r/ChoosingBeggars (ft. r/EntitledParents) | Lady DESTROYS House

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it's been a while but we're back with some choosing beggars because so many of you still want a P we've even got some stories about choosing beggars that are also entitled parrots you're welcome for our first story hippity-hoppity well you know the rest this man encounters an entitled mother on his doorstep and she demands access to his private property what's he gonna do a woman is excited to celebrate her birthday and chooses to include her workmates with a self catered lunch but her choosing beggar coworkers are not wishing her a happy birthday for our fan submitted story a family generously offers a relative a place to stay despite her low finances when the mother drops by to check in she is surprised by what she sees just wait till you see what she's done to their property you'll find out on this episode of voice e here's choosing beggars don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode and let's get straight into it this story was called choosing beggar mom demands access to my swimming pool I had this rather amazing runnin with the choosing beggar last week and boy was it entertaining / infuriating I'm renting a one-story house with a private swimming pool with my wife the house is part of a small neighborhood of six houses in total two of which are slightly bigger than the others and have a private pool each those two are a fair bit more expensive for obvious reasons last week someone knocks on the door and I go to open it outside is a smiling woman with two kids hello I'm jerk face from next door we thought we would use the pool I'm confused and a bit stunned oh you did did you I now also noticed that they're all carrying towels and have swimming suits on I don't really like lending it out I'm afraid so I think I'll have to say no oh but the rent gives me access to the pool when I want said in a very smug way as if she's calling me an idiot you're not paying the rent from my house and I know the owner doesn't include use of the pool in the contract I know this because he's a close friend of my wife and I happen to be the one who wrote the contract as well as having translated ize ad for Facebook and such well it's in the lease so you don't really have any choice do you at this point I just asked my wife to call up the earner and he confirms that he hasn't said anything about her being allowed to use the pool and that the contract doesn't mention it I tell her this but since she has kids I tell her that I'll allow her to come over to use the pool perhaps once a month as long as she gives me one weeks notice or say this is not good enough for jerkface who demands immediate access to the pool as well as future use whenever she feels like it this of course results in me withdrawing my kind offer and her stomping away screaming about getting me kicked out later the owner shows up having heard her screaming through the phone and once a sternly that she will be kicked out if she makes any more trouble I don't think she'll be staying here for long it's a classic choosing burger manipulation tool to put the other person on the spot so by showing up at the house ready with the swimming gear it's almost too awkward to not let them in fortunately this guy stands his ground and says no again here we see the importance of contracts it shows what was voluntarily agreed to by both parties now finally we could contract with every choosing beggar to never have to see them again this story was called choosing beggar annoyed I'm not a waitress demands free coffee I worked at a gas station as a teenager for two years I was pretty shy back then and worked with mostly mid-twenties guys who were hilarious and great to work with I loved that job but obviously dealing with the public you're gonna have some weird and annoying stories especially since people complain at you for the price of gas for your information the 18 year old girl at the till normally doesn't control the price of petrol please stop complain to her about how expensive it is it was a small enough station with a decent shop and an automatic coffee machine just by the door that actually made pretty good cappuccinos normally there would be at least two people working behind the counter we each got a 15-minute break during long shifts but if it got busy you could ring a bell to let them know that you need to help one day I was working with one of the lads he was hilarious while I always try to be extra polite to aggravated customers this guy did not care he took no crap he had worked there too long he was also built like a tank so his attitude was rarely met with much retaliation he was taking his break in the back and this older woman maybe in her 60s walked in hello I would like a coffee oh yes we have a machine just over there that serves lots of types of coffee just press the button for whatever one you like and then I smile the old woman looking at the machine i gestured at looks back at me and scoffs uh if I wanted to make my own coffee I could do that at home she just stares at me oh well I'm sorry but that's the coffee maker we have it's actually quite nice though but there aren't really any coffee shops nearby silence and still staring so are you going to make me a coffee I was confused oh um well I'm not supposed to leave the register I have to - it's ridiculous I am a paying customer and you won't serve me this is a disgrace bear in mind there's nowhere to sit it's a to-go coffee machine I was just beyond confused at this point she storms over to the machine and presses one of the buttons for a coffee since I'm the one doing your job there's no way I'm paying for this I'll take my coffee and go and I'll be telling people about the terrible service here now I didn't know but tank bro had wandered out from the back and had been listening he quietly walks between her and the door while the coffee was pouring and folded his muscley arms looking like a nightclub bouncer the old woman turns to walk out with the coffee cup sorry where the heck do you think you are I'm not paying to make my own coffee you're in a petrol station we're not a freaking restaurant pay for your coffee and get out I'm not paying then hand it over she reluctantly hands him the coffee which he takes this week from straight away and smiles she storms out man screw this job that was one of my favorite workdays why did using beggars always have a very messed up view of value either they'll exclusively value the material goods and ignore the value of the labor or in this case she recognizes the labor cost but completely ignores the value factor of the convenience of a quick and cheap coffee and the actual material cost of the coffee itself how many of these people do you think you're just completely ignorant and how many do you think are just trying to scan their way into getting free coffees and free this or that let me know in the comments what you think this story was called choosing beggar on my birthday so today is my birthday I've been working a new job for a year now and have gelled well with my team because of this I thought it would be nice if I bought some snacks for my team I went to the local shop and shelled out quite a lot for some pastries biscuits pizza bites and just stuff that everyone can snack on I get vegan vegetarian halal kosher and gluten free options in my other jobs I have done this as I like celebrating with other people but this is by no means a duty on me to do I do it because I like sharing so I play some snacks on the main desk at the front of our office where everyone can help themselves as our office is huge I write that I've brought in some goodies and people in my team should help themselves enter cheesy beggar one this is from someone in our senior team so although they are part of our team they never really talked to anyone in a pay grade lower than them and a majority of us understand that they are not our team he waltzes over picks at everything and reads the note he doesn't realize that most of us are looking at him when he does this he states who is this person my colleague points to me and states that it's my birthday so I've brought some bits in he takes one look at me and demands why there are no donuts I explained that the donuts from the local shop didn't look too nice so I thought it best not to buy them he states that as it's my birthday and I've decided to buy stuff I should have bought stuff that he wanted I tried to awkwardly explain that I didn't really have to buy anything at all and that I mostly bought it for our base team he gives me a dirty look and says that next time I needed bother at all if I'm still working here so that kind of ticked me off but I know the senior team I like that so I try not to let it get to me as he is hardly ever at work and everyone knows he's a prick then choosing beg or two walks in this woman is not even part of our team she just works on the same floor as us she does the pleasantries and says happy birthday and asks if she can have a pizza bite I say of course and that she is welcome to take some things back for her team if she wants she takes a platter which has about ten bites she eats one and then looks at me funny I ask if she has any allergies she replies with no they're freaking cold I was so shocked at her attitude I could have died there and then I tell her that she can use the microwave to warm up the bites she asks why she has the warm stuff up as it should be warm when she takes them then I lose it and tell her that it's my birthday and I don't care if she chokes on the beats a bite just go get lost she says that I have a really toxic attitude and that I shouldn't share if I couldn't take it so ya didn't think I would have a choosing burger experience on my birthday but here we are I've hated every time I've had to work in one of those workplace environments there's so much entitlement because you have these like collective areas where everybody mates there's always so much conflict whether it's like the washing up at the sink or food that everyone's brought in or people feeling entitled that you have to bring in food because it's your birthday that stuff happens all the time in workplaces I think it's great if you get along with a few people at your workplace but this idea that everyone is forced to get along even when they don't want to and everyone else is entitled to your time and your stuff I don't know how it makes you feel but it makes me feel really uncomfortable this fan submitted story was called I already bought the house for you you can't throw all our stuff away ruin the house and expect me to pay for your new stuff hi there I'm new here and I have a story from my mom happened five years ago I really love that I found this channel and this reddit page such a good read choosing beggar is a relative close to my dad but not close to my mom they just tolerate each other for the most part choosing burger lives overseas and at the time wanted to move back here in Singapore if you want to return to rent a house get a job for many years overseas you'd need to renew your papers and that takes about six months as an act of kindness my dad offers our old apartment for rent my family has had it for ten years and wanted to rent it out for the time being since we kept it so well choosing Berger kept thanking us even my mum offered her help with the bank transactions since you need someone to back for you who's at least been a citizen for more than five years as a result choosing beggar gets our old home for the six months and my mum pays on behalf of choosing beggar until she could settle down due to some visa complications and the bills needing to be paid my mum had to pay for choosing beggar for her house okay fine reasonable however choosing beggar hasn't been paying up her rent as well it was taxing my mum financially and my dad couldn't say no to choosing beggar choosing beggar kept buying new things for our old home even though most of the furniture was well kept and preserved choosing beggar never tells my mum anything this was until my mum goes to our old home for some letters and sees all our well preserved stuff on the curb basically everything from the living room tables sofa and chairs she was hella ticked off and confronted the choosing beggar here's what happened choosing beggar why is our stuff on the curb why is there so many new pieces of furniture was all that stuff broken you could have told me and I could have sold or repaired it my mum tried to be civil tried my mum is very resourceful so she knows how to fix everything in the old house selling it was easy enough for her to new I went to my style I wanted to buy stuff that fits me better some of those pieces of furniture were expensive I could have sold it off why didn't you tell me I had no time I was busy with my job if you had time to buy the furniture why haven't you paid for the rent it's been due for a few months and I'm tight with our own finances my mom starts to get impatient choosing burger rolls her eyes I'd be busy at work besides the old junk was too clunky I've been just strolling up the place you don't own this house it's still under my name you also need to pay the rent for this place since there hasn't been a payment in months my mum then inspects around our old home she found out by buying all the new furniture choosing beggar destroyed the wooden floors as she had dragged the old furniture across the floor choosing beggar hadn't even cleaned the house much at all some of the walls had holes from when she threw out the furniture and bumped into them there was even so much grease in the cupboards above the stove because of who knows what my mum was furious she started arguing with choosing beggar after her discoveries how could you leave the house like this choosing beg was ticked off and my mom excuse me I'll have you know I fixed this shabby home I've been working my butt off at work and hadn't cleaned that's all you're rich enough to have a house in this location but he looks like crap look at everything now isn't it better the choosing beggar was in denial and doesn't even face my mom the choosing beggar then tries to make my mum pay for the new furniture about $1,000 worth my mum gets the heck out of there and she didn't talk to CB for a while my dad wasn't able to cool things down between them for some time he couldn't do much after choosing beggars permanent home and visa was settled she drops the keys with my mum my mom spent her retirement money fixing the old home we loved that place too much to sell it off it was left in shambles when the choosing beggar vacates I hate using beggar for making my mum works so much she's already balanced a full-time job and still has time to manage choosing beggars nonsense by the side I helped my mom salvage what we could choosing beggar has only paid about the money my mum spent for her my mum had to get an extra job to get the money back and to pay the bills what a horrible human you really do have to be careful who you show generosity to I hope that from hearing these stories you don't feel discouraged from showing generosity but rather you're more careful with who it is that you do show generosity to because scarcity is a reality of life this lady who took no personal responsibility has taken up the space that somebody else could have had somebody who might have appreciated it and instead of being destructive might have been productive with it or at the very least appreciated the generous thing that they did this fan submitted story was called my kid needs your things so I just got back from seeing my dad who lives in Pennsylvania I live in Washington so it's hard to really see each other I had gotten a few days off and had saved enough money to fly myself down I had a blast and everything went smoothly until I fly back home so I was flying late into the night so when I land it would be early morning meaning by the time I got home with the two hours drive it would be midday and I wouldn't be so jet-lagged as I would sleep on the ride back I fly a lot so I'm prepared for long flights I have headphones a portable charger games etc I got to the airport super early because of TSA and all of that jazz I find my gate 30 minutes before we leave okay I go to a small shop and get something to wait and wait once I got on the plane I was ready to sleep I had everything I needed in my bag that I stored under my seat once we go into the air they turned off the lights and all was quiet I start pulling my things out when I feel a tap on my shoulder I look over and across from the little walkway I see the entitled mum yes I am sorry to bother but you wouldn't happen to have any gum my little ones ears weren't pump I understand it's painful when your ears don't pop so I look at my bag and hand her a piece the entitled mom thanks me and I keep getting things out are you going to use that neck hello yes I plan to sleep I pull out an extra sweatshirt and make it into a small pillow and handed it over to the entitled mom Pia this should work for your little girl the entitled mom just looks at my sweatshirt with a look of disgust I would rather her use the neck pillow it would be better for her sorry I plan to use it I pop in my headphones put on my eye mask and start to slip to sleep when I feel a tap on my shoulder again it's the entitled mom yes I was slightly annoyed can my kid use your phone she points to my phone sitting in the tray no I'm using it to listen to music right now also I don't let strangers touch my things entitled mum looks annoyed and turns back I put my headphones back in and stop playing games for a bit until I become tired again I put the mask back on and start to fall asleep once again when I feel a tugging on my leg I removed the mosque to see the entitled mom trying to grab my bag I had looped it around my leg force of habit so if anyone moves it I would feel it I look at the entitled mum with a confused look my little one is hungry I saw you had snacks yes they are mine I moved the bag closer to me I bought them for me well I saw gummy snacks those are for kids at least let me have those no they should bring snacks down soon so it shouldn't matter if I have snacks sure enough he came the cart the entitled mum demanded kid-friendly food and began to throw a fit when she was told it would cost her money this airline had free snacks and food and stuff you could pay for not sure if others do this entitled mum finally gave in and paid for the snacks and left me alone we were well into the flight when I needed to use the bathroom I get up stretch and go to the bathroom when I'm about halfway down I get a funny feeling and rush back to my seat the entitled mum had given her entitled kid my neck pillow my snacks and my phone give that back it's mine I'm not being quiet as I've dealt with her crap for too long but my kid needs this stuff she doesn't do long flights then you should have come prepared that's not my fault I reach over and take my phone back that is my lifeline when I land and I won't have some kid messing with it the entitled kid screams waking everyone up in the cabin at this point a flight attendant runs up trying to calm the situation what's going on she took my phone from my daughter and won't give it back the flight attendant looks at me I tell her that in fact it's my phone and I can prove it the entitle mom flips and yells no you can't that's my phone she tried to take it from my hands but I was quick enough so she didn't get it I pull up my social media accounts and show her that in fact it is my phone the flight attendant looked at the entitled mom and asked if there's anything else I tell her that she also has my bag filled with all my stuff the flight attendant gets my bag back and I looked through it really quick to make sure that nothing of importance was missing I sit back down and don't sleep the rest of the flight the entitled mother glares at me the whole rest of the way when we land she gets off as fast as she could and I never see her again thank goodness I never did get my neck killer back by the way if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit Oh slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more alright I'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 470,838
Rating: 4.8450365 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, entitled parents owned, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/ChoosingBeggars, r/choosingbeggars 14
Id: oW9pv32-7aQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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