r/EntitledParents | She locked us out and tried to SELL Our House...

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oh we have got a fantastic show for you guys today we got dragons we got elephants we okay we aren't weird have all those things but we do have entitled parents and those are some mythical creatures not that an elephant is mythical let's just get on with the show don't forget voiced veterans to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story is called entitled aunt LUKS our house cuz she wants to sell it so people really wanted to know that other story about my other aunt so back story for those who haven't read the last one I lived in my grandparents house for 10 years both grandparents are dead and there's no will so not sure what to do with the house but grandma's wish before dying was not to sell the house about my aunt she is married to her husband who has his business abroad and has one boy of my age he's a really sweet kid and I love him to death but she sent him to a boarding school for character development she is an alcoholic hates my father and has no morale so now over to the actual story now when we were in the house we had everything bad happened to us we lost money my dad got his leg crushed under a bus he also got cancer I got depression and anxiety my dad lost his job and you know etc etc so basically a bad omen we moved about a year ago and I kid you notice our life instantly became perfect like amazing see the only reason we had to make trips back and forth in that house was because our old house was 220 square yards and our current house is 110 square yard so we couldn't fit all of our furniture in it the house is just abandoned and dusty and stuff so my grandma died a few weeks ago and after her death my aunt who is very hungry for money has been trying to get my other psycho aunt convinced to sell the house but they won't have a herb after that sir she denies now that woman at least wants to sell our floor the house has a great value so she really wants to get the money from it her husband returned from Thailand where he lives to attend the chota something done to pay final respects on the fourth day after the death now we didn't go home so we have no idea what the frick went on there but my psycho want was kind of Concerned told us that the aunt came with her husband and he put locks on our house hence stopping us from doing anything in it we had to get new stuff for our new home that we're gonna move in in May and we wanted to keep those things in that house because we have no space where we're living now my aunt told my mum about this when we went there to accept the delivery but mum and dad went to a locked house she was restricting us from getting our personal property there are books tables cabinets Almaraz and whatnot in the house we can't get any of it now just because that B thinks she is entitled to that house and our stuff don't make a communism jerk my mum's relatives except my Grandma and Grandpa hate my dad for some reason they accused him of killing my grandpa when it was my aunt who was responsible for it it's a long story now let me tell you what my dad is the sweetest human being I nard he is that to protect us he handles whatever insults my mom's relatives throw at him he works really hard for us he gives us every luxury even in diet times and whatnot I don't know why they hate him he's such a nice man I literally had to protect him at my grandma's funeral so that no one would say anything to him and I was ready to fight if anyone did anyway my dad didn't get angry or anything but simply said when we'll be able to move out we'll take everything and never come back again everyone agreed now we had totally let this go because we know how crazy a person that woman and her husband is but about a week ago my mum received a call my friend usually called at that time so I thought it would be her but it was the aunt she was drunk and was saying some senseless crap here's how the convo went I have filed a police report against you and you'll get arrested if you try to break the locks that doesn't make any sense if just as much right as you do over that house you and your husband will not come near that house and stop telling heart two crazy stories about not selling the yard realizing that she thinks I'm my mom we're not saying anything to her you're insane and your husband I will make him pay he will suffer at this point I have had enough and just want to make her shut up I have no respect for her now I just went off I've never ever said anything bad to her before but yeah okay now I can't take it if you ever call here again you will face consequences you are no longer welcome to call here and I'll straight-up block you so here's the thing my sister is kind of the person who has had to shut this woman up a lot of times so she thought I was her sister as 23 mother ESPA give the phone to mum's name this instant she is my sister and I have a right to talk to her I'm me you just swore at a child no denying you can't be her I know it's not so she had a very sensitive eager and the thought of her being told off by a child just broker it is me and now don't ever call us again you drunk degenerate bye I disconnected the call and blocked her I don't know what scene will be created once we break the locks but my mom and dad were proud of me for what I did the fact that I was the one who said all this broke her completely dad was really angry that she swore at me and said I did good by not stooping to her level also I was talking in front of my mum and even though she knows I swear she's never heard me do it and I don't want to scare her the sound of her sweet child swearing will break her obviously I don't know whatever complexities are behind who owns the house and how much each person irons but locking the house basically claiming it's all yours while the other family members have items that are their possessions inside the house is definitely wrong I don't know if that would be grounds for them to lose pot ownership of the house but it wouldn't look good in a court of law surely this story is called Karen wants to take my phone simply because I listen to rap music in the story is Karen the entitled mother EF entitled father s case stupid kid mmbf my mom best friend VND very nice driver so let's just jump into it it was a hot afternoon and I was just coming back from the beach with a friend we both enjoy that day a lot and coming back home she started to sleep we live a little far away and she's always sleepy so I didn't really mind I picked my phone in my earbuds putting my favorite artists to play and was just there enjoying the moment so the bus stops and I see how Karen walking in the bus she was with her husband / boyfriend and they had a child with them the kids dead at me for a second and then sat right behind me with his father I didn't mind I just raised up the volume and cared about my own life by the way I'm very shy so I don't really talk to people I don't know I could sense the kid behind me watching me pick my next music I was listening to a loop I being the shy redditor of all simply ignored him and kept doing what I was doing hey you looking to Nef yeah I kind of like me too he stayed in silence for a bit just looking at my phone hey give me an earbud so I can listen to pardon me come on give it one at least sorry lad but that's an ER I laughed and kept listening the kids seemed to be very ticked but went back to his seat so it will seem to be fine the bus stopped again and that's when heck started so apparently Karen saw the whole scene and was very very angry at me for some reason she stood up and went to me excuse me yes is there something I can do to help well rolls eyes for some reason my angel what did your ear buds or whatever that is I'm sorry but I can't just give it to him not even one you have to yeah not even one they were expensive so what give it to me and then she proceeds to take one out of my ear now being shy like me sucks because I couldn't even say something I was just there trying to process what the heck just happened I looked deep into the kids soul watching him picking my earbud and smiling to me so I just started to plan what I was going to do I don't like this young me very ticked so what don't change it gotta be freaking kidding me Mom geez kid won't change this joke a rap song so at this point she was shouting to the entire bus to here nobody did nothing of course nobody really gave her care so Karen came took the earbud from her kid and listen to the music right in the pot it says I guess your definition of violence in mind has something that we look at differently oh my gosh are you making my child listen to the demoness songs sir Karyn was also shouting which made my friend wake up she was still sleepy and wasn't understanding what was going on what's going on this stupid brass is making my baby listen to these atheist hellish musics she looked at me and I muttered she's a bee wait how is the kid listening to the music your friend bird he's here but now my baby's being contaminated that's not true be quiet stupid atheist so this point my friend was even more confused I was ashamed and red and everything was terrible so my hero arrives the bus driver he stopped the bus and looked back ok what's going on Karen tells the same thing over and over she stole my earbud and now is blaming me for listening to my music is this true of course not I point at her stop freaking lying you stole from me oh he's fahren me what entitled father stands up you you never be stay away from my wife and guess what he punched me that's enough out of the bus you can't do this yeah we paid for this roid do I have to call the cops out right now sir Karen and her family screams at me for a while and finally get out the kid gave my earbud back and everything seemed fine I wasn't that hurt the driver even wanted to call a medic I thanked him and went back to my seat my friend says sorry but for me it was all okay actually turned friends with the driver can we talk until today one of life's greatest lessons if you can avoid public transport do so at all costs that's where entitled parents shine they're like this is our kingdom our domain and we shall rule our peasants so if you like hey you know what I wanted to have a really bad day today just go up to a bus buy a ticket and wait for the next entitled parrot aboard because you're gonna be in luck you're gonna have a bad day right then and there but I'm being about a boom next story and it's the same artist the first story entitled on tries to convince me to fit her standards of girliness by shaming me basically okay this is about my mother's side of the family there are two stories I can think of right now context with the stories me and my family had moved to my maternal grandparents house to help them in their old age now that house has three floors one was bought by someone one was out and the ground floor was my grandparents when my divorced aunt and uncle lived they were dependent as neither of them wanted to work so we had to help him out now a few years ago my grandfather died and my aunt would sit in the living room all day and watch TV now I had to hang out downstairs because of some issues I don't want to talk about so I just was on my pc all day and sometimes talked to my friends over my boyfriend even though we lived there we had basically no personal write over the floor we lived in okay first thing happened with the lazy aunt so I just hung out with her in the room all day long and would just mind my own business all the time not talking to her she was the one who started muttering crap for no reason now I'm a tomboy and it's very clear that I'm not girly from the way I dress and behave that just triggered her so much it was a normal day we were sitting around and stuff that bad crazy woman suddenly just started calling me stuff like unladylike uncultured sick in my mind ill-mannered etc I was like lady what the f so here's how our conversation went after this you know you shouldn't wear those clothes at all you up that and it makes you look very bad you should lose your weight and then you look presentable maybe now I know that wasn't true because I've been getting compliments all freakin day long silence you should be more like a girl cross your legs mm-hmm you know this thing you call yourself a tomboy is a disease get yourself fixed power was angry AF it's not a disease you eighteenth-century hag it's Who I am no you listen to your elders I am correct you have a disease me knowing this would go nowhere yeah okay I mean who the Frick calls a personality trait a disease you shouldn't talk your boys's well they'll mistreat you me for some dumb reason opens my mouth oh but all I have are male friends looks at me with wide eyes and an angry stare light owner do you want to get mistreated by those guys keep yourself away from them or else I won't let you get out of this house who the F are you to do that I'm family and family protects each other Yeah right quiet down and stop disturbing me I will tell your mum to break off your friendships with all your boyfriend's doesn't mean if I'm with a guy he's my boyfriend now shut up cuz you have no right over my life at my social life yes I do because your mum is crazy and doesn't know how to raise her daughters even your sister is like you always with boys don't come to me when you get mistreated fools learn by their own experiences you know me infuriated shut up you have no right to say all this and no right to call my mother crazy you are the crazy one shut up your parents haven't taught you to respect your elders your father killed my father and now he's sending his daughter here to kill me with her disrespect this is also my house not yours house I'm here to see my grandmother what you gonna do about it kick me out you can't even move me an inch and as for my dad if you say another word about him I will throw this chair at your head so shut up and leave my family alone she didn't say anything after and started mumbling to herself also she didn't bother me again for my lady likeness but still unsalted my family it's like she knew the mistakes she was making as she was making it like why am i responding what am i doing this is only gonna get worse and it did her aunt is basically a troll a troll feeds off those sort of emotional reactions of the other person so it's only bound to happen worse and worse as time goes on you gotta cut off the food supply and you just don't give that reaction and response this has been defense against some title parents with voic-- I hope you enjoyed your clothes today psyche one more story this story is called my son wants a go in your electric wheelchair get out so he can have a girl the backstory I'm a 29 year old female and have been confirmed to a wheelchair since 17 I'm a quadriplegic and can use a manual wheelchair harm but use a power wheelchair in public for practical reasons I have mostly full use of my upper body and partial use of my lower body I've been mistaken for a paraplegic a few times this happened about a month ago before the crap hit the fan with the demonetized 19 in my town I was downtown shopping for supplies for my inevitable self isolation when I heard a deafening squeal of a child about 12 oh that's a cool scooter how fast does it go thanks little man yeah it goes pretty fast kid I have a go me thinking that he meant to sit on my lap and drive him around which in any other scenario I would have been happy to do sorry dude but not today the kid says oh okay stomps away and I thought it was the end of it but you know I wouldn't be here if it was a few minutes later I hear the ground start to tremble as the Megatron Karen approaches how boy I thought this is going to be fun excuse me what did you say to my son me confused he wanted a ride in my wheelchair I said no what did you just say to me you need to respect your elders and not talk down to my poor little angel you don't even need that wheelchair I know your legs work you're just faking it to get attention now let my son have a ride she wouldn't have been much older than 35 so obviously not my elder but even if my Nan's Berg to me like that I wouldn't reply kindly me full of my patience finally gone my wheelchair costs more than your car and you want me to miraculously heal out of my chair so your dirty crotch Goblin can take a joyride okay here's where the story gets graphic I have high permeability which makes my joints extremely flexible and dislocation easy and relatively painless I also have titanium screws inside my neck that creak loudly when I move a certain way bring on the Frankenstein I leaned forward pushed down with my right arm dislocating my shoulder blade with a loud pop as I twisted my neck to make it then pushed down with my left hand to contort my arm and hand in an unnatural position this all happened in a few seconds but it was enough to make Karen red-faced and horrified scream out stop it's okay okay let's go and they hurried out of the store I can hear laughter coming from behind me as a friend who works there walked up to me and said that was mean he knew me well and had seen me pull that trick before needless to say I never had an issue like that again it's a small town and news travels fast don't mess with the girl in the wheelchair I don't understand this obsession with entitled parents thinking that they somehow earn everybody's wheelchair and why do they think it's a toy like if somebody have the choice of being healed and not needing to be in a wheelchair or needing to always be in a wheelchair yeah they're gonna choose to be healed for that person it's almost like an extension of them it's their mobility it's how they get around you'd be like saying hey can I jump on your leg and go for a ride wildly inappropriate alright well thanks for stopping by guys remember you can submit your stories to voice he hear stories at gmail.com post your stories memes and fan art at are slash Boise here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 63,287
Rating: 4.9162874 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, She locked us out and tried to SELL Our House..., she, locked, us, out, and, tried, to, sell, our, house
Id: uyuKowmL7_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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