r/EntitledParents | You SLAP, you get FINE...

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what's up guys welcome to voice' here this is your host captain Zack and today subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called entitled teacher mom ruins her career to save the innocence so I find myself with way too much time to talk about some old experiences lately ah this is going to be a long one so buckle up let's start with the cast the o P the world may never know cool teacher rat-boy traitor friend untitled popular girl and so I don't teach a mom so this was a long time ago when I was near the end of eighth grade 1999 yeah I'm old and at the time a recent tragedy had struck the nation in the form of the Columbine shooting the shooting had not only put almost every school in a sort of panic mode understandable but also had prompted a sort of witch hunt for anyone thought to be Outsiders during this time any mention of anything regarding the shooting or shooters was an immediate ticket to the principal's office and most likely detention this led many paranoid teachers to actively seek out outsider behaviors and banned them any popular music core Marilyn Manson band Dungeons & Dragons band wearing black band magic cards you guessed it they even went as far as to banning anything to do with Pokemon cards games it didn't matter and all video game talk because Mario clearly causes violence anyway it was near the end of the year so my favorite class music was basically a study hall near the end of the year there were no more concerts so we all just kind of sat around and played cards read or did homework for other classes my teacher cool teacher wasn't as paranoid as the others and didn't care if we brought D&D or magic or anything else as long as we weren't causing trouble in fact he was a pretty avid gamer and loved hunkering down on his grand piano and figuring out the soundtracks to games and then teaching us the songs I had a decent group of friends in the class and we would always head to the back and set up some D&D or magic or whatever else we couldn't do outside the doors cuz yeah we were kids whenever you tell kids what not to do they are going to do that ten times harder the class had probably thirty kids so everyone kind of broke off into their own cliques there was our group a group of popular girls and a group of sporty-er types who kind of drifted between hanging out with us or hitting on the popular girls almost everyone in class was at least friendly with each other if not friends except one girl entitled kid entitled kid was the daughter of one of the teachers and made sure everyone knew it her mom for context was one of those Karen's who had to be the head of anything she was a part of any bake sale dancing sporting events she was in charge she had also been instrumental in the banning of Pokemon cards because according to her she had seen the devil in that Japanese nonsense and she would not allow the children to become endangered now the only thing that kept entitled kid from tattling on cool teacher was the fact that she loved Pokemon so while everyone enjoyed themselves she would generally sit with the other popular girls in gush about her Pokemon drawings the only other pariah in the class was rat boy rat boy loved true-crime stuff he would always use his freedom to read books about serial killers etc which it's not like he was going to shoot up the school or anything that's just what he was into this hobby however led to him trying to have many hushed conversations about the shooting or shooters entitled kid had been looking for a way to end our Satanism since she had started the class but could never find a way without ending her beloved Pokemon time so when rat boy was sitting with the sporty-er kids and his conversation about the Anarchist Cookbook basically a book about how to make bombs and other inappropriate stuff began to get louder than he was intending she saw her chance she immediately stood up and started screaming scaring the entire class including the group of girls around her cool teacher kill teacher LP and friend are gonna shoot us all and have a gun in pipe bonds and they say they're gonna cow trader friend and I had been in the back playing a large game of magic with three others when we heard this weather we said in unison no we didn't none of us said anything rat-boy was talking about that crap which not wanting to get in trouble rat-boy immediately denied the a co-wash screamed entitled kid cool teacher immediately jumped in I'm sorry boys but if such a claim has been made I have to escort you to the principal and must immediately begin lockdown procedures so the entire school shudders kids hiding in classrooms with their teachers not knowing what had happened all because entitled kid was evil a school teacher brought us to the principal's office entitled teacher mom came flying down the hallway where's my taught a cool teacher are these the shooters she screamed as she pushed us both against the office wall I will not let you kill these innocent servants of Satan cool teacher pushed her off of us calm down entitled teacher mom your daughter is fine there was an accusation made and because of our no tolerance policy these boys must go to the principal while we get this sorted entitled teacher mom scoffed fu you beatnik I already called the police and these demons spawn will rot in prison for that crime leave now cool teacher exclaimed as we were brought into the principal's office our bags were searched mine first finding a grand total of nothing but homework and a pop tart by the time they had finished searching my bag traitor friends parents and three police officers had arrived traitor friends shot me a look of absolute horror as his dad grabbed his pack to empty it on the principal's desk wait he screamed as six decks of magic carts at the desk with a thud now trader friend's parents were a hardcore Christians and didn't know that he had been sneaking to the store since fifth grade to buy magic cards with his allowance he forced me he said he would kill me if I didn't hold out of those my face contorted into absolute disgust as I felt the hands firm grabbed my shoulders no I didn't those aren't mine I screamed as the police officer pushed me to the ground he was saying something I couldn't hear it all I could do was feel feel the tears streaming down my face feel the cold metal snapping tightly on my wrist and feel the sting of my best friend's betrayal I was in the middle of the office on my knees my hands handcuffed behind my back when my mom and cool teacher burst through the door my mom cool as a freaking cucumber saw me and looked up at the principal and asked just one word why I could see her holding back the hell fury behind her eyes as the principal explained the situation my mom without saying a word walked over to his desk that still had the decks of cards on it picked one up turned it around and pushed it to the principal's face read she demanded now my mom knew my friend and knew he was anal about his cards which is why she knew the back of each card had been labeled with traitor friend's name and address the color drained from the principal's face and he immediately told cool teacher to get the accuser for questioning entitled kid arrived a moment later and upon seeing me kneeling and handcuffed with tears streaming down my cheeks entitled kid's heart grew three sizes that day she burst into tears and confessed to the entire thing just as entitled teacher mom burst through the door why is my daughter Anya she screamed glaring daggers at me the principal explained what she had done an entitled teacher mom just scoffed well he probably deserved it look he's in handcuffs the police don't just handcuff you for no reason my mom went off she demanded I be released which I was and immediately the officers apologized entitled teacher mom was charged with false reporting but because of her standing with the community she was led off with a warning trade her friend was called back into the office to collect his cards in front of his parents who made him burn them that evening sucks but screw him entitled kid was suspended for the remainder of the school year and as far as I know learned absolutely nothing last I heard she got pregnant in high school and now makes an incredible living selling any and every multi-level marketing BS she can while staying at home with her six kids from four different marriages but I hear she's really into Pokemon go entitled teacher mom left the school and tried to run for the school board two months later but had tarnished her reputation to the point that nobody would give her the time of day and she lost hard as far as I know entitled teacher mom was forced into early retirement because no school would touch her after the incident trader friend and I never spoke again I tried once to reach out through the book of faces because we still have some mutual friends but that was met with nothing but silence so screw him honestly nobody knows what happened to rat boy but some say on a cold winter's night if you listen closely you can still hear him being a sniveling little prick anyway that's my stupid story if he made it this far then you get a cookie ha ha well I'm waiting anyway um that's ridiculous but very telling of the time that America was living in at the time I was actually born one day after Columbine happened obviously I wasn't very aware but that was a time where like a lot of America was kind of like wow it wasn't the first time this sort of thing had happened but definitely I feel like the most notable occurrence and of course with every tragedy there's people from either side of the political spectrum the spectrum trying to find some sort of scapegoat be it video games or Marilyn Manson who actually had some really deep words to say about this whole thing if you look at some interviews where people are like yo so like people are saying your music better than that and he had some real stuff to say and it was pretty cool Marilyn Manson is a cool guy despite looking like he looks and that teacher was horrible as a teacher she's supposed to encourage learning the actual facts okay playing Mario is not gonna make your kid some violent freak okay I mean Mario is a murder a sociopath thank you Matt Pat but that's beside the point it's therapeutic this story's called entitled mom wants me to make hand-sanitizer appear out of thin air in all my time browsing this subreddit I never thought I would have anything to post for myself unfortunately today I came across my very own grade-a Karen so a bit of background information I work as a cashier stalker at a local grocery store in my town that's not as popular as other supermarkets oh we still get a lot of customers due to the current situation we are in the store has been completely out of things like hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes for many weeks because every store in the world's once hand sanitizer at the moment we can't just order some in and have it arrived the very next day fortunately we can still order regular groceries and pharmacy items like normal and today I was assigned with stocking the shelves and our health beauty pharmacy aisle I had a pallet piled high with drugs makeup in first aid supplies and I needed to get it all onto the shelves as quickly as I could it's worth noting that our hand sanitizer is kept in the stylist well meaning that there's a fairly substantial amount of foot traffic coming through Oh looking to see what we've got in stock as I started putting items on the shelves I had a few people come up to me every now and again and ask if I was stocking any hand sanitizer and I always made sure to respond politely that we were unable to order any and that we hope to get some in as soon as possible now most people were satisfied with that answer and went on their way letting me get back to work but of course it all turned to crap when a woman with a karin haircuts and her young child walked up to me excuse me could we have some hand sanitizer before you put it on the shelves I'm sorry but I'm afraid we weren't able to order any hand sanitizer but we're hoping to get some in as soon as possible I tried turning back to the shelves but then entitled mother snapped her fingers to get my attention this is the Iowa hand sanitizers captain my family needs it now give me some I don't have any hand sanitizer ma'am we don't have any in stock at the moment entitled mother gesturing to the cart full of boxes next to me you've got fresh stock right there I bet you got some anything you just want to keep it all for yourself at this point I'm getting really tired of this crap ma'am there is no hand sanitizer in this cart or in the entire store if there was it would be the very first thing I put up and I would have happily given you a bottle but we didn't order any I am sorry I could tell entitled mom was starting to get mad but I didn't really care at this point I know you've got hand sanitizer in that cot and I won't leave until you've given me a bottle it was at this point that I realized that she wasn't going to listen to me so I just turned back to what I was doing and continued unloading my cart I figured that if I finish talking everything she would finally see that there were in fact no bottles of hand sanitizer for me to give to her it took me about an hour to unload everything an entitled mother refused to leave for the entire duration of me stocking the shelves I felt bad for her poor kid all he could do was stand there bored while his mom waited for something that would never come finally when I emptied in collapsed the last box from the pallets I turned back to entitled mom that's everything ma'am I'm sorry but we simply don't have any hand sanitizer in stock right now at this point entitled mother was red in the face well surely you've got some in the back of something I'll take an employee hand sanitizer if we had any in the back we would have put it on the shelves already I can't believe this I'm sure you're just keeping all the hand sanitizer for yourself yourself fish brats at this point she grabbed her kid's hand and started stopping off before I could respond I figured that was the end of it but I stood corrected when I turned the corner and I saw entitled mother having a heated debate with my manager entitled mother accused me of hoarding the hand sanitizer for myself and not sharing with her and her sick son it looks perfectly fine to me the manager told her all the same crap that I told her and she got all huffy but finally realized that I was in fact telling the truth she saw me watching their exchange and glared at me flipped me the bird great parenting and dragged her kid out of the store manager asked me what happened and I told him everything and we shared a bit of laughter people love their freaking hand sanitizer these days people are ridiculous so I had to go to the bank the other day because my debit card was stolen or whatever not stolen but compromised and I was like my first time going out during this whole thing and so the bank lady was like you know she was pumping hand sanitizer every like 30 seconds so I'm like man this is pretty scary for you hob because in case you don't know money is incredibly dirty and I'm not just talking about how it's earned I'm talking about just the nature of it's it's always passed around by everyone I wonder if a $1 bill is dirtier than the average $100 bill because think about a $1 bill more accessible more people are gonna have being possession of a $1 bill but then hundred-dollar bills what are those used for that are kind of nasty oh no I'm kind of going off on a tangent but anyways she was like yeah this is pretty concerning that she's handling money off I don't know where I'm going with this but I'm curious how many other people are experiencing martial law right now like the whole curfew and you'll get stopped if you go out past a certain time or before a certain time 12 to 6 I believe how do y'all feel about it this story's called entitled mother slaps my kid for having a different opinion and gets what she deserves okay some things to get out of the way this son Mobile in English is my first language caste meme entitled mother daughter my 16 year old daughter on to the story so I'm on my way to lunch with daughter and where I was there was a bunch of anti get out of baby free card groups and personally me and my daughter are pro-choice but as we were walking there's this lady who was walking up to people and asking if they think women should get get out of maybe free cards and if they said yes she'd say yo people kill children we were trying to avoid her but eventually she walked right up to us her child behind her what are you thoughts on get out of baby free cards I think women should deal with choose whether they should or shouldn't so you think we should kill babies well it's their future they should choose and not be pressured yo people sicken me and when I walk on I hear I turn around and my daughter is on the sidewalk with a red handprint on her cheek let me tell you I have never ran faster in my life at that entitled mother and I have never punched someone harder than that in my life I know violence probably wasn't the answer in that situation but nobody hits my daughter the entitled mother just sat there in aadmi no one hits my daughter it's someone else's I grabbed my daughter's hand and walked to the diner and went about the rest of the day we had to deal with the police because the entitled mother did call the police for assault but we got off scot-free because there were cameras around and there were bystanders that backed us up and the entitled mother did get $150 fine press charges press charges pressed or just obviously stating any opinion here would be like walking through a minefield it's given YouTube's nature however I'm sure we can all agree that what entitled mother did was wrong regardless of your opinion on the subject matter because if you're trying to persuade people to join your side of a particular debate giving them a reason to despise you and your side is not the way to go also I don't want political debates in the comments guys come on keep it keep it cool keep it fresh and keep it welcoming okay the only political stance is anti entitlements okay entitlements in the form of anything really bigotry don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 46,060
Rating: 4.937149 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: Dlpb4GNeEtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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