r/EntitledParents (ft. r/MaliciousCompliance) | Aunt Tries to Get FREE International Babysitting

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are you ready for more stories where people fight entitled parents using malicious compliance well here we go an entitled aunt has it all planned out she's determined to give her entitled kid the best experience possible even if it means ruining this person's holidays this entitled mother keeps insisting that her food isn't good enough the chef finally decides to cook it as she asks but she isn't pleased with the results when the bosses aren't happy they take it out on their employees but these bosses end up putting themselves in a bind by trying to micromanage their workers what do their workers do to get the upper hand you'll only find out by watching this episode of voicey hears entitled parents featuring malicious compliance this story was called sure i will take your child to london with me i will even elaborate a banging program for us to follow my mother's side of the family is as crazy and baby crazed as my mother herself i have an aunt on that side who has a seven-year-old daughter i don't dislike kids i usually have no interest in very small kids because i'm afraid i will make them cry or fall etc as for bigger kids i love song and don't like some mostly depends on their interest and personality my little cousin falls under the category of kids i don't like first we have zero common interests i have little cousins i can play sports with talk about books with this one is more about makeup princessy stuff not my thing sorry also she's insufferable she screams a lot whenever she doesn't get her way she yells and stomps and throws tantrums from hell she's rude and sometimes even mean she bullied other kids at her school so no i don't like her i don't care that she's just a kid i don't want to sit here being insulted by a screeching dwarf my aunt never tells her no and always tells her and us how she is the best person on the planet fun fact my mother raised my brothers like that it didn't turn out well now on to the story next february i'm going on a trip to london i've been once already but it was with school and only three days so we only saw the big stuff and didn't get to explore a lot now i'm going a whole week all by myself and i'm going to have a blast well my mother and aunt decided i would take my little cousin here is the funny thing i'm 20 years old my mother and the rest of her family is a huge narcissist and when i was younger i had to abide by all her rules in fear of her making my life even more hellish for example she would organize babysitting behind my back especially if there was something i wanted to do that day or lots of homework to complete she would find a friend or colleague of hers in need of a babysitter tell them i totally agreed to it and just dumped the child on me if i refused i was threatened with a lack of food or not driving me to school anymore she would tell the school i was sick and i had to stay home with her even more chores on my already never-ending mountain of chores nowadays while i still live at home she has no power anymore over him because my dad 100 has my side he's waiting for my little bro to be 18 so he can divorce her and the house is his she never worked so she has no money or things to her name however she is pretty delusional and still thinks that if she does the stuff she used to do i will comply like before i already proved to her that i wouldn't but you know how it is narcissists forget that things don't always go the way they want them to so i received this lovely email from my aunt as much of a narcissist as my mother hello i hope you're doing well your mother and i thought it would be nice of you to take cousin with you to london that way the two of you can bond i booked her ferian bus ticket and the hotel for you too you'll have to reimburse me half of it because it's a room for two also i thought this could be nice for her day one settling at the hotel mind you her fairy arrived in the morning that means she planned a good half day for just settling at the hotel day two london zoo day three rest day four sea life london day 5 rest day 6 shopping she loves dolls and i love max and spencer day 7 rest day 8 packing up to go back home also don't make her walk too much if she says she is tired you must go back to the hotel i'll pay for her zoo and sea life tickets and will give her some shopping money be careful with what she eats too and don't let her go to bed any later than 9 pm i will give you some details about what stories she likes to read before bed and her morning routine next time we meet xoxo auntie of course i was pretty flabbergasted to receive such an email but decided to humor her border makes us do stupid things besides saying no doesn't work for these people if you say no they want you to give reasons for this no but your reasons are never good enough and they will argue endlessly with you so i technically said yes dear auntie i'm doing well i hope you are too as for my trip to london i already booked my ferry and bus ticket unfortunately the times do not match yours but surely she can board the ferry by herself then take the bus to london and join me at the hostel get her a subway ticket speaking of the hostel i already booked my accommodation it's not a hotel but a hostel the room is lovely though but it has 15 beds and just as many people in them i can't promise we'll get beds next to each other but i'll make sure to inform her neighbour of the bedtime and morning routines your program sounds lovely but i love mine i'm sure she will love it too it's as follows day one settling at the hostel and discovering the area around figuring out the subway stuff like that she will arrive later than me so maybe i'll be out but i guess there will be no problem checking in at the hostel since she knows so many words in english already according to you day two in the morning visiting camden town the punk part of the city if you will seven is a bit young for a first tattoo well for a first permanent tattoo at least then in the afternoon going to the royal observatory and see some planetarium shows and watch the stars she will get to tell me all about the constellations she knows by heart like you told me day 3 attending a lecture on linguistics at ucl you always tell us she's super smart so she will have a blast finally being among academics like her then visiting the area around including leadenhall market maybe simples cathedral day four going to victor wins museum of curiosity and maybe petting a tarantula or something of the sort i recall you telling me she loves animals so i'm sure she'll be ecstatic day 5 what would be better for a smart little girl like her than a shakespeare play in shakespeare's theater and standing of course we gotta stay historically accurate if there is no play available that day i'll move to another day of course day six the natural history museum it's said to be really huge and free and why stop at one museum her thirst for knowledge won't be satisfied with so little let's go for the other two big museums of london while we're at it day seven morning i don't know but the whole afternoon and probably the evening too will be spent at a pub watching rugby games the atmosphere will be super nice and seven is the perfect age for your first drink day eight returning from the pub i was thinking about eating breakfast in a restaurant that's at the top of a tower and open during the night then some more walking around and packing up to go back home of course we'd walk around and visit whenever we'd get a few minutes of free time it's not every day we go to london i'm sure she is already getting hyped up by reading this exciting program xoxo funnily enough she wasn't thrilled by my program she got mad at my mother and my mother got mad at me but like i said she can't do anything to me all she can do is try and organize crap like that and hope my old fear of her will come back and make me obey not this time crazy lady i didn't tell them the actual time i'll take my ferry just in case but i doubt they will try to send her away with me children can't board without an accompanying adult i hope the tickets my aunt bought can be refunded no i'm kidding i hope they can't be maybe it'll teach her that not everybody will bend over for her or her daughter just her hotel costs more than my entire trip ferry hostel food and activities included imagine doing that to some young person like they're 20 years old they're excited about seeing the world and this is the first time they're going on a trip like this and it'll be ruined by basically being a babysitter the whole time even worse than that because you're not getting paid for it in fact the aunt had all these things set up and said oh i'll pay for my daughter's ticket but the expectation was that the hero of our story still had to pay her half for everything including the expensive hotel i mean at the very very very least to make it an incentive for her to maybe say yes to it you'd have to agree to cover all the costs for everything so then at least it's basically like a free trip to london i'm glad she didn't fall for it or feel too guilty about it she stood her ground and basically said yeah that's not going to happen and she did it in a really entertaining way this story was called em wants her steak extra well done fine context i was a full-time cook at a restaurant at a hotel and had encountered an entitled mother at a supermarket who was determined to buy my knife set and the bag it was in for a measly fifty dollars i declined and she complained to the management there and then complained to my actual manager i'd forget all about her for the next few months but when her family came by for dinner apparently she didn't forget me or at least the restaurant i worked at it wasn't particularly busy but we did have a few reserve tables later in the evening at the time i was just a lion cook it pays all right decent hours and hours are pretty flexible the special we had then was classic steak with potatoes when asked how she'd like the steak the entitled mum asked for well done now for those who are unfamiliar with steaks cooking it well done without some very special preparations almost always results in an overcooked dried out steak with no flavor left in it well done does not taste good most of the time orders come in and apparently the entire table ordered the steak special we took special care of the well done steak when i say most of the time a well done steak comes out dried and overcooked this isn't necessarily true with preparation you can get a fairly juicy and delicious well done steak steaks went out with fondant potatoes parboiled peeled potatoes cut into thick scallops pan-fried and basted in tallow and butter then baked with beef stock and fried shaved shallots the lime prepares for the next set of orders and we're off about five minutes later a waitress comes back with the well-done steak the complaint that the steak was not well done enough cue confusion a well-done steak is a steak that has absolutely no red or pink at all we examined the steak and it was cooked all the way through the chef goes out to talk to the lady he comes back looking disgruntled and tells me to cook her a new steak but extra well done well okay salt pepper cook the crap out of that perfectly good top sirloin plate and send out you can guess em did not like that the shouting that proceeds with the following cast e.m that lady who wants her steak extra well done hey h annoyed an unfortunate man who is married to the said woman aks annoying kids ranging from older teen to young adult her brother and sister respectively am annoyed manager who has to deal with her chef my old boss bless his soul and me i come in much later come on mom what is this crap this tastes horrible ma'am you asked for the steak very well done this is so dry i can't possibly eat it mom you're embarrassing us i demanded to speak to your chef i asked him to make me a steak but if you can't even cook one properly you should have him fired ma'am with respect we are not responsible for steaks ordered well done what does that mean enter chef big boss god almighty in our kitchen lord and savior whose right hand holds a frying pan and in the other a big old chef's knife it means we will cook this steak how you wish but we are not responsible for how it will taste a well done steak is at the best of times a tricky thing to do but i think we delivered on that this is not a but an extra well-done steak is going to frankly speaking tastes terrible at this point the kitchen staff have all come out to watch a dozen other diners are watching the commotion play out and em sees me she doesn't recognize me for a second but when she does em turns red and starts pointing at me you you are responsible for this crap first you embarrass me and now you try to poison me with terrible food i make confused noises i want him fired still shocked and confused ma'am you are causing a scene if you can't control yourself i will have you and your family removed from the premises am that's enough he gives em a look and she purses her lips and shuts up sorry about that maybe steak is just not for em do you have anything that will come out quick so she can eat with us the manager proceeds to get em something more to her tastes in this case a roast chicken show's over back to work chef pulls me aside for a moment to ask me if i know em i tell him i don't am doesn't so much as make a single complaint until near the very end when her family leaves her husband pays the bill she takes the tips jokes on her her husband gave the waitress a big tip when she wasn't looking it wasn't until the manager reminds me about the bad review that i remember her we have a good laugh about it and then promptly forget all about her until recently when i saw her at the park earlier this week nothing came of that except i noted she has grandkids now and looks pretty mellow still not gonna risk it getting your steak cooked to your liking is a sacred thing you don't want it too overcooked and you don't want it too undercooked there's nothing wrong with sending your steak back if it wasn't cooked to how you liked it if you order medium rare and it comes out well done you have every right to ask them to fix it if they asked 15 for the meal and you gave 15 yen they wouldn't really be happy with that either but as it was said in the story it's a lot harder to make a well done steak especially an extra well done steak i didn't even know such a thing existed without it drying out and tasting bland it's almost like she had an idea of what a steak should be somehow juicy and tender like a medium rare but cooked all the way through like a well done now i'm pretty sure the only way you can really achieve this is by slow cooking a steak it sounds like she just had her expectations way too high and unrealistic this story was called no exceptions i never appreciated this saying pennywise pound foolish until i started working for my current company i could start up a new subreddit for it and fill it with stories of pwpf from these guys alone we work 8 am to 5 pm monday to friday some work 7 to five and take off early on friday others work a bit later nine to six some show up five to fifteen minutes late and stay another five to fifteen minutes if there's a deadline looming it's not uncommon to see people in the office at 00 p.m 7 p.m 10 p.m or even later we're all honest about our hours not that it truly matters as we're all salaried we make sure we work the overall hours we're supposed to no one relies on us to be available but we all have our contact info available if we are needed anyway for the most part it works nicely people are happy and work gets done most people are happy i should say the bosses they're never happy they don't like the flex hours we've grown accustomed to and want to put a stop to it not too long ago a memo was sent out our business hours are 8am to 5pm every day everyone is expected to be here at 8am and leave at 5pm no exceptions john who drives through the worst traffic in north america no exaggeration was a fan of the flex hours coming in an hour late and staying an hour late meant he was sitting in lighter traffic each way mary who has a toddler would be in a few minutes late because of zed toddler daycare dressing the kid feeding the kid whatever it was having a few extra minutes was helpful myself i was good with the eight to five sometimes i'd be a bit late sometimes i'd be here just on time the 5pm mark wasn't something i aligned myself with i'd routinely stay late to get some extra work done or to get ahead some nights i'd work at home too no exceptions they'd learn to hate those two words we sure did but we complied need to stay five minutes late to finish off the proposal that had a strict external deadline nope 5 pm no exceptions wake up to band traffic due to weather looks like i'll be late i guess i'll work from home today or take a personal day no exceptions meeting running late sorry it's 5 pm no exceptions i felt like crap one morning woke up a bit late later than i wanted to and late enough that i would have been about five minutes late to the office was i sick yup sick enough to stay home from work probably not i could have powered through it and i wasn't contagious but alas i was going to be late called in sick no exceptions client wants to visit at 7 30 am no sorry we're not available until 8am no exceptions my personal favorite was when my boss yelled at me for not responding to his email on the weekend for something urgent sorry it was outside of work hours no exceptions what was the email about he wanted to know if i could go to a site visit that week on thursday at 7 30 am why that was urgent i have no idea and 7 30 am sorry outside of working hours no exceptions i'd like to finish this off by saying the rule had been revoked the bosses have seen their mistake apologized for it and reinstated our flex hours but i can't despite having productivity and morale plummet the bosses still have this rule in effect penny wise and pound foolish and we comply maliciously we see this sort of behavior all the time with choosing beggars you know the type the ones who will try and get 50 cents out of someone but they'll spend two hours to try and do it it sounds like these bosses thought that their employees were probably taking advantage of the flexible times however it seemed like each of them were just making rational decisions that best suited them economically fortunately if this business fails because of it another one that makes the right business choice with flexible hours will take its place let's hope the bosses either change their mind or these employees find that other business sooner rather than later if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit boise here link below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more alright i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 311,976
Rating: 4.854558 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/MaliciousCompliance
Id: IduLl74koCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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