r/EntitledParents (ft. r/MaliciousCompliance) | 1000 IQ+ MALICIOUS COMPLIANCE!

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it might be frustrating when you have to comply with what an entitled person asks of you but don't lose hope sometimes you can comply without giving them what they want that's right it's time for some hilarious stories about people who use malicious compliance against the entitled people in their life the clock is always ticking into overtime for this diligent employee he works to go above and beyond what's expected it'll surprise you to hear how his boss responds to that this entitled mother is trying her best to manipulate a girl into lying why and what does this girl do about it this employee is trying his best to help out the stores customers but when his boss isn't satisfied he finds a way to keep doing his job and drive her crazy at the same time what does he do he'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and title parents featuring malicious compliance this story was called ok I'll do what you say and not work 80 hours a week so this happened in 2017 almost a year after I started a new job to give some background where I had previously worked I was mostly responsible for managing the costs of projects within a construction program which long story short was refurbishing a major banks branch buildings I had worked on this program for almost 10 years and so when a competitor won the new program contract I was headhunted by them for my expertise with that particular client the pay increase was significant and as part of the job offer I was told that due to the local office being more than one hour commute away that I would have the option to work from home when I was not required for meetings etc so this move happened in July 2017 and the first six months were uneventful carried on during the role I had been doing for almost a decade come January 2018 I was given a promotion so that I was now not only responsible for individual projects but for managing the whole program with a team of five people let's just say that this team of five were under trained by the previous management this team was also based at of different locations to ensure national coverage meaning that the majority of my interactions with my team was over Skype or phone and if I wanted to spend face-to-face time with them I had to travel somewhere between two and three hours one way but I tried to be efficient with my time and used it by traveling by train and continuing to work on my laptop this will be important later but happy to be moving further up the ladder I decided not to make too much of a deal out of the fact I would not be getting a pay rise with this change in roles and my logic being I'll let my results speak for themselves then they'll have to recognize what I've done for them over the next couple of months doing 70 to 80 hour weeks my contract stated I was required to complete 40 but I didn't mind the extra time as I again wanted to show them they had made the right choice by giving me the promotion and with plenty of time spent training up the team further we were finally getting somewhere and after a particular successful presentation to the client for which I was actually given a performance bonus for everything started to go downhill the meeting I mentioned took place on a Friday and the following week my manager let's call her Allison was due to be on holiday for a week whilst she was off she had asked that if her boss contacted me could I drop everything and assist with his request I said I would and went home for the weekend the following week I never heard from her boss q Monday morning of that following week I was working from home that day and booted up my laptop and almost instantly got a Skype message from Allison requesting that I have a meeting with her at her office approximately two hours away from where I live the next day I thought nothing of it as I spent at least one a week at the office with a member of my team as mentioned above when I got to the office the next day I was expecting the meeting to be a quick catch-up of anything that had happened whilst she was on holiday she wasn't a very involved manager so the fact she didn't need to know on her first day back didn't surprise me however what proceeded was an absolute show she started screaming at me for not doing anything whilst she was on holiday and that I had purposefully been negligent by not doing as she asked by not helping her boss I explained that he had never been in touch with me and so had thought the required work was delayed again not uncommon she again said I was negligent and should have contacted him if I hadn't heard anything when I explained I was extremely busy with an unexpected issue that had come up she told me that I should have done what she asked me to and left it to one of my team to handle to avoid any further arguing I said it would not happen again however internally this was the beginning of my compliance over the next few months I continued my working hours however would always prioritize her requested some so mundane she really could have just done them herself in 15 minutes and if issues came up while I was working on these told my team that unfortunately they would have to redirect the issue to my boss so she could prioritize my workload she did not like this as I should have done this myself to take revenge on my petty compliance she decided that my usual work pattern of three days a week working from home where I would generally work at least 14 hours and two days working from offices based two or three hours away I would leave at 6 a.m. and generally would not be home until 8 p.m. was no longer agreeable the conversation went like this you need to work in the office every day the current agreement no longer works as it is causing delays in communication it wasn't but my local office is more than one hour away well we'll have to relocate you to a closer office there isn't a closer office that is my local office and because of traffic it can sometimes take me two hours to travel one way this end sometimes happened when there was a train strike or road closure etc well you have to work in your local office then if you want me to work in the office I won't be doing any overtime the only reason I'm happy working the hours I is because I'm at home I don't care I want you working in the office okay no problem fast-forward another two months and I'm doing exactly what was agreed working my hours when traveling I do not open up my laptop as this was outside office hours I don't look at emails received after I leave for the day and for me I'm enjoying having my evenings back Alison did not enjoy this as it meant late requests were completely ignored and usually ended up being late there was one occasion where she emailed me one minute late requesting some information she needed for an important breakfast meeting that she had the next day but because of when she asked I wasn't able to get back to this to her until an hour after her meeting started I took particular joy in pointing out to her when she sent me the email and our previous agreement but due to my treatment I had been receiving I decided to begin looking for new employment then came the day to hand in my notice she had the biggest smile when I gave it to her I knew the whole thing was just a way of getting me out however something she didn't understand was how far removed she was from my day-to-day tasks so when I had a program hand over meeting with her a couple of days before I left I finished two weeks early as I had holiday days that needed to be taken before my final day I can't remember the whole meeting however the below is a great example of how the meeting went so who does ABC I do that okay and who does XYZ I do that as well oh that's you as well and who does one two three yeah that's me wait you do that how do you have the time to do that that used to be one of the things I do in the evening so no one could interrupt me it doesn't take too long maybe two hours a day okay but who does seven eight nine when you have to do ABC oh when that happens I used to start work early finish ABC then do seven eight nine please bear in mind that during this meeting she was becoming paler with every one of this back and forth to the point where I thought she was going to pass out look on her face as I left her with a giant heap of crap to look after was almost the best thing I've ever personally felt but the best thing is I have recently been in touch with a previous colleague where we discussed Alison and how things were going turns out that after I left the entire program came to a grinding halt due to the fact that Alison had almost no experience with the client or their requirements it turns out that minor issues were becoming huge problems with the resolution taking way too long this and the fact that Alison hadn't trained up my replacement properly found out he started a week after I left the entire program came to a complete stop and that's because of all the things that had gone wrong that she was responsible for she was sacked about six months after I left still brings a smile to my face I think this story helps us remember the importance of knowing our worth this guy knew exactly what it is that he was worth in terms of his time his expertise and he was very intentional with how he was going to spend his time that's why one of the most important things you could probably do is to improve your skills and your expertise to increase the value of your labor it doesn't mean that people will always recognize it but it does mean when they don't recognize it they're going to pay just as much if not more than you do this story was called lying mother ordered me to apologize to her and her child for something I didn't do so I did I thirteen female at the time was on holiday in France with my family and a friend of mine who was the same age as me we had managed to make some friends whilst we were there and there was a water park with slides inside the resort which we played in every day I was a good child I never really pushed the boundaries and was respectful of rules and waiting my turn and my parents knew this this plays a major part in the story myself and my friends have been playing on the water slides one day three of the slides including climbing up a tower and queueing down the stairs until it was your turn to go so we all queued up along with stairs and eventually we got to have a turn down the big slides once we had had all our turns we went over to my parents who had been sunbathing on some nearby Sun lounges just as we had reached them a cold wet hand slaps down on my right shoulder from behind and spun me around next thing I knew I was staring at a very ticked off lady and her young son next to her screaming at me she accused me of dragging her son down the stairs of the water slides so I could push in at the front of the queue and apparently I had done this a number of times I denied it my friends who I was with the whole time denied it but she wasn't having any of it she was not willing to listen her word was gospel once this lady had finished with me she then turned to my mum who could barely get a word in edgeways to defend me she was demanding I apologized to her and her son and for me to be disciplined immediately my parents knowing that I wouldn't have done anything like what this woman was accusing me of refused to discipline me because they didn't believe her but she wouldn't give up and this woman was going on and on and on her voice getting even louder than when it started off she was making a scene mom gave me this look I never saw this look before and I've never seen it again but there was no misunderstanding between myself and my mother in that moment I turned to this lady looked her square in the face and said I'm really sorry that you're a compulsive liar and then I turned to her young son and said I'm sorry that your mum thinks it's okay to bully children her mouth hit the floor she made this goldfish facial expression for a few seconds and then stormed off while sticking a finger up at us I called her later to be what I'm assuming was complaining about us to a lifeguard but he wasn't interested nothing ever came of it now unless you see something like this happen why would you spend so much time bothering to get an apology out of someone or if it's something that can't be changed obviously you've got the wrong person and if they're the kind of person that's not going to apologize and they're gonna make this my of a big deal out of it even when they called out it's probably not worth bothering the problem is when you falsely accuse somebody of something then the real perpetrator is out there getting away with it but sometimes people don't care about true justice for everyone just justice for them this story was called I always go the extra mile Janet I used to work in a large do-it-yourself store and had a manager I'll call her Janet that would run her department like a tyrant I was her least favorite employee and she made this clear from day one one day in an annual performance meeting she expressed how disappointed she wasn't me and that I should go the extra mile for customers and they're always right this went on my personal file this store had lots of younger staff and would regularly get unreasonable requests from customers especially on timber cutting this is when I had the genius idea to do every request a customer gave to see how far I could push it a couple of weeks later an elderly couple came in wanting a fireplace I showed them the display model it was high up on a wall and the gentleman wanted to see the boxed wood color to see if it would match his furniture he says the display is perfect but this one is wrong I informed him it's because the wood was coated in a special varnish so it looks fresh on display he says can I have that one up there I say of course you can it will be ready by 8:00 p.m. tonight as I have to take it apart and replace it with the boxed one three hours later Janet walks in and I'm building a full fireplace in the middle of the store why the heck have you taken that down it was fitted a week ago the customer wanted this one and they're always right so I've gone the extra mile she storms off and I spend a full shift replacing it taking my time the customer was so happy I did it they gave me 20 pounds in a thank-you card the following day a local gospel choir came in at 19 30 30 minutes from closing hello child could you do this Timber order it was almost a full pallet of timber sheets to be cut into lots of pieces I explained it would take me a couple of hours and we closed in 30 minutes we don't mind waiting and you'll be doing the Lord's work Jesus was a carpenter child Who am I to deny the Lord's work even as an atheist I ask the store manager if I can do it as it's for a local church and they're doing a new stage for Sunday store manager says yes please stay late and genican stay late too to lock up after you and I'll lock the rest of the store just get them to pay before we close janet was annoyed she was meant to go out to a party but the choir was so happy they were singing gospel songs with my name in it for three hours when I was done I loaded the van and they helped me a very nice review was later posted online and my store manager was happy not Janet she tried to give me a written warning for making her late and I refused to sign it and I said the customer was right so I was right the store manager was informed of my refusal to sign and he went mental at Janet for giving me a warning he said she was undermining his authority and he told me to do it and she was giving me petty warnings for nothing my previous warnings by Janet were removed Janet got a serious talking to and a warning I still did the occasional unreasonable request for customers if it would kill some time or was for a good cause like building a full rabbit hutch out of scrap wood for a single dad and his little girl and charging one pound for it as we decided the price for offcut would most importantly Janet learned to be careful what she pulled staff up on and left me alone freaking Janet man the funny thing is he was doing malicious compliance and in the end janet was almost a little bit right by doing everything the customer wanted they were so happy that it even made the boss happy but I guess it was a win-win because Janet ended up being unhappy if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit pause / Boise here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more alright I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 244,157
Rating: 4.8774428 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 46, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: sO1sYjnFZWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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