r/Entitledparents “ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 38"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents i put a brad in timeout entitled mom wants to sue about five years ago when i was 20 i used to work as a yard supervisor at the local elementary school while i was on break from college wasn't much but i'd get at least a month's worth of work in the summer and then a week in the winter they were super lenient with my hours probably because they tended to be short-handed and also my mother worked at the school as a teacher too i've told this story to so many people so many times people might recognize me on here but whatever if you don't know what a yard supervisor is we're the people who stand in the lunchroom or on the playground during recess and make sure everyone is behaving basically glorified babysitters i was the youngest of my co-workers since the others who worked there were women who had kids that attended that school for some background this school was in the rich part of town the kind of elementary school situated in a nice suburban neighborhood where everyone has a cadillac suv and maybe a bmw mercedes or tesla as their second car and they loved to try to solve all their inconveniences with lawyers i always thought it was a stereotype that the rich people in town would threaten you with their lawyers when they didn't get what they wanted most of the time they were bluffing though anyways among the fourth graders at this school there was this kid named hannah honestly don't remember but her name may have actually been anna i doubt it matters though she was your classic playground bully notorious liar love to pick on anyone smaller than her which considering her uh size there were plenty kids for her to choose from and had quite the temper she was also supposed to be in fifth grade but had been held back a year and she had this other girl named sierra as her crony hannah always initiated the trouble and would boss sierra around to do her bidding she would even turn on sierra occasionally one time i witnessed anna shove sierra and then run up to me telling me sierra shoved her sierra getting mad would then shove hannah and at this point i'd send them both to the principal's office and to my knowledge they'd just get off with a warning sierra is not important to this story though just wanted to add that bit so you can kind of picture hannah and her like scoot farcus and his cronie the situation was almost identical none of my coworkers including hannah's teacher liked hannah she was notorious for causing trouble and then making up elaborate lies to cover herself everyone knew this and had warned me when i first started the job if you're wondering why nothing was ever done or why this kid never got therapy i have no idea this was the u.s public education system and also her mother was a jerk which i'll get to later one day i'm working in the lunchroom and i overhear hannah calling another student names and making them cry supposedly she had also hit him but none of us witnessed it though we wouldn't put it past her we remove hannah from the table and make her sit at this table we have reserved for delinquents while we write up a note to send to the principal at best she would get detention or perhaps a couple days suspension since this is a recurring problem the bell for recess rings and we make hannah stay inside and sit at the table in time out no recess for her that day the rest of the story i was not here for i was only told the rest by my co-workers the next day anna returning to class goes to her teacher and tells her the young yard duty hit me and called me names i'm the young yard duty being 20 while my co-workers were at least in their 40s the teacher knows she's lying and tells her to take it up with the principal since such a claim is serious hannah doesn't like the principle so she instead after school goes to one of the other yard supervisors and tells her the same thing that yard supervisor was working with me in the lunchroom that day and knew no such thing happened and tells her not to tell lies anna of course then goes to her mom hannah's mom had as much as a reputation around the school as hannah did for being just an all-around unpleasant person hannah's mom is also under the impression that her daughter could never do any wrong and that the school was constantly trying to pick on her i think her claim was the school was bullying her for being fat or too pretty it was one of the other maybe both since my only knowledge about this came from my co-workers so you can probably guess her reaction when hannah told her the story she made up hannah's mom entitled mom for now goes straight to the school principal starts yelling at the principal and demands legal action be taken the principal having been already notified of hannah's behavior in the lunchroom that day and being well acquainted with both hannah and entitled mom's behavior told entitled mom the real story entitled mom insists i must have actually done this and that she's been bullied this entire time at school and that saying hannah did these things must be me trying to cover my butt and that i must be on a power trip or something she demands a lawsuit against me and wants me in the office to face her i had already left work for the day and the principal was under no obligation to call me and didn't care to entertain entitled mom with her antics anyway the principal then tells her if i did do these things then she should file a police report entitled mom agrees but this is where hannah snaps for some reason perhaps just the way police are portrayed to kids is these heroes who will find you out anna is terrified of the thought of having to talk to the police so finally hannah starts crying and spills that she made it up and that nobody had hit her and that she was just mad about missing recess for a time out entitled mom of course now believes hannah had been coerced into admitting this because why would her little angel lie entitled mom storms out of the office claiming she'll still get her lawsuit and that's the last i hear about her no lawsuit ever came thankfully because i know my broke college butt would never be able to afford it many of my co-workers told me that they've had lawsuits threatened on them from various parents aside from entitled mom but they never came to anything it was almost a game for how many lawsuit threats you could get during your time at that school one of my co-workers before she ended up being fired for a claim hanimate against her that's another story principal didn't get a choice in it and our school board which was also just crappy in more ways than one decided she had too many claims against her and that she should be let go taught me a great quote from that ordeal the bad apple doesn't fall too far from the bad tree have you ever dealt with bullies when you were in school please leave me a comment letting me know next we've got when karen used disabled students against me she didn't expect this back in 2003 when unemployed i decided to volunteer at a local education facility that specializes in helping out young to late teen kids with down syndrome or high levels of autism which causes themselves to be anti-social i hate not being able to work so volunteering not only got myself out of my boring doing nothing everyday schedule but also gave me a positive when applying for work everyone likes someone who is always trying to better themselves it is a great place with some great people who also volunteer and the kids are imaginative and show love unconditionally the local community was also amazing donating items clothes food and money to help keep the facility running just shy of two years later after many people coming and going karen appears at first she has a nice smile and is accommodating the kids seemed to love her a lot until the jealousy started karen didn't understand for the last two years i have been doing volunteering even when doing part-time jobs i could find so she assumed i was just recently new so when the kids always came to me to give hugs and tell me what they did that day and show off their art well karen didn't like this and she was jealous of my popularity with everyone this started a spate of things happening i was a smoker at that time not anymore have quit since 7 years ago best thing ever so a rule was to make sure lighters matches and cigarettes were locked away in lockers at all times this included medication mobile phones anything that could be a bad thing in the wrong hands although the kids would tell anyone that something that was sitting out in the open that shouldn't be there was there and we would put them away but this one day karen had gone to the manager hr administrator to say that i had left my cigarettes out with my lighter an electronic one which was unique i was busy that day so i was apologetic as i could have easily forgotten as you are kept off your feet constantly but in the back of my mind i had a doubt that i'm sure i put them in my locker over four months every two to three weeks something else was left in the open or a door to the cleaning closet was left open after i had used the equipment inside each time karen had went to the manager hr to talk about this karen has kids of her own that left after they hit 18. so at the time i'm putting it down to automatic motherly defensiveness for the kids the following month one of the girls will call her joe not her real name had burst into the room crying and her nose was bleeding all the volunteers including myself instantly went to check up on joe she is looking flustered looking at me and gave a big yell she ran off to hide when joe was flustered or upset about something she would always hide but she always came to me first to say why or to hint at why but this time she didn't and then karen burst in how could you do this to joe devil eyes peering at me i am taken aback what who what do you mean what happened to joe she replied i can't believe i just watched you five minutes ago suck her in the face and she rushed off to the manager hr i'm standing there unsure of what the heck is going on joe in the corner somewhere behind boxes crying her eyes out some new volunteers are looking at me as if i'm bad and the other kids are looking perplexed because i've never done this at all before even with down syndrome they understand most of what is going on around them manager comes in quickly looking angry which is understandable hearing what karen told her ask me why i did this this shocked me hard because here's the manager who's known me for the last 2.5 years and instantly thought i could do something like that i deny it of course i have been in the room for at least 25 minutes the others couldn't corroborate as we are always busy and we don't notice small things like who is in the room and for how long the manager goes to joe and asks her she looks at me and instantly sobs her heart out again and says with a stammering yes this hit me harder than the manager instantly thinking i could do this joe has been like a little sister who would tell me everything and always came to me when in trouble so police were called everyone given information joe was too scared still in her place of hiding so i was effectively let go pending an investigation hardly anyone gets reinstated after any type of investigation but joe's parents were seemingly at a loss for words and didn't think i could do this and after talking to joe on their own they dropped charges but the damage was done and i was asked to never come back later found out that karen and her jealousy was telling other newer volunteer staff that i was always breaking rules and leaving dangerous stuff about she had watched me at my locker digital number keypad type and saw my pin for the locker and left things about including the lighter and cigarettes all because the kids would always come to me fast forward to 2009 after lots of rejections from other places for volunteering one place was run by an ex-volunteer who knew this was all bs and gave me a chance she was great and understanding we would help all types of people in the community to do events for charities etc i enjoyed it very much one day the boss came to me and said oh guess who is coming with kids today karen since years back karen has moved up the ranks so to speak and had through some rumors forced the manager to quit so wanted the ex-volunteer who ran this place to help the kids put on a play so she can show it off to a regional director who helps fund the facility i used to volunteer at oh boy oh boy luckily karen never gets to see me she talked to the person who runs the place i'm at now everything is arranged and the kids would come twice a week for five months to work on and rehearse their play they would put on sort of real life situations that they meet in their lives and how to overcome them and of the eldest kids is joe she sees me and rushes over to me and hugs me crying at the same time saying sorry sorry sorry about what seemed like forever i patted her head and said it's okay because i know she was coerced into it it fit the scenario joe told me everything she could about karen she had sucked joe told her to blame me she wouldn't then she got socked again the same spot this time with a threat to tell it was me or she would never come back here and go to the bad place which was a publicly funded place which isn't really good light bulb moment real life situation and how to overcome them i got in touch with joe's parents and they were so apologetic because joe told them everything and they tried to tell the manager hr before but she put it down to joe isn't sure and just wanted me back so i told them of the play and if we could introduce joe's experience with karen as part of the play they were hesitant at first but after a couple of hours i got a text on my phone yeah go for it take that lying jerk down so months go by joe knew not to tell anyone about the play it was a secret then it was time for the big night room is packed other groups did their choirs plays artistic dances was a great night i looked through the thick wine curtains at the stage to see karen looking all pleased with herself next to the director apparently this was make or break for karen please the director get the manager position which was a paid position and not volunteer she was temporary manager and being paid but this would solidify it then the kids came on each group did their own things they were amazing and people were enjoying it some jokes here and there that we helped the kids remember then joe is last a solo performance joe stood on the stage and in her best voice my time at the facility by joe i'm watching karen through the curtain and she is looking perplexed forcing a smile at the director who was loving it and was paying super attention to all the kids who wouldn't be if you are funding them so i stepped to the side of the curtain and then eventually karen's eyes met my face and i cheekily waved and then her face became one of massive concern joe put on an amazing performance and the peace day resistance was her solo part about karen in the dark with a light shining on joe for dramatic effect she mimicked what happened to her that day that hurt me karen why did you do this to me you did this to me not o.p then she covers her nose again no karen don't do it again i don't want to leave here i will do it she stands up straight from her crouched position and says karen told me to lie and say opie did this or i would go to the bad place the director's face was unforgettable he said with his jaw literally hanging down and mouth again karen was looking at me at joe at the director back and forth back and forth and you could see her trying to figure out something to save herself i just walked backstage job done later i high-fived joe and told her good job you were amazing she gave me the biggest cheesiest grin with a thumbs up made me tear up karen blamed me for obviously making joe say all these things and police were called again but my boss didn't take her side of course and allowed me to remain for years karen would always serve me up some weird summons to court for one thing or another i would go and she wouldn't so i automatically win one of the girls who was at the facility when i was there was meg again not real name she was bullied by karen to say stuff about me but meg would say no every single time meg's parents gave her a bear she called barry the bear barry was special it had a camera so she would have the bear and if anything bad happens she knew to press the bear's paw to start recording but unfortunately meg lost her battle with ms march of last year and they were going through her things and the father found barry the bear and remembered why they got it they went through what was recorded now back then things like this did exist but were heavy and expensive and without much storage well joe was playing with barry the bear as meg allowed her to play with him they were good friends joe must have accidentally pushed the paw to start the recording and on the recording you could hear karen in the background the threads etc so meg's parents told me about this and that started me down the legal route to finally get karen for good it resulted in going to court and after a day they found karen guilty she was banned and fined fifty thousand dollars and was to pay damages to me joe and meg's parents unfortunately the stigma i received back then never did go away and i can't still go back to the facility to volunteer even after the truth but that is okay i'm currently going to start another new job and will volunteer at weekends but i know that karen and her ambitious jealousy is now having the worst time ever everyone in the community knows what she did and she has become a bit of a recluse and hardly ventures anywhere next we've got i made the mistake of wearing a bright red hoodie to target this happened to me over the weekend so the dialogue is just the gist of what happened i don't have as good of a play-by-play memory as some people i had stopped by target to grab some snacks on my way home to watch the nfl playoff games i was on my phone trying to find out what kind of chips and stuff people would want when i got approached by a lady asking what section buns were in she asked nicely said excuse me and all that so i gladly helped her didn't cross my mind that she might have come up to me because she thought i worked there after she left i went back to my phone kind of aimlessly looking between chips on the shelf and read it while i waited for someone to message back that's when i realized my error in clothing choices another lady in the aisle this one with her kid and less courteous had walked up closer to me while i was helping the other after i went back to my phone she started to clear her throat while standing uncomfortably close i thought maybe i was in her way so i just sort of sidestepped and went about my day mind you i'm holding a red basket this entire time this apparently was the most disrespectful thing this woman had ever seen because it sent her off the rails karen who do you think you are ignoring me me excuse me karen i've been waiting patiently for you to help me and you're just on your phone texting on the clock then you're just gonna decide to help some random who walks up to you before me i'm taking this to your manager she then proceeded to snatch the phone from my hand throw it in her purse and start to walk off all while dragging her kid behind her who's doing his best to make himself invisible i ran in front stretched my arm out and demanded she give me back my phone i told her i don't work here and if she doesn't i'll be happy to go find a manager for her karen i'll give it back to you after you get a manager this is unacceptable me ma'am i seriously do not work here please give me my phone karen manager first me fine forget it follow me we then proceeded to walk to the front all while she was giving her kid a lecture about how important it is for him to always be respectful to others my eyes still hurt from how hard i rolled them soon as we got to the front help desk i asked them where a manager was they pointed out a guy in a button-up shirt i'll call bob me excuse me sir this woman has stolen my phone and refuses to return it do you know who i can talk to about theft bob i'm sorry what karen this employee is lying i caught him slacking off on his phone and refusing to help me she then proceeded to go on and on about never being able to find anything and how no one here is helpful while she handed my phone to bob bob sir is this your phone me yes she snatched it out of my hands put it in her purse and walked away who can i talk to about theft bob i can have someone escort her out but we have a courtesy officer in the store if you would like me to find him me that's fine kicking her out would be enough karen esport me out for what he wasn't doing his job bob ma'am this man does not work here i'm going to have to ask you to leave but you took a customer's personal belongings she began to make even more of a scene alternating between trying to apologize to me yelling insults at the manager motioning her toward the door and yelling about how they can't kick her out and that she had a right to be here i felt bad for her kid but i really wasn't in the mood to have my phone stolen karen claimed she was next spoiler alert she wasn't it's a karen story everybody loves a good karen story this particular karen was a regular a regular pain in the neck i've got a few stories with her something to know about her she usually starts the interaction by shoving her phone with an image of what she wants into the face of whichever unlucky associate is available to help her instead of you know speaking to them like an actual human being so a new game had just come out days gone for the ps4 it was fairly popular and the demand was a bit more than our supply this story happens the day after launch day when copies are running out another thing to know is as employees we are allowed to check out pretty much any game in the store subject to manager approval for up to four days generally managers only decline the request if it's a triple a title just released or if we are low on copies the manager in this case was pretty lacks and let a co-worker check days gone out on launch day he only took the disc so the display case was still on the shelf one last tidbit all the game cases on the sales floor are empty we take one copy of each game we have take it out of the case and put it in a drawer with a disc sleeve while the empty case goes out on the sales floor to show people we have it in stock karen knew this as well some savvy people can figure it out which will become relevant we have two copies of the game left not counting the one checked out and there are three people in line a regular who we'll call paul a normal customer and then karen paul comes up and says he wants to get days gone i go to get it for him but before i ring it up he stops me wait actually let me check to make sure i've got enough for it he said and stepped to the side to check his bank account on his phone you can go ahead with them for now he said as he motioned to the line now he wasn't indicating everybody currently in the line just the line as a general concept a concept that karen would prove that she didn't understand so i take the next guy and big surprise he wants days gone i get it for him and as i'm ringing it up i casually say to paul hey just so you know we only have one copy left he replies okay yeah i'm good to get it thanks and stays off to the side as karen has moved up and he didn't want to get in her personal space i finished with a normal customer and get ready to motion paul over when suddenly a phone in my face karen with her stupid phone takes me by surprise i didn't even see what was on the screen it was so jarring i say i'm sorry ma'am he was actually next pointing to paul she barks no he wasn't i was he said i could go i reply well he was at the front of the line and just stepped out to check something but he was still here first paul didn't want any trouble so he says it's fine she can go ahead she perks up and says see i told you i was next whatever you imbecile i say alrighty then what can i get for you the phone in my face again god i can't stand this lady it doesn't take me long to decipher the grainy photograph as days gone and now i'm worried about what might transpire and i'm not really sure what to say i reason that paul was indeed first so he should have the right of first refusal day's gone we actually only have one copy left and i think paul was going to buy it i say including paul in the conversation at this point it appears that paul doesn't want to give karen any more niceties so he says oh i'm sorry ma'am i did actually want that game and i was here first sorry but you said i could go first and i want that game for my son you can't take back what you said now she says thinking she's found a loophole in his words or something i say i'm sorry ma'am but he was actually here first and i don't think there's anything else i can do aside from checking a nearby store for you i pretty much always suggest this when a game runs out but apparently that wasn't good enough for her she does step aside though and says well then i'm going to call my son and you're going to have to tell him that you sold his copy i had zero intention of doing that not only because she was a jerk but i never handle other people's phones for hygienic reasons she doesn't prime me for a response so i ignore her and help paul sorry about that i say as i ring him up it's cool i know stuff like that must happen every now and then he says buddy you have no idea i get him rung up and he leaves and karen is still on the phone she's casually looking at the shelves and her eyes zero in on the display case for days gone hey what's this she says and hangs up the phone and rushes over to the display case and picks it up that's just the display case for the game but we don't have any more i respond yes you do when you have one of these out the real case it means you have one left i want it she demands i normally never mention the checkout process to customers as most employees don't since it just causes problems but i would also not lie to a customer about it rather i would deflect it i'm sorry ma'am but as i said we're sold out i'm more than happy to check a nearby store for you no if you have this case out here and you don't have any in stock that means that one of the employees checked it out right i'm sorry ma'am but we don't have any copies available you didn't answer my question i'm afraid i can't answer that question for you but we don't have any copies available well i'm going to assume i'm right then good job genius i demand to know which employee has it now i've had incidents with her before but she had never demanded something so insane as this ma'am i'm truly sorry but we don't have the game we just don't have it i know one of you has it it's you isn't it you're the one that checked it out probably you have to go home right now and bring it back i'll even be nice enough to wait for you i honestly didn't even know how to respond at this point luckily my manager had just come back from break she rolled her eyes when she saw karen because she always causes a ruckus you your employee here is refusing to sell me the game he has checked out that's terrible customer service karen barks at lena my manager lena steals herself and says give me a moment to clock in and i'll be right with you she goes in the back to put away her purse comes back and clocks in she turns to me and asks me to bring her up to speed karen tries to butt in a couple of times but lena just casually tells her to wait until i'm done after i finish lena says well i'm sorry ma'am but it looks like we're sold out almost happy that she had let the game be checked out since it ticked karen off i can check to see if another store nearby has it for you karen was livid no that's horrible customer service i know he points to me has it at home make him go and get it lena says ma'am please keep your voice down or i will ask you to leave the store karen calms down a bit and says but you can't treat people this way it's not fair you have this case out here it's the original game case so i know you have one copy left i'm sorry for yelling but it really is poor customer service if you don't let me have the game lena looks almost saddened at karen's state and decides to level with her look karen yes there is one copy of the game in our inventory but it is currently unavailable to sell not that it matters but op here is not the one who checked it out however it is a privilege that we get as employees of the store and there is nothing wrong with us exercising that privilege now i'm sorry that we don't have the game available for you today but the best i can do is offer to check if another store nearby has it karen finally seemed to realize that her tirade wasn't helping and relented lena called the store 10 minutes down the road and had them hold a copy for karen karen didn't apologize for her behavior though as this was not the last incident i had with her would you have gone home to get the game for karen please leave me a comment letting me know college professor grades me incorrectly then harasses me online i have been debating on posting this story for the past couple years now and this happened in the middle of my college career i often find myself thinking about this insane woman and the ridiculous things that happened during this class and the following semester which is why i want to get this story off my chest and hopefully amuse some other people this post will probably be pretty long because i need to describe all the insane policies slash things she did while teaching this class as well as the aftermath and hell i got revenge so buckle in first off i was a college student in my junior year when this incident happened my college is a pretty good engineering school and i am a stem major i was required to take a professional and technical communications class as a part of my degree basically a class on how to write technical documents and give professional presentations now as a stem major i consider myself a somewhat awkward person and do not like speaking to large groups so i knew this class would not be enjoyable i also have always tried to achieve high grades and work hard in my whole educational career so while i knew i would not enjoy this class i also knew it would be like every other class and i would try my best i am used to difficult engineering courses involving math algorithms equations etc so while i knew this class would be different than what i was used to i did not expect it to be overly time consuming slash difficult let me just say now this class took more of my time than all of my other stem classes combined together that semester to start this professor was one of those professors that believed the traditional way lecturing slash taking notes was not effective instead one time a week she would split the class into groups of three to four students give each student a section of a chapter to read and we would give a short presentation on the material to the class now i understand this was basically a glorified speech writing class so i understood where she was coming from and did not complain however for every single presentation like this remember one per week there would be a total of three grades for it she would grade our presentation a random student not in the group would grade our presentation and we ourselves would grade our own presentation this meant that missing even one presentation resulted in three zeros so i knew i had to try my best to never miss a class obviously we would always give ourselves a 100 when we self-created and the random student chosen would always give good grades but she would always find something wrong and give 80s this three grades per presentation will become extremely important later next she also had frequent writing assignments even though i am a stem major i have always excelled in english slash writing classes i was always in honors slash ap english in high school and aced the required college english however she would always grade extremely harshly on these writing assignments and i would always get high cs or low b's on them whatever for the midterm she had us break into groups of three and we had a game show type of test she would ask random extremely specific questions about the chapters we gave presentations on and we had to write the answers on the board if our answer was unintelligible basically if she didn't like your handwriting misspelled or grammatically wrong in any way she wouldn't accept the answer it was completely up to her discretion if you got the answer right you got a tally and the group with the most points got an a on the midterm the next group got an a minus the next highest group got a b plus and so on this is hands down the strangest and worst way i have ever seen an exam being given during my college career but whatever my group got third so we got a b-plus she also had other random miscellaneous assignments throughout the semester she considered to be in different categories so we had the chapter presentations writing assignments midterm etc as different categories for final grades as stated in the syllabus she would calculate your grade for each category and each category would have different weights i don't remember how it went exactly but presentations could be twenty percent writing could be fifteen percent etc now something i haven't mentioned yet was the category of bonus points to counteract her harsh grading slash ability to lose large amounts of points from missing a presentation she would give bonus points throughout the semester so i knew i needed to get as many bonus points as possible to guarantee an a in the class there were various ways to get bonus points but i remember the strangest was a basketball completion we had in class that involved throwing paper balls into a trash can that ran across the room and a paper plane making competition during class tuition well spent during the basketball competition i was the only one to make the paper into the basket and honestly it was super lucky but worth a ton of bonus points when i successfully made the shot i was shocked and could tell she didn't expect anyone to make it but she acknowledged that i had earned a large sum of points at the end of the semester she claimed she would apply the bonus points to whichever grading category we were the lowest in so it would help our grade the most another thing i have not mentioned is that my whole life i have suffered from general irritable bowel syndrome ibs it was so much worse when i was younger and certain foods trigger it more than others i mostly have it under control now but there are still days when i will get diarrhea and stomach pains and i cannot leave a bathroom for an hour well one of those days happened during you guessed it one of the in-class presentations i was unable to go to class that day which resulted in three zeros before class had even started i emailed her explaining that i would not be able to make it to class and i asked if i could make an appointment with her to discuss it i knew i would be getting those three zeros so i wanted to show her i wasn't just giving class and i wanted to be as proactive as possible i had a meeting with her where i explained i have ibs at the time it was my mistake of not having it officially registered with my university that i have ibs but i told her i could easily get her a doctor's note if she would like one at the time i was still seeing my pediatric gastrointestinal doctor that i had been seen since i was a baby so he's had to write me many notes for school in the past she acted like it was all fine and she said she would exempt me from those three zeros even if she wasn't going to remove the zeroes i knew i had about 400 bonus points to make up for it however her next ridiculous stunt was about to be performed about three-fourths of the way through the semester at the beginning of class one day she informs us that one of the students in my class had gone to the dean her boss and stated that the bonus point system was unfair she informed us that all of the bonus points we had accumulated would be unusable because that student had broken the chain of command and not come to her with the issue this was a major red flag to me this was a small class about 15 students and throughout the semester we had been complaining to ourselves about her complaining about all of the work we were being given how she grades harshly and the dumb midterm as i stated earlier this class was more time consuming than all my other classes combined i believed she had developed a grudge against our class and wanted to take away our bonus points as a punishment i later found out that no student had gone to the dean about the bonus points so i can only conclude that i was correct in assuming she just hated our class she stated that even though we wouldn't get any bonus points she would drop the lowest grade from a grading category such that it would help our grade the most now it was at the end of the semester and we would be getting our final grades there was no final exam for this class there was a final project that was equally as ridiculous but i've already said enough about this class's structure but during exam week i received an email from her it basically said that she was unable to exempt me from those three earlier zeros because it was unfair to the other students in the class she was careful to word her email so that she did not admit she had ever exempted me from those zeros when i checked my grades she had removed the exempt status from them and they were now showing as zeroes again by this point i was just done with his whole class i didn't want to have to deal with her ever again so i just accepted it and decided to move on like i said this was during finals week and i was busy studying for many other difficult classes when she published our final grades she had given me a b minus which i thought was off i went to check my grades to calculate it myself to verify but she had removed all of the individual grades from the gradebook and just replaced it with the final grade this was a massive mistake on my part because now i had no way to verify it however like i said i just wanted to be done with all of this so i grudgingly took the b minus and moved on i had a feeling that my grade seemed a little low and i knew that with these bonus points she had taken away i could have at least had a b plus or possibly an a minus the next summer rolls around and i had a class with another student from that previous class as we were talking we started discussing how dumb that class was and he mentioned he also got a b-minus in the class which he thought was low he also mentioned how over the break he tried to leave a review for her on one of those college professor review websites however he noticed his reviews would always be strangely removed from the website and there would be many more high-ranking reviews following it he suspected she was reporting bad reviews of herself to the website to somehow get them removed there's a feature for this under every review and then making positive fake reviews for herself well i decided to make an accurate review of my experience of the class which was obviously negative i was stunned to see that minutes later it was removed for violating the terms of service i then began trying to make more negative reviews and i focused solely on the way the class was instead of reviewing her as a person each and every one of my reviews got taken down in its place was a new review exclaiming how great the professor was and how some students were out to get her this seemed to be directed at me trying to make a negative reveal but again i was just describing my negative experiences with the class i then began to get angry and try to loophole in the system i gave her a negative review only containing one sentence that i was sure would not violate any of the rules and i reported the negative review myself and gave a bs reason for reporting it i found that a review could only be flagged for review one time and once it was verified nothing could be done to remove it using this method i got a few negative reviews to stick and diminished her perfect rating on the website i could tell this made her mad as a flood of positive reviews came in however these new reviews became oddly specific it seemed that many of the reviews were directly referencing people in my class since this website is all anonymous i believe she realized it was someone from our class because in my original reviews i mentioned she had taken away our bonus points well one of the new specific reviews was definitely mentioning me the way she wrote it she was writing the reviews as if it was me writing it she wrote things like i decided to skip class one day and got many zeros so i went to professor and told her i had ibs it did not work and i got a low b instead of an a i was furious when i saw this because now i knew it had to be her doing this i had not told anyone else that i had a meeting with her to discuss that incident let alone that i had ibs at this point i decided this was getting too serious and i decided to stop messing with her on this website i now believed this lady was insane and i did not want to press her further so i was satisfied with a couple of negative reviews i got to stick and i thought that was it i'm so glad that wasn't the end because this is the beginning of my revenge even if i didn't know it at the time the next day i get an email from the dean of students saying that i was required to meet with them to discuss it i was extremely surprised by this and i already suspected it was related to this lady in the review website before this meeting i had to call the office to acknowledge i had received the email and set up a meeting time i asked the receptionist over the phone if she could give me any more information on why i was meeting the dean i played dumb on the phone and she said they had received an email from the review website saying that i specifically had been harassing her online at this point i was still in contact with some of the other students from the class and a few of them had also been summoned to the dean even though i was the only one involved with the review website this told me she didn't know exactly who was doing it so i contacted the review website and they said that under no circumstances would they ever contact a university like this so now that i was going to the dean of students about this i knew i now had the perfect chance for revenge i wrote down a bullet point list of the crazy ways she taught the class including the bonus point fiasco midterm test harsh grading as well as the screenshots of her referencing my ibs on the review website the way she hid the grades at the end of the class and a doctor's note proving i have ibs to corroborate my three zeroes being exempt then not exempt when i went i basically recounted the entire story as i described it above not only did the dean believe me but they had already concluded that the email received from the review website was fake and did not actually come from them i also showed proof of my contact with the review website and them saying they would never contact a university the dean was extremely helpful and when i described that i believed i could have been graded unfairly because my grades were hidden and how i knew my grade would have been better with the bonus points she helped me set up an appointment with another dean who was her boss the meeting with the dean of students ended with her basically saying they would be investigating this lady next i had the meeting with the other dean who was her boss when i met with him i basically described the whole story again he had already talked to the previous dean so he knew most of the story already he was able to request my individual grades i was able to go through them and i found that she had in fact graded me incorrectly even without the bonus points i was able to see that my grade should have been in b plus even with those three zeros she had given me a b minus if you factor in the bonus points my grade was an a flat the dean was extremely apologetic and my grade was changed from a b minus to an a he also told me off the record that no student had come to him during that semester to complain about the bonus points so she had taken them away just because she didn't like our class now i don't know for sure but i believe that she had graded everyone in my class incorrectly and given us all grades that were lower than what they should have been my meeting with this dean ended with him saying he would be investigating her as well this all happened at the end of the semester i originally took the class in fall and i spoke with the dean got my grade changed at the end of the following spring but i had one final meeting with the dean of students the following fall one full year from when i originally took the class from that meeting i learned that she no longer worked at the university but she couldn't confirm whether she was fired for this incident or not i have a strong feeling she was fired as a result of this and i have a strong feeling she has graded my entire class incorrectly in the end i wouldn't have gotten my revenge if she didn't stupidly report me to the dean using a fake email so i'm actually glad about that if you have read this for this long thank you i hope all this makes sense and i'm glad i never got to see or deal with this lady again if you had a teacher who was being unfair would you report them to their boss please leave me a comment letting me know next we've got karen threatens me with a lawsuit when i finally stand up to her backstory i live in an apartment complex directly outside of the largest college campus in the u.s so it's 99 students cost of living isn't cheap but convenient for students who walk to class so most people who aren't students choose to live in better areas further away as for the quality of our apartment it's truly a waste of money we've lived here a couple years now and have had awesome neighbors and no complaints of noise i have an upper and lower neighbor and can barely hear the upstairs neighbor ever and i know they party in their apartment this mother moved in with her three kids a couple months ago and have been nothing but trouble for everyone around them in the complex specifically my boyfriend and i because we live right above her we both work full time and our students and rarely have company over but if we do there's maybe one or two people the weekend she moved in we had one friend over weren't watching tv weren't partying and were just chilling on the couch chatting at a totally reasonable sober volume i haven't met her at this point and she spent nearly an hour banging on her ceiling continuously eventually my boyfriend went downstairs to ask if everything was okay and she ripped him a new one her kid's bedtime is at 8pm we shouldn't be talking and laughing this late etc whatever we just assumed we were louder than we thought and tried to quiet down 20 minutes passed and she was banging on the ceiling again i know we were talking normally and i knew the walls aren't that thin i decided to just go out to the bar to hang out because this lady was obviously stressed and it wasn't worth it fast forward a couple days my boyfriend and i had to work at 5am he gets up at four and gets in the shower she started banging on the ceiling again it was enough to wake me up like most i don't want to be woken up at 4am and after banging on the ceiling for 5 minutes straight i go down there and ask her what's wrong she said my boyfriend turning on the shower woke up her entire family i apologized and said that he has to work soon and that's something that will happen frequently and that while i can hear the water in other apartments as well it's so subtle that it's barely noticeable she started to go off about how they had to wake up for school soon and just moved from an actual detached home she said that in a super yikes tone and that her family isn't used to hearing other people shower so we had to do our showering before 7pm each night or she would email our landlord i mentioned that our classes slash jobs usually go way past that but realized it was a lost cause when she obviously didn't give a hoot anyways bs like this continued i would see her and her kids walking in the halls and would smile and say hello at her and she would literally shield them from me and run away not that it matters but i'm a 22 year old girl with a lame backpack who just seems like any other normal person nothing to be shielded from anyway sorry for the length but here's the kicker i was woken up last week from more bangs on the ceiling it was 3 am and i tried so hard to just go back to sleep because we were obviously sleeping no tv or anything the knocking continued and i actually got nervous that she needed help or something i woke my boyfriend up a deep sleeper and said i was worried and he said he's done checking on her for multiple reasons and to just go back to sleep i couldn't sleep and thought since we weren't making noise maybe she needed help i went down there and knocked on the door she opened it and i swear to everything blurted out you winch literally you winch i was obviously appalled not even because i was half asleep and just sheepishly asked if she was okay or needed something she said snoring has kept her and her kids up all night i kid you not i watched her go to her couch it was in perfect view of the front door and grab her sleeping kid off of it and screams he's been up for hours because somebody in your apartment won't stop snoring the baby definitely looked like he was very asleep and she grabbed him and i just went off i don't know exactly what i said but it was basically about how she's crazy for expecting other people to not be human and make human noises when she moves into an apartment i don't like confrontation so my version of going off was more like nervously saying how it is she then told me to come in to listen to my boyfriend snore and i stepped in a tiny bit and didn't hear anything like i said i'm a light sleeper my boyfriend breathes heavily but in no way does he really snore i couldn't hear a darn thing from her apartment i told her that and she got mad told me to step in her room and sit on the bed and that i could hear it much better i obviously refused and left the next day my car was entirely buried in snow i'm from out of state and mentioned that to her before so she knew me from my license plate i tried to shrug it off even though it was obviously intentional due to the amount of snowfall and what was on my car not to mention the shovel cleared parking lot all directly towards my car and her being the only neighbor who has beef and called my job to tell them i'd be late as i kid you not my car was literally under a mound two days later it happened again i was so frustrated that i took all the snow from my car and put it into a pile then after class slash work at night completely buried her car she has since contacted the landlord apparently and won't stop banging on my ceiling again all night like it's almost like she doesn't sleep she told my neighbor who also knows she's wack and has lived here as long as we have and he told me that she said i made her kids miss school and the district is so mad that i need to contact them to explain the situation this happened two days ago and i woke up to a handwritten note under my door saying she has photos and will be filing a police report for vandalism and if her kids get in trouble for missing school i will be at fault i'm so non-confrontational and upset that i just want to ignore her but she's getting way too crazy entitled mom takes my car this happened yesterday and i'm still mad an important note i'm in a wheelchair most of the time and have parking plates on our car our cast we've got me we've got my fiance we've got entitled mother and entitled father this past week my fiance and i have been staying with her parents four hours away for her sister's wedding along with more of her extended family until yesterday the trip had been lovely her family are surprisingly accepting of us and helpful when it comes to my disability we arrived a few days earlier than other family members so fiance can spend more time with her parents and siblings since we've arrived we've been joined by her grandparents cool uncle and his kids plus her brother entitled father his wife entitled mother and their kids the wedding isn't until saturday so my fiance and i have been passing the time by exploring the area and checking out local cafes and that was our plan for that day too we woke up around midday and after doing our makeup and getting dressed we go to the driveway to find our car gone naturally we start panicking and frantically asking everyone home if they know what happened including entitled father we cancel our plans for the day and spend two hours figuring out what to do when we hear a car pull into the driveway we rush outside only to see our car pulling in an entitled mom and her kids climbing out fiance stomps up to her and demands to know what the heck she was doing me trailing along behind her fiance what are you doing with our car entitled mom um i just borrowed it to go to this supermarket me why didn't you take yours because it's busy at this time of day and i wanted to get a spot we just stared at her dumbfounded before entitled father rushed out of the house to join in entitled father what's going on here entirely mom they are angry at me for borrowing the car come on guys it isn't a big deal she had the kids with her me then she can take her own car and park in a parent spot entitled mom but parking at the door was so much easier you try shopping with four kids i don't want them walking through a car park plus eldest kid has hurt his leg and needed it after trying to explain how we didn't consider it borrowing if she didn't ask how it was illegal for her to use my permit and finding out entitled father had lied to us about knowing where our car was his wife finally snapped she knelt down in front of me and grabbed the wheels of my chair holding me in place she got into my face and started screaming if you're so sick you can't even walk i'd be disappointed if i were your parents who would want you for a daughter you're lucky you're not my kid i had enough at this point and started crying i can't handle things like this and i'm the first to admit i'm a crybaby here is when fiancee's parents rush out of the house to see what's happening an entitled mom turns on her own waterworks she starts crying about how we're awful and selfish and will never understand how hard it is to raise kids fiance's dad made her get her shopping bag out of the car and got our keys off her turns out entitled father snuck into our room when we were sleeping took them and gave them to entitled mom the rest of the day she was awful to the two of us even tipping a whole glass of milk on me after talking with fiance's parents about how uncomfortable we were staying with her while she's being like this we made the decision to check into the local hotel for the rest of our stay and here's the cherry on top after packing our things and getting in the car we noticed that entitled mom had removed our heart-shaped pride air freshener taken down the photo of fiance me plus a bunch of our friends and messed with our radio she also peeled off the sticker of the team instinct logo we had on our dash along with throwing the pikachu plush we had on there into the back of the car today is thursday and i'm really dreading having to see the two of them on saturday i hope they act like adults and don't cause a scene at the wedding we've uninvited the two of them from our wedding but sadly the wedding on saturday isn't ours and we can't do anything about them being there i absolutely love all the recommendations to stick or bomb their car in pride stickers and i'm absolutely considering that it would upset her so much we spoke to my in-laws and they wanted to kick the entitled parents out of the house but fiance and i decided to go to a hotel instead only so much i can handle being woken up at 6 00 am by kids asking to play my switch has anybody ever borrowed anything from you without asking please leave me a comment letting me know next we've got get me fired say goodbye to your bonus and promotion this happened a good long while ago i was in high school and got a job at one of the big box stores in the computer department this store chain had an in-house technician department which was always where i wanted to go after busting my bud in sales for two years putting up with rude customers silly rules and all the other glorious trappings of a retail job i finally got a chance to be promoted to the technician department it was not as glamorous as i thought it would be i quickly found out that most of the repairs consisted of running the prepackaged antivirus suite updating windows and doing data backups prior to wiping computers clean and reinstalling them i always liked tinkering with hardware more but since 80 of customers had laptops and those repairs were deemed too complicated by corporate we would just send the laptops out to get repaired by the third party vendor it was still better than sales by a long shot and we had a great team working in the technician area except for one dude let's call him mike he always behaved like his crab smelled like roses he was technically a lead technician and even though that just meant he had a little more authority he had access to a corporate account to arrange shipments of computers to and from our store he was acting like he was the manager of our department nevertheless our actual manager was a splendid dude that took care of us and as such mike's jerkery did not bother any of us that much fast forward a little and our awesome manager found a much better job this opened up a spot for manager and since the whole store supervision was going through a shake-up the general manager had been fired and all the people he hired ninety percent of managers were under review this led to everybody trying their hardest not to mess up and the new general manager decided that since our department was one of the best in the district he would not try to hire an outsider but would promote from within now mike was working at this store for almost 10 years at that point and a couple of people that started working with him as sales associates were by this point managers and assistant managers one of them britney was an assistant manager in charge of customer services and checkout one of the conditions for mike's official promotion to manager was to keep the number one spot in the district performance wise one of the key metrics was the rejection rate from our third party vendor if we mistakenly sent them a software problem to fix they would charge us extra mike started obsessing about those numbers especially when it came to the rejection rate he insisted that we would spend extra time to confirm issues even when there were recalls for manufacturers for these items i hated this bureaucracy since it meant that people needed to wait almost the maximum allowed time to get their computers back so a few times i skipped the extra diagnostics when i knew for sure the problem was hardware one day mike decided to do an audit on all outgoing machines and found out that i've sent four units skipping his extra checks he told me that he will write me up for it but when he tried general manager told him that he is not a manager yet and i have shown to the gm that i followed the corporate procedure in diagnosing these units i thought that was the end of this but i was sorely mistaken mike hated that i showed a gm that mike's procedure was inefficient and that he was denied power over me about a month later i got a call from mike asking if i could come to the store on my day off because there was an issue with a customer when i came in i was greeted by mike with a crap-eating grin and he told me to wait in the back and not to work on any computers after about an hour mike and brittany came in and asked me to head to the front office they started an official write-up process and claimed that i have made a mistake creating a backup of customers data and have placed a dvd with no data on it into the box that was returned to customer and then wiped his pc clean i knew it was bs since i always copy the data to an external hard drive run antivirus to make sure that nothing bad got copied and then burn dvds yet when i asked to check the external hard drive mike said that due to my negligence i was not allowed back in the tech area he went to check the hard drive and said there was nothing on it at that point i knew he was bsing but him and brittany were hard bent on completing the write-up i have asked for a senior management to be present and was shot down again turns out gm was on vacation they completed the write-up and told me that due to the egregious error that cost the company tens of thousands of dollars i was not allowed to work in the tech room and i would be relegated back to the sales floor i told them to shove it and submitted my resignation on the spot i later found out that a week later they gave the customer the data that was on the hard drive all this time mike simply erased the dvds i grabbed a rewritable dvd by mistake for that backup and waited for the customer to come back and complain i have also called the corporate hr line and told them what happened they said that since i quit with a letter of resignation they would not launch an investigation but they have received and recorded my complaint through luck and the fact that i was a good hardware tech i landed a job at a shop that did hardware repairs a week later and started in another week turns out this depot was the service center that covered the entire district and they had the master contract with the big box chain where i worked since i have worked as the tech in that store i was more than familiar with their labeling and ticketing system for tracking purposes the label included the store and technician number after a couple of weeks i gathered some goodwill at my new job and started trading the units with my colleagues to work on as many units from my old store as possible over the next three months i made sure that every single unit sent in by mike would come back with an extra charge also it turned out that mike since he was in charge of shipping would sometimes steal other technicians tickets to boost his personal performance numbers to secure that manager position well that bit him in the butt hard there was one week in particular where he sent in over 15 units out of 20 to get fixed and 15 units came back with extra software charge i have also kept detailed records that proved that mike did not follow his own policy of extra checks when the performance figures came out for that quarter store crashed into fifth place from number one mike missed out on his promotion and a big bonus that was promised to him a good buddy of mine from the store got the manager position a few months after that and i have explained to him how to reduce the number of software charges to almost zero so he looked like a superstar mike was first relocated to lead technician then he was either let go or he quit i'm not sure last i heard he started his own mobile technician business that folded after a year what i didn't know is that this whole incident with mike messing up led the gm to review everything mike did including my write-up and dismissal as it turns out they did not even register the write-up since i quit on the spot and buried it the only way gm was able to find it is because of the hr complaint that was filed against both mike and brittany gm was not very pleased that they went behind his back to get rid of someone and fired britney he was a very decent man who called me later that day and apologized and even offered me my old job back i thanked him but i was making more money at the new place and did not have to deal with the customers so i passed have you ever had a boss that you just couldn't stand please leave me a comment right now letting me know next we've got guy scams me online he loses i become a hero this story dates back to around february 2017. i had just gotten cs go for the pc i got a few months prior to christmas i bought the game and had a bit of money left over so i opened some cases and unboxed an awesome new skin the skin was worth about twenty dollars at the time and i was very pumped because the odds of getting something good from a case in that game are crazy low naturally i go and play a few games with my new skin and its full glory enter brad not real name i met brad in a match in dust too and we started chatting he was 16 seemed like a cool guy and so i added him we started playing together often and became pretty good buddies in about a week's time and we even had each other on instagram we were pretty tight one day brad tells me to get online and watch him gamble cs go skins so i hop on skype and watch he goes onto his site and starts winning a pretty good amount and i'm obviously super intrigued by it he starts telling me that he is super good at this and would be willing to do it for me looking back i cannot believe i was that stupid so i traded him my skin eager to watch him win me something better boom call ins blocked on skype blocked on steam blocked on instagram zero means of contact my skin was gone i knew i should have just let it go right there i had learned a very valuable lesson for the low low price of twenty dollars and i could drop it and move on but i was actually really hurt by the whole ordeal i thought we were friends and it really upset me i instantly start messaging mutual friends of me and brad and the ones that also didn't get blocked instantly either ignored me or called me an idiot i made another steam account added him and tried begging no luck blocked again i reported him which obviously did nothing at all i was completely out of luck but then after a day or so the feelings of disappointment washed over and anger started to take its place i was gonna get this guy back it quickly became a bit of an obsession to get back at this guy in any way possible i tried angry emails obviously didn't work tried to lurk on facebook nada this went on for about three to four days until i nearly gave up what was so frustrating is that i actually had a lot of info on him and the city he lived in and it was getting me absolutely nowhere i was nearing giving up till i tried what i thought would be a hail mary option i went on yellow pages put in his name city and hit enter there was exactly one result that popped up in this massive city with this odd last name and bingo i look up the house and it's clearly a very wealthy neighborhood nobody who lived in a house like that would need to steal 20 dollars so with all the bravery in my 14 year old self i called the number a lady picks up hello hello ma'am does a brad last name live there she sounds very concerned yes this is his mother speaking check maid i then proceeded to explain the entire situation to this guy's mom who sounds absolutely furious at brad and also terrified i have their home phone number then brad's father comes in the room and she puts me on speakerphone so i can explain the whole story to him he is livid at brad he tells me through audibly gritted teeth that he is going to sort it out and to stay on my computer about five minutes later receive a friend request from brad and also a trade invitation where he was not only giving me my skin back but more items each one worth in excess of two hundred dollars and i accepted the trade i get a call back from the number it was brad faintly crying and apologizing for what he had done saying that his father was very upset with him the way he was talking made it clear his dad was in the room i started to giggle a bit at how insane the situation was i told him i'd forgive him if he sent me his trade history which he did in a record pace i saw the items he had in the trade history added the guys i assumed he stole them from asked them if they had been scammed by brad and then i surprised all of them by returning the stolen items next we've got don't interrupt me when i'm trying to upsell so we have a rewards membership there's a basic version that is free and gives points on purchases and also a pro version that costs fifteen dollars per year that additionally gives a discount on used games monthly coupons magazine subscriptions and some other stuff the rewards card is part of a tracked metric which we are told to keep above a good number roughly 15 so essentially for every 100 customers you ring up you should sell about 15 pro rewards cards i had just served a customer who had already had a pro card and as he was gathering his things off to the side i started to take the next person he didn't have a pro card so i started telling him about the benefits so the pro card would be pretty good for you since you're getting a lot of used games here it gives a ten percent discount on used games normally it's fifteen dollars for a year but with the games you're getting it's essentially only like five bucks he was getting around a hundred dollars of used games for a year i explained he looked like he was thinking about it i went to get the games and put them in the case and then resumed the conversation so would you like to sign up it's a good deal if you come here often i said as i'm talking to him pro guy butts in hey if you want you can use my card to get the discount then you don't have to pay anything he snorted i was kind of taken aback as i had never had this happen before there was an established policy that said we are not allowed to have community rewards cards which is basically just a card that some unscrupulous employee would use to ring up any customer that didn't have a card and didn't want to buy one to keep their numbers up this was a big no-no as far as policy goes but some people still did it for fear of being fired for the numbers being too low instead they got fired for having a community rewards card anyway i quickly reasoned that the policy would apply here customers are completely fine to let friends and family use their accounts but i decided that customers with no connection could not and this was affirmed by my higher ups after telling them about this i calmly say to pro guy i'm sorry sir but he can't use your card he looks offended what what do you mean i've let my friends use my account before he says i say yeah friends is okay but you don't know him do you i turn to the new guy in front and ask do you know him referring to pro guy new guy shakes his head pro guy says so what if we don't know each other i'm just trying to save the guy some money no you just want the points from his transaction new guy says to pro guy thanks buddy but i'm okay he turns to me and says i think i'll pass on the car today but thanks for the info no problem i respond you'd think that would be the end of it but pro guy is not satisfied see he didn't buy it so you can use my card now to new guy you'll save money to me and you'll keep your numbers up it's a win-win some regulars know about the metrics not many i casually say sir i'm in the middle of a transaction this gentleman has told you he doesn't want to use your card please let us finish the transaction he does not like this i can't believe you're talking to a customer like that give me the number for corporate i can help you as soon as i'm done with this customer sir as i'm finishing up with new guy my manager comes in from break and goes to the back to put her stuff away i say to pro guy she's the manager if you want to talk to her about it apparently he didn't want to talk to her i'm guessing he did something similar in the past and she told him off i don't remember if he saw her as she was walking by but perhaps he didn't otherwise he would have said something but after telling him that he seemed to just drop it and left i'm still curious as to what exactly his argument was going to be the associate wouldn't let me stop him from trying to sell a rewards membership some people are so silly do you have a rewards card at any of the stores you shop at please leave me a comment letting me know next we've got karen thinks she can walk in my house and help herself to my dinner this story happened many years ago while we were in the military we moved frequently and at one base in particular we lived in condo style houses lines of homes that have one or two walls that are connected to each other i mentioned the type of house because it shows how close we were to our neighbors we did have our own driveways but they were for single cars and were right next to our neighbors this base was in a warm location where we should have had air conditioning but we did not we were enlisted and lived in older houses and only newer enlisted or officers had ac the reason i mentioned this is because i would leave my front door open and just have the screen door closed so we would get crosswind to cool the house this should have not been a big deal right wrong our neighbor that was connected to our left liked to come over and borrow things our neighbor or choosing beggar will be referred to as cb moving forward and would come over and at the beginning she would knock and she would just ask for things such as a cup of sugar or milk then as time progressed cb would knock and just walk in and at this point she still asked for stuff to be honest this didn't really bother me too bad because it wasn't too frequent and then all of a sudden it changed and cb stopped knocking all together and began just walking in i did say something keeping it light in hopes that it would work i knew we were going to be neighbors for a while and it could be bad to have a bad relationship between neighbors back then i had a lot of anxiety about having negative interactions with people then cb became pregnant and her entitlement all of a sudden knew no bounds cb would not only walk into my house she would go into my fridge or freezer and grab whatever she wanted this one time i was making dinner and she walked over and smelled it grabbed a plate and served herself i said something to the effect of i am making that for my husband and cb responded that she is only taking a little and there will be plenty for him that was it i was mad after that i tried locking my screen door but the cheap lock wouldn't hold cb was able to pull the door open and eventually snapped the lock off i finally said forget it and started shutting my actual door which wasn't good because it was hot and no ac but it was better than dealing with her every day i thought that would work but she started going through our back door and coming through our screen door oh did i mention her husband was like three ranks higher than mine and she was seriously taking from us when they could afford way more anyway this went on while cb was pregnant finally after cb had her baby cb started asking for even more she wanted my husband to come over and get the bugs when her husband wasn't home she asked me to do things she could easily do for herself like go to the grocery store the final straw was when she woke me up at 2 am saying so cold and mumbling i seriously thought something was wrong with her baby i got up woke my husband up let him know and ran over to her house and i do mean ran i ran into her house door was unlocked and cb was laying on the couch she wasn't feeling good she wanted me to get her a blanket from her upstairs closet i finally lost it and told her i thought something was wrong with her baby i was over it i told her cb you are not to walk into our house without permission and you are not to ask my husband for anything anymore the only way it is ever okay to call me in the middle of the night ever again is because you need 9-1-1 cb just looked at me and said something about since i am here can't i get the blanket and that i am being a horrible neighbor i walked out of the house went home and went to bed moving forward cb scowled at me every time she saw me and pointed at me and talked about me to her husband and other neighbors who told me later cb's husband got orders and they finally moved i was so happy because she made it uncomfortable being at my own home till she left karen watches as her brats tear apart my office i work for an ent a couple of days a week my job is to both efficiently and accurately give patients a hearing assessment before they see the doctor in the audiological field ent days are pretty well known to be quite high stress because of the complexity of assessments the patients we assess are often there because they were referred from private hearing clinics or gps for red flags or complicated cases and the speed at which you are expected to assess people i normally see between 35 to 40 patients per day one appointment that goes a bit over the allotted time can throw off your entire day anyway yesterday one of my first morning appointments a 55 to 60 year old woman entitled grandma showed up 20 minutes late when i called her back to my office she was dragging a kid entitled kid who looked about three and a half as soon as she let go of his hand entitled kids started running around the room screaming and banging his minion toy on the walls i asked entitled grandma if she had brought anyone to watch him while i tested her entitled grandma my daughter is in the waiting room me okay can you please take entitled kid back to her then it will be easier to do the test alone no he wants to play in here me i'm sorry but this is a doctor's office and i need to assess you he can't be distracting you or i during the test fine i'll get my daughter so she goes and gets the daughter entitled mom who brings another kid a girl who looked about too into the room entitled kid 1 is still screaming and running an entitled kid 2 joins in immediately i'm already upset they were 20 minutes late and having to argue about the kid and then fetching entitled mom who has already taken another chunk of my precious time so i get entitled grandma into the sound booth and entitled kid one comes running in me i'm sorry buddy but you can't be in here you need to go wait with your mom entitled grandma no he can stay he wants to play in here no i already told you he can't be distracting you or i during this test and he's not just hey stop don't touch those wires entitled kid one has started pulling out the wires plugged into the booth and neither entitled grandma nor entitled mom do anything i pull his hands away and guide him out of the booth which he protests by screaming and throwing himself onto the floor i lock eyes with entitled mom and she continues to do nothing entitled kid 2 has found the pediatric assessment toys and has dumped the entire bucket onto the floor i chose to ignore this for the sake of time while i am attempting to assess entitled grandma both brats are causing complete havoc behind me they are grabbing extremely expensive and high-tech instruments off of my shelves they are taking hearing aid color chips and trying to rip them apart they are throwing the pediatric toys all over the room they are climbing onto my desk chair and knocking over everything in my desk all the while entitled mom is sitting there doing absolutely nothing casually and placidly observing the wreckage i had to stop testing four times to stop the entitled brats from ruining equipment probably worth more than the average car entitled grandma could hardly hear my instructions through the microphone because of the screaming my blood was just about boiling at this point but it is my job to be professional eventually i finish entitled grandma's assessment and the room is in ruins me to entitled mom your kids need to clean up what they've done entitled mom isn't that your job no my job is to assess hearing your kids made this mess and now they need to clean it up i need to take the next patient entitled mom they don't want to clean up me struggling to keep my composure listen this is a doctor's office not a daycare you and your kids need to clean this up now while i get ready for the next patient there are toys in the waiting room that they can play with so entitled mom and the kids do clean up what they've thrown around but entitled kid 2 is still holding one of the pediatric assessment toys as they try to leave the room me she still has a toy in her hand i need that back you have a whole bucket of toys can't she keep just one me no i need them for assessing other kids she needs to put it back entitled kid can i please have the toy back of course being too entitled kid doesn't want to she hides it behind her back and tries to leave but i hold the door shut entitled mom you are being selfish she's only two and just wants one toy me again this is a doctor's office the equipment in here is necessary for the work that i do if you do not give the toy back i can't imagine the doctor will allow you back to this practice entitled mom still doesn't see this as a problem so i reach down and pry the toy out of her hand she screams and throws herself onto the floor i open the door to let them out me have a nice day entitled mom death glare if you had kids would you let them play with toys in the doctor's waiting room please leave me a comment right now letting me know next we've got two ladies scream at each other across the checkout lines several years ago when i worked in retail this incident is what stands out and is by far the craziest story from my retail experience the two most important characters of this story we've got mom lady a woman who came in and almost always had five boys with her while one kid was in the cart the others would run around and yell and be under fight kind of makes you reconsider having kids deputy woman lady in her 40s to 50s and is a deputy in the police department or so she claimed this happened in the middle of a sunday rush and there are five cashiers open all of us are busy my designated role was bagger on that fateful day so i'm doing my stuff for the cashier when deputy woman comes through our line two rows over mom lady and her four kids come through the kids start running around yelling and rolling across the floor our store manager at that time was a tower of a man who i'm pretty sure reached seven feet or so was trying to not step on a rolling kid rolling kid was at the exit between two checkout lanes so that made stepping around him difficult store manager needed to be moving but his progress was hindered by the kid constantly rolling where he needed to put his foot down finally the store manager was able to walk around the kid and just do what needed to be done for the cashiers and customers all the while the other kids are just adding to the chaos this is paraphrased but is the gist deputy woman loudly demands whose kids are those mom lady they're mine deputy woman you need to discipline your kids mom lady how i raise my kids is none of your business deputy woman you can't even get your kids to behave you deserve to have them taken away i am a deputy in the police department and i will report you someone give me her number so i can report her nobody gave deputy woman mom lady's number mom lady forget you jerk deputy woman forget you i will report you i'm a deputy in the police department this round of yelling lasted a bit longer with the forget you and calling each other names deputy woman continued repeating that she was a deputy and that she would report mom lady all the while us workers are keeping our heads down and doing our jobs with a particularly intense focus it was so bad i thought we were going to have to call the police to break up a fight after spitting a few more insults at each other mom lady and deputy went their separate ways at opposite ends of the store i was honestly half expecting someone to run in from outside and yell that there were two ladies having a smackdown in the parking lot the rush ended at this time as well and all of us were laughing awkwardly and were beat red another cashier came up and said that her customer asked if the ladies were going to fight i didn't see mom lady again for about six months and when i saw her again she always only had one or two kids with her one kid in the cart and the other free deputy lady was never seen again do you think the deputy was telling the truth or just making it up please leave a comment letting me know next we've got scam me for 80 dollars for cleaning on move out i don't think so jack about 10 years ago my landlord passed or at least the person who owned the place we were renting the property managers had been delightful but whoever inherited wanted to sell so the house was for sale enter jerk we'll call him jack who decides to buy the place now ours was the top floor attic converted into a suite of a house less than 35 square meters 375 square feet the bathroom was literally where the stairs up to the top floor used to be the place was tiny jack came to check out the place as you should before buying a place he had one of those bluetooth earpieces in and i can't even remember if he even acknowledged us he spent about 30 to 45 seconds in our suite next time we hear from him is about a month later apparently he had bought the place he stops by to give us a notice of rent increase effective in six months legal minimum from 485 dollars to 795 dollars the place is not worth that much we say what the heck and decide to buy a house since it's not much more per month surprise to anyone who's never bought a house it was more than just mortgage payments we give him all the required notice to move out we move and clean the place up really well mind you when my partner moved in it was not especially clean and we happen to have the move in inspection which mentions this jack decides to try to scam us for eighty dollars of our damage deposit for cleaning he doesn't provide the required forms just says i'm going to hold eighty dollars from your damage deposit for cleaning we respond with um no you're not jack assuming we need the cash for our next damage deposit or bills and we'll settle for anything take this or i'm going to keep your whole deposit cue revenge so he decides to just keep the whole deposit 485 dollars i filed paperwork with the rentals men who unsurprisingly after the investigation rule in my favor he's ordered to refund the whole deposit but jack decides not to pay and the rentals met doesn't have any enforcement powers so i have to go to the local sheriff's office they can send a legal demand letter for the deposit plus costs but it will cost me 100 to 150 i forget upfront sure go ahead jack decides to ignore the sheriff's kindly letter sheriffs say that they can start proceeding to recover the debt plus costs but i again have to pay up front about 250 and it might take a while i guess most people quit at this point being out of pocket 700 throwing more money at the problem and maybe having to wait months than an appeal to them and there's also a chance you never collect i chose to pay the sheriffs they sent another less friendly letter to jack but here's the best part now that they're recovering a dead they're going to recover on all of the outstanding judgments against him and apparently he has tried this crap before they send him another couple letters pay up or else jack chose else then they seized title to jack's giant white suv i can't remember what it was but not a cheap one they didn't physically take it away or anything but they gave him 30 days to pay all the judgments against him or they would take it and sell it at auction somehow he all of a sudden found the money my share 485 dollars plus 150 plus 250 for a total of 885 the other people who had registered judgments but not paid to start the collections processes were about five thousand dollars more i can't remember how long the whole process took at least six months though landlord tried to scam us for eighty dollars for cleaning when we moved out ended up costing him almost six thousand dollars next we've got karen demands items we just don't sell hey everybody this little story is about three to four years old so conversations won't be word for word anymore but i'll do my best to describe everything as it was i worked a seasonal cashier stalking job at one of the many cheap dollar type stores here in the u.s this was my first actual job but i had been doing quite well despite my really bad anxiety this took place a few days before thanksgiving fresh off of my usual 15 minute break for the day i walked out of the back room and made my way to clock back in to finish my shift i stop when i hear an older lady who i will refer to as customer trying to get my attention i let her know that i need to clock in as i just got off my break but i will be glad to help her in just a moment knowing my management i would have gotten in trouble if helping her before clocking in as they are very precise and picky about times i clock in and make my way back to where customer had been but i don't see her anywhere i look around the nearby aisles to no avail so i head back to my register as my co-worker needs to go back to stocking shelves all seemed fine and things were going smoothly until customer suddenly enters my line i give my usual customer service smile and i start to ring up her items me hello did you find everything all right today customer didn't hesitate to immediately start barking at me customer no it's bad enough you clearly don't know how to do your job you just left me there you're supposed to be about customer service who trained you why can't you do your job me i'm really sorry ma'am i had to clock in before helping a customer on the sales floor it's just part of our policy i should note i was actually starting to choke up here i probably got a bit red in the face too with my anxiety i easily crumble under confrontations like this customer almost looked as if she was even standing taller as if she thought her putting me down was a good thing well they need to retrain you i came here looking for black serving plates for my thanksgiving dinner you have none is that the only place for party plates she vaguely motions towards the back of the store me yes ma'am and we just don't carry any black serving plates i'm sorry i could double check with my manager in case i'm wrong if you'd like customer tapped her card against the counter as i finished ringing up her items giving me this death glare no no my thanksgiving theme will just have to be ruined i get the last of her items bagged watching the register screen as i do my part of customers card transactions just trying to keep myself together while apologizing again but she wasn't done yet i glanced to my line and the two people who had now gathered behind her are having none of her attitude but they say nothing customer's face starts getting red and she even crosses her arms in a half another thing do you have any large party gift bags for adults me i'm sorry i'm not sure what you mean you have gift bags themed for kids why not adults where can i find some me i'm sorry ma'am i've never seen any bags like you're describing and we only carry what we currently have back there well you should tell your managers there's absolutely no reason why you can't have any decorated bags like this me i can call my manager down if you'd like to tell them no you need to do it call them as i hand customer her receipt i give in and call my manager over the intercom a co-worker ends up coming down and tells me my manager is in a conference call in her office so she's unavailable i tell customer that i'll make note of her suggestion and she storms off with her full card and a huff thankfully my next two customers were amazing they had heard a majority of what customer was saying and how she was treating me and noticed that i was getting worked up with my anxiety they talked me down and told me i handled the situation really well and we had a laugh about it before they left those two customers really made my day next we've got never judge a book i just joined the reddit family and this is my first post i'm old like in my 70s old but my wife said that some of my stories might be entertaining this is something i witnessed about 10 years ago we've got old lady and we've got big bully i was shopping in a store with a big bullseye logo i noticed this old lady looked to be in her late 60s who was just going about her business i noticed because she held herself very upright and with a lot of confidence though she was only about five feet tall and 100 pounds if she was an ounce she had on a nice red blouse and tan pants which turned out to be a bad fashion choice for this store as you will soon see as i passed by we nodded to each other and i started making my way to the luggage and bags to look for a new backpack for myself after about a couple minutes of looking i heard raised voices and glanced over my shoulder to see the old woman in a heated exchange with a middle-aged man big bully twice her size he was talking very loud and calling her awful names and telling her that just because she was old didn't mean she could ignore customers she was i imagine trying to explain that she didn't work there but couldn't get a word in edgewise since the big bully was refusing to let her talk i started to walk over there to see if i could help but soon saw that my help was not needed bully actually had the gall to grab her by her shoulder and give her a shake i will never forget what happened next old lady busted out some sort of martial arts move and kicked his knee sending him falling to the ground by then i was close enough that i heard her softly tell him look i said i don't work here and i will not hesitate to end you now do you understand i asked if you understand he nodded his head and she said now are you going to be a good boy and leave me alone he nodded again and she released him he knelt there on the floor for a minute rubbing his knee and looking like any full-grown man would if they just had their butt handed to them by a little old lady contrite and embarrassed she simply walked away and continued shopping he finally got up and speed walked out of the store i caught up to her and asked her if she was all right as if she smiled sweetly and said i can't stand bullies we talked for a minute and she told me that she took self-defense classes at a nearby senior center and she learned to take care of herself a long time ago and refuses to be bullied like the title says you can't judge a book by its cover so don't mess with harmless looking little old ladies they might just kick your butt karen tries to expel me i recently graduated high school so i obviously still look like a high schooler i went to visit my old high school as i was picking up my sister who was shadowing there this was a private catholic all-girls school with no more than 400 students being as it was a small school and i being a recent graduate most staff and students knew me first thing you do to enter the school is you need to get a badge from the front desk it clearly said alumni i put it on my shirt i pull my phone out and plug my headphones in and headed to my old advisor's classroom it was still early to pick up my sister and got permission to meet up with my old advisor since it was a bit of a walk i was wearing wedges jeans and a blouse because i just came from a presentation at my university i plugged my earbuds in and examined the hallways all of a sudden someone rips my earbuds out of my ear crazy teacher why are you not in uniform it is not 150 yet it was a rule that you couldn't be out of uniform until after 150 if you were a senior since it was a senior privilege also you know the rules one earbud she waves my earbuds in my face me i'm sorry miss but i am she cuts me off also whipped jeans and hooped earrings that is a dress code violation i try to speak come with me to the dean everyone was in an assembly in the other building so no one but some teachers were in the main building this lady takes me to the dean's office i knew the dean well she was my coach's mom and my other coach's wife crazy teacher pushes me to the chair outside of the office knocks on the door and tells the dean she has a student who is breaking several handbook rules the dean says she is finishing up an email and says she will be out in a few the crazy teacher looks back at me as i again tried to explain to her i am not a student i point to my now messed up badge she ignores me and i give up and pull my phone out i am very annoyed at this point and just wanted to upset her because i was doing nothing wrong she sits on the other chair across the hall and sees me take my phone out the moment she does she tried to pull it out of my hand and tells me i should not be on my phone during school hours i go ma'am i am not a student here i go to insert university here i am here for my sister she rolls her eyes being accepted to a college does not mean you are there yet you are still under our rules she says after a few minutes the dean walks out doesn't see me at first and looks at crazy teacher and goes who is it the crazy teacher points at me and sees me giving her the lord help me because i cannot be held responsible if this lady yells at me again she asks me to come inside her office without crazy teacher dean ah op great to see you how's college me great my sister is shadowing today and i got out early so i came down to hopefully say hi to my old teachers dean that's good i saw your sister's name on this morning wonderful girl at this point she calls crazy teacher in dean crazy teacher what was the problem with miss op crazy teacher she was on her phone and had two earbuds in wondering the hallways also she is in several violations of dress code she needs to be punished i asked her several times to put her phone away she also talked back to me and lied about her status here i sigh i look at the dean i laugh crazy teacher this is no laughing matter dean i'm sorry for crazy teachers behavior she is new here this is opie she's an alumni of 2019 her sister is shadowing today i cannot punish her for anything she has her name tagged saying she is an alumni visitor points to the name tag me thank you dean crazy teacher i am sorry for the confusion and i did not mean to cause trouble dean asks crazy teacher to return to work and she will be talked to later the dean asked me if i want to report her i was like no thank you it was a misunderstanding an unnecessary one but still a mistake dean nods hugs me and i was off to see my other teachers i finished visiting the teachers that were there and walked past the office of crazy teacher who sat there and gave me glares i smiled i went back to the front desk and waited for my sister nothing happened to crazy teacher but i heard she got a good lecture about the way to approach students or visitors next we've got be a terrible neighbor i'll tear your car apart so to set the scene this happened a few years ago when i still lived at home my father has always shoveled the sidewalks and a few driveways on our street some of these were elderly people who couldn't do it themselves and some paid him when he passed the job fell to me and i continued it in much the same way he did and people seemed happy an elderly woman on our street passed and the frat boys moved into the house there seemed to be about four to six guys could never be sure who actually lived there and who just spent a lot of time there in their early twenties they were loud they partied and they weren't really interested in participating or getting along with the community it goes without saying that the new residents quickly became tolerated at best as they weren't anyone's favorite neighbors they had a car and they loved it i don't know exactly what it was but it was low to the ground and fancy looking they would come in hooting and hollering blaring their horn at all hours of the day at night they'd spend their time sitting in lawn chairs looking at leaning against it using it as a table they may have constantly been around it and using it but they didn't respect it it looked brand new when they moved in and after about four months it had lost a mirror front and back bumper were cracked up and it was scratched and dented to heck and starting to rust winter came and while we had tried to introduce ourselves before and had many a run in with them i thought i would go over and explain how i usually did the snow clearing around here and see if they were interested in hiring me it was hard to re-tell the conversation that happened as essentially three conversations were going on at once me and frat guy who came to the door frat guy at door and another fat guy who wanted to know what we were talking about but still when it come to the front door and conversation that had been in progress that frat guy at doors still insisted on being a part of but it ultimately came down to them letting me do their section of the sidewalk and since i wasn't going to shovel their driveway for free they would handle it at this point i let them know that i would be doing the sidewalk that ran through their driveway as it counted as sidewalk they didn't care side note their house was in the middle of the block so it made no sense to not do their sidewalk winter came and so did the snow i cleared it away as usual and they did not they never shoveled instead opting to trample it all down and throw the occasional bag of salt or sand on it then mom won a cruise and wanted to take me and her siblings with her i agreed i found one of the neighbors who was interested in clearing the snow and gave him the keys to my snowblower told him i'd make sure he'd get paid when i got back as i charged per snowfall off my mother and i went i returned to a mess the neighbor had put minimal effort into the job after they realized how difficult it was it had snowed a few times and the sidewalks were all packed down uneven and slippery much worse was that the frat boys had decided to use my driveway as overflow parking for their parties and it was in a similar situation to their sidewalks for reasons unknown the house and trees was toilet papered and some frozen liquid covered the doors and windows that was it i was fed up with them the parties they had the police who came for the noise complaints how they pounded on all doors after the cops had left to try and find out who called them the empty beer cans and bottles they littered the neighborhood with how they used the street to drag race messing with the girls that they saw and more i was sick of them and wanted to get them back in some way i got out my ice chipper and i saw my chance for revenge i walked over to their house and told them i would be clearing the sidewalks they had better do something with their driveway i was told to buzz off okay i was only trying to help you over the next two days at about 18 hours a day i chipped off all ice from the sidewalks and restored them to their pristine condition when i did the frat boys sidewalk i was delighted to learn that it was over eight inches of ice over it and the sidewalk meaning i had effectively dug a trench at the entrance of the driveway that was deeper than their cars clearance was high after i was done i went back told them once again to be careful coming in and out of their driveway and that they should really clear their driveway once again i was told to buzz off the first time they came tearing out of that driveway i could hear the bottom of their car scraping but didn't see any damage over time they realized what the trench was doing to their car at first tried to take care of it themselves with aluminum shovels didn't work they had snow removal companies come over who after seeing the mess refused to remove what was essentially an eight-inch block of mud and ice on top of their driveway they'd see me out shoveling and asked me to do it for them i politely declined every time on the grounds that i was much too busy over the rest of the year they continued not shoveling the trench grew deeper and by the time the snow started to melt their car didn't have a front bumper rear bumper rocker panels a muffler or the protective cover on the bottom of the car they had it towed away and moved out shortly after [Music] next we've got karen tries to take my dog because entitled kid wants it a little history the story took place a couple years ago when i was 15. i'm mexican and at that time i was still practicing english while living in the usa i'm also very pale in skin tone this is going to be important in this story cast we've got me we've got entitled parent entitled kid and the neighbor i left my home to walk my dog who is the border collie mix i still don't know what the mix is as i was only two houses away from mine entitled parent and entitled kid are walking as well me not knowing much english at the time and they looked like they don't speak spanish i tried not to look at them and walk past them but they spoke to me here's the conversation entitled kid mommy look at that dog it's so cute i wonder if it will like our dog entitled parent hey boy what type is your dog it could come with us to make a new friend me trying my best to speak to her sorry uh no speak english stop trying to be stupid and talk to me normally my pale skin made me look native here so she thought i was american entitled kid mom i want i don't remember the dog's name to have a friend please ask him if we can have him at this point i still didn't know what they want all i know is they made signs that they want my dog me trying my best to speak from what school taught me no you can't take my dog looking back at this i don't know how they understood me young man my daughter wants your dog to go to our house you will give me your dog entitled kid actually started crying during this and my dog got a bit rowdy at what was going on i didn't know what to actually do until god himself sent me relief and my neighbor who speaks both english and spanish saw that i looked worried and came to help me out neighbor ma'am why are you bothering him who are you i'm his neighbor why are you bothering him well this boy told me to buzz off and made my daughter cry because she wanted to pet his dog neighbor ma'am this boy doesn't speak english he just moved to the united states one month ago he couldn't have said that to you entitled parent looked embarrassed and just decided to leave with her kid without saying a word not before taking my dog's leash out of my hand now my neighbor was a runner i saw him in the morning always running for exercise so he was in front of her in seconds neighbor that is his dog you don't have the right to take a dog from someone entitled parent was actually scared and she quickly apologized before running with her daughter to her house my neighbor gave me back my dog and told me to stay home for today i told my parents the story and they called the cops after it we found out she's not even from the neighborhood she's from the other side of my city i sometimes still laugh at this event i'm still practicing english so who knows i may need to write another thing like this i really hope i don't next we've got being pregnant is not a reason to not watch my kids for free this happened years ago when my husband and i lived on a military base and i ran an in-home daycare that was regulated through child and used services we had one kid of our own and it was a remote base so jobs were scarce so i figured this was a good option for me to work and be able to also stay home with our kiddo the daycare spots were a shortage and that meant i was full and even had a wait list this also meant i could kind of pick and choose the kids i had in my care for the most part i had great kids and decent parents i even became friends with one of the sets of parents and that was my mistake this mom let's call her karen seemed to be normal not entitled when we first met we even had our family over for barbecues on a couple weekends and things were good during the time of having the daycare open i became pregnant with our second child i have issues with headaches and when i'm pregnant they get so much worse karen began asking me to babysit after hours for free as friends for her i agreed once in exchange for her watching our son once in return and she agreed i watched karen's kids and she never followed through and watched hours after that karen frequently asked me to allow her kids to stay late and not get charged and also she would ask me to babysit after hours for free and each time i would say no and i used my headache as a reason karen actually said you can't use being pregnant as an excuse forever i said no not forever but for about nine months and it was about this time i knew i would not be able to keep running my daycare after a couple months because of the high risk nature of my pregnancy i started by informing the cys and then put a letter together for the parents and i gave them two months notice to find care this was an additional 30 days over and above what is required in the contract i wanted to be fair and i knew it might be hard to find care i was also releasing them from their contracts as soon as they could find care they did not need to give me notice i handed out the letters at pickup that day karen waited till the other parents left and tore up her letter with a smile karen will you throw this away for me me sure but you did get the gist right yeah you are closing your daycare because you're pregnant and don't want to deal with all of those other people no i'm closing because i have a high risk pregnancy and my doctor says i shouldn't be doing it and i will have lots of appointments yeah but you can still watch my kids for me and since you won't be a full day care you can do it for a lot cheaper me karen i'm closing my daycare karen okay then at least you can watch my kids for free while i find daycare and be my backup care no i'm sorry karen i'm not doing that this is ridiculous women get pregnant all the time and you already have to watch your son you can totally watch my two kids too oh are you telling me you can't watch your son either me i'm not getting into this i think it's time for you to find a new provider fine but i don't think i should have to pay you while i look you have to pay or i will stop watching your kids karen left with her kids she kept bringing her kids and when it came time for payment all of a sudden her husband came to get the kids and dropped them off and said karen will be bringing the payment this went on for two days and then i told him that if i wasn't paid i would not accept them into my care and they would still owe me for the past karen showed up on the third day and wrote a check this was normal but it bounced and that was not i then contacted cys and let them know per the contract i gave them an invoice with a 25 nsf fee and a 48-hour notice to pay in full in cash karen's husband showed up and paid but he said karen was going to be upset because she did not want to pay i guess she felt i should be watching their kids for free since i was closing my daycare i talked to her husband and said i feel its best he find new care as soon as possible and that until he does i would need to be paid in advance for the care i had the kids for two weeks more a way funny later event that happened after i gave birth to our daughter this had to be about a year and a couple months after closing the daycare karen called me she wanted me to babysit her kids so they could go to las vegas to a military ball oh did i mention she wanted me to do this for free i said no next we've got she can have whatever she wants another tale from the stuffed animal store i was the main showrunner when it came to parties at my location for those who didn't know that mall teddy bear store actually runs parties usually birthdays this story requires some background knowledge on how these parties work so follow along if you can basically parties break down into packages where each kid gets a choice of animal slash accessories for a small raid so for a basic bear or dog and a t-shirt the parents spend like 18 bucks per kid for more choices in animals and a full outfit it's 25 then 35 etc sometimes parents would pay for the 35 pack for their kid but get everyone else a smaller package that is not what happened in this story inevitably we would get parents that brought their kid to a birthday party and didn't understand how this worked and would tell their kid as soon as they got there to go pick an animal regardless of price usually this wasn't a big deal i would just stop the kid explain how it worked to the parent slash group and all was well until big karen came she was big karen because on top of the usual warning signs of karen's she was huge 1pm on a thursday in the middle of july party group is starting to trickle in i'm handing out name tag stickers for the kids and explaining how the process works to parents who are laughing and smiling and being generally pleasant suddenly big karen arrives big karen god it was so hard to find this dawn store finally we're here i tried not to wince as the parents in the group are pointedly looking away from big karen hoping that it meant nobody knew her alas her adorable kid ran up and hugged the birthday girl and so was given a name tag immediately upon receipt of the name tag big karen began again all right go pick an animal me excuse me ma'am but that isn't how it works she has to whatever kid she can have what she wants i'll make up the difference let's ignore the fact that she called me kid for a moment the parents remember didn't get the birthday get a higher end bear all kids got the 25 person package and here's this obnoxious woman trying to flex her wallet on everybody me firmly i'm sorry ma'am but she can't pick anything she wants i have the animals the kids are allowed to pick from a basket over here i don't care she's getting whatever she likes i said i'd pay for it me if you choose to get a bearer outside of the pre-selected options you'll have to pay the standard pricing for it big karen barely listening at this point fine fine she was warned i informed birthday mom and all was well big karen was relatively obnoxious throughout the process particularly during the hard ceremony which is done in a big group when it's a party she was literally yelling that it was stupid and a waste of time and to just get on with it so the kids could dress up their bears already it became clear quickly why she wanted to get to this part because once the accessorization commenced she was flexing over everyone else once again big garen you can have whatever you want these other kids have to get whatever birthday kid's mom can afford i was kind of stunned at this point because birthday mom looked like she might cry but all the kids picked outfits in the budgets while i ran around helping to dress their animals once we finished they got taken to the front of the store birthday mom was thanked and finished paying all was well as she took all the kids to sit in the food court for lunch all of them except for big karen and her brood big karen alright let's go me uh what we're going to sit for the birthday party no ma'am you chose to get your bear separately from the party you still need to pay for her bear and accessories what at this point she was pre-rung on the register and i had her total yup your total is it was over one hundred dollars that's outrageous i manager out of the blue ma'am you did agree to purchase your animal outside of the party if you want to keep it with all of the accessories you'll have to pay for it big karen was real upset about this but she did pay up and went off grumbling the party in the food court was much quieter when she arrived mostly i feel bad for the mom who probably had to scrape together to pay for the party in the first place give my son the candy he's allergic to backstory this involved a mother that literally tried to give her brat candy that he was allergic to i was 16 at the time sweet 16 got a new job from my bagger job and i worked at a candy store i loved seeing the kids run in greet me and then beg their parents for some sugary treats let me quickly hop onto this story our cast we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got entitled brad let's call him billy the story i got this job not long after i quit my bagger job i thought to myself hey this sounds super fun let me try it out so i did next thing you know i'm working there i loved loved loved my job i met so many great people had some nice conversations with them and i was working pretty well with my co-workers i worked mondays thursdays fridays and the weekends to gather as much money as possible for upcoming friends birthdays family birthdays christmas all that nice stuff so i worked hard been kind and always had a smile on my face but i have a short temper and i hate dealing with entitled people brats jerks stuck up snobs and so forth most of my workers know that they should not get into an argument with me but that never happens i'm too nice they told me can't wait to prove them wrong with this story now i have dealt with a lot of dumb people during my three years working at the candy store i really didn't like some people either there was this group that would always come in and try to steal we had always catch them before they got banned finally after they tried to steal a massive jawbreaker that thing was huge bigger than my head but my job was fun nonetheless i worked with two other people let's call them apple and carmel apple and caramel were siblings who i hung out with and by the way just between you and me i only named them this because apple was sour but sweet while caramel was sweet in general oh and i was hungry for caramel apples during this time our manager ben was very strict about our rules and he didn't tolerate foolery in the workplace but he was protective of his co-workers mostly over his own son who worked there as well chad it was me and carmel chad was in the back of the store it was a lazy day not too many customers which is understandable it was a tuesday after all i was hanging around with carmel we were both playing eight ball on our phones when we heard a small tinkle noise enter karen with her annoying screaming son billy we hopped up quickly and looked carmel walked out to greet them smiling karen gave her a look and ignored her she was looking around with a kind of nasty look and rolled her eyes we heard her scoff the kid who looked to be like five was staring around at all the candy hungry as ever we heard him cry mommy i want the candy next thing you know she released billy on to us because i guess she didn't want to deal with him anymore billy ran around wiping his tears and screaming causing such a ruckus in the store then he sees it the walls of candy his little hands tried to grab the nearby jawbreakers they were the most popular but in the process he dropped one and it broke me worried for his safety hey get away from that wall it's dangerous the candy on the wall has dispensers but most of our candy you either put on a glove and put it into a bag or you use a pair of tongs to go ahead and grab it i also didn't want him near it because for sanitary reasons i cleaned it up and threw it away that jawbreaker was a medium so it was quite big i hopped up walked over to billy and gently nudged him away from the rest of the jawbreakers some jawbreakers are absolutely massive and probably weighed more than billy so i was also doing it out of safety billy gave me a look in the eye took it in deep breath and shrieks in the store and bolted for karen i didn't really care so long as he wasn't close to any other candy or the wall that was stocked with it you can have kids in the candy store but please watch them and teach them not to try and touch everything i thought it was over and got up to sit back down at the cash register but then billy brought over his mother karen her hair screamed give me the manager and the way she looked at me i'm pretty sure karen was trying to stab me with her glares karen excuse me you i stared at carmel who she didn't look like she really wanted to get involved and went into the back if you are ever reading this thanks carmel for leaving me with a karen me blinking me who else how dare you grab my baby with your disgusting hands i'm pretty sure if she's bad anymore i could have taken a bath because of how much she was spitting me politely ma'am you must supervise him he could get hurt she stopped me with a hard glare karen visibly turning red don't teach me how to raise my own kids you jerk now we deserve free candy to make up for what you've done she had a grin splitting across her face i looked at the employee's door and begged that either chad or carmel could come in and help me but no one came thanks chad thanks carmel me i can't just give you free candy ma'am you must pay for it and besides since you broke the medium-sized jawbreaker you must pay to make up for it what i'm not paying for it it's broken and it was billy who did it she was tapping her foot angrily as if i was going to say oh of course my bad let me not charge you for something your kid broke in the store you break it it must be replaced even if it was your kid who broke it you have to pay for the broken merchandise billy literally screaming even though he was not even two feet away from his mother i want this pointing at our batch of peanut brittle we make fresh homemade peanut brittle more like chad makes them and they were the best honestly on the container containing the brittle a big sign said warning peanuts in product ask worker if you would like a sample and if you have any allergies in big red letters it even stated peanuts in product i think you know where this is going now karen my son wants that for free give it to him me ma'am i can't give it to you for free you must pay for it and before we can give it to you we must know if the consumer has any allergies karen huffed and looked at the price then with a dramatic gasp reached in her bag for her wallet the kid was putting his hands and face on the container the entire time me very sweetly billy please get away from the glass billy you aren't my mommy you can't tell me what to do he tried knocking the glass lid to reach inside until i nudged him away billy beginning to cry looked at his mom with tears karen saw and immediately she looked at me her face was twisted in a rage you grabbed him again keep your hands to yourself she was practically hissing at me as i wiped the glass container from all the gross drool and marks on it me getting a bit frustrated i have asked him nicely to get away from the glass ma'am before karen could go off on me chad walked in with a fresh batch of homemade peanut brittle karen i scanned him then she smiled all sweetly as if she wasn't about to lose it on me karen sir chad who is grabbing the old peanut brittle out the container yes ma'am this lady she glared at me says i have to pay for a broken jawbreaker chad looking at me and karen what's going on op i explained everything to him telling chad about the way the kid climbed our candy wall broke the jawbreaker touched the glass multiple times and made a mess i also told him i had to nudge him away so he wasn't in any danger chad understood and was glad i did that one time while chad and apple were here a kid came in and wanted a jawbreaker she tried to grab the biggest one in which it rolled and fell on her hand we have massive sized ones going well over 100 they were huge but so good so if billy was to grab that he could have easily gotten hurt he got down on one knee and looked at billy carefully who was sniffling chad would you like some peanut brittle billy tears drying up yes please me karen is your kid allergic to anything like nuts perhaps she shrugged and i stared at her stupidly she doesn't even know what her kid was allergic to chad gave him a piece though i was hesitant and watched billy munched on it happily in which karen saw with a grin i'll be taking a one-half pound bag of peanut brittle and i won't be paying for the jawbreaker billy broke i gave chad a look so he looked back at me and shrugged i was in the process of getting her the brittle when i heard small gasping noises billy who was once white with bright eyes had red eyes his throat and face were swollen in red and he looked like he was choking karen told him to actually shut up chad and i stared for a few seconds before calling an ambulance i was on the phone with the operator as chad tried getting closer to billy it sounded like he had some of the brittle stuck in his throat karen huffing he's fine he's just being overdramatic how much will the brittle be i couldn't believe my ears at this she was worried on the price she was blocking chad who was desperately trying to help billy we weren't allowed to touch the customers unless something major was going on and if they got the message that they weren't supposed to do that we can gently nudge them away chad flew past karen knocking her away as he reached for billy who looked to be barely breathing he then did the heimlich maneuver and sure enough a piece of peanut brittle flew out of his body billy had had an allergic reaction the operator on the phone told me they'll arrive extremely shortly and which they did not long after i hung up karen was screaming at the cops and ambulance once they arrived saying how chad was aggressively shoving billy ambulance got him first and luckily billy was okay he was unconscious and he was still incredibly swollen but luckily he was okay the entire time though i was shaking i never witnessed anything like that happen and i hope i never see anything like that again it was so scary seeing him gasp for air all swollen and red the police questioned chad who told basically everything but karen interjected a lot saying he shoved me away from my kid as i tried to protect him i stepped out and stood beside chad who i backed up on his story karen glared at me and was saying the same thing then a cop turned to us away from the screaming karen cop do you have any cameras we can see what really happened on the footage when he uttered those words karen froze her skin turned pale and she was stuttering probably because we are all going to see how she neglected billy and tried to stop chad from helping him but she didn't stop yelling and screaming at how me and chad were going to get arrested before two cops walked into the back to check the footage carmel walked out and blinked cops questioned her before letting her go me and chad didn't know that carmel actually called our manager that ben was here too at the shop ben demanded to know what was going on in which a cop and chad explained going into detail we heard karen's yells how billy is going to be scarred forever because of this when a cop finally told her to shut up the cop that went into the back and came back later holding handcuffs he handcuffed karen and took her away she was arrested for endangering billy once billy and karen were taken away ben our manager asked if we were all okay i said we were chad told his father ben that i handled karen and billy very well when i quickly said all i did was call 9-1-1 carmel apologized to me about leaving me alone to take care of karen and her bratty kid i said it was okay she got a hold of our manager and did the right thing everything turned out well ben told us that there had been three or more people out doing the job he congratulated us for saving billy and exposing karen honestly even now older i still can't wrap my head around how she didn't even know that her kid was allergic to stuff i know it wasn't chad's fault for giving him the peanut brittle but please parents know what your kids are allergic to i never want to see that happen again it was honestly terrifying i just hope the kid is more behaved now and doing much better now than when he was with his mother karen is there anything that you're allergic to please leave me a comment right now letting me know next we've got entitled mom demands i help because i apparently work at a trampoline park backstory this happened a while ago while i was at a birthday party age 12. my classmate was celebrating at a trampoline park and my friends had began playing hide and seek with me basically just hiding from me with no apparent reason i started walking around to look for them when i got bored of it and went on my phone there were plenty of other people there q karen and her spawn cast we've got karen we've got spawn we've got me we've got friend we've got nice employee aka hero of the day i was staring at my phone talking on discord with some gaming friends when i suddenly heard aloud i look up and the following conversation goes like this karen what are you doing you should be ashamed going on your phone while you're at work the slushy machine is empty and i need you to refill it me um excuse me but i don't she interrupts me i don't care that you're on your break don't refill the slushie machine now or i will get your manager mommy i want the slushie keep in mind this dude was about 15 and acting like a baby i know entitled kid i'll get you your sludge she now turns to me so what are you waiting for go get him the slush i then laugh awkwardly as i'm not good in social situations me i'm sorry but i don't work here you're gonna have to talk to an employee about that that's bs you're obviously an employee you're even wearing the uniform the uniforms were orange and had the name of the company written in 3d and purple and gray paints i was wearing black adidas pants and a black hoodie with a white square on it and inside the square was a man that looked like he was falling me i do not the uniforms are obviously orange and not black you still work here there's a picture of a man jumping on your shirt now gokey does the sludge and because of the inconvenience it should be free karen then proceeds to drag me by my arm and so i end up standing now just so you know i was not very small then not now either at 12 i was about 175 centimeters tall and i was pretty strong so as you probably could tell i was looking down at them both as karen was very small and her son slightly taller than her i also did not look like i was 12 and could easily pass for 16. she got caught a little bit off guard but her face quickly turned she whispered something to her son and before i could figure out what was going on they both threw themselves into the ground and started screaming help help this girl just attacked me and my son and stole his phone i was now cringing extremely because i hate being in the spotlight so i was blushing hardcore at that point and putting on my hood and everyone was staring at us friend then comes out of her hiding spot and rushes over to us friend what are you doing she's talking to the two idiots by the way she then stops and looks at me are they having a seizure my friend and i have a weird type of humor my friend also knows that i'm not good in social situations like this so she stepped in front of me even though she was a lot smaller than me karen this maniac swung at me and my son and stole his phone she screamed again friend rolled her eyes because she knows that even if i was one of the strongest people in school i wouldn't have ever hurt anyone nice employee then comes over to see what's going on what's going on here are you okay ma'am karen insert what she has said two times before okay calm down she looks at me is this true ma'am no she came to me and claimed that i worked here when i told her no she threw herself on the ground and started screaming nice employee looking a little skeptical because i looked kind of shady okay and is that your phone yes it is i even have my fingerprint saved and i can unlock it by passcode too karen that's bs she stole it and put her fingerprint in it employee okay calm down we can just go through the security cameras and see what happened karen goes pale as a ghost oh i'm sure that's fine we're about to be late for my son's soccer practice i'll buy him a new phone she then grabbed her son's wrist and hurried out of the store nice employee apologized and gave me a free slush it was filled again when i was about to leave from the party and friend and i got a good laugh later what's your favorite flavor of slushie please leave me a comment right now letting me know next we've got you have the wrong number a little back story blue cross blue shield or whatever health insurance company american airlines has is apparently the same phone number as my company but just the area code is different so i've been getting a lot of wrong number calls at work i usually just interrupt people and tell them they have the wrong number and hang up without waiting for a response and that's that i try to be as nice as possible but a few times people have called back this story is about one of my favorite times we've got me we've got angry lady this story is from before i knew what the phone number differences were or what the insurance company was phone rings me company name how may i help you karen my husband is the pilot with american airlines and i'm in the doctor's office right now me are you looking for an insurance company yeah i i'm sorry ma'am you have the wrong number we're not your insurance company okay have a nice day hangs up phone rings me company name how may i help you karen clearly mad but not yet yelling since you so rudely hung up on me do you think you could give me the correct number to call me no i don't have the number to your insurance company try redialing hangs up phone rings me company name how may i how dare you hang up on me me hangs up phone rings now i see it's her number and i'm kind of bored so i decide to let her go off for a minute this time just for fun but i let it ring a few times and then pick it up company name how may i help you karen incredibly angry are you kidding me listen here miss company name hang up on me again and you're fired my husband is a pilot for american airlines connect me to the insurance now me i can't i don't have that number and i don't work with them but can i interest you in our new product we have the best prices what is wrong with you i'm going to have you fired my husband is a i hang up i hang up while she's still yelling she called back one more time and i didn't answer and she hasn't called back since i guess she figured it out i feel bad for whoever caught her when she did dial the right number and i really hope someone isn't actually named what our store is named at blue cross or american next we've got my house shares a similar address to a local retail store i moved to a small countryside town a couple of years ago i live on a road with a dead end for traffic that has a walk through to the local shops and a small shopping precinct the precinct starts across the road from the end of the walkthrough the shops on the precinct are numbered 1 through 20 as it's not very large there are only a handful of houses on my road so again we have small numbers associated with our address so my number reads five my street name town local postcode the precinct store reads five the precinct name my street name town and the same local postcode on a few occasions it's become apparent that people have just put in the street name and the postcode when looking for the store their satellite navigation has then brought them to my road and they have looked for i guess number five normally when i get a knock at the door i explain to the store's customer and point them in the right direction there's a small car park for the precinct they often apologize and some even feel embarrassed one day around six months ago i get a karen my front door pops loudly i wonder who could be making such a racquet i opened the front door to see a lady around her mid-40s very well-dressed the very well-pampered type karen i've come to pick up my balloons me oh are you looking for the store it's in the shopping center there's no way through by car let me give you directions karen hang on a minute my satellite navigation said this is the address she's holding up her phone with google maps yeah that happens a lot however your satellite navigation is wrong and the shop is in the precinct my satellite navigation is not wrong i'm in far too much of a hurry for this i would like you to stop messing around and get my paid four balloons me um sorry but i'm a private home not a business bye i shut the door and karen proceeds to start knocking my knocker again and demanding i answer the door after a few minutes she stormed off and i could see through the window she was talking angrily on her phone and walked off down the road towards the walk-through leaving her car in my driveway blocking my own car in around an hour later she returned with her balloons and other shopping bags got in her car and left a couple of days later i went into the store to talk to the owner about it if it was a possibility to email customers when they purchase online regarding their address situation as i was a little annoyed by karen when i explained about karen the owner said she knew exactly who i meant karen had called the store and had ranted at them the whole time the owner was giving her directions to the store when karen had got to the store she had ranted how i had wasted her time and been rude to her and how the store needed better customer service i'm in the uk so a shopping precinct is i guess you could call it an open air shopping mall as it's not enclosed as such and is a lot smaller halloween tradition ruined by entitled parent and entitled kid this happened over 10 years ago so some of the dialogue may not be word for word but it was the actions that are key to the story me and my wife don't have any kids we weren't able to have any due to health reasons but we used to live in a suburb which had many families with kids what we would do each year is go all out on halloween it was a way we could give back to the community and have fun while doing it we probably have enough halloween decorations and animatronics to supply a couple haunted houses with stuff left over so we try to do something different every year for the kids and dress up to hand out candy it's our favorite holiday each year we would divide the decorations in the backyard we had stoves scary music fog machines several animatronics and it was pretty cool but intimidating to some of the kids some of them would cry out of fear if their parents suggested going through the backyard to get candy in the front yard we had some more tame decorations and my wife was dressed up handing out candy in the backyard i had a huge candy dish set up but i was hidden out of sight controlling some of the effects in animatronics this year we had 20 pounds of candy four five pound bags split between the front yard and the backyard after the first year of setting up the elaborate displays our house became the must-see attraction on halloween and we learned very quickly that it's always better to have too much candy than too little we would do something extra special for the kids that were first to show up one year it was king-sized candy bars for the first ten another year we gave candy and one dollar coins this year we were feeling generous so we decided five dollars to the first ten kids which was split between the front yard and back my wife had five five dollar bills she handed out and i had five i chose to lay out five regular sized candy bars with a five dollar bill taped to each one and set them in front of the huge bowl of candy which had both five pound bags emptied into it now i should point out that we never had any issues in previous years i always use the honor system in the backyard allowing the kids to get their own candy and my wife would hand it out the kids had a great time and were always respectful we actually garnered a lot of things from neighbors for going all out for them the kids enjoyed it and would go out of their way to do nice things in return for us such as shoveling our driveway cutting our grass etc okay back to the story this particular year it had gotten dark before they started trick-or-treating so i took advantage of the darkness with some of the more stealthy animatronics ones that moved but were hard to see because they were not lighted like snakes spiders and bats from the sidewalk kids that were not scared or wanted to be scared would walk down a small path around a few trees where i had let the grass grow close to knee-high which helped camouflage the strobe lights and fog machines i would have a few small outdoor speakers playing some kind of creepy or scary sounds or music as the kids would walk down the path to a clearing in front of our shed where we had this huge creepy looking wicker chair an emotion triggered zombie that sat in it you would have to pass in front of the zombie to get to the table which had the candy and a sign stating that we use the honor system please take one piece of candy well the first kid showed up a boy his sister and their mom it was not uncommon for them to be accompanied by their mom or dad if they dared to go into the backyard both kids took one look down the dark path and chose to go to the front yard for candy this continued for about 10 minutes before another kid gathered up the courage to come through the backyard yes i scared the crap out of him but when he made it to the table he just stood there i wasn't sure if he was still shook up from the zombie jumping up because he just stood at the table for a moment afraid to take any candy this happens a lot too because they think something will grab them if they touch the candy one year we use the candy bowl with the hidden hand that would do just that but not this year i sat down the controls and stepped out from the shadows which scared him again i was wearing a long black cloak and black gloves and skeleton face makeup to assure him that he could take one of the five dollar candy bars he grabbed it and ran quickly back up the path to what i guess was his brother who had received candy from the front door me and my wife had a system to communicate when someone would take one of the five dollar candy bars so we would make sure no one would go to the backyard and then try to go to the front yard i would flip the flood lights on the corner of the house which she could see we had a sign along our wooden fins that pointed out that you could choose the scary path or the less frightening front door it was probably five minutes before two kids that looked about 10 or 12 came through the backyard together they walked slowly teasing each other along the way jumping and screaming out of fear occasionally when one of the bats or spiders or other animatronics activated by their proximity or motion they eventually made it to the candy table after screaming when the zombie lurched forward as they walked past it but each took five dollar bars this left me with two more to give out and then i would be on the normal fun size halloween candy five pounds of twix milky way three musketeers and hershey's the next group i could see was two smaller kids around three to five with an obese kid who looked 14 or 15 accompanied by entitled mom the two little ones made their way to the front porch after older kid motioned for them to go get candy then entitled mom and older kid decided to walk down the path into the backyard together one of the first things i hear wasn't a startled scream but the stuck-up voice of entitled mom what a horrible waste of money this is ridiculous it was shrill and snide sounding what she said angered me a bit but i didn't want to ruin it for her kid so i rushed to reset the zombie and to take cover now entitled mom made sure she was speaking loudly enough so that anyone in the backyard could hear her entitled mom this isn't something for kids this is sick i assumed it was a front to make herself not sound scared i could see she had a death grip on older kids shoulder as they walked down the path they both screamed as one of the bats had swooped down at them they ran on a wire when triggered and one could come at you from the left and one from the right older kids sounded like he was getting shook up pretty good because he was whining not saying anything just this unsteady wine which was odd for an older kid entitled mom decided to chime in again quite angrily these people are sick we do not need this in our neighborhood just plain sick it was quiet again until older kids screamed again when he had triggered one of the snakes in the grass i could hear him trying to fight back tears at this point like a bumbling whimpering cry but they pressed on entitled mom i will take care of this just you watch now i was assuming this was a parent that was trying to reassure their frightened kid although he was a teenager so i didn't think much about her comment at that moment i was too busy thinking in my head where i would scare them in retrospect i wish i had paid attention better and realized it was an entitled mom up to no good i stood behind the shed waiting silently for the zombie to trigger when it was triggered it lurched forward while making an angry moan it should have happened within a minute of the snake after a minute and a half i peeked around the shed to see entitled mom and older kid waddling their size prevented them from being able to run towards the entrance it only took me a second to notice they had stolen all of the candy that was on the table and the two five dollar candy bars i was mad i started running after them i'm a tall guy and very fast on my feet i got about three good strides in before i tripped over wires i looked down and saw that entitled mom had cut the wires on the animatronic bats when i looked up again i could see her gathering her two little ones and hurrying them to a car with older kid i was seething at this point her car was parked in front of my next door neighbor's house i was at full speed as the car started and she stomped on the gas as i punched her passenger window where older kid was holding the full candy bowl up with a huge grin on his tear streak face the window didn't break it only made entitled mom recklessly speed out of the parking spot with no regard for the kids that were trick-or-treating all over the neighborhood several parents and neighbors came up and asked me what was going on i explained what they had stolen thankfully one of the parents had got the license plate number before she sped off our street i was ticked but realized that we had other kids that wanted to visit i closed the gate and explained to my wife what had happened we decided to split the front door candy so we could at least pass out candy in the backyard allowing other kids to enjoy our haunt when i went back there to fix what entitled mom had broken i realized that she had cut power cords as well i took the candy back to my wife at the front door knowing it would take me a while to fix the damage i quickly began making repairs and adjustments about five minutes later the police had shown up thanks to a neighbor that had called them they took a description of the car and plates while i filed a report about the incident by the time i had finished with the police the two hours of trick-or-treating had ended my wife had about half a bowl of candy left and said she might have seen about a hundred kids i had seen three and two thieves who ruined the rest of the night for the other kids that wanted to attend we had considered holding over for another night and allowing them to come again but unfortunately the weather had got cold and very rainy which messes up our animatronics it was a few days before the cops had located entitled mom she lived almost 30 miles away and brought her kids to my neighborhood because they had heard rumors about our mini haunt she and her son were charged with destruction of property vandalism and criminal mischief apparently several cops kids were supposed to attend but never got the chance after entitled mom and older kid which angered several officers the police also recommended i also file a lawsuit in civil court for the damages which i gladly did the fallout in court entitled mom and older kid tried to claim that i was bringing darkness into the community a community she didn't even live in and that she felt that she had to do something they were as snide as ever in court entitled mom was found guilty on destruction of property and vandalism but not criminal mischief she got six months in county jail older kid was removed from her home and spent the next two years in juvenile detention apparently this was not the first time he was in trouble the court never elaborated on his previous crimes as for the civil lawsuit i won and she was ordered to pay me four thousand dollars in damages plus another six thousand in lawyer fees the neighbor across the street is an attorney and represented me we continued our haunt for another two more years until we moved out to the rural area we live in now we don't get trick-or-treating kids because the nearest house to ours is about one-fourth mile away have you ever been to a haunted house attraction please leave a comment letting me know next we've got engineer upsets the crew gets left behind 250 miles from home some years ago i got a gig working a weekend music festival fairly simple too 10 bands per day and all pretty standard rock and roll fare boss man puts four of us out on the gig me dreadful boris big chris and hammer he also said we'd be taking out an apprentice a young lad who was the son of a local promoter well always nice to have an extra pair of hands and it's good to help train the next generation after all that's how we learnt in the past as it turned out this lad was about as much use as an aqualung to a trout on the journey down in the truck he was boasting as to how he was a really good sound engineer already and that he could probably show us a few tricks oh really we get to the venue and get busy unloading the truck we've got a 16 tonner stuffed to the gills with two sound desks and about 16 kilowatts of sound gear from front of the house and about six kilowatts of monitors as you might imagine this is pretty heavy stuff and it takes all of us to safely unload it and get it stacked up in place except that after unloading the first amp rack all on wheels but still around 80 kilos the entitled bratz not only announces that i'm a sound engineer not a humper and promptly strolls off uh okay well we don't really need him gumming up the works we're all well used to slinging boxes around so about an hour later we've got the rig stacked up and strapped down run out the multi-core to the foh desk and are ready to start cabling up and tying power into the on-site generator out of nowhere the spotty oil emerges from whatever hole he had buried himself in and asks what he can do i say i'm going to plug up front of house perhaps you could help hammer cable up the speakers i don't take orders from girlies quick side note here hammer was five nine drop dead gorgeous and as hard as nails hence her nickname she was also a darn fine foh engineer and a bloody good maid boris chris and i collectively groaned inwardly and winced in anticipation of a full 16 broadside from hammer seriously folks you do not mess with her unless you want the family jewels dangling from the nearest tree instead she smiles sweetly never a good sign and says well i'm sure you'll learn something useful i then go off to play with cable's foh while boris and chris busy themselves with the monitors a while later i'm back on stage spotty oik has wandered off again hammer has this resigned look on her face what happened i ask turns out that despite cables and connector ports being well labeled the oik had managed to make a complete pig's era of plugging up the amperage trust me it's very hard to make this kind of mistake i found him some moments later and told him that it was not the proper way of doing things and that if he wasn't sure what to do that he should always ask one of us beforehand what then came out of his mouth absolutely floored me i don't need to know all that crap i'm a sound engineer hammer who was standing a few feet away snorted derisively and rolled her eyes haven't words it took me a few seconds to process this particular nugget of stupid well you have to know how all this works it's part and parcel of the job and as you're here to learn i suggest you pay attention well you're just a bunch of roadies what do you know upon delivering this charming von maul he ambles off again leaving me to retrieve my jaw from off the deck and hammer barely able to restrain a fit of laughter that would have incapacitated a rhino at a guess this idiot thought we were going to be white gloving front of house for the whole gig an hour or so later we're all set up and we now have a fair idea of the acts that are going to be performing in situations like this you rarely get the opportunity of a full-blown sound check so you have to rely on experience to set the desk up from cold luckily we get the first stacked on stage a half hour before the kickoff so i could quickly get a rough sense of the overall setup a bit of exposition it's convenient to reuse channels across axe so i generally keep the first 20 or so channels for drums bass and guitars and the last half dozen or so channels for vocals if a band comes in with anything else percussion brass tibetan nose flutes etc we whack them on channels in the middle keep things nice simple and consistent across the board and becomes important in a moment the working procedure in show is also simple dreadful boris and big chris run the monitor desk and hammer and i run front of house we'll do two acts each before handing over to the other saves wear and tear on the ears and when we're not running the desk we'll handle setting up the stage for each act and troubleshooting where necessary as well as doing runs for food and coffee in between we also tasked the spotty oik with helping with the stage setups which rapidly proved problematical we finished the first act and aimed to do the turnover within 15 minutes generally the incoming act will tell us their mic requirements and we'll write up a mic plot which then gets sent up to front of house desk up comes spotty like with the mic plot and he goes back to help with the stage setup as i'm checking each mic i notice that i cannot hear the vocal channels no sooner had i spotted this then dreadful boris comes on the intercom and asks me if i can hear the vocal chains he can't hear them either he then goes off to check the stage box where all the mics are plugged into from all the way out in front i hear him shout oh no seconds later he's back on the cans do you know what that idiot has done only repatched all the vocal channels so that all the plugs on the stage box are lined up neatly one after the other his words ye gods boris rapidly re-patches the mics and we're good to go again a few hours later and i'm starting my second shift out front i won't bore you with my experience of riding heard on spotty oik on the stage shift which shall we say was interesting currently on stage is a rather nice jazz septet i love doing jazz give me a nice 20 piece big band and i'm a happy bunny up strolls he who shall not be mentioned and asks when can i have a go at mixing i'm really good you know seeing as he's here to learn i tell him he can take the next act under my supervision this happened to be an acoustic duo two guitars and two vocals even the most tyro engineer should be able to handle something so simple right wrong i've already set what i regarded as a sensible bass line on the faders for him to work with first thing he does he reaches for the master faders and cranks in another 15 db no immediately the rig teeters on the edge of feedback and i rapidly pull the mains back look and listen balance out the two vocals then the guitars leave the mains alone he then starts making wildly inappropriate changes to the channel's eq again the rig starts to squeak okay enough i shove him out of the way and bring it back under control i won't fatigue you further with the endless catalog of foul-ups and attitude that he managed to effect over the rest of the weekend suffice it to say that despite the best efforts of myself and hammer to try and teach this guy they all went to a knot couple this with a constant drip drip drip of snipe commentary about how he was really a better engineer than the rest of us and by the end of the weekend we're all pretty upset come the end of the event and it's now the fun part of striking the rig and loading out i'm being sarcastic about the fun part by the way two solid days and we're all knackered and the last thing we want to be doing is the get out but of course it has to be done it's always an all hands on deck situation except the spotty oik has once again vanished into the woodwork two back breaking hours later and we are all done and the truck is loaded to go home so where is the spotty oak nowhere we give it a good 15 minutes but no joy we then decide to go look for him so we spent another 20 minutes trolling around the site trying to find him again he's a disappearing act we get back to the truck it's now close to 3 am and almost simultaneously we say forget him we climb back aboard and drive the 250 miles back to the warehouse to unload next afternoon boss man calls me to find out why we had left him behind i gave him the cliff notes and was then told that the oik had had to call his dad at three in the morning to come and get him a 500 mile round trip he then said i never liked that promoter anyway he was always late paying the bill on previous gigs next time he calls wanting a rig and a crew i think i'll tell him to buzz off next we've got absurdly long checkout this happened today at the beginning of my shift and i decided to post it on here since i'm clearly not getting to bed at a reasonable hour i work at a store which has two registers and as we're one of the closest stores to some people we can get busy i was at the register taking care of a customer when my manager who i've always gotten along well with pointed out a customer to me said customer was known for coming in about an hour or so before close and checking out last minute normally it wouldn't be that big a deal but she would have a shopping cart full of stuff now it wasn't anywhere near closing and she had apparently been there for over an hour already so at least we wouldn't have to stay open later for ringing up someone she finally gets to my register with a cart packed with all sorts of things and i ask her if she would like a bag since the store charges for them there's a plastic ban in my country she says no and had my manager not gotten another shopping cart to put the scanned items in i have no clue where me or her would have put all the stuff now at first i'm thinking this won't take more than like 10 or 15 minutes tops boy was i wrong not only was i scanning an entire cart full of items but i swear this lady was lagging or something every few items or so she would be holding something in her hand and debate whether to get it for a good 15 to 30 seconds not uncommon to rethink a purchase heck i've done it plenty of times but she was doing it for nearly every item this combined with the amount of products meant i was checking her out for almost 40 minutes my co-worker had gone on break shortly before the lady arrived too so i was the only available cashier had my manager not helped on my co-workers register when other people came i hate to think of the line that could have formed this lady also spent a significant amount of time deciding buying a straightener she decided yes then changed her mind after i scanned it so i had to call my manager to take it off i'm not a key holder so i can't void items she then decides she does want it right after she also had the audacity to think i would not notice her stacking three separate bins inside of each other in an attempt to get them for one price could easily feel that there was something in the first bin and when i told her they were not all together they each had a price sticker and one was a buck lower and clearly not part of a set with them she tried to act surprised but come on lady none of those bins have anything in them and none of them are a set i may be stupid but i'm not that stupid i'm already annoyed but what happens next makes me laugh at her stupidity she takes out a set of chip clips one already missing as she's holding it i see her playing with that metal wire that makes those things open and close and i can clearly see it break she then hands it to me lady this was damaged i was wondering if i could get a discount me sorry we can't do that i put it off to the side as it had to be put in the damage bin after she was finally finished my co-worker had finished lunch by then and she and my manager had been helping me with the line bless them i noticed the card which had stuff she hadn't bought three of these were frozen items now clearly too warm to sell you know when you put a freezer item in the refrigerator and it gets bendy and soft i go to my manager and we have a laugh about this lady's stupidity after i tell my manager about the broken chip clips i'm then informed that this woman is known for purposefully breaking things to try to get a discount and not buying much of the frozen food she picks out which usually ends up being damaged so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 315,416
Rating: 4.7900462 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: kChnvgvkc1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 25sec (10285 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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