r/entitledparents | Why I HATE Babysitting sometimes...

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hello everybody welcome back to the storytime Channel my name is Steven and let's get right into the stories of the day Christian holier-than-thou entitled mother tries to manipulate me I gave her a taste of her own medicine this story happened earlier this week to preface this ever since the kovat locked down my church has been meeting online via livestream this is extended to small groups which are now done through zoom meetings this particular week was much like the others in terms of small groups Bible talk cracking jokes and discussing pop culture however joining us this week was my friend's aunt from out of town the entitled mother of the story who from what I heard at a tendency to have a holier-than-thou demeanor at one point of the chat we got to the topic of hobbies I took the moment to discuss my hobby of gaming my big mistake of the story I talked about my gaming collection of different gaming consoles snatched Nintendo 64 GameCube PS one two three we switch gameboy color and games that I've collected over the years which my friends found to be fascinating so on to the story so about 40 minutes in the small group I get a phone call from my friend's phone number I picked it up only to be greeted by his aunt lllp entitled mother what a surprise well I'm calling you from friends phone because I wanted to talk to you about something okay what do you want to talk about hearing small group you mentioned that you had a collection of video games and video game systems yeah what about them well you see it's just that strong Christian men like you shouldn't be wasting time playing video games you should be dedicating your time towards getting married starting a family and teaching them the ways of God in the Bible me dumbfounded wait what remember the Bible tells men to put away childish things and video games are definitely under that category me disgusted so what are you suggesting I do with my collection then you should donate it to a child in need better yet my son loves video games and his birthday is coming up so you should give it to him I'm sure he'd be grateful me starting to get real angry I'm not sure I would feel comfortable doing that I will tell you what I'm in town to Wednesday I'll call you back tomorrow this gives you plenty of time to pray about it hopefully God convicts you to man up and put away childish things good night now hangs up i sat there for a good 15 minutes with anger stewing in mind over the audacity of this entitled mother I wanted to call her back and curse her out until the light bulb went off in my head at the moment an evil Grinch grin at crept across my face my mind had just formulated a perfect response to entitled mother's request the next day I spent the day waiting for friends and to call me in the evening the moment came I saw my friend's number ringing my phone and the evil Grinch Grinch aim back to my face why hello entitled mother how are you today I'm doing well have you thought about a conversation from yesterday why yes I have what did you decide me and my best jolly holier than joel osteen voice well I prayed long and hard about what you said and I spent some time reading the Bible and well growing boys are very pivotal to the future of the kingdom of God and building a relationship with Jesus is very important to their upbringing and all honesty videogames are just going to be a distraction to them and time spent playing them is better dedicated to learning about the Bible but that's remember entitled mother the Book of Proverbs tells us to start children off on the way they should go in Ephesians tells us to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord so unfortunately I will have to pass on getting your son my gaming collection however I will gladly send a Children's Study Bible and a DVD collection of VeggieTales to friend and he can send them to you but LP wait it's not going to be an issue me cutting her off but Syl and my jolly holier-than-thou voice I'm sorry entitled mother but I have an important dinner arrangement to go to goodbye now hangs up I turned off my phone after that to make sure the entitled mother couldn't call me back later on that night friend send me a message on Facebook apologizing for his aunt's behavior apparently she took his phone behind his back to make both calls and got really upset when he found out about what entitled mother was asking of me but at the end of the day I still have my collection and my hobby Mario Kart anyone two things one I love the VeggieTales reference to if you got a gaming collection let me know what you got in the comments down below cuz I'm interested kinda entitled mom wants me to stop listening to my music so to preface the story I'm a huge fan of a band called ninja party they make comedy songs but they're wildly inappropriate also this happened when I was 14 me and my mom were waiting in a dentist office I'm listening to some NSP specifically their album attitude City my mom doesn't think they're funny but she's cool with me listening to them because it's not like I'm gonna become some crazy whack job from listening to Dragon Slayer and Symphony and P Minor she's not stupid anyway he in walks this entitled mother with her kid she doesn't have an entitled look about her no Kara and characteristics and the kid is well behaved I didn't think anything of it because me and my mom were the first one sitting she took social cues and niceness and just decided to stand next to us now there's a song an attitude city called but school dee locks go give it a listen it's genuinely funny however it's not really a song and I was in a music mood so I decide to open up my phone and change it this entitled mother looks down and sees the song name and hisses at me excuse me young man what on earth is that now I read the subreddit quite a bit so I already know an entitled mother when I see one so I handle it calmly it's a song ma'am I was just changing it to something else that song is vulgar and rude it could corrupt my kid like it's corrupting you your mother must be ashamed of you now my mom couldn't hear her because she's getting older and her hearing isn't as good as it used to be so trying to suppress my anger I say the most bad but they I could okay ask her as I point to my mom this entitled mother quickly runs around me to my mom gets in her face and says your son is listening to some very inappropriate music my mom sighs and says what's the band's name ninja sex party a song called bud sex Goldilocks mom says so it's his music it doesn't affect you so please leave him alone let its vulgar and rude man she's really good at contouring her point with the same two arguments over and over so my mom says look he could be listening to death metal right now for all I care he isn't bothering other people unlike you my son cares for others around him plus I can't hear it how could you hear it I couldn't but then don't let it bother you please leave us alone she left us alone and after I came out of the dentists she made some comment about corrupted youth or something I wasn't paying attention I just wanted my music back that was about a year back and me and my mom still joke about it she's even started listening to them a bit so how about that for a happy ending nothing like a little ninja Brian and Danny explained before your dentist appointment I absolutely hate babysitting sometimes I was babysitting for a neighbor today while she worked I had shut my door because they have some pretty private stuff in there well as I was making lunch for us I heard snickering coming from the dining room went inside and saw the kid I was watching reading my diary now I have some dark stuff in there due to my past and this kid violated my privacy and was reading my diary cue a five minute chase around the house took the water off the stove to be safe and man kids are really fast got my diary back and their mom just got back and the conversation went something like this hey so when title kid went into my room and took my diary so just like your door my door doesn't lock I really don't like them reading my diary their stuff and they're not for kids well then why are you writing it it's a private diary for me to vent I have a troubled past and writing about my feelings helps calm me down well whatever you're just overreacting about it it's just a diary hands me $15 at this point I was so upset I'll admit I'm pretty sensitive that I didn't really care that I didn't get paid properly I had them leave and I told her I wouldn't babysit for her anymore and I closed the door she stood there yelling about how I'm a horrible person for not being willing to watch her kid anymore I just went upstairs and I'm now riding this post update so as some of you guys pointed out the kids still told my crush about the fact I liked him we talked and he confessed that he likes me back so now I have a boyfriend figured you guys would enjoy a positive update honestly I think good riddance it sounded like the rates weren't good they just were so uncaring about you and your personal space the actions of their kids forget it you don't need that you're better than that Karen tries to take my steering wheel for me so I'm 29 years old and into simracing I have a steering wheel plus pedal set up for dirt rally 2.0 already but I wanted to upgrade because my old wheel is terrible Karen you know who it is Ek entitled kid Opie over fried potato ng nice guy that saved my butt CB cashier boy story know where I live we don't have any Corona cases city not country but we still wear masks but don't socially distance so I went to my local gamestop to see if they had a Logitech G 2/9 steering wheel and they sure as heck do so I enter the store and ask for the price here's how the conversation goes you know how much that Logitech G 2 9 steering wheel costs cashier looks it up on the computer they cost $2.99 for a new one and 249 for used ones ok so I'll just buy the new one also does it come with a stick shifter cashier says no it doesn't come with a shifter you can buy one separately though opie says ok so I'm just gonna buy the g2 9 plus pedals cashier says okay that'll be $2.99 would you like to pay with cash or with a credit card Oh peace says I'm gonna pay with a credit card cashier does something on the computer ok please swipe your card and would you like to add warranty in case it breaks no thanks I'm fine swipes the card then cashier hands them the receipt and says have a good day hope he replies with you to buddy and leaves oh no I have summoned the almighty Karen what will I ever do so the Karen comes up to me and says may I ask how much that game costs my son really wants it costs 2.99 for a new one in 249 for a used one but you also need a PlayStation 4 to use it oh that costs way too much do you mind if you give me that steering wheel sorry I can't since I paid for it you can look on eBay to see if there's cheaper wheels entitled kid says mommy I really want it well if you bought this one you can surely buy another one right well no and even if I could buy another one I would never give it to you since I paid for it and it's mine and not yours no go away before I call the cops listen here you little poop my son deserves it more than you and you even made him cry so for compensation you should give it to him the answer is still no you little piece of poop now go eat some dirt somewhere else enter nice guy nice guy says what seems to be the problem here sir hope he says this lady came up to me and asked me for my wheel that I pit he stole my son's game and you can also ask my son to write entitled kid entitled kid now crying uncontrollably he stole my game and won't give it back nice guy says alright let's call the cops and let them check the security footage Karen runs off as she knows she messed up and is never to be seen again I've read a number of these stories now where these Karen's have such weird logic if you can afford one you can afford another just give it to my kid and then they always resort to well Opie stole it from my kid it was my kids game originally when somebody else comes into the picture and then always the security camera shuts it all down I was the kid whose birthday was gonna be ruined you can go through my post history if you want more background on my mother but for this you just need to know that she is manipulative and would often tell us we were struggling to survive financially while spending thousands on luxuries mom asked if I wanted a sweet 16 party because of the way I was raised I would generally reject any offers like this but mom made as I'd feel guilty for the financial burden I would cause and mom knew how to use this to guilt to her advantage but I seldom had opportunities to see my friends outside of school and my mom seems pretty eager to put on a party so I agreed we butted heads pretty early on when she wanted me to walk into the party well the song I hated was playing and my multiple pleads for her to pick literally anything else went unheard she did most of the planning and always prided herself on good haggling skills she took my $800 dress home for $500 and a free tiara a dress she also made me promise I'd wear to my prom wedding and funeral again despite it not being the one I really wanted but I was just grateful to have the chance to have a party and had learned at this point how to deal with her without stepping on toes which really just meant letting her do what she wanted she let me in on a planning meeting where I finally got to witness her haggling skills in action this was a few years ago so it isn't verbatim but it certainly captures the essence of what happened party planner says we could add a photo booth to the event that sounds pretty fun right ope me already stressed seeing how much the party was costing it sounds fun but I don't need it especially since we'll have the disposable cameras at the tables it's your birthday party and I think your friends would love it party planner says the photo booth will be $400 $400 that's $100 an hour that's just too much party planner says well we'll set up the booth and have an attendee there as well I get to get my brother in a lot to take pictures a lot cheaper than that I really want the photo booth but that's just too much I can't afford that party planner says I can't budge on this one it's a set price for the company please I just want to give my daughter a good birthday party she deserves a photo booth $400 is just too much I can't afford that with everything else going on my mom at this point looks so devastated that she can't afford the photo booth for me to the point where she looked like she was going to cry my guilt deepened I hold a lot of resentment for her now but at that time I didn't see the manipulation and felt terrible that my mom was already spending this much money and going through this much stress I say mom it really it's okay I don't need the photo booth party planner was looking at her binder at the time so my mom had and took the opportunity to shoot me the same death glare she would before she'd hit me it became clear very quickly that her sadness was an act she was putting on to get a better deal if you can do anything to help us we would really appreciate it a photo booth would make her parties so special and it worked I guess the party planner dropped the cost of the photo booth which my mom ended up getting a refund for anyway mom give me a good talking-to afterwards saying stuff along the lines of you gotta stay out of grown folks business this is why I never take you places with me next time play along it just had never occurred to me until that the way she made me feel guilty to do things for her would be the same way she got things in the real world I still feel terrible for being a part of this and mom's other scams yeah I definitely feel bad for Opie having to get dragged into this there's no reason why growing up Opie has to be forced into these situations and basically have an abusive mother you hate to hear it but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the story town channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn Olaf occations on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to this story time Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 19,674
Rating: 4.931663 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: VH0ifT4-JRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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