r/maliciouscompliance | "I WON'T BE TAUGHT BY A GIRL", Okay, you're FIRED

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hey everybody welcome back to the storytime channel my name is Stephen and let's get into our stories of the day teacher hates senior skip day and tries to ruin fun group of troublemakers obey her instructions my dad and I were talking about our respective days in high school when he shared how he and his buddies got back at their grouchy old math teacher mrs. Shafer according to dad mrs. Shafer was the best teacher he had ever had and he and his buddies gave her endless grief including using the phone in the classroom to pull a prank on another one of their pals however she took things way too seriously she was Stern strict and was the kind of person you could never take a joke everything had to be done exactly right of course dad in his buddies being teenagers saw her as someone who could use livening up and gained reputations as class clowns he told me that mrs. Shafer probably thought he and his friends were going to be criminal masterminds or something every year at this high school they'd have senior skip day which every senior looks forward to because hey it's a Daly from school mrs. Shafer in her grouchiness detested senior skip day and decided to ruin everyone's fun during my dad's senior year to this day dad swears that she picked that year because of the shenanigans he and his pals got into she announced that there would be a test on this day not only that but anyone who skipped the test because of senior skip day would get a zero which would affect their great average dad who had a scholarship lined up at his dream school was mad if he missed the test his great average would be affected risking his scholarship however he had been waiting every day for four years for senior skip day so he and his buddies came up with a plan and gave mrs. Shafer the most grief she had ever had in her entire life senior skip day rolls around dad and his buddies went to play golf early in the day as their test was scheduled in the afternoon once they finished their game they hurried to the school not even bothering to change out of their golfing clothes however this became a big problem one that admitted he and friends didn't think of for those who don't know anything about golf golf shoes have little cleats spikes on the soles to help grip on rough terrain however wearing them and walking on tile floors is a bad idea one of them was smart and took off his cleats but the rest of them were stubborn and insisted on trying to get them mrs. Schafer's room in their cleats which was on the second floor and on the other side of the building they were slipping sliding around grabbing the walls and laughing so hard everyone poked their heads out of the classrooms and were confused at the sight of these four guys trying to walk to their classroom in their golf cleats somehow they managed to get down the hallway and up the stairs without breaking their necks and made it to mrs. Schafer's room there was now a new problem while the hallway had tiles the classrooms themselves had wooden floors which resulted in the cleats getting stuck they were clomping around making a racket trying to get to their desks everyone else in the classroom looked up and laughed so hard everyone that is except mrs. Schaeffer she was beet red and looking like she was going to drop dead of a heart attack at the sight of these four idiots as my dad put it clomping into the room dressed for a round of golf and laughing as if they had heard the best joke in the world mrs. Schaeffer yelled what are you doing and pointed to the once perfect wooden floor which now had holes in them dad who had calmed down enough shrugged his shoulders and said we had time between rounds of golf to take the tests so here we are mrs. Schaeffer realizing that they did show up to take the test as she told them and that her own ploy to get back at them had backfired calmly told them to take their seats and gave their tests to them lowering at them the whole time when they were done they clumped back out before slipping and sliding around to catch their next tee time at least mrs. Schaeffer was fair dad passed the dust and kept a scholarship to this day those holes are still in the wooden floors so let's make this a little fun if you had that time during the first half of the day to do whatever you want with your friends before going and taking the test what is it that you would be doing let me know in the comment section down below you can have a drink but only out of these tiny cones close to a decade ago I got my first job as a dishwasher at my local Pizza Hut during college it was a chill place to work my managers were good people but as these stories tend to go the cool GM went on to pursue a career as a car salesman and a new witch of a woman was brought in to replace him she was universally hated by everyone and when she eventually quit the entire staff working that shift stopped that they were doing and cheered only one person felt bad to see her leave while she was there she basically made it her mission to make everyone's life hack most of it I could deal with but there was one thing that I was stubborn on my entire employment I to keep a medium sized drink cup in the back with me out of the way she did not approve of this however I tend to need a lot of fluids throughout the day compared to others nothing medical just always have been that way we had some cone-shaped cups worth about one goal per fill but those were a good walk away from me and I'd usually need at least three trips over there per hour of at least five refills each on these pathetic cups since they were cones they'd fall if he tried to keep them standing I got tired of this and eventually started maliciously complying first I would take three washed glasses and arrange them together with a paper cup in the middle at least I'd have a quick drink nearby even if it wasn't much I was still using the cone after all this was not acceptable of course I was told that I had to go up front and not keep the cups with me so I did that except I suddenly tended to be much thirstier than usual and up the number of trips and refills massively put together I was probably spending at least five minutes out of a busy hour away from my station drinking this went on for about two weeks my speed declined significantly and I was backed up a lot more than usual the dishwashing machine had trouble keeping up with the rush as it was if it wasn't running constantly I was losing a lot of time eventually she caved I was able to keep a drink in the back where I could fulfill a basic human need comfortably without compromising my work not the most fantastic thing off of this sub but a victory I was proud of if my memory of that time wasn't so hazy I'd have a ton more stories to tell malicious compliance was a common weapon in my arsenal with this manager more power to Opie but I do feel like there's probably some kind of regulation in a food establishment about keeping personal food or drink in an area now I can't pretend into the setup but I'm not sure if what Opie was doing would fly by a health inspector check per se if it was out of the way and contained it probably would have been fine mooned my head manager to get sick leave backstory this is 2008 I had been working for a local fast food chain for a few years and had been a really dependable employee I always came in early filled in for other employees when they were sick or had vacation mostly when they were sick though this is important because a lot of employees were abusing the policy causing had manager to require physical proof that you were sick but since it's a small town you could get a doctor's note pretty easy so if she didn't believe you she would ask for additional proof of course I was young and stupid and I really didn't know the law at the time for a while I had been suffering with a cyst that had been growing on top of my butt for a few months and this was really starting to affect my work since it would make it harder to walk as the day went on nice manager had noticed this and confronted me about it I told her what was going on as I was waiting for my vacation in a few weeks to check it out this didn't go over too well with her so she confronted my mother about it when she came by for her evening sweet tea like I said small town everyone knows everyone I was admitted for surgery the following day that just so happened to be one of the two days off I had doctors ended up removing a golf ball-sized cyst from me also released later that day and was given very strict orders not to do any lifting for the entire time I had the stitches in and I was to be out of work for three weeks the next day I needed to go to work and hand in my doctor's note and collect my paycheck since it was pay day my mother had it take me since I was on painkillers and unable to sit much less drive i hobbled into the building in a pretty good amount of pain since any movement from the waist down hurt then asked to see head manager she yelled from the back for me to come to her office I could tell she was not in a good mood from her tone I slowly make my way to her office once I get there she hands me my check and I hand her my doctor's excuse she reads it and flips what do you mean you are out for three weeks it was a really big cyst and the doctor said I had to take it easy I'm getting kind of irritated and lightheaded at this point due to the pain and the meds well you look like you can move around pretty well right now I even have you on the schedule to work tomorrow I'm sorry but I really can't do that prove to me that you can't trust me you don't want to I said prove it okay I then proceeded to turn around bend over and pull my shorts down revealing a large blood-stained gauze I hear head manager gasp in shock oh my god okay I believe you go home she said as I was pulling my shorts up I turned and looked at her before leaving and she was as white as a ghost later on that night I got a knock on my door it was nice manager she had came by to check on me and tell me about how head manager ran to the bathroom after I left and threw up we both shared a good laugh after that head manager was replaced by nice manager two months later after the district manager fired her for some reason I never learned also yes I know it was irresponsible of me to let something like that go for months like I said I was young and stupid at the time it was actually good that they talked to their mother and got them to get the surgery right away because you don't want to delay assist and it was already golf-ball-sized secondly I'm assuming head manager knew that they had a sister moved because Opie mentioned that it was a really big cyst so why would she need proof she got what she wanted won't be taught by a girl so he got fired so I used to work for my grandparents on an oil farm in Texas I was 17 freshly graduated from high school and had moved from the Midwest to Texas to live with my grandparents and work on the oil farm they worked for doing some easy data entry the building was essentially a tin building on the jobsite where my grandma and I the only two office workers besides my grandfather who was the foreman worked basically when the new hires would come in that had missed the initial hiring round I was the one that would make sure all their paperwork was in order and that they had all of their OSHA classes finished and if any safety training hadn't been done I would just put in the VHS and confirm on a written copy that they had finished it under my instruction this went on for two months with no issue until one fateful day a regular Florida man record and all came in as a new hire and came to my office to finish his new hire paperwork once he was in my office I found he had no safety training to speak of and I informed him his next day or two would be spent in my office watching safety videos all of this was paid of course he immediately flew into a rage screaming about how he wouldn't have some little girl teaching him how to do his job which again I was a 17-year old female at the time I now identify as non-binary and was only going through company standards and OSHA rules with him I went to my grandfather who was my boss at the time obviously very confused and uncomfortable and unsure of how I should proceed to which my grandfather said you want to fire him q my excitement my grandfather follows me to my office and I as a 17 year old get to fire this grande but man sitting in front of me I start directing him to gather his things and leave and he starts up a huge fit yelling and cursing at me before you notice my grandfather standing in the door with his gun holstered on his hip my grandfather usually kept this locked in a safe on the ground or in his truck I hadn't realized until after he'd pulled it out just for me and very quietly then he got up and left the most satisfying moment of my life good on Opie's grandpa for letting them stand up for themselves regardless of gender regardless of who they are you should be able to respect whoever's trying to teach you whatever it's not empty I was reminded of the story from my childhood when I woke up this morning to find an empty milk jug in my fridge I grew up in a larger than average family of six four kids two parents we were all huge milk drinkers and polishing off a gallon a day was not uncommon since we lived almost an hour away from most grocery stores my mom would often buy six to eight gallons a week and would store them in a fridge in the basement initially it was my job to run downstairs and fetch a new gallon whenever we emptied the current jug I was the eldest but as my siblings got older a new rule was implemented he or she who emptied the jug would have to retrieve a new one for the most part the system worked but one morning one of my brothers was pouring himself a glass and he ran out not feeling like making the trip downstairs he stealthily poured back some of his milk and put the nearly empty jug back in the fridge my dad came along a little while later and started to pour himself a glass but only got about a couple tablespoons out of it of course according to the letter of the law he should make the trip downstairs but dad being the supreme power of all household rules demanded to know who had the milk last all of us pointed to the offending brother who tried to mount the defense that since the jug wasn't technically empty when he finished pouring his drink he shouldn't have to make the trip no dice he was sent to the basement and from that day forward a jug with a little bit left in it was considered empty and the last user of the jug was responsible for fetching a refill although we all still try to circumvent it from time to time so my strategy with things like this I know it takes up a lot of space times but I would put two gallons in so that when you finish one gallon you still have an extra gallon ready to go and you can put the second one in ready for backup if you ever run short and you never have too little milk in the fridge because you always have that extra gallon ready to go but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite of the day and why let me know which story and why in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the storytime channel thank you all again so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel [Music]
Channel: Storytime
Views: 49,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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