Kid Eats LIVE Crab | r/EntitledParents

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2019 🗫︎ replies
get your hippity hoppity my son deserves your property and other much today defend your property from entitled parents and then he said ooh that was a very scary story I mean I don't think anyone can top that oh really really well I've got a tale to tell you and it's a truth tale what is it the tale of the one-eyed entitled parent would she take people's eyeballs no worse she would make unreasonable demands of people and usually protect her own insecurities upon them hmm wait do why she called the one-eyed entitled parent I know cuz she had one eye give me a break grab your popcorn oh maybe not because this story is both hilarious and a little bit disgusting you'll laugh when you hear what insane thing this entitled kid does at an aquarium store the lovely imagination of a young child in and of itself it can be a wonderful thing but when it belongs to the kid of an entitled parent you know that someone else is going to eventually be hurt in the process what are entitled parents known for stealing your property of course but this time the earner doesn't even try to stop them why isn't he afraid of losing his stuff you'll only find out by watching this episode of voicing ears and titled parents this story was called little and titled crap eats crab in aquarium store and mom defends him for context I work at a mom-and-pop pet store in the eastern US and while my expertise is in aquatics I try to be a jack-of-all-trades the day that this happened was rather uneventful until this point all up until this little crap and pig entered the store my store was pretty modest so it was fairly easy to see customers come in and out especially in the fish department so I got first look at these magnificent creatures a 40-something year old woman talking on her cell her hair obviously dyed blond and outfit practically screaming midlife crisis while her child was in tow the kid must have been seven or eight the kid playing on his switch his shirt covered in what looks like a mixture of pizza sauce soda and plenty of mystery stains at first things were pretty normal the kid originally not caring about anything in the store while the mother was getting it raged at him for not paying attention though that changed rather fast the mother and kid were near the ferret's when the mother took the kids switch immediately causing a reaction of screaming and pouting before being distracted by some of the fish over in my department all right a bit of unnecessary information but the way my stores fish department is set up is that two fifths of it is fresh water two fifths is equipment and the rest is saltwater given we weren't really known for salt water we only kept pretty generic yet sought-after fish like hippo tangs various clownfish six-line grasses etc the thing about the first two is because of Finding Nemo kids are always drawn to the dories or Nemo's alright that in mind the first thing that the kid did was head over to the small assortment of hippo tangs that we had practically pressing his crap covered face against the glass as he yelled out Dory as loud as he could the mom held me down from algae scrubbing and this started the encounter I like to act casual around the workplace as I find it low as any sort of anxiety a customer has and makes me way more approachable first thing out of my mouth was hey des how's your night going need help with something the mother started out our encounter with a roll of her eyes before pointing to the tang and demanding a price with a simple but rude how much for this thing it was the way she said it that was rude after shifting gears from a casual standing to a more professional one I simply told her that the Tang was $160 he was a good size of course she scoffed but what came next was a bit more worrying the mum pulled out a $30 bill from her purse and placed it on the desk we used a bag fish saying an aggravated tone that's all you're getting Bhagyam things start to go poorly from here it's worth noting that it was 915 at this point the store having closed 15 minutes ago but we make it a policy not to ask customers to leave until 9:30 it was just my manager and myself at this point my manager in the office closing down registers so essentially it was like I was the only employee in the store seeing them um placing the $30 on the table I raised my eyebrow before leaning against the wall simply asking her do you have a salt water tank she didn't take this while she screamed without a second passing none of your freaking business now bagged my fish you cocky little crap I simply refused and slide her $30 back towards her before she slid it back even more ticked off I'm gonna get your butt fired if you don't back my fish right now had this the kid was getting annoyed of the interaction screaming like a banshee about how he wanted the fish still referring to it as dory and beginning to stomp his feet in a tantrum soon enough I was asking them to leave so this is where I screwed up I should have called the cops at this point knowing that she wasn't going to leave without a fight the kid was on the floor at this point pounding his fists to the floor as snot drips down his face and the mum tried to guilt me Sarris wordy this guy doesn't want you to have the fish he's perfectly fine with you having no fish friend to make you happy at this point she turned back up to me do you see what you did stupid little freak you're breaking my Angels heart because you've been too much of a loser to sell me the fish you know how some opera singers can break glass with their voice this kid would have a knack for something like that the kid was screaming as loud as humanly possible at this point as he managed to reach into the tank at last my manager had made his way out of the office and was watching what was going on the kid grabbed a piece of live rock accidentally grabbing a long spine urchin angry screaming turned right to wails of pain as he pulled a rock out of the tank a poor little pom-pom crab in tow at this point I was less focused on the kid but more focus I'm making sure my manager was calling [Music] 999 mares to this day the kid had been clutching his hand and while his mother tried to help him something hanging out of his mouth the poor little pom-pom crab had been crushed by this kid the kid having shoved it into his mouth and chomping down on it leaving a little claw hanging out of his mouth the next two minutes was a strange combination of astonishment and panic myself telling the kid not to move his hand since he would break the spines of the urchin while the mum began hitting me with her crappy purse screaming that I hurt her kid your kid shoved his hand into a tank one with toxic animals nonetheless foxface rabbitfish and did this to himself calm the heck down and leave him alone so when the paramedics get here they can get the spines out how dare you you expect me to let my angel suffer if you had just sold me the stupid fish this would have never have happened your kid reached into the tank and ate a crab what the heck did you teach this kid don't you ever ever tell me how to raise my angel he had the right to eat that crap you took something from him and he took something from you by the end of this interaction the paramedics had arrived restraining the kid and taking him into an ambulance as the police tried to sort things out unsurprisingly the mother tried to pin everything on me saying I threw an urchin at him what and he ate the crab in a panic equally unsurprisingly we had the entire thing on CCTV including the mother hitting me with her purse long story short the mother was arrested for aggravated assault as apparently she had stuffed the rock into her bag to give it the extra punch didn't notice until the paramedics saw me that I was bleeding on my leg from the jagd live Rock after getting a statement the cops left the mom and kid going off to wherever the heck the cops took them and I got out of everything with eight stitches and a $300 bonus from my boss for handling the situation without anyone getting seriously injured from what I ended up hearing the kid had actually got stung by the Fox faces dorsal spines and that sent him into a blind rage the mum got a plea deal and she ended up with a huge fine some jail time and some other stuff I guess I never really thought about it but after the movie Finding Nemo would have come out there would have been a huge boom in the pet industry particularly for those kinds of fish which I mean I guess is great if you're a fish farmer but if you were a worker at one of these pet stores you would have had to put up with his crap all the time I imagine they still probably do this story was called my child's teddy bear deserves a chair more than your boyfriend some backstory my boyfriend and I saved up for over a year to go on a cruise we chose to go in March to actively avoid a lot of little children running around for the most part there weren't too many children and the ones that were there weren't too rowdy but then I encountered an entitled kid we walked into the breakfast buffet on our day at sea and it was very crowded we couldn't find an empty seat let alone an empty table I spot a couple getting up so I quickly snagged the table while it's being cleaned off I sit at the table and hold it while my boyfriend goes to get food I put my beach bag and towels on the other chair to hold his spot I notice a family next to me with four adults and one boy around five years old or so with a teddy bear I start hearing him cry and complain so I tuned into the conversation mommy daddy needs a chair too can you get him one sorry buddy there's not many seats here Teddy will just have to share with you don't be silly if Teddy needs a chair we'll get him one I see entitled mom look around the room and lock eyes with my table I immediately prepare myself for the shower that's about to ensue entitled mom walks over to my table doesn't say a word and just picks up my beach bag sets it on the floor and takes my chair excuse me we are using that chair and I would appreciate if you didn't touch my stuff and put it on the floor I am sorry but you already have a chair you don't need to we need this one my boyfriend is sitting there he just went to get food and he will be right back the kid starts wailing for his mother to come back for teddy entitled mum continues to walk away with the chair saying something comforting to the kid ma'am you can't take that chair we are using it I start to get up and walk towards her honey she is using that chair you can't just take it from her for a teddy bear we have discussed this many times the kid treats teddy like part of the family we don't want to stifle his creativity but you ruining his dreams the dad had a look of exhaustion and defeat on his face like this happens a lot I felt bad for the guy but I'll be done if I let this lady take my chair for a teddy bear I'm gonna have to take this chair back from you I reach over and put a hand on the chair not her just one hand on the chair how dare you treat me this way I'm just trying to raise my kid with a sense of imagination and creativity and you are ruining it you're ruining his cruise and childhood look lady I'm all about creativity and imagination but taking things from other people isn't the way to do it give me back my chair or I'm getting security one of the other adults at this table groans and has this look of I don't want to get thrown out again on her face honey we're leaving right now the dad and the other two adults at the table looks so fed up with this crap they grab their stuff and the kid and start walking away one of the adults whispered I'm so sorry to me as they walked away entitled kid is just screaming his head off the entitled mom is still screaming at me and calling me names as she starts walking away they all eventually walk away towards the door however the entitled mom is still holding the chair as she is walking out of the dining room I can't help but laugh at the entire situation and end up just taking a chair from there now vacant table two days later into the cruise I ran into the dad alone and he apologized profusely for his wife and ended up buying me and my boyfriend a drink so it wasn't all bad hey what do you guys think it's worth having to deal with an entitled parent for a few minutes to get a free drink you know that's a tough choice I don't know if I have the patience and but free is free I guess as long as I've got my calm rating voice my stock images and my much to defend myself I could probably endure it this story was called entitled mom tries to steal my truck can't drive a stick so a bit of backstory about my truck I own a Ford 2001 Ranger I grew up in that truck and it was my father's truck and I have the best memories with him in it it wasn't until I was 11 when he died that I wanted to keep it as my first car thanks to my mother after putting in a new engine and teaching me how to drive stick I was able to earn it when I turned 16 thank you mom this means everything to me as it's all I have to remember my father and I plan on keeping it for as long as I can to onto the story this happened like yesterday I was at a gas station close to my home getting gas and to get stuff for my mom after getting my stuff and walking out of the station I noticed entitled mom and her entitled son standing by my truck examining it hi can I help you entitled mom in a happy voice oh hi is this your truck yes I hear the son then asked hey mom can we get this truck which the entitled mom replied in a sec she then turns to me with a smile on her face and said so how much do you want for this I'm sorry this truck how much does it cost I'm sorry but it's not for sale oh come on I promised my son that I would get him it and I'm sure you can get another one I'm already starting to get annoyed that's not my problem and again it's not for sale I then pull out my keys and walk to the drivers side thinking it was over but if this is on this subreddit then we know it's not entitled mom then yanked the keys out of my hand which made me say what the heck how she did not like that how dare you use such language in front of my kid give my keys back relax you can just get another car she then handed my keys to her son who then went and got in my truck however he couldn't turn on the engine and that is when I realized he doesn't know how to drive a stick he kept saying it won't turn on or what's wrong with this thing etc then entitled mom said get out and let me try and me still being amazed at what I'm witnessing let it happen she was failing to turn it on why won't this thing turn on she then turns to me and notices my grin and starts yelling what's so funny you think this is a game she then went on a yelling rage saying how I'm crap sexist racist etc because the engine wouldn't turn on for her while she's doing this I accidentally let out a laugh she didn't like that she got out and tried to slap me luckily I dodged it and took the opportunity to grab my keys I helped it to my truck and lock it rolling down the windows just enough to say have a nice day ma'am and quickly roll it back up I turn on the engine to which I noticed the Sun's jaw drop and I Drive off to see entitle mom's screaming and throwing stuff best day ever you know if you're basically gonna steal someone's car you better make sure you're actually capable to drive the car I hear it probably had this panic moment like crap they might actually drive away with his car that means a lot to me and once he came to realization that they weren't going anywhere he just had to sit back relax and enjoy the show this fan submit his story was called grandma ruins surprise then blames me so a year ago my grandma invited herself up to visit and stay with us we live in Brisbane while she lives in Melbourne which was fine because we hadn't seen her since Christmas and according to her other daughter my mother's older sister her medicine was making her less erratic and more pleasant to be around despite me loving her to death she can be tiring to be around if her medicine isn't working so in the same week that my grandma invited self up a friend of mine was coming home who I haven't seen in five months since she has been in Greece on an archeological dig and I missed her terribly because I hadn't seen my friend in months I decided to make a special cake which given the fact I made from scratch it cost up to $70 to get everything from the supermarket so my family knew they weren't getting any something you should know about my grandma she thinks the world revolves around her because she is old and in addition to this she can't eat rich food because she has a sensitive stomach now the day before I was going to meet my friend and share the cake with her I had a university lecture and my parents and younger brother had commitments so he left grandma at home with our dog for company I come home 4 hours later and noticed my grandma asleep so I sneaked past her into the kitchen because I had forgotten to pack lunch and I noticed chocolate crumbs on the bench and I began hoping that they were from the biscuits boy was I wrong the cake tin was open and a giant fork like chunk was missing from the cake I lose my mind I began stamping my foot and swearing not mature I know how dare my grandmother think that this was okay to come into someone else's house and eat someone's cake without permission her justification for the whole mess was that I should have known that she would eat it and that it was my fault for leaving the cake in the fridge I live in the tropics where else do I put a moist cake I ended up locking myself in my room until dad came home and ended up driving me to a bakery to get a store-bought cake because it wasn't fair on my friend for her surprise to be ruined by my grandma ah this is why I hate communal shared spaces and this is why families in general have so much conflict conflict usually arises when two people who want the same thing have their desires clash you know like two guys going after the same girl two friends going after the same job or in this case two people going after the same cake this is the problem with communal spaces is that it becomes confusing as to whose property is whose and the grandmother thinking well it's in the communal fridge I guess it's anyone's now am I saying that every single family member should have their iron fridge yes that is exactly what I'm saying if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit o slash Boise here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one hey mom can we get this truck
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 271,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, r/entitledparents 32
Id: K2ytYjo68PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2019
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