elder law my mother-in-law begins raising her hands and waving them around asking if she could be allowed to speak she states in court that me and my wife bully abuse belittle and swear around the children constantly the first three are outright lies and a fourth so having what she also stated that she never mentioned once being hacked or being obsessed that she was hacked and that my oldest daughter was the one obsessed with hacking and spying the judge made no comments and advised her that we were not keeping her away from the children and that she should seek relief by visiting them under our supervision fast forward to a week before the hearing we have to meet with the law guardian for the children we showed the law guardian all the insane conspiracy theory texts and the text where she accuses me of hacking her phone she spoke with the children and we took our leaf the paperwork we received stated that my mother-in-law showed her a much different conversation my mother-in-law had deleted the text that made her look bad and copy pasted several from my wife that made my wife look like a bully and that she was harassing my mother-in-law the children outright denied any bullying / abuse and stated to the law guardian that my mother-in-law makes them uncomfortable because she is constantly yelling at them when they want to leave she won't let them go and she won't stop talking about is hacking her so obviously she supports our position in the hearing my lawyer asked for dismissal and requested we be paid our legal fees by mother-in-law as the petition was brought in bad faith my mother-in-law's appointed attorney could not withdraw and re file an amended petition because mother-in-law would not let her so the judge dismissed and awarded us our legal fees I have not seen the judgment yet but it is my understanding that it was dismissed with prejudice however my mother-in-law does not live in reality and is going to file another petition alleging that I have brainwashed my children I wish that were true they never listened to me so I may have another update for you all shortly but for now I will enjoy my victory and no guys I have to disappoint you there were no further updates however in case I find anything in the future I will keep you posted the next story was posted by Donna on our subreddit and doesn't really fit the legal advice category however it is just a cute little story to bring some variety anyway it is titled when one of my cats literally saved my life hey ripe here's a story of my eldest cat Nidhi who is 15 years old when she saved my life back in about 2012 fish does not fit in homework categories first here's my beautiful lifesaver called needy on to the tail and here you can see needy and obviously she's cute as a button I suffer from a multitude of very serious illnesses and sometimes you catch a common respiratory virus and gotta see the doctor especially when you're asthmatic like me I had come down with some little bug and the doctor prescribed me prednisone to nip it in the bud before it could send me to the hospital I have a life long track record of common colds turning into intensive care unit visits I have so many near-death stories will tell those later if you want to know what being in a coma and life-support is like and guys unfortunately we have already reached the end of the video I hope you enjoyed today's stories and if you haven't already please also go to patreon.com slash ripe you where I upload exclusive reddit videos starting at just three dollars a month this is a great way to support me in case you are interested and the chance for me to become independent from YouTube revenue thank you so much for watching please don't forget to subscribe and like the video and I hope to see you again tomorrow while she incessantly licked my lips and nose aggressively like that sandpaper tongue was gonna send my lips and nose clear of my face once she got me conscious I realized there was something dreadfully wrong with me it's hard to describe but my insides felt flattery like I was shivering from the inside out I felt so cold like it was absolute zero and coats had not been invented it was the most indescribable experience and Here I am trying to explain it and failing I felt like I was also gonna faint again any second so I called out to my hubby call 9-1-1 needy was plastered to me not about to let me fall back asleep by this point I could not even form coherent sentences the emergency responders got to me quick I only lived two miles from three hospitals they were trying to ask me questions and apparently they thought I was a Russian immigrant from the broken speech that I was attempting to communicate I barely remember I thought I was speaking clearly but my syntax was channeling Yoda via the Kremlin I was all over the place they got me to the ER and apparently that one tiny pill sent me into serious diabetic ketoacidosis it is no joke blood sugar should be around 100 American measurements the ambulance folks tested me at 523 five minutes later at the ER it tested at 718 it was rising that quickly 800s diabetic coma then death soon after because your organs just shut down I was that close to meeting mr. Grim Reaper again my adverse reaction to prednisone was basically turning my blood into antifreeze just from one tiny pill my breath smelled like sweet ailments and that's what needy my cat noticed and figured out in her feline brain that I was not supposed to smell like that so she made damn sure she woke me up and kept me conscious if she had not by the morning I would have been little more than a corpse can you say my husband and I spoil her rotten and cater to her every whim since she very literally saved my life there are no words to describe how grateful I am to a 9-pound adorable ball of prima donna calico without my little familiar by my side that night I would not be telling this story today let's appreciate our pets they are beyond special and because one day they may rescue you needy is about to get some temptation treats as soon as I post this she is one special kitty restaurant owners took 24 percent of my tip last night I live in Maryland I wait tables for $3 63 an hour plus tips last night I was handed an invoice for a party I was working and at the very bottom written in pen the owner's wife slash co-owner wrote tip x 0.78 equals tip for server that is 22% of Micra 2d on top of that they have been taking 2% of our creativity every night to help pay for the credit / debit card transactions the fact that the owners are taking our tip money because they need spending money infuriates me especially considering we already share 25% with the support service staff and it thanks all for the advice my plan now is to confront one of the owners about it and make sure to record what he has said updates will come later and it number two to all those concerned I actually started working at another job three months ago in anticipation of this restaurant going out of business or me having to quit haven't pulled the trigger yet because even with both jobs money is tight being trained to bartend at the new place and from the looks of it once I'm done with my training the money from that will sustain me enough so that I can quit the restaurant in question I appreciate the concern you have all been incredibly helpful next update I'm actually working a shift at this place right now my plan was to talk with the owners in person after the shift however a handful of you have suggested emailing slash texting would be better since there is no guarantee they would consent to being recorded my plan now is to email them either after my shift tonight or sometime tomorrow after I have made some necessary cause I understand now that it may be legal after all given that it was an included service charge some have speculated that they may be paying employer-based texas with it however for the past five years I've been here they have not been going anywhere near our Kragh to ''tis hopefully they will be honest with me when I email them and I can let you guys know what is really going on you know guys that is actually one of the things that I really dislike about the u.s. seeing how little you get paid for being a waitress at a restaurant and that you have to rely on tips in order to survive what is your opinion about that whole situation feel free to let us know in the comments update to the restaurant story from before called the labor board today turns out it was all legal the creativity wasn't included and required charge in Maryland they are allowed to take as much of it as they want in this case as long as I still make minimum wage hourly plus tip which I did I guess I will be jumping ship soon anyways the place is falling apart and the owners cannot figure anything out if any employee in any department left right now it would be disastrous for the restaurant I already know that at least two other vital employees are planning to quit pretty soon as well because of how undervalued we all are the owners have zero grasp of the concept of morale and how much it affects your business and the loyalty of your employees I will be happy to leave this place behind me and watch it crumble shortly thereafter the new place I started at a few months ago has been a completely different experience for me I feel overwhelmingly valued management is committed to supporting their staff and the business is off the charts I am doing well thanks for all the support on a side note if any of my ripe stars have ever worked a restaurant what has been the largest tip you have ever gotten feel free to tell us in the comments mom stole a trust fund I did not know I had now the IRS is coming after me for unpaid taxes on the withdrawal when I was a kid my grandparents would give my brother and I checks for every holiday and birthday towards a mutual fund they opened in our names my mom always told us we could not access the money until we were 25 a few years ago I asked her about it and she told me the mutual funds investments had gone bankrupt and there was nothing left in the accounts fast-forward to Thursday my dad got a letter from the IRS addressed to me I asked him to open it as I live in Canada now and shipping could take a while in it the IRS demanded the text between three and four hundred for around three thousand six hundred dollars withdrawn from the account I was blown away as I had never accessed the account before I did not even know my account number or anything of the sort I called the company that held the account and they told me the account had been cashed out in August 2013 the check had been overnighted to my mother's house in Florida they informed me it was not fraud as my mother is the custodian of the account and it was assumed the money would be for my benefit however I was living in Canada by then and never knew or saw a penny of that money she did not fill out the one zero nine nine B that came with it and so it lapsed what is my next step could I sue her for the original $3,600 honestly she's a broke crack addict and I never hope to get that money back she also stole my inheritance from my grandparents and about $5,000 in u.s. savings bonds from me prior to this right now I am mostly concerned that I do not want to pay the IRS for having been stolen from how do I approach or dispute this with the IRS after finding out I also had my brother see his account history with them same story 2.5 k withdrawn at the same time as my account the IRS has not contact him yet should he preemptively contact them or wait to get a demand letter as well it's the mutual fund in any way liable I think the answer is no but I feel it should be asked I am still currently temporary resident in Ontario US citizen brother lives in Texas mom now lives in VA the account was set up and cashed out in Florida I am feeling lost and betrayed and any help would be appreciated thanks in advance you know guys this story reminds me of a story within my own family where an uncle of mine who was the Godfather of my brother suggested that he would open I think it was a similar fund like the one in the story and my brother always thought that the uncle is putting money in that fund but in the end it turned out that this particular uncle was not very good at saving money and instead preferred to spend the money on himself did you guys ever have a trust fund let us know in the comments update to the trust fund story I am only three years late but wanted to update this post I reached out to the IRS who after several phone calls and hours on hold told me nothing could be done and to just pay up I called one more time and a much nicer agent told me more kindly that nothing could be done unless I could get my mother to admit to withdrawing the money in writing I told her that if she just told the truth admitted it to me and the IRS and wrote the letter I would forgive her and we could put it behind us she refused I told her to not contact me again until she was ready to stop blaming others and admit what she had done a few blissfully calm weeks later she called me and apologized she wrote a handwritten letter stating she withdrew the money without my knowledge and none of the proceeds went towards my care I wrote my own letter explaining that I was already an adult immigrating to another country at the time of the width draw and attached a photocopy of my passport stamps and affidavit that I had never lived at the address that check was sent to and the receipt of my immigration application which was dated prior to the withdrawal I asked that the tax liability be transferred to my mother and included her SS number which she signed off on the IRS sent me a letter back stating that the Texas owing would be issued under my mother's name because she was a jobless crack addict her income was under the federal threshold and she did not need to pay anything due to how low her income was that year disaster averted for those curious no I never got the money back and decided not to pursue it I did not know it existed before the IRS contacted me and I did not feel it was in anyone's best interest to force the issue knowing that I would never get repaid anyways mom quit crack a year or two back but still battles her demons in the form of alcoholism our relationship has slightly improved also I am a woman most comments assumed I was male the end if you have watched until here please don't forget to post some star emojis in the comments and also like the video if you want to support me thank you so much for your daily support it really means the world to me and I appreciate every single like and every single comment next story Walmart refused to let me leave with groceries I paid for yesterday afternoon I 34 female took my four-year-old son and 2 year old daughter grocery shopping at Walmart in Irvine California I was waiting on my next paycheck so I bought 175 dollars worth of groceries with $300 in the bank the cashier kept asking me to swipe my card saying the transaction did not go through I checked my bank balance with my Wells Fargo app and found that Walmart had already touched me the $175 for groceries I asked for a manager to come and fix the situation manager assured me the charge would drop off he asked for my bank card to call my bank he said he wanted to look at the customer service phone number so I told him the phone number I also called my bank they opened a claim and said they would email me the claim number but I checked my inbox and I did not receive an email from them I asked the manager to try to contact his supervisor to see if the situation could be so I could leave with my groceries as Walmart had already charged me for them and with the transaction pending I did not have enough funds available to buy more groceries manager refused to contact his supervisor he said he's not here I ended up having to leave a full cart of groceries with this manager in tears and drive to Wells Fargo to explain the situation they told me there was nothing they could do as long as the charge was pending they said to call them as soon as the charge went through I called Walmart customer service and explained the situation and emailed their corporate office this morning the charge went through I called Wells Fargo and let them know and they emailed me a claim number I also emailed Walmart customer service again as a single working mom of two young children $175 is a lot of money to me that was the grocery budget I had been able to set aside for the entire month for me and the kids what can I do to make sure I get my grocery money back you know guys in some situations you have to call for the manager and it does not automatically make you a Karen and by the way how much do you guys pay on average if you go grocery shopping I would say here where I live for around $55 you can get a full cart of groceries that can last you around two weeks update to the Walmart story hey guys I just want to say thank you so much for all the thoughtful and kind responses it really helped me take a proactive approach instead of letting worries sit in the driver's seat and by the way that's a proverb I have never heard before I looked in my bank account this morning and the purchase was reversed in addition to advice regarding contacting my bank you guys gave excellent advice about what to do in a situation where I might fall short on food again which can definitely happen when you are living paycheck to paycheck and I hope anyone who ever finds themselves in this situation remembers they can always visit a local food pantry in an emergency food shortage I only posted that original post on this forum so any similar posts on other forums are not me but having this happen make me aware of it being a possibility and also something others might go through my situation had a happy ending and I believe a lot of that had to do with you guys thank you I have to admit I just love wholesome stories and by the way if you ever find any really awesome hold some stories on reddit feel free to post them in the comments or on our / ripe stories on reddit an employee has obtained a personal video of me and is showing it to others a year ago I had a brief casual relationship with a co-worker since then I've been promoted and now managed a team of around 40 people including a woman who is currently dating my ex-partner this ex against my wishes had apparently kept videos of me on his phone edit to clarify explicit sexual videos and I was aware of their existence but had requested they be deleted last week this woman found one of the videos sent it to herself and is now showing it to people that I work with and manage she's also lying about when this all occurred saying that it was recent obviously I made a big mistake in my choice of partner shaming is not necessary or welcome I promise you I'm shaming myself plenty I had a strict no photos policy prior to this and allowed the videos to be taken because I was pressured that is neither here nor there at this point I am in New York City is there anything I can do from a legal perspective does this count as slander / revenge Pio RM my job does not have any policies against employee relations so I am protected on that side of it I just want this to end now edit I appreciate the supportive comments makes me feel much better as I'm making inquiries now it seems she has figured out that distributing the video was a very bad choice she has got her friend circling the wagons and telling me that the video was never shown to anyone and she never had it I know for a fact this is a lie but it complicates things apparently she even broke her phone and got a new one I have talked to my boss who is also a good friend we all work on Saturdays which is why I'm dealing with it today and we are trying to figure out options to move forward edit number two I called my director who has been my mentor since I started here three years ago I knew he had been told about the situation and was dreading the call but he was kind and supportive in every way he actually took the decision completely out of my hands and will be contacting HR and our VP on my behalf he also reassured me that he does not judge no one else will judge and they will take care of me he also gave advice as far as pressing charges I guess even her sending it to her phone from his is illegal even if she never showed it to anyone I feel so much better thank you all for the kindness and support which are what ultimately made me feel okay about speaking to my director honestly in modern society I don't wish that upon anyone but let's see how the story continues update to the employee story from before since my last post gained some attention I am posting an update after I submitted the post on Saturday I called my director he has been my mentor and a trusted friend since I started at the company three years ago and was already aware that the relationship between myself and my ex was a thing that happened I had been told that my employee had gone directly to him I'm assuming to smear me so I knew I had to speak to him about it directly I was expecting and I told you so type conversation but he was kind understanding and completely non-judgmental he told me he does not look at me any differently and no one else does either who met us he also made my decision about whether or not to go to HR much easier since he is a director and she brought it to him he was obligated to report it this was basically the best case scenario for me I'd had several of her friends come to me and asked me not to go to HR and to let her work it out of her system now I can say that the decision to bring it to them was completely out of my hands I got a phone call from HR this morning asking me to report immediately to them I asked if I could go to my building first to clock in and change and they told me nope as soon as possible I sat down with them and they were also totally kind and completely non-judgmental and port if they got the full story the names of everyone involved and asked a lot of good questions they also confirmed what commenters on the last post told me that I had done nothing wrong and had nothing to be ashamed of they even told me that they will do whatever they can to protect my reputation as the investigation moves forward from what I thought both the a VP and the director of HR have dedicated their entire day-to-day to interviews with people so I feel confident that this is being handled as it should they called her in this afternoon to get her story and suspended her with pay pending the investigation as an aside as my manager drove her to the corporate office for the meeting she told him how she is the real victim view the mental gymnastics just totally baffles me I've been advised to document everything including any interactions with her friends in case there's any hostile workplace environment concerns
Channel: Ripe
Views: 25,484
Rating: 4.8805971 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, ripe, ripe reddit, idontworkherelady, ep, r/idontworkherelady, ripe idontworkherelady, i dont work here, idontworkhere, r/talesfromthefrontdesk, r/entitledhotelguests, entitled guest, hotel guest, karen hotel, justnomil, justnohoa, hoa, r/justnomil, r/justnohoa, homeowner association, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, justnoneighbors, reddit neighbor, reddit neighborstories, neighborstories, legaladvice, legal advice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 15sec (7875 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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