r/Entitledparents Karen MOTHER Takes my Backpack, I PRESS CHARGES!

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled parent tries to take my school bag ends up going to jail characters we've got me we've got entitled parent we've got mates one two and three we've got the bystander and the train driver innocent kid didn't really do much just listen to his mom i go to a reasonably expensive school in my home city not named for obvious reasons and the uniform is pretty distinctive to get to it i usually get a train for around 20 minutes to and from plus 15 minute walk to the train station for most of this i am accompanied by a few mates who live in the same general area looking at us you wouldn't think much three to four relatively skinny teenagers who go to a good school however out of the usual squad two of them do self-defense and other martial arts both have done it for over six years and are relatively high up in skill levels this was a couple of years back so some of the details may be a bit rusty now on to the story my mates and i were waiting at the train station after school one day and we're talking about the usual things that we talk about video games school and the like we are the nerds of the school we see the train rock up to the platform and we get on for once there are more than 10 empty seats and my mates sit down in a set of four while i stand we put our bags on the ground outside the way of the walkway and continue our conversation a few minutes passed and then the mother of a small kid no more than about five or six comes onto the train by this point most of the other seats were filled up so my mates offered to move for them and she accepted we picked up our bags and moved down the carriage a bit to an open area where we could stand without disrupting anyone two stations later the mother gets up leaving her kids still sitting down and starts asking us questions about our school how is your school i hear that it is very good and gets consistently high results mate one it is very nice thank you we really enjoy going there the general theme of question goes on for a few minutes and she asks us about the teachers the administration how we feel about going there etc after a few more questions she turns to her kid and says you will go to school here it sounds like a great place she turns back to myself and my mates and says would one of you please mind giving your uniform to my son it looks expensive and i think you would be able to afford it better than i will we all deny her and make to leave the carriage she sees us leaving and reaches down to try and take my bag and run she does so but doesn't get far as mates 1 and 2 both run after her and tackle her to the ground while this is happening mate 3 goes up to the emergency intercom and tells the train driver to call the police and stop at the next station when the police arrive at the next station the entitled parent is taken into custody after the statements from myself my three friends and a random person who saw it all happen all of this coupled with the security tapes from the carriage meant that she was found guilty of attempted robbery she was charged a few fines costing over two thousand dollars one of these was for the fact that the train had to wait for a while for the police to arrive she had to pay the cost of this effect so karen have you ever tried taking something that didn't belong to you of course i have mr reddit it's how i've gotten most of my favorite things i own and you don't feel bad about taking people's stuff why should i let me tell you something about the world we live in when you want something you have to go out and get it even if that means taking it from others well how would you feel if someone just took something that belonged to you take something that belongs to me i wouldn't stand for it what kind of monster would do something like that you can't park there okay you can but it will cost you my parents had this problem with a guy parking a tractor trailer on their land he lives right across from one of their pecan groves the grove has well-spaced trees all in neat rows the grass is mode super short the ground is really flat it looks like an ideal place to pull your rig if you don't know better the ground is so flat because they use mechanical harvesting bumps and grooves can cause the machines to leave pecans laying on the ground a two inch deep grove from a big truck like that can hold thousands of dollars of pecans and will until it is fixed oh and you have to get them up by hand it's a big deal when someone messes with your livelihood like that so the guy parks there one time they get it he probably doesn't understand he's causing so much trouble dad goes down explains the damage he has done tells him the grove is private property and not to do it again dude we'll call him dude agrees apologizes dad goes home fixes damage midweek next friday there is the truck again same spot dad not about to put up with this calls the sheriff's department cop comes truck moves dad fixes damage midweek next week no truck one week later truck is back repeat complaint for trespassing to sheriff dude claims he forgot he drives over the road and his home depot where his car is parked is 30 miles away it is convenient for dude to forget because he saves his gas and time by driving his employer's rig and parking it on my parents land also he doesn't get nailed if his cab isn't clean no other driver gets assigned his truck there are plain motivations dude clearly does not forget every time he is home but this is what he claims to the deputies sent out on the complaints after seven times the sheriff's department is called he finally gets a trespassing citation no fine is levied drives his car two weeks in a row following week truck is back at this point my dad has fixed this damage so often he is keeping a tractor and blade on the property so it gets done faster and easier calls the sheriff yet again the sheriff himself comes out this time truck leaves sheriff comes to see my dad says the enforcement problem is that it is hard to explain to a court the harm when pitchers hardly show any damage and dude always apologizes and moves the truck when deputies come says getting dude for trespassing under those circumstances is going to be tough but he is on this and will see it through for my parents but his office is 30 miles away not that many deputies to be out patrolling etc and then the sheriff bless his little elected heart says but if there were something different like a theft of services going on the next day signs go up on 80 trees in a row 8 000 feet they are 100 feet apart semi-parking 500 dollars per hour pre-pay violators will be towed dude doesn't pay the signs any mind dude does however pay the tow truck and deputies quite a bit of mind comes running and screaming waving his arms as they are hooking up well before my dad called to have him towed everything was documented including having the sheriff himself drive by and take several pictures of the truck parked with the clearly visible signs everything is put on hold while dude's employer who owns the truck drives out after three hours dude's boss gives up and writes a check for 7 800 to cover parking and tow truck fees that actually covered the tow truck all the repairs printing the signs and beer for about a year from my dad's tuesday poker gathering salute dude who still lives there does not park in the pecan grove his boss payroll deducted his checks for two years yes my dad is awesome serves him right for parking there over and over no he wasn't doing anything wrong let the man park his truck there and stop being such a baby but the truck was damaging the ground and affecting their business excuses excuses i would have just kept talking there and if he had called the sheriff on me i would have sued him would you really be able to sue someone for calling the cops on you oh mr reddit you can sue someone for just about anything nowadays well can i sue my viewers if they don't smash that thumbs up smooth mr reddit real smooth husband goes full drill sergeant on a cairn before i start this story i have to tell you about my husband i'm french and we met while he was on vacation in europe one thing led to another and now i live in ohio with him he is a hard-working gentleman an army veteran of two conflicts and though he has a very serious and almost hostile demeanor think resting jerkface but angrier and on a guy he is a big teddy bear quick to make a joke or pull a prank and easy to laugh he is also very protective of me since i'm not here to gush on him i'll go on we were out getting groceries last week as we were checking out i was bagging up all our stuff because the store now requires that you bag your own goods if you bring your own bags no big deal he pays a nice day to help a very elderly lady behind him bag her groceries and put them in her cart he had helped her unload them and we offered to help her put them in her car she shuffles away from the register and i move to follow as i turn away i hear behind me where the heck do you think you're going i turned to see a very angry looking woman glaring at me i told her politely that i didn't work at the store and i had just helped the elderly lady to be polite and that i was now leaving with my husband to go home i had never met an american karen before so i thought this would be the end of it i turned to walk away and feel a vice grip on my arm don't be lazy just do your job and help back my groceries i didn't even have time to respond she had barely finished speaking when my husband wrenched her hand off me and was yelling in her face this was the first time in the 10 years we've been together that i saw the old soldier come out his nose might have been three inches from hers and his voice was loud and frightening who the heck do you think you are how dare you put your hands on my wife she told you she doesn't work here are you too stupid to understand simple english go bad your own groceries and don't you dare utter another sound the silence after that was intense a store full of people could hear a pin drop the look on her face wasn't even angry it was pure terror she shuffled back to her aisle and waited for the cashier my husband went to the old lady and said i am so sorry you had to hear all that ma'am i apologize i hope you will still allow us to help you load your groceries into your car it was surreal like he had just flipped on a switch and flipped it back off also we got chased down by the store manager who suggested we could be banned because of the yelling husband just shrugged and said they had better ban the karen too for assaulting me and that there are other grocery stores in town we just go to this one because it's close didn't get banned now that's how you put a karen in her place oh shut up mr reddit what do you know about putting a karen in her place i know i put you in yours right across from me and you've been sitting there ever since steal my design and get all the credits enjoy getting kicked off so my friend over in korea studies fashion design she sometimes sends me over the sketches of the designs and they all look amazing then again i'm not into fashion she is particularly interested in designing handbags and purses she told me a story about how she shut down one of the most entitled self-centered lazy students on campus cast we've got grace our main character girl we've got jane the evil one we've got the professor the instructor of the course story at first grace and jane got along just fine they were both interested in similar stuff and quickly became bffs grace decided to show jane her sketches and designs for handbags and purses and jane was so impressed by it because the sketches were in incredible detail including all of the patterns and so lines coupled with figurative measurements even professor was impressed by it and it was no surprise that grace got a high mark on their first major exam jane didn't do so well and practically followed grace everywhere to get pointers on how to do better so grace decided to help her out unfortunately jane turned out to be one of the most entitled lazy and selfish people that grace has ever met things that jane did to upset grace included but are not limited to not paying attention being late on their study session never showing appreciation didn't pay for coffee or snacks complaining annoyingly about how hard it was to draw something grace pretty much gave up on her after a week refusing to meet jane outside of her class time went by and for their midterm everyone in the class had to do a presentation on the stuff they had designed when it was jane's turn grace was shocked to see jane had stolen one of her designs thankfully grace had multiple designs going on so there were no conflicts when it was her turn to present but she was seething with rage grace had a meeting with the professor afterwards and the professor knew what was going on but couldn't really do anything with jane because it turns out she was the daughter of the chairman or one of the major investors grace said she can't recall the chairman apparently blackmailed the professor into giving jane the best grades the revenge professor did however help grace devise a plan to humiliate and expose jane for the finals the professor announced to the class they would do another presentation but it would be three designs and advised they had to bring their a games because professionals from industries would be grading their work now the head of the department and the chairman would be there as well so you know how grace had a bunch of sketches for the class well grace also had a separate sketchbook that had designs from major brands mk coach you name it she never used these directly for class assignments but rather as inspirations for her designs grace pretended to be all friendly with jane again and brought the other sketchbook on their meetings still putting up with all the problems mentioned above grace secretly worked tirelessly on her new design and did her best to keep it a secret from jane so the day of the final presentation arrives and grace and professor are grinning because they know what is about to happen grace went first and she got a lot of praise from the judges after a few more presentations the last one to go was jane jane's presentation turned out to be another copycat copying designs of not one not two but three different companies after the presentation this was how it all went down at least according to grace judge one so you are saying you designed all of these by yourself right jane that's right judge and you swear that it really was your design and you didn't copy off from anything else right jane i swear judge you are aware your designs are from these brands huh are you aware that these are on the market right now and some of the most popular designs wait hold on judge two yeah i was going to bring this up if you had worked for any brands you would have probably been fired or worse case sued jane but judge 2 please i am not done yet did you honestly think this would work we the judges have been in the industry for over 10 years we know a copycat when we see it but these aren't even my designs they are from grace judge three to grace is this true grace yes but i never use them for major projects nor call them my work i just use sketches of them as inspiration for my own designs judge three well that was clear from your presentation turning back to jane now miss jane this is a clear case of plagiarism and i do hope your school is merciful on this matter after the presentation was over the chairman screamed at the professor in front of everyone not realizing he just revealed all the blackmailing and the secret grade deal jane tried to call out grace on how she did her over but it really didn't matter no one listened to jane's attempt and slander and she was kicked out of the school chairman pretty much lost all support and had to resign and was replaced by a far more honorable and competent one nothing better than a cheater getting busted oh she didn't even do anything wrong karen she stole her designs and used them for a graded class project no that's fine i did that all throughout my high school career and look how i turned out entitled family forces me to babysit for entire weekend makes me miss my mother's birthday so let us start i am ghanaian and if anyone knows anything about west africa you will know that ghanaians and nigerians share a lot in common and often find themselves in the same communities so the entitled family cast we've got entitled mother entitled father entitled kids one and two this is a nigerian family that had moved into our little town and naturally entered my parents circles and therefore became family friends this started the process of them becoming a thorn in our family sides the event i'll mention is what severed ties between our families so after a couple of years living in our town they had moved to the nearby city where entitled father got a nice job as a consultant doctor and cardiology good for them but when they moved they put entitled kids in private school and became integrated into the high society and my city is a very affluent city in the uk if their entitlement was a six they were 12 now once in a while when they wanted to go to their high society parties i would be asked to babysit their entitled kids for the night i didn't mind i got on with the kids as i established that i am not one to mess with if they obeyed rules they were rewarded but i had no qualms punishing them and held firm to my boundaries once they understood they were mostly well behaved in fact i got way better at parenting their kids than them when i gave instructions they obeyed they didn't even obey their parents instructions anyway i have a busy life juggling a master's with a job so usually when i babysat the night i usually had plans for the day after but as time went on the entitled parents kept ignoring my plans and finding ways to make me stay the rest of the day like forcing me to go to church with them and conveniently going shopping in the mall for hours when they were meant to drive me home i lived a 40-minute drive from them no matter how much i protested they kept finding ways anyway the event i was asked to babysit whilst they went for dinner on a friday night my mother's birthday was on saturday so i made it abundantly clear that i had to leave in the morning to spend the day with my mom they said they will drop me home by 9 am on saturday i agreed they went to their party around 2 am the entitled parents have still not arrived and i went to sleep i woke up around 7 am and realized they were not home i rang them to find where they were this was the phone call me auntie african custom to call older females and whether they are related or not pleased where are you you said you would drop me home today entitled mom oh oop the party ran late are the kids okay is something wrong me the kids are okay we were wondering where you are and when you're coming home entitled mom oh we are in our hotel room we have a meeting all day today and we'll be back sunday they had lied and gone to london for the weekend me auntie i can't stay the weekend i have to go to mom's for her birthday i am sure your mother will understand if you miss it as you are busy with the kids me no she won't my mother is dramatic and you promised me maybe i can take them home with me no no there is no way you should take them on public transport i don't want them sitting in the dirty train me but i have to go home no no stay stay with the kids and don't take them anywhere do you hear me it's not like i left you with nothing you should be grateful i cooked for you small things i ask of you and you are being disrespectful where are your manners didn't your mother raise you to respect your elders one weekend with kids and you're throwing a tantrum i feel sorry for your future children she hung up and refused to pick up my calls i ring my mother and tell her the situation i'm upset she is upset and the best way to fight an entitled parent is to send another entitled parent to battle with them my mother has been a mother longer than her and has mastered her dramatic manipulation technique so my mother rings her and lays into her my mother rings again and tells me to take care of the kids for the weekend but this will be the last time i will ever babysit for the family so i stayed for the weekend and dealt with entitled kids shenanigans my parents arrive on sunday to pick me up and together we wait for entitled parents now bear in mind i don't know it went down in the phone call between the two sets of parents but when entitled parents arrive they look shook the minute they see my mother they are scared they don't even say anything to me the entitled father just pushed 150 pounds into my hands and my mother drags me into the car the entitled parents lock the door in a hurry and my parents are fuming in silence on the way home i have never seen such animosity anyway that was the last time i ever saw that family ever again update i rang my mom and asked so bear in mind that both parties believe in african superstitions so obviously during this phone call between the mothers my mom is upset she's screaming and started calling them out since they became well off how they have changed and have grown horns and now my mom is going to make it her personal mission to remove the horns since their parents don't love them enough to do so she is doing it as a caring concerned christian woman she threatened to ring the hospital oh fun fact they work in the same hospital my mom is a nurse and make them aware of the nspcc allegations she's about to make and let all his colleagues know then remember i said both are christian this is where the weird irony my mom's relative is a juju voodoolike priest in ghana my mother told the entitled parents that she was going to make me go into their bathroom to collect personal stuff and have it sent to the juju priest to cast black magic on them she said she was going to rain down curses and make sure they never prosper if they didn't want that to happen they better make my time worthwhile and it better be able to buy her an awesome gift hence the 150 pounds before that i was babysitting for free because i liked their kids after my parents and i went to a great restaurant to celebrate the birthday why do some people think you should babysit for them for free oh i never pay my babysitters they're just lucky i let them watch my angels karen you really don't pay your babysitters well initially i tell them i'm going to pay them but i just never do it saves me a lot of money and they continue to babysit for you after you stiff them like that that's the only problem for some reason they refused to babysit again after that and i just can't seem to figure out why kid asks for plush mom immediately insults me because i didn't give it to him right after he asked this was on my little brother's birthday april 17th me and my mom were at walmart picking up a cake for everyone to have than a small personal one for him to eat to himself after grabbing things like groceries the cake and a box of diapers me and my mom decided to grab him this robotic dinosaur toy as another birthday present because his dad who was deported out of our country had managed to send my mom some money and said to buy him something from his dad as we're going through the aisles i stop because i wanted to grab a pack of trading cards for myself when i see a bulbasaur plush last one sitting beside two squirtles and a pikachu i was paying for my own stuff so i didn't ask my mom if i could have them or not going back to join her we grab the dino toy and a few more quick things from the pharmacy we go to self-checkout and i decide to go to one and buy my stuff quickly so i can help my mom out with the heavier stuff in the cart i scan the bulbasaur first and put them in my bag before scanning the cards a drink and some candy i'm about to put my money into pay when i notice a small kid is looking into my bag i don't know if it was just that he happened to be really pale or if he was sick but i wasn't going to take my chances since i'm higher risk only there because my mom jacked up her shoulder and can't lift heavy things i swipe my bag away from him and shove my 20 into the machine asking him very nicely to go back to his parent he looks at me and says you got the bulbasaur they only had pichu and the turtle in the aisle could we please trade i already got the turtles but i don't like pichu much i didn't even get to speak because as soon as he stopped speaking his mother started just give him the dang toy you're like 12. you don't need a plushie he asked now give i look at her before speaking an entire tone ma'am i am 17 years old and i do not think you should be speaking to me like that you should learn some manners and be a better role model for your kid he had asked me already to trade the plushie i get cut off oh shut up already and give my baby the toy i don't care how old you are i'm an adult and you're just a kid my mom looks upset i send her a quick text in my hoodie pocket that thanks to autocorrect said let key handle it turning to the kid i ignored his mom for a minute as i talked to him sorry kiddo but i want to keep the bulbasaur how about i give you some candy for asking nicely instead of trying to take it i handed him a bag of m ms i had planned to eat on the car ride home and he seemed content telling his mom he wanted to go as i turned and walked to my mom and grabbed the heavy stuff for her then entitled mom comes over barely says excuse me and my mom whips around nearly hitting them with her long braid rapunzel looking hair she's been growing out since she was a kid and says you better be over here to apologize for my son for being a jerk and not be trying to take something he bought with his own money now i can't remember the argument as i tuned it out pretty sure the kid did too because he was happily eating m ms but it ended quickly as i just finished scanning everything and put myself between the two and said i get the adults are almost screaming at each other but can you at least pay so i can put everything in the car the ice cream's gonna start melting and you left your youngest two with your sister reluctantly on my mother's end me and my mom started to leave and the kid comes up and happily chirps thank you i'ma tell daddy i was a good boy and asked nicely and i'll make sure he knows mummy was a meanie on the car ride home my mom yelled up a storm about that woman and i chugged some coca-cola and wondered how the dad was going to react to his wife being a meanie according to his son my little brother shoved his face into his cake and more so demolished it instead of ate it hey karen did you ever watch pokemon oh no but i know what it is my kids have so much pokemon stuff it's ridiculous nice you know i've heard that stuff can be pretty expensive oh i wouldn't know we never buy it we just take it from people when we see something we like you mean like stealing oh heavens though do you think we are some sort of criminals so what's the difference between you taking people's stuff and criminals stealing it how dare you the difference is i'm not a criminal i helped my grandma so i must work here so this happened to me about september last year i was wearing a light blue button-up shirt jeans and formal black slip-on shoes and i was with my grandma amazing old lady would do anything for anyone and never want anything in return other than for the person to pay it forward i've grown up my whole life following those words so i'm at the local supermarket with my elderly grandma doing some shopping walking through the store just grabbing bits and bats anything we need obviously talking to her through the store helping put things into the cart grabbing stuff from the tops of shelves that she can't reach you know the kind of thing anyone would do and it was at this point peck would drop a karen right in front of me grandma oh i was thinking about doing some cookies for us to share and enjoy would you like that i should note my grandma is very well aware of everything she has full motor skills and is actually a very good baker even now you'll never see her not doing something like gardening baking sewing knitting grandma-like things i guess me uh yeah sure we can do that just tell me what you need i'll quickly grab it while you wait here so grandma lists off everything i need to grab and stands at the end of the aisle waiting i run off grabbing a few items showing her from down the aisle to confirm the brand or the type she wants when the clearing of the throat sounded behind me i turned around slightly having a quick glance it was nobody just someone actually clearing their throat i was safe then the ill-fated tap on my shoulder i turned around hoping it's not what i think it is karen excuse me when you're done waving them items around in the air can you give me them me uh sorry no i'm buying these for myself and my grandma but i can quickly grab you some from the top if you can't reach them yourself karen you you're buying them yourself that's very selfish of you buying items while on the clock so unprofessional and from a manager no less she looks me up and down seeing my claws me i i'm not a met she cuts me off snatching a box out of my hand shut up and give me them now i'm going to call your corporate office for this she pauses looking at the box i don't want this brand give me the other me lady i don't even work here give me that back i'm buying it myself like i told you my grandma at this point has walked away and found an actual employee pointing karen out while she continues on a rampage of calling corporate and getting me written up even fired when store employee walks up store employee ma'am what seems to be the problem here your manager is buying items while on the clock i want corporate's number you deserve better than him young man me lady listen to what i've told you a dozen times already i don't work here karen just screeches shut up she hits me with the box bursting it open making the produce fall out onto the floor i grab the karen's wrist me what the heck lady store employee radios in the incident to security employee yeah we've got a crazy lady hitting another customer with items from the shelves karen i'm not crazy you jerk and unhand me you monster let me go you're hurting me she swings at me again catching me on the cheek that's when my grandma comes over you don't mess with grandma's grandson i let karen go and then smack grandma listen here you ungrateful stuck up jerk you do not do that to my grandson ever karen goes to swing at my grandma screaming her head off so loud you could actually hear dogs howling from miles away when i grab her arm along with a security guard who had made her way over who told me to let go took the karen's other arm and pinned her down the store employee took me and my grandma away from it all taking us to the front of the store constantly apologizing while laughing and joking with us about the slap from my grandma police arrived and questioned us about what had happened once it was all cleared up the actual manager appeared not only got his staff to grab everything for us both but allowed us to have it for free an amazing guy we refused several times but he wouldn't allow us to actually pay not 10 minutes later karen was dragged out of the store in handcuffs there was a bunch of little conversations that happened but i don't remember what was said too well so i left it out i went back to the store two days later and found the same store employee asked him what actually happened with her as far as he knows she was an apparent re-offender of the same thing and to his knowledge she was still in a prison cell well sounds like that karen definitely learned her lesson she did nothing wrong she just wanted help yeah she actually reminded me of you a lot maybe you guys are related or something possibly almost sounds like she could have been my cousin carol or my aunt jackie oh my well as interesting as the karen family tree is don't you have a special announcement for us karen i sure do huge shout out to amanda our newest official channel member thank you so much for supporting the channel join as a member today and i'll give you a special shout out in our next video and if you'd like me to make a special video for you or a loved one come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below entitled jerk tries to ask me out his entitled mom steps in cast we've got me ellie we've got entitled kid we've got entitled mom we've got my brothers chris and keith for some context i am five foot one i'm tiny people would say i'm attractive doesn't always work in my favor i'm at the mall with my two brothers but i went to forever 21 while they went somewhere else i get everything and i start to walk out of the store and title kid stops me hi uh i'm entitled kid me hi entitled kid do i know you entitled kid uh no but are we in paris i don't say anything entitled kid doesn't say anything me no entitled kid cause i fell for you me oh that's funny haha i'm ellie but i'm sorry i'm already in a relationship entitled kid did i ask that me well i'm very loyal to my boyfriend and i think i'm a bit older than you well who says you can't have a guy on the side you look like a party girl and you're wearing short shorts you can't wear those if you have a boyfriend stop making excuses me first of all i can wear whatever i want entitled kid blocks me in with his hands me please stop i don't feel comfortable at this point i see a woman standing a ways off watching this intensely i figure it's his mother entitled kid come on you probably go to school with me i mean you're shopping at our town mall me oh i'm very sorry but i'm actually 23 and don't go to high school anymore oh stop lying you're like four feet tall me entitled kid i'm sorry about this i'm 23 and you're like 16. oh my god you do go to school with me that's how you know i'm 16. me look i can't date you i'm sure you'll find a great girl that you can take to prom and whatever i start to move his hands out of the way an entitled mom runs over at the speed of sound entitled kids start sniffling entitled mom how dare you speak to my son that way me ma'am he's 16 be quiet okay entitled kid work your magic now entitled mom steps back entitled kid so you want to go down to texas roadhouse or something entitled mom evil grin me look entitled kid you're a great kid but i'm too old for you entitled mom nope you're going to go with him if you're that picky you can choose the place me no i'm not going to go anywhere with him i don't care she grabs my wrist me stop leave me alone i try to get out of entitled mom's grip but i'm too tiny an entitled kid grabs my other hand i scream and manage to start calling my brother on my watch keith and chris came running now i got the short end of the stick with the height my mom's entire family is tall chris is six foot seven and keith is six foot four chris let go of her keith now i'm not asking again i don't know where the security guards were here maybe it was just a crappy maul entitled mom let's go and pretend she's hurt but they shut that down real quick entitled mom was pretty intimidated by them she was probably only five foot six entitled mom well my son is asking her on a date that's all a date chris well how old is your son ellie is 23 entitled kid i'm 16. keith let go of her entitled kid she's seven years older than him are we done here entitled mom she's not 23. she looks like she's 16. i want proof i show untitled mom my driver's license well that could be fake just go on a date with him or just as friends it's not that hard me no goodbye entitled kid in the distance can i have your number we walk away and enjoy some panera please respect people's boundaries and be sensible wow it sounds like she really dodged a bullet on that one wrong she's the one who's going to be missing out that boy sounded perfect for her he really reminded me of my son i bet he did karen i bet he did and i really admire that mother for trying to help her son get what should be rightfully his karen yes you are sick entitled mom wants me to weigh her candy at the movie theater having worked during college at the local movie theater i came across all kinds of karen's in this particular case karen went to the movies with her two kids around the ages of four to five as you guys know movie theaters have high prices for snacks and drinks it was sunday morning and usually this is a busy time with a lot of kids and kids movies it's obvious that i'm dealing with a total carriage straight from the start keeping on her sunglasses chewing gum and being on the phone the entire time she's waiting in line when it's her turn i think to myself my shift just started just be nice and maybe this will all go over smoothly it didn't karen is annoyed by the prices of the tickets you can buy the tickets and your snacks at the same register and is not happy with the assortment of healthy snacks i'm still there trying to keep up my best smile like i'm the joker in a low budget batman movie but i'm getting through her order now for the kids as they were acting like dogs running around the place i will name them like dogs so kid 1 is ollie kid 2 is rex note where i'm from we have a display where you can scoop your own candy in a bag for a fixed price per 100 grams 3.5 ounces being a movie theater this is crazy expensive and a full bag can cost around 16 year old 1750 u.s ollie mommy can we scoop some candy karen how much for the candy me it's 150 per 100 grams yes ali hurry up with the candy rex mom i want some candy too karen ali help your brother get his candy at this point she already spent way too much time in line normally you can scoop the candy before you make your purchase to prevent the transaction from taking an extremely long time and we can help the other customers not for miss karen though she just goes back to texting on her phone i'm baffled annoyed and just want to go help other customers because the movie is starting in 15 minutes and the lines for the registers are not moving at all so me the good samaritan that i am try to eyeball the bag of candy ali has so that i can get a rough estimate how much the candy will cost to my enjoyment i see the kid with an enormous bag of candy almost the size of his head so i estimate that it will be around 15 euros rex's bag isn't that full but he is still scooping and i think to myself realistically the price will be higher but i just want this to be over and i don't want to overprice them me the total will be 44 euros karen what why is it so expensive me miss the candy weighs a lot and the price but you didn't even weigh it you're just trying to rip me off weigh it and give me the correct price she says as she grabs the bags from ollie and rex well she was correct i didn't weigh it but i wasn't trying to rip her off heck i was giving her a huge discount so i smile to her and grab the bags of candy and put them on the scale i can see the price and so can the customer me sure miss as you can see the price of the candy costs 24 euros so your total will be 53 euros so of course karen gets angry and wants me to call the manager because i am still ripping her off the managers come along weigh the candy and confirm that the price is 53 euros because you have to pay the candy when you grab it because of hygiene rules and there is a big sign karen eventually buys everything and walks away angry with her kids luckily for me the manager was a nice dude so i didn't get into trouble for guessing the weight and at the end of the shift i was glad i could ruin a movie experience for karen i guess karen should have been paying a little more attention and a little less time on her phone oh shut up mr reddit that candy was way too expensive i would have thrown it back in his face you know it sure was expensive but hey that's movie theaters for you we usually just steal other people's popcorn when they aren't looking oh no don't do that karen just sneak in some mcdonald's in your purse that's feisty mr reddit i know right but i still like my way better my son can't move out on time it's too mentally stressful after being scarred by my internship i finally have the space to think about it and remembered my favorite story cast we've got me poor graduate school intern we've got entitled rich dad we've got entitled kid the college junior and we've got the boss my supervisor i did my internship in greek life at a very rich school i ran the move out process for our chapter houses and we had informed the student since february what the may date was for move outs they could apply for extinctions until about april 20th and most were accepted with a fee and accepted until the 27th with a late fee and a damage responsibility waiver for all extensions enter entitled kid we have a lot of entitled kids at the school but this entitled kid decides to apply may 1st and asks for a day extension because he didn't start packing until a few days before finals when he is summarily rejected for being passed even the late deadline he calls the office screaming about how it isn't fair and how he obviously was studying for finals so why should he pack when that didn't work he dropped by the office and was rejected again by me for the same reason he let me know in the most snotty draco malfoy tone i had heard yet i understand that there is nothing that i can do my father will be giving you a call sure enough about an hour later entitled dad calls entitled dad hello is this op me yes this is she yes i heard from my son that he would not be granted a move out extension me yes unfortunately he applied after the date and there are no other people approved for an extension in his house so it was denied for safety purposes an aside there has been a tradition that seniors would try and coerce people with extensions to let them into the house after closing to party and the seniors often trash the house leaving thousands of dollars in damages entitled dad still a nice voice well i just don't think that that's acceptable to us i am concerned for his mental health while studying at this school and he should not be packing during finals me sir all students were reminded in february and april about move-out dates and all move-out dates have been posted since last august entitled dad no you don't understand that you are causing him mental distress you will give him an extension this is absolutely unacceptable we do not pay thousands to go to this school for you to have him fail because of some stupid policy me i am sorry you feel that way sir but again we have reminded students several times about the extension application and unfortunately he did not apply on time where is your supervisor i demand to speak with him well my supervisor was in a meeting i told him so he flips out more and i hope my boss backs me up he doesn't the kid gets his extension why because entitled dad is friends with a board member and my boss doesn't want it escalated i hate rich schools just goes to show you why we should never procrastinate on doing the things we have to do unless you have a rich mommy or daddy who's friends with the board member fair enough karen fair enough so you want this now for free and will have my job if i don't provide it i was doing my end of month shopping trip picking up necessities and some stuff for a barbecue i'm having this weekend i had all the necessities and was heading to the frozen food slash meat section i saw that someone had put a box of chicken fingers in the snack food section and figured i'd put it back while i was there i had just finished putting it away the chicken section is beside the deli and went to walk away when i heard an excuse me with a super disgusted slash angry tone i turned around and was greeted by a heavyset woman before i could say anything she started in on me you need to get me some ham me uh the ham that's prepackaged is over there gestures behind me you can go get it well no i want it from the deli and i'm in a hurry so could you make it quick thanks she looked down at her phone after that so i just walked away to find some hamburger to make some delicious burgers i picked up two packages and put it in my cart as i was about to walk away she rammed my card and began yelling i asked you to do something for me now do it me okay maybe you didn't see but i'm in a red sweater in shorts employees here are in a dark blue shirt and black pants i don't work here i can't help you i saw you putting stuff away you work here stop being lazy and do your dang job nearby employee sees slash here's what's happening and sends a manager over seeing as heavyset woman refuses to let me leave and continue screeching that it's my job to assist her as she's still screeching that she'll have my job the manager walks up manager hi i'm the manager here what seems to be the problem karen your stupid employee here refuses to do her job that's the problem me i've told you i don't work here i'm literally trying to do my shopping right now gestures to my half-full cart you work here i saw you putting stuff from that cart away stop lying turns to manager i want her fired she's lazy incompetent and has no right to talk to a customer like this manager well i'm 100 sure she doesn't work here so i can't she cuts him off karen in the most condescending tone she was putting groceries away from the cart she's pushing she works here i know it don't treat me like i'm stupid fire her manager looks me up and down me i don't work here can i please go and finish my shopping karen get me my ham and you can i'm not paying for it either it can come out of your check condescending tone again if you get one after being fired that is manager okay look she doesn't work here she is most definitely not in our uniform gestures to himself please stop harassing our customers or you will be escorted out stop saying she doesn't work here me well i don't work here so yeah the manager was getting fed up and moved her cart from mine so i could walk away and finish my shopping i heard banshee like screaming through the store for the next five minutes or so don't know what came out of it but when i left the store there were three cop cars sitting outside man that karen really wanted that ham didn't she of course you did ham is the best it is pretty good isn't it too bad that lazy employee refused to help her she wasn't even an employee though then why was she putting an item back into the freezer because sometimes people do nice things like putting an item back where it goes but why would they do that i don't understand i'm sure you don't karen i'm sure you don't why won't you let my kids harass your pets you're so selfish the events of this post happened in the spring of 2018. my boyfriend and i went to his parents place to spend the weekend and we took our pets with us my cat and my two dogs and his cat and dog we were just sitting around chatting laughing with his parents and sister when boyfriend's cousin came over unannounced with her three kids in tow this was the second or third time i was meeting this woman and the first time i was around her kids boyfriend's mom asked cousin if everything was okay she just smiled and said oh my husband will be out of town for the weekend so i thought i'd come over here with the kids they were getting bored i suppose it didn't cross her mind to call first then she saw me and commented oh i see your new girlfriend is here too boyfriend's parents tried to introduce me to her kids i'm guessing between the ages of 6 and 10 at the time but they just ran off to watch tv that's fine no biggie we all tried to make small talk even as the television was turned on at a deafening volume my boyfriend's dad had to tell them to turn it down after we had had lunch is when trouble started my dog and cat had been asleep when cousin and her kid came in but now they were up and having a little snack and were noticed by the said kids they instantly demanded that they'd be allowed to play with them now my pets are not used to being around kids and i didn't want them to be harassed so of course i said no but apparently these kids had never heard the word no before the oldest one a boy kept trying to pick up my cat who jumped up on my lap for protection the middle one a girl tried to grab one of my dog's ear and the youngest a boy tried to climb on my other dog's back all of this happened within a span of no more than 5 seconds i decided to raise my voice a little and told them to leave my pets alone they looked shocked and the youngest one began to cry the others boyfriend his parents his sister and cousin were in the next room and came running when they heard the commotion the kid who was crying went bawling to his mommy and told her how i was being mean the other two said they wanted to play with the dogs and cat and i wouldn't let them cousin decided to get in my face and asked how dare i yell at her kids i told her to calm down and that she needed to teach her kids some manners and how to interact with animals and told her what her precious angels had been doing she didn't think her kid's behavior was problematic because that's what kids do she then proceeded to yell at me about how awful and rude i was being this is when my boyfriend jumped in he made her back off with a stern do not raise your voice at her ever again cousin has always been a bit intimidated by my boyfriend and this shut her up boyfriend's parents and sister backed us up and told cousin she should teach her kids to be kind to animals from the way they were talking and as my boyfriend told me later on this wasn't the first time cousin's kids had attacked someone's pet my boyfriend's sister's dog at the time was really old and his parents had gotten a puppy a few months earlier the kids had been told in no uncertain terms that they were not to go near them the rest of the weekend was a mix of fun and awkwardness the awkwardness was due to boyfriend's cousin who made it a point to stare daggers at me and my pets thankfully boyfriend's parents house is enormous and our room and cousins and kids room was on different floors so we mostly just interacted with them during meals boyfriend's parents have a separate room for pets it has several beds toys cat trees etc that family members pets can use during our stay all of our cats and dogs would hang out in this room and cousin's kids were banned from it boyfriend's cousin complained several times that it was such a waste to use such a large room for pets and that it should have been a kid's room so her spawn could play in it even though her kids had infested the rest of the house i remember thinking what a karen over the years this woman has lived up to this name why is it so hard for some people to respect others pets here's the way i see it mr reddit if you don't want my kids playing with your pets keep them at home once you bring them out into the public you have no say in what my kids do to them karen that literally makes zero sense it would if you had respect for others mr reddit you have no right to tell me what my kids can or cannot do entitled mom said i need to give her kid my place in line that i've waited for for an hour so a bit of context i'm 14 and i've never had a kieran situation before until this happened last summer when i was 13 and i go with my cousins and uncle to a cedar point every year which is a theme park sort of thing but anyway here you go enjoy cast we've got entitled mom we've got her cool kid we've got me we've got my epic uncle we've got my cousins one two and three we've got my aunt and security so we went to a giant roller coaster and the weight is an hour long we all wanted to ride it so we waited and we had a lot of fun playing games with each other and the kid behind us was pretty cool and he showed us some other games i think he was like 11 but still cool then we got up to the front we were next up in line and then entitled mom said this excuse me can we go in front of you my kid really wants to go on this ride cool kid no mom they're in front of us they are next be quiet cool kid we will be next uncle sorry but we've been waiting for an hour for this but you're next so i think you're good excuse me i am older than you and i deserve this more my kid does too he has a terrible sickness uncle ma'am please stop i'm a doctor and he is tell me his symptoms so i know what it is by this point me and my cousins were wondering why the ride was taking so long it had broke but they said it would be back up in five minutes so we had to suffer through more of this entitled mom well uh he's coughing and sneezing and other stuff cool kid mom stop let these people be this is where crap gets crazy i kid you not she slaps and my uncle then picks up the kid and puts him besides him uncle ma'am why did you do that he talked back so i punished him i look over and the kid just has tears streaming down his face by now the right attendants came over with security and asked what happened entitled mom oh thank god you're here this man assaulted me please take him away security what oh i saw what happened now you come with me no we have waited an hour for this ride we are going on it security ma'am stop you will have to come with us your kid can go on the ride if it's okay with these people no i will go with him me hey uh i can go with him if that's okay security that would be good but an adult must be with him uncle me and nephew will go with him security that is fine come on ma'am let's go so we went on the ride and i think cool kid enjoyed it as he was smiling after the entitled mom was taken to the police station after the kid's dad took him to his house they were divorced and my uncle and him were both doctors so they talked for a bit he was nice the rest of the day was great and the cool kid and his dad were let back into the park and we hung out for a bit and my uncle and him are friends now so good ending i guess do you like roller coasters karen they're okay but the best part is cutting people in the line you really enjoy cutting in line more than the ride itself of course i do because i deserve it well you know what i enjoy karen what reminding my viewers to smash that like button oh you're getting good at that teacher kicked me out of assembly and inadvertently gave me a year-long recess so a brief backstory they're not really crucial to the plot but it paints a nice background any of those that read the story about my evil stepmother know that by the age 14 i was living alone in my father's house and making a pretty comfortable living renting out his rooms to students therefore needless to say for me high school was a blast now i'm not going to lie and say i was a good student i was anything but i mean i never drank or smoked but i skipped class almost more often than i intended when i really did show my face i'd often just go sit in any class i felt like whether i took the subject or not sometimes i just go to school for recess and go home again after i was really living the dream of any b average student what's more i hardly ever got in trouble even when i got caught the teachers would kind of just brush it off and let me get away without so much as a slap on the wrist most of the teachers either loved me or had long since realized there really was nothing that could be done about me so they mostly just humored my antics there was however one teacher that saw through my charms he was the first language teacher never my favorite or anything but i truly held no ill will towards him in fact i kind of respected him for being the only one that actually bothered calling me out on all my crap although this seldom did any good because whenever he threatened to call my parents obnoxious kid that i was i would just ask him um which parent my mother is in heaven are my fathers somewhere in africa if you manage to reach either of them could you please ask them to check in once in a while and this would kinda be the end of the conversation because as arrogant as i was about it my argument wasn't untrue on to the day of the actual story i was in my senior year and still attending classes on an off and on basis but attending more than i did in the past i wasn't trying to change my ways or anything but i was in the process of putting together a four hour long video of our high school years and realized i had skipped so much that year that i hardly had enough footage to use for that segment on this particular day though i had picked the wrong day to attend and ended up having to attend assembly this did not sit well with me as i had a personal gripe against our school principal for something that had happened in my sister's senior year and therefore i refused to show him any kind of respect he later got canned for having an affair with the pe teacher so karma but i digress now as arrogant as i was i do maintain that i wasn't actually talking as loud as the language teacher accused me of but i will openly admit that i wasn't paying any attention to the principal speech because i hadn't done so in four years and definitely wouldn't have done so that day so maybe i was who knows he wasn't an unfair teacher or anything nonetheless the language teacher pulled me out of assembly and forced me to go stand outside so i stand there waiting several teachers passed me one asks why i'm not inside i answer that the language teacher kicked me out they say oh okay and continue about their business later the assembly ends the students exit and i'm kind of standing there waiting to be called to the office are just for some kind of consequence but nada nothing zilch so i walked back to class thinking um that was awesome cue the malicious compliance so the next week rolls around i decide to attend school that day assembly time comes the other students enter i hang back and when the doors close i'm still outside i hang around again later a passing teacher asks why i'm not inside i once more answer that the language teacher sent me out and she again walks away without saying another word the next week i do the same thing but this time instead of hanging out where the teacher told me i just take a leisurely stroll outside getting fresh air and an extra long recess while the other students are stuck inside that boring assembly the week after i invited a friend to try it out with me he agreed and when the bell rang for assembly we both just hung back while the other students entered the building so now i actually had company for this extra long recess this was like the best discovery ever needless to say i never set foot inside the assembly hall again i wish i could say the same for my friend but after two weeks he had grown paranoid and started attending again chicken i would have loved to have ended this story by saying that the language teacher eventually caught me and i could have told him that he was the one that sent me out but that moment never happened even though i was in the wrong and i knew it i still would have loved that argument did any of you guys ever skip class when you were in school please let me know in the comments i skipped all the time and still got straight a's in all my classes how did you get straight a's if you were never even there my parents were friends with board members a new teacher once threatened to fail me for a project that i never turned in he was fired the next day wow sounds like you were quite the student eh the teachers must have loved you of course they did i mean who doesn't entitled grandma gets thirty thousand dollars stolen from her hi everyone i posted the entitled mom takes a five dollar tip from an ice cream shop story thank you mr reddit for reading it made my week and a little update my mom has gotten so much more kind and understanding of people she's learned her lesson and she tips now in that post i mentioned an entitled grandmother this is about her the last words i ever heard from her in person was okay when you two get older make sure you marry someone with a lot of money she's obsessed with money i have no doubt she would sell her soul grandchildren and children to the devil for it anyways i was not in cali during the events of this story and learned it from my hand so when i was in middle school my mom had to come up to the midwest to help my dad after a work related accident he's all better now at the time my cousin and i were the same age but she was very flirtatious around boys i've always been more shy and quiet while she's been an extrovert with tons of friends we're yin and yang to each other at the time she was dating some bad boy i knew nothing about him or his friends until this incident for a little context when my cousin and i were little we played in my grandma's room a lot their headboard of the bed was drawers and in the middle was a drawer we could never open this will be important later and i have no idea how she and her husband slept in that bed i don't know how much information my cousin told them about my grandma's home but her boyfriend at the time and two of his friends broke in they stole a bunch of stuff then they got to the drawer my cousin and i couldn't open his kids i'm not sure how they got it open but apparently behind the drawer was a safe that had thirty thousand dollars worth of stuff in there i've never seen inside the safe no one in our family knew it existed except for her so if you want to just imagine it's full of gold and jewels we only found out after my grandmother came home and found the place looted apparently the kids pawned everything at a pawn shop in the town and the cops found them soon after i don't know what became of the stuff in the safe but apparently it was never found to my knowledge since the robbers were minors they were sentenced to juvenile detention center i think the longest sentence out of the three was a year when my mom and i found out we were angry at grandma and so was my aunt there had been times in the past where my aunt and mom had struggled financially and could have used just a little money but here their mom was hoarding thirty thousand dollars that she could have used to help her daughters but she didn't and no my cousin wasn't involved in the robbery she had a bad boyfriend who did a bad thing but it wasn't her fault anyways i'm not sad this happened to her i'd like to believe it's karma because of the rude way she treats not only other people but her own family have any of you guys ever had something stolen from you if so what was it please let me know in the comments and karen will you let our viewers know how they can get a special shout out in our next video join as a channel member today or join us on patreon and i'll give you a special shout out in our next video and if you'd like me to make a special video for you or a loved one come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below entitled mom thinks i'm faking my disorder to get attention first of all i'm diagnosed to autism and adhd to all who don't know what adhd is it's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder so i am distracted very easily get emotional very fast and do moves or make sounds i actually didn't want to make just to clarify that on to the story it happened a couple of years ago i was like 15. my mom sent me to the grocery store to grab some things because she was a little busy at home with her work she works online for a designer company so i grabbed the bag and went on my way to the store at this time i sometimes flinch and move my left shoulder very fast as i said i can't control or stop it but me and my family were used to it because i've had those things since i was four or so on my way to the store i walked past a playground i never set foot on because i just moved here a few months ago the playground was empty except for a mother and her kid this is where entitled mom comes in to clarify we've got entitled mom we've got me we've got the innocent kid so i walked past the playground where the entitled mom and her poor kid were playing well innocent kid was she was standing a bit away from her phone as soon as she saw me making my shoulder and head move she looked terrified and walked straight up to me entitled mom excuse me yeah she was shouting even though she was like five meters away from me me um yeah can i help you at this point i got super nervous because adhd and talking to strangers is really difficult to me i tried to seem as normal as possible but if i'm nervous the moves i make are always getting more intense which wasn't really helpful in this situation entitled mom hey you stop making those scary moves you are terrified my baby she's pointing towards her kid who's not even noticing his mom is somewhere else me what do you mean i can't stop that stop lying my poor baby doesn't want idiots not the words she used near him and his mom the kid was like five and of course you can stop doing that that looks terrible you me wait i can explain that i was really trying to keep my voice calm i have this syndrome so my body parts move on their own sometimes it's called i said stop lying you just do those creepy moves to get attention attention of who we were the only ones here but whatever if you don't stop i will make you stop on my own now i was really annoyed and upset with her but i still tried to be nice and calm me i'm really sorry lady but this is called adhd and there are indeed people out here who have this disorder this is only human and you can't just say she interrupted me again who do you think you are you can't talk like that to a grown adult are you even old enough to be left alone i don't think i looked that young but okay and i'd say who's leaving their kid alone back there huh me of court but she didn't even let me speak wait till your parents hear about this you're harassing me and traumatizing my kid my move went faster and more often because i became nervous i walked a few steps away from her and stop doing that i bet you're on drugs i will talk to your parents where do you live you better tell me i am an adult and your parents surely told you to respect the adults i tried to stay polite but i couldn't hold it back me screaming no i'm not going to tell you where i live and stop being such a jerk that's all bs i'm old enough to know what i'm doing so leave me the heck alone she was really confused from me talking like that to her um what she instantly came back to her role how damn you talk like that to an adult she used the excuse very often of being an adult now stop that she steps forward and grabs my arm very tight so i couldn't move it i was shocked for a second and tried to get out of her grip that only made her hold on tighter with both hands screaming at me for what a jerk i was i really hurt me and made me feel very nervous i didn't know what i was doing but i think i did this out of instinct or reflex i literally grabbed her face with my flat hand and pushed her head back she let go of me and stumbled back before she could say anything i kicked dirt on her sorry lady i didn't mean to do that i just did it and i ran home as fast as i could she shouted i'm going to call the police you will hear from me and my lawyer you little jerk actually i never heard from her again she didn't follow me or call the police i just have scars left on my arm from her nails which make me remember this story i didn't get the groceries this day and for the next few months my mom didn't let me go near that playground for a few months she didn't even have to do that it wasn't my plan to go there anyways the entitled mom wasn't seen there again i don't think we all know karen's do some horrible things but accusing someone of faking their disorder to get attention that's gotta be one of the worst we've read about so far honestly i'm disappointed in my fellow karens right now have you or anyone you know ever been accused of faking your disorder to get attention if that were to happen to you how would it make you feel please let us know in the comments below entitled dad wants me fired for caring about the safety of his son the cast we've got me we've got entitled dad we've got entitled kid who knows my boss we'll call adm assistant duty manager my other boss who we'll call dm duty manager and my co-worker slash boss i'll explain the hierarchy in a minute who will call rice because she always ate rice in the break room so i'm a lifeguard at a leisure center and pretty much everyone who works there except the dms are in the 16 to 22 age bracket at the time i was 17 rice was 18 an assistant duty manager was 22 duty manager was in his 30s i promise this is important little bit of important info because most of us are so young it makes people feel like they're allowed to talk down to us and play the respect your elders or listen to me because i'm older than you card i had this more often than others because at the age of 17 i looked 14. so to the actual story bryce and i were on poolside and there was a session on where we get out all the large floats out large enough for an adult to starfish on them during the summer this happened every day at the same one hour slot one of the main rules about this session due to the danger of it is no standing on floats it's extremely hard to balance on them so people always fall off and could land on another person or on the side of the pool etc this is also the most commonly broken rule so untitled dad and entitled kid turn up and walk straight to the deep end i'm in the high lifeguard chair and rice is patrolling so they're right next to slash under me entitled dad tells entitled kid to dive in i overhear and tell them not to entitle dad kicks up a fuss when something like this entitled dad go on dive in me sorry there's no diving here why not well it's dangerous and if not done correctly he could seriously injure himself he's just a kid let him do what he wants you're too young to do anything about it and if he gets hurt it's my responsibility me i'm sorry i can't let that happen and no my job is to literally make sure everyone is kept safe and if everyone is not then it's my fault and my responsibility if he dives in that's your second warning second for heck's sake we just got here me your first was for being rude to me i felt super cool for this bit he scoffed an entitled kid dived in i said to him that's two about 10 minutes go by and they're using a large float and the kid starts trying to stand on it i blow my whistle whenever one of us has to use the whistle the whole pool turns and looks this happened everyone turned except entitled kid and entitled dad they obviously knew they were doing something wrong i blew again same thing happens but by this point the kid has stood up again and is now facing me so i just looked at him and said loudly but calmly don't stand on the floats normally the third time we have to talk to someone we kick them out but i felt that would be a little harsh so i decided that if i had to talk to them one more time i'd kick them out and that came faster than i thought and title kid starts crying entitled dad death stares at me for like five minutes before he gets out and approaches me how dare you shouted my son like that he's just a kid you should be fired you need to rethink your life you're shouting at a seven-year-old i look over at rice who's laughing her butt off making it harder for me to try not to laugh entitled dad i'm gonna go complain to your boss i'm a loyal customer here i can get you fired you i cut him off me how dare you break the rules that it's my job to enforce and be so rude to me when i'm just looking out for your kid's safety if we let him do whatever he wants then he'd be on a stretcher in an ambulance by now i've had enough of your crap please go get changed and leave the building i'll get you fired who's your boss so since i have the pick between adm dm and rice i know full well which option is gonna annoy him the most so i direct him to rice entitled dad aren't there any adults here walks over to rice who's your boss rice directs him to assistant duty manager who's still too young for him to treat with respect so she gets duty manager to deal with him and title dad gives him some long speech about how i was so rude and aggressive towards him and threatened him and he wants me fired and if i'm not fired he won't come back again duty manager agrees just to get rid of him they were still talking by the time rice and i were off poolside duty manager came into the staff room where assistant duty manager rice and i were all waiting duty manager never wanted to punch a jerk so much in my life we all still laugh about it to this day speaking of pools summer is almost here how many of you are planning on hanging out at the pool oh i love the pool my favorite part is that i can go to the bathroom in it without getting out jerk thinks it's funny to yank out mailboxes my dad makes him pay disclaimer this happened a long time ago but still makes me giggle to this day so way back in the day mid 90s or so my family lived in a log cabin on 10 acres of land in a rural area 10 minutes or so out of town it wasn't totally the sticks but you could definitely hear banjo music in the background sometimes at the end of our nearly one-fourth mile long driveway was one of those roads that was also technically a state highway in the am i trudged down to wait for the bus when i got home i'd grab the mail and carry it back until one monday morning when i went out and noticed the mailbox was gone on closer inspection looked like it had been ripped out of the ground dad was obviously not pleased he went to talk with the county sheriff who happened to live a mile down the road turns out it had been happening up and down the road for months someone was tossing a chain over mailboxes and yanking them out with their vehicle he suspected a guy down the road with his great big lifted four-wheel drive truck but couldn't prove anything usually happened on saturday and sunday nights with people finding out in the morning also seems the nicer the mailbox the bigger a target and many had been hit multiple times people had tried digging deeper using more durable wood etc this guy just took it as a challenge and ripped them out again soft sandy ground and his truck was a monster well dad said challenge accepted a bit about my father he's a steel worker with an engineering background and graduate degree built like a bear with forearms the size of legs most people looking at him would never think this monster of a man is also so brilliant but he is the calm cool type that almost never loses his temper but wrong him and god help you so dad goes to lowe's and buys the fanciest prettiest mailbox they sell he then proceeds to install it on top of an eight foot long cylinder a three inch diameter hardened tool steel but he wasn't done there after digging down with post holes and dropping it in he then filled it with quick set concrete to really sell it he used some strips of one-half inch wood to cover the steel core of his now indestructible mailbox of doom primed and painted them so it looked like a standard four inch post and even had my mom decorate it with flowers and such he wanted it to be as tempting of a target as possible didn't even take a week i went out for school in the morning and found the mailbox right where it should be attached to it was 30 feet of chain and an entire hitch assembly ripped right off of the truck's frame sheared the bolts it was marvelous to behold sheriff gets called over dies laughing when he sees it he went to the house of the guy that was suspected and sure enough verified the damage to his truck matched fun fact messing with a mailbox is a federal crime as in you go to federal prison not those cushy state places dad was unofficially rewarded by the sheriff's department with a few cases of beer and some venison and after that every deputy in town would flash him a thumbs up whenever they saw him well it sounds like that guy had to learn his lesson the hard way honestly it was silly of him to use the truck he should have just used a baseball bat to swing at it while driving by that's how my son does it anyway no you can't open that without buying it i've mentioned before that i worked at a toy store i specifically worked in electronics for selling video games systems and whatnot a popular item at the time was the new nintendo dsi xl one day i had an elderly customer and who i presumed was his wife and daughter intel they approached my counter my guess is that his daughter had a kid and was trying to help him purchase a present from grandpa him let me see one of those things points at the dsi xl me oh sure thing i opened the glass cabinet and had it in the box we had a lot of rules when letting people see electronics to ensure theft and tampering wasn't an issue mostly for when taking stuff out of the case we were to let them only see one item from the case at a time even if it was a group and watched them while they handled it asking other customers to wait until we were done serving the customer we were with note i did have someone immediately take off running out of the store the second i handed them one before so i watched customers like a hawk after that the man turned the box over in his hands twice and then immediately proceeded to try to take the tape off to open it me quickly sir you can't open that here you have to purchase it if you want to open it him angrily and loudly well why not me we don't sell items in the store that have been open before it's to ensure that the item hasn't been tampered with even when something is returned it doesn't go back on our shelves it goes back to the manufacturer so if you open it i can't sell it even if you'd wanted to buy it because then it will have already been opened him well how do i know there's not a bunch of crap in the box me there's not if there somehow is you can return it after you've bought it if you're that worried about it you can purchase it and open it here in front of me if there's anything in that box other than what you paid for i'll take you to returns and get your money back before you leave the store by this point i had taken the item back from him to make sure he didn't try to continue luckily the packaging was still intact him i used to work in one of those factories i know they won't hesitate to put a bunch of junk in these boxes at this point i'm thinking this says a lot more about your integrity than it does mine but i keep that to myself me i'm sorry but i can't let you open this box you can purchase it and then open it if you like or choose to purchase it elsewhere him forget it i don't want it anymore then they left and i never saw them come back do any of you guys like to open up the package before you buy something oh i always do i won't buy anything without opening it first sometimes i just walk around the store opening things and leaving them there for fun and you don't think that's inconsiderate at all i don't know what that word means can't be visibly doing nothing it affects employees morale no problem my buddy and i were hired to be a glorified help desk support handholders for a special project senior management at a large corporation had their laptops upgraded including new software they had never used and major upgrades of software they had previously used we are talking maybe 20 people spread across three buildings downtown all within walking distance of each other my job was to sit in an office and take calls for any issue and i mean any issue that pops into their head the only thing more entitled than senior management are their admin people my buddy's job was to actually go to their desk and hold their hand with whatever issue they had oh and read the manual was not part of the support plan he was great at it after the first couple of weeks things settled down and we received very few calls so my buddy was sitting at some desk doing nothing after a few days one of the admin assistants complained that he was doing nothing bad influence on those around him we asked for a different desk but none was to be found he tried looking busy writing up documentation the same person complained saying his job is support so if he is not supporting everyone knows he is doing nothing and that looks bad bad for morale what the heck he technically doesn't even work for your company so i realized that our service level agreement said we had to respond within 30 minutes it was always much less especially if he was in the building so i told my buddy to buzz off go shopping sit in starbucks and read the paper no one but me knew where my buddy was at any time and i was the only one who dispatched him so i said to my buddy do whatever you want as long as you drop what you're doing and be at the person's desk within 30 minutes and if they called for help occasionally they would ask how long it would take i would say our sla is 30 minutes it will be there before then and sometimes they would say isn't he in the building and whatever building the person was calling from i would say he is in the other building furthest from them and they would never check with anyone at the other building they really had no way of knowing where he was only i did that was my job so my buddy went to the movies went clothes and shoe shopping sat in the park etc the busybody admin assistant called about a problem one day and said i never see him at his desk anymore where is he i said he is much busier now his morale and i'm sure your staff's morale must be much better now no one ever found out about our malicious compliance the managers he helped loved him and wanted him to stay on he said no until they tripled what he was making about a year later he was made a manager and about six months after that he had that admin assistant fired the morale really improved around there after that i know the rules better than you i'm calling my lawyer so i am a director of a daycare i've been the director for the last eight years this week i've been dealing with an entitled mom who thinks she knows how to do my job better than i do her first problem was that we require all kids to be fully vaccinated and she didn't want to vaccinate hers i told her she could find care somewhere else she complained that i was violating her personal beliefs and breaking the law no i'm not we have the right to turn away personal exemption cases she decided she would vaccinate but only because i was forcing her to her second problem was that she didn't want to do the legwork to get tuition assistance from the state she wants me to email dws all her info and her kids start date i told her we don't do it that way she needs to contact dws to tell them her kid is attending and then they will contact us to verify she has yet to call them but calls me every day wondering why i haven't emailed dws yet every day i tell her she needs to contact them she gets mad and says that it's my job to email them we've had this conversation every day this week her third problem just started last night she now believes that she is making too much money to qualify for tuition assistance and wants her non-refundable registration fee refunded i told her it's not refundable she told me that i have to return it because her daughter might not be starting since i didn't do my job and contact the state i reminded her it's her responsibility and the contract she signed states the fee is not refundable she told me i was reading the contract wrong she said she will be talking to her lawyer about me breaking company rules and that i'm just picking on her because of her vaccination beliefs i told her to be my guest and i would be happy to talk to her lawyer about everything she then told me we weren't good enough to take care of her angel and hung up on me i'm glad i only had to deal with her for a week but even a week was far too much edit to add her kid never actually attended because she never called dws and got tuition assistance sent over to us you know karen your lawyer must really love you you've always got new jobs for him actually i get the sense he doesn't like me and thinks i'm a complete idiot well gee i wonder what could cause him to think something like that cheeseburgers can be very confusing i work at a very large franchise fast food restaurant and while most customers have no problem with their order we get the occasional one that is baffled by the simplest of things take this one woman who wanted a hamburger what she actually ordered was a cheeseburger no cheese i don't know how things are at other burger selling joints but literally the only difference between a cheeseburger and a hamburger where i work is the cheese otherwise they're identical they have the exact same ingredients so i put through a hamburger if i put through a cheeseburger no cheese the kitchen would think i've lost it and it doesn't or shouldn't make any difference to the customer so her hamburger comes out and a wrapper that says hamburger she takes it pauses and then turns back to me lady sorry but i ordered a cheeseburger no cheese me yes sorry a cheeseburger with no cheese is exactly the same as a hamburger so i just put it through a hamburger i ordered a cheeseburger though and the wrapper says hamburger me it's exactly the same though the only difference between a cheeseburger and a hamburger is the cheese lady but this is not what i ordered me you wanted a cheeseburger correct yes but without the cheese correct yes me trying to be as polite as possible then that's what this is a cheeseburger without the cheese is a hamburger there is literally no difference lady but i didn't order a hamburger i ordered a cheeseburger no cheese now i'm smiling through gritted teeth and have resigned myself to her stupidity me one second and i'll just go change that for you i literally went to the kitchen and got them to put the hamburger into a wrapper that said cheeseburger and whack a label on that said no cheese lady thank you very much dear and she took the hamburger disguised as a cheeseburger no cheese and went on her merry way now anytime a customer wants a cheeseburger no cheese we have to explain to them why the label says something else most of them get it but give us really weird looks as if we're stupid or maybe they think we think they're stupid speaking of cheeseburgers what's your favorite place to get cheeseburgers from please let me know in the comments below i'd have to say mine is mcdonald's too bad they can never get your order right fortunately all it takes is one call to the manager to get them fired hey karen can you take a break from being evil and welcome our newest channel members certainly huge shout out to our newest official channel members christian and kayla thank you so much for supporting the channel join as a channel member today or support us on patreon and we'll give you a special shout out in our next video and if you'd like me to record a video for you to prank your friends or family with come visit us on fiverr link pinned in the comments below entitled kid hurts my pet pig and mom kicks out his entitled family this happened when i was 12 or 13. i had a pet pig who was very pink and very small and i named him after a popular pork flavored snack we have here in the philippines called marty's cracklins so i named him marty and he was very adorable and he was only a baby pig at the time he also had no other pigs to call family i also taught him a lot of tricks i kept him in a large cage just outside my room's window i always took care of him feeding him cleaning his cage and washing him and always singing him my favorite song whenever i got a chance one day while i was washing marty's cage while marty stood patiently beside me i hear new voices and a small truck park in front of the empty apartment that my parents put up so other people could rent it the truck stopped and my parents walked over to greet the people they seemed nice at first as soon as the truck stopped two kids one boy around my age and a girl who was about seven stepped out and looked around for a bit they walked by me and saw marty the girl squealed into light and tried to grab marty and marty immediately squeezed by me so he could hide in the cage i tell the girl to be quiet and tell her that marty is not comfortable around strangers she pouts and the boy just drags her back to their family i glared at their backs for scaring marty and i turned my attention towards my best friend who was dirty inside a clean cage i usher marty to come out and i cleaned him and fed him and sang him several songs including my favorite days passed and i kept close to marty as the girl and the boy bothered him and forced him to play with them i told my parents about this and they go over to the kid's parents and set them off with a warning the parents understood but the next day the jerk still came back clearly their parents did not care even when dad repeated the warning for a few times when the kids stepped past the line a joyful day comes when some of my mom's friends from davao came they invited us on a road trip to baguio and that means marty would be left alone although i did have some relatives that lived beside our house they were all very busy and so are my cousins because they're either hanging out in a basketball court or in a mall so marty would be left alone i voted to stay but luckily one of my cousins who is such a sweetheart told me that she'll take care of marty and that i should just enjoy myself i thanked her and warned her about the annoying kids and she told me that she'll keep an eye out for them we left for baguio for three days and when i came back i was very excited to see marty again i went inside the house and made him a milk bottle and i ran to his cage what i saw made my heart break a bit i tried to wake marty and he woke up sad thing is he looked fatter and he looked like he was sick and he walked over to me slowly i picked him up and comforted him i tried giving him the bottle but he moved his head away i guess that my cousin fed him already so i just cradled him like a baby and sang to him a few minutes or so my cousin walked to me with a bottle in her hand i looked at her confused and told her that marty was still full from the milk she gave him earlier my cousin said that she hasn't fed marty yet then it dawned on me the jerks must have done this marty was still a baby and he couldn't stomach that much food and his tummy already looks bloated and he always took deep breaths rather than normal ones i personally went over to the jerk's house and told them to stop bothering marty the entitled kid stayed silent and entitled mom spoke up i'll translate what she said in tagalog to english my kids didn't even go near him also your parents told us to not bother that stinky pig of yours this ticked me off a bit because no one calls marty stinky other than me so i told her that if i catch her kids bothering marty i'll tell my parents to kick them out so nightfall came and i laid on my bed outside the window was marty's cage and i opened the window and looked below to see him sleeping i sigh in relief when i saw him sleeping soundly so i went to sleep not even a minute later i hear a loud scared squeal i looked out the window to see the girl entitled kid1 forcefully shoving a milk bottle into marty's mouth i told them to stop and i climbed out my window and tried to pull her off but entitled kid 2 the boy around my age kept pushing me back i was skinny and it went back then and i couldn't push past him so i ran to my parents windows and knocked on it shouting their names dad opened up the window and i cried out that they're hurting marty dad went out of the house and walked angrily to the entitled kid's house while i tried to push entitled kid one away from marty and entitled kid 2 kept blocking me by the time the entitled kid's parents came over the squealing stopped i saw marty's face turn lifeless and dull and i knew that i failed the girl screeches and cries out that her pet pig died this angered me and for once in my life i punched the jerk blocking me and took marty and ran down the stone stairs behind our house to our backyard and hid in the trees i heard my dad yelling at them and demanding them to move out tomorrow or he'll bring this to court i kept crying and crying my dad came down to see me but told me that marty is safe now he climbed back up to the house and i sat still for a while in the darkness i stood up and went inside a tool shed and grabbed the shovel and with each time i shoveled a piece of dirt i kept saying i'm sorry to marty i really wished i was stronger and i kept wishing that he's just playing dead like i taught him to when the hole was deep enough i sang my favorite song to my best friend one last time before i buried him the next day the entitled kids family moved out and we never heard from them again and for a while i was depressed and wished i could meet up with marty again i have no happy ending i'm sorry marty my heart really goes out to op losing a pet is extremely difficult and i can't even imagine if it was because of what some idiot had done to them have you ever lost a pet if so what was their name karen would you mind giving us a quick psa about pets never touch or feed pets without their owner's permission entitled mom threatens to get me fired if i don't fix her kids grades background i teach labs at a university level i have a master's degree and all the labs i teach are for engineers we finished this course on thursday and i gave out the grades submitted the course file and that was that i was pretty comfortable with the grades i gave given the situation i didn't do an exam but a project had dropped the lowest and graded while closing both eyes today at 2 13 am my phone rings i never have received a call that late and in my haze to wake up i thought someone had died or something so i picked up in a rush and then the following conversation happened we've got entitled mom and we've got me the person who regrets being nice me what's going on is everything okay entitled mom hi is this dr barron me no sorry i believe you have the wrong number i think you meant to call my brother note my brother is a medical doctor i am a master student not a phd student i do not hold the doctor title entitled mom no this is the right number you taught my kid this semester and gave him a b-minus me oh sorry i got confused with being called a doctor yes i taught your kid and he earned a b-minus excuse me but how did you get my number that doesn't matter i want you to fix the grade to an a my kid worked hard and you didn't grade him fairly so i thought i'd be nice and give you an opportunity to fix it before i escalate me i will not discuss grades with you also who calls at 2 am besides please contact the department chair for inquiries kindly don't contact me again listen to me if you don't fix the grade i'll report you to the school for harassing my kid me um what ah so i got your attention eh yeah you heard me i'll report you for harassing my kid me you do realize we were in lockdown this entire time and i have never been physically in the same place throughout this time right oh i know that i'm not stupid so you're going to make a fake report about me yep so fix the grade or i'll have you thrown out of the school did you hear me you know i record my calls right forget you i am reporting you for harassing me and my kid she hung up after i forwarded the recorded call to my master advisor school dean and department chair i explained everything in the email and went to sleep haven't heard anything official yet but my master's advisor texted me that he heard the call and think she's insane they haven't received a report or anything yet after checking on the kids work he deserved a d if she escalates this i'll present his work and agree to correct his grade to a d we'll update if i hear anything have any of you guys ever had your mom called a teacher to try to get your grade changed you say that like there's something wrong with it entitled mom wants to find a boyfriend for her daughter on her own the cast we've got me we've got cool friend we've got entitled mom we've got innocent daughter maybe she wasn't the nicest but she wasn't entitled and we've got the police officer on to the back story me and my friend he's older than me at this time i was 16 and he was 17 our big dark souls fans and we wanted to go to the store to grab some steam cards we planned to buy both dark souls 3 dlcs and play them together at the same evening so we went there and bought a 50 euro card each we're from europe as we bought everything we headed towards the starbucks and enjoyed something i don't remember what i bought we sat on a bench with our snacks or coffee or whatever everything was fine a few benches further there was a mother and her daughter which was like 16 17 18 guessed on her luck sorry i'm bad at guessing ages we didn't notice them because why should we a few minutes later we were done and wanted to go as the daughter saw that we were about to leave she stood up and headed towards us daughter hey excuse me me yes cool friend can we help you daughter well i saw you from back there and i thought you look cute i was wondering if i could get your number or we could grab a drink sometimes i looked at cool friend and he looked at me cool friend um which one of us did you mean i had to laugh daughter of course i meant you she pointed towards cool friend i stopped laughing i think i might have just got roasted because of the of course cool friend oh i'm sorry i already have a girlfriend i'm sorry he didn't but i think that's his way to say he's not interested daughter oh um oh sorry for interrupting then she smiled awkwardly and walked back to the bench where her mom was waiting and looking very curious at this point the story could have been over but no entitled mom wants to show us that it's not over yet she stood up her daughter was trying to hold her back i think she already knew what was going to happen i guess it's not the first time this has happened to her my friend watched the whole situation and still stood there with crossed arms she walked up to him and this is where this story turns into an r slash entitled parents post entitled mom hey excuse me she was faking a smile i was wondering why on earth did you just reject my daughter that's literally what she said my friend was just looking at her cool friend well as i told her i have a girlfriend and to be honest i'm not interested in her oh yeah what does your friend i bet she didn't say the girl part on purpose have that my daughter doesn't have cool friend well i don't know i don't know her i don't even have to know because i'm really happy now she was looking confused like how could anyone be happy without her daughter at this point her daughter joined and tried to stop her mom mom please stop this you're embarrassing me no i'm not i know what i'm doing i just want the best for you just like this good looking young man cool friend and me looked at each other daughter well whatever i'm not helping you out then i'll take the bus home she walked away and left her mom alone with us her mom was looking quiet until she was gone cool friend so seems like your daughter doesn't want to get my number anymore and my mind hasn't changed in the past 10 seconds are we done now she turned her head quick and looked in his eyes of course we aren't done now my angel deserves somebody like you and you should make her happy forget this other girl i was just standing there like an unimportant side character so i felt like saying something even though i didn't want to me miss you can't just come up and force somebody to love someone else if he's happy you can't make him like your daughter that is not how love works she never noticed my tics but she didn't really look at me she was just focused on cool friend glad about that she totally ignored what i said instead who do you think you are didn't you learn to not interrupt to an adult are talking it's happening too often that people think i'm younger than i really am me i'm sorry him and i are almost the same age and didn't you even listen i want you to leave us alone now cool friend i'd appreciate if you did so and we can go home now it's already later than we intended to be what no being late is so unimportant to the fact that you refused my daughter why the heck would you do that now give me your number now my friend was shaking his head she came close to him so only we could hear what she said she put her hand on his shoulder listen here you just give me your number and i won't call the police or else you will be arrested for harassing a mother and her kid did you get all that you idiots her voice was pretty calm now as if she thought she had already won and her plan was 100 going to work my friend removes her hand from his shoulder no listen i won't she was doing what she said and she did very very loud help leave me alone you jack cool friend was still calm how did he do that everyone else around here is now watching the scene a shop guard came up and separated us then he was asking questions to her that we couldn't hear i didn't know what she was saying but she was pointing towards us the whole time they must have called the cops because we were watched by another shop guard until the police arrived officer hello sir this woman over here said you two were insulting and trying to assault her she told us her daughter fled and that you're trying to blame her now so what is your point of view of the story is that true cool friend huh that's brave of her i'm just gonna say everything she said is a lie i did absolutely nothing and my friend didn't either i don't have to say anything because i think you can just check the security cameras in the shop here that's what they did and who would have thought and in nearby bookshop you can clearly see in the camera footage how my friend didn't even make a real move and she's calling the cops telling them lies about us officer ma'am as you can see we have to take you with us for a false police alert and harassing two innocent people what no do your job arrest them they did everything officer ma'am as we said we have proof that the only one doing anything was you will you now come with us we will settle everything if you just do as we please no i can't do anything if the wrong people are blamed she looked at us forget you officer and his partner immediately took her and brought them to their car before she got into the car my friend looked at her and said loudly i'm single by the way have a nice day entitled mom said something that i don't have to mention we just went home after we apologized for her behavior to the people around us well we had a good laugh after that especially because we came over an hour late home and we had to tell this story to our parents i think nobody would believe this if they hadn't been there too later on we started playing our dark souls 3 dlcs and i lost 100 more times than cool friend have any of you guys ever had your parents try to get you a boyfriend or girlfriend i can only imagine how embarrassing that would feel there's nothing wrong with that i'm constantly trying to get girls to date my son and has that ever worked not yet but hopefully soon roommate thought she was sneaky ended up owing me 400 and got suspended so this happened my second semester dorming at my college campus i had met my roommates at orientation and i could kind of already tell she was going to be a pain in the butt and i was right about that i had planned on moving rooms to be closer to some friends the next semester but let me get to the story that led to my revenge on our campus you had to pay for meals using your student id which had a certain amount of money on it each semester you could also use an app that you put your name and id info into and it makes it easier to pay but the name and id must match it for it to work will be important later any funds from the fall semester would roll over into the spring but then at the end of spring it would just expire because of this and because i only ate once or twice a day i had saved up a ton on my card my roommate on the other hand did not so i offered to pay for some of her meals from time to time and trade for her picking up the food for us which involved her using my card twice in person and then she'd return it then one day i noticed on my app that my card was being charged even when i was not ordering food and not just a meal like a meal for several people this meant that whoever was ordering i wonder who either had to have stolen my id card which i had in my pocket when i got the charge or was impersonating my info in the app which are both big no-nos on my campus i was quick to put two and two together and was pretty upset i was initially going to confront her on it but decided to formulate a plan instead that day i went and ordered a second id card for 25 dollars to use for later as it took a couple of weeks to get the new one i let her charge several things to my card over a good two weeks for her and her friends and she wasn't very good at hiding it either as they would come to our dorm room and eat it while i just screenshotted and sent emails to the support team of the app about the charges knowing nothing would get done until i contacted someone in person and one day it got even better as you can buy groceries with the card off campus as well she decided to pay for alcohol with my card which doesn't get pinged as an issue on my card due to me being over 21 but she was only 19. not sure how she got it but it was just the thing to finally act on my plan i put my best sad face on and contacted the head of campus living and head of my dorm about the charges on my account i dropped some hints that it could be my roommate and mentioned i got a new id and asked what i should do i was told to order a new card and once i got it to deactivate my current id and use the new one for purchases now making my old id have a balance of zero dollars and also to peeing if someone uses it to buy anything they also told me they would be visiting my dorm to discuss the issue with my roommate i accepted that and waited they sent the confirmation email that they would be visiting and i just decided to add more fuel to the fire my roommate was groaning about not having the funds for food in front of me in our dorm i told her i really couldn't help her as i was running low on funds and she just kind of laughed it off and left the room to probably go use my old id i deactivated my first card right after she left and surprise surprise she used my info to pay except when she tried to pay for her and her friends this time it was declined and it pinged that my id was used campus security was called and she was escorted back to our dorm pretty much perfect timing for our meeting with campus living she was scared when they came to the dorm to talk and look through her stuff on her phone still logged into the app was my id information and name and in her dorm closet was a half full bottle of cheap vodka and on my phone was a screenshot of said unauthorized vodka purchase in the end she was forced to pay me back all the funds she used in cash reported for drinking which automatically suspends you from campus living for at least a year and would have on a record that she performed identity theft which i also could have charged her for that out of school in the end i got to have my own dorm for the remainder of that semester and even part of the semester after because it wasn't put as an available room for new dormers i did get all my money back from her parents who were so embarrassed and apologized profusely and when she did eventually come back to campus no one wanted to dorm with her because they knew she had stolen her roommate's id i think in the end she rented off campus nothing better than a thief getting caught has anybody ever stolen anything from you if so what did you do about it please let me know in the comments take me out of your group text years ago before chat apps where you can seamlessly set up a group chat with lots of people were common group texts were how people communicated when you wanted to reach a lot of people at once and wanted them to see it because no one checked their email regularly it was not ideal as depending on people's quality of service quality of phone or just how many people were trying to send text and lord forbid a pitcher at the same time texts showed up out of order and sometimes took hours for some to receive them you'd be surprised how much receiving a bunch of texts would drain your battery as well it was during this time that my partner then still a friend was accidentally added to a text group full of 15 or so soccer moms and the coach because whoever set it up mistyped one of the mom's phone numbers oh yeah another drawback of text groups you had to put in every number by hand if you didn't already have them registered in your phone it was more of a primitive time they were quick to bring up that they mistyped a number and that they needed to make another one this time including the mom that got left out when they mistakenly put in the wrong number the mistake was acknowledged but they kept on sending texts like it's too hard to make a new one just silence your phone this is a necessary group text for our kids etc oh another drawback man there were a lot you couldn't take yourself out of a group text back then and blocking numbers wasn't an option on all cell phone carriers or plans my future partners started getting really upset and their phone kept on ringing throughout the day and didn't know if someone was trying to get a hold of them or if it was the soccer moms they made their anger known and used some colorful language questioning their intelligence and humanity and demanding that they stop using that group text apparently some of the moms missed the initial texts saying that they were not one of the soccer moms they responded with do you speak to your son like that you should be banned from the field it's okay coach some of us appreciate what you do this had been going on for three days and the soccer moms kept on using the chat which has now devolved into calling my partner rude so they escalated their response they googled cat autopsy pictures and started spamming it to the chat the soccer moms were horrified and threw a fit how dare you you sick jerk this is harassment we're among the texts sent to the group every time one of the moms demanded they stop all they said was take me out of the group and only that followed by more cat autopsy pictures it lasted a couple of hours and they admitted later that the group text finally started getting fun but they seemed to abandon the group text no idea if they felt starting another one was worth it but at least they didn't mistakenly put my partner's phone number in it truly was a more primitive time i remember group texts and i hated them if you have such a problem with group text just don't look at it costco karen i work in an office with fairly high security we have to wear a lanyard that says staff when we're at the office with our picture and name tag attached to it i tend to be a pretty forgetful person so i wear mine all the time and only remove it once i get home and put it on a hook beside the door so i know i won't forget it i also usually go shopping after work so one day i'm at costco doing my shopping and i run over to another aisle and as i realized i got the wrong types of something or other from the frozen section so i exchanged them and i'm walking back towards where my boyfriend is with the card then i hear fingers snapping and a woman calling here here i turn around because i'm curious and lock eyes with her and she gestures me over i don't recognize her but i also don't want to be rude so i go over she's on her phone can i help you i asked her how much is this i don't know i told her kinda confused as to why she's asking me she looks at me like i'm an idiot her eyes bulging out i'm on the phone she says i'm just standing there holding my mini quiches or whatever wondering why she called me over and who she is i'm also wondering why she's telling me that she's on the phone when i can see that perfectly well okay i tell her and start turning around to walk away she starts tutting which i'm really confused by and i turn back around she's looking at me expectantly and honestly i've been working all day and this is confusing the heck out of me so i just tell myself to ignore her and i start walking away again she does a weird tut hissing sound but i ignore her and keep walking away she runs up to me with her card and taps me on the shoulder why aren't you helping me she whispers screams at me why would i help you i ask her i'm genuinely so confused by this entire interaction she points to my lanyard that says staff and it finally clicks into place oh i say i don't work here i swear the look on her face she was horrified she apologized to me like six times and i was finally able to go back to my boyfriend where he told me i got the wrong thing from the frozen section again oops speaking of costco where do you guys like to get your groceries please let me know costco is okay i prefer target are you blind or stupid apparently both first time poster long time reader english is my second language so feel free to correct me on marvel hope mr reddit sees this and hope you enjoy meet the cast we've got me karen and the manager this happened last week third month into lockdown in my country had a long and overall crappy day with events that will be revealed later i decided to go to a market to get some supplies for the upcoming shift i had a full day shift that day and on my phone talking to my superior asking what they need from the store went into the chips section and picking up about four packets of chips and started to walk away when i heard the infamous throat clearing that can only come from the guardian of heck herself karen thinking to myself i can't be this unlucky today turning around to a five foot two woman around 45 years old conversation ensues me can i help you yes where is this item me i think it's two aisles over how could you not know why does this store even hire idiots like you i'm sorry but i have to know are you blind or stupid by chance how dare you call me blind storming off thinking it was the end of it oh how wrong i was she came back with a manager in tow looking smug she sees me on my phone so grabs my phone and threw it on the ground same phone i'm using to type this out just with the screen replaced the manager comes up to me and realization sets in for him and he understands how bad the situation is at this point me turning to the manager get why called or blind manager looking at me as his face turns from confusion to containing his laugh props to him he kept professional even when i had a hard time keeping quiet ma'am this man clearly doesn't work here then why is he in a uniform me ma'am take a hard look at me from head to toe and then ask again karen looking at my uniform and face turning from red to his pale as printing paper context my uniform is a dark blue beret dark blue button up dark blue pants and the piece of resistance my belt that had my sidearm holster with my side arms clearly inside a taser handcuff holster and spare magazine holsters all on my belt along with my m4 slung on my neck i'm an officer who literally got off a tragic case and getting snacks for my teammates me seeing your reaction literal gold if only i could release the body cam footage i'm going to give you two options right now pay me back what my phone costs or i'm going to arrest you for harassment theft of property and damages to property karen now realizing what she had done turned tail and ran of course i had no choice but to chase and tackle her she was able to get loose for that split second and uses her chance to take a box of cereal i kid you not and attacked me so i tased her and cuffed her called in a unit nearby because even after handcuffed she's still fighting back kicking head butting and even when her ankles were cuffed she'd try to get away like a cartoon caterpillar eventually my partner shows up and uses a boar cuff a type of cuff that once done properly will force the suspect's arms and legs to be bound like natives taking a boar hence the name to subdue her and it took both of us just to get her in the cruiser tired of this i just told my partner to explain her rights to her and i walked back into the store and got all the things i need paid and left she was a repeat offender so this event just added to her previous charges she's looked for court tomorrow i'll post the results but i can bet it's going to be guilty on all charges well it looks like karen got busted that's always good news she did nothing wrong and along with that we've got some more good news karen huge shout out to our newest channel members ruby ooh and enderized and to our newest supporter on patreon sabiha thank you so much for supporting the channel join as a channel member today or become a patron and we'll give you a special shout out on our next video and if you'd like me to make a video for you reading your script come visit us on fiverr link spend in the comments below my mom forced me to let her into my psychiatrist appointment because she was worried what i'd say about her background i'm a 21 year old on a high amount of meds for epilepsy and i dropped out of college to deal with my medical issues since i used to have a seizure once a week i'm currently going to a community college to transfer to a better university in a different major so i will graduate two years later than all my classmates so i was talking to my psychiatrist on video chat since i couldn't go to the hospital since this is a first appointment he is asking some basic questions like do you hear voices or have you had thoughts of self-harm type things i answer honestly i mention my mother and family issues like how my mother and father have been fighting since i was born and blamed me for their deteriorating relationship me oh and my mom tends to insult me a lot calling me a failure and names because i'm going to a community college right now i also have angry issues and after she screams and calls me swear words and phrases over 40 times in a minute i counted i wasn't lying for more than a minute while i helped her for two hours then slapped me twice hard for stepping on something i forgot what so enraged i pinched her forehead tried to lightly slap her cheek and stormed off me panicking wait please don't tell the police or anyone what i've done psychiatrist it seems like we need to talk again don't worry though we want to help you we won't tell anyone what you or your mother have done i mentioned it to my mom one thing over a two-hour session and it was a huge mistake mom how could you tell them something like that you narcissist what's wrong with you me but i sent you what i said exactly you're a liar nothing you say is true you're the last person i would trust me mom i'm sorry but i don't lie i tell what i did and what you did no matter what and they said mom don't you dare call me mom you dumb idiot you're lucky to be living with me at 22. i'm 21. all your classmates and friends are graduating two years before you me i'm sorry i won't mention you again mom rants and raves you never stop talking or starting arguments you could have got me arrested well i'll get you arrested you jerk now make sure i'm in your next appointment or i won't let you see your psychiatrist me but mom shut up and only talk to them about your anger issues you useless jerk failure god how can you still be talking about your family at 22 me i mean it's not like i your brother is 30 and doesn't complain or argue with me me silent even though i know that's not true if my mom insults him when he visits he will leave the house and go to his apartment immediately then depending on how she acted come back later also my mom is comparing me to my brother who is nine years older with no medical issues but he lived at home until he was 26 and got his first cs job mom insults me for another hour then is quiet edit my mom and i get along so well for like two days and for three days there's nothing really but two days later it's like this second edit thank you for the advice and kindness everyone but most of all i never realized how supportive and caring an online community could be until this post i really appreciate it edit for clarification next year i'm transferring to an out of state university so she won't have to contact me unless she wants to which will probably be rarely but yeah as long as i deal with her a little longer next year i'll transfer out of state for the rest of my undergrad my heart really goes out to op most of us can't really imagine what it would feel like to have parents treat you like this but unfortunately it happens all the time i'm glad that they have their psychiatrist to talk to about it though sometimes having someone to talk to about things you're going through makes all the difference entitled mom stops an ambulance from getting to a heart attack patient this happened at the end of last summer and i wasn't within earshot for most of it so i can't give great detail as to what exactly was said but i'll try my best background i work at a summer day camp and everyone is like a family there i went to the camp myself from age 6 to 15 before working there the staff usually are rehired when possible especially directors so returning campers see the same faces every year so some of the younger staff have known the veteran staff for almost our entire lives that's why it is very common for the camp counselors to have been campers once themselves like me this is important to remember as those involved in this story include both two veteran staff and multiple former campers now counselors including me okay now to the story it's the very last day of camp for the summer all of the campers have said their goodbyes and have left on their respective buses the only people left are the staff and the kids who are in the after care program for kids whose parents either work late or they need to be picked up from camp directly there's almost no parking not even enough for staff so they bust the kids in every day the staff wrap up their last staff meeting for the season and we all make our way to the front of camp one of the counselors who was i think two years older than me carter ran up ahead because the lunch lady chris was about to leave and wanted to say goodbye as we were rounding the corner we hear carter call out for chris and she is laying on the ground everyone is ushered into the bus that was going to take us to where the staff parking was while one of the directors calls the ambulance carter is in tears he was especially close to chris not to mention this is the second veteran staff member to be hospitalized that summer he tells us that he had just said goodbye and turned to walk away when he glanced back she was on the ground and not responding chris was a bit of a bigger woman so everyone was worried about if the cpr would be successful since the only people there were very small built thankfully another vet staff arrived and he was able to take over cpr which we later discovered if it wasn't for him she would have died so the ambulance is on the way but the problem was that the road the camp is on is a major road in our city and it was right during afternoon traffic rush not to mention the street was having construction done which turned it into a two-lane street then a small car pulls up and it's a mom looking to pick up her kid one of the staff is quick to tell her to pull off to the side the driveway is very narrow and can barely fit one bus at a time she is understanding and gets out of the way she even gets out and tries to talk to the staff who are waiting on the bus i believe she even tried calming some of us down one of the directors drove a golf cart to go get her kid so she waited there with us enter entitled parent i'm not 100 sure if she was a karen or just someone who was a bit dense but she still nearly caused a woman to lose her life this big black suv pulls up and already she sees that something is off being the intelligent person she is she stops her vehicle in the middle of the driveway and asks what's going on again she is being directed to park off to the side but she doesn't want to move the lady just sits there and tells a staff worker that she is there to pick up her kid note chris collapsed right in front of the entrance to camp so this woman had a front row view of people performing cpr on her she doesn't have your typical care invoice but still she isn't moving and keeps asking what was going on it had been a few minutes now and you could faintly hear sirens in the distance the ambulance was near and this woman was still blocking the only way into the camp at this point i storm out of the bus and run over to her by this time carter has noticed the suv and has made his way from staying next to chris to getting up in this woman's face and just goes to town on her i can't remember what he says and it didn't help that he was screaming through his tears but the lady eventually got the hint and went off to the side i was ushered back into the bus this time carter following behind me once we are inside he just breaks down i'm still in shock when i hear something from next to the bus remember that other mother from before well now karen was drilling her about what was happening the first mother not knowing fully tried to calmly explain the situation as best as she could then the karen turns to the bus full of crying 20 year olds she is right outside my window but as i am a lower rank she addresses one of the other staff i am here to pick up my son i'm sorry miss but we're kind of dealing with something if you could wait why am i parked over here this isn't the pickup why won't you let me go pick up my son note chris had collapsed in the road that runs through camp there was no way to get any vehicle other than a golf cart into the main camp because they were trying to save a woman's life the director of the camp comes over and explains this to her but karen isn't having it i want my son he is scared let me go get my son ma'am we can send for your son but are you sure you want him to be here to see this by now the ambulance has arrived they actually got into camp easily considering the construction we are ever grateful as it turns out they arrived just in time i don't care i want my son now a few minutes later a golf cart pulls up with both mom's kids in it the first mom ushers her kid into the car and gives him something to keep him entertained as to hopefully distract him from what is happening then the karen gets in her car and tells her kid to do the same karen starts her car and tries to leave by now there are three police a fire truck and an ambulance in single file along the driveway there is no way karen is getting out i see karen's sigh and gets out of her car she goes back to the director and tells him that she needs to leave he looks at her looks at the driveway clearly not knowing how to respond he tells her that they can't just move the ambulance and other first responders vehicles just so she can leave she huffs and crosses our arms their exchange continues for another few minutes until a police officer has to come over and tell the woman to get in her car and stay there she had been trying to follow the director as he tried to leave the conversation as to give a statement as to what had happened the mom reluctantly went into her car and spent the next 10 minutes getting death glares from a bus full of at least 50 something upset staff have any of you ever been to some sort of a camp and if so did you like it please let me know i'm not in the military shove off this was years ago my husband was in the army on his second enlistment five or six years total at this point he had already been through a couple deployments by this point we were at a new base overseas and i had gotten a job at the after-school care facility on post well his unit was getting ready to deploy for six months so they were in the thick of all that the chaplain was having a pre-deployment meeting for all the spouses to talk about the changes to expect while our spouses are deployed from practical issues to emotional stuff to disruptions and routine bear in mind this was back when if you were really lucky you maybe got a 10 minute call from your spouse once a month maybe an email as well letters were still more common than anything now both my husband and i are pretty easy going and we've both been through a couple deployments so i already knew the drill what to expect how to manage etc so i decided not to bother with the meeting now don't get me wrong this is a fantastic resource for spouses and they would do a post-deployment one as well to help everyone transition back to normal life with their spouses but i didn't feel the need to attend couple days later my husband shows up at my workplace and tells me he's been ordered by his lieutenant to bring me to the spouse meeting this was a second lieutenant who was fresh out of ocs was not prior enlisted and my husband had socks older than this guy's term of military service for those who don't know a second lieutenant is the lowest ranked officer they're the noobs and it's very common for them to think they know it all and act accordingly this guy was one of those i was highly peeved but not for one moment did i blame my husband i could tell he was annoyed as well and i knew that since it was a direct order that he had to obey it i thought for a minute and asked him to hang on a minute so i could talk to my boss now school was set to let out soon and they needed me there because of adult slash kid ratio requirements but i explained the situation to my boss and told her i'd be back as soon as possible she understood the situation and said she'd fill in for me until i could get back she was cool that way and everyone on base if they weren't military was the spouse of one due to being on an overseas base so they all knew and understood when stuff like this came up very rarely you'd get the random gs employee civilian on post but yeah that was highly unusual so i left with my husband but instead of going to the chaplains meeting i told him to take me to his building where the second lieutenant was he knew what i was up to and happily complied arrived at the lieutenant's office knocked and went in while my husband stood in the hall asked him why he had ordered my husband to fetch me from my job that i was needed at he rather pompously mansplained to me that this was a required function and that i needed to attend oh i let him have it i didn't raise my voice much but i informed him in no uncertain terms that he had no authority whatsoever to order me to do anything i was not in the military not subject to his whims and while he may be able to order my husband to come get me he could not order me to go to this meeting he tried interjecting at this point to say that i needed to go so that i would learn stuff about how to handle my husband being on a deployment at this point i nearly blew my top i've spent more time with my husband being in the field and on deployments than you've spent in the military my husband does not own me he cannot force me to do anything and neither can you i will not be attending this meeting and you will not force my husband to take me there i'm going back to my job and if i hear that you tried to make his life miserable because of it so help me i will go up your chain of command and make sure you regret it now the building was not full but it wasn't quite empty either oh and the higher ups were in their offices pretty close by they were also super cool cats my husband might have been enlisted but they respected the work he did and he respected them and this lieutenant had been getting on their nerves as well so yeah they absolutely could hear what was going on and i'm sure they enjoyed it by the end of my tirade the second lieutenant was nearly falling over himself to apologize sorry ma'am i apologize ma'am it won't happen again ma'am he knew he was in the wrong and by this point he also knew i'd make a right royal stink if he tried to make me do anything or tried to punish my husband for my actions or lack thereof i left and my husband took me back to my job grinning like a fool i was still pretty enraged at this point but was cooling off pretty rapidly for a few weeks afterward i actually was concerned that there might be fallout for my husband because of what i did but there wasn't at least not more than the usual bs he dealt with on a daily basis it was one of the most satisfying moments of my life like i said i'm pretty laid back normally but i will get steamed on other people's behalf the problem is that i almost never have the opportunity or the right to get involved and i recognize that sometimes doing so would definitely make bad worse so having this opportunity was just golden sounds like she really taught that second lieutenant a lesson hey karen that was okay i would have spoken to his manager karen won't move so my electric wheelchair will move care in you know those inconsiderate people that congregate in a high traffic area in a shop or a public area and are oblivious that they're in the way and when a tap on the shoulder and excuse me goes unnoticed this was one of those occasions only they didn't account for me and my power wheelchair my electric wheelchair is very powerful i can easily drag heavy objects across the floor as long as it's not bolted to the floor i can move it this includes people i'm not a violent or dangerous person and i would never intentionally hurt someone with my chair but that's not to say i'm afraid to show dominance or authority in certain situations if needed this happened late last year i had a few things to do downtown and a bit of shopping to get done i went to my local grocery store woolies for my fellow yobos out there to pick up the essentials after i finished in the deli i went in search of coffee and cat food but as i rounded the corner i saw about six people in a circle having a conversation and blocking the walkway so they're left with a wall and to their right was a stocked shelf and there was no way to go through them me excuse me ignored me louder excuse me ignored i tapped one of them firmly on the shoulder and said excuse me again nothing instead of admitting defeat and going to the back of the store to get what i wanted i'm stubborn i wanted them to move so i could get past i lightly tapped the back of the leg of one of them with the front of my power chair and hopes of getting their attention let's call her karen no luck there either so i kept easing my chair slowly forward making sure i wasn't running over her foot or hurting her in the process i edged her forward a few inches before she finally noticed i was there karen omg what are you doing me can i please get past what can't you see we're having a conversation how dare you interrupt us you're lucky i don't press charges for you running into me didn't your mom teach you better than that me slightly amused my mom couldn't teach a fish to swim but if she was here she would have pushed you all out of her way already i was being polite by asking you nicely to move but clearly you're too wrapped up in your important conversation to acknowledge anyone else but yourselves so i will ask you one last time will you please move aside so i can get past by this point their conversation stopped and they were all glaring at me like i was the rude one for wanting to get past them karen you should have waited for us to finish our conversation and not interrupted us kids these days i'm 29 so not a kid but either way respect is earned not given me you're in a public place and you're blocking this area for everyone please be more respectful and considerate to everyone else and maybe have your important conversation somewhere else just a suggestion there was enough of a gap for me to escape through so i took it i could hear karen and her cronies muttering something insulting as i was leaving but i didn't feel like hanging around to hear it karen clearly had to stick up her pipes and i didn't want to push it who knows what a wild karen would do nothing else happened after that i finished my shopping and went on my way i know i didn't push my chair hard enough to hurt her so please don't come at me about that karen was fine well as fine as a karen can get the moral of the story don't block a public space with your social gathering do it in an area that's big enough to do so i'm sure you've seen people do this and if you're one of them shame on you i'll never understand why some people just love standing in your way and i'll never understand why you expect us to move facility closes at h sharp i used to work at a drive up storage facility we had pretty cheap prices and a few deals so we got three types of people renting normal people business people and homeless jobless people who try to live out of a storage unit and stay in the facility most of the day rearranging their storage unit so they had an excuse to stay now our story begins with the normal people unfortunately most normal people are normal as you would think they are moving need a place to store stuff most of the time they aren't happy with moving and that makes sense i try to be patient and kind one facility rule that owners had me enforce was that we need to kick everyone out of the facility at eight sharp no exceptions the office closes before then and my job was to drive back at eight every night and check the whole facility by the way i'm not on the clock for time i'm supposed to just do a security check enter a family with an older lady and her daughter renting a unit they were easy to work with i respect elders a lot so i usually try to be extra friendly to older people move-in day they had a big old truck full of stuff it looked like a lot of this stuff was going to be stacked in the unit of course when i come back later that night they are still there unloading stuff they had a bunch of guys helping them i drive up and remind them of the rules they must be out by aid but we are almost done we can get more in just need a few minutes with previous experience i knew how this was gonna go i repeated the rules and told them they also signed a contract that they had obeyed these rules but i said i'd check the rest of the facility first so they could wrap up they said thank you i finish and drive to the front and of course they aren't there i get out of my car and walk over to them and they're still going strong unloading so i decide to pressure a little and walk over and let them know once again the facility is closed i stand next to them for 30 minutes they finally decide they aren't going to finish tonight and pack up 50 minutes after the facility closed i let them out of the gate and went home at nine now my boss caught wind of this my boss was a real stickler for rules and stuff he kind of had a notion that people would follow contract rules if they were enforced but i knew people would just push our limits my boss told me that we needed to keep the gate locked after closing time and we can't have people staying late i didn't want to stay that late either the next day they came back late they got there as the office was closing in the evening to continue unloading i really hoped they got the message the first time but lo and behold when i came for the security check they were there unloading what seemed to be a new load i wasn't as patient with them this time i wasn't rude but i was definitely being more blunt with how i talked to them i let them know again that they needed to leave immediately okay we are just finishing up i had heard that one before this time i circled the unit block they were at and every time i passed i let them know i was done with the rest of the facility they seemed to get the picture but the clock still was ticking and by the time they closed the unit and i tailgated their truck out of there it had already been another 40 minutes past i was tired of getting lectured by my boss on how we needed to enforce these rules for some reason he had a mindset that i was letting them stay and being nice no the first time i was nice but i wasn't letting them stay and i can't physically force these people out the third day they were finishing the unloading while on site i saw them and went up to them and just gave them a pass by reminder that they needed to wrap up before aid later that night i check and yep they are still there i'm getting a bit peeved at this point so i check the facility quickly then i decide to drive out the front gate has a code lock that denies codes after 8 10. yeah there was even a grace period since they had me let them out every time they didn't know their code wouldn't work at least since they didn't seem to know the rules they definitely didn't read that in bold highlighted in our contract so as per my boss's order i left the gate locked and left i lived close so i went home got a snack watched a couple shows then about 9 40 went back to the facility to find them stuck at the gate they were not happy but as i let them out i said to them the facility closes at h sharp and this gate locks we aren't always around to let you out that's why we post the close times everywhere a lie since i checked it every day but i didn't want them to think they could get away with it anymore they just angrily left but i didn't have a problem with them again i do feel bad for that older lady but i don't know they just weren't listening people who refuse to leave when you're trying to close are the worst oh they did nothing wrong he should have just been a little more considerate and gave them a little bit more time coffee lady so i work at mcdonald's right now and man we get really uptight entitled people this particular lady deemed coffee lady by my co-workers and managers is the epitome of entitled she comes in without fail every single day sometimes twice or three times a day but always orders coffee now this wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't so picky about it and so nasty and rude to new people who don't know her order by now when i first started working there because she didn't recognize me after watching me make her coffee just the way she likes it she had me redo it five times because it didn't taste right and she got all snotty with me she's nice only to the people who make it right which is total bs for those wondering her coffee order has to be from a fresh pot she doesn't mind waiting for one to brew but even if you claim it's from a fresh pot that just finished she won't believe you and will demand you brew another pot she used to get a large fresh coffee with three creams 24 sugars 24. thank god she only gets a medium fresh with two creams 20 sugars now but dang recently we've started to mess with her because she's been coming into our restaurant talking to other customers saying how nasty our restaurant is how we're putting customers at risk of getting sick by putting the cream and sugar in the coffee and not putting a lid on the cup while we wait for the coffee to brew madness right she's a nasty gossip but oh so gullible we hired this new girl about a month or two ago but she hasn't been on front counter much so she's never had to make this woman's coffee before cue today where the lady comes in and the new girl makes the coffee fresh pot and everything we have a machine that gives exact sugars and creams so there's no way she could mess it up and the lady says it clearly isn't fresh and tastes wrong she makes a new pot of coffee makes the coffee again somehow still wrong this lady starts being a nasty jerk to the poor girl and tries to tell her how to do her job i would have intervened but i was busy taking orders on headset for drive through and couldn't leave my station finally one of my co-workers steps in love her and she tells this lady she will remake her coffee now mind you this lady recognizes my co-worker because my co-worker has been working there for years little does this lady know my co-worker is a savage and i love her for it she goes back to the first pot of coffee the one used for the first cup of coffee that the new girl used and uses that to make the lady's coffee and when she gave it to her the coffee lady tasted it and said it tasted perfect and started telling the new girl this is how you make coffee and praising my coworker for actually knowing how to do her job meanwhile she doesn't even realize she's playing herself because it tastes the same as the first cup she was given i hate entitled customers and even though it's not getting in their faces and calling them out on their bs it's the small things in life that bring us joy so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 125,237
Rating: 4.837822 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: W-yRD7BlmF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 46sec (9166 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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