r/EntitledPeople Karen MOTHER Takes my Food, I GET REVENGE!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories our first story we'll be reading today my karen's stepmom keeps taking my food i teach her a valuable lesson after that half brothers threatened to sue me over sixteen thousand dollars it cost them one hundred fifty eight thousand dollars and possibly their parents marriage and after that entitled dad walks out on kid during visitation because his job is more important to him now for every thumbs up this video gets one karen gets walked out on i've been hoping you'd walk out for the past 12 years so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day my karen stepmom keeps taking my food i teach her a valuable lesson my stepmom is a nutritionist she's always about eating the right foods meal prep fresh groceries etc occasionally my dad 52 male my siblings 21 female 20 male and 23 male and i like to get some junk food we call these junk ups on the weekend now the problem is since forever my stepmom has one told us that we're going to die because we're eating fatty foods i promise we only eat junk food on the weekends or on special occasions the last time i had anything unhealthy was my sister's birthday a few weeks ago and two comes in while we're eating with a plate for herself and picks the food she wants from each of our plates whenever me or one of my siblings questioned this she would tell us you're being disrespectful shut up i can eat what i want or it would be a waste of time to buy me one because i don't want one i want to make it clear that she does not buy any of the food for our junk ups either i buy for everyone or what my siblings does just yesterday we decided to get burgers this time i bought food and one of my siblings said you know what get mom one too because you know she'll just pick off of our plates anyways and my dad grumbled something about her not liking that but i didn't care i figured she would come around to us buying her a burger too perhaps she felt excluded which was definitely not our intention when we got home and set our plates to eat in came my stepmom with her own plate and before she could start picking i put the wrapped burger on her plate and said here you go that one's all yours no need to pick on our plates now she was infuriated with me and screamed at my dad to do something about me and went on and on about how i was being disrespectful towards her and that i needed to learn to share and that i'm too old to be selfish i just sat there unwrapped my burger and ate my siblings later told me that maybe we shouldn't have done that because now my stepmom has been stewing about it for some time now am i the jerk edit i went to do my laundry and naf and when i came back i saw that my post blew up thank you for your advice and the reddit silver to clarify some points made in the comments with burgers or something that you can't easily take a piece of my stepmom would come in with a knife and fork and cut into it to get herself a slice also i don't know if she has any mental illness i've never asked i think once she calms down we can talk when we talk i will update everyone thanks again speaking of burgers who makes the best burgers please let us know i'd do anything for some wendy's right now half brother threatens to sue me over 16 000 it cost him 158 000 and possibly their parents marriage when i 25 female was 3 my grandparents passed they set up a savings account in my name the account was meant to be accessed by me when i was 21 at that point it contained just over three hundred thousand dollars my grandparents left me a letter saying they would like me to share the money fairly with any other smith jones kids meaning my full siblings dad's a smith moms is a jones by fairly they meant that they wanted me to assess the situation and judge for myself what was fair i never had full siblings but i have two half-brothers mac and joe smith who are dad and stepmom's kids due to the specific wording my grandparents used i legally never had to give mac or joe any money however i see mac and joe as my brothers and as the money came from our grandparents i felt that the fairest thing would be to assign each of us 100k so we all got an equal sized lump sum and i figured that when mac the youngest turned 21 and took his 100k we could split any remaining money when i turned 21 dad suggested i buy a house with my 100k i found a place i loved but it was 130 and i couldn't get a mortgage so dad said i should borrow 30k from the account i did figuring i could pay it back before my brother's turned 21 and i have been repaying it the account should be at 208k right now but due to me withdrawing and then repaying that money it's at 195k so i still owe 13k joe turned 21 recently and as i was giving him his 100k joe noticed that there was less in the account than there should be i explained and said i was going to put it all back before mack now 19 turns 21 joe told mack and both boys said i stole from them and owed them the full 13k back plus three grand of interest that they felt they would have gotten and they wanted it all paid by this summer which gave me less than six months to bring the account up to 211. i said i'd do it but over two years as planned the boys then wrote up a contract to that effect i went to sign it until i saw that it said six months to pay it all back i wouldn't sign as we agreed on two years they said i should figure it out as they were entitled to that money and would be seeking legal advice later that day i got an email clearly written by them saying that they intend to sue me for the sixteen thousand dollars plus whatever is currently in the account and additional damages and emotional distress on top of that at this point in time i'd given joe about 50k out of his 100k because he wanted it in installments i responded that legally they were never entitled to any of it and given their attitudes i'd say they've already received an amount i deem fair so that 50k was all they were getting i then got a barrage of texts calls and emails yelling at me for going back on our deal i blocked them they then took to social media saying that i was trying to do them out of their inheritance and rallying our extended family into harassing me over this and it mostly worked as a lot of people messaged me however i got a message from this guy called chris smith chris said he was 27 and claimed to be my half brother i had never met him before but he sent me photos of him as a kid with our dad grandparents and me he showed me that he also had an account with 150k in it and a scan of a letter from our grandparents saying this money was meant to be shared fairly among dad's illegitimate kids chris also told me that we have another half sibling who is 18. he's been looking for me for a while but only found me when dad shared joe's post which had me tagged we checked with the solicitor to make sure and as the boys are legitimate they aren't entitled to anything in chris's illegitimate kid fun and as they are my half siblings they aren't entitled to anything in my smith jones kids fund either i sent the boys a letter formally telling them to back off stop posting about me online and enjoy the 50k because that's all they're getting the day they received the letter chris got a pm from dad asking if the boys can have some of chris's fun chris also said no and told dad we had met i told mack and joe about chris and our other half sibling with chris's permission so it looks like my grandparents knowing about chris before they passed set up two funds one for the kids dad had with my mother who was still his wife when they passed and one for kids born out of dad's affairs presumably to make sure no one tried to do anyone else out of hurt feelings i'm getting a lot of crap but holding firm on my decision the boys have realized that i won't back down on this and it sounds like i've caused a schism at their house as joe has all the money and no intention of sharing so mac is now feeling twice as done over plus stepmom apparently did not know about the other half siblings or that my half-sister was born after she and my dad got married and she's made dad move into a hotel it sounds like dad is looking for a long-term living arrangement outside of the family home because it looks like she's not letting him move back in dad is begging me to reconsider but honestly i'm done with all of them except chris and my sister entitled dad walks out on kid during visitation because a job is more important to him so this happened when i was recently divorced from my first husband and i only had my older son my ex didn't want overnight custody because he worked 7 days a week often 12 to 16 hours per day but he had open visitation on weekends where as long as he gave me two hour notice he could come out and take our sun for four to six hours at the time of this story our son was four so generally my ex would come out on sunday because that was his quietest day at work and the day he was least likely to get called into work he was the lead network admin with a major local manufacturer at the time he'd show up around lunch and take our son into the mall and they would go to borders and pick out a book or a toy and then go to mcdonald's and eat and go in the play area for a bit the first time this happened was at mcdonald's my ex lives about 60 miles from me and the mcdonald's is about 20 miles from my house 40 miles from his and close to 80 miles from where he works he has a crazy long commute they were in the play area and he got a call that there was an emergency at work and he needed to come in right away rather than bringing our son home and then going into work he called me up and told me he had to go to work immediately and for me to come and pick up our son i thought he meant he would wait there until i arrived but no when i got there he was long gone and our son was still in the play area all by himself anyone could have figured out he was alone and grabbed him or called the cops i was absolutely furious at my ex but hey that's why he's my ex right so after this incident happened i took him back to family court and petitioned for him to have supervised visitation only it was granted but lucky mean the court decided that since my ex and i were still on good terms i had to be the supervisor this isn't uncommon in my state and i didn't want to be one of those jerky ex-wives that won't let the father see the kids so i agreed to it for my son's sake so he would pick both of us up and take us to borders and out to eat just like he had done when it was just him and our son and then the same thing happened again we were all at borders and my ex was wandering through the store while my son and i were in the kids section we had arranged the time to meet and leave and i went looking for him and couldn't find him anywhere i thought he was probably in the restroom or something so i called his cell phone only to find out he had been called into work again and left without even telling us he was leaving i had to call my parents 40 miles away to come and get us and take us home i thought my dad was going to hurt my ex when he found out what he had done heck i wanted to myself i went off on my ex big time and told him i wasn't going to put up with it anymore and if he wanted to see our son he'd just have to come to our house and stay there with him for a few hours every weekend the court backed me up on this one and the judge laid into him over taking off on us again especially when it came out in court that half the time my ex had had my son he had just dumped him with my ex-in-laws and gone to work so he wasn't even the one with him during visitation and my son told me that my ex-mother-in-law was being horrible and refusing to feed him while he was at her house that was pretty much the end of visitation i'm since remarried i have a younger son with my second husband and my ex hasn't shown his face since 2010 of his own choice he's now remarried and they have a seven-year-old son that my son hasn't even met his new wife doesn't want him to have anything to do with our son so as far as he's concerned the heck with us and as far as i'm concerned we're better off without him poetic justice though is that since our son is on the spectrum my ex has to pay child support on him until he's 24 which is the longest it can go in my state and considering he makes high six figures now it's a hefty sum of money i'm sure the second wife isn't happy about losing you're invited to a pity party for all the guests who file fake complaints to corporate our corporate overlords require that we have a splash page that guests have to use a password to sign on to after connecting to the network for whatever reason this splash page just doesn't want to load on some devices so i'm fairly used to tech befuddled guests needing assistance getting onto the network and i'm always more than happy to have them come to the desk so i can do it for them one guy had called the desk complaining that he could not get onto the wi-fi network at all and was very frustrated because he has important work he needs to get done for his job like usual i tell him i'd be happy to get it all set up for him if he'd like to bring his device to the desk he comes down with an ancient brick of a laptop that has blue screened with a message along the lines of something has gone wrong and your computer needs to restart i try to restart it and it just literally will not boot giving only some sort of runtime error message going well and beyond any duties i am obligated to perform i did some basic troubleshooting and was at the very least trying to get the thing to boot for the guy probably spent at least half an hour working with it because it was slow and not much else was going on alas no war was won with that old beast and it just wasn't getting anywhere productive the guy looked frustrated but thanked me and went back to his room no less than an hour later i receive a customer service complaint through corporate it's from the guest and the complaint detailed that the hotel advertises having free wi-fi but it has no internet connection at all available to guests the front desk staff is incompetent and unhelpful and didn't care at all when he told them he needed internet connection for important work he expects to be fully compensated for this day and they need better qualified staff oh heck no it takes quite a lot to get me fired up after so many years in this business but that right there made me furious i immediately contact our customer service department and explain what actually had happened and they advised me to try and work with the guests directly for a resolution which at that point i was all too happy to confront him directly about it because clearly the man didn't realize that when he files a complaint like that it comes right back to us and i just happened to be the sole person in charge of handling our customer service complaints i called the guest's room and referenced the just made complaint and asked him how he would like me to better try and help him resolve his issue assuring him that we very much do have proper internet connection here for all of our guests the guy backpedaled so hard there could have been smoke straight out denied that he had made any kind of complaint and there was no problem everything was fine must have been some kind of misunderstanding of course i call our gm hotline back and explained that the guest had denied making the complaint entirely to which they then informed me that he had called back and said it was a misunderstanding and that the case had been closed nice try guy with your busted up laptop that had to have been at least eight years old have you ever had a fake complaint filed against you if so what did you do about it please let us know i used to file those all the time until i went to that karen's retreat am i the jerk for making my boyfriend pay half the rent i'm 27 female and make about 130k 30k of that being from a side hustle my boyfriend of two and a half years is 28 male and makes 80k no side hustle i'm really serious about saving and only spend about twenty five hundred dollars a month sixteen hundred of that being in rent occasionally i do something expensive and fun like a week-long cruise i went on with friends before lockdown but i don't eat out more than once a month i buy clothes maybe once every other year and my car is almost old enough to vote my boyfriend is different he does have an emergency fund and saves 10 percent of his salary in his company 401k and gets a four percent employer match but that's it everything that comes in goes out he eats out every day lease is an expensive car and is always buying things i don't know where his money goes and to be honest i don't think he does either i don't love his spending habits but i'm okay with it saving 10 percent is more than a lot of people do and he doesn't have any credit card debt so whatever the issue is that he's supposed to be moving into my apartment next month he currently lives in a house with three other guys and pays 800 a month if we split the rent on my apartment he would still pay 800 a month i think that's more than fair but he wants to pay 600 and me pay 1 000. his argument is that i make a lot more money than him and expenses should be proportional and he also says it's not fair that my rent is going to decrease by 50 percent and his is going to stay the same i don't agree because i don't think what rent we paid before we live together really has anything to do with the fairness of the arrangement and he can clearly afford 800 a month since he's already been paying it i would feel differently if he really would struggle to pay half the rent but it's 12 of his salary come on my flat salary is also only 20k more than his the reason i make so much more is because i sometimes work nights and weekends he could make extra money doing that too but chooses not to i don't really see why i should be punished for it i told him i would be willing to compensate with a 700 900 split on the condition that he took the 100 he was saving and put it aside into a fund for us to buy a house one day and that money would be his to do whatever he wanted if we ended up breaking up he got mad and said i was treating him like a kid but his finances are none of my business and it's totally inappropriate for me to tell him what to do with his money i feel like i can't see this situation clearly am i the jerk update i told my boyfriend we needed to talk and went over to his house i wrote down some of the more salient pieces of advice i had gotten here and basically just told him that i felt like him wanting me to contribute more to rent while also saying his finances were none of my business suggested he has a real what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine attitude and that it makes me uncomfortable i said that it wasn't really just about an additional 200 a month it was about how he just mindlessly spent all his money and it seemed like his emergency plan was to just rely on me for everything i brought up how he couldn't even afford his dog surgery and i had to pay and that should have been a wake-up call but it wasn't we got into an argument where he basically said he works hard and has a good job so he deserves nice things and to be able to go out whenever he wants it made my heart sink to hear him say that because i feel the exact opposite that when you work hard and have a good job the thing you deserve is financial security i knew i wasn't going to change his entire outlook on money so i just tried to focus on more concrete things i said that if he lost his job i would be able to support him while he looked for something else but he didn't offer me the same security and that if we eventually wanted to buy a house i'd be forced to pay the entire down payment myself and that he wouldn't even be able to contribute much monthly since he had continued to blow a bunch of money on stuff he doesn't need or really even want i said that dating him felt more like having a liability than a partner and that him wanting me to pay an extra 200 a month in rent so he'd have more spending money is what really made me realize how unhappy i am with our situation we argued some more i could tell he saw my point of view but was also understandably feeling pretty defensive i eventually just told him that i wasn't comfortable with him moving in right now and if he wanted to keep dating me then we were going to have to have a frank talk about finances he doesn't have to live the way i do but he does have to meet me in the middle i said i wanted to see him saving 500 a month and for him to only eat out three times a week and that i'd work with him on creating a budget that worked for him he's never budgeted before i said i understand if he didn't want to compromise with me on this but it's a deal breaker for me and i need someone who's going to be more responsible with their spending he said he'd think about it and i left feeling kind of drained by this whole thing and i've made peace with the fact that this relationship might be ending well who do you agree with op or her boyfriend please let us know financial disagreements are one of the leading causes of divorce good thing reddit boy and i agree to eat ramen every day ramen am i the jerk for asking my girlfriend to throw out her ex's things i 30 male have been in a relationship with my girlfriend 29 female for 18 months things are starting to get serious where we have discussed the possibility of me moving into her house prior to me she was in a serious relationship for nine years with her high school sweetheart together they had had four kids now aged ten eight-year-old twins and a five-year-old sadly their dad passed three years ago now i've met her kids i've stayed the night at their home she's asked me to watch them here and there so she could run errands or do her weekly hourly driving lesson prior to the uk's third lockdown her kids are great we go on family day outs together and i feel that they have accepted me and i'm growing to love them a lot however there is something that i find very uncomfortable she still has a lot of her ex's things laying around she has a framed poster of his favorite football team hanging on her bedroom wall and she hates football she has pictures of him and her and their kids hanging on her walls in her hallways in her lounge she has his t-shirts folded in a box in her wardrobe the other day i found a half empty bottle of men's shower gel at the back of her bathroom cupboard and it isn't a brand i like to use when i asked my girlfriend why she still had all of his stuff in the house she got a bit defensive she stated that having the pitchers hanging up reminds her kids and her of their times together before they lost him having his clothes in a box is purely so the kids can smell his scent if they miss their dad and they can hug a shirt instead i told her it made me very uncomfortable having all these little reminders of a dead man in my face and if i were to move in with her then i would need all of that stuff gone she got upset started crying and said that she couldn't just erase those parts of her life and the home she has with her kids was her home with him but here's where i may be the jerk i got a bit irritated with her and said that i don't feel like she's willing to compromise and consider my feelings that i felt like she was comparing me to a ghost and that she might not truly love me by not considering it she hasn't spoken to me properly in three days so am i the jerk well what do you think is o.p the jerk or not please let us know dumb neighborhood kids didn't listen and blamed us for what happened so my family and i got a new labrador puppy in march after my other dog passed away so my dog is very playful runs around and when he meets new people he gets very excited since he is only half a year old and still basically a puppy so today my family and i were getting ready to visit our cousins when we heard some kids laughing we looked out the window and saw a couple of kids maybe six to eight years old petting our dog through the fence it was no problem since my dog was inside our yard we have the gate locked so he doesn't get out on the road and possibly get hit by a car but the key is always in the gate door so anyone can just unlock it and come in we told them just to not open the gate so he doesn't get out onto the road they left and we continued getting ready when we came back from our cousins my grandma told us that those girls had come back opened the gate and obviously started running as they didn't know how to deal with a very playful and excited dog one of the girls ran onto the road and my dog followed her onto that road a road which has at least five cars passing by every minute my grandma immediately reacted and told the girls to get out of the road and into the yard so my dog would follow her she did just that and everything was fine and then the next thing they did was just run away like nothing happened no apology no nothing the next day they were passing by our house and saw my dad and started complaining to him that the dog bit her on her hand and when my dad asked where the mark was she said it already healed one day of time and blamed us for the incident and their mom apparently wanted to call the police but in the end she didn't now here is why this was a horrible situation a they trespassed onto our land b they opened our gate that was locked for a reason even after we told them not to see they ran onto a busy road so either the girl or my dog could have gotten hurt as much as i wouldn't care if one of those idiots got hurt my family would be charged because our dog chased them i wasn't even attacking just wanted to play d they wanted to get us in trouble for their dumb actions so yeah they learned it the hard way i don't know if this story even fits this subreddit but i just had to write down how angry i am am i the jerk for refusing to let my half-brother use the land i inherited as a venue for his wedding i male 36 got married in 2017. my wife and i are not rich we couldn't afford a fancy wedding my dad hosted my wedding at his house mom and dad got divorced i lived with my stepdad and half brother for years we didn't invite a lot of people again we couldn't afford a huge menu and more chairs and tables my mom insisted that i invite my stepdad and half brother and we did everyone was happy and excited for us except my stepdad and half brother my half brother openly made comments about the tables and chairs and made fun of my cheap suit and wife's wedding dress complained that the food was ordered from a crappy restaurant while his dad was laughing out loud from behind my in-laws were literally staring as he basically called my wedding a joke not to mention trash talking my dad and saying that he was living in filth and the backyard was in fact a dumpster i was so mad my wife looked so upset and we both were so embarrassed because he and his dad were laughing and being rude my mom did nothing i tried to be civil but at that point the wedding was already ruined i cut contact with both after they made my wedding a crapshow mom said i overreacted and defended them saying that they were probably drunk my dad was hurt as they openly offended him in his house unfortunately my dad passed one year later it was a lot for me to take neither my stepdad nor half brother showed up to the funeral and i don't know why i'm not surprised i inherited a piece of land from my dad that i put money on and made it a nice place for family get-togethers dad's family to be specific my half-brother is getting married soon my mom showed him pictures of my land and he suggested using it as a venue for his wedding my mom called and told me to visit i went to see her and i saw my half-brother there along with step dad i was already leaving when he asked me to use the land i inherited from my dad as a venue for his wedding he went on about what decorations he was going to use he said his fiancee saw the pictures and liked it a lot i told them no my mom told me to stop being rude and sit down and talk like an adult i told them no i won't be letting him use my property after what he did my mom defended him saying he didn't mean it and was just messing around he ruined a once-in-a-lifetime event for me and didn't care i still refused i got into an argument with them and i left after i was called bitter my mom never stopped texting me telling me to help out my brother she shamed me and called me selfish she's now reaching out to my wife telling her to convince me to agree i was surprised his aunts are wanting to talk to me about it as well what do you think should op let his stepbrother use his land or not please let us know am i the jerk for overruling my husband's veto and inviting my mom to stay with us for three weeks after our baby is born i'm currently six months pregnant with my first baby my husband and i have been married for three years and have a happy marriage overall with our baby coming in about three and a half months we're both nervous and excited as any new parents would be we're reading books watching youtube videos just trying to get an idea of what to do because the most experience we have is holding and playing with babies for about 10 minutes at a time and then handing them back to their parents when they cry the part i'm most nervous about is how awful the first month or so is going to be my doctor says that i'm likely going to be scheduled c-section because of some health issues i can't even begin to imagine how rough it's going to be recovering from a major surgery recovering from labor and delivery sleepless nights with a crying newborn changing diapers feeding pumping hormones all over the place etc all for the very first time i get awful headaches when i get less than six hours of sleep i can't even imagine how bad it'll be in the first month after the doctor told me that i'm likely to be a scheduled c-section i told my husband we absolutely need outside help at first my husband was sort of against this idea he said he would take on the bulk of the work i know my husband he's very responsible and follows through on his word but he doesn't know babies neither do i it's not like this is our third kid and we know what we're doing we don't i called my mom who lives two hours away and gave her the general updates i told her i needed help for reference my mom is the nicest person on the planet yes my husband and my mom get along well and loves being a mom and grandma she proposed this yes i can come out here's what i think would be best you and your husband watch the baby in the daytime you focused on feeding pumping and recovering from surgery your husband can focus on keeping the house in order and changing diapers putting the baby to sleep etc and then i'll do the nighttime duty i'll slowly switch my sleep schedule so i can be awake at night and hopefully if you're pumping enough i can just feed the baby at night so at least you both will get a full night of sleep this was heaven sent to me i told her i needed to talk to husband but 99 yes and oh my god thank you so much i love you mom fast forward to today it's been a week of back and forth on this we've had rational discussions we've yelled we've tried everything but neither will budge my husband insists that having a third adult is suffocating and trust me i'll take care of the baby for everything besides feeding that's all you gotta do but i feel like he's being really naive and i'll have to deal with the fallout so yesterday i said forget it and told my mom yes obviously this led to a fight with my husband who's upset because he clearly said no but i went through with it anyways well what do you think is opie the jerk or is her husband please let us know remember the time my mom stayed with us for three weeks yes karen unfortunately i do you definitely haven't seen this video yet so please come watch it next and we'll see you when you get there and support our coffee addiction by joining as a channel member today and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and to have us make any kind of video you'd like us to just come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 56,238
Rating: 4.9224176 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: RytGMLV5aRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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