r/Entitledparents "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU SINNER!"

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hey there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and I'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video our slash entitled parents religious nutjob entitled parents don't approve of me dating their son I was attending an anime convention around two years ago and it was the first time I had gathered the courage to cosplay doki-doki literature club had been out for maybe a month or two and was super popular so me and my friends decided to go as the main girls with me of course dressing up as Monika the whole thing was amazing conventions themselves are always fun but when you're cosplaying it's a whole new thing during this time it wasn't uncommon to have people come up and give all four of us compliments and ask to take pictures with us it's also important to know that for whatever reason there's protesters at these conventions they're your usual overbearing religious nutjob fun police types but and I have no idea of what they actually protest anyways one day we're walking around when this guy who looks to be about our age comes up to me and my friends when we were going out for food and has this conversation with us about our costumes getting into the game giving us compliments etc he then asks to take some pictures with us asking for some specific photos one is where we're all trying to pull at him and then he wants to take a one-on-one photo with each of us with me looking in the background looking angry or spooky it makes sense if you've seen or played the game the final picture is of me holding on to his arm with a big smile while he looks terrified after the photo we're exchanging Instagram info and I can surely ask if he's there with anyone and he got super uncomfortable and said that he was there with his family as the day goes on we're messaging each other over Instagram and things had started to get pretty flirty eventually he asks me out to dinner at a restaurant near the hotel we're staying at the date itself was pretty good he was funny we watched a lot of the same shows and could banter back and forth on differences in opinion a few weeks go by and we're dating at this point we're over at his place and things are getting pretty hot and heavy on the sofa luckily nothing too raunchy was going on because his parents walk in with groceries out of nowhere apparently he hadn't told them about me because they were all like oh who are you apparently they didn't seem too upset on what they had walked in on I'm beyond mortified but the parents sit down across from us after putting the groceries down and start asking questions what's my name how did we meet etc the both of them seemed very excited to meet me at first I introduced myself and tell the story of how we met and pull up our photo together with me and costume and show it to them they get these grim looks on their faces like they just found out I had hurt someone and give their son to death glare at this point they're asking me to leave and I'm asking if I did something wrong and apologizing if I did entitled mom it's just that we want someone modest for our son and we don't see you two being a good match me what you don't exactly line up with our beliefs is all please leave we need to talk with our son me I don't understand you need me to spell it out he doesn't need some atheist jerk in his life boyfriend mom entitled dad don't raise your voice to your mother walk your little friend out and say goodbye they argue for another minute or two before my boyfriend walks me out it gives me a kiss and tells me he's sorry and he'll call me later when he finally calls he explains how his parents helped organize these protests at conventions and how they had some weird views like that he said he fought with them for over an hour about how he was done with their BS after they demanded he'd never speak to me again he ended up moving in with me about a month after that it was kind of soon but he didn't really have anywhere to go since his parents had given him an ultimatum and apparently his entire family is like that on the bright side we're still together so at least the story has a bit of a happy ending next we've got smash ultimate tournament plus entitled kid plus entitled parent equals Pikachu busted so I just got back from a smash ultimate tournament and an encounter with a certain pair of entitled jerks there oh boy your home fully gonna love this one first post on the sub so sorry if formatting sucks harder than Kirby cast we've got me we've got entitled kid though I'm not sure if calling him a kid is on 100% correct we've got entitled mom we've got the tournament organizer and my best friend so at the smash tournament I was at there were 64 people there the way it worked was that everyone had their names written on paper and put into two hats 32 players in one hat and 32 in the other and names were drawn out of the hats at random which was how the bracket for the first round was decided after all 32 matches were decided everyone would play they're said best out of 5 for a set and the winner of the set would move on to the second round in the winners bracket while the loser would drop down into the loser's bracket luckily for me I was playing as rob my main unless Dante becomes a DLC fighter 1 my set in the first round against an all-right palutena and moved on to the winners round of 32 with me winning that match as well against a banjo kazooie was the super close set one of the better banjos I've played against allowing me to move on to the round of 16 against entitled kid now I hesitate to call this guy an entitled kid because of how old he was in all likelihood older than I am and I'm 18 by the way dude was a massive fat bun and looked like he hadn't shaved in weeks probably a greasy little crap stain too anyway we sat down picked our characters I went Rob and he went Ganondorf fist-bumped and began the first game barely two minutes later entitled kid was staring at the monitor we were both playing at as I had soundly demolished him in Game one me wanting to be nice good game he almost got me near the end nice one this was true entitled kid had almost Dorion me into oblivion but I managed to recover and sent him into oblivion myself with a sweet combo entitled kid Huff's all right whatever I'll kick your bullet next time me neutrally okay and so we go into game two and I could clearly see that entitled kid was getting really frustrated as the match went on as he couldn't get his Ganondorf anywhere near me for pretty much the entire game any attempts to do so were met with a barrage of gyros and lasers from long-range with me easily jumping over him and outpacing him whenever he tried to chase me down entitled kid doing it I parry his warlock punch grabbed him up throw him into the air and end him off the top of the stage rendering him with one stock remaining compared to my three dinger it tries to grab me with his side B but I just swipe over him and hit him with my neutral air beginning a combo of in airs and affairs that end in the side B racking up a good 40% damage in just a few seconds doing it I grab him throw him off the stage hit him with an F air after he jumps to make sure he isn't recovering before sending him into the blast zone with a Down air me laughing my butt off his best friend a zero suit samus main butt was in the losers round of sixteen walks over having seen the butt kicking that I put entitled get through best friend nice game me thanks how was your said best friend one barely gangmo EG entitled kid i'd rather be playing a Luger than this cheating Rob got danga and her entitled mom sucks that she was such a jerk she was a nine out of ten as far as looks go at least entitled mom what's going on here she looks at me and best friend are you two making fun of my poor baby and there's the reason I'm calling the loser I just beat the heck out of an entitled kid entitled kid mom is pointing at me tutor me and best friend darn near died laughing as entitled mom calls the tournament organizer organizer so I hear there's been some cheating going on yes this boy jabs a finger at me she did to beat my son me recovering from my laughter no I wasn't entitled kid yes you were best friend no he wasn't it clearly outplayed you I was watching me if I was cheating entitled kid then please tell me how I was cheating entitled kid stands up you were spamming you're down be on side B gyro and arm rotor respectively all much I couldn't even get a hit in you've robbed players are all the same best friend to the tournament organizer that's not true at all I only counted him using his side be like five times throughout the entire game entitled mom you're obviously lying you have to have cheated if you beat my son like that a forfeit the match now tournament organizer before I can give a sassy retort all right let's all calm down okay he looks at me an entitled kid who's sat down who's winning the match so far me me I'm up 2-0 okay you to play your next game I'll watch the rest of your match and call out any cheating that I see that sound fair both me and inside own kid nod with entitled kid looking sour and muttering to himself and we head back to the character select screen entitled kid selecting Ganondorf again pick a different character me what pick a different character so you don't cheat entitled mom you heard my son make a different character you cheater tournament organizer be quiet the pair of you two entitled kid you don't get to tell your opponent what to do entitled kid me no no it's fine I'll pick a different character it's no trouble and I do just that with entitled kid and entitled mom both looking smug at the sight of me having complied with their demands two minutes later both entitled kid an entitled mom were storming out of the tournament venue with me and best friend laughing uproariously my decisive victory over entitled kids admittedly terrible Ganondorf with the mother of all jerk fighters likely the most busted character in Super Smash Brothers ultimate and ganondorf's worst matchup in the game by a country mile Pikachu dang it entitled kid does he not know the old same Pikachu equals busted even tournament organizer was snickering slightly at their childish display and so the tournament continued without incident best friend made it to losers finals but got knocked out by a pokémon trainer player finishing third in the tournament overall and winning around 30 pounds in prize money I got sweet revenge and best friend's name defeating that poker trainer and probably the best set I've ever played in my life winning the tournament and taking home 100 pounds and prize money which I used to buy a bunch of my hero academia monka money well spent in my opinion thanks for reading also dante for smash next we've got my sister is an entitled parent my older sister thinks that just because I don't have kids yet that I have to give her entitled sons my Lego collection sure I'm in my mid 20s and only get them out to tinker with maybe once or twice a year they'd have a lot more fun with them than I do Legos were my entire childhood I'm somewhere on the spectrum and was heavily bullied as a child early attempts at sports always ended with me getting bullied and defending myself violently so my childhood was lonely playing with LEGOs video games art and working around our farm every birthday in Christmas I would get a couple new sets any money I earned working for neighbors or my grandparents would be spent on Legos this is a large amount of Legos we're talking about here a few thousand dollars at retail which was twice as many Legos back then as it is now many of these sets are extremely rare collector's items now and worth a lot of money the rest of my family is extremely Mormon so my sister married a returning missionary right after she graduated high school and immediately fulfilled her Mormon duty as a baby factor if / when I get married it will be to someone I've known for more than two months and after I mature and financially stable enough to make a commitment like that as it stands now I don't plan on ever intentionally having kids because I have no children to let play with them my sister believes that I have to give her obnoxious sticky violent goblins a Lego collection worth over forty thousand dollars currently seriously these could potentially fund a major portion of my retirement in another 40 years as they become even more rare I live with my parents while I finished school I'm pretty behind as an adult because I picked up a lot of charges for a long period of time as I was self-medicating my mental and emotional issues getting out of the criminal justice system takes years and tens of thousands of dollars multiple times I've come home from work or school and she's over visiting and has pulled large portions of my Lego collection out of storage for her kids to play with I've said no so many times I have explained not only their monetary value but the sentimental value they hold to me I have many unique creations I've put together myself as a kid but they've destroyed and I can't ever fix them because instructions for them don't exist and I forgot how they went together many of the official sets have unique pieces that are impossible to replace that they've managed to destroy I've even bought her kids some of their own to play with both at their own houses and the stash over here every Christmas she tries convincing me to give her kids the rest every time they have a birthday she's telling me how much they'd love all my Legos my sister is a horrible parent by the way she refuses to punish her kids in any form they can be mid tantrum in public and she just tells them we don't do this we don't scream in public then asks them what don't we do expecting a response she'll never get her middle son is going to grow up to be a criminal they already had to get rid of their first dog because he tormented it until it became violent a few years later they tried again with a small poodle hybrid that he kicks and throws and steps on etc when I see this happen I freak out and take it away from him his response is always it's my dog I can do what I want I've punished him right in front of her when she refuses to do anything a couple months ago he was running around with a chef's knife and she wouldn't take it away from him just kept telling him to put it back and we don't play with knives let's don't we do Johnny well fast for 30 seconds and he hurts his 16 month old sister with it she leaves them over here all the time without asking or warning anybody usually falls into my lap because of everyone else's schedules she'll bring them over when no one is here and cook them up elaborate meals with the groceries I buy for me that I write my dang name on then leaves a table covered in expensive food that they didn't touch or a load of dishes and cleaning for me she'll let themselves into my bedroom and catastrophic ly over feed my fish dumping an entire liter bottles of food into my tanks killing my fish next we've got Karen harasses me for a table at a restaurant I don't work at every summer my family and I go to my grandpa's cabin it's a nine hour drive and located on a beautiful lake near a very small town and because of its size there's basically just one big restaurant in town my family and I went into town for the summer market and luckily we had booked a reservation for the restaurant before the market by the time we arrived for our reservation the lineup for the restaurant was out the door and around the corner of the street I was also 14 at the time but I looked like I was nine story my family and I had just sat down in the outside area of the very crowded restaurant after a couple hours of one during the summer market I ordered my usual a chicken wrap with a side of crispy green beans ten for ten recommended and then realized I needed to be the table was set up where one side was on the wall there for half the people were sitting on a couch connected to the wall and the other side had regular chairs our table was in the corner and I was in between my oblivious sister and my fresh out of the hospital grandfather and I went to scooch to the side to wiggle out my oblivious sister didn't notice I was trying to get by at first so she didn't move whatsoever when she went to move her legs she kicked my knee accidentally and I stumbled with the grace of a newborn giraffe as stated earlier so it was a small restaurant so my little Fiasco caught attention luckily most people in the restaurant were chill and just laughed and asked if I was okay thinking nothing of it I skipped towards the main entrance at the restaurant where the line was as I was walking past the line I heard possibly the most annoying shrill from what I now realize is a typical entitled caring voice call out over the music Karen hey I'd like a table for five please once again I thought nothing of it because there were several i exhausted waitresses scrambling around trying to take orders and seat impatient customers like a normal person I assumed that Karen was talking to a waitress that is until I felt a light smack on my elbow I turned around wondering if my sister had followed me no no nope I was faced with a 40-something year old woman with badly dyed armpit length blonde that looked like she was trying to straighten it with a one-dollar hair straightener from a Barbie said she had one of those black bud lengths and way too widely scooped neck shirts with elbow-length sleeves and paired with flare jeans and chunky gold jewelry the kind that you get off eBay thinking it's going to make you look rich and a pair of oversized sunglasses on her head Karen now annoyed excuse me can I have my table now it's so hot in the Sun and I need to be seated now now keep in mind I am an incredibly anxious person but would rather dance on Legos than endure confrontation especially with strangers even more so when I was 14 any type of social confrontation makes me freeze up and practically cry on the spot so naturally I froze and stared at her like a deer in headlights before turning to him and fleeing into the restaurant and practically sprinted into the bathroom stall about ten minutes later I made my way back outside and a second Karen spotted me she stomped her fight you yeah right now me uh-huh Karen yeah my dumb persuasive self decided to listen to her and on the verge of tears I walked over to her yeah yes Karen hands on our hips with a face that I'm pretty sure I see in my sleep paralysis listen here young lady and listen good you sat down at that table when you should have been working can't you see how busy this place is some of us have been waiting for 25 minutes I tried to politely wave you over but you just sat there chatting with customers and then you go to the kitchen and I call you again and you ignore me twice twice wax her finger at me like I'm a dog or something get off your butt and do your job and get me a table like I've asked four times already I was literally frozen in shock and fear my slow brain finally put the pieces together this lady thought I worked at the restaurant despite looking nothing like a waitress first of all I've looked nine accentuated by my ripped shabby pink leggings and secondhand blue tank top secondly all the waitresses were over age 19 and wearing a black dress shirt with black pants and an apron how this lady came to the conclusion that I was a waitress was beyond me having never encountered someone this stupid I genuinely didn't know what to do except stand there with my jaw sly when I didn't respond one of Karen's fellow wine mom squad members piped up let's call her Linda Linda um excuse me karen is speaking to you go do your job now me finally managing to find my voice I don't work here sorry I thought this would be the end of it but Karen exploded you've got to be biessing me I can't believe what I'm hearing never in my life have I met such a damn rude worthless employee if you want to keep this job I suggest you give me a table now but I'm here for dinner with my family and I don't even work Linda yeah you should give us that corner table points at the table my family is sitting at yes I want that one at this point I start to cry and just walk away Karen and company literally starts screaming and I'm being screaming so I just cried harder by this point everyone outside was looking at me a sobbing fourteen-year-old being cursed at by middle-aged women and some were shouting at the Karen's sadly I don't remember what they said because it was over six years ago but apparently a manager was and even after the manager said I was not an employee Karen and company continued their shrieking about how unfair this was all okay and then got kicked out also apparently my dad had to hold back my grandpa who literally still had 20 stitches in his chest from emergency open heart surgery from going over there and beating the crap out of them my mom let me order a piece of cake and my sister drew a flower on the napkin to try and make me feel better sorry if you found this really anticlimactic personally I think it traumatized me for a while and it definitely didn't help my social anxiety issues if you read all of this thank you have a wonderful day / afternoon / evening entitled mom tries every dessert at a restaurant then tries to get her meal for free this happened while I was being trained as a waitress at school I go to a vocational school if you don't know what that is look it up so let's say two years ago my senior trainer let's call her CC and I had two squares and around squares see 4 people and rounds typically seat 7 the restaurant closes at 1:00 p.m. so at 12:45 entitled mom and her kid the kid was actually really sweet so we'll just call him kid entered the host brought them to a small two-person table on one side of the room but then entitled mom said that the table was too small and insisted on having a round for her and her kid to share the host politely told entitled mom that we weren't allowed to seat parties of two who had a round table min for 7 so with a mutter of a few swears or more the pair moved to my table business went around as usual Cece introduced herself and I said that I was only there for observation that's when entitled mom made her first of many comments towards us on she would little odd to be trained you should already know what you're doing at the time I was only 15 and had been in shop for only a few months not to mention it was my first time in the dining room Cece explained why I was being trained entitled mom just rolled her eyes and ordered a sandwich while kid just ordered a salad towards dessert time Cece had to take a other tables order so she sent me to ask entitled mom and kid if they would like anything else the conversation that follows is similar to the one we had me will there be any dessert today ladies entitled mom see I knew you were just using your little friend so you didn't have to do any work kid mom please entitled mom just get us a menu and take these plates out of the way at the time I was a very shy sophomore so I didn't bother saying something I quietly grabbed their plates and then handed them a menu when ceci came back they decided to order dessert the mother claims she was on a diet so kid ordered a chocolate banana mousse so ceci typed it in and a few minutes later placed the mousse on the table typically we wait to bring over the check when they're either 3/4 of the way done or fully done with their dessert but we barely got around the corner when entitled mom waved us down again I don't like it take it back and off my deal she took the mousse from her kid and gave it back to us ceci I'm sorry is there anything else I can get you entitled mom get me the rice pudding please keep in mind that this was not her dessert this was her kids so we deleted the mousse off her bill and got her the rice pudding she so desperately wanted this process repeated with the 10 other dessert items that were on our menu each one had a different excuse not enough caramel or I don't like chocolate meanwhile her poor kid was trying to eat her dessert without her mother changing it out for a new one before we know it we ran out of desserts my teacher aka my Savior of the story we'll call her TS came over to me while ceci dealt with the entitled one ts had been watching entitled mom from the moment she walked through the doors she felt it was time to step in she walked over and told me to print the check the conversation that follows was the rudest thing a customer has ever said in our restaurant TS hello ma'am what seems to be the problem untitled mom what are you another one of those brat students no I'm TS the instructor of the dining room my students tell me that none of our desserts have satisfied you yea they will all awful not to even mention this service was awful yo two students weren't even doing what I wanted I ordered a prime rib and I got a sandwich and her salad was cold I demand that my meal be free yes this mom demanded her meal be free because the service wasn't up to her expectations she came to a student-run restaurant at a school and expected things to fall right into her lap we have a sign hanging above the entrance that says the entire shop is student-run and to be patient and respectful to those working and learning this woman clearly did not understand that TS I'm sorry ma'am but I cannot give you your bill for free I watched you you ate everything on your plate and didn't even order a prime rib entitled mom this is BS I came here with my dog before she moves away and I can't even get an ounce of respect from a woman who claims to be a teacher not to mention the service here is crap I demand to speak with your employer this was when the kid jumped in I was later told she was a past student at my school kid mom it's a student-run restaurant things aren't going to be perfect salads are supposed to be cold and you ordered the sandwich an ate all of it without complaining please just give me the check so I can escape further embarrassment this shut-in titled mom up on command I walked over and handed kid the check and ended the conversation with have a nice day entitled mom then stormed out and left her daughter with a 25 dollar bill the kid apologized for her mother's behavior and bought us a bag of cookies as an apology that was the last I saw of both of them next we've got make a Karen thinks she is special because she has a ten dollar rewards program okay so this is my first post on here so bear with me I'm also on mobile so buckle up folks the main cast we've got me entitled mother and entitled kid I've never come in contact with an entitled parent until now recently the new Joker movie came out I decided to go to my local theater I was going to watch a joker movie alone it was pretty cold so I brought a jacket I also brought it to keep my spot when I go to get snacks the movie just came out last week as of this story so I went like an hour and a half early I was fifth in line keep in mind that this is an r-rated movie and kids should not watch this movie this will be important later I sat down and started looking at memes on reddit to pass the time so an hour passes enter entitled mom entitled mom an entitled kid walk in front of everyone I don't notice that first cuz I'm scrolling through Reddit I hear the entitled mom grunt as she walks away with her son I'm not sure what happened but she went back in line in a huff I am a 17 year old male bald enough to watch r-rated movies on my own and I'm just a tad bit on the chubby side entitled mom sees this and walks in front of me I noticed right away this time around the conversation goes as follows me um excuse me ma'am what I'm sorry but the end of the line is back there and well I've been waiting here over an hour and you just cut everyone here well I have a rewards card I paid for this I paid for this I bet you don't even have enough money to afford this it's $10 per month and 5% off of everything me well that doesn't mean you get to cut everyone here we've been waiting here for a long time there's a lion for a reason ma'am excuse me I know what a line is I came to watch a movie with my son I graduated college I am a single mother how dare you speak to me like this me fine I'll get somebody else to move you entitled kid I bet you're not old enough to watch this entitled kid was like 7 I walk out of line to talk to somebody who works there there's a few men in black suit Sanwa key to staying by the line they usually do this for new and popular movies I tell them the situation and one of them walks over with me let's call him efore employee employee ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of line and into the back entitled mom I am a Rewards member I am qualified to stand here what is it that you people can't understand entitled kid I want to watch the movie already I know sweetie I know see what you did you made him cry he's standing looks perfectly fine employee ma'am please go to the back of the line or we will have to ask you to leave entitled mom stays quiet for a second fine entitled mom and entitled kid walk to the back the movie theater opens then we start to walk in entitled mom starts following close behind me after pushing everyone else out of the way I take my seat in the second row I put my jacket down on the seat and walk out to get snacks I come back with a large coke popcorn and some candy I noticed that entitled mom has taken my seat I think no big deal I'll just sit somewhere else but I realize my jacket was on that seat I called the same employee and it continues as follows employee ma'am you are a no peace seat get up and move employee looks very annoyed and done with this this is my seat if this was his he should have left the jacket on it or something entitled kid dummy me but I did I left it on the seat I left it in a very noticeable ball-like shape I noticed my jacket is stuffed under entitled kid seat I take it me you tried to hide it really entitled mom what no must have fallen why would you accuse me of this well first it stuffed under your seat not in front and second how would it fall one seat to the right and titled mom turns a small shade of red employee ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave what get you fired I know the manager you should watch who you're talking to employee but I am the manager entitled mom turns bright red she starts yelling and cursing Animus she gets dragged out by two security guards employee apologizes for all of this and gives me a free month of the rewards program nice the movie goes on and it well earned it's our rating entitled kids should not watch this that was my first experience with a Karen I hope that I don't run into another one next we've got I demand you pay for or steal the snacks for my kid's birthday party background at the local movie theater you can host birthday parties for kids for free provided you come see a movie of course you have to contact the theater to let us know what movie you'll be seeing and at what time we then reserve the necessary amount of seats in the cafeteria so your party can take place after the movie you have to provide the snacks yourself and still need to pay for the drinks you order but you can hand us over your snacks usually cake or pancakes so we can put them in the fridge behind the bar and get everything ready on your table cake put on plates pancakes heated up etc by the time your movie is over also important my only other job or I had to regularly interact with customers was that my mom's pub I am always polite but when your mom is your boss you can afford to be a bit more crappy with rude customers it's a habit that's hard to break especially when you're still regularly helping out at your mom's pub the story so this happened a couple of years ago while I was still working in the local theatre it was during the winter break which is generally the busiest period of the year I had the cafeteria shift along with someone else before the first movie of the day played we had two sets of parents handover their snacks and we take their info whose party what movie how many people so we could have everything ready on time after the pre movie rush we start refilling the shelves to have everything restocked by break time this is when the person who works the register comes down to help us restock and informs us about the three birthday parties after the first movies I tell him that's odd we've only received the info for two parties luckily he remembered how many tickets he sold them and for what movie so we can have at least their tables ready they'll probably hand over their snacks during a break or get them out of their car after the movie happens from time to time boy was he wrong break time comes and goes and still nothing about our mystery party snacks we restock our shelves and get everything ready for the parties the first two parties came to watch the same movie so we put them in the same part of the cafeteria as we can close this part off to prevent other people from getting to their snacks the party's arrived recognize their respective snacks parents come to get some more drinks which we put on their tab and enjoy their kids respective party by this time the third party arrived at the cafeteria and we point them to their reserved tables this is also when people for the next batch of movies start arriving and ordering drinks and snacks so it's starting to get more busy after taking their seats the entitled mother walks up to the bar and orders 18 sodas these are half liter bottles at two point eight euros apiece she hands me a 100 euro bill and I give her back the change this is when the fun begins entitled mom excuse me but you seem to have made a mistake me sorry what seems to be the problem you didn't give me all my change me you ordered 18 sodas but that's fifty point four euros you gave me a hundred so I returned 49 point 6 shouldn't I get a discount it's my child's birthday party look how many people we brought no sorry ma'am at this point I turned to another customer as it was getting busy she scoffed went back to her table and I thought that was the in event it wasn't ten minutes later and things had gotten a really busy manager had sent someone extra to help out while I was hopping from customer to customer my colleague who had only started working there that winter break tapped my shoulder and said she had a customer who demanded to talk to the person in charge as I was the person behind the bar who had worked there the longest and the manager was indisposed that was me I turned around and lo and behold entitled mother was there glaring at me me well what seems to be the problem what is taking you so long excuse me we've been waiting for over 15 minutes and you still haven't taken our order what are you talking about our food you took their orders points at other parties what are you coming to take ours ma'am we don't take orders or provide anything for your party for that matter you're supposed to bring your own snacks what that's BS how are we supposed to know that did you really think we would provide food for 18 people for free now if that's all I really need to get back to yo this will not do I demand you provide us with suitable snacks for my child party it's what we were promised me still trying to be polite but dropping my customer service voice what do you want me to do lady abandon my shift to drive to the nearest supermarket and buy you some pancakes yes that would be adequate yeah gestures to the busy cafeteria not going to do that lady then take something of theirs points at other parties they obviously have enough and my child is the snacks on his party it's what he was promised one of the parents from these parties stood relatively nearby to order something important for later me so now you want me to steal from our customers I want you to provide me with the service I was promised tell you what I'm gonna do lady I'm getting back to work I turned and left to help take someone else's order she stomped off going on about how she had inform your manager and how he'll be sorry for this 15 minutes later and the rush had subsided the parents of the other parties had had most of their kids guests already picked up and had waited until it was less busy to pay their tabs while I was doing this my manager showed up with entitled mom in tow looking at me with a crap eating grin manager castle fist I have received a complaint from this woman that you refused to give them their snacks is this true I explained how I couldn't give them their snacks as they hadn't even handed them over or brought snacks in the first place manager ma'am is this true entitled mom stammering well yes but you should be more clear and that we are supposed to bring them ourselves also this man was incredibly rude to me at this point the father of one of the other parties from earlier jumped in they told my manager of how entitled mom made a bunch of outrageous demands including ordering me to steal their food and was incredibly rude to both me and my colleague he also told him how helpful I was with their party and how any perceived rudeness was just because I was hurrying up to get back to my other customers after this the entitled mom just fell silent and my manager basically told her to get her head out of her butt and leave the theater she sucked back to her seat and told her party to get ready to leave the parents of the other parties paid their tab and even gave us their leftover cake as a thank-you for our service the father made sure to say it loud enough so that entitled mom could hear it and winked at me we ate the cake during the evening break laughing about that entitled mom it tasted extra sweet to me edit since a lot of people seem curious about it I'm from Belgium the term pancakes seems to cause some duplicity they're not the thick American pancakes you see in the movies with lots of syrup what I'm talking about is what in English would be called a [ __ ] pancakes is much closer to what we call them though hence my mistake apologies next we've got are you deaf you lazy jerk so I'm browsing the shelves at my local grocery store palling at the bread to check its softness and freshness as if I'm some sort of squirrel going through the leaves for that elusive tasty walnut when and much like a squirrel I was oblivious to most of it and only learned of the full extent of the damage caused by Karin later I'm lost in the breed noticing differences and how each loaf feels when I squeeze them as if I'm gripping precious dinnerware I didn't want to ruin the bread for anyone else but I need to know how fresh they are the dates printed on the plastic wrapping aren't always legible and this puts the decision literally in my own hands as I continue I hear someone shouting from some distance away but I pay it no mind people yell in stores for all sorts of reasons I hear it again a bit louder and think to myself I'm glad I'm not any closer to that person like the victim and just about every horror movie ever made I had no idea that person was already coming closer to me with vicious intent I stroked two loaves of bread one in each hand and I'm deciding between them when someone is shouting right next to me I honestly don't know what was said but the shock of that volume level so close startled me like a house cat I naturally form a defensive posture when I feel threatened and I raised my arms and made a startling noise I don't like it when people come up behind or beside me and I don't notice I've been that way since I was a kid which is a longer story that I want to share here both loaves of bread go into the air as I put my hands up ready to defend myself against whatever demon from heck has ruined this grocery trip for me I see a gray-haired older woman with glasses who reminds me a lot of every stereotypical grandmother and you might see she's plump but not huge and waving a stubby finger at me I think maybe she's been scolding me for judging the bread I'll just explain myself and walk away no real threat then I was wrong as I go to pick up the bread I dropped because of her the witch does the needless and turns her whole volume up to ear-splitting and screams are you deaf you stupid lazy jerk at me never one to miss an opportunity to be smart once my ear stopped ringing I replied with no but I might be soon if you don't shut up her eyes burned with the fury of a thousand suns she reached out and grabbed my wrist my instinct kicked in within a couple seconds I've got an old lady in a hammerlock just in time for a manager to come down the aisle she wails about the horrible employees at this store and acts far more hurt than she could possibly be claiming I attacked her out of nowhere and her arm was broken it wasn't and she'd be suing the store yep I believe I'm going to jail here but that was not to be apparently karen has caused a scene in the grocery store on other occasions this manager had been watching the video feed in the back following her every move around the store in anticipation of the fallout to come in her wake she turns her gale-force winds his direction still shouting about what I had done until the manager looks directly into her eyes and as calmly as the eye of the real hurricane says would you like me to call the police for you she straightens herself and says yes but then just as calmly and without taking his eyes from hers the manager says did you forget we have video again I thought you'd remember from the last time but we can check it if you'd like Karen lets loose a half grunt half scream and waddles away and out of the store faster than I thought possible the manager asks if I'm okay I'm surprised at the whole scenario but none the worse for wear still he offers me a store gift card for $10 and I accept it free bread for the win Karen didn't want her kid to be late for school let's just say she got what she deserved so this happened to my friends and I in the 8th grade when we were about 13 we did announcements for the school because we were all on student council when we did announcements it was a bit different than everyone might think instead of a microphone we had a corded telephone that connected to the PA system that you were talked into keep in mind this telephone was right next to the secretary in the school's office and if anyone talked above a whisper the sound system would pick up on them we'd first start regular salutations then the national anthem and finally regular morning announcements there was only one rule that the secretary for announcements had and that was not to buzz anyone in front doors had locks so you had to be buzzed in during the playing of the national anthem just out of respect for our country then one day disaster struck it was a normal day in April and the Secretary had just printed off our announcements we had to say for the morning we waited until a couple minutes after the morning bell so everyone was kinda settled in class and nothing was too chaotic in the halls so the background noise couldn't be heard we had just started our regular salutations and I went to set up the radio so the national anthem could be played everyone in the office stood up for the national anthem and right as a started playing someone had buzzed the front door then it buzzed again after the third buzz my friends and I looked at each other like oh crap something's about to go down the person at the buzzer entitled mom did not stop buzzing for the duration of the national anthem which is two minutes like I said earlier the secretary did not let her in due to the national anthem playing after the anthem was done entitled mom and her kid were finally led in we all saw entitled moms storm into the school practically dragging her kid behind her swing open the door to the office and if looks could kill we all would have been dead right there in the office she then pushes students out of the line for signing in late and starts to have a full-out tantrum at the secretary while we were on the PA system doing announcements so basically the entire school was hearing in on this while we tried our best to do announcements entitled mom continues to call our secretary names for not letting her and her precious daughter in when they first buzzed in and now she's going to be really late for work which by the way if you're late you're late a couple minutes won't make much of a difference our secretary told her over and over again that it was a school policy that she couldn't let anyone in during the national anthem and all she really had to do was sign her daughter in which would have taken like 10 seconds and titled mom was not having any of it it got very ugly when entitled mom started getting in her face and threatening her all the while we were trying to do announcements at that point everyone in the office was staring and trying to get the lady to calm down the principal was also called because the situation was getting out of hand then entitled mom and I met eyes while I was talking on the announcements she looked at me with pure hatred and proceeded to take the corded telephone from my hand and slam it to the floor I was shocked my friends were shocked everyone in the office was shocked we were all then quickly escorted to a room in the office and locked in an including entitled mom's kid who I felt really bad for she was absolutely mortified at her mother's behavior and a code GREEN was also issued it basically just means to stay out of the hallways for a period of time we heard her continue to slam things in the office there was about $6,000 worth of damage she did and the police were called once the police arrived they had apparently taken her away in handcuffs we did not see her get taken away although a few students saw her get taken away through the window my friends and any students that were in the office were then sent home after what had happened in the office that morning we did not hear anything after the incident the school did not inform our parents what had happened after that morning there were a couple rumors floating around that entitled mom's husband was very wealthy and he had paid the school a large amount of money to keep their mouths shut and to drop any potential charges the school had planned I doubt this is actually what happened and the second was that the woman was banned from dropping her daughter off at school and was not allowed to be within 100 metres of the school and the secretary had hired a lawyer and sued the woman and got a large sum of money from winning her case anyways if you've made it this far thank you so much for reading remember to always be careful around entitled parents you never know what they're capable of or what they're going to do if they do not get their way and no I'm not making this up I really wish I was but this is truly how it all went down I'm now in high school and I will update if anything happens with entitled mom thanks again and have a great day next we've got entitled mom threatened to call the cops / Pokemon go so my friend and I were just standing in line to go to the movie theater Mall has one inside the building it was moving pretty slowly so we were talking about our day and I bring up Pokemon go and brag about how I got a shiny Tata dial at home I think it was a bit too loud since entitled kid must have overheard and starts approaching me entitled kid hey did you get a shiny Tata dial uh yeah entitled kid in a demanding tone give it to me me sorry kid no can do entitled kid starts getting louder come on just give it to me I said no kid can you leave us alone and titled kid walks away while muttering something under his breath now normally this would be the end of it but it sadly does not me and friend go back to talking unknowingly that the Beast is lurking by around 2 or so minutes later I get a tap on my shoulder and the classic em me I turn around yeah at this point I realized that I was probably dealing with one of those Karan's that tries too hard to look young short Karon hair with obvious cheap highlights yoga pants that barely hide her muffin top fake designer bag and a worn out tank top with his Queen written on it that probably came from wish entitled mom with a snarky attitude why did you tell my baby that he couldn't have his Pokemon yes she did say Pokemon well I just simply can't entitled kid it was hiding behind his mom poking his head out like a cave goblin he's lying mom he just wants to sell it because he's a cheater entitled mom starts getting louder look got too old to be playing this kitty crap just give him the thing already you jerk me listen ma'am I can't she cuts me off sharply raising her voice pointing her crusty finger at my face and attracting the attention of the crowd don't call me that you piece of crab you should treat me with respect I don't care what you have to say just give it to entitle kiddo I'm calling the police friend getting tired of her BS look can you just shut up already you old hag just leave us alone entitled mom dumbfounded that someone isn't taking her BS how dare you speak to me like that you check I'm having both of you arrested for harassing me and running a scam me go ahead you already made a jerk of yourself on camera at this point entitled mom might have realized that one a few people from the crowd were recording her on their phones - there were security cameras recording all this three even if she did call the police there would be a witnesses that would contradict her statements at this point a security guard comes in asking what all the commotion is about I don't know why but she thought that she could try and lie to the security guard and have me and a friend get in trouble boy was she wrong security guard ma'am I've seen enough and know that you're lying here I'm gonna ask you to leave them alone or I'll have to escort you out of the mall entitled mom realizing that she wasn't gonna get away with it just went on a verbal rampage on the poor security guard who was just doing his job security guard just pulls out his walkie-talkie and just seen that made entitled mom bolt out of the mall knocking entitled get down and leaving him behind we were all shocked to see this Banshee running like Usain Bolt as she left her now crying Goblin on the floor security guard already being fed up with all this crap just radioed the guards in the parking lot to be on the lookout for her while he calls the police because she abandon entitled kid security guard tells us another day in the job another loony I got a deal with me hey sorry you have to deal with this nonsense security guard no worries you two go have fun now after that security guard takes the kid away and we just continued on waiting in line from what I've heard afterward entitled mom got caught by the police trying to drive away from the mall with entitled kids still left behind apparently she had a warrant for her arrest don't know what a charges were but I'm just glad that I don't have to deal with her crap again for now next we've got redesigned front end is killing me I work for a giant corporate retail home-improvement hardware chain recently they decided redesigning being our front end from returns to checkout was a great idea without consulting actual cashiers or customers they removed the counters the three feet of safe space between customers and associates who interact with them in favor of a shoulder-to-shoulder checkout experience confused upset customers abound as you can imagine that in itself has spawned many fun stories but my tale this morning is about the flow of our new returns area and the customers who refuse to come in through the entrance this story is repeated every day every hour almost every minute of our day at the new service desk our desks are now called pods each working desk features a register that can toggle between a sales register a returns register order release and special services meaning each register and the worker behind it is expected to do everything sadly the customer struggles to understand if you are standing looking at your screen you are actually working yesterday I was returning a bunch of electrical pieces for a customer one of his switches did not have a scan tag we happen to be right next to electrical so the customer ran to go get one I could scan my desk is filled with more backs of his returns so I keep scanning as he runs off to grab one as soon as he leaves the desk a woman walks up from the exit behind me on her phone I hear well then I will find another Bank goodbye and she hangs up I am trying to not look at her because I am clearly working I had motion to the few people who are standing waiting in line as she pushes closer to the edge of my desk pointing to the line I say ma'am the line for service starts right there as I say this the guy gets back with his switch and he hands it to me to my shock this lady says excuse me I was here first to the guy normally I am a very patient person but this new layout has me working on my last nerve I calmly but firmly look directly at her and say ma'am I told you the line for service starts right there there are people ahead of you I was working with this gentleman before you walked up to my desk from the exit the entrance starts right there her no I was here first I just hung up on a very important call and I know I would have not hung up now I have to call them back me ma'am I suggest you call our back while you are waiting in line I will get to you as soon as I can meanwhile I am scanning returns the entire time her watch is your game the poor guy is just standing there looking totally confused and I can see he's starting to feel protective of me which happens a lot in retail when rude people attack service workers he doesn't miss a beat and says to the lady her name is right there I guess that explains why you couldn't read the exit sign either at this she storms out of the entrance pushing back through the people waiting while getting back on her phone I'm not sure if she was calling the bank she hung up on or my manager and don't care either way next we've got I work here but not for you so I've worked for company two for about three years and our main job is putting down fancy looking stone blocks for high-end commercial buildings about two years ago they moved me over to one of the local multi-million pound house because they needed more manpower the job was taken on by company 1 and company 2 was brought on as a contractor for the outer block work in tiles most of the work was finished when I started on that site but the buyer was meticulous with pointing out problems so most of the jobs we did were replacing old damaged stuff the tolerance for all the block work was one millimeter as per the contract that company once signed training when not familiar with construction this is an insane tolerance to work around and led to some hilarious stories which maybe we'll talk about if people are interested a little more contact since this is a private building and technically a finished house we didn't have hardhats steel boots or jackets on some nothing to really identify ourselves we basically know everyone on site by name a two years down the line and I'm one of two people from company two on the site enter the bigwigs one of the main reasons why this job was going so wrong was the fact they had management for management's management stuff got so disconnected but the site management didn't even come down to look at what was going on and they didn't know us the directors of company one came down to look at the job with some upper managers presumably see how much longer this job was going to take I was doing some grouting for a tile that I had just replaced when the boomers walk in and demanded I go clean up a mess in the other room I presume they thought I was a laborer since I'm young looking and I had a brush in my hand they walk off before I get a chance to say anything I ignore them and carry on with my work since it's not my job to clean up after anyone other than myself 20 minutes later I've moved on to a broken tile in the room they asked me to clean out when the boomers walk in on me they straight look at me for five seconds open mouth while I move their equipment from one side of the room to the other this is where the fun begins we've got upper managers we've got the director we've got the supervisor we've got the site manager and me director what the heck are you doing I asked you to go clean that crap up why the heck are you just moving it to the other side of the room are you being funny with me kid do you even want a job me I don't director know you've done enough talking I've seen how long your breaks are just move it out now me raising my voice look I don't work for your company I work for company too look I know you don't work for us but can you just clean it out anyways me no that's not my job I've heard enough you're fired by this point director is red-faced mad me huh you can't fire me if you want someone else from company too you'll have to call my boss I can get you the number upper manager oh so now you're trying to be smart are you get the heck off my sight I just pack my stuff and leave I know he doesn't have the authority to kick me off site only the site manager can and he wasn't even there on site but it's not worth the hassle all the while director is berating me on how I'm a terrible laborer I'm packing on my tools and he stops me from leaving accusing me of stealing stuff but after I show him they've all got my name on them let's me leave somehow I didn't set off alarm bells that I have masonary tools would you believe they meet me down the path while I'm driving down to jeer at me and tell me how useless I am very professional I Drive down the road and park up to call my boss I tell him the whole situation and how I've been kicked off sight he just laughs and tells me he'll be down in ten minutes I can take the day off I get a phone call about two hours later telling me that it's been sorted out but not to go back yet they told the management that if they want to kick one of his staff off-site that they need to call him he'll still be invoicing me out to their company but won't be sending me back until I get a letter of apology for the way they treated me two days later I'm called into the main office to have a look at the letter that came in it was a small victory but it tasted sweet he gave me a copy to keep and framed his own I started work that day and got an apology from the site manager and supervisor who assured me this won't happen again rumors started circulating but nobody really knew what happened until I came back to tell them and show them the letter we laughed about it for a few weeks next we've got be careful what you wish for so I am a happily divorced dad of two beautiful kids a five-year-old girl and almost four-year-old son my ex and I met in my home state of Illinois she was a Navy brat so her family is from Texas we fell in love very quickly got married after a year and was expecting my daughter after three months we found out she was pregnant with my son almost four to six months after my daughter was born a month after he was born I found out she was cheating on me with at least five guys later found out it was around 8 obviously I filed for divorce I got the lawyer changed my bank accounts and presented her with papers the first copy was rejected for a reason I can't quite remember upon revision I had my lawyer also changed the custody from me having the kids every other weekend to every single weekend much to his surprise she signed it we shared the kids accordingly she was super upset but there was nothing she could do about it and when she / I could no longer afford to live in the state she moved back to Texas fast forward two years without seeing the kids couldn't afford to see them except on one Christmas I got out of the Navy moved back home and I got the kids for three months I was appalled by their development delays both kids were rated in the bottom of 5% of kids their age my daughter didn't have a clue about potty training at 3 barely speaking and had no awareness of adult Authority my son was not even close to walking nonverbal 1 in eat most meats and was afraid of the grass when I returned them my daughter would listen to adults was body drained and speaking in almost complete sentences my son was walking saying some words slash hand signals and eating a variety of different foods I worked my butt off to get them there also spent a lot on two times a week therapy for both of the kiddos money well spent anyways I stayed in Illinois for another 1.5 to 2 years gathering up enough money to move to Texas I had a little amount saved but I started dating a girl who I came to find out was also wanting to move to Texas so we pulled our money together and moved down almost done with background guys we got down to Texas and lived out of hotels for around a month bound jobs found a place and moved in I work in a sales position in a large bulk type store and my girlfriend works at a sandwich place at this time my ex and I are not going by the divorce decree custody days because of convenience well a person ended up quitting the job and I had to take their hours so my girlfriend got permission to bring my kids to her work the general manager loves them well they were being toddlers and she texted a mutual friend of my ex and me asking if she could watch the kids for a few hours they got sent to my ex my ex and new hubby got upset and they came to my work and chewed me out for saying that I need to take the kids well-being more seriously Roger that jerks now I realize I messed up that day I was not mad at what they said I was mad at the fact that they did it in front of my trainee a customer and co-workers malicious compliance slash revenge during my set up phase I was not paying my full child support which was kind of them but that ended because I was taking things more seriously the next morning I talked to my boss told him what happened and informed him that I could not work at the time specified on my divorce decree because now that I am taking things seriously I will now have the kids every weekend I then transferred my eggs the remainder of child support informed her that she was right and I needed to take things more seriously so I will be by after work to pick the kids up after work for my court-appointed custody she was confused but agreed then I called her on Friday evening to see if she has everything prepared for the weekends day medications for my son she flipped out saying they have plans all Saturday and church Sunday morning she screamed why the heck are you making these demands all of a sudden well I'm just taking the kids and our agreements more seriously I ain't it up letting them have the kids Saturday and picked them up Sunday morning I then informed my ex and hubby that we would need at least a week's notice for any change in plans on weekends in case we had things planned generally if they wanted to do something special with the kids if we didn't have plans even in last minute since I was taking things more seriously my girlfriend and I kept very meticulous records of any injury such as rashes and physical appearance upon pickup we would treat said rashes note any changes in our little black book then take a photo of the pages with a time stamp when they returned we would then note any worsening of any rash injury or non treatment we also signed the kids up for more therapy since they are still very much behind this went on for a few months until surprise my ex had enough and brought me to court to force the changes she wanted I presented the judge with everything the doctors notes I had from day one the doctors notes from my eggs with conflicting information these notes were things she would tell the state-funded therapists for my son as well as all the expenses for the therapies I was giving my kids then I showed her our notes the printed time-stamped photos and the many times any rashes would be present or worse when we got the kids my ex broke down into tears since she brought her entire family and several friends for support the increase in child support she wanted was shot down and instead was almost halved since I was making than I was prior the expenses I had for the kids and my overall time with the kiddos the changing custody she so desperately wanted well the judge ordered it to stay the same with the change of alternating Sundays slightly annoying walking out she asked me through tears how could you do this to me to which I replied I was taking things with the kids seriously so Karen what did you think of the day's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mister read it it's ridiculous when people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look Karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my rearm e23 army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70% if I'm correct well I can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr. edit no I'm not all right guys let's prove Karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications ha not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or Karen want to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below and join as a channel member today and Karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck I will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 93,130
Rating: 4.8820605 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: _pTV-otbXhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 50sec (4190 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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