r/entitledparents | "GIVE YOUR $1500 PC TO MY SON"

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hey everybody welcome back to the storytime channel my name is Steven and let's gonna do our stories of the day entitled mother wanted my 1500 euro PC built for her son so basically I am a 20 years old percussionist and I'm getting myself into digital music I'm just a newbie but I wanted to try it out I had the possibility of buying myself a rather high-end gaming PC since I've worked a bit and I had some money to spare I'm also a bit of a gamer big lie I'm a total gamer so I decided to mix digital music and gaming and build a machine that could help me with both now here is where the choosing beggar comes in I live in a condo where my neighbours are a family of three with a 10 or 11 year old child I don't remember correctly I've talked to them quite a lot and I've helped their son chooses first personal computer two years ago but since now war zone came out as PC wasn't enough now and he needed a new one his mother choosing beggar knew that I was building a computer and decided to knock on my door this morning here's the conversation hey I was just looking for you you're building a new computer are you yes why Oh child says that his own isn't enough and I was wondering if you could help him out great I can suggest some parts and help him build one just tell me what's the budget notice that I wouldn't ask for money since he is just a kid and our families are in good terms oh here's the problem there's no budget I can spend how much I want on this configuration no I was thinking that you should just give him the one you have now you're too old for games anyway aren't you I was still building the computer at this time and I couldn't believe what words had just left her mouth why should I I'm building this PC for myself with my money here's where a lot of redditors told me in my last post and my social anxiety didn't kick in me again I will not give your kid anything but why you're in University now you don't have time to play games you don't know how much free time I have and that's none of your business oh come on you're an adult now adults don't play video games adults do play video games and again what I do with my free time is none of your business you know you're never going to get a girlfriend like this girls go after men you play video games are you for real her tone was strangely kind at this moment and it just made me angrier of course just give it the child he is still a kid and he needs it good afternoon choosing beggar at this point I was so angry that I've wanted to punch this lady in the face but I just slammed my front door shut and walked back to building my PC basically this woman just wanted me to give my 1500 euros PC to her kid because I'm an adult and I need a girlfriend I mean I am single right now but I firmly believe that gaming is not the cause of that so what do you think guys are video games the reason why a lot of people are single I mean I don't think so unless you're obsessive about it to the point where it ruins your life let me know what you think of the comment section down below mom teaches her daughter to bully the other girls in a beauty pageant gets mad when another girl fights back growing up I have been in beauty pageants from the age of six to ten I want a few and lost a few but all in all I made a few great stories that can go on reddit my most memorable pageant was when I was nine and I met the world's worst Beauty contestant for the sake of the story let's call her Betty so Betty has been in pageants since she was a baby her mom was practically living through her and making her do and say such terrible things like pinching the other girls are bullying them until they cried first time I met her her mom and my mom were just talking like normal parents when her daughter came up to me and started making fun of the way I looked we were a bit away from our moms so they didn't notice right away she started saying that my hair was nappy or how my lips were too big I always had pretty full lips growing up I'm Hispanic by the way which brought some unwanted teasing from other kids and my uncle taught me that the next time someone says something about them too just punch them so that's what I did I punched her as hard as a small nine-year-old girl could the parents heard her yelling and saw her holding her face and screaming on the floor I tried to tell them what she was saying but her mom was too busy yelling at my mom to care she called me a devil on how I broke her daughter's nose I didn't it was just bloody we made such a rack that the judges came rushing over to find out what happened I told them how she was making fun of me and her mom was telling them how I attacked her daughter cuz I knew I wouldn't be as pretty as her my mom was screaming at the other mom the other mom was screaming at me and me screaming of the judges while betty was screaming on the floor in the end we both got disqualified and was not allowed to participate in the next one which kind of bums me out the cops weren't called but the ambulance came to check out Betty and her bloody nose I just sat in the car while my mom dealt with everything else when I got home I was worried I was gonna get a lecture or a spanking but instead I just got a high-five from my uncle which my mom didn't like but she just shrugged it off my family always said as someone freaks with you then fight back and we won't get mad good on Opie's uncle for teaching them to stand up for themselves I don't know if resorting to violence is necessary sometimes it might be but at least defend yourself or don't let others put you down that's good advice and you definitely can't blend a nine year old for standing up for themselves entitled mother steals myself started a college fund for sister's birthday so while growing up I found myself having a horde of entitled parents step and otherwise my mom was great most times but still felt entitled to my stuff as I was her kid on to the story when I was a kid after my twin brother got diagnosed with cancer I became obsessed with saving money for my future I figured if only one of us got to have one I'd have to make it awesome enough for the both of us he's in remission for ten years next month but at the time I didn't know he'd live this meant every holiday on I found myself saving all the money I got because I was going to go to Harvard I was going to have an awesome career and zero student debt but also mow lawns weed gardens as well as tutoring babysit kids when I got old enough at the point this story happened I had a happy 10k saved up not enough for all of college but only three thousand less than my total loans for college I was also not a lot of bank account because of my age and no one wanted on one with me this meant I had roughly ten thousand in one dollar bills I trade smaller bills with my mom in my closet in a shoebox my mom had my sister when I was 14 and she was born very early 27 weeks and spent most of her first year in and out of hospitals so my mom has dedicated her life to making my sister's life the best it can be one day shortly after my sister was born my mom asked if she could borrow some money as they would be short on rent that month due to my mom and stepdad being at the hospital so much and having their savings depleted I made her promise to pay me back in handed her $500 from the box and told her to put it back in said box when she was to pay me back I checked two months later and she had paid me back cool then my sister's birthday rolled around it was an amazing feat that she had made it to one year my mom was ready to have a huge party she rented out an entire aquarium because my little sister loved Arielle she got my sister a custom-made dress that looks like Ariel's pink one from the movie huge cake from the best local bakery tower of presents the whole nine yards near the end of the party she announced that she had taken notes from my thrifty saving and had started my sister a high interest savings account with $1,000 at the moment so when she turned 18 she to be set she also informed family members that any money she received as a gift today would go there we weren't wealthy by any means so I figured that my stepdads parents wealthy old money had paid for all this I was 15 at the time this happened and with a permit from school I was able to get a part-time job I want to put my first check in my shoebox and I had noticed it only had one envelope in it versus the ten I had I opened it up expecting to count $1,000 but it was only three hundred seventy four dollars showing whoever took it had the foresight to put back what they didn't use I had an absolute panic attack like fell to the ground screaming / hyperventilating crying unable to speak panic that's when my brother came in he wasn't sure what to do so he got my mom she got down on my level and soothed me to where I was able to communicate anything she asked me what happened and here's the exchange roughly now what happened everyone is all right are you okay robbed we got robbed what do you mean honey I started crying again and said I only have $300 I noticed my mom becomes slightly less comforting and her tone became slightly nervous three hundred dollars did you take it she was referring to my brother brother says no why would I steal from Opie I didn't even know she had money well P I'm sure you lost it no fifteen year old needs 10k anyways look at you a bank account that way this won't happen again I didn't lose it well you must have thrown it away then or something that's when it suddenly clicked how my sister had such an awesome party mom please please tell me that you didn't take it for sister's birthday my mom got the ffensive and started talking like and this is the best way to describe it be guilty danganronpa character during the rythm minigame I would never what would I even use it for your sister has a hard life you would be lucky if that's where your money went you even got the money from us only part of it but whatever I remember distinctly putting $500 in your stupid box brother said it oh my god mom's a thief I'm not the thief I've given everything see you kids gonna have the best lives I was at the hospital every night with you I shaved your head when your hair started falling out this continued and would be a lot of typing but you get the gist mom you gave me that money because you guys didn't have rent brother says that's fun brother out this is between Opie and I woman to woman she pushed my brother out and locked the door behind him sweetie one day when you become a mom you'll understand that you'd do anything for your kids when God gives you to sick kids who get better you want to celebrate them don't you want your sister to have a good time doesn't she deserve to go to college one day you so smart and strong do you don't need help like the other two you'll probably get a full ride anyway I was in tears and too shaken up to talk I just sobbed in the fetal position she continued to talk at me for a while but I don't remember much other than waking up there for school the next day with my comforter on me and brother sleeping in my bed with his blanket and pillow I never got any money back but after buying a small safe for that paycheck instead saved up more and work two jobs when I was 16 so I could have money I ended up with about five thousand dollars out there having to pay for my own car and insurance to get to and from work and a few other things this story hurts this story definitely hurts I just hope that down the road whenever this mother might need something that guilt-tripping that the mothers gonna do isn't enough to make Opie give in to it if there's ever a more than ridiculous request my entitled mom thinks she can mistreat my little sister in front of me my conservative addicted to alcohol and cigarettes mom used to physically and verbally slash emotionally abused me as a child but since I'm an adult she can't get to me as much as she used to but she continues to verbally and emotionally hurt my little sister her actions towards her family caused my father to divorce her and leave the house apparently my mom is shuted my dad the same way she did us and still does to us I recently started a rebellion against her I aim to protect my sisters and i's rights and freedom as human being here goes the cast me equals guess it's me I be equals insensitive birther I have to call mom D s equals desperate sister no dialogue but as mentioned we are sitting at the dinner table eating canned food as always she doesn't want to make real food suddenly sister's phone rang as a notification pops up we all know that it is not allowed to use a phone while eating in this house but she forgot to silence it human mistakes happen so sister reaches for her phone to silence it if she doesn't the notification will continue to pop up and ring and then insensitive burger explodes and sensitive burger yelling slash barking what do you think you're doing no fun while eating I swear I'm going to take all your phones away like the old time she fantasizes going back to her time stuck in the past because she's jealous of my generation sister attempts to explain herself while insensitive burger continues to scream at her like she's delusional this is where I draw the line I interrupt me using my sarcastic humor to counter then I guess we're gonna take out that TV spend all your time watching to make things equal you know insensitive birther eyes wide with surprise how dare you talk to me like that stop disagreeing with me me calm and collected I'll stop disagreeing when you start doing things right like treating my sister with some respect and act like a decent person in my peripheral view I can see sister suddenly admiring me like I'm some sort of hero I personally don't think I am but hey we all need a personal hero in life the conversation continues to get more and more heated and I'm surprised that it and lose my temper not even once maybe a great force took over my body and helped me stay calm as a monk I don't know insensitive birther becoming a rudder this has to stop you have to stop telling me how I should talk to his sister why are you siding with her look we can have that conversation only if you stop screaming and since it of further staring at me with a look of pure hatred I never knew a mother could hate her own child like this shut up at this point I just kind of disassociate and disconnect my emotions to speak like a soulless body a technique I used the deal with my trauma and to make people feel on ease when arguing with me they feel like they can't hurt me please can we be civil and act like adults insensitive birther fuming shut up you have no right me straightening up I do I have the right to point out what you did wrong and I have the right to tell you to pay respect to your family look if you kindly ask my sister to please put her phone away like any mother would do while treating your child with the respect they deserve then none of this would have happened you have to stop insensitive brother paused shocked and surprised at my statement this was quickly replaced by a blinding rage shut up and so sort of birther suddenly storms off slammed the front door shut leaving sister and I still sitting at the table we decided to finish our plate and clean the table then go to our room and act like nothing happened insensitive brother came back 15 minutes later and proceeded to smoke ten cigarettes at once and drink herself to sleep let me tell you that I've never been so proud of myself for standing up to my family as it was my first time doing so it's definitely great that Opie was standing up for their sister and saying the things they needed to say to put this mother in her place I can't allow though that the disassociation and the disconnect to emotions does concern me I'm no expert I can't really say too much but I believe I've heard that that can really affect people in the long run handling things like that but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite of the day and why let me know which story and why in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the storytime channel thank you all again so very much for watching and listening to the storytime Channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 22,080
Rating: 4.9072847 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: AkJyqq-g7Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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