r/entitledparents | POLICE called by Grandma Karen for this...

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hey everybody my name is Steven and welcome back to the storytime channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day my entitled parent neighbor hates me for not seeing her sick kids my personal conflict with my neighbor Karen the living definition of an entitled mom just missing the hair is that she thinks that having a doctor me living nearby means she has free access to check outs and formulas I found out about this pretty soon after moving in and since then I had constantly refused her calls visits or whatsoever and only help her in cases of emergency normally one of the kids getting a deep cut or the small one having a particularly bad asthma crisis for her this is not enough and we have at least two clashes per month about me not doing my job for free ignoring my oath people love invoking the Hippocratic oath when they want free things and blah blah blah with this intro you can imagine how life has been with kovat around and it got to its breaking point some nights ago apart from the pandemic my country is in the middle of the rainy season meaning you can get any other kind of respiratory virus as easily as the corona virus if not more but obviously we always have to think in the worst possibility three days ago Karen came to my door at 7 p.m. saying her kids were coughing had a fever of 39 degrees Celsius and that the small one the one with asthma was wheezing without opening the door I told her she needed to take them to the nearest hospital immediately but she refused because she didn't want to expose herself or the kids in the ER she wanted me to see them verify they had the virus she seemed to think I could do that with just a physical examination and give her a formula for a new inhaler because the usual one was not working on the kid I said no because the kids could have kovat small chance but still possible as I know they've been going out a lot and needed to be properly tested even if it came out as negative it was obvious her kids needed more than an inhaler for the crisis he was having there was a lot of bantering between the two of us which quickly escalated into both of us shouting and her slamming my door thank God it is made of metal and threatening to sue me I knew this was pointless so I escaped into my room and put my noise-canceling headphones on who knows how long she was out there shouting at my door but in the end she took her kids to the ER as far as I know the big one is back home but the small one is hospitalized I don't know if kovetz status on either of them gossip goes fast in this neighborhood and I already found out from some friends that Karen is bad-mouthing me with many of the other neighbors taking her side I also told the story to one of my colleagues and he said I should have at least seen the child if he was as bad as she described I still believe that examining the kids without the resources to treat them would have just pointlessly exposed me to a possible positive case even if I wore the few biosafety clothes I had in my house I've recognized my past story with Karen could be clouding my judgment but that doesn't mean this woman's entitlement is not on another level thanks for reading guys so why don't you let me know should Opie have gone in and checked on the kids or was she fine to insist that she go to the ER instead let me know in the comment section down below entitled dad lies to me about my mom's memorial service tries to make me feel bad about not coming to see him tells me to go to heck when I stand up for myself hey everyone I wasn't quite sure what to title this one it's a long one and it's kind of a follow-up to another story I did in a different sub because I tried to post it here but didn't have the Karma for reasons that should be clear from the title my mom won't be in the story so this happened recently so the information is fresh and a little more reliable than last time my mom recently passed away she had gotten cancer and her lungs and heart and was headed into surgery for the lungs when her artery burst lovely thing to wake up to right when I told people what happened they asked if I would be going to the funeral or memorial service whichever they were having I told them I would try but I needed to know when it would be first a short phone call with my dad told me that she was being cremated and that there wouldn't be a memorial service so I decided well in that case I'll just come down and say goodbye grieve in my own way and see friends and family I hadn't seen since my last since before I moved now learning my lesson from last time as well as taking some advice from people into the other sub I paid for my own ticket despite people offering I spent as much time as I could avoiding going to see my dad and there were very good reasons for this the first is that I'm staying with my biological sister I was adopted and I knew the moment he saw I was with anyone he didn't know he would freak out the second more important reason is that to be blunt he had cheated on my mom they were in the midst of a divorce before she died to make matters worse he was living with the person he cheated on my mom with and if one of my adopted sisters is to be believed which she has no reason to lie to me in a trailer that was supposed to be my mom's now as someone who nearly destroyed his own life by cheating before he saw the error of his ways and got his you-know-what together cheaters get no respect for me especially when you're all but dancing my mom's grave by living with the person you cheated on her with well I had been here about four days and had stayed the night at a friend's house when I wake up and who should be calling but my dad this is how things went cast me is me he is my dad he is undisclosed person who dad cheated with a is adopted sister who gave me crucial information H is adopted brother who offered important later to pay for my plane ticket but instead gave me money for food so I could eat while down here C is other adopted sister who was also told the same lie about the memorial service B is biological sister who I've been staying with this entire time saved the first night dad says via voicemail I go so don't college since me and your mom are getting divorced you've been here a week spending time with everybody else not true I'd spend most of my time with biological sister and only gone out the first night at that point any other time was because she had things to do and I came with so I wasn't by myself her here don't come to see me aren't you to know why I ignored him because the night before biological sister and I had been in an accident on the way back from seeing our grandmother's grave we had hit a dead deer that no one felt the need to move out of the middle of the road so I was banged up had a massive headache and was in no mood to be yelled at well adopted brother had other plans because I also got a call from him after I made it clear I wasn't in the mood he relented and just asked me to go see dad that's when I got a call from adoptive sister she was calling me about something unrelated but what she told me toward the end of the conversation made me just the tiniest bit agitated she says you going to the memorial service for mom what memorial service she says they're having one at the end of the month well this is news to me I was told but I was planning on coming down there wasn't going to be one she says huh okay I'll get some more information and get back to you now I like most of you probably thought maybe he changed his mind and he was planning to tell me boy was I wrong the next day I get a text from my adopted brother's phone and the following conversation occurs cheating lady says this is cheating lady it's not right how you've been here for a week and haven't seen him yet he is grieving too is he not good enough for you to come see him you need to come see him grieving isn't running around with your friends and he told me to tell you this but it's not right one bit me thinking to myself oh yeah I'm sure he's devastated and you're there comforting him I see the cheating lady first of all I haven't been running around with my friends I've been spending time with biological sister there's a difference cheating lady cutting me off first of all you had all week to see dad adopted brother Pete for you to come down here to see dad and that's not right dad said he doesn't want to see you now mom died and he will cope with it by himself this hurt him a lot get your facts straight adopted brother gave me spending money so I could have food while I'm down here we paid for my plane ticket second of all don't tell me how to grieve over my mother this is why I haven't come to see him yet I don't need y'all yelling at me and teaming up on me I knew they would I'm dealing with it in my own way cheating lady says dad said go to heck don't come see him or call him for anything by now the wise bud pissed-off redneck and me was tempted to quote wild wild west when he told me to go to heck by saying after you sir but I didn't want to say or do anything I would regret so I just left them on red and one about my day then yesterday I message other adopted sister to see if she knew about the memorial service either or if I was just the black sheep of the family turns out no she didn't know anything either this is where things get interesting I got another call from adopted sister apparently the only person dad told was her he expected us to write her eulogy and obituaries for him to read it the service how exactly did he planned for that if we didn't know about it so my sister the amazing person she is decided her level of F's given was at zero that day she told me a lot of things I either didn't remember or misremembered I won't go into gory details but let's just say if there wasn't a statute of limitations might have said that wrong the police would like to have quite a few words with dear old dad this dad sounds twisted emotionally manipulative and abusive liar cheater it's terrible to hear about and I feel like Opie is completely justified to keep his distance at all times grandma Karen calls police and Child Protective Services on me for assaulting her grandchild I colored her hair pink I've been babysitting two little girls three and five for over a year now and other parents since I was a child I'm 21 now and we get along very well a month ago I decided to dye my hair in a red brownish color when I babysat them they loved it their parents are quite okay with little girls playing with makeup and fashion so when I was done babysitting I asked the mom if I could bring some fun fashion things to play with the next time that next time was last week when I got there I opened my beauty case and showed them what I got necklaces costumes hair ties makeup frozen perfume in being cured I I asked both of their parents if it was okay for me to dye their hair pink says it's their favorite color I informed them that it was temporary hair dye designed for kids and it could be washed out immediately so it was pretty much harmless the Paras laughed a bit with me and told me it was fine but they specifically asked me to put them in a bath without washing their hair I guess they wanted to see it in the next morning they said goodbye and told me that crazy but grandma would come home around midnight to pee me la dee da dee da some amazing out Couture hours later the doorbell rang it was only around 9 p.m. and the girls were still away I put them in their bathrobes and night diapers I was getting them ready for bed and put them in front of the TV and went to open the door it was grandma Karen she was almost three hours early without even saying hello she entered almost knocked me over and while walking to the living room she opened her purse to get a fifty euro bill as soon as she went to hand me the bill she seized their pink hair and lost her darn marbles wetting the jesus and mary have you done to my babies um oh don't worry we just played fashionistas that's okay it can be washed out runs to the girls and starts screaming hysterically what has she done to your beautiful golden hair ma'am it's okay mom and dad know about shut up who do you even think you are to just come here and I solved my babies for seats to scream at me for a couple more minutes this is child abuse I'm calling the police on you you effing child molester okay so at this point I started to freak out even though I knew I didn't do anything wrong the thought of being interrogated made me almost pooped my pants she freaking held me hostage in the living room while continuing her screaming and moaning she even wrinkled the fifty euro bill like toilet paper and shoved it down her pocket curse words after curse words left her mouth oh my god I can't believe mom would even hire someone like you you'll probably have a criminal record don't you I hope you freakin get 20 years in prison you racist slur you ruined my baby's life you traumatize them this is child abuse the police are on their way evil smirk you will never find a job again Oh babies did that which hurt you she did didn't she oh my god did she also cut it I didn't you've probably been assaulting them for months now huh think about the most Karen Karen you know double her age and shorten her hair that was what I had to deal with for almost half an hour oh and she also said that me coloring my hair like a prostitute was a bad influence for kids in general anyways I was able to text the parents during her rant they arrived not too long after the police and a Child Protective Services officer he could only imagine how they reacted but they couldn't leave until my parents arrived to make sure everything was okay officers left mom and dad freaked out they kept apologizing to me mind you this was happening all in front of the girls because grandma Karen didn't let me put them in bed not only did she give me the most violent verbal attack I have ever seen she also ruined the parents date night when I left to go home I started crying but hey I got paid double that night and the girls hair looked fabulous PS since she lied about me assaulting the girls and verbally attacked me I can't charge her for it police officer gave me his number to contact him if I want it too should I though I really want to put her in her place but that would affect the parents and I love them so much it's a tough situation the grandma definitely deserves something but I think it probably would strain the relationship possibly irreparably with the parents if you did that just my two cents but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the story town Channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't 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Channel: Storytime
Views: 57,499
Rating: 4.924706 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: j0260oXQeJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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