r/Entitledparents She DEMANDS First Class Seats, Gets Kicked Off the Plane Instead!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents we're a rude entitled mother gets herself kicked off a plane another Karen on a plane post reminded me of this lovely experience last month due to a new procurement process issue at work nobody really cares about I booked a flight to my conference destination really late all that was left were middle seats or ponying up personally for an upgrade which wasn't going to happen for a relatively short flight out in the boarding area they announced many many times that it was a full flight and kept begging people to gate check their bags it wasn't subtle after they let all the military first-class frequent flyers and blah blah need more time people bored my group got to plod down the jet way once we got into the plane I could see my fate before me a wild Karen was sitting in the aisle seat the middle was piled with Karen garbage backpack electronic devices stuffed animal snacks etc and a miniature Karen was over in the window seat happily kicking the empty seat in front of her so hard it was visibly shaking joy that's I count the Rose definitely mine when I got to the row I pointed to the middle seat to indicate it's mine Karen didn't budge or move a single thing from that garbage pile I tried again with the hole sorry that's my C routine she snapped at me sit somewhere else I'm all can't do that full flight this is my assigned seat well Karen wasn't having that did I know what kind of day she'd had it had started the day before their flight was diverted they missed their connection they slept in the airport overnight they just need a little space sit somewhere else and she shoved her knees fully up against the seat in front of her blocking my way into the sucky even before she loaded it with Karen stuff middle seat then she shut her eyes and pretended to be asleep I slammed the flight button over her head and awkwardly crouch in the row behind so people can get past we'd already made a scene and clogged up boarding as I crouched there I realized nothing about Karen's story made sense we weren't at the big city airport where flights sometimes did get diverted we were at the tiny Regional Airport that only had a couple airlines that flew to a few major hubs no connections happened here there also weren't a bunch of other people griping about misconnections diversions our having slept in the airport when a tiny Regional Airport has that happened you know everybody knows Karen was probably full of garbage anyhow the saintly flight attendant arrived to ask what was wrong she checked my ticket yeah that was unfortunately my seed then she asked Karen to see her and the kids tickets Karen kept her eyes closed and continued to pretend to be asleep I don't know how she thought that would work but the flight attendant shook her shoulder several times and kept speaking loudly to her you must remember boarding is going on all around this people were hefting bags trying to find seats and the usual loud mayhem it was ridiculous flight attendant finally told Karen that if she didn't respond paramedics would be called about an unresponsive passenger that got Karen's attention she popped up and demanded what I'm trying to sleep and then went off on the same ranch she did it me about her travel nightmare and needing this space the flight attendant explained that it was a full flight all the seats were booked standby passengers were waiting for any extras and Karen needed to let me sit this and Karen in two whales over being separated from her baby by a stranger the flight attendant pointed out that she booked the aisle and window seats herself leaving that separation so she could either ask me to swap or sit in them as assigned that set off another rant apparently some frequent flyer and travel advice website out there says to book the window and and hope nobody sits in the middle so you get free space I imagine this works on flights that aren't full this one was full Caryn swore she got that tip for how to get an extra seat free off airlines website and through quite a fit that after they told her to do that she was being punished by being separated from her baby meanwhile the people in the row in front arrived and Minnie Caron was still kicking away like she was at soccer practice it was so bad the guy in the window-seat didn't even want to sit down he leaned over and asked the kid to stop kicking Minnie Karen let out an unholy wail of stranger that she had apparently been trained to do if a stranger spoke to her Karen turned from her screaming fit at the flight attendant to take in the scene of an adult man the row in front looking at her child in horror and the child wailing stranger at the top of her lungs only to turn right back to the flight attendant while pointing at the dude and demanding in this pedophile off this plane immediately that's where a flight attendant went from firm and reasonable to utterly brilliant she sagely nodded at Karen we can't remove him from the flight because he hasn't done anything to your child but we can certainly get you to receipt it if you're not comfortable with your current location and situation gather your things we'll take you up to the desk and see if there are any upgrades available to the more spacious seats it was amazing Karen puffed up in self-importance as she gathered her now happy spawn and all their junk she threw elbows like mad shoving her way upstream past all the people still trying to board she heard the magic word upgrade and she was going to get there before it was gone I sort of cursed to myself that they probably were upgrading her to make her calm the flip down and was not thrilled that her ridiculous display worked then flight attendants co-worker came back to ask if I preferred the window or aisle to my middle seat aisle thing at least I got that right it got better flight attendants co-worker explained that I could relax because Karen and entitled kid would not be returning there were no upgrades it was faster and easier to get them off the flight that way than calling security they filled the seats with waiting stained by passengers and presumably Karen had plenty of space to sit next to her mini Karen in the terminal while waiting for the next flight well played saintly flight attendant well played our next reddit post is from cinnamon TV this happened back in February this was my first comic-con and I had the exact appearance of a teenage geeky girl who has no idea what's going on and what she's actually supposed to bring with her I wore an Espeon onesie here's what it looked like a purple spotty backpack to soar spare clothes and merch that I would be buying and a little pokeball per slung over my shoulder with a little SB on plush sitting inside with its head sticking out like a chihuahua so yeah I looked cuddly to say the least I stood out a little compared to the more professional cosplayers I arrived early so the doors weren't open yet my friends that were also going didn't arrived yet either I saw a white car parked on the other side of the road unentitled mother got out with her kid and walked to the queue and started to point and laugh at the crowd at the door people had to go past her to get to the door so she'd stop people and laugh at them calling them deadbeats and man-children which was completely false there were parents with young children who were dressed up not just teenagers and adults and elbowing and titled kid as saying things like aren't you lucky that you don't have to embarrass yourself in public like this people were mostly ignoring her and muttering to themselves it was frickin bizarre she looks straight at me and berated me for wearing pajamas as my costume and called me lazy for not having a proper cosplay then it happened my saviors a married couple I saw the rings dresses Jeff are from Aladdin and rose quartz from Steven universe showed up now these guys were professional they look like they'd been to dozens of Comic Cons they later won the costume contest entitled mother starts her mocking but then at Jafar absolutely exploded at her other people started to join in and they all jeered at her for having nothing better to do since she's the one who drove out just so she could make fun of people who just wanted to enjoy an event entitled mother goes right in the face drags entitled kid off and drives away freaking bizarre I told my friends about it later and we all had a laugh it's 2019 who makes fun of geeks and nerds for being into geeky and nerdy stuff what's that's not even a dirty word anymore this is the most 1990 thing I've ever read Game of Thrones is mainstream Avengers is the most profitable movie in history Pokemon is the most profitable video game franchise in the world like this woman is living in the past our next reddit post is from dark starlit lull my daughter's birthday is tomorrow but because we're also headed away on a long car journey for our holiday we decided to have a mommy-daughter tea and cake thing at a local cafe she is a very kind girl and loves to help me out particularly since she found out I was pregnant she wanted to help me hold the tray for our food and drinks it's not very busy so I let her hold the whole thing while we walk over to the counter with the cakes on it she puts it up on the side and points out which cake she would like once we have our choices we both push the tray along together so there's no spills when it comes time to pick a drink the apple juice she wants is in the top of the refrigerated shelves I take my hand off the tray and lean up to pick one up I trust my daughter not to tip over the tray in the single second I look up to grab the carton there's movement at my side and my daughter starts shouting and crying I turned to see some woman pulling the tray with our cakes on it away from her and my daughter is holding on to it still I'm about to shout at this woman she shoves the tray back and forth basically fleeing my daughter to the floor and the cakes also fall to the floor plate smashing she couldn't be bothered to get her own tray so she stole ours my daughter is really crying at this point and I hastily kicked the shattered bits of plate aside with my foot so I can crouch down to help her out without hurting either of us this jerk then had the audacity to try to lecture me on how I shouldn't let my daughter play with trays by herself because it's dangerous and she could hurt herself and look what she's already done and I should be ashamed of myself I explode I turn on this woman absolutely livid and I think the look on my face must have given her pause because she stopped trying to walk away with the tray and blink stupidly at me how dare you I don't think my voice has ever been so deep and menacing it attracts the attention of the staff and another woman with her two sons who looked to be about eleven and fourteen she doesn't just walk over she storms she's pretty fit looking in general but her arms holy moly she rips the tray out of this woman's hands and wrenches her arm behind her back then pins are in place against the glass of the cake display the entitled mother is shouting in pain and after a few moments a girl about 15 years old comes out of the seating area her daughter the staff called the police and one rushes over with a broom and a first-aid kit she cleans up all the plate shards and cake splatters and helps me look over my daughter for cuts etc the whole time entitled mother is screaming about how she's being assaulted for no reason how I was the thief in my three about to turn four year old is a thief in training it takes about three or four minutes for the police to show up this station is literally on the other side of the main road behind the shop with the cafe as they arrive the entitled mother starts screaming them to help her that she's being attacked for no reason the mama bear explains the situation calmly I'm too busy trying to console my daughter we both bruise like peaches and I can already see the red mark covering the back of her thighs she's gonna be black and blue soon enough I'm very hormonal right now so as much as I'm angry I am also crying at this point the police realizing that I'm pregnant and stressed and that my daughter has sustained an injury call an ambulance to ensure that we're both okay once we're at the hospital we're both looked over and the doctors confirmed that my daughter is going to have the bruise to end all bruises over her legs and bum aside from being stressed I'm given the all-clear and then an officer appears to take my statement they tell me the woman was arrested and that mama bear the staff of the cafe and entitled mother's own daughter gave statements against her they've also got camera footage of the whole thing from the cafe I give my statement and and then able to take my daughter home our happy cake time is ruined and now she's gotta sit in the car on a massive painful bruise for the eight plus hours we're going to be on the road I am so angry even just writing this I have to keep taking a few moments to not cry again I just I know these entitled butt holes are out there and I can deal with sucky comments and so on but this woman assaulted my daughter and didn't give a flying flip I have no idea what I would have done if mama bear hadn't come over when she did but I am certain that there would have been bloodshed I was so ready to rip her face off with my bare hands today and tomorrow we're supposed to be so happy it's her freakin birthday and now she's going to be in pain and there's nothing I can do about it you bet your butt I'm going to take her for all I can but I've got to go on my holiday first police have assured me that with the evidence and witness statements this is almost certainly going to be a court case for child abuse it's likely going to take a little while to sort things out paperwork I guess I've never been to court before so I'm sure what to expect I'm away ten days so I don't know how quickly things will be processed but I've been told that the police will be in touch with me if they need anything more and provided me with some contacts for appropriate lawyer should I need them there was more but I can barely think straight right now my daughter is fine and napping right now but I'm still just so overwhelmed by this incident if I see that woman about anytime soon I think I'll actually kill her I don't know about you guys but I am so looking forward to Opie's update when she tells us what happens to this entitled mother when she gets convicted of child abuse so if you want to find out what happens to this entitled parent be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications so you will catch the update video that was our slash entitled parents and if you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe because it really helps me out
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: T4v1imlFYOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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