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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled parent tries to sue me when i defend myself this story all begins last year when i was a senior in high school i have a lot of stories about high school but those are other posts for different days strap in it's a long story here's the cast we've got lisa these old friend we've got entitled mom we've got bee the female dog that hit me we've got mother we've got friend principal we've got b's boyfriend we've got me but when people say my name i'll be referred to as alba so for a start let me describe myself i'm a korean slash irish girl and i have what people call a ballerina's body but i have strength in my arms and fists primarily i also have add after this all went down semi curly ginger hair that was down my back i'm pretty extroverted so i had many friends in school and b was one of them when i was a sophomore but when junior year rolled around i noticed that b was very toxic she started to control where we would go in the mall when we hung out where i sat in the cafeteria during lunch stuff like that she also acted like she was superior to other people many people didn't like her and complained a lot so naturally i started to distance myself from her because one i didn't like that type of behavior and it was annoying and two i didn't want people i met to associate me with her and think that i act the same way she did b did not like this i guess she liked being in control somewhere in a relationship bee didn't have many friends to work with so when i started not being her friend she had nobody to hang out with during winter break i learned that she started hanging out with bb this guy in one of my classes but i didn't care too much because i didn't know him by the time we came back from winter break they were making out in the halls very touchy and feely skip the summer of 2017 i saw b and her boyfriend literally everywhere i went i went to the fair and they were there too i once went to the mall to get a custom-made umbrella for my cousin's birthday i know weird but my cousin has a knack for collecting umbrellas and lo and behold b walks in with her boyfriend in tow and walks up to me and says oh hey alba didn't know you'd be here i was very confused now redditers what would a 17 year old girl and her boyfriend want from a custom shop that only sells umbrellas and other winter items in the middle of summer and i also knew that she wasn't invited to my cousin's birthday because she didn't even know my cousin by that point i was convinced she was following me around senior year swings around and b starts trying to talk to me again and i was having none of it considering the obvious reasons then the day before spring break she said to me alba i've seen that you've been ignoring me and i really don't appreciate it i am such a good friend me honestly b you're really not you're kind of manipulative how can you say that i'm really good to you i beg to differ then i walked away she would shoot daggers at me when i saw her after that and b was also extremely jealous when bee saw her boyfriend talking to a girl she would walk up to him and say how could you cheat on me with this jerk friend who is still semi friends with b had boyfriend's story sent to her by bee he posted a story on his snapchat that said with the most supportive person in my life over a picture of him and a girl and b went nuts she complained to friend that her boyfriend was cheating on her with who she called that ugly jerk bag turns out that was his sister fast forward to may of 2018 when the crippity crap hit the fan i was partnered up with b's boyfriend in my chemistry class that we had together bee learned about this and went berserk she had the nerve to come up to me and say keep your filthy hands off my boyfriend jerk so a week after that happened b's boyfriend had to come over to my house to finish the last part of the project turns out bee was planning to go to the mall with her boyfriend that day but he had to cancel to come to my house b was steaming so the next fateful day i was in class with her boyfriend and we turned in our project we were talking about what grade we thought we'd get when bee came in with these huge scissors neither her boyfriend or me saw her coming that day i was wearing my hair in a low ponytail at this point i was growing out my hair and it was very important to me since i had to shave my head in eighth grade after an accident i had a hard time reviving my locs and i was proud until then so on account of friend who was also in the class and her boyfriend she came up behind me pulled my hair and cut it to about shoulder length at first i didn't know what happened but when my brain had processed my snip sound i knew what had happened i whipped my hair around and stood up and there was b holding my hair in one hand and the scissors in the other here's the dialogue me did you just cut off my hair b then dropped my hair on the floor and said that's what you get for messing with my boyfriend jerk then b proceeded to slap me it didn't hurt but i was angry i looked down at b's hand and it looked like she was getting ready to do it again so i did what was necessary and i socked her in the nose all i hear was a deafening crunch and her hitting the ground then she started screaming she hit me get her arrested next thing i know i was in the principal's office explaining what happened and all my previous experiences with bee while waiting for my mom to get to the school i was also very emotional because all my hard work to grow out my hair had been foiled principle so what you're saying is that bee came into the room cut off your hair and slapped you because you were doing things with bbe correct me yes that's about right okay so how about you wait here for your mother ten minutes later my mom walks in and starts getting angry when she sees my hair because she knows how long it took to grow it all back the principal quickly briefs the situation to her and she gets even more heated basically i was suspended for a week i still don't know why i was suspended even though i was just defending myself we were told to come to the school for a meeting with b and her family and all the witnesses the next day so the next day we walk in and we are guided to a big conference room with a big rectangular table in it we were seated directly across from b and entitled mom they were both shooting us dirty looks also there was friend b's boyfriend another friend of bee and the principal principal recounts b's side of the story first she accused me of attacking her when the principal asked why was my hair cut off b says that she grabbed scissors and cut off my hair so i would stop there are many reasons why that makes no sense such as the fact that when the principal came into the room she was still laying on the floor so there's no way she could have cut off my hair after i socked her also 26 other people told that she attacked me first then entitled mom speaks up that wild animal attacked my daughter and broke her nose she deserves to be in jail then my mom spoke up no your daughter attacked mine and cut off her hair that's not true my little angel is innocent friend i saw bee cut off all of alba's hair so that's not true this is bs you just paid all these people to lie about this bee's boyfriend it's true be attacked elba first then alba defended herself b you're supposed to be my boyfriend and support me bee's boyfriend not anymore i'm breaking up with you what b then starts bawling her eyes out and i was trying to hold in my laughter so was friend entitled mom you don't have any proof that bee did anything lisa actually that's why i'm here i recorded everything turns out b told lisa what she was doing and lisa had enough of b's crap and recorded everything she had done lisa then played the video and it clearly displayed my side of the story to a t entitled mom this video is doctored to make bee look bad principal well everyone and everything says otherwise entitled mom principal then turns to me and asks would you like to press charges against her of course i said yes principal then reached out to the police and lets me and my mom file a complaint and press charges and stuff this part is kind of blurry the sunday before i get to go back to school my mom gets a letter in the mail telling me that we're being sued for fifty thousand dollars for assault we immediately got an attorney and looked into this entitled mom was accusing me of assault and harassment against bee which is ridiculously untrue additional information i ended up pressing charges for assault and stuff like that and i'm pretty sure she got four months and community service she also got expelled from school and she does online now i didn't want to give her max punishment because i want her to have a chance in life and be able to become a better person and get a job i was going to tell you guys what i did against her when we went to court but someone wanted to know i also found out that the court date is in a week i've been reading the comments and some of you said to counter sue and i've decided to just do that i just need to gather my case and if i win i will 100 do the worm part two me my mom b's boyfriend and friend all went down to the courthouse yesterday at about 11 a.m when we were seated i was getting my defense and my counter claim against b i decided that i had a pretty good counter claim thanks to you strangers be an entitled mom were glancing at me like i was gonna lose refresher for your brains entitled mom is trying to sue me for 50 000 but little does she know i'm suing for 60 000 so court starts an entitled mom states her claim by saying that i broke b's nose on purpose and that i owe her for medical bills and b's plastic surgery they provide that judge with proof that i did there was a tv in the courtroom and the pictures were displayed there the pictures were of bee's broken nose but it was clearly photoshopped to make it look worse she tried to photoshop it but she failed miserably the judge said misuntitled mom are those photos doctored no not at all that's what she did to my baby then i spoke up and said your honor this is photoshopped i have a copy of the actual photo the look of shock on entitled mom's face could have powered the entire city for a couple minutes thankfully i had copied the picture when entitled mom gave them to me so i could think about what i've done entitled mom tried to intervene and say your honor you don't have to look at those just take my word on it that one is the doctored one when the judge looked at my pictures she asked entitled mom why would you bring doctored photos in my courtroom they aren't the judge dismissed the evidence and we moved on i stated my counter claim she caused me emotional pain and physical pain i showed evidence like the pictures of my hair and stuff like that then it was time for the video when the officer was bringing the tv in for the video to display entitled mom said your honor i have suspicions that the video is doctored everyone was shocked because she was the one to bring in photoshopped stuff the judge ignored her after the judge and the whole courthouse watched the video the judge said this looks too real to be fake but it is trust me she hit my daughter judge don't raise your voice in my courtroom but bee doesn't deserve this she's a good kid and hit no one entitled mom then had to be escorted out of the room b i did nothing to alba she hit me in the first place judge but i see you cut her hair and assaulted her first but she had no valid answer for that we discussed some other things it was really boring the lawyers talked most of the time during this part then came the verdict it's tuesday now and i'm up fifty thousand dollars the judge decided to go from sixty thousand to fifty thousand and he thought that bees and entitled mom's claim was ridiculous rightfully so entitled mom actually lost 60 000 because of the court fees and lawyers and also my lawsuit i decided against doing the flop in the courtroom but i did it when i was home i think i'm going to use the money to go to nc state which is the college i wanted to go to ever since i was 13. i took a leap year because i couldn't afford it so come next august i'll be in school i'll put the rest away in the bank thank you for all the supportive comments next we've got knocked unconscious on public transport thanks to karen for clarification and understanding purposes i have a medical condition in which my blood circulation is extremely weak my average resting pulse is around 45 beats per minute when i sleep it can go down to 30 beats per minute endangering my life when i am physically active not resting etc my pulse rises to around 60 beats per minute a pulse of 70 beats per minute for me is like 130 beats per minute for someone with a normal or healthy blood circulation so i pass out extremely easy therefore i need to be super careful about my movements actions and stuff or else i will get knocked unconscious in seconds of just standing up i never thought i'd encounter an entitled parent myself but unfortunately i did yesterday it was around 8 30 in the morning i was riding the bus to university so i sit there on the bus listening to music minding my own business when all of a sudden someone taps me on the arm excuse me young man can you please get up this is my son's favorite spot on the bus the entitled mom said i replied what i'm sorry but i need this place c'mon there's plenty of room for you to stand just get up and give us the spot me i really can't i'm sorry if i get up now i will ah just get up you seem fine nothing's wrong with you you're just lazy and don't want to stand while i'm trying to explain to entitled mom that i have a certain condition and which i need to be careful about my movements because my pulse in circulation is so extremely weak and fragile she keeps on screaming about how i was stealing her son's happiness and how lazy i am for not standing up for a mother and her kid i was feeling my pulse rising because of the argument and stress this lady was causing me and i got extremely anxious i didn't want to pass out on public transport her son looked really uncomfortable through this whole argument and at one point tried to tell entitled mom to just leave me alone the rest of the bus of course caught attention to the situation all of a sudden entitled mom grabbed my hand and tried to take my pulse your pulse seems fine what's wrong with you why can't you just stand up her grip was so firm it left marks of her nails on my skin she pulled me out of the seat leaving me standing on the bus with an already way too high pulse for me and my condition i tried to walk a few steps to find something to hold on to so i wouldn't fall but it was already too late anyway and i fell to the ground getting unconscious in the middle of a bus what happened after that and i don't quite know i got conscious laying wrapped up in a blanket on the pavement surrounded by paramedics the police and the bus driver they explained to me what had happened while i was gone the police took statements from entitled mom some other people on the bus and the bus driver and took entitled mom into custody they asked me if i wanted to give a statement now or later when i recovered and if i wanted to press charges and of course i absolutely did all i heard from her after i woke up was just screaming in disbelief and crying so far it's sure that entitled mom's health insurance company will have to pay for the ambulance paramedics and other following medical bills all public transport for this specific line was forced to stop for three hours just because an entitled mother didn't get what she wanted currently i'm in the hospital under supervision i'll be released once they're sure my pulse and circulation is a little stronger they know they can't cure it but they said they will try to make me at least a little more stable so far i'm feeling alright and much better i'm probably getting released tomorrow evening i'll update you if i get any updates on entitled mom's charges after reading up on some insurance stuff i think it was some kind of umbrella insurance policy and not only her health insurance i have no big clue how this works and i can only go with the info my company provided me but you guys also gave me some nice input big factor to take into consideration about this i'm german this happened in germany next we've got entitled parent tries to get her kids onto business class in april last year me and my family had decided to go to pakistan to visit family we rarely go since it's an eight-hour flight it's a super hot country and tickets can be rather expensive however this particular time my dad managed to find some plane tickets for business class which were relatively cheap and booked them this was my and my siblings first time traveling in business class so needless to say we were pretty excited we get to the airport to check in go through security and chill in the business lounge until our flight we were all in a good mood and we're excited to see where we would be sitting on the plane we were the first group to get on and we all set in our seats just talking amongst ourselves after we were boarded economy class then boarded this is where the story gets a bit interesting i was sat next to this woman and her kid and she explained it was her kids first time going to pakistan so she booked business class so they would have a comfortable flight which i thought was sweet shortly after a woman from economy entitled parent walks through the curtains into business class and walks up to the lady asking her why she is here she told the woman what she told me and it clicked that they were family so i pretended to ignore them entitled parent then walks up to one of the hostesses and asks if she can pay to be upgraded to business class the hostess explained it wasn't possible and went back to her seat i thought that would be the end of it but it wasn't about five hours through the flight my brother needed the bathroom both my parents were asleep and i didn't fancy waking them up so i took it myself it took quite a long while since my brother was pretty much messing around and acting up by the time we came back we found two kids sitting in our seats i asked them to move since i knew they weren't in business class the business class section of the plane was small enough that you could basically see everyone who was sitting there they refused to since they claimed their mother had allowed them to sit here not wanting to kick them out myself i explained the situation to a flight attendant who escorted them back to their parents i got my brother sat back down with mom and i returned to my seat attempting to go to sleep it was then that entitled parents storms in furious that her kids have been kicked out of business class she stated that the seats were empty and that me and my brother had stolen their seats when i explained that i had taken my brother to the bathroom and that they were in fact not empty she just replied with well surely they can sit here for a bit it's not harming anyone the flight attendant tried to calm her down and get her to leave but she wouldn't budge why don't you sit with the rest of us she then shouted clearly angry at the fact that she was not on the same level as us at this point my dad had woken up he is a pretty grumpy guy when he has woken up rudely and even more so if someone disrespects his family he basically told entitled mom to shut her mouth and called her crazy in urdu to which entitled parent got offended and started yelling back at him in urdu my dad not wanting his duke to her level just rolled his eyes and put on his headphones after her meltdown another flight attendant this time a male explains that they may have to stop the plane and make an emergency stop to kick her off the flight if she does not calm down this seems to shut her up and she goes back to her seat sulking luckily nothing happened after that and we would enjoy the rest of the flight in peace also turns out the woman i was sitting next to was entitled parent's sister and was so apologetic to everyone for her sister's behavior i couldn't imagine being sisters with someone like that entitled mom wouldn't give me my diploma because i didn't get her a rose i had a weird upbringing that i've tried to explain a couple times but it's so complicated i couldn't get it concise enough and i had to erase it i think i'll just stick to this one story for now and if you want to hear more about what my family believed you can ask me any questions you have and i can answer them in the comments even so this is going to be a long crazy story so brace yourself my mom was what's known as a covert narcissist that's where they are super sweet and wonderful whenever someone else is around but at home their true colors rip through their mask and they demand that the world revolve around them part of what we believed required our family to have as many kids as possible and as the oldest daughter it was my job to take care of them all i meal planned cooked cleaned and even homeschooled my youngest siblings all while trying to get through my own school books by myself my mom wouldn't let me study unless all the other housework was done first when it came time for me to graduate high school our church organized a group of us home school kids who were all graduating at the same time and put together a ceremony like the ones regular schools have i was very involved for the first few months i illustrated a cookbook we were selling and went to all the fundraisers but after a while i decided i didn't agree with a lot of what the group was doing and asked my parents if i could pull out of the project and just have a small ceremony at home like we had always talked about they both heard my reasons and agreed saying they were proud of my maturity and willingness to stand alone for what was right the day of the graduation came and we went to support our friends during the ceremony each student gave their mother a rose and a hug on stage and it was very sweet i had no reason to believe there was anything wrong until we got home my mom immediately called me back into her room my dad was standing there but he wasn't really the leader in our house so he didn't say anything the whole time my mom told me she was humiliated when she saw all the other mothers get roses and said i cheated her out of the honor and recognition she deserved for teaching me everything i know her exact words were a graduation ceremony is not about the students it's about the teachers and how hard they worked to get those students where they are today i didn't dare contradict her but in my head i was thinking what are you talking about you haven't been my teacher since i was 11. she would always just buy me books and that was it i had to find time to read them take tests and grade myself all on my own she would even make me take tests over and over until i got an a with math that was a lot of trying and failing i didn't even know the real cutoff for failing a test was a d until i got married and moved out at the time of this conversation i still had a couple chapters in my last math book i needed to finish but a lot of my other homeschool friends said they had the same thing and it was normal my mom finished by saying i just looked at your math book and you still have two chapters left to go so you haven't even earned this yet since you denied me the honor i deserved tonight i will be withholding your diploma also you don't even need it since you won't be going to college just finish your book and you will just be done with school i tried to remind her that she agreed to let me sit out of the graduation ceremony but she said i know i did but when i saw how all the other mothers were being honored like that i realized that wasn't your decision to make and i felt robbed it wasn't about you it was about me as both your mother and your teacher i asked her to at least not tell anyone that i didn't have a diploma and she said what she always said when i asked that kind of thing if you don't want people to know what you did don't do it she dismissed me and i ran to my room and cried i was embarrassed and worried about what my friends would think if they found out but i couldn't stay in my room for very long because my mom soon noticed i was gone and called me back downstairs to make dinner she never approved of anyone being emotional i went the next 12 years carefully guarding my secret that i didn't have a diploma and even my husband didn't know until one day my dad called me he and my mom had gotten a divorce when she left him and all my siblings for another man that year after the drama settled the whole family was a lot happier without my mom around and my dad had been going through all the old files getting everything in order for their new free life when he found something he thought i would like to have it was my diploma and my high school transcript he sent me a picture of them both and i just broke down crying right there on the phone he apologized for not standing up for me back then and i told him i understood and forgave him my mom mistreated him too and he was just trying to get through life like all of us he couldn't accept that he said as my dad it was his job to protect me and he failed we had a long talk about all the things my mom did to me and i was surprised to hear that my dad was largely unaware of most of them he got really angry on the phone and kept apologizing for not being more aware and present in my life he was in the military so he was gone a lot it was a wonderful talk and we both cried a ton he sent me the diploma and the transcript in the mail and i cried again when i finally held them in my hands i used them to get a job last year at a daycare and it felt amazing have you ever been to a graduation ceremony or been part of one i'd love to hear from you please let me know in the comments next we've got i was doomed to fail so i took my classmate with me backstory stuck in a project group one of the members is a lazy jerk who's already failed the year once other two were good eggs lazy jerk makes getting a remotely respectable grade extraordinarily difficult we are forced to stick together my university career is a married one tainted with a lot of personal issues between two courses but this story is not about any personal issue it is however about how my first course came to a close i spent my entire time at university in a highly ranked university in england my first course being mechanical engineering first year was a doozy with one of my modules computing programming in python essentially finishing at 98 percent with a first in the module being at 70 percent i only lost the 2 percent because of one unclear comment and a bit of code and this was public knowledge among my year group this put me quite comfortably at the top of the class for the module and would put me in everyone's crosshairs every time they had a programming issue then roll around second year right at the beginning of the year we were informed that there will be a group project throughout the year and we had a choice between a number of projects all but two of them geared more towards the other engineering disciplines one of which was building a robot to compete which was the popular option competing is cool robots are cool what could possibly go wrong oh boy we were bunched into groups of four or five where there weren't enough people to make another group of four i was put into one of the fours and upon the first meeting i already had my suspicions that things were going to go south to introduce you to the people involved in this disaster we've got me girl power two girls they were good eggs we've got rugby guy the star of today's show played rugby for the university and we've got the professor the guy in charge of the project supervision and advising the teams the first meeting was to introduce ourselves get to know any specialisms that anyone might have and ideas to tackle the tasks that we were given regarding robot design and implementation of our ideas girl power were quick to inform us that they had little practical experience in creating a robot and their programming scores weren't so hot but they'd be more than happy to chip in the design process and do a larger chunk of the paperwork i was initially skeptical but took everything they said on board then rugby guy chimed in saying he's done this project before all heads immediately snapped in his direction he explained that he failed the year last year thus was repeating this year this is important information so i asked him if he knew how to program do electronics and design and he said a very short yeah he was mostly silent during the rest of the discussion even when me and girl power tried to include him and get his ideas we eventually agreed by majority vote on what we plan to do and delegated design responsibilities using cad software to design the components and make a prototype the professor informed us that we must have all of our design work done before we attempted to implement any of it and that everyone must contribute in some way in several weeks time we were to present our prototype and how we designed it i of course did my chunk of design of components girl power's combined efforts also pushed forward their cat design flawlessly i was over the moon with just how slick their teamwork was you couldn't name a more iconic duo my mood came crashing down to earth however with the complete lack of anything from rugby without his contribution we couldn't get any further we pled our case to our professor but he didn't budge on this ruling i did however take the time to do rugby guys responsibilities by myself and even what software design i could envision at the time in an attempt to make sure we wouldn't fall too far behind come the presentation we had absolutely no robot not even a block of wood to present the professor lambasted us ruthlessly it was clear he was disappointed and quite angry by the sheer lack of productivity our team presented girl power came prepared for this however and had printed evidence of the work they did i had printed evidence too compiled of the work they did under their names the official work i did under mine and rugby guy's responsibilities which i also did the professor then took us outside a grave look on his face and told us that every year there was one problem group and with every year he made an offer to split them into two small groups or to keep the group as is girl power were immediately against the idea citing they would be sticking together if they were to split and they weren't going to split unless they could take me with them this is the only time i have been popular with women clearly the professor asked me and i just said the evidence says everything that needed to be said he rejected the evidence claiming that anyone could put their name on something which is technically true we left the initial presentation with a failing grade with a 2.1 upper second final mark only being possible with absolutely flawless final result with the group project having such a large bearing on the final grade of the course a poor grade there would spell trouble for the remainder of the course the professor encouraged us to stick as a team to get the final product done as well as we can as well as the necessary paperwork discussing our allocation of responsibilities cad and software design time management materials all the works the revenge begins after pleading again with the professor he allows us to go forwards with the implementation of the project regardless of rugby guy's lack of contribution i informed the professor that i shall be thoroughly documenting all meetings all correspondence via facebook text and other messaging systems and who's been submitting work then an idea struck me i had friends in computer science software engineering and they'd often talk about stuff they were doing that's when i found out that the university had their own git system for those who don't know what git is it's a source versioning software so people could push their own contributions to the development of a project pushing commence in short you could bundle up files you've created slash edited add a comment to the bundle usually to summarize what you've done in other notes and push it through for someone to authorize this allows collaboration on a project from many people this is just a very basic summary of git but it'll suffice i inquire more and find out that although it's mainly used by the faculty that my friends were in the entire university could create projects in this software using their university email i bring this up with the professor asking if it's okay to use this software during the development of the robot and its paperwork he says that's the first time anyone suggested it to me but if it helps you keep on top of things go ahead i'm interested in how this turns out i contact the group on facebook that i have devised a way to keep all our work managed without having to constantly exchange files via facebook or email and that i requested they all contact me privately so i could show them the way girl power both individually messaged me and i introduced them to the wonderful world of git rugby guy read the message in group chat but never got in touch with me i insisted that every little thing we've done every time we've created or made a change to any file related to the project we commit and push what we've done to our git repository whether it was whole pages of text or code or a single sentence or line it got committed the team were also to have meetings every meeting was arranged via facebook group and an email sent to each team member via university email with the time location and purpose of the meeting after some convincing during each facebook discussion to arrange meeting each meeting ended up being held in a different room to previous meetings at the beginning of each meeting i insisted on taking a group picture on my phone which i insisted on pushing silly faces for i also placed addictive phone at the center of the table for each meeting so we had an audio recording of each meeting meetings mainly consisted of how much progress i made on the development side how much progress girl power made on the documentation side and rugby guy not really present he only turned up to two meetings promising to do some work on the hardware side of things at the end of the day of each meeting i would send everyone in the team an email with the meeting minutes an attachment of the group picture and the audio recordings after a few meetings girl power pulled me to the side and asked me what all the picture taking was about and why i insisted on a change on a different room every time i answered i like the change of locale and memories are always nice they have an unsure okay a quizzical expression and just left it at that then came the actual creation of the robot as girl power were in charge of most of the documentation the onus lay on me and rugby guy to do the development side with me supposed to handle mostly the software side upon each arrival to the workshop i would take a selfie of myself outside the workshop and also a selfie with random people in the workshop each time i would ask for their university email to send the selfie to them as quirky memories i also took pictures of the robot before and after each time i was in the workshop rugby guy showed up once to cut out a base out of wood so we fell worryingly behind girl power did their best with their limited practical ability to help but sadly the vast majority of electronics and getting labor work done fell to me as a result i ended up having to skip out on numerous lectures and seminars to get the implementation work done the situation was so dire that i knew that there was no way i was going to catch up on all the learning i missed i knew i was doomed so i rejected all of the girls help so they could at least study and help themselves and i'll ensure the project got sorted by the final presentation and competition my team had somehow managed to win our university's little robot tournament by a very slim margin rugby guy who actually turned up to the competition and presentation breathed the sigh of relief got hugs from girl power and the professor took us to the side to offer his congratulations and he honestly didn't think we'd make it we all smiled and laughed including the rugby guy who had no idea the crap storm that was about to hit him after all was said and done each person in the class was given a form to evaluate their teammates anonymously rating the contribution of each named teammate from zero to four for participation quantity of contribution quality of contribution and general teamwork with zero being absolutely nothing nil zero at the bottom was a box for comments i of course gave the girls solid fours across the board as they were an absolute godsend and i love them for it they took me aside and revealed to me that they were both giving each other and me fours and it turned out we all agreed to give rugby guy solid zeros for contributions and teamwork they gave him a zero for participation i gave him a one because he did technically turn up to two meetings in the comments i simply wrote see evidence handed in the form to the professor directly and left before he could get a word in edgewise then i got home booted up my laptop and opened up word i also opened up the webpage for our git repository and facebook group messaging and my university email remember the group used source versioning software to keep on top of the project each commit had the name of the committee and their email address screenshots of every single commit and its message then the facebook messages with all group discussions and also girl power messaging me privately to learn about the way screenshot every workshop selfie and selfie with random individuals insert into document robot pictures for each session insert into document group selfies insert into document sound recordings of meetings and meeting minutes compile all into a zip file complete with text copy and paste of each email regarding meetings and selfie emails i then proceed to sit on all of this until i get the email i figured was coming the professor sent an email to me asking me to meet him in his office to discuss the scores i had given to my colleagues the day of the meeting two hours before it i went to the university library to print off my word document of pictures while the document was printing i went onto the git repository and created a link to join the project i then open my email sent the professor the zip file i had compiled writing please find attached audio recordings of each meeting emails i have sent to people i've taken selfies with and a link allowing you into our git repository i treasury tag my document pages together carefully place it in my backpack and head to the professor's office i knock stating that i'm here for the meeting i'm asked to come in and i see girl power looking somewhat grim and the professor with a look of thorough annoyance i close the door and he immediately starts with you've sent me worrying scores for your colleague do you understand that the scores you give your colleagues will reflect the mark they get for this module we all nod so you understand that the scores you give to rugby guy will reward him next to no marks so he will fail the module outright and cannot pass the year we all nod did you know that rugby guy is repeating this year we all nod do you know the university's policy regarding retaking the year i state that i'm not sure what the policy is he's referring to he states that essentially barring extraordinary circumstances like personal issues or major illness you cannot repeat the same year a third time i.e if you fail the second time you're out finished he then pulls out my form in particular it says in your comments see evidence but you forgot to give any evidence before i ask why exactly you're giving him such poor scores do you have your evidence with you at this point i was smiling so hard my cheeks were hurting and the poor man trying to help his failing student had a look of consternation on his face i slid the backpack off my shoulders opened it up wide and pulled out hundreds of pages all bound by tags i said i have sent you an email with a zip file in it is the sound recording of every meeting as well as many emails regarding meetings as well as selfies sent to other people in it you will also find a link that will allow you into our git repository so you can see it for yourself before you do so please take a look at this i placed the document next to the textbook on his desk the document is thicker than the textbook i explained the nature of each set of pictures included in the document with a professor dead silent throughout the entire explanation this included the group selfies so the penny suddenly dropped for the girls and an audible oh coming from one of them once i finished explaining there was just silence in the room for two minutes as everyone just stared at the pile of paper on the guy's desk the professor then just told us that we could leave couple of days later we get another email from the professor evidence accepted scores accepted initial mark for final project 80 mark will be adjusted due to unbalanced contribution i just passed a number of my other modules but failed one too badly to continue to the next year girl power did great though and we're super happy that our group grade was miraculously bumped up to a 2.1 i dropped mechanical engineering and transferred to computer science at the end of that year rich groom plus poor bride equals entitled parents this happened a few years ago and to be fair they weren't the worst couple i have dealt with in my career but even so they were jerks to work with so the backstory the groom was a rich businessman from the uk that was marrying a single mother from africa based on the ways their families conducted themselves it was clear to say that their backgrounds were vastly different i had been hired to do the wedding video i was shooting alone rather uncomfortably i might add as i had filmed a different wedding the day before and all the service providers had gotten light cases of food poisoning their wedding was on a sunday and as i had been hired by the bride's side of the family their budget was fairly limited therefore all pre-ceremony coverage had been cut from their package i arrived about 30 minutes before the ceremony to see the groom cussing out the dj about something i don't actually know what the ceremony started and didn't add much to the story the bride's stupid lawn pen my company's name for kids was screaming throughout the entire ceremony making it impossible to hear the sermon and making me feel oh so happy knowing that i was going to get tasked trying to clean up the audio after oh the joys of wedding videos cut forward to after the ceremony with everyone gathering for the couple to sign the register the couple entered the room and saw something something horrendous something so devastating to their moment that not even god would have had the solution right there right where they wanted to sign there was a book lying on the table get the manager straight away this book has to be removed the jerk groom yelled to the closest person in earshot it took me a moment to register what had just happened before i took a step towards the table simply picking up the book and putting it back on the shelf so you'd think that would be the end of it right with the obstacle now removed that they could simply sign the papers and go on with their lives nah this had upset them so much that the room had to be cleared while they took some time alone to rant about how inadequate everyone is and how this book had ruined their entire day i'm not even joking they really did say that the book had ruined their entire day so eventually the dang register gets signed the two most dramatic people in the world are now husband and wife and everyone is standing outside finally the door opens we wake up from our afternoon naps on our feet the guests hold their hands ready to throw confetti only to see the mc walk through the door and announce that they won't be coming out as the bride doesn't want the wind messing up her hair if i had rolled my eyes any bigger they would have come out of their sockets why because the bride not the groom but the bride was from this area and she knew the wind never stops blowing did she think god was going to pause the weather for her while the rest of her guests stand outside burning in the sun for almost 15 minutes anyway move forward to the reception the couple shoot and the family photos had to be postponed to later because for some reason the bride thought the wind was going to change this meant that everyone now entered the reception hall more than 90 minutes earlier than the schedule had stipulated so what does the groom of the year do he goes and yells at the wedding coordinator that the first course isn't ready yet needless to say this caused some panic in the kitchen i should further point out that this wasn't your average three-course meal this was eight courses so the schedule was something like this speech course speech course eight times the opening of the dance floor bouquet and carter etc i did my setup quickly as the first speech was about to commence only one problem the number of guests was way too many for the venue's capacity so there was literally no way for me to get anywhere near the bridal table or the podium where the speakers would be making their speeches i set up as well as i could a basic two camera setup and took a stand behind the main camera during the speech i glanced in the direction of my second camera only to see the bride's lawn pin is trying to climb up my tripod how the camera didn't fall over might prove that there is a higher power up in the clouds but nonetheless i sprinted towards it grabbing the kid before he could knock over the camera i put him down telling him politely not to touch it the camera had moved during the kids action and was now no longer pointing in any kind of relevant direction i glanced back at my main camera only to see that the speaker was no longer standing behind the podium and had gone to stand directly behind the couple i had missed it completely i sprinted back to my main camera readjusted the shot glanced back at my second camera only to see the dang lawn pin aiming to try and climb up it again once more i sprinted back to my second camera picked the camera up and set it up right next to the main one this was the most boring setup ever done in my career but it would now have to do the speech eventually ended and the first course was served i was the only person slash service provider not catered for because honestly who cares about the videographer to be fair this didn't bother me because i wouldn't have been able to eat anyway but i was still feeling horrible and really just wanted to rest for a while i waited for the guests to start eating before spotting a sofa at the back of the venue and deciding it looked like a great place to rest i had just sat down when i was approached by the jerk groom and the lawn pin groom what are you doing now me immediately back on my feet there's really nothing i can shoot at the moment so just waiting for the next speech was there something you needed yeah please watch this stupid kid and yes he really did describe his new stepson as the stupid kid me huh yeah just keep him quiet and make sure he doesn't disturb the guests me what about when the next speech starts thank you the groom said walking away without answering my question i looked after him with bleeding eyes this wasn't happening the kid stared at me i stared back at him he continued staring at me and then started wailing his eyes out i looked around frantically to see if any of the kid's relatives were going to come help but nope giving in to my fate i climbed down to the floor opened the kid's backpack and started unpacking his toys he stopped crying quite quickly as i let him show me his favorite toys skip for it about 15 to 20 minutes the kid and i were in the middle of an intense dinosaur battle when i heard the next speech starting i had asked the mc to give a two-minute warning before each speech so that i could have time to set my cameras up again i unfortunately had to move them away every time as to not block the traffic flow of the waiters he forgot every single time i missed the first few seconds of the second speech as i redid my setup only to hear that the kid had started wailing again i glanced in the direction of the couple who were both staring at me with daggers in their eyes i stared back at them with a look that said what the heck do you want me to do about it and left the kid to cry as i tried recording the second speech the speech ended well i assume it did the lawn pen was yelling so loud that i never heard it end but i'm sitting here typing this story so i think it's a fair bed i moved my cameras away again and moved back towards the couch when i was bombarded by the couple bride why weren't you watching him me because i can't play babysitter and shoot your wedding video at the same time groom well i told you to watch him me and your wife paid me to capture your day on video again i can't do both well that was very embarrassing for us a silence followed this with me and the couple just staring at each other me are you waiting for me to say something just go do your job the groom snapped before stomping off with his new wife which one i yelled after them once more getting ignored the rest of the reception played off more or less the same until i was relieved of my babysitting duties by the bride's sister aunt mother hair stylist i have no idea who the heck she was except that i now had to share my sofa so the reception finally ended i felt like i had just aged 10 years and it was now time for the family and couple photos but what was this their praying had helped nothing and the wind was now blowing even worse than before now at this point any logical bride would probably have been asking herself some questions specifically what difference is it going to make if my hair gets messed up now as almost everything has already been done and what is the point of even having my hair done if i'm not going to take any decent photos this bride didn't ask those questions though and therefore insisted that all her photos couple and family take place on the porch on one single small spot on the porch so the shoot went like this i finally get them in frame and the main photographer blocks me i try a different angle and the second photographer blocks me heck i didn't blame the photographers this was like trying to fit six people into a matchbox without taking out the matches there was simply no space for all of us and the couple had left this so late that the light was disappearing by the second if this poor photographer had 20 minutes for all the photos then i'll be surprised the next thing to do was getting all the guests back upstairs for the opening of the dance floor both the photographer and i had about an hour left on the clock so we were at least doing well for time the photographer and i started back up the stairs to do our setup but we were suddenly stopped by the mc the mc informed us that the bride was tired so she and the groom were going to retire to the honeymoon suite and would return in about an hour for the opening of the dance floor the photographer and i looked at each other with a kind of what expression but shrugged it off and went to wait upstairs news of the couple's temporary departure quickly reached the guests and within less than 30 minutes the entire reception hall had emptied with the exception of the waiters bar staff photographers and myself another 30 minutes passed with no sign of the couple returning both the photographers and i were now off the clock the photographers waited another 15 minutes literally saying forget this and leaving i wanted to do the same my god did i want to do the same but the video i had taken so far was so bad it was nightmare fuel bad and i simply could not bring myself to leave without at least capturing the opening of the dance floor and so i continued to wait for another 90 minutes finally the couple returned followed by around 10 or 15 guests all of them now wore their casual attire and looked like they were ready for a night at a dodgy nightclub and then i heard the words that finally made me lose my patience the couple isn't going to open the dance floor anymore i stared at the couple with a livid expression on my face as the hip-hop music started playing the groom took to the bar and the bride started throwing grotesque dance moves with her friends saying this i picked up my gear and walked out of the room without saying goodbye to the couple i did predictably get an email from the groom a few days later telling me to remove all the lawn pins crying from the video and that they expected the video to be a true representation of their special day that i can say it definitely was what would you have done if you were in this position would you have stuck around and kept trying or would you just have bolted and got out of there let me know in the comments next we've got i helped get my wife's boss fired so this is a story all about how my wife and i got her boss fired for reference my wife will be called mary and her boss is karen i know original right so mary started working for a college five years ago as an administrative assistant she was given odd and in tasks one of which was writing up the school handbook she noted in the handbook that staff were required to take time for professional development after some years and a few promotions she lands a manager position in the department and spearheads an initiative to have all staff under her have approved time to attend professional development conferences karen always rejected this idea but mary decided one day to go to karen's boss we will call bob bob is great once mary has enough weight in the college she went around karen and got bob to approve conferences for everyone in the department for the next year or so everyone got to choose any conference around the continental usa to attend on the company's dime everyone would come back with notes taken at every session attended attached with a conference itinerary and given to their direct supervisor as proof of attendance the employee would also present key points learned from their conference at a weekly departmental meeting pretty simple morale boosting opportunity until someone had to abuse it karen had been bragging to other department directors as well as to marry about swimming with dolphins during her recent travel to a conference mary didn't think much of it as usually there was sometimes a free morning or afternoon to do with as you pleased at the conferences my wife told me this during our nightly pillow talk and having been raised in orlando where karen decided to attend a conference my head popped up and i asked where mary replied with a well-known location run by a well-known company with a whale for a logo i quickly replied that they close at 5 30. when did karen have time for this mary who had access to karen's itinerary dropped her jaw when she realized the conference karen attended did not have free time during the business hours of the dolphin swimming experience mary went into an enraged clerical fury as she pulled up karen's full travel itinerary for flight hotel conference and other reimbursements the school does most departmental work online and therefore the school's server can be accessed remotely from secured or approved devices like mary's phone she also checked the website where karen went swimming at to confirm hours of operation according to the records submitted there was no way karen had time to swim with the dolphins during the experience's normal business hours without missing part of the conference and according to carrie's itinerary she was supposed to have attended all sessions mary worked hard to have the privilege to travel the country to attend conferences and karen just messed it all up mary eventually wrote all of this up attached the itinerary documents attached photos of the encounter and apparently from other theme parks that karen had neglected to mention from social media attached the hours of operation and sent this all to bob mary texted me about an hour after she got to work the next day saying bob was livid he was currently in the process of questioning everyone karen had bragged to to see if the stories all matched up a few days later karen was fired from the company for only attending one session of the three-day conference lying about her report filed using company funds for travel hotels and food to go play at theme parks and for submitting a time card to get paid while doing all of that although mary's name was anonymous through all of this karen seemed to blame mary anyways karen sent mean and dark texts to mary several times until the school could send a cease and desist worst of all i guess karen's husband was a deadbeat so not only did karen have to trade in her massive suv for a smaller vehicle she had also just signed on a new house only days before she was fired and now had no income to support the said home i'm not completely cynical people shouldn't be homeless but karen had also taken credit for a lot of mary's work made mary do karen's workload while karen went away from her keyboard and many other instances of foul play i can't remember because there's so much pillow talk needless to say karen reaped what she sold do you feel bad that karen's losing her home or do you think she deserves it leave me a comment letting me know and drop a re while you're at it next we've got i ruined this guy's entire holiday i work at a call center for a large uk luxury caravan holiday park company it's actually not a bad place to work and i have a lot of fun like most call center jobs i deal with a lot of entitled customers but there's one in particular that totally takes the cake i spoke to this guy not long after getting the job probably not even 2 months in it's a long conversation but i promise it's worth the read he called up and he had turned up to the holiday park and checked into his accommodation which was an extra wide and extra long three-bedroomed model i don't remember the exact name of the unit he was in but it wasn't our bog standard caravan it was a new model and pretty big i went through my whole introduction and data protection etc and asked how i can help i don't remember the exact conversation but it went something like this entitled parent i've just checked into my caravan and it is absolutely tiny it's a joke me i'm sorry to hear that sir have you been to the reception to let them know you aren't happy it's company policy that the call center aren't allowed to step on the parked toes so any complaints need to be dealt with by the park but we get so many customers who call us up thinking they'll get a better compensation offer than what the park has given them entitled parent yes they aren't going to do anything they said there aren't any other caravans available and the only option is to switch to a different park which is ridiculous me unfortunately sir if we have no other accommodations available on park there's nothing we can do i can see you are in an extra wide and extra long accommodation currently so i doubt we would have anything bigger on the park anyway perhaps he cuts me off we were in a much bigger accommodation last year and we paid more money this year i check his previous booking and he was in a bog standard two bedroom unit the previous year that means his current accommodation is twenty percent wider and twenty percent longer than the last year just with an extra bedroom me i understand you're disappointed but i've just looked and you are actually in a larger accommodation this year than last year unfortunately unless you would consider switching to a different park and paying the upgrade cost for a lodge we don't have anything larger available entitled parent this is ridiculous let me speak to your manager now me we don't have any managers available at the moment have you spoke with the manager on park i tried they wouldn't let me speak to the manager me knowing something isn't quite right about that okay no worries sir let me call the park and see if there's anything i can do are you okay to just wait on hold for a couple of minutes just while i try to clear this up whatever i place the guy on hold and call through to the reception of the park he's staying at me hi i've got a man on the phone here who's staying in this something caravan he's not happy because he thinks it's too small and i'm just wondering if i can transfer him through to a manager receptionist he's already been down today and spoken with our general manager but he isn't happy with what she said he can speak with her again if he likes but he'll need to come down here to speak with her me confused he just told me you guys refused to let him speak with the manager i'm so confused receptionist no he's been down here three times now and spoken with her twice he's also been standing outside of the reception making notes and staring at us for hours today he wants money but we've told him he isn't going to get it because there isn't anything actually wrong with his caravan he just wants a bigger model which we don't have i apologize for wasting the receptionist's time and go back to the guy on hold this is where it gets crazy me thanks so much for holding there sir so i've just spoken with the park and unfortunately there is no manager currently on site higher up than the woman you've already spoken with she's the general manager of the park well she's an unhelpful idiot she was incredibly rude and she didn't want to help us at all i want to speak to your manager now me unfortunately as per our complaints policy you do need to deal with this issue with the park and as they've already explained we won't issue any compensation to yourself as your issue is a personal opinion there isn't anything wrong with your accommodation your entire company is as shamples to ruin my holiday this caravan is a joke it's a joke me sir i will not tolerate you speaking to me like that i'm trying to help you and i will terminate the call if you continue to speak to me like that he continued to scream at me the entire time but i didn't hear the exact wording you have ruined our holiday we paid good money for this he's honestly breaking his microphone at this point he's screaming so loud i can barely understand him sir it is our company policy that you deal with this on park and i will not tolerate you speaking to me this way i will sue you you love ruining people's holidays and taking people's money goodbye sir i hung up on him at this point no way in heck am i going to listen to that for 8.50 an hour i kept an eye on his client profile though turns out he did the same thing to the reception staff and police had to be called later that night bear in mind this guy was on holiday with his wife and baby he is now banned from staying on any of our parks didn't get to stay for his holiday and got zero compensation entitled dad tries to take my three thousand dollar bike this just happened a few hours ago and i'm still fuming after this happened as the title says someone tried to steal my bike important things to know i live in the center of milan italy my school is about 45 minutes from where i live and i need to take the bus to go and come back from school with a welcome 20 minutes ride to my house from the stop i'm an avid cyclist and because of that my grandmother manages to scrape some money to give me this bike i don't let anyone ride it because it's the last thing i have remembering her on to the story cast we've got me we've got my best friend we've got entitled dad an entitled kid the day goes just like normal i wake up do my morning routine and start cycling to the bus stop where i meet up with my closest friend important and get on the bus as always i attend school today was different when i got to school i saw one of the mothers that brings her kid to the bus stop this is entitled kid we never talked together since we never got along in the previous years making us basically hate each other this was strange as his mother not entitled had a very important job in my father's company and always had to be at work on time to have a meeting with my dad as school finishes i get to the bus and sit with my friend as usual entitled kid gets on the bus and sits as far away as possible from us as we get to the stop i see entitled dad waiting for entitled kid strange as he usually goes home alone on foot but i really didn't think about it until i was walking towards my bike to unlock it entitled dad an entitled kid approached me and my friend the following conversation goes like this this was all in italian so i have to translate some words from my city's dialect that are commonly used me and friend are talking about our passion of cycling and start to unlock our bikes my lock is very old and sometimes i have to put quite a lot of force to open it entitled dad high pitch scream what are you doing me i turn around what why are you trying to steal this bike me it's my bike like heck it's not stop or i'll call the police me i lose my temper quite fast what do you want this is my bike and friend can prove it friend it's his bike an entitled kid perfectly knows it's his entitled kid no it's not it's my bike you little jerk i get up and show him the key to the lock entitled dad tries to snatch it but i step back and then push him back entitled dad lets us scream as if i had hurt someone help he assaulted me he's trying to steal my son's bike an important thing is that i'm obsessed with my weight and with my strength and often exercise at the gym to keep in shape because of that i'm pumped as heck what everyone says about me this is my breaking point and i start to yell both in italian and my dialect and shout blasphemies very common in young people friend who has had anger issues for his whole life thankfully doesn't lunge at him like he'd do normally but chases him entitled dad gets back up and starts to high grunt heavily and decides it's a good idea to kick me in the abdomen since i already lost my temper i socked him and he started crying like a little baby entitled kid also tried to do something but as he was trying to get me my friend made him trip i managed to open my lockout my back and started to ride away with my friend thing is that entitled dad was one of the wealthiest men i knew and he could have bought the bike for entitled kid with no problem but instead tried to steal it from me unfortunately since his mother works at my father's company he was informed pretty straight away and called me and i explained what happened on the phone and he sided with me i called the mother and said sorry for how i reacted she said that i overreacted but i was in my right and said to tell her if it ever happened again have you ever had someone try to take something that belongs to you let me know in the comments next we've got jerk manager destroyed my childhood game store so i got him fired i judge card games from local to world championships for several games i was head judge at the world championships the town i grew up in had a game store it was ran by a husband and wife and eventually their kids joined in on the fun it was a lot of fun every night there would be no tables open and for bigger tournaments they would rent out vacant storefronts in the shopping center to fit everyone that would come eventually they moved the store to a bigger store and it would just keep growing some that grew up in the area and started playing at the store eventually had kids of their own and they played in the store too it became a tradition this is the place that you took your kids to their first rpg game or where you buy them their first booster packs the only friday nights that this store would be empty was if there was a big football game at the high school the reason the store was so popular was because of the people they were never flashy and they treated everyone as if they were the best player in the world they'd give away free snacks sodas booster packs for every little occasion and sometimes just because they were more than patient with players helping them build decks and helping people get better at the games they also knew and were able to teach every game they sold in the store i can walk in any day and there would be several rpg groups and rows after rows of people playing all sorts of games did it matter if i bought anything or not i can stay from open to close and not spend a dime and they would still treat me like i dropped a million dollars it was nerdvana it was also the store where i judged my first event after i got my initial certification and the husband had me as a judge for almost every event and he would compensate me half a box of booster packs for the smaller events up to two boxes for bigger ones for one really big release weekend he gave me six boxes of booster packs and paid me his wife was equally amazing and loved her nerds as she affectionately calls us more than he did she would bake cakes for birthdays every day for the week leading up to christmas there would be a tin of cookies always stocked and baked the night before if people got in a jam and needed a last minute sitter they could leave the kids at the store and she would warn the parents she'll watch them but she'll also teach them collectible card games i think this is also why the store made so much money there was a rumor the store actually belonged to her life happened and eventually i ended up living in a city about three hours away and a few years ago i heard the wife had passed and the husband couldn't bear being in the store because everything reminded him of her so someone else was running the store now i planned on visiting the store but being three hours away i just couldn't make a casual trip there as a round trip would be six hours around the middle of last year the store announced they were going to host a major qualifying tournament this generated a lot of buzz people from all over the region were making plans to travel to it i thought this would be a great time to visit the store so i made plans to go too about two weeks before the event i got an email from the publisher asking me to judge the event i thought this was odd as for store level events the store fields the judges and the publisher doesn't get involved at all also while there are a number of us judges we're not so numerous that we don't know each other so i knew there was enough judges in the stores area that should be able to handle the event i wrote back saying i was hoping to be able to play but shouldn't there be judges in that area that would be able to do this they wrote back with there should be but the store owner said he couldn't get anyone even with the list we sent him red flag they ended the email with you should talk to the other judges from the area and see if you can get more of the story i wrote back with give me a few days to think about it i immediately started contacting the judges in the area they all told me the same story the store was sold to a guy and he was great it was the manager that was the problem he was a judge as well but he thinks he knows better than everyone else the manager would override obviously correct ruling because he was buddy with the person the judge ruled against apparently this also happened at a major regional tournament now one of the reasons i judge instead of play is judges are pretty well compensated now anyways not just with booster boxes in our pay but we also get some pretty sweet exclusive promos and swag the jerk manager was hoarding judge's promos for himself the judges found out about this after they went to a major event and another judge was talking about a sweet swag he got the area judges put two and two together and realized what was going on after this happened judges that lived in the area all agreed that they wouldn't judge under him ever again this wasn't the worst of it he would harass players saying they can't bring any outside food or drinks tell them they have to buy products if they want to play in the store he would harass the rpg players telling them they have no life and they're just wasting valuable time they could be playing better games needless to say people tried to avoid him but as the owner would sometimes run the store himself no one can be sure when the manager from heck would be around i was livid this was the store i grew up in this was the store i learned to play and mastered all my favorite games and this jerk was killing the store i started to formulate a plan i wrote to the publisher and told them i'll do it also what was the judge's swag for this event they wrote back really grateful as they would have had to have pulled the event if i didn't agree to it and told me everything i would get for judging they even told me they'll throw something in special for me helping them out i wrote back asking for a specific item i knew that the jerk manager would definitely want and i could use to trap him the publisher wrote back saying yes they would include that in the tournament kit as well the day of the event i woke up at the ungodly hour of five am got ready and left the house at seven a.m and made the three hour drive to my home store i got there and there was already a line wrapping around the store i said hi to people i knew from the store and those i met at larger events it was like a mini homecoming i walked in and the new owner the manager and two other judges were there and went over the day the manager started saying that he's a level mid-tier judge and that he was the highest in the area right now so he would be the head judge for the event and what he says is final i told him that i was a higher tier judge on top of that i had several advanced role qualifications he said i was bs'ing him until i showed him my certification he said he's still head judge because he was the manager of the store and people in the store respect his authority i had to stifle a laugh then i told him before i start i would like my judge's swag now normally i get this at the end of the event because i don't want to carry it around all day but given this guy's records i wanted to give this guy as little chance as possible to steal what was owed to me he started himming and hawing and said he hasn't pulled the kit yet i told him pull it open it and give me my swag or i will be walking away and i'd tell the publisher and this tournament will be invalidated the owner tried to reason with me but i was firm i hated doing this to the owner he hasn't done anything wrong from what i heard he was trying to continue the traditions and practices that the original owners had established but i knew i needed to be a jerk to save the store's community from the manager the manager finally came out and gave me my swag i looked it over and i knew this wasn't everything that was promised to me and i said as much then i pulled the email from the publisher that listed everything i was supposed to receive including the special swag the manager said he couldn't find it all and the owner begged me to wait until the end of the event so he could make it right i stood firm and demanded my stuff i listed everything and this time i also listed the special item i requested from the publisher the manager went pale the owner looked at the manager and said you said you got that when you judged that big event a few months ago i pulled up the email where i requested the item and where the publisher said it would be included and showed it to the owner the owner exploded he demanded to see the entire packing list for the kit and sure enough my promised item was in there then i told the owner everything the other area judges told me and the owner got redder and redder finally i told the owner and the manager that unless i get the items i was promised by the publisher i would call the police and report the theft then walk out and make sure everyone outside knew what happened the owner demanded the manager give me what was owed to me he walked back and brought out everything that was listed in the email plus the special item that was promised to me the owner then fired the manager and apologized to me profusely for what had just happened and asked me to please judge i agreed started the tournament and apparently it was the best ran tournament the store had since the change of ownership no one walked away complaining all the rulings were fair and it even ended early when i got home i sent an email to the publisher with a tournament report as well as an explanation as to what happened i also sent a long email apologizing to the owner for my crappy behavior the owner wrote back saying he understood why i did it and he was actually grateful as i was able to help him see the truth the fallout the jerk manager was stripped of his judge certification also the guys he tried to help cheat were given bans from the game the owner hired one of the area judges to manage the store and it's slowly going back to what it was before the reign of the jerk manager and the grand scheme of things this wasn't some huge injustice that was righted but this store is like family to me and you don't mess with family are there any stores that you love as much as op love to the game shop leave me a comment letting me know and drop a re while you're at it next we've got almost got the law called on me for a stolen receipt this happened yesterday i work for a retailer department store and on sunday we're usually not busy it's also january so we're really not busy aside from the droves of people coming in to return their christmas gifts and make a fuss that they can't have cash back if they didn't pay with cash the usual i get to work in the shoe department today so i head on over and am immediately met with an older lady probably in her later 60s she's there with her partner who is another lady of similar age and they both look like they shop in the men's department for their clothes and shoes no big deal so i get to assisting main lady who will call smallfoot for the sake of her visit wanted to return some shoes she had bought because they were too big no problem i returned the shoes and since she had paid with our in-store credit card i just let her know it will be put back on the card and she'll be refunded it's only after we're done that she makes a fuss and says well where's my cash turns out she didn't want the credit back because she wanted to get rid of our card this isn't that huge of a deal seeing as i can see exactly how much money went on her card and then when she's finished shopping we can charge that exact amount so her balance on the cards stays at zero and then her partner who we'll call partner said she'll just pay the difference since it's smallfoot's birthday and she was going to get her something else instead anyway all right well i hand smallfoot her receipt for the return which i stapled to her old receipt as we'll need that later to do what i just entailed i spend the next 30 minutes or so bringing the shoes back and forth for small foot to try on and it's a difficult process since we don't carry very many of the small men's sizes in store we usually have to order them for the customer during this process smallfoot is urging me to get down and check her toe saying how i'm the shoe salesman here and i need to show that i know my stuff first of all it's a department store in which yes i am familiar with the brands and how to do most register things but lady i work here part-time from a seasonal gig i grabbed a couple years ago only on the weekend and the sort of people who are staffed in these areas are by no means a purebred shoe salesman shining a pair of legit leather shoes in their store window up in atlanta or something second of all i just found this weird since this is something a kid would have done by their parents pinching on the toes of the shoe and telling them if it's too big or not or a wife or husbands mooshing up their spouse's shoe in a similar fashion i wing it just to be a good sport but like i said i'm a cashier and the most i can legitimately do if you have a shoe size question is to put your foot on a metal measure and show you where your big toe is so you can see what to get gripe over smooshing your toe in the shoe is not going to tell you anything after we've picked out two pairs of shoes for small foot i get to ringing them up first i have to look up their credit card number in our system since they apparently already tossed the card somewhere and had no plans on using it again i then go the extra mile to run it and see if they had any rewards which would give them another ten dollars off considering they probably just got it they didn't have any rewards for me to apply but that's okay all i need now is the return receipt i mentioned earlier to make sure i charge them the right amount on the card well small foot decides that she doesn't have the receipt and that i still had it i do a double take around my wrap stand looking under the few shoe boxes we had lying around and glance into some drawers and even the trash can just to make sure i didn't swipe it off onto the floor or something when i don't find it i'm like no ma'am i don't have it could you have left it over there trying your shoes on perhaps the fact that i dared even suggest that maybe she had misplaced her receipt somewhere which couldn't have been far really enraged this lady she got this really gruff and aggressive sort of way of expressing herself and she comes around the register and tells me let me dig through that trash because y'all are no good slimy liars stealing receipts at this point me and my ringing maid are just speechless i let her appear around the counter while i dig through the nasty trash can and show her there are no receipts smallfoot then proceeds to accuse me and my ringing mate of stealing the receipts there was a line forming behind this as it happened by the way and by the time we resolved it later they had all gone however while they were waiting i could see their eyes get big as this lady just pitches a fit about how she's going to call the law on us for stealing her receipt and yada yada eventually the voice of reason partner urges her to check her pockets one more time guess where the receipt was after handing it to me so i can do my thing smallfoot claims i need to walk away i've got to cool down like it was all my fault that she was up in a huff and ruining her blood pressure i finish up the transaction just as planned with partner and with a weak smile she claims so sorry y'all and heads off to find smallfoot who's stalking up and down the aisles now throwing angry looks at my ringing mate and that was only my first customer experience of the day remember kids grand receipt theft is a real problem in retail karen screams show me the policy i work at a fairly popular beauty brand store i love my work i've been there for years and as of now have no thought of quitting but there comes a time and often it's on a daily when we as retail workers come in contact with one of those customers our cast we've got me we've got crazy customer poor team member team member and poor husband it was a sunday a fairly busy one to be exact now this is a little while ago and i can't be too exact about the promotions going on but i do remember there was an extra discount if you were a card holder this comes into play later i'm manager on duty for the night and making my rounds of the store checking on customers and making sure my staff are doing okay i noticed we are running pretty low on a lot of stock particularly our hair care section we have some boxes in the back but we sell it so fast it probably won't last us the night i stock it shelves and make it as full as i can for the time being satisfied with my work i decide i better go take my break before it gets too late or we have an even bigger rush of customers as i head to the back i see teammate come out carrying out four boxes of the specific care care we are nearly out of i let her know i already stalked the shelf so there is no need to do so teammate oh no it's not stock it's for a customer she wants to buy 24 boxes but this is almost all we have i'm going to get the last boxes in the back for her me leave the other boxes in the back you know we can't sell that many to one person and even if we could we don't have the stock to hold us over let me go speak to her crazy customer stands at the cash with board teammates speaking to her poor teammate is chinese and speaks mandarin which crazy customer also does we have a very diversified team which is so amazing because there is usually a team member who can speak a different language if a customer isn't fluent i go up to crazy customer with a smile and a soft voice me hi there i heard you wanted to purchase our haircare crazy customer yes that's right i want 24 boxes me i see unfortunately we are not able to sell that many to a single person especially with our promotion right now crazy customer what do you mean you cannot i'm a paying customer me oh i understand but due to the fact that many people resell products after buying items for a fraction of the cost we are unable to sell that many i'd be happy to sell you the four boxes teammate brought out though as she already said she'd give you them well what if my husband buys can he get more i want them all me knowing we had a few more boxes in the back room i'm sorry this is all the stock we have and that i can give you at the moment we will be expecting a delivery tomorrow i can ask my stock girl to bring up extra boxes for you specifically why won't you just give me them all now your employees said there were more me ma'am the policy is we are only supposed to give two boxes per customer when there is a sale i'm giving you four which already covers both you and your husband i'm sorry but many people love this hair care and that's why we have a limit she now starts to go off at poor teammate in mandarin which i was later told that crazy customers said i wasn't letting her buy because she was asian what and that the rules were stupid and the whole team was useless we now have the biggest line and are down to one cash luckily i have one of my fastest team members at cash but that doesn't stop customers from glaring at crazy customer and becoming frustrated me ma'am please don't yell at my staff the policy is what policy where is the policy she yells at me getting overly close that i nearly have to step back me still trying to sound sweet the policy comes from our head office during times when we have sales like these normally i may be able to give you more if one it's regular price and two if i had the stock just be what i want i want it all jefferson show me the policy me beginning to get annoyed turns my voice a little more stern this is all i can give you if you like i can give you a few more off the shelf that are already unboxed and tomorrow i don't want to come tomorrow i want it today tomorrow the cardholder deal will end this is our policy sell me the policy crazy customer smashes her fist down onto the counter show me the policy show me the policy sorry each time she says policy she brings her palm down and slaps the counter she goes back to shouting the same thing she did before at poor teammate who tries to calm her down with her soft gentle voice customer is having none of it and calls her husband to come in her poor husband comes in looking tired and beat his wife is going off at us and he doesn't even look shocked nor does he look annoyed with us instead he kind of gives me a look to say sorry me ma'am i'm going to ask you again please don't yell at my staff you can yell at me but there is no reason for you to yell at them also if you want the hair care then please buy it or refuse what i can give you and take none of it the choice is yours i'm finally over with this situation just as everyone else in the store looks to be the customer decides that yes she's going to take the shampoo and take me up on my offer of taking a few more out of the box products not sure she understands the concept of a few more as she scoops them all up off the shelves leaving them bare and even goes as far as taking the few we had on our display i'm taking these two i nod knowing those display products have been sitting there for months and if she wants old products then so be it poor teammate helps me bag the hair care as i ring up her purchase although their purchase is way over the limit i have some satisfaction knowing i still had a few boxes in the back for the shelves and other customers that i would stock later when they left poor husband pulls out his credit card and pays for the purchase saying thank you to me i smile feeling bad for him and wish him a good night crazy customer is still huffing as she counts her hair care one by one as though i might have ripped her off when she is finally done she has her husband pick up the bags and she storms off the husband somewhat fumbles while picking up the bags and i let him know that if he needed to make two trips we would watch them for him he kindly refuses and says thank you again before leaving poor teammate turns to me shock on her face me who is annoyed starts to laugh and just shake my head i ask for someone else to come on cash so she and i can step away i tell her she did a great job thank her for keeping her cool and that she could go take a small break to calm her nerves teammate tells me she is sorry and wished she never told crazy customer we had extra boxes in the back she wasn't thinking of the rules at that moment just the sale i tell her she's fine and asked if she could restock the hair care finally it was time for my much needed break about a year passed before i saw crazy customer again and to be honest i'm surprised she even came back twice so far to be exact the first was to pick up some lotion that she had multiple coupons for i let the staff know that even though they weren't to use more than one per day to just do it so he could avoid a fight the second was of course right at close and we had to wait extra for crazy customer to leave but she didn't give us any more trouble this story became a good chuckle amongst the team working that night if you were a cashier would you ever bend the rules just to avoid a fight with karen let me know in the comments below next we've got the day i gave my four weeks notice i came to the store on a wednesday morning to hand in my four weeks notice but when i got there my colleague was working the checkouts and the customer service by herself the manager was handling the safe so she couldn't come and help and we had to wait for another colleague to finish the unloading of the truck so me being a great colleague i helped the only customer at the customer service to make sure she didn't have to wait for at least 10 minutes to get a pack of cigarettes and just when i closed the customer service karen came around the corner the customer service does have a little checkout for people with baskets which karen had however it was closed and since i was off the clock and i had an appointment later that morning i was not going to open that checkout for her mind you i had been chatting with the other customer for a while and around 8 to ten minutes had gone by at that point and since i was in my raincoat which is not even close to the work attire i thought she would understand the circumstances given the huge line at the other checkout okay on to the actual conversation we've got me we've got karen we've got nice lady and the manager karen puts the clothes sign in the magazine rack opens up the exit and puts their stuff on the counter aka opens up the checkout herself me oh i'm sorry miss the register is closed since i'm off the clock my colleague asked me to help this lady real quick since no one else could at the time but there should be someone here in two minutes max to help you out karen how dare you i am a loyal customer and you cannot treat me like this i am a widow and i have to do everything by myself you are going to help me right now and i will not take no for an answer i have always worked for my boss without getting paid manager miss if i may ask what is the problem here she won't help me nice lady this nice girl just helped me get some cigarettes since your colleague asked her to help me out so i didn't have to wait for 15 minutes me that's right the checkout was closed since i'm off the clock and only here to give you my four weeks notice she knew about this was not a surprise manager well miss so sorry she couldn't help you but i'm here now so i can help you karen you need to get your workers under control that little jerk shouldn't have treated me like this i am a loyal customer nice lady miss she is off the clock and the manager is checking you out right now can't you be a bit nicer to this young lady karen do not mess with me you dumb jerk and do not get involved i'll make your life miserable manager miss please stop insulting my co-worker and the lady right here they did nothing wrong if you say one more bad thing i will not help you any further and you can leave without your groceries the customer left without saying anything else and the manager nice lady and i had a great laugh afterwards another fun fact this woman has been a karen for at least 15 years my parents have a hedge in their back garden which was always maintained by my grandad apparently karen lives in the same neighborhood and stopped by to ask my mom about the electric hedge trimmer and if my mom could trim her hedge when my mom told her it was being maintained by her father-in-law she called her a lying jerk and also told the story of her deceased husband and how she can't do it herself and i ran into her last week she gave me the dirtiest look i've ever gotten it was hilarious would you ever do yard work for a karen let me know in the comments next we've got karen is angry that we did what she asked us to so this took place in the summer of 2016 when i worked on ncs this is a youth program where 16 year olds live away from home for two weeks learn how to live independently and then partake in a social action project for another two weeks for this the young people are split into teams and usually the teams will not change unless there is a serious issue this is important later cast we've got me we've got james who is karen's son and we've got karen the entitled mom i was a team leader my team was 15 people and they were all lovely however the day before we were set to leave for the first week i get a call from karen hi this is karen my son james was meant to leave on july 15th but i was wondering if he could be moved to july 9th because he doesn't get along with the people on his team the ninth is the wave i'm going on so the decision has to go to my wave lead me hi this is red i'm afraid i can't make the decision but i can pass it on to my wave lead and see what he says i can ask him to call you back that would be amazing thank you i pass on the information to my wave lead and forget about it because i have a load of paperwork to do two hours later i get given james paperwork james has been moved to the 9th of july wave and he's been placed on my team he moved waves because he had fallen out with his friends on his old team and was specifically placed in my team because karen didn't want him on a team with people from his school my team was the only one that didn't have anyone from his school so it seemed like the logical choice i go through the paperwork and make all the finalizations moving him to a room in the activity center that didn't have anyone from his school because it seemed like the right thing to do at the time fast forward to midnight on the 10th of july i'm on the night shift get another call from karen i read this is karen i have a complaint me hello kieran i'd be happy to take your complaint good james is unhappy with his team because he doesn't know anybody on his team they all go to different schools they all have at least one friend and he has nobody and he's sharing a room with complete strangers i sense that i can't win this battle but luckily when things like this happen it can be sorted out relatively quickly me yes he was put on my team because you asked that he was placed on a team with nobody from his school and my team was the only one without a person from his school i moved him to a different room so he'd be with people on his team and that is our policy well i want him moved to a team where he knows at least somebody i didn't ask for him to be alone like this and i want him to have his own room me he can't move teams when the program has commenced as we have no way to change the paperwork and he can't have his own room as there are no free rooms in the center we are at well i want to speak to your boss he was moved once before you can do it again surely me no we can't moves are only done in cases of special circumstances such as illness or family emergency you asking for him to be moved and then complaining that we did it does not constitute i can pass you on to the wave lead but he will tell you the exact same thing karen just hung up on me so i passed on the call to the wave lead who was upset about the whole ordeal late on the 11th karen shows up having driven halfway across the country without even calling first i'm here to take james home he isn't happy with his team and you people haven't been very helpful i also want my 50 pounds for his place back me sorry you need to clear this with the wave lead and the head of the program not me and the places are non-refundable karen turns bright red what so even though you have been unhelpful you won't let me take him home where he'll be happy and why can't i get a refund me due to policy i can't just let him go i've text the wave lead he's coming right now and the place normally costs 1500 pounds but due to government subsidies only cost you 50 pounds due to this places are non-refundable there is nothing i can do about it fine the wave lead comes and begins a shouting match with karen after she starts threatening to call the police finally we agree to let james go because we can't be bothered to argue i pull out the paperwork i need to fill out 10 sheets it takes forever to do and i am exhausted i start to slowly slog through it all karen what are you doing let me take james now me i have to do all this paperwork pass it to the wave lead then pass it to the head of the program for them all to fill their bits out and sign off before we can let you take james i also need to see some id she throws her driver's license at me can you hurry it up it took me five hours to drive here i want to take james and go home me if you'd called ahead and told us you were taking him the paperwork would have been done by the time you got here i have to fill it out right or it'll look like i lost him i'm sorry that us accommodating your wishes for james to move have caused these issues for you but i'm running on two hours sleep and i'm due to clock off in an hour so this inconveniences me as much as it does you this is ridiculous i'm calling the police me do it she calls the police while i sit there doing the paperwork and they arrive just as i'm finishing the last piece passing it on to my wave lead i tell them the same thing i told karen and they understood completely and stayed to keep her calm while we finished the paperwork two hours after i was meant to clock off james and karen leave and i treat myself to a nice cold can of coke next we've got karen calls us brats for not giving her and her kid our seeds cast we've got entitled mom we've got innocent kid we've got entitled mom's hubby entitled mom's daughter my friend and me a little back story both my friend and i have a membership at our local cinema apart from getting discounted tickets and candy stuff like popcorn drinks etc we also get two courtesy monthly tickets to watch whatever we want whenever you buy a ticket you also book a specific seat this will be important later this time my friend offered to use her free tickets went online and got the tickets she made sure we got good seats well over two days in advance anyway the day comes and we get to the cinema we buy popcorn and the drinks headed to the screen room the room was packed and i really mean packed there were few seats left but since we had booked tickets in advance we weren't worried we should have been when we got to our seats much to our surprise we find entitled mom an innocent kid were set in our seats i should also mention there were two more empty seats next to ours this will be important later had the room not been so full we would have probably set elsewhere but since there were very few seats left and those would most likely be booked already anyway we politely asked the mother to move the conversation went like this me ma'am these are our seats could you give them back please entitled mom looking thoroughly displeased oh can't you just sit elsewhere these are the only four seats that are together and we want to be sat with my husband and daughter they had gone to get popcorn me no ma'am we won't take random seats because the cinema is packed and seats are pre-booked however we could switch with you if you want entitled mom pulling a face there's people in my seats already that's why i took these me well that's not my problem ma'am if my friend and i sit elsewhere and the owners of those seats come we'll have to give them up and then we'll be left without seeds entitled mom rolls her eyes at us grudgingly picked her stuff up and she and her son moved to two of the three empty seats on the road behind us while we took our seats so far so good anyway my friend and i got settled and got talking while we waited for the ads and the movie to start we heard nothing from entitled mom and her kid until hubby and daughter appeared the husband asked if she hadn't managed to get them seats together which essentially made us doubt her story about their original seats being taken by other people an entitled mom went ballistic she said that yes she found four spaces but had to leave because of us two entitled and selfish brats that wouldn't allow her to take the empty seats so they could sit together as a family i tried to cut in and explain that we didn't want to move because essentially there weren't any free good spaces left nor were we sure if those seats were already booked but the woman told me to shut up and eat my popcorn several times she insisted that it cost us nothing to switch seats with them just as she was saying this the owners of the seats behind us arrived a couple when they asked for their seats entitled moms started berating us and calling us basically jerks for not wanting to give them our seats so she could sit with her family for an hour and a half long movie by this stage i'm ready to get into a fight with this wild karen but my friend told me not to bother the poor couple saw that they'd be getting into problems if they dared ask for their seats so they preferred to go and search for empty seats elsewhere since the road behind us only had three empty seats entitled mom proceeded to sit on the isle for the whole movie and made snide comments about us until the movie started thankfully my friend was there otherwise i would have most likely got into another argument with entitled mom when the movie ended we quickly got our things and left entitled anne thinks that because we are family i'm her personal servant backstory i was 15 and i got my first job i worked at a commissary as a bagger for those who don't know what a commissary is it's a grocery store slash restaurant on a military base remember that part i was super excited for my first job i could finally make my own money and not ask my parents all the time until it happened the moment my entitled aunt realized i worked in a grocery store she made me do everything bag slash pack up her groceries find her foods whenever we are there while she sits on her phone i was her little maid her slave as she told me not once did she do anything nor led her son he's not entitled do anything while i'm around here's the story our cast we've got me we've got entitled ant nice cousin amazing manager cool co-worker and my mother the moment i turned 15 i went to browse jobs because i always wanted to make my own money i looked young i'm part asian and my family when we get older don't age slash age incredibly slow so we have baby faces in my case i looked like i was fresh out of middle school so many people didn't believe that i was 15. i asked all over the place the burger king that was hiring chipotle target walmart etc etc but every time i was met with a stern no from the employees and managers of the place i was getting really upset i know there were places that were hiring at 15. i looked it up until while walking in the commissary with mom she met up with an old guy who we'll call mr b mr b and my mom were talking straight away while i was too busy looking at the cheese aisle because i love cheese i heard a quite deep voice call my name so i turned around and i was met with mr b smiling at me he asked me if i was looking for a job and i nodded not quite sure where this was going he said that they could always need some more baggers for those who don't know what a bagger is it's where people bag your food put it into your shopping cart and take you out to their car to put it away my mom thought that was a fantastic idea whereas i was a bit hesitant grandma and mr b were close they would always talk whenever she came over but i didn't really know him too well but my mom got the paper from him told me to fill it out when we got home and that's exactly what i did now the fun begins i worked there wednesdays fridays saturdays and sundays there were a bunch of people constantly so many customers it was quite fun working in a fast-paced workplace i was a couple months in already so i got to the point where i was one of the best baggers there quick polite fast and i always stayed in my lane there were 19 lanes number one lane was the fast lane only one bagger was stationed there but you get a total of over two hundred dollars staying from eight am to three pm as a bagger you worked in groups of three i worked with older teenagers but we were all cool we worked on rotation so whenever we get tipped we won't be confused on who gets the money baggers work only for tips but most of the days we make well over 100 on tips if the days were bad or slow we would make only about 50 or so i've met my fair share of quite mean people but i didn't care at all i knew the commissary like the back of my own hand i knew where everything was and i was always quick to get it lots of people relied on me and i liked it i was working my shift with two people who i'll call mikey and melody mikey was always the jokester trying to distract me from my work but he was as efficient as me when it comes to people and begging the times where customers came in with cards filled to the brim with food we were excited yet dreading it because usually we would get such a good tip from it sometimes twenty dollars but other times a sweet one hundred dollar tip a young woman was behind his elderly grandma we'll call her sweet grandma sweet grandma was very polite laughing and smiling at me because it was my turn and i was very polite towards her we joked a lot we asked them paper or plastic and whenever we got the answer as paper we would be seething because it would take too long to open it and double pack it and just it was crazy and sometimes people would bring in their own bags for us to put it in like what sweet grandma did the young woman behind sweet grandma was groaning and sighing tapping her foot and glaring at sweet grandma as if sweet grandma spoiled her favorite cookies we would help them to their car as stated pushing the cart and either slowing down for the customer if they were old or catching up with them if they were more mobile the moment i grabbed sweet grandma's cart which was kind of packed the young woman widened her eyes and the conversation followed young woman oh my god hurry up me putting on my polite face now she is elderly don't worry melody will be serving you soon young woman glaring at melody she looks new i don't want a slow new person doing the job i want you me looking at the grandma i'm busy as you can see i gesture at sweet grandma who was politely waiting for me melody a bit irritated she has to deal with this lady paper or plastic young woman still glaring no i want mikey cuts her off with a sharp me already wheeling sweet grandma and her card of groceries away good luck melody and mikey in the end i got an amazing tip and a butterscotch candy from the grandma while melody and mikey were stuck with her not sorry i was doing a normal shift i was on lane 18 which is one of the best lanes to be on the lanes 16 and up were always the best spots for baggers since more people came through rather than the other numbers which were further down the line i was working with melody and a new guy but he learned fast and he was quite nice and cool i was helping melody the baggers that don't have a person help the one that has a customer when we heard a small crash me melody new guy and a couple other baggers saw that someone pushed in the line and caused the lady to drop a few cans i sent new guy to quickly help her before helping us with this customer once melody went out it was just me and new guy the person that pushed the lady in line was my aunt entitled and me and her locked eyes and her face lit up oh no if you know someone the customer could ask either the other baggers or the cashier or both if they can switch spots it happens all the time entitled aunt asked the cashier and he asked new guy he didn't mind and stepped back for me entitled aunt smiled at me even brighter and i sighed her son nice cousin was there with her so it wasn't too bad me putting on my polite face hello ma'am paper or plastic and title dance stares at me in confusion me you know what i want just hurry it up she was rummaging in her large purse for i guess her wallet phone i don't know i stood there confused some days entitled aunt wants plastic other days she wants paper or double paper nice cousin came up behind me and quietly said she wants plastic today i thanked him and started packing bagging was simple meats with meats cans with cans eggs in a paper bag and plastic for cover bread in a paper bag etc etc while me and new guy worked quickly i went to grab the pack of ribs when i felt a sharp sting and tidal dance slapped my hand and gave me a hard glare the cashier told her to not hit the baggers while working but of course entitled aunt ignored her she then grabbed the meat and examined it closely and dropped it on the conveyor belt in disgust here it comes entitled hand and disgust the meat is black aka spoiled it was clearly visible why she didn't change it when she first got it i have no idea the cashier apologized and asked me to get a new one i nodded told new guy to keep it up and darted away i ran through the candy aisle into the meats grabbed the pack of ribs bagged it and ran back entitled dance murked entitled ant back to a sweet voice say can you get some chocolate and put it into my bag i would like some chocolate pretzels the big bag of m ms gushers she listed every candy imaginable and then some as a bagger and a worker i nodded grabbed a handheld bag and gathered it all once i came back i was catching my breath melody came back and boasting at how she got 15 dollars before i gave it to the cashier entitled aunt snatched it and looked to see if all the candy was in there it was but she scoffed entitled dan glaring at me where are the gushers go put this all back right this instant i was too tired from running around the store not that athletic me out of breath ma'am you are holding up the line entitled and shrugs so it's just me and you and you are a worker and i am a customer and besides i'm your hand meaning you should her son cuts her off nice cousin starting to get embarrassed mom i'll get the gushers and put everything back entitled ant huffing loudly and annoyingly no nice cousin op is the bagger she can handle it now get my gushers i sent new guy so me and melody worked together the line was getting longer and people were getting impatient but entitled ant was getting impatient with me now everything i do she critics entitled ed no i want eggs with the bread no that's wrong don't just throw my tomatoes in use this kid the cashier and i looked at each other i didn't mind the way her face said is this lady serious this wasn't even her full theory finally we packed everything nice cousin grabbed the card but his mother grabbed his arm and yanked him entitled dan glaring at nice cousin no op is a bagger now come along i didn't argue i grabbed the car and went out the air was cold and it felt nice but the heat radiating off of entitled ant was getting hotter by the second then it happened entitled dad now since you got my card come home with us i looked at her as if she was stupid she's kidding right me dumbfounded entitled dan i can't do that i still have over five hours of work there are others in need i can't just leave entitled ant rolling her eyes yeah sure oh we are here put everything in the back i did the trunk of her car was filthy it made me so sick as a bagger i've seen many types of trunks but in title dance was the worst i was placing it all in as entitled ant hovered over my shoulder nice cousin was on standby the moment i grabbed the eggs when i placed them down i felt a stinging pain on my hand and tidal dance slapped me me confused and shocked um al what the heck was that for entitled ants starting to growl at me one don't yell at your family and two what did i say no eggs on the trunk floor you could break them me ma'am you never she cut me off entitled and huffing angrily there goes your tip nice cousin take the eggs and the bread before she ruins it terrible burgers i swear i sighed clenching my teeth i finished quickly wanting her to stop staring at me as i worked the moment i closed the trunk and grabbed her cart i wasn't expecting a tip from her anyways when i felt a pain on the back of my head she got me yet again on the back of my head this time i was at my tipping point i had a short fuse and i don't tolerate with bullies whether you are my boss friend or co-worker me infuriated and starting to turn red don't do that again you jerk i'm doing my job entitled anne getting equally as mad i told you to get in my car you are my niece and a slave all you do is bag food and get money maggots are useless when they can't even do their job when we get home your mother i stopped her standing my ground against her but she was just getting louder and louder me trying not to blow up ma'am i am a bagger of the fort name of base commissary i came here to do my job and that's all i will not tolerate this i gave you a warning once but now you've pushed it too far she tried to cut in but i sharply snarled at her feeling my blood boiled entitled ant was like this with everyone and i had enough of it i'm getting my manager and the police for what you've done now have a good day i went back fuming in red awesome manager and new guy were actually waiting for me outside i went up to them trying to put on my best smiling face new guy very understanding it's okay don't put on a fake smile i came out here with awesome manager because you were taking too long getting back the camera on the outside of the building caught everything the argument what she did to you he trailed off looking at our awesome manager he's very understanding and since he was like my grandma's and mom's good friend he looked at me with a kind expression but was talking kinda stern awesome manager i heard everything you shouldn't have yelled at them but it was all caught on camera i called the police because i later found out from other baggers she's been hitting them for a while now mostly to our newer workers i'm sorry about that me pleasantly surprised oh no worries thank you awesome manager manager patting my shoulder you are a great worker and you stood up for yourself i'll tell your mom the truth if entitled ant decides to spread lies about you me thanks i took new guy and playfully pushed him we should get back to our job we shouldn't have kept melody for so long awesome manager no worries two other co-workers are in for you and new guy op go on a lunch break and new guy tell melody she can go on her lunch break and we all went inside in the end it was a good day i made well over 100 in tips the tax we had was every hour we worked a dollar was taken but i still made a lot i got picked up from my job by my father who i told him what happened he was proud of me for standing up to entitled ant and telling her off because someone needed to he got me a crunch bar and a huge orange gatorade my favorite i'm sorry for this story being so long to this day i still respect baggers because it was my first ever job and where i got my own money so every time someone bagged my groceries i would tip them a bit extra once i quit the job some cashiers still recognized me and were very happy my awesome manager was still there and so was new guy and melody it was a good time i made a bunch of other memories both good and bad sorry for the typos thank you for reading my story have you ever had an entitled family member let me know in the comments below next we've got tutor targeted students so we took him down a little background i originally went to college intending doing maths and physics but due to multiple factors didn't get the grades so i jumped into i.t instead as the course didn't need grades as high and there was a need for it techs in the market the class i ended up in had about five of us that honestly didn't need to be there we were your ultracomp nerds and pretty much could answer every question from day one some tutors saw this and used us to help the other students who came to the class not knowing jack about computers then there was malicious tutor our class was rather rowdy a lot of male teens that most of them were there because well they didn't know what they wanted to do in life and this gave them some grades for university or something most of them continued on to other college courses then went to uni after so on to the actual story me and my small group of friends often said at the front of the class often chatted while we worked and generally like to have a joke or two but we did our work things started out with malicious tutor telling us in the middle of class that we needed to stop talking and get on with our work okay we were mostly joking then so sure maybe we were distracting him but as time went on he would start to snap at us for talking about our work moving to help each other with stuff we had already done or just knew more about etc the time that took the biscuit was about halfway through the first year when on a day we were doing our assignments which were due the next day something most of our tutors let us do in class if we had all our other work done and the two of the group that knew the least needed some help finishing off their stuff most of us were working on other classwork the main lecture had been done and the other people in the class were not passing that assignment first time as none of them were working on it even though the tutor had said use this time to get it in i don't want late assignments they were instead laughing joking generally messing around and playing games at the other side of the room where he couldn't see their computer screens malicious tutor turns to us and rather angrily and only to our small group demands that we shut up sit at our own desks and stop distracting him we had been distracting him every lesson and were problem students he wouldn't listen to any of us about helping each other or anything else wouldn't give the two that needed the help the help and being nerdy anxious teens none of us wanted to risk a fail or anything for all the work if we just walked out so we complied after the class we got to talking one of the people in our group who we referred to as griff in college had done another course before this one and had many more tales of malicious tutors from losing assignments to straight up refusing to help students with one occasion breaking some code in a software assignment and then just shrugging and saying don't know sorry and leaving the student to fix it it was here i decided to hatch a plan a plan that snowballed far quicker than i expected that night i jumped on skype hit up griff and started writing down everything that had been happening the seemingly innocuous harassment the lack of assistance the losing of assignments over the years the specific targeting and ignorance of other people doing exactly what he was complaining about everything we could get our hands on i then spent the next few days going around with a handcrafted letter to everyone that i knew had been affected which although everyone thought it might get him spoken to but nothing more still signed it to say that they agree with what was written and that they can corroborate it i then sent the letter straight up the ladder not to his supervisor or manager or boss but his boss's boss this bit wasn't intentional but it made it snowball and although i had planned out a whole bunch of stuff to give evidence of his actions i didn't need any of it within a few hours of depositing the letter i was pulled from my class by the head of the department who was assuring me that i wasn't in trouble and all the usual stuff i was taken straight to her boss's boss who said something along the lines of opie because of how you've approached this complaint we have got to take it very seriously did all the people who signed this read it yes tudor's manager's boss's boss they did and i believe other people have made complaints in the past too okay op if you want we can omit any names and this can be dealt with as an anonymous complaint but that is up to you i'm fine with my name being used but i can't say for anyone else who signed the letter thank you op if we need anything else from you we'll be in touch i can't say for certain but i'm sure he then called in every other person on the letter and all of them asked to stay anonymous by the next week the tutor had disappeared and no one knew why or where he had gone even his colleagues didn't know exactly what had happened only that he had left we didn't see him again that year the head of the department was also changed i'm assuming because she hadn't dealt with the complaints properly but she just got a demotion she was a good tutor the next year i was stood near the room my next lecture was and malicious tutor walks down the corridor making a point to stop in front of me shake my hand ask how my studies are going and tell me if i ever need anything i can come straight to him kinda creepy and he never did it to any other students i was never put in any of his classes again even though he did lectures on my subjects i found out before i finished my last year he had been put on leave then made to attend a training program and hit with a good old last chances warning probably with attend this program or you're fired moral of the story the pen is mightier than the mt's borg karen is reporting me to the medical board i'm an architect i work in an architecture firm in a large building that also contains many other types of professional offices the receptionist for my firm is on another floor my office is on an upper floor in a corner so it's not a logical place for people to go first when they come to our building and don't know where they're going nevertheless it has a door directly to a main corridor so lost people occasionally knock on it which is why we have a sign on it with the name of our firm and directing people to our receptionist on the third floor alas the sign did not deter this middle-aged impatient lost lady and her husband from knocking on my door lady is this the doctor's office me no this is an architecture firm lady how do i get to the doctor's office there are building directories in the stairs and at the elevator i start to give her directions to stairs and elevator but she interrupts lady getting huffy and impatient and pushing her way past me right into the middle of my office why can't you just tell me where the doctor's office is me i'm sorry but there are a lot of offices in this building including at least 10 doctor's offices and i don't know their floors or office numbers can't you call and find out i'd be happy to let you use my phone why can't you call me sensing i'm not going to get rid of her unless i call somebody what's the doctor's name do you have the number i don't remember his name i have a 2 15 appointment i'm going to be late note that this is not an elderly woman and i just wasn't getting the sense that this was a confused old person with a memory issue but still i'm trying to be nice and helpful even if just to get her out of my office me i'm sorry but without a name or number i don't think i can call the doctor's office for you maybe i can google this address and see what doctor's offices show up and that will jog your memory lady i don't have time for this call the building manager i explained to the woman that i don't have the contact info for building management and there's no staffed main office in this building we're back to there's nothing i can do except suggest that she walked down the hall and checked the building directory at the stairs her husband is trying to drag her in that direction but she's not having it lady you are the worst receptionist businesses don't know how to get good people these days i'm going to tell the doctor about you me i'm sorry but i'm not the receptionist and i don't work for your doctor i'm an architect you're in my office in case that isn't obvious from the fact that the door opens directly into my small messy office filled with drawings our firm's receptionist is on the third floor as the sign on my door says lady well why didn't you say so i will go way down there me wait for what we're an architecture firm our receptionist works for the architecture firm we have nothing to do with the doctor's offices or any other companies in the building you call her and tell her i'm on my way down there at this point her husband seems to be grasping that i in my office and my firm have nothing to do with her doctor whose name escapes her and starts trying to explain it to her she brushes him off and yells at me again to call my receptionist i dial our receptionist with the ladies still standing there and say that a couple is on their way down but that they are looking for a doctor's office in the building and i hope that they will read the building directory in the stairs on their way down lady well i never i have never before actually heard that phrase used in real life i thought it was reserved for caricatures of uptight entitled old women on tv like nelly olsen's mother she flounced off down the hall that's like stomping but floatier because she was suspended by hot air dragging her husband i thought that since they had to use the stairs or elevator to get to our reception area they would see the directory on their way down and it would jog their memory as to which doctor they were looking for and it would tell them where to find that doctor but no she did find her way down to pester our receptionist and told her that i was a horrible employee and that she was reporting me to the state medical board edit to clarify that there's no building security there are three ways into the building and no lobby no front desk and no main office that's why there are directories in the stair slash elevator cores on every floor i do feel bad about foisting her off on a receptionist but that wasn't really deliberate i was just trying to explain that my office wasn't reception and that it even said so on my door i thought that once they got to the stairs they'd read the directory and go wherever they belonged but that didn't work my receptionist knows the rest of the building tenants better than i thought and was able to send her somewhere i don't know if where she got sent to was correct but she didn't find her way back to us would you have tried to help karen find her doctor's office or would you have just told her to get lost leave me a comment letting me know next we've got entitled mom wants a newer model this just happened a few hours ago i'm gonna make this a short one since i'm on my phone and on lunch me again from the animal shelter which is a magnet for the crazy and over entitled of the world enter 60 year old entitled grandma she comes into our shelter with this tiny little poodle that is skin and bones missing hair and blind and seemingly deaf well entitled grandma brings this dog in and says it's a stray she found we ask her the basics do you live in this county is one of the biggest questions we ask see what some people don't know is that every county in a state has its own county animal shelter or animal control facility any stray animal found must be brought to that county shelter usually within 48 hours of finding the animal it is illegal to take a stray animal from one county and surrender it to an animal shelter in a different county that you don't live in now that being said entitled grandma doesn't live in this county however she claims to have found this dog running down the road in our county okay it happens we take the dog in and i get called to do its medical exam i make sure the dogs and cats and whatever else we get have their proper shots and medications so they don't get sick while here or if they are sick so we can at least start getting them healthy this requires a lot of wrestling with big animals that could hurt me if they timed it just right who don't want to take their pill or get a shot so i take the little poodle into the back and first thing i do is scan any animal coming in for a microchip chip comes up instantly i researched the chip and sure enough it's from the next county over that entitled grandma lives in registered to that county's animal control this is a red flag for me this tells me it's her dog however i follow through and contact the next county's animal control they pull up the chip number and give me the owner's name address and phone number it's not entitled grandma okay i think to myself well i've been wrong before i called the owner on the chip the owner isn't entitled grandma but it turns out the owner is entitled grandma's daughter me hello is this entitled grandma's daughter daughter yes who is this me yeah i'm o.p from county animal shelter are you missing a small elderly poodle no no i got a poodle for my mother entitled grandma as a present back in 2016. did it get lost me no your mother brought it in and told us it was a stray she found she falsified information on a government form and abandoned her animal these are pretty serious issues she needs to come get her dog now i understand and i will call her and make sure she comes in and gets her dog back about a half hour goes by and my desk phone goes off it's entitled grandma's daughter's number i think okay this is them telling me they're coming back nope me county animal shelter this is o.p speaking entitled grandma's daughter sounds very frustrated yes this is entitled grandma's daughter calling back uh entitled grandma isn't coming back for the dog she says she doesn't want it anymore because she thinks it's old and ugly she demanded i get her a teacup chihuahua instead me well that's between you and her but either you or her need to come get this dog as it's an actual crime to surrender your animal to a shelter in a county you don't live in let alone the animal abandonment charges and putting down false information on a government form daughter i understand but i work in another county and can't make it in time to get the dog me then your mother needs to be an adult and come get her dog she's got till the end of the day otherwise we will be filing a police report daughter well she's old she shouldn't have to deal with this kind of stress me she should have considered that before she lied to us and abandoned her animal have you even seen this dog it's skin and bones you are aware that animal cruelty is a felony in this state right fine i'll come get her darn dog me we close at posted hours she hangs up i go to lunch i doubt i will see her or her mother but i'm true to my word if they don't get here by the end of the day they're gonna be dealing with the police instead of us edit quick update with three minutes left to go till we close and no entitled grandma's daughter or entitled grandma in sight this will now become a police matter i gave entitled grandma plenty of time to get here now they can deal with felony charges edit two no word from entitled grandma's daughter or entitled grandma either i doubt they'll show up again at this point the poodle is doing great though she's getting the food and medication she needs and already seems more energetic the plus side is in shelters the smaller dogs always tend to get adopted first so once she is medically cleared for adoption she will most likely get home that day do you have any pets like a cat or a dog please leave me a comment letting me know next we've got yes i was a student here eight years ago background my parents used to host foster kids until they could be placed with their adoptive parents they did this from 2015 to 2019 this happened in 2018. this particular kid we had and i'll call her annie for this story annie was 11 when this happened annie was a sweet girl who had just lost her parents and my parents hosted her until her grandparents could adopted her while my parents did host foster kids i would often help out with taking them to school and doctor's appointments since i worked the evening shift at my job and he ended up going to some middle school that i did and i know several of the teachers and office staff that still work there and yes this will be important cast we've got me we've got teacher we've got annie we've got mrs g god mama and secretary and we've got mrs b the principal so like i said this happened in 2018 my foster sister annie was in school it was around 10 in the morning when my mom got a call from the school that my sister had started her monthly oh boy i grab lady things and some pain relievers to help with her stomach cramps i go to school and see mrs g the secretary and my godmother who waves me through after i verified my identity we have to do this for safety reasons i go into the waiting area and sit there looking at my phone then i hear the dreaded i look up to see this teacher looking at me with disgust oh boy me can i help you teacher why aren't you in your uniform it's not a free dress day me uh i'm not a student here i'm waiting for my sister to give her a change of clothes now before the teacher could finish annie walks in looking embarrassed as heck annie hey kitty my nickname me hey munchkin i brought some clean clothes for you and go ahead and take some pain reliever meds annie takes the bag and i give her a bottle of water so she can take the medicine the teacher sees this and just freaks out accusing me of giving her things that aren't allowed but it was just some aleve me ma'am i told you i'm her older sister i came here to give her things for her stomach cramps teacher there is no way you are her older sister i want to see id annie tries to get a word in but i just shove her the bag now while all of this is going on mrs g is watching us as i said mrs g is my godmother but i am also an adult who can handle things like this i show her my driver's license and of course the teacher scoffs and just hands it back to me this just proves you're in high school and i don't care you're her oldest sister you can't be here i was born in 1997. annie interjects ma'am kitty had her 21st birthday a few weeks ago the teacher shushed her at this point mrs g is coming over god bless her mrs g walks over and asks what's going on teacher mrs g you need to report these two girls to the principal mrs g why the heck should i do that kitty hasn't been here since 2010 but her id what about it i've known kitty since she was a baby i'm her godmother she would never lie about this teacher i can't believe you we are taking this to the principal at this point i just wanted to get home and poor annie was just an anxious mess mrs g told her to go take care of her business being polite despite wanting to knock the teacher into next year i went to the office where at once the principal mrs b immediately greeted me with a big hug and asked how my sister was big sister went to the same middle school as me i told her my sister is getting married soon then she gets right down to business mrs b susan i don't know the actual teacher's name so it's susan what's the problem teacher this student is lying and giving things that aren't allowed to her sister mrs b just started to laugh it was the first time i had ever seen her actually laugh when i was in middle school i never once saw her smile or laugh mrs b lord susan are you that dumb why the heck did i even hire you lord almighty kitty is 21 for god's sake susan why the heck would you think that she's in high school much less middle school go back to your class and let me reconsider hiring you after that the teacher susan huffed off mrs g mrs b and i had a good laugh this is pretty common for me since i have a baby face but most of the time it ends in awkward apologies i've never had this happen to me but it was nice to have someone back me up i leave the principal's office and tell annie to have a good rest of her day and i'll see her that afternoon next we've got which would you choose bail out karen or bail out your vehicle a little backstory of my auntie she is very entitled our relationship was strained after she revealed a very private conversation between the two of us and it led to a big fight one thing about her is that she is very impatient her impatience has always led to trouble this one time really made things difficult but easily one of the most easiest decisions i have ever made several months ago i needed to print my research paper about fabrics for my fashion class my aunt insisted in joining me even though i warned her that the printing would take about half an hour she said she can wait that long since she had nothing to do she has kids but they were in school so i reluctantly agreed for her to join we arrived at the print shop and i told my auntie to wait in the car first mistake i went in and the clerk told me it would take 45 minutes as the research paper had over 120 pages i called my auntie and told her it would take 45 minutes she screamed at me saying you said it was 30 minutes i can't wait that long me you said you had nothing to do i told you it might take long and you didn't have to come you do this all the time entitle that get it done now and i hang up now some of you might ask why i didn't just drive her back the print shop was really crowded and it's like a dry cleaners with the number of tickets and such my number was 31 and the number displayed was 25. there were at least 50 or 60 people in there and there was no way to drive off because i would lose my place about 10 minutes in my auntie calls again are you done yet me no how much longer about 30 minutes ah fine and she hangs up not even five minutes later she called me again where are you me it hasn't even been five minutes yet let's go now i can't it's not even my turn i don't care drive me back or else me no you won't entitle dad watch me i had to run out but it was too late my auntie drove my car away at full speed so after that and the printing is done i called an uber and headed home soon as i came back home my mother and stepdad were asking where entitled ant was mom hey son where is entitled ant me she took my car when she didn't want to wait i told her it would take 45 minutes and she was annoying me step dad goes pale son you know entitled ant doesn't have a license me smirking no i did not know that she said she did have one i knew she didn't have one any idiot would already notice a fake id if it's her handiwork stepdad she is incapable of driving i'm gonna call uncle and he'll put an apb on entitled ant and your car i was giggling like a schoolgirl for the rest of the night the next morning came and while my stepdad was out running a quick errand he left his phone it's not uncommon he leaves his phone all the time and i got a call from the police station police hello is stepped out available me no this is a sun op ah so i take it you own this car then me what we got a call about an apb put on your car as one of your family members took it right it's come to my attention she doesn't hold the driver's license correct me she said she did i saw her card yes we saw that unfortunately it's fake you can bail her out but you would have to pay undisclosed amount to get her out as what she did is a federal offense me as for my car you can pick it up with the payment of less undisclosed amount me okay i'll come pick her up i told my mom what happened and she gave me the money i went to the police station and entitled aunt was there in the cage waiting for me obi thank god you're here save me me do you have what i need police yes here it is i paid and left what did i bail out of course my car my mom said to let her suffer so she gave me the money to bail out my car instead of her she was released a few weeks later but was given a harsh warning and also not being able to make her license for the next five years she wasn't fined as she admitted fault would you have bailed out your entitled and or your car instead please leave me a comment right now letting me know next we've got destroys his own order blames me i don't even know who you are i work in a bakery at a large chain grocery store i don't make cakes slash cupcakes but i do hand over orders to customers when they come to pick them off like most days i was by myself no department manager this guy comes in and says he's here to pick up an order fine i ask him for his name and he tells me he ordered 30 rose cupcakes in a full sheet box i wheel them out to him on our rolling table he picks them up and drops them into his cart just dumps them he then gets mad and blames me for dropping them he then starts yelling at me because the cupcakes weren't exactly how he ordered them and that he needed them to be exactly right for his significant other he insists i took the order which is weird because the order wasn't in my handwriting i hadn't been there when he claimed he ordered them and i had never seen this guy before and trust me i'd remember this guy i show him the order form and he snatches it out of my hands i'm trying to de-escalate and this guy keeps yelling at me i casually place my hand on his cart and he jerks the card away the most i'm allowed to offer is 50 off which i do he wants none of it and refuses to take the cupcakes at this point i decide i've had enough and go get the manager on duty as i walk back with the assistant store director i fill him in on the customer and warn him that this guy's in a mood when assistant store director and i get back to my department customer has the box open and is messing with the cupcakes director introduces himself and asks what the problem is i stand next to the counter with my best poker face on customer explains that he ordered them just so that i took the order that i dropped them yada yada director offers customer the cupcakes free of charge if he will leave now customer refuses yells at us again i'm never coming to the store again and leaves without the cupcakes director and i just look at each other me i told you he was something director leaves and i wheel the cupcakes back into my department all the adrenaline i'd been holding back released because i was concerned this guy was going to get violent i knew some martial arts but i don't know how i'd fare against an angry fat guy who looks like he works with his hands all the yelling and yelling and snatching things away had put me on edge once my hand stopped shaking i made a note explaining why the cupcakes were still here and went back to work about 15 minutes later the phone rings guess who it is customer i want to talk to the bakery manager me she's not in today as i told you earlier well then who the heck did i talk to that would be the director the store manager let me talk to him i transfer him a few minutes later director pages me to the office i was a little concerned but nothing i couldn't explain director gestures for me to take a seat director you're not in trouble that customer called back and asked if the offer of free cupcakes was still valid i told him they are not for sale to him at any price and if he talks to any of us like that again he will be banned from the store i'm going to have you write a statement and sign and date it in case he goes to corporate i did so and then he wrote his statement on my paper and signed it we chatted for a few minutes about it and i went back down the whole incident was caught on camera further corroborating our accounts nothing ever did happen i did keep a broomstick within easy reach just in case he came back for vengeance for ruining his whatever but i never saw him again i was grateful director is a super chill guy who had my back the whole time he saw a customer messing with the cupcakes and saw that he was trying to make me look worse we did everything right we were calm and polite he was looking for a fight i'm just glad it happened to me instead of my more timid co-worker who sometimes has my shift i can take this stuff with a straight face i don't know how she would have fared we ended up selling the non-damaged cupcakes individually in the case to get rid of them so it wasn't a total loss for us director got assigned to another store a few months ago but he's still the best director i have ever had and he has missed so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
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Id: MP0p_GUUmm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 17sec (9497 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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