r/maliciouscompliance | You can use *ONE* flashcard on the test...

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hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's gonna do our stories of the day my dad says he'll pick me up at dark well he hasn't picked me up so it must not be dark this happened about ten years ago and I have a good chuckle about it every time I passed the place in my car I'm a pretty meat guy so this is probably the only rebellious thing I did in my entire teenage life my dad owns a farm and being his son this meant I had a job when I was a kid whether I liked it or not mostly I understood this but that didn't mean I had to like it I resented having to spend entire days of summer vacation dawn-to-dusk in a tractor when it came time to harvest alfalfa which we did around four times between spring and fall basically imagine a teenager with ADHD forced to sit in one place for 14 hours and you'll understand how it felt honestly if I was in a total introvert I might have snapped sooner so anyway it's the second day of harvest and it's getting to be late in the afternoon I've spent about 20 hours total and a hay bind by this point over the past few days and I asked my dad which feels to cut next and I asked him when I'll be done hoping in vain that I can leave and go play video games or whatever this is where the titular line comes in I'll pick you up a dark little does he know that my little teenage heart is clenching with a righteous anger for all this wasted paid time so several hours passed and I'm understandably getting pretty irritable it starts getting dark and guess what no sign of my dad at the time it was becoming a bit of a recurring joke in my family about how my dad was always late so I knew I was in for the long haul then it occurred to me and the malicious compliance begins my dad said he'd pick me up at dark and he wasn't picking me up so that must mean it wasn't dark yet and what don't you need if it's not dark outside that's right headlights so I continued going back and forth on this wide empty field squinting as the light continues to fade after sunset and stubbornly refused to turn on the headlights I can easily see the edges of the field of course but everything else is blending in pretty well I start purposely and accidentally leaving some shark fins which are what we call mistakes that hey buy an operator's leave between rows when they don't get any alfalfa a few small shark fins per field are fine even expected but these are on a whole nother level my dad shows up after about 30 minutes of total darkness I forget our exact conversation but I do remember the result after asking me why I didn't turn on my lights and me telling him why he laughed uproariously and I still remember it fondly to this day I never did to get any punishment I'm not even sure he understood the extent of the missed alfalfa it was dark after all and it was hard to see in the dim moonlight but whatever it was just a few rows I however like to think he was a little proud of me because I was the type of teenager that never got into mischief I asked him about it recently and unfortunately he has no memory of the incident oh well I however will probably remember this little bit of malicious compliance fondly for the rest of my life it might have been pretty insignificant and motivated by laziness but it was also the first time I really stood up for myself against an authority figure so if you were being told that you would be picked up at dark and it was obviously already dark and you knew she wasn't coming right away what would you have done let me know in the comment section down below write with blood if I have to fine this happened to a classmate of mine and I was lucky enough to witness it a couple of years ago in high school we were going to take a regular exam for a class I don't remember the exam was right after our recess unlucky for us the teacher that would supervise us during the exam was one of the worst teachers most of us have ever seen the teacher was also a sub coming from another high school where teachers could abuse students as much as they liked my high school had a much higher pay than hers so she wanted to be a good and get hired as a full-time staff let's go my friend is Frank in the teacher as Karen we sat down attendance taken and Karen give us the green light to start the exam suddenly frank says d'arnot which gets the attention of karen and the following conversation ensues Frank says ma'am my pencil is broken he was using a mechanical pencil can I get one from a friend karen says no you can't I told everyone before the exam I would not allow pencil or a resource swapping you should have checked it she said this during our recess time so unless you came six to seven minutes early you wouldn't know it Frank says it was working it got broken when I was solving the first question look I even wrote my name with it I don't care not my problem so what am I supposed to do then I told you I don't care write with blood if you have to at this point there was a small silence and Karen has a small smile on her face thinking she is won over a high school student and satisfied her ego in my high school we had two vice principals and one of them would be checking every exam room at the beginning of an exam to make sure everything is okay attendance missing exam sheets etc and we had glass glass walls so you could see outside pretty easily Frank spotting the vice-principal is about to enter the classroom Frank says ma'am can I get up to take a pin from the pin board we had one on every classroom what why Frank waits for a few seconds for the vice principal to enter when she enters Frank says you told me to write in blood if I have to since you don't let me borrow a pencil from a friend and I don't want to get a zero from this exam I would like to get a pin to put a hole in my finger to write with my blood vice principal is shook looking horrified and just frozen what are you talking about Frank Frank says ma'am my pencil got broken during the first question I asked permission from Karen to borrow a pencil for my classmates but she said I can't she doesn't care what I do and that I can use my blood if I want to so I wanted to use my blood to write and not get a zero on the exam vice-principal looks at the class with a puzzled face as we all nodded our heads confirming Frank and some even say he is right ma'am vice principal looks mad but won't say anything during an exam in front of an entire class Frank take a pencil from your friend of course you can't use your blood to write in any case if anyone else needs they can also borrow pencils or erasers vice principal storms off the class as Karen throws a death glare to Frank we learn a couple weeks later that vice principal tore Karen a new one for being so stupid Puran was overall a very bad teacher and had a ton of complaints about her within just a semester at the end she was sent away one week before the semester ended we were already done with the curriculum so there was no miss material and of course she wasn't hired as a full-time staff beautiful timing by Frank here I love the knowledge that a higher authority figure would walk in and that he'd be able to call this teacher flat out on her BS a customer gets frozen milk eggs and cheese first a little backstory I work as a delivery driver for a store people order groceries in the store collects them and I deliver them we have five cars driving on a typical day in every car has a freezer and a cooling unit on the roof when people order they can add a message to the driver today I had a customer and I cut the feeling that he is a giant a-hole from the way he complained in the message that the food wasn't cold enough last time our cars stay around four to seven degrees Celsius the customer stated that everything that his cold has to go in the freezer so in the freezer they went negative 20 degrees Celsius at this point I should mention that he was the last delivery his food was in the freezer for around 1.5 hours when I arrived at his house I checked if the items were frozen yes yes they were milk's weren't fully frozen but enough that you couldn't drink them I started to unload the bags on a store he asked why three of the grocery bags were cold I told them that he asked them to be in the freezer I was right the whole time he was and probably still is a home then he just starts ranting about how I should know what he meant and swearing pretty much I show him the printed receipt that stated that every item that has to be cool I have to put them in the freezer then I thanked him and told him to have a good day with the biggest smile I could he let out a little grunt and closed the door I could hear him swearing through the door then I gleefully walked to my car and went back to the store he had already called there and complained the worker who answered the phone told him the same thing I said you asked for it and you got it what is the problem if he hadn't been so rude in the message I would have just put a stuff in the back and makes sure they are as cold as possible for those of you who think this was a little extreme the message contained only very rude orders in slandering of my colleagues if the message is obviously rude and argumentative and they said literally if anything is cold put it in the freezer and I don't think anything's wrong when Opie put anything that was needed to be cold in the freezer no I won't do your part in our group project in my university most of the lessons don't have an attendance requirement and they upload the video recording of the lecture and lecture notes to the school system when I have questions I prefer to send an email or give a visit to the professor at his / her office hours so I see no reason to physically attend the lessons the only downside is that I rarely know the other students taking the same lesson this becomes a problem in some courses when there is a mandatory group project that means you're not even able to upload the project to the school system unless you choose your group members I always end up with the other people who have nothing to do with the school and do absolutely nothing to help with the project after multiple projects which I had to do other people's parts I had enough and that's where our malicious compliance begins in one of the hardest courses in our department we had a mass of six people project which was 40% of our total grade now to pass the course you had to take a minimum of 50% that means with a good you can almost guarantee that you can pass the course with the minimum grade but this is still a big deal since on average people take this course three times before passing it we had two months to finish this project and for the first two weeks I emailed messaged called my team members about the project but they always had some excuse about why they can't join the meetings and why they can't talk right now so in the end I separated our roles in the project and sent them an email showing who is responsible for what I finished my part in the project rather quickly and I started to wait a week before the deadline my group members noticed that this time nobody did their part there was chaos they were panicking and they were angry group was filled with messages like why nobody did the project and what they were going to do now I was enjoying reading their angry and desperate messages but of course I am NOT heartless so I explained to them what they should do and how they can do it I even send them some links to tutorials an example project similar to ours with enough effort there was still enough time to do something decent time was passing and they were getting even more desperate but they were still doing nothing some of them called me and tried to arrange meetings but I gave the exact same excuses they gave me a month ago and told them I already finished my part so they don't have to worry about me they tried to convince me to help but every time I said I would love to help but insert one of the excuses that person gave me before so I can't help last day of the deadline I asked them to send me to the part they did which they responded with they will try to send something in a couple of days now there is a 10% punishment for each day past the deadline so I said no I am sending it today so send me the part you completed realizing they are going to get a zero they insisted that for my part I write their name too I simply answered with no smiley face and I ignored the rest of the messages they wrote a couple hours before the deadline I send the project with a documentation explaining the project and who did which part now ten percent of the project's grade was sending a working project so I was waiting for a maximum of 90 out of a hundred but I was also worried because 80% of the project was missing and perhaps professor can decide to give zeroes to everyone but luckily this didn't happen and I actually got 90 points while my other team members got one big juicy zero I think Opie is completely justified this is a project worth 40 percent of your grade in a college course and nobody can be bothered to do anything besides one person I wouldn't give them any credit either you can use one flash card on the test I recently found the subreddit and think it is splendid it reminded me of something I did freshman year I have always been a lazy human not the lazy that causes other people to hate for not working on a group project more of the work smarter not harder kind of lazy anyways it was the in a freshman year finals were coming and teachers were laying out the requirements my English teacher was giving us a test on all 240 vocabulary words for the final it was going to make up a considerable portion of the grade anyways she said that we could use the front and back of one flash card so I had an idea I didn't know too many of the words so I decided to just use the flash card most kids had like aid words in the car if they even bothered to fill it out at all but not me let me say that it would be challenging for anyone to get me to work as long and as hard as I did on that card first I got my ruler and made about 30 lines one millimeter apart from one another then I took a word list and alphabetized it I then wrote next to the word the closest matching cinnamon that I knew next to it I used the lines to fill in my smallest handwriting possible every single word anyways I showed a couple of people and they were angry at my loophole and said I was going to get in trouble nope easiest 100 percent ever I still have the note card and I have just temporarily mitad my profile pic this was four years ago just for reference honestly if I was the teacher and I saw a kid walking that card I wouldn't have shut them down for writing 240 words on a little flashcard taking a break outside the office was frowned upon taking it inside however the vellum in position team of two one day boss comes to my desk we need to talk about your working hours huh why you've been missing a lot of time lately that can't be true I used to come an hour and leave at hour plus eight plus one hour for lunch we go to check it out and it turns out that most of that time is for bathroom breaks and a few times I left to walk around the office and refresh myself bathroom breaks are you aware that I have irritable bowel syndrome right yeah but company policy says we are allowed thirteen minutes per day I'll try to talk with HR but can't promise anything and about the breaks outside the office are you aware that I'm quite stressed because I'm lifting most of the weight of the project and needed to refresh myself right yeah but that's company policy are you also aware that I don't take most of the breaks everyone else takes right yeah but that's company policy so in the 4/6 months that I had left as I was already looking for something else but in a more lazy way my workday started with one or two hours of listening to a podcast in my station then a 45-minute break inside the office for fruit in reading a book then one hour of actual work lunch pause oh but I'm having lunch inside the system automatically as 45 minutes for lunch if you don't leave unless I actually leave the office building after lunch then two hours of work then the evening of fruit and read break inside the office then one hour or so of work in a personal project and read documentation and technical stuff the best part is that they really didn't notice a drop in productivity on my side and all because the new boss wanted in Excel with numbers well he got it and one less developer it's company policy that you can't be productive if you're stepping outside but if you're taking lots more breaks inside that's very productive is basically what this amounts to but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite and why let me know which story was your personal favorite in the comments section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the storytime channel thank you all again for watching and listening to today's stories on the storytime Channel [Music]
Channel: Storytime
Views: 40,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Id: 8nZWRuAQwMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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