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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents karen tries to get me fired from my amusement park i worked at an amusement park at this time we got snooty parents and kids etc all the time figured out start sharing some stories this is technically a repost but it got taken down so i'm putting it here hopefully it'll stay up this time third time's a charm am i right so here i am kind of dreading coming into work at this point because i know i have about three days left of working as a ride operator from there i would go to work at the national archives or the smithsonian i think i had decided on national archives at this point but i honestly don't remember this becomes relevant later so i'm working at my favorite ride in the park it's called the music express if you know the ride that spins in a circle goes up and down a little goes backwards sometimes it's that they're everywhere ours in this case has a seat belt and a latch bar i'm working there with someone which is unusual as we were understaffed in that section due to a promotional event we were doing we load up everyone and when i got back down to the entrance zone after double checking my partner's work and him mine we really care about safety you're fired for not being up the standard on safety i get someone who we'll call karen she asks me to come over to her and asks me to look at her daughter's arm who's about five or so the exchange goes as follows we've got me karen and karen's daughter me what am i supposed to be looking at karen what do you mean what are you supposed to be looking at look at her arm me i'm sorry ma'am i'm not entirely sure what i'm supposed to be looking at here you hurt her arm me honestly confused do you mind showing me where ah show him your elbow karen's daughter points to the inside of her elbow i now realize exactly where this is going this is going to be an entitled mom trying to get something because her baby is hurt it continues me figuring out what's on her arm are you okay is there anything i can get you is she okay she's been screaming at you for the past five minutes and other people have been trying to get your attention i want you to get her ice at the very least me knowing this is all wrong i don't have eyes here but i can direct you to first aid karen cuts me off no we're on the ride we want to ride it and she needs ice now me as i said i can direct you to first aid fine we'll do it your way we'll go to first aid but we're not riding she said this like it was some sort of threat saying i'm not riding as a threat isn't new to me anymore i'm used to it but i do also want to add a quick addendum that once we check all the seats we can't leave the ride area due to safety concerns i won't get into new addition fcw is friendly co-worker me that's fine i can't go with you to first aid though what why it's a safety concern because i'm a nine year season pass holder and i know you can come with me me having finally gotten them out of their cars like i said before i can't haven't you heard the customer is always right you're coming with me me i can't however if you follow a certain path you can reach first aid karen gets to the entrance and sees guest service flag why can't you have excellent guest service like the person who got that you're terrible at your job i'm a nine-year season pass holder and work for the state i'm going to have you fired me actually i earned that flag i also have pointing to something on my shirt this because i'm one of the best operators in the park no you're not get me some ice from that booth and we'll be on our way me i'm sorry as i've said before there's no ice in the booth karen friendly co-worker get my daughter some ice from the booth friendly co-worker i can we don't have ice in the booth karen stomping towards the booth i'm getting you both fired i'm a nine year season pass holder and work for the state me at this point fed up with these antics she puts on for the past 15 minutes so you outrank me because you work for the state and i work for an amusement park yes me in about two weeks i'll be working for the national government in dc which means per your own standards i outrank you karen fuming with anger get me a pen and a sheet of paper i'm writing down both of your names and having you fired me grabs a sheet of paper and pulls the pin off my visor that i always have with me my name is averagedude1990. karen pushes down on the pin so hard that the top of the ballpoint pen pops off and they ink with it mighty convenient isn't that get me another pin she whips the pin at me which i dodge friendly co-worker hands her another pin my name is friendly co-worker karen how do i know your name is average dude keep in mind by this point she had checked my id on two separate occasions before this and i have a name tag that clearly displays my name on my chest at this point my memory gets fuzzy as i was completely caught off guard from karen harassing me for a solid 20 minutes she eventually leaves and i try my best to going back to being my usually cheery operator self you know the one that has multiple awards from the park and one from a training company as well as having been videotaped for random screening of the park to then be later used as a model for how to be a good operator when my supervisor comes over and tells me i need to see the head of ride operations hro karen had apparently accused me of a soul being an overall rude and arrogant jerk as well as being rude to other guests as well as friendly co-worker head of ride operations asks for my side of the story i say that i was working at the music express with friendly co-worker when she stops me hrl wait you don't mean other ride me what is that what she said just asking me well neither me or friendly co-worker are trained at the other ride and only one person can be operating it at a time hrl well she did say that ride me laughing at the stupidity of it and relief no as i said that would not be possible that's basically how the conversation went and friendly co-worker confirmed everything i said we were both sent home for the day with pay to make sure she wouldn't try to start anything more the next day i come in to find out that multiple people on the ride and in line at the music express had reported her for berating me and just wanted to make sure i wouldn't be fired because of the statements of those people combined with mine and friendly co-workers written accounts of what had happened she had her season pass revoked and was banned from the park for the rest of the year a satisfying ending if you ask me thanks for reading this i know it's long but i just discovered this subreddit and this felt too good to not share what is your favorite amusement park please leave a comment letting me know next we've got i don't work here and keep your hands off me so when i go shopping i always have headphones in and i'm either on the phone with my girlfriend about groceries or listening to music this time i was listening to a podcast not important but if you must know it's the misfits podcast something about myself is that i am 5 11 to 6 foot so i usually get asked to help people get things off the shelf i actually had once joked about having a hat that says yes i can help you get that off the top shelf well today as i am going through the store doing my thing i get stopped and asked by these ladies one in her late 40s the other very much older i assume mother and daughter to grab these very large water jugs that were for some reason on the top shelf without hesitation i get them they thank me and then ask if i know about something else to be in stock and i told them that i'm sorry but i don't work here i wear nothing but black almost every day of my life and that just so happens to be the uniform here so i don't ever get upset when i get confused for an employee they apologize and i go back to my card i could feel the presence behind me as i began to walk away that eerie feeling then that ominous noise of the throat clear and i knew i had a karen behind me i turned around thinking she was wanting me to get something from the top shelf hi did you need me to get something from the upper shelf i say with my customer service smile she smacks her lips and rolls her eyes no i want you to go in the back for me and get me some more of these she then holds up some cake mix box i'm sorry ma'am i don't actually work here don't lie to me you're in uniform and just helped them the least you can do is help me get some cake for my church sale i think to myself this really can't be real i'm sorry ma'am but i really don't work here i just understand that i'm tall and i can reach the top shelf i turn my body around but still have my face turned towards her as i go to finish speaking have a good day i then began to walk off hey don't you walk away from me she grabs my arm and pulls me towards her you show respect to your elders she says as she's still gripping my arm something about me is that i have very little tolerance for people grabbing at me without my permission ma'am i'd advise letting me go i say to her my smile gone and the lifeless cold look i give when i'm angry she looks disgusted at me and raises her other hand which looks like she's going to suck me don't talk to i cut her off i said let go she looked ghost white and backed away i do not work here but i do believe the gentleman behind you does and can help you don't ever touch me again and i began to go forward once more i hear her scream at me that she's going to tell my manager who is passing by to talk to the guy i had pointed out and looks at me sir do you work here i don't recognize you i put on my smile again no ma'am i don't work here but i can understand why you think that and i began walking to the checkout she just went to the horrid woman behind me who is screaming about me being fired and tries to calm her down i check out and head to my car and i notice a man about the same age as her just relaxing and having a cigarette letting out a long sigh long day bud no not really but some guy just upset my wife and i'm glad that i don't have to go in to try and thank him for that long car ride home he said with a smile and an obvious sarcastic tone i chuckle a bit but when i turn away i make the obvious face and wide-eyed luck have you ever been mistaken for an employee please leave a comment letting me know next we've got mess with the marching band march yourself home i went to a very large secondary school middle plus high school in the united states with a population of over 4 000 students because of the school size and excellent funding the marching band had its own percussion equipment wheeled carts and golf carts to pull them which were stored in cargo containers in the back parking lot by some classroom trailers i was on the equipment crew for the marching band and by the time my senior year rolled around the containers were about 30 years old and one had started leaking the band director let's call him mr connex finally was able to get them replaced after begging the administration for several years the new ones would be arriving on a friday and a different company would be hauling away the old ones on wednesday of the next week so for a few days the old containers were going to be taking up a section of the parking lot this wasn't a problem because the night before after rehearsal mr connex had us measure out an extensively large section of the back parking lot and cone it off so the crew would have plenty of room to work the next day we filled up the band hall with all the equipment and had the containers empty so the crew could move them put the new ones in their place with minimal effort the next day this is the part i only heard about because i was in class when it happened the assistant band director was running the band classes for the first part of the day and mr connex was outside making sure everything would be just so when all of a sudden a lady drives up narrowly threads the gap between two cones and parks right in the middle of where the old containers are going to be stored until next week let's call her mrs seekin mrs seekin had an important meeting with her daughter's guidance counselor mr connex walks over and politely informs her that she will need to park somewhere else because the forklift crew would be arriving soon and in return she went off on him complaining that because they had coned off so much of the back parking lot the nearest parking was off campus and she'd need to walk about a quarter mile to get to the main building from there mr connex told her one more time that she was parked in the middle of the space that the workmen needed and she told him in no uncertain terms to buzz off before heading around towards the front of the building at this point mr connex called the principal doctor intermodal and informed him of the situation unfortunately with the number of buildings on campus and how many guidance counselors there are in a school with over 4 000 students it would take the better part of an hour to actually figure out where on the campus she had gone and which guidance counselor she was meeting our school had over 20. the school resource officer could probably write them a ticket but that was about all he could do calling a tow truck would probably be faster but even then it would take about 30 minutes at least to get the car out of the way and the work crew would be arriving in 10 and any delay would be an unexpected expense for the school then mr conex had an idea he ran it by dr intermodal and the principal ratified it so he set his plan into motion when the work crew arrived several semi trucks carrying the newer containers and a forklift mr connix gave them very specific instructions for how to arrange the old containers when they moved them out of the way for the other company to pick up a perfect box around mrs seekin's car with barely enough room for a person to step through between the corners her suv was going to spend hard time in car jail until wednesday then the new containers were unloaded where the old ones had been in the work crew left about an hour later was my band class period and since being in marching band was a requirement for the symphonic band everyone in the room was part of the band so everyone got conscripted to move the equipment back out into the new containers some of us noticed the car in the middle of the old containers but nobody had a chance to ask the director about it until about halfway through the process when mrs seeking returned and shouted these legendary words which i shall never forget until the day i die what the heck where is my car i can only imagine the sheer terror she felt upon around the corner and finding the place where she had parked her car replaced with a giant steel box to this mr connex simply calmly responded exactly where i told you not to park it at this point literally everyone had stopped working and the few of us who had noticed the trapped car surmised what had happened and were basically dying of laughter mrs seekin ran over to the containers and looked through the gap and screamed when she saw there was literally no way for her to get the car out you should fix this right now you should fix this right now she demanded storming towards mr connex he simply shrugged and told her that the containers were getting towed away on wednesday next week she could easily retrieve her car then this only seemed to make her more mad and at this point me and some of the other larger dudes moved between her and the band director because she looked about ready to bite his head off at this point the director essentially delivered the ultimatum that if she had no further business on school grounds she should leave or he'd call the srl school resource officer a police officer stationed at the school her response was something along the lines of call him call him show him what you did to my car that's a crime i don't know what crime she thought the band director committed but long story short the sro arrived laughed his butt off then instructed her to leave school grounds and come back for her car on wednesday she screamed at him a bit about how she couldn't walk four miles home oh poor you and the sro after a few minutes was done with her crap and told her if she didn't leave school grounds immediately she'd be cited for trespassing at which point she left the cherry on top over the weekend someone stole the wheels off the car so even after the containers were moved she couldn't get her car until one of those portable service companies came and put new wheels on it at some point friday afternoon next we've got teacher tries to use my disabilities against me i got her fired this takes place in the fall of the 2016-2017 school year i was a senior at the time the teacher in question was an english teacher that i will call miss dog because her name could also be a type of animal miss dog was particularly nice for the most part she had a really high pitched and nasally voice that she loved to hear at all times the first day of school i introduced myself to her and asked if she read over my 504 plan for people who do not know a 504 plan is an accommodation plan used in public education when a student has certain disabilities that need accommodations in my plan it stated that i am a high functioning autistic i needed clear and concise written instructions and a special chair because of my spinal issues i had scoliosis as a kid and had a spinal fusion operation my freshman year so i was known as the girl with the back brace in middle school and the girl with the medal back in high school essentially everyone in my grade which was also everyone in this particular class since it was english 12 knew i needed a special chair back to the first day of school i introduced myself to miss dog and asked if she read over my 504 plan she brushes me off and does a yeah yeah okay whatever teachers are busy and their jobs are really stressful she probably has a million other things she had to get done for the first week of class i had to take some pain meds to get through english miss dog would regularly get upset that i had brought a bottle of water with me to class every day and that i couldn't stay still in my seat a classmate of mine i'll call him football jock spoke up and told the teacher that i do not have the special chair that i need miss dog took that as an insult and was ready to chew out football jock when pretty much the entire class started to speak and agree with him the weekend passes and monday i find my chair slash desk hybrid thing replaced with a special chair and a separate desk i thought it was over oh boy was i wrong this was just the start fast forward to the middle of the semester we had just finished reading lord of the flies great book by the way and we had an assignment to make a music soundtrack for a hypothetical movie of the book and explain what parts of the story would have what song played now i'm a big vocaloid fan so i went all out but i made sure to use english covers of songs that weren't in english after we get the grades for the projects i see that i got a c on it which was really odd for me since i was a straight a student i asked miss dog about it and she told me her reasoning for the c was that i didn't know what any of those songs are i was going to give you an f but your written part and cd case were both perfect so i gave you a c all while not looking away from her computer screen i wasn't happy with that answer i told her in the middle of class when you said everyone did a good job you mentioned that everyone's projects had songs you'd never heard before did you give everyone else an f as well she turned to me with a big scowl before just turning right back to her computer where i saw her change my grade to an a minus not the plus i wanted but enough to save me from getting told off at home for getting a bad grade and then comes the icing on the cake all semester miss dog had me doing things to kind of single me out she always assigned me with the dumb kids of the class no matter how stupid it sounds this dude literally drew a picture when the question sheet said draw your own conclusions and whenever miss dog did this i would always calmly and politely take it up with her and she'd fix it by next week with a sneer it's december right before the holidays miss dog assigns a scholarly paper about a real social issue with the resources the topics of the essays were assigned to us randomly we had no say and we couldn't even change them so my topic was something along the lines of healthcare i was also taking a health occupation class at the school district's vocational tech center and my grandmother is a licensed medical biller meaning i know a thing or two about health insurance i ask miss dog for help saying that i can't find a third source for my stance she tells me two is fine then i thank her for her help and get to work writing my essay the due date is the day before the break and we'll all turn our papers in one happy christmas and new years later i get to english class miss dog is standing up at the front of the class as we all come in which is really odd for her to do the bell rings and miss dog starts her rant i had high hopes for these papers i had hoped you all would follow the directions she looked at me while making direct eye contact i had hoped you all would know that i told you all three sources not two three she went into a yelling tantrum about how someone didn't have the resources making eye contact with me the entire time i'm the kind of person to cry whenever someone is yelling in anger it doesn't matter if it's directed at me or not i'll cry so after her rant i took my stuff and left the classroom i think i had gone to the band area to hide until the next class while in my crying solitude i finally said enough was enough i'd usually just keep quiet about stuff like this i was used to being teased for things since it happened a lot and i thought this was no different but it was this jerk needed to pay i got up and went to the office i hated going to the office even though i never got in trouble the feeling of just being in there just made me feel guilty i asked to see the principal and they let me the principal of my high school was a very nice man that later went on to getting a position higher up in the school district after i had graduated i sat down in the principal's office and he was ready to hear the usual bully spiel a crying student would say i took a second to compose myself and said miss dog has been using my disabilities as a way to alienate me from the class and as a way to treat me as a lesser being in her class she doesn't grade my work fairly and she just screamed at me in front of the whole class to point out that i wasn't like the rest of the students in our class i've never forgotten what i said or the principal's face either he sighed and muttered something along the lines of god not again with dog turns out i was not the only disabled student that miss dog had done this to every student with any sort of mental or physical condition put in one of her classes was given this treatment by her i decided to keep it going it was already over for her so why not make it as good as i could miss dog has also repeatedly mistreated me during class by doing this and that i went on for i don't remember how long with glorifying the events of everything that had happened in that class i said how she had constantly threatened to fail me how she'd give me bad grades wrongfully how she did so many more things that may or may not have happened because of my condition i also made sure to mention how most times her class was physically painful for me on most days because she would take my special chair and use it as a foot rest and make me sit on an uncomfortable stool which was true she did take my chair quite often and then scolded me for bringing a water bottle into the classroom when i had to take some meds for pain i was michelangelo and all these accusations against miss dog was the ceiling of the sistine chapel my masterpiece i don't snitch but when i do i squeal like a pig every single wrongdoing that miss dog had done to me and others in my class as well were told to the principal that day for the rest of the semester i had to spend the time i'd be in english in the main office i was exempt from the exams for the class and had automatically passed due to my flawless straight a's and 3.7 gpa i had learned that the day of exams the principal had gone to miss dog's classroom when first period started he told her that she wasn't allowed to administer the exams and that he would instead because she was fired and needed to get her personal belongings and leave the school property immediately i don't know how true the part where she was fired in front of students was since i was told that part by other students from the rumor mill but i know for sure that she was indeed fired but that wasn't it i was in marching band in high school and my school's band was about 300 kids in my senior year my grandma also did their student accounts i told my grandma to send a newsletter out to all the marching band parents about how they need to be aware that some teachers are not there for the best interest of their students and we made sure to put miss dog's name in it along with her crimes against little old me 300 students which meant around 600 or more parents parents that work at other school districts in some cases miss dog is no longer allowed to work at any school or educational facility she is also not allowed to work at places that work with disabled people last thing i heard of her she was working three part-time jobs in fast food not two three entitled mom and entitled dad try to take my dog while at the pet store this happened a year ago and now that it is all behind me i can finally share the people we've got entitled mom an entitled dad we've got entitled kid one a girl that makes varucha's salt look like a saint entitled kid too a boy that really thinks everything that he wants automatically becomes his we've got me we've got hd my happy all the time dog that loves meeting new people and other dogs we've got my mother we've got ace awesome store employee we've got store manager kennel manager and other manager so it was a wednesday and like all of the second wednesdays of each month my mom has chemo in a city about one and a half hours away i always go with her as she sometimes gets sick afterwards and i have to drive home the only problem is that i have a dog that can't be left home for the amount of time we are gone i found that a large retail pet store in the city also has boarding and pet sitting i sign up and we drop her off while we are at the hospital all day she loves going there and she really loves playing with other dogs all day at night when we pick her up she is usually dead tired and sleeps all the way home we become regulars and most of the staff knows us at the kennel part of the store on this particular day we were dropping off happy dog at nine and picking up at four we go and do our usual doctors chemo lunch and any shopping we want to do we head back to the store around 3 30 to pick up happy dog we walk around so we can watch happy dog play without her seeing us the play areas for the dogs are in an area where customers can look in i have my first encounter with entitled kid 1 and entitled kid too entitled kid one there are so many dogs but i really like the brown and white little one right there as she points to my dog entitled kid too we should ask mom and dad for a dog entitled kid 2 the dog you like really likes to play happy dog is still a puppy at this time i go in and the manager takes care of us my mom had to go to the bathroom then wants to go next door for a minute and we agree for her to come back to get me when she is done i take happy dog and put her in a cart to make it easier to get through the store i wonder to the cat aisle just to see what happy dog would do with the cats this is where i am greeted by entitled mom entitled kid 1 and entitled kid 2 entitled mom excuse me my kids really like your dog can they pet her me sure i get this often when happy dog is with me no big deal entitled mom we just lost our dog so all we have left is a cat me sorry to hear that entitled kid one mom i really like this dog can we get him entitled kid too i want that dog too mom we have to get it me sorry kids but she isn't for sale this is the point i should have walked away from them entitled mom everything is for sale name your price me sorry but you don't have that much money we make more money in an hour than you will in your life so name your price sorry again she isn't for entitled kid one he likes us more than he likes you the dog knows he will have a better life with us so just give him to my mom and stop with the nonsense entitled kid 2 at this point is trying to undo happy dog's leash i keep it attached in such a way so to keep happy dog from jumping out of the cart when we go shopping i snap it in title kid too leave it alone it becomes a blur at this point untitled kid 2 keeps trying to take happy dog entitled mom degrading me entitled kid 1 really degrading me i just move us to the end of the aisle and then back over to the dog treats aisle my biggest downfall is that i should have just left the store i am looking at dental chews and get caught up in reading ingredients when it happened i turn to put my choice in the cart and my cart and dog are gone i immediately start looking in the aisles a store employee asks what the matter is and i say that my cart and dog are gone she radios to security and i hear that they are in the back of the store in the corner we go back there and happy dog is out of the cart and wrapped in a jacket me what are you doing with my dog entitled mom this is our dog entitled kid this is ours you jerk leave us alone it's our dog now entitled dad you couldn't afford a nice dog like this so just go on we don't talk to people like you me store employee i had a problem with these people earlier when i wouldn't sell them my dog employee okay let me talk to security security comes and escorts everyone to two rooms they take happy dog back to the kennel the store manager comes in i explain what happened show her pictures of happy dogs since she was a puppy that are on my phone then she goes to look at footage and talk to witnesses the store manager finds out that happy dog and i are regulars she brings the manager and kennel manager back up front with her she asks me if i want to press charges which i say yes she then has security call the sheriff's department and leads me and happy dog into the room where they are waiting store manager we have determined you all are not being truthful about the dog entitled dad we have papers to prove she is ours kennel manager no her name is happy dog and she is his entitled mom no she isn't she is ours what part of that don't you please understand other manager sorry but no she isn't we've been seeing her since she was a puppy no you have not entitled dad we are leaving with our dog security stops him and tells him no he isn't my mom finally comes back an awesome store employee brings her back to where we are one thing you should know is that happy dog loves her grammy more than life itself also my mom loves her deeply when happy dog sees her she immediately runs to her and lunges so hard my mom had to catch her my mom what is going on me these idiots thought they could steal happy dog and get away with it the sheriff's deputy finally gets there he takes me my mom and happy dog into another room and gets my story he then goes and talks with every witness and watches the footage he then gets their side which he got three different accounts of what happened he comes back in and tells me that the three entitled dad entitled mom and entitled get one are going to be charged all three were arrested they wouldn't plea bargain and wanted to go to trial the trial itself wasn't pretty i was in tears and i am again typing this out halfway through the da's questioning the lawyer for them kept trying to trip me up and say something wrong he didn't and the fun part they sued me for 25 000 the judge laughed at that one and dismissed it i am now going after the lawyer for ethics violations as well as sanctions from the court she should have never put her name to that hot pile of garbage it is a serious violation i know you all want to know who took the card all three did entitled mom took it from where i was then gave it to entitled dad who then gave it to entitled kid1 she pushed it to the back of the store and met up with all of them again do you have any pets like a cat or a dog please leave a comment letting me know next we've got please don't go shopping right as a store is closing for about two years from ages 15 to 17 i worked at a local grocery store at the checkout line i really hated the job but i needed the money so i pushed through it although i rarely remembered anyone i served during my time there there were a few notable customers that everyone that worked in the store was aware of they all did one thing in common they had come into the store five to ten minutes before closing and take their time shopping for groceries forcing you to work past closing to wait for them here's a few characters that'll be relevant to the story names have been changed annoying customer won more of an inconvenience than anything she was annoying but not rude she had come before closing and always refused to use a card opting into carrying everything instead and complaining about the weight annoying customer too very rude customer she'd always come in right before closing as well as have a bunch of coupons to sort out she'd always hold back the line and cause a fuss karen the worst of the worst she was the customer most notorious of making you stay late chewing you out and dumping buckets of coupons onto the register upon checkout manager one of my favorite managers was on that night she was very polite and wasn't afraid to stick up for employees other characters characters i met this particular night annoying man and annoying woman in short this particular night had a series of miserable events all happening within a span of about 10 minutes the store i worked at closed at 10 and i was the closer that night it was just me and manager there and as 9 30 rolled up i was anxious to get out of there and go home everything was going completely fine until i saw the familiar face of annoying customer one walk in the door i rolled my eyes to myself as i imagined having to stay a few minutes late to deal with her however my night was far from done on cue annoying customer too walked in from the other side of the store at this point i knew i was in for a miserable night especially when she yelled i'm here from across the store just when i thought the night couldn't get any worse and walks karen at this point i thought i was going insane the three most horrible customers all walked in within one minute of each other and i knew they wouldn't be done in the 30 minutes until closing 10 o'clock rolls around and as i suspected karen annoying customer 1 and annoying customer 2 had yet to show up in line at about 10 10 my manager made an announcement that everyone needed to bring their items to the register as we were officially closed finally annoying customer one walked in line at about 10 15. she complained about her bag being too heavy and used all her coupons but i took care of her relatively easily i wait another five minutes and in walks karen annoying customer too and two other customers into the line annoying man and annoying woman i take care of karen first who pulls out her usual bag of plastic bags full of coupons spare change and rubber bands she gives me about 10 coupons to ring up i check her out and she doesn't have quite enough money on her she then goes register to register grabbing change from the take a penny cup on each register she finally gets within a dollar when i tell her that she's fine she then stands and watches me bag her groceries yelling at me to triple bag everything she only had a few items and it somehow nearly took her an hour to pick all of them out next up was annoying customer too she also pulled out her coupons then gave me a hard time for having such a long line and being understaffed at this point manager was working with me and we were bagging the groceries together we checked annoying customer out then we're left with annoying man and annoying woman annoying man went first and i checked him out rather incident free he comes back later in the story at this time i hear a banging on the window and a woman presumably a friend of annoying woman is pounding on the window seeming to be yelling what is taking so long my manager and i both ignored her and started taking care of annoying woman all she was buying was a gift card and no matter what i did it would not scan after trying everything possible my manager said she'd take care of it at the service desk and told me to go home all of this time annoying woman was yelling at me about how late it is and how bad our service is for the gift card not working finally i am able to check out at around 10 40. i walk over to the door and annoying man is still standing by it apparently because it was so late the doors had to be auto locked an annoying man couldn't get the doors open this usually is an easy fix and the door unlocks easily but annoying man had messed around with the door and now i couldn't get it open either after trying to get the door open for about five minutes i go and get my manager who's still taking on annoying woman my manager comes over and she can't get the door open either apparently annoying man had broken the door by trying to force it open so hard now it's me my manager and annoying man and woman all at the locked door both customers are yelling at us about our poor customers service and how dangerous it is for the door to lock after another five to ten minutes of messing around with the door me and manager finally are able to get the door open despite the broken lock i left the store that night at about 10 55 please don't go shopping right as the store is closing have you ever had to stay at work late because of an annoying customer please leave a comment letting me know next we've got but you're wearing a uniform we've got me we've got crazy lady and security guard a bit of backstory i work as i have mentioned in other stories in a japanese restaurant here in switzerland our uniform is completely black so black trousers black shoes a black shirt with green writing on the back a black short apron and a green name tag it was late when we realized that we were missing something essential for the next day that we need to buy today since the shops will be closed the next day sunday the shop right next to us was already closed so we decided that i'll quickly go to the store in like five minutes walking distance since we were getting more and more packed by the minute i decided to make a run for it and not put on my jacket so it was me and my uniform i enter the mentioned store and head straight for the aisle that i needed to grab something from on my way there i pass a guy who then asks me where the ice cream is i completely stressed out point to my name tag which has the restaurant logo printed on it and say i don't work here sorry and continued walking i laughed at this encounter because it was very obvious that i don't work here but i don't think much of it i turn around the corner and already see the aisle i need to head into when i feel a sharp tap on my shoulder i turn around and am faced with a middle-aged lady with bleached hair excuse me she starts where is this brand of bread i grin this is hilarious two people not being able to see the obvious difference between my black and slightly green uniform and the light blue with orange uniform of the store me i'm sorry i don't work here yes you do you're wearing a uniform well yes but not the store uniform see uniform also i saw you talking to another customer before so where's this bread me obviously confused excuse me i don't work here but i saw a store worker a few aisles back maybe crazy lady cuts me off i don't want to be served by someone else i want to be served by you now don't be lazy and do your job look i don't work here leave me be at this point i just walk off and grab the needed item and head for the self checkout i'm standing in line next to a security guard when i again feel a tapping on my shoulder it's crazy lady again young lady this was very rude of you to just walk off i want to speak to your supervisor me i don't work here i work at the restaurant leave me be i need to get back to work crazy lady then starts a rant about how i am making excuses but doesn't get far security guard interrupts her security guard to crazy lady while pointing at me excuse me but she obviously does not work here yes she does don't try to cover for her she's wearing a uniform me i am wearing a uniform but not the store uniform because i don't work here security guard madam she's wearing a black uniform the store uniform is blue and orange let me get you an actual store worker to help you but you need to stop harassing her crazy lady huffs but then decides to take the security guard's offer and i was finally able to pay and rush back to my actual work and this is where the story ends because i don't have time to lurk around next we've got entitled ex-friend ruined my credit score took him to court so now i have been to court proceedings for this now i can tell you my horrible experience of entitled people mainly someone i thought i could trust so me and karen were friends for a while she claimed she was disabled so she would get me to come over every single day clean and get food for her the amount of money she owes me for miscellaneous stuff which isn't even a quarter of what she owes me for this experience i'm going to tell you so karen had a broken phone surprise surprise as she has a vile temper so i went home one night and she called me to say that her phone was unusable and was getting quite aggressive over it i said she could get her phone fixed she said no and that she wanted a new phone mainly being a really expensive phone at the time samsung galaxy s8 she was looking at contracts and was saying oh i can't get it out for myself can you get it out for me in your name and i'll pay you the payments of 44 pounds each month considering my phone was second hand on a cheap sim only contract and couldn't afford this phone contract myself i was really reluctant to get it for her but she persuaded me that she would pay the payments every month so i reluctantly agreed big mistake number one so the next day we went out and got the contract and phone out she was beaming with excitement always saying thank you and telling people how amazing i was for getting this phone out for her i was quite proud of the fact that indeed it was a nice phone and that i was making someone happy i'm a people pleaser which is big mistake number two so two days later she changed the direct debit details to come out of her own bank account and inform me of this remember this because this will be handy near the end so i was in a long distance relationship with my partner and we would see each other every two weeks and always do fun things together karen did not like this one bit so my partner came over for the christmas period to spend time together and before a new year she wanted to speak to me she was yelling at me from my partner inviting her and her boyfriend to fireworks for new year and was making horrible accusations about me and my past i got really upset and went home with my partner me and my partner had a lovely new years together and he eventually went home afterwards she texted me asking me to come over and when i went over i was the mouse and she was the cat shouting all these accusations about me and my partner and saying i was a horrible friend i walked out and as i was leaving she said i'll pay for the contract but we are done and i never went back scroll now to three months later i moved away to be with my partner and was getting my life sorted i got a call from the mobile provider they said that there are outstanding payments on karen's contract the contract was restricted and the only payment that had been made was a payment that i made i had debt collection agencies chasing me for money a month previous which i actually thought was for my own internet contract as i was struggling to make ends meet at one point i was shocked she had not paid a single penny nothing i was angry upset just thinking of my own financial situation i said that i will sort out the outstanding and i'll be in contact my partner was so cross that he actually messaged karen's boyfriend and was saying that she hadn't made any payments and also some home truths karen then rang me shouting and screaming at me my partner took the phone and repeated the following why haven't you paid your bill you had to repeat what you would say to her she wouldn't stop screaming then she stopped and said why should i pay for it when i can't use it we hung up eventually and my partner got a message back saying it's your problem not ours so i messaged karen back the actual reason why she can't use the phone because she has made no payments for the phone so i had been in contract for over a month with the mobile provider sorting out this contract and got the phone blacklisted remember this also this will become very handy and i sorted the early termination fees and outstandings karen now owed me near to a grand at this point i was in contact with citizens advice and the police this was a civil matter and had to give her a chance to pay me back before i took it further i wrote a civil letter stating about the phone contract that she owed me 766 pounds and she could pay me 100 pounds a month back to repay me and if she failed to pay me back or respond to the letter this would be taken to court i had the letter sent and recorded delivery so i would know when she would receive the letter a day after i sent it she contacted me messages galore she said that i was mad that she would be able to pay back 100 pounds a month as she was now pregnant i said okay then paid me 50 pounds a month no that was too steep as well considering i had paid nearly 800 pounds in a space of three months i said okay pay me 25 pounds a month anything is good don't really want it to go to court but i won't have a choice if you don't pay she agreed to 25 pounds a month considering this would take her over three years to pay back i said okay i'll send a contract down for you to sign and i need that back in seven days she said okay i thanked her for this being so civil and ended it there a week later no contract back so i contacted her where the contract is she just said i'm away so i won't be able to send it on time i said okay i'll give you another seven days to send it back did she no i contacted her again and this time i got nothing back so i had no choice at this point so here goes court proceedings we added interest on postage and the court fee we had to pay to start the proceedings she completely denied the fact that she owed me this money claimed it was a gift and claimed that i was the reason she miscarried for all the stress oh that made me push further for a win i got all the evidence i needed from the mobile provider including the fact the payment details were changed two days after the contract was made and the account details for that two folders later of just paperwork i sent them to both the court and to karen got nothing from karen the hearing was approaching however she claimed that she was again pregnant two months after she miscarried and claimed that the court should be adjourned as she was high risk they adjourned it two days before the hearing was meant to be going ahead we were planning to drive 200 miles for this and now again out of pocket for accommodation she was told by court that she had to prove that she was not allowed to attend because of her pregnancy they gave her two weeks and they and myself received nothing the judge was having none of it now and made a new hearing date which was yesterday she was also given another chance to send evidence she sent a half-written statement totally denying my statements and evidence considering she now had mine for four months so that pushed me even more to get more evidence to back myself up from her claims in court we waited again for phone calls for adjournments but they said no we ain't adjourning again thank god so we went down 200 miles to court stayed at a pretty nice hotel and got the receipt for that so we could claim so court date arrived i was so nervous to see her this was bad we arrived at the court and we were ready me and my partner were called in and the judge said i'm sure that you are aware that karen won't be attending today nope we weren't aware she asked me questions about my statement and said that the payment details were in fact changed two days after the contract was made she asked for the paperwork and i gave her the email i got from the mobile provider confirming it and the matching numbers to the ending account number and sort code of course they were karen's even though she has purposely changed her bank to spite me she asked us to leave the room while she made her decision at this point my whole body shook eventually we both got called back and she made her decision she said i am dissatisfied of the defendant's statements claiming this was a gift as the payment details were in fact changed two days after the contract was made i am however satisfied that you got this out for her on the condition that she would pay the amount every month so therefore i am ruling in your favor cue happy tears and celebration so i was awarded the judgment of the full debt including interest court fees accommodation and fuel which then made 766 pounds turn into 1106 pounds karen now has to pay in 14 days or i can take this to bailiffs oh about the phone remember i said it was blacklisted well karen's boyfriend tried selling the phone and is now banned from the store for life entitled mom wants to use my car money to pay off her debt my mother entitled mom has a problem with money she has about 10 credit cards and owes over three thousand dollars to her boss because she borrows money i have to pay one thousand two hundred fifty dollars to her each month for rent and pay all of my bills on my own which is fifty dollars for my phone and food slash necessities i try not to ask her for money unless i absolutely need it or i can pay her back the next day this leaves me with no savings and nothing left over by the time i get my last paycheck well i'm getting promoted to a position with a slightly better pay which could help me start saving for my future the catch is i have to have reliable transportation as i'm being transferred to a location that is 15 minutes away instead of 5 minutes from my house and an open availability my mom drives our only car to work in the morning and doesn't return until evening so i have to work night shifts i give just about all of my money to my mother so he won't be homeless i don't have money to do things with friends buy myself anything and my job is very mentally and physically demanding i basically do slave labor because everyone has seen money except me i have thought about getting another job but i already work long hours and don't get much sleep during the day because my mom is a very loud person and talks to me slash keeps the tv at max volume etc asking her to be quiet does not help as she always says you're always asleep when i get home you sleep all day you're just lazy when i was your age yeah when you were my age you were also getting in trouble well my grandmother lives very comfortable and offered to give me my grandfather's car because he can no longer drive and i am in need of a car to continue my career i expect to stay with this company as the people slash company take good care of its employees once they get promoted to management unfortunately the car was stolen before we could drive down to pick it up my grandmother in turn offered to give me forty five hundred dollars to buy a new car my mom tells me this along with her plan on how she's going to use my money the conversation went roughly like this entitled mom gran said she wants to give you 4 500 for a car me that's cool and all but do you think they will find the car entitled mom ignoring me like usual what i'll do is fix the oil leak on this car from when she drove after a surgery instead of calling me and crashed eight hundred dollars and then pay off my boss and then ask grant to co-sign a call for me and i'll make the payments and you can drive this car 2003 always needing a fix me how much do you owe your boss entitled mom three thousand dollars me no what do you mean no i don't get anything out of that it's not my fault you owe that much money and have debt because you keep buying furniture and shoes you never wear literally dozens of brand new shoes that sit in their box while i wear the same two to three pairs for the last two years because if i want new shoes i need to buy them entitled mom then i won't have a car to drive to work and you will have to take me and pick me up every day me i'm sorry but if anyone is going to have her co-sign it's going to be me you have terrible credit i have no credit i want to build my credit and have something of my own your 3 000 debt is not my fault and you're not going to use my car money and make promises you can't realistically keep and i'm not driving an unreliable car that you ruined at this point she just starts screaming about how selfish i am and that she's only been in debt because of me she picked an expensive place to live so she wouldn't have to spend an extra hundred dollars on gas per week even though we pay around one thousand dollars more on rent than if we lived 45 minutes away from her work ben 10. she buys herself clothes and shoes and jewelry that she never wears because she never goes out she drinks a lot and lounges around after work until she goes to bed lazy sound familiar did i mention she has a desk job she keeps using finger hut to buy ninja kitchen stuff or swaps out furniture because you can buy moderately expensive items on payment plans except they add about 100 to 300 which she would rather pay to get the item now than save and get it later i have no idea if my grandmother is giving us a check or cash but i hope it's a check in my name as my mom would not give it to me otherwise she'd say something like you're irresponsible i'll hold on to it or i already told you i'm using the money do you know how stupid that would make us look to my grandmother she would never offer to help us again because she would feel scammed i would be out of a car and unable to fulfill the promotion demands i'll be stuck in the same boat i am now giving all my money to my mom and not having a penny to my name a week later i'll update this when something happens like getting the money or hopefully the stolen car being found and getting it edit the rent is not just one thousand two hundred fifty dollars rent is around two thousand two hundred dollars it may seem like a lot for an apartment but it's actually a really nice two-floor townhouse with community amenities security and a gate vaulted ceilings good location that stays cool in summer and i now get to have my own bedroom which i have never had for myself until i was 19 and a personal bathroom shower and a walk-in closet i pay half the rent and give her money for car insurance because she has a great driving record and it's cheaper to have me on hers than my own edit two she won't steal my car that would be pointless she can't sell a stolen car my county is really good on that unfortunately the car i should be getting which is stolen is two counties away where car theft is common she doesn't want my car she just wants the money because it's already coming do you think that entitled mom has any right to op's money or none whatsoever please leave a comment letting me know next we've got karen throws food and drinks in my face for not giving her free parking happened a few years ago during a football game the home teams college was providing free parking for game attendees in various lots near the stadium i used to live very close to the stadium just a block or two away with a gravel front yard as a driveway some people are thrown off by our driveways being parallel to the road but they usually understand it's not a parking space as there is usually grass between the driveway and road unfortunately the day would come where i would meet a wild karen in front of my family and we would all almost go to jail for it it was a single mother karen in a pickup with her kids and she had not only pulled into my driveway but also blocked the gate to my house my car was in the driveway so she had to drive over grass in order to park on my driveway which should have been the first almost immediately my grandpa confronts her and tells her that she was on my property and that free parking was two houses down she didn't take too kindly to that and started screaming about how we're supposed to provide free parking to all visitors i rush over to the source of the yelling from the neighbor's house and find an irate karen yelling at my grandpa so i asked her to leave when she demanded the free parking promised by the college we told her this wasn't part of the college and to go literally two houses down to get a free space or directions to one by a college staff more yelling ensued and i decided to take pictures of their license plate plus make and model in case i need to call the police the daughter saw me take a pic and jumped out of the truck to yell at me before going back to yell at my grandpa there really isn't much to say about the daughter because i couldn't understand her through her screaming when i told karen she needed to leave before i called the cops she responded by throwing drinks and food at me and my grandpa before i promptly slammed her car door and caused a drink to bounce off the window and spill all over the interior of the truck at this point people have gathered around a watch a few moments later the cops arrived and separate us they talked to witnesses and us first before talking to karen who responded to everyone's testimony by claiming we said something illegal where i live there are laws restricted on what you can say and karen was hoping to get back at us by accusing us of violating these laws i don't want to get into details because it's a very hot topic and i learned to just be quiet and deal with it the police officers detained us for questioning but one of them saw straight through karen's ploy and they explained what we can and can't say if someone else reports us for saying the wrong thing then they would personally come back to arrest us karen was then given a huge fine and told to leave in the end karen wasted valuable time got a huge fine and made a fool of herself in front of everyone when she could have just drove a couple houses down next we've got not today karen i used to work retail i worked for a chain grocery store from the midwest then a blue home improvement store then a coffee shop chain pick one of the two most popular in america i worked in both for a time so i have had my fair share of retail experience i have had some bad customers and some good ones but now that i have graduated college and i am working in my career field of choice i teach i am happy to say i do not miss retail i still go out of my way to treat the workers politely even if i am having a bad day they didn't ask to be the target of anyone's wrath no one gets paid enough for that on that note yesterday i was having a terrible day you know the kind you sleep through your alarm or you get stuck in traffic or someone at work pushed your buttons too far or if you're a lady that time started and you don't have any ibuprofen in your purse basically picture yourself after a bad day where you question every single one of your life choices and contemplate fleeing into iceland and marrying a sheep farmer because why but i needed to go grocery shopping after work i tried to do my shopping during the week simply because there are less people and if you choose your day just right it could be restock day or the day after so the shelves aren't empty or items aren't already sold out so i thought i could just go to walmart and grab some things that i needed door stoppers lunches for week shampoo advil cereal and milk and to hopefully slip away before the evening rush hit from desperate people who are coming off of work themselves people who need milk or whatever so here i am in my work uniform black pants dark blue blouse and with my lanyard from work around my neck and my jacket it's a simple one with some keys my id and it's blue because that was one of our school colors i know i really should have removed it when i went shopping but sometimes i forget that i even have it on i am just so used to it being there i was in a really bad mood because it was one of those days and i was just not going to have anyone's bs too bad no one warned karen i was in the frozen section digging through the vegetable steamers so that i can have some lunches for the next week or so and trying to find the ones that i liked this walmart for whatever reason just throws the bags in there so it's more like digging through and praying they have the steamers you like i finally found a few and threw them in my cart when i heard it the dreaded knowing stories from this sub i instantly go into defense mode and instead of turning just look at this person over my shoulder hoping that would deter them enter karen i'm guessing in her 50s or 60s short hair why am i describing her you know who this simpleton is karen can i get in there i need my rice me foolishly thinking she was just being her version of polite and wanting to dig through steamer mountain oh sure i move my cart and my steamers aside and continue browsing the frozen meals i see her digging through the mountain and silently wish her luck i continue on when i suddenly hear the sound of heels stomping into concrete and two sharp jabs at the back of my shoulder i turn more this time and look at her me yes don't you have any more rice with vegetables and why wasn't it organized me how should i know the workers here never do that you should know because they are your workers honestly the integrity of some people me i don't care in as if i'm not even there and what about the ones in your cart are they expired or something she actually moves to my cart which has my purse in the kid's seat and starts sifting through what groceries i do have these are the ones i was looking for you can't set them aside for yourself customers come first me holding back annoyance ma'am those are mine and get me the star manager i cannot believe you would deliberately hide things from hey if you would take the second to stop and listen you would hear what i am trying to say i jester to myself i am not in any way in a walmart uniform i see her open her mouth but i cut her off grabbing my lanyard and holding it up this is not a name badge for walmart this is my id for my actual job see so i am going to ask you one time to put my groceries down and leave me alone karen throwing my groceries down and actually grabbing my card clearly scrambling for what she thinks is dignity i didn't know you little jerk you millennials are all the same so rude and entitled me nope not today i am not putting up with this today super saiyan mode activated i cannot believe you would be so rude and then try to turn it around on me when i am defending myself from you she goes to probably shriek at me but i hold my hand up no i am not done talking just because you don't happen to work retail doesn't mean you can come in here and scream at random people or go through their cards the employees work hard to support families or put themselves through school and have to put up with people like you you are the one who was in the wrong but can't admit it and you are the one that is being rude i yank my cart from her grasp ignoring her trying to yell back at me but i just don't care at this point i forgo the rest of my list and turn around leaving the aisle i wasn't really in the mood to finish my shopping after that so i paid for what was in my cart and left without further incident i'll just have to go tonight or early in the morning on the weekend i know i didn't conduct myself very well but i was already in a bad mood and i was not going to put up with a karen i would have honestly let it go if she didn't keep trying to blame me or bring age into it also i know it's not as exciting as some stories on this subreddit given that i didn't see her again and no one else got involved but still holding the spirit honestly though everyone needs to work retail or be wait staff at least once just to get some respect for the people that do ouch can we please get some f's in the comments for karen next we've got the most frustrating customer of all time i fix phones for a living and i have this one regular customer come in and every time she drops the device off she always spends between three to seven minutes having a conversation with me that goes a little like the following we've got mother we've got the daughter and we've got me how much is this me if it just needs this repair then it costs this much and i can get it done within this amount of time will it work me it should do if it doesn't i won't charge you i don't charge for diagnosis i've never charged you for diagnosis but from what i can see it just needs this repair and that costs this much will it work though it should yes is it okay though i'm not 100 sure until i've tried it but it looks like it should be fine with a new repair i'll let you know if it'll be extra before i do the work what if it doesn't work if it doesn't work i won't charge you i don't charge to just check things over do i have to pay if it doesn't work no i don't charge for diagnosis i can't afford it okay well it's this much for that repair if you can't afford that right now i can't do the repair for you today what if i can't afford it i'm on benefits if i get the phone working and you want it done i can do it now and you can collect it when you have money or you can bring it back when you can afford it will it work i'm not 100 sure until i've tried it you'll have to leave it with me can you fix it i should be able to yes do you think you can do it i should be able to yes can you do it today yes but if it works and you want it back today i'll need payment today will it work i can only let you know if you leave it with me okay will you let me know though because i've got anxiety and i'm on benefits and i can't afford it i understand i will call you straight away if i know it will be extra otherwise i'll just let you know when it's done will you let me know though will you call me when it's done yes i'll call you as soon as it's done i promise and you let me know if it's extra yes i'll quote you if it's any more than just this repair for this much she then proceeds to call me slash come back to the shop every half hour and ask if it's done yet and if it's any extra i do always call her when i have updates too so anyways i had this other customer this woman's daughter but i didn't know this at the time bring in her phone to me the other day saying it was water damaged she had no other way of contacting her so i said to her that i usually try and get a quote within the hour but every water damage device is different and i might have to work on it for a bit longer or i might be able to tell you a bit sooner if you want to pop back in an hour i'll let you know how i'm getting on but i can't guarantee an answer by then i spent three hours working on it cleaning it etc and got it to turn on with a screen and battery but couldn't test further as i didn't have her passcode she said she wanted nothing done so she walked out with it with all her original parts phone non-working and paid nothing the mom then brought the daughter's phone back in yesterday and asked me to have another look as it was her daughter's phone i said i had a look yesterday and it needed a battery for it to turn on but if you want it functional you'll need a screen because even though there is display there's no touch and if you want me to test anything else i need the passcode okay can i leave it with you and you can have a look then can't you let me know yes that's fine i'll give you a call so i call her later in the day after monitoring the battery and testing the screen the daughter answers and i say i've had a battery in there all day it's been fine for a new one it's 25 pounds i'll need your passcode to test any further and your screen isn't fully functional so you'll need a replacement that would be 40 pounds daughter so it turns on with a battery yes so does it work then yes it will need a screen for you to be able to use it but it does turn on with just a battery and your current screen has display is it ready now i've just got parts rigged up at the minute i need your confirmation to do any work okay i just want a battery for now i don't want the screen okay but your screen isn't actually functioning right now are you sure you just want a battery yes forty dollars is too much just do the battery and i'll get it in the morning so i fit just the battery and wait for her to come in the next day the mom came in to collect it today and we have the following conversation does it all work it turns on you get display but you'll need a new screen if you want to be able to use it and i can't test it without a passcode so it comes on there yes what if it doesn't work what do i do it will need a screen for you to be able to use it and i can't test anything else without a passcode it's a water damaged device so there's no warranty at all if you pay for it before you've let me test it and you say you don't want a screen on it now that's fine but if anything else at all doesn't work your screen your cameras your speakers your microphone your signal anything at all there's no warranty and since you've not let me check it before paying i'm not liable so if i get you the passcode before i pay you can check it all over exactly yes so does it work now then it turns on but you can't use the screen and i can't say whether any other functions work or not without a passcode to test it how much is a screen 40 pounds oh i don't think i can do that i'll just pay for the battery now and she can get it later are you sure there's no warranty the screen does not work if anything else does not work i am not liable and there's no refunds will the phone work though no you need a screen and i can't test anything without her passcode so if i pay for it now and it doesn't work can i bring it back you can and i'll have a look but there's no warranty and no refunds i've told you i need the passcode and it needs a screen okay well i'll pay now and she can pick it up later so she pays and around an hour later the daughter comes in picks it up leaves comes back five minutes later and we have the following conversation my screen doesn't work at the top it won't let me press anything i know i quoted you and your mom for one and you both said you didn't want one okay then thanks she then left and around five minutes later her mom calls me she said the phone doesn't work you said it did no i said it needs a screen and i can't test it but you both told me at least five times you don't want to screen and you insisted on paying before i had the passcode oh okay so it needs a screen will that fix it then i had a screen on it yesterday and it worked if you bring it back in i can take another look but it did work with a screen obviously i can't check anything else without a passcode though are you sure what if it doesn't work like i just said i had a screen on it yesterday and it worked i told you yesterday it needed a screen if you bring it in i'll try a screen and if it doesn't work i won't charge you for trying it again how much is a screen 40 pounds i can't afford that can't you do it half price i spent three hours labor on it saturday that hasn't been charged for i'm not giving any discounts i've been upfront with the pricing from the beginning okay see you tomorrow i honestly am running out of patience with her and i'm getting sick of explaining to her every single time that i'll call her when it's done if the price changes if there's more wrong etc i can't be any more transparent about my pricing my time scales and my work i just hope she listens to me next time she's in no i won't give your kid a rabbit for free i breed rabbits i raised a few different breeds primarily for my dinner table but also for showing and supporting other breeders and ffa kids needing project livestock i rarely sell pets and never advertise them as pets on the rare occasion i get a pet inquiry i'll sell only a rabbit that's suitable for pet dom friendly not aggressive and most importantly if the enquirer seems like they've researched rabbit ownership and agrees to return the rabbit if for some reason they have to re-home it i never sell rabbits for holidays or birthdays i am picky with pet homes as the life of pet rabbits can go one of two ways they're loved and kept for the entirety of their lives or they're bounced around from home to home when the novelty wears off and eventually end up in a shelter or as a bait animal or as someone's dinner okay on to the story we've got entitled mom she was loud we've got her daughter who was four and didn't do anything wrong we've got my friend sly show buddy and me i was at a rabbit show with a friend it was midday and we had finished two of the three shows taking place that day it was lunch break and friend and i were finishing up our sandwiches and we're prepping our show lineup for the next show when this rather large woman entitled mom and her kid her daughter they approached our setup looking at the rabbit i had on my table entitled mom what an adorable bunny look at that bunny daughter our daughter oh me thank you it was a very cute rabbit lopped ears and all white with blue eyes how much is it oh this one isn't for sale he's one of my show rabbits note i had a chalkboard with the available rabbits listed most of the sales that take place at shows are other breeders and ffa youth breeder showers at this point i had no clue if entitled mom was a breeder or if she was looking for a rabbit appropriate for her kid to show it was rare that people showed up looking for pets at a show since most of the availables are rabbits that will be priced for show slash breeding and depending on quality can be pricey i pointed out my chalkboard and told her i could show her whoever she was interested in she balked at my prices why are these so expensive those are absolutely ridiculous prices my cheapest rabbit was sixty dollars most expensive was two hundred me they are priced off quality if you want a decent show rabbit they'll be more than a brood quality rabbit entitled mom i just want a pet for my daughter so you don't need to charge us so much me oh i see unfortunately none of the rabbits i brought are appropriate for a kid's pet what why the big ones are friendly but way over 12 pounds they're too big for her to handle easily the little ones are aggressive they require an experienced handler they aren't friendly or cuddly at all and aren't available for a pet home they're available to other breeders entitled mom but they're so little what harm can they do me holds a pen in front of one of the small rabbit's noses it chomps down and tries to pull the pin from my hand they're bred to be high strung so they pose upright and rigidly the breed is generally not a good pet breed entitled mom fine we'll take a big one the two i have available are 150 and 200 both are proven and registered grand champions entitled mom i am not paying that much for rabbit you are out of your mind me i am not going to lower their prices they are worth it and will be a great addition to any breeder's herd they really are too large for your daughter to safely handle anyway if they don't feel secure while being held they will kick out of fear such a large rabbit could seriously hurt a kid there might be other exhibitors selling rabbits more appropriate for your daughter and at a pet price at that moment one of my breeds was called over the megaphone lunch break was over i scooped up the rabbit off the table and started to move towards the show tables me excuse me i need to put my rabbits up the judging is starting up entitled mom ignoring me i don't understand why there's so much you should just give daughter a rabbit because she'll love it and give it a good home daughter was looking at the rabbits in transport cages clearly enthralled by all of them she seemed particularly interested in the small high strung ones she was being good though not touching and not whining to hold any of them me i won't give away any of my rabbits excuse me entitled mom i'm trying to do business with you you're going to brush off a paying customer that's incredibly rude i can see why no one has bought any of your rabbits you're being a selfish jerk me listen lady this is a rabbit show not a pet store i'm an exhibitor not an employee i don't have to sell anything to you i didn't have to explain to you why none of the rabbits would be a good match for you and i most certainly don't have to lower any of my prices for someone claiming they're not worth it because they aren't educated enough to know a purebred from a mud go look on craigslist if you want a 20 rabbit you won't find that here i do not deserve to be called names because you think you're entitled to other people's time and property now i need to get my rabbits up get out of my way she muttered some insult which i didn't clearly hear but i ignored her i spent the next 15 minutes or so taking rabbits to the table and watched the judging all of a sudden i hear a scream coming from the direction of my staging area i look over to see entitled mom flailing about with a tiny rabbit latched onto the squishy part of her hand between the pointer finger and the thumb she's screaming understandably as rabbit bites hurt and pulling the rabbit from the hind end my friend is trying to grab the rabbit and not having any luck since entitled mom is flailing about like a fish i'm mad i'm also mean when i'm angry and i'm seeing red we have clip-on notices on the transport cages that clearly say do not touch and i bite this went into my cages while i wasn't looking and tried to remove one of my rabbits i run to her grab her by the wrist and scream at her to hold still otherwise she'll never get the rabbit off she's obviously in pain daughter is crying from the commotion and friend is looking pale and wide-eyed at the whole ordeal the rabbit is breathing hard bleeding from his rear foot and not letting go i do the only thing i could think of and use my pin to pry him off she screams and tries to jerk away which makes me snarl a very angry hold still entitled mom you're hurting me me do you want him off or not i'm trying to help you i told you they were aggressive you did not have permission to touch any of my rabbits off pops the rabbit wild eyed and panicked back into his carrier he goes he now looks very smog entitled mom she's bleeding everywhere i'm going to sue you your rabbit attacked me me i told your stupid butt that they were aggressive you had no right to touch any of my rabbits there's a sign on his cage that says he bites can you not read friend on phone with police yes i'd like to report an attempted theft and need someone here asap entitled mom yes get the cops here your rabbit assaulted me you brought a rabid rabbit to a place where there are kids it could have hurt my daughter me only if she had broken into my cages like you did what kind of example are you setting for your kid entitled mom forget you at that point the show secretary leads entitled mom and daughter off for some first aid and i check over my rabbit she had thrashed him around so hard that all four toenails on both hind feet had been broken off according to friend the entitled mom refused to leave after i took my rabbits up to be judged and had been grilling friend about the rabbits and the prices when another of our breeds was called up friend had started to bring those rabbits up and about 20 seconds of being unobserved by one of us entitled mom thought it would be a good idea to steal one of the small rabbits our neighbor had watched her open the cage and grabbed the rabbit fortunately she picked one of the meanest ones we have and being an uneducated fool picked him up by grabbing him by the chest and back right in bite range the cops showed up and took our statement and then her statement i showed them my rabbit and informed them i wanted to press charges for damaged property since rabbits qualify as livestock in my state damage of property was all i could press for animal control was also called and she was sighted and charged with animal endangerment unfortunately the wounded rabbit's toenails grew in white so he can no longer be shown and his value dropped she ended up paying me for the full cost of the rapid and has a ban from all rabbit shows with the club that put that particular show on she undoubtedly has a nasty scar to show off as well would you ever like to have a pet rabbit or would you prefer something else please leave a comment letting me know next we've got took a year but i sued the unsuwable so after a year-long battle this finally came to a close a little backstory i bought a house about five years ago and in three years it flooded three times it never flooded in the 40 years before thanks climate change finally after the third flood my wife and i were financially able to move out and sell the house for a loss we search around and find our dream house or so we thought after living in the new house for about six months we noticed something very peculiar whenever it would rain hard the bathtub would backfill with sewage and the toilets wouldn't flush so he called a plumber the plumbers were awesome and told us that the sewer lines had broken between the house and the city sewer line and while we could try and spot fix we would probably need to replace the entire line ouch having just dumped a bunch of cash on a new house and taking a loss on the old house we said to try and keep it as cheap as possible they dug up where the line was broken broken is an understatement the line had all but dissolved we were going to have to replace the whole line about five thousand dollars not the best time but okay let's do it once they exposed the line the best they could i got a call from the plumbers the line has broken up so badly they cannot find where the residential line ties into the city line or tap now the homeowner is responsible for the residential line but the city is responsible for the tap and the main line i asked the plumber what is needed he says we need to get the city plans and dig to uncover the tap more digging equals more money at this point it's been two weeks and i just want to use my own bathroom and take a shower okay dig the hole they dig a four by four by ten hole and find nothing we double check the city's plans and they are right on where the plans say the tap is now we have to deal with the city we call 311 as directed and after sitting on hold for three hours a city official sends us the same plans with a location where we dug we call back and say we already dug there and there is no tap getting nowhere with the city my wife finally goes down to city hall and after spending a vacation day hanging around waiting for someone she finally gets in to meet with an official let's call him richard richard prints off the same plans we have already been given and says we need to dig where it's marked my wife takes out her phone and says look it's not there at this point he mutters to himself and takes out a pin and draws on the plans marking the actual location it shows the residential line dog-legging from the original drawings and is about 10 feet west of the initial location it was apparent that he doesn't want to waste his valuable cushy government job time on my wife it was pretty obvious he just made something up to get her out of his office plumbers come out dig a second four by four by ten hole read more money and surprise surprise the tap isn't there either fun back to city hall and another vacation day wasted waiting for richard at this point we don't want another hand-drawn map someone from the city needs to come out and mark where this tap is they come out and i burn a vacation day to wait around for them to their credit they got down in the sewer did some digging around and mark a new spot between the two big holes finally a real location plumbers come out and dig a third hole and if you think they actually found the tap then you would be mistaken at this point the entire backyard is destroyed piles of dirt everywhere the lawn is dead the trees are dead it's ruined our beautiful new house's backyard is literally crap back down to richard's office another vacation day burned and we are livid we remain calm but insist that we must have not been tied into the city's main line there was no tab now you might be thinking how did we not know six months of sewage just piled up in your backyard in the backyard there is a large dirt mound that has been turned into a nicely landscaped forest lots of room to absorb the sewage that only two people would produce but if it rained hard the dirt was saturated and would backfill the bathtub and the toilets wouldn't flush richard doesn't accept responsibility but does send out the contractor who did all the work for taps in my area the contractor comes out and i get the full second story two years prior while the previous owner was doing improvements and not living in the house the main line of sewer was replaced basically they slide the new tubing into the old tubing underground and then go in and install new taps for each house since no one was living in the house they couldn't get into the backyard and told the city they did not service our house i am furious it's been three months over twenty thousand dollars and all the wasted time and vacation just because richard was too lazy to do his job and make one call to the contractor to sort it out now remember how my first house flooded three times i learned my lesson dealing with people and once we knew we had to talk to the city we recorded everything every phone call every email i videoed the contractor in his explanation everything and all obtained legally in my state you have to have both people's consent to be recorded he installs a tap and i take the first shower at my house in three months i am ready to act i go down once again to richard's office i show him everything and want to file a claim i agree to cover the cost of the residential line as that is my responsibility however i want the city to reimburse the cost to dig the unnecessary holes i think i have a good case pursuant to our city we had to file a claim before starting any work and provide three estimates and writing to file a claim since none of that was done and could not be done after the fact richard denied the claim right there left without words i walk away completely defeated i perk up on the way home after calling my wife and being reminded that i have some lawyer friends surely one of them could help or know someone who can unbeknownst to me my state has something called sovereign immunity basically you can try and sue the city or state but it will be thrown out immediately and richard knows this no credible lawyer will help me pursue this case because they know i would just be wasting my money i am pretty much out of luck after months of calling around to try and find someone to help i have resigned myself to defeat almost a year goes by the loans i took out are about to start coming due and i have no idea how i am going to pay for it all communication with richard and his office is blocked i have also tried his boss and crickets i tried going back down there but richard refused to meet with me i finally reached out to my council member in a last-ditch effort i include a synopsis along with all the evidence i have i didn't expect much one hour after hitting send my phone rings it is my council member and she is livid about how we were treated she has a meeting scheduled with the head of public works for later that week she doesn't promise anything but says she is going to fight for me until they kick her out of the building after the meeting she calls me on her way back to the office the head of public works has accepted full responsibility she wants receipts for everything the plumber pay stub showing the vacation we took phone logs from the time we spent on hold the quote from the landscaper to fix the backyard all of it she has them all in her inbox by the time she makes it back to the office that was about three weeks ago yesterday i met with my council member at her office me thank you so much my wife and i cannot repay you for all you have done her it was my pleasure we chit-chat for a bit her here is a check for what you are owed me this is so great we can pay off the loan and finally get someone to fix our yard wait this is much more than we need her you forgot to include emotional distress i added it in for you wink oh and if you ever have any issues you won't have to worry about dealing with richard he no longer works there just come to me i have become good friends with the head of public works me oh my god you are literally the best person i know if there is anything i can do her elections are in the fall maybe you could turn out and vote so i went home paid off everything and the landscapers are coming out next week oh and i am volunteering on her re-election campaign thanks for reading next we've got karen demands i switch seats with her i used to fly a lot for work living out of a suitcase 35 or so weeks a year it was exhausting but i met a ton of great people this story is about one who wasn't a lot of people think the big benefits of flying a lot is the miles and miles are great but when you fly often enough the real benefit is the status program the airline i flew most often had a program where they would give you free upgrades to first class the airline would sell as many first class seats as they could and if there were any unsold would give them away to the most frequent flyers often i'd get the upgrade a day or two in advance but sometimes i would be on standby for the upgrade especially for u.s cross-country flights and have to wait until shortly before boarding so i'd have a coach seat and if something opened up they'd call me shortly before boarding and upgrade me which is what happened this time the gate agent called me up with a smile and says good news opie looks like we can upgrade you we had a pleasant conversation i thanked her and took my seat unbeknownst to me we weren't the only two people paying attention to that exchange boarding begins and i settle into my window seat nobody sits next to me and with first class boarding seat that probably means nobody is sitting there perfect i can spread out a bit while i work about 10 minutes go by when a woman with her kid in tow stops by me she says excuse me and gestures at the folder i had put on the aisle seat next to me i apologize and pick up my folder and as her son sits down she says you need to change seats with me poor manners but whatever switching seats on a plane happens all the time i figure she and her kid were separated for whatever reason it happens a lot with upgrades and obviously want to sit together no problem me oh okay where's your seat she hands me her boarding pass 26 f or something assuming she had gotten upgraded but handed me the wrong boarding pass i said this is your coach seat where are you sitting up here there she says pointing to my seat me no i mean what is your assigned first class seat her i am going to sit with my son me no problem what is your first class seat and i'll move entitled mom look there was a mistake in upgrades we have these seats i start to talk again and she snaps why are you being such a jerk this gets the attention of the flight attendants i didn't know if reddit has a flight attendant horror story subreddit but it should precisely for people like this the flight attendant comes over flight attendant is there a problem yes he won't change seats with me sir she says with a puzzled look on her face i will but i'd rather not sit in 26f after i've already been upgraded flight attendant okay can i see everyone's boarding passes mine reads 5a hers 26f and her sons 26e flight attendant ma'am you and your son are in row 26. this is a long flight and we've been up for two hours already you guys give away these seats you should give them to us those seats aren't big enough for normal people i resisted the urge to ask what basis she had for considering herself normal and noticed that a line had formed in the aisle because nobody could squeeze by her to get their seeds flight attendant ma'am i'm sorry but you'll need to sit in your assigned seats no we want an upgrade i fly with you every year flight attendant and we appreciate your loyalty ma'am but we're boarding and we need everyone to take their assigned seats at this point some folks in the aisle began complaining and telling her to take her seed entitled mom look at him and how he's dressed i was in jeans and a sweatshirt my usual travel attire hate doesn't belong here just then a voice from the isle shouted you don't either lady take your seat the flight attendant fought a smile while i just burst out laughing which only enraged entitled mom further somewhere during all of this the other flight attendant called into the flight deck and a flight deck officer emerged squeezing by passengers entitled mom we want a free upgrade officer to flight attendant what seems to be the problem entitled mom interrupts he won't switch seats with me flight attendant this passenger and her son won't sit in their assigned seats 26 e and 26 f officer ma'am you need to take your seats entitled mom no we want our free upgrade officer ma'am if you want to reach the destination you need to be in your seats right now because interfering with a flight crew means the police get involved and nobody wants that do they she yanks her son out of the seat and storms back to applause from the rest of the passengers the guy sitting on the other side of the aisle turns to flight attendant and officer and says whatever they pay you guys it isn't enough the rest of the flight was quiet and uneventful while i was off the plane long before her we crossed paths at baggage claim she called me a jerk under her breath and in one of my less than proud moments i turned to her kid and said don't be like mommy would you have switched seats with karen or just told her to buzz off please leave a comment letting me know next we've got karen i worked with for months mistakes me for a waitress we were in a musical together i was backstage crew she was an actress i was the person who maneuvered the set for all the scene changes made sure everyone had their props painted the set and did many other things long story short i was pretty much everywhere and interacted on the set of that show to make sure the show ran smoothly closing night happens the show is over and the entire cast was going to a local restaurant to celebrate i of course went too and sat at a table with my backstage pals one thing about doing tech in theater is that you have to wear all black for the shows so that the audience doesn't see you at all so we're all at this restaurant and most of us have already eaten we're all just talking now and i'm standing next to a table talking with one of my friends when i hear someone behind me say excuse me i didn't know she was talking to me and continued my conversation she says it again and rather aggressively taps my arm i turn around and before i can even say anything she goes can i get some more of these and gestures towards her empty plate confused i go uh what the wings i want another plate of them now i have spoken with this woman almost every day for months now put her props in place moved the set for her scene all that i assumed she knew who i was why are you asking me she goes well you work here don't you i shake my head but she doesn't believe me well you're dressed like you work here and you were just standing at that table and taking their order clearly you work here i apologize tell her that i in fact do not work there and that i'm a crew member for their show prompt her with some conversations we've had and eventually she realizes that she is in the wrong she apologizes and turns away and that was the end of it bizarre entitled mom tries to take control of our fire truck so her brat can ride in it little background i'm an emt and a fire cadet at my city fire department basically i just provide some small assistance on medical calls and observe for others such as vehicular extrication working fires etc yesterday i was on shift with our squad for those who don't know the squad is a truck that only carries tools for all sorts of emergencies it responds to nearly all calls and has no pump for putting out fires although some squads do have pumps anyway our ladder truck was being sent to city hall so some boy scouts could look at it so i asked my officer if i could transfer while they were there he said it was fine then asked the officer of the ladder truck if i could go and he also said it would be all right he also asked if i knew the parts of the ariel and if i could guide a small group and give a little tour and i said i do and i'd be more than happy to so later we drive over to city hall and like 15 or so scouts come outside to come see the truck so i start showing them around showing them the pump panels the tools etc and then we get to the ladder controls our ladder truck is a pierce aerial platform with a 95-foot ladder as i was finishing talking about the controls this woman entitled mom interrupts me and the whole ordeal went as follows entitled mom excuse me my son would like to ride in the bucket me sorry but we can't prep the truck to raise the ladder currently because while we're here we still have to be prepared to leave if a call comes through entitled mom what do you mean prep the truck all you have to do is make the ladder go up me there's a bit more to it than that we'd have to start the engine switch the power from drive to staged pressurize the hydraulics extend and lower the stabilizers and fit everyone into a ladder belt entitled mom that all just sounds like a load of nonsense well maybe to you but honestly it is a lot of work to raise the ladder and i'm also not authorized to operate it well then who is why are you even here if you can't use the truck i'm an emt and a fire cadet i mostly just perform ems tasks and observe fire scenes it says my title on my jacket well duh i can read after a while of her talking very loudly the officer comes over and asks if there is anything going on i start to explain before entitled mom starts yelling your stupid cadet here says my son can't ride in the bucket officer well he can't and i heard him already explain to you why he can't entitled mom shrieks i am your boss i am a taxpayer i drive a brand new lincoln and i work for city hall you work to serve me officer you are not my captain or our chief you have no right to give us orders i am going to speak to your head chief about this what is his name officer his name is on the city website under the fire slash ems tab whatever i'm going to have you all fired we just brushed it off and i continued giving my tour of the truck when i noticed she disappeared around the back i asked the group to hold for a second while i popped around back to see her trying to use the remote control unit for the ladder obviously nothing was happening because the truck was turned off and the hydraulics weren't pressurized and the safety locks were on entitled mom this fell out i'm trying to put it back i tried to take it from her and she held onto it tightly saying no i got it you just go away i don't need you to show me how to put a box back i yelled for the officer and he came with both the firefighter and the engineer and they grabbed the control unit from her and she yelled we're all making a huge mistake blah blah and how all she wanted was to let her kid ride and i could see her good in the group looking very embarrassed as now everyone was watching her make a fool of herself the officer said i think we're gonna have to just leave the tour at that and head back to the station so the officer watched her as the engineer and firefighter put everything back and closed all the compartments before we then left a few hours later we all had a laugh about it over dinner also officer doesn't mean police officer the officer sits in the front right hand side while the engineer sits on the left side and drives officer is in charge engineer operates the truck systems and the firefighter goes with the officer next we've got karen claims to be owner's daughter so a little backstory on where i work it's a very small family business where we sell pools and pool chemicals only two desks in our office which can fully see into the showroom one desk for the manager and one for me also when i say small business i mean it normally it was always just me assistant manager and my mom i had been in this business since i was born therefore knew a lot for my age however we had just recently hired someone new that was a little older than me i was 21 at the time and my new co-worker was 28. now on to the story the cast will be matt coworker me karen idiot customer and karen's kid so the manager my mom had to go and pick up some office supplies for us and mail off some bills so it was just me and my co-worker we weren't very busy at the time since it was a weekday and fairly close to closing time so i was sitting at my desk and he was at the manager's desk since he didn't have his own on our phones waiting to hear the door open we hear the door open and my co-worker we will just call matt from here on out starts to get up and i tell matt that i've got this one so he sits back down i stand up and see this lady karen and her kid come in and start walking around i walk out into the showroom and welcome them to the store and ask if they need help finding anything karen we are just looking right now i will let you know if we have any questions karen's kid i want a pool toy where's the pool toys at me well the pool toys are right over in the aisle by the door and on that wall there i motioned to the wall where all the displays were karen i told you that we didn't need any help right now i just stepped back and walked into the office not wanting any confrontations this close to closing they continued looking around for another few minutes when i heard the kid hollering from the front of the store i looked up and the kid was climbing on our ladder samples which clearly have neon green signs that are eight by eleven that say do not climb on so i walked up to the front of the store and politely told the kid that he couldn't climb on them karen you can't tell my son what to do karen's kid i just want to climb on them he then starts to cry this kid was about 10. me i'm sorry but it's against company policy to have anyone climbing on them for safety purposes well then maybe you should have a sign on them that says you can't i point at the sign that says you can't well you should have made the sign bigger i'm not the best at containing my frustration and when i get frustrated at someone my sarcasm comes out with absolutely zero filter this kid had been running around our store screaming like a banshee and i was getting very annoyed me under my breath well maybe try using your eyes next time what did you say to me i said to look for a sign next time you want to let your son climb all over displays in a store and i walked away she continues walking around with the kids still crying until she gets to one corner where we have some legos for kids to play with while the parents wait to have their water tested or be helped mind you the test lab was closed and the area roped off with all the lights shut off to that corner kid is screaming i want to play with those legos karen alright just go ahead i wasn't even in the mood to say no as long as it stopped him from crying then he starts carrying them out from the designated area and throwing them down the aisles at our toy displays i had enough of these little jerks because i knew i was gonna have to clean it up i've been told that i'm pretty scary when i'm angry too me to karen's kid you are not allowed to take the legos from the play area please put them back where you got them from karen oh do you think you are talking to my son that way me i am simply telling you both that what he has been doing is not allowed in our store and he needs to stop well how dare you talk to us that way i'll have you know that i'm the owner's daughter and i will have you fired for this mind you the owners are my grandparents and she sure as heck isn't my aunt she walks up to the counter that looks into the office before i could say anything karen to matt have you heard how your employee talks to me he is the most rude employee i have ever seen in here and as the owner's daughter i demand that you fire him mad well i can't do that why not he is rude i can't fire him because he's my boss what no he isn't you're lying to me she's droning on and on now we have an employee picture on the wall celebrating our businesses 50th anniversary with everyone labeled in the picture including the owners and all their kids karen finally shuts up and looks at me while i'm grabbing the picture frame off the wall i slide it in front of her and point to my label my name assistant manager with grandson underneath my name and title her face turned every shade of red under the sun me so you mean to tell me you're a long-lost aunt of mine because if you're not you can get the heck out of this store she practically dragged her kid out of the store while trying to run out the doors she kept pushing on our doors trying to get out they're pulled doors me shouting to her maybe try to pull the doors you dummy next we've got entitled customer angry that i charged him for soda i'm a bartender in a place that gets a lot of weekly regulars and they are sort of like vips at our place so they get special pricing slash discounts on certain things one of these things is that they pay less for a soda and get free refills for it one guy dave is hard for me to read but never gives me any trouble he always opens a tab and when it's time to close out he always asks me to do it for him our pos is on an ipad kind of device so he'll have me enter the tip for him he tells me how much to enter and to sign for him he always tips about an average and appropriate amount which i appreciate last week for whatever reason he told me whatever twenty percent is double it i was surprised but thanked him profusely after closing out he ordered a soda the guy never skips out on his tab so when i told him how much it would be he brushed me off and kept chatting with the other customers at the bar this is not unusual i wasn't worried and i knew he'd pay me before leaving come time for him to leave he says goodnight to me and says you were just kidding about the money right i told him i was not kidding wondering if he was joking nope he starts making a big fuss about the fact that i'm charging him i thought we got free sodas i said you get free refills but the first one is at a discount for you guys then he continues making a fuss that's the price with the discount that's ridiculous that's so much for a soda i can't believe you're charging me for that i'm leaving out a lot of fluff because he really just kept going on and on i felt my face getting red i'm not good with confrontation and didn't know what to say so i said i'm just doing my job the part that bothered me most is what he said next i can't believe this i just tipped you 40 percent i was really offended for one thing i never asked for tips and i certainly don't ask for certain amounts nobody forced him to give me a 40 tip now he was making me feel bad about the tip he gave me ranting at me for the prices which i don't have any control over and berating me for literally doing my job what really gets me is the way he said the last part was he insinuating that because he was such an amazing guy to give me such a big tip that i should give him things for free or what use part of that tip to buy his soda if it was such a big deal that he didn't spend any more money why didn't he just tip less and use that for his soda i'm telling this story because tonight is his regular night and i'm apprehensive i know it's not the biggest deal in the world and he never did me any trouble before but i do know he's a jerk i just want to put that little incident behind me and not have him poke fun at me for what happened when i was just doing my job to all of you telling me i should have just bought the drink and i should buy my regulars drinks sometimes you're absolutely right and i do indeed do this from time to time i love my job i love my customers and i try my best to take care of them and let them know i genuinely enjoy seeing them and i'm not just interested in a tip if i was really so bad in this scenario then that really bothers me and there's unfortunately nothing i can do about it now the reason i shared this is because i was upset and embarrassed standing there for so long getting yelled at by somebody who i do my best to take care of every week it's nice to treat your regulars and i'm happy to do it if he hadn't jumped right into a rant over it then maybe i would have felt more inclined to treating him but i don't think i should be bullied into doing it what would you have done would you have paid for the customer soda if so why or why not please leave a comment letting me know next we've got security won't let me into my work despite seeing me enter often some quick backstory my city's hockey team has a very nice facility that includes many concessions in the arena as well as a restaurant with a viewing area to overlook the game last year i worked as a dishwasher in the restaurant but now i work as a cook in the concessions this particular story happened last year on multiple occasions because i was a dishwasher i often wasn't scheduled until an hour before we opened or right when we opened as they didn't need dishwashers during pre-opening prep and since we relied solely on hockey game attendees we were only open on game days and opened an hour before the game was scheduled to start this obviously means that by the time i would arrive security was setting up at their ticket taking areas one of the ticket taking areas in particular was where i needed to get through to reach the staff entrance to the kitchen some of the security and event staff recognized me and would just say hello as i walked through but there were a few times that others would stop me and not let me go in i can remember one of these conversations really well but it is not word for word because it happened over a year ago security where are you going where's your ticket me oh i don't have one i work in the restaurant at this point i was already running a little late and just wanted to get inside and get to work because i didn't know how many dishes were waiting for me by now security i need some id to prove that of all the staff who work in the restaurant and concessions the only people who have said id which by the way is a city issued id saying they are city employees would be the higher ups so our head chef the restaurant coordinator front of house coordinator etc so obviously i would not have one me i don't have id i'm a dishwasher we're not important enough then i can't let you in me come on you can literally pull anyone out of the restaurant right now i motion over to the servers who are setting up for the night just inside the front entrance to the restaurant all of whom know me well and they will tell you that i work here seriously i just have to get in so i can do my job the security guard looked at me for a minute then i guess decided it wasn't worth it and said fine go but bring some id next time despite me saying that i don't have id anyway but whatever i got inside so i didn't press it luckily i now work in concessions so i'm at work most of the time before security even shows up so i don't run into this problem anymore but a guy i work with in the concession had an interesting run-in with security just the other night as we were taking out the garbage at the end of our shift between all six total concession cooks we have to gather up all the garbage produced by the concessions and wheel it out in two large bins to get to the compactor though we have to go through restricted access doors that only players and staff can enter everyone keeps their work uniforms on as we do this except for myself i normally change back into my street clothes by then they just have a jacket or sweater over top because we have to go outside and this is canada in january we had finished everything earlier than normal so when we took the garbage out security was still there six of us two giant garbage bins and security stops the one guy in our group and tells him he can't go back there so he just says i work here and keeps walking with us as the security guy shouts behind us hey you can't do that we all had a good laugh at that later next we've got actually i'm the owner okay so backstory one i'm young just turned 18 and me and my mother owned this business where we breed and sell snakes and the snake necessities along with food i'm the actual founder while my mom is the co-founder story i was attending the store since only me and my mom worked there and it was a slow day for us so i was checking on all the animals feeding the ones that needed to be fed and so on this one person we will call them entitled parent comes in and just is looking at all the animals i thought nothing of it till about five minutes or so go by when they walk up to the counter an entitled parent snaps at me and gets my attention i look up slightly offended by how entitled parent decided to grab my attention me yes may i help you yes i was wondering how much this one is while pointing at a tank me um i'm not sure let me check for you i say that while walking to the tank well it says here it's only sixty dollars sixty dollars just a couple days ago i saw this exact one for only 30. me no i'm sorry that one was sold already and we changed it out you can't just change the price because it's a different one and it's still the same breed and everything me well yes while it is the same breed it is much bigger as the other one was younger than this it cost us more to maintain this particular one than the rest entitled parent size well i don't have that much can you give me a discount me i'm sorry but i cannot do that for you please i only have 50 on me well i can't give you a discount but we have some that are smaller than this one and are cheaper they're in the bag if you want me to bring you one out no i don't want another one i want this one me well i'm sorry i can't lower the price for this one like i said a few seconds ago we have more in the back if you want this particular breed i don't want a different one i would like this one me please don't yell at me i don't care i want to buy this animal i'm sorry i cannot help you let me speak to the manager well i am the manager entitled parent huffs fine i'm gonna call the owner me actually i am the owner also don't lie to me you're not even old enough to own a car nonetheless a store yes i am old enough and i'm the owner while my mom is the co-owner quit lying to me i want to speak to the actual owner and not some jerk teen please watch what you say or i will have to ask you to leave you can't kick me out i know the real owner and he lets me get a discount if i don't have enough all the time me well that's good for you now if you're not gonna buy this one and only cause a disturbance in my store i'm gonna have to ask you to leave no i'm not gonna leave you are gonna give me a discount and this is that now i'm mad because entitled parent is yelling at me when i can't change the price and making a scene over this and just straight out ignoring me so sell it to me now or i will call the owner and he will sell it to me she then walks over to the counter where there are cards with my name and number entitled parent then dials the number and then answers the phone at first i was confused because it states on the card that i'm the owner but then i remembered it had my mom's number also on the card an entitled parent actually called hers instead luckily my mom told entitled parent to buzz off pretty much and then entitled parent tried to call the other number instead while entitled parent was dialing my number entitled parent had this grin on while looking me dead in the eyes i will never forget the look on her face when i answered the phone hello this is the shop op speaking how may i help you entitled parent then hung up and left the store immediately what i will never understand is why entitled parent got so upset about that animal crazy karen tries to get behind the cash register a little bit of backstory for this i was 15 years old and very short so i looked like i was 12 or 13. 15 is the legal age for people to work here as long as a parent lets them work there i normally ran the cash register and my manager was somewhat trusting of me to make sure that all the money was safe this will be important later the store has four cameras and three tvs one towards the doorway one at the counter and one in the staff only room this will also be important so on a calm day we have a customer come in she came in with two shy looking kids i had not recognized her so i thought she was new we have a pretty small town so i know most of our customers this lady went up and down the aisles at the time one of my friends was in the store he came up to me and said this was the lady he was talking about he said that she was going to be a pain to me as she has to another co-worker a few days back i said that he shouldn't worry about it so after about 20 minutes she comes up to the counter she starts giving me her items so far so good i thought she wasn't paying attention to me at the time then she looked up here is all of the cast we have me we have crazy lady we've got manager we've got friend we've got shy kids one and two here's how it went crazy lady what are you doing behind the counter young man me i work here miss crazy lady where are your parents friend mrs he works here he is 15 and is allowed to work here crazy lady you are both trying to get free stuff and steal the money they earn me can you please give me the rest of your groceries so you can leave and we can move on with our day shy kid1 mom come on we need to get to the party crazy lady shut up shy kid you don't know what's going on i'm just sitting there watching as she screams friend ma'am can you hurry up i want to buy some donuts you mean steal some donuts my friend whose father and mother were cops was taken aback friend ma'am i'm not trying to be mean but now you are trying to make me dishonored toward my family's history get this filthy friend of yours out of here before i get an actual employee and get you arrested shy kid too mom come on you do this everywhere we go to kids in the neighborhood it's embarrassing and you still haven't learned your lesson shy kid 2 looked about 14 around the age of where i started thinking about getting a job here crazy lady i will show you both how right i am and how you should both let mom take care of this business me ma'am i'm trying to be nice here and that's it i'm getting an employee crazy lady starts hollering for someone else a co-worker peeks in but i wave him off is he part of your plan too she says gawking no mom a voice yells out and we both look at the kids they turn red and start saying sorry then crazy lady comes over the counter and on to the workspace she grabs me by my caller and starts screaming at me i'm scared and panicking because i have no clue what to do then the manager comes out crazy lady seems relieved you wouldn't believe what this dumb kid was doing she said smirking i stopped him before he could rob you and take everything he could manager lady why are you behind the counter don't lie i saw you on the camera she looked dumbfounded you were out here manager yes and i saw you assault one of my employees i think that she was starting to put two and two together then she pulled out her ultimate weapon and said just because he's an employee that doesn't mean he wouldn't take anything it's not like you have a camera pointed over here and you can see him now i was working with this manager for around six months so he knew that i hadn't been stealing money this is why he trusted me with the register manager he wouldn't steal a single cent as he is too paranoid about what would happen what if he was just using it as a disguise manager then he's pretty good at acting and should be on stage instead of here i heard that the band doesn't care about your age as long as the person playing the instrument is good at it just when the authorities arrived what is all of this for she said nervously manager well let's see here hmm assault of employees trespassing shoplifting she put a candy bar in her back pocket and i think that's it well nothing too big at least right yeah my manager was able to crack jokes at any situation she was arrested and i didn't press charges crazy lady was sentenced to three years and seven years of community service i do feel bad for the kids as they seem to not be a jerk like their mother was next we've got karen made my summer's heck for three years context this was the rural midwest in the late 1990s i worked three summers as a lifeguard at a lake it was a membership-based sportsman's club which is basically a rural country club it had a stocked lake for fishing a beach and swimming area camping archery etc most of my best stories involve the same karen slash entitled mom i have at least a dozen stories about this crazy lady but i started with the first three but if people like them i'm happy to tell the rest in later updates this karen slash entitled mom was mid to late 30s and had two deplorable horribly behaved sons that were roughly 10 tara kid won and seven terror kid 2 my first year and would have been 13 and 10 my last year one week one i am on the lifeguard stand entitled mom comes to the bottom of the stairs i am on duty so as this conversation is happening i am still mostly watching the 20 or so people in the water and occasionally looking directly at entitled mom entitled mom hey you me points at myself what's up where are my kids in a super snippy impatient entitled tone me sorry ma'am i don't know you which kids are yours why aren't you looking at me do you know how rude that is i'm sorry ma'am but i'm working right now and i need to keep an eye on everyone in the water entitled mom i rolls whatever my terrible kids where are they since our kids were so terrible i knew them by name as i had been warned by other staff me oh they left the beach during 2 45 pm break and haven't been in the water since it was roughly 4 30 p.m so where are they now me i don't know as i just told you they're not in the water or on the beach what do you mean you don't know you're supposed to be watching them kid 2 is only 7. me i'm not a babysitter ma'am i'm a lifeguard exactly you're supposed to be watching them ma'am i am doing my job my job is to watch the water and make sure everyone's safe not follow your kids around the club i am a lifeguard not a babysitter so you just let two kids run off unsupervised at the club to who knows where me ma'am i didn't let your kids do anything they were swimming when i blew the whistle for break at 2 40. everyone was out of the water including your kids at 2 45 when i went up to the break room when i came back at 3 they were not on the beach it looks like their beach stuff is over there i already checked there their toys and towels are there but their shoes are gone me have you checked the playground usually they only seem to take off their shoes if they have to cross the gravel they better be there someone could have taken my babies and it would be all your fault me thinking to myself those kids are jerks no one in the right mind would want them luckily i knew better than to say that out loud and went with i'm sure it's going to be okay ma'am go look over there and if they're not there i'll blow the whistle and get everyone out of the water and we'll all go look for them entitled mom leaves about 10 minutes later she returns with them in tow they presumably were at the playground she gathered up their stuff and i blow the whistle it's time for 4 45 break i end up walking up the stairs towards the clubhouse right behind them and she stops at the top of the stairs to yell at me you were lucky this time but you need to keep better track of the kids if you want to keep working here incident two year one month two kid one went fishing that morning and when the beach reopened after lunch break kid one found himself in possession of fish guts that he then brought to the beach and started throwing them at girls laying on the beach kid1 is now maniacally throwing fish guts at them while laughing and yelling it's raining as the girls are screaming and trying to run away me get one what are you doing stop that that's disgusting kid one throws fish guts at me while continuing to laugh shut up i don't have to listen to you stop it right now or i'm going to ban you for the rest of your life banning from the swimming area is the standard punishment for unruly conduct but it usually only lasted for an hour or an afternoon kid1 stops in shock with his last hand full of fish guts in his hand ready to be launched in my direction you can't do that no one gets banned forever me push your luck and let's find out me and kid one have a stare down get one drops the fish gods me now pick them up and put them in the trash or what well you're already banned for the rest of the day today but if you don't throw them away i will ban you for the rest of the week i wasn't even planning on swimming today anyways i didn't even bring my trunks me fine you're banned today and tomorrow now pick those up or i'm going to add saturday that's not fair i don't care you can't throw fish guts at girls or at lifeguards you're ten you know better kid one continues whining but actually complied and picked up and tossed all the fish parts before leaving the beach on the next break i tracked down the front desk admin that was the lifeguard manager to tell her the story making sure to mention that one of the girls was the club president's daughter and the kid one had talked back to me the lifeguard sometimes had a hard time getting her to stand up for us but she hated back talk and the president's daughter thing helped so she assured me that my two-day ban would stick as anticipated entitled mom later gave the desk admin and earful i wasn't there for it but based on the admins retelling the gist was some combo of boys acting crazy and how dare the beach force her to spend the next day with her son and instead of dropping him off at the beach because she had appointments year one roughly month two context about 40 feet into the swimming area from the beach there was a rope that demarcated the shallow area there was about 4.5 to 5 feet of water at the rope and the shelf of the lake dropped off steeply about 10 feet past the rope and the deep of the swimming area went up to like 60 to 75 feet to go past the shallow end rope kids had to pass a swim test for safety situation it is after last swim i am on closing and i am dragging up the boards and floats to the shed entitled mom hey op me hi miss entitled mom how are you terrible and it's all your fault me what what happened you're discriminating against my little angel i'm sorry miss entitled mom i have no idea what you're talking about i haven't seen your kid all day of course you didn't see him after you were so mean to him and embarrassed him he doesn't even want to show his face around here and he's been hiding at the campsite all afternoon me i'm sorry your kid is having a rough day but i don't have any idea why you're mad at me i haven't even seen him yes you did you failed him at the swim test even though he swam the full distance but you told him you were failing him anyways because he's a bad kid and it's his punishment for throwing fish and i demand you apologize and pass him immediately me miss entitled mom were you there when this allegedly happened or is this just what your kid told you are you calling my son a liar he's a good kid and would never lie to his mummy me miss entitled mom please don't put words in my mouth all i know is that i did not do swim tests this morning i worked the 12 to 8 shift and as you may know we do swim tests between 9 to 11 so i wasn't even here but if you can hang on while i finish locking up this equipment i can check the schedule and see who did swim tests this morning entitled mom i don't have time for this just go right down that kid one past and get him his wristband so he can go out to the rafts in the deep end with his friends me again i'm sorry but i can't do that unless one of the staff administers a swim test and he passes we can't get him a wristband it's for his own safety but i'm happy to look into what happened this morning and get back to you entitled mom i roll stomps off i went off and found the lifeguard who did swim tests this morning and what a shocker entitled kid had failed miserably he didn't even make it a third of the required distance and only made it 20 seconds into the trend test 90 seconds treading water without touching if folks like this story i'll tell you about the follow-up with entitled mom about this failure and more of her crazy antics next we've got karen shouts at me after having a seizure at work back story i've always been a medical disaster from the day i was born literally with heart problems and severely underway up to today when i'm blind in one eye have a speaking disability and have recently been told that i have a high chance of being diagnosed with epilepsy from a severe head injury i had about four years ago i was referred to a specialist a few weeks ago but he didn't do anything so currently working my way through the medical system to get it properly looked at but haven't shown any signs or symptoms until recently in the form of partial seizures which cause me to lose my balance become extremely dizzy feel very scared see flashing lights spasms in my legs and doesn't allow me to respond to events happening around me properly chapter 1 the meeting so this took place in work not long after i had been told there's a high chance i have epilepsy i had told one of my co-workers as a safeguard just in case but hadn't told any of the managers as i didn't want to put my job in jeopardy and i didn't feel comfortable with them knowing at the time my co-worker and i were working and she was checking up on me every hour or so to make sure i was alright and i was trying to stay in a good mood after about 2 30 pm when the lunch rush had finished work had quieted down and we had a small stream of customers come in including our entitled mom who will name karen as per usual she came in with her husband and her two kids a boy and a girl who were lovely people as they enter i greet them and they go to order their food at the counter no biggie they get it and sit down and all is good chapter 2 the incident not long after they had sat down karen points at me from across the restaurant trying to flag me down and wave me over i comply and go over to attend to them asking what the problem is karen then goes on to say that she's missing several things from her order as she's doing this i get a feeling that something isn't right and a couple seconds later i realize that i'm about to have a seizure i tell her i'll sort out the issue and quickly walk into the back to make sure no one sees once i get to the back the symptoms kick in and as i have predicted i have a seizure it was about two to three minutes with a minute of recovery and giving myself time to readjust and get myself straight before walking back out to do my job as soon as i walk back out karen comes stomping up to me red-faced where the heck have you been where is our food etc etc with a few insults thrown in for good measures i apologize and tell her that i had some medical business to sort well it isn't more important than the customer she replied with that typical jerk care and tone i of course am not in the mood to put up with this woman and take her receipt to the counter without saying a word and after looking at it realized that all the food was handed to her and nothing was actually missing i walked back over and explained that nothing was missing but she cuts in first you sky for 10 minutes then you lie to a customer and now you tell me that i'm wrong worst customer service ever me i'm sorry ma'am but i told you that i had some medical problems to sort out urgently you're probably just a lazy little jerk that's too dumb for a real job at this point her husband cuts in husband karen leave the man alone if he says he had something medical to sort then it's an urgent thing he turned to me i'm so sorry may i ask as what the medical problem was if it's not too much seeing the opportunity i reply i was having a seizure the husband then looks at me in surprise and karen's face has gone completely red he he's lying if you did you'd be in an ambulance me no ma'am there are different types of seizures and the ones i have last about three minutes and aren't as serious as a fit so i can get back to work straight after husband i'm very sorry to hear that i hope it gets better for you and i'm sorry for all the trouble caused me thank you sir enjoy your meal i then walked away karen being talked to by her husband who was pretty angry at her chapter 3 the aftermath about 20 minutes later they were getting up to leave making sure to clean up any mess that they had left which was nice and the husband came over to me while karen got the kids ready i'm very sorry about that she's like that sometimes i really hope things get better for you as again i'm sorry i told him that it's perfectly fine and he isn't the one who should be apologizing but trying to get a karen to say sorry is like trying to get blood from a stone they left with karen hanging her head in shame after what i can only imagine were some words from her husband i just hope that she learns her lesson and she treats more people with respect from now on thank you for reading next we've got entitled mom screams or head off mistaking me for being an employee alright so there is this computer store near my place that also does repairs xerox and printouts basically there are three computers which can be used by the customers to do their work so i had to take a printout of me and my friend's projects which we had to submit the very next day my friend and i got to the store and i connected the pin drive with our projects just then this lady entitled mom and her kid enter the store they came and stood directly behind me watching i thought they were waiting for us to finish as all other computers were in use as well my friend had a picture in his project missing so we decided to copy paste one from the internet after i did that turned to him and asked is this okay and he nodded i clicked the print button and the printer came to life suddenly entitled mom tapped me on the shoulder i turned around yes and the conversation went as follows entitled mom handing me a paper i need this paper xeroxed do it fast i haven't got much time me oh ma'am i'm sorry but i can't do that you see i what this paper is really important it's for my darling daughter over here and it needs to be xeroxed so do it now me ma'am i don't even know how to operate that machine and i've been she cut me off again and started screaming what you can't operate a simple machine you're lying get your lazy butt to work and help my daughter i saw you helping that kid she points at my friend who i forgot to mention has a baby face over there so help my daughter my friend and i look at each other me now annoyed he's my friend and i don't work here liar you lazy jerk by now she had everyone's attention the owner who was all the way inside the store kinda big store came running over owner i'm the owner how can i help you ma'am well you could start by firing this lazy employee disgusting owner ma'am with all due respect he really doesn't work here he's just a customer entitled mom's face changed it was amazing to watch what happened next was even more amazing well i didn't know you should dress better young man the store doesn't have a specific uniform what i need to get this xeroxed owner sorry ma'am but the xerox machine isn't working we will have it running by tomorrow entitled mom lost it she screamed and screeched and then hit the xerox machine and threw a few boxes with computer tech in them the owner kicked her out but not before calling the cops and making her pay for all the damage she's been banned from the store as well these people i swear next we've got ex-employee attempted to embarrass me she's now unemployable a few months ago we let go of an employee that was just completely horrible at her job we'll call her sarah after a couple months at my place of employment sarah just couldn't get the hang of the job i gave her ample training and even had a seasoned person we'll call her becky sit with her essentially making sure she doesn't mess anything up we finally got to the point where it'd sink her swim time and she's saying months go by without hearing from her and all is well until last week when i had to pick up my brother my brother is on methadone and he goes to the clinic once a month to pick up his medicine no big deal i bring him down all the time i sit outside and wait he does his business and we go i come into work that same day and becky pulls me aside hey i want you to see this before it becomes a rumor it was a picture of me standing next to my very identifiable truck with a conversation that explains that sarah has a business relationship with the clinic and how since i'm here i must be a client becky by all means is no angel she has her finger on the pulse of the drama at my work so this isn't necessarily good news for me while there's nothing to be ashamed of by seeking help i would prefer it not be associated with me since becky is a peer and not a subordinate it wouldn't affect things too badly but the fact that she loves to gossip and have people pay attention to her i know it'll spread the only people that matter will believe me i'm not going to explain it to my subordinates and hope they believe me i explain the basics of my visit and say the only thing i could to prevent becky from spreading these rumors that she's claiming to want to stop even though she's the only person still in contact with sarah knowing becky isn't the brightest i quickly say it's a violation of hipaa to spread health care information of a person or their family to anyone let alone their workplace i tell becky i don't want to involve her because she only received the message and request her to screenshot the conversation and send it to me with screenshots in hand i go outside and call the clinic provided sarah's full name and the screenshots i mention my very limited knowledge of hipaa and express how upset i am that someone that has any official connection to the clinic would take pictures of me my vehicle and send them to my workplace turns out that it was a violation of hipaa as well as a violation of an even more stringent law that has to do with addiction treatment it's been ran up to the powers that be i've been told that her professional relationship with that clinic will end and they would be willing to bet that she wouldn't be able to be involved in any aspect in her field i'm still waiting for the curtains to drop on this whole show but i'm satisfied with how it's wrapping up the time i almost got detention at a school i don't go to i graduated high school about five years ago but still like to visit my old high school teachers as they were some of the best teachers i've ever had this happened a year after i had graduated high school and already had a year of college out of state under my belt for context my old high school had a dress called red card rule where if you wore anything that conflicted with the written dress code you were given a red paper card march down to the detention office written up asked to change and given detention i don't remember exactly what happened each time you got a card as i never got written up but i'm sure after a certain number of cards you would get a suspension one of the biggest rules in the dress code was skirt and short's length shorts could not be any shorter than your fingertips when your arms were extended straight down at your sides which was fine for the shorter girls but heck for the taller girls with longer arms my best friend at the time i'll call her chloe was one of these taller girls and struggled to find shorts and skirts that she could wear that weren't knee length as her arms were pretty long once chloe wore a skirt to school that finally reached past her fingertips and she was feeling pretty confident in it however she was walking down the stairs and it rolled up a little just an inch and we were immediately met with a shriek from the office lady i'll call her karen and chloe got red carded despite it being an okay length we were always a little bitter about that and the fact that the popular girls never got red carded for the clothes they wore that broke the code but the quieter more nerdy girls got called out every time fast forward to the story i had snuck into my old high school during the school's lunch period to go visit my all-time favorite teacher my school had little to no security back then and old students would often just walk in all the time to visit teachers without checking in as a visitor at the front office it was almost summer break my college got out earlier than my old high school so i was wearing short shorts and a t-shirt nothing inappropriate to be out in public in but wouldn't pass for the dress code unless i pulled them down and wore them like 90s hit pants i was walking down the stairs the same stairs where chloe had gotten carded to leave when i heard a hey you shrieked across the stairwell it was karen the following conversation went something like this karen young lady what are you wearing me ignoring her as i didn't think she was talking to me karen comes up to me young lady i asked you what do you think you're wearing me uh shorts i can see that those shorts are way too short you are breaking the dress code it was at this moment that i realized i had made a big mistake for some reason i thought i had aged enough in a year of college to not be mistaken for a high schooler despite the fact that there were seniors at the school who were also my age i looked at her bewildered but also amused because this was going to be interesting if she tried to give me detention it was probably here that i should have told her that i didn't go there but i guess i didn't want to get in trouble for not signing in as a visitor at the front desk so i just went along with it me oh my gosh i'm so sorry i didn't realize they were this short i rode my bike today so they rode up a little karen alright hon it's the first hot week this year so i guess i'll just give you a warning but you need to wear more appropriate shorts to school tomorrow or you will get a red card and detention now get to class me smiling okay i will thank you i of course did not go to class but just jumped on my bike and rode home with a bewildered look from one of the other staff who stayed outside during passing periods to make sure students didn't leave security has really been upped at that school over the last few years so now when i visit i have a big visitor sticker along with a sticker of my photocopied driver's license so i can't be mistaken for a student but i always wonder what would have gone down had karen decided to not randomly be forgiving and had taken me straight to detention like she usually did and me having to explain that i did not in fact go there and it would be hard to give detention to a non-standard student who was not in the school's files would you ever visit your old high school or do you try to stay as far away from it as possible please leave a comment letting me know next we've got angry old man versus corporate policy we've all had those customers that start getting really upset over basic rules that come from way up the corporate chain and last week we had a doozy i work in the tire center of a large warehouse retailer so we don't get fancy we have lots of rules to follow and there's very little wiggle room there one of the big rules we are strictly required to follow is regarding purchases of only two tires for safety's sake we have to always install new tires to the rear of the vehicle if only two are purchased we will rotate the existing rear tires to the front for free as part of that this is to help avoid a spin out in the event of traction loss a lot of old school people hate this rule it used to be accepted wisdom that new tires were better on the front and especially with a front-wheel drive vehicle many older people want their new tires on the front to even out the wear regardless we won't do it hugh angry old man walking in he ordered two tires a few days prior and was bringing his vehicle in to have them installed we go through our usual sign in process get to the step where he has to sign the invoice to approve the work and he loses his mind overseeing that we've signed him up for a rotation in addition to installing two tires he swears up and down that no one told him that it's his right to get tires installed however he pleases that he's a paying customer blah blah blah the usual i supervise at work occasionally but thankfully wasn't that day so while angry old man is yelling at my poor co-worker who happened to be signing him in i run and get the supervisor on duty supervisor starts trying to calmly explain that this is corporate policy and for his safety but he's not having it he demands to speak to the manager of course unluckily for him our manager was in that day and he always follows policy angry old man is not happy he wants to talk to my manager's manager we try to explain that the store manager doesn't know anything about tires and won't overrule corporate policy but angry old man doesn't care so the store manager comes down talks to the guy to see what's going on and immediately asks my manager what we're supposed to do because as we explained he runs the store he doesn't install tires this really sets off angry old man now he's ranting about how we're all incompetent and he wants to talk to one of these corporate people that are setting the unreasonable policy during all of this i've been busy signing up multiple other customers doing price quotes selling car batteries etc as my supervisor goes to get our regional manager on the phone the guy who sets corporate policy i'm signing up a guy for new tires on his tesla tesla guy has been patiently waiting in line while i tried to deal with everyone ahead of him and while the rest of my co-workers try to placate angry old man tesla guy finally snaps he scalds angry old man for giving us a hard time when we're just doing our jobs following the rules and are actually just trying to keep him safe angry old man just scoffs and tells tesla guy to mind his own business and buy his tires but tesla guy isn't having it while i run to get his tires i can hear tesla guy laying into angry old man about how he should be ashamed how everyone could have been done and on their way if he wasn't wasting time and how incredibly rude he's been angry old man is left sputtering and my supervisor comes back with our regional manager on the phone angry old man talks to regional for about 30 seconds before angrily hanging up signing the paper and walking out the back door without another word a little while later when angry old man picks up his car i do happen to be the one who gets to deal with him directly and he snaps at me about how he's going to cut up his membership card how we've lost a valuable customer and that my store can take our policy and shove it next we've got teacher yells at me for not being able to see we've got entitled teacher and we've got me so a little backstory i lost my glasses and i sit in the back of the class most teachers seem to understand that i cannot see the board from where i'm sitting at and read the question aloud to me or ask me to stand by the board to read the question a seemingly simple task i've always struggled with math and so most math teachers don't really like me all that much i was sitting in class i was a bit tired since it was first period and i didn't get sleep the night before so i laid my head on my hand but it was quite obvious that i was looking at the board later into class i took out my notebook and started writing notes and halfway through she stops talking and looks at me the conversation goes as follows entitled teacher op are you paying attention me yeah i am no you're not stop drawing on your desk and follow up with me i'm not drawing on my desk i'm writing notes so i can study with them later and then i raise up my notebook in the air and turn it around to show her both sides teacher you don't even have your book on your desk didn't you hear me when i told you to open it onto the right page it's literally right there it was smack dab in the middle of my desk so i pointed at it just pay more attention i didn't respond and she goes on to finish explaining and i finish writing my notes after she finishes explaining a section she puts a question on the board and begins asking someone to answer it i couldn't see and i didn't really want to answer it so i kept my hand down but like you'd expect she picked me entitled teacher op can you answer this for us me not exactly i can't see the question you can't answer the question can you get up right now i would answer it if you could read it out for me or at least let me go read it go stand by the door i'm calling your parents after this okay i stood up pushed my chair in and stood by the door entitled teacher really me what go to the principal's office all right what do you want me to tell him go yes i understand but what would you like me to tell him why was i sent in tell him that you're sleepy and you want to go wash your face i don't think i need his permission to do so i need yours well i want you to ask him sure i left out and made it to the office me mr principal principal oh hello op how are you pretty good thanks for asking so mrs entitled teacher wanted me to ask you for your permission to wash my face why does she want you to wash your face i proceeded to explain the story to him principal just go back to class and tell her to read the question out for you op and so i thanked him for his time and headed back to class entitled teacher did you wash your face no but i can answer the question for you if you let me read it this is ridiculous did you even go to the principal's office i did he asked me to go back to class and request you read it to me i doubt that did you get a slip by him saying that me he doesn't hand out slips then come with me she calls in a replacement teacher to watch over the class and takes me up to the principal's office entitled teacher excuse me mr principal principal yes entitled teacher ob said they came to your office and you said that i was in the wrong principle what no i knew you were lying to me call ope's parents please me i did not tell you that he insinuated that you were in the wrong i told you that he asked me to request you read it out to me entitled teacher so he would basically be saying i was wrong principal in that case that's exactly what i said oh now come principal they couldn't see entitled teacher i thought they were just bluffing get back to class op entitled teacher trailed behind me principal no entitled teacher could you stay to talk for a moment i just smiled at her and walked away she came back in a bad mood and just said sit in the front now but a few seconds after she said that the bell rang so i just grabbed my bag and laughed who do you think was right the student or the teacher please leave a comment letting me know next we've got i am the owner and you are no longer welcome here first of all this is not my story but my friend debbie's this also happened about 15 years ago so details may be a bit hazy debbie worked to the front counter at a local bakery whose specialty was what they called football cakes it was a basic chocolate cake with the logos of the two teams drawn and icing on it they made these for the local high school games and some college and pro games since the super bowl is today that's what reminded me of this debbie worked the front counter while the owner and his kids worked in the bag baking decorating etc the only caveat was you had to order these cakes at least one day in advance though longer was better the fridge in the back would get full so they would put them in the display case up front with a sign that said reserved not for sale one day a lady came in and asked for a cake for the iowa hawkeyes minnesota golden gophers game later that day i think about two hours until kickoff debbie asked her what name she had reserved it under and the lady said no name but she saw them in the display and could she have one of those debbie explained that those were all reserved and unless she had reserved one she couldn't have one the lady blew up and said she needed one right now and she knew the owner and unless debbie sold her one the lady would get her in trouble maybe even fired the owner heard all of this and came up front and asked what was going on the lady said that debbie was being unhelpful and wouldn't sell her the cake the owner asked if she had one reserved and when she said no he said i'm sorry but we need at least a day reservation to make it the lady again didn't like it and began yelling at him saying that she knew the owner and would have all their jobs the owner gave debbie a subtle wink as if saying i got this just play along and then said you know the old guy who owns this place when you see him tell him he's a complete idiot debbie said it took every ounce of self-control she had to not bust out laughing at that point the lady said i'm sure he doesn't want to hear that and if you sell me the cake i want i won't tell him the owner said tell him all you want but you're not getting that particular cake if you want another one i'm sure we can find something else for you the lady said no i want a football cake if i don't get one i will tell the owner about you two and have you both fired the owner finally gave up on his ruse and said i am the owner i've never seen you before and with luck i'll never see you again please leave my establishment at this debbie lost what control she had and burst out laughing when the lady turned to look at her debbie nodded vigorously as if to say yeah he is the owner the lady then turned bright red and bolted out the door never to come back i missed that bakery i used to get all my birthday cakes there and when we went to go pick it up the owner would come up front with a spoonful of whatever frosting he was making at the time for me and tell my parents to reserve me the upper left corner piece because he had put a treat in it either a dollop of extra chocolate or a strawberry or something similar when he retired he gave the bakery to his kids two sons and a daughter and the quality went downhill as they substituted his ingredients with the cheapest substitutes they could find when he passed a few years after that it was said that he died after seeing how his kids had ruined his bakery next we've got karen claims i pushed her and writes fake online reviews for sympathy some background i go to a clinic with a scanner that you use to sign in with what looks like a membership card at the front desk no matter when you scan your appointment time still stands so even if someone signs in before you your appointment time will remain exactly the same this fine day i go into the clinic and a woman was standing there rummaging slash dumping her purse on the counter she was standing about four feet from the scanner i had no clue what she was doing so i calmly walk up scan my card sit down and wait for my appointment time the second i scan she looks at me with evil in her eyes and yells how rude me i'm sorry i didn't know what you were doing over there but don't worry no matter what time you sign in your appointment won't change entitled lady i was looking for my card and you just took my spot me no i didn't your appointment time is still the same entitled lady but i was looking for my card and you shoved me out of the way by this time there were witnesses in the waiting room telling her the same thing i was also the doctor comes out to see what is going on i'm just ignoring her yelling and sitting pretending to look on my phone i gave an obligatory whatever and refused to engage with her further the doctor then explains to her the same thing i did and several other people have told her they also thankfully defend me against the shoving accusation to my delight my appointment was before her the doctor apologized and even offered to escort me out the door it's a small clinic with usually only one doc on staff and the front desk lady was out to lunch the entire appointment i could hear her complain to everyone who came by when she wasn't getting the sympathy she wanted she called someone on the phone and i could hear her through the walls screaming to whoever about what an awful person i am this clinic is how no one cares with fake tears in her eyes blah blah i then go online to write a review about how much i appreciate that specific clinic and doctor the most recent review was from her she announced her name across the waiting room because she was sure i had taken her appointment and wanted the doc to check she's writing that i pushed her and basically everyone was mean to her and she doesn't understand how no one took her side on the bright side she's dumb enough to put her full name in every review she writes and her profile says her address now if i was a different person i might be tempted to take advantage of that info but i just take pleasure in knowing karma will get her good someday or she'll upset someone enough that they'll do something really stupid anyways thanks for listening and have a great night so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 356,071
Rating: 4.7723336 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: 3R4BTkMlamY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 46sec (10186 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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