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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents karen loses it on a disney cast member i was working at the indiana jones epic stunt spectacular or epic as it was known to the cast members and we had already closed the theater for the start of the show when the theater gets to max capacity we legally can't put more people in there because of fire code etc this woman barrels up to me gets within six inches of my face and waves her paper fast pass ticket in my face she demanded to be allowed into the show and screams that her kid a boy no more than six needs to see this show or his day is ruined she was screaming so loud veins were popping out of the front of her head i stood there calmly collected explaining to her that the theater is full and we can't let anyone else in she pushes past me with one arm holding her kid's arm in the other she marches straight for the ropes that block the entrance and tries to hoist her son over the rope before she gets that far a manager walks up and puts his hands in the air to try to contain the situation he offers to get the kid an ice cream and provide vip seats to the next show if she calms down and comes back later after screaming about how rude i was to her which i was not she accepts the token of kindness my manager turns to me and asks me how long my shift is today i told him i was off work at 6 30. he nods and tells the ir8 woman that he will have me personally escort her to the vip section down front he writes her a ticket voucher for the ice cream and seats and she fumed off with not even a thank you my manager turns to me and apologizes on behalf of her then he asks me how many more shows do we have today i looked at the clock and realized it was after 5 pm and well in the middle of our last show of the day i looked at my manager as a sly smile crept across his face he had just given an entitled parent a vip pass to a show that won't happen the respect i already had for him just skyrocketed through the roof i was long gone by the time she came back but i would love to imagine the look on her face when she came back at seven for the last show kid got an ice cream and mom got mad it was a win-win does anyone know what the difference is between disneyland and disney world please let me know update entitled parent teaching entitled kid how to drive after the court date the cast we've got entitled mom entitled kid we've got me we've got my lawyer her lawyer the judge and the policemen this morning we had the court date i've never been to court and i was surprised that it went like an actual courtroom scene minus the jury it is to know that the helpful woman from the first post has gotten very sick but we had the video and a statement from her to help so i'm gonna cut to more of the important stuff warning this will be a long one first was the entitled family themselves her lawyer so you were teaching your daughter how to drive and she hit you in the target parking lot while backing out entitled parent yes she couldn't see out of the back windows due to a large truck and had a baby in the back seat her lawyer and now entitled kid won't drive because she's scared she'll hurt someone yes she is very distraught her father is no longer in the picture so she only has me to help but she's going through therapy therapy she wouldn't need if op would have been more careful her lawyer pretty much repeats the story with entitled kid and then it's my turn her lawyer were you aware of the car behind the truck me no it was a lifted xl truck so i had a woman help me to try to back out of my space as she had parked next to me her lawyer and you almost hit the woman while backing out correct me no that was your client i'm sure when we watch the video you'll see otherwise ma'am you backed into the pedestrian lane before the driving lane and that's when you hit my client and her daughter no that's not what happened she hid me are you aware that entitled kid will not drive because of the accident no i'm not aware of that that is all your honor for the defendant i would like to call policemen up to the stand after a bunch of questions about entitled kid an entitled parent's story he took him off after similar questions from my lawyer to entitled parent entitled kid and me now he questioned policemen my lawyer the accident occurred in the public mall parking lot correct policemen yes that parking lot is under my department's jurisdiction as it's next to the public park and mall so target doesn't own it my lawyer and you questioned everyone at the scene correct policemen yes i went through the protocol and got everyone's licenses insurance and entitled kids paperwork for her driving class to report my lawyer so you got entitled kids paperwork to report to her driving instructors she was in an accident do you know how long she had been learning policemen her paperwork said two days before the accident my lawyer and you are sure you got her permit on file i'm not seeing her permit in the paperwork on file in fact judge i would like to submit her permit which started on march 3rd one week after the accident policeman what is the limit for that parking lot policemen go silent realizing he missed her license i believe it is 10 miles an hour my lawyer according to the district's parking and public places laws the speed limit for this lot is five due to the amount of people and pedestrian zones chosen the parking page policemen i see that is correct my lawyer i will also show the video from target of the accident which was not obtained at the time of the accident due to no acting manager on duty shows video to my new information that entitled parent was on her phone not paying attention to her kid and just pointing around the big truck judge okay that's enough from everyone entitled parent you expect me to believe your story after that video she hurt my baby she's refusing to drive she's the i'm not finished do not interrupt me 1. your miner didn't have a license if she was driving a tractor it would be a different story as those are covered under her atv license of over the age of 13 however you were in a four-wheel drive suburban driving 15 miles per hour in a district parking lot 2. you very clearly were not paying attention to your daughter driving on the phone and presumably by the video telling your daughter to park behind the big truck which you had no idea if it had anyone in it three your daughter very clearly almost hit this woman pointing to helpful lady then went to hit op's car before you even looked up your daughter is clearly unable to drive this car as she only has been in her class for two days before the accident according to her paperwork 4. you wasted the time of this courtroom and my time in general by deciding to make this a big deal every learner after their first fender bender is shook up dust them off and let them get back up with all of this information i rule in favor of the defense i also request the offense pay reparations to the defense in the amount of i will not disclose that and request this ruling and any rulings found on scene be taken to both parties insurance to be evidence and re-evaluation for increases or decreases in premiums that may have occurred or that may occur in the future have a great day entitled parent to her lawyer you said this was an easy win for you her lawyer yes it would have been if you had not lied to me so i left happy and am eating a late celebration lunch with cheesecake because i deserve it the end speaking of cake what's your favorite kind of cake i love cheesecake old man tells me i should wear a sign that says i'm stupid around my neck so this happened a few years ago i was a cashier at a local grocery store and that day was handling the self checkouts the self checkouts would break constantly and usually only take one type of payment or another cash or card but almost never both at a single register this one day was pretty busy and an elderly man comes up on a writing card i tell him the one he's chosen is cards only which was on the screen and even provided a prompt you had to read and agree to before starting your checkout he acknowledged me and the prompt and checked his groceries as soon as he's finished of course he pulls out cash and gets pretty frustrated the machine won't take it i remind him the machine was cards only but i could pull his order over to my register and finish his transaction there the only issue was that we would have to wait a moment for a supervisor to approve it as it required a supervisor to suspend transactions and move them onto another register he held his cash out to me and told me to just take the money and give him his change he wanted me to open my register an action that would also need a supervisor's approval do the math from the total on his screen and give him his change right then i told him i couldn't do that as a supervisor had to manually open the register for me when not in a transaction and this grown man straight up looks at me and says that's stupid you should wear a sign around your neck that says you're stupid then he just left without his stuff i was so dumbfounded at the time i couldn't even fathom a response his insult was just so out of left field mike finds a way to get rid of the problem employee years back i worked for a large bank in the uk we all worked on the same floor and in the same department but within different teams i was just passing through a second and saw the beginning of this revenge but was filled in on the aftermath later one of the teams was run by a woman called sarah sarah was by many measures a good manager but she had a blind spot that blind spot was a woman called helen now when i was in my previous role i interacted with helen a fair bit and she had seemed friendly but when it came to actually working with her she was a nightmare she'd tattle steal ideas and credit and generally throw you under the bus at any opportunity i'm not sure why sarah always protected her but it soon became a sore point for most people on the floor who had to deal with her enter mike who was the manager of a smaller team mike could be a bit of a jerk but was still professional and fun to work with to give you an idea of his character i found out i was being made redundant and even though he wasn't my manager he heard about it and booked time out to help me with my cv and do interview practice shortly after it was announced that mike's smaller team was being dissolved and the staff either made redundant or moved to other teams at the time of the cuts the economy in the uk was in a bad state and all the banks were looking for efficiencies he was redeployed and took the vacant manager role under sarah that helen had been gunning for to make matters worse helen now reported directly to him helen was furious and spent no time in making her discontent known as she felt she was entitled to the promotion unfortunately for her mike was wise to her they had both joined the company around the same time and so he knew exactly what she was like he had even had her blame him for her mistakes before dropping even the projects she had gotten so much praise for had been work one of his staff had done so he started the process of documenting her poor work and attitude to manage her out of the business sarah however would not allow it helen was a high performer in her eyes and she wouldn't sign off on getting rid of her when i left the team mike was frustrated with her and wasn't sure what to do i met up with mike a year later and he shared how he had solved the helen problem with me because he knew all of the issues i'd had with her because sarah had his hands tied his only other option to get helen out of the team was for her to leave of her own accord he could announced her by making her life difficult or she'd go to sarah so he went the other way the guy sat through every performance meeting with her for the rest of the year gritting his teeth and praising her that then justified him giving her a really high performance rating he also used his own contacts to find roles in other teams at his grade but he then talked up to helen these roles were specifically selected because they specialized in one of the things helen claims she was an expert at but had very little real experience in basically roles where he knew she'd have the highest chance of becoming overwhelmed eventually she applied for one and he spent several weeks coaching her for the interview in the company at the time the interviews were scored off of three main factors performance rating and current role competency-based interview results and relevant experience he had done everything he could to make her shine in all three she took the promotion and within two months had quit the bank he knew she wasn't ready for the responsibility didn't have the skills and her poor work ethic would be exposed worst case she'd get her crap together and he'd still look like the perfect manager to sarah have you ever had to work with someone that you just couldn't stand if so do you have any crazy stories about them please let me know entitled parent decides that breaking even on a car isn't enough of a discount so for context i sell cars for a dealership we had a car on the lot that was starting to get aged so we brought the price down a little bit a girl comes in with her entitled parent they hand me some printouts of cars they would like to look at i bring the cars around and we go for a drive the girl absolutely loves the first car we drove so we go back to the desk to write things up the entitled mom then asks what her work discount would be sometimes we run discounts for people who work in certain fields i explained that the car was already on sale and therefore could not be discounted anymore the entitled mom immediately gets furious this is ridiculous my daughter is entitled to that discount and nowhere does it state that it doesn't apply to already discounted cars if i go to the store that offers a military discount they don't deny me just because something is already on sale as an ex-retail employee i know this to not be true me ma'am i understand your concern but the car is very aggressively priced as is and we cannot offer a greater discount but i will go to my sales manager and see what we can do yes you should do that i then walk to my sales manager and ask him about it after that we find out that we have brought the car down to cost there was a total of 435 dollars of profit in this 22 990 car for those who don't know that's not very much remember this doesn't include what they have to pay me for selling the car but he then comes back and says he will give them 200 off after some service costs and my commission that will make the car a break even me well great news he said we didn't have much but we could give you a little more of a discount this way we will essentially break even in the car entitled mom no that doesn't work at all two hundred dollars is hardly a discount on a twenty three thousand dollar car and that can't seriously be the discount she is entitled to me ma'am this is better than the discount she would have gotten on the car and at this price we are not making money we are simply breaking even when did you take the car in about a month ago is this a joke you have a car you are trying to get rid of and you are not offering us even the discount we are already entitled to keep in mind that the daughter is buying the car the 27 year old daughter the parents aren't even co-signing me ma'am yes the car has been here a little while but we are not prepared to take a loss on it at this price we are going to break even and that is what we feel comfortable doing on this car you would better go talk to your boss again i'll bet he disagrees i then go to the manager again and he reluctantly takes off another two hundred dollars we are now losing money on the car me well after talking to the manager our final offer is 400 off i then hold out my hand to shake hers wow you guys clearly don't understand how any of this works you have a car here that you are begging people to take and we are trying to buy it for the right price sometimes you have to take a loss on inventory that no one else wants then you make it up on another car duh ma'am at its new pricing we have appointments on it we aren't prepared to lose more than 200 on the car i'm sorry well where is her discount you advertise this discount and you're not giving it to her that's false advertising me ma'am i've already explained that we are giving her the best discount we can offer this discount is far better than what we advertised at this point we are done if you want the car at this price then buy it if not then don't you will not talk to me like that you are here to work a deal and once we feel we are getting a deal we will then buy a car ma'am this is the final price period take it or leave it i took a commission cut to give you this discount i might add i don't care about your commission you probably scam other people out of their money you finally have a customer who knows how this all works and you are trying to scam us too me ma'am have a great rest of your day finally the daughter speaks up daughter sir i will buy the car at that price me okay please sign here the entitled mom continued acting like a brat the entire time we were filling out paperwork she continued to try and argue and she would catch her daughter's hand and tell her to wait before signing finally my manager had asked the entitled mom to leave the daughter continued to buy the car after the mom had left and was actually very pleasant even agreed to buy my dinner since i was losing commission customer has trouble understanding the concept of buy one get one free i'm working at the store self-checkout and a customer comes through and in her basket were vitamins that was if you buy two of them one will be free she scans through her order and when she gets to the end she tells me that there was something wrong with her order it was concerning the vitamins that were bogo buy one get one free now usually the problem with those items is that they don't come off the order immediately instead they come off when the customer hits pay now that wasn't the problem the free one came off but apparently the price of the vitamins was supposed to be 24.99 instead both of them were coming up at 27.99 so i go and check the aisle quickly because it was nearby and find no reason to dispute her claim so i decided to go ahead and fix it the problem was that i couldn't go into the item and change its price because if i did that the system would not recognize the vitamins as the bogo and she would be charged for both items i tell her this and instead i tell her i would ring up a three dollar coupon for her so that she can get the right price two vitamins that would cost 24.99 total i finished this and i go to help other customers at the self-checkout because at the time we were swamped as i finished helping out everyone else a couple minutes later i noticed the lady was still there not happy i go up to her and ask is everything okay ma'am she angrily tells me no everything isn't all right you still need to fix the price on the other one at this point i'm confused so i ask her to clarify she says you only took off the three dollars from one of them you need to take it off the other as well i tried to explain to her that because the other item was already free there was no need to take off the three dollars on the other one because it was already free you are not owed three more dollars because it already came off she doesn't get it insisting that i need to take the three dollars off of the other one eventually she just says fine i won't buy this but thankfully or unthankfully i'm able to get it through to her that because the item was already free it can't go any lower and it was already at the correct price she pays for her items and leaves the store jarek gets exactly what he asked for last night i worked a 14 top they were all terrible people jerkiest people i have ever come in contact with the royal family of jerkland one guy sits down and orders a beer he says every time you come to the table i want you to have a beer for me i thought he was probably just joking so i leave and come back and he says where's my beer did you really forget what i told you like two minutes ago wow so i said oh i'm so sorry it won't happen again so for the next two hours no matter what every single time i approach the table i left a beer after about 45 minutes it began to pile up a friend of king jerk tried to take one that i put down but i grabbed it and said sorry sir this is your friends i'd be happy to get you one if you'd like long story short he ended up buying 25 of them at eight dollars a pop with a 20 mandatory auto grad on the table he maybe drank four i have never felt so good in my life it doesn't pay to be an arrogant jerk folks edit man thanks everyone this was a crowning achievement in my seven years of serving i work at a place where some people come in and treat me like a piece of stew meat and i have learned to play the game in order to make money i love my job and the people i meet but i get stepped on a lot it's nice to win one and have you guys appreciate it to answer some questions they split the bill seven ways they did not even look at the charges i put down the bill and the cards went on top their total bill was about twelve hundred dollars everything included beer food and all this is not common at a fourteen top where i work but not surprising i came out making around 240 dollars before tip out i work at an independent fine dining italian restaurant outside of chicago every time i put a beer down he said nothing if he would have acknowledged my presence and told me to stop i would have he said nothing i started to feel bad for a couple minutes and then he yelled at me like a dog to get the food out faster that is what he wanted i just want to reiterate that he asked for it also i was watching him drink it if at any point his behavior or consumption had increased i would have stopped he walked out the exact same way he walked in like a jerk karen demands free food for her starving brats i was eating at a restaurant when the power went out the employees were frantically trying to get the power back up but it didn't work they were apologizing to customers and telling them the meal would be free they put up signs on the door saying there was no power and they were closed for the day i paid for my meal since i was more or less done with my food i was speaking to the manager about the power outage she was explaining that they would probably be closed for the day since the electrician could only come in the morning the next day the employees couldn't even clean up the kitchen as it was in total darkness there except for a few emergency lights i was grabbing my jacket and was about to leave when this woman with two kids came up to the restaurant she went in and said hi table for three please manager apologized and explained that the power was out and they were closed for the day entitled mom said she heard that the restaurant was giving out free food so she wanted some as well told manager that the kids weren't fussy and they would be in and out in a jiffy she told the manager to just grab a couple of leftovers which they didn't serve and to let her have it but also to make sure no other customers had touched it manager had to explain that all the food in the restaurant was cooked to order and the chef wasn't able to cook anything once the power went out as there was no light they have to fix the problem first as it was a safety hazard entitled mom went nuts and screamed that they were going to starve and it was all their fault said they were doing it on purpose because they wanted to close up early for the day and it was her right to demand that they serve her food she said she knew that they just wanted to keep all of the food for themselves manager was visibly annoyed and told the lady to leave as there was no way they would be able to serve her any food today and even if they could they wouldn't entitled mom stood there raging and complaining for 10 minutes before realizing that no one was going to do anything and left but not before kicking a chair on her way out karen tries to get me fired and arrested this was the very early 90s before the internet or the karen phenomenon i live in a small town in auroral county i worked for a local law enforcement agency during the day and had a large retailer at night scrubbing and waxing the floors it was a ton of hours but you gotta pay the bills this afforded my wife the opportunity to work normal hours and be there to take care of our kids our sons were three and four at the time one night i was particularly tired things were pretty much caught up at work and i was wandering around in full zombie mode my manager told me to go ahead and wrap up my work and clock out at midnight i usually worked until 4am i get home about 20 minutes later to find a strange car in my driveway and a strange man in my house i walked in my room and couldn't believe what i saw i have always prided myself in being able to control even the most dangerous situations by talking people down and avoiding any use of force no matter how tense things got i just stood there and ordered him to get out of my house and take her with him i was beyond furious but i managed to hang on to the last strand of control that i had as they ran out of the house i shouted after her that she could come pick up her things from the yard in a couple of days fast forward three days i am a total wreck i haven't slept and barely have eaten and have been walking around borderline in shock my wife and kids were my entire world and it was all suddenly torn down around me i called my supervisor at the department and told him everything that happened and asked for a few mental health days he agreed and gave me the time off i didn't need to be around the public in that state of mind with a weapon we have legal insurance at work it works like medical insurance you pick a lawyer from a list of providers and their specialty for discounted or even free services the lawyer i chose was in the next county in the big city our meeting did not go well she advised me that even with what had happened the court would most likely rule that since she is the mother she gets the kids and i would have to pay her child support which is exactly what happened it was a different time back then i staggered out of her office feeling like i had been kicked in the gut i was already in very bad shape and this just pushed it to 11. my mouth was very dry and my throat felt like it would close i desperately needed something to drink this was a very posh part of town very old homes and very old money just down the road from the yacht club and such there were no convenience stores anywhere to be found there was however a rather high-end grocery store nearby i really did not want to be around people but i was desperate for something to drink i was dangerously dehydrated so i went in this is where our story begins cast of characters we've got cruella de vil we've got nice lady we've got store manager police officer and me tired wreck of a man falling apart at the seams i should start by saying that i was wearing tan khakis and a green polo shirt the employees of this store wore either black or tan khakis and green polos with a store logo on it a slightly different shade of green but not enough to notice unless we were standing side by side i was on the drink aisle staring at the bottles of gatorade powerade etc but i wasn't really noticing anything i was staring straight through the shelves my mind was a million miles away i suddenly felt a sharp pain in my left upper arm as someone grabbed me hard and tried to snatch me around out of instinct and training i grabbed the wrist with my right hand put my left hand on their upper arm and put them into the support column next to the shelf i quickly looked around to check my surroundings and noticed five or six customers staring at what was happening i then looked at my attacker it was a scrawny old lady i released her and stepped back remember the original 101 dalmatians movie she looked very much like cruella deville from that film hair that was obviously colored long fake nails and way too many rings and a necklace that looked like a string of small christmas ornaments even though she looked to be in her late 60s she must go to aerobics or something because she had some decent muscle tone under her saggy overly tanned leathery skin as she was composing herself i heard the nice lady behind me asked if i was okay i turned to look at her and she pointed at my arm i looked down and saw blood running down my arm and dripping on the floor when i pulled her hand off of my arm two of her fake nails must have cut my skin it wasn't actually bad i just bleed very easily at this point i i hear towards cruella de vil just in time to hear how dare you peasant yes she called me a peasant do you know who my husband is then she reached back to take a swing at me as she tried to slap me i simply stepped back at the last second causing her to miss she lost her balance and fell forward she knocked several drink bottles off of the shelf and fell face first into a shelf causing her lip and nose to bleed about this time the manager rounded the corner and asked what was going on apparently he saw her try to hit me and fall down cruella de vil i want this troglodyte gotta love her vocabulary fired and arrested the manager looks at me and tells her that i do not work here bs he ignored me and refused to assist me about this time i saw a local police officer rounding the corner apparently one of the customers had the store call them as soon as this all started officer must have been very nearby excellent response time cruella putting on our best victim face oh thank god you're here i am mrs cruella deville and i want this monster arrested he tried to hurt me cue the sad puppy dog eyes and crocodile tears nice lady excuse me officer that's not what happened at all she grabbed him and stop lying to cover for him you trollop her spectacular vocabulary again me holding up my department id for the officer to see i do not work here i work at my local department me turning to store manager and pointing up do those cameras work nice lady excuse me officer see the blood on his arm pointing to my scratches that's where she stopped lying for him my husband is mr cruella deville and he'll do what i say right now or i will call him officer ma'am maybe it's best that we come to the manager's office to discuss this as we all turn to leave he asked the manager to take her to his office while he talked to me for a second officer having apparently dealt with this before okay so what actually happened i told him and reminded him that it will all be on tape as i pointed back up to the camera mount nice lady officer i can tell you that she was screaming at him for a while and then attacked him for no reason i was on the isle and saw the whole thing then she looked at me didn't you hear her screaming at you me i'm sorry i was lost in thought i didn't notice her until she grabbed me i also have pretty bad tinnitus from my time in the military so that could have also contributed to me missing cruella's gentle requests for my assistance officer thank you ma'am i'll need your contact info for the report and possible testimony turning to me i'll need your info as well i gave him one of my department business cards he advised me to let my department know right away he also told me that her husband is actually someone very important in the city he was a retired city commissioner and former ceo of a big insurance agency and that had many big city leaders all the way up to the mayor's office more basically in his pocket i went directly to my supervisor's office and told him the whole story he had me fill out an incident report and all supplemental forms he said it sounded like a clear case of self-defense especially if it was all on camera she'd probably be charged since there were injuries and that was it nothing else ever happened i never heard another thing i called my uncle who was a long time officer in that department and my inspiration for going into law enforcement and he couldn't find anything about it no police report or anything it was all swept under the rug and forgotten i guess the moral of the story here is that money talks except for three more quick in and out trips to the lawyer's office i never went to that part of town ever again karen lets her brat eat my emergency candy stash i'm a type 1 diabetic i'm a family law mediator and i work at a downtown courthouse there's no food or drink allowed and the closest store is about a mile away despite this my supervisors allow me to have my own stash of candy in my office in case of emergency i'm type 1 diabetic and sometimes i need a bit of sugar it's just a small ziploc bag with m ms anyway yesterday morning i was mediating a couple over custody of their 28 year olds they all showed up in pajamas and sweats and the parents couldn't be bothered to control their kids the twins were running around the table standing on the chairs and spinning in them smearing their hands on the windows just being disruptive at one point they started tugging at their mom and begging for something to eat it had only been 30 minutes entitled mom why is your vending machine me we don't have any of those i'm sorry well why not food isn't allowed in the building ma'am but our session is almost over kid 1. she's lying mom i saw food in the candy drawer kid 2 lit up when he heard this ran towards me knocking over our documents from the table and pushing my arm out of the way and opened my candy drawer it wasn't a candy drawer by the way it was just the drawer i kept my stationary supplies and my m ms i stood up in between the kid in the drawer as he rummaged through it completely irritated at this point i closed the drawer and asked the parents if they wanted to reschedule entitled dad you almost slammed my boy's hand over some candy that was a gross over exaggeration of course i told them i needed that candy because of my diabetes to which entitled mom gave me an incredibly dirty look if you've got diabetes you don't need the candy just let them have some for goodness sake me i'm type 1 diabetic i'm sorry but we're going to need to reschedule and title dad started arguing with entitled mom about how she always ruins everything and entitled mom responded by doubling down on her stance she's wanting to kick us out because sugar is like drugs to diabetes entitled dad and entitled mom continued to argue and as i went to call in for security kid one stuck his foot out and tried to trip me luckily i didn't fall but he distracted me just enough for kid 2 to pull open the drawer and take the bag the twins started running around tossing the m ms at each other and trying to catch it in their mouths while the entitled parents continued to yell at each other i called security which stopped the entitled parents arguing are you seriously calling security over candy i think that was the point i lost all professionalism me i needed that in case my blood sugar gets too low now look it's all over my carpet and your kids hands security came up and the twins tried to bolt out of the room unsuccessfully entitled dad and security nearly got into a fight before being forced to leave i took my break early and got another bag of m m's speaking of m ms what's your favorite candy of all time please let me know right now next we've got are you deaf so this just happened and i'm actually kind of proud of it a bit of backstory i stay with my kids during the day and work nights my husband and i have opposite shifts so we can save on daycare because of this i don't usually go grocery shopping during the week because it can be difficult getting my kids through the store my daughter sometimes has meltdowns in big crowds she doesn't have any sensory issues according to her doctor we think she just doesn't like the noise or just gets tired easy and that makes her fussy i remembered that i was supposed to get party supplies for work today because one of the ladies there is going on maternity leave and i had volunteered to help set up a party for her so off to the store we all go and everything goes surprisingly well i'm getting ready to check out at the self scanner when it happens i feel a tap on my shoulder followed by the excuse me that we all know and dread so i turn around my mistake despite the tone used the lady seemed relatively normal no caring haircut until she started talking excuse me this won't scan i look around and she is definitely talking to me now i would normally help even if someone is rude because why not however her tone and pitch was harsh enough that my daughter started clinging to my arm my son just doesn't care lady excuse me hello a little help i'm just focused on my daughter rubbing her back because i feel her start to freak out how this lady thought i could help is beyond me i don't work there and was dressed like i literally rolled out of bed fortunately the self-checkout attendant shows up and asks what the problem is lady this won't scan and this person gesturing vaguely in my direction is no help lady turns back to me while the attendant tries to wring out the item for her you are so rude are you deaf or something at this point i still hadn't said a word to her and the idea hit me like a beautiful rainbow wrapped in lightning i'm not deaf but me and my kids are learning american sign language i just started learning it so i can ask basic questions and can sign the baby shark song don't ask my kids love it smiling the biggest smile i could manage i start signing it makes no sense i'm basically saying how are you do you want food what is your name i know a little sign baby shark song i never saw someone lose color in their face so fast in my entire life it was glorious she got her items paid and practically ran out of there the attendant trying her best not to laugh i turned to the attendant and said cheerfully have a nice day she and i shared a good laugh and i went home p.s my daughter is fine she probably just got scared entitled mom says it's okay if i buy her kid a snack i don't know either of them my husband likes to tease me that i'm a magnet for drama especially with entitled people if i go out to do errands it's almost guaranteed that i'll have a run-in with someone i guess i just have that kind of face that lets people think yeah let's mess with her anyway on to the first of many experiences i've had several years ago when my oldest was 14 he played basketball for our local recreational center league his team made it to the semifinals of the championship so we had to spend most of our morning on the saturday the games were being held now the rick center isn't very large but they decided to hold all of the playoff games there the gym had two full-sized courts which meant only two games could be played at a time there was about 15 minutes before my son's game so i took my younger son to the vending machine to get a snack now because all of the games were in one spot the time before and after each game was absolute chaos with people trying to come and go we managed to slip through the crush and duck into the small alcove that housed the vending machines when we arrived there was a girl entitled kid already there maybe seven or eight she was standing in front of the candy machine just eyeing everything younger son and i stepped over to the soda machine to get him a drink then moved over to the candy machine without a word entitled kids stepped to the side to let us look my son pointed out a snickers bar that he wanted so i inserted the money pushed the right buttons and watched the candy bar fall before he could bend down and grab it entitled kid had already snatched it from the machine me excuse me that's not yours sweetie i hold out my hand for her to give it back entitled kid clutching the candy it's okay my mom said you could buy me a treat me confused who's your mom entitled kid turned to point towards the crowd of people but i couldn't see who she was supposed to be pointing to i grabbed the candy bar back while she's not paying attention and hand it to my son who was looking a bit confused at this point entitled kid began to cry which was a homing beacon for her entitled mom entitled mom suddenly appeared besides her daughter she's wearing a ton of makeup her blonde hair is teased and frozen in places with extra strained hairspray she's orange from a bottle or two of self tanner and her clothes are two sizes too small what's wrong honey she took my candy bar entitled mom turned to me her face already twisted in anger but i cut her off me is she your daughter entitled mom a bit surprised that i cut her off yes me why did you tell her that it was okay for me to buy her something i don't know you or her why would i do that entitled mom scoffs well you well nothing you're her mom you buy her something if she's hungry i've learned that if you don't let entitled people build up steam they give up pretty quick i grabbed my son and led him back to our seats in the gym i'm not sure if entitled mom yelled after us because the noise level was high but i didn't care turns out entitled mom's son was on the opposing team so she sat on the other side of the gym glaring at me throughout the entire game not cheering for her son my son's team beat hers by the way how i quit selling appliances about a week before black friday one year i had a customer come into my store really interested in redoing his whole kitchen appliance setup i talked to him about what he needed fridge size etc but it quickly became apparent that he had his mind set on a certain fridge size didn't matter okay then came the oven then the microwave then the dishwasher i didn't recommend samsung dishwashers because at the time they just didn't work told him to get the bosch for a couple hundred less because it worked well and matched the style he would have none of it part two we sat down at the counter with all of the model numbers written down i find that we have tons of the models in question in stock when i quoted him the price he kind of chuckled and said oh no i'm not paying that i had already applied the samsung bundle pricing to it we went back and forth a few times it came out of his mouth i want the black friday pricing and i kind of stuttered he saw the black friday leak for it and wanted that pricing about a week early i explained that i couldn't do that back and forth manager got involved manager just kind of waved his hand and made it happen part three delivery was straight up for this guy i told him i could have them delivered and installed the next day given that he has a proper kitchen setup for the given appliances if he has a proper water line we can install the fridge's water line and place it if he has a proper microwave oven head we can install it if he has a proper dishwasher water line and spot it'll all work it's all proper he says we set it all up with proper setups being there set the install and setup date for the 27th part 4. i get a call from a customer of mine on the 22nd he wants to change his delivery date okay let's do that he wants a full samsung kitchen scheduled for the 27th change to the 23rd next day delivery i can't do that the schedule is filled up this guy started going crazy and i realized who he was this line has stuck with me for life when i ordered these i was told that i could get next day delivery i'm asking for next day delivery why has the story changed the story has changed because it's a different story now i can't deliver these tomorrow well i sold all of my appliances on craigslist and they picked them up today i need them tomorrow you what i don't have any appliances for christmas because i sold mine i need the ones i bought now i don't know how his christmas went he didn't have his appliances he had an empty kitchen part four i was sitting at the desk checking on orders and stuff after getting back from my christmas and this guy sat down in the chair in front of me without my noticing oh hey can i help you you know why i'm here and suddenly it clicked it was this guy yeah no hold on i'll be back i didn't come back i just got my manager my manager then railed into this guy about how he agreed to give him black friday pricing a week before black friday about how he signed a piece of paper agreeing to take delivery a certain day and how the next day delivery the week of christmas was impossible the customer then explained how his family had to go through christmas without a kitchen because they sold their old appliances on craigslist and my manager just laughed at him the dude got real mad all said and done he took his delivery the scheduled day turned out the samsung fridge was too large for his space he needed a counter depth and the fridge stuck out way too far he didn't have a water line for the fridge so they couldn't install the ice maker his old microwave was not mounted correctly and the installers would not install the microwave unless he paid to have a power line installed for it he lost his dang mind part 5 or why i quit the 30th rolled around and i came to work to a full voice mailbox and 5 voicemails about this situation ranting i called him back and he was just raging mad i went into autopilot and explained that he picked out these appliances it wasn't my fault they didn't fit it wasn't my fault his previous microwave was hardwired like a hood etc etc i gave him a new fridge that fit for the same price he was upset that it was a smaller capacity i explained it was what his kitchen allowed i took a hit on commission for this order to fulfill this for him etc i set up the new delivery for the next day new year's eve he didn't want delivery on new year's eve he wanted it today and the following exchange took place because you guys have messed this up my wife has to work tomorrow new year's eve normal people don't have to work new year's eve and now she does so i can't take delivery tomorrow well i work tomorrow too i understand yeah you do i want them today i can't do that i can do new year's day or the day after we're not taking time out of our new year's day to do this make it the second and after going home that day i just stopped going back into work and got drunk because this guy so successfully broke me down that i didn't really want to live anymore edit i'll clarify we offered next day delivery and installation in general this was offered to the customer at the time of purchase okay that's nice can i go back to work now firstly a few things i am a 4 foot 11 woman with a baby face i am wearing my work uniform the entire time through this story i'm petty i work in a small shop with a very small range of customers the shop specializes in a hobby mainly of middle aged men one day an older woman came into the shop and asked to see brian name changed to help her get her husband a gift today was brian's day off and i was the only person in at the moment as the others were unloading stock me i'm sorry ma'am brian isn't in today i can help you oh what would a young lady like you be doing here my you look 10. me yes i get mistaken a lot but what do you need help with no no no i want brian he works here ma'am i work here don't lie where's the manager i am the manager true oh shush you don't work here you don't even have the right uniform on i was wearing the bright blue uniform with the logo on it eventually she just let me help her and then started saying that i was obviously lying but it was kind of me to help her she kept talking to me while i was helping some other customers me that's nice ma'am now please let me do my job oh stop lying she went on at me for a while so i decided to tell her a little white lie me ma'am you really are right about me honestly i can't believe you figured it out and i was asked to work here to see if someone could figure it out now you've won a prize oh my really yes here is the rest of the set for your husband totally free she was so excited and left the store thanking me i then paid for the set i gave her it was just replaceable characters in case of duplicates being needed edit the woman was a little rude to me but overall she was very sweet i just wanted her to leave because i had to close the store soon it was the last shift edit two the woman's husband came in today and apologized for some of the things his wife said to me he then thanked me for the extra figures because he wanted duplicate sets for his brother and son karen gets mad she can't return costume the day before halloween first things first i've worked for the same halloween company for four years the first year we were open we didn't accept any returns or exchanges at all but the next three we did them but within a certain time frame plus you needed to have your receipt this last year our return policy was printed out on the receipt and there was a huge sign directly behind the checkout counter so now that i've set the scene we've got entitled woman and we've got me entitled woman walks in with her bag and receipt in hand and stands in the very long line me i can help whoever is next yeah hi i'd like to return this throws a bag on the counter well unfortunately as it's the day before halloween i can't return it for you well why not it says on the receipt that you guys do returns or exchanges yes but look she shoves the receipt in my face it was already towards the end of the halloween season and i was already done with everything and everyone at this point so i'm not too proud of the way i talked to her but it is what it is and it made me feel really good to sort of stand up for myself me yeah and if you keep reading it says up to seven days before halloween and today is the day before halloween making it less than seven days so i can't return it for you well how am i supposed to know that who looks at the receipt anyway i bought these costumes on the 25th so you should allow me to return it me well whoever rung you up should have informed you all sales were final and unfortunately we can't do any returns i'm sorry if they didn't but there isn't anything i can do to help you this is bias she continued to yell at me for not doing the return for her i was already frustrated and if she had been nice from the beginning then i probably would have done it for her with a valid explanation me well i'm really not supposed to do this being as it's the day before halloween but if you want to exchange it for something of equal or greater value then i can do that for you but i will not give you any money back no there is nothing that i want give me a return you're stealing from me robbing me of my money well i'm sorry ma'am there's absolutely nothing i can do to help you then well is there a phone number i could call yeah i'm sure if you google it there's a number that'll pop up have a nice day now i've got lots of people behind you i hope you know you just ruined my kids halloween and you're a terrible person i don't know how you can sleep at night speaking of halloween what was the last costume you wore please let me know entitled dan freaks out when i get a purple cast for my broken arm i broke my arm when i was around 10 myself and a group of friends had been playing at the swing park and i fell off the climbing frame the first thing i felt was an immense pain in my arm it was so bad that i actually felt sick from the pain my friends understandably freaked out and ran off in search of an adult while a couple of them stayed with me in case my arm fell off while they were gone this is a terrifying situation when you're ten eventually my friends came back with one of their dads he quickly checked my arm over and was around eighty percent sure that it was broken he offered to drive me home and would tell me jokes in an attempt to cheer me up he succeeded in making my friend cringe at his dad's jokes and i felt myself relax a little i was still in immense pain but i wasn't worried about my arm falling off anymore eventually we got to my house and my friend's dad explained to my mom what happened he's such a great guy he even offered to take my mom and i to the hospital my mom politely declined because the guy had to go to his work and she didn't want him getting into trouble once he'd left my mom asked me all the usual worried parent questions what happened where does it hurt do you feel sick etc she then called my nice aunt to see if she could drop us off at the hospital she was working though and even though she told my mom she was leaving work asap she would take about an hour and a half to get to our house because of how far away her work was that left only one option entitled and surprisingly she did actually seem somewhat worried when my mom told her what had happened and she got to her house within 15 minutes entitled cousin was staying with her dad overnight so she didn't come with us heck she even brought my sweets to cheer me up it honestly felt like i was in an episode of the twilight zone everything is going about as well as it could with my arm in a massive amount of pain we get to the hospital give the hospital all the required information and head to the waiting room for what we expected to be a very long wait the hospital is very busy my mom takes me towards the kids waiting area so i could play with the toys whilst i waited entitled ant following behind i settled for playing with one of the plastic trucks so that i didn't have to move my broken arm everything was fine until a girl around six or seven asked me if i wanted to play kitchens with her which i immediately said yes to she set out some plastic cups for a tea party and we play quite happily until entitlement decides to intervene like the interfering jerk that she is entitled and what are you doing sweetheart me playing kitchens with sarah i don't know just figured she needed a name entitled dad i thought you were playing with the trucks why don't you go get one of them they're so cool me but me and sarah are playing op boys don't play kitchens that's for girls me but uncle my mom's brother is a cook and he's a boy but you don't want to be a person like him do you mom entitled ant he's playing with that girl leave him alone you don't think it's weird mom getting pretty impatient no i don't now either leave them alone or you can head home entitled aunt rolled her eyes at the pet name my mom even now likes using pet names for me she has a lot of anxiety around making sure that i know she loves me and cares about me but she went back to my mom and sat down sarah and i talked and played for a bit she asked me about my arm and i told her what happened i found out through our talks that she had gotten her ears pierced but the company hadn't cleaned the equipment properly which had led to her right ear becoming infected despite her mother cleaning it thoroughly every day she went on to tell me that she was going to get the earring taken out and once she felt better her mom would take her to get her ears re-pierced at a different establishment despite the hassle she was going through at that point in time sarah was pretty proud of her ear piercings which in turn made me think about getting my own ears pierced i had run over to my mom to ask about maybe getting my own ears pierced with the money that i had saved up i got pocket money for helping around the house and always liked to save it for things that i really wanted or for my mom's birthday or christmas presents entitled aunt scoffed and made faces of disgust as my mom would say she looked like a dog chewing a wasp but she didn't vocalize any of her concerns after about an hour i was called up to get x-rayed i said my goodbyes to sarah and headed to the x-ray room with my mom i'll skip all of the boring stuff basically i got my arm x-rayed it was definitely broken and we were taken to a little room there were about four beds in the room each with a curtain for privacy where we were to wait for one of the nurses to arrive and sort out a cast for my arm entitled aunt had been allowed to join us at this point as the hospital only allowed one adult to accompany their kid to the x-ray room never really understood why she was still pretty upset about my mom getting impatient with her earlier so obviously she dropped a nice demeanor and pet names and went back to her typical jerk self she kept her mouth shut for the most part until the nurse decided to ask the question the question that would make entitled mom lose her crap nurse what color of cast would you like sweetie entitled and he likes the blue it's the same color as his top nurse is the blue one okay for you she asks me this with a look that tells me you don't have to go with the color that this psycho wants me i like the purple one entitled ant just glares at me nurse okay honey a purple cast it is entitled dad what you're actually going to give him a purple cast nurse well that's what he wants mom entitle dan give it a rest it's a dang color entitled that so it's purple boys wear blue not purple mom it's not like you're the one who has to wear it stop being a drama queen entitled and you're loving this aren't you you want him to be like this you're encouraging this kind of behavior mom looking like she wants to throw hands i want my kid to be happy if a purple cast is going to make him happy then he's getting a purple cast boy shouldn't be wearing purple he's getting the blue one it's almost the same as purple anyways me but if blue's the same as purple can i just have purple are you a girl no but i like purple mom opie isn't your kid and i'm not having you make him feel like crap for liking a certain color at this point the nurse is trying to defuse the situation and i can only look on in shock they argued for a couple of minutes more until the nurse managed to get a hold of a doctor and another nurse who quickly asked entitled ant to leave the premises she did but not without getting the last word in by shouting you're a terrible mother wanting your son to be like this my mom proceeded to apologize to the doctor and nurses for stooping to entitle dance level they told her it wasn't an issue and that entitled ant was out of line entitled ant had naturally drove off and left us at the hospital for another half hour until my aunt came to pick us up she had stopped off at kfc my favorite fast food place as a kid to get us something to eat and had gotten me a teddy bear at toy shop in town it was bright purple nice aunt was quick to post a picture of the three of us and the new teddy bear on facebook knowing full well that entitled ant would see it just to upset her a little bit more entitled ant actually blocked both my mom and nice aunt on facebook after this incident and we had no contact with her for about two and a half years she eventually got in contact with my mom and sent her a massive apology through text and told her how she just wanted to be a family again jerk you cut contact with us all we did was enjoy the peace and quiet anyways turns out that she was moving house and since she barely has any friends or family that actually like her she was using us to help her move because paying someone to help is too expensive when i have family to help me also if anyone is wondering about why my mom let her back in her life entitled aunt was a pretty religious person and my mom just believed that was why she was like this of course neither of us believe that all religious people are like that we have many christian etc friends and they're all wonderful people needless to say no one else had an issue with my cast some of the kids at school playfully teased me about it but it wasn't malicious and they were just more excited to sign my cast breaking your arm in school apparently makes you pretty popular when you're 10. anyways that was a little story about my psychoand sorry if it's all over the place and not very well written i'm hyped up on coffee and i'm attempting to type on my laptop with fake nails i hope you all are having a fabulous day have you ever broken an arm or a leg or had to get stitches please let me know don't want to do your chore son have fun being stuck at home back story after i had graduated from high school and still hadn't found my calling my parents told me i could live with them rent free as long as i did one very important thing helped out with the chores don't bring any girls or friends home after 9 pm and occasionally offer to help with the groceries for the week the lead up it had been about 3 months and for the most part i was adhering to the second and third rule i was given that all changed when i met my first lady friend we'll call her roxy cause she was a pretty bad chick now roxy was a super bad influence on me and she started getting me to stay out late spend most of my paychecks on getting us booze and such i started slipping down a wormhole to which i almost wouldn't have returned from my dad from time to time would remind me hey son you need to make sure you're helping with the chores and mind throwing 50 bucks towards groceries this week kind of reminders that all changed after three months of being out of school and about a month and a half total of me knowing roxy we had come home from a concert in another city for anyone who's my almost old fart age it was a concert for papa roach and she told me that she was too tired to go home and she wanted to crash with me at my parents home the time 2 30 am we pulled up to the driveway and i told her to be quiet of course she wasn't because it was roxy soon as we step inside the house and i've just locked the door she starts screaming the chorus line from twisted sisters we're not gonna take it at the top of her lungs like clockwork my parents light comes on and my dad comes out of his room like a cheetah a cheetah i tell you he sees us both and looks back in his room turning his head around he goes take her home now i immediately turn around and take roxie home she's all upset and tells me i should stand up to my old man yada yada soon as we get her home i know i can't go home so i stay at her apartment with her the next morning there's a text on my phone come home at your earliest convenience love dad i know i'm dead because a my dad never texts me and b if he does text me he's more of a john madden play-by-play kind of guy what i mean is he's going to give you a paragraph of words for what could have been a single sentence or two i kiss roxy goodbye for what i'm sure is the last time i'll see another human being and head home when i get home he's sitting at the table with a pin and a piece of paper in front of him he then tells me to sit down and then puts the piece of paper in front of me the paper is an actual itemized list he tells me that for the last month and a half i haven't done any of my chores and that he's calculated based on the roughly four to five hours a weekend of time i've wasted for him that amounts to his pay which was 25 dollars an hour he's a registered nurse so he's taken four hours times six weekends times 25 per hour pay and figured that i need to pay him 600 dollars for time wasted then he's also for good measure throwing in an extra 100 for the two times he's asked me for 50 bucks to help out towards groceries he gets up and walks over and says there's a dotted line for me to sign stating i will pay all of this back in one month's time i'm adding it all up in my head and tell him i barely have a thousand bucks after taxes a month he says i should have thought about that before i brought a girl home at 2 30 in the morning he tells me if i don't sign this paperwork i have 30 minutes to get my crap and get the heck out i legit almost start bawling and tell him that i want to sign the paper but could i at least have a month extension he puts his hand to his chin thinking and then looks down at me and agrees he says you have two months to pay me 600 bucks oh and by the way he purposely hangs this in the air for a good 20 seconds if you don't pay and you continue to break my three simple rules there will be pain in your future he revises the contract he's wrote up on the paper and i sign it so a month and a half goes by and i've managed to pay him 450 bucks i haven't seen roxy as much over the two months because for obvious reasons her cash pit has dried up a bit she then calls me on day 45 and tells me that she misses me she wishes we would hang out why i'm working so much overtime i've told her that i have to pay my dad back or get kicked out of course she ends up ending the call shortly after that and then it happens she texts me the next day about a show in another city i hear all the usual oh it's a band i really really like i've been wanting to see them forever plus i miss snuggling up to you at the concert i somehow stupidly agree to go with her well while we were up there my wallet gets stolen out of my front pocket to this day i think roxy did it even though i've never been able to prove it we go home i drop roxy off and a few days go by my dad comes knocking on my door as it's now officially day 55. he asks me do i want to pay him the last 150 or wait till the two months are officially up i tell him i got him and then i'll go to the bank right now seeing as i just got paid the day before i look around my room for my wallet nowhere to be found i go find the jeans i wore at the concert i was at with roxy no wallet in there either it's worth knowing i had and still have a terrible habit of leaving my wallet in my jeans after i take them off and forgetting that for several days i start panicking as i cannot find my wallet anywhere i check everywhere around the house backyard my car i even call the last place i was at work and see if they might have it no one's seen my wallet i go back to my dad who's in the backyard cutting the grass and tell him what's going on he gives me a half grand and says sorry for your situation but i'm treating you like a tenant now go to the bank get my money and when you come back pay me the 150. we'll go from there i haul off to the bank and my heart about falls out of my chest as the teller tells me my account has a balance of 3.42 my heart drops to the ground worth noting here it was a local bank that i've banked with since i was around 13. i was 18 at the time so they all knew me at the bank and with some quick verification gave me info on my account i head back home and tell my dad what happened he puts his hand on my shoulder and says ah that sucks well you know i'm going to have to get my 150 bucks still right i tell him there's no way to have the money to him in five days or less he says okay well how about i drive you to work seeing as you don't have a driver's license right now he drives me to work to which i'm there for roughly eight hours the revenge while at work my dad pulled out his massive collection of craftsman tools and proceeds to drain all the fluids in my car he gets a buddy to come over and help completely remove my motor my transmission and my tires my dad and his buddy being a master mechanic managed to do all of this in an eight hour shift of me being at work at the end of my eight hour shift my dad is in the parking lot waiting for me he's in his work overalls which i find funny and he's got grease all over his arms he drives me home and i notice my car is pulled into the garage and on jack stands i look at my dad and ask what's up with my car he points to the garage oh go ahead and see i've got my 150 bucks today i jump out of the car as it goes into park and run over to my car there's a note on the front of it from my dad's mechanic friend stating the motor transmission and tires have all been sold to him for 150 bucks and that he'll happily not only give me back the items but that he'll help me install them back into my car but that i have to work for him on my two days off for the next four weeks from 7 am to 7pm i fall over crying obviously and after my dad laughs a bit tells me my first shift starts tomorrow it is further worth noting that my dad actually owned this vehicle and it was titled tagged and licensed in his name so technically he could do whatever he wants with it he had just chosen to allow me to use the vehicle as mine i would spend the next four weeks working with my dad's mechanic friend on my days off after two days of working we'd bring a few pieces of my car back to the house and he'd teach me how to put these items back together i slowly but surely learned how to be my very own mini do-it-yourself garage mechanic this may not fit here and my dad did pro-revenge me because shortly after i lost my car roxy dumped me and all of the things my dad took six months out of my life to teach me how to be a somewhat responsible adult oh and the icing on the cake soon as we had my car back together and running my dad walked up to me and gave me an envelope with 450 bucks in it and a note that said stop being a knucklehead edit my dad could be tough at times but he's always been fair nothing and i repeat nothing he ever did was unwarranted i was for a time living rent free as an adult and all he asked was for me to help clean the bathrooms vacuum the rooms with carpets not bring girls or friends home all hours of the night and help out with groceries every once in a while as an adult i honestly deserved way worse than what i got heck the adult 37 year old me would have kicked my 18 year old self out and said get out of my house you ungrateful jerk the hot sauce donut revenge this is a little short story from two years ago when my aunt still lived with me and my mom now my aunt would constantly take food that i specifically bought for myself or for my mom out of the fridge thing is i told her that it was for me and my mom and i'd make notes for her and put them on the containers or packaging the food was in her excuse was it's just food if you have money to buy that food you have money to buy more at the time i was a waiter at a sushi restaurant it was a good paying job with great staff and boss but i didn't have money to spend like it's going out of style after i got enough money saved up i bought mini-fridges for me and my mom because she was having the same problem with my aunt the disappearing food stopped after that for a week before my aunt started going into me and my mom's room after another week of dealing with her crap i got an idea i went to the tim hortons after i was done working for the day and bought a dozen raspberry filled donuts as well as two large bottles of this super spicy hot sauce brought them home and proceeded to eat all of the raspberry filling out of them then i filled them to the brim with a hot sauce i then put them back in the box and put them in my mini fridge the next day when i came home from work to my aunt drinking a four liter jug of milk when she saw me she was livid she started screaming at me and threw the box of donuts at me i looked at all of the donuts on the floor and one of them had a big bite taken out of it when i saw that i started laughing my butt off then my mom came downstairs she asked what was going on and i explained to her about the hot sauce then she started laughing with me my aunt yelled at me how can you do this to your family i said i told you not to eat the food i bought and you wouldn't listen then you go into our rooms and eat our food after we told you not to so i taught you a lesson not to take without asking my aunt stormed off and didn't talk to me for a week which i didn't mind at all and let's just say she never took food from our mini fridges again entitled girlfriend wanted something shiny for her birthday this was 15 years ago back then i was dating a girl who turned out to be much more than she let on at first i had been dating this girl for five months and things were going great we hung out a lot and i got to say i really enjoyed her company she wasn't just a girlfriend she was someone i really liked chilling with her birthday was coming up and i really wanted to do something awesome for her she had told me a couple of times how much she wanted to go to a hockey game at the bell center to see a montreal canadiens game i figured this was the best opportunity to see that she finally gets to go after asking around i was able to get tickets to see the montreal canadiens play against the visiting pittsburgh penguins at that time two of their most famous players were on the team so not only would she get to see a canadian's game she would also get to see two of the most famous players at the time live the day of her birthday comes so we go out for dinner after dessert i hand her an envelope with a thoughtful greeting card i knew she would like along with the game tickets she rips the envelope open not even reading the greeting card holds up the hockey tickets and disappointedly asks what's this i then explained to her how she's always wanted to go see a hockey game and how the pittsburgh penguins would be the visiting team and how i got some really good seats a few rows up behind the player's bench how i spared no expense she was not impressed in the slightest i appreciate the thought but this is the kind of gift i would expect to get any other day this is my birthday i expected something shiny i paused for a moment because i honestly thought she was trolling me or just wanted to make me sweat for a second but no she was dead serious she shoved the tickets into her purse and then told me that she would give me a chance to make it up to her you're probably thinking that she was right to be disappointed because hey hockey tickets right well truth be told in montreal a night at a canadian's hockey game is by no means a cheap date the tickets themselves went for 350 dollars for the pair montreal loves its hockey team and tickets are hard to come by this drives up the price not to mention these were great seats the cost of parking is astronomical not to mention the cost of anything from the concessions is a pure rip i kid you not four hot dogs two fries and two cokes goes for like fifty dollars canadian so adding it all up it's a very expensive night of about 450 to 500 from then the relationship took a hard left turn her attitude changed she wasn't the same person anymore i was truly turned away by her lack of appreciation of the gift and truly i started giving less and less of a crap i broke it off with her and i was upset that it was over up until the birthday fiasco things were amazing and i truly believed she would be the one two weeks go by i get a call from her mother it seems that she liked me from the couple of times she and i met she seemed to be genuinely concerned about how things went bad between her daughter and i so we talked for a bit this is how i got to understand where my ex-girlfriend's sense of entitlement came from she asked me if i was doing okay i replied honestly that i was upset and hurt that things turned bad and how i was happy until things changed i expressed my disappointment at her reaction towards the gift she asked whether i would go back with her if things would be as they were in the beginning to which i said yes if you want her back you need to show how much you love her get her a ring she will take you back if you do that i felt as if i had suddenly sobered up from a night of partying instant clarity i conjured up all my willpower to keep myself from telling her to forget herself and to take her daughter with her i simply replied with thank you for wanting to help me with this i have a lot to think about i will surely be speaking to you soon i ended the call it took me a few days to let all that anger boil away insane karen at my sushi restaurant for context i work at a sushi restaurant we don't get a lot of entitled people but we do get a couple every now and again and i have a good handful of stories this happened two years ago a couple weeks after i went from a dishwasher to a waiter cast we've got me nice dad nice son karen and the manager so it was around 8 pm when nice dad nice son and karen walked in confirmed their reservation and sat down i came over and as they were looking at the menu me hello my name is me i'll be your waiter today would you like me to get your drinks first they all ordered coke me would you like me to bring glasses to pour your drinks into karen no you don't use glasses to drink soda it's a nice dad what a stupid question and just from that one sentence i could tell she was going to give me a rough night me i'm sorry for asking i'll get your drinks now i was about to walk away when nice dad spoke up actually i'll have a glass my son said he wanted a glass as well karen looked angry when they said they wanted glasses so after 10 minutes i went to go take another tables drink order i came back with the drinks and glasses as i gave them their stuff karen was just complaining tonight's dad about how long it took for me to get their drinks me to karen i'm sorry but i went to go take another table's order well you're supposed to be our waiter you shouldn't be waiting on other tables i then explain to her that i'm not just their waiter and i'm allowed to wait on as many tables as i want me now before you all order do any of you have any allergies i should know of nice dad said he didn't have any but said his son had peanut allergies and karen said she had allergies to seafood and fish not sure why she would come to a sushi place when she's allergic to seafood and fish but i shouldn't judge i asked them what they wanted to order nice dad had a viper roll eel roll and a sashami platter for him and nice my son had a california roll and karen had a caterpillar roll california roll topped with avocado me to karen since you're allergic to seafood i'll make sure they use imitation crabmeat for your role fine whatever i walked over to the kitchen told them the allergies and orders then went to go wait on the other table i glanced over at karen and she looked angry at me after 15 minutes most of their food was ready i brought it to them and nice dad asked me where the sashimi platter was i told him that it would be a few more minutes and apologized for the inconvenience i went back to the kitchen and got the other table's order then got their sashimi platter i walked over and was giving them the platter when karen said this well finally i can't wait to try some sashimi i quickly pulled the platter away ma'am you said you were allergic to seafood and fish so you said you would use imitation fish yeah i said that but i said i would make sure they'd use imitation crab meat for your sushi roll everything else is real fish because they aren't allergic she began to scream at me for trying to poison me as nice dad tried to tell her to shut up and my son was silently sitting there we had everyone's attention after a couple minutes she says a karen's catchphrase i want to speak to your manager after she said that my manager walked out because another waiter got him she then began screaming at him about how i was starving them how i tried to poison her and was spewing offensive names towards me that i will not write down the manager looked at me and simply said so what actually happened here i told him that when i brought them the sashimi platter karen said she was going to eat some even though she said she was allergic to seafood and fish and when i wouldn't let her she started screaming at me i even showed him the receipt and at the bottom it says customers are allergic to seafood fish and peanuts manager just stood there silently until i finished talking then turned to karen ma'am i'm going to have to ask you to leave it's a nice dad you can stay since you haven't done anything wrong he's lying manager we have cameras do i have to look at the footage fine come on let's just leave we don't need this crappy restaurant or their crappy food nice dad just looked at her with an angry stare nice dad go wait in the car we're staying and finishing dinner kieran began screaming at nice dad and manager threatens to call the police luckily the police didn't need to be called because she left without any more problems i finally gave them the sashimi platter and nice dad apologized to me for what karen did when i got the bill i got a huge tip from nice dad the next day when we came into work manager told us that karen was banned from the restaurant and if we saw her inside the restaurant to get him and he would call the police for trespassing she hasn't been back since i still work there but she is still the dumbest customer i've ever dealt with over the past four years i've worked there i have some more stories about the karen's that come into the restaurant and i'll upload them in a bed give me your netflix that you don't have i got a random message from someone i have never met before and that person is horrible at lying entitled mom hi me uh hi do i know you no but we could be friends so do you have netflix me no well can i use it i don't have netflix please only for one year i was like bruh me i don't have netflix i told you but i have disney plus ew what if i pay you for your netflix i don't have netflix please i need your netflix real bad me if you say that again i will block you wow so rude you have to give me your netflix now because of your rudeness i don't have netflix you don't understand my daughter wants to watch tv then get your own netflix subscription if you have money for a tv and a device that could text then you could get a subscription easily i am a single parent well that changes everything like totally entitled mom not realizing the sarcasm great send me the password and i'll give it back in a year or two me i was joking entitled mom how dare you i am a single parent of a 16 year old girl and in need of money me well then sell your gosh dang phone or whatever you're using do you have no sympathy for a destitute mother looking for a free netflix i don't have netflix and you don't want my disney plus so what could i do you could buy me a netflix i'm not paying a random person on the internet nine dollars a month and i can't buy a netflix account without my parents permission i'm 13 you idiot i'm 13 as well you are the worst liar ever you have a daughter three years older than you i adopted her idiot you adopted someone older than you does that mean i can have your netflix then i blocked her what would you rather have netflix or disney plus please let me know i cannot wait to hear from you karen loses it when i ask her to control her kid i was talking to an old friend i haven't heard from in ages and they brought up this story so i thought i'd share it i used to work at dillard's so i saw my fair share of entitled behavior from our customers but this incident happened to my co-worker a customer was browsing around with her four to five-year-old son he was running around knocking things off her axe etc the mother made no effort to control him until he crashed into her a couple of times she told him to go sit in one of the chairs by the dressing rooms the chairs were pretty nice and upholstered in a silk-like fabric my co-worker was removing garments left in the changing rooms and as she passed by the boy she noticed he was pushing a small car think matchbox style car all over the back of the chair and it was shredding the fabric she spoke to him and asked him not to do that he responded by blowing a raspberry at her and pushed the car with even more force she went to the mother and said your son is destroying the chair with his little car could you speak to him which is way nicer than i would have put it the mother stopped and stared at my co-worker they stood there just looking at each other which my co-worker described as too long and very awkward finally the mother asked so my co-worker started saying well could you and before she could finish the sentence the single mother knocked her across the face with the hanger she was holding so hard it broke the hanger my co-worker just turned around and went to find our manager she first encountered an off-duty police officer who worked security in the store and is a close friend of mine and told him what had happened he went with her to the manager the manager went over to the mother listened to her rant apologized to her for the misunderstanding and gave her a 10 discount for her troubles my co-worker was so stunned she couldn't even speak even the cop was just saying what the heck just happened the cop turned to my coworker and asked if she wanted to press charges before she could answer the manager interrupted saying that wouldn't be necessary meantime all the other employees in the department are watching all this go down and i had just walked back in for my break i see my co-worker has a huge mark across her face my co-worker told the cop she did in fact want to press charges the manager told her she couldn't do that if she wanted to keep her job she told him that was fine she quit the manager was still insistent that the mother not be troubled by all this the cop said she could have put her eye out and i am arresting her if you don't like it you can take it up with my commander the entitled mother was still acting smug until she saw the cuffs then she started screaming the usual nonsense i'm gonna sue all of you i'll have your badge do you know who i am etc no one but the manager cared and she still went to jail all of the other employees and customers who were watching clapped as she was being led out of the store in cuffs the manager started in on the employees about how to correctly deal with situations like what had happened we all looked at each other and without saying a word we all clocked out and left all of us good luck running the entire department by yourself we hung around our injured co-worker until she was done with the police report and then took her to lunch she said she had been planning to apply at a different store in the same mall anyway but hadn't planned on quitting the way it happened and worried that dillards would give her a bad reference now we convinced her to go to the other right then injured face and all she explained what happened to the manager there she was hired on the spot and told they don't put up with crap like that if a customer hits you no matter who they think they are charges will be filed and will be permanently banned from the store i spoke to my cop friend a few days later and he said the crazy woman nearly drove him insane with her screaming and threats on the way to jail which wasn't close after she saw that wasn't working she started with bleeding and bribery he said he didn't think he had ever been so glad to hand someone off to booking all this happened ages ago and since that day i've never stepped foot in a dillard's entitled roommate gets what he deserves background 1992 i'm a sophomore at a very large university in the southwest desert state i'm living in the dorms with a jerk of a freshman roommate at the time i'm an engineering major which means a lot of science and a lot of math classes i also work about 25 to 30 hours a week because i'm putting myself through school the scholarship only covers tuition and housing but not books food or pretty much anything else i might need my job is on campus and since i was the new guy my shifts were basically 4 to 10 pm with the occasional all-day saturday 9 00 am to 5 pm my work was pretty much answering phones and dispatching technicians until 7 pm and then it turned into a computer helpline of sorts for the unsupervised terminal labs on campus frequently there was nothing to do so i spent a lot of time doing homework and playing x-tank with other students across campus jerk roomie though is a business major with the quotation marks and everything which in the early 90s was basically the same as undecided so his class load was things like sociology 101 and world history 101. if they had offered underwater basket weaving 101 he would have signed up for it my classes were spread out around campus but having had my bike stolen the previous year i got around campus on rollerblades my math class ode was held two buildings from my dorm so that was just a short walk away like most major research universities the majority of my classes were taught by teaching assistants tas the incident i came back to the dorm late after working an extra long shift i had an ode midterm the next morning at 8 am so i set my alarm for 7 am to be able to get up get dressed and have a quick bite before class my ode class was unusual and that the ta decided that he was going to have two tests and no graded homework for the entire semester the midterm was 40 of the grade and final was 60. i had been studying for this midterm for the past couple of weeks doing all the optional homework assigned while at work so i felt pretty confident i would get a pretty high grade on it jerk roomie was not there and i didn't expect him there as it was midweek his fraternity didn't usually start partying until friday night i took the opportunity to make sure i had everything ready on my desk before jumping in the shower and going to sleep i awake the next morning to a ton of noise outside the door i'm thinking what the heck i look over and jerk roomy is sound asleep the room stinks and there's an empty bottle in the trash i look over at my clock thinking it's like five in the morning and it is completely off i start to panic and throw open the curtains bright sunlight greets me students are leaving the building in droves with their backpacks bikes etc it dawns on me it's gotta be close to eight am i rush over to my closet and check my watch it's 8 15. jerk roomie starts to whine close the curtains what the heck did you do i yell at him what are you talking about he groggily asks my alarm what did you do to it oh i turned that thing off it was too loud and i don't have class until he love him you jerk i have an 8 am i quickly got dressed grabbed a couple of pencils on my calculator grabbed my shoes and ran out the door looking like crap but hoping i could make it in time and have some time left for the midterm it took me five minutes to sprint to the building and up one flight to the classroom i barge in and the ta gives me a look i quickly explained that my roommate turned off my alarm but i'd still like to take the midterm and the remaining time left and i'll take whatever grade i get knowing that 40 of any points is better than zero ta leans back in his chair and smiles no huh i must not have heard him right i ask him to explain what he means no you're more than 15 minutes late for class i'm not allowing you to take the test i basically beg him in front of the entire class to let me take it because of circumstances that were not my fault he gives this big smile and says i said no that's the end of it maybe next time you'll consider my time and be on time for my class i'm literally shaking at this point i'm so mad i say in a loud voice fine i'm not setting foot in your class again until the final and then i'm going to ace your final and make you graded in front of your professor he laughs and tells me he'll see me in may i storm out the revenge part one jerk roomie was the first to get his i just had to wait for the right moment that moment didn't take too long it was a campus rule that students under 21 were not allowed to drink in the dorms jerk roomie had the same pattern every time he brought a girl over he always put rubber bands on the doorknob to let me know he had company the next time the rubber bands were on the door i waited until i could hear them then i went and got the wings resident assistant and claimed i had locked myself out and left my key on my desk my resident assistant was a by the book navy rotc cadet so he made me fill out the appropriate paperwork and then went to unlock the door it was glorious that was the last i ever saw of jerk roomie jerk roomies parents showed up the following week to gather his things i didn't say a word to them just put on my headphones and continued studying resident assistant told me later that he was expelled from the university for violations of code of conduct one down the ta was next the revenge part two now every student has an advisor to help with class selection and sign off on things like grade replacement options or prerequisites normally your advisor is in the same college as your degree so technically my advisor should have been from the college of engineering however my advisor dr old was a family friend and a former high school football teammate of my dad's when i was accepted at the university he called and offered to be my advisor even though he was in a different department so my first visit was to him to see what could be done about the ta he agreed with me that the ta's actions were reprehensible but quite honestly the ta had the ability to deny me the chance to take the exam after showing up so late if it was in the syllabus i asked him if he could find out who this guy's professor was so i could at least make sure that my final exam was graded fairly i was more afraid that even if i aced the exam he would lie and say i didn't dr old agreed that should be doable under the circumstances so he said he'd ask around i then studied my butt off for the next couple of months going to tutoring sessions and doing almost every single homework problem in the book i spent a lot of late nights at work reviewing and re-reviewing the problems and sample exams in the book dr old during that time got back to me and said he had found the professor in question and that the professor was willing to take the time to grade the exam then he told me that there was one other thing pertinent to the incident this ta was definitely done for final exam i showed up 30 minutes early sat in the front row to head center across from the ta's desk two pencils calculator and three sheets of blank paper for scratch paper and nothing else no backpack no notebook we had to turn in all scratch papers as part of the exam to ensure that no one cheated or pre-wrote formulas or example problems on them when he showed up he was surprised to see me there waiting patiently i told you i'd be here the stair i gave him made him uncomfortable i finished relatively early which he noticed he asked if i was going to hand in my exam not right now at the end when the last student finished and left i stood up with him i know you have received an email from professor young and your instructions are to bring the exam to him for grading that got his attention i am going to be walking with you to the math building right now to take this exam to him because i don't trust that you won't try to switch my exam with someone else's or lose it on the way ta shrugs gathers the rest of the exams and walks out we make it over to the math building up to the eighth floor i head to the math department conference room the ta says you're going the wrong way nope i say you're meeting professor young in here sure enough dr old and professor young are sitting at the conference table chatting up a storm on the table in front of them was the class syllabus the ta seeing this gave me a look over his shoulder instead i politely greeted dr old and sat down next to him professor young introduced dr old as the math department head to ta then asked me if i had the exam which i handed him he asked the ta for the answer key and then began grading i said silently the ta fidgeted a lot and dr old double checked the answers verdict 100 my d was assured the ta got a smug look on his face so you passed the class after all congratulations actually it doesn't matter dr old already signed the paperwork for me to retake this class in the summer as a gro no matter what the outcome here was grade replacement option gro classes could completely replace the previous grade of an f or d in a class as if you had never taken the previous course so the previous bad grade didn't count in your gpa however back in the early 90s you could only do so three times in a student's academic career you needed the sign off of your advisor as well by 1992 most every student at the university knew the procedure gro says the ta then he gets this hunted look as it dawns on him that dr old is actually my advisor he glances over at professor young who is holding the copy of the syllabus so ta says professor young can you show me where in your syllabus it says that students will be prevented from taking any exam if more than 15 minutes late because that's not university policy and it's certainly not this department's policy chimed in dr old ta grabs the syllabus and starts scanning it front and back then slowly lets it drop back to the table it's not in there sir he said so by denying this student the ability to take the midterm you've violated departmental policy and academic policy then reply professor young if i recall correctly this student begged you to allow him to take the midterm and said he would accept whatever grade he received for the limited time remaining in the class is that substantially correct yes sir both dr old and professor young turned to me i think you should probably leave at this point said dr old we're going to finish this up and then discuss some personal matters i'll call you later so i got up and left i'd be lying if i said i didn't do a little mini dance in the elevator on the way back down i got an email a week later from dr old confirming my gro class registration along with a note saying that the ta had been fired for violations of university policy he implied that the ta's graduate academic work was in serious jeopardy as well as the university would most likely not allow him to transfer and continue on his master's work to another institution the icing on the cake was that the ta being fired for cause could not get another ta position at any of the state's three universities and did not have the means or the time to look elsewhere so his student visa was revoked and he had to return to his northern european country and yeah i aced the summer class too but this time i wasn't late for anything cousin demands my ps3 account backstory my uncle and cousin are actually very nice people but occasionally they can be quite entitled i recently went to their state to pay them a visit the other day my grandparents sent me a text saying that my cousin wanted to talk i thought this was odd because we never talked onto the story the cast we've got me we've got my mom we've got entitled cousin and we've got entitled uncle entitled cousin hi is this op me yes i haven't seen you in a while what did you want to talk about i don't know well i heard you just got into fourth grade do you like it no why not i have to learn me containing laughter well that's understandable entitled cousin do you have an x cube no sorry oh you have a pz4 don't you yeah and i have a pz3 what's your username i give him an account name that's not my actual account ok i'll friend you when i get home i'll call you back he hangs up he calls back what's your password me sorry do you mean my username no i mean your password i want to use your account me sorry but no i have money on that account and i'm very protective over anything that i have money on please i don't have any fun games on my ps3 and you say that yours is fun so why can't i just use yours because like i said i have money on the account and i really don't trust anyone with it well i'm your cousin you can trust me me sorry but i don't even really trust my other siblings with it if you want money on your account you can ask your dad but he said you would give me money so can you just transfer money to my account sorry but like i said before i'm not gonna do that we can play together if you want but i'm not going to give you any money i hear him crying and running off somewhere entitled uncle picks up the phone my son said that you wouldn't let him play on your account why me because i have money on that account and i'm very protective of it well he's your little cousin he just wants to play your games so what if he buys some i have over a hundred dollars on that account and i'm saving it for when a certain game comes out so i can buy it and some in-game items uncle well you can get more money another time but right now your little cousin wants to use your account so just give him the password already me sorry but like i said no it's my money and i can do what i want with it if he wants to spend money why can't you give him some because i have better things to spend my money on unlike games i have a life and a job something you don't so just give entitled cousin the account already i'm not going to continue talking about this don't make me get your mother me well i already said no and i'm very sure my mother would support me uncle you are going to give my son your account now and put extra money on it just because of this you don't have a choice i'm an adult and you're a kid me well you live halfway across the country so how are you going to make me just give my son the account i will not ask you again you will also add an additional 150 dollars because he deserves it more than you me no uncle that's it i'm calling your mother and she will give me all of your money your pz4 and your account password you will also be grounded from electronics for the rest of your life proceeds to call my mom mom hi i haven't talked to you in a while what's up your son is being a brat and not letting my son play on his account i want all of his money his pz4 and his account password i also want him grounded from electronics for the rest of his life why aren't you responding respond now mom while you were complaining my son informed me of everything that happened and showed me the call so you can shut up and never talk to my son again my mom later gave me an extra 50 on the account just for sticking up to him he always makes me such a pushover because i'm a nice person i was actually going to give my cousin 10 dollars because he deserves it yes entitled kid actually does deserve something until my uncle did that now i have my uncle and cousin blocked and i haven't heard from them since karen goes crazy at the music store this was a little while ago so i'll be paraphrasing what was said but i'll try my best to make it as accurate as possible in the area i live in there's probably two or three main music shops i know of and two of which are in the same city a few streets from each other this particular store i went to has no uniform but some form of id i think it was an id card around their neck but haven't been there in a while so i can't remember at this time i had been playing drums in school for about six months and decided i wanted to buy a drum kit for my house this shop had the best prices yadda yadda so i decided to go there as soon as i walk in i spotted a mother and father with a kid probably three or four walking around i went up to an employee and asked for recommendations and funny enough they gave me a recommendation i hadn't been on an electronic drum kit before but he was listing all the pros to them and the cons and after plugging headphones in he let me play and see how i felt i'm a big guy at the time i was 17 and was going to the gym a lot i was probably a little over 100 kilograms at this time but it was a mix of fat and muscle one of the pros of this drum kit was that everything was movable so anyone could play and not feel cramped very useful for me about two minutes in i saw the mother clearly the alpha of the family marching towards me i paid no attention i was looking for a kid and maybe they were just on the way over here too she stopped a meter away from me crossed her arms and tapped her foot i stopped playing took one headphone off and the following conversation happened me hello entitled mom where would the best guitars be me i'm not actually entitled mom cuts me off you don't know how would an employee not know me i don't work here she seemed unfazed by this info get me your manager now this is unacceptable behavior and a bad way of treating a customer i just stared at her almost dumbfounded at how she mistakes me for an employee sure they had no uniform but i wasn't wearing anything to id myself as an employee i'm pretty sure the dad knew i wasn't an employee but was too afraid to even challenge her i should also point out i look much older than i am i'm also rather hairy and have a badly kept beard me i do not work here entitled mom do not lie to me i know you work here and i'll have you fired for this i know the owner i clearly displayed on my face my amusement i started smiling trying to control my laughter big mistake she starts screeching at the top of her lungs shouting and pointing at me shouting about how i'm done and that i'm a bad employee actual employees came to calm the situation down a bit i just sat back down and kept playing and she kept shouting that i should be fired she was eventually calmed down and taken to a separate part of the store now i thought this is where it would end and that i had a funny story to tell my friends and a memory to laugh at but no i decided not to get this version of the drum kit but get a more advanced upgraded version which they didn't have in stock the other store a few streets away did so i quickly walked there asking for assistance and the same general process as before happened i sat down and as i was putting the headphones on she walks in demanding to see the guitar section and to my luck it was right beside me i played as normal testing out the features and feeling the way it plays the dad lifts the guitar despite it saying to ask for an employee to help enhance it to the sun who instantly drops it in my attempt not to laugh i fake coughed and looked away but she had heard she turns on her heel and do you know how rude why are you here me don't work here either i did as any normal sane person would do assume it's coincidence and move on she following the path of being senile assumed i was obviously following her and harassing her entitled mom you followed us here me i was here first this clearly didn't matter as she called for security two guys smaller than me came over and asked if there was a problem and before i could open my mouth she said yes he is harassing us smirking and smugly looking at me at this point i realize it could get serious i stood up and said me check the security footage i came in here first and didn't even talk to her she approached me the two guys knowing i had come in first said to her it'll be investigated she was having none of this and as expected screaming shouting and flailing ensued i turned to one of the guys and explained what had happened at the other store and he brought me away and sorted out with a drum kit in short forget that jerk accusing a large built guy of this stuff could have went completely south and got me in serious trouble but thankfully nothing came from it i didn't believe people like this actually existed but now i feel sorry for those who deal with them on a daily basis brofist to all those who deal with crazies every day karen needs a rental car i own a gift shop in a hotel the hotel has a car rental agency two doors down this agency closes at 6 pm the time is now 7 10. karen walks to my door not through it she's standing in the corridor and proceeds to ask nicely enough if i knew where a car rental agency is i told her two doors down but the guys left already and that they close at six she huffs and goes over there i presume to bang on the locked door until someone magically appears she comes back i have a customer a hotel guest who is from out of town and is here learning about our community from me the now local tour guide i didn't mind him at all he was fun to talk with and liked my insider knowledge she demands to know where another car rental place is she still hasn't walked through my door she barks at us that her company doesn't use the agency they put her in a hotel with she doesn't like the other two big brand names in town and doesn't know much about number four i tell her i don't rent cars i live here obviously because i'm working the guest i'm talking to tells her if she can't slash won't use the big name rental agencies then her best bet would be to google what's around here i piped in that i don't believe we have any others besides the big four as we're not an airport city or a tourist destination she's dumbfounded by his suggestion saying her company would never pay for an off-brand rental company he again suggested she just google it and contact her company to figure out her particular situation he even tosses out the bright side that most hotel guests know how to do which is to just ask the front desk person and as a last resort ask for the yellow pages he gets frustrated because he ends up literally explaining how to use her phone and how to search google she huffs at him and says that we were useless and no help at all his last words to her were who the heck doesn't know how to use google i'm 60 years old and i know i can just talk to the google to get my info would you have helped karen in this situation or just told her to get lost i really want to know my entitled mom tries to control my time for as long as i can remember mom has always been the first and final word in everything and if you started poking holes in her logic using logic from that morning or the previous day you were punished and this included house rules i suppose some of the extremes she went to to try and discipline us was related to the fact that my brother donald was just like donald duck annoying useless but occasionally awesome and i were smarter than average and found workarounds by obeying the letter of the rules but not their spirit because they were so arbitrary and served only to give her opportunities to steal from us from elementary school onward we were going to get punished anyway so what did it matter if we cheated a little it was the time of dial-up internet and getting browsers in the mail as cds and we got our first computer which gave her some leverage since we wanted to play games on it but she didn't want our schooling to suffer so she justifiably placed a time limit on non-school-related activities on its use entirely reasonable right well we had to earn our time on the computer by doing chores instead of an allowance which she seemed violently allergic to what she never told us until it happened was that at any time she chose we'd get our time taken away permanently but we both found the sweet spot of her forgetfulness and reclaimed every last sweaty hard one second we world time goes on and we get a playstation one and the play limit extends there as well but given it's my brother system there's now a twist we each have our time but i had to ask his permission to play which he never gave because he was the golden child and the apple of my mom's eye had to go to dad to work around this since donald blew his daily allowed game time as soon as he got home from school and i waited till after homework for mine mom didn't like this and tried to enforce the rule of asking donald to which dad had my back and there was a screaming match in base housing over why their daughter had to ask permission from her younger brother to play a console that mom kept in the living room anyway because she didn't trust anyone not to sneak around her and play it it was glorious they fought a lot about things like that but she always won since at the time my dad was active duty and she was always home we coped with this inexcusable torment in different ways with donald becoming her yes man and brown noser in preferential treatment and i sided with dad because even at that young age i knew this crap was wack and i wasn't going to stand for it it went on like this until college and she's carried on like she owned the time associated with any electronic devices and even forbade us from getting cell phones she said because we weren't responsible enough but it was about phone games she couldn't reasonably keep us from playing outside the house on them and therefore couldn't deny us gaming time on one mom even went as far as to try to keep us from leaving the house on the weekends we were being punished just so we couldn't see our friends and potentially play games at their houses she should honestly have tried a different punishment because she was living proof of insanity at that point expecting us to stop taking advantage of her forgetfulness to get our time back she hated it whenever i got dad involved to enforce the rules on donald who was as entitled as mom and was slightly immune to her attempts to limit game time the screaming matches between our parents over her entitled hypocrisy led to cops being called and counseling was recommended which to mom's credit we did as a family little changed except that the therapist told mom she was being unreasonable and was going to stress herself to an early grave if she didn't ease up why didn't she try establishing a structured list of rules for the family anyway everyone in the family says you change everything at the drop of a hat when mad so if the rules are written and followed then there'd be less complaining in fighting right a month later we have the result and honestly it looked more like what parents set up for their second graders than a serious thing for a college student rules concrete rules rules she could only change if we all agreed to the change and most of the family anyway with ironclad rewards and punishments donald and i grilled her for hours on the new rules making sure we understood every line and that she understood that her bs about arbitrarily denying us time on any computer and console game was not a part of these rules and would not be tolerated she kept whining about us making the introduction of the rules longer than it had to be but she was slippier than a sea slug and we all wanted to know the ins and outs of this new way of living and its implications the short of it was there was a daily list of chores that had to be done and missing something meant you had to draw from a colored stack of index cards for your punishment which had a wild card to be any other card in the pile and a free card because sometimes you got away with things rewards were given for days without punishment and the bonus rewards at the end of a perfect week the rewards were poker tokens that could be saved and cashed in for a set list of established rewards like an extra soda extra time on a computer etc but if you could argue the case they could have a one dollar value towards something from a store the plan was ultimately to have this phased out as we were all too old to do this for any extended period of time and some things were changed such as the soda reward being removed after donald used his save tokens to buy a 12 pack of soda that he kept in his room so he wouldn't have to share that rule was removed and the one about bonus game time was nearly removed as well but i pointed out that i rarely used that one or the soda reward and mom hadn't gotten any family consensus to remove the soda perk it was only her and dad i refuse to let another perk get the axe because she didn't like what donald did and wasn't willing to keep him from abusing the system and punishing the rest of us because of his entitlement she didn't like this at all and tried to undermine this new system by trying to use wild cards to take away our playtime which was against the rules and she was not allowed to get away with that dad and i saw her chomping at the bit here and we knew this blessed system was living on borrowed time this marked the beginning of her killing a system that everyone but her loved because of its structure predictability and clean-cut rewards and punishments it protected us from her and we had all signed this faux agreement that stated we would follow and obey until a set date and time it was slow at first forgetting to give us our rewards tokens which dad was happy to dole out she'd try to misplace the slips of paper we had our tokens count on because we were racking up quite a few at that point only to find that dad had a ledger of who had what since he too had a stack of reward coins and he knew what that moist bent was up to i had to get a ledger that i hid in a torn stuffy because i'll be darned if she didn't try to find and get rid of anything used to track our accumulated rewards around this time our internet provider announced a deal if we got a brand new wi-fi router we could get a deal on it and a month's accelerated bandwidth for half cost or upgrade to the next best router which required land cables dad donald and i were all excited at the thought of the wireless router as mom had tokens to turning off the internet to individual rooms after throwing a fit to have the router placed in the hot garage over her car not a good place for a router but perfect for a vindictive unemployed housewife on a power trip needless to say we didn't get a wi-fi router and her behaviors just got worse towards the rule set that kept her in check before and her antics by unplugging land cables meant our schooling suffered as courses were migrating to incorporate online classwork the therapist had given us a time frame to observe this rule set before phasing it out and we weren't even a quarter of the way through it when mom flipped her entitled crap one day and went storming down the hall to where i was perched on a chair in front of donald's ps3 loading some game and she burst in like a bad out of heck red in the face and steaming with a brown smear on her ankle abraxas you didn't pick up all the dog's poop yesterday before you mowed the lawn and i got it all over my foot you lost your game time that's against the rules gotta make me draw a card mom fine have it your way she stormed down the hall in all her waddling limping glory and slammed my set of punishment cards down on the kitchen counter with a look of unfiltered joy on her face we had all been marking our cards for months with various stains of sauces when cooking so we knew what we were in for and my top card was free so i pulled it and showed it to her free well that's not fair draw another sorry mom but failing to pick up doggie dollops only requires one draw and you know there's a chance to draw the free card out of all 32 of them i don't have to draw and it's against the rules mom turned a lovely shade of purple as i turned away and had my hour of play time this was the final nail in the coffin of the rule set and mom took all the reward tokens from everyone and threw them in the trash in front of dad who confronted her as it was against what the therapist had said and wasn't done with general consent a shouting match ensued and it ended with dad pulling all the punishment cards and throwing them out with the tokens and dumping wet coffee grounds on the whole mess to ruin her precious index cards dad said that if she had solely decided to break the rules and disregarded the therapist's warnings about this kind of thing to stop having to reward good behavior he was going to ruin the punishments so she couldn't arbitrarily punish people with a broken system she eventually started screaming she was going to call the cops and tried to drag donald and i around the house with her as a human shield despite that having never been physical and she screeched to be left alone or she'd call the cops it was like she thought we'd be okay with returning to the way things were before only with a lot more unpaid chores and requirements of us she just couldn't let go of her own ego long enough to let the therapist approved system work and undo the damage she had caused for over 25 years and refused to admit she did anything wrong i still remember to this day the dumbfounded look on her face when dad dumped the coffee on the pink green and white cars that she adored to be honest the system would have worked better for elementary kids but she was too busy being an entitled control freak to let such a thought enter her thick head to entertain that maybe certified child therapists knew what they were saying at that time and she was messing us up from a young age with her bs nor did it cross her mind that it would take a lot more than seven months to undo said damage that had been ongoing since then along with everything else she caused us parking garage idiot regrets his decision i used to work for a large state agency and after five years had become a middle manager my office was in the state office tower downtown and parking was scarce but middle management and up got reserved parking in the garage attached to our building this was a great perk since it is a cold state and on days the tower garage is full you have to park at a private garage about a mile away and walk one day i had to run a few errands and pulled up to the garage a little later than usual by the time i had gotten there the sign on the garage said it was full but i had a badge that let me go in anyway and drive down to my reserve spot there was a man at the gate who was trying to get in despite the sign that it was full when i realized he didn't have a badge i backed up a little and honked my horn to let him know he could back up this infuriates him he gets out of his car and flips me off and hurls a few choice words my way as he backs up out of the spot i pull up to the gate and he yells some more words my way about how stupid i am and that i can't read that the garage is full i ignore him and assume he's just some guy there to have a meeting at one of the dozens or so agencies in our building and park my car i get to my desk and get an email from hr that one of the upper managers was sick and that i needed to cover down on some interviews interviews in our agency start with a group of prospective employees working on a small project together and then the candidates sit in front of a panel individually i walk into the room where all of these candidates are sitting and there i see him parking jerk i was in my car so he didn't get a great look at me but i knew exactly who he was the candidates introduced themselves and get to work on their small project parking jerk was trying to control the entire process but they successfully completed the project as a team the panel then asks all of the candidates to go sit in the hall while we discuss and we would call them in it individually when we were ready once they were all out of the room i giddily told my co-workers about my interaction with parking jerk and they die laughing we'd call him in first and begin asking him basic employment questions he is otherwise a strong candidate but was very full of himself the rest of the panel goes first finally it's my turn me how do you react to stress jerk i handle it just fine i'm a very level-headed person me come on everyone gets a little flustered at some point jerk not me cool as a cucumber me so you never do anything like get out of your car and yell at a stranger jerk is silent or call them names and tell them to learn how to read jerk's face goes wide me do you realize this job puts you in front of the media frequently and someone who is always watching do you realize that if you were to work here your actions would reflect on not just you but they would reflect on your director the department as a whole and state government do you think that if you were in my position you would hire someone who behaved as rudely as you did jerk hangs his head in shame i think i may not be cut out for this position me that doesn't necessarily mean you're a bad person but you may not be ready for this job he was deflated i really think that this was the first time someone had held him accountable for his actions he did not get that job but a few years later i saw him working for another agency and by all accounts he sounds like he had learned the woman with two wigs so me and my co-worker who was a good friend and fellow courtesy clerk let's call her ale we're working a 6 a.m shift as per usual with 6 am shifts we were just generally chatting putting go back items into their respective carts preparing to place them back on their shelves as i was doing so i hear the low mechanical murmur of one of our motorized shopping carts coming up behind me i stepped to the side to let the writer through but notice that ryder has stopped right next to me i look over and notice i had seen this woman a little earlier in my shift but because she was at a distance before i didn't give it much thought but now that she was right beside me i couldn't help but notice this woman was wearing two wigs on her head one blonde one black the blonde one was on her scalp while the black one was messily thrown on top of the blonde that and her demeanor something felt off to me she didn't seem to be under the influence or anything something just didn't feel right alright that's new but i still didn't want to make any assumptions it's 6 am after all the woman looks at me and says hey you follow me and she starts riding her scooter to the door i'm a bit taken aback by this what could this woman want from me that requires me to head outside sure it was a little past 6 am but it was still winter it was still dark outside i glance at my co-workers ales seems just as confused as i am but mrs p one of the cashiers was shaking her head advising strongly not to follow i look back at the woman who is now halfway to the door she stops on the scooter and notices that i am not following she motions with her hand and a loud come on i'm not condoning what i do i look back on this now and i still call myself dumb for it i follow her partially i had no intention of following her anywhere outside of the store but i did follow her to the doorway once i reach there i firmly plant my feet and refuse to move any further i glance over to the security guard who is posted by the door he's watching this interaction intently from the corner of his eye which made me feel a lot better the woman is now in the doorway as well but this time when she looks back for me and sees where i am she just accepts it that i'm going no further than this she then asks me to lean in just a bit closer because i have something to ask you that i don't want anyone else to hear she really didn't want anyone else to hear either as anyone who would walk by she would stop and glare them down with a hard side eye once she was sure that no one else could hear she asks how do you want your hair done i was a bit confused currently i have no styles in my hair i just wash it and put it in a ponytail i'm not really looking for anything extravagant at the moment maybe just a nice press to get my hair a bit easier to manage again so i awkwardly tell her as such she stares for a moment and then points to one of her wigs do you want it like this i i really don't i reiterate that i just want my hair done and out of the way so i don't have to focus on it for a while i don't think she likes this response as she sort of glared at me and in a more sharp and whispered tone said i'm trying to do something nice for you i do a little nervous laughter that habit i can't help when i'm not sure how to respond what's your name she asked and i mean i can't lie about it it's right there on my name tag uh a map saw a map show alright i'll remember that i won't forget i'll remember that i got something for you i'll bring it to you next month be looking out for it she starts to drive off and as she's going out the door she keeps mumbling loudly let somebody mess with you just let somebody mess with you as though she were threatening somebody i walk back to my co-worker and tell them what happened but it doesn't quite end there a little while later i was in an aisle putting things back on the shelves when i look over and happened to see the same lady riding by on her scooter passing the aisle i was working at i had thought she was finished hence why she left earlier but she passed my aisle at least a few times this had been enough to put me on edge initially and i had tried to stay out of her sight until i was sure she had left as it turns out she's a semi-regular customer coming in on random occasional intervals some co-workers have seen her others haven't and there was an instance where i saw her a few weeks ago while i was pushing in cards she wouldn't have noticed or seen me because i was wearing my scarf around my face and a hood to cover my head this story comes to mind because this month is the month that she supposedly brings me something i'm honestly not sure what it could be but my guess is that it could be a wig if she was serious about bringing me something let me know what you guys think it could be because i'm curious and of course if she does bring me the thing i will update you guys so what do you think she's going to bring opie please let me know take out tip trouble i am a server at an asian restaurant in michigan we are busy all year round but especially during the high tourist season of june through september i've worked there about two and a half years this business does a great amount of takeouts and the last two years the only two other asian restaurants in this town have closed and takeout has exploded front of the house is expected to answer phones and take orders and also cash takeout orders out if slash when we have a chance taking orders itself deserves combat pay we will regularly field calls from people who are not familiar with our type of cuisine and need to be walked through the menu or people who decide to wait until they place the call to ask all eight people they're ordering for what it is they want but i digress after we take the order back of the house puts it together bagging and packaging everything front of the house is then primarily responsible for cashing the person out when they arrive we do not have a host hostess the issue is front of the house does the work but we are not cut into the takeout tips the family who owns the business has a policy of donating all to-go tips to charities in their home country there is a big tip jar near the register with a sign that says takeout tips and bold lettering and under that in finer print there is the explanation that all to-go tips are donated this has been their practice for years but as take-out business has exploded resentment among the staff is growing quite frequently dealing with takeout issues takes time from serving our tables if a day slash night is particularly slow sometimes the majority of what we do is handing takeout orders sometime last year the manager one of the owner's daughters told me they are no longer donating to the particular charity indicated on the tip jars sign and instead will be donating locally i very strongly believe they aren't donating anything at all one of the servers who has been there for many years said something to the owner about our frustration regarding this issue and they gave us each two hundred dollars last christmas it's a nice gesture but they make at least 200 a week and to go tips we cash people out we see what they leave this has affected our level of service as no one rushes to help people waiting for to go orders and sometimes the phone will ring and ring as we just refuse to sacrifice our table service what makes us money for to go order we resent these customers and i'm not going to pretend i haven't been openly rude to people who just want to pick up their food adding insult to injury people throw their money in the jar thinking the person cashing them out who is helping them is going to get a cut of the tip no one reads the very lengthy explanation of donation practices when we very much do not it's their business and i guess they can do what they want however i'm increasingly uncomfortable doing work i'm not being paid for the craziest customer i've ever had i've worked for my craft store company for a year and have managed to work my way up to assistant manager this story is from several years ago when i was just a lowly cashier and makes me laugh every time i tell it it was about an hour before closing time and we were very quiet i was the only cashier scheduled and was stationed at the register furthest away from the queuing area as i was with a customer a woman in her mid-40s was next in line when it was her turn at the register she stomps up and slams her items on the counter hard enough that most of them bounce off after i scramble to pick her things up and get them scanned in she looks at the price that they're ringing up and this is where it really gets started customer that hole punch is supposed to be fifty percent off me i'm sorry but this particular brand is excluded from the sale i can run back and grab one of the ones that are on sale if you'd like she grunts her approval i go and get the whole punch and tell her her new total this is when she discovers that she's slightly short about 75 cents but she doesn't want to take anything off me we aren't busy and there's no one behind you if you have any money in your car or something i can hold the transaction open for you i don't mind so she goes to get some change when she comes in this time once again she slams it on the counter hard enough it bounces i was prepared this time though and managed to catch it as i'm entering the amount she's paid this is when she starts you're really rude i hope you know that me taking him back because i thought i had been perfectly friendly i'm sorry you feel that way ma'am i saw you with your hands all over your mouth when you called me up for the record no at most i maybe scratched the side of my nose and that's a tick i have i hope your manager knows what a rude girl she hired to that one i just silently handed her her receipt and her bag as there was nowhere productive this was going to go and as she left and walked towards the door she turned around and said my favorite thing a customer has ever said to me you're ugly too yes karen just for you we will change our million dollar system this is a story that happened a year or two ago i can't recall exactly i work in customer service for a card company due to not wanting to be too obvious as to where there are some slight changes to the story but not enough to change the events that occurred a customer called us because she wanted to open a third card in her name with us when our limit is two our system lets two applications through and then puts it on hard lock we couldn't even get around it if we tried to she had tried to apply for this card and obviously had been denied and now she was calling us after explaining to her that unfortunately we cannot open another card in her name as those are the rules and how our systems work this is where she informs me that no she only has one card concerned i start asking questions like has she lost her card do i need to block it and send out a new one does she want to cancel it etc no she was aware that she had two cards but her other card was used by her son well okay i said if your son is over this age then we can get him a family card under her account so you can use both of your cards no he wasn't old enough so that wasn't possible because we need to be able to verify them in our public registry system which happens to be at a certain age and she lost it here on me i explained to her that unfortunately she would have to wait until her son turned this age to get a card in his name i was at this point getting fed up with a situation because she wasn't particularly nice in her tone or choice of words at this point i had to inform her that by lending out a card with her name on it that she was violating the terms of service of the card and loses the right to dispute any and all possibly wrong transactions or fraud on the card as she willingly would have given another person permission to the card common sense right nope she then yelled at me that what she wanted to do with her own account was her business and if she wanted to open a third card then that was her business and not ours and that her son needed that card because she was a single mother and xyz we're not a bank mind you we're a credit card company and you'd be better off opening a bank account for your son and funnel in some money there i said that while she was right that we wouldn't force her to comply with the terms of service well we could to be honest and we couldn't at this point do anything about her son using her second card but by telling us this she forfeited the right to dispute transactions and that if she chose to give her second card to her son then that was her choice too but we have already opened a second card for her and our systems are not compatible with the third one the application would not even pop up for us as the system automatically deletes it as a duplicate she was furious with me threatening to close down her account and wanted to speak to a manager here's something i'm glad that is different in my country and culture the demanding a manager as a weak request and doesn't mean you have a right to speak to one honestly my manager at the time had no clue about anything we did and you'd just speak to another colleague about it so i just told her that was unfortunate that whenever she wanted to close her account we were just a call away and i was not going to register a complaint because this is clearly stated in our terms of service and how our systems work honestly i love telling people who threaten to close their account that i can do it right away or just how easy it is because so many threaten it thinking they will get their way when we honestly don't even care so many people change their minds immediately i'm quite brash rarely say sorry or anything in calls so dealing with entitled parents like these who think they can do what they want and not face the consequences do they honestly think we'll cover any potential fraud or disputes on their account when she gave the card to her teenage son who could have done anything with it or that we'd just change a million to billion dollar computer system and back office slash workflow management just for her when realizing i was not sympathetic to her complaints and that she was getting nowhere she hung up on me and i don't know what she ended up doing company recruits me for a senior position project gets cancelled while i'm interviewing and i'm supposed to pay for the trip i don't think so during the dot-com boom in the late 90s i became somewhat well known for my expertise with a now somewhat obsolete networking technology i ended up getting heavily recruited by a big telecom firm in denver to run the technical side of a huge networking project they had underway after multiple phone interviews i was invited out for the big in-person sit-down a two-day affair where i met with the big dogs other techies hr etc it was a pretty awesome opportunity took the trip first day of meetings went great i felt it was a great match etc i did sense there was some tension between two groups over network architecture turned out that was one of the reasons they were bringing in someone more senior who could finalize the approach and get the project moving that was fine all part of the job whatever got wined and dined after the first day was definitely feeling like the job was a match and that i'd be moving to denver went in the second day and after another round of interviews the division head takes me to lunch that's when it all blew up while we were at lunch the firm's senior management canned the entire project and fired every person associated with it apparently there was a huge internal conflict going on we get back from lunch and the manager escorts me to hr where we're going to sit down and go over their offer instead he's told what's going on and that he's out of a job along with everyone else on the project at this point i was told to leave no apologies it was just crappy luck for me what the heck okay then i'm gone i get back to the hotel and there's a voicemail for me asking me to call the hr people i'm upset but i call they tell me they've had to cancel my return ticket and that i'd need to pay for the hotel myself now but that if i would submit an expense report they might be able to get me a check there's a second voicemail from the front desk asking me to provide a credit card for this day and then i get a call on my cell phone from the car rental company which i didn't answer turns out they also wanted my credit card forget that i called the airline and they said my reservation had indeed been cancelled but they also acknowledged that the reservation was paid for using a fully refundable ticket which i was holding and which back in the 90s was essentially as good as cash said they wouldn't know for certain if i could board until i showed up at the counter with the physical ticket great just great i'm on the hook for several thousand in airfare nice hotel and rental car after taking several days of vacation from my job for this interview i don't think so here's the revenge i packed my bags and loaded up the rental car left the keys in the hotel room door drove the rental car back to dallas stayed overnight in amarillo dropped the rental car at the herd slot at dallas fort worth airport took their shuttle to the terminal i had left my car at and drove home over the next few months i got several nasty phone calls from their hr and accounting departments demanding i pay them back for the trip including paying the 700 drop off fee for the car never answer them of course just let them go to voicemail eventually got a demand letter from their legal department paid an attorney a nominal fee to send them a demand for compensation slash threaten a lawsuit letter never heard from the firm again side note the ticket itself was still valid i ended up selling it to a friend at a big discount and he was able to use it i am not your personal shopper my district manager would come to my campus once a month to go over accounts with me and to help me with issues i might have been facing i was the office manager for a ground campus school that offered certificates in medical assisting billing and coding digital multimedia and web design as well as computer repair etc the district manager always came on friday as school was only a half day and staff left at 1 30 pm also so the district manager and i got to talking about personal things and she mentions that she is going to a fancy event but hasn't had the time to go shopping well i am all about the shopping and ask what did she need she tells me she needs some clothes but she hasn't been able to get the right fit the district manager is pretty sizable so i tell her about a plus size shop near campus that has a huge selection and she can get measured for the right fit and i have a coupon we go shopping we get to the shop in a mall and the store is not big just a rectangle that is open so you can see all the way to the back very open concept the store has three fitting rooms on the right wall in the center of the store and two more on the left wall at the back of the store the checkout is situated in the very center of the store all the way in the back so the staff can see the entire store as i am a frequent flyer of the store the day staff recognizes me i ask if one of them would help with the fitting and they say yes they would be happy to while i wait for district manager to get measured i mosey around wasting time and hope to pick up a sale item now i am dressed at my usual friday attire of a polo shirt with the name of my school and jeans i'm also carrying my purse so clearly i don't work here a nice lady comes out of a fitting room while i'm roaming the store and checks out her outfit in the mirror and she's tugging on the jacket and frowning she sees me glance up and asks me what i thought about what she had on nice lady tells me hubby is taking her out for their anniversary and she wants to make a good impression i tell nice lady that i saw a wrap on the other side of the store that was her color and on sale we go over to look at it and sure enough she loved it i then say you should really try this dress on it's perfect for your body type and the color was terrific with her hair and skin tone she takes it and goes to try it on i'm still waiting on my district manager and still browsing the store and am peripherally aware that there are about two to three customers in the store nice lady comes out of the dressing room wearing the dress and the wrap i showed her and she looks fantastic she tells me she's getting both items and i say don't forget some jewelry and do you have shoes to go with your outfit at home nice lady goes to the register pays and on the way out the door says thank you for helping me my district manager comes out of the dressing room and picks out her items and she and i walk around the store on her jacket hunt i help her to pick out a jacket and she was really happy with her choice and goes to the register to pay i followed her to the register and had the staff hold my items until i was ready for a fitting room so i could have both hands to dig in the clearance racks when someone behind me says excuse me thinking i was in the way of miss excuse me i scooted over and said i'm sorry i did not mean to get in your way i then hear i am in a hurry so stop what you are doing and come help me put together an outfit still i am elbow deep in the clearance thinking this jerk is extra rude and then miss excuse me says hello are you deaf or just stupid hurry up and help me because i am a paying customer i then realize she's talking to me i turn around with my polo clearly showing the name of my school and say i don't work here entitled mom then says yes you do i just watched you helping two customers and talking to the girls at the register if you were just a customer you would not do that you either help me or i will complain and get you fired entitled mom then says i come in here all the time and i spend a lot of money in this store so i want a personal shopper too come help me right now honest to god i thought she was going to stomp her feet to emphasize her point again ma'am i don't work here another yes you do me okay what the heck now i was feeling kind of spicy because entitled mom called me a liar stupid and asked if i was deaf so i reply i think you are exaggerating because if you really came in all the time and spent lots of money i would know who you were i followed up with only our special customers get the assistance of the store's personal shopper and you are just not that special entitled mom stomped her way back to the register to tell the staff how rude i was and she wanted to speak to the manager because i should be fired one of the staff told her i did not work there and the store did not employ a personal shopper speaking of stores what's your all-time favorite store to shop at please let me know production assistant thinks she's my boss a bit of background i work in the film and television industry on this particular shoot i was the bbe best boy electrician the foreman of the electrical department working directly under the gaffer slash chief lighting technician the duties of a bbe include things like filling out time cards for my department hiring the lighting technicians electricians keeping the truck organized and on this show driving the grip slash electric truck one fine morning i pull up to set park my truck and shut off the engine i open up the back then i head into set to greet the gaffer and bbg and see where the gaffer wants things staged for the day and what equipment we'll be pulling out first and around whereabouts distro needs to be run once i get my instructions i head back to the truck and i find someone on it who i don't recognize she's rummaging around the shelves looking through the milk crates completely ignoring me now it's not impossible for me to not recognize someone on the truck the best boy grip may have brought on a day player if he's short-handed that day so i go introduce myself me hey how are you today her oh good you must be a production assistant can you tell me where the spike tape is spike tape is marking tape usually used for setting actors marks me oh probably with the camera department i'm sorry who are you her i'm just looking for the never mind she found my personal roles i keep two colors for my own use and i use one of them to tag my drinks and the other one for setting marks when i do steadicam these rolls are mine they don't belong to the truck nor to the production she jumps down off of the deck of the truck and starts to head towards the set me wait stop that's not camera department's tape do you want me to walk you the second assistant camera for you her what do you mean it's spike tape isn't it i'm the key production assistant which makes me your boss plus i was the production manager on mid-tier local web series so you should know who i am me these roles are mine actually they have my name written on them no they have the bbe's name on them the assistant director told me to ask him but he wasn't by the truck i'm the bbe no you're not you're just some local university freshman i know the bbe i have his phone number why don't you go ahead and call him she grabs a call sheet from her back pocket then finds my number dials it and puts the phone to her ear after a second staring at me with hostility my phone starts to ring i take it out of my pocket and answer give me my tape stay off of the truck production assistants are not allowed to touch grip or electric equipment i hang up she gives me the tape and slinks off cut to around lunch and i see her lurking around grip staging area and around the corner just fast enough to see her walking off with a couple of apple boxes i hang around staging for a while eat my lunch then start doing the rounds and making sure everything is ready to get back to work after lunch i run across the two apple boxes next to a lunch box a metal box with a bunch of outlets in it run from our generator to power lower wattage lights she had unplugged a light in order to charge her phone which was left on top of the box i unplug her phone and take it straight to the assistant director i talked to the assistant director about it production assistants don't handle electric for any reason we're pretty strict about that and she was asked to go home after lunch turns out she had also spent the entire day hovering over the director's shoulder and bossing around the other production assistants despite the fact that she wasn't actually the key production assistant it also turns out that she was a senior at the university she said i was a freshman from i have not seen her since i have no idea why she thought i was a production assistant brother tells me that i can consider myself an only child over some keys and money cast not real names we've got me we've got my brother richard we've got my cousin julie and we've got my cousin's husband hail back story i rented a house with my cousin julie and her husband as well as their two kids because they were on the verge of being homeless and i was also at the end of my lease three months in they illegally evicted me because i told them i'd have someone over in my room i paid my half of the bills we got the place together and they didn't like that my brother bought me out and i had five days to leave it was the beginning of january but i'd already paid rent so i was promised my rent and security deposit back my brother claimed he would be paying it but i had julian hale sign an agreement that i would give the keys to my room and the shed back after rent was paid at least also it said i'd be paid security deposit as well my brother has a history of not paying people back including our father grandmother and aunt julie's mom so i already don't have much trust here my brother gave me 230 of the 500 rent in february the end of february comes and i ask when he's going to pay me more as he said he would have done by now i'm paraphrasing here but richard i will let you know when i have more money i want the keys back now though me not until you pay at least rent back richard that's ridiculous i should have the keys to my house don't make this more difficult than it needs to be stop being petty and immature me julie and hale agreed to this and signed an agreement it's not my fault they didn't tell you apparently i'm not being petty i just want my money now that i have to find a place you chose to buy me out richard i can't believe you i only wanted to help julian hill since you were going to leave the house anyway i just want my money then i'll give you the keys as they agreed pitcher of signed agreement he ghosted me for a week until i texted him again asking when he'd be paying me i'll be paying you with my taxes if you want it sooner then you can ask grandma for it and i will pay her back me are you serious you already owe grandma over one thousand dollars this is your dad not hers i'm not asking grandma for money then you can wait and where are the keys on my keychain where they are all the time i already told you that i won't give them over until i get my rent back you can take your time repaying whoever else you owe money like daddy but not me i'm not doing this with you considering you threatened to hold money back if i dragged my fee moving out this is ridiculous just pay me back richard richard i just filed my taxes you'll get your money when i get my taxes back don't ever talk to me like that ever again you can consider me lost as a brother congratulations so if you're hard-pressed for it ask grandma otherwise you can have it when i get my taxes and i expect you never talk to me like that again reasons he can't pay now and why i'm being disrespectful and this is my fault me i'm not doing anything if that's how you feel know that was your choice this was all a choice you made and there are consequences to kicking me out like that i have nothing to say to you you'll get your money back when you do have a good day and consider yourself an only child me sorry if you're upset by my wording because i still wish the best for you but i literally got betrayed by my brother so my wording is the least of the offense i was just at the end of my role i still am because i'm hurt but that's besides the point i'll text you in two weeks or you can tell grandma and she can talk to me he has left me on red this was last week where do you think i work so sunday morning i'm wearing jeans with the knees almost worn through because my good ones are in the wash i've got mud splatters up to my knees because i thought i'd grab groceries on the way back for my morning jog giving them time to open i'm wearing a green t-shirt bearing a picture of calvin and hobbes dressed up as maul and jane this is the height of fashion for me and i have to say it doesn't look like any kind of uniform i stop in the biggest supermarket in town and start picking out some vegetables for a curry then i notice that where i normally get a pack of three peppers there's packs of two for the same price normally i just assume it's a stealth price raise and grumble about it under my breath but today i've got a coupon for 60 bonus points on the store's loyalty card which specifically says it's for three peppers that's frustrating and i wonder if there's a member of staff around who i can ask i mean it's not such a big deal but if i speak to someone they'd probably be able to ensure i get the points not to mention there's a huge crowd at the checkouts on sundays they don't open the checkouts until the store's been open about an hour so whether i can find someone to help me or not i'll be hanging around for at least another 10 minutes i stand at the end of the aisle craning my neck and looking out for uniforms the uniform here is a pretty distinctive dark red with orange details you can see them from a mile off but the only two i see are helping someone else so i resign myself to standing waiting until it's possible to get close to the checkouts without pushing through the crowd loitering on the corner pacing back and forth try not to get in anyone's way i can see how that might have looked employee-ish if it weren't for the outfit anyway i'm glancing over the shelves occasionally and trying to keep out of the way of anyone who might be looking at the shelves behind me and i hear a shrill voice give me a bag of potatoes i turn around and she's standing there glaring at me then turns and points at a display of bagged washed potatoes she's a little shorter than me with gray hair and a rather severe bun a green suit that could have been church attire and a scowl that could have been permanently etched into her face by years of constant use the potatoes she's pointing at are on the top shelf and between us so i'm not in her way but i've got intermittent joint issues in my right shoulder and i know if she has something similar she could have trouble reaching them so i lift down a bag of spuds and hand them to her not like i've got anything better to do she puts them in her basket and moves away a couple of steps she could have said thanks but i didn't hear her i return to browsing r dunsins and dragons memes on my phone while i wait for the cues to disperse a little a minute passes and then excuse me look up and she's back glaring right at me one hand on her hip behind her i noticed that it must have reached the appointed hour because people are starting to filter through the checkouts i should be going but if this lady needs help reaching something i can help her again before i leave do you need some help radishes i gesture towards the shelf where she'll find them but she just glares so taking the easy way out i walk a few steps over and take a bag off the shelf to hand to her again no thank you just a disappointed and i need prunes by this point i can see that there's actually a space at the closest checkout i really should get home as i hadn't factored in sunday opening hours when i made plans for the day and i didn't know where prunes would be found i could make a guess though i don't know where those are but most of the tin stuff is on aisle four five and six oh if you need help there's a member of staff by the she ignores where i'm pointing and steps closer right in my face close enough that her shopping basket clangs against mine go get me prunes fresh ones me i'm sorry i don't think they sell prunes young people now have no sense of responsibility if i was your age we would have been finished by now laziness me lady i don't work with maybe a quarter of a smile as i realize i've got an excuse to say those words i swear can't you even do the simplest things you're in enough trouble already young lady why are you even here if you're not going to help a customer with the smallest things i'm doing my shopping i don't exactly you're messing around in this supermarket and not even helping your valued customers in my day once you were clocked in you would be behind that desk all day not wasting someone's time at the shops i'm going to be here this afternoon and if you're not on best behavior then god help me i'll tell your manager that you were rude to me and slacking off doing your shopping during work hours you believe me you won't have that job much longer me confused she turns around and storms off towards the exit stomping her feet not towards the checkout or the canned food aisles she was heading straight for the exit i honestly have no idea who she thought i worked for and why she would expect me to help with her groceries if i don't work at the supermarket i hope she found someone who could actually help her or at least remembered she had a basket of shopping before leaving the store i didn't see because after that i was queuing to buy my stuff i have no idea what was going through her head any suggestions or guesses would be appreciated so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not alright guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 367,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: N6g2oTTflqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 5sec (9845 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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