r/EntitledParents (ft. r/TalesFromRetail) | Takes Item and Tries to Return it

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close your doors and stay inside because today the entitle parents have invaded all the stores and they won't be satisfied until they get what they want it's time for more entitled parents featuring tales from retail our retail store is operating as normal when they notice something odd about a child they put two and two together and are shocked when they discover what crazy plans that child's mother had to get out of her responsibilities when you don't have cash why not try to make it appear out of thin air that's what this customer tries to do at this shop until the manager steps in and puts a stop to it encouragement and praise are great but when does it go too far when it's used by an entitled person to manipulate you to get what they want how does this employee respond to her you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and title parents featuring tales from retail this story was called entitled parent leaves child and retail store thinking it's free daycare I work in a tech based retail store it's a flagship in London and where hell are busy all the time we have both sales and repairs I work on the repair side of things we also have free training sessions in the store so teaching people how to use our products and have kids ours as well so it's appealing for the whole family we often get a lot of EPS leaving their kids and going off shopping which we absolutely do not allow has we're not responsible for anyone in those sessions but they often get a slap on the wrist and realize what they did wrong but today's EP takes the cake I don't know all the details as I didn't deal with her firsthand but this is what I know from the grapevine / some first-hand account I am supporting sales for the day as customers go through sales first before repairs they usually have questions about repairs that sales can't answer that's where I come in I notice a colleague in a really deep conversation with this young kid can't be older than 7 or 8 and didn't think much of it until an hour later the same kid is talking to another member of staff he doesn't seem to be with anyone I don't think anything of it until this morning we've just opened that lo and behold this kid is back and talking to more staff a lot of us recognize him because of the really bright yellow jacket he was wearing and we get a bit suspicious one of the senior staff goes over to chat to him to find out what's the deal it turns out that kid's mom has dropped him off at store and is going out for the day with friends he tells us she aims to pick him up by 8:00 how she did yesterday the issue with this it's Sunday and we close at 6:00 now this part is blurry as I was in appointments the whole time and only witnessed the end one of the managers attempts to get some information from the kid as were not liable for him we need to contact dearest mother and get her butt back here for her kid but the child doesn't know her number nor does he have a phone on him managers left no choice but to call the police that also contact Child Protective Services not sure if they had to in cases of abandonment or what that's just what I was told police shows up and talks to the boy no idea what happened here but by some miracle they are able to contact momzilla and then crap hits the fan turns out she was having a lovely time halfway across London and she's ticked off that someone called the police on her son she eventually gets to the store screaming like a banshee about how dare we interrupt her day this is kind of how it went why did you call the police for my son he was perfectly fine playing with the phones ma'am this is a retail store it's private property and not a daycare center we are not responsible for your child he's been here lots of times no one has ever complained it's your job to look after customers we're here to serve and support not babysit what if your child was abducted how dare you threaten something like that of my son I would take you to court for negligence I'm pretty sure abandonment is negligence all this was said in front of a police officer which was wonderful they were both escorted outside and we began the process of banning from the store no idea what will happen to the woman her son maybe next time hire a sitter instead of dropping him off with us now you got a hurt there was some serious repercussions for this a child isn't gonna know better if the parent just tells them to stay there and play with phones all day that's just what they're gonna do they think that's what they're supposed to do this story was called customer picked something off a shelf and tries to get a refund for it I work in a supermarket in an area that isn't exactly that nice there's a lot of theft in the area and because of our lack of staff we struggle with it a bit and lose quite a bit of money so it's Friday night and we're understaffed there are three main areas of the shop floor and store policy requires us to have at least one person on each of them the checkouts the self-checkouts and the customer service desk but because we don't get that many people coming for customer service we can usually get away with having only two people managing everything not this night though we have a guy come to the service desk looking for a return he has two or three phone charging cables adding up to about 30 pounds of merchandise he's deaf and I wasn't the only one helping him so I could only glance at what was happening he claimed that he bought them earlier that day at a time when either I or my supervisor were in and that he wanted to return them no receipt that's not that uncommon and we have to give people the benefit of the doubt however we cannot give cashier returns without receipts so all we can offer them is a gift card with store credit on it not good enough apparently he gets rather annoyed then suddenly claims he has a receipt on his phone which seems inconsistent but he may have claimed that he bought the item online I'm honestly not sure my supervisor looks at it and then realizes something inconsistent online receipts come with a reference number and when she looked this one up it came up with printer ink cartridges not the charging cables he had on him so her response was the same the receipt wasn't the right one so she could only offer store credit the guy doesn't like this so he complains and at that point my supervisor decides to bring one of our managers into it she comes along and does same thing explaining to him that without proof of purchase we cannot give out any cash he's insistent that he bought them so her response is to check security footage to see if he did buy them or not now this went over the course of an hour and a half and while it went on my supervisor had to leave and go into the warehouse part of the store which left me on my own store policy dictates that the self checkouts under no circumstances can be left alone at any time meaning I was pretty much stuck there which wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have customers coming and demanding that I open a register for them we get a lot of old people who either don't know how to use the self scans or don't want to either way I'm on my own and having to deal with them while this situation is handled and they're not happy about the fact that I can't do two things at once still I managed to pull through it was about an hour and a half since the customer arrived and my supervisor came back to tell them that the footage was being checked so he'd need to wait a bit longer he lost his patience clearly not happy that he was waiting so long for this to which my supervisor just said you should have taken the giftcard point is he's tired of waiting so we take his details and he leaves my manager and a security staff member come back and as the title gave away it turns out that he had just walked into the store picked the items off the shelf and gone to the desk to get a return the guy was trying to get a refund for stuff he hadn't bought the funniest part is that he could easily have swindled us he could have walked out with the cables he could have taken the gift card but nope he was adamant on having cash for something he stole what grated me the most was thanks to him forcing my supervisor to run around and check stuff I was left on my own to do the work of two to three people still kudos to my supervisor for realizing what was since it was late some people would have just accepted the online receipt and given him cash still I hope that this huge waste of time told that guy a lesson why is it that thieves only come in two varieties you've either got the real dummies like this that don't think hmm I could get caught here let's just take the easy option and get the gift card or heck just the cables themselves the other type of the masterminds that come up with some elaborate scam swindle people of millions of dollars you never get the mediocre thief that's just like right in the middle this story was called lady you need to lay off the tourney Robin's many years ago I worked at a book store this book store has a pretty lacks return policy if you had a receipt we'd take it back if you didn't have a receipt as long as it was something we sold we'd take it back in exchange for store credit the only thing was returns without a receipt required a manager's code in the computer but it was no big deal and the managers at my store rarely refused a return unless the book was seriously damaged what we just didn't carry that title and they always took back books that still had our bookstore sticker attached this door I worked at started all new highs off as cashiers for a month or two before letting them move up to bookseller and this happened about a week after I started so I was still pretty green but I hadn't run into anything I couldn't handle enter the Holy Prophet of self-esteem she was nondescript probably mid 40s light brown hair easy smile she approached my register and pulled a book out of one of our bags I need to return this sure thing do you have a receipt I don't is that going to be a problem I was flipping the book over and seeing one of our stores stickers not at all they will have to be for stole credit third that's our policy for returns without a receipt store credit is fine I shop here all the time cool I just need to ring the manager real quick to process the return they were looking miffed but you said store credit would be just fine yeah the computer just needs a manager's code and I'm just a cashier so no at this point I kind of freeze not sure what to do the holy prophets vehemence is totally out of proportion to needing a manager's code and she's also looking at me like I just dropped kicked her favorite puppy you were not just a cashier you have so much more worth as a person than this menial job it's so sad what we've done to your generation telling you that all you are is what you do for your employer but you're more than a cashier you're a person I laughed awkwardly ahem no ma'am I meant that I can't process your return on my own because I'm just a cashier and the computer requires you're not just a cashier ma'am I need to call a manager to say you're not just a cashier I'm not just a cashier good good I bet you feel much better now can I please return my book me very decidedly not feeling better sure but I need to call my manager to process the return their voices quavering suddenly on the verge of tears but you said you weren't just cashier I thought you understood you're more than this job you have the ability to do this I believe in you I really can't the computer won't let me because it needs a manager's code and I'm not a manager I'm a cashier stop saying you're a cashier it was at this point that my manager came to my rescue I'm not sure if the other cashier paged her or if she just overheard the commercial but she calmly walked over and told me to move to the next register so she could finish processing the hi profit of self esteems returned the high profit spent the entire time my manager was ringing up the return her rang her for destroying her employees sense of self-worth I don't know if the high profit took her store credit to a different location or what but I never saw her in our store again people can get so obsessed with their I don't know what you call it feel-good ism they've gone through a self-improvement journey and now it's their mission to make everyone feel exactly like they do and the assumption is just that while everyone else feels terrible I feel great about myself so I shall help these lowly people to raise their self-esteem now don't miss hear me I think personal development and raising your own self-esteem is great it's just that there are some people I think everyone else has a low self-esteem and they think it's their holy mission to try and help every single person they can like someone who's just a cashier when really that kind of shows you what she actually thinks of kashia's doesn't it this fan submitted story was called no I will not be selling my black rollerblades just because they are boy colored so I posted about a woman who wasn't entitled mum with an a DD ADHD kid but this is a whole different story one that I am proud of since this can also include pretty wholesome stories so maybe two or three weeks ago I decided to sell a bunch of stuff that doesn't fit me such as pants shirts and shoes they were pretty cheap for clothing since I bought them for double the amount I was selling them for and one of these things were a huge collection of skater and emo things just like any other kid around the world I'm 13 and emo slash skater phase it didn't stick for long as you can tell about two years but some of the Styles stuck with me such as my dyed hair and my love for rollerblades now I earned 15 pair of blades from up to now I'm 15 and all were pretty girly until now since I bought a quite expensive pair of black blades that were just my size so I went online saying hey selling and so toys and clothes for cheap rollerblade skates and bikes for sale and I got quite a following I decided that since I'd be selling my stuff at the local farmers market with other people they were selling bracelets and tie-dye shirts I should bring my pair of rollerblades to skate around in if I wanted to shop so the day of the market comes and I'm setting up pricing everything and doing pretty well the clothes my old bikes and my old blades were doing well until an entitled mom stopped being entitled in the future luckily walks up with her 7 to 8 year old son ended up babysitting him walks up to the table and this is how it went hello sounds pretty sweet and it's pretty cheerful hey if you need any help just ask in teitelbaum nods and grab some shoes shirts and an old black bike and I'll take those rollerblades you have on sorry ma'am they aren't for sale they are mine but they are black like is a Boy Color sorry ma'am but I bought these myself by making money watching a woman's child but I can tell you where I got them no those are boys shoes you're a girl girls wear pink and dresses not what you have on might I mention that I was wearing jeans a t-shirt a t-shirt that read as long as you don't touch me were all good and a flannel plus the rollerblades once again I'm sorry I don't like to wear dresses because I have some self-confidence issues and I don't wear pink the woman groans angrily and buys what she picks up though she doesn't have the money and says she's going to the bank I nod and hold the stuff in the back where my mom's car is and wait the entitled mom comes back mad and throws the money at me I sigh and hand her the stuff watching her leave about three days later I get an Instagram message from the entitled mom asking if I can babysit her kid I say yes because money and sent her the paper she has to sign she was iffy at first I have a lot of rules they are simply I only worked for a max of eight hours the kid has to be in school must be potty trained and the general phone number an allergy list like I said I'm 15 who only knows how to CPR she said she would pay me more to teach her kid how to ride a bike so when I get there she starts to apologize saying that she didn't mean anything she said or did I said it was okay and handed her a pair of my old red skates and her kids sighs she smiled and hugged me I'm going to say that her kid is my favorite kid to babysit so far he's easy and is willing to try new things so if entitled mom reads them thank you for being an entitled mom because I would never have met a kid like yours well what do you know there's hope for untitled parents after all however this is just anecdotal not a statistical fact so you know the Wars not over yet guys remember to keep speaking calmly and always keep stock images ready to be thrown at a moment's notice if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit I'll slash Boise here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one [Applause]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 230,380
Rating: 4.8617067 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 45
Id: uQx-oFNiGt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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