r/Entitledparents “ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 55"

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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parent stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents am i the jerk for refusing to let my sister and her kids move into the house that i bought i'm a 32 year old woman and i just bought my first house it has three bedrooms a yard and it's just what i need right now i'm single and have two dogs my sister is 34 has three kids and lives in a two-bedroom apartment lately she's been talking about how such a tiny living space is not enough for the four of them when she got to know about the house i had bought she became very upset and told me i was being wasteful as i'm single and don't have kids and therefore don't need such a big space i reminded her that what i do with my hard-earned money is none of her business she went on to complain to our mother about how selfish i was being yesterday evening i got a call from my mom telling me i should let my sister and her kids move into the house my house i told her that no one was going to live in the house that i paid for but me and that extra space would be great for my dogs to play in my mom also got very upset with me and told me i was being unreasonable that my sister's kids are growing and need this space more than my dogs i offered to help my sister out financially so she could rent a bigger place my mom got my sister on the phone who shot down the idea telling me i needed to let her and her kids live in my house when i refused again she very generously suggested a compromise i could live in the house with her and her kids and would not have to find somewhere else to live she said this as if she was doing me a favor i told her that she had lost her mind and hung up am i the jerk or is she i know my sister is struggling financially but this kind of entitlement is ridiculous well what do you think should opie let karen and her kids move in or not please let us know of course she should they need that space much more than her and her dogs mom wanted me to give my sister my house and sister says i stole her dream when me and my husband decided to move we wanted to live on our own spot of land instead of the cookie-cutter community and no hoa the house was still mortgaged it was a two-story five-bedroom and three and a half bath house and was less than a year old me and my husband at the time had no kids only two dogs and while we loved the house the taxes and hoa fees and maintenance was really annoying to us and overly priced and we wanted a little more privacy too because our neighbors were literally two feet away from our own house we were at a small family gathering with my parents and siblings discussing our options about where we wanted to move to and if we wanted to build or buy a temporary mobile home to save up for our true dream house i noticed my sister pulled my mother aside and were whispering about something but i ignored it as my dad was telling us about some great opportunities in some nice country-like areas which was what we were hoping for i always wanted to raise sheep and chickens and needed an area that would allow that later that night my mom and sister asked if they could speak to me privately which was never a good sign but i sighed and we went into my mom's room and closed the door which made me anxious listen honey me and your sister have been talking and we were thinking it would be a really good idea if you sold your house to your sister she has three kids and the house she lives in now is so small this would be a major help to her and her family my mom was using a tone like someone would use for a five-year-old i was 33 at the time that's not a problem she just needs to go through the proper channels like everyone else i can get you in contact with our realtors easily and you can take it from there thinking she wanted to buy the house legit no no you don't understand my sister whined as she looked at my mom all teary-eyed she would do this so my mom would take pity on her and apparently they had discussed this before coming to me honey your sister's credit isn't good enough so she would never qualify for such a big loan to buy your house so we were thinking that maybe you could transfer the house into her and her husband's name but you could keep paying the mortgage and your sister will pay you under the table what is owed that way she can get the house and you won't be losing any money over it since she'll be paying you back after all still talking to me all sweet like what are you kidding me do you have any idea what the mortgage is it's 2500 a month and you and your husband barely make 25k a year that's when he actually has a job and you don't work at all not to mention the 1500 land taxes and the 800 hoa fees i understand you want a better place but i know for a fact there would be a month you would fall on hard times like you always do and not be able to pay for that month and i can't afford to keep you there if you don't pay which we both know will eventually happen you need to buy this house legit or not at all i'm not making any kind of deals because we need to sell the house to buy our new place anyway i was about to leave but my sister burst into tears at this mommy me and husband will work really hard to pay you every month i swear we need this place because we would never be able to get a place like this on our own this is our only chance she began crying again at this you need to stop being so selfish you and your husband are in the living room bragging about building a house and getting your own land and everything knowing your sister is having so many financial difficulties and raising three kids my mom is yelling at me exactly my point she is always struggling financially how can she afford 2500 a month on mortgage alone i would eventually end up just paying her mortgage all the time because her husband always changes jobs and i simply can't afford it and since the house would be in her name then i would have no way to kick her out eventually i would have to stop paying and the bank would repossess the house and i would be left with nothing financially which we need to fund getting a new place not to mention damaging my credit score which i worked very hard to make good harsh yes but the truth often is i can't believe you are doing this just despite me you are stealing my dream and not even giving me something in return she began to whine even more what are you talking about stealing your dream i was really confused i was always the one who wanted to buy my own little spot of land and build a house you were talking about raising chickens and planning a garden those were my dreams and you were stealing them you selfish jerk she yelled oh wow imagine that i want to be a homemaker you are the only one in the world who wanted that i guess mom stole your dream too right she owns land and a house and gardens all the time and oh my god our other sister does too and she raises chickens we all stole your dream i was being overly sarcastic because it was so ridiculous that's different they're older than me but you're younger you shouldn't upstage your older sister like this just because you and your husband make more money than us it's not fair she was still crying and making a huge thing but i was done with this at this point the answer is no you want the house you can buy it legit not under the table and certainly not me footing the bill and losing a ton of cash that i know inevitably will happen and i'm not stealing anything from you if i want a little plot of land to grow a garden on and raise chickens that's my choice and you have nothing to do with how i live my life if this is such a reasonable request mom then why don't you buy her a house legit put it in her name and just let her pay you under the table instead of asking your daughter to take care of her sister she is your child not mine and i will not spend my hard earned money supporting her and her family sister was throwing a huge fit after that crying and begging my mom to make me do this like we were still little kids or something it was a pretty sad sight to see her throwing a tantrum like a two-year-old yeah and she's the golden child really i told my husband we needed to leave and we spent the drive home with me telling him what my mom and sister were trying to pull over on us he responded even if you did agree did she really think i would go for it i like your family and all but wow your sister is something else altogether stealing her dream what was that all about he asked as we laughed about it a little we have our own land now and are living in a double-wide trailer that we love five bedrooms and three full baths and thankfully no stairs no hoa much cheaper mortgage in taxes and wonderful privacy my sister has moved twice within the last two years and is always renting because their credit is terrible and they can't get a loan to buy a house i just heard from my mother that they've been sending them money almost monthly for groceries because they can barely afford to buy food yeah and you think she could have afforded that mortgage i don't regret my decision one bit and i love my little vegetable garden that i make homemade soup with often what would you have done in this situation would you have sold the house to her under the table knowing she wasn't going to be able to pay you for it or not please let us know my younger sister upstaged me once but she's no longer around to tell about it newly hired youth minister got me kicked out of church i found out about him and the deacon's wife so i helped the deacon ruin his life about six to seven years ago i was a ministerial student at a baptist college i had attended the same baptist church since i was a small kid it was large about a thousand members but not a mega church this church had been an enormous part of my life for as long as i could remember i played piano for youth choir preached at the children's church service which was held in the church's chapel and at the same time as the adult service drove the church bus to pick up sunday school students etc i did all of this for free not even getting reimbursed for expenses during my senior year in college we got a new minister of music education and youth this guy was as charming as an ice cream sundae with razor blades in it i'll call him mr charming all the deacons and their wives thought he walked on water he was an authoritarian jerk and his first meeting with the church youth group he announced that he had been hired to straighten out the youth group one of his favorite sayings was when i tell my disciples jump the only questions they ask are how high and how far the adults loved him and the youth hated him within a few weeks half of the high school and college students i.e all of those without parents in the church had quit coming to church most youth directors would have gotten into trouble over this but he had the audacity to proclaim in front of the entire congregation and the sunday morning worship service that he had eliminated all of the thorny ground from the youth group a reference to the parable of the sower in the bible and the pastor and all of the deacons loved him for it he didn't waste any time going after what he really wanted the pastor's job the pastor whom i'll call pastor t was about 60 years old within a few weeks of mr charming's arrival rumors started circulating about pastor t's health he was an avid runner and cyclist and that he just didn't seem as mentally sharp as he used to be he frequently quoted long bible passages from the pulpit entirely from memory without misstating a single word sometimes in greek or hebrew none of these accusations made any sense but people kept talking about them i have no idea why the pastor didn't find out or maybe he did find out and was just too scared to do anything about it this was a baptist church and some denominations like catholic or methodist the denomination assigns pastors slash priests not baptists each church calls the minister this guarantees that every pastor always walks on a razor's edge the slightest slip and you're out you don't even have to slip maybe you even do the right thing and it still offends enough people it doesn't take many just a handful if they hate you enough then you're out or maybe like pastor t some creep just lies about you and gets your job and since the church often owns your house your entire family is suddenly homeless and destitute then i became a target i still don't know why a couple of months after starting to work for my church mr charming called me and informed me that my services were no longer needed at youth choir children's church bus ministry anywhere in fact he said he did not even want me to participate in any of these functions at all not even go to the sunday morning worship service i later found out that members of his family had been hired by the church at very nice rates of pay to perform these functions that i'd been doing for free his wife got paid more for playing a beat up piano at the one hour youth choir rehearsal then the main organist pianist got paid for playing for adult choir rehearsal plus sunday mornings and sunday evenings the wife could barely pick out the notes on the piano this lady radiated bitterness resentment and repressed anger but she rarely said anything she just sat there and glared which was somehow even creepier than when she spoke i was very hurt emotionally so i dropped by pastor t's office and tearfully asked him what i had done wrong i couldn't get a straight answer except he told me that people are saying things about me and that if i wanted to get a good recommendation from him to our denomination's baptist minister school i'd better shut up and do what i'm told so i started asking all of my church friends what people were saying about me everyone everyone said well i didn't want to tell you and i don't believe it but here's what i heard according to the rumor mill i had gotten my girlfriend pregnant and forced her to get rid of it i hadn't even had a girlfriend since junior high and i had been arrested and my dad had to pay a bunch of money to hush it up there were other rumors but you get the idea i did what pastor t told me to i never darkened the door of that church again except once months later see below it hurt like heck i devoted my life to that church since i was a kid but i had to have pastor t's recommendation to get into the minister's school i wanted to go to and the pain was unbearable just driving by there so i decided to keep my distance but i started thinking about mr charming anyone who was that evil had to have a past and it probably wasn't a good one i knew that just before working for my church he had worked at a large baptist school in a small town about 50 miles away that church was actually about twice the size of my church so he had moved from a big church to the same job at a smaller church a bad career move running away from something ah there was something rotten in denmark and it smelled like an opportunity for me as luck would have it one of my uncles and his family lived in that same small town although none of my family attended mr charming's former church so i called one of my cousins told her my story and enlisted her as my co-conspirator i'll call her anne the next sunday morning ann and i attended sunday school and worship morning at mr charming's old church although anne had never been a member of that church it was a small town where everyone knew everyone so she knew most of the people there she started asking about mr charming and got an earful every one of her friends said that mr charming was a world-class creep he would flirt with all of the girls in the youth group he was over 40 years old and had a wife and three kids of his own but just like at my former church the adults loved him because he kept the youth in line our investigation went on for several weeks after church was over we would go to her house have a delicious sunday lunch cooked by my aunt and then write down everything we had learned by then anne's whole family were in on my investigation they were as angry as i was about the way i'd been treated and our weekly report made interesting lunchtime conversation i was sure that all i had to do was drive a few of these ladies and their parents friends of my aunt and uncle down to my old church let them tell their stories to the parents of some of the girls in the youth group and mr charming would become mr unemployed but it kept getting better and better so i kept digging and i really wanted to keep a low profile if i could because i didn't want to upset pastor t any more than i had to he knew a lot of people in the denomination and he could easily ruin my ministerial career before it even got started finally after a month or so ann grabbed me by the sleeve and said you've got to hear this she introduced me to a well-dressed very large guy maybe 30 to 35 years old i'll call him fred we slipped off into a sunday school room where we would not be overheard it turned out that mr charming had had a multi-year affair with fred's wife fred had kept his cool when he found out talked with a lawyer and had spent months gathering evidence text messages voicemails emails even photos and videos of them together finally fred confronted his wife she denied everything but the evidence was just too much fred told her he wanted a divorce full custody of their kids their house his retirement money his business her engagement in wedding rings everything even the dog she hired a lawyer but laws and courts being what they are in this rural alabama county her lawyer told her that if the judge saw the videos she'd be lucky if she ended up in a homeless shelter with all of her worldly possessions under her bunk in a garbage bag then fred turned his attention to mr charming fred still sincerely loved his wife and he was convinced that mr charming had deliberately ruined his marriage taking mr charming to court suing him for loss of consortium and otherwise making him legally miserable would take too long this is alabama many alabamians prefer a more direct approach in rural counties the police and any jury of your peers will probably include people who have known you since kindergarten so if you have a good reason for your actions and aren't too stupid about it there are things that you can do fred scheduled an appointment with mr charming in his church office who did not suspect a thing because fred was a deacon and his kids were in the church youth group remember that i said fred was big six foot six inches at least 300 pounds and if there was an inch of fat on him he hid it well looked like he could pull up a 100 foot oak tree by the roots without breaking a sweat fred told me that he had brought several friends with him and of course the videos one friend blocked the door another unplugged the phone a third one stood behind mr charming and encouraged him to stay seated in his chair fred made mr charming watch about 10 minutes of one of the videos then calmly said i'm going to stand here and watch you pack up your stuff then you're going to walk out of this building and never show your face in this town again or we'll be back mr charming did as he was told a month later he had a new job at another church my old church and started ruining another whole set of lives including mine fred actually did not know where mr charming had gone he assumed he had moved out of the state he was surprised and gratified to learn that this scumbag was only 50 miles away this had all happened just a few months before fred was still deeply in love with his wife they were getting counseling and he hoped that they could save his marriage but his hatred of mr charming was still fulminating like mount saint helens a few minutes before the explosion he presented such a face of restrained rage and vindictiveness that it scared me and i wasn't even the one he was mad at the next day monday i drove back up there and gave him a copy of the directory of my old church it had addresses phone numbers and email addresses for pretty much every member of the church i showed him the pages that listed all of the deacons and other church leaders and i marked some of the church's major financial donors i explained my situation with pastor t and asked that my name not be mentioned no problem he said the next sunday i could not resist visiting my old church to see how things were going mr charming was nowhere to be seen nor was any explanation given about what had happened to him one weird thing though the pastor looked scared his voice usually resonant loud and almost musically baritone trembled during the whole sermon i slipped in just before the service started and made a point of sitting in the very front row center pew the look on his face when he saw me was worth all of my trouble i didn't know it at the time but fred had gotten right to work and done a very thorough job the whole church had gotten multiple anonymous emails with photos and videos of mr charming and fred's wife and various well compromising positions deacons and major donors had gotten emails plus express mail packages just for good measure mr charming and pastor t had been left out they didn't know anything until the phone call started pouring in after the worship service it did not take long for my church friends to figure out why i was there it was very gratifying i was something of a hero although i kept swearing that i had no idea what they were talking about things continued to blow up in my former church for months afterwards both pastor t and the pastor of mr charming's old church almost lost their jobs because they had lied to my old church's committee of deacons who had recommended hiring mr charming about why mr charming had left his old job but somehow they managed to stay in the pulpits at their churches although a lot of church members left my former church which caused some financial problems there was talk of legal action for sending all of this stuff to little old ladies and other people in the church but nobody was ever able to prove that fred did it i don't think they tried very hard after all his wife was in the videos and photos both churches really did not want this to become a court case because of mr charming's trysts and the fact that he had spent years with the deacon's wife while he had unlimited unsupervised access to dozens of the church youth which then became a matter of public record so they hushed it up i never saw pastor t again i had lost all of the trust and respect that i had for him and i was sure that he had figured out that i was somehow connected to the whole fiasco so my chances of having a baptist preaching career were precisely zero by that time being a pastor like pastor t was the last thing i wanted anyway i withdrew my application to the baptist minister school and eventually completed a doctorate in archaeology at a different grad school i've been teaching at a large public university in the midwest of the usa with summer gigs on archaeological digs in europe and i am very happy one last very gratifying event the reasons for this post all that happened six to seven years ago fast forward to last march i went to pick up a friend at a large downtown urban bus station in the us everyone hates this place not only is it crowded it's also poorly maintained and filthy it smells like spoiled garbage mixed with diesel exhaust and seldom cleaned public restrooms my friend's bus was late i stopped by the newsstand to get myself a soda and candy bar who do you think was restocking the shelves mr charming i just sat across from the newsstand and enjoyed my drink and snack he recognized me then turned away i just sat and watched him restocking shelves full of magazines and junk food revenge is a feast that is best enjoyed cold entitled parents try to kick me out of my room i'm currently taking classes away from home and since i don't like the idea of living out of my car i rented a room at a nearby bed and breakfast that houses students great owners amazing rooms with private bathrooms fast wi-fi free use of state-of-the-art kitchen and above all else affordable of course because the place i'm staying at is a bnb first the owners request that i stay flexible during tourist seasons which means i keep things at a ready to move status tourist patrons pay way more to stay here so they take priority over room choice thankfully tourist season only lasts from september 1st to october 22nd and from february 1st to the 18th and doesn't come without compensation the owners have temporary rooms in their private residence they call it the retreat set up for students who have to move for tourists as well as a contract stating that if any items left in our rooms are damaged or stolen by tourists it will be fixed replaced well it's tourist season again thanks to the nearby towns winter and valentine's festivals that happen every february i've been moved once so far but it wasn't too bad the owners called all the students into the common room to explain the room situation for the coming days alrighty then housemate 1 and housemate 2 you're gonna stay the night up at the retreat op you're the lucky one who gets to stay this time mind your manners and just do what you do later that day i'm playing on my xbox when i'm caught off guard as my door swings open and a family of three pour in the lady sets down a couple of luggage bags while the kid starts running around the room the mother takes one look at me and says i was told that you'd be moved out by now why are you still here i politely tell her that they may have the wrong room and that mine wasn't selected for patron use that's ridiculous i specifically requested this room you better leave now or i'll be having a strongly worded conversation with the owner i asked her to give me a second as i call up the owner she gives me a whatever the owner picks up and i double check with him about my room he confirms that they have the wrong room and that he'll be there shortly to work it out i relay this information to the mother who just doesn't accept this this is stupid i asked for this room and i paid the fee so you got to leave now the kid finally notices my xbox awesome we have an xbox while we stay here can i play it mom please the mom agrees totally ignoring the fact that she has no right to allow her kid to use someone else's things i keep the controller away from the kid and say that if i'm leaving i'll be taking my xbox with me her brat did not like that answer and began to wail like a banshee now look what you've done you've made my baby cry he's going to be in a bad mood for the rest of our stay now you better hope the owner is forgiving because he's getting an earful when he shows up all this is going on and not a word has been breathed from the dad he just stands behind his wife arms crossed and with a mildly discomforted look on his face the owner finally shows up and it goes like this hello folks sorry for the mix-up your room is taken up by this punk we know but this is the room i asked for and it's the room we're getting or we'll find somewhere else ma'am your bill states that you asked for room number four this is room number five i've already made the arrangements for room 4 to be used so if you could just please follow me we'll get your family set up no this room has an xbox video game entertainer yes she called it that and my son wants to use it while we stay here it's this room or nothing you'll be hard-pressed to find another place with vacancy during the festival besides it's just down the hall and it's just as nice of a room does it have an xbox i don't think then it's this room or we take the xbox with us i interject saying that no one is taking or using my xbox without my permission why do you even have that thing anyways you look like an adult act like one and good playing childish video games ma'am it's room four or nothing and i can assure you it's not going to be easy to find a new place to stay even if you did it won't be as nice as here fine i'll take it but don't expect a review over three stars she stomps out of the room wailing brat and pack mule husband in tow the owner gives me a yeesh look before apologizing and closing the door that was two days ago and they're still down the hall for me for another two days the kid has had at least four very audible temper tantrums since then god have mercy do you check everyone's cart like that i work at a warehouse chain that requires a membership to shop and i'm trained in a variety of departments one of them is front door asset protection we check receipts at the door of the store this is not so much to prevent theft as it is to prevent shrink from cashier error 99 of people are cooperative even when there is a mistake on their receipt cast we've got me we've got customer service desk employee one a close friend of mine we've got customer service desk employee too we've got rude lady and rude lady's friend the story today i was scheduled the closing shift checking receipts at the front door i should mention that the industrial heater we have near the front door of the store is broken at the moment so it was around 45 degrees fahrenheit 7 degrees celsius at the door all day barely warmer than the current temperature outside i was bundled in three layers a hat and gloves to barely stay warm for five hours so i wasn't in the best mood rude lady and rude lady's friend come up to me from the cashier service desk with a receipt and a carriage with three items in it a case of water and two bunches of bananas they hand me a receipt which clearly says non-member where the membership number and info would usually be this means they don't have a membership with the chain and aren't supposed to be shopping at all but someone made an exception and let them purchase a few items they hand me the receipt and i start to look it over there's only one item on it the water so i ask very nicely do you have another receipt this actually happens quite a bit people forget they did two separate transactions and only hand me one receipt also if we suspect theft which i never did throughout this entire exchange we are required to ask if they have another receipt as a neutral way to start a conversation about a missed item rude lady nope why me it looks like only your water was charged on this transaction but not the bananas rude lady yelling out of nowhere well i paid for them do you check everyone's receipt like this me yes i do i show her the receipt trying to indicate that only the water is on there oh so you count all the items and all the cards go ahead ask the lady at customer service she knows i paid i page customer service to the front door they're only about 20 feet away so it doesn't take long customer service one comes over hi can i help you rude ladies friend she didn't help us that other girl did customer service 2 was with another customer at the moment so she couldn't come over i quickly explained the situation to customer service 1 who relays the information to her colleague at the desk and awaits an answer customer service too op she paid for those she must have lost her receipt but i did ring her up for them rude ladies friend see rude lady this is ridiculous do you really count everyone's card like this me yes no you don't you know how i know the guy in front of me had a full carriage of items and you definitely didn't count all of them at this point i don't even know how to respond obviously three items is a different situation than 50. when she had cut me off i was actually about to explain how we are trained if it's a small order try to count everything for larger orders it's more common sense look for big items or items hidden underneath the carriage and verify a few smaller items in the carriage the exception is large business orders which we do have to check pretty much everything no matter how long it takes especially if tobacco is involved rude lady glaring at me you can give my receipt back now and help the next person me starting to lose my patience ma'am i'm just doing my job rude lady and her friend glare at me one last time and leave the store later i found out from customer service too that rude lady had the receipt for the bananas on her as in it wasn't left at customer service when she checked out but for some reason lied to me and said she didn't she made a giant scene at the front of the store and backed up the line to get out for quite a while above all else it's pretty simple if i can clearly see that there are three items in front of me and the receipt only shows one of course i'll ask if i let her go without verifying i could have been in huge trouble with the asset protection manager i wasn't trying to accuse anyone of theft like i said most of the time mistakes like this are cashier error i am most definitely not an uber driver as the title says i am not an uber or a lyft driver there is no indication anywhere on my vehicle that i would be i don't really put stickers on my truck anyway so it's not like there's any confusion on this i drive a 2014 silverado and i take care of it and keep the inside looking nice and from some of the horror stories i've heard i don't want to let strangers in my truck nothing against uber or lyft drivers just not doing it in a vehicle i worked very hard to be able to buy anywho yesterday i drove my wife to ulta so she could shop for beauty products i really had no interest in going in so i parked and played on my phone for a bit after about 15 minutes the passenger door opens and some stranger gets in this lady looked like she walked straight out of a meme about karen's and hopped into my truck random lady no wonder i was waiting so long you're over here messing around me uh i think you're in the wrong vehicle i don't know you why are you in my truck random lady i need to go to this address it's down by the amphitheater me i'm not a cab you're the uber driver i just called for you have the sticker i look around i totally have friends that would put something on my truck as a joke but i wasn't seeing it ma'am you must be seeing things there is no sticker on my truck i'm not an uber driver random lady pulls out her phone and with a tone of such superiority that i immediately wanted to just push her out of the door says my app says that the driver would be in a blue ford focus and that's you i laughed out loud what is so funny me i'll tell you what i'll give you a free ride to the eye doctor to get you some glasses you said your driver was in a blue ford focus a small car and you confused it with a dark grey chevy silverado pickup truck and no possible trick of the light could those two ever get mixed up you obviously need glasses mrs magoo i'm sure everyone is about to be shocked by her next line i've read enough reddit stories and even written one or two i should have seen this coming how dare you me i'm not your uber driver i don't drive for uber there is no sticker you got into the completely wrong vehicle the only thing that i can see as a reason is that either your eyesight is terrible or you're starting to come down with alzheimer's or dementia which would be tragic but i don't think this is the case i was watching the karen rage build up in her face i was expecting the explosion but she switched tactics on me i thought she was gonna zig but she zagged random lady well i still need a ride and you aren't doing anything so why don't you just take me there i can give you five dollars she said this like she was trying to bribe a kid with a piece of candy i might have been willing to give her a ride i'm a nice guy to most people and generally i'm willing to help people out however her condescending tone got under my skin and i'm not going to reward that kind of behavior me no and you need to get out my wife is here she had just shown up this lady had the audacity to roll down the window and tell my wife you can wait i need a ride it was that moment too that i just happened to see a blue ford focus driving really slow in front of the stores and the driver looking around obviously her ride i started speaking slowly while keeping an eye on the driver ma'am listen pause for germanic effect i am not driving you anywhere i'm taking my wife home and she definitely doesn't have to wait for you you need to get out of my truck before i call the police if you're waiting for your ride you need to settle that with uber by the way the uber driver you were waiting for is leaving the parking lot right now i pointed to the blue car that was moving to the lots exit back onto the road she flung my door open and tried to go chasing after him it was pretty comical really we drove past her on the way out she didn't look happy speaking of uber have you ever used uber and if so did you like it please let us know only when i have to but i never give them a tip am i the jerk for telling my son he's the reason we're getting divorced i know upon reading the title alone many of you will just call me the jerk and you may be right but i want to explain myself first my wife and i have been together since we first met in high school we were able to maintain a long-distance relationship throughout college and stay true to each other i truly thought we were inseparable she gave birth to a boy 12 years ago and since then things have changed drastically my son unfortunately has behavioral problems and has been very difficult raising him he throws temper tantrums gets in trouble in school frequently refuses to listen to my wife and i as a result my wife and i started having disagreements about how we should handle him i.e whether to punish more let him get his anger out etc this created a wedge between us that kept getting wider we both resorted to drinking more and wanting to be away from each other as much as possible to get some relief we started having more arguments and eventually it became so obvious that our marriage was deteriorating that family members started questioning it so the topic of divorce came up and we both decided to go through with it when i first told my son about it he cried endlessly then started throwing fits about how unfair it was i completely understand that a divorce is hard on any kid but the intensity of his fits kept growing since my wife and i are separated not yet divorced and because she can't tolerate our son that much we agreed that he gets to spend most of the week with me unfortunately so i see him a lot and have to put up with his yelling far more than she does last friday he started asking if my wife and i forgave each other and i told him that the divorce is happening like it or not he starts crying and i got mad and told him buddy you want to know why we are getting divorced because of you we were happy before you were born but you always act bad and get in trouble so stop arguing with me when you caused it you have nothing but yourself to blame this devastated him and i did apologize but i told him there was some truth to what i said however since then he's been much more quiet and behaved even my wife who was with him over the weekend said he was much better so yes i think i am the jerk for telling him he was the reason we were getting divorced but in some ways i don't think i am because maybe it was just something he needed to hear well what do you think was it okay for o.p to tell this to his son or not at all please let us know no 12 year old ever needs to hear something like that hero p i've got something for you how i destroyed a brewery nearly 20 years ago i was a brewer at a brew pub the owner was a complete lunatic and an utter jerk before i was hired he had already purchased the brewery equipment used from a closed microbrewery problem is it was literally four times larger than it needed to be for the size of the place and to top it off he was selling big three beers too and it was a pugsley system brewers will know but i made it work even got the stupid ring walled yeast to behave but i only need to brew about three or four times a month i have worked at places we brewed that much a week so i wasn't needed anywhere near 40 hours a week and i was salaried so he decided i needed to work night manager at least two nights a week to fill out my hours that was fine it was an easy gig after our first year he advertised a huge anniversary event with specials on food and drink food specials commercial beer specials and didn't even mention that we made our own much less put anything on special idiot not too long after i got my first vacation in over a year and he was mad at me for insisting but life was stressful not least of which because my mom was in hospice stage four cancer but her condition was such that she said my wife and i should go she'll be fine so we went camping for a week the day before our trip was to end we got word she had passed two days earlier my family didn't know how to reach us only she did we rushed home six hour drive and on the way i called my boss and told him what had happened and that i probably would not be on on monday as planned this was saturday i found out later from a bartender that he then complained at the chef that i was probably going to want more time off i did in fact take monday off but i went in on tuesday to do my night manager shift now my mom's wishes were to be cremated with no embalming so by the time i got home she was already cremated so the memorial service was planned for two weeks later right after labor day weekend there was to be a memorial service thursday and the internment for the family friday so i planned and made sure that the servers were full and i wouldn't need to brew for at least a week that wednesday the boss comes and tells me he wants me to work night shift on thursday and friday normally i did tuesday and wednesday nights to make up for the time off i'd taken to help my dad out he wasn't handling it well he wanted me to come in after my mom's funeral i flatly refused at which point he said fine but i'd have to work a double shift saturday then i nearly lost it i walked away and after i cooled off i went back and told him i was no longer going to do the manager shifts and that i wanted to switch to hourly for brewery work only he was angry but stuck he needed me in the brewery things started calming down but after a few weeks i noticed my paychecks were far less than i anticipated i hadn't been tracking my clock in slash clock out very closely because prior to this i only clocked in and out so i was logged in to do manager functions but i happened to have a couple of slips in my wallet and because i still had manager access discovered he had been altering my hours eventually cheating me out of around 20 hours in just six weeks and that's when i hatched my plan i was done with this jerk remember that ringwood yeast well in a brewery you harvest yeast from a fermenting batch to use to brew a later one and since we were slow it often had to be stored for a while before it got used but you had to use it within 30 days 21 is better or it goes sour and starts dying normally i would take other steps to ensure it stayed clean and healthy but not on the last batch i harvested it just went into the cold room and stayed there i stopped going in very often just logging tank levels to make sure nothing ran out and made him suspicious i would even go in to make sure he wasn't in that day and later message him that i had brewed i hadn't and waited on day 45 after i got the check for the last hours i worked i overnighted my keys in with a resignation letter he called me the next day screaming i told him i knew what he had done and i wouldn't be back i don't know what he looked like but when he went into the brewery cellar and discovered he had empty fermenters nearly empty serving tanks dead yeast and almost no grain pity really after that he tried to hire my former assistant who was working at another brew pub by then because the jerk had forced me to fire him to save money he laughed at him he then apparently got the son of one of the brewers at a nearby brew pub which he had originally been part of to brew for him but had to fire him because this guy kept getting drunk down in the cellar so he tried doing it and i had heard he had stopped brewing entirely eventually about a year after i left he folded staff showed up one morning to padlock doors drove through there a few years back not only gone but building was torn down i felt like stopping to sew the ground with salt but i was in a hurry speaking of beverages what's your favorite drink of all time please let us know wine is pretty much the only thing i drink gives me the kick i need to take on the managers am i the jerk for telling my girlfriend she has to get a real job after she spent our food money on makeup i'm a 21 year old male my girlfriend who's 19 quit a job at a grocery store a couple of months ago after her best friend decided to unfriend her she was pretty sad about it and i kind of understood why i never really got the full story other than that they lived together and she admits to have been taking advantage of her financially sometimes and being rude because she was tired from work needless to say the friendship ended she got all depressed quit her job literally just didn't show up ever again and this is also my work by the way i still work here as a cart boy i make minimum wage and work 35 hours a week on average she doesn't have the best relationship with her parents so she lives with me and my parents my mom doesn't really like her but my girlfriend does help around sometimes she makes me dinner some days and does some of the laundry she decided she wanted a cam girl and she's made some but not much i wasn't comfortable with the idea but we needed money and she didn't want to work my parents just let us live here but we pay for our own food and i pay my mom some money in rent not nearly the cost of a real apartment i pay her phone bill sometimes when she doesn't have enough and buy her food and myself food as well she spent a lot of her time drinking and blazing i do too but she's home all the time so and she worked for two days at a store near us and blamed it on them when she wouldn't want to work anymore anyway i didn't have much money given i only get about 300 to 280 a week my store is a union and we have to pay union fees weekly i gave her some money i don't remember if i told her it was for food i probably forgot but she spent it on makeup and sent me pics about it i got furious she spent all of our food money on makeup at cvs i told her i was sick of this and that she needs to get a real job with real income because i cannot continue paying her bills mine food and all this other stuff she started crying and said i was insensitive and a jerk because she's depressed and i said she could just get a job then afford therapy sessions and how i'm depressed too but i still go to work this has been happening for six months we've only been dating for nine am i really a jerk she won't talk to me and locked herself in our bedroom well what do you think they should do should his girlfriend get a different job should they stay together or split up please let us know lace up those nikes opie it's time to run listen lady this is the barbers not your credit union so i'm getting my haircut today in dublin ireland chatting away to my barber who's also a maid it's a slow day so there's only me barber one who's cutting my hair and barber two in the shop we're talking about lockdown and crap when an older woman say late 50s early 60s garen walks in and asks about the credit union up the road the following conversation takes place karen sorry boys but do you know when the credit union opens barber two oh that one has been closed for a few months now the nearest branch is about a 10 minute drive away why did they close haven't a clue sorry well this is ridiculous first they closed the one in the shopping center and now this how am i to get my money out barber one they moved to a bigger building down the way barber one provides detailed directions i've just come from that way you're telling me i have to drive back now only if you want to get your money out karen gets agitated and raises her voice this is a disgrace i'm going to withdraw my money and cancel my account and put it all in the post office barber too whatever credit union is that way have a good one did they even consider how inconvenient moving buildings would be for their customers yeah they did and they explained everything in the email and letter they sent to their members my man is with that credit union and she's known for weeks now can you please leave i'm cutting this lad's hair that's a lie i've been a member for years and got no warning it's not a lie now please get out how do you think you are talking to me like that i think i'm a barber and i know this isn't a credit union now get out karen leaves and mutters i'll be calling the owner to complain about your attitude barbara one make sure you call the right barbers you dope and insane we had a really good laugh about it and felt really sorry for any credit union staff unfortunate enough to cross her path would i be the jerk my son's father and i already agreed on a name but i want to pick a new one without his input my ex and i were together for nearly three years i found out i was pregnant when i was already 12 weeks along and my ex was excited to be a dad and he couldn't wait for the baby we picked out names i wasn't a massive fan of the boy name he chose and told him so but he said it's a family name and meant a lot to him so i agreed to it despite having other options i liked more two weeks later he told me that he wanted a paternity test i said i didn't get where this was coming from but i have nothing to hide so okay he then asked for one at my next appointment and they said the only option was amniocentesis which slightly elevates the risk of miscarriage i know it's only slightly but i'd rather have no risk than a slight risk i asked if there were other options and they said that there is a different test they could do before the birth with no risk from the procedure but they can't do it at the place i went for checkups and my doctor said that me going to the hospital for the other test would pose an unnecessary risk just by going there so they didn't recommend it i said to my ex that if he wanted a paternity test then we could wait until the birth because i'm not putting the baby at risk with either of the in-euro options because of this my ex said that he wouldn't be involved until the paternity test comes in and proves he's the father at which point he would be totally involved until then i'm on my own i'm now 37 weeks pregnant and i've spent 23 of those weeks without him entirely i've been thinking about the name a lot i feel like we chose this name together but i've gone through this whole pregnancy alone i'm about to go through delivery alone and despite what he said about wanting to be involved once we have confirmation that's still not a guarantee that he'll actually be involved we've already broken up over this and i didn't like his choice of name that much to begin with i want to pick another name i'm staying with my parents and siblings and i talk to my parents about it my dad agrees with me and thinks i should choose something new because in dad's words my ex hasn't done anything to earn a say in this my mom however and my sister both feel that i should go with the agreed-on name because it was agreed on and they feel this would hinder a healthy co-parenting dynamic i think i might be the jerk because it's his baby too and the last thing i want to do is push him away when our relationship in general is already pretty crappy and this wouldn't be a good start to co-parenting as exes would i be the jerk for changing the name info i don't know exactly why he wants a test but here's my thoughts 1. he asked for the test shortly after telling his parents about the baby and his parents don't like me so they could have said or done something two i have a few male friends who he doesn't like me spending time with despite our time together being in a group of several people even mix of men and women three the pregnancy was five plus years ahead of schedule so it was a shock to both of us bear in mind that all of this is pure speculation because when i asked him why he wanted the test he only said he needed proof and he couldn't know it was his baby the way i could know it was mine well what do you think she should do do you think she should go ahead and change the baby's name or leave it as the old name please let us know change that name op that boy don't deserve a saying nothing sorry replacement i'm not training you this happened over 18 years ago but i remember it like it was yesterday i had worked for a law firm in a clerical role for about three years though not a lawyer i ended up doing a lot of work that lawyers normally handled but not for lawyer pay anyway i'd landed my dream job in another field more interesting better hours better benefits double the pay i hit the jackpot and was on my second from last day at the law firm having respectfully given and honored my two weeks notice as it happened i needed to take an extended lunch break one day to handle some business related to my pending new job i arranged it ahead of time and even came in two hours early to make sure all my work was completed on time dang i was too conscientious anyway my lunch business took me longer than expected and i returned about an hour later than planned no big deal right i had very little left to do and only two more days at that job anyway nope the hr manager found me as i got to my desk called me to her office and fired me on the spot i managed not to smile and thank her because i was thrilled to have an extra couple days off before heading to my new position i had a little spring in my step as i walked to my desk to pack up my stuff i can neither confirm nor deny that i was whistling a happy tune in truth there was only one thing i still had needed to do on my final two days though not a lawyer i essentially took care of all the estate planning clients wills advanced medical directives and such i'd take all the info from the clients generate all the forms check the compliance with all the laws and hand it to the attorney it's gimmit sign it and bill his hourly rate for the hours i worked it was a cash cow for the firm because i made next to nothing anyway though i was good at the work the files were rather a mess let's just say my system worked for me but it was eclectic as i was packing my desk i left them piled in a box on the floor moments before i was preparing to walk out for the last time the young attorney yes attorney who had been assigned to take over that part of my work came up to my desk he said hr manager told me to come find you and have you show me the estate planning files she said you'd show me what i need to do i had the incredible pleasure of being able to look at him and say with the most sincere and innocent tone i'm sorry i don't work here then i pointed at the pile of files and suggested hr manager would have to help him then i picked up my box of personal effects and walked away and just as sweet as could be poked my head into the hr manager's office on my way out to assure her that there were no hard feelings and to let her know that the young attorney was probably going to be looking for her stop making noise after 10 pm alrighty then some time ago four years and changed to be precise my best friend and i moved into a nice house with a cool inner garden and a tiny living room looking out into it we 20 at the time weren't really into partying but as most university students still had some friends who would come over two to three times a month and twos or threes to hang out bake drink some wine and chill nice times once the weather got warm enough we would sit in the garden and talk and here you'll just have to take my word that we were only talking once the clock hit 2200 as that's when the official night hours start around here so no shouting not even the quietest of music no more than four people having a chill conversation in their own backyard working and studying mind you doesn't leave much time for such luxuries so again that's no more than twice a month across the fence there lived a just no family an older lady and her husband in one house and her daughter toddler grandkids and two small obnoxious dogs barking all day every day and the next both sharing a garden bordering on ours two meter high concrete wall between us and them additionally we had never met them in person until they started showing up at 2205 demanding that we go inside and close all windows so as to not be heard at all because otherwise we are a great awful inconvenience super loud and an absolute breach of the rules not true but the constant bickering threats and calls to the landlord spoiled any enjoyment of the garden and summer evenings for us the final straw was when the husband appeared at 2202 so he had obviously been waiting to lecture us as to how we can be as loud as we want but no later than 2200 because in this community we have rules alrighty then cue malicious compliance both of us enjoy a wide variety of musical genres jazz blues swing classical folk the occasional pop or rap track you name it and rock and metal abundantly so for the next two years every evening with nice enough weather the time from 2100 to 2200 became the neighborhood musical education hour and at this point it ain't jazz either and is as loud as we darn well please we're having a blast unwinding from the day incorporating all cooking and showering into a dance routine then all music stops at the strike of twenty two hundred yes we have an actual church with actual bells that rings even at the time of the night and on and on evening after evening till the leaves start to fall and it gets too cold to blast some nice ram steam or pink floyd or whatever through the huge living room window they tried to complain to the landlord about it too but at this point he told them that they got exactly what they asked for and to buzz off only thing we hear from the other side of the fence nowadays is them screeching at their dogs and they lived happily ever after homeless looking guy actually does work in the building so years ago i got a pretty sweet gig working as a security guard shift supervisor actually important a building downtown it was a mixed use building so we had a food court retail stores on two levels as well as five office towers when i first started one of the things all the guards are taught is to treat everybody they deal with respectfully the building did have a lot of transients and homeless people wander through but we prided ourselves on being courteous and polite to everyone well one lazy sunday morning i get a frantic call from our building operator guy who watches all the security cameras telling me i need to get to a specific bank of chairs on the second floor he's panicking and i can't make out much of what he's saying other than one of my guards names i go rushing over worried about this guard who's a bit of a loud mouth bully he might be in a fight or something oh boy do i wish that was the case when i get there the guard is berating an older gentleman who is seated in one of the chairs guy has a pile of paper and a coffee on the table in front of him and is pretty shabbily dressed a pair of threadbare jeans dirty running shoes a faded and stretched out t-shirt and a leather jacket that has more scuffs than leather at this point there's a ratty laptop bag on the floor leaning against the table the guard is darn near purple in the face screaming at this guy to get out pointing wildly and yelling about how we don't allow pieces of garbage to live here you've been here an hour move along i walk up tell the guard to cool his heels hey guard let's all just take a breath what's going on here and then i greet gentlemen in the chair and ask what seems to be the problem the second gentleman gets two words out guard lights up on a tangent about how this homeless dude is loitering and needs to leave but won't get up i shush him and try talking to the gentleman again and this time he got out forwards before the guard interrupts again and this time starts threatening to literally flip the chair forward to toss the gentleman onto the floor i finally have enough with the guard and tell him to go to the office and cool off and that i will deal with a gentleman guard begrudgingly leaves and i apologize to the gentleman about the guard's overreaction gentleman basically says i appreciate it i work in x tower on x4 and forgot my keys i was waiting till my assistant arrives and can let me in i automatically offer to let gentlemen into his office we do all the time and have specific protocols for it and he accepts so away we go to the elevator we reach the floor and then doors open which is when i realize where i am every single night we patrol every single office space of every single tower except for one on one floor the entire space is occupied by a legal firm that is worth multi millions and we aren't allowed in the office ever yep i'm standing on that floor gentleman steps into the floor lobby and i have to excuse myself to go and get the key for his office we aren't allowed to carry a copy of it so i can let him in and he just nods i race down to the building operations room snag the key and race back as fast as i can when i get back to the floor i open the office door and gentleman invites me in as he goes to shut off the alarm i then have to awkwardly ask him for his id and to see his office so i can verify that he's allowed to be there he chuckles and obliges me he's the owner of the legal firm thanks me for letting him in and i leave about 20 minutes later the president of our security company arrives on site with two other people and guard who blew a gasket is escorted off-site fired as soon as i left lawyer he called the manager of the building at home to have words and manager then called security company who came down personally i got a nice compliment for how i handled things and i learned why we had the rule of treating everybody with respect entitled parent yells at me for being good at laser tag cast we've got me we've got annoying kid we've got entitled mom we've got staff and friend background i was invited to friend's birthday and it was at a place with a laser tag arena and i'm pretty good at it i arrived quite early to the birthday so i soon guaranteed my place in the line it was the right move because there was a line to enter it and to make the line move faster the rules were free for all with about 10 people in the arena each time and when you lost you exit the arena and give your equipment to the next kid in the line once i was inside i defeated some enemies and was still with all my lives everything was okay until i defeated annoying kid he was younger than me and i had defeated him before so he went through the entire line again before i defeated him the second time annoying kid after recognizing me hey how are you here if i entered the line before you me i simply didn't lose my lives that's not possible you're cheating me go and lie to someone else while running to get another enemy so while i was running near the arena entrance the door opened and the staff called me so i exited the arena and went to see what he wanted staff it's him annoying kid yes it is entitled mom before i even realize what's happening so you're the one that's cheating and defeating my angel me i'm not cheating my son said that you are cheating so yes you're cheating and i'm sure that if staff looks at your gear he will see that you're cheating staff let me check your gear i give him the gear so he can check it staff tells entitled mom nothing is wrong with his gear staff to me you can go back in the arena but he's been in the arena for more than 20 minutes and my angel stayed less than five minutes each time but ma'am the rules are clear you're only eliminated when you're defeated and he hasn't lost yet but this isn't fair he played more than my son ma'am please calm down i only work here i'm not the one who created the rules at this moment i decided to return to the arena where i stayed until annoying kid entered the arena again and somehow convinced six of the other players to come after me i had defeated some of them before so seven kids rushed at me and even though i managed to defeat four of them including annoying kid they were able to defeat me at this point i only had half of my lives remaining so after that i returned to the line and managed to return to the arena but after half of the other players decided to go against me again i decided to go and do something else i just remember entitled mom an annoying kid looking mad at me every time they saw me if you're wondering annoying kid was only at the party because entitled mom was friend with friend's mom like some of the other kids he was able to convince to attack me so i had never met him before karen flips out that i won't get her a pair of shoes hello everybody never expected to be posting here so this just happened a few hours ago now and i still can't get over the absurdity of it all since lockdown has happened i've been going on walks every day so i can get exercise also because i need to walk my dogs i don't have a lot of shoes as i don't have a lot of money and so i try to limit excessive amounts of stuff lockdown has been really relaxed in my country as the cases are only average i recently sold some old tech so that i could get some money to buy some new shoes as my old shoes have a few holes in the sole i managed to make around 80 pounds from selling and so i was going to buy some decent shoes that wouldn't wear out now to get into the story i had gone to sports direct to get a nice pair of shoes as i know they have some really good deals on at the moment near me now the uniform for sports direct is a black polo shirt with white stripes and the logo on the back an optional hoodie and any pair of dark trousers or jeans preferably black i had decided to wear my adidas polo shirt that my dad had given me since it didn't fit him anymore with a pair of maroon jeans along with my very worn out shoes i had found a pair of walking boots that were pretty expensive and i was having a look at them asked about them but then found they didn't have my size so i went to go put it back on the shelf enter karen karen spinning me around by the shoulder excuse me and that typical snotty tone i've been waiting for ages for service now do you have these shoes in a size six me obviously alarmed sorry can you please not touch me and also i don't know if this door does i karen scoffing what the heck do you mean you don't know if the store does it's your duty to know now go serve me and check to see if you have a size six me no it's really not also where is your mask it's mandatory to wear one in stores you know karen no no no i can't wear a mask i can't breathe it covers my nose how would i be able to breathe just get me my size six shoes already now i was getting irritable at this point i hadn't slept that well as it was too hot and i didn't have a fan oh i forgot to mention i'm only 15 and about 5 foot do you see a small problem i have a baby face anyway and sure my mouth and nose was covered but i didn't look a day past 13 at max me please miss i'm 15 years old i'm just here to get a pair of shoes for myself karen almost hissing at this point you you liar you obviously work here i saw you put a pair of shoes back on the shelf and you're wearing the shirt don't you dare lie to me me oh my god i'm done with being polite i've tried to tell you that i don't work here i'm 15 years old and i'm a customer how narcissistic are you that you think everything you think is right karen mouth as wide as a snake's how dare you speak to me like that missy i'll have you fired for that now call your manager over with your radio me looking down oh look i have no radio doesn't that indicate something to you by now the few people that were in the store were looking over and an employee had come over employee excuse me what's going on and how can i help karen this disrespectful girl has refused to get me the shoe size i requested and is insulting me i demand to speak to the manager and talk about getting her fired employee then looks to me staring at me for a few seconds with a confused look on his face before he looked back to karen employee i'm sorry miss but she doesn't work here also where no no no you can't just cover for your friend when she did something wrong get me the manager karen went into an absolute tantrum stomping her foot and not listening to anybody that tried to talk to her reluctantly after a few seconds employee walked off to find his manager karen noticed and then looked to me with a grin that looked like she thought she had won the floor manager then came over about a minute later and at this point i found a pair of shoes that i was going to buy so i was holding the shoe in my hand floor manager sorry miss i was told to come over to resolve the issue but i'm afraid i can't have you in the store without a mask do you have one on you if not you can buy one for two pounds karen no i won't wear one when i can't breathe in it now do something about this disrespectful girl karen pointed to me floor manager looked to me holding the shoe then turned his attention to me floor manager hi there did you need something me i had just come here because i needed a new pair of shoes do you have these in a size five i showed him the shoe and karen went into an absolute frenzy floor manager completely blanked her and went on one of his devices to see what they had in stock karen was going ballistic yelling at me and the manager in the store everybody floor manager yes we do would you like to meet me at the counter i'll get you the pair and box them for you floor manager had told employee to call the police to escort karen out and what ended up happening is that karen not only got kicked out she got fined for not wearing a mask too i think she ended up going back to the police station and i ended up getting a small discount on my shoes for what i put up with i was talking with floor manager and he ended up joking that i should work for them because of the shirt i just need to get new trousers that was the end of the story pretty much i even had enough money to go to subway nearby so i got myself a sub cookie and a drink i think i'll have to thoroughly clean my shirt though after karen put her disgusting hands on it sorry this was so long thanks for reading this all the way through if you did speaking of shoes what are your favorite kind of shoes to wear please let us know flip flops with diamonds for the win bruh am i the jerk for proposing to my girlfriend in a way she didn't like i'm 34 male and have been seeing my girlfriend who's 28 for four years we've talked about marriage and kids and passing it's always been something we're both open to but we're both quite career-minded and that's been our focus she and her brother both often joke slash complain about the pressure they feel from their parents to get married he's been in a relationship longer than we have and is still not engaged and i've seen as well how it's something their parents drop unsubtle hints about all the time i don't think they mean it to feel like pressure they just want their kids to be happy and they want to be grandparents anyway i've been thinking about it a lot lately i've reached that point in my life where marriage is increasingly appealing i'm ready to make that commitment and i know she's the one for me her parents hosted a dinner party to celebrate us all being able to finally visit each other's houses again it was me my girlfriend her brother his girlfriend and our three sets of parents it seemed perfect to me so after dessert i got down on one knee and proposed she looked pretty stunned and said um i guess and everyone laughed all the parents started celebrating her mother was crying her father was opening champagne we were all hugging we went home later and i told her how happy i was to spend the rest of my life with her and she started crying and saying she felt like she had no choice this upset me it was hardly the enthusiasm i'd hoped for and i asked if she loved me she said she did and maybe she did want to get married but the way i proposed made it feel like her answer was a foregone conclusion and she didn't have time to think about it and even now she knows that if she were to change her mind she'd be letting everyone down and disappointing her parents she said she had wished i'd proposed privately so we could talk together about what it really means and what our future looks like and she could be really 100 sure of her decision before announcing it to her family she feels like i've removed her opportunity to prepare for her parents reaction and make sure she was saying yes because she wanted to instead of because of expectation she says she's less sure than ever about our relationship because the proposal shows how little i know her or what she wants i thought i was being romantic and even if it wasn't her ideal proposal i don't see why that should affect her answer our relationship's about more than just that one evening am i the jerk well what do you think is he a jerk for the way he proposed to her or not please let us know a plus for effort but you done goofed friend crank called me at my job so i had him served with a fake paternity suit at his ten years ago a friend of mine crain called me several times in my office over the course of a day i decided in that moment that one this would not stand and two rather than entering into a long protracted quagmire of a prank war i would use the nuclear option and ended immediately my friend mike was a well-known local bartender i worked at the same bar as a bouncer and he was very much enjoying single life at the time facts which i knew i could take advantage of soon a plan began to form i would have him served with a fake paternity suit while he was working at the bar so i compiled a ton of free online legal documents not just for the paternity suit but also income disclosure forms statements of paternal rights and suggested visitation schedules pending demonstrable proof of sobriety i filled out all the forms then smeared what looked like date received stamps as proof that they had been filed and ran copies to make those stamps even more illegible from there i crafted a backstory to be included in a cover letter from the fictional mothers fake law firm the nearby city family law center on letterhead and all the mother was an irish exchange student visiting the area the previous summer she had only been with mike so she knew the baby eliza was his the cover letter encouraged mike to call during regular office hours to discuss arranging a dna test to a firm fraternity i set up a generic voicemail for the number listed as the office on the letterhead by the end the paperwork was somewhere between 20 to 25 pages i enlisted another friend not known by mike to serve the documents and instructed him to do so around 10 pm on a saturday evening i told him to keep the interaction very simple i wasn't able to be by the back bar because i knew i would be laughing way too hard but based on eyewitness reports it played out like this friend are you mike mike yes friend is this your middle name and your last name mike yes friend drops the folder on the bar mike what's that friend paternity suit you've been served turns around and immediately walks out of the bar mike yeah that sounds about right mike read through the packet shakily bought himself several drinks and then ran over to the bar owner who was aware of the prank to ask what to do he also called the number on the letterhead but sadly did not leave a voicemail after a solid 10 minutes of intense psychological revenge the owner finally told mike he should closely read the last page of the packet on it in size 2 font it read go forgive yourself mike at which point mike ran to the front door and punched me in the chest epilogue several months later mike was on a trip across the country he had left his car at home with his mom who generously had washed it for him mike for some reason kept the paternity suit paperwork in his driver's side door during the course of the car wash his mother found it and read the entire thing then called him sobbing in the middle of the night asking why he hadn't told her about her irish granddaughter am i the jerk for not giving my mom two grand when i was three i was mauled by my aunt's dog it was pretty bad and i have a pretty sick scar on my face from it it was not only traumatic for me but for my parents my mom decided to sue her sister's insurance company since it was really expensive and this was not the first time this dog bit a family member anyways the lawsuit ended we won i'll receive 75 000 when i reached the age of 25. my mom is currently asking me for two grand and i don't know if i'm the jerk for not wanting to give it to her here's my reasoning for not wanting to give it to her part of the settlement was for plastic surgery two grand was set aside for me when i was 10. i decided not to go through with plastic surgery i learned to love my scars my mom decided to take that money and gamble slash drink it away now that i have a kid of my own if this happened to my kid i wouldn't be asking for two grand from her since it was her traumatic experience and her money my mom was a terrible mom during most of my life my dad was pretty much the only one raising me my dad isn't asking for money from me my mom's reasoning for wanting the two grand suing her sister caused a rift in her family she spent several days on unpaid leave taking care of me it was a lot of work and stress on her suing her sister i was going to give some money to my mom and dad anyways but now since my mom is practically begging me for it it makes me second guess if i should give it to her my mom likes to remind me that my dad wasn't going to sue and that since she came up with the idea of the lawsuit it makes her entitled to some of my settlement but my thing is that's something a good parent should have done she thinks she should be rewarded for being a good parent for once in her life now my mom is angrily texting me and calling me horrible names saying i'm selfish and if it wasn't for her i'd have no settlement money she's giving me a mega guilt trip honestly i don't know if i'm being selfish or not it is a lot of money anyways reddit am i the jerk well what do you think should op give their mom 2 000 out of the 75 000 they're going to get or not please let us know maybe mom can just sue them for the money she seems to be pretty good at it we are permanently closed two years ago i closed my repair business in a hurry i had some family emergencies and it pulled me away from my business long enough that with refunds and being closed i could not financially reopen i was in danger of being evicted from both the retail space i was in and my house those that know me know i am a brilliant tech one of my closest friends had his own business serving arcades movie theaters stuff like that he makes me an offer i couldn't refuse i would make three times what my monthly income was what i averaged at my shop plus he was going to pay me a large sum up front to make sure all my rent was paid up and i would not lose anything needless to say i made an agreement with my landlord put a permanently closed sign on the door and took the offer originally i intended this to be temporary so the shop has ended up sitting closed for two years then all this craziness started but now it's slowing down and i'm finally getting the time to start selling off and packing up my shop i'm in the storage room and i hear banging i go outside and there's a couple standing there the woman starts yelling as soon as she sees me lady finally someone is actually here i point to the sign lady i've been here every week for two months why are you always closed i point to the sign stop playing games and speak to me i point to the sign and start to walk away lady don't walk away from me i need my wine cooler fixed i'm losing money and wine every day it's down i'm going to sue you for my losses i walk back to the door and pull off the sign watching her face get excited like she won i yell through the door we are permanently closed i put the sign back up and yell who are you going to sue this business has been closed for two years it has no licenses no employees i'm just here to empty the suite maybe you could read if you drink less wine the husband who has been standing behind her the entire time almost burst out laughing you know she has probably dragged him there every week with her and had to argue with her about us being permanently closed every time i was actually told later every other shop that worked on wine coolers in my area have either closed or quit serving them because they have such a high failure rate nobody wants to deal with them am i the jerk for telling my husband we can't take our daughter canoeing this is so stupid i can't believe i'm even posting this here because i'm sure i'm not the jerk but my husband keeps bringing it up and making me feel like a jerk so i figure i'll see what you guys think super short and simple my husband's family is going canoeing on sunday and they want us my husband daughter and me to go too i told my husband that if he wants us to go him and me that's fine but we need someone to watch our daughter he's not happy about that context our daughter is only about nine months old my husband already cleared everything with the company that handles everything and they said that they don't care as long as she has a flotation device but even assuming that the weather holds up that's still several miles down a river in a canoe she's a tough little cookie but that's a lot for her as of right now it's supposed to be sunny and over 80 degrees on sunday and she just doesn't do well in the heat much less in the sun for long periods of time i don't have a problem if my husband wants to go canoeing but i don't think our daughter needs to go too until she gets older my husband says he agrees with me but then he'll say things in passing like well if we're going canoeing on sunday and we take our daughter no we're not taking her end of discussion am i the jerk eta a few different people have given me crap over saying we're not taking her end of discussion i get that but that conclusion was come to after my husband and i had discussed this situation at length for weeks initially i was on board with the idea boat pun unintended but as time went by i got more and more uncomfortable safety issues included who's going to take care of her me who's going to keep her entertained me who's going to try to keep her shaded and cool since she's extremely fair-skinned and doesn't handle heat well me who's going to be in charge of keeping her safe if slash when the canoe tips over me and i'm not even a good swimmer by the way i can barely even tread water great we came to the conclusion as a team that canoeing wasn't in her best interest the discussion effectively ended yet he keeps passively bringing it up well what do you think does that sound like a safe idea to you or not please let us know i think her husband needs to get his head checked entitled woman calls state because we gave away kittens so my mom has a small orange cat that she rescued it's a very sweet moggie has half a tail and one day about two months after being rescued went out while in heat because my stepfather left the door open three days later she showed up at home looking a bit rough and very hungry we tried calling around to a few local vets to get her in and get her fixed but none would take her so we prepared for kittens and had five adorable babies once they were born we immediately began lining up homes for when they were weaned and litter trained this was easy enough we had plenty of friends looking for a kitten now we had three spoken for and two in need of a home since none of our neighbors were interested we posted a free kittens to good home ad on a site that rhymes with text four pretty quickly one of the litter was selected and now we had to re-home the last nearly eight weeks have passed the first four have all gone to new homes after turning seven weeks nearly eight finally someone comes forward and asks for the last kitten and we happily send them their new baby as we are homing her we receive a message from our entitled person we'll call her karen for obvious reasons she immediately launched into a tirade about how we are horrible people backyard breeders churning out kittens and selling them to strangers my mom politely advised that she mined her own business and informed her that we were taking no money for these cats she sent a few more nasty emails about how we were illegally selling animals and she would report us to the state two months later today in fact my mom receives a call from none other than the state they ask her about the cat and the kittens to which my mom informs them that she can give them the name and number of each kitten's new owner and that she got the cat fixed the same day her last kitten went to its new home a beat of silence and they started asking about the dogs all of whom have been fixed for years my mom told them that the dogs had been fixed and were all in good health then hung up i'm a little gobsmacked that someone would go so far over re-homed kittens i get being pro-animal welfare but this is going a little far am i the jerk for kicking my sister out of my house for context my wife is in a wheelchair because she gets excruciating pain when she stands for longer than a few minutes but is very insecure about it despite her wheelchair she's never tried to use it to get pity from others my sister on the other hand is rude to others and the typical social media bully she doesn't have a job and always uses the excuse nobody's hiring right now when i ask about it she doesn't like my wife and i hear her on the phone sometimes calling my wife names she shouldn't be recently my wife asked my sister for help with cleaning and my sister replies with i'm not doing anything here and definitely not cleaning a bathroom i was outside doing some yard work so i couldn't do it for my wife they argued and my sister proceeds to shout fine i'll just get op she comes out and tries to give some bs story about my wife trying to threaten her or something i don't trust my sister so i immediately go up to my wife and ask what happened my wife explains calmly what just unfolded and i glare at my sister i tell her that she better do it since she's been living here rent-free for about six months now my sister refuses to do it and starts shrieking excuses at us which makes my wife angry too my wife is the type of person that won't take excuses for an answer she was a teacher my sister sees this then screams at us whatever if that crippled woman can't do it then i won't either it's worth mentioning that i'm a chill person until someone tries to talk smack about my wife i just snap and i tell her to get off my property before i call the police she scoffs and says she'll call an uber to go to her boyfriend's house i ask with what money her response she pulls out a wallet that i instantly recognize as my 12 year old daughter's my daughter was saving up to buy a game for her ds i must have blacked out in rage because next thing i know my wife is pushing me to our room and saying that my sister's gone i asked what happened and she just giggles as far as my sister is concerned she no longer has the money she stole and is living with my parents my parents called me threatening that they'll turn the entire family against me and they shouldn't have let me marry that disabled woman they weren't allowed to come to my wedding because they tried to give my sister the venue my parents side of the family thinks i'm wrong for what i did am i wrong here edit thanks for all the support in the comments a lot of you have commented asking why i didn't kick my sister out sooner and i was going to until my wife realized what i was doing she's such a kind soul that she wanted my sister to have a second chance edit too turns out that my sister really had nothing because she turned up again just to beg for a ride to a car rental place i refused and said that she better get her boyfriend who she tried to ruin my wedding with to take her he's a good 45 minutes away on a good day so that's something i didn't know how she was gonna afford a rental with the little she had and she said that our parents were paying i honestly didn't care and just let her leave karen refuses to pay for textbooks my kid has just started high school and since it's the beginning of the school year in australia there's plenty of parents who are adjusting to how high school works there's specific rules about pickup zones no stopping zones parking zones etc mainly to keep the kids safe when crossing the busy road outside the school enter entitled mom who for the last few days has decided the rules don't apply to her entitled mom has a very large suv and parks it squarely in the two-minute drop-off zone over two spaces i might add at approximately 2 45 pm waiting there until our kid comes out after 3 p.m i tend to arrive early and park off to the side and read a book so i've been observing her arguing with the duty teacher every afternoon with amusement yesterday i saw entitled mom's kid clearly not new to high school in the senior uniform so i'm guessing that entitled mom is just a pain in the butt about parking in general until today that is i went into the office at 2 30 pm to pay some school fees and sort out some admin stuff i was less than impressed when i saw that entitled mom was already at the counter so i just sat down and waited a side note here we pay something called the resource scheme annually which means the kids get up to date textbooks and reference material this is non-negotiable and a student really can't participate in school work without this in place entitled mom was not shy about her displeasure about having to pay it it seems that the scheme has gone up to 15 this year to allow for newer textbooks to be purchased but entitled mom wasn't just upset about the extra 15 we've got entitled mother we've got office lady and we've got deputy principal entitled mom this is extortion my daughter is taking the same subjects as last year why does she have to pay again office lady the resource scheme is payable as part of the school fees to ensure your daughter gets access to the best reference material she doesn't need it she got senior textbooks from the student who graduated last year and she can just use those i'm not paying it office lady those textbooks were supposed to be returned the student who sold them to her will be billed for those textbooks and some of them are not being used this year we have upgraded to new science textbook expulsion there is nothing wrong with the old textbooks you just want to make more money office lady mrs entitled mom the new science textbook covers certain subjects in greater detail than the old one your daughter won't be able to complete classwork with an outdated textbook and will have the old ones confiscated entitled mom you'll steal them from her to get more money this is disgusting entitled mom continues to rant about things that are only barely related to textbooks until the deputy principal overhears and comes out of his office at the other end of the building deputy principal mrs entitled mom what's the problem this criminal is threatening to steal my daughter's textbooks principal looks at office lady who just shrugs mrs entitled mom the school participates in the resource scheme where the students return textbooks at the end of the year and are issued curriculum appropriate texts for the new year this ensures that all our students have access to oh so i'm paying for other students entitled mom breaks off into another rant about how if parents can't afford books for their kids they shouldn't be allowed into the school it was at this point that the principal suggested they go and talk in his office my transaction took about 10 minutes all up and throughout it all i could hear entitled mom tearing into the principal after completing my business i wander back out to my car to wait for my kid at about 2 55 pm entitled mom comes storming out of the office and discovers a parking flyer under her windshield not an actual ticket just a flyer that advises safe parking zones etc the duty teacher has a stash to give to new parents who aren't sure where to park when picking up slash dropping off i had the delightful opportunity to watch entitled mom lose her crap over a piece of paper until her daughter appeared and then drove off exceeding the 40 kilometer per hour speed limit alas if only the local police had been on patrol it would have been the cherry on top of a very entitled sunday i do work here now go wash the dishes i managed three restaurants i started as a dishwasher and worked my way up the totem pole the owner recently retired and just pays the bills the rest of the operation is on me i joke around and say the chain of command is god the owner me and then there is everyone else a year or two ago a new shift manager had been hired and when you run three restaurants it's impossible to immediately meet every employee but anyway i was in one of the restaurants sitting at my favorite booth and i heard the new manager talking rather loudly he was standing next to a server trying to take an order now this server has a slight learning disability but is highly functional jerk was standing there in front of the customers saying things like you have to be patient she's slow i'm helping her as much as i can oh look at you your uniform is a mess you need help he was talking about her apron you could get caught and hurt yourself we don't want you to do that would we be rating her when she asked a customer to repeat their order i leaned out of the booth i was sitting in and looked at mary the server she saw me and i put a finger to my lips to signal her not to say anything mary gave a slight knot indicating she saw me i got out of my booth and walked around the kitchen the cooks and dishwashers said hello mr h decided to pay us a visit not right now tony knew by me just saying that something was wrong because we usually exchange banter between each other tony do me a favor tell jerk manager there's a phone call in the office until mary her order is up i walked into the office sat down and waited jerk came into the office and i saw mary told her i need to talk to her next and to sit in the break room jerk manager looked at me in my street clothes and look payday isn't till monday no advances i'm not here for my paycheck oh you must be here for stock he said me no i'm not here for stock either i said then why the heck are you in here if you don't work here he huffed oh i work here all right i am your manager i only answer to the owner the penny dropped oh hi mr h it's a please to close the door now i interrupted i heard what you were saying and saw what you were doing to marry you call yourself a manager how the heck did you get this job he said well mary is a little me a sweetheart who doesn't deserve to be treated like that yes she has a slight problem but she is one of my best employees and has more heart than you ever will i am going to give you three options one i fire you two you quit three you take a demotion it's your choice jerk said how do i know you really work here i picked up the phone and made a call to the owner yeah hey how are you yeah i'm fine look could you tell jerk who works for you he doesn't seem to believe me yeah i know have a great day i handed the phone to jerk and watch does the color drain from his face he handed the phone back to me now about those three options choose now or i will decide for you i'll take the demotion he said in a low voice good choice grab an apron and get on the dish tank dishes you're making me a dishwasher yeah i am do you honestly think i would put you in a position over others if you work hard enough i might make you a bus boy he stormed out of the office and headed to the dish tank the dishwashers who were back there were brutal they considered him as a new hire i started as a dishwasher and when i started i got the worst jobs jerk was back washing dishes and tried giving them orders okay boss we got it and the snickering began what you believe me we have more seniority now go get the garbage can and clean the filters in the dish tank i heard mike say who's a dishwasher i called mary and said mary are you okay honey and that's when the damn broke mary broke down sobbing he does that to me all the time he said if i ever told anyone no one would believe me because i am a no no you are not don't let anyone tell you that you are different and don't ever let anyone make you feel like less of a human you are just as needed as everyone else we are all your friends here and we love you okay a slight smile came from her face as she looked at me nodding her head yes alrighty now go clean yourself up your mascara is running all over then go get your stuff and clock out am i being fired did i do something wrong mr h no mary you just had a rough day you will be paid for a full day's work and i want you here tomorrow and until your father comes to pick you up sit back and listen you might like what you hear now go wash your face okay mary went to clean herself up and returned to the office we sat and talked then heard a loud crash of dishes watch this mary i yelled from the office that's coming out of your paycheck and i heard more dishes crashing and heard jerks screaming forget you forget these dishes forget these guys forget this restaurant forget everyone i quit this job i looked at mary and said i don't think he will be back he seems a bit upset or is it just me mary's dad arrived i told him the situation and i expect to see her tomorrow she is a very good hard worker i don't want to lose her and mary go home and relax and think about the jerk all sweaty dirty wearing an apron washing dishes and laugh and remember you are needed here now show up tomorrow or i will come and get you and if a manager gives you a hard time you call me mary left with a smile and as i left i walked past the dish tank and the dishwashers were sweeping up the broken dishes and laughing hysterically i don't know what happened to jerk and don't care my father-in-law's girlfriend thinks she's an instagram model i give her a reality check father-in-law has been dating kylie for about a year she is an aspiring instagram model she doesn't work and he pays for her life and if anyone asks she says she's a model even though she isn't actually making much money off of instagram i don't think she knew who his ex-wife was when she met him but my mother-in-law was a huge supermodel in the 90s she was mega successful traveled the world and kylie definitely knew who she was when she heard the name kylie hates her and constantly talks crap about her to the point my oldest kid doesn't want to be around his grandfather because of what he hears her saying about his grandmother last time they were all together she asked my mother-in-law how many guys she had to get with for the necklace she was wearing mother-in-law has a boyfriend and they have an open relationship so kylie was pushing one of her friends at him who was blonde and saying she found him a replacement because she knows he likes blondes but her friend is younger i'm so sick of having to witness this crap and having to worry about what is going to be said in front of my kids mother-in-law's boyfriend said sorry i don't date fake models and they left kylie was saying what a jerk mother-in-law is and i told her that he is with someone who was a legit model so why would he downgrade kylie took this personally and said that he's rich and could be with someone younger again i said but he has a legit model just because father-in-law was an idiot and settled for an insta model why would he kylie burst into tears and father-in-law was very upset but i'm so sick of her parading around like she's famous and successful i thought my husband would be on my side but he says i'm way too involved in his mom's drama now i feel a little bit like a jerk because i really think i heard her do you think it was wrong for opie to say this or do you think our instagram model got a taste of our own medicine please let us know talk smack get cracked that's what's up bro karen gets us suspended for a week okay i work on elevators and was at this time an apprentice working on service jobs with a mechanic we'll call him rick now rick was a really nice guy we got along really well but he had a bit of a short fuse thrown tools were fairly normal if he got frustrated anyways we were working on an elevator with the machinery in the basement and some of it was only accessible from the elevator pit we took all of the steps we normally would put signs on the walls all over the buttons saying that the elevator was out of service barricaded our work area at the bottom floor shut the elevator down and went to work now this elevator had the buttons and doors on the same circuit as the cab lights which is very unusual for elevators and we hadn't turned the light switch off because well we wanted the lights entitled mom never found out her name now comes into play i'm working in the elevator pit and i hear the elevator doors open and then hear the mom step in and the loud noise of the buttons in the cab being hammered this quickly turned into her banging and then kicking the doors and screaming for help this progression took less time than it would have taken for me to get a word in edgewise i being the nice guy i am yelled up to her to press the door open button but as the sign she'd have to move to press the button said the elevator was out of order a few confused sounding seconds later the door opened and the mom exits i'm thinking okay no big deal situation over nope the mom storms down the stairs pretty fast i'll admit and starts pounding on the bottom door where we've barricaded off our area so she's already inside a barrier that's very much there for her safety and she's screaming at me that i trapped her in the elevator and i need to turn it on now because her baby was on the fourth floor in her stroller and needed to come downstairs to go to an appointment now rick and i are as i've said pretty nice guys and if she'd come and asked politely when the elevator would be fixed he'd probably have sent me to go help her hey i'm the apprentice that's the brakes but i'd happily go and give her a hand today would be different i stayed where i was because frankly she can't get to me so she can have her tantrum then rick arrived she saw him and his elevator company shirt and went off that i had trapped her and the elevator fell and her baby was in the hallway and needed to come down right now so we better get the elevator turned on right now now rick is also very smart and has been doing service for many years he calmly tells her we can't just turn it on we have to complete the repairs for safety reasons the mom goes off again losing her mind at rick before using the classic entitled mom phrase i want to speak to your supervisor rick is prepared for this you see rick is technically his own supervisor and his business cards say service supervisor on them so he hands her his own card and walks outside to the van of course she calls him tells a story that almost resembles what actually happened which is the last draw for rick don't lie to rick so he maintains his composure and tells her that our behavior was unacceptable and that he would be suspending us for a week without pay after a few minutes he came in knocked on the door where i was waiting so i opened it up he leaned down and whispered pack up and act angry so i played along packed up the tools and carried them to the van straight past the mom still fuming in the hall on the way out she asked rick what was going on and when the elevator would be back rick looked at her deadpan and said well i just got suspended for a week and i'm the only one who can do this job so in about a week a week later we returned and flipped the switch i had finished while we were waiting for her tantrum to subside speaking of elevators are any of you afraid of elevators please let us know i love letting one rip when the elevator is full making my landlord pay over 100 000 for a sink so i'm a college student and i rent a room from a landlord and live in a house with multiple other students the contract for my room clearly says that i have to fix all the damages to my room that i have caused at my own cost and that all the bigger issues in the house will be covered by the landlord well one day i noticed that my sink is kind of clogged and it's making a weird noise he says it's probably my fault and that i should get a plunger to fix the problem a little background info about the house that i live in all the sinks at the top level of the house connect to the same pipe and everyone heard the same noise so the chance of it being my fault would be almost zero but since i had to fix the problem on my own i tried my best however you might have guessed it but i'm not really good at this since it's not my job i even have my dad check it since he knows more about this stuff than i do and he says the pipe is clogged somewhere but doesn't know exactly how far down the pipe so i tried my best to fix the problem myself but since it's clearly a bigger issue that is not my fault i contact my landlord once again he still refuses to come and fix the clogged sink even after me clearly stating that everyone is hearing the noise in the house and tells me to solve my own problems like an adult would well since i'm legally not an adult yet and having tried my best me and the other residents in the house had decided to give up trying to fix the issue and just let it be a month later one person in the house had water coming out of her sink because it was completely clogged and within days everyone was having the same issue because now everyone was complaining to the landlord he had to fix the problem since it was a bigger problem within the house than everyone was experiencing not only did he have to fix the clogged pipes of all the sinks but he also had to fix the water damage that we all had in our rooms because the water would just come out of the sink when he finally decided to hire someone to fix the problem the costs were already up to one hundred thousand dollars and probably will be even more since some of the other people living within the house have sued the landlord for not agreeing to the contract and for neglect of his basic duties as a landlord he even called us and screamed at us why didn't we mention the problem earlier to which i replied that i tried to solve the problem as an adult by informing my landlord who was supposed to fix it but that this clearly didn't help so a couple of additions for some of the comments i just saw i made a mistake in the title and wanted to type for fixing a sink i'm 17 years of age and in the country that i live in everyone over the age of 18 is regarded as an adult and it's possible for people under the age of 18 to rent if they attend uni why the costs are this high is because it's an old house and everything had to be fixed walls and ceilings had to be removed in the entire house to even get to the pipes and all the pipes had to be renewed because they also were old and not in a proper condition due to the water leaking through the ceiling some of the people stuff in the rooms like tvs also were not working anymore and the landlord had to replace these how i got to this estimate is because we talked to the guys who came to our house to fix this and they said it could easily be one hundred thousand dollars because so much had to be torn down and replaced since it's a big house with many people living in it you can imagine that it took a while to fix everything hope this helps have you ever had a plumbing problem that messed up things in your house please let us know my toilet's always getting stopped up but the chipotle is worth it yes am i the jerk for getting salty about my parents matching my sister's savings account with mine okay this is weird so this summer i got a job so i could help save up for college now i have a twin sister and i hate to say it but she's one of the laziest people i know i love her to death but she doesn't do much for herself for years i made her lunch because she always said she didn't know how to use the stove or oven i'd offered a teacher but she'd always say tomorrow we're almost adults i'd work six hours a day for four days a week every time i got a paycheck we also got a meal allowance since it was connected to a school program and they wanted students to have a normal summer and lots of families are struggling at the moment my mom would take the money and put it in my savings account but she'd also put the same amount in my sisters in trade my sister was to do a ton of chores and stuff normally she'd do a little and go okay rest is yours and i'd clean the majority personally i don't care if she wants to be lazy fine but i'm not gonna so her now having to do the chores made her really upset i made about two thousand dollars and that's all gone into my savings and my mom had matched my sisters the thing is she hasn't done much around the house except wash dishes a few times and clean our room once with our mom while i was off at work i only wanted to work for half the summer so now i'm home for the rest of the summer until school opens back up now a few nights ago i was talking about not wanting to use my second plate if we have bread or salad we have two plates to have room so they wouldn't have to do as many dishes i normally vacuum dust and sweep slash mop the house as well as pick up my sister and mine's room and clean the windows along with taking care of our cat my mom does dishes and laundry and my sister and dad do the occasional help i also help my mom out if she asks my mom says oh don't worry about it because i'm not doing dishes tonight so i thought okay so my sister and dad are i finish get up to go rinse my plate off and walk back out to go say i was gonna take a shower my dad stops me and says i have to do the dishes i explained the deal we made the deal that was his and my mom's idea my dad tells me that now that i'm no longer working i need to help now i'm furious i'm happy that my parents want to help out my sister but i worked for half the summer stayed up late night stressing about getting things in on time and trying not to mess up while my sister only has to do a few chores which i do all the time anyways i thought i was getting a break because of this they're basically just handing money to my sister while i had to work for it my dad is saying i'm being an entitled brat and should do what i'm told like i normally would but this seems so unfair from my perspective it looks like my sister is getting two thousand dollars for just doing what she normally does just with my mom's help instead of mine and a little more force than me just taking over so reddit am i the jerk what do you think are op's parents in the wrong or not please let us know her sister's going to make a fine karen one day reminds me of my younger years not only do i not work here but neither does anyone else a bit of background my house used to be the village post office and when i say it used to be i mean over 20 years ago we bought the property 10 years ago by which time it had been totally converted and no longer resembles a post office in any shape or form the post office is now slightly further down the street and a building that has a huge post office sign on the front and looks nothing like my house different size color everything my front door opens straight into the kitchen and is rarely locked it's a small village and i seem to run some sort of drop-in center for my kids friends i was sitting eating dinner this evening with my kids when the front door opened and in walked a lady me hey can i help you with something as i walk towards her forcing her backwards through the open door lady yes i have a parcel here to send as she tries to duck around the side of me to get in me pardon you've got a parcel lady yes it's to be delivered tomorrow me well you'd best be taking it to the post office then as i almost physically push her out of the front door onto the street lady well obviously that's why i'm here at which point the light bulb in my head switches on me i'm sorry this isn't the post office anymore hasn't been for a long time the post office is a few doors down that way lady yes yes very funny now could you actually do what you're being paid for and allowed me to send my parcel me yes if you go to the post office which is just down there pointing i'm sure they'll send your parcel for you now i'm going to return to my kids to finish eating dinner as i walked inside closed and locked the door while listening to her having a strop outside by all accounts she found the post office sent her parcel and lodged a formal complaint against me which gave the post office staff some entertainment for the afternoon i'm really unsure as to what she was thinking she's not even from the village as i say it's a small village and she walked into what is obviously a house with a family sitting at the table eating when she walked in did she think i had hidden the post office counter behind the fridge or something my husband keeps wandering into the kitchen asking me for stamps or envelopes or various other post office type things am i the jerk for being upset at my parents for not helping me pay for college my parents didn't have much money growing up we always had the bills covered and a bid for the occasional pizza night and a gift for each birthday and a family gift for christmas my parents said that they wanted us all to go to college and even encouraged us to join free college prep programs at our school for first generation college students my brother has bipolar he used to cry and scream in the mornings when he had to get ready for school every day even when he was 18. he would sometimes skip class and smoke after school and didn't do well academically after applying at all of the state schools he got into the worst one no scholarships i worked hard in school i was interested in medicine and i ended up getting some scholarships and got into great colleges i talked to my parents about loans and fafsa and they said i couldn't possibly afford to go to the good schools because the scholarship was non-renewable i would have to pay all my dorm fees tuition books food i couldn't cover it so i gave up my dream i went to tech school and got an associates part-time while working worked and saved then did four years college all on my own i was even asked to move out at 19 and still did it the economy hit my parents hard my older brother moved back home after three years of college he failed out and is now working at a gas station and periodically moves home when he can't afford rent my dad found out mom took out loans in secret to pay for my brother's college he's so angry but i'm angry at all of them because if she offered him loans that she will need to pay back why didn't they help me he didn't even show up to his classes and was on probation he failed appreciating the arts for heaven's sake dad doesn't understand why i'm upset with him but i really don't want to be speaking to any of them right now i'm working a 35 000 teaching job and i'm drowning well who do you agree with op or their parents please let us know i used to have college loans too until i filed for bankruptcy yes do not make contact with anyone from work once upon a time i was working with a major australian telecommunications company i worked in a call center with a group of underemployed lateral thinkers it made work great as you were always discovering new things but it made us a bit of a challenge to manage as the department tried to hobble us to fit into the cookie cutter molds they expected of call center operators we had a manager who was if i was to be generous useless he once went on leave for two weeks without a replacement being arranged i put a balloon with a face drawn on it at his desk as our interim team leader team productivity under mr balloon was measurably better than when the team leader was there and i proved it with reports and all suffice to say our manager did not command respect fast forward a few months and one of our colleagues figured out how to spoof emails our manager had a certificate he proudly presented on his desk saying he had graduated something something in college having completed a course in frontline management he was extremely proud of this and so the target vector was clear my colleague went to an internet cafe back when they were a thing and sent a spoofed email to our manager the email was built to look like it was from something something college the email demanded that manager provide evidence of his competence as a frontline manager or his certificate would be withdrawn now manager's world was appropriately shaken when he got this email he must have complained to the appropriate higher ups because the infosec squad jumped straight onto it they traced the email back to the cafe's ip address okay in retrospect we could all see this error in judgement they printed out mugshots from the company's internal directory and identified my colleague as being the person who sent the email colleague was pulled into a day's worth of meetings as manager managers manager etc all linked on him pretty hard trying to get him to confess so they could dismiss him for misconduct i think the company realized they were on shaky ground to try and prove that colleague had really done anything wrong oh the days before bullying was codified having sweated colleague all day with no effect manager's manager put him on paid leave pending investigation with strict instructions do not make any contact with anyone from work as they didn't want rumors of a pleb messing with the ruling class getting out months pass colleague has not been in the office the company has completed their investigation but need to let colleague present his defense but his mobile is disconnected and he has connected a new phone number with a competitor and he has moved home and he is not replying to emails he has ghosted and the company doesn't know what to do more months pass i guess it gets to a point where the company can deploy a colleague legally dead or at least say he has abandoned employment they stop paying his wages a few months pass managers manager is walking through a business district in the city and runs into colleague colleague is in a flash suit with a briefcase obviously hustling to a meeting himself manager's manager says hello asks colleague what he's been doing with himself i work for the major tech company now i've been working with them since a couple of weeks after i was put on paid leave i would have told you but i was told not to communicate with anyone from work thanks for that second paycheck though lady tries to get in my car while i'm trying to parallel park a couple years ago i was back in my hometown after being gone a few years interviewing for a new job i love the city i'm from and i had deliberately planned to be there for my birthday weekend so i could spend some time in some of my old hans i decided one day i would stop by the locally owned coffee shop where i used to spend hours consuming coffee and free wi-fi catch up on old times now the coffee shop is located along a very busy four-lane street during off-peak hours though it's legal to parallel park and the lanes closest to the sidewalk i've always hated parallel parking but i decide it's easier than waiting for a spot to open up in the very small parking lot in the alley behind the coffee shop i luck out and there's an open spot at the very end of the road so i just need to pull in but it always makes me nervous pulling in because of how busy the road is and when i get nervous i get worse at parallel parking so i pull up and start backing into the space and i think i'm doing okay when suddenly my back door flies open in the middle of me straightening up my car a middle-aged lady just starts picking up a bunch of bags and trying to stack them in my back seat the lady just starts trying to load her stuff in my backseat confused and still halfway in the road i ask her may i help you ma'am she replies no i just need to get all my stuff in and then i'll be ready to go i still haven't caught on yet and i'm like why do you need to load your stuff in my car where are you going well i need to get the stuff in the car so you can take me to the location i think i suddenly realize what's going on ma'am i'm not an uber driver i say i'm trying to park so i can get in the coffee shop now keep in mind at this time i was driving a 2011 chevy malibu that seemed better days a couple dents a smashed front end this is on top of the fact that i'm pretty messy in cars and my entire back seat was filled with stuff from work to garbage it wouldn't have passed the inspection if i wanted to be an uber driver i checked once when i was desperate for ways to make money on top of that there's no indication on my car that i'm an uber driver and i'm literally trying to parallel park my car surprised she stood up and her actual driver was on the side street just in front of us trying to flag her down it was at that moment she finally realized what was going on oh well never mind then she said as she took all of her stuff back out of my car and marched over to her actual uber driver as i finished parallel parking no explosive entitlement like other stories but i swear someone is going to get in a car one of these days thinking it's an uber and become story fodder for our slash let's not meet and yes i got the job and it was a great birthday weekend i was so happy to be going home even if there's some weird people there you think i'm trying to steal your money have it your way then some background i'm a commercial and industrial hvac r technician we specialize in large ac in refrigeration systems mostly involving chillers it's first thing on a monday morning when i get a customer's call in about one of their chillers being down cool beans i don't have much on my schedule for today and haven't even left the house yet this sounds like a great place to start off the week i get there and find all kinds of problems with this chiller we're talking at least a week's worth of repairs assuming all the parts came in the next morning for some context this machine is absolutely ancient by this point i had lost count of how many times we tried to sell them a new one regardless i make some phone calls so i can work up a price on the repairs and see how soon i can get the parts a few minutes in and i find out that the manufacturer no longer supports this model no big deal i explained to the customer that we can either replace it or retrofit it in my opinion retrofitting machine this old is a waste of time and money but we have to give them the option it pays just fine either way after a 30 minute conversation with the customer and several lengthy phone calls the customer decides it's finally time to replace the chiller i tell him he'll get a quote in the next few days and talk to our sales team who sends it their way within minutes of receiving the proposal the customer is blowing up my phone about how the price is too high and we're trying to steal their money i'm driving so i can't talk but have my phone mounted where i can see any calls and or texts i receive after about 15 minutes i pull onto the shoulder and give him a call back he's still upset and starts yelling about how we added extra stuff to the quote just to take their money here's the thing this new chiller uses a different style compressor than their old one these new compressors are really really loud normally this doesn't matter but this chiller sits less than 100 feet from a large neighborhood and a daycare the unnecessary extras he's complaining about are the sound dampening options for the chiller are they expensive sure at the end of the day though it doesn't really matter they're going to need them i tried multiple times to explain this but he refused to listen and informed me that our conversation was over give me what i want or i'll find a company that will you know what sure thing boss i inform our sales office who had me hand deliver the new proposal along with a document explaining the issues with what he's asking for i had him sign it and left him a copy three months and a few hundred thousand dollars later and guess who can't run their brand new chiller why you might ask it violates the city noise ordinance any time it starts up they get fined need to fire it up to do maintenance find need to fire it up because the other chillers are down find control system hiccups and accidentally starts up find their brand new chiller is nothing more than a big expensive paperweight even better though is that we're currently installing all the sound dampening equipment we originally quoted however as we're having to change everything out in the field instead of it being installed at the factory it's going to cost almost three times as much as it would have in the first place but hey maybe they'll listen next time threaten my roommate enjoy failing your class during my second year in college i lived with three friends in a house that had another four guys living on the other side of the house the two sides of the house had a lot of mutual friends as my roommates had known them from high school so we had tons of parties together during the year and got along pretty good until a few months before final exams each side of the house had its own electric water and cable bills which we paid separately i always handled our bills and paid them each month but our water bill was actually in my roommate's name i'll call him bird so one day the biggest jerk on the other side of the house le jerk who handled their bills walked into our house when i wasn't there and confronted little bird and yelled at him saying we owed him over 500 apparently their water bill each month was about 125 and ours was 40 to 50. le jerk thought there had to be a mistake in the billing so we should split the bills down the middle after i was told about this confrontation i contacted the water company and asked about the billing i was told over the phone the bills were specifically split up to each side of the house but a person would come out to check the water meters the next day a technician stopped by and looked at the meters to make sure they were operating correctly and that they were billing to the separate sides of the house he confirmed there wasn't an issue with the meters or billing and basically said they are probably using more water end of story i told my roommates about this but because of my schedule i didn't seal a jerk for about a week during that time he confronted little bird a couple more times who told him about the water company's position but again he was yelled at inside our own house and was again told that we needed to split the bills with them then the weekend comes my roommates and i head to a house party hosted by some mutual friends at some point during the party i was in the front yard when a friend runs up to me and says lejerk is trying to fight little bird we run to the backyard and through about 50 people i can see le jerk with his roommates behind him in the middle of the circle pushing bird yelling that he owes him money and he throws him into a beer pong table where he had held him down saying he was going to beat bird up i nearly lose my mind as i see this and immediately grab a jerk say a few choice things and shove them away i wanted to do more but it wasn't worth it yet so le jerk and i actually had a class together we weren't friends never sat together and since the whole water bill incident we never even looked at each other in the 500 person lecture he always sat with one of his roommates and i sat with one of my best friends rose as the water bill fight somewhat subsided and the final exam got near lejerk and his roommate started to act more civil and would even make small talk to rose and i in the hall about the final worth 75 percent of the grade topics to study blah blah blah they knew rose and i had a's in the class it wasn't a very difficult class but i enjoyed it and actually studied quite a bit and knew i'd probably get an a and maybe i had let rose cheat off me in the first test i told rose i had a feeling lejeuk and his roommate were up to something since they were being so nice and that i expected them to try and cheat off us so i came up with a plan if they tried now the format of the test is important it was a packet of questions with the answers a b c and d listed vertically and then you transfer your answers to a bubble scantron which is another sheet of paper that gets put through a machine not sure how familiar people are with it with this format i told rose that i would circle an answer she would look over and circle the same answer with a big circle ensuring that anyone looking could see we would do this for the entire 100 question final before marking our answers on the scantron the key to the revenge plan was that the actual answer was always going to be the answer directly below the circled answer so if we circle a the answer we put on the scantron is b if the circle answer is d the answer we put is a for a few days i kind of thought i was being weird and crazy to come up with this plan because there was no way this guy actually thought he would cheat and i was blinded by anger either way when the day of the final exam came we got to the room early and i sat on the far right seat of a row with rose to my left guess who strolls in and decides to sit next to us for the first time all year after he threatened my best friend a month before oh yeah the jerk dude had no shame and snuggled right in the seat next to rose with his roommate next to him rose and i could barely believe it and had to use some serious composure before the test started the two of us operated like a well-oiled machine we circled our answers large and at the end we went back through and marked the correct answers onto the scantron during the test we could both see le jerk and his roommate leaning and copying our circled answers unreal fast forward to the summer break and the jerk's roommate came over to our side of the house when he saw rose was there with me he opened a beer and chatted for a bit before he finally got to what we were waiting for so how did you guys do on that test i remember looking at rose and saying something like i don't remember exactly but i know i ended up with an a in the class and she chimes in saying yeah that sounds about right because i got a 92 on the test the look on his face told us everything we needed to know and he mumbled out really the jerk and i both failed and have to take the class again karen loses it over my dog's treats not being vegan i needed to go get my dog's food at the pet store this morning i brought my dog because she's been going to training since my state opened up and it was a great opportunity to bring her there and get some distraction exposure while i was there there was a young lady maybe early twenties who was walking around and she saw my dog i said hi when she looked down at my dog and asked if she could pet her i said of course hallie is very friendly and she's great for socializing she kneels down and starts petting her and telling her she was a good girl i had a treat pouch and i asked if she would like to give hallie a treat she said she would love to so i gave her a few and she asked if hallie knew any tricks she did down sit and paw and took the treats gently after a minute or so the lady looked at her hand and asked what kind of treats they were and i told her that they were beef liver she backed up away from us and if i could see her entire face i'm sure her jaw would have dropped she said something like why didn't you tell me what they were very upset i was shocked i didn't think it mattered so i said i'm so sorry are you allergic i thought maybe that was the issue she said no i'm vegan she went on to say that i should have told her what they were before i offered them and that i was a disgusting person for not saying anything or thinking about another person i was honestly too flabbergasted to even say anything else she just walked away holding her hand out away from her to i'm assuming the bathroom to wash her hand i kind of feel like the jerk because i didn't say anything about the type of treat but also she's a dog and most dogs are meat based i don't eat meat but i understand that my dog needs to so i regularly handle meat for her it doesn't bother me much now and at the same time i also feel like if you don't want to handle animal products maybe ask what kind of treats they are before you take them but i still can't shake the feeling that i'm in the wrong because i didn't say anything and i understand how she felt about handling the treats am i the jerk should i have said what type of treats they were before handing them to her well what do you think should op have told them what kind of treats they were before handing her any please let us know and title dad picks up shark and ruins the day for everyone hi i work at an aquarium as an educator and see a lot of things on this particular day it wasn't too busy but we're still dealing with everything going on so a lot of things are closed at my aquarium we're working on opening everything but it's hard i was working the shark touch station now these particular sharks are nocturnal in the wild and tend to take naps during the day side note if you don't know not all sharks have to swim to breathe these sharks don't have to so they're typically laying at the bottom of the tank for their naps i like to explain that when people come up and see they're not moving on this particular day we were kind of busy and the sharks were having their afternoon nap a family came up and noted the sharks weren't moving me yeah so they're asleep and that's totally normal but if you have long enough arms you can try to touch them but keep in mind the water is cold and they're at the bottom of the tank the dad nods and reaches in the tank poking the shark hard enough to wake it up and thus making it move to the other side of the tank he looks at me irritated entitled dad now what me well you can wait for them to wake up and come to you or you can move to this section it's a bit deeper but there are a lot of sharks there to touch he rolled his eyes and moved his family at the news station it was too deep for the kids to reach and they were starting to throw a fit when this happens i like to offer them other things they can do or other animals up ahead and always say that they can come back to see if the sharks had moved this guy was not having it he started throwing a fit saying it was unfair that the sharks were asleep while people were there wanting to touch them i explain the normal stuff i say when people get upset which only upsets him more he then proceeded to reach down grab a shark by the tail and lift it out of the water i was bewildered i see people push the sharks and try to move them on a normal basis but no one removes them from the water until today i didn't know how to react they don't train you for this me sir please put the shark down they need to live in the water entitled dad my kids will touch this shark i panic sharks and other animals can die from stress and this shark was not having a great time i quickly call my lead and as he's rounding the corner the man drops the shark causing the other sharks to wake up and become agitated the entitled dad takes off to the next exhibit with my lead not far behind i call the animal care team and essentially close down the touch section until i get the ok to open it it didn't open for the rest of the day which caused a lot of angry parents the rest of the day but that's for another day i think my lead caught the entitled dad and kicked him out but not without him demanding a refund for the lack of things open and the lack of fun they had i don't know if he got it he probably did we're known for handing out refunds for the dumbest things i was too busy focusing on the animals the sharks ended up being fine and we were able to open the station the next day so my note to everyone please do not pick up the sharks at your local aquarium thanks update i got in contact with the lead for that day and asked him what the consequences were he said we hold a two-strike policy and gave him a warning he came in the next day got into an argument about the mask policy with the executive manager at the aquarium spit on the floor and was then escorted out by police more than likely charged and put on the ban list and we did not give him a refund that day have you ever got to pet sharks and if so did you like it please let us know i like the ones that feel sandpapery and the stingrays yes karen expects me to babysit for free as the cool aunt my sister and i have always been very different growing up she was your stereotypical nerdy slashy geeky girl very into sci-fi and fantasy video games etc she bonded a lot with my parents over it because they are the same i always felt kind of different from the others because i'm not very geeky and while i did my best to fit in star wars movies harry potter etc i took my first opportunity to leave the area for school i went to fit and got a degree in fashion design i always loved making my own clothes to frame it one way i made my prom dress from my own pattern and my family smiled politely my sister threw together a harry potter costume and the picture is hanging on the walls well sis had kids a while back i sent polite gifts including a quilt to be handed down syst received them warmly but i found out she doesn't use the quilt because the room is harry potter themed due to what's going on right now i ended up moving back closer to home into a condo i had been renting out tenants were not evicted or anything one sister found out she got really excited and started making all kinds of plans i was thrilled because i thought she wanted to spend more time with me except the plans were like i take the kids to the zoo i take them to the park i take them for ice cream the aquarium etc so sis can have some time to herself and relax play video games etc i inquired about when she and i would spend time together and she actually said it's not like we have anything in common we can do together i was really hurt by this and declined her requests for me to basically babysit her kids she asked me why and didn't i want to be the cool aunt and this is where i think i'm the jerk i said i don't know it's not like i have anything in common with them that we can do together sounds like you want an unpaid babysitter she was shocked and went stomping to mom and dad who immediately took her side and told her that i should be thankful to spend time with the kids i said why it's not like anyone in the family has ever made it a point to spend time with me doing something i'd enjoy she told me that if i tried harder to be more like the rest of them instead of chasing popularity and doing my nails maybe i would have more in common with them i'm lost now because on one hand i don't think i was wrong to decline being a free sitter for my sister but maybe my mom is right and i've been a crappy member of the family because i couldn't just get into star wars and all that edit i just wanted to chime in and say that star wars and harry potter aren't the only geeky slash nerdy things they like they were just the ones that popped into my head i remember back when we were in high school my sister laughed in my face because i didn't enjoy the sabrielle books and she told me that they were too advanced for me to understand she found me reading the california diaries offshoot of babysitter's club books and laughed in my face again because she thought they were dumb edit two one thing i'm curious about is why are so many people telling me first thing in their comments that they're geeky and nerdy why do you think that that makes things different well what do you think if you had siblings that never wanted to spend time with you would you watch their kids for free please let us know my kids are such angels you should be the one paying me to watch them i'm not allowed to buy here i work in a private preschool i wear a green badge on a lanyard and for the time being i usually wear scrubs to work that i can throw off when i get home anyway today i had to swing by small fart on my way home to pick up some groceries but mostly to visit the pharmacy and get my mother-in-law some insulin it's summer and hot today i had chosen not to wear a shirt under my scrubs because of the heat so i wasn't able to change like usual still my crayon and rainbow patterned top and bright turquoise pants looked nothing like small farts blue vest and khaki pants uniform and i'm headed straight home after so i thought no big deal i hit the pharmacy first because they close earlier than the rest of the store and there's always a line i'm up after an elderly gent and i'm just kind of people watching going over my list in my mind suddenly i feel a tug on my shirt this is uncomfortable for two reasons one social distancing is still a thing right and two did i mention it was hot i'm sweaty as heck i turn and see this octagonarian karen poking her meaty finger at me at least she had a mask on you're in line i look down at the floor where there is an actual line painted yes she clicks somehow like an insect that's great you know you employees should let us paying customers go first we have more important places to be me i don't work here ma'am karen don't you ma'am me stupid teenager i'm pushing 40. i'm not in that much of a hurry so i try to get her with kindness me i'm sorry i really don't work here but if you're in a hurry you can go ahead of me karen you bet i can she practically pushes me out of the way and i scoot back to the next dot that's six feet away the lady behind her who is now behind me gives me a what can you do shrug so i wait and she goes up to the pharmacist and immediately starts bad-mouthing me to the lady who obviously doesn't give a who she just glances up at me and apologizes to the lady for the wait the karen gets her stuff and starts to leave but suddenly stops i'm ready for another tirade but it's my turn so i kind of step around her as i do she starts walking again and leaves i do what i came to do the pharmacist doesn't even mention the incident so neither do i and then get my food and also leave i don't know if she was pausing to maybe apologize to me or if she had more to say or just wanted another look and realized she had been wrong i guess dealing with toddlers all day has made me karen proof she was pretty mild though am i the jerk for inviting my brother to my wedding but not his wife i'm engaged my fiance is overweight she was when i met her i've always found her irresistibly attractive not looking for commentary or unsolicited advice on this point my fiance and i sent out save the dates for the wedding my brother got one his wife very intentionally did not he got married last year his wife had all my siblings significant others as bridesmaids whether they were married or dating even my other brother's girlfriend who he had only been with for a few months i had been with my girlfriend for nearly five years at that point and everyone knew it was a question of when not if we'd get married she didn't ask my girlfriend to be a bridesmaid because she didn't want to be constrained to picking a bridesmaid's dress available in plus sizes and did not want to have my girlfriend in her wedding photos i'm not speculating that's not something i ever could have guessed that's what she said in her own words when we arrived at the wedding to find everyone else's significance others were bridesmaids but her and asked what was going on i thought maybe it was a bridezilla moment and she had realized how awful it was later but it's been over a year and while my brother has apologized again and again forever having allowed that to happen why he's invited his wife never did it all even when it's brought up in front of her we've only seen them a couple times since the wedding and my fiance has tried to forgive and forget but it's still uneasy between us because of the singular lens we now know she sees my fiance through my fiance doesn't mind grinning and bearing for the occasional family event we have to attend but i didn't feel like it would be right to make her spend her wedding day with someone who would ever treat her as less than human we're having a very small wedding 20 people and 12 are family having that woman there would taint the whole dynamic that being said the rest of the family is understandably upset my family my brother especially feel like we're trying to make them choose sides and my other brother's words even if that wasn't your intention it's the result and that's a real jerk move none of us deserve we didn't do anything to your fiance i definitely don't want to make anyone choose sides and he's not wrong that they didn't cause the problem and don't deserve the fallout but my wife also deserves a wedding day with only people who love and cherish her am i the jerk for not inviting my brother's wife well what do you think should they invite his brother's wife to their wedding or not please let us know sounds like his brother married a real karen tell him he's in for a wild ride yeah don't do extra okay stop working here sounds good this was about three years ago i was working in the bakery of a local high-end grocer think gourmet whole foods and had been there for three years what started as a college job for a semester turned out to be a longer term thing i loved the work the customers and my coworkers that is until the final month there i was online for a promotion to assistant manager in my time there i had been passed over for different promotions for people that were more favorable for the company image when the position came up i was the only person across the company that applied i thought i was a shoo-in and had been led to believe that it was as good as mine the old assistant manager was transferring to a higher position and took extra time to train me before leaving weeks passed and i heard no news no one in my department was getting an answer for when i'd be given the step up that was until someone elsewhere asked us when the new assistant manager was transferring in from another store turned out that my boss's boss we'll call him greg decided that i was a terrible fit and went above her to push someone into the role someone that didn't want it and hadn't been trained for it i complained to someone higher up saying i should have at least been told that the decision was reversed no word came and the new assistant manager started it only took a couple days to realize that she had barely worked in the bakery and had not been trained for her position she also seemed to target me assuming that i didn't know how to do the most basic things we did i later found out that greg told her i was a problem employee and needed to be watched very closely and given guidance out of the blue our manager was given the boot and replaced she had no warning and suddenly someone from a completely different store and department was in her position this person had no clue how to do the job and with the training that the old assistant manager gave me i overtook most of the day-to-day tasks greg came in one day and threw a fit that i was doing inventory he said that i had no place acting like i was in charge and doing jobs that weren't meant for people like me fine inventory not getting done dating and tossing old product not my problem now helping customers with issues and complaints let me grab the manager instead making sure things are filed and ordered when needed no thanks i started doing the bare minimum took all of my breaks clocked in exactly when my shift was scheduled and left exactly when it ended no matter what i was doing they didn't want me to go outside my station then i wouldn't easy days for me suddenly issues popped up left and right and our new manager was scrambling to figure things out i told them nothing since it wasn't my place to teach them how to do their jobs this all came to an end when i was called into a meeting with a store manager we'll call him rob rob greg has told me that you've had a lot of issues lately me i bet he has i'm just doing my job now he told me to rob well he told your manager to stop scheduling you after today he wanted me to tell you me are you firing me rob no greg said that you won't be scheduled but you may be used as an emergency call-in during the holidays me i'm not working but i'm not fired this is bs rob i agree but he's above me when it comes to what happens in your department me alright i'll finish today but after that i'm done this is some stupid work politics and i'm not playing this game with him i kept my word and finished my shift without complaint as soon as the end hit i walked away and clocked out that's when i told my co-workers what had happened during that meeting i bid them farewell and walked out the next morning i was woken up before sunrise by a call from greg he said that almost everyone in our department had quit overnight and he needed me in to open i reminded him that he didn't want me there so i quit he demanded i return and help him train a new team so i did what anyone would do i told him to do it himself go forget himself and hung up last i heard from a few friends that are still with the company our department didn't really recover all the way and people still talk about how we all left together one day if you see this and recognize the story forget you greg am i the jerk for refusing to let my husband's best friend move in with us and threatening to leave if he does my husband has a childhood friend who will call eric their parents are friends so they've grown up together and consider each other brothers since they're both the only sons in their respective families i've never been overly fond of eric but i've never actually disliked him until now it turns out eric has been cheating on his wife amy the mother of his two small kids with a co-worker amy kicked him out and now he needs a place to stay because he doesn't want anyone in his family to find out what he did and none of his other friends have room for him when my husband asked if he could let him stay i flat out refused i'm currently seven months pregnant and throughout my pregnancy amy has been a massive support there is no way i'm going to let the man who broke her heart stay with me so he can keep his dirty little secret my husband is upset because he claims me and amy were never that good of friends to begin with which is true until my pregnancy and that he can't refuse his brother when what he did wasn't even that bad after a lot of arguing he says he's going to move him in tomorrow whether i agree or not because this is his house i'm ashamed to admit i lost it i told him if he even dares to bring him i'll move out the same day and that it says a lot about him that he's willing to side with a cheater my husband is now angry at me because i'm threatening to take his baby and hasn't spoken to me since i believe he's still planning to let eric stay before this we never really fought and the silent treatment is starting to make me feel like a real jerk some of my friends say i'm the jerk because i shouldn't get involved in eric and amy's martial problems but others agree it would be crappy to help him after what he's done i honestly don't know if i overstepped i don't want to move out it was something i said in the heat of the moment but i feel like i'll have to if eric moves in now am i the jerk for threatening to leave the house if he moves in and if he does move in do i follow through update so i've spoken to amy again and she pretty much confirmed that my husband was covering for eric this also isn't his first affair and the reason he doesn't want anyone to know is because his family is essentially threatened to disown him if he did it again amy has tried to contact the mistress husband but hasn't been able to find much info about her or her husband she's planning to tell her in-laws but hasn't yet because they convinced her the last time to give him a second chance and she doesn't want anyone influencing her decision again my husband continued to ice me out until i started experiencing some cramps and now he's acting like a doting husband again neither of us has brought up eric slash the argument again but i'm still pretty upset with him i'll update again if anything else happens update two well my mother-in-law came over to drop off some baby stuff she's been doing this regularly she noticed something was off between me and husband and asked us if something had happened husband fed her some bs story about how i was just worried about the birth and being parents i think my mother-in-law could tell i was getting upset again because she told husband to go into the other room so we could talk i ended up telling her everything and she was furious with husband she spent a long time lecturing him about how this isn't how you treat your pregnant spouse and how he needs to stop always trying to solve eric's problems for him especially not at the expense of his own marriage she then asked me to stay the night around her place so that's where i am right now my husband was pretty angry i involved his mother in our problems but has also been calling and texting me apologies since i haven't responded yet well what do you think do you think her husband should have eric come stay with them or no please let us know i say she kick him out and him and eric can go get a motel together maybe motel 6. they leave the lights on for you dad flips out on me like a total karen i've been living on my own for almost nine months and have been enjoying the freedom away from my parents but i still like to come and stay if my parents ask with lockdown restrictions being eased in the uk my dad asked me if i wanted to stay at his for a few days as he needed help with some diy and decorating i naturally said yes and i came down at the start of the week the minute i got there it was straight down to business painting the living room i didn't mind it but with it being the summer we had the windows and back door open all the time i have pretty awful hay fever and it makes my nose run incessantly so i began to sniff quite a lot even if i blew my nose my dad went ballistic and demanded that i stopped sniffing every second as he found it irritating i apologize but attempted to explain that i couldn't stop sniffing and the direct way to combat it would be to shut the windows and use the ac for a bit my father being the cheapskate he is refused to put the ac on and instead demanded that i stop sniffing because i was allegedly doing it to annoy him i dismissed the idea and he then sulked for the rest of the day by the fifth day of my sniffly stay he produced a mason jar with a label sniff jar and stated that i had to put money in every time i sniffed with increasing amounts every time one sniff equals one pound two sniffs is two pounds and so on i refused point blank to agree and he erupted in anger claiming that it had been a household rule that since i was a kid it hadn't and my parents divorced in my teens with no mention of this rule in either house and that i was being disrespectful to him i tried to discuss it with him reasonably but he refused to listen and just resorted to talking louder than me i was sick of the entire argument so i gave him a piece of my mind packed up my stuff and went back to my place i haven't spoken to him since and feel like i acted as best i could in response to something that just seemed very outlandish edit i've been made aware that i have used ac incorrectly i use the term to generally refer to any form of air cooling and conditioning when in fact it's for a specific kind in this context i'm referring to a number of tower fans that my dad keeps around the house but refuses to use am i the jerk for not wanting to be a stepmom a lot of people are upset with me about this so my for clarification at the time boyfriend but now an ex boyfriend said that an old flame called him and said she's pregnant and the baby is his yeah i freaked out about a lot of stuff he was like why can't you be excited you love me we'll make it work i was honestly like no sorry i can't do that i don't want to sign up for a future of being a stepmom and i'm just not into this i'm sorry people have since told me that i was being immature if you love someone you love all of them and you don't leave them if you find out that they're having a baby you should be happy for them blah blah blah okay but i don't want to be a stepmom i'm just not dating someone with kids i don't like kids and i don't want any in the future and that should be okay right i'm also young and i don't want to live that life i've had multiple people including his parents his cousins etc all of who i know really well call me a selfish brat for not being cool with it i don't get it his cousin sent me this honestly you had the wrong reaction you shouldn't have said you weren't happy about it and left if you really love your partner you would love their kid no matter the circumstances also how rude of you to say that you didn't sign up to be a stepmom that's crazy to me that you would even say that so you don't accept his kid just because it would have been with another woman babies are innocent no matter what grow up what do you guys think who is right here some relevant information i didn't add before because i wrote this in a rush we only dated for eight months but had been close friends for four years before so no he didn't cheat on me no worries there the girl was clearly very very far along when she finally got the guts to tell him also we are broken up it wasn't even a choice i don't want kids so it had to be done thanks for all the replies i thought i was the crazy one since a lot of people were telling me i should have stayed what would you have done in this situation would you have stayed with him or left please let us know karen complains about prices and ruins a great deal for herself this story took place over the course of a few weeks bear with me as i recall the details i work at a thrift shop most items are priced based on quality and condition however we do have set prices for some items one such item is monster high dolls we get them pretty often so the general rule is that each doll goes out for five dollars if it's in bad shape or missing bits it's four dollars and if it's clothed with accessories it's six dollars it's always been this way and this is a standard across all of our locations i've had customers ask why these dolls are more expensive than our barbies or other dolls out there and i usually explain that monster high dolls offer articulated joints and are popular for customizing and sculpting off of when we get into a conversation about it usually the customer will understand why the dolls are on the pricier side well not this lady this lady brought up about ten dollars to the register and immediately asked my cashier for a manager myself she asks why the dolls are expensive i explain why and assume she'll understand but no she instead insists that the other stores sell these dolls for three dollars and she even found one in the package with all these extra accessories for only eight dollars i told her that unfortunately without some proof i wouldn't be able to honor such a reduced price but did offer her five dollars for a couple of her six dollar picks due to minor imperfections that was two or so weeks ago and i assumed that that was the end of it but i was wrong this lady came back about a week ago and told me she was so glad she could catch me again because she has something to show me i got a little excited because i thought she was going to show me her collection or a doll she had customized she brought all my expectations down when i saw she was showing me pictures of monster high dolls from other locations sure enough priced at three dollars across the board i was so surprised i just stared she put on a smug face and told me see your dolls are maybe just a little overpriced and with how snotty her voice was it took everything in me to be civil when i told her that i would speak to the store manager to clarify whether our prices were right or the other location's prices she walked away thinking she had won and i walked away kind of defeated the next day when i saw the store manager was in i asked him if we had a set price for monster high dolls he told me yes and together we reviewed the pricing standard for dolls we even went out onto the sales floor to make sure we really were on track with our pricing seeing as we have never had to recycle a single monster high doll for not selling we decided we did not need to lower the prices now just today the store manager approached me when i started my shift grinning ear to ear he had a story to tell me apparently this lady had gone to the other locations within our city and complained and moaned about our horribly overpriced dolls to the cashier who brought the manager over to share the conversation she told them they should talk to that other store and see about lowering our prices a notch and so the manager did what any good manager ought to do she followed up and reviewed the pricing standard for these toys and dolls to her horror she saw that their store was in the wrong they were practically giving these dolls away and the pricing standard wasn't even posted at the tables so the pricers had no idea they were pricing things incorrectly she emailed our store manager immediately with her findings and asked us for our thoughts my store manager told her that he and his team had encountered the lady as well and recommended reviewing the standards with her team so that they could price correctly then he cc'd the email to the district manager who later in the night rolled out an email about following pricing standards more thoroughly across all departments to prevent customers like her from trying to undermine us like that again so basically this lady completely destroyed a really good deal for herself by raising a stink about the overpriced dolls at the other store she's gonna be in for a nasty surprise when she next visits and finds all the dolls are appropriately prized so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 58,627
Rating: 4.8329535 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: q0hoWS-YhoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 2sec (9662 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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