r/EntitledParents | My Step-Mom Made Me BROKE...

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what's up guys welcome to voic-- here this is your host that really wants a D&D group captain Zach and today subreddit azar slash entitled parents don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called entitled mother shoves me during a school play because I was yelling note this is my first post here I read the rules and this lady is a parent even though her kid isn't a big part of the story if this doesn't fit here please tell me then I'll remove it beware this is a very long story so get comfortable a bit of backstory I am American and when I was around 8 me and my family moved to England a few years later I am now around 9 to 10 we moved to a new area and of course that meant I was starting at a new school my family moves almost yearly they like to explore and are constantly looking for the perfect house so I am very used to starting fresh and making new friends a few weeks before we got to go look around the school I was starting at it was a very small school everyone knew each other all the teachers helped out in all the classes things like that I got to meet all the teachers that work there there was KS 1 T or Key Stage 1 teacher K s 2 T Key Stage two teacher or my teacher headmistress and office lady then there were two teachers assistants that offered to help around the classroom one of them is our entitled mother at the school I joined cast whose class mid January and everything was normal for the first few days classmates were nice as usual teacher was dumb AF as usual there was one kid that was very dumb and never listened as usual everything seemed fine after a few days we had a sunny day for once I was so used to America's hot summers and snowy winters England is just rain rain and more rain KS Tootie decided to make use of the rare Sun and said today is PE class remember small school no gymnasium I was excited and then it was revealed that our PE teacher would be none other than one of the TAS nice teacher's aide was busy so that left entitled mother she was your average Karin perfect haircut dyed blonde with the roots slightly showing nails like a bird's talons sunglasses even though it was January and she acted as if she was the most perfect human being I often heard her talking about her child she spoke as if the kid was created by angels and given to her as a gift from heaven we were told that after we warmed up we were going to play a game called Bulldogs everyone got excited except me I had no clue what this game was I told entitled mother that I had no idea what she was talking about and she didn't like that she said be tough and figure it out as we were warming up I scratched my knee on a rock it was a minor cut but I was like 9 or 10 entitled mother said stop being a child even though I was one and that she would toughen me up once warmed up we started setting up for the game Bulldogs this girl called Tina she's very important later on explained the rules and told me that she was in the sports club that entitled mother runs the game was simple there is a person who is the Bulldog if they touch you you are a bulldog to everyone else runs back and forth across two lines on the playground behind the line you are safe as I was running I tripped and fell but I tucked my head down and rolled forward back onto my feet and kept running entitled mother was ecstatic she kept yelling hello hey I told you how are we toughen you up but she didn't teach me that my dad had showed me that when I lived in America my dad was a self-defense teacher all week she bragged to the real teachers on how she showed me how to be tough I think she just wanted them to offer her a full-time job the main story sorry for the long back story I just thought it was necessary so a few months later we started learning about William Shakespeare we researched all about him and we were told by my teacher that we would be going to a huge theatre to perform the play Midsummer's Night Dream I was so excited because I got the lead female role and because my parents were coming to watch my teacher and headmistress were explaining to us about how the performance day was going to go headmistress said she would be watching the performances from the audience in that my teacher would be backstage along with entitled mother who had decided to come help us on the day of the performance we had to get to school and come with a packed lunch in dinner Tina asked me if I wanted to sit with her during the bus ride she seemed very nice we chatted the whole ride to the theater it took around three hours to get there and she even let me sit by the window because I got travel sick once at the theater we met with other schools that would also be performing a play we would be doing two performances one at around 4:00 p.m. and one near 9 p.m. Tina and I were so excited we set together and ate our lunch while my teacher ran through the plan one last time before the performance do you remember me mentioning the dumb kid that never listened in class well turns out he is the angel that is entitled mother's child this entitled kid came up to me and kept saying how his part of the play was much better than my ears the conversation hey hey I bet you never guess what part of play I have I paid so much buy a new part really what part do you have I have lead female role I have insert really small useless part it's the main male Road actually my brother and his friends have the main male roles but yours is very nice later on I found out that he had the smallest part because he couldn't remember the lines now you say you parties my parties are based then he stormed off to find entitled mother and complain or something Zoey performed our first play and most things went smoothly one boy that was really shy forgot his lines but I had memorized the whole script so I helped him I had a lot of fun until we silently walked offstage we were told that it was crucial to be absolutely silent while we walked off because other schools would be starting their performance when we came off the stage we were meant to follow my teacher to the dining hall to eat our dinner I was at the back of the line with Tina in front of me the kids on stage were very loud while performing so Tina took the opportunity to tell me how fun it was performing she slowed her pace so we were walking with our shoulders touching and we continued whispering about the play what we didn't know was that entitled mother was behind us and when she heard us talking which I'm not sure how she did because we could hardly hear each other she got angry like ultra Karen I need the manager angry entitled mother grabbed our arms with her ultra care and Talyn grip and yanked us apart then I felt the talons again and she shoved me forward I went flying forward and made a loud bang on the concrete floor while trying to keep my balance I was in shock Tina looked horrified entitled mother was still angry I just stood up and rushed back to the dining hall with Tina close behind my teacher was upset that we were late getting there and didn't listen to me about entitled mother I ate in silence then I went to Tina to talk about what entitled mother did and to make sure I wasn't dreaming this is the conversation that followed me still in shock Tina entitled mother shoved us that happened what should we do she really only pushed you a little and I don't want her to get in trouble don't want her to get in trouble she pushed us she needs to be like fired or something no please she's usually nice you don't know his will I'm on a sports team don't tell anybody sorry but my parents are knowing she's going down Tina walked away clearly upset with me I went through the rest of the day as if it was a normal day my excitement was gone I was like a robot the other girls in our class asked if I was okay and I said I was fine we finished the second performance and packed our things my parents picked me up at 11 p.m. as soon as I woke up the next day I told my mom about entitled mother she was stunned when I arrived at school I saw both my parents go into the office they had a long chat with office lady and headmistress but they were still there at lunchtime and I was very glad that it was raining that day that meant no PE with entitled mother the next day Tina was taken out of class to talk with headmistress she came back half an hour later then it was my turn I walked out of that classroom like a badass warrior that was about to kill a man calm and confident headmistress led me to her office to talk I was not ready for what she said here is the conversation if you don't think entitled mother is entitled yet wait till you read this okay I am very disappointed in you for lying it's really not like you what are you talking about you had your parents come in and talk to us about how we are terrible teachers and how we let entitled mother push you but both Tina and entitled mother have denied your accusations what I'm not lying entitled mother did push me in Tina's lying - I don't think Tina would lie about not being pushed if she was and you hurt poor entitled mother's feelings in pure disbelief I say what what I talk to you entitled mother about what happened she burst out crying she said all she did was try and be nice to you and help you with your schoolwork but you continued to spread rumors about how mean she was and that you don't entitled to kid that his pot in the place sucked I was totally stunned I had never heard such stupid and unbelievable crap in all my life and there's more she's lying I swear entitled mother and Tina are lying why would entitle mother and Tina both lie heaven make up more lies about what happened also entitled kid confirmed what his mother said I am very disappointed in you Opie this discussion is final go back to class i glared at her with all the hatred in my soul then went back to class luckily it was math class I am very skilled at math so I had no trouble catching up as soon as I got home I repeated the conversation headmistress and I had to my parents let's just say they were furious my parent complained like there was no tomorrow and I got an apology from headmistress for accusing me of lying and for not believing me without the full story aftermath sadly entitled mother was still a teacher's aide and she now hated my guts entitled mother acted as if we had this unspoken war going gone she constantly tried to make me look dumb she did things like correcting my American accent and when I raised my hand for help she would loudly say Oh P you don't know how to do this it was annoying I finished the year there and then left Tina and I are no longer friends turns out she is an entitled brat too I later heard that my teacher quit entitled mother is still a teacher's aide and entitled kid is still dumb as Frick let's just say I was very glad to leave how did you like my story I know it's long but not like long stories I have a lot more tales to tell about this school like when Tina and her entitled boyfriend broke up please comment on my style of writing I'd like to know what you think my mom says I have a very entertaining way of using words also this is 100% true except the names of course goodbye from Opie someone that has too many entitled stories personally I liked how it was written however the the cast names were unnecessarily complicated like what the hell can the KS T to ketamine ksi Logan Paul Logan Jake Pollard's for life yeah this story's called entitled mom takes my in my twin sister's birthday money to use for herself and her kid okay here is a little information I have a twin sister and we were born on our dad's birthday so every year when we were kids our local radio station had a drawing that you could call and put your name in if it was your birthday well since there were three of us with the same birthday we usually won because we had more chances and there weren't that many people put in the drawing usually we got a gift card to a food place with enough for two on it and my dad would let my sister and I use the gift card while he used his own money to buy food from the same place this certain year however they gave out a two hundred dollar gift card to a big boardwalk that was about an hour or so away the gift card really could have worked anywhere but it had the big picture of the boardwalk on it so that's where my dad and my stepmom aka entitled mother decided we were going that was fine with my sister and I because we liked road trips and we liked this particular boardwalk intro to the story my dad entitled stepmom twin sister entitled stepbrother and my other siblings there were six kids and all go to the boardwalk to celebrate when we get there my stepmom entitled mom immediately takes charge and leads us to where she wants to go we go to this little store that sells incense and candles and she buys herself some incense sticks with the gift card that's fine it was only like ten dollars so we go to one of the closing stores there in my step-mom is slightly overweight so my sister and I knew this store was for us because she couldn't fit into anything there she tells us to pick out something we want so we both find something that is about $20 each and she says no $8 or less we put the items back and we find scarves for five dollars each so we both pick one out and my stepmom purchased them with the gift card we go to a few more stores where no one buys anything and then we go to eat spending about half of what's left on the gift card that part was fine because we knew that the gift card would have been used to buy food for everyone then we go to this big toy store where they have toy drones to fly around my step-brother tells my stepmom that he likes one so she buys it it was around 20 dollars and she used the gift card his birthday was two months before ours and he got everything he asked for now she bought him this on our birthday with the gift card that we won next we go to the arcade where my dad spends about 20 dollars to play games for an hour or so this leaves about 40 dollars on the gift card so we're thinking that maybe we will get to use the last little bit to get everyone ice cream or dessert of some sort we were only sort of right my stepmom takes the gift card and goes into this big chocolate store and she uses all of the $40 to buy herself chocolate we asked could we at least have a piece and she said no y'all got your scarves early are all in all that birthday sucked and to make it even better on the way home we stopped at McDonald's so my stepmom could get a frappe and we all asked her if we could get those $1 ice cream cones and she told us no because she didn't have enough money and she needed the coffee which didn't make sense because my dad was driving edited to add my dad didn't say much it was his birthday too but he just let it happen because he's not one for confrontation I'm older now and I no longer speak to him or my stepmom I have a kid of my own and she deserves better than to be treated that way by my stepmom and to be put to the side like my dad did to me so man that's kind of sad usually with these kinds of stories you see some sorta you know a good thing happen in the end so that's sad it sucks when step parents don't treat their stepchildren like their own children you might think that's a lot to ask for but if you're gonna be in a relationship with someone who already has their own children that's something you're gonna have to accept and embrace and if you get married to the point of them becoming your stepchildren that should have already been a thing you should have already accepted them as your own kids because they are y'all are part of the same family and you're their maternal figure now so you got to step into that role and not stop with that stupid preferential treatment between your children because they're all your kids no matter what you're married people really need to be careful who they marry when they have children make sure that that person they're marrying doesn't act like your standard depiction of a step-mom or stepdad which is usually bad anyways that was soapbox talk with your captain Zack and that is Zack spelled Z a ch-ch a because I see that a lot in comments and just just letting you know it's za ch-ch K such an ugly spelling of the name I'm kidding but it's ugly don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
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Views: 41,394
Rating: 4.909986 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: 9lCGRnBmkpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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