r/Entitledparents Karen TELLS ME HOW TO DRESS at Work!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents karen gets mad that i don't have all three buttons done on my work shirt so for some backstory between 2009 and 2012 i worked for cvs which is a pharmacy chain for any non-american readers the uniform was a blue and red polo with three buttons that you can button and unbutton i always left the top two buttons unbuttoned as i hated having anything around my neck this will be important later the cast will be me the crazy woman who has no hoots to give karen the customer who thinks i should dress like a nun at work and the manager who for some reason hated me so it was a normal day and heck i was working the front cache like always i was ringing up a customer and i felt something fall down my shirt so i tried to shake it out mind you i only pulled it a few inches from my chest and shook i finished the transaction with a customer in front of me who happened to be male now enter karen karen excuse me young lady but you should not be trying to flaunt your chest in front of customers like that me i am sorry but i was not trying to flaunt anything i felt something fall down my shirt and i was trying to shake it out well you should have all three buttons buttoned on your shirt anyway you're one slip away from being exposed important detail i could have left all the buttons undone and i would not have been one slip away from a janet jackson super bowl moment me ma'am i can assure you i am in fact not one slip away from being exposed karen it most certainly is and i want to speak to your manager about how inappropriately dressed you are me okay ma'am she is outside on her break let me go grab her thinking to myself well manager is going to be mad me manager i have a customer requesting to speak to you manager is it something you can handle me no i guess she has an issue with how i'm dressed manager tell her i'll be there in a minute me okay i return into the store me manager will be with you in a moment ma'am manager tells karen i am the manager on duty how can i help you karen to the manager yes this young lady was trying to flaunt to a customer and when he showed no interest she tried to say she felt something fall down her shirt and she was trying to get it out plus she should have all three buttons buttoned on her shirt she looks like a hussy manager to me is this true op me no the only part that is is that i felt something fall down my shirt and i went to shake it out plus the whole time i have worked here i've always worn my shirt like this and no one has complained until now manager tells karen i'm sorry karen i'll have a talk with opie about her doing what she did and rest assured her actions will have consequences karen tells the manager while looking at me smugly i am glad to hear that having people like her working for this store makes the store look bad i hand karen her change and she leaves once she leaves manager tells me op button all three buttons and i will be talking to the store manager about this i comply with manager and it's all over jerk manager did in fact talk to the store manager but nothing ever came of it i ended up quitting a year later due to some stuff jerk manager did that became the straw that broke the camel's back entitled parents get offended at sam's club i swear what's going on right now is just awakening all the karen's and chads i think i've run into more entitled folks including parents now more than ever today was a fun interaction for context i am still working i currently work with my mother in agriculture which is considered essential we've been remodeling an office due to damage we also travel and pick up industrial parts to repair machines with so today this lovely day our coffee maker shorts out we need a new coffee maker so we get the card from our boss and head out to sam's club to replace the coffee maker we get there and there is a line oh they're at capacity we get in the long line for further context i would always stand in lines sideways with my shoulders facing the person in front and the person behind this is because i startle easily and i'm not okay with people directly behind me when i can't see them also helps keep people behind you from standing too close to you anyways after a few minutes of standing a family comes up behind us the family consists of entitled dad entitled mom and four kids the kids are all between the ages of two and six of course i see them but choose to ignore them and continue talking with my mom they start their bs by trying to cut in line every time they tried i would either swing my leg out at them or start stepping in their way after five minutes they stop but it doesn't end there i mostly ignore them again still talking with my mom both of us were generally grumbly not due to the line but mostly due to the general work frustrations first a leaky sink and now a coffee maker that decided to blow out here's the thing though we both have mouths that can make a sailor blush and we don't hold back although we don't talk extensively loud the only people that would even hear us is folks that are under six feet away from us which this family keeps teetering in and out from so i was talking about how frustrated i was with his piece of crap sink and how the coffee maker blowing out just really shows how much the world is specifically trying to get us before my mom can even let out a chuckle the entitled dad said something to the effect of did your mom never spank you for using that language i don't remember exactly but i know a mother was brought up because my mom immediately whipped back saying they're an adult i fully look over to the family and see entitled dad holding a sleeping toddler and the entitled mom actually covering one of the kids ears and the other covering their own i just kind of look and snort i thought it was dramatic and title dad apparently didn't like that he asked me if i thought it was funny to be corrupting other people's kids my mom didn't say anything but kept an eye out to be sure they didn't try anything i was already a bit grumpy so i was a bit bolder than usual so i just flatly told them yes because you wouldn't even be able to hear what i was saying if you actually stayed six feet from me entitled mom spoke up this time she said something about not being sick and her kids were getting hot it was 60 degrees lady summers get in the 90s i told them that i could be sick and that them being so close to me and policing how i speak isn't going to get them into the story any faster my mom being well mom chimes in saying that if it starts raining forget this crap entitled dad replies with an oh my god and asks if we have any respect for people mom says heck no respect is earned and you can't even respect our darn space we were a lot closer to the entrance then but i guess shopping with disrespectful people wasn't worth it to them and they ended up just leaving altogether bit of a blessing but also a bummer would like to see how a talk to the manager would have went how karen got banned from my restaurant for context i am a 17 year old male working for my local mcdonald's in the midwestern usa this happened last night we have a regular the carrot in this story who always comes through our drive-through and orders two large iced teas and a large colombian coffee in case you aren't familiar some mcdonald's stores sell a colombian brew coffee which has a much stronger flavor way more of a kick to it just as bitter as a karen's soul how fitting whenever there is an order which takes three or more drinks we assume that they will want a drink tray because it makes things work better and quicker for us however karen does not want a drink tray in fact you think she's allergic to them if you try to give her one she snaps at you and tries to boss you around my co-worker who i'll call jemima didn't know about her aversion to drink trays because she normally works different shifts and had never dealt with her before she handed her drinks out on a tray and karen took the drink tray and threw it at her frizz beat it right back into the window jemima was shaken naturally and told the manager what happened last night karen came through the drive-through again this time jemima was at the first window where you pay for your food she got a manager and not just any manager our general manager who is the highest person on the ladder in our store the next level is the regional manager who takes care of the eight stores owned by our franchise happened to be right there he knew what happened he sold karen her coffees but only after making it clear that she was not allowed to come back after what she did if she comes back not only will we ban her from all eight stores all the mcdonald's stores in our area are owned by the same family so she will almost certainly have to drive at least 40 minutes or something to get to a mcdonald's she's allowed to go to but we will also call the cops on her for trespassing she got to my window and said i don't want to drink trey and i just said i know that as sassily as my thoroughly non-sassy personality would allow update she came back today the official policy about what to do about her hadn't gotten around to all the managers yet but one of the managers there tonight sent the gm a message to let him know she came by hopefully by the next time she comes back everybody knows about it and we can call the authorities on a karen karen was my personal finance teacher hi mr reddit i was enjoying some of your stories this morning and happened upon some entitled teacher stories all of a sudden i was brought back to memories of an entitled personal finance teacher i had in high school i was the silent kid who didn't have many friends and sat in the back of the room luckily i had one friend in this class with me he too was one of the quiet ones we both took machine shop and were in the skills usa program keep that in mind for later anyway now to describe the teacher she was in her late 30s 4 foot 11 with a short caron haircut she was loud and ruled any student who wasn't one of her pets with an iron fist her pets sat at the front of the room and were the group of girls who constantly stroked her ego any time one of us peasants had an issue with the subject she'd basically say figure it out on your own i'm only going to teach things to you once because they won't spend this much time on things when you're in college if you happen to miss a day of her class here's what you missed yesterday now get to it i would respond with but mrs blank then get interrupted with no excuses get someone to help you figure it out most of the time my friend would help me when we would tell her we were tired we'd get to hear the story of when she worked her way through college i was in class during the day and worked security at night and only slept on the weekends you all have no excuses to be tired we had to endure stories about how perfect her two kids were and how she never let her kids watch or listen to any of that vile stuff on the tv she also degraded her husband with things like my husband knows his place i run my house the poor man eventually had the courage to divorce her years later now to the main story as i said my friend and i were in machine shop and skills usa as well for those of you who don't know the skills usa is a vocational club the skills usa club had planned an end of the year field trip to several factories and shops across the area the head of the vocational program told us all school work missed for that day wouldn't count against us we took our trip and when my friend and i returned the next day we were greeted with here is what you missed yesterday figure it out and slam the packets on our desk i said but mrs blank we were told our work for yesterday didn't count against us tea and rails and tails i don't care what you were told do the work or take a zero of course i refused and as the end of may approached the school put on pep rallies and stuff but the one rule was you couldn't attend if you had any zero grades on anything well my buddy and i still had that big fat zero that wasn't supposed to count against us so on the day of the pep rally we went to the head of the vocational department our shop teacher with this issue we pleaded our case to him and told him how she had treated us over being in the technical program oh and by the way she wasn't fond of people who didn't plan on going to university so like a cape wearing superhero our shop teacher said don't worry boys i got you as he picked up his in-room phone and dialed her extension yes mrs blink this is shop teacher i have tn rails and tails and his friend in my room they're saying they have zeros on work that wasn't supposed to count against them due to our vocational field trip at this point you could hear her screech from our end of the phone let alone across the whole school yes they have zeros and i don't care what you say those boys won't be attending the pep rally unless i have their completed work in my hand my class is more important than yours e when those boys are rednecks and can go forget yourselves shop teacher hung up the phone and with a sigh said what a bee then he proceeded to say mrs blank thinks i'm some redneck but what she doesn't know is i run my own side business as well and that packet is on business management correct yes sir we responded go get your packets we're about to kick her butt with your work needless to say we did a-plus work on our packets we proceeded to her room to turn them in she smirked at us as we handed them to her and began grading them in front of us that smirk turned to a scale go to your stupid pep rally you pass and don't take another one of my classes i don't wish to see either of you again after that i would still see her from time to time and she gave me a dirty look every chance she got that's how i kicked an entitled arrogant teacher's butt with a pencil entitled mom thinks she can ignore hotel policy and complains when her power is shut off for non-payment i work in the complaint department of a national hotel chain i deal with entitlement on a daily basis and get my fair share of karen's and richards on a daily basis if i can go a single day without having to deal with entitled people it's a sign that i'm going to win the lottery the worst part is when they have legitimate issues like they couldn't get checked in because the hotel was overbooked but the front desk didn't cancel a reservation and they got charged a no-show fee these instances are usually an easy fix first let me confirm the charge and submit a case for you and most general managers are pretty good about refunding them but the entitled ones always act like we did it on purpose and will refuse to refund them so they start yelling about how it's illegal for us to charge them i understand their frustration but them yelling at me won't solve anything they're basically just making it harder to get their money back now this particular day i did not sleep well the night before and had quite the migraine i had just gotten off the phone with one of the richards described above and it was not helping me to feel better me thank you for calling cd my name is matsuyo can i get your first and last name please karen finally i've been on hold forever me i'm sorry about the weight and we've been busy with the the gm called me earlier but i'm at work so i couldn't talk i just got a call from my daughter and they turned the power off in our room she has to sit in the hallway just to get her phone charged you need to look into this hotel how dare they turn the power off on a bunch of kids they said i don't even have a reservation which is bs my sister booked the room and i paid for it i won't go into the full conversation but it was essentially 10 minutes of her yelling and gripping before i could even get her name fortunately she had a pretty uncommon last name so it was easy to find her reservation normally i need to ask for the city and state to narrow it down but it's a good thing her name was so uncommon or i would have never found it every time i would try to say anything she would interrupt me while listening to her rant i found the culprit she was rebooking two days at a time through a third-party company anyone who has ever worked for a hotel knows that third party reservations are the worst to deal with and can cause all sorts of problems but that wasn't the cause of the issue this time oh no she hadn't been checked into the hotel for two whole days basically she arrived on monday and paid for monday and tuesday meaning that checkout is wednesday she then rebooked the room to continue her stay but she made it for thursday instead today was friday and the fact that it showed late cancel told me she never checked into it and was probably charged a no-show fee she also had another reservation for today that was ready to get checked into this meant that she had been at the hotel without a reservation for two days now this would have been an easy fix had she not neglected to go down to the front desk to switch reservations they would have seen that she was booked for the wrong day set her up with another reservation for the night and she would just have to repeat the next day finally i got a chance to speak and started to advise her she kept interrupting to yell at me so it took me many many attempts to get all the information out karen that's not true i don't have to check in if i'm already at the hotel a few more interruptions later and i finally managed to get it out me ma'am since you rebooked the room you have to go to the front desk to check out of the old reservation and check into the new one otherwise they're going to ask you to leave is it your policy to turn the power off on a bunch of kids that was clearly a rhetorical question because she did not allow me to answer at this point i'm so done with this lady i turn my mic off flip off my phone and start shouting i'm working from home so i can be as loud as i want without having to worry about disturbing my neighbors it's such a great stress reliever finally i'm able to get it out that i would like to submit a case for her but i'm barely able to tell her that i need her phone number finally she got fed up with dealing with me herself and handed me off to someone else other person hello me hi i'd like to create a case can i get the best phone number to reach you at silence me hello i look at my phone and see that the call has ended i am relieved that i don't have to deal with karen anymore but now i have to deal with a nightmare of putting her case together i just barely have enough to submit anything had i not been able to find the reservation on my own i wouldn't have even known what hotel she was at can't submit a case without that i was so done with her that i just did not care that she was literally making it impossible for anyone to do anything for her since i never got around to pulling up her receipt for the cancelled thursday reservation i couldn't note if she had been charged and no show fee or not there was a phone number on her reservation but for all i know it wasn't even hers so i couldn't use it without verifying it with her first after all i've seen third party reservations all the time where all the guests information is replaced by the companies and to top it all off i hadn't even been able to advise the callback we normally advise one to two days for a callback which most people are okay with but i'm sure karen would have demanded a call back right that minute and then demanded my supervisor when i told her i couldn't do it i'm way too tired to deal with this crap woman wants to talk to manager that doesn't work for bus company we've got me we've got the lady we've got the site manager and my manager a bit of backstory i work for a security company the places we patrol are sites that pay the company i work for and they have one or two security officers patrol the area and have certain information available at times i was working at a bus company that drives all around the country while taking people wherever they pay to go i'm supposed to know when buses depart when buses arrive and where the smoking areas are other than that my duties are to patrol the property and make sure no homeless people are sleeping on the property and to make sure everyone has a ticket and if they don't i have to kick them off the property my shift was from 11 at night till 7 in the morning since i'm awake for 17 hours a day my face becomes less than pleasant and i get a serious mean look even though i just don't have the energy to keep a neutral face so early in the morning around 3 am a woman waiting for her bus came up to me while i was writing in my daily log lady do you know if the vending machine takes fives i learned my lesson with vending machines years ago and have never used the ones on site so i didn't actually know me no i'm sorry but if you ask site manager at the desk she can tell you what you should know this that's unprofessional me i only know what i need to know i stopped using vending machines a while back lady what's that supposed to mean are you calling me fat the lady was a little heavy but i wouldn't say fat me ma'am i didn't say that i just don't personally trust forget you and here i thought maybe a millennial would actually have some darn manners at this point i stand up and step up as security me ma'am if you don't calm down you are going to have to leave the property you aren't going to lay a finger on me you little jerk i won't need to this is a federal property so you will be taking it up with the authorities if you don't calm down i want to see your manager you want to see my manager what are you deaf too yes at this point site manager who was in the back doing paperwork came out from the commotion site manager is there a problem lady i want this man fired at this very moment he insulted my weight and tried to assault me one of the passengers that was still awake backed me up and said what was really happening site manager ma'am i can't fire him he doesn't work for our bus company lady was speechless and confused me ma'am she isn't my manager my manager is somewhere in the city right now site manager he's doing his job to this company's standards so i have no need to notify his manager i demand you call his manager me fine no problem i pull out a radio that stays on site which we use to report incidents to our managers big and small me this is op at our site come in manager manager this is manager go ahead me we have a lady causing a disturbance and she wants to talk to you because she has a complaint about me manager is she nearby me right in front of me my manager ma'am if you don't settle down op is authorized by that company to kick you off the property and you will have to pay a fee to reschedule your ticket if you refuse to leave the police will be involved op make sure you write an incident report on this when it's all said and done he hung up and left the lady baffled lady i won't accept this let me talk to him she reached for the radio and i pulled back me ma'am this is your last warning you've been disturbing the other passengers everyone was awake now and upset twisting my words and actions and then tried taking my company property from my possession sit down shut up or get the heck out or you will not get on your bus don't shut up and get the heck out grab your stuff and get off the property before i involve the police no please i need to be on this bus then sit down and i don't want to hear another word from you for the rest of the night she would have been better off changing bus schedules at that point the bus driver told me a few days later that every angry person on that bus was jamming music and talking loudly because she was trying to sleep i was really trying to be patient with her but i gave her too many chances to calm down and i had to deal with too many people that wanted to fight me throughout the night to be any more patient with her entitled grandmother tried to take my puppy right out of my arms never thought i would have something to add to this subreddit well boy i was wrong so for a little bit of backstory a few days ago i had to take my adorable 10 week old german shepherd puppy to the vet for her second round of puppy shots she's super friendly and loves people and was super excited and was giddy the whole time afterward i took her to a nearby park to take her for a walk because she was definitely on the nice list due to her behavior at the vet my floppy eared fluff and i were strolling past making sure to avoid as many people as possible because you know sickness it was then when i had the following encounter let's meet the cast we've got me we've got polite kid we've got entitled grandmother floof and i pass entitled grandma and polite kid on the walking trail polite kid ah cute puppy can i please pet it really quick me oh um sure i don't see why not i tell the kid who looks to be around tinashe her name breed etc polite kid okay thank you it was nice meeting you floof please note the dog's name isn't actually floof it's sadie i continue walking floof with no problems when two seconds later excuse me that is a dangerous breed he could hurt someone that's an attack dog and he tried to bite my grandson me oh no ma'am i'm sorry but you must be missed that dog tried to hurt my grandson while floof sits on the ground with her tail wagging at my feet floof has then decided that because we were talking these must be new friends and takes a step closer and sniffs entitled grandma's shoes cue the entitled grandma letting out a squeal so obnoxious it makes the wilhelm scream sound like a kid's birthday party entitled grandma me getting obviously annoyed picks up dog and walks away entitled grandma no you stay right here grabs the leash and plants her feet this lady then proceeds to try and tear the puppy out of my arms yelling crap about how she's calling animal control to put down this raging beast finally the polite kid steps in and tells his grandma to back down and how it's just a puppy who didn't do anything she begrudgingly let's go with steam coming out of her ears the polite kid mutters under his breath how she always does this gives me an apologetic look before ushering his grandma away i know this is a tame for some of the other crap on here but still shook me that there are actual people out in the world like that i can't even imagine being that poor kid this will probably get buried but that was my contribution to this subreddit entitled mom harasses me at disney world backstory my parents took me male 10 at the time to disney world for my 10th birthday in 2013 i'm also autistic and it's noticeable it was especially obvious when i was younger even more so because i was incredibly excited to be at disney now when you're at the disney parks around your birthday they give you this big old button that says it's my birthday along with a space where the cast member writes your name i was very proud of my button and proudly wore it over my whole trip on this particular day my actual birthday my parents and i were in the magic kingdom we were around tomorrowland just about to enter the buzz lightyear astro blasters i was carrying a stitch plush i had gotten on the first day of the trip and there's these two little kids around my age at the time a boy and a girl nice kid one and nice kid too with their mom entitled mom who noticed my plush they got their mother's attention saying mommy mommy look he has a stitch their mother smiled at them and at me and then she noticed my button and said happy birthday young man nice kid one and nice kid two also saw it and also happily told me happy birthday i was excited that they noticed and i grinned and thanked them as i happily flipped my hands around a bit something i do when i'm excited nicekid1 and nice kid 2 didn't think anything of it but entitled mom's face scrunched up as if i had just said something i shouldn't be saying what's wrong with you entitled mom asked rudely i didn't hear that but my parents did my dad asked her what she just said well i don't want him doing that around my kids entitled mom said disgusted he did nothing wrong my dad said i do not want my kids catching that and acting like him entitled mom spat me a nice kid one and nice kid too were not paying attention to this at all we were too busy happily discussing stitch i was having an awesome time talking with my two new friends when entitled mom grabbed their hands and rushed them into the queue for buzz lightyear before we could get there we deserve to go first after what your kid just did entitled mom smugly stated however when you're autistic at disney you get a special pass to skit cues so of course we walk right on past entitled mom towards the fastpass queue attendant who directs us on what to do she's throwing a fit about us cutting the line as my dad presents the pass to the attendant an entitled mom totally shuts up seeing the actual past this was before it was all digital talk about justice the funny part is that if she had bothered to look at the other pins on my backpack she'd have known from the get-go that i was autistic as i have a couple buttons on there in case i get separated from my parents also at this time i thought entitled mom was just mad we skipped the line i had no idea she was all ableist beforehand again me and nice kid one and two were having a nice happy kid conversation so this didn't ruin my day at all side note a lot of the park guests and cast members saw my button and i flapped my hands every time sure i got a few raised eyebrows but nobody said anything especially not as blatantly rude as entitled mom even the characters went out of their way to show their excitement this was an awesome trip i hope nice kid 1 and nice kid 2 are doing well and i still sleep with that stitch plush every night speaking of disney world where would you rather go disney world or universal studios please let me know co-worker says the way i dress makes her self-conscious i am an essential worker i work in a factory and i wear a uniform but i still come in dressed how i normally dress i love to wear skirts and decorative tights under my ripped jeans bodysuits crop tops etc i'm also pretty slim and petite so one of my co-workers is the same age as me 20 and she's a bit on the curvier side she always comes in sweatpants and baggy sweaters i've seen her outside of work before and she does put effort in her appearance when she wants to one day we were changing back into our normal clothes when i caught her staring at me i asked her if everything was okay and she just shrugged and walked out without saying anything so i ordered this cute yellow plaid skirt and i decided to wear it to work walking in i saw my co-worker sitting in the break room talking to some other people i go over to the table i usually sit at and start chatting with some co-workers while i put my stuff in its place one of the guys is this man in his 40s with a daughter close to my age he said that he liked my skirt and might get one for his kid this caught her attention and she asked why he would allow his daughter to dress like this this made people stop and stare at her when she realized what she said she just got up and walked out of the break room into the locker room upset i followed her in and just saw her changing into her uniform i asked her why would you say something like that and all she said is i have no reason to explain myself to you i told her considering you were talking about me i think you do she huffed and said that i'm obviously trying to get people to look at me and expect that every girl has to dress like this that i was begging for attention and how i made her self-conscious first off i don't dress for other people i dress for myself i basically flipped it on her by saying well i don't like the way you dress cause you're making people think that girls shouldn't take pride in the way they look she says i don't give a crap what people think about me which i reply with then why do you care so much about how i dress her response is because no normal person dresses like that you look stupid people think you're a freak she leaves the locker room all smug as if she just won this fight but because of her little outburst in the break room people started giving her the side eye she noticed this and now blames me for making people think she's a bad person entitled couples steals a cat ends up with bills costing more than the cat itself cast we've got aunt uncle lavette we've got the entitled couple entitled woman and entitled man we've got the daughter of the entitled couple and her kids this started four years ago when my aunt and uncle adopted two cats one is very quiet and sleeps a lot he doesn't really go too far from the house the other cat is the exact opposite he goes out loads he only stays in for food and sleep and has an appetite all the time one day the cat didn't come home for a week okay suspicious but definitely not strange for a cat then it happens again and again by now my aunt is getting worried and buys a cat tracker it turns out that the cat was spending his time in a nearby house at this point my uncle went around to talk to them about it instantly they denied everything they didn't encourage the cat or feed it or anything suspicious it becomes more apparent over the next couple of months they weren't telling the truth the cat is getting fatter and fatter until one day on a visit to the vets he is placed on a list for at-risk animals by now my aunt is angry and to be fair i can see why these people were denying that they had ever fed the cat at all whilst causing it health problems that could cost thousands in vet bills this all boiled down to what can only be described as one of the most entitled acts i have ever heard at a family gathering the entitled couple's daughter is just leaving when she spots the cat and decides that it is now hers she just picks it up and drove it back home 50 miles back home fortunately for us there were some plumbers doing work in the street who watched her take the cat at first they had no idea whose cat it was but when my uncle started asking around to see if anyone had seen it they told him we were astonished that they had the audacity to do that and what's more they claimed it was their cat they had lost my uncle was friends with someone who knew entitled couple's daughter quite well and confirmed that they had lost a ginger cat who was quite old the cat they had taken was black they lost their cat over a year before that how can people be so stupid this is where my aunt calls in back up legal backup in court entitled couple are given a cease and desist as well as bills for health care issues the cat had during his time at their house entitled couple's daughter is told to give back the cat and is also given a community service project to complete on animal welfare oh the irony all went well but wait the entitlement continues when entitled couple's daughter brought the cat back to my end she was angry she virtually threw the cat to my aunt and started screaming and ranting with the whole street watching entitled couple's daughter me and my kids deserve this cat more and why don't you just buy one entitled couple's daughter completely ignored this my kids are so sad you should at least pay for a new cat for us and sorry are you off your head entitled couple's daughter screams my aunt please leave entitled couple's daughter screams more then as entitled couple's daughter drives away she gives my aunt a very mean gesture and my aunt just gives her a friendly wave your kid never answered my kids phone calls give me his phone now background my entire school district has been shut down because of what's going on which means no sports this kid on my baseball team has wanted to be my friend for about a year now but he's what you would call the kid who eats paste in the back of the room therefore many people have had the wrong idea about him this happened about three days ago onto the story we've got me we've got entitled dad entitled kid entitled mom we've got my father and my mother my family has always been good friends with entitled kids parents ever since entitled kid and i were in fourth grade entitled kid's parents made me give him my phone number so we can get to become good buddies weird but okay one day entitled kid called me on my phone but i never answered it he called about seven more times but to no answer on my side then i hear dad's phone ring this is how it went down dad hello entitled dad hello this is entitled dad calling you about your son op he has never answered my sweet angels calls dad okay so op has been asleep for a while now he knows how annoying entitled kid is to me so he's trying to back me up entitled dad okay that isn't an excuse to not answer entitled kids phone calls dad his phone is set on silent so he doesn't get woken up at night entitled dad oh is that so yes that is correct well if op isn't going to use his phone properly then i think my kid should have it dad what entitled that yes you heard me entitled kid has been such a good kid and he deserves a new phone i have an iphone 11 pro and he has a samsung s5 i think dad your kid does not get op's phone he paid his own money for that and i am also paying for the bills that come with it entitled mom comes on phone now my kid deserves that phone more than your disgusting kid me what did she just call me dad how dare you call op that you will no longer have our kid at the baseball games anymore and title dad is the coach my mom and op will not contact your kid ever again entitled mom and entitled dad all together we don't care my mom good then go to heck all of you yes you could actually hear the smile on her face and that's it we never contacted that family again and now each time i will see entitled kid in the halls i tell him how much of a jerk him and his family are and it's great always make sure the customer knows if you're teasing this happened about four years ago but i didn't really know about this sub until now spent the summer scanning and bagging groceries absolutely hated it but my coping mechanism was trying to have a sense of humor about everything no 10 out of 10 stand-up routines or anything but just completely committing to every corny joke customers will use like must be free and going with it anyways one day i get this tall older black gentleman in my line normally his color is irrelevant but i think it may have played a part in his reaction to what i said anyways things started off fine making small talk he's a very low energy man talks very quietly and smoothly and seemed very down to earth i asked him how he was doing and he said something along the lines of oh you know surviving getting by one day at a time super friendly practically to a fault he made the mistake of trying to help me by moving items from the belt over the bags that he had bought only i hadn't scanned those items yet customers do this sometimes and i've done it as a customer before it's a brain fart moment and as the cashier i will often chuckle and say nice try as they're returning the items back to me it always gets a laugh from the customer and life goes on so the man apologized when he realized what he was doing and i did the usual haha nice try there and at this point i was running very much on autopilot i had my customer service smile on my face while i was punching in buttons on the register he was talking to me in his same low volume seemingly relaxed voice and i wasn't exactly listening but he was politely nodding along after a while it starts feeling like he's talked for a long time without me saying anything i tune back into what he's talking to me about and that's when it dawns on me that i've upset him he was spending the last 30 seconds saying how i had disrespected him by assuming that he's a thief and how that is not the way you treat a customer if you want to keep your job and meanwhile i've been grinning like a sneering jerk the whole time he's saying this to me at this point i'm kind of panicked i should have said sir i apologize i meant it as a joke and it was in poor taste it wasn't my intention to offend you and i hope you can pardon me but i had frozen up and instead just was awkwardly silent as he reluctantly handed me a twenty he was saying something a little louder but i was nervous and was trying to wrap up the transaction as fast as possible as soon as i punched in 20 dollars on the machine and opened the till it finally hit me what he was saying i have the change too late i handed him back a handful of coins as he very audibly groaned i couldn't even make eye contact i was so embarrassed i meekly wished him a nice day and watched as he walked over and got in line with customer service it honestly sunk my spirits and still haunts me to this day he was this kind man who from his perspective had to deal with some kid accusing him of trying to steal from the store who then was sneering and ignoring him as he expressed his offense and as a little last forget you gave him loose coins to deal with even though he had the change readily available i never saw him again my co-workers and i are the reason entitled mom's son has to eat an unhealthy diet and cannot eat sandwiches i was reading these stories when i was suddenly reminded of an incident where i was a cashier at a grocery store this was during the most recent recall when all romaine lettuce was called back and literally no one was getting it this lady came in grapping her kid by the forearm and approached my register as if my customer wasn't there she spoke over them and very flatly said i'd like to speak to your manager i said something like no problem i'll call him for you i called the manager and continued to help my line of customers check out when there was no one left i was just kind of sitting there twiddling my thumbs then i heard a loud and frustrated voice say i just don't understand the problem i looked over and realized it was the lady talking to my manager he looked genuinely confused ma'am no one is selling romaine right now because yes i know that is why i want the number to your distributor it clicked for me does this woman think that we're the ones refusing to sell lettuce he said ma'am i can't help you with that i don't know what to say she looked him dead in the eye and with 100 conviction she said that's fine your owner will hear from me my manager just said okay ma'am is there anything else i can help you with she just looked him up and down really quick and walked away i heard from the produce people during closing that she had asked them if they kept any in their back according to them we were ruining her and her kids health by not letting them get their daily intake of vegetables the guy told her that we had full stock of plenty other vegetables when she said well what else am i supposed to put on my sandwiches then she complained to them about how she won't be able to feed her son's sandwiches until she can get romaine lettuce then the deli manager from the deli department heard us talking and asked if we were talking about the woman who was literally dragging her kid by the arm she told us about how lettuce ladies stood at the counter and talked everyone's ear off something about how we don't know how to do our jobs it's ridiculous that no one has romaine lettuce it's irresponsible that we're not carrying enough vegetables to maintain a healthy diet for her kid how could we possibly expect her to feed such a kid canned vegetables etc the deli manager made the mistake of trying to explain why we didn't have romaine lettuce which resulted in more complaining and whining god do i have so many stories from working at this store you should land the plane better my dad is a pilot for a large canadian airline on this day last year he was flying to a smaller airport that had a short runway this runway can be challenging for an aircraft such as the boeing 737 which he was flying it's definitely not an airport where you can easily have a smooth landing on with the story when he tried to bring the nose up to touch down known as a flare he floated a bit far down on the runway and was running out of room in the landing zone he decided instead of going around he landed rather firmly putting it on the ground fast forward to parking my dad and his captain were shutting down the aircraft when a karen who was disembarking asked the flight attendant if she could have a word with the pilot she was let in with her son who looked to be around seven the kid was fairly nice and asking questions like what the yolk control stick was for and all the levers and buttons until karen blurted out how did you even pass flight school then the dialogue goes as follows we've got karen we've got the nice kid and we've got my dad dad um what do you mean ma'am don't you know how to land a plane properly that was way too hard and my son could have done better dad the runway is fairly short at this airport and i didn't want to make anyone late by going around so i he gets cut off don't put me and my son's lives at risk by being stupid as if there aren't a whole 180 other people on the plane dad ma'am are we all alive yeah are you injured my kid is probably forever scarred from this experience doesn't seem like it are you okay bud yeah i love airplanes see he's fine now you guys have a nice day i have work to do okay let's go mommy the karen just blankly stared at my dad until nice kid was off the plane she followed but didn't leave without a word if you're my pilot again i'll make you let my son fly my dad and his captain both chuckled after that the shift i thought i was getting fired so this story takes place many years ago back when i was in college and waiting tables at a chain restaurant known for their burgers referred to by our staff as the dirty bird this was years ago early 2000's the main characters we've got me we've got angry dad and cool manager it was a busy shift a friday or saturday night right at the dinner rush line out the door a family was set at one of the extra large tables in my section angry dad his wife and a gaggle of kids i went over and i did the usual greetings slash drink order stuff angry dad was a little cranky but otherwise content to be seated they order food i ring it in and now we wait like i said this was a busy night ticket times were probably close to 30 minutes in the meantime i was taking care of the other tables in my section every time i would walk by he would stop me and ask where his food was did my best to explain we were busy but his order would be out as soon as possible finally after 20 to 30 minutes the food comes out i do my check-in and of course angry dad complains about too much or not enough of something on his burger it was like 15 years ago i can't remember specifics i apologize and let him know i'll have the kitchen remake it a table had just been set right next to him i quickly greeted them and said i would be right back they gave that understanding luck so i run to the kitchen and have the expo put in the red ticket replacement order so it should be up in a matter of minutes i then go back to take the order of the nice couple of course angry dad glares at me my entire walk over i inform him a fresh burger will be brought out shortly i then turn to the right to take the other table's order as they're telling me what they would like angry dad why is my food taking so long me apologies sir the kitchen is working on it angry dad i shouldn't have to wait me again sorry sir let me finish taking these people's order and i'll check with the kitchen look here it grabs my wrist now dear reader let me add in the detail that you and angry dad did not know i've been training in martial arts for most of my life at this point at least 15 years do you know what happens when you train that long muscle memory between his grab and yelling along with my adrenaline i lost a few seconds but when i became aware again i had angry dad in a wristlock face down in a basket of ketchup and fries on the table all i could think was oh no i'm gonna be fired i released his arm and power walked into the back break area a few deep breaths and i walked back to the floor to assess the damage as i come around the corner i see angry dads screaming at cool manager red in the face from anger and from ketchup angry dad and i want him fired i'm calling the cops my wife and kids all saw him attack me and i'm pressing charges i start to panic and back away slowly cool manager oh we will absolutely call the cops but you should be gone before they get here angry dad what cool manager besides being belligerent and disrupting other guests i saw you grab my employee my staff saw you grab my employee i'm sure we'll all love making statements to the cops about our co-worker defending himself angry dad utter silence cool manager you need to leave now and i don't want to see you here again angry dad proceeds to collect his family and heads for the door the whole time cool manager stands there glaring at him as soon as they are all out of the door cool manager bursts in the laughter and turns to me cool manager that was the coolest thing i've seen happen in any restaurant i've worked at high five so dear reader that's the story of the night i thought i was gonna get fired instead i got some good tips made the boss laugh hysterically and gain a reputation of being a tough guy by the kitchen staff entitled mom tries to spend fake money at my register i was doing my usual thing working the electronics section at my shop helping customers as best as i could and doing my best not to get fired for being on my phone when this mom and her daughter came up asking to get one of the few nintendo switches we had left along with a copy of animal crossing i pulled it out for them and brought them to the register and the total came out to just under four hundred dollars the mother henceforth shall be referred to as entitled mom hands me four one hundred dollar bills and this is where the problem started recently the store i work at had a massive issue with counterfeit bills so now the new store policy is to run any bill over twenty dollars through this machine that will test it and determine if it's legitimate or not in the event that the machine determines them to be fake we're ordered to call a manager down right away and under no circumstances are we to give the money back i already had some small red flags going off since these bills felt way too much like regular paper but when i started to run the bills through the machine entitled mom started demanding to know what i was doing which set off another red flag in my brain i let her know what i was doing and she got very defensive right away telling me how the bills were real and how she had just picked them up from the bank when i told her that it was just the store policy she got very irritated and told me to hurry up and looked really jumpy just constantly looking around and swaying back and forth like she was on something i ended up running all the bills at least five times each and every time the machine said they failed whatever authenticity check it ran on them at that point i start following store policy and call the manager down while trying to play it off like it's just a simple glitch we needed fixed i guess she got spooked by that because she immediately demanded i give her the money back saying how she'll go somewhere else when i told her i couldn't she went into full care and meltdown mode pulling out her phone to record me demanding to tell her my full name and worst of all kept insinuating that i was treating her this way because she was a person of color for whatever reason the manager was taking forever to come down and things were only getting worse as entitled mom continued to make more of a scene when out of nowhere she tried reaching over the counter to grab the switch i managed to pull it out of her reach just in time and got on the walkie to call security when all of a sudden she spits in my face calls me a jerk and then storms out of the store with her kid who is screaming and crying maybe five minutes later the manager comes down and i get to explain what happened he ran the bills through the machine and got the same result of all of them failing and maybe a half an hour later i was giving a statement to some rather disinterested looking cops i called my boss after that and she said i could go home a few hours early if i wanted to which i took her up on i got home took a couple of showers and thought i'd share how my crappy day went they framed and fired me so i got them a prison sentence i'm going to share with you how i was framed and fired from my job and accidentally set off a chain reaction that led to a staff overhaul with several managers being fired or moved to other restaurants the general manager being fired and getting a divorce and one of the managers being investigated by the fbi and ultimately arrested here we go i used to work at an upscale restaurant owned by a large corporate entity that owns several different restaurant brands i worked there for about three and a half years before they eventually fired me but more about that later first i want to give an idea of my role there my role at that job was a little bit of everything since the day i started working there i took it upon myself to learn as much as possible i was very persistent with management when i wanted to learn a new department i had started as a server but eventually had worked my way into different departments and job titles like carry out hosting bartending bar packing banquets catering and deliveries my single goal while working there was to make myself available for as many hours as possible i was being paid about twelve dollars an hour though that fluctuated if i was working as a bartender or server in making tips eventually it was noticed by management how i fit best into one of the non-tipped positions i was so good at it they decided to try me out as an unofficial supervisor over the team that worked in carryout catering and deliveries as those were all one department i knew this was going to ultimately mean a few less hours since i would only be working one department so i negotiated with management to increase my pay by about a dollar fifty since i was taking on additional responsibilities they were satisfied with the pay increase i wasn't trying to get as much money as possible i just wanted to be able to pay my bills and still have a little money left over for fun i was living in the highly taxed city of chicago which is in the already highly taxed state of illinois so it was pretty difficult to make ends meet and still have money left to enjoy my life i am a person of simple pleasures and i can enjoy things for long periods of time so it didn't take much money to make me happy a video game could hold my attention for several months sometimes even years i had a family pet that i had brought with me to chicago so that counted as an extra expense not long after i started this position as the unofficial supervisor i got a girlfriend so i was also going out more often and spending money on her with my position and some smart budgeting i was able to afford all of this the money wasn't an issue but management had a high turnover rate so the incoming managers often did not know what the department entailed or how important hours were to workers of these departments eventually it was noted that our current general manager was going to be fired and replaced the incoming general manager was supposed to be some rock star when it came to improving restaurants we looked up his name and found him as the first search result on google but the entry wasn't some glowing review of his work ethic or of his impeccable ability to improve the way a restaurant runs it was actually a mug shot and a police report filed for repeated abuse this is important later we'll call him harvey shortly after harvey came in and started making changes one of our best managers gave her resignation she refused to work with him and like an oracle told us to expect lots of harassment mean comments and for him to eventually run this place into the ground not long after she left our general manager began replacing our current managers with hand-picked people that he had worked with in the past eventually all but one manager was replaced that manager was the kitchen manager we'll call him fredo fredo had been there since i had started working there he seemed to be something of a chameleon as in his values and ethics seemed to change depending on who his boss was honestly i sort of applaud his survival instincts but ultimately see him as a suck-up and a traitor harvey never really replaced the manager for our department so we ran without a lot of oversight unless you count me as the supervisor we didn't constantly have someone breathing down our necks about how things should be done our department had some hiccups here and there but it still ran really smoothly since we do not have our own manager we often had to radio for a manager to come help us out on things that needed a manager card for approval fredo would always be the one to answer these calls since the kitchen was closest to our department over time the new team of managers started to see fredo as the manager of our department as well however the hourly team that worked there still saw me as their supervisor this meant that any time fredo was trying to make changes that would ultimately hurt us the team relied on me to mitigate those disasters or to negotiate with fredo to let us do our jobs the way we had already proven worked really well over several months fredo and i would butt heads dozens of times he and i were constantly arguing about how important hours were to the workers in this department he had it in his head that we should be living off of tips like servers but since most of our orders were carry out they came in through grubhub and grubhub doesn't tip we didn't have a lot of deliveries in a day and the tips we got from those deliveries were maybe ten dollars if we were lucky but splitting ten dollars four ways doesn't add up to a lot it just showed that freddo had no clue what he was talking about eventually we had a meeting with harvey fredo and all of the workers in this department it was marketed as a chance to voice all of our grievances and concerns with the changes they wanted to make with no chance of retaliation so the workers did exactly that they talked about how fredo was trying to cut hours even though he isn't our actual manager when it was brought up that they were attempting to hire someone to be the manager the team suggested that i take over since i had already been supervising them and running things smoothly for the last several months i was also the one that management consulted with when writing schedules as i had an understanding of the days some workers could and couldn't work depending on their school schedules or family life i could see at the moment it was suggested that harvey and fredo made the decision on the spot that i had to be gotten rid of although they didn't say it i could see the look they gave each other and instinctively knew that my days at this place were numbered and my job was going to be getting the axe one way or another they made a bunch of promises to us about not cutting ours they told us that they would stop sending all but one person home early and only leaving one person to clean everything and close up by themselves as this wasn't a small department and it was simply too much for one person to do alone while still meeting health and safety standards they promised that whatever hours we were scheduled for we would work we weren't trying to be unreasonable so we told them that we usually have three or four people scheduled to work our department they could cut two of them early but we always needed at least two people here to help close properly the promise was made that they would always have at least two closers however only about a week later they started sending all but one person home early again every night one night they tried to do it while i was scheduled as the closer and we had just returned from a massive catering event and there was an unbelievable amount of cleanup left to do for one person when fredo came in and tried to send everyone except me home i stepped up and told him that he was consistently breaking the promise he had made to us during the meeting he looked me square in the face and told me to stop complaining about it and if i was going to keep trying to talk to him about him breaking his promises he could easily find someone who would work my shifts i quickly realized that this was an attempt to end my job he wanted me to press it further so i backed off and started cleaning i ended up having to stay way late and that meant overtime pay anyway i got a write-up for that since we aren't allowed to work overtime without a manager's approval when i refused to sign the write-up pointing out that i had tried to explain to fredo that i wouldn't be able to clean up all that stuff alone before my scheduled shift ended i was allowed to leave without signing the write-off but only because the hr rep that was present at that time wasn't one of harvey's cronies skip ahead to the day i was fired it's important to note at this point that i always came into work an hour early since we lived in chicago food was expensive however at our job we were allowed to have as much free soup and bread as we liked so i would come into work one hour early every day so i could have some soup and bread for lunch before my shift but on this day when i walked into the kitchen to get myself some soup one of the line cooks told me that he had a dish that had been cancelled after he cooked it and fredo had told him to give it to someone he assured me fredo had already compeded and that it was free to take for whoever wanted it it just so happened to be my favorite appetizer so i happily took the free food not long after i got to my booth both harvey and fredo approached me and asked me if i had put in a ticket for that food i told them that the line cook had given it to me and said it was the cancelled order that fredo had already comped fredo looked dumbfounded and said he had no idea what i was talking about so harvey told me i think you know that's theft go ahead and finish the food and then grab your stuff and go that's the last meal you'll be having here i tried to explain to them that i had been given this food by the line cook but they refused to listen so i offered to take them to the kitchen to clear it up with the cook but by the time i had gone back to the kitchen with them to talk to the line cook he had already gone home for the day i had no choice but to gather my stuff say my goodbyes and head home on my way out i told the people working my department that afternoon what had happened exactly as it had happened and they were shocked and angry but mostly sad to see me go i decided that on my way out i would stop by the accounting office and pick up any tips that may have been dropped for me that week just to make sure i didn't get scammed out of that money before heading down i had the gut feeling to just set my phone to record and i stuffed it into my pocket with the camera rolling although the video was entirely black since it was in my pocket i did manage to get a pretty muffled recording of harvey's and freddo's voices through the door discussing how things had gone as planned and that they had been trying to get rid of me ever since the meeting with my department i knocked on the door and they hushed up before opening it they asked what i was still doing there and i asked for my tips they gathered what was in the safe for me and handed it over despite my anger rising at what i had just heard i decided not to burn this bridge just yet because perhaps i could end up nuking it later i offered a handshake to both managers thank them for the opportunity to work there and left making sure to pull my phone out of my pocket and record the front of the restaurant with a sign showing its name and logo working in a restaurant you learn to always cover your own butt it's true for most jobs but something was just telling me i would need this all later if i was being accused of theft i wanted to be able to prove it wasn't true if it ever came up in future job interviews which is exactly what happened and where this all started going nuclear on the train ride home i sent some messages and made some posts on some local groups on facebook saying that i had just been fired and that i was looking for a job as quickly as possible by the time i got off at my stop i had already set up an interview for later that day i was offered the job about five minutes into the interview but after going over the details it didn't sound like it was for me so i turned it down i interviewed at a few other places and found one that was a good fit with a hefty pay increase compared to my previous job and i wouldn't have to deal with customers it was an auditing job for a logistics company however during the interview with the manager of this job he mentioned he had already called my previous place of employment and spoken with the general manager harvey harvey told him that i had been fired for theft luckily for me the manager i was interviewing with asked me to tell him more about that and he was willing to let me pull out my phone and find the recording i asked if the voice in the video was the same as the one he had spoken on the phone with it was that was confirmation enough for him that i hadn't made a fake video he listened to these two managers in the video admit that they had set me up and watched to the end when i showed the front of the restaurant complete with the logo and name the manager interviewing me who will start calling dean hired me immediately and asked me to send him the recording i did i thought that was the end of it about seven months later after settling into this job quite nicely hr sent out a welcome all our new team members email which listed all of the newest hires some facts about them and had pictures of them all they sent these out every time they hired a new round of people one of them thomas was a former co-worker who worked with me at the restaurant we had worked at the host stand together so i was pretty glad to see someone i knew and liked coming onto the team i sought out his desk and went and said hello and asked why he left the restaurant he hadn't left willingly he had been laid off because the company was under investigation and it started as a relatively small matter the corporate entity that owned the restaurant chain had received an email with an attached video my video that had been filmed from inside my pocket this was cause enough for corporate to send someone to investigate internally thomas was pretty surprised that i hadn't heard anything about it since there had been numerous attempts to get in touch with me as soon as he said that i logged into the old email i had used when i first applied for that job at the restaurant i had at least two dozen emails asking me to come in to discuss my employment and termination i never replied i just didn't care enough anymore i had also changed my number since then so they hadn't been able to contact me by phone thomas continued explaining that before corporate had sent someone harvey and fredo had talked with my department and tried to offer them all a small pay increase to spin corporate a story about how i was incompetent at my job and failed to live up to my duties the day the corporate auditor showed up there had been a small exodus of people from my old department they quit on the spot in front of the lady from corporate let's call her audrey and made sure to rat out harvey and fredo before leaving strike one for both of them strike two came a couple of days after audrey showed harvey and fredo the recording that had kicked all of this off they denied it vehemently but there was no mistaking harvey's voice it's unique not only that but the video also picked up their voice and mine when we shook hands and had a friendly parting of the ways which was something they had already bragged about to audrey thinking it made them look better that we were able to part on good terms this wasn't the actual strike too that came when it was clear they needed to be separated so audrey sent fredo to work at another restaurant owned by our parent company and temporarily demoted harvey to manager this tore them apart they had once been an inseparable evil team but the pressure of the investigation must have pushed them over the edge they ended up at each other's throats on facebook on a public post on the company page the post has since been deleted but thomas explained it as the following freddo had been pictured in the facebook post on the restaurant page and harvey made a passive aggressive comment about how freddo shouldn't even be in the picture since he had been moved to another restaurant due to misconduct fredo saw this comment and said something along the lines of at least when people google my name i don't show up as a criminal to which harvey responded very funny from the guy who is cheating on his wife with jenna's sister not her real name but janet was the girl they appointed to officially supervise my old department after they fired me the unofficial supervisor fredo replies to that by saying like you haven't tried with half the waitresses they all have stories about you trying to get with them the post was deleted but not before it had been seen by audrey the auditor that was officially strike two strike three came the next day when audrey started interviewing the female wait staff and bartenders seeing if any of them could confirm that harvey had tried to make a move on them all of them were interviewed separately several of them had similar stories all of them confirmed that he had tried to make a move on them and even offered to be their sugar daddy if they would fool around with him harvey was fired but that isn't the worst of it audrey the auditor wasn't just some random lady from corporate she was the old regional manager for this area and had personally hired harvey's wife as the general manager of another restaurant in the city so she called up the restaurant harvey's wife worked at and told his wife everything she had learned from the female weight staff we learned later that they had gotten a divorce over him trying to cheat on her after she had already given him a second chance to change after he had attacked her i don't know what compelled her to give him a second chance after something like that but she sure didn't give him a third after firing harvey the lion cook who had given me the food was interviewed by audrey i don't know how it came up but at some point he had let it slip that he was an illegal immigrant she had his file in her hand with an illinois id and social security number on file so this confused her and she pressed him for more information it turned out that freddo had some connections and had his own little thing going on where he would have fake social security cards and ids made for people who he was hiring at reduced wages it had been going on for at least four years needless to say this is a felony with the potential pr nightmares that she was likely dealing with she felt she had no choice but to alert the authorities local pd enlisted the help of the fbi since some of the evidence led them beyond the jurisdiction of the local police fredo was arrested and quickly gave up the names of all the people working that he had sold the social security cards and ids to i'm not sure if he gave up all of them but he did name drop about 14 people and of those 14 at least half of them were deported by the time thomas had been let go one of them was the line cook that had given me the food the day i was fired thomas went on to explain that it had all started with me being fired but i never sent that recording to corporate i had only sent it to dean when he hired me i asked him about it and he told me he had sent it to his wife since she was a lawyer he wanted to see if i had a case to maybe sue my old job since what they had done was a wrong but he also remembered that when we had first talked about it i said i'm not the type of person who would try to make millions off of an entire company because of the mistake of two jerks but i'd also said that it would be pretty sweet to see them lose their jobs too so his wife had been the one that sent it to the legal team at the corporate hq of my old restaurant job my boss showed it to his wife who forwarded it to the real head honchos of my old job they were both just trying to get two scumbags fired for what they did to me but ended up pulling a thread so long that it didn't end until there were harassment accusations revelations about managers cheating on their spouses with people related to people they had placed in positions of authority a divorce mass layoffs pending investigations a staff overhaul an fbi investigation and at least a half dozen deportations and probably as many as 14. grocery store mega karen and her entitled kid gave me a headache today and made me snap today i met a wild mega kieran in her spawn i'm not one for confrontation and rarely respond but she got the best of me i was out for my weekly supply run at a pretty big supermarket filled my card till i struggled making any curves and went to check out there was only this one person in front of me whom we shall obviously call karen and her entitled kid i respect the distance and stay back as she takes her sweet time putting her groceries in the checkout line that's not an issue i had nowhere else to be the cashier was not ringing anything up which was a bit odd entitled kid starts taking stuff and throwing it back in the cart while laughing hysterically his mom doesn't say anything just smiles at him as she continues what now seems pretty futile as entitled kid is just filling up the cardigan this goes on for about 10 minutes and i'm getting frustrated so i let out a sigh thinking my mask would cover it i was more frustrated than i thought it did not they both stopped and looked at me and the beautiful long as heck line forming behind me but say nothing entitled kid stares me down as he approaches the front of my cart and starts slowly pushing it towards me with his foot i don't see anything he's just a kid just smile and let him be i put my foot behind one of the wheels so he can't move the cart and leave him be entitled kid keeps messing with my cart until i get a tad bit annoyed and politely ask his mom to get him karen stares me up and down and says fine sorry my kid is just being a kid and playing because he's bored i guess you're just not a good person and don't want my baby around a bad influence and she puts him in her cart through the duration of this whole ordeal that followed he glares at me and screams at the top of his lungs some silly kids song at times i considered dialing up my priest finally she had finished unloading her card and as the cashier started ringing her up karen starts screaming what are you doing stop it at once i need you to look at my groceries and tell me my total before scanning them i only have 50 bucks the poor cashier looked stunned you could read his face i saw a lot of crap but this one this one is on a whole nother level he was trying to answer but no words were coming out i bursted out laughing at this point the following conversation ensues karen what what's your problem it's your job do your job what's my total cashier ma'am i'm really sorry but i can't know your total before i scan everything i can start scanning and when it hits 50 bucks i can stop no that is not what i asked this is your job you should know prices for everything take out your phone and calculate my total cashier ma'am i am very sorry but i cannot do that it would take a very long time and there's already a long line waiting karen looks at the line of people sighs angrily while saying fine start scanning and starts putting stuff back while the cashier is scanning i am very annoyed but still say nothing the cashier finishes scanning and after putting back half of her stuff her total is a bit over 30 bucks she pays and put her bags in the cart for her entitled kid to rampage through and i start unloading my car you thought it was over so did i it was not karen stop did i say i was finished i am not finished i just roll my eyes and start laughing karen is there any farm animal food in here cashier yes ma'am in the far right corner karen of course you put it there now it's gonna take me forever to go get some now facing me with a death stare and with the snottiest of tones see i told you i wasn't finished it's still my turn and i need animal feed be right back as she starts walking towards me and the loudest so i could cover her still squealing kid nicest voice that i could produce at this time i say stop no we waited long enough also as i see it from here you got enough food for yourself you don't need more you know hoarding is bad and all you would need some decency but they don't sell it here so please can all of us just go on with our day she was definitely not expecting an answer so i got a surprised pikachu face after she got so red i thought a vein might pop out but seeing the huge crowd behind me burst out laughing she simply says nothing and storms off huffing and puffing i got such a headache right now and still get annoyed when i remember their entitlement sorry to all the animals i offended entitled mom leaves her kid at a camp she didn't even pay for to preface this story i teach gymnastics in a very affluent part of a very very big city in southern california you know the one i've encountered a lot of entitled parents in my time at this gym most of them irritating and not worth posting about but there's one russian mom who is absolutely off her rocker my boss has some experience with her and doesn't put up with her bs so the cast we've got me we've got insane mom we've got her poor son every school holiday we have day camps where 30 kids come to the gym and we play games practice gymnastics generally mess around our camps are really popular and usually fill up at least a week in advance additionally we allow parents to use their kids missed classes slash makeups as credit towards a day of camp for reduced raid this particular day of camp i was working at the front desk and we were slammed i had already turned multiple walk-ins away because we were over capacity for usag regulations which is in violation of our insurance policy around two hours after camp started about 11am kid walks in the front door by himself this is weird for two reasons one because parents are supposed to come inside and sign their kids in and out two because entitled mom sent us an email the night before that explicitly instructed us not to enroll kid in camp and not to charge her card so i asked kid to run outside and ask his mom to please come in so i can sort things out he opens the door yells back and forth with her in russian for a bit and closes the door as entitled mom drives away kid tells me that entitled mom is going to call me gray this is how the most insane phone conversation of my life went entitled mom from an anonymous number might i add what me hi i just wanted to speak with you because i'm a bit confused last night you sent us an email instructing us not to enroll kid in our camp yes because last time you enrolled him you charged my card 65 one day of camp and you stole my money me ma'am that is how much one full day of camp costs i'm going to have to ask you to come pick up your son because we're at capacity for the day no there's no way your camp is full i unenrolled him last night when i sent you the email me yes and we had a walk-in this morning that took his spot no i sent that email at 10 last night there's no way your camp is full between now and then me actually we had the last spots taken by a few walk-ins this morning so we are full you can't just drop your son off here without paying after instructing us not to enroll him there's no way your camp is full i sent that email at 10 last night five full minutes of me trying to explain to her how spots are limited and when she gave kids spot up it became available for the first person to walk in eventually she seems to get it entitled mom okay that makes sense extended pause well you'll just have to call one of those other parents and tell them you made a mistake and they need to come get their kid because my kid is special and has been taking classes there for a while and he deserves it me excuse me that's not how this works kid lost his spot when you told us to unenroll him my kid deserves to be there he's more important than the other kids and has been there longer so you can call their parents and tell them you made a mistake me no you need to come get your kid but i made plans i'm sorry but we don't have room for him because you specifically told us not to enroll him because last time you stole from me you took 65 dollars from me i work hard for my 65 dollars me that's how much one day of camp costs no i wanted to use makeups and you charged my card 65 dollars and stole from me me ma'am we don't know that you want to use makeups unless you come in and tell us most people just use them for another class oh that makes sense silence me yes i'm going to need you to come pick him up but i have to work i thought she made plans me i understand that but we don't have room for kid it's against usag regulations for us to take him so you can either come get him or i can have my boss call you no i don't want to talk to your boss then you need to come get your kid i can't i have to work me fine i'll have my boss call you i don't want to talk to your boss either you can come get your kid or i can have my boss call you i don't want to talk to your boss okay this conversation is unproductive i'll have my boss call you i hung up and called my boss as promised her kids still come to class but she's banned from bringing them to camp unless she walks them in and pays at the beginning of the day she still constantly brings them in an hour before our half day starts and asks me if i'll be charging her for a half day instead of full and i always politely tell her that no i'll be charging her for the full day now she just speaks to her kids in russian and has them talk to me for her karen gets me suspended for banning her kid in minecraft backstory we have a school-wide minecraft server and i am the moderator for it we have about 100 people on the server pretty cool right it's not run by the school but run by me a my best friend and m my second best friend if someone wants to join you need to pay 15 bucks at the start and one dollar every month for the server we have a rule that you can't swear and also aren't allowed to steal other people's stuff so one day i go on the server to see what's up and i see entitled kid making something he shouldn't be the conversation goes as follows me what are you doing entitled kid entitled kid making a giant thing you're not allowed to do that why we said nothing that wasn't safe for work entitled kid i don't care you piece of doo doo me you're not allowed to swear break the rules one more time and i'm gonna kick you oh really follow me i start following him he goes in my base and gets my diamond stash entitled kid wow you have a lot of diamonds me yeah i've been on this world for about two years well you're not gonna have any when i burn them he starts taking my diamonds and burning them with a flint and steel i quickly kick him and take my diamonds back yes i did go to creative for this they are my diamonds and i didn't take any more than i had fast forward to the next day i get called to the principal's office entitled mom this boy has been cyber bullied my kid for a long time and he also forced my kid to give him 15 i want him suspended principal do you agree me no does she have any proof entitled mom how dare you speak to me like that principal opie has a point do you have proof entitled mom i don't need proof i want him suspended he made my son give him fifteen dollars me he gave it to me for something else for what for the minecraft server entitled mom see he's lying my little angel never plays those games me to the principal i have proof that he gave it to me for the minecraft server can you please tell my friends to come over and they will say the same thing principle sure my friends come and say the exact same thing principal ma'am you have no proof that he's been bullying your kid so i have to ask you to leave i'm reporting you to the department of education and i'm going to enroll my kids somewhere else principal as you wish and please don't waste other principals time they have more important jobs to do than listen to lies then he told us to go to our classes speaking of minecraft have you ever played it and which mode do you like to play on please let me know the time an entitled man stole my plane seat so this happened three years ago i was flying home from belgium where i'd been attending my best friend's wedding i was very sick at this time but i was her sole bridesmaid and witness so i couldn't miss it not to mention i was the one decorated the venue if you want a summary of how sick i was the girl who did my makeup for the day actually jerked her hand back when she first touched my face i was that hot anyway the story isn't about the wedding but the flight back home to scotland i must have looked awful because when i arrived early at the gate and struck up a conversation with the flight attendants asking how their day was going etc while waiting to board they ensured i got to my seat first and told me if i needed anything to call them and they brought me a bottle of water and something to nibble on before the plane took off i had a window seat which i always get i love flying and i love looking out at the water and i'd also paid for extra leg room as i have a messed up leg and if it's bent in one position too long it locks up the plane was nearly fully boarded and it seemed like besides me and the person in the aisle seat no one would be in our row which was awesome i also liked having a seat in the room for extra room however sadly this was not to be as one of the very last passengers to board was a rather drunk and let's say portly man he shambled into the seat and sat down i prepared myself for a flight next to someone who smelled like a pub while i already felt sick the plane takes off and we're in the air and all through the flight the guy keeps leaning more and more into my space clearly trying to get to see the window i actually lean back a bit to let him see out figuring this might be his first flight and trying to be kind but this only seems to make it worse now for context i'm a tiny lady so i was quite literally getting crushed between this guy and the wall i get up to go to the bathroom as my stomach has finally decided it's time to vacate the man is quite annoyed that he has to move to let me out but he does so with only a grumbled protest i go to the bathroom and take care of business and then return and what do i find the man in my window seat with all his stuff on the middle seat i asked him to move back to his seat so i can sit down he refuses and tells me it's his seat and begins to kick up a huge fuss at this point one of the flight attendants comes over to figure out what's going on he tells the whole story about how this is his seat and i'm trying to steal it not knowing the flight attendant we're talking to shout out to kevin was the one who'd gotten me seated in the first place the flight attendant turned to me and smiling asked if i had my ticket i'd taken my handbag with me to the bathroom as i never leave it unintended so i was able to present it he then read my ticket and with a grin told the guy who'd stolen my seat that it was indeed my seat but not to worry he could keep it he then turned to me and told me they had a free seat in first class and he was giving me an upgrade so he took me to first class and i got a really nice rest of my flight karen wants me to fire the supervisor for ruining her weekend i'm a retired state park supervisor so this story is from a while back every monday we had to turn in weekly reports at our headquarters there are a lot of things we're supposed to turn in then but the important one was our weekly financials that is account for how many camping permits we sold rentals picnic or beach passes etc and how much money we took in we did one for each day and one for the week i was known as being ocd about them so mine were always right and i'd often walk other park supervisors or assistants through any issues they had on this monday i turned in my reports no problems and started putting our supply order into the truck that's when my boss came out and said hey syndax can you stop by dee's park on your way back she can't put down her financials i replied yeah i'll see what i can do the reason i was asked is that i used to be a systems admin and owned a computer shop before this and rit people were notorious for slow response times as a result i frequently got called first to see if i could fix it i didn't mind because dee was not just a friend of mine she'd been my boss where i'd started and i'd learned a lot about running parks from her i stopped by and dee was getting frantic she told me that everything had worked until yesterday and while she was able to put the information in the system wouldn't pull up the report page for printing i told her to show me what she did she pulled up the browser to access our reporting system and right away i saw the problem why are you using chrome i asked d replied what what do you mean i just clicked on the icon to do my report she said now i have no problem with chrome or firefox but the official browser was internet explorer the system we used for reports had browser-specific scripts so you couldn't use any other browser i explained this to dee and she growled it turned out that yesterday her daughter and grandson had come for a visit and while dee had been out taking care of something her daughter had decided to upgrade the computer by installing chrome on it of course one of the things it does is ask you if you want to make it your default browser and she'd click yes hence the difficulty in printing reports it was an easy fix i just had to change it back which i did i then said now try it to d and lo the report popped up she thanked me and i said no problem glad it was a simple fix but tell your daughter to not upgrade the work computers i left the office and was headed to my truck when this woman came charging up to me late 40s or early 50s sort of large blonde short hair a karen are you the park supervisor she said um i'm a park supervisor but not that was all i got out she proceeded to start yelling about how my park ranger had ruined her family's weekend now this park didn't have a park ranger she was talking about dee i tried to get a word in edgewise but nope she was on a tear about that jerk i realized i was going to have to wait her out she proceeded to tell me all about how dee had ruined her weekend while i started mentally adding up the various park rules and state laws this woman and her family had broken by the time she wound down i had counted five park rules two misdemeanors and a probable felony and thinking that dee must have been in a forgiving mood she finally ended with and i want her fired i said i can't do that she yelled why the heck not i said because she's the supervisor of this park i'm the supervisor of a different park i can say that i wouldn't have ruined your weekend she said really i said absolutely if you'd been at my park i'd have had the police in to give you tickets and then evicted you i'd have ruined your life she stared at me for a second and said i'm going to call you a headquarters about this i said i'm sure you will when you get home and then i smiled and in a cheery voice added now have a safe trip she huffed turned around and stormed back to her car i waved as she left as her car was disappearing i heard laughter coming from behind me dee had come out of the office and had tears in her eyes from laughing she said i can't believe you just did that i said well i figured i should show her just how much worse it could have been he said i always thought people from my former work were exaggerating when they called you the supervisor from heck i thought you were really easy going but i can see now why they called you that me i don't like doing it but when the situation calls for it well i release my inner jerk we laughed and i went back to my park and no mccarran never called or if she did it never made it back to us entitled neighbor tries to have a tree older than her house cut down illegally my family has lived in the same home for about 24 years now my entire life we've had the same neighbors on both sides of us on one side is the sweetest elderly lady who bakes us fudge every christmas to thank us for any help we give her throughout the year on the other side is a family whose parents seem to think the world revolves around their own lives now this family moved in about two or three years before us giving them the idea that their opinions trump the lives of any of their neighbors i know this because both the parents and the kids who are the same age as myself have explicitly told me this there's a giant tree in my parents backyard that admittedly has become a bit overgrown a branch or two have reached over the fence leading into our neighbor's yard in the fall the tree sheds its leaves as trees do and maybe one percent of the leaves will make their way into the neighbor's yard this tree has been a part of my childhood and all three of my siblings childhoods needless to say my family is quite attached to our tree well about 15 years ago my neighbors decided to build a pool we've had issues with them over time so when they started to gripe about the leaves from the tree falling into their pool we just brushed it off fast forward to about two years ago i had finished up the college semester and came back to visit my parents for the week i was at home relaxing and enjoying my time off when the dogs started barking so i went to check it out while looking out the window i saw a team of tree trimmers begin to unload and set up in the backyard it wouldn't be the first time my parents didn't mention having work done on the house so i didn't think anything of it i called my old man to see if the trimmers would need anything from me while they were here but he was working so i just left him a message he got back to me about 30 minutes later completely confused so we knew something wasn't right at that point i went out back and told them to take a break because there has been a mistake luckily they had only managed to take two or three branches off the tree so there was still a chance the tree would survive it was the quickest i've ever seen my dad do his drive home i went out back with him so that i could figure out what was up after a very loud discussion and a lawsuit threat later the tremors decided it was best they didn't finish up the job or take down all of the branches well it turns out that our entitled neighbor decided to take it upon herself to hire a company to come and take down the tree in our yard when she told the company that was in her neighbor's yard they only asked if she got it cleared with us they didn't make any efforts to make sure it was cool to make the situation even sweeter the crew working on the tree wouldn't stop the job until the owner of the company came to the site and cleared up the situation i don't know about you guys but if i found out i was doing unauthorized work and trespassing on someone's property i'd take that as my cue to leave when my parents demanded an explanation the only thing our neighbor would say was that since the couple branches were reaching over the fence she had the right to get the tree taken down that's when the police got involved she was informed that she was not allowed to have the branches trimmed past the fence something my parents said they could have done if the neighbor paid for it but due to the significant branches trimmed off on our property she would be looking at destruction of property if the tree died luckily the tree stands to this day and the wind seems to blow just a bit harder towards their yard each fall entitled mom wants my window seat but won't even ask me for it a little background normally i travel for a living and fly to and from canada a couple of times a month my company uses a travel agent and with only a few exceptions we are required to take the cheapest flight option regardless of convenience or inconvenience to ourselves this means that while i travel often it's with different airlines every time which in turn means that while i have thousands and thousands of airline miles they're spread out over several airlines and it takes me forever to reach and keep any sort of frequent flyer status with any of them it also makes for very very long days with me leaving my house or hotel at 3 or 4 am and often getting home to my destination at midnight or sometimes getting my travels split across two days so this happened in march just a few days before my company started having us work from home final leg of my flight home i'm on an airline that i finally managed to build up enough status to start getting possible upgrades this is literally the first time i've been upgraded and it's from a standard economy seat to a bulkhead window seat as i'm boarding the plane there's an older lady and her approximately five-year-old grandson in the isle and middle seat grandson in the middle grandma in the aisle as i'm walking up she is telling the kid that she's going to take the window seat just as soon as they're sure no one is sitting there i politely inform her that someone is sitting there me and i take my seat she then starts telling her grandson how much she wants a window seat and how sweet it would be if someone were to give up their window seat for her i should point out that the grandson is busy playing with his ipad and clearly isn't listening at all when i don't immediately jump up and offer her my seat she switches tactics and starts asking the kid if he wants the window seat how cool would it be for you to have a window seat on your first flight ever and such kids still obviously doesn't give a hoot and keeps playing with his tablet and i again don't rise to the obvious bait she then grabs a flight attendant and asks if there are any open window seats flight attendant says she's pretty sure they're going to be a full flight but she'll check back after boarding is done grandma switches back to how lovely it would be if someone would just give up their seat for her no we're back to giving the seat to her it's no longer about the kid getting the window seat for his first flight ever at this point i put on my headphones and ignore her she stops trying to hint her way into my seat and just starts loudly sighing every few minutes note if at any point she had simply condescended to speak to me and ask me for my seat i probably would have given it to her but her passive-aggressive entitlement bs was never going to work with me especially after a long day of travel entitled old man tries to force me a disabled girl to get up and move a few years ago i went on holiday with my mom dad brother and an uncle and their friends my aunt and uncle live far away from us so the holiday was specially planned to spend some time with them and to show their friends the brilliant parts of our country one evening the family decided we would walk down to this fabulous deck with a lovely view of nature and the sunset for some evening drinks this deck also served as the waiting area for the reception of the hotel we were staying in and as a result had about five areas of seating with enough space for about six people at each my brother and i decided we would walk down a little before while the adults got ready when we got there we picked a spot with a good view put our stuff down and ordered some cool drinks 10 minutes later my uncle arrives with his wife and her friend who immediately go to check out the curio shop he sits down and orders a beer it arrives but he then gets up to look for his wife and her friend to ask what they'd like to drink shortly after this a tour guide arrived with at least 20 couples on his tour they're obviously all waiting to be booked in it's worth noting that his guests were all elderly but that they were in no way unable to stand for long periods of time with my brother and i and the other people who were previously in the reception area there weren't enough seats for them all now i have a very visible physical disability that renders me unable to walk without a walking frame even if i attempt to stand without it i'll fall on my face the tour guide walks over to me and my brothers and says while leaning on my walker excuse me but you two need to move now my guests need to sit down here my brother and i were a bit taken aback and we didn't really think it was fair considering that it's not only the reception but also a place for social gatherings and that seats work on a first-come first-served basis however because our parents always taught us to give up our seats to the elderly i slowly start getting up at this point my uncle returns and says excuse me but what are you doing we were here first the guy replies with you need to respect your elders my guests need those seats they referring to us can move this is my business my uncle calmly comes back with sorry but i don't know if you've realized that she's disabled and can't stand for long periods of time who are you to tell her to move we won't be moving the guy calls my uncle a jerk and tells him to show some respect but he goes away huffing not even 10 seconds later people in his tour come up to my uncle and say well done for standing your ground we're so sorry for his behavior it's embarrassing the guy comes back later to try and give my uncle an inadequate apology which my uncle accepts but says to him considering that your guests told me themselves that your behavior is embarrassing i think you need to rethink your business skills he walked away red and avoided us the whole evening we had a lovely dinner karen demands my disney plus account the stars we've got myself karen karen's kid and heb store manager this one kinda hurt to endure not gonna lie i'm not sure how the rest of the world has done stuff like this but this past whole month we in my hometown have treated our shopping days like black friday wake up real early stand in line outside of the store wait etc i decided to shop on a saturday morning woke up early went to agb texas-based grocery store while waiting in line i decided to start star wars 3. i haven't seen it yet and have only seen episodes 1 2 7 8 and this last christmas 9. a cute woman and her kid had just queued up behind me her kid is running around and she's trying to control him i turn the volume on my headphones up a few minutes later i feel someone poke my shoulder i turn around to see who they are what they want it's karen i pause the movie and take out one earpiece karen so is that disney plus you're watching me it is i'm catching up on star wars oh my son loves star wars she pronounced it star wars me it's not as cool as harry potter and i'm more of a trekkie myself but it's not bad i thought this was all the conversation was going to be go back to streaming my mouse house subscription she pokes my shoulder again me yes she has a pen out and looks like she's going to start writing so what are your login credentials me i'm sorry oh you know to your disney plus my husband and kid love star wars and marvel and i could go for a classic disney fix to that i just turn around holy cow how do people like that even exist karen decides to get in front of me and get into my face like she's gonna fight me karen um excuse me did you just ignore me i asked for your login stuff we don't have anything to do at home how could you be so selfish me i don't even know who you are karen ah does that even matter boy you know you are the only person here who is alone and i think i know why not only do you take up five spots but you're selfish i know i'm big but not that big i identify as peter quill from infinity war chubby but not obese so anyway karen is an unholy brick about not getting what she wants until somebody interrupts it's the store manager apparently this woman had upset somebody a few feet up ahead and now the manager is here to investigate manager excuse me but can i help you with something i explain the problem karen gives him her version of events store manager sir i'm so sorry that you had to endure this please come to the front of the line and be one of the first people to shop today at that i swear i heard karen cry like her five-year-old kid speaking of groceries where do you do your grocery shopping please let me know ever wonder what would happen if karen got treated as if she worked there wonder no more this happened just a few hours ago some background information a certain grocery store chain in my state where shopping is a pleasure has taken the recommended six foot distance to another level by turning aisles into alternating one ways to help traffic flow indicated by squares glued on the tile floors most times when someone goes down the wrong aisle it's by accident weren't watching where they were walking turned into the wrong aisle or because what they need is closer to the inn they're walking close to for the most part nobody says anything because to be fair nobody wants to be known as a jerk i went to the store today to get some things and because i've been cooped up in the apartment all day long one of said things was my favorite body scrub hey i could use a spa day as much as the next girl most times shopping there is a pleasure like their motto says i was greeted by name by some of the regular workers who know me and they had most of everything i needed they even had my favorite type of cheesecake on sale in the bakery so why do i say that it wasn't a pleasure this time because there was a new york karen loose in the store how do i know well because i could hear her bronx accented squawking three aisles away at some poor employee what do you mean you're out of clorox i've come here every day for the past week and you've always been out i felt bad for that poor employee but went on my way because i didn't want to get involved and potentially make that poor employee's day worse so i was going the right way down the personal care aisle and i didn't see this grub so i decided to keep going and try another day i was at the other end and had stepped out when i realized i had just walked right past the location where this grub was because it was right at the very end and i didn't want to walk down another aisle and go the right way i stepped over the square saying wrong way that's when i heard that familiar bronx squawk hey you feeling sorry for the employee she was no doubt screaming at this time i kept walking towards the body scrub hey you i was putting a tub of it into my cart thinking that it was the end of it when i heard a loud whistle it wasn't just any type of whistle it's the whistle guys use in movies to hail taxi cabs and moms use when their kids are three blocks away to tell them to come home otherwise they're in trouble so of course i turn over to look at where the whistle had come from and oh boy did i realize my mistake blocking the end of the aisle with her overflowing card was our karen think businesswoman type what the karen hairdo seriously the barber slash hairdresser who came up with that style should patented would make a lot of money and i'm better than you so you shut up and do as i say typeface i look at her with a bit more of a dumbfounded face than i was intending because i was the only person in the aisle and i sure as heck wasn't wearing the employee mandated uniform she pointed to the floor tile marked wrong way and said okay more like screeched you went the wrong way don't you know that there's a sickness going around as fierce as my scots irish german dimper can be i decided to have a little bit of fun at her expense because why the heck not a big smile crosses my face as i put on my best scarlett o'hara imitation because again why the heck not oh thank goodness honey i'm so glad to see you i was wondering if you could bring me some paper towels and toilet paper this is my third stop today and i was told by another store y'all had them oh and can you please get me some hand sanitizer as somebody took my only bottle out of my cart as i'm rattling on and on asking for stuff that i know the store has been out of for a while a crowd is starting to gather around attracted by karen's screeching and my southern belle niceness a couple of them are employees that i'm friends with they stop to watch because they know they're in for a good show now because i'm treating her like an employee something she most likely wasn't expecting karen is looking at me like i have three heads and a deep redness is crawling over her face figuring she was going to blow her top i said now would you please hurry and get me what i've asked you for or do we need to have a talk with your manager about your lack of courtesy karen spluttered finally regaining her speech what in your right mind makes you think i work here now i really upped the sarcasm which if used by a southerner means you done messed up and said oh i am so sorry darling i thought you were the store police you did point out that i went the wrong direction you don't work for the store police everyone is giving judgmental looks at the karen as i said nobody has pointed out when people go the wrong way out of courtesy and it's really nobody's business and my employee friends are struggling to keep from laughing realizing that she has been made a full of in front of everyone karen grabbed her cart and left her head down and proverbial tail between her legs as she was leaving someone in the group said about time someone shut up that old bat cue everyone breaking into fits of laughter because of the ridiculousness of the whole situation definitely left the store feeling much brighter dump your fiance and date my daughter now hello mr reddit and members i have listened to mr reddit every day before work and even at work so i figured it was time to share my entitled parent story so this one happened last summer over 4th of july weekend i work from home or at my office so i barely go out into the wild as much so i truly didn't believe there could ever be someone slash people so mental and entitled in my life but i was wrong cast we've got me we've got my fiance we've got entitled mom entitled kid who looked about 19 to 21 years old and had a fake valley girl accent we've got awesome cops one and two just a super quick backstory i always wanted a mustang as a kid and two years ago i bought a red shelby gt350 convertible i met my lovely fiance a few months before the purchase of my mustang we both work in the financing world and i proposed to her a month before july 4th okay done story time so the fourth of july my fiance and i decided to take our families out on a pontoon ride and have a cook out on the beach later in the evening so we went in my car with a top down to the local market to get all the supplies needed the game plan was simple she gets all the meat and sides for the boat and the cookout i get the snacks and beverages for the whole day and we will meet up at the register once we're done i was standing at the chip section just looking around when i feel a tap on my shoulder i quickly turned around and there they are the mega karen the fake jewelry hair big sunglasses tan super tight clothes and her spawn brat looking like a carbon copy of her mom me uh hello can i help you yes you are the owner of that big red car out there me why yes i am that is such a nice car entitled kid yeah it's so cool uh oh no valley girl accent me why thank you i've wanted one ever since i was a kid entitled mom what do you do for a living now if i have learned anything from mr reddit and redditer it's that you never tell a wild karen who you are or where you were they will find you so i simply told them i worked in marketing and after four minutes of talking i simply said well i was just in here to get some chips for the fourth entitled mom well i think you're perfect for my daughter she needs someone like you to support her entitled kid yeah i would look so hot in that car alrighty then it is settled i was in shock at this conversation and believed i was being punked me um no i am engaged i hold up my phone showing her picture eel that's her she is a ugly did she force you to marry her entitled kid yeah she probably doesn't even know how to spend money was she really asking a question or just this stupid me okay that is rude she is very pretty and intelligent so i'm leaving now happy fourth no you are not leaving you are gonna date my daughter me no will you please leave me alone entitled mom no you dump that pig now right now entitled kid yeah right now uh me no leave me alone i would never nor will i ever date your gold digging daughter i grabbed five random bags of chips and bolted for the beverages i met my fiance at the registers and told her what just happened and just wanted to go we get in the car and i turn my head to get my seat belt when i hear my fiance scream entitled mom an entitled kid were pulling my fiance out of the car and climbed in i am not kidding entitled mom let's go op we have work to do me what the heck get out of my car my fiance i'm calling the police me great idea tell them i think a mental award is missing some patience i remove the keys from the car entitled mom and entitled kids start reading on how they deserve this car and my money because they are class whatever that means the police pull up and before i could even think entitled mom an entitled kid bolted to them like they were the calvary and were just all over the poor officers entitled mom oh officers thank god you're here that crazy woman just attacked my daughter and her fiance arrest her quickly she may have a weapon entitled kid fake sobbing she took my ring entitled mom officers hurry get her a ring back awesome cops one and two just looked at me and my fiance standing very calm waiting for our turn to talk cop one okay just calm down i need to know first who called before we could again open our mouths entitled mom i did officer please arrest her quickly me calmly officers they harassed me in the store and assaulted my entitled mom interrupts oh no he's going into shock call an ambulance quickly officer entitled kid officer my hubby is in trouble come here opie cop2 enough this is what is going to happen cop one will collect both statements i will go and watch the security tapes i see a camera is pointed right at us entitled mom an entitled kid go pale white an entitled mom starts to really stammer no that is not really necessary officer just please take my word that lady is crazy just look at her let's go op an entitled kid we need to go wedding shopping she tries to open the door to the mustang but i locked it cop two ma'am why don't you want us looking at the tapes entitled mom and entitled kid are sweating bullets entitled mom i i am trying to be a good person and spare her from being in bigger trouble than she has to be then how about you stop lying i thought cops wanted to look at my fiance standing calmly as she has a smile on her face cop one she looks pretty cold ma'am and why does she have scratch marks on her entitled mom an entitled kid are scared at this point they start yelling and threatening the officers with lawsuits because they won't arrest my girl right now entitled kid is wanting me to hold her because she is scared just at that moment the store manager comes out holding a microsoft tablet and tells the officers that he watched the whole incident on camera and including my first interaction entitled kid reaches no scratch that lunges for the tablet but cop one was quicker cop one tells them they are both under arrest for assault entitled mom and entitled kid go into eight mode kicking punching screaming and biting the officers pressed more charges against both of them the cops ask me if i want to press charges and of course i do cops 1 and 2 both look at my car to make sure there isn't any damage and for me on what to do next and check my fiance for any further injuries they called an ambulance just in case to look her over she was fine tougher than any man i know cop one says i'm a lucky dude i have a cool car and a good looking girl he says he would go mental too if he didn't have my life we all laugh i thank both the officers and thank the manager for their help the manager offered some free stakes but we declined stating someone else could use a good fourth meal as we drive away i can hear entitled mom ring so loud in the back seat of the squad car it drowned out my engine when we went to court it was discovered that she was married to a super wealthy businessman she had apparently undiagnosed mental disorder as well as entitled kid when the husband filed for divorce entitled mom an entitled kid went completely nuts threatening violence against anyone who tried to help him with the settlement the divorce was really ugly that both of them were treated for their mental disorders but the judge discovered that both of them had not attended therapy or taken their medications in months that explains a lot entitled lady tries to grab my pregnant belly long time lurker first time posting i've never had a legit story till today i'm still blown away it happened we've got the entitled lady and we've got me i'm 37 weeks pregnant with my first baby yay gender is a surprise we don't know so i've got a big ol round belly very noticeable i decided to get a burrito from one of my favorite all-in-a-wall mexican joints for lunch i get there put on my mask waddle to the door and hold it open for this lady coming in behind me and go to the register this entitled lady and i don't interact she didn't even thank me for holding the door which i didn't care about we're the only customers inside i meet the owner at the register i'm a long time customer she recognizes me gushes about my belly asks me how i'm doing yada yada quick friendly chat i pay for my food and owner heads to the kitchen to bag it up and is gone like 30 seconds i then stepped aside to let this entitled lady go to the register next even offering the path with a hand gesture she starts to walk forward in my direction and sticks out her hand with clearly incoming intent on touching my belly on instinct i smacked her hand away and pivot the belly sideways before she could even touch me i'm shocked staring at her she's shocked and starts to sputter while looking mad entitled lady clearly offended what what you me interrupting i'm very uncomfortable with you doing that entitled ladies still mad well you didn't have to smack my hand me incredulous you didn't even asked just started reaching like a weirdo at this point she blushes and then clams up i assume hopefully from realization and embarrassment at what she just tried to do the owner came back with my food i take the bag thank the owner and skedaddled out of there really quick for those concerned i used hand sanitizer in my car and washed my hands before eating i'm still like that happened i had a good friend warned me about these weirdos when i got pregnant today was the first time it happened karen makes a scene over an accidental spill then asks a friend to pretend to be a lawyer to threaten the restaurant this was ages ago when i worked at a steakhouse a lady i'll call her karen came in and announced she had a party of 25 on their way she was covered in gold chains diamonds and carried a massive louis vuitton handbag she was snooty and rude to the hostess and the busboy as he pushed their table together finally she and her party were seated and ordered the server they got loved to entertain kids she'd make up voices and act out scenes to make the food seem more fun as usual she expertly handled this table entertaining the kids here and there the server had a tray of their food and was leaning over to set it down when one of the kids got up to show her a drawing he had done he pulled on her apron as she was bending down and it caused her to fall off balance the tray moved dangerously to its tipping point and i thought for sure she'd drop it but she expertly maneuvered it to the tray stand or so we thought suddenly karen leaped from her seat and began frantically dumping the content of her handbag onto the table it took us a minute to understand the problem a drop of raspberry on the tray had tipped over and dripped into the 4 million louis vuitton bag the woman was yelling at the server that she had to pay for it the server looked panicked and got the manager the three of them inspected the bag to assess the damage the manager notes there is a small wet spot in the purse but nothing major he asks if he's missing something since she's saying the bag is ruined lady right there pointing to a spot about the size of a quarter manager i can see that it's wet but it's the same color as the bag's material so i can't tell what it is it was a pinkish color it's raspberry dressing your stupid server can't even hold a tray right she dumped it in there she turns to the server and points at her face you are going to pay to replace this i want a brand new one in the box manager hold on i would be okay with that if your bag was destroyed but this was a small spill and we would be happy to pay to have it cleaned the server is not paying for this it was an accident so the restaurant will be responsible no my server needs to be held accountable she should pay for it not the restaurant how do i know it wasn't intentional server ma'am i'm very sorry but it was an accident your nephew grabbed my apron as i was setting it down it did cause it to tilt but i was able to keep it upright lady tells the manager now she's blaming my kid who the heck do you think you are he's just a kid you can't make up lies about him upset at how she was talking to our server and that the manager didn't defend her i stepped in took the manager aside and told him everything that i'd seen i confirmed the kid was the one who caused her to accidentally spill the dressing a busboy came up behind me and he stated he had seen the same the manager returns to the table and tells her that she has two choices she can leave it here to be cleaned or bring in a receipt for reimbursement karen grits her teeth i want a new bag in box with receipt so i know it's not a knockoff and she must pay for it manager that is not going to happen i'm very sorry for karen gets up and starts shoving things back in her bag you'll be hearing from my lawyer she spits at the server can you get us all to go boxes or will you mess that up too the rest of the table looks uncomfortable she orders the table to package up their food so they can go i hand out to go boxes to help the server who looks like she's going to cry the manager tells her to go into the back and that he'll drop the bill i think everything is fine until i hear more yelling karen is trying to leave and has refused to pay saying it should be comped for the inconvenience he chased the party to their cars where they got into a serious argument about payment finally one of the other members of the party stepped up and paid the bill the lady screamed at the man for doing it calling him a jerk rather than getting a real attorney she asked a friend of hers to pretend to be a lawyer he called to threaten the restaurant claiming to be from a local legal firm he said if she didn't get a brand new bag they'd sue and she wanted proof it had been purchased by the server not the restaurant this backfired though because as soon as the manager heard the word lawyer he said he could no longer talk to them and they'd need to communicate with the restaurant's legal team the guy tried backtracking but the manager just gave out the phone number and hung up the lawyer called back three times but the manager would not speak to him the legal team let us know later that when they called the firm he said he represented they did not know him when they finally talked to the caller he admitted karen had asked him to call thinking we'd just throw money at her to make her go away in the end she had her purse cleaned and the restaurant paid for it it cost three hundred dollars that time i got fired because of a lying parent people have known we've got my aunt who ran the convenience store we've got the kid a random kid who just wanted munchies we've got entitled parent the kid's mother who i never saw during all of this and we've got me the 15 to 16 year old kid who worked at his uncle's store for six dollars an hour this was maybe about 10 maybe 11 years ago it's also notable that i never met the entitled parent in this story however the entitled parents actions led to my aunt firing me well i kind of quit it's weird to explain i worked at my uncle's convenience store and i was a kid making six dollars an hour i mostly did it for fun because my cousins would hang out with me during work and of course for food money and had been working there for almost a year my uncle told all of us we couldn't ask for a raise till we worked at least a year and had already been yelled at by my aunt for running the store for my uncle and had already been yelled at by my aunt for accepting counterfeit money so over time i became very good at spotting fake money and refused to accept it whenever someone came in the store with it was working an afternoon shift when the kid came in he was around 7 to 10 and grabbed a double pack of pizza burgers very common where i was raised every store has a fridge dedicated to pizza burgers and a can of pop i total everything up and it comes to about four dollars give or take 50 cents when i notice the kid is holding a counterfeit five dollar bill i sigh and tell the kid sorry man can't take your money it's fake the kid looks at me and goes really it's fake and i told the kid yeah pulled a fiver out of the register and put the bills side by side and explained that the shade of blue on the bills were different the reflective strip was missing and the guy's face on the bill was in a different position and the bill was slightly smaller than the real fifer by the way this occurred in canada yes yes i know the weird monopoly money and told the kid i'm sorry again but i couldn't accept his money the kid understood and went to put the stuff back but i told him i'd take care of it the kid left and i put the pack of pizza burgers and pop back and finished my shift no sweat the next day i wake up early and walk over to my aunt's house to open the store up for the morning shift as i come into my aunt's house i come upstairs and see my aunt who is talking to me and she had let me into her room where the cash box and keys are to open the store except instead she asks me to sit at the table so we could talk she proceeds to explain that she got calls last night from entitled parent who screamed at my ad about how i apparently stole her kid's 5 bill after he came in the store to buy food i told the kid the fiverr was fake pocketed it and told him to scram i explained to her my side of the story but my aunt just shook her head and said if i stayed working at the store she'd lose customers and title parents said her family won't ever go to the store again and my aunt didn't want to lose customers and left it there in an awkward silence i knew she was gonna fire me so i told my aunt it's okay auntie i'll stop working and quit my job then and there she thanked me for understanding and i just nodded and went to leave but stopped and took out my wallet and took out one of my fibers and gave it to my aunt and asked her give it to the kid if you see him and went back home and that's the story of how i quit slash got fired by my first job because of a counterfeit five dollar bill a kid who did nothing wrong and a lying jerk of a parent like to say right here as well i'm not calling my aunt a jerk or trying to call her out i'm not mad at her or the kid just the entitled parent who gave her kid a fake fiver then got mad because her kid didn't get his food entitled mom is forcing me to marry cousin to make her a citizen before you call bs and start joking around saying sweet home alabama one believe me i wish this was bs but unfortunately it's an actual situation i'm facing two we are dominican don't know if that changes everything three i hate that song i'm 20 and male my cousin is 19 and female spanish was my first language i have a third cousin in the dominican republic they are not well off in that country and her mom is a little neglectful at this point it feels like my mom cares more about her than me but whatever she deserves it she's a good kid who does well in school and wants to move to the u.s to go to nursing school she can't however because she isn't a legal citizen my mom decided that it would be the best plan for me to go to the dominican republic in june or july and marry my third cousin to make her legal she brought this up a few years ago but i thought she was joking apparently she wasn't because recently she brought this plan up again but she actually is talking about how she's already booked flights for the dominican republic and everything what the heck i'm in a relationship already and my mom literally told me that she doesn't give a hoot about my personal life all she cares about is going to the dominican republic and forcing me to marry my cousin thankfully i talked about the plan with my significant other and they are supportive due to what's going on and not knowing if it's going to get worse i think it's safe to say we are not flying out there but my mom for some reason still acts like we are still going basically i marry her and stay married for a year then we divorce amicably my mom pockets any money that's made from this if any when i try to downright refuse this this was met with screaming physical anger and threats to kick me out i'm afraid to go to any family members because i don't know what's going to happen what would you do if you were in this situation would you go ahead and marry her or would you absolutely not please let me know fire me before i quit i ruin your life since i'm still in school i took a job at a bakery of types which i won't name the place has bread in the name but also sells overpriced salads and sandwiches i worked there for close to a year where i had this boss named betty not her real name of course betty and i didn't get along whatsoever she had gotten the previous general manager to quit because she had an affair with him and she threatened to tell his wife if he didn't leave he quickly left the job and she was promoted to the position i didn't like her but i have to respect the dedication to be the general manager of a small store when i first started working there i was respectful but she would do things that would get on my nerves for instance i would clean all the places i would be hired to do and once i was done and relaxed for maybe five minutes she would run out of the manager's office screeching why aren't you working i would tell her of course i did my job and as a cashier if nobody is there to help then i didn't have anything to do she would glare at me then i would see her accidentally drop an entire pot of brewed coffee onto my freshly mopped floor for me to clean so i learned quickly to always look busy once she realized i was going to kneel and kiss the ground she walked on she started dropping my hours the store ran on a game of thrones type politics for who got promotions and raises somehow all her friends were managers and would bully the rest of us she was barely at work she would drive to my job clock just in case corporate decided to check her hours so she was essentially stealing hours when you clocked in it printed out a small piece of paper telling when you clocked in she would just drop them on the floor for me to clean up i would usually pick them up and stick them into a pocket so this led to me finding betty's clock in and out stubs in my pocket at my house this will be important for later also she was white and most of the staff were not one day at work she walked out and told us when you're on the clock i own you when we all reacted to look at her she backpedaled and was like i didn't mean it like that this will be important for later so after a while i got sick of practically begging for hours so i went to my current job but decided i merely wanted to drop my hours which were already barely a day a week but suddenly when i got my new job she scheduled me every single day of an entire week she never did that even when we were on semi good terms so i obviously told her i had a new job and couldn't do this after that i went home and called my friend who was still working there to tell him i was going to quit tomorrow he has a habit of putting his phone on speaker when he's cleaning at work so betty overheard this obviously the next day i walk in and grow through the respectful motions of saying thank you for the opportunity and blah blah blah betty let me get through the entire speech before she said oh yeah i was meaning to tell you you're fired i was so blindsided and upset i cussed her out my mom raised me to treat people with respect but this jerk really upset me so i left and was mad about being fired before i could quit but didn't push the issue i'm only 18 and i already had another job i wasn't expecting betty to give me a good reference anyway i would have completely left it alone if it wasn't for the district manager ben not his real name texting me the revenge he thought i was still working there so i explained to him i was fired he was stunned due to the fact that i was a decent employee he asked why she had let me go and i explained it to him and he was angry he clarified that she fired me before i quit and i said yes he was mad that she did this and asked if there was anything else she might have done i kind of just vented to him for a bit when i told him about her hateful remarks he asked if anyone else would collaborate with me i forgot to mention that she slowly fired and forced people to quit and replace them with her friends and family which according to company policy she couldn't do something about conflict of interest i asked all the people who were working that day if they could and a few said they would so they did but one did even better my one coworker andy is convinced he's the next big vlogger so he always has his phone out or just uses audio recordings for hours for a chance to catch a funny clip i've watched his content and let me say it's just super cringe but turns out he labels each recording by the day and times so when he checked he found her making hateful remarks i got a brilliant idea and with my other fired or forced to quit co-workers we decided to scour andy's recordings we found some great moments of betty saying controversial things are just being nasty like once a guest sneezed on the baked pastries and when a co-worker told her she laughed it off and said nobody would know but this wasn't enough for me i try to avoid conflict but when i'm in a situation i'll follow it through i looked her up on facebook and found out that she was married nobody knew this so when she had the affair with the other manager and basically blackmailed him she was also married i don't think anyone ever cared enough to find out because she was a nasty old lady so i found the old manager's mark facebook and found out he and his wife were separated turns out even after he quit betty was still trying to blackmail money out of him when he didn't she told his wife anyway causing his wife to divorce him and basically leave him to go live with his parents i did some research and in my state blackmail or extortion is a third degree penalty which has a max of seven years in prison with a fine of over ten thousand dollars to the victim so i told the old manager what my plan was for her he agreed to call the cops on her but i asked if he had waited until i finished my part first he said he'd give me a week so i met with district manager ben and showed him all of our evidence the recordings and the written statements from my other ex-co-workers and people who were still working there i also gave ben the slips of paper when betty clocked in and then left and returned eight to ten hours later to clock out ben thanked me for the information and then i left a few days later while walking past the store i noticed it was closed in the middle of the day i texted a guy who still worked there and he told me everything turns out ben first checked the security cameras to see if she was there for the full time she claimed to be big surprise she wasn't so ben decided to investigate the store's expenses since if she's lying about her time what else could she be stealing he found out she was stealing money from the store the guy didn't fully explain how she was but just that she was turns out she was breaking a lot of health and safety codes and used the money for repairs and etc for herself so she was fired immediately along with all of her minions and that left barely anybody to run the store they shut down to clean up the store and fix things she didn't make so she's out of a job and mark told her husband with photo proof that she cheated on him but mark phrased it so it seemed like she still was so betty's husband flips out and decides to divorce her and betty is the type to post everything on facebook so she's begging someone to let her stay but all of her friends and family totally bailed on her so she was living in her car looking for a job that's when mark decides to sew her for extortion so she scrambles to find a lawyer and to make it even worse the company decided to sue her for all the money she stole and plus all the repairs and lost revenue while the store is closed betty's life is crap she had to sell her car for drastically under what it's worth to pay for all the legal trouble mark told me bits of pieces of her crying in the courtroom but not too much i never was super close with him last i heard of betty as she was living with her sister who definitely hates her to think she would have avoided all of this if she just let me quit karen do you need a friend this is what i get for going to the store instead of ordering groceries to be delivered so with this stuff going on i've been dutifully staying in my apartment like a decent human being and limiting any time i spend outside unfortunately this has been heck on my partner's mental health and the depression is real so i decided forget it we're both food boys and he likes cookies there's a giant the next block over so i get dressed put on my sweet disney mask go on etsy the designs are wonderful and head out to get my partner some cookies now for reference my style is hobo chick so sweats sneaks graphic tee and a hoodie keep that in mind i go into giant and head for the cookie aisle i'm considering if i want to do oreos or if i want to be fancy and get pepperidge farm those are important questions of life when an older woman who is very short asks if i can grab something for her off the top shelf of course i say yes because she was nice enough to ask i'm a simple guy i hand her the item and go back to my contemplation as i decide to get them both i hear thee i've worked retail and i've worked food service so i know the sound of a wild karen when i hear one me what's up karen what's up is that how you treat i have zero in the way of spoons and even less patience me ma'am ma'am i'm gonna need you to look at me and try that line of thinking again karen who's up me hey hey hey uh-huh let me tell you what we're not going to do i need you to woo and chill i know you know better karen still looks mad but doesn't say anything me now i can help you find an employee if you want but what you will not do is yell at me i am only here to get cookies i point at my stomach i'm a thick boy me not that i need them karen cracks a small smile gotcha me but at this point i'm committed to this i didn't choose thick life it shows me karen starts to crack and laughs a little before all of a sudden starting to tear up i'm six foot three hundred pounds and black a crying karen is a bit detrimental to my continued freedom me um you okay karen yeah it's just that this is the first time i've laughed in a while my husband is in the hospital me he caught it karen yeah me i'm not sure if it means anything coming from some cookie guy but i hope he recovers karen smiled and walked away while she didn't apologize for popping off i'm glad it didn't escalate further her husband's condition doesn't excuse what i'm sure would have been an awful tirade but it does serve as a reminder that crap is bad for everyone you're shopping for someone else yeah right so some context because of what's been going on two families within my family's friend group are unable to leave their houses due to one or more of them being immunocompromised one of the families gets groceries delivered to their house but sometimes my mom and i will go buy stuff for them but the other family consists of two people they don't go through as much food and they had a ton saved up so when they need something my mom and i will go to buy it for them this story is about family bee last week my mom sent me to the store to not only pick up shopping for our family but for family bee too one of the items on the list was hand sanitizer and because some people are crazy they will do anything to get it i went into the store fully expecting there not to be any left but was able to find some albeit small bottles now the sign said one bottle per household and i had asked a store employee if it would be all right if i got two one for my family and one for family b i got the ok and continued to shop as i was looking for bagels the bread section was torn apart and things were literally everywhere this lady entitled mom comes up to me and taps me on the shoulder me somewhat freaked out as i didn't see her come up behind me sorry i'll move a bit entitled mom why do you have two bottles of hand sanitizer in your cart it's one per family me i'm shopping for two families right now i find the bagels i was looking for put them in my cart then get started on getting the shopping for family b walking away from the entitled mom as i pulled up the list hey she grabs me by the shoulder and yanks me away from my cart you can't have two bottles it's one per family me shaken up as i don't like being grabbed by strangers and i said i'm shopping for two families the entitled mom looks at my card and scoffs she reaches in and grabs one of the bottles of hand sanitizer like heck you are i need this for my family and there's none left so i'll just be taking this i grab her arm and yank the bottle from her grasp put it back in my cart and start walking off stop her she just stole from me thief someone stop her a store employee stops me and asks what happened that kid pointing at me is taking two bottles of hand sanitizer for one family and there's none left and i need one me first off i'm not a kid second off i'm shopping for a family friend who can't leave their house due to a compromised immune system the store employee sighs employee okay ma'am referring to me you can go sorry for the inconvenience i leave but as i am i hear the entitled mother yelling and berating the store employee i finished shopping and left the store family b was very happy to finally have some hand sanitizer and so was my mom pick your battles several years ago before we had the term karen for certain customers i decided to buy a grill a little back story i worked the oil field and it told my crew if we met certain goals i would build a kitchen trailer my guys came through in shining fashion and it was now up to me to hold up to my end of the bargain granted i would be spending a lot of my own money so that when i leave i'll have a cool kitchen to take camping or for parties but this has nothing to do with the incident i ordered a very expensive custom grille through a retail outlet that shall not be named this grill was amazing and you would hope so for twelve thousand dollars i know that's crazy high but this was fully custom made i knew the exact second it arrived because the store manager called me asking when i would come pick it up stores don't like having too much inventory sitting around especially something that expensive i said i would be there that evening i showed up and while i was excited about the grill i was in a bad mood work just sucked that day i was waiting by customer service and they said it might be a bit before they could get it out to me no worries i'll wait while i'm standing there i see karen walk in she looks at me and bee lines in my direction then in a huffy voice young man are you busy i need help finding some things i'm wearing a dan work shirt with my name and my company name very different from the store uniform i obviously don't work here i'm waiting for something but i don't work here maybe ask them i point to a nearby employee karen why can't you just do your job stop being lazy and help me i'm not in the mood for this but i'm trying to be nice ma'am i point to the company name on my shirt this is where i work then wave to the surrounding store not here you need to talk to someone else karen starts screeching stop being lazy and do your job that's it listen you [ __ ] how can i say it any simpler i don't work here now get out of my face i'm guessing karen has never been yelled at like this before because her mouth just hangs open as she walks away i thought this was over but boy was i wrong within a few minutes i see her approaching again with what is clearly a manager pointing to me and saying that's him that's the one they got to me and she goes on this person refused to assist me and then was yelling at me when i tried to remind him what his job was i demand that you fire him this manager looked confused then tries to placate her manager okay uh well we can't have our employees treating customers this way so you are going to need to turn in your uniforms and wrong choice buddy manager stopped talking i might have gone along with it and left it off but the smug satisfied look on karen's face was infuriating me you know i don't work here i'm not playing along you have two choices right now either you can find a way to get it through her stupid head that i don't work here or i can leave and you can find someone else to buy the grill i'm waiting for now after you refund my deposit manager's face goes white he was clearly doing some real hard thinking ma'am this man doesn't work here if you would like i will personally help you find whatever you need the fury on her face was satisfying to see knowing she wasn't going to get her way made my whole day better entitled parents invite themselves on a vacation and then complain it's not good enough for them i was talking with my mom the other day and mentioned a family we hadn't seen since i was about 10. she told me that after a vacation they joined us on they decided to stop being friends with them here is the story my parents planned a vacation to take me and my brother to yellowstone when we were eight and ten they told the entitled parents about the vacation they were planning and they invited themselves to go with us they figured it would be fun for us to all go together as they had kids the same age as me and my brother not wanting to be rude to the family or cause issues since we went to a bible study at their house every sunday my parents included them in our plans my mom warned them the cabins we were staying in were extremely rustic think no walls separating bedrooms mismatched furniture and small they said that would be fine and had my mom booked the cabin next to them everything seemed to be going pretty well until our vacation actually started my parents wanted to start driving to yellowstone fairly early we live in utah so they wanted to leave around 7 or 8. the entitled parents didn't show up until 11 and my parents couldn't get a hold of them before this they weren't answering their phones so this ticked my mom off and she asked the entitled parents what happened to leaving early and they told her oh we like to sleep in on weekends my dad told my mom to just let it go and to try to still have a good day when we arrived the entitled parents instantly turned their noses up at our accommodations and said they wouldn't be good enough for their kids my mom told the entitled parents she had warned them that they were rustic the entitled parents had friends in the main part of yellowstone and told my parents that they were going to go visit them my mom reminded them that they bought food for dinner for all of us and the entitled parents assured my mom they would be back for dinner at seven so my parents cooked a really nice dinner for everyone we had steak potatoes corn dessert and waited on the entitled parents to show up at a when the family still wasn't there they decided to eat without them as they had no way of contacting them we went to bed and around midnight the entitled parents showed up they told my parents the cabins they booked weren't good enough for them and they would be staying with their other friends for the rest of their vacation they also said it was a mistake to include my family on their trip because of the cabins that were booked and they had to start driving so early in the day to accommodate us my mom and dad had enough of their attitude and reminded them that they were the ones to join us without being invited and said they were fine with the cabins we booked and our travel plans for leaving they also told them they were inconsiderate for bailing on dinner and should have told them if they had no intention of having it with us at that point the other family left and we never saw them again i'm your server and the manager checkmate karen a few years ago i started serving at a family-owned restaurant in my town i quickly became close with the owner and the owner's daughter and helped them with more than just serving i became head server and then bar manager since it was a smaller restaurant i kept serving because i made way more money that way we had a special every day for wine we had a shelf filled with wine bottles each shelf was either 15 25 or 50 off it was a great deal and typically we sold it for about five to ten dollars more than we were paying per bottle of wine i don't know if this is well known but a lot of restaurants up charged their drinks quite a bit in order to make a profit obviously so it was a great deal for people one day a lady comes in with her friends and immediately starts causing problems i end up taking over for the server who got them right after they ordered their drinks because they were so rude to her and it was her first full day of serving by herself the lady ends up ordering one of the 25 off bottles which ended up being around seven dollars more than you could buy it for at the store how do i know this at the end of the meal i can hear her talking to her friends about how she's going to get the bottle of wine for free she knew i was right there and could probably hear it but i was just the server and probably dumb also overheard at an earlier time i may be dumb but i'm not stupid at this point i'm so ready to tell her no i actually wonder by a few times so she can try her crap sure enough she snaps at me and i mean literally snaps her fingers and calls me over and said i want you to get your bar manager i looked online and found this bottle of merlot for this much and you charged me this much plus seven dollars i'm not paying this ridiculous overcharge and i also want to talk to them about the service here today too now not to toot my own horn i was a good server there weren't many people in the restaurant at the time so i know i didn't neglect them i substituted food for them and didn't charge them any up charges even though a double baked stuffed potato cost more than a side of chips but whatever she looked at me with such a smug face until i smiled back at her and said actually i am the bar manager i've never seen such a comical change in expression outside of a sitcom she said you're the bar manager and i smiled and nodded and said every restaurant will charge you more for products than they buy them for this is how we make a profit i'm not going to be discounting the wine as far as issues with service i would be happy to listen to your complaints and take them into consideration for the future she spluttered grumbled and told me well i'll never be coming back here okay good riddance lady and she didn't come back her friends did though and became some of my favorite regulars they told me a few months later that the only reason they went out with her was because she was one of their sister-in-laws and didn't have any friends i wonder why so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 95,227
Rating: 4.8381691 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: U7IvoPWZCa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 54sec (9354 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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