r/EntitledParents | Hitchhiker Mom DISASTER

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okay everyone that's enough chitter-chatter class has begun all right everyone pop quiz I know I know a right Jackson yes ma'am what do we call a person who has a child and tries to take other people's stuff [Music] maybe oh you don't know the answer Jackson you don't know is that because your mother happens to be one of these people is that because I met her in the supermarket the other day Jackson and when I grabbed the last box of Cheerios up the shelves what did your mother do Jackson I don't know it's right but you know she took it from my hands and she said I could have cornflakes so class what do we call that person this woman is just trying to work hard and make it through University but her college roommate and his entitled dad are making it very difficult it'll annoy you when you hear the ridiculous expectations they have just because she's a woman a generous man decides to stop to help a mother and her son stranded on the side of the road but he quickly regrets his decision what does he have to do to escape their entitlement and our fan submited story a movie theater are sold out showing an angry entitled mother and a guy who just wants to watch the movie what could possibly go wrong for him you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and titled parents this story was called entitled sexist father expects me to be my roommates maid so I'm in college and I live in an apartment with three frat bros my best friend used to live with us but graduated last year she was replaced by our new roommate the Freddie isten titled jerk to ever exist we needed a fourth and he's my other roommates frat so I said sure now I'm a pretty independent girl I've had my share of issues depression OCD but I work out a ton I keep my crap together cook clean and I'm generally a pretty good roommate I stress bake so whenever we have exams and stuff cookies and brownies and cakes for all my friends including roommates and never a pan of mine gets left in the sink you get the gist basically I'm amazing and he's the worst anyway I had a concussion right at the beginning of the semester when he first started living with us super bad headache nausea and most importantly memory loss like extreme memory troubles I was just living moment to moments and not forming anything new as a long lasting memory again I'm high functioning I'd set alarms for myself to do things write everything down as it happened and took pictures of everything but I started noticing that I was leaving dishes in the sink not flushing the toilets I even found vomit splatter the toilet one day I was writing down that I'd found them but I had no record of how the mask got there I cleaned them up as soon as I noticed them but I was super worried about it about a month passed and I was basically completely normal post-concussive wise but I kept finding mess everywhere I brought it up with my doctor because I was so confused I wipe every surface after baking but was finding crumbs everywhere I wash every dish after eating but was finding dishes in my bedroom I was constantly keeping my fridge space stocked every weekend and cooking my meals ahead of time and my food would just go missing I weigh about 100 pounds soaking wet I couldn't possibly have been eating all of this or cooking this much I was concerned because obviously I was having these gaps in my memory that this was happening then because I didn't have to sleep as much I was up later and noticed my new roommate opened my cabinet to eat my snacks like nothing was wrong and leave an apple core one of my apples on the table and then open my door and put his dish on the floor of my bedroom I just casually said like hey roommate what you're doing he replies I gotta work on an essay okay sir no acknowledgement interesting I pick up the core check the cabinets most of my snacks have been moved to his but the empty packages have been moved back into mine I have no memory of eating them I asked my roommates if that was weird obviously boys are oblivious and notice nothing this goes on for about a week that weekend is the start of our fall break I decide I might just ask his parents about it so when roommates mum is cleaning his room and remate is yelling at her about his grades I decide I'll have a little chat with our titular entitled father hey so does roommate ever have problems picking up for himself or anything like that at home no I don't see why he would that's his mother's job he needs to focus on his studies Oh well I've been noticing that he's been taking my food and leaving his dishes in my room and things like that I mean is that something that happens at home why shouldn't he he doesn't need to waste his time with shopping and cleaning you should be grateful that you've got a purpose now being your son's maid is not my purpose I have my own studies to deal with I pay my expenses myself and I can't afford no more do I want to feed your son honestly I don't know why this is such a problem now why did you brought this up sooner if it's such a problem I had a concussion and a ton of memory problems I just assumed that the mess was mine and I as a responsible adult clean up after myself at this point roommate and very defeated looking mother comes up out of the room roommate asks what sir look your loser roommate wants to be all uppity you will fine clean up after him before just keep doing what you're doing what's the problem the problem is you've been leaving dirty crap in my room stealing my food leaving messes everywhere and expecting them to get cleaned oh I thought you were okay with it you kept cleaning up after me washing my dishes and you always cook for other two roommates referring to my baking I thought you just like being all domestic and we're preparing for the future like the whole mrs. degree schtick no just no that is some bullcrap you can do your own chores and stop exploiting injured women and your poor mother entitled father holds my arm and takes me aside look he doesn't know how to do any of that stuff couldn't I just pay you for the food if they clean up after him 150 thousand a week to cook clean and do his laundry all that he really needs to focus on his studies I'll even pay for the time since that's super crappy parenting you know always trying to be nice to you you don't need to tell me how to parent etc I don't remember the details too well because this was several months ago anyway now my roommate has a Hyatt made from a company wash his clothes and cook his meals for the week and clean up the apartment she has a key and everything considering the entitled father was willing to back pay all of the time that she's already spent cleaning up after him I feel like she could have played it a little cool you know just been like yeah sure I'll take the job receive the back pay and then you know mysteriously she doesn't want the job anymore at least then she would have been compensated for all the food that that guy stole and all the time she spent cleaning up after him parents who raised their kids like this at doing them no favors if he can't even take care of himself I doubt that he's putting in any effort in his actual studies in fact he was complaining to his mom about his grades so that doesn't really surprise me I don't think everybody should just jump straight into college and start studying sometimes you need a bit of real-world experience learn how to take care of yourself and trust me you'll do a lot better in your studies this story was called the worst human I've ever met so this happened yesterday I'm not working at the moment but I've been trying to keep myself busy by offering to help people in my family and friends circles giving them lifts helping them move etc all in all I consider myself a pretty generous person yesterday my younger brother finally managed to get a few days off work and he was going up the coast with some friends for a nice relaxing getaway for one of their birthdays he asked me weeks before if I could give him a lift as he had chef school that day and wouldn't be able to get a lift to the house with his friends as planned I said sure no problems the day comes around I pick him up early as he finished quick and we get on our way the drive wasn't bad took about one and a half hours and we just chatted and listened to music all the way there it was a nice Drive at this point it was around 4:30 p.m. by the time I dropped him off and turned around to go home I got probably a half way home and I see someone parked up by the side of the road waving me down so I decided to pull over as a few cars ahead had already driven past at stopping they dodged a bullet enter entitled parent and her piece of crap kid can I help you I was looking confused since she waved me down I thought maybe you needed some help is everything okay um no we ran out of petrol oh okay that's a pretty easy fix the next town I knew had a service station as I passed it on the way there and it was only another five kilometers up the road I can drive you into the town to get petrol and bring you back here okay she says simply her son picking up some of the gravel by the roadside and throwing it into traffic this is a 60 mile per hour Highway hey don't do that champ it's dangerous she had gone to her car to grab her purse but reeled out of it as I say this don't speak to my son like that she snapped angrily sorry I get into my car followed quickly by the obnoxious pair highly regretting my life choices by this point now feeling I can't redouble on myself given how difficult she had been at me helping her she sits down and immediately scuffs looking at her feet why is your car so dirty oh sorry I used to put my work birds down there so it got kind of dirty over time you could clean it up you know I laughed nervously and just nod pulling away and wanting this to be over with as fast as possible I left my phone in the center console and she grabs it up can I call someone my phone ran out of charge that's why we're stuck out here oh yeah go ahead I have unlimited calls so I didn't really care either she thinks the person on the other line can't hear her or she's trying to contact them without the use of the phone because she is shouting meanwhile her son suddenly leaps up between the two front seats looking out the front window I quickly slowed down a bit in shock whoa put your seat belt on dude the mother just glances at him and pushes him into the back seat and I have to tell him to put his seat belt on again before he actually does I'm freakin seething at this point but could already see the town ahead and she thankfully only had a short conversation and put my phone back we pull up to the pump without issue but she sits there for like 10 seconds giving me this quick sideways glance with her arms folded and I don't even have to ask if she wants me to get the gas for her I know she does and then I think I didn't know if it was going to work but I wanted to try and Here I am I get out of the car and grab a 5 liter Jerry came they had for sale holding it up for her approval and she nods I fill it up and walk up to the passenger side door and open it what oh I just wanted to know if your son wanted to pick out an ice cream I know it's a hot day today she looked shocked for a moment and for the first time smiled the kid practically lept out of the car and much to my happiness so did she and followed him in there I walk in put the jerrican onto the counter as he quickly comes up with his ice cream oh one second I left my phone in the car it has my debit card in it I smile as soon as my back is turned to them getting into the car and casually driving off relishing in the sight of her running out of the service station screaming who knows what profanities all in all it only ended up costing me about twenty minutes of my time but the feeling I got as I drove away was priceless I wonder how long it took them to get back to their car I got home fine and a solid gold story in tow to tell my family best drive ever I only hope the pool guy running the server didn't cop it too bad from that crap storm of a human you gotta love when an entitled parent story is mixed with pro revenge it just has something very satisfying about it I don't understand parents who when their child is being bratty and another person calls them out on it they defend their child's bad behavior I know that's not most parents but it's definitely more common than it should be I think generally speaking people should be free to do whatever it is they want you should just leave them alone but when the kid was throwing gravel and damaging other cars on the road yeah I think it's fair enough for the guy to call the kid out on it I don't understand the attitude of like well you can't tell me what to do when they're causing harm to someone else or their property this fan submitted story was called entitled mother tries to take my movie tickets allows her children to pickpocket me and the cashier vouchers for her I'm a big fan of the How to Train Your Dragon franchise and when I heard there was a third movie coming out I was excited to say the least I had asked my friends if they were interested in seeing the movie with me and two of them said they'd like to go awesome now the movie is really popular even on a Monday I reserved three seats in advance and we agreed to go see the movie when school ended at 12:50 p.m. the theater was pretty close to my school and the movie started at 1:30 p.m. but there was a catch if you reserved seeds you need to buy them at least 30 minutes before the movie started now since none of us wanted to pay for the overpriced movie snacks me and my friends made a deal they'd go and buy the snacks and sneak them in while I went to buy the tickets I didn't have any deep pockets like they did so it was fair so I bought the tickets and stood in the lobby until my friends arrived here comes the entitled mother and her two demons born a few minutes before the movie started she goes to the desk and talks to the cashier about something but due to the loudness of the crowded theater lobby I had no clue what was going on all I could tell was that the entitled mum was angry she turned around and we made eye contact with each other do you know how when the teacher asks you a question that you should never look him in the eye yeah it was that exact same thing with this lady she strolled on towards me dragging her children with her and she looked at the three tickets sitting in my hand and without even flinching she just said give them to me excuse me you heard me give those tickets to me now you're clearly too old to be watching these kinds of movies anyway don't you have anything better to do at that moment I instantly knew I was dealing with a tier 5 entitled parent I'm not giving you my tickets friends that also want to watch this movie how am I going to explain to them that I don't have their tickets that's not my concern I just want them my children angels and they deserve to see this movie now give them to me if your kids were such angels you'd have reserved some seats for them in advance it's not my problem that you can't plan ahead her jaw dropped like I was being the rude one in the scenario at this point the doors to the screening had opened and people started going in I wanted to go into but the mother blocked my path you're not going anywhere till I get those tickets everyone had already long gone into the screening room the only people that remained were me the entitled mom and the cashier and a janitor sweeping up the popcorn on the floor aren't you guys going to go in no because he stole out tickets of course the classic entitled parent he stole and move the cashier looked at me no these are mine I paid for them why don't remember seeing you pay for them also why do you need three tickets because he stole them from us they're our tickets look I can prove that I reserved these tickets I still have the reservation info on my phone I start to feel around my pockets to find my phone but it's nowhere to be seen I could have sworn there in my pockets just a few minutes ago I looked over at the kids one of them was holding my phone I instantly go to grabbed it from him but the mother slaps my hand away don't you dare touch my child he stole my phone while I wasn't looking she cut me off how can you accuse my angelic children of favori they'd never do something like that it's my phone I gave it to them to play some games while we waited for the movie to start the cashier seemed to be on her side despite definitely seeing me pay for the tickets I assume she's just friends with the entitled mother I'm sorry sir but I'm going to have to ask you to give her the tickets and to leave the premises otherwise I'll have to call security I thought I was sunk at this point but just then my two friends decided to show up with the snacks hidden in their jackets normally I'd chastise them for being late but right now I was just relieved to have some backup they walked in on this argument and I gave them a brief summary of what just happened the cashier still insists on me giving her the tickets as we didn't have proof that we bought these tickets but then one of my friends remembered something hey doesn't your phone have a lock yes it does I turned back to the entitled mom with a huge grin on my face so if that's really your phone you'd have no problem unlocking it right oh come on prove it the entitle mom grabs the phone from her children's hand and tried random combinations hoping that something would work she failed every time I then grabbed the phone from her and unlock it in my first try and that ladies and gentlemen is my phone I think it's time we go and enjoy this movie the entitled mom and the cashier shut their mouths not knowing what to say at this point me and my friends walked into the movie trying not to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of what just happened sadly we missed the first few scenes of the film but the rest of it was very enjoyable I know the hero of our story didn't really know what was going on and they were just glad that they got to go in to see the movie but it does seem really suspicious that the cashier definitely would have known that it was dad tickets especially if the cashier knew the mum it just kind of gives you that sinking feeling in your stomach knowing that there's some people out there using their power even if it's just a little bit of power to take advantage of other people if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit ha slash Boise here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one what do we call a person who has a child and tries to take other people's stuff
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 280,021
Rating: 4.9076257 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, entitled parents owned, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, r/entitledparents 27
Id: 2qXjndq1L4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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