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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents plow my driveway for free in college i sort of accidentally got into the snow removal business around my neighborhood since i had a weird class schedule that gave me a lot of free time in the mornings and not a lot of homework i had purchased a small john deere compact trailer as a project to tinker with in my garage in my spare time i got it for next to nothing since the previous owner knew nothing about it and considered it to be just a stupid lawnmower and just wanted it out of his yard well this thing was definitely not a lawnmower this was a proper tractor with hydraulics and everything just shrunk down to about the size of a mini cooper the kind of thing a homeowner would use for basic maintenance work around their property that requires something a little beefier than a riding lawnmower but not quite a full-blown farm tractor it was about 30 years old when i bought it having been built sometime in the 80s but ran perfectly and since the guy threw in a snowblower attachment with it i figured i could make a little extra cash clearing driveways in the morning before class i had to fix a few things and added a spot to carry a shovel for the spots i couldn't get with the blower and i was all said well after the first major snowfall and just going around offering my services to neighbors i had about 20 driveways that i would do and got the money i paid for the tractor which admittedly wasn't much back pretty much immediately i wasn't charging a whole lot since i was just some kid not a professional snowplow contractor but most people on my street were elderly and very grateful for my service and tipped me pretty heavily there were a few people that actually seemed to enjoy shoveling their own driveway or had their own snowblower who didn't pay me to do it regularly but they would ask me occasionally to do it as a one-time thing if the snow was super deep or they just didn't have time one lady who lived three houses down from me however had pretty much adamantly refused my help at the beginning of the season and almost seemed offended that i thought she was incapable of shoveling her own driveway by the way this woman was probably 26 at most and had like seven or eight kids she even had her own bus which was a converted ford econoline fan that she used to transport them all around in i guess her only hobby was passionate hugging i figured with all those kids taking up her time she would be thrilled to have someone look after her driveway but i guess not february rolls around and while my roommate still jealous of her by the way was on vacation down south somewhere we got absolutely hammered with snow like i'm talking a foot and a half to two feet overnight every night i had to get up extra early each morning just to get everything done before i had to go to class around noon i always just cleared a single path out of our driveway so my roommates could walk to class and i could get the tractor out but i never fully cleared our own driveway till last my roommates didn't have cars and it wasn't like i was taking my truck anywhere if i was outblowing snow one day i get finished with my customers driveways and come home to finish cleaning up our driveway when passionate hugging obsessed lady comes over waving her arms around at me since that's pretty long to type each time we'll just call her entitled mom entitled mom excuse me me shutting off the engine so i can hear her yes what's up would you mind plowing my driveway there's been so much snow this week i just haven't been able to keep on top of shoveling it me i don't have time to do a full cleanup as i have to go to class soon but i can get it opened up enough that you can get out and i'll come back after class and get the rest if you want this is how much i usually charge but since i don't have time to do a proper job this morning i'll do it for half price you're joking right how can you take advantage of a single mom like this if i could afford to pay someone to plow my driveway i would you disgust me i asked you to do me a favor as a neighbor but you have to try and make a quick bug off of everything i can't believe you're this lazy that you'd buy a machine like this to plow your small driveway and won't even help your neighbors out your generation is hopeless bear in mind this woman is no more than five years older than me pretty sure she's still part of my generation me you're right it is overkill for my driveway that's why i have about 20 people in the neighborhood paying me to do theirs as well this is kind of a business for me to make some extra cash while i'm in school and if everyone else is paying me why should i do yours for free i bet your mommy and daddy pay for all your schooling anyway you don't need the money she's not wrong my parents busted their butts and saved up probably three times as much as what was necessary to put me through school to which i am forever grateful for but that doesn't mean i don't have other living expenses i need to pay for me so what if they did diesel fuel for this thing isn't free and i'm just asking for enough to cover that and some compensation for my time which is pretty much how any other business operates i don't think it's unreasonable of me to charge for my services your parents probably pay for that too wait till they realize what a brat you are and cut you off financially then you'll see what life is all about this really rubbed me the wrong way because my parents have paid for a lot of stuff in my life which again i'm very grateful for but since they were helping me pay off my truck while i was in school i didn't really feel like i owned it yet i know it sounds silly but that tractor was the first major thing i ever bought entirely with my own money without my parents help and i was very proud of it because of that i was done dealing with her at this point and just went back to work cleaning up my own driveway and then went to class unfortunately i have to walk past our house going to and from school so on my way back i walked past her house and her bus is stuck real bad in the driveway like it has gotten stuck and then slid sideways partly onto her front lawn she's outside trying to dig out the back wheels and when she sees me she explodes i couldn't get my kids to daycare because of you and missed work because of it it was 11 20 when i talked to her that morning who doesn't have their kids in daycare already by that point also people are usually at work by then too i just ignored her and went inside for the next few days it continued to snow relentlessly and i continued making an absolute fortune by college student standards off of the storm it was so bad some days i had to go back out after class and clear the driveways again everyone was more than happy to pay and tip me both times and one old lady even made me a thermos full of hot chocolate to keep me warm my tractor didn't have a cab obviously with the extra people who usually did it themselves also calling me and asking me to bail them out on top of my usual route i was doing pretty well every time i'd come home i'd always see entitled mom trying unsuccessfully to dig herself out but she just couldn't deal with that heavy wet snow the city plows would push onto her driveway from the road on her own i felt bad for her but whatever if she was going to be rude to me it was not my problem eventually she flagged me down one day and tells me that she'll give me whatever i want if i'll just please come over and dig her out apparently her work was threatening to fire her if she kept calling in because of the snow and not being able to get her kids to daycare i did it for her and she paid no tip which is understandable with her situation but did apologize to me for being so rude and now understood the value behind what i was doing she still took care of the snow on her own most of the time after that but she did ask me to help her out on occasion when it got really bad which i did get paid for i never had any issues with her after that and i think she's learned her lesson speaking of snow do you love snow or can you not stand it please let me know customer hands me bad check while trying to return used shoes the original ordeal happened last week and he came back yesterday to try his hand at giving us bad checks again yesterday so i think it's time i post this story cast we've got me we've got the bad man we've got kaye my co-worker who works at both of our stores locations oh boy here we go i was at the front running the register when this guy walks in he starts asking me if we had these shoes here he wasn't holding a box and the counter covered his feet so i lean over and see he's talking about the shoes he's wearing i'm like oh yeah they're on clearance now though so i don't know how many we have left then he starts talking about how they're the wrong size and how he wants to exchange them for a different size i'm stunned that he wants to give me the hot and sweaty shoes he's wearing in exchange for a fresh pair in my store and so i tell him i'm gonna need the receipt and the original box in order to do that of course he has neither if you have a return for a clothing item especially shoes you don't wear it out on the town and then come strolling in with it on your body looking to get a new one in exchange for your old sweaty ones our return policy is about to change so i was done with this type of return fraud knowing that i have no intention of accepting this return without the vital components he goes around the store shopping when he comes up to checkout he's holding some shorts shoes different than the ones he originally wanted and a reel that he had my co-worker spool up for him and so we begin checking out and which i ask if he's a member he says he is so i attempt trying his name and phone number yet nothing comes up he's already starting to get weird by now saying that the girl from yesterday must have intentionally mistyped his information to make him look bad i was the only girl here the day before so no sir i didn't do that so we skip it because he's starting to make me uncomfortable and i just wanted him out the customer behind him is watching intently looking taken back by this guy's odd requests and attitude it's time to pay and he pulls out what appears to be a checkbook he asks for a pin and i give it to him and when he's done he hands it to me and asks if we accept business checks i'm looking at it and ask if this is supposed to be tax exempt it gets all jumpy and says yeah but before i can ask anything else he's like wait let me go get my other checks and try to find the receipt for the shoes so he quickly goes out the door and i take the next customer on the other side this other customer is in disbelief still wondering what this guy's deal is he heard the thing about wanting to return the shoes that are on his feet and is laughing about how disgusting that is and how he hopes i wouldn't take them back we have a good laugh and when he leaves batman is walking back through the doors he's holding a checkbook that still doesn't look right and asks for a pin again this check is pre-typed and he starts changing the number one to four with a pin when he hands it to me i'm looking at it in awe wondering what i'm looking at the name doesn't match the date is wrong routing numbers are going sideways it isn't made out to our business and this man changed the type amount to a different amount with a pin on top of the original amount he also wrote his license number on the top and something else but it doesn't matter because the whole check was trashed he starts saying oh yeah that's my wife's name and i wrote the license number so you know it's legit and i'm just like um let me get the assistant manager up here she comes up and by taking one look at it she's like no sir we are not taking this he starts arguing with her asking what's wrong with it the money comes out of the account automatically so just take it which it absolutely does not and is like well i did this yesterday he didn't she keeps refusing so he leaves in a huff still yelling as he's walking out the door he left everything behind even the real we spooled with his choice of line a few days later all is going well until one of the cashiers calls me up to help him with a check i was right around the corner and upon coming closer it's the bad man and i say oh hello again which he clearly didn't like he was already jumpy about our younger cashier not just accepting it and now when he sees me walk up he didn't even acknowledge me because he knew what he was trying to do again so i start looking at it and i'm like hmm gonna need to get another manager the other manager and me have the same title and powers but i wanted backup because i didn't know how this guy was gonna react when he got denied for a second time i quickly brief him and we walk up together my manager takes one look at it and is like no sorry we can't accept this the guy starts pitching the same fit like you haven't even tried to run it just run it and see what happens but my manager isn't budging one thing i love about him is he is not a pushover no matter how aggressive someone gets he finally says sir i'm going to say this for the last time we will not be accepting this check and he just stands there holding the check for bad man to take back batman storms out again like he can't believe we aren't going to take poorly done bad checks this is the last we have heard from him but that only happened yesterday so i'm expecting this guy to come back and try it on a different set of my co-workers i'm just glad i won't have to waste my time calling the check clearing company since we all know now it's a bad check by default but i have figured out some interesting things since then when i looked up the business name for the check which is supposed to be what seems like a kids sports camp there was nothing online about it i found a couple of addresses on the white pages but no phone numbers or official website the only thing i could find that was written by an actual human was some really bad better business bureau reviews that talked about how this company charged them one thousand dollars even after their kids lessons were over and another review said the whole thing was a scam when i told my co-worker k about this story she said she knew the guy from our other location the store manager there was on to this guy and his fake checks as well and she told me that one of the younger cashiers there accepted the check from him and now they're just waiting on it to bounce now we have a district-wide email about people coming around writing fake checks and to be aware if you're going to attempt to make a living out of writing bad checks at least try a little harder i know he has to run his family sports scam at the same time but come on man get it together before you come on stage and perform entitled parent teaching entitled kid how to drive hits my car with hers in target we've got entitled parent we've got me we've got the cop the entitled kid we've got little man the kid i babysit and we've got helpful lady so this happened about a week ago i'm grabbing stuff for the little man at target for his mom we grab cookies blueberries and other healthy foods other than cookies for lunches and dinners for the next week the usual so i put the little man in his car seat and the groceries in the other side now it is to note there is a big truck on our left side and unfortunately we have to try to see behind it so i'm inching out behind this big truck unable to see on that side i roll down my window and ask helpful lady loading up her car next to me if she could look out for me then in return i'll block traffic to help her get out she was one bag until done she agreed because well it would help her too so she's guiding me out making sure there's no cars when i see her jump out of the way and i get hit on my passenger's rear and that's where the little man's car seat is so i pull forward into my spot helpful lady picks herself up and comes to my passenger side knows the little man is in there thankfully entitled kid didn't hit the door just the back but little man is crying so i get out of my car to call the cops and check the little man that's when the entitled parent comes out you hurt my baby she's just learning how to drive and now look at her the girl was crying and sure i felt bad she just got in her first accident but i was trying to comfort the little man me did you not see helpful ladies standing to help me out there's a really big truck and we can't see over it your daughter almost ran over a pedestrian in the parking lot which by the damage to my car she was going too fast for a parking lot entitled kid my mom said i could go 15 in a parking lot i'm calling the cops you wrecked my new car her bumper and mine were dented pretty bad but hers was the entire front mine was the side me that's a good thing to do after you get in an accident do you know the non-emergency number entitled parent you need to call 9-1-1 not the non-emergency number my baby is hurt me no one seems to be hurt that badly we're all walking around and the little man is just scared we need to call the non-emergency number not 9-1-1 helpful lady i'll call entitled parent i was teaching her how to drive you cannot contribute to it in front of her we were going shopping for her prom shoes now everything is ruined thanks to you and your baby me one i'm his nanny two you told your daughter it was okay to go fifteen in a full parking lot with lots of pedestrians three she saw a helpful lady and she didn't think to slow down only to try to speed into a spot that you couldn't see if it was even taken or not so now we're waiting for the cops who asked for both of our statements hopeful lady and i have the same story he interviewed all of us at the same time they have a completely different one however now we helpful lady and me are appearing in court later this month because he ruled an entitled parent's favor and she's suing for damages edited for more information her lawyer sent me the suing papers this morning as the accident happened last week with over three hundred dollars worth of damage to my car i can't wait for this to play out because lo and behold when i contacted my lawyer he found entitled kid has a class for driving not a learning permit aka they're not even legal to drive so i got that going for me entitled mom expects a free meal because i forgot her sauce we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got nice girl and the manager so this is recent i work at mcdonald's australians call it maccas i've been working there for seven months and i've been having a great time working there great managers except for one but i won't get into it great crew workers and great training so this happened on a lunch shift on a saturday probably the busiest day in my opinion and we had a lot of customers lining up at the counter whether they're ordering there or coming from the kiosk self-register there's this lady who doesn't look anything like a karen she had long brown hair track pants and a long shirt it was summer and she had long clothes on she has a little kid with her nice girl she was very shy entitled mom orders a six nugget happy meal for her and gets herself a big mac with 24 spicy nuggets with 4 sweet and sour sauces i put in the order she pays for it eating in and takes a number and sits down at a table simple right wrong i make her drinks for her a small sprite and a large fanta then put it on the eating tray everyone else puts the food on it and i take it out i put it on her table and she checks everything as i walk away um excuse me you forgot my daughter's sauce me oh i'm terribly sorry i turned to nice girl i'll get you your sauce i grab a sweet and sour sauce from the box under the bench and give it to nice girl she gives me the best smile i've ever seen it was honestly very cute i walk over to the drink dispenser to make drinks for customers got that done in a couple of minutes then afterwards i hear an excuse me screech behind me it was entitled mom very grumpy nice girl was sitting over by the table eating her fries and nuggets you owe me a free meal me uh why because you forgot my daughter's sauce me but i got it for i don't care i want a free meal my manager steps in manager uh is everything all right no i deserve a free meal because this worker forgot my daughter's sauce manager turns to me do you want to explain me so i did forget to put her kid's sauce in then i got her sauce for her and walked off my manager then asks another crew member to run register for a bit and takes me an entitled mom to another area so the customers could eat in peace entitled mom took nice girl too she sat near us eating her nuggets and drinking her sprite manager okay so let me get this straight so op forgot to put your kid's sauce in her happy meal he ended up doing it and now you're expecting a free meal yes no how dare you it's just sauce you can't get a free meal for something that costs nothing entitled mom's face went red with rage she grabs nice girl's arm and storms off to her car nice girl says one last sentence before she got in the car your nuggets are very yummy my manager and i gave each other a look on our face and we go back to our job as normal after all that it wasn't busy at all and i ended my shift pretty well as the next door neighbor i must clearly be the landlord my neighbors were moving out of the house they had been renting next to me for the last two years and while i was sad to see them go i completely understood that they were fed up with the condition of the house and the landlord's dismissiveness to their complaints they took on far more home improvement and maintenance than they should have been responsible for some of which i helped them with as we were all friends after they had vacated and the house was on the market i was bombarded with all manner of questions from potential buyers and realtors whenever i was outside usually in the vein of how recently was the roof replaced and questions about flooding mostly i was able to answer and did so pleasantly mostly this one realtor i'll call him ted because he looked like ted danson from the good place anyway ted catches me going out to check my mail one afternoon after a long night of taste testing my bourbon to make sure it was still good ted darts across the lawn to me and starts firing off some pretty rude questions why didn't the previous tenants take care of this place it's a real dump inside who installed that washing machine why did they leave it so dirty okay ted because i really needed this right now but again always trying to be polite i tell ted they actually put in more than their fair share of the upkeep apparently that was not sufficient for mighty ted well what about the washing machine and the track lighting was that done by a professional at this point i'm getting pretty close to being done with this whole affair i don't know ted i've been living in this house over here not the one you're trying to sell but surely you would know something about that no dude i'm not the landlord or the owner of that property so yeah ted well did you at least see some contractors over here doing any work me having completely lost it with this clown are we done can i go back inside my house now i don't know ted looked pretty taken aback but honestly if he had a shred of self-awareness i wouldn't have yelled at him his clients looked embarrassed and who could blame them great way to meet the neighbors by having your realtor badger them with dumb questions entitled dad thinks food service revolves around his kids so this happened while i was still a bartender i worked in a city center sports bar where we had a relatively large food menu for the type of place it was nothing crazy just the usual things like burgers chicken wings but a bigger variety being a bartender i never dealt with the food other than maybe clearing a table here and there when it was quiet or if i was bored this isn't the craziest story ever just one that really bugged me i worked here for six months and maybe saw 10 kids in the place in all that time they were allowed it just wasn't exactly a place to take them this story takes place in my final week so i was already zoned out of the job one day around 1pm a family of four comes in before even taking a seat to look at the menu and title dad is already at the bar asking to order food nothing crazy i tell him it's table service and a waiter will be over soon i call a waiter on the radio and they replied that they would be down after they finished with another table barely a minute later the entitled dad is back again asking to order and i again say someone will be down soon another minute passes he has finally looked at the menu and realized there's no kids options i later found out it's a separate menu he comes over angrily asking where the kids options are and i tell him as far as i know that's the only menu like i said no kids ever really come here so their kids menus are stored upstairs straight away he demands a manager as it's unacceptable to not cater to kids again this is a sports bar so the floor supervisor comes down with kids menus and explains the situation again and they order food the food is ordered through a till on the bar so i see them put the order through and yet not two minutes later and title dad is back asking how long the food is going to be because he has places to go i tell him food normally takes about 20 minutes but i can ask for an update i ask a waiter who says they'll ask next time they're in the kitchen which entitled dad did not like at all he wanted his food now and he wasn't waiting any longer i tell him there's other people waiting etc but he didn't care he wanted to cancel the order fine it probably hadn't started being prepared yet anyway so i say i'll get a waiter to refund the food as the till system is separate to the bar and this is where he lost it apparently having a separate bar and waiter till so the tills can more easily be counted each day was ridiculous and he demanded i took the money out of my till now the tills only open when you make a sale or a supervisor or manager uses their key which sets the guy off even more he demands to speak to the manager manager comes down listens to entitled dad's story and gives a manager type of response and offers to cancel the food and refund the money but entitled dad now wants the food and a refund which the manager gives a simple no to he decides to accept the food which took a grand total of 22 minutes from order to service and then as one final pot shot entitled dad comes back to the bar after he has 8 and tells me that he is going to get me fired for being useless at my job i was called into the office the next day because it had to be reported to the head office but was told nothing to worry about i sometimes miss being a bartender my mom takes away everything for no reason i made a reddit account just to post this story i'm that upset so basically some backstory i've been working at mcdonald's for the past two years i'm 16 and in south australia you can get hired at 14. so basically in these two years i got myself a nice pc and a setup to go around i got a 2060 super and a ryzen 9 plus 32 gigabytes of ram so anyway i built this pc myself when i had saved up enough money from work i put rgb lights around the edge of my room put light boxes and bought lots of decorations for my setup room with a tv with chromecast all linked up to a smart home of course so basically i had my dream gaming pc with decorations in my room and everything i had also collected a bunch of youtubes so i have been averaging an a minus in school which i would say is decent i'm doing well and i'm always kind to people i'm a pretty happy person but my mom thinks my pc is ruining me i've had my pc for a little over a year now but my mom discovered only a week ago that it was in my room she told me it's unhealthy to have tech in your room so i got home from school did some homework in the dining room and headed over to my room at about 5 p.m to play some games with some friends i noticed my pc is gone i go to my mom and confront her she says oh that and takes me to her study where she puts her pc and she put my pc next to hers on the same desk which can barely fit she told me she's happy with me having it in the study as it doesn't ruin my sleep she also says as long as i don't use my pc when she is on hers she'll be happy it's been a week and i've been really mad one day i didn't come home from work on a wednesday night until 1am when she called me and blackmailed me to come home by threatening my pc would be locked up so yesterday i kind of tried to make that room where she has her pc a little bit better by moving my decorations the room is really messy and has her tax return stuck to the wall it makes my setup look trashy i set up my rgb and decorations on saturday before she got home at 3 p.m from her golf and she sees that i decorated her study with rgb light panels and light strips and she hates it she goes wild and tells me that i shouldn't decorate her study with the lights if you never moved my setup in the first place to your study room i would have never complained i never even stay up that late i go to bed at 10 pm on weekdays of my own choice and i sometimes stay up to one am on friday nights but that's rare usually i stay up to just 11 pm anyway i was super happy and living the dream now i'm in depression and have anxiety attacks and problems only a week later everything i worked for was taken away thanks mom that's not my truck karen short backstory i just got off a 14-hour shift i work for a utility company and this took place about 5 am in a smaller suburb of the twin cities in january i stopped for gas at the local stop and rob in a few snacks for my upcoming shift at 2pm another 14 hour shift lots of overtime i pull into the station and the tanker truck is there for a delivery i get out fuel up my run-of-the-mill boring box on wheels and started to go into the store about five feet from the entrance i hear a slight squealing of tires and watched a monstrosity of an suv lincoln navigator i think roar around the tanker and parked about one foot behind it i was already beat tired and didn't really think anything of it since people do drive a little nuts around here i'm in the store looking at what kind of garbage i can eat for the day and maybe a couple energy drinks for later that night this is when the fun begins we've got me we've got crazy lady and we've got sheriff's deputy lady hey hey hey me turns head to look at the lady staring right at me lady you need to move your truck me puzzled look on my face yes i'm talking to you you need to move your truck now me pointing to the salt-crusted suv at pump number five you mean that car no the tanker truck it's blocking the tire pump my tire light is on and i need to fill it up now i'm in a big hurry funny thing is those tire fillers have about a 20 foot retractable hose on them me that's not my semi i just watched you walk inside 30 seconds ago me that's not my truck now i'm beginning to wonder why she thought i was the truck driver we probably have the same yellow coats with silver reflective tape that's just as common as blaze orange during deer season me that's not my truck i don't work here and get the heck away from me at this point one of the local sheriff's deputies walks in right before i say get the heck away from me i see them here quite a bit in the morning to get coffee deputy walks over and asks is there a problem here lady this guy needs to move his truck it's blocking the tire pump i'm in a big hurry and one of my tires is low me to the deputy my car is over there on pump number five and i don't know why this lady thinks i'm the semi driver at this point i'm wondering where the driver is either in the back office doing paperwork or destroying one of the toilets in the restroom deputy to the lady okay show me what you're talking about they both go outside and walk to the back of the tanker truck me i pay for gas and snacks and here comes the truck driver out of the restroom it's probably going to need power washing as i'm walking out to my car i see the deputy pointing to back of her car and they were talking about something i couldn't hear them deputy and lady walked back inside the store just as the truck driver was walking out yup he was wearing a similar coat i put the snacks in my car and now curiosity has struck me i walk over to crazy ladies suv and saw that it has whiskey plates on them maybe it's her maybe it's her husband's i don't know then i saw it i couldn't believe my eyes the license plates showed october 2018 they were 14 months expired i got a good laugh from that and i hope crazy lady got a ticket for expired tabs i went home and got some rest server not servant we don't work for free so i work for a place that's a cafe during the day and a nightclub at night it's an adventure and i love every minute of it sundays are insane usually the saturday night close is rough but i've learned to expect that and i won't speak badly about those that served until 3 a.m and just were too tired to restock some napkins i get it dude sunday is also walk in 10 to 16 top day it never fails we get large groups back to back we had a 15-person table come in and my co-worker sam name changed had it put in his section and it took up every table he was assigned sam is a great server he's been in the industry for years and knows his stuff he was attentive constantly giving refills making them laugh etc as things come to an end people begin leaving so sam asked if the check was all on one everyone at his table just looked around at each other and it was obvious that they had not planned out whether one person was footing the bill or if everyone was going separate half the table had left at this point so one of the older gentlemen said i guess it's on one sam took him the bill and after they cashed out they quickly left this table left him seven dollars on a 240 dollar check sam was devastated they had been there through the entire lunch rush so he missed out on a lot of turnaround that made the rest of us some really good money he told me that he was counting on today so he could make his rent and now he wasn't sure what to do he was going to ask to work a double after already working a double the day prior side note i get that people should manage money accordingly but i don't know his personal life and some of us have to live day by day i was there recently i get it zero judgment i felt so bad for him that i printed off another copy of the check and put forty dollars into a book with it and stacked it into some books by the register i pretended that i had lost a signed receipt and was going through them next to him i casually opened the one with his name in it and said sam you left money in here you idiot and handed it to him i pretended to find mine and casually walked away he came up to me and said that he was super confused because he had only had one book at the table but now there was this one i just looked at him and said some things aren't worth investigating i'm telling this story because i want everyone to know that there are good people in the world we all will get that crappy table or karen's on a bad night but i'm always looking out for my coworkers i'm a strong believer and treat others the way you want to be treated and i'm hoping my message will inspire others to offer to do a little extra side work or bring in some snacks to share during the rush little things go a long way in this rough business we are servers not servants my parents don't believe i'm allergic to seafood when i was 14 i kept getting rashes everywhere that felt like i was on fire i went to the doctors without my parents because they didn't want to take me after a few tests he told me i had an allergy to seafood when i got home i told and showed the papers from the doctors and my parents looked at it dad this is fake you eat fish all the time me no it's not see it on the papers it's signed by our family doctor dad looks at it no it's fake rips it up and throws it on the ground clean this up then go to your room i'll take your computer out of your room for lying after my show finishes after that between 14 and 22 they would try to put fish in my meal then say see you aren't allergic to fish i would show them the rashes but they would say it's because i'm causing them to pop up the final straw was when i was four months pregnant i had made dinner a dish that my sister picked out while shopping with my fiance at the time now husband at the supermarket i worked at they were picking me up about 30 minutes after eating it i felt sick and i threw up i just thought it was the baby didn't like the food i went to bed woke up a few hours later finding it hard to breathe i thought it was asthma playing up but then i touched my face and it was swollen my partner took me to the hospital and the doctor said it's a bad reaction to an allergy when we got home my partner checked the jar he said it had traces of fish in it i should have checked it before using it my error my partner we are home now it was an allergic reaction dad so what partner fish it had traces in the jar mom no it was just hay fever partner no it was fish if it was worse you would have lost your grandchild dad don't be dramatic she's lying i left the room but i heard my parents and partner yelling at each other not long after that we left moved nine hours away been four years and they still tell me i was wrong i need to divorce my husband because he's controlling he's not they are speaking of food allergies are there any foods that you're allergic to if so please let me know karen i'm not a cop this was an incident well over a decade ago at the time i was the supervisor for a state park it was a monday morning and i was getting ready to head into town to deposit the weekend's receipts when my assistant told me that our work truck an old beat up rust bucket of a pickup truck was almost out of gas i normally took my own car for the bank run but took the truck instead so i could refuel it after finishing the banking i stopped at a convenience store to fill up the truck and to pick up some snacks figuring to kill two birds with one stone now i was in uniform but it was the sort that's rather standard to parks khaki shirt dark pants department badges and i had a badge and a name plate i wasn't a police officer our uniforms did not look like any police uniform in the state and my authority was strictly limited to the parks right after i entered the store i heard an excuse me from behind me i turned around and there she was a karen yes ma'am i replied she started on a rant about her neighbors feeding the bears and one bear had destroyed her bird feeder it wasn't my problem i said i'm sorry to hear that you should call the game warden she replied no you're a cop you need to go over there and talk to them right now i tried again to get through ma'am i'm a park supervisor not a game warden you need to contact the game warden i can give you their number if you want it didn't sink in karen insisted that i drive over there to talk to them adding she wanted them ticketed and that she didn't understand why i wasn't doing my duty to take care of this this from a woman who saw me get out of a battered pickup truck with a parks department logo and my uniform patches and nameplate clearly say i work for the parks department my patience was at an end lady one more time i am not a police officer i have no authority to talk to your neighbors and i've told you who you need to call please let me finish my shopping and get back to my park with that i walked away from her grabbed some snacks paid for them and left all the while listening to her complaining to other customers about the lazy cops in this area who don't do their job i just shook my head about it on the way back to the park the next weekend the game warden for the area stopped by to see how things were going and to check some people's fishing licenses i told him about my run-in with karen and he said oh so you're the lazy cop she was complaining about yeah she called and told me what happened it turned out that her neighbors were people who rented that place for a week and were now gone he had to talk with the rental owner about it but karen karen had a virtual bear buffet in her yard multiple bird feeders a couple of large bags of bird seed on her back porch and a deer feeding station she'd set up because as she told the warden she liked to see the deer karen got tickets for bear baiting in illegal feeding of wildlife and almost talked herself into a couple of others by ranting at the warden about those tickets we had a pretty good laugh over that speaking of bears what's your favorite animal of all time please let me know library does not equal daycare i'm still at my local library as i'm writing this and let me tell you the ideas of libraries being a safe haven for peace and quiet has long gone out the window nowadays parents leave their kids to run around and make noise like they're in a playground you'd think they'd be there to actually do some reading but nope usually the parents want to use the computers or talk on the phone while their kids play with the books or use the computers to play games now some parents are good at taking their kids out when they get too noisy but what i witnessed a few minutes ago was a new low for these noisy entitled parents we've got the girl the librarian and the entitled mom so i'm borrowing one of the local computers when i see poor girl looking about two or three crying her eyes out with no parents to be found librarian a nice lady at the front desk approached her and asked where's your mommy are you lost the girl nodded and librarian took her hand come on let's go find her together librarian calmed her down as they walked asking her what her name was or what her mom looked like i awed a little in my head when i heard that a few minutes later i overhear what sounded like librarian and the entitled mom in question a few rooms down i was mainly annoyed by how loud the place was but then i couldn't help listening in apparently entitled mom had left her daughter in the kids bug section so that her son could use the computer lab with only one computer available to play games librarian told her that the entitled mom needed to watch both of her kids and that the librarians wouldn't be able to watch them especially not someone her age here's what i could roughly make out entitled mom oh you can watch her i can't leave my son here librarian i'm sorry but we can't just let her be here by herself either you can let her stay in the lab with you or you can bring them both to this section entitled mom groans fine whatever entitled mom ended up scolding the girl for leaving that section making the poor kid cry again then the son started crying because his sister was being too noisy you and me both kiddo before long entitled mom was angrily walking out with her two crying kids in tow at least this karen had the sense to do that the day i can finally use a computer at home will be one of grand celebration when your niece turns out to be an entitled karen once again i'm sitting in my favorite booth that overlooks the entire restaurant when i see a familiar face walk walk-in it was my niece and she had some friends with her it must have been one of her girls night out we were rather crowded and there was a bit of a wait i went back to eating and doing the end-of-month paperwork and heard my niece say rather loudly you will seat me now do you know who my uncle is i can have you fired just like that and tammy the hostess tried telling her there were no seats but my niece wanted nothing to do with that she said my uncle practically owns this place mr h you know who that is right tammy nodded her head yeah i know who he is i see him in here all the time my niece said well then you know i could have your job just like that all i have to do is make one phone call and you're gone missy i was livid my niece was using my name to get a free ride something i frown on i even looked down on nepotism i got up and walked up behind her as she continued her rant of how she deserves to be seated tammy smiled when i spoke up hello alyssa nice to see you here oh hi uncle she said sweetly i was just explaining how i know you and that you're my uncle you're using my name to get a free meal and i do not appreciate it these people unlike you work for a living and i know your father is going to be very disappointed when i call him and tell him how you were treating these people but uncle she was being really snotty to me melissa don't you dare lie to me tammy was being nothing but sweet and pleasant so don't you even dare try it melissa squealed out but uncle but nothing i don't want you trying to be a mooch and i don't approve it and your father sure wouldn't i apologized to her friends and told them they would have to vacate the restaurant now tammy you see lisa in here you have the right to throw her out and i will contact the managers of the other two restaurants not to seat you if they hear you drop my name or give any free meals lissa i am so disappointed in your behavior right now just go lisa stomped off with her friends screaming she was going to tell her daddy no you won't because your dad will side with me i know he doesn't promote this type of attitude and i know he didn't raise you this way now go it's been several years since then she still doesn't talk to me her dad apologized for her behavior why i don't know it's not his fault he's a good man and tells me he didn't raise her to be like that but it's okay it made her get a job working for me yes i made her work as a dishwasher and said my name better not drift out of her mouth to gain favoritism with others i still think she's ticked off but oh well i still have the respect of my employees i moved out entitled parents attempted to play victim in previous posts i mentioned i moved out when i turned 18. the day after my birthday my boyfriend came over and helped me pack up my stuff of course this went smoothly and i stayed with him until we could find a permanent place of our own his parents welcomed me into their house but i didn't want to burden them we start up our search for a home as soon as we could get to it this is when weird things started to happen i got a few calls the next week they were all from family members and they were all saying that they were planning to disown me if i didn't make up for my mistakes this was weird as i've never met most of them in my entire life however when my aunt called everything came to a light we've got susan entitled mom kevin entitled dad laura nysand paul nice uncle andrew my cousin red me and schroeder boyfriend of mine laura did your relatives call you me yes they did what did i do oh you did nothing your mother told everyone in the family group chat about how you disrespected them and attempted to hurt them if they didn't let you run away me nice to know after that tiny conversation i decided to block out my relatives the only people i didn't block were my aunt uncle and cousin the three of them were the only real family i had ever had before i met schroeder thank goodness for me they didn't believe my parents sob story of how i was threatening them blocking out my relatives seemed to make it worse they had my email and spammed me every day demanding i moved back in with my parents and make it up to them of course i sent them and i mean every single one of them the true story of why i left they didn't believe the story since they said i was a compulsive liar so i left it alone two months after moving in with my boyfriend my grandaunt came by and practically tried to take me back to my family she wasn't even able to make it out the door as schroeder might not be home but his third elder sister was she stopped my grand aunt and kicked her out of the door schroeder's sister literally lifted up her leg and pushed my grand aunt out by her back granddad this is harassment i'm going to sue schroeder's sister go ahead then you can explain how you tried trespassing on our property that was the end of it for grand and she never came by and according to my aunt she never sued either that was just the beginning of things the next visit came with my aunt this aunt was from my father's side and was always protecting my family because he is her little brother she told me i should go back and apologize for hurting my parents like that i explained to her that i have no idea what she was talking about she got in my face and yelled that i should be in prison needless to say since we were having the conversation at the door i slammed it in her face not long after my nice aunt called me again red you better be careful you know your parents are planning something with the others me will do thanks for the heads up aunt laura turns out their big plan was to expose me for the jerk i am it actually worked for a while because i wasn't the most well-known person i was really thinking of moving back in to get them to stop they tried to lie their way and say how bad of a son i was and how i was always drinking all of my relatives showed it to their friends through their personal chat and their phones eventually one of their friends showed it to schroeder's mother who immediately debunked the entire lie as she uploaded the video schroeder took the day he helped me move the video eventually got sent back until it reached my relatives the contents of the video were simple he was recording and then he pointed the camera at my parents house the door opened to reveal i came out with my suitcase my parents doing absolutely nothing my relatives messaged me saying how sorry they were but i got them on block i don't want to deal with them anymore co-worker feels entitled to my room this happened a few years ago at my old job i worked closely with a woman my age to provide tech support in our office and staff trainings the woman who i'll call jessie was nice enough at first and we had a lot in common unfortunately she was also very self-centered and prone to dramatic episodes she dated a co-worker in our office in a tumultuous on-again off-again relationship in my first month with the company they broke up the same morning we were to hold the training and jesse faked an illness to get his attention leaving me to give the training alone there were other episodes involving the two of them and her dating other guys at work that led me to avoid her in social situations my avoiding her really upset her and led her to make passive-aggressive social media posts she also started to unfairly pass on crappy work assignments to me instead of splitting them between us i never bid on the drama did my work and kept my head down anyhow we both end up attending a conference together out of state as the trip started i tried to be as cordial as possible as i was very excited for the trip and wanted to have fun we get to the resort where the conference is being held and check into our condo the condo is two bedrooms three baths with a full kitchen and living room as we walk in jesse immediately runs into a nice looking bedroom on the left and claims it as her own jumping on the bed i walk into the bedroom on the right and lay down after 20 minutes of chilling in our separate rooms jessie walks into my room talking about how nice the condo is then makes a face she says oh you have the master bedroom i shrug i thought they look the same i go peek into her room and sure enough i do have the master bedroom despite this distinction there isn't much of a difference between the rooms both have full baths with separate showers and garden tubs both have vaulted ceilings the big difference was my ceiling was vaulted a little more by two to three feet and the room was a few feet bigger as we attend the evening conference activities jessie is huffy and sulking about her room she won't admit she's upset about my having the master room so she starts complaining about feeling claustrophobic yes that's what she thinks the condition is called because the ceiling isn't high enough mind you her ceiling is vaulted in the condo and she has standard height flat ceilings at home if she truly felt claustrophobic i don't know how she can be living in her own house we get back to the condo for the evening with her still complaining about her claustrophobic room i can see she's hoping to wear me down into switching rooms with her instead i cheerily say well have a good night and head into my master bedroom i wake up the next morning and see her sprawled out on the couch in the living room she really committed herself to her performance over the bad bedroom and glares at me i couldn't sleep in that claustrophobic room for the rest of the trip she avoided me which was fine by me give me that charger so i have an orange and black portable charger that i've had for four years now and that thing has saved my life quite a few times it has four usb ports and a high powered light so it's pretty great the thing about mine however is that my port closest to the light doesn't work i don't know why overuse i think so i use the other ones enter entitled mom an entitled kid i'd seen them around a bit but had never talked to them which is unusual as i live in quite a small community but now i know a lot about them for context this wasn't a local cafe i frequent on the weekends a family owned everyone is welcome kind of deal well entitled parent and entitled kid enter and immediately spot me sitting down sipping my tea yes i'm scottish we drink a lot of tea and charging my phone with the charger they almost run at me and they say and the worst ned or idiotic accent imaginable entitled mom excuse me what is that poinsett charger me oh it's a portable charger it's like a power outlet for k entitled parent cutting me off i know that i meant can we use it me wondering how what's that translates to can we use it yeah sorry but i don't let people use my things usually but why do you need it i'm thinking that if their phones are dead they can use my charger to get them up and running her phone was at 47 yeah that's not gonna cut it me sorry your phone doesn't need charging it has 47 percent oh come on it isn't full give me the charger she reaches for it as does the kid but i pull it away and stow it in my bag me sorry i need to go now i quickly sip up the last drop of tea and head to the counter to pay i see them following so tell the worker who i'm friends with about them before i get there she has also seen me with my charger i leave just as they get to me still clutching my bag and head for home i get home and realize that my charger isn't in my bag i knew what had happened they stole it when they came to the counter i'm bummed but have a smaller spare so decided to go back to the cafe to see if i somehow left it i arrive and amazingly entitled parent and entitled kid are sitting there using my charger out in the open i calmly approach my friend and let her know and she's in on it me going up to entitled parent and entitled kid who look really scared oh thank goodness you found my charger i knew i had left it here thank you so much entitled mom um this is mine go away weirdo me realizing she isn't going down without a fight oh okay i can prove it's mine i call my friend over like a stranger and tell her the story me is there anything wrong with this charger miss entitled mom confused no it's brand new got it today go away i want to be compensated for this intrusion wow she's dumb me the charger nearest the light doesn't work on mine can we try this one entitled parent now tries to excuse herself to the toilet realizing she's being found out it fails and she is forced to show that indeed the port doesn't work long story short i get my charger back and she is barred for a week even though she apparently wasn't local just on travels in the area so probably thought she could grab and go with the charger me one entitled parent and entitled kid zero speaking of phones which do you prefer apple or android please let me know right now my hoa complaint broke up an entitled mom's marriage this happened a few years ago but i still think about it after being blessed with great neighbors over the years i started taking it for granted then luna her four dogs all the same breed and family two teens and her husband moved in the house next door it started off well enough luna was friendly and the kids and husband seemed nice but she soon decided that the best place for her dogs to go potty was my backyard i didn't agree and after suffering in silence for a few weeks i'm not very confrontational i finally told her that my backyard wasn't her personal dog park when they got home from work they would let their dogs loose to go running in my backyard to play and go potty one day i happened to catch them and came out on my patio to tell them to cut it out the dogs turned around and started running towards me while barking aggressively fortunately her husband called them off before the little ankle biters got to me and it wasn't just the dog that liked to hang out in my backyard luna liked to walk around my backyard while talking on her phone one of the things i like about my house is the privacy it backs to the woods so i don't have a lot of curtains on my back windows and doors but since luna liked walking around my yard i was forced to curtail my habit of cleaning while not dressed and it was creepy once after it had snowed i realized that someone had walked up to my back patio and had been peeping in my french doors not long after someone left a gift of boo on my front porch welcome matt geez i wonder who did that but then luna seemed to want to repair our rather rocky relationship and asked me what time i got off work we could do drinks and hang out i thought whatever so i told her but no get together ever materialized i realized later that she just wanted to know what time i got home from work what she didn't know was that i sometimes worked at home on one of those days i caught her once again letting her dogs loosen my yard so i took a photo and sent it to the hoa i think she was also sneaking her dogs into my other neighbor's fenced backyard the ramifications were swift that complaint was the straw that broke the camel's back the marriage was already on shaky ground and the husband was tired of her and her dog hoarding i only saw four dogs at a time but there were more i didn't notice because they all looked alike the next thing i knew she and the dogs had moved back to south america the kids went to live with relatives college and the husband was acting like someone who won the lottery he always seemed somewhat grumpy before but after she left he was smiling and friendly then he bought a harley got a girlfriend and proceeded to rid the house of copious amounts of urine stained carpets he was eventually evicted from the house yes they were renters because owners were sick of the complaints and fines and decided to move back in luna apparently had a gift for upsetting the neighbors on my block the weird thing is that there were a couple of vacant lots and a dog park less than a block away but apparently her neighbor's yards were the best place to take her dogs do you have a dog if so what kind students pranked me i had the last laugh i spent about 10 years teaching high school humanities at a small private school for my first two years i didn't have a classroom just a small office i would bring what i needed for each class on a cart and go from room to room depending on which teacher had a prep at any given time this was incredibly inconvenient and not being the most organized of teachers to begin with made things difficult to keep track of there were a group of 11th grade boys who decided to make things a little more difficult for me they were good kids we got along well i coached several of them on the school soccer team but they decided that since my office would often be empty it was a great place to prank it would never be anything too serious things falling over when i opened the door or things disappearing for a day and then turning up in a different place the next day nothing was ever damaged and i could never prove who it was even though i knew my school had mandatory final exams in each academic course i didn't really think they were necessary so i would generally make them pretty easy with a lot of preparation i would give out study sheets and play review games for a couple of weeks before the test and there was no reason the students wouldn't do well on them i had approval of admin to do this as they weren't particularly fond of the final exam rule either it was a school board policy a few nights before the offending boys had their exam i had a brain wave i created a second exam gone were the multiple choice questions and obvious things from the review sheets in their place came detailed questions about concepts that were briefly mentioned in class essay question after essay question ambiguous questions with no clear answers definitions of words that there was no way they knew it took a couple of hours but i laughed the whole time when the test came i had the special exams at the bottom of the pile and handed them out to each of the four or five boys i told my vice principal what was happening and he insisted on being present i started the timer and watched as the boys flipped over their papers it was all i could do to keep a straight face eyes went wide heads were shaking panic was setting in especially as they saw all their classmates flying through their exams one of the boys raised their hand sorry no questions during the final you should be prepared based on your study sheets i let them go for about five or ten minutes of terror before i gathered the fake tests and gave them the real ones they all passed with flying colors and never pranked my office again it was glorious how dare you not offer vegetarian meals i work at a small local pizza italian place a few hours during the day we offer a lunch buffet with pizza pasta salads etc it's immensely popular and we're usually packed to capacity every lunch period and honestly the food is really good and has a good reputation in town i come in contact with all kinds of jerks and weirdos at work don't we all but i really hate the ones who like to complain in order to get something free so these two ladies in their 40s come in and stare at the menu for a while we have counter service so i greeted them kindly and told them to let me know when they were ready to order they asked me how long it would take for a small veggie pizza to be ready i told them about 15 minutes one sister scoffs loudly ugh we don't have time for that i suggested that they try our buffet since we still had it they inspect the buffet offerings clearly not really interested in it because they complained about everything everything has meat in it we can't eat anything here we are vegetarians one sister is literally yelling so i nicely showed them all the meat-free options to help them out i showed them the salad bar pasta salad cheese pizza broccoli bites cheese ravioli spaghetti etc the mean sister yells at me did you not hear me i said we're vegetarians and this spaghetti sauce clearly has meat in it i said no actually it's just a marinara tomato sauce no meat at all after all that hateful deliberation they decided to eat the buffet okay cool finally we came to a decision a little bit after i start bussing tables in between customers mean sister starts yelling again shouting from me across the dining room snapping her fingers at me hey miss excuse me i quickly walk over to their table i ask if everything is okay mean sister tells me not at all this food is absolutely disgusting and inedible i notice there's at least four or five empty plates on their table from where they've eaten and she shoved them at me and i had to reach over to prevent them from falling to the floor i was about ready to snap at them but somehow managed to say i'm sorry to hear that and she cuts me off and rudely demands a refund i didn't even respond and walked away to find my manager my manager has no patience for complaining customers and usually avoids refunds whenever possible he refused to refund them since they finished off a few plates of each before saying they didn't like it eventually they left in a huff we have several vegetarian regulars who come in and usually get a lot of compliments on our options some people just have a i'm going to start crap vibe and can't be pleased speaking of pizza what's your favorite pizza place mine's definitely pizza hut please let me know entitled mom invades the library here's our cast of not so lovable characters we've got entitled mom we've got me and we've got entitled mom's kids so i work at a public library and this is my third year working there i love my job for the most part and it's lots of fun because i get to work with books and all that fun stuff but every once in a while i just get a lot of really bad patrons coming in some of them are entitled sure but this entitled mom takes the cake for the worst i know that i'm about to deal with a bad group as soon as i hear what sounds like a stampede of water buffalo coming down the stairs i work in the basement section joined by the sounds of screaming kids enter seven kids all filing in one by one i thought they would never end i try to reassure myself that i can do this but boy was i wrong entitled mom comes to the desk and asks to get library cards for her three youngest a trio of triplets easy enough i give her the form and wait for her to come back with it filled out one of her kids starts trying to rob me of all the decorations we have scattered around my area which was exhausting by itself because it seemed like she had a new thing in her hand every five seconds and obviously entitled mom wouldn't help because her kids were angels entitled mom comes back and gives me the forms for her triplets and i start to fill them out when i realize something is off all three of the triplets have the exact same name i tried asking her if this was correct and she said of course can't you read like yes i can read but i was just trying to clarify because naming three of your kids the same thing isn't really common on top of that she keeps referring to them by their middle names and expects me to magically know which one i'm referring to like come on lady i don't know their middle names not my fault i proceed to start transferring the information she filled out onto the computer system after a minute or so entitled mom is glaring at me i wonder what is wrong but keep working anyways you're going too slow you need to hurry up transferring information takes some time especially when it's the same thing over and over i'm going as fast as i can because i want her and her spawn to leave i eventually get done and give her the triplets cards they go away from the desk for a few minutes but i am not safe yet all seven kids suddenly run at the counter and put like 40 movies on the desk that they all want to check out they are all trying to give me their library card at once the other four kids already had ones apparently and all are screaming at me by this point my body has already gone into survival mode entitled mom is standing by while all of this is happening not even bothering trying to control her kids i check out all of the movies to them one by one all while untitled mom is still glaring at me she must think i have super speed or something because my body was in fight or flight mode and i was checking them out as fast as i could the one from before that was trying to steal stuff comes behind the counter while i was distracted and noticed i had candy hidden behind the desk for good kids of course which they were not all seven of them try to run behind the counter and i have to stop them from messing up everything i give them the candy and they eventually leave the area behind the counter note that entitled mom still wasn't helping at all entitled mom thanks for your help i guess it wasn't very quick me you're welcome after this i am finally free of the grasps of my librarian duties my co-worker walks in and i tell her my tale of woe i am finally safe but that was the most energy draining experience of my professional life overall this experience only lasted about 20 minutes but it felt like eternity i hope to never encounter them again how to deal with entitled richards i've been in customer service for a very long time now i have worked all over the place but customer service was always in the background and honestly i don't mind it it has taught me many lessons from being a part-timer who gives no hoots to the manager and having the fun of managing younger employees in a retail environment i can keep my cool and occasionally i have even put my foot down a few times i'm not very confrontational so for me that's a big deal i have also learned to be pretty diplomatic and can defuse many situations this story is of when i was managing a small locally owned store that sold media among other things this one customer who i would refer to as richard was one of the unfortunate regulars that i could tell many stories about but today i'll tell one of my favorites that makes me laugh to this very day cast we've got jerk regular richard we've got co-worker and we've got me the one who the karens demand to see richard is a grumpy oldish man around 55 to 60. he's a bit stocky owns his own business and yet very very cheap every time richard comes in he always haggles for something he knows that i'm the manager so he knows who to come to if he wants something done for him without the answer being uh sorry i can't do that maybe ask my manager richard picks up a tv show dvd set that's 14.99 he hums and haws scoffs and sighs complaining that it's just so expensive i just brush it off as richard being richard hoping i'd knock off some of that price because he feels he is entitled to special treatment richard hmm well 14.99 is pretty expensive me i'm sorry you feel that way my co-worker sees this and notices his least favorite customer has entered our store and keeps a good distance richard well can you do anything about the prize me sorry richard but i can't change the prices it's too expensive i shouldn't have to pay this much me maybe in time the price will drop and if we see it in again you can buy it then sadly that's all i can do richard continues to mull it over hoping that i'd fall for his tactic i don't obviously i just let him be for a moment getting back to work behind the counter which is still close to him richard it's 14.99 he says this in a way that implies only 14.99 which does not include the tax i catch what he's implying and respond me 1499 plus tax yes richard scoffs oh tax no way me yes tax would be added such an awkward conversation to have when we both know he's trying to play me i shouldn't have to pay the tax me everybody pays the tax richard unless you have a government-issued card telling me otherwise you are required to pay the tax if you want to buy that no i shouldn't have to pay the tax everybody pays taxes richard this is a normal thing if you feel it's too expensive you don't have to buy it this goes back and forth for a few minutes finally after some more humming and hawing he says fine i'll take it i say great and start to ring him through he even scoffs when the tax has been added and i tell him his grand total my coworker at this point walks over to make sure everything's running smoothly pretending there's work to do by the register counter just in case richard reluctantly pays for the item and brings out his stamp card now we have a pretty typical stamp card whenever you spend a certain amount per item any items over that amount get you a stamp for example if you buy two items that were ten dollars each you'd qualify for two stamps he bought one item that was over the mark and was entitled to one stamp i stamped his card and handed it back to him this is when he applies his typical pressure to get more stamps i should get more stamps because i paid the tags me still maintaining a chipper attitude as i said richard everyone pays the tax it doesn't qualify you for a free stamp i should get extra stumps he then taps the stamp card on the counter and stares me dead in the eyes with his experienced sour face like he had connections with the mob or something he's trying to intimidate me as i mentioned he's a bit stocky and i'm a girl who looks like an easy mark however this isn't my first rodeo i keep eye contact and say sorry i can't with a smile to keep it friendly he taps again me nope sorry finally i give in i reveal a huge smile and in the most exaggerated friendly tone i tell him you know what i can give you a bag that's just plain free i say that last part a bit slower to make it sound more special instantly my co-worker almost loses it but stops himself he's standing right beside me and has to turn around for a moment to compose himself richard doesn't even know how to handle what just happened he just looks at me dumbfounded i'm still smiling still offering the bag he won he got something for free how could he argue back it was the most subtle malicious compliance he had probably received from someone in customer service he took his stamp card his dvd set and his bag and left without saying a word good ol richard i wonder what he's up to these days entitled karen tries to claim my phone as her own so i was sitting at kfc playing on my phone when innocent kids saw and asked what game i was playing hey mister what game is that me oh this it's called jetpack joyride you basically have to try to go the furthest without touching lasers or zappers ah cool and proceeds to go back to his mom mind you i'm sitting at my table waiting for my food to be called entitled karen excuse me can my son play on your phone you see i don't have that game installed and can't find it apparently she doesn't know what google play store is me sorry ma'am but i can't as i just recently got this phone and don't want anything bad happening to it but the app is on the play store if you want to download it karen i have no data on my phone she said this with a slight smirk and my son really wants to play it me look i would if i could but i also need my phone as i'm waiting on a very important phone call which should be happening anytime now this was a lie i just wanted her to go away and leave me alone karen obviously you're not as i can clearly see you are playing a game me yeah i'm playing a game to pass the time doesn't stop me from answering calls she huffed and stormed off i heard my order being called and decided to go collect it from the counter me being me i decided to leave my phone on the table and boy shouldn't have done that when i got back it was gone and i immediately looked at entitled karen's table and my phone was in her hand as she was giving it to her kid i'd go to her table me excuse me what the heck do you think you're doing taking my phone i told you my son wanted to play your game and what my kid wants my kid gets me you have till the count of three to hand it back before i get the police involved innocent kid goes to give me the phone back when entitled karen takes it out of his hand i told you my son wanted to play on your game i start to count with my hand out karen calls for someone over employee what seems to be the problem ma'am this guy is trying to steal my phone employee looks at me is this true sir me if it was true do you think i would still be standing here the truth is that this lady took my phone off my table when i went to grab my order and will not give it back you liar me you see this watch i point to my watch it's a smart watch and the beauty of this thing is it has a find my phone feature which when pressed will make my phone make an audible noise karen starts to lose her color a little bit and thinks i'm bluffing me too entitled mom shall i show you karen i just realized i'm late for an appointment no you sit right there i tapped my watch a few times and to her amazement my phone actually went off in her hand sorry that's my notification sound she stuttered here i proceeded to press my watch again to which the phone went off again employee to karen ma'am i suggest you give this guy his phone back everyone is staring at this point with my anxiety skyrocketing i hate being the center of attention karen he must have hacked my phone with his watch i managed to snatch the phone back and looked at employee here's how i can prove this is my phone there are three ways of unlocking it facial recognition biometrics fingerprint and the good old password i unlocked all three times and to add salt to injury i proceeded to show my id to employees saying keep a note of this and proceeded to check my gallery whilst she was looking at my id me i always keep a picture of my id on my phone just in case it gets stolen and i have no chance of getting it back i wipe it clean employee checks the picture employee want me to call security me yes please i get my phone back and allow the kid to play a game or two whilst his mom was ranting and raving about how they should believe her and i was allowed to steal her phone turns out from what the kid was telling me this isn't the first time this has happened my meal was refunded and basically on the house because of all the trouble how i love karen's no karen you cannot have my rabbit so i have a rabbit i'm not 100 sure what his breed is but he's definitely a black otter mix he looks exactly like a black otter black fur white stomach brown patch behind his ears but the thing about my rabbit is he's blind he had an infection in his eyes when he was six weeks old so his mother abandoned him i took him as a 16th birthday gift and i pay for everything for him sometimes mom will help pay for his spring mix because she's already there and thinking about it i like to take mikato my rabbit uptown because i like him to be social decent with loud noises friendly and good with kids i've been taking him uptown since the day i got him and i've thankfully succeeded in getting him friendly and social the pet store in town adores him like they know me and him by name at this point they'll hold things i bought because i walk and dragging back a bag of hay and a rabbit is tiring i was uptown with mikado and decided to stop at a pet store a kid came up to me when i was comparing hate prices and mikado was chilling on my shoulder he likes it up there don't know why but he's been sitting there since he was tiny this kid wasn't entitled or anything and they were like 12 or 13 so they'll be nice kid nice kid can i hold your rabbit me sure i'll hand him to you and show you how to hold him so i did that the kid holds mikado and pets him before asking about his eyes so i give him the story as i'm doing so their mom comes over karen is that a rabbit me yeah it is you're welcome to pet and hold him if you want how much is he um pardon me how much is he you work here don't you me no i don't i'm sorry if you want a rabbit there is one in the back you can adopt through the spca i don't want that one i want the one you have she's cute and i like her blue eyes she is actually a he his name's makato and he's my rabbit you can't have him karen i'm going to tell your manager you're not selling the rabbit and with that karen stomps off her kid apologizes and gives mikado back i shrug it off as i deal with worse people at work i've got plenty of stories if you want to hear those too i continue looking at hey when karen comes back with a worker karen that's the person worker no ma'am he's right that is his rabbit karen what do you mean that's obviously not his rabbit worker that is op's rabbit opie's rabbit is called mikado and he didn't adopt mikado from here fine i'm leaving and never coming back if you won't sell me the rabbit me there's lots of rabbits in the shelter you can adopt they'll be litter trained and thankful to you for saving them don't rabbits live in cages this upsets me i was thinking we were past rabbits living in cages but yes not so i tell karen that rabbits don't belong in cages it went in one year and out the other one karen just huffed and left the worker apologized endlessly i said it's fine and let the worker parade around the store happily with mikado karen loses it at the theme park i work at so to set the scene i had my supervisor come up to me and tell me that i had to go relieve someone on a ride this would happen from time to time as people would need to use the bathroom or go on breaks or whatever else i didn't question it the ride in question had a 54 inch height requirement and parents were not allowed to accompany kids who were too short in this case that being said when this operator started letting people off i saw that she had let on a kid that wasn't tall enough i turned to my supervisor and confirmed she was going on final warning for a safety violation safety violations are two strikes and you're out as i've said before in my previous posts we take safety very seriously this kid and his parent come back to the ride let's meet the group we've got me we've got entitled parent and sweet kid me goes to measure the kid i'm sorry you have to be this tall tapping the height on the stick they clearly didn't meet in order to ride no exceptions sorry kid okay entitled parent i think you're mistaken sir we were just on this ride we can go on me no you can't as i stated you have to be this tall again gesturing to the height stick in order to ride the ride otherwise it isn't safe entitled parent we were just on the ride the nice girl that was here before you let us on don't be a jerk me actually i'm here now because she let you on it's a safety violation we take things very seriously here at our amusement park it is safe we were just on the ride let us on me sorry as i said she cannot work here anymore due to the safety violation she caused by letting your kid on entitled parent gets a look of an idea on their face i can be with her on x-ride and why ride so why can't i join her on this ride me yes you can accompany her on those rides however so let us do it on this ride me no why are you being mean to us me honestly through with this because i don't want to be fired for a safety violation where does it say i can't accompany her huh you can check the sign at the entrance queue there was no one else in line or if that isn't enough to convince you i have a sheet in my booth detailing the height requirements for each ride and whether or not a guardian can accompany them entitled parent strides off confidently i'll show you the sign says i can accompany her me smiles and waits entitled parent forget you storms off with their kid in tow me with no one around have a good rest of your day hope you all enjoyed this story of me being tormented by entitled parents as much as the last if you like this one too there's still plenty more to share you threaten my job i take yours i was about six months into a food service job at the time i worked in my university's cafeteria prepping and serving food to the students after closing i took about 45 minutes to finish cleaning up my station and took another 10 to finish up one of my co-workers sections that she needed a bit of help with my supervisor had left just after closing to god knows where leaving the rest of us to our devices as they usually did he was more of the watch and rule type after i had finished i took a quick five minute trip to the bathroom as i usually did around this time every day as i happily walked to the back to assist in helping the others finish so we could all leave i hear a cough behind me the sound of the calm before the storm i ignore it thinking nothing of it and go on my way i hear a more abrupt and i stop and turn on my heel to meet the shift supervisor's cold gaze his hands crossed over his puffed chest in his regal stance i give him a questioning look as he looks on expecting me to read his mind supervisor a half an hour he asks calmly but with a sour tinge to his tone me confused i chuckle huh this was apparently the worst thing i could have done supervisor you were in the bathroom for half an hour he yelled stomping his royal foot i was taken aback as he had never come at me with a sideways tone before i thought we were cool but i should have known better seeing how he treated my co-workers i was so shocked i just stood there staring at him like he grew three horns i didn't feel the need to defend myself in the moment as i knew the words he was spitting my way was pure bs supervisor do you like your job he demanded from me i did not in fact like my job i had trouble holding back my smile at this thought as he yelled some more things i don't remember as my ears had gone numb to his screeching at this point i knew he had no power to fire me and i hadn't even seen his mug for the past hour i knew his words had no consequence i had nothing to say to his tantrum and as soon as he realized that he dismissed me i have trouble egging people on when they are being so irrational so generally i stay quiet and let them get out their baby fit i quickly went back to my work and started scheming about how i could get back at this man over the next week i compiled photo evidence of him slacking on the job serving undercooked food and statements from my co-workers about their individual experiences where he ridiculed or threatened them and i took it straight to my boss that friday i laid out all of my evidence and my personal encounter which they would be able to check the cameras and identify both of our whereabouts that day and could see who truly was off duty for a half an hour i didn't think much would come of it as i was a relatively new worker and honestly i didn't care about anything that happened to that place i let it slip from my mind for the weekend the next monday i come in before most and start setting up after a while the general manager comes out of the back with the supervisor following her like a puppy staring at his feet he walks sheepishly up to me and invites me to sit with him at one of the tables in the cafeteria where he admits to me that he was in the wrong shouldn't have yelled at me like that should be a better leader is super duper sorry all that yadda yadda i sat there with the biggest grin on my face as he practically groveled at my feet begging for forgiveness as his boss watched on this man that sat so high on his horse for the past six months i watched on in celebration as he then apologized to each of my co-workers individually not but a week later he was demoted to a back room cook and i had been given the role of shift supervisor we never had a problem after that and he was generally an okay guy i hope he really did learn his lesson and didn't say all those things just to get it over with either way this was the sweetest revenge of my life i have since quit that job and worked for a company with people who actually know how to respect others as individuals whether their position is below or above their own thank you i hope you enjoyed this story as much as i enjoyed watching it happen open up for just me and my husband i'm a food server at a fairly prominent midwest casino so i deal with entitled people on the daily however as i'm closing up our fine dining restaurant tonight i just experienced the epitome of entitled the restaurant i work at stays open an hour later on fridays and saturdays but these particular folks are vips of the casino they are here every single day so they know our hours on top of that they've come here for so long and so often that the casino comps 100 of the food they eat so the story it's about 20 minutes after we close i still have a table celebrating their anniversary so they are taking their time no big deal but due to this we are not allowed to close the doors separating the restaurant from the casino as i'm tending to my table i look up and see entitled lady and her husband not so entitled dude entitled lady walks past the host stand and starts frantically waving at me me arms full of dishes so i give a slight nod to acknowledge them and turn to the kitchen to drop off the dishes i tell my supervisor we have someone up front supervisor how's it going entitled lady entitled lady great we would like a table for two or we can sit at the bar since it's so late supervisor um you know we close early on weekdays i can see if another restaurant that's still open has any available seating entitled lady whips out her players card for the casino i'm an upgraded member of the casino i'd like a table for two please supervisor entitled lady we've already sent the kitchen staff home there's nobody who can make your food entitled lady points at the only guests in the room but they're eating they had a reservation for an hour and a half before we closed and they politely let us know they would not be ordering dessert when we checked their food so we sent the kitchen staff home entitled lady brain begins to melt not so entitled dude babe we knew it was a long shot let's go to the other restaurant before they close but we spend so much money here they really can't open up just for us as i previously mentioned the casino comps all of their food they have never spent a dollar in the restaurant aside from tipping which they are typically fair at my supervisor just laughs and takes the player's card from her so she can get the comp transferred to the other restaurant previous owner's permission is not my permission i live in the country moved to this house in 2012 it is a protected watershed we still have to tell people i don't care if previous owners said you could 30 years ago you may not hunt doves deer and wild turkeys on my property no you cannot plant things here remove the salt lick get that deer blind off my property no you may not shoot target practice here no you may not pick fruit slash pecans for my tree whenever you want no you may not pick my blueberries no you may not fish here no you may not park here to walk to the fishing hole i have removed the salt lake station five times i have dismantled four different deer blinds i have dismantled a still three separate times call the police for that too i have chased off hunters i've chased off people who are scrap metal salvaging in one memorable instance the previous owner's grandson showed up with a truck full of stuff telling me his grandma said he could move into one of the trailers since she had come by and seen no one was living in it she told him she was sure we wouldn't mind this was after she called to ask us and we said no not rent just live there for free no to both all of this happens because previous owner still tells people they can hunt fish farm she told our neighbor he could plant in our field before he knew she had moved this was 2014 or whatever else her brain comes up with she told her grandsons to just ignore us and keep doing it that we really didn't mind what made them stop not the no trespassing signs not us telling them no not me burning their stuff in a bonfire nope still find those entitled people on my land the reason i have not confronted them is that i can never actually catch them at it i find their crap and bonfire it the times i have heard them i always go out armed they done run off the farmer neighbor was very sorry i don't blame him we let him keep what he had planted that year it wasn't much he never did it again we have a good relationship with him and his workers and they are very respectful a lot of people are suggesting i fence in my property few problems with that i live on 13 acres of heavily wooded land i am on a fixed income and not able to afford it i enjoy the wildlife on my property if i could afford a fence i wouldn't be able to watch the deer in the mornings and evenings as far as cameras i am going to try to save enough out of my very tight budget to get one that i can move between spots i've been told to get one that does time stamps waterproof high pigs night vision long battery life any suggestions are welcome entitled doctor and a busy week every once in a while i'm encountering physicians and surgeons who call themselves doctors who in fact never earned that title if you went to med school slash uni and got your md phd doctor i'm fine with that and i will call you doctor but if you didn't earn that title if you never even considered making the effort of getting it don't tell me to call you a doctor because you're not so on monday i ran into a rather entitled surgeon who tried to tell me how to do my job working as a freelance rn right now when i didn't comply to his ridiculous suggestions he ended the conversation with hey listen i'm the doctor here and you'll do what i say thursday at lunch i met into him again and since he noticed that i didn't give a crap about his orders he went on and got into a marvelous rant again he referred to himself as a doctor in the meantime since our last encounter i looked him up of course turned out he is a medical practitioner and not a doctor of medicine ignoring his rant i casually mentioned to him that if he lied about that how could i take him or anything he's saying for sirius leaving him standing there with a really red head and an open mouth yesterday my head nurse called me into her office she heard of the incident from him and he told her to either talk sense into me or get rid of me that's actually an option but it takes a lot she told me to apologize to him and then better to ignore him he's known for such behavior and as a clerical character of course i didn't apologize but i promised to ignore him today now i got summoned again to my head nurse and guess who was there that very special surgeon turns out he wrote a formal complaint against me for accusing him of lying in front of his peers and his head of surgery they sat at the table behind him at lunch didn't notice at the time head nurse tried to moderate telling both sides to stay calm but he didn't went on and on about how much of an insubordinate i am etc etc he demanded repeatedly that i had to apologize and added the term publicly since i was a bit tired of the whole affair and everything said was recorded there has to be a written protocol when a formal complaint has been made i agreed my exact words were you know what yes i promise that i will apologize to you in front of whomever you wish after you produce the appropriate diploma or certification that says you're a doctor because that's what this whole thing is about besides the fact that it would prove me wrong it would also prove him right would be the easiest thing to do he just went mental who i thought i am that i'm not in the position to make such a demand he calmed down eventually and then kinda smug looked at me smiling and said why should i prove to you i'm a doctor when you yourself aren't one i think i just sat there for 10 seconds staring at him like a total idiot when i realized what he just did i asked my head nurse to get my dossier and give to him the page with a copy of my phd certificate my first time such an entitled jerk got what he deserved you won't let me use my coupon i hadn't been in my store in a little under a week due to scheduling and definitely wasn't ready for what happened today i had a few customers that i see every few days and then this one lady comes along she starts telling me about how she never seems to get to the store on time to use her coupons and she was excited to get to use one this time fair enough the only problem with this is she only took a screenshot of her email saying she received a coupon but not the actual barcode to which i told her she could log into the website on her phone and get the reward or she could bring up the email which would have a pop-up for me to get the barcode neither of these answers are options she likes and wants to know why it doesn't show up on our system what coupons she has when we look up her account i told her that it was out of my control but i can give her the number for the company's customer service line to give them feedback she waves it off with a groan and her eyes rolling so she tries the method of scrolling down her emails instead of using the search function which annoys the heck out of me but guess that's a millennial problem complaining about how she just saw it and it mysteriously disappeared i had her check the spam and trash sections of her email with no luck sometimes with older customers we ask if we could just take a look at their phone and see if we can find the email they usually hand it over like they are happy someone understands technology i type in my company's name into her email and nothing pops up so i asked her if she had another email the same results would pop up so i remind her that if she logs into the website there's a section called rewards that will have the barcode there i don't believe you it didn't work before so why would it now and so you're telling me that i'm not allowed to use my coupons because i don't have a bar code silence and staring no without a barcode i cannot reduce the price of the transaction it needs to come from your email she continues to insist that she has a valid coupon and she just saw it but somehow she can't find it anymore that she is disappointed in the company about lying to her and how she's on a budget so if she can't find this five dollar off coupon she'll have to leave her 15 transaction behind there's nothing i can do without a barcode and there's no amount of please i am on a budget that's going to get me to get a manager to override it for her especially after being rude to me i had her give me her phone number to verify that she's searching through the right email inbox and she continues with ranting about how it was a flawed system which sometimes i do agree with but not now so i decided to try the website option again we get her phone to load the website while she complains about the store not having wi-fi and i ask her to log in i don't know my password at this point my co-worker has a line of about 8 people and this woman is absolutely nutty about this coupon that only she saw so i reached over and flipped my light on to signal that they can come to my register because that seems to hurry people along that refuse to leave when they can't get their way within a minute of me flipping on my light she remembers her password and logs into the account finds the coupon and tada instead of it being 1567 it's now 1067. as a goodbye i remind her about the survey and that's a good place to leave feedback for improvements and she shuffled out with her purchase without saying anything else entitled mom can't have her son eating chicken okay so for setting this story happened in mexico in a town called sayulida this also happened fairly recently during my school spring break during mid-february when we decided to visit mexico my dad is super cautious but my mom wanted us to go so we went to the safest place we could find anyways on with the story i was at a small restaurant in sawyulida i don't remember the name of it sorry and i was getting my food and drink then this family with their about four-year-old kids sits down next to us these people clearly are from outside of mexico probably america due to their accents anyway i'm super bored and am absent-mindedly just listening to them it's clear when the waiter is taking their order that they do not speak spanish and their accents are horrible the mom is the only one who spoke more than 15 words in spanish anyway the menu is in spanish and they are clearly having a hard time with the menu the translated exchange went something like this with the bad grammar mom can i have the chilaquiles please two please waiter slightly confused yes of course anything else no so far nothing was happening and i was about halfway done with my meal when the waiter came with the food now chilaquiles are a dish typically served with pulled chicken and this chicken can easily be taken off and put to the side but when the food comes this mom just verbally assaults this poor waiter who clearly has no idea what she's saying at first the mom tries to say in spanish something about her being a vegetable and she can't have meat but she quickly switches to english as it becomes clear that she makes no sense she basically yelled that she was a vegetarian and her and her son who probably didn't even choose to be a vegetarian couldn't have any mead instead of taking off the chicken she throws this food off the table and storms off with the dad and son walking behind i wish i could say that the manager came and made these people clean up the mess and pay for the food but all that ended up happening was that the waiter cleaned up the food and went on with their day anyway even though it wasn't about me an entitled parent is an entitled parent karen loses it at the church fair here is yet another tale for my volunteering at church this happened about a year ago i had to cover three games total until the volunteers that covered the other two showed up they were all near each other though so that's a plus anyway i had to cover a dice roll game a game called troll doctor and sadly goldfish pong bit of a side note if you ever had to deal with managing a goldfish game then you know how many entitled parents show up okay back to the story today was the last day close to closing so we're packed with kids i had like five kids waiting on each game but on goldfish i noticed the kid getting antsy and he started cutting others in line now i was told to not let them cut in line as it may upset others so i kindly asked him to go back to where he was which he did until he left the line i thought he was going to get food from the food area so i was managing my game going well until karen came by and this heck ensued karen excuse me i didn't notice her since she had a little kid and i thought she was talking to the one managing the bouncy castle so i kept letting them play but then the entitled mom pushed the game backwards which was easy since it was on a foldable table and finally got my attention me ma'am please don't do that you can knock the tank over and kill the fish i don't care why did you tell my baby he can't play me because he was cutting others in line who wanted to play before him and we're limited on our supplies now stupidly at this moment i decided to remove one of the dead fish and the second i did i realized i messed up why did you hurt that fish in front of me and my baby he deserves a fish now for compensation before i get my dear friend who runs this place her son was smugly smiling at this me first of all it was dead from when you shook the table second of all what's her name then now i'm going to use fake names for this debra me no her name is susan that's what i meant susan and i go back to high school oh that's a shame because her name is actually madison oh she's also a friend of mine now i knew she was trying to lie to me so i said okay she's over by the food tent go talk to her 15 minutes go by i'm down to about five fish and kids are just watching them but they see a dead one and i told them i'll remove it but since i remembered karen i put it into one of the plastic bags of water then entitled mom goes by madison said i should get a fish for compensation now this being a full-on adult that also teaches at ccd volunteers are the teachers who madison knows i hate she would always skip over important lessons and just play games i knew the dead fish was a good plan me here you go thank you now was that so hard entitled kid yeah idiot you should have given us the fish before since madison is my mommy's bff entitled mom we got your fish let's go home and as far as i know they didn't realize it was dead until they got home and the festival shut down have you ever had any pet fish if so what kind were they please let me know my state senator turned out to be an entitled parent so this is the little strange of a story but my sister plays rec soccer in the town's league my dad is the head coach and i three years older than my sister i'm listed as an assistant coach i needed to do it so i could get my coach's license people we've got me we've got my dad he's a normal guy we've got entitled parent we've got entitled parents kid who's not entitled we've got my sister and we've got the other normal coach so this guy was a state senator in my state for about 20 years until he was unseated by a close family friend my sister and his daughter were on the same wreck soccer team his daughter is a good player but doesn't really understand the game most of the season entitled parent doesn't really show up to practices and games i'm a soccer player but i've been out injured for my entire season i had gone to every single practice and game except for occasional times my pt conflicted the kids on my team like me and they all call entitled parent the coach who can't coach in the playoffs the semifinal i think we were getting ready to play and i was talking to a few of the kids on the team about the game plan i was telling them what my dad had told me to say because i had the tactics board entitled parent doesn't like this he thinks i'm trying to get them to play the way i want them to play which is the way we normally play and not his terrible method of playing which cost us a game when i wasn't there entitled parent confronts dad about it telling him that i shouldn't be doing that even though i was told to do that by my dad midway through the first half i'm watching from the bench and in zero zero i noticed that the other team has one defender just hanging back in the box which would keep our forwards on side and i go to my dad and tell him that we should try and exploit that as best we can me dad look they have a player in the box can you call it entitled parents get over so i can point it out to her dad yes yells out to entitled parents kid to come over me hey so you notice that the other team has a defender in the box try and use her keeping you on side to your advantage and she knows what i'm saying and she goes forward and does it entitled parent to my dad why is google snake game talking to my daughter and stopping our best player which she wasn't from being in the action in the playoffs dad to entitled parent i told him to do that back off he's also a coach entitled parent to me why would you do that me because i want us to win entitled parent clearly you don't if you're telling our best player nonsense during the middle of the game you're useless [ __ ] other coach to my dad hey entitled parent is harassing your kid man dad to me what is he saying to you me he called me a useless [ __ ] and scolded me for doing what you told me to do even though we're at the same level at this point entitled parents kid had been substituted for my sister an entitled parent just lost it he got up in my face i'm a big dude bigger than him saying how not only did i waste time i also nepatized by putting a crappy player my sister who can hold her own but isn't a standout player or anything on for entitled parent's kid the best player on the team he shoved me and the two wrong people noticed my dad and the director of the league whom the other coach had notified of entitled parent yelling at me i'm about 30 years younger than this dude but he's screaming in my face and pushing me so my dad comes over and gets right up in entitled parents face dad i swear entitled parent don't ever talk to my kid like that ever again that's not okay he's my kid he's 14. you can't be talking to him like that entitled parent i don't care whose kid he is he did something disrespectful to me and he needs to be made aware that he disrespected me me you're kidding right dad shut up entitled parent he was doing what i told him to do you're on the same level as him you have no authority over either him or me my son was doing the right thing and did not in any way disrespect you entitled parent he needs to leave he's not allowed to disrespect me like that if he continues to do that i will have to get him removed at this point the league director has come over he tells entitled parent that he needs to stop which honestly sets him off even more and that i did nothing wrong and that he saw the whole thing entitled parents spat at me demanded i apologize to him and shoved me again at this point the game had been stopped all of our coaches and their coaches the referee and the league director are involved entitled parent is being insane me and my dad are livid i have idiots spit on my cheek i grab a tissue from the box on the bench and use it to wipe it off the referee gives entitled parent a red card tells him to leave which causes him to lose it he attempts to pull the team off the field but my dad cuts him off and says no way aftermath entitled parent is permanently banned from our town league from the state soccer organization and from coming to any of the games we won the game and the championship and my sister scored the winning goal have you ever played any sports if so which ones i'd really love to know chill karen it's just milk so this happened a little over a year ago when i was still new to working at my job as a courtesy clerk someone who bags groceries cleans messes does go backs etc etc it was late at night and the store was near its closing time as a result there weren't that many people in the other lines and none in mine so me and my cashier co-worker let's call her annie we're waiting for customers to come to our line whenever eventually a woman comes to our line and places her gallon of milk onto the conveyor belt annie gives her the general greetings of good afternoon and will that be all something about this lady's demeanor sort of put me on edge initially it may have been her face at the time she looked really upset about something but seemed like she was trying to bite it back to buy her milk her total came up to a certain amount and she was a few coins short she glared at annie for a second before saying for real and then she turned and walked away from the register without another word we weren't exactly sure what she intended to do so annie asked me to put the milk into the cooler which was only a few feet away a few minutes after i had done that the lady came back into the store and walked briskly back to our lane she looked around and then glared at annie again you put my milk back she snapped in a really upset tone i can go get it i said before i quickly walked back to the cooler to get her milk as i was coming back i noticed the tension was starting to rise between this lady and annie the lady was growling at annie under her breath calling her all sorts of names but here's one thing about annie annie is a really nice lady she's a real joy to work with but when she gets upset you'll know and if she's mad oh boy so here i am my head going back and forth like i'm watching a tennis match as these two are tossing insults back and forth it quickly became more and more heated annie finally counts out the change and hands it to the lady and of course she takes the money and leaves as to not cause a bigger scene right wrong the lady bawls her fist and chucks the change right into my co-worker's face annie was mad i really thought she was going to jump over the counter and deck this jerk in the face anybody who was at the front were all in shock as the two yelled at each other this continued until the lady turned and just left as quickly as she came a few minutes go by and our security guard at the time comes back up to the front what happened he asked looking around at everyone everyone whipped their heads around to him where were you i was still on break i have tons more stories from my time here at the store so just let me know if you want more thanks for reading grumpy construction contractor yells at me cause he be trippin so i work a job as a service technician and i went to a new building that needed some warranty work done it had been officially handed over to the owners which is a hotel the contractors were still running about doing deficiencies and odds and ends but the hotel staff was on site training and such i used to work for construction companies all the time and i hated it because of the semantics of it all they would be a stickler for rules inside the property at all times but when it suited them they would bend the rules i hate that anyhow this building had a door close to where i was working and i propped it open to go to my truck maybe 20 feet from the door itself a 5 second walk first contractor head honcho on site comes out and sees me on the phone out there and asks if i prop the door open the thing is there was another door propped open just on the other end of the hallway but it led to a loading bay away from the street it was okay to have that one open because there was a worker there semantics i said yes just loading tools right now but i don't want to walk all the way around the building as i have a lot of tools to bring in this guy was reasonable and he said sure son not a problem just please remember to close the door we don't want a hooligan coming in and stealing a tv or something alright no problem i can do this for you told him i'm not just a laborer who have the reputation for not being the smartest of people but i'm a decently smart technician in a complicated trade he laughs and goes all right that makes me feel better plus he called me son so that was nice he says alright as long as you're inside of that door and you aren't walking away you can prop it open cut to maybe 10 minutes later and i'm on the phone outside no reception in the building and clear view of the door and his sidekick foreman guy is there young dude small tiny guy who tried hard to compensate i could hear the way he was talking to his employees the dude's a jerk i come inside as he's walking towards me and goes hey don't prop that door open got it i had time today i don't like being yelled at so i simply said i'm right here don't worry no one's getting in spoke with your boss he said it's cool he stops all bewildered and such and responds with do not open that door again i asked him why he was yelling and he goes hey you listen to me when you're on this site do you understand i'm the boss and i don't want you questioning me again this is where i goofed i wasn't wearing my company shirt because it was hot in the room i was working in it was a crawl space above a kitchen just had on a t-shirt i simply looked at the guy and said hey don't yell at me or speak to me like that again b i'm here on behest of my owners i do not work for you guys in any shape or form if you have a problem with me go run to your boss or go to the owners and go tattle on me he stopped and tried to say something but you know when you've got someone dead to rise and they kind of just try to say something exactly this this guy didn't know what to do at all he eventually just walked away and i chuckled to myself that was a great feeling when you don't answer to someone when you don't represent the company to them they can't say anything to you you're working for the owners directly and it's not going to reflect negatively on your company to say hey don't yell at me karen makes me hold the door open for her so here's the deal it's 30 to close i'm the only one here and i'm doing my closing routine we're in a big city near a huge college campus but it's a sunday night so we're slow we keep quite a few signs out in front of the shop and they have huge weighted bricks to hold them down during strong winds so needless to say closing kinda sucks since you're forced to do a mini workout but whatever so i'm carrying these bricks in a few at a time because they're super heavy with no real handles on them i also try to grab some of the tarps that go with the signs to make it in as few trips as possible while i'm doing this there's this girl that pulls up on a bike and kinda just stands at the entrance to the store we're in a big city so people tend to stop by often without really coming in so i have no idea what her plan is or what she wants as i'm about to walk in with my arms very obviously full she looks at me and goes excuse me do you work here me literally standing there with a company logo t-shirt on lanyard weights company sign and all yes i do is there something i could help you with well what a dumb question that was because this girl literally looks at me arms full carrying weights and says i really dislike that these doors are not automatic how am i supposed to get in with my bike they're not even ada acceptable how would someone with a wheelchair even get in i'm standing there trying to wrap my mind around how someone in a wheelchair is capable of using their arms to open a door when i notice she's looking at me like i'm the idiot she then asks me to hold open the door for her it might sound like not that big of a deal or that ridiculous of a request but here's the thing this girl can clearly see that my arms are completely full and i had no issues opening the door for myself i can't even imagine having nothing in my arms and asking someone else to open a door for me simply because i'm upset that it's not automatic she literally watched me struggle to open the door then walked right in some might think this story ends here but it does not we both get inside no thanks to her and she proceeds to tell me how much she hates our doors she tried listing out all the different kinds of people who might not be able to open our doors keep in mind these are just regular doors not some kind of magical doors that are impossible to open nope just regular old doors with a simple handle according to britney people in wheelchairs short people so short they can't open a door people with disabilities people with no arms etc her list was absolutely ridiculous and honestly a little offensive she seemed upset that i wasn't fixing it or had an answer of when it would be fixed this girl wants automatic doors tonight i told her i would pass it along the chain and then proceeded to hide in the back so she would at least have to open her own door when leaving it's not that big of a deal but it feels good to vent about it open your own doors people i obviously would go out of my way to help anyone that's in need but some people really like to take advantage of other people's kindness before i get any judgment i wanted to add that she had no issues riding her bike lifting heavy items in the store etc i know not all disabilities are visible but truly she opened the door just fine when she left on her own also i only mentioned that she's a college student because a lot of the students on campus come from really wealthy families i go to a state school nearby but i don't feel like it changes anything entitled grandma thinks i should ruin my weekend and stay at her place just for context my grandma was raised in a latin american upper class white military officer class family so this means entitlement was part of her upbringing she emigrated with my aunt to my country shortly after divorcing my grandpa and managed to make a life by herself my dad came some years later after several years she started her own business with my dad she's quite careless with money and despite having worked for most of her life and certainly all of her life here due to ill advice she is not entitled to any kind of pension as she decided not to pay her social security contributions so her savings came to an end shortly after retiring and basically my dad covers her expenses and many of her family arguments are about money also due to her entitlement and ill character she has alienated most of her acquaintances and a big part of her family i do actually feel pity for her well now to the first of various stories of her many entitled tantrums directed at me this happened several years ago i was 27 and had just moved out of my parents and was living with one of my best friends it was a friday afternoon and i was waiting for my roomie to come from work he was on afternoon shift that week and we had made plans for that night suddenly i see that my grandma calls the conversation goes as follows me hi grandma what do you want entitled grandma i need you i'm in great distress there's nobody at my place she was living with my aunt then everyone is out for the weekend and the housemaid has the full weekend off i'm alone and frightened come stay with me at my place me nope i'm not doing that it's a friday i have plans for the night tomorrow i have to go shopping for things for my new place the kind of things i couldn't do if i went to your place entitled grandma wailing but i'm alone i'm scared to death of being alone you have to come me no i don't have to i have plans for the weekend the kind of plans a young man has also i love being alone and would like to be it as much time as possible it is actually one of my favorite activities and i don't like to stay at other people's places but you are the nice one you have to come i'm alone i'm scared i'll pay for you me scoffs do you know i have a job well tell your friends if they want to come i'll pay for them me what the heck are you nuts my friends have their careers and none of them is being at your service and if they did you'll be so horrible to them that they'll stop being my friends don't be a jerk come or i'll tell your dad no i'm not going it's final don't ever try that on me again she must have called my dad as some minutes later my dad called dad entitled grandma called and told me her nonsense story i told her you are in no way obliged to go to her house but you must excuse her she has barely slept alone in her house and she doesn't like it me yeah i know but she has to live with it and don't torment us with it did she also tell you the rest of the story nope what happened she tried to offer me money for staying with her dad laughing what really i can't believe she tried to pull a teenager's trick on you gets better then she offered money for one of my friends to go over dad laughing even more well that's my mom anyways coming home on sunday for lunch me yep buy something nice to eat dad see you then just cancel my appointment i work in a call center for a grouping of five hospitals i physically work in one of the hospitals but give medical appointments for all of them there are more than a dozen doctors in the department so the system we use contains a lot of patients i get a lot of rude people and i understand that's because they are anxious about their health but some of them are unbearable this happened a few months ago i answer a call and i can see from the start that a karen is on the line me hi how can i help you karen hi i have a medical appointment with dr m and i'd like to cancel it me sure may i have your health card number or the number of any of our hospitals cards that won't be necessary i just want to cancel my appointment it's on the date at this time me unfortunately i need one of those numbers to access your medical file then i'll be able to cancel just enter my name it's karen mccarron as i said i will still need the number of one of your cards use my name it's k-a-r-e-n i do know how to spell it but i cannot find your medical file with just your name by that time i can see that there are 20-plus persons waiting to get answered and the person who's been waiting for the longest time has been on for 20 minutes the calls are usually long from five to nine minutes because we need to give a lot of information about the preparation regarding the appointment karen what do you mean you can't find my file i go to this hospital all the time if you just give me the number of one of your cards i'll be able to find your file quite easily just cancel my appointment ma'am if you do not want to give me your hospital card number then i won't be able to help i've got other patients waiting to be answered we can hang up but know that your medical appointment will still be scheduled in our system but i want it cancelled i understand that but i cannot access your file to do that would you like to finish this call thing is i can't hang up on someone mid-call unless they are insulting or screaming at me so i just start doing some small tasks while i wait for her to make a decision finally i hear huffing and puffing and lots of noises like the whole content of a purse being dumped on a table she gives me her card number i accessed her medical file and canceled her appointment your appointment with dr m is cancelled well that wasn't so hard you should have told me all you needed was my card number i was internally screaming so hard by that point that i just hung up before telling her to have a good day from her medical file i saw that she didn't have any compensation problem and she didn't have an accent to make me think she didn't understand what i was saying just a plain entitled karen it was not the first patient who refused to give me their card number a man called us back and wanted to know why we called him but wouldn't give me the number so i couldn't access his file to tell him people are that stupid entitled parent tries to force me to put her brat in my movie context i am an editor i have a degree in editing and directing i make movies pretty simple to understand now what you probably also gathered is that i am not anywhere close to famous and that the movies i work on are mostly my own many documentaries and corporate videos to pay the bills and short films never anything feature length or using crews larger than a dozen people or expecting hundreds of thousands to even see our stuff and that is where this comes in i am editing a video for someone else pro bono don't ever tell people you do this i am doing it in public which this is only the second time outside of college i have ever done this and was only done because my roommate also needed to study for a test and our power was out for some city schedule thing otherwise i wouldn't be at a cafe since i dislike coffee he needed a book and a light and i needed an outlet so we set far away from each other in this place oh well not really a thing to worry about well this is a high traffic part of town and popular to boot so the likelihood i see someone i might know isn't too low and lo and behold entitled parent and entitled kid gonna keep some identifying details vague from here on including small dialogue changes so in walks are entitled parent they're walking in tow with their daughter maybe 14 or 15. now i know this entitled parent through another family member who knows everyone but i've only met them twice once was just a minor introduction along with about a dozen others and the only time we spoke beyond that was when i was trying out with freelance and generic getting to know each other conversation at a huge family and friends event my relative tends to be very energetic and hyperbolic and talks everything up enthusiastically you probably know the type so chances are in an effort to brag on my behalf probably told them i am the best editor this side of hollywood they see me long before i see them and i'm just trying to sync a section of video to some music to be in rhythm and putting far too much energy and concentration into this 32 frame section of video i get startled when suddenly they're both in front of me saying hi i say it back shocked at the social interaction i know i have to deal with i'm not a social butterfly entitled parent hi krieg it's good to see you after so long me whoa uh hey well this is fairly unexpected what brings you here i thought you lived up north just got done visiting your relative to get them to help me with my yard me oh gotcha to entitle kid hey i'm krieg by the way i'm entitled kid yes sorry this is my daughter she's in theater and doing a play outside of school down here me oh that's really cool yeah i was not in theater but some of my friends were way back in high school entitled parent honey he makes movies now i'm halfway between embarrassed that i'm dealing with a teenager and having an entitled parent talk about me and trying to fight back the massive ego boost that now wants to talk their ear off about movies i don't talk much unless i get excitable which i'm trying to avoid me oh nose exhale yeah i do on occasion when i'm lucky i'm working on one right now trying to get the cuts and actions to sync up with the music in the scene entitled parent oh really a music video me oh no a fight scene in a drama i'm just going too far with the editing cause a long time ago my last editing mentor told me i was more intuitive with editing not just on beat but in rhythm with music and said it's kind of one of my specialties and i kind of took that notion a little too far so now i'm editing this scene a little too much if that makes sense but it's easier to remove than to add besides you can almost make the actions of the actors look better and more rehearsed like a flow from a play or dance if you cut in good pacing with music the scene becomes its own beast as long as it doesn't stand out too much stylistically from the rest of the movie entitled kids eyes are wide open and locked on me but maybe not in an enamored way possibly in the jeez i wasn't expecting that kind of way entitled parent is just grinning and laughs a little and asks to sit down i say sure and scoot my computer closer to me entitled parent so i actually have something to ask you since i've trapped you here me shoot entitled parent i want you to put entitled kid in one of your movies me shocked exhale oh yeah um i stall since i've always imagined the scenario of people asking to be in my movie either as an entitled jerk or begging and i always figured how i would approach it depending on whether they were strangers or close friends or family but now that it is someone i kinda know and since those were all fantasy arguments i am at a total loss as to how i can say no i mean part of me also thought to humor them but i also just wanted to not put in the effort and stress and say no i know i know everyone wants to be in a big hollywood film but i am not gonna beg to put them in me oh yeah thanks i know you don't make big movies just yet but you know that she is an actual actress and even got parts in an outside play so you don't exactly have to fret well i mean the actors we use these days are all from a website where we put up audition notices and even once we've used before we make audition again because the roles are all different and i can't force the director to choose someone i thought you made the movies i do make the movies i am the editor i literally make them entitled kid i was told you made real movies like the director honey let me handle this me handle what i just want her in whatever you make next even if it's small or her part is small just so she can get some exposure you can pay her in that exposure even me well exposure is never a good payment in this industry again never tell when you do free favors but that won't even matter this movie is only going to be seen by a few thousand at most if it gets into a film festival or it gets some online traffic entitled parent your relatives said you did bigger stuff they were just exaggerating also did they actually say big stuff or did you just interpret that cause big for me is how well received a video is not it being literally a two-hour high-budget film entitled kid oh so you lied you aren't even some big filmmaker me i'm sorry that you thought that but i do make movies entitled parent sounding disappointed well then you'll just have to put her in the one you think is gonna be the one going to film festivals me excuse me i'm sorry but i just said i am the editor i work after all that stuff is decided and filmed did you lie to your relative no i sorry trying to keep my cool here i didn't i do direct too but i get more work as an editor which frankly i am more skilled at i didn't expect such an ego on you what ego to admit i'm better at being an editor versus a director which is more prestigious i'm sorry but i actually do need to finish this movie entitled kid hey i thought you heard my mom just put me in i can act i don't see why it's such a big deal me i'm sorry but she'd have to audition just like everyone else and i'm usually attached to stuff with older actors anyway and you're just a little too young entitled parent i guess that's that i am sorry you can't see that potential in her this could have helped both of you me you know what entitled parent i don't do favors hypocrite you are the very first person to ever ask me to put someone in a movie and i quiet down because i was about to cause a scene i really didn't know how to handle this what did you expect me to do get her a part over someone else for a five minute video or worse a 20 minute serious short film where the director suddenly doesn't get to direct his movie properly entitled parent then put her in one of yours i'm sorry but i will not be spoken down to please leave me alone you are now interrupting my work entitled kid oh now we're interrupting what i really wanted to say was you don't know me and i certainly don't owe you or your little brat but instead i just grunted in the affirmative let's go clearly he's not going to give you a shot entitled kid we're better off as if he thinks he's going to be big they get up to leave me wait were you gonna ask me this anyway and just got lucky seeing me here it would have been a favor to you as much as to us but we can't deal with your unprofessional attitude me you know i made my relatives promo they know about my professionalism so don't pretend that it's my fault she isn't gonna break into movies just let this go i don't want you affecting my relationship with my relative have a good day through gritted teeth they left my roommate was none the wiser the people next to us gave me odd looks later as i'm sure they began eavesdropping somewhere along the way and i got a little vindication that i told them off i guess but it doesn't end there my relative got word of it about a week later and apologized to me and promised to take me out to a fancy dinner with some people to make film connections with that still hasn't happened because i think i'm his film guy but it's cool cause they exaggerate and at least meant well but i heard through the grapevine that my relative decided the work they helped with would be full price rather than at a discounted cost which is the little revenge we can exact while still being cordial so i'll take it also the entitled kids play well we decided a spur of the moment barbecue so we couldn't intend was also necessary so now i'll never know what the acting prodigy i just said no to can do have you ever acted in a play or a movie or anything like that if so please let me know i'd love to hear about it keep leaving all of the work to your group members this teacher is tired of your crap backstory i've been teaching for many years but it's important to understand that in my first year of teaching i got put on blast by an elite group of entitled parents and their entitled kids not a week went by without someone either demanding my job trying to undermine me or just calling me a piece of crap i nearly quit halfway through the first semester it just got so bad this was at a school in a tough area so i was accused of being unfair constantly for asking kids to stop talking was ripped into for giving failing grades for missing work and even enforcing the rules in the student parent handbook got me in hot water my principal reprimanded me for being a negative influence on the school and i was told that i needed to let more rules slide because he was tired of hearing from parents i would have parents just show up unannounced to sit in on my lessons and then tell me i was a bad educator a bad human being etc i have plenty of horror stories from that school alone but the point i want to make is that this experience defined the kind of teacher i became going forward to my next school i needed to be that person who was untouchable because i needed to focus on the one job that mattered teaching kids my next school was in a fairly affluent area it wasn't uncommon for me to find that my students parents made millions which brought its own unique set of problems however my new principle was super supportive of me as long as i followed the school's handbook to the letter because by doing so i was in line with the school's philosophy and protected by law we seriously had parents filing frivolous lawsuits all the time this school had long ago learned that caving to parents demands spilled blood in the water and brought the rest of the sharks in droves my first year at this new school was successful for many reasons but primarily because the school culture was easily adapted to by planning ahead i was able to head off 99 of all negative parents at the pass the few times a parent tried to rip into me at conferences i ripped back so hard that i developed a reputation among the kids and parents as someone you couldn't mess with everything i did was in line with the rules and any attempt to take me down got stonewalled by my principal who would have to say mr fighter jet is following school policy so i'm afraid the ultimate decision is his no joke i had some parents in tears because their kid could no longer get an a in my class i wasn't the teacher who wanted to destroy the students i just wanted them to be accountable and sometimes that meant letting them fail needless to say this job became a lot of fun because instead of waiting to be ambushed by parents i could work on making my class fun for my students while still teaching them something i made ironclad rules for the classroom that broke little argument and would adapt the following year to make it harder for students or parents to ruin my day i have many stories like this but this is one of my favorites the backstory the year this happened i taught a high school class with grades 9 through 12 that's 14 through 18 year olds for you overseas guests my class wasn't necessary to graduate but did count as a core requirement one of my beginning of the year rules was i never want to hear when will we ever need this because you didn't have to sign up for this class how i structure my class is that i try to make students accountable for their own actions my class was built so that it had something to offer everybody if you tried your best you were guaranteed to see if you worked really hard you could get a b or an a i would bust my butt to help a student with any reasonable request the best example of this was a student that was working hard on an assignment and said i think i understand it now but can't turn it in on time to which i answered then turn it in tomorrow for full credit this is how hard work pays off other than a few hard deadlines in my class i would do whatever it took to see you learn the material mess around in my class i've already found ways to run circles around your pathetic excuses you throw at your parents for your poor performance it sounds callous but i was the teacher who would stay for 90 minutes after school to help you catch up to help fix your project for another class or even to listen to you cry about your parents divorce if i caught you goofing in class instead of doing your work my rule was that at least seventy percent of class time was intended for homework quizzes etc i would warn you a couple times email your parents and then wait and see if they even gave a crap if they didn't i would let you keep digging that hole until you were hip deep in water and begging for a ladder and then i would toss you a rope instead you could still climb it if you tried hard enough but a lot of students would just cry until that whole caved in and buried them i also utilized my school's online grading slash assignment system for nearly all of my assignments which meant i could document when a student looked at the assignment how long it took them etc all of this allowed me to see what my students were doing and when they did it and also if they were plagiarizing this was one of the tools that helped me make important decisions about leniency and also allowed me to say things at conferences such as of course the test was hard your kid didn't attempt the nine homework assignments until 11 pm the night before the test being able to prove that a student wasn't trying made it impossible for blame to be laid unfairly at my feet it also meant the worst kids avoided my class bonus however this year something magical happened every other year i would get a wave of kids who just wanted to mess around and blame everyone else for doing poorly at the end of the year students would talk crap about me my class sizes would drop the following year then i would receive high praise from those students so everyone would sign up so on and so on but this year not only did i get a giant wave of knuckleheads but they came with parents who loved to make trouble i had already heard tales of some of these parents other teachers were just dying to hear stories about our interactions because these parents were very much entitled they would name drop lawyers when they didn't get their way try to badger teachers into giving their kids extra credit and would largely deny any wrongdoings on their kids part these were the parents who would get called in because their student was busted cheating then accused the teacher of making the class too hard therefore validating their students need to cheat so about these knuckleheads it was a group of roughly seven senior boys who all shifted their schedules to be in the same period with each other the other teachers could not believe that i had all of them at the same time but i just shrugged it off every week the staff lounge was dying to know how i dealt with their shenanigans but for the most part i had shut down most of their crap from day one i actually got along very well with them despite their constant goofing because they had mastered the ability to appear busy and didn't distract my other kids then came the first group project my class size was just right for seven groups of four to form the idiot collective formed two groups of four by pulling in a kid who had been absent on the first day of the project these two groups crashed and burned on this project super hard for several reasons but the biggest reasons were that a they messed around during class time and b put off a two-week assignment until the weekend before and then dumped all the work on everybody else which resulted in everyone doing minimal effort i handed out the bad grades and was immediately pulled into parent conferences with several of them one at a time obviously every meeting was the same my kid did all the work so he doesn't deserve a bad grade or my kid didn't understand the assignment to which i handed over my hyper-specific rubric which is a checklist for how i grade things i never wanted to be accused of grading based on not liking someone these largely went like this my kid did all the work and i don't think it's fair it should hurt his grade me here is the work your student turned in hands it over here is my rubric which i printed and emailed to your student the day the project started hands it over as you can see i have itemized the grading for ease of use i would be happy to go over the grade your student earned entitled parent reads through all the evidence looks it kid wow the missing parts student uh my group members were responsible for that me i can't grade what i never received so i can't reasonably just raise your kids grade sorry now good news for all my students i make assignments worth more throughout the semester with the idea that kids who mess up early can make up for it later by working hard i seed extra credit throughout the semester and all of these parents are disgruntled but happy to hear that their entitled embryo can still get an a in my class now the end result of these meetings was that it clearly wasn't my fault remember i had all this data to prove that i made every effort to contact everybody etc so it must be the other kid's fault so these parents all decide that their perfect angel is no longer allowed to work with their previous group mates like a cancer this failure of friends distributes through the rest of the class like the genius that i am i make my students write a group contract for every project that details who does what and when it is due why is this important because the contract provides me the documentation necessary to allow me to dismiss a bad group member and give them a zero without their parent ruining my day so here is where the problem begins manifesting these seniors begin bouncing from group to group like cancerous ping-pong balls wreaking havoc i let students choose their groups so these seniors are desperately integrating with anybody that will have them because of my class size every group has at least one coddled kid to deal with and these kids just end up rotating until all of my students have worked with one of these seniors at some point now i'm getting constant complaints from parents of other kids about these boys their kid wanted a good grade which means they ended up doing all the work while the senior lacked this is usually after the fact at which time i bring up i would love to yank that leech out of your grade pool but you have to use the contract students don't want to say anything because they fear retribution from the seniors but i can't do anything because i will be accused of harassment the contract can provide me with the leverage i need to prove that these kids were doing no work because these seniors have been playing their parents for years i make my class utilize google docs because the changes are time stamped no joke i've had students produce all the work the morning of a parent meeting to try and lie their way out and make me look like a jerk but that time stamp is a godsend luckily my class is balanced a crappy groupmate can make things hard but not undoable and parents are appeased that i have an out for their student but disappointed that their kid doesn't use it every time i announce a group project is on the way some of these seniors sucker up to the other kids to the point that it's expected that a spot will be made for them i'm talking buying kids lunch bringing them gifts etc seriously the day before a group project starts all of the seniors now sit at separate tables from each other so that they could all pull the i'm already here let's be in a group card which works most of the time the strain on class morale is difficult but i am biting my time the other students are grabbing at extra credit opportunities constantly so that their grade can absorb the blow and parent complaints are completely mitigated because i am still offering every chance for success my principal has a copy of my syllabus in his computer so that he can quote student policies that the parent signed off on not uncommon for him to hear i don't read that crap so it doesn't apply but he reminds them that the clause above the signature line says my signature denotes that i have read this document in its entirety and agree to abide by all the rules or something similar and that this should be a lesson to the parent and the student that when you sign something you should read the fine print if you ever become a teacher find an awesome boss like this and stick by their side the setup so i have seven slothful seniors but i shall name the worst of these larry curly and mull the fallout affects all of them but these are the ones whose parents love to make the most trouble every time they bully a teacher into compliance i imagine they sit around a smoking room with cigars and cognac laughing at how they got their way yet again with a lowly teacher i know that anything i do will be heavily scrutinized once the grades start failing and i need to be able to shrug it off because i have other things to do and i refuse to be the smiling topic of discussion in their circle however a special note about larry since he turned 18 his parents now travel non-stop and are impossible to reach larry is now just a huge jerk because his parents no longer care about what he does i closely monitor their grades in my class but also in others this may sound sketchy but i routinely do this with any of my students who struggle with the material so that i can identify if the issue is my class or all of their classes students have been known to fake their grades using inspect element and i got tired of hearing but they have a's in their other classes because then i look like the jerk anyway after a check i speak with the other teachers it isn't hard to find out that these boys are doing minimal work in other classes and i actually discover that larry has been finding ways to get other kids to do the work for him and then disseminating it among his friends other teachers have been bullied into lowering test percentages in their class and guess what he and his friends are enrolled in these classes despite bombing these classes homework and project grades give them a comfortable cushion so that most of them are floating at low b's i can't prove this they are using snapchat but when i bring it up with their teachers the teachers don't feel like trying to prove it and duke it out with the parents now they are gaming other classes for minimal effort however their only recourse in my class is to keep rotating through groups and leeching off of their hard work to maintain c's and b's and the other kids are too nervous to utilize the group contract to get them fired however remember how i mentioned that i steadily increased the value of my assignments to keep kids working and give them a chance to fix their grades me random day in class hey everybody i was looking in the schedule and realized that your last project before finals may stress you out unnecessarily would anybody mind if i dropped it my class tired of getting banged on group assignments nope drop it best teacher ever me okay well just so you know i'm going to move our next project back a couple of weeks and extend the deadline by a week also since i canceled the last project this means that the next project will now be worth roughly 20 of your final grade so do your best messing this up could hurt your grade my class whatever.jpeg so in one step i have inflated this assignment and also moved it i send out an email to parents and students letting them know about the change to the syllabus and the assignment get no responses other than happiness that i am removing stress from the end of the semester etc i actually did this primarily because another teacher who was a huge jerk plunked down a monster project that same week and i knew it would burn out my students prior to finals so figured a break was in order win-win for me really now why did i move it maniacalafter.mp4 the friday before the project started i announced at the start of class okay i am introducing the project now so that you can get into groups today and we can do it first thing monday morning without delay since this project is so important this announcement elicits a room full of crap-eating grins why it was senior ditch day our school didn't condone a ditch day so the kids tried their best to keep it a secret but i found out a month in advance all seven of these kids were absent from class which meant that i had just given the entire room freedom from these dead weights immediately groups are formed and even better i had a couple kids transfer out of my class that semester which meant number wise these knuckleheads will have to work on this last group project together in two groups i emphasized that everyone needed to get to class as soon as possible so that they could start as soon as attendance was called my original intention was to light a giant fire under all seven of these chumps to get them to actually put in the effort they had neglected to do all year most of them had grades in the low c range except for one in the low b's as a bonus to all my students i put an extra credit portion on this project so that they could recoup their early semester losses but also allow these seniors to do very well if they put in the effort this wasn't meant to be a revenge tale but an attempt to give them one last lesson in responsibility before the end of the day i send out a parent student notification that the project had been started and that any absent students needed to contact their classmates to establish groups before monday morning this was important as you'll see i'm sure you can guess what happened next immediate fallout the next monday the seniors came traipsing in seconds before the bell to discover that there are only two tables to sit at whatever they take their seats me after attendance okay everybody has a copy of the rubric so go ahead and get started rest of class immediately pulls out rubric seniors looking around frantically the seniors quickly realized that they have been played and the arguing starts first thing that happens is that larry curley and mo decide that they now belong with whoever they happen to be sitting with and scoot their chairs over to sit with different tables i catch this right away and tell them that the groups are already at maximum size four people per group the other four seniors are already fighting with each other because they know that none of them will actually do any work larry who thinks he's god's gift to everybody tries to sweet talk me and his group into special privileges and allowing a group of five now i see some of the other kids wavering and i know that larry is putting pressure on them to argue his case i designed this project for specifically four people and had a job for each one but i extended a separate offer i will let you join but since there will be five of you i expect double the work literally i told them they would have to do the project twice larry tries to argue but i point out the roles i have established and inform him that if four people could do it once having five should make it easier to do it twice sounds like a jerk move on my part but i have now intimidated the other kids into saying heck no and even have them put it to a vote unsurprisingly larry is the only one who votes that this is a good idea and when the other kids catch wind of my offer they physically shoe off the other seniors trying to pull this deal as well you will all be delighted to hear that the rest of my period for my seniors is spent arguing over who will work with who they end up forming three groups and i nod my head make sure they have the rubric and then wish them the best of luck being the smart teacher that i am i email curly's parents and mo's mommy that they have chosen to work with each other mo's mommy shows up to argue with me all the time but has quickly learned i won't take her crap at a previous meeting she even laid into mo and told him i'm tired of fighting all these battles with your teachers and i'm starting to think that you're the problem but i suspect this is for sure curly's parents email me back and say they will make sure curly writes a group contract you see curly has sold himself as the best student ever and clearly he will do the work and fire his classmates moe's mommy immediately requests a meeting with me per school policy i do not have to respond to an email for 48 hours i wait until hour 47 and email at non-committal i would love to meet when are you available and wait for response i then wait another 48 hours to inform her of a time the following week that works for me now some of the other senior parents have emailed me angrily demanding why i let their kids choose to work with the bad kids again i had to inform them that i didn't expect all of them to be absent immediately some of my seniors get burned at home because they ditched and their parents tell me just try to help them pass which i agree to some of them need this class for graduation after all mo's mommy on the other hand shows up ready to wage war she starts by demanding that i put mo in a different group i decline because the project has now been going on for a week and it wouldn't be fair she demands that i add him to another group they're all full and students have already done the lion's share of the work she demands that i let him work by himself with an extension i gladly offer him an extension and slide a copy of the rubric over to him and he goes white at this point he knows that he is never planning to do any of the work in fact i know that his group hasn't even started i have a copy of their group contract which was hastily scribbled in pencil with no due dates on it he starts arguing with his mom that he would rather work with his friends and that he is upset that he got stuck in this situation contemplating this she accuses me of deliberately waiting until that day to do over the seniors after all it was a school sanctioned event and i'm being a jerk about it and she'll go to the board with her story wrong the joy i get from all my prep work is shutting down bs like this all seven of the seniors hung out on ditch day at her house and told her that the principal had given them the day off even better they called in and pretended to be their own parents so that it was an excused absence he is immediately busted and his mom flips her switch and jumps all over him you see she can keep pressing me on this issue but i now have evidence that he pretended to be his own dad and this is a suspendable offense i buy myself into her graces by telling her that i had no idea that senior ditch day was that friday but i gave her kid a free extension on the homework that was due because i thought seniors deserve their own traditions blah blah blah she buys it also i can prove that i emailed him and her and gave them plenty of notice before monday morning that they needed to pick groups before something like this happened obviously once i found out about ditch day i tried to give her precious treasure a heads up but i don't know why he didn't take it she makes him open his email my email is sitting there unopened and i have won this battle she thanks me and takes him home class morale is super high unless you are one of the seniors a week before the project is due neither group has actually started and the hms class average is about to hit an iceberg the project comes due it comes as no surprise that my enterprising seniors have turned in easily some of their worst work ever one group got into a text argument the weekend before it was due and made one of the kids do all the work larry and curly are in this group the other group with mo have also turned into a steaming pile i make sure to grade these two projects first because i know the fallout is going to be big all the seniors dropped at least one letter grade a couple dropped two this is four weeks before graduation larry appears to take his f minus in stride they got something like a ten percent on it so i know he's plotting something curly's parents demand a meeting and so does moe's mommy curly's parents are super upset that they got a bad grade and demanded to know why what they didn't know was that i had already met with a student who did the entire project poorly and his parents i informed curly's parents that i had seen the text exchange between the seniors that pretty much ended up with you do it curly refused to turn over his phone to his parents for confirmation i also show them curly's project and hand over the rubric mom and dad are not happy you see curly has been blaming everyone else for his mistakes since the dawn of time and his parents have bought in completely until today dad pointedly asks what part did you do and this causes curly to spout actual tears i then pull up a spreadsheet of all the group project scores from the year with no student data and have highlighted his scores which are among the worst the purpose of this was to use data to prove that their son frankly never does the work curly is absolutely destroyed by this his parents kick him out of the conference because they are tired of his excuses and ask me what they can do i tell them i would be happy to offer one-on-one tutoring and that he can still pass the class if he does his homework and gets a b on the next exam they agree to this we all shake hands and they leave curly's story largely ends here he never shows up to tutoring and i email his parents after three emails his dad finally responds with his mom and i have decided that he needs to learn to be an adult and are leaving him to his own devices thank you for your efforts curly will spend the rest of the semester doing little to no work because he is grounded at home he is now just watching youtube videos on his phone during school the ripple effect is glorious because now curly is doing this in all of his classes i speak with his teachers and they all email that he has quit doing work in class and get the same reply i did rather than the vehement responses they are used to when curly fails his classes he still graduates but his parents have informed him that they are no longer paying for his college and it's time to get a job mo's mommy flips her crap and demands answers unfortunately mo is in the same group as curly and she gets the same answers from me strangely enough once she's exhausted every effort and attempt to somehow blame me for this she admits that she knew mo was part of bullying the lone senior and that he should be ashamed of himself she deliberately tried to play me but outed herself once she knew that i already knew everything super annoying but i agree to help tutor him one-on-one which makes her happy long-term fallout mo's mommy is emailing me every few days now is my son doing his work did he get help with his homework etc non-stop but she knows better than to fight with me larry is unusually chipper and is no longer doing his work i find out that larry is supposedly going to a college where he just needs to maintain his gpa over a super low number he claims an f in my class won't change anything so i make sure he doesn't distract the others mo shows up only occasionally but strangely enough larry pops in just to say hi whenever mo is getting help i can't fathom why he does this but suspect he is up to something and already have a backup plan in place you see mo's mommy is nuts and i make sure that there's always another person in the room with me when i tutor him anyway mo's mommy is constantly checking in i start waiting 48 hours between emails cause i can and she starts dropping by in person unannounced to check on him me she's been acting cagey lately and i'm starting to suspect something it's larry larry is a friend of moles so he's been in her home feeding her made up stories to convince her that i have been a jerk to moe when other students aren't around stuff like i was calling him names after school etc this starts a whole thing where she is now demanding answers from admin but mr fighter jet is smart admin asks me about details regarding my interactions with mo and i end up sitting down with my principal mo and mo's mommy she details that mo is struggling might not graduate and that she believes i have singled her kid out and wants his grade raised you see mo is dumb and lazy and his mom is just as bad when larry went to her with his story she never bothered talking about it with her own son she just agreed and went along with it so i asked mo point blank to please describe what has been said during our sessions and then offer to leave the room so that he can tell the principal without me there she tells me to stay because she wants me to hear from mo what i've done to him what neither of them knew was that i was a mentor teacher that meant i had a first year teacher as my mentee not a student teacher but a new hire that works with a veteran teacher to learn the ropes of our school and i had her working on grades and such in my room after school you need so many contact hours on the days i agreed to meet mo she was younger so mo thought she was another student and never questioned it and couldn't even remember that she was in there my principal already had statements from her detailing my interactions with mo and mo was unable to give any actual details and suddenly forgot what had been said to him this lands her in hot water with admin and she blames the whole thing on larry and becomes visibly upset that she fell for such a stupid ruse after that meeting larry is now suddenly super concerned about his grade i rationalize that he was hoping to burn me out of my job and then use the fallout to get a free passing grade obviously it didn't work so forget larry i have kids who actually want to succeed my free days are now on days i know he works and he never shows up for tutoring anyway now that other teachers are hesitant to meet with him he is unable to cut deals to raise those grades either seriously teachers fell for his change of heart spiel every semester mo's mom makes a last-ditch effort and tries to convince me that the parents of the seniors have scheduled a meeting with my boss to have me fired for giving their kids a bad grade and that she would be willing to put in a good word for me if i meet with her first i'm sitting next to the principal when i get this email through an app on my cell phone and he has no idea what she's talking about i tell her i'd be happy to meet everybody but that i would probably eat my lunch during such a meeting and that i hoped people didn't mind the smell of fish i get a no seriously they are threatening to sue you but feigned stupidity and informed her that i couldn't be sued for eating fish during a meeting she now realizes i give zero hoots about anything and can't be threatened again there's nothing she can do because i'm simply following policy the last few weeks are frantic for these seniors one by one they fall because they've done little to no work for a couple years now and they have no idea how to apply themselves other teachers are emboldened by how hard i shut them down and finally hold them accountable a few of them just barely manage d's in my class the rest fail i get a few last second squeaks of what can i do to raise my grade but have now documented that none of them attempted the extra credit assignments and that was their chance it's hard for a parent to crap on you when you can prove you actually tried to give their student extra credit and can then prove they never open the assignment outline these guys are now failing some of their other classes a couple have breakdowns in my class and leave crying their friendships are fracturing with each other because they now all hate each other from what happened which they will get over during the summer time my last test came and i made it an online multiple choice test it was easy enough to have the questions and answered shuffled in random order meaning they couldn't cheat off each other you see i knew for a long time that they would sit next to each other to try and cheat on the exam and larry had blown a ton of money on a tutor to try and carry his friends this throws them all off and when mo's mommy accuses me again of trying to trick her kid with a much harder test it was easy enough to shoo her away with a simple email larry passes the exam but his grade moves up to a meager d minus the results if you're still here congratulations on dealing with my wall of text here are the results of the seven seniors one didn't graduate and had to transfer schools his parents were embarrassed that they paid to fly the whole family out for a graduation that he didn't get to take part in two of the seniors lost all of their scholarships and could no longer attend the schools they wanted their fallback plan was to attend the same school together and become roommates which they did with three of the other seniors including mo i do have some after stories because i still work at this school and occasionally hear from the kids who graduated larry's college was not happy with his final gpa i'm not sure what his long game was but it sucked the college kicked him out before he could even start and i found out his huge web of lies extended to his parents too he toured europe over the summer and tried to surprise his parents by coming home instead of going to school apparently they kicked him out immediately after because they were selling their house to get a condo somewhere else remember they travel for work all the time now so wanted to downgrade last i heard he made up a story that he joined the military but got released due to a made-up illness i say made up because i heard this tale from three different people and each one was given a different disease curly's parents relented and decided to pay for curly to go to college after all curly got kicked out halfway through the year and they kicked him to the curb after living at home for a year and refusing to get a job last i heard he works in a vape shop mo went to school and used his book smarts to try and pay other kids to do his work for him as mommy is rich when that failed he faked his grades to get his mom to keep footing the bill eventually the school kicked him out and he moved back home the story his mommy told a friend of hers who i ran into was that he decided that he would rather be an entrepreneur rather than go to college and that he bought a drone to film weddings with last i heard he was committing crimes his mommy thinks he is working weddings one senior went to college with his friends and immediately realized he needed to change he quit hanging out with his friends and last i heard graduated with honors in a lucrative field he emailed me once to thank me for challenging him in high school because it prepared him for college so that was nice that's it the end thanks for reading and if you ever had a teacher you loved send them an email we love hearing from our students so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 321,344
Rating: 4.7863688 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: 1d6VrSxxR5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 26sec (10346 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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