r/LegalAdvice - I Signed A Federal Education Loan 10 Years Ago...

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g'day there guys it - main man Marky back at it again with our slash legal advice now if you love this video like I love you I want you to sit back relax Chuck a like on the video prone on the barbie and enjoy the contents posted by user favored the bold titled ten years ago I co-signed for a friend so he could get a federal education loan recently he has started becoming a delinquent with payments is there anything I can do like it says on the tin it hasn't reached a point where anything has been forced on me yet but I got a letter saying that he was fifteen days late then a couple weeks after the federal loan service called me and this is the first time they've done that the guy in question won't answer my texts anymore probably because I've made it clear he's not my friend anymore and I'm ticked is there any point at which I can take legal action against him he's probably only thirty days late at this points but I guess I'm actually worrying more about the future I know he has a job because he's a nurse so if they needed to garnish someone's wages I assume it would be his but is it possible I could be garnished as well also since we aren't really in contact anymore I have no idea if he still does have a job though I assume he would be getting unemployment if he lost his job and that at least could be garnished too right also I realized now I should never ever cosign for anyone and I never will again I was a youthful thirty year old at the time having come from a very sheltered home to my first job in the big city at that time really I lived at home until age 29 and he was one of my very first boyfriends we had already broken up by the time he asked for me to co-sign and he had assured me he would pay off the loan within a year because he was getting an inheritance for his grandmother's death and I knew he owned a house because he had inherited it from her I don't know if all of that was lies or if he just decided to use the money for something else when he got it whatever the case if I had known I'd still be on the hook ten years later there's no way I would have done it even as a naive thirty year old I live in Dallas Texas USA by co-signing you take full responsibility for the loan if the primary party him is unable to pay ask about a cosigner release refinancing the loan without you on it while there's no harm in asking the odds of getting either are so close to zero it's not even funny even in the unlikely scenario when the former friend would release Opie the bank would not accept removing a person that can pay to only leave a person that cannot pay responsible for the remaining loan balance unfortunately odds are that Opie may be stuck making the loan payments and their only remedy is to sue their former friend for the money they're out which given the person is already in financial trouble is unlikely to help much my cosigner is dead and the loan company is still being in us about the cosigner release I haven't missed a payments in nine years sorry to hear about your loss any idea why the bank is still hoping a deceased person may help pay your loan probably just keeping an option open so they can go after the estate's assets if they need to while theoretically possible it seems highly impractical since the loan is being paid and the estate will be settled leaving the lender with no recourse until owed payer that paid faithfully for nine years suddenly defaults but yes I can see how a lender would like a few more months of cosigner availability and Opie replies to this okay this is actually what I was asking about can I sue him if I have to pay the answer seems to be yes sir that's a positive he'll I was finally able to get him to respond to my texts today by threatening to call his job if he didn't respond he claims that he's looking into getting me off the loan and that he's working with fedloan to adjust his payments so that he can handle them impossible to tell if any of this is true but knowing I can sue him if I have to pay anything is a comfort can I use his texts to me about trying to get me off the loan as evidence that I shouldn't be responsible for the loan in small claims courts I'm not sure how much I care about the credit being affected currently my credit is not great because of my own mistakes a couple of years ago but I've been faithful the last two years trying to rebuild it and any missed payments don't help that cause but I can't say how much harm he's doing to someone with only fair credit right now the only way to get you off the loan if it's a federal loan which I'm guessing is a federal grant at the PLUS loan is if he consolidates thankfully there's no credit check for those so there's absolutely no reason he will be denied he can do it online at studentaid.gov you can help convince him to do it by telling him it will also lower his payments which it will do to the longer turn they will give him master bro says it is not only his loan by co-signing it it is your loan as well you are thirty days late on a loan you are passed you on a loan your credit will suffer if you do not pay the loan off your wages can be garnished this is what co-signing alone means you can pay the loan amounts and then sue him in small claims courts if there was some kind of agreement that he was going to take care of the loan simply not paying the loan because he said he would is not an option and will cause you to defaults people why as you learned since I'm sorry that you have to deal with this but legally there is not much you can do other than pay your loan payments and sue your former friend for that money updates ten years ago I co-signed for a friend so he could get a federal education loan recently he started becoming delinquent with payments is there anything I can do and in case anyone wanted an update I thought I'd share what happened is to my surprise he actually finally did get me off the loan by refinancing I was so sure he would never let me off the hook I actually tried getting him to come with me on Judge Judy because the producers pay a judgment if you win that turned out to be unnecessary why he chose this particular moments to finally get me off the thing why he didn't get my name off of there the first few times I mentioned it over a decade of time I have no idea I'm going to assume that insulting him and threatening to put in a complaint with a nursing board and his job did the trick fYI I did call fedloan to make sure he wasn't lying to me about it and the loan is already showing paid off on my credit reports may I never cross this motherfrakkers path again location Dallas Texas posted by user Taylor gbbr titled neighbors reports my car to be towed every day despite having a permits so I recently came back in college and I couldn't get a parking decal from my property managers office since they're closed I live in Fort Lauderdale however I was able to get into contact with someone and was given an online permit to prove that my car can legally park there this is an official permit that I paid for that doesn't expire until July 1st however my car gets towed every 2:00 a.m. and I have to pay the driver $60.00 every morning despite showing him my decal he says that although the decal is official the head of my HOA who lives in my neighborhood keeps reporting my car to get it towed and once he gets the order I have to pay him to get my car back as much as I hate to be this person I'm the only black person in my community and he has made it clear that he doesn't like my family living there and had always given us a hard time since he moved in three years ago my family has lived here for over 23 years is there anything I can do legally about this Thank You Duke beekeepers kid says read through the comments to glean your response first thing is the HOA must and in writing authorized the tour of a vehicle parked on the property without permission if a sign is posted the authorization must be made in writing if the tow truck driver doesn't have this on him when the car is hooked up it is theft additionally any rebate from the towing company to the property owner or agents is prohibited as per Broward Country rules 1 if you have a permit and the tow truck driver is attached to the car it is theft call the police and get a police report for every instance if the tow truck driver passes the blame to the head of the H away then have the HOA guy charged as well but most importantly press for charges on the tow truck driver as a person the tow truck driver will talk to his people and his associates in the industry make sure he understands he's stealing the vehicle under the excuse the HOA once it's the permit implies permission and with that he cannot lawfully take the car to file a complaint about the towing company by calling this number or texting this number both the county complaint lines 3 reach out to all board of the HOA members and explained the he has made it clear that he doesn't like my fan living there and had always given us a hard time since he moved in three years ago with a video recorder in their face then mentioned that the federal courts in Reeves versus Carol's burg found that a condo or H away couldn't sit idly by while one of its owners was being attacked on the basis of her race this means the Association cannot ignore the problem while you're chatting with the HOA make sure it is understood that if the head of the HOA is going to continue with his harassing or retaliatory behaviors the HOA will be liable as he is acting as and for the HOA five get an attorney and have them take the H away and the tow company to court for illegally telling your car someone else asks how many days has this happened and how much money have you been forced to pay total people who know more than me ken Opie sue the HOA or the guy harassing them to get that money back Taylor gbbr says this happened five times so far and for a total of $300 small claims court will help recover that money but you need to first put a stop to this guy having your car towed you need to have whoever you spoke with regarding the parking permit / whoever is in charge of parking to speak with the towing company and let them know to ignore that dude get your money back from the HOA president in small claims not the tow driver since he called and he told the tow company to ignore your permits not only is the tow guy just doing his job aka not in the wrong but by having the HOA pay you make the president lose HOA money which you can then get the other Association members to harass him about at the next HOA meeting try to see if anyone else has the same permit situation is you but are not getting reported this will help build your case not a legal expert in any way but I would see if this could be filed as harassment also contact the person you used for the online permits towing company do have rules that they have to follow see with your city if his actions are legal did you ask the HOA not the tow truck driver why your car was towed despite and having a permits I'd have to ask my mother as I don't know much but I'll see if she did how would he know you have a permit if it's not on your car and you haven't spoken to him about it last time I got towed I had the permit on the car but they still attempted to tow it I just don't think the tow driver cans it all about the permits they got called out and they want their money it's the guy reporting the car that needs to be spoken to that's what I figured I already have a bone to pick with that guy so I'm gonna go and talk to him about it today about all of this I assumed there is a printed out copy on the dashboard if nots that's something that still should have been communicated between the person giving an online copy and the person reporting the car they should be in contact with each other our property manager simply said that they will know not to tow your car without the printed permit being on its I see now that it's clearly not the case Felix golden has a really good response here and says if this person is the president of the HOA or at least a board member he is in for a world of hurt ER and possibly the Association as a whole what you're describing is potentially a violation of the Fair Housing Act a federal law that among other things prevents discrimination on the basis of race color sex family status etc in housing among the various items that would qualify is the limiting of privileges services or facilities of a dwelling repeatedly having neutered could be considered denying you of a privilege afforded to you by living there and having a permits this could possibly be considered harassment instead or in addition to the depriving of privileges the property manager / management company works for the Association and in Florida a property manager must have an LCA M licensed licensed community association manager they can lose their license for allowing the association or members of the board to commit violations like this also when vehicles are towed at the request of the Association the tow truck driver must fill out paperwork with the details get the signature of a person from the Association authorized to order the tow and submit that to the police have they been doing this for every toe if they haven't this is highly illegal the amounts they're charging is actually low is less than half of what they are allowed to buy Broward County's schedule of maximum tow fees and I don't know any tire company that doesn't want to charge as much as they are allowed if they have been submitting the paperwork to the police or at least have a copy of its you need to get a hold of those copies to see if this neighbor has signed it if it's all about the paperwork if there is no signature it's an illegal tow if he has signed it then that puts the Association on the hook for potential discrimination I doubt the rest of the board members the property manager and especially all the other homeowners want to be associated with this type of claim and I would hope notes the association is earned by all the homeowners and elect the board to run it on their behalf they generally don't like when board members cost them money on lawsuits but lawsuits can get expensive associations should have insurance to cover legal fees for actions by the board members and employees but if the action itself was not simply an error performed in good faith or an omission especially if malicious intent or illegal action is involved those policies may not necessarily apply and the Association would have to pay for the cost of defending that action and the individual board members can also be sued directly gets and keep together any copies of any paperwork including emails and other items from the property manager as well as toe slips and receipts print out everything that may only exist electronically speak to the property manager about the first also keep in mind that if you file an FHA complaints any retaliation is also considered a violation of the Act now RP does several edits that says edits thanks all for the help everyone I have no idea how to contact HOA or the property manager as my mother deals with them and every time the car was getting tired except the last time she was the one to catch them and pay I will be contacting the HOA with her when she gets home and will try and contact the property manager my neighbor is a dick and I will also be speaking to him personally when I get home if legal action needs to be taken we will definitely do sir thank you edits talks to the property manager and they said they rescinded my permits I asked them why and they said that they aren't doing those anymore I told them they never gave me any indication of that and they said they did not plan on giving me any notice at its final updates thank you everyone I honestly could not have expected to get this much help as of what happens next we plan on taking legal action mainly to get our money back and because it seems that what may have happened with the permits wasn't strictly legal I still need to talk personally with the HOA guy who conveniently doesn't answer his door when I knock but he has two big-ass dogs and will have to walk them eventually it seems the HOA tends to suck especially in South Florida thank you or wherever so flow is posted by user lesbi honest um punny titled I was filmed without my consent during a sex act by my ex his new girlfriend posted those videos online and by entire Instagram followers list got the video how to proceed so I'm using my sister's accounts to post this she understands reddit's I don't she will be checking for the post for updates for me I live in Canada they ex and his new girlfriend live in the u.s. right now I have filed a police report in Canada but I don't know what else I can do to get this to stop and to have them charged the Canadian police don't seem to have many answers for me any advice would be helpful before they hide the evidence take as many screenshots as you can including any messages regarding the video between you and the other two parties you need to prove your case do you know what state they live in slash posted from different states have different rules that might help you Indiana Indiana allows civil action for revenge porn I would try to find a revenge porn attorney if there aren't any specialized attorneys in the area call around reputable personal injury firms to get a consult on your case keep records of everything and do not contact your ex or is girlfriend moving forward also contact the police posting revenge porn is a misdemeanor if it's her second offense it's a felony I'm sorry that happens here are some resources for you while you pursue legal recourse they may also help you gain ideas the cyber civil rights initiative is a survival ed organization for victims of non-consensual pornography they offer to a 24/7 crisis line referrals to prayer burner and LIBOR no attorneys image removal guides tech policy work information about state and international law around NCP research on NCP etc the without my consent is similar to cyber civil rights initiative although they have now been folded into CCRI they offer a helpful something can be done guide for survivors of NCP and cool army is similar to the above but they also offer an online support group for NCP survivors posting revenge porn and making secret recordings of intimate acts that were made without your consent as strong grounds to pursue criminal and civil cases I read that he is now in Indiana but these acts have now been explicitly made illegal in many jurisdictions around the world since the postings were done on a social media site that social media site can be held responsible for being a party you can safely bring lawsuits against not only your ex and his current girlfriend but also seek damages from the medium that enabled these acts it's only a matter of retaining lawyers and filing cases your expenses will be covered and you will most likely win substantial amounts in compensation I would try and download the copy from any site you've seen it on they may be metadata in the file pointing to the exact location of upload or source say if it was an iPhone or geolocation time and date stamps for exact confirmation then I would contact the site administrator to see if they can take it down and provide any further info updates thank you all for the advice so far I totally understand why this was locked thank you for the explanation mods posted by user cavalry medic titles WV hospital refusing wife to see newborn this is medicine and malpractice my wife went into labor at two thousand sixth of June 2020 it was a very difficult labor and ended with us almost losing the baby and having an emergency c-section which was terrible enough on its own after she came out of recovery from the c-section they are refusing us to acts to the baby 12 hours later we still haven't seen her the aunts letting us see her because my wife is an employee of the hospital in the IDI and they want her to have a covered test before either of us are allowed to see the baby I'm not allowed to leave the recovery room at all to go anywhere no one is able to provide us any policy or any documentation that states that a non symptomatic mom has to be isolated from the infants until results are back no other mothers on the floor have been tested for covered or isolated from their infants also our infant has been isolated and not in the standard nursery my wife is extremely distraught she's already having nightmares because the c-section was so traumatic and now she is filling inadequate and afraid the baby won't bond with her we are already in contact with her PCM to get therapy lined up do we have any legal recourse to ensure that this doesn't happen to anyone else sorry if this seems like incoherent rambling I'm still speaking from emotion so my logic may be shaky this is highly abnormal is the infant showing symptoms of covert you can start by talking to the hospital Ombudsman to try to get to the bottom of the issue but no the hospital cannot refuse you access to your child without a court order is the infant in the NICU does the child need ongoing medical care if he cannot work things out at the hospital you can consider leaving no one is symptomatic it was only prompted because my wife is an RN in there er she's only treated to positive covered patients and that was over four weeks ago and she was wearing full PPE baby has not been in the NICU or any special monitoring they told us our only option was to sign out AMA but that left us in a hard place because it can compromise insurance payments I was also not allowed out of the room to do anything either I was not tested and it was not required that I be tested I guess I'm frustrated more than anything what happened to us is over and done I just really don't want anyone else to have to deal with this leaving AMA does not compromise insurance payments which is a common myth at all you can leave when you like and insurance will pay for bills up until the time you leave thank you for that information does this still apply if there is a complication after the leave the a.m. either if a person leaves AMA and ends up back in the hospital for a complication related to the care they refused when they left AMA can insurance deny those further claims no no they can't people do stupid things all the time to hurt themselves those claims aren't denied neither is leaving the hospital before being discharged or waiting too long to go to the hospital or doctor and having a condition get much worse than it should or would have someone else says this sounds like some hospital administration garbage call your up guy right now and tell him or her the situation that should get it sorted out if this happened to my patient I would be a firestorm on the phone other avenues are to demand to speak with a charge nurse social worker hospital administration the patient advocate or Ombudsman demand to see the policy they're referring to call the police and tell them your child is being withheld from you demand to speak to the on-call pediatrician demand to speak to the hospital legal department or risk management departments all of the above options have ways of being reached on the weekend and in an emergency and now updates we have possession of the baby now baby is latching and feeding however I don't want to just let this go I am 100% not okay with the way we were treated and I'm not just going to let it go because we have her now looking forward to see any further updates but there's your update for this one guys posted by user free nexus titled in need of help 17 female being forced to stay with my dad for a month due to court order the judge refuses to listen to me or my little brother 14 and just doing everything in favor of my dad this is in Colorado so my parents divorced two to three years ago and it was pretty nasty and stressful divorce my dad is verbally abusive and has been physically and I hope only just to me it would be torture to me if he had done this to my brothers and sexually abusive in the past despite the efforts of me and my little brother sending multiple letters to the judge and begging my mom constantly to fight harder for us to stop going to his house the judge that works in the case keeps filing in my dad's favour according to my mum he yelled at her in courts and told her she was stupid for filing to restrict parenting time against my dad which she had done because my younger brother and I requested it my dad has been lying in courts saying that my younger brother and I love it at his house and we're always excited to go however my dad refuses to get us basic everyday necessities toiletries clothes etc that he has been caught ordered to get for us he also ignores us all the time and provides no entertainments a couple of weeks ago he made us go over to his house for the weekend and alas he ignored us again I was stressed the entire weekend and when I found out that he was making no plans to return us to our mum I flipped he had told the police who had followed my mum to his house but he wasn't planning on returning us to the 15th and my mom hadn't been replying to his messages so he just went through with it without asking for an agreement I became overly stressed because I never even wanted to be there in the first place and there was some yelling back and forth it ended while my dad was on the phone with the police and my dad just pushed me into a flight of stairs and threw buckets that originally had my stuff in it at me he was holding me down and when he had pulled back his fists like he was going to punch me I pushed him away with my feet he told the police that I had assaulted him and he wanted to press charges to throw me in jail I had a panic attack in my room from the stress police didn't press charges but he had to return me to my mum's house until the next court dates which was yesterday the court is giving him a month of makeup time starting today and made an order saying that my brother and I are not allowed to testify in courts the cops have also told me to stop calling them because they think it's a waste of their time I'm afraid that my father is going to harm me and my little brother and make efforts to keep us away from a mum for as long as possible he also says rude things about my mum almost all the time and I don't want him to alienate my little brother what can i as seventeen-year-old do called Child Protective Services today you are being physically abused pushed to get yourself and your brother a guardian ad they will represent your interests in coins one of their first actions should be petitioning for a new judge since you're in Colorado here is the hotline information for the CPS you need to call and give information give dates if you can and if you took pictures of anything like bruises or have texts of verbal abuse mention that too you don't have to tell your dad that you called even if you reveal your identity when you make this call CPS has to keep the information confidential CPS is better equipped to deal with child abuse if something new happens after the interview year you can call again you've got some good advice here already but I wanted to ask have you been documenting the abuse at all photos of lack of supplies bruises journals kept documenting all the abuse if you haven't been writing down what's been happening I suggest starting now do you know the neighbors at your dad's would they have heard any of these attacks against you and vouch for you definitely start with a call to CPS I'm sorry you're dealing with this I only know one of the neighbors and it's an elderly woman who doesn't take too kindly to my dad I have pictures of some of the injuries that I've gotten and many recordings of my dad but the judge doesn't want to look at it good this is what CPS needs call them and tell them that you've been hurt in the past and that you don't feel safe and now updates so today I didn't have to go to his house he has a court order saying he has to pick up both me and my brother at the same time however despite this he tried to drag off just my little brother he grabbed him by the wrist and started physically dragging him I hit him once and he let go of my brother and started attacking me I have bruising my upper abdominal area from him punching me luckily we have security footage and I was sent to the ER to make sure I didn't have internal bleeding the hospital called CPS and my mom is going to call CPS and file for another motion to restrict parenting time submitting a copy of my discharge papers as evidence and that's today's episode guys I hope you enjoyed it say hi to Aunt Rumaki alright guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face and I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called marquee - link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the marquee face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if your unfun I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 14,172
Rating: 4.9219513 out of 5
Keywords: LegalAdvice, r/legaladvice, r/legal advice, r/legal, legal advice, Markee legal, Markee, Markee Reddit, Markee Legaladvice, Reddit
Id: aviUhKpAR5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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