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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled mom expects me to pull a credit card out of nowhere and ruins my job a few years ago i worked as a branch manager at a mid-sized regional retail bank it was a small branch so it was just me a personal banker slash assistant manager and 2-4 tellers we had a college pretty close it wasn't a d1 school or anything but they had a football team d3 which was popular locally and competitive in their division it was big enough that every year we opened some new accounts for incoming students one day entitled mom proud entitled dad and their new arrival freshman son walk into the branch and directly into my office my branch probably looked like the headquarters of the bank but it was just a regular bank in a big old school bank building that was rented i stood up and greeted them when i did i looked into the lobby to see it was suddenly super busy and i didn't notice the lobby was empty they blew straight past the tellers and banker whose office is customer facing and inviting straight to mine i met eyes with the head teller and she just shrugged she later told me that everyone tried to greet them but they weren't having it entitled mom we need to open a new account for our son me great our personal banker opens all of our new accounts and will help you set up everything you need while freshman son is here three hours from them at school let me introduce you i always let her open new accounts so she could make her bonus they ignore me and take a seat entitled dad son is here to play football insert 10 minutes of talk about football and his role as the new freshman kicker at d3 university i politely engaged in the conversation entitled mom you're the branch manager we'd prefer that you opened the accounts me sure no problem they seem to be a nice family but definitely helicopter parents and a little entitled but not story worthy we talked a little football good places to eat and some general info about the area i go over a checking account with the kid and there isn't much to it a simple student checking account with a debit card and online banking access things turn he will need a debit card right away he has 700 cash to start the account we don't want him walking around with that money can we get one today me i'm sorry but we don't print new cards at the branch but we do have a few expedited delivery options that can help but he needs a card now we are also in a hurry there are a lot of new student things we need to attend today maybe proud entitled dad should stop talking about football if you have somewhere to go me the fastest way i can get a card here is to have it expedited to the branch in two days there is a fee of 25 dollars but i'll wave it i can also have the card delivered to our branch closest to campus so freshman son can walk over and grab it five minute walk we can deposit most of his money into the account now and he can keep some cash on him for incidental expenses until the card arrives he can activate the card at the branch atm it's super easy i felt like this was pretty above and beyond the call of duty to offer a good solution dad he's here to play football he can't be worrying about this the entire time i am of course wondering why they didn't set the account up at their home branch so he could have his debit card when he arrived however even with their massive failure in planning i feel like i deliver the best possible customer service they get visibly upset the dad starts to get heated mumbling under his breath that my bank sucks entitled mom i need a card here first thing tomorrow i keep my composure i reiterate as nicely as i can that isn't possible dad there has to be a way i had a bank do it before he practically has a vein popping on his forehead i wanted to say dude i don't know where the heck the bank even makes this crap i can't drive to the debit card plant and pick one up and i'm not a genie it's going to be two days but i gave the standard canned response when someone is asking for the impossible i wanted them the heck out of my branch at this point i offer to go meet their kid at a time of their choosing with his debit card i actually meet him with the card at an atm by his dorm where i show him how to activate it and use it nice kid i hear from his mom at least three more times asking questions about the account and because she messed up the simple task of setting up online banking she emails me about it several times as well i had more contact helping her with this account than any other student account in history she gets a survey online at random surveys were important to me anything less than a five for five might as well be a zero in the eyes of many at the bank whose only job was looking at surveys part of my bonus was tied to the score and at a perfect 5.0 i led the region one out of five a one and a lengthy complaint about debit cards online banking and the branch manager's unwillingness to help it ended my perfect average with surveys which no one else had out of 15 branches for the quarter and i had to write an action plan about it because if you got a one it was discussed with some lame coach type person i know there wasn't much payoff to this story but that one still bothers me she just had to deal with the manager next we've got how to ruin a wedding for everyone i just got home from the wedding of a really good friend of mine and i'm fuming it's a long story so bear with me my friend planned her wedding for a long time and everything was just right she always wanted a winter wedding and she had luck it even snowed a bit today so she was super happy until the aunt in law showed up with her daughter we've got aunt in law we've got entitled daughter we've got maid of honor and mother-in-law the daughter was wearing just a long silvery white gown it was tight strapless and no jacket or anything while it was negative one degrees the ceremony aunt anton law and her daughter arguing with the church officiant who told entitled daughter to wear a kind of a scarf to cover her shoulders they yelled at him it's a ridiculous and outdated rule the groom told them to go with it and stop making a scene entitled daughter kept complaining that it's too cold in the church until the person next to her told her to just get over it aunt in law cried the whole time so loud people started telling her to keep quiet or get out aunt in law tried to place entitled daughter as far in the center of the photos as she could and asked the photographer constantly to take photos of just her daughter he said no and aunt in law got sniffy complaining about how unprofessional he was the dinner maid of honor and best man gave both a short but sweet speech and in law reached for the mic by the looks of my friend and her husband this was not planned she told a story about how her daughter and the groom were childhood best friends and how sad her daughter got when they had to move because she aunt in law started her own business in a town 20 kilometers away aunt in law said she was hoping her daughter and my friend can become best friends because she can learn a lot from her daughter and in law handed the mic to her daughter she said she was so happy to have made it she wants to become a vet and as everyone knows this is a lot of hard work but she would never miss the wedding and made jokes about how she's now behind with her study it looked like she wanted to say more but the best man grabbed the mic thanked both of them for their speeches and told us to enjoy the dinner and in law and entitled daughter talked so loudly every table could hear their conversations they wouldn't stop talking no matter if they wanted to listen or not and in law was praising her daughter the whole time and talking about her business trying to get sales she owns some kind of decor ship and told me she provided the wedding with the decor later my friend told me this was bs because the decor was from maid of honor who bought it from ikea for her it was cringy the second photo shoot the snow had melted a bit and it was kind of muddy and that's when crap hit the fan i wasn't there because it was way too cold for me so i missed the final act but a few guests told me what happened when they gossiped about it later with that said i don't know how much of the following part is true so take it with a grain of salt apparently one of the guests stepped on entitled daughter's dress and she was furious she apparently yelled at him and called him a donkey she just kept going even after he apologized to her the groom finally had enough and told them to go home this is when aunt told the groom he was a jerk the whole day to them and she didn't deserve to be treated like that she tried to shove him only to slip and according to the guests she twisted or at least hurt her ankle in the process mother-in-law offered to drive them to the hospital but they refused the aftermath by the end of the day the mood was down guests left early and my friend is mad it was supposed to be their day but entitled daughter and aunt in law tried to make it all about them and she was way too shy to say anything against them she feels like it's her fault the groom and his family are pretty mad about aunt in law too the mother-in-law told me her sister was always like this and nobody on the groom's side wanted her to come because of this while the maid of honor is upset because of the decoration lie the family on the bride's side who are all really non-confrontational tried to talk it down and tried to justify the actions by saying maybe they had a lot going on or maybe it was our fault because we should have cared more about their needs next we've got this isn't a taxi this is my mom's car i live near a rather popular but small party town every day during the summer and every friday and saturday outside the summer the bars and clubs open up and a ton of both locals and tourists come to party it up since the region is quite spaced out and we're not in the us where two hours is considered a casual drive most party goers opt to call a cab to get to and from the clubs this is usually where i come in see my boss really loves new york so he imports second-hand new york taxis to use here since we're the only ones in the country driving them and we have the cheapest rates of all the cab companies around we're the most popular and often the first someone will call if they need a cab now the part about us driving new york taxis is kind of important because these cabs are incredibly out of place and easy to spot they're bright yellow have large printing on them of the company name and phone number have the little sign on the roof and have a specially colored license plate that indicates it is a legit taxi now i had the day off since it was a friday during the winter so there isn't enough to do for both me and my colleague so we take turns every other week i'm not much of a party animal or a drinker for the fact so even on my days off i'd rather just stay home and play video games this night i was at home when i got a call from a group of friends that were out partying they stupidly convinced the friend that was supposed to be their designated driver to have a few beers with them and things got out of hand so they asked me if i could pick them up i said sure and got in my mom's car my own car only having one passenger seat now remember what i said about the new york taxis a few lines back yeah my mom's car did not tick any of those boxes it's a large grayish volvo station wagon obviously with no signs or the appropriate license plate to be a taxi i get to the clubs about 15 minutes before they close locals with a sense of how the taxi rush works when all the clubs close are smart enough to leave early so they have an easier time finding a cab that's available of course while these people are just barely smart enough to figure this out they also are too drunk to have a decent eye for detail to them any car that parks in front or near the clubs is a taxi to them just like i do when i am actually on the clock i lock my doors intend to only open them once my friends are here but unfortunately my mom's car is getting older and the back doors didn't lock properly before i have a chance to react four guys shove themselves in my backseat one of them even reaches to the front and unlocks the front passenger door for two other guys now i'm taken aback by the display but the act of unlocking the door really gets me i already hate it when people do this when i am working so for them to do it when i'm not is even worse my boss does not subscribe to the the customer is always right mentality when we're driving we are king and our cab is our kingdom you can enter my cab when i allow it now i have six randoms in a car meant for four passengers and i'm trying to tell them to get out but they're all singing like loud jerks so they don't hear me as i'm trying to get through i do hear bits through the singing of one guy trying to tell me where they need to go and after a few repeats he gets more irate as i'm obviously not going anywhere i give the volume knob of my radio a good spin and a short blast of sound is successful at shutting these jerks up with them all quiet now i tell them again that they need to get out as i'm not taking them anywhere they get mad just tell me to drive and not to worry about it as they apparently completely misunderstood what i said i repeat that they need to get the heck out of my car i'm not a taxi two of them say they recognized me from last week which is entirely possible since i was working last week so i'm obviously a taxi driver and i just need to take them home note that i never actually understood the guy that was telling me where they wanted to go so even if i wanted to which i didn't i had no idea where home was they tell me to take them to the same place i brought them last week now i am absolutely horrible with faces add this to the fact that i'm a very down to business person so i tend to not really look at the faces of my passengers so even if i did indeed bring them home last week i wouldn't for the life of me know where that was a week later since i had no idea who these jerks were i tell them that even if i knew where they needed to go i'm not a taxi driver and they need to get out also even if i was a taxi driver at least one person would need to get out since the new york taxis only have seats for five passengers now comes the icing on the cake one of the jerks in the backseat decides that now is an amazing time to throw up in my mom's car i'm livid but decide to take the middle road between private and work policy at my work we have a few policies regarding the stuff that goes on in the taxis some obvious some less 1. no drinking or glass bottles 2. no smoking or vaping 3. no touching the driver and 4. if you throw up you either clean it up or pay 100 euros some of these jerks were too far gone to clean it up and were more likely to just make it worse the absence of tools to clean it with at all didn't help either i repeat again that they need to get out of my car and i add that they need to pay me 100 euros the guys that apparently rode with me before were aware of the 100 euros policy and were obviously still under the impression that i was on the clock but they were still hesitant to pay since obviously 100 euros is quite a lot of money for their age they start making a scene which rocks my car all over the place attracting the attention of two police officers with how busy the clubs can get the area is heavily patrolled during party hours they come over and ask me what's happening one of them bends over and looks into the car seeing the passengers all packed in like sardines officer you know you're not allowed to drive like this right me i know and i wasn't going to but these jerks won't get out and they threw up in the back police officer may i see your cab license me i'm not here as a cab driver i was just here to pick up some friends which these guys are not one of the police officers had seen me before and checks my dashboard no taxometer she checks my license plate which is obviously just a regular blade and she notes my frustration at the people in my car a few minutes later my friends finally arrived to the side of two cops pulling jerks out of my car with one guy yelling at me why i don't want to make any money i believe another yelled the classic we pay your salary comment which spoiler warning they don't most of the company's income comes from special reservations and i get paid by the hour not customer so their contribution to my salary is minimal to non-existent i for some reason now lost to me tried to explain this to them which was like explaining the concept of schrodinger's cat to an actual cat with how crazy some of them were the cops blessed as they are know all too well how annoying it was to clean puke from fabric so they enforced the technically not applicable to my situation policy of 100 euros for throwing up in my car my friends get in the car luckily with three no one had to sit in the puke and i thank the officers for their help and want to drive off but not before checking my rear view mirror where i see these jerks angrily walking towards another cab a bright yellow cab my colleague who was actually on shift i quickly grabbed my phone i wasn't driving yet and i opened an app we used for work that basically turned your phone into a walkie-talkie hoping my colleague decided to log in despite being on his own tonight he was i quickly tell him not to take these people with him the mention of vomit was all the confirmation my colleague needed to leave these guys standing with the other cab companies already swamped with reservations i can already imagine how long these guys had to wait for a cab to pick them up at least it would give them time to sober up in the end my friends and i are driving home i'm still somewhat irate but we managed to have a laugh only soured someone by the equally sour smell coming from the back we get home my friends pass out on the couch i clean the vomit before it sets and put 80 of the 100 euros underneath my mom's phone in the living room since it was her car epilogue the next day my mom was not happy after hearing this story but there was no trace of the vomit and she got 80 euros out of it i did receive an email from my boss asking for my side of the story regarding a complaint he received on a day i wasn't even working he promptly trashed the complaint after hearing my side and that's honestly the last i heard about it my friends each chipped in a 20 and bought me a game for the help and trouble so now i'm playing breath of the wild next we've got karen tells me to arrest chopper a little setup for what happened i'm a 21 year old guy working security for an hoa in texas i had just ended a 13-hour overnight shift which had put me into a tired and grumpy mood my wife was six months pregnant and asked me to pick up some groceries on my way home i agreed i was picking up the last of my groceries when i feel a tap on the back and a high-pitched officer i need you now i look up and see a middle-aged woman who looks like she had pure rage in her eyes i start to explain that i am not a police officer when she cuts me off yelling i don't care now and grabs my arm at this point i am beyond annoyed but also want to help in case something was actually wrong like someone was injured or attacked or something while security officers are not the police we are required to render aid if able while in uniform i follow the lady to the next aisle to find a woman and her kid shopping i ask karen what she needs and she exclaims she stole my food arrest her now the other woman looks back confused and says what karen screams you know what you did you jerk that was my pork roast and it was the cheapest one give it to me now the other woman and her start arguing me being way too tired and way too disinterested turn around to walk away when i hear where the heck are you going still walking away i reply back to shopping next i feel something tug on my waist i instantly turn around to see that karen took my handcuffs off of my duty belt and was running back to the other woman screaming you're under citizen's arrest and she actually tries to handcuff her and fails i race towards her to get my handcuffs back while she is trying to handcuff this other woman which i am going to take a wild guess and say didn't actually steal karen's food and she yells at me to stop and hits me in the nose with the handcuffs hard enough to make my nose bleed okay now i'm mad i yank the handcuffs from karen grab her and turn her around and put her hands in the handcuffs she screams help he's attacking me i tell her to sit down and shut the heck up while i call the police by this time a store manager heard what was going on and game over what's going on here to which karen exclaimed he is trying to attack me help me i'm on the phone with 911 at this point who said they were sending someone after i hang up i explained to the manager what happens he says he will have asset protection pull up the footage and tells us all to stay put about five or so minutes later two officers show up one of whom i know from when i have to call police at the hoa he greets me and asks for my side while his partner interviews karen who is now full-on crying saying he hit me and tried to hurt me finally the manager comes back stating he has the footage for us to view the other officer goes to the ap office to view footage while i talk to the officer i know a few minutes later the other officer comes back and asks me and the ladies she was arguing with if we would like to press charges apparently when i turned to walk away while they were arguing karen hit the other woman in the gut we both say yes apparently in texas if you assault a uniformed security officer it is upgraded and it is the same charge as assaulting a police officer she was hauled off into the back of a squad car and charged with assault she also had an outstanding warrant for theft of service go figure karen will have a lot of time to think if that pork roast was worth it i got my groceries and went home to tell my wife what happened how i ended up with my boss's job i was working for an advertising agency a pretty big one i had an unethical manager well when i started out i had a manager who was one of the most unethical managers i've ever dealt with he had ordered his sales reps to do things that would increase his bonuses which are based on margins example say a client decided to buy product xyz and their spend was two thousand dollars a month he would want the agent to put up products abc and keep the spend at 2 000 even though the client didn't agree to that fact is the clients generally wouldn't notice but if they did it could cost you your job i was the guy that refused his demands he would tell me to cheat the clients and i would refuse he would get mad i wouldn't care this went on for quite a while now there's something i don't tell people very often i live in a one-party consent state which means so long as i'm aware a conversation is being recorded i can record it without informing the other party i had just up sold my largest client making him even larger but i didn't sell the products my boss wanted me to sell he demanded i switched things around i refused i told him i sold the client xyz that's what we agreed to i'm not going to change that without the customer permission his exact words were forget the customer this is your largest client i need him on abc or i'm not going to make my number i'm sorry but you and i both know abc isn't right for this client and that's why he didn't buy it you're fired if you can't follow instructions you're fired after confirming he was dead serious i said if you do that i'll have your job by the end of the month i went home i didn't think he'd go through with it sure as heck next morning i'm locked out of all our systems i call tech support and get told i've been fired so who do i call i call our regional vice president and tell him i have several recordings i think he should listen to remember my boss ordering me to do unethical things wasn't common so i meet up with my rvp and play six different recordings that i had saved showing my manager was pushing his agents to break the law to which my rvp leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh knowing he had to fire my manager having a sales manager that is forcing his reps to break the law is just bad business at which point i asked for my job back he agreed that i would get my job back and asked me to take the week off and call him on monday he told me he'd talk to payroll and make sure i got paid for this week as well for your information he fulfilled all of his promises with me although i missed a payday but got back pay later so i was fine with that that monday i came into our monday morning meeting in which my rvp was there he informed the entire team that my boss had been fired and why he also mentioned that if anyone wanted to apply for his job there was now an opening so i applied for and after three rounds of interview got my promotion sure as heck i was right i did have my boss's job by the end of the month it was glorious the first day walking into his office and sitting in his nice big comfy chair next we've got is my mother entitled or is this a normal situation important aspects my mother had to quit her job because of medical issues some two months ago to financially help the family out i decided to get a weekend brigade obviously it takes a lot of my time it can take me up to two hours to get to school in the morning and up to four hours time spent by hanging out because next bus is scheduled in one hour included to get home in the afternoon slash evening traffic and my bus goes only every one hour my family has a small farm and i do a big part of work around it not that much this part of year but still pretty time consuming even though i have this busy schedule to keep psychologically and socially healthy i spend time playing games being out with friends and girlfriend which is something my mother always strongly objected to i never really thought about my mother being entitled until this incident we've got me we've got dad mom and eva my girlfriend i was playing gta online with friends and eva when mom came are you playing that stupid game with them again realizing that an argument is inevitable i tell my friends and eva that i have to go and turn the bs off me um why you haven't done all your chores yet me not to be audacious but like what chores don't forget i'm the one who gets up at 4 30 to not basically stop until evening so you don't have to feed the animals and clean their feces mom you didn't sweep the house me well i got home at 18 30 and was around the animals for further hour mom you'd be home earlier if you didn't go out with that girl of yours ice skating and even better your phone would still work i fell and it slid out of my pocket hit the ground hitting its already badly damaged corner and bounced just before i hit the ground i fell with my elbow directly on the mentioned corner causing even more cracks to the lcd panel and now destroying the touch sensitivity in the right side of the display me and what is my already before barely usable phone to do with this dad now came to see what this was about dad ah what is wrong now he's playing that game with those people again dad let him be he had a long day and deserves to have some time for his friends and games but he was already with that girl of his and still has to sweep the house dad so look at what he is doing for the past two months and look at what you were doing he deserves some time for himself you're welcome to substitute his work around the house mom dad not an excuse he did the same amount of same work even when he couldn't use his left arm at all and you can't sweep the darn house because you can't stand for long periods of time you're still healthy enough to do basic housework in case we're all here to help mom he'd have much more time if he let the games and people go family is more important me so was my mental health friends and eva though i would not last long being in never-ending circle of sleep school work sleep not an excuse no friends no games no evil or whatever the heck her name is as long as you live in this house me you do know that i have resources and a reasons valid enough to pack my stuff and live in a dorm room near my school no you don't have either me well you have no right to hold me here since it's causing a lot of stress for me at this point i was fed up with her attitude and proceeded to plan b me you know what you're right your house your rules my salary my support as well as my thing what i will do with it rethink your attitude to me and what i'm doing unless you really want to do my part of work here mom went nuts on me but i just messaged eva that i am coming overnight she's usually fine with it and so are her parents unless you know me look not repeating myself i do the best i can but need some time for myself i seriously don't have the nerves to listen to this constant crap i'm going to evas see you tomorrow good night mom again objected but dad backed me up this happened yesterday so still awaiting results i hope mom changes her attitude and i won't have to go to the dorm i'll try to keep you updated update there actually was another argument yesterday between me coming back from work and posting the story to keep it short me dad and mom tried to discuss the situation dad confirmed his intentions with lowering the overall workload and said that mom should do some actual work or go work as a cashier in a local store always hiring so i can quit mine to have more time and less load she obviously used her condition as an argument well honestly forget her she can't stand for longer periods of time so she won't sweep the house i basically couldn't use my left arm at all for a month you don't realize how important a body part is until you can't move it and still did all my normal work this morning she ranted about how i'm not doing anything and how i should do something this is my scheduled day off no work no brigade no schoolwork no nothing just a day to relieve and relax next we've got my son is in the next classroom first post here since i work in kid education not school we teach them programming and extra scholar hours to me it's more of a matter of which story to tell but i think today was a good enough one if short so quick info the place i teach in has big windows on the walls between the classrooms and the wall between the classrooms and hallways one class is roughly 10 students this little play actors are me the entitled mom and the kids of the class so i'm teaching class everything is going well and the kids are pretty focused though we talk and joke a bit as well when suddenly entitled mom comes in the hallway we normally forbid parents from entering classrooms during the class because we strongly advocate for kid independence and letting them experiment without parents breathing down their neck we have special times for sharing with their family after the class which we set up for that very purpose so entitled mom is in the hallway and she peers into every classroom to locate her kid she finally finds him in the classroom next to mine which is the only room to not have direct windows into it from the hallway just the door which is closed so the only way to see the inside of that room is through the wall in my room so entitled mom can't wave her kid and so she decides to enter my classroom so then starts waving at him in the middle of my class disturbing it quite thoroughly kicking the kids bags around as she paces now i rarely deal with entitled parents because i do not tolerate bs in any form and i can have a bit of a short temper my kids know how little bs i take and they all like that with me the rules are clear-cut so they know what's about to happen and they all look at entitled mom with the happy cruel oh she's gonna get it look of kids seeing someone else getting scolded i cough once to get her attention and as she turns around i stare her down like the rude fool she is and then entitled mom what me in a calm level voice ma'am in case you failed to notice i'm having a class so you're going to return outside but my son is in that other classroom and i wanted to see him me ma'am the kids i teach are capable of understanding such clear and simple instructions easily enough are you not able to do the same as i say this i point to my kids and they are all holding back laughs yes in a minute my son me cutting her off making her glare at me ma'am your son isn't the one interrupting my class he's following his own class i asked you to get out because your presence disturbs my class you will leave now at this point my kids start laughing because the now is usually my trump card with any of them that make troubles if i use the now in that very special tone it means they're pretty much done for and the next step after this is me calling their parents in this case it would have been me calling my manager but entitled mom finally got the hint and left the room under the kids laughs and grumbling about how she would talk with my manager about my conduct in class and my education skills at which point i just turned to the kids with a big smile i did not get into any sort of trouble entitled mom got a second lecture from my manager about how parents are not to enter a classroom unless it's an emergency and her own kid when class ended gave her a very loud complaint about the whole thing i might end up sharing more like i said i got a lot of those about once a week but most aren't very interesting just basic level of entitled parents we'll see next we've got i'm not an airport worker i just play one at o'hare i was in the chicago o'hare airport getting there around 9 pm at night and a bunch of flights had been canceled there i was flying from omaha back home to florida well i finally got my flight home squared away having to go through dc the next day and it was time to find a hotel for the night at first i was on hold with the airline while they looked for a hotel within my budget which was actually very high since work was paying for this and i was on the phone for at least 30 minutes or so while this guy was making calls to local hotels after that i was looking online myself and even on vrbl so i decided to sit in the closest seat i could find during this call and my search which was located behind an information desk and this was just a desk a simple everyday office desk not like one of those huge information circle desks built into the structure i had my luggage right in front of me so if people bothered to actually see me they would know that i was a traveler just like them i even started talking to two other ladies that took up camp on the desk in front of me while they searched for hotels too there was a sign on the desk that read closed but it was likely hard to see given the other people sitting on the desk anyway i probably got asked at least a dozen times about where something was in the airport where was a good place to eat if i knew any hotels in the area where were the overnight cots set up etc when the first person to come up to me asked me something i figured they thought i worked at the desk but i listened to their question in case i could actually help yeah i couldn't so as time went on i just kept telling people i was just traveling and didn't work for the airport or any airline not one person was rude or yelled at me despite everyone being tired frustrated and likely hungry after the first few people came up to me i thought about moving somewhere else but there honestly wasn't anywhere else to go that place was packed with upset air travelers the first time it happened i was actually like oh maybe i'll have something to post on reddit but no all my encounters were normal and pleasant under the circumstances for those interested i actually ended up having to spend the night in o'hare i now call it the o'hare hotel i met up with a lovely woman who ironically was headed to omaha where i had just came from and a nice guy a few years older than me we hunkered down in a long very lit hallway for the night after finding some cots blankets and pillows the airport also hands out these little suntree bags which was convenient my airline tried to re-route me all over the east coast to get me home so early in the am when they woke us up we had to get up at like 5 when the airport officially opened i booked another direct flight on a different airline for around seven in the morning i'm glad work was pain so i was lucky to have the option i know a lot of people were really stuck and at the mercy of the chicago air gods and this was june 2018 by the way so not related to bad winter weather at all next we've got do people not know how to wait so my parents and i went to longhorn steakhouse for my mom's birthday it's a saturday and this place just opened not too long ago so it was pretty packed the wait was an hour when we got there since it was so good and this was where we wanted to eat we waited another thing i should mention this place was packed people would probably be standing outside if it wasn't winter first part it was only a couple minutes since we were given a pager and started to wait a man and whom i assume was his wife came into the restaurant he was behind her pushing her wheelchair she just had a broken leg slash foot and didn't say anything and he was the entitled dude of this part when he was told the wait time he said loudly an hour forget it he then backed out of the door very annoyed my parents and i immediately thought he was a jerk and were making fun of it people were coming in and out a lot of people just didn't want to wait and lift and one group actually left while waiting saying they wanted to cancel while we waited we also noticed across the way there was a little kid probably eight to nine i'm terrible with age guessing that was five seconds away from a meltdown her face screamed why do we have to wait the only thing keeping her calm was her phone my parents and i brought up the fact that when i was young and would make a fuss i was left alone or taken out of the place after a bit my dad noticed a couple of chairs that were open and told my mom and i to sit down and after a while the man next to mom moved over one for my dad to sit down after a while we noticed them the entitled lady and her two friends since they didn't say much i'll just call them man and lady the woman however will be called karen the first thing karen was standing right in front of one of the shelves they used for menus and right in the path of the waiters trying to seek people she kept having to move and just kept going back to the same spot and talked to man and lady the waitress at the front was already obviously stressed out and had one of those cubes that you can fidget with karen was practically touching her she was so close then she did one of the most annoying things i ever saw someone do she hovered over the waitress's shoulder and was looking at her wait list listing the times to man and lady the waitress had to block the screen so that karen would stop but that didn't stop her since she was very obviously trying to look at the screen basically the entire time after my parents and i were making fun of her entitled attitude and other entitled people i brought up the time my mom's boss wouldn't reschedule a visit so she could be able to see me before i went to spain another story about an entitled jerk that i'd be happy to talk about if people want to hear about him and other stories i have about entitled jerks after a while we got up to be seated we didn't even fully get up when this karen almost knocked me over to get to our chairs and was just like you gotta get to those seats before they're gone my mom was pretty annoyed at that but we just followed the waitress to our table and had a great time making fun of the karen and her annoying attitude for a good 10 minutes when we sat down be a horrible coworker and take from the company i'll end your career straight out of college with a degree in graphic design hungry to find a good job in a horrible economy 2009 i applied all over the place i ended up settling for a decently paid internship instead with really good company a beer distributor for a large and legendary macro brewery i was pretty ecstatic even if this was a part-time internship it had great potential to turn into a full-time job i was hired in to be a graphic designer for their in-house print shop and i would be working with one other person this girl alice name changed for anonymity my first day working i met alice and she seemed really nice knowledgeable and passionate about graphic design due to seniority she was technically my supervisor after a few days working i learned a few things about her obsessed with running obsessed with horses she was a horse girl homeschooled her whole life and overall realized she was just an awkward person nothing wrong with that some people are awkward it's okay but all day every day i would hear about running and she was obsessed with competing with her sister that's all she talked about her obsessions were just draining to hear about some days but the obsessions come back later in the story anyway i dealt with the awkwardness for a while i just learned of ways to ignore it after a couple years is when the real trouble started by this time i became a full-time employee not an intern anymore we were pretty much equals when it came to rank in the office only thing she did more than i did was ordering she would order ink cartridges for our printers paper printheads etc that's all she did more than me she still delegated work but i didn't mind at a certain point i was put in charge of reorganizing our office and helped move everything around with my boss the catch was that i got to pick where i set got to choose my desk and location if i helped move alice knew this didn't care and said she was too busy to help with the reorganization i was happy to help the way our office was organized after the change was she sat in front of me with her back facing me and i would be all the way in the back of the office by the printers so basically i could see everything she was doing on her computer if i wanted to or cared too but we always got our work done browse the web for personal reasons occasionally throughout the day it wasn't abused by either of us so no big deal like i said she was my superior so she would designate jobs we would get job requests from the salesman and they would differ in difficulty and time to complete them everything was equal we would bust our butts and have an equal amount of work always until i went on vacation for a week i go on vacation for that week and come back into the office to see her sitting in my desk i'm immediately confused i then notice her computer picture frames desk organizer all her crap is now moved from her desk to mine and all my stuff is moved to where she was sitting and was thrown everywhere this jerk literally went through all my stuff unplugged my computer and everything i had and switched desks with me while i was on vacation no text or call email or notice about it or why she did it i look at her and say uh what happened to my desk alice oh so while you were gone the printers kept jamming up and i had to get to them quicker so i just switched desks with you since your desk is closer me okay i don't understand it's only like a five foot difference between your desk and mine alice yeah i know but they were jamming up and every time they would do that it would take too long to boot back up and restart everything me in my head total bs yeah okay i don't get it but whatever i didn't get it it was really weird and i was pretty upset all my stuff was moved and our desks were switched not only that but it had to get involved to switch our phone numbers to our desk that took a few days so i kept getting all her calls and she got mine it was ridiculous i didn't care after a few minutes when i saw the pile of work to do for the day there were jobs backed up and the whole sales team was asking where their job orders were alice kept saying oh it was so busy last week with just me here couldn't get it done so we had to bust our butts and play catch up for a few days one key part of all this is that we have a printing program that files and filters all the print jobs we send it has date time file name number of copies time it took to print etc i was curious so i go back one week to see what she did while i was gone absolutely nothing a couple of the days i was gone there were only a few files sent to print and they were projects that would have taken at most 15 minutes a piece to do even if the printers were jamming there is absolutely no way she could have done that little without slacking off the entire time you can always work on projects or send them to the printer queue to send later as week started to pass after she moved the desks i noticed productivity started to go way down even worse i started to get a ton of projects sent to me twice as many as usual i was at the point there would be days i would stay two hours late just to finish things up not only that but alice worked out a deal with our boss where she could start coming in one hour earlier before anyone else is in the office and leave an hour earlier at the end of the day because she had crossfit and boot camp for running and needed to train for a marathon that's fine except she wasn't doing her job the printing software we used to track everything was showing she actually wasn't doing jack i don't get how clueless she could be to think she would get away with this either we can both see every job that is sent or not sent in this matter to the printer showing for every 10 jobs i would send to her one ah now i know why she moved the desks so she could be where i was without anyone looking at her screen i also noticed every time i would get up to go by her to grab something from the printers she would grab her mouse really fast and click away from whatever website she was on wasting time instead of doing work i would also check to see what she did during that hour she would come into work early while no one was here nothing i would look to see what she did during the hour i was gone for lunch nothing so here i am coming in on time busting my butt doing a ton of work staying late while she would waste an hour in the morning waste an hour during my lunch and not even do the bare minimum while there i had enough up until then i had to put up with her awkwardness and that's whatever but i was no longer going to put up with her laziness and poor work ethic i knew she was going on a long weekend trip in a couple weeks to run a marathon i started taking screenshots of the print jobs on our system's queue every day at the end of the day showing what i did and she didn't do shows how she slacked off and gave me all the work to do and didn't do anything it was more than enough proof to show she was abusing company time severely the thursday she was gone i gave her a taste of her own medicine i moved our desks back i moved everything from my desk back to my old desk she stole from me and all her crap nicely put back on her desk i kept everything nice and organized as if nothing was changed besides the location of the desks themselves even further i went and located extra long telephone cords so i didn't have to bother id to switch our phones back again i held on to the screenshots i took of her slacking off and didn't show them to my boss i wasn't going to unless she raised heck about me moving our desks which why would she it was my desk originally the printers obviously were not jamming ever it was a total bs excuse and i never got mad at her or made a big deal when she did it so why would she get mad at me for doing the same thing i didn't even care about the desk itself i cared that she was slacking off and not doing her job where she was in a spot no one could keep track of what she was doing she was supposed to be my superior someone who can manage and delegate work instead she took advantage of me and the company i didn't want any huge surprises so at the end of the work week i sent her a text hi alice just wanted to let you know i ended up moving our desks back to their original location figured it wasn't a big deal but i just wanted my original desk back that i claimed after i was given the option for helping organize everything just didn't want you to be surprised on monday have a good weekend i gave her more of a courtesy than when she did that so i figured it wouldn't be an issue there was i didn't get a response or anything so i walk in monday morning after she got back from her long weekend and i just say hi walk past her and go to my reclaimed desk me not sure if you got my text but i let you know i moved the desk back to their original spots figured the original issue of the printers jamming up was fixed so i just wanted my original desk back alice turns around to look at me clearly mad yeah i got your text by the way we're going to have a nice long talk with jim our boss name changed for anonymity about this me okay what's the issue i just wanted my desk back you moved them without even telling me before and there wasn't an issue so why are you mad we'll just go talk to jim about all this sounds good let's go alice turns back to her computer then turns back at me again why do you have to be so honory me honoree alice yes honoree you mean ornery and if you did intend to call me ornery i'm not at all i just moved our desks back exactly what you did before she just turned back around and we were called into my boss's office he clearly didn't give a crap and was just fed up with alice's bs since this wasn't the first time she brought up a total non-issue to him before she complained constantly would bring up nonsense about the office all the time about things that just didn't matter one bit this was another one she goes on explaining how i just want to cause issues for no reason then jim asks me well why did you move the desks anyway that's when i whipped out the stack of screenshots showing her lack of work and how i was being overworked and doing the work of two people he looks over everything and was pretty upset and frustrated questioned why this was going on and why the work wasn't delegated properly he also mentioned he would notice how i would be here late all the time she had no answers alice made up excuses how she was busy placing orders for supplies and doing other projects that were not all printed work that couldn't be tracked he wasn't having any of it and just said to keep the desk the way they are now and not change anything again so i got my desk back funny enough now that i could see everything she was doing all the open jobs were delegated properly weird all the workload was split evenly shocker and all the bs from before stopped after this fiasco there were issues upon issues between us there was a rivalry and we got along enough to just get the work done and that's it i could care less about her she would be nasty to me all the time and just say mean comments whatever i could care less i wanted nothing to do with her i knew she had poor work ethic and did what she had to do to keep her job by just the bare minimum to make it seem like she was working now remember when i said i worked for a beer distributor pretty sweet gig we got to try a lot of new products we would distribute before they came out even during work to a point just be responsible doing it one day we have a new one outside in the warehouse and we're able to drink it in the morning i had a couple and alice kept going back for more i was around her enough times where i could tell she was having too much when this happened she would be forgetful and slack off another shocker when lunchtime came around she barely did anything that day i went to lunch and came back after an hour i noticed she was gone already and had gone to lunch before i got back looked like she just got up and left computer was still logged in crap all over her desk half beer sitting there and probably just didn't care since she was in that lazy state of drinking i woke up to our normal printer to grab a couple emails i printed out not on the expensive hp printers we print banners on just our normal printers i notice a couple pieces of paper sitting there under what i had just printed out i'd look to see what it is and it's an invoice from ebay i didn't think much of it but i did a double look after noticing one of the pictures is of the ink cartridges we use on our big 36 inch hp printers these are typically 150 to 200 a toner cartridge depending on the color and there were 10 total for each printer when being used no way i thought to myself is she selling these on ebay and pocketing the money i look up the seller name on ebay which was something like runnersworld347 or something related to running red flag turns out she has been stealing ink cartridges and selling them online off and on for over three years on one transaction she made over one thousand dollars right before christmas probably to buy christmas presents or something another was before her marathon she did earlier in my story probably to pay for that and her trip to go running there were transactions for running shoes she purchased on there that i have never seen her wear in the office on casual fridays before something horse related but forgot exactly what it was it was hard evident she was stealing products from the company and selling them on ebay since she did the ordering and inventory of all the printing supplies she could take advantage of it pretty easily and she did how stupid can you be to leave that kind of evidence sitting on a printer pro tip don't get tipsy and print off invoices of stolen property you're selling on ebay and forget about it i brought up all this information to my boss and showed him exactly what she was doing he couldn't believe it and to be honest i couldn't either being a crappy co-worker an employee is one thing but stealing and selling thousands of dollars worth of company property really messed up jim ended up giving alice the chance to come clean he first called me into the office to let me know he will be talking to her and giving her the option to come clean about everything before showing her the evidence against her i walked back to my desk and all i remember her asking me is uh what's going on is everything okay after she noticed i was called in to talk to jim i just shook my head and said yeah i don't know and a second later she was called into his office about five minutes pass and i see alice walk back into the sign shop crying with tears running down her face doesn't say anything to me as i watch her start to pack up her belongings in a box that's when i knew she just got fired halfway through packing up jim comes by and says are you done yet she replies no and starts going on her computer while jim promptly stops her and says no don't go on your computer those privileges are revoked and you cannot be on our computers or network anymore it's a liability he allows her to get a couple personal files as he watches her like a hawk she picks up her box of stuff and is escorted out of the building last i ever saw of her best part of all this it was done in front of all the sales team and managers about 20 of them they all watched this happen and all watched her be escorted out of the building about 10 minutes of people asking me what happened i realized 99 of people there absolutely hated her for related reasons revolving around her poor work ethic nasty attitude and awkwardness towards everyone i got a couple slow claps and handshakes too i was called back into jim's office a little while later he explained they confronted her about the theft gave her the option to confess to everything and they wouldn't press charges and allow her to resign she confessed immediately i ended up getting a raise right then and there and was promoted to sign shop manager and was put in place of finding a new team member to interview and hire in and was able to work closely to hr and hiring department to find the right person long story short after that i stayed for another few months and got a great opportunity at a new job but i was able to hire in a really good employee that was a quick learner and got her set up to be efficient and get things done it was almost like a i must go now my job is done someone else needs me moment when i left turns out she was just a toxic employee to most people well before i started there but was once untouchable because of her relationship with a manager there never knew this but once they weren't a thing anymore there was no protection next we've got the day my homeowners association crumbled this happened a few years back our homeowners association has always been known to be sneaky and to flat out give false accusations on homeowners especially in this day with security cameras and we can pretty easily spot out who the investigators are most recently a homeowner was told she was supposed to get approval before she started re-shingling her roof the thing is her roof hasn't been re-shingled in 10 years and she had no plans to do it things like that call it just a mistake call it malicious well a few years ago we had our time to shine it was a simple morning i was still temporarily living with my father at the time well one morning we decided to go out to get groceries when we found that his pickup truck had been smashed into nothing was taken it was just smashed into in fact i still have pictures from that day cops arrive they do some investigating and found that a rock inside the truck was from a house down the street unfortunately they couldn't get them to admit to the crime nor could they prove it was even them understandable criminals will grab things that they find but it was suspicious the rock i should say was a special kind of rock that no one else in the neighborhood had some round polish type very unique after this incident i installed a security camera on his house well not two days later we got an hoa violation for a vehicle eyesore that needs to be removed just two days later i'm confused how such a letter could have been written up so fast but i start to suspect foul play one day we were home and had a knock at the door the hoa actually called a code inspection officer the week hadn't even been over yet so the parts to fix the truck weren't delivered yet we weren't paying expedited shipping for damages we didn't cause and the truck was so old insurance would probably just total it the truck is sentimental to him so he wasn't going to get rid of it it still ran great code inspection tells my father that vehicles which do not run need to be moved they both stop talking and take a second and both almost say at the same time don't i know you turns out the code inspection officer went to the same church as my father and they knew each other the officer tells my father if he can show the truck starts he's going to write it up as being in code my father starts the truck just fine as the engine isn't damaged he tells him to go on with his day and to have a good one at this point we are furious because we are starting to suspect the hoa may have done this as there's no way they could have possibly known so fast unfortunately our turn of the street had no neighbors with security cameras until i installed one on our house so it caught nothing specific to our incident down the street these people supposedly broke into a car as well but the camera on their house was unable to see anything dang here's where the fun begins fast forward a couple months after nothing happened i decided to install a new dash cam in my car i found a good one that uses very little power of the battery and can activate if there's any bumps to the car even if the car is off it just needs to be wired straight to the battery for this it's a thinkware a few days later we get a violation notice for our mailbox being crooked it wasn't crooked much but i do remember it recently having an angle odd i could just fix it but my car was aiming straight at the mailbox i'm thinking no this couldn't be possible it only records if there's a bomb i take out the memory card and apparently i either didn't configure it correctly but it was recording the whole time it never went into sleep mode i watched as the investigator walks up to the mailbox and pushes it crooked then writes down on his tablet his findings and takes a picture for records i'm appalled at what i see i have the proof i need now for the revenge they wanted us to come to the board meeting and present what is going on at our address we haven't told them yet that we had the pictures but to summarize real fast how our homeowners association works the board hires an outside company to do the grunt work let's call it venturi management we go to the meeting and sit down venturi management has the one in control of our account and i swear to you she looked like a karen so the name fits for her as time goes by in the meeting we get to discuss what is happening at our house we present the timelines and tell them about the truck being smashed and just two days later we get a letter we ask what dates the investigator was out for that time karen refuses to answer it she argues ignorantly that we should keep better care of our stuff as if it was our fault then comes the mailbox incident we tell her that we have reasons to believe that the investigator is the one that is causing damages to our property and is harassing us karen denies this and says that is impossible as she knows him personally oh is that so i ask she says yes why i then pull out my laptop out of my book bag that i had been hiding open it up to the video file already loaded and show it to the entire board enter exhibit a i said out loud and played the video karen's face is bright red she says that is not her investigator i then also pulled out the letter about the mailbox which was complete with date it matches the time stamp on the video she still tries to claim it's not them no it's a coincidence i'm sorry but you have a vandal and it's not us it's not hmm i let the video play knowing she's falling into a pit hard right now as the man walks towards my car you can plain as day see been tree management on his shirt she's no longer red now she's white as a ghost the board looks over at her and asks what she has to say about this karen is silent and has nothing except a few noises which i assume was her brain trying to comprehend what just happened i then proceeded to take up a previous case which i happened to remember before we left for the meeting where we had a grass violation beside our house now this area they were claiming was actually not visible from the sidewalk due to the health shape i asked point blank has at any time your investigators walked on our property illegally trespassing knowing as per their rules they aren't allowed to do that karen is visibly shaking now and mutters out no of course not with her head down unable to maintain eye contact with me she probably feels that i have more evidence but unfortunately i didn't so i ask again she asks why our neighbor whom are actually lawyers literally next door to us where the side of this wall was stands up and says actually that's not true i have witnessed one of your investigators go between our houses and poke around the trash bins bingo i didn't even realize she had this information i couldn't have asked for more better timing karen at this point just starts arguing with our neighbors about no proof the board proceeds to apologize for the incident and they were going to discuss what is going to happen in the future about this at that point the meeting is over a month passes and we get a letter that a new person will be in charge for bentry management and new investigators she was fired that night since she was fired my father tells me we only get the occasional blip of errors but they correct it immediately and don't bother us really anymore my husband is in the army so your house is mine now so where i live there's a small army base and around it is a housing estate where the families live part of this estate was sold to a couple of housing associations and i live in one of those the army families move around a lot so people in those houses generally move every two years or so some a little more frequently others less so there's a row of four terrace houses directly across from me and one of them was empty ready for new tenants here's where we begin i took my daughter to nursery and then went shopping for some new clothes this was at 9 00 am i get back around 11 30 am and see a large moving truck in the street to avoid them i go to the other side of my property i suffer from chronic anxiety and tend to avoid most people i go in the front door and take the new clothes upstairs to sort whilst i'm there i hear noise from my back garden and door looking out the window i see a man with a large toolbox trying to open my back door a woman behind him looking furious and the guys from the moving company standing around with boxes looking bored i run down the stairs and open the door meaning the guy who i guessed was a locksmith practically fell through the door into my kitchen he was surprised of course and after looking around he was confused because clearly someone already lived here the woman then sighs dramatically and thanks me for finally turning up because they've been there since 8am trying to get in she just wants to get her stuff in so she and her kids can sleep she waves the moving guys forward and then goes to get her kids out of the car i'm busy trying to stop the moving guys from coming in with boxes and her two kids about three and six come charging into my garden i've got a slide swing small trampoline and windy house there for my daughter to play with i yell at them all to get out of my garden and stay away from my house one of the movers looks in the window to my living room sees all of my furniture in there and waves his team back to the truck his team leader pulls out some paperwork and begins going over it the woman starts yelling at me telling me i was a liar and a thief among other things i've lived in this house for four years and tell her such but she's having none of it she gets right up in my face screaming at me and i'm having trouble not bursting into tears and running away or socking her the locksmith tries to calm her down and she starts having a go at him next i call up the local police station office there's one in the housing estate but it generally only caters to the army people and such i figured calling them to deal with her was the best solution they arrive after a few minutes and take the woman aside her kids are still playing on my daughter's things so i tell them to get off and go to their mother because those toys don't belong to them they go reluctantly and when their mother notices she begins yelling again apparently those toys aren't mine they were put there by the army for her kids because her husband is such a wonderful soldier that this is her house and i'm just some squatter trying to steal it from her this is when the movers come over and tell her this is the wrong address she's moving into number four and this is number fourteen she goes very silent grabs her kids and leaves the garden i call out to ask her if she's going to pay for the damage done to my garden grass torn up by her kids and the movers my door from what looks like footprints trying to kick it in and the scratches from the locksmith my bushes by the gate movers and her yanking at them whilst waiting for the locksmith she tells me no because she's done nothing wrong which is when i inform her that i have cameras installed that would have seen the whole thing i ask the officers if they would like to view the footage and one of them watches the whole incident take place once i bring out my laptop which both cameras are linked to and he says he doesn't have anything to collect the footage just now but he'll come back later to get it he also tells me that he will have to report the woman's behavior to the base as a family's bad behavior can have repercussions for the soldier too it's now 5 pm the officer was here collecting copies of the footage in case it was needed and might be shown to certain army officials as an example of her behavior husband turned up about an hour ago and there was a huge argument across the street everyone could hear it but not exactly what was being said either way this family hasn't exactly had a good start to their time here i can only hope they move away soon so i won't have to deal with that lady again update so today i managed to speak with the husband of the woman he actually came over and knocked on my door he apologized for his wife mixing up our houses and wanted to make sure i was okay he looked over the damage to my door and said he would be happy to pay to fix the damage and buy some stuff to repair my lawn i thanked him and asked what happened with the whole house thing he said the movers arrived first got the wrong house and then called his wife who immediately told them to call a locksmith the movers had keys so they could get the large items in before she got there the locksmith apparently is used by the movers a lot and didn't question the house numbers when the wife arrived she stopped the locksmith and tried to get the door open with the keys and when that didn't work she started kicking the door the locksmith stopped her and started trying to open the door himself which is where i came in his wife told him everything after their argument and he had been keeping an eye out so he could come talk to me things are basically sorted now for a few who have said i didn't deal with things well for clarification i've had a few randoms message me of course i didn't i have chronic anxiety i'm eight months pregnant was all by myself and i come home to find people trying to break into my house i wasn't about to invite them in for tea i was genuinely terrified that that woman might hurt me so yes i yelled at those people to get away from my house and yes i was angry at the damage done calling the police might seem extreme to you or not needed but i wanted to be certain i was safe considering that i am basically dirt poor and wouldn't be able to afford repairs to my door a door that she damaged to the point of it being cracked around the lock and leaked rain water all over my kitchen floor because it hasn't sealed right since i would say i was justified in wanting her to pay for that damage without getting a new door i would have just had to live with a broken one using duct tape to try and keep the water out and bracing a chair behind it because it doesn't lock properly anymore the last few nights i haven't been able to sleep right because my home is not secure and there have been burglaries in my area so forget you guys next we've got the time i ended my high school teacher's career this story is widely known amongst my family and is constantly brought up and joked upon in my group of friends even years later a buddy of mine suggested that this is the perfect place to make it public so let's get into this crap storm backstory i was a senior in high school at the time and i had never been the brightest student i was a solid c student and i had never received a detention or had any kind of bad student record this is important because to this day i still have no idea why the teacher treated me this way the teacher whom we will name mrs frank had been a teacher there for more than a decade and was widely known for being a petty heartless jerk who the administrator saw as the golden child mrs frank taught algebra which is my worst subject so naturally i had issues understanding the lessons and would ask questions frequently to some these questions are easily answered but to me it was rocket science usually when someone asks a dumb question no one should address it however in mrs frank's case she would belittle me in front of everyone by saying things such as and here comes the slow boy again wow surprise surprise you don't understand it again really we have to go extra slow for you today don't we etc etc i tried going to the administration about it before but again she was considered the golden child they would send someone in to examine her during class she would act respectful and normal for one day and go back to being a jerk the next this goes on for about half the year until i had enough i went to the local radio shack bought a recorder and secretly recorded every insult she would throw at me i would sometimes instigate to make up for the lost time go ahead feed the fire fast forward to the end of the year and i'm sitting in mrs frank's class when i ask a question her response and i quote because it's burned into my brain was i've been teaching here for over 10 years and that was the singles dumbest question i've ever heard come from anyone's mouth she continued the lesson without answering i calmly stood up packed up my stuff and headed to the nurse's office to dismiss myself from school we were allowed to dismiss ourselves if we were 18. i went home compiled all of the brutal tapes into one glorious masterpiece and headed back the next day to show the administrators i sat down with the principal and we listened to a couple of the insults before he stopped me he wanted more witnesses present as well as mrs frank he told me we would meet the next day where i could show him and the rest of the administrators the full tape i walk into school the next morning being the most nervous i've ever been for anything i was called down to the office where i met with some board directors the local school police officer the principal the vice principal and mrs franks what follows was some of the greatest minutes of my life i watched as the administrators went from fed up with being in another useless meeting to furious and speechless with some of them keeping their mouths open for the duration of the tape i also watched mrs frank go from confident and stuck up to her realizing that she had messed up beyond repair she was publicly roasting herself in front of the most important people from the district the tape ended and without hesitation the administrators looked around in astonishment and the principal turned to me and says i think we have heard everything we need to thank you and i was quietly dismissed from the room the final time i saw mrs frank was leaving the room i looked back and we made eye contact through her tear-filled eyes as i gave the biggest most evil smile i returned to class the next week and mrs frank was nowhere to be found the story spread quickly throughout the school and i was seen as a saint i had successfully gotten her fired and made it almost impossible for mrs frank to return to her teaching career as well as cut off most of her connections she had with other teachers in the school i had ruined her financially because no school district in the area would hire this walking piece of garbage if you're reading this mrs frank i'd like to take this moment to tell you to go forget yourself edit should have cleared this up in this story however i didn't want to go into too much detail about the process yes this was perfectly legal to do and my parents and i did our research to make sure we weren't breaking any kind of law in my state you can record someone in their place of business without both parties consent i want to address some frequently asked questions i regret sharing the dumbed-down version because i left out the amount of crap i put my parents through during all of this tons of meetings and phone calls that would have made the story a lot longer and i didn't think anyone would enjoy reading it i do not still have the tapes it was in the administration's best interest to keep them in case she sued for false termination and it would have gotten out of hand if the tape spread and gave a bad reputation towards the district even if i kept the tapes this all took place over 15 years ago and there's no way in heck i would be able to find them and yes i took algebra as a senior because again i wasn't the greatest student to walk those halls and throughout all my years of school i had tutoring i'm sorry i'm not a genius and i don't remember what questions i asked that pushed me over the limit that day next we've got she threw turkey at my co-worker our cast we've got entitled mom we've got nice kid one who's about 13. nice kid too probably around five we've got asset manager poor co-worker and me alright here we go some backstory i worked at a grocery store won't name names but it lurks in florida mainly and is only found elsewhere once or twice starts with a b ends with an ix and in my opinion has the best chicken tender subs anywhere well in this store i worked in the deli we made subs sold fried chicken meals rotisserie chicken and also freshly sliced deli meat to the person's liking i have dealt with many a karen and whatever the mail equivalent is as it is a food service and this type of store goes out of its way to follow the customer is always right and if you don't like it we will fix it for you on to the story i was on the evening shift started about 12 30. well a few hours into the shift in walks the karen she very much looked exactly like the cairns that i'd heard about but i thought nothing of it she was not my customer as my poor coworker handled her slicing you know it the turkey she asked for this particular turkey was our store brand and was pale and without any seasoning he slices the turkey to her standards weighs it packages it and hands her the bag nice kids one and two are both patiently waiting and nibbling the slice of cheese i'd given them from our samples with their mother's permission she takes it stares at it as if he just handed her a bag of toast total disgust on her face he asks her if anything was wrong now my poor co-worker was brand new so i wandered closer to make sure everything was okay she took a deep breath and started this spot on the turkey this turkey is bad how could you sell this and lifts the bag so he can see he looks at it then at me i looked at the spot and saw the darkened spot ah i knew what it was i stepped in ma'am i promise you all of our meat in the case is fresh as possible and we monitor all the dates every day at every shift that is a protein spot it sometimes happens i promise it is totally harmless she shook her head and almost screeched no i know what this is it's melanoma at this point i had to hold back a giggle melanoma is skin cancer she continues my husband works at a mead farm he knows all about this it's dangerous can't believe you'd sell something with melanoma on it oh dear reader it took everything in me not to laugh well after this last proclamation she hurled the turkey at my poor co-worker who was totally taken aback at everything that was happening before his eyes her nice kid one was obviously embarrassed by her mother making a scene in the store a nice kid too probably too young to understand the embarrassment just said in the card i want to speak to your manager she called manager by her name so i assumed she'd been around before just never while on my shifts i sent poor co-worker to get manager and picked up the turkey shaking my head i put it in the case since it was already sliced we could probably use it for samples don't worry it was wrapped in many layers of plastic and i changed the outside bag before putting it back while she talked yelled at my awesome manager i went into the back to my other co-workers who had hidden when she started screaming and explained the whole story we all laughed and joked about it and while you couldn't hear us through the door she probably saw me come back and i could hear her yes still screaming she was that loud and now they're laughing at me yes we were i walked out just in time to hear managers say i'm sure that we can fix this and i'll cut the meat myself awesome manager asked me to grab another brand new turkey from the cold storage in the back an entitled mom got her turkey and left her nice kid mortified and her other kid oblivious maybe this happens a lot the funniest thing about this she probably meant to say salmonella which is something poultry and eggs can have when undercooked our turkey is all thoroughly cooked and kept properly oh karen next we've got record store blues featuring karen and the managers a good friend of mine reached out to me via facebook messenger to inform me that a copy of not one but two cds of my favorite circus carnival themed artists was on the shelf in the local record store for the curious its circus contraption and the albums in question are gallimaufry and grand american traveling dime museum i ditty bopped down immediately to the store anxious and excited and am able to get both of them i'm having an awesome day so i ignore the tapping on my shoulder thinking that i am in someone's way edging to the side without comment cue karen and her plus four haircut of dubious perception excuse me i have been trying to get your attention for the last 12 minutes me i just got here so uh congratulations help me immediately if you want to keep your job what seems to be the issue i figured that i could help her go back to browsing other music choices keep my day on an even keel nope she's having none of this put that down now and help me move this drum kit to my car or i'll have you fired at this point she leans in super close spitting each word like venom it would probably hurt if you got fired before christmas wouldn't it you bearded jerk i'm thinking lady i don't want to know what messed you up so bad that you have to try to wreck other people just dang are you going to be helpful or unemployed i'd rather chug broken glass through a lemon flavored straw than deal with this go get me fired okay karen immediately loses it looking behind her i can see the manager bracing for impact not exactly on my side for what i did but hey not sure that i can care either manager ma'am they don't work for me how can i help you and karen released a second volley aiming for the manager on my way to the counter i overhear that karen just bought a new drum kit from the store next door the pawn shop the very much not a record store type of pawn shop apparently she's thinking that i was working there and would feel obligated to carry her purchase to her car which immediately freed the manager to tell her to get the heck out of the store when he got to the counter he gave me a stern comment about not igniting volatile people and i paid for my stuff the cashier did offer to add in a free copy of soundgarden cd which i politely and firmly declined she did double punch my rewards card though which was nice entitled mom blames our company for a free-to-play game not working i work in a retail computer store i'm a part-time technician but also deal with customers with regards to sales etc so a while back we had this entitled mom and entitled kid coming in to buy a new computer for entitled kid we discussed some options in their price range and end up selling entitled kid a mid-range gaming computer this happened on a weekend as it was the only time i ever worked as i was part-time fast forward to next week i came in to work the morning seeing entitled kids rig on the table by the other tech work it was a very specific rig that i built myself so i recognized it my work colleague calls me over seeing as i was the only avid gamer in the shop and tells me that this is my baby seeing as i sold the entitled kid the rig and i would know how to fix some game related issues little did i know at the time that he was avoiding the screaming banshees and rather passed the work on to me i didn't mind working on it at all because i could have some fun while working as i had to test why the game wasn't working on entitled kids computer i had to play the game until it crashed and try to figure out what was wrong the game in question was tom clancy's ghost recon online this happened during the early release of the game and being a free-to-play game there were bound to be bugs the first few times the game crashed on startup sometimes mid-match and other times just refused to even start about an hour into testing the computer entitled mom storms in i don't exactly remember the dialogue is this was a few years ago entitled mom basically already shouting at me about the useless computer i sold her at this point i'm trying to explain to entitled mom why the game isn't working as i still haven't gotten a clue myself yet as many other people are having the same problems she wasn't having any of it she told me to refund her for the computer as we sold her useless trash that entitled kid can't use anymore she was red in the face when i told her first off our store has a no refund policy which you can clearly see on the wall behind me and secondly there is nothing wrong with the computer we sold you but rather the game itself is broken it was after i made it clear that the game wasn't working that she then requested a refund for a free-to-play game it turns out entitled kid spun some story about how he bought the game to which i thought he bought in-game currency only later realizing he actually bought hacks story for another time and another subreddit she was livid that we never made it clear that there is a no refund policy and practically stormed out eventually after a whole day of working on it i got this game to work not for long because two to three weeks later a new update got released and the game broke again lo and behold entitled mom's screaming at me again for the broken game which turned out to be entitled kid being banned for breaking the rules but as i mentioned a story for another time i had been working on this computer for a full day and she was furious when i told her that the hours of labor i worked on would only cost her 17 dollars which was very cheap considering she basically stated that the computer was garbage and that it should have worked on day one she eventually paid and left the store never to return again i wish on our next stock take we noticed two game cases missing from our shelf we only recently started selling games but i came up with a system to store the game discs in a holder in the back with numbers attached to the game case or something in the game case in case of an attempted theft i am not sure if entitled mom or entitled kid decided to try and steal a game from us without us noticing or if some other kid snatched them not knowing the discs were in the back but i really do hope it was entitled kid realizing his mistake afterwards that we kept the games in the shop i wish that they would have come into the store complaining about buying a game without the disc included that would have made for a good story but whoever attempted to steal it is now left with an empty case side note any cd keys or game keys were also removed this brings me to day three three weeks after the initial fix our shop had fluctuating foot traffic some days we have no customers some days we have too many it was the start of the new month everyone had their salaries paid in this means our shop was very busy we barely had enough reps to deal with customers we only had three people working on any given day i was busy talking to a customer at the tech desk with a laptop that had a lot of issues from mails not working to usb ports not working to even blue screening in walks entitled mom no entitled kid no pc i thought entitled mom may have just been shopping around for new games or a keyboard or something for entitled kid entitled mom walks up to the tech desk to which i just quickly greeted with a high entitled mom i'll be with you in a minute entitled mom stood there arms crossed tapping her foot as if i was inconveniencing her by talking to a customer about five minutes after i booked in the laptop printed the necessary work orders entitled mom looked at me with this finally look entitled mom then proceeded to ask me um i've been waiting here forever are you going to come pick up this computer from my car or not i just looked on with a confused face entitled mom then told me she phoned the shop my work colleague answered and she said that she was on her way to drop off entitled kid's computer again she had apparently been parked waiting outside our shop in the disabled parking spot for 15 minutes to anyone that doesn't know we have a disabled parking spot right by our front door we were so busy that my colleague afterwards had to apologize because we didn't have the time to look outside for a car to pick up a computer and he got too busy to inform me and titled mom was on her way customers did this often but i do have a few more stories about stuff like this so onto the computer i went outside to fetch the machine entitled mom annoyed again asking why the game doesn't work after a few minutes and entitled mom trying to explain what her son told her i said i can figure it out and have a look at it she then knew to ask what the labor cost would be due to the previous event knowing how stingy she is i told her no more than 20 dollars she seemed fine with this if it was the game's fault again this time this time please lady the computer is working fine i have the same issues with the game at home after printing out papers she left this is where the fun begins we couldn't access the account for some reason i just remember having difficulty opening steam at this point i just thought he forgot his details and we did the whole steam password reset thing after an hour of no results i write an email to steam support asking for help with the account the next day steam wrote back with something along the lines of this steam account has violated the terms of service and is therefore banned it was a lengthy email detailing why the account was banned and that it cannot be retrieved i was shocked at this email entitled kid had been breaking the rules there were no actual bought games in his library and i saw the icons on the desktop for a few games that cost well over 20 dollars and he had bought hacking software for ghost recon online knowing now why the game wasn't working i called entitled mom to ask her an entitled kid to come to the shop so i can explain to her why the game isn't working this didn't seem like something i could say over the phone i don't know exactly why his steam account itself was banned usually a vac ban only affects the game you cheated in but i think he may have even tried to get steam games for free i don't have a lot of experience with steam bands so forgive me for being a bit hazy on the details this was around 5 years ago after all a while later they both entered the store as this was a sunday it was a lot quieter i had printed out the response i got from steam i told her that entitled kid had been breaking the rules that he had also bought with her credit card without permission and that steam had banned his account i handed her the printed out mail so she could confirm that i wasn't lying or making any excuses the look at entitled kid's face was priceless at this point he knew he royally messed up his face went white entitled mom turned over to him to ask what this was all about and he just nodded and said sorry she was livid asking how he could just use her card without her permission howie could be breaking the rules how he could lie to her face about all of it at this point entitled kid was bawling his eyes out this is where i started getting some respect for entitled mom she didn't even complain about the labor price she in turn asked us to keep the pc in the shop for the whole week so untitled kid could learn a lesson and clear it of everything that needed to be removed she was even fine with paying for the extra labor hours at the end we did a full new windows install as there were a bunch of viruses on it so we spent a lot more time working on the computer unfortunately in the next story entitled mom went back to being her entitled jerk self again refusing to pay 35 dollars for two days of full labor for two tablets her home computer and entitled kids gaming rig entitled mom came in with her work computer entitled kids gaming rig and two tablets probably entitled mom and entitled kids tablets we had to do some routine virus removal for the two computers and one of the tablets didn't want to work properly keep this in mind because this is important our company policy dictates a minimum of 17 labor per device per hour that means we could have charged her at least 70 dollars almost for the labor we did the two tablets were easily sorted out after we did factory restoring and reinstalling of most of their usual apps and title mom gave us their login details to set up the devices again entitled kids gaming rig again had a few viruses on because he had been doing things he shouldn't have entitled mom's work computer was messed up had to do a full-on wipe the machine do virus scans on our expendable tech pc of all backed up data clear everything and restore her data virus free this took us about two whole days of working on her machine alone at the end of the weekend the next monday i had to go back to varsity but was filled in by my co-worker now my boss knowing how unreasonable this entitled mom is told us it's fine to charge her a measly 35 dollars for all the work which for our shop was still a lot for tech work as we rarely charge anything over 35 dollars when entitled mom came in on monday to fetch everything she went red with rage when co-worker notified her the labor would be thirty five dollars now thirty five dollars for all the work we did on her devices is nothing any other shop would have charged well over one hundred dollars for all the time and energy spent on the work entitled mom kept shouting in front of customers how unacceptable our rates were and that she refuses to pay a whole 35 dollars for the work as we work on multiple clients machines at the same time now we have a switch i can't remember the name of it keep in mind i haven't worked as a technician for almost four years now that you can plug four computers into and switch the screen between the four pcs so you can easily multitask and work on more than one computer on the same screen most tech shops have this usually when one machine is busy doing something like a backup or virus scan we switched to any other computers to keep working entitled mom threw a fit that we didn't prioritize her computer which we actually did it took preference over any other computers we had plugged in and also stated that entitled kids machine was a quick fix and the tablets were just reset that any shop would do for free now my boss reasonable as he is and wanting to get this screaming hack as he called her out of the shop very begrudgingly lowered the price to 17 let her pay and told her to buzz off not in so many words but he told her that if she is unhappy with our low price services she can go somewhere else my boss doesn't take crap from anyone not even a customer we usually do anything we can to keep a customer coming back but he wasn't having her chasing away potential customers with her banshee screaming i don't remember seeing entitled mom again after this but i'm glad i think she was too embarrassed when she realized how cheap our prices really were and didn't want to admit defeat she was one of the worst customers we ever had to deal with next we've got you sure you want me to do that officer so i worked for the it help desk of our local city council when one early morning at around 5 30 a.m my mother stormed into my room scaring the crap out of me and my cat half asleep i asked why she was screaming at me clearly in a panic she told me that the police were on the phone and asking for me now i won't go into detail but suffice to say that my first thoughts were what did i do now and i didn't do anything did i still half asleep i walked downstairs and got on the phone and vaguely asked yes i got a reply along the lines of dang it it's always the same with you guys don't you know it's market day uh yeah every wednesday isn't it it is every wednesday has been since around 1302 a.d officer what are you gonna start making a joke out of this me slowly starting to wake up completely uh no i just don't get officer cuts me off angrily your car is on the market square and they can't set up their stalls dang it get over here now and move this dang car the i.t department was next to the market square so sometimes the car did indeed stay parked there overnight me really having issues with people screaming at me no problem be right there now usually i rode my bike to work but seeing it as it was clearly a pressing matter i asked my dad who had awoken from my mother's frantic behavior to drive me to the market square on the way there i explained the situation and my dad couldn't help but give a chuckle and told me don't do anything stupid to which i gave him a smile shrugged and with a han solo-esque grin told him hey it's the cops my father snickered and shook his head knowing that doing something stupid was somewhat of my middle name if an officer tells you to do something you do it right we arrived at the market where people were already setting up stalls to prepare for market day except for where i spotted the car of the it hardware department and about 15 meters behind it a police car with his light flashing i got out and slowly walked over to the two officers that were standing near their car one of them immediately launched into a tirade about how we were all the same and how we it guys always thought we ran things which basically we did including their i.t once he paused i calmly asked him what he wanted me to do again he blew up nearly screaming move the car not wanting there to be any doubt i asked if he was sure and he truly nearly lost its screaming incoherent words at me me okay okay calm down i'll do it if you insist let me go up to the office and look for the keys so off i went i went to our offices where i was met by our cleaning slash coffee lady who asked why i was in so early so i explained the situation and that the hardware department's car was on the market square again confused she asked me but that's not your department is it to which i sighed nope do you know where the keys are so together we looked for the keys which we found rather quickly i asked if she'd accompany me down because the police were making me nervous which she kindly and graciously did upon getting back down it was clear that angry one hadn't calmed down and that i'd probably taken longer to go get the keys than he wanted in quick strides he walked up to us and without a word i tried to hand him the keys which he didn't notice because he screamed in an angry high-pitched voice move that dane car at this point our cleaning slash coffee lady looked at me and said but you i shrugged and give her the most roguish smile i could muster at that time she smiled gently shaking her head once more and just to make sure i got things straight i calmly and politely asked so you're telling me i have to move that car now i had seen cops get angry before but never turn red with figurative steam coming out of their ears he blew up and pulled out his night stick and took one step towards as if to indicate i was getting close to either getting arrested or smacked over the head i turned and quickly made it over to the car nervously but loudly muttering things like under duress and not my job i got in the car fumbled with the keys somewhat and in three to four tries started the car i waited about a minute and then the car sputtered forward and stopped i tried again again the car sputtered but then it took off like a rocket all i remember from the short drive is seeing our cleaning slash coffee lady bursting out laughing as i passed just before i plowed straight into the police car as i was getting out somewhat dazed i saw the two police officers standing there wide as sheets and utterly perplexed i stammered at them the immortal words i i don't know how to drive man i just pick up the phones and help people so yes they had called the only person in all the i.t departments that didn't have a driver's license and just worked on the phones and one that doesn't really like the police nor getting woken up hours before i have to get up i suffered no consequences as there were cctv cameras filming it all with audio which i of course knew and our cleaning slash coffee lady clearly heard the cop order me to move the car having known the mayor since i was 12 helped me too of course so the moral of the story is always do what the police tell you to do next we've got i turned off a radio station in the 90s i was a technical operator for a radio station long story short i made production elements for them and adverts on top of my other duties new management came in and decided to only pay me for the tech op shifts i had done and nothing for the production first month he was there i had invoiced for a little over three thousand and received a pound check i ran the overnights so when midnight came i moved all my production into a hidden folder in system 32 shut down the servers through the breakers and left i got a phone call in the morning and was asked to come in for a meeting as i had left them up the creek i'd made pretty much 70 to 80 percent of all the adverts and production stingers idents montages the new boss was a jerk he told me i damaged the product which i just laughed at as before he came in it was a great 80s station and he had turned it into a top 40 station you could find up and down the dial we'll call him jay i'd also found out the sales staff were charging customers 200 pounds for advert production they were on 10 commission and i was getting paid 40 pounds per each advert and they pocketed the rest on top of their commission bear in mind the rest of the outsourced ads cost 150 to 200 pounds in the meeting i laid out my demands me i can restore everything but i don't only want the money you owe me from the past month i want the money from the previous adverts your sales staff has pocketed from my work they essentially made 160 pounds extra from each advert on top of their commission around 300 to 400 pounds of pop jay there's no way we can do that me well there's no way i can restore the adverts jay looking at pieces of paper on his desk we can give you an extra 200 pounds a month me i want the whole amount handed him an invoice that totaled a little over sixteen thousand pounds jay color now drained from his face we me jay i pause for a dramatic effect you honor that invoice or you will have to recreate or outsource all of the production okay let me see what i can do i'll sort something out for your next invoice date me jay another pause if i don't walk out of here with the money today you don't get them back jay as soon as you restore them i'll see what i can do me jay long drawn out dramatic pause i will have no guarantees and i'm not stupid a bank transfer today and we can sort that out right here and now jay then phones the head office and within the hour i had every penny of it in my account his face was a pitcher when he followed me to the server to watch me just move the files over from one folder to the other me yes they were right under your nose jay through gritted teeth you'd best get home and get some sleep me no good luck tonight within five hours i was in spain where i stayed four weeks when i got back i did hear through the grapevine that the sales team were out for blood jay bollockton blamed them for me being ripped off and they all lost their commission for three months and just got basic pay to make up for the loss i'm pretty sure the company made more than enough back from that to pay for my negotiation i used some of what was left to buy a laptop and started djing around town for a few years back then it was a rare sight and used to get nerdy types on a night out just hanging around the booth to see what i was doing with a computer in a pub my friend used to say i looked like i was doing my homework she wanted to speak to my manager so i called the person who manages my life this happened yesterday i was in canadian tire for all of you non-canadians it's like a mix between a walmart a home depot a base pro shop and an auto shop i was wearing jeans and an old red polo shirt the employees there wear black pants and a red polo with a triangle and maple leaf logo on the chest i was getting wipers from my car because mine aren't clearing the rain off my window anymore it's a riveting story they have this touch screen thing there where you select the vehicle and it tells you the specific sizes you need for each wiper and brand i was fiddling with the screen and going through the different sizes and makes of wipers and reading reviews on each one i research everything before i buy it drives my wife crazy i hear someone behind me say excuse me i think she wants to use the screen to figure out what wiper to buy so i move to the section that has the wiper brand i'm interested in and start looking for the size i need my assumption was wrong she followed me to where i was now poking through the very badly stocked wipers from now on i'll be me and she'll be karen why did you walk away from me that's very rude i didn't even know she was talking to me at this point so i kept looking at wipers karen this is unbelievable i'm talking to you i finally click in that i'm the one she's talking to so i stupidly turn to face her while gripping a 28 inch wiper like a toddler holds a crayon me are you talking to me yeah you i need to know what size wiper to get for my mercedes that's what the screen is for i said as i gesture towards it with the wiper in my hand and go back to searching for the second elusive 28-incher you are terrible at your job this isn't proper customer service she said oh huffy um i don't work here i'm gonna go back to this now i want to speak to your manager right now this isn't how you treat customers ignoring me and refusing to help me it's disgraceful at this point she kind of stomps off but only a few aisles away and the aisles in the automotive department aren't full height ones they are just like chest height so you can see right across the whole department she just does a few laps of the aisles around where i am she's looking all over the place for a manager but not going far i think so she doesn't lose sight of me me still don't work here so going to be hard to find that manager and you're not listening to me okay i say to her and trail off as she's obviously not caring at all i go back to my wipers while she's on her walk i find my wiper and start to head towards the checkouts she chases me down and gets in front of me trying to stop my escape before a manager gets there no you're not allowed to leave until i speak to your manager about you i've had enough of this buffoon i pull out my phone and call my manager i'm self-employed so i call the one person in my life who could reasonably be called my manager the wife henceforth referred to as boss me i'll call her for you you aren't going to be able to find her here i put it on speakerphone so the crazy lady can hear as the phone rings she's giving me this superior smirk like i'm about to get my butt chewed out me hey how's the trip going she's on a business trip boss great been having some excellent meetings with the l3's vp level people what's up me picking up some wipers boss and you're so jazzed about them that you needed to call me in the middle of the day karen is getting really frustrated at this point i'm obviously not getting to the me getting fired fast enough for her me nope got a lady here at canadian tire who wants to talk to my manager i kind of thought you're the closest thing to that want to talk to her boss what the heck am i on speakerphone oh yeah the crazy lady can hear you how else is she supposed to talk to my manager say hi to the crazy lady karen is finally starting to realize that i don't have a store logo on my shirt and that maybe i'm not an employee boss you're such a jerk i'm sorry ma'am my husband is an idiot but he doesn't work there i start to laugh at this point me it's cool hon she seems kind of slow or something she probably doesn't realize i'm laughing at her i say through my laughter while karen makes some kind of appalled noise from the back of her throat and stalks off i managed to get my wipers and leave the story after that without any further incident my wife thinks i was mean to her i say i was fighting stupidity with jerkery next we've got think you can take my stuff and get away with it good luck studying for exams with a broken laptop back in my first year of college i used to live in a residence on campus with three other dudes two of them were cool shout out to b-dog and al but the third named david had a nasty habit of taking things that weren't his and mysteriously forgetting that the objects had fallen into his possession of the items he had stolen and were subsequently found in his room included food slash snacks notebooks vapes and earbuds albeit cheap ones we had all complained to our ra but since they were such small items we were told that we should just have a house meeting and talk about it with david to have the problem fixed we had two of those where he claimed it all looks so similar how am i supposed to know which is mine considering that we all kept our stuff in our rooms this was obviously bs but the ra resident's assistant said unless it was something major campus police wouldn't launch an official investigation so we instituted a masking tape policy and marked everything but lo and behold he still continued his petty theft knowing nothing would happen unless i took action i planned my revenge i shelled out around 80 dollars for a usb device that once plugged into an unsecured usb port fired the computer by building a charge and dispersing it into the port pretty much destroying the cpu among other parts now obviously i wasn't going to plant this anywhere but i had to make it seem like this was a tool and not some sort of setup so i had roped bdog and al in on my plan and installed this software called device lock which protects usb ports from being used without express permission from the user on all of our devices also just in case the jerk tried to plug it into our laptops i even went as far as taping my name to this silicon time bomb with them roped in the last thing to do was wait and see if david had learned his lesson it took all of three days but expectedly david did not learn his lesson i was at the library when this happened but david had decided that this crappy usb would be the perfect addition to his collection of stolen stuff so he went into my room and took it big mistake i got a snapchat from b dog that david was losing it and i needed to get back asap i hightailed it and when i got near our residence i could physically hear david yelling from the hallway when i got inside he was screaming that he was gonna sue me for purposely trying to damage his laptop by booby trapping a usb admittedly i should have held my composure better but i laughed in his face i told him that the usb was clearly labeled with my name on my desk in my room and i was using it to test whether my computer ports were secured from devices such as this screaming ensued from him after which our r.a showed up heard that crab fest from down the hall and asked what the heck was happening i stayed quiet to let david attempt to lie his way out of this but holy crap this jerk kept to a story after explaining my side the ra said we are both going to campus police as this was pretty serious cue me thinking i just messed up my whole future for a stupid act of revenge when we got there and explained our stories campus police had none of david's crap they told him that one it cannot sue me since this was not a trap but a security tool that was within my own living space of which he had no right entering to steal from and two he was being relocated to the crappy single residences on the other side of campus and if they caught wind of this again he was getting banned for life from res as well as receiving a non-academic offense a nice little chat with the dean about his misconduct his tone immediately flipped to crying and saying he had all his exam notes on there it was his stress that was causing him to do this and he had paid to live in the nicer dormitory style housing but they basically told him tough crap this is your one and final warning the three of us enjoyed the rest of the semester with an extra bedroom for storage space and beer pong which was definitely a win as for david i've only ever seen him in the cafeteria or library on occasion sitting there studying without his laptop next we've got entitled mom rescues my service dog i have ptsd depression and at the time undiagnosed bipolar disorder this will explain some of my behavior throughout when my conditions got worse i adopted a 1.5 year old mcnab collie short hair border collie slight hound makes to be my psychiatric service animal he looks like a small greyhound with akali's markings head and paws he is insanely smart and picked up training really quickly when i would have panic attacks coming on he was trained to perform a very specific signal to get my attention and alert me to sit down while he tried to distract me this is important later my wife calls me a fainting goat when i panic i lose consciousness with little notice and drop wherever i am my job was not safe for my dog to come with me at the time so while i was searching for better employment my wife would look after him i was working about 15 minutes away from my apartment at the time when i got a panicked call from my wife saying my dog had been stolen i don't ask questions i just pack up my bag and jack it and bolt for the door manager asks what happened and i tell him my dog's been stolen and he tells me to keep him updated i made it home in five minutes and my wife is outside sobbing with our roommate looking like he is going to hurt someone i asked what happened and they tell me that they had been sitting in our enclosed front porch next to the complex entrance drinking coffee it was a sunny day and mcnabs are bred for really hot weather so my dog was sunning himself on the sidewalk on the other side of the half wall that separates our porch from the sidewalk all our neighbors knew him and he's a herder so he never went more than 15 feet from his pack and would constantly come check in with us he wasn't wearing his vest or a collar as they were in front of our place they hadn't seen him for maybe 15 minutes and when he wasn't on the sidewalk they'd panic and start asking people if they'd seen anything a guy walking his dog said he saw someone loading a dog matching mine into their car and driving off that's when they freaked out and called me i panicked and called 9-1-1 immediately saying someone had stolen my service animal in our state animals are considered people so stealing a dog is taken very seriously there is an officer at our door in five minutes getting our statement along with the man who saw what happened and was nice enough to wait officer put my number in his phone gave me his card and said to call if i heard anything we start wondering the neighborhood asking anyone outside if they had seen a dog matching mine striking out walking the four blocks of surrounding neighborhoods we start calling every pet store and vet in the area starting close and working our way out after two hours of calling and being on the verge of passing out i call one last store i had forgotten about they tell me there is a dog matching mine with a woman who has him on a makeshift lead in the store i ask the employee to go over say his name and hold his hand up like he's signaling someone to halt he does and my dog does what he was trained to do which is stand up and hug that arm to get my attention and break me out of an anxiety spiral i tell them to keep them there and i'll be there in two minutes on my way my roommate calls the officer who says he's at an emergency but will call me as soon as he's done we get there and we see a car matching the dog walker's description in the parking lot there is a kid maybe tennis sitting in the passenger seat with the window down plain phone games i recognize the car as one from the complex across the street from us we walk into the store and i spot my dog with an impatient looking woman standing near the counter i call my dog and he immediately rips out of the woman's grasp and bounds over trying to tackle me i go up and in not so friendly words ask the woman what the heck she thought she was doing stealing my dog she made some excuse about believing he was a stray and was trying to take care of him i responded with thank you for taking care of him but forget you for stealing him the employee tries to tell me to calm down and says i am being unfair and she was trying to do a good thing i snap at him that he needs to stay out of this because he is not helping entitled mom then says in the snooty tone that karen's have patented well i asked a bunch of people and tried to see who owned him but no one answered so i rescued him my roommate pipes up with jerk i am six foot three i have bleach blonde hair and was sitting in the sun 15 feet from the dog you did not try hard enough she starts to lecture me about starving him because you can see his ribs and he was so hungry he has a very high metabolism working breed and an allergy to starches so i make his food from home he literally eats healthier than i do she then tells me that it's a lie because he ate an entire five pound bag of crappy kibble before they came to the store he's always begging for food and i about sucked her by this time she's getting upset and trying to act like i don't deserve my dog and that there's no way he's a service dog even though i have his vest in my hand she then has the gall to suggest that her and her kid could take so much better care of him the employee tells me to be more polite and that i was out of line treating her this way and if i didn't behave i would be removed from the store the employee's manager had come out after hearing yelling and without knowing any of the situation threatens to call the cops on my roommate and i for harassing this poor lady i pull out the officer's card and tell him i'll save him time because the officer has my report and if he had been there instead of me the woman would have been going to jail she panics and beats it out of there while i'm still arguing with the manager as we are leaving the employee follows us to the door and the manager lectures us about treating the lady badly and that i was banned from his store i flip him off and we head home i called the cop but in my panic had forgotten to get the license plate so he told me to keep an eye out for her in the future my dog got his steak and veggie dinner that night but started throwing up he spent the next three months working that crap food out of his system and itching slash chewing himself raw in places i ended up staying home for three days with a constant anxiety attack but my boss was chill and gave me extra vacation pay the only good thing that came from this whole debacle besides getting my dog back was the next day i called the owner of the pet store they only had three locations and i knew from shopping at one of the other stores that he was usually there three days a week i explained what happened and how the manager and employee had treated me and he told me not to worry i should swing by his main store to pick up a free cow bone for the pup and he would handle the rest i found out later that the employee was immediately terminated and the manager was demoted and eventually fired for crappy customer service practices next we've got revenge against my old boss i worked at a bar not too far from me from july last year until june of this year a bar which was practically owned by a married couple tnj i had actually enjoyed working there as a cook and was regarded as one of the good ones which was sad considering only three out of the eight cooks were considered good and i was the only good cook who worked nights tea was the kind of boss who emanated the my way or the highway attitude intended to have a meltdown whenever something didn't go her way or god forbid she had to fill in for an employee who couldn't work that day and man did she make it obvious that she hated working at the place she owned last april i decided to look for a new job so that i could get a little more money since bar cooking isn't exactly the highest paying job ever but i decided to give a two months notice for the sake of the kitchen manager finding someone who could replace me just because i didn't want to leave the kitchen knowing that crap employees were going to be left for nights to fend for themselves surprise surprise he didn't t was not too thrilled about me one of the good cooks leaving and made it a point to be as petty and cold as she could to me until my last day everything she said to me was either a scathing remark whether it was deserved or not and never said anything positive to me even shooting me dirty looks every time i made an order for her needless to say i was a lot happier about leaving that place now that doesn't necessarily mean i was going to stop going there to eat which is where our story begins this past sunday i went to the bar to watch the lions and vikings game a couple times i shot the crap with a few of the servers and went back into the kitchen to go greet the cooks and catch up obviously when they didn't have orders coming in after chatting with a buddy of mine who was working in the kitchen i went back to my seat which was unfortunately stationed right by the entrance to the karen and her husband who happened to be waiting at the entrance to be seated i didn't notice her until i heard the all too familiar coming from her i figured she was talking to someone else so i didn't think anything of it then i felt a tap on my shoulder oh great what karen excuse me aren't you going to sit us great they thought i was a server ma'am i don't work here karen looking puzzled but i just saw you come out of the kitchen and talking with the servers your point is your clothes even look similar to theirs how are you not an employee i guess that was partially my fault because while cook uniforms were black t-shirts with jeans which i had on myself their shirts have the bar's logo splashed across the torso i was wearing a plain black shirt with jeans me ma'am seriously i don't work here i don't have anything resembling the bar on my clothes that shouldn't matter now hurry up and set us before i complain to the manager i'm thinking to myself that this whole situation shouldn't have even been possible in the first place that no one is actually that persistently dumb but then again i found out about this subreddit and noticed how common it is for people to really be that dumb me go ahead she's right over there then i pointed t who was begrudgingly waiting tables karen waved her over and he came near us t yes how can i help karen your server refused to seat me and claimed he doesn't work here t looks at me who him i shrugged i figured that was the end of it but i guess i should have known t would still have a petty grudge against me t i'm sorry he's not an employee i would have to be an idiot to hire someone like him to work here now let me grab you a table yeah i wasn't going to let that comment go well it sounds like you were a total for about 11 months then t of course feeling spiteful i said this as loud as i could in the small bar we were in which most of the bar heard fortunately my tab was already paid for so before t could say anything i walked out fortunately her husband and all the other employees liked me so i don't see myself getting banned anytime soon but then again who knows with manager slash owners entitled kid eats a crab in aquarium store and mom defends him all right boys and girls this seems super unbelievable but when you've been working in the pet trade as a sales associate for long enough in weird areas you start to see your fair share of entitled kids and entitled parents my first of many stories so don't be too harsh for context i work at a mom-and-pop pet shop in the eastern u.s and while my expertise is in aquatics i tried to be a jack-of-all-trades the day that this happened was rather uneventful until this point all up until little snot and karen entered the store my store was pretty modest so it was fairly easy to see customers come in and out especially in the fish department so i got first look at these magnificent creatures a 40-something year old lady talking on herself her hair obviously died blonde and outfit practically screaming mid-life crisis while her kid wasn't tall the kid must have been about seven or eight playing on his switch his shirt covered in what looked like a mixture of pizza sauce soda and plenty of mystery stains at first things were pretty normal the kid originally not caring about anything in the store while karen was getting enraged at him for not paying attention though that changed rather fast karen an entitled kid were near the ferrets when karen took his switch immediately causing a reaction of screaming and pouting before being distracted by some of the fish over in my department all right a bit of unnecessary information but the way my store's fish department is set up is that two-fifths of it is fresh water two-fifths is equipment and the rest is salt water given we weren't really known for salt water we only kept pretty generic yet sought after fish like hippo tanks various clownfish sex lion rasses etc the thing about the first two is because of finding nemo kids are always drawn to the dorys or nemos alright that all in mind the first thing entitled kid did was head over to the small assortment of hippo tangs we had practically pressing his face against the glass as he yelled out dory karen hailed me down from algae scrubbing and this started the encounter i like to act casual around the workplace as i find it lowers any sort of anxiety a customer has and makes me way more approachable first things out of my mouth was hey there how's your night going need help with something karen started out our encounter with a roll of the eyes before pointing to the tang and demanding a price with a simple but rude how much for this thing it was the way she said it that was rude after shifting gears from a casual standing to a more professional one i simply told her that the tang was 160 dollars he was a good-sized tang of course she scoffed but what came next was a bit more worrying karen pulled out thirty dollars from her purse and placed it on the desk we used to bag fish saying in an aggravated tone that's all you're getting bag him things start to go poorly from here it's worth noting that it was 9 15 at this point the store having closed 15 minutes ago though we make it a policy not to ask customers to leave until 9 30. it was just my manager and myself at this point my manager in the office closing down registers so essentially it was like i was the only employee in the store seeing karen place the 30 on the table i raised an eyebrow before leaning against the wall simply asking her do you have a saltwater tank she didn't take this well she screamed without a second passing none of your business now bag my fish you little jack i simply refused and slided her 30 dollars back towards her before she slid it back now more upset i'm going to get you fired if you don't bag my fish right now at this entitled kid was getting upset at the interaction screaming like a banshee about how he wanted the tang still referring to it as dory and beginning to stomp his feet in a tantrum soon enough i was asking them to leave so this is where i messed up i should have called the cops at this point knowing that she wasn't going to leave without a fight entitled kid was on the floor at this point pounding his fists to the floor as snot dripped down his face as karen tried to guilt me sorry sweetie this guy doesn't want you to have the fish he's perfectly fine with you having no fish friend to make you happy at this point she turned back up to me do you see what you did you stupid jerk you are breaking my angel's heart because you're being too much of a jerk to sell me the fish internally i was laughing this kind of situation happened now and again i had figured everything was starting to resolve at this point though i was mistaken entitled kid flipped you know how some opera singers can break glass with their voice this kid would have a knack for something like that entitled kid was screaming as loud as humanly possible at this point as he managed to reach into the tank at last my manager had made his way out of the office and watching what was going on entitled kid grabbed a piece of live rock accidentally grabbing a long spine urchin angry screaming turned right to wales of pain as he pulled a rock out of the tank a poor little pom-pom crab in tow at this point i was less focused on the kid but more focused on making sure my manager was calling 9-1-1 which he did when i turned around i saw something that still gives me nightmares to this day the kid had been clutching his hand while his mother tried to help him something hanging out of his mouth the poor little pom-pom crab had been crushed by the kid entitled kid having shoved it into his mouth and chomping down on it leaving a little claw hanging out of his mouth the next two minutes was a strange combination of astonishment and panic myself telling the kid not to move his hand since he would break the spines of the urchin while karen began hitting me with her crappy purse screaming that it was my fault me your kid shoved his hand into a tank one with toxic animals nonetheless fox face rabbit fish and did this to himself calm down and leave him alone so when the paramedics get here they can get the spines out how dare you you expect me to let my angels suffer if you just sold me the stupid fish this would have never happened your kid reached into the tank and ate a crab what the heck did you teach this kid don't you ever ever tell me how to raise my angel he had the right to eat that crab you took something from him and he took something from you by the end of this interaction the paramedics had arrived restraining the kid and taking him into an ambulance as the police tried to sort things out unsurprisingly karen tried to pin everything on me saying i threw the urchin at him what the heck and he ate the crab in a panic equally unsurprisingly we had the entire thing on cctv including karen hitting me with her purse long story short karen was arrested as apparently she had stuffed the rock into her bag to give it the extra punch didn't notice until after the paramedic saw me that i was bleeding on my leg from the jagged live rock after getting a statement the cops left karen an entitled kid going off to wherever the heck the cops took them and i got out of everything with eight stitches and a three hundred dollar bonus from my boss for handling the situation without anyone getting seriously injured from what i ended up hearing the kid had actually got stung by the fox face's dorsal spines and that sent him into a blind rage the mom got a plea deal and she ended up with a huge fine some jail time and some other crap in summary i didn't sell entitled mama fish kid flipped grabbed an urchin and ate a crab entitled mom got arrested this was by far the worst situation i had ever had in the store and i still can't believe the outcome of this till this day this was three years ago now i was in work the other day when i saw a pouting kid losing it at his mom for not letting him get a hippo tank and this has been brought to the front of my mind ever since edit at work at the moment gonna try to find out what happened for my boss later just noticed an inconsistency with the timeline switch wasn't out yet i personally always remember it was a switch though given the circumstances there is a big chance that it was an ipad or something similar edit so a lot of you guys have been asking about what ended up happening to karen an entitled kid i had sat down with my boss this morning and asked about the events and while i didn't get all the answers i was looking for this is what he had to say as i've stated i still stay up now and again wondering what could have made people act this way and i did get a few answers according to my boss the woman karen was the wife of a known criminal which didn't exactly surprise me given what happens in my town the cops never had gotten a warrant to search their property for whatever reason but this had given them the opportunity in regards to the cctv footage he had told me that he handed it over to the police and couldn't show me for legal reasons but that there wasn't much to see other than my manager running to the sales floor the way our cctv cams are placed only really shows part of the sales floor the office and the register counter medical bills was way easier i've been on an expensive med not covered by most insurances for most of my life so i've always had to pay a lot for a really good insurance company and this time it paid off i ended up with a 100 charge for the ambulance though my boss reimbursed me honestly this was just really surreal situation and it has really confused me for a while but i'm pretty happy i got things cleared up hopefully karen is rotting in jail and little jerk is getting the love and direction he should have been getting all along next we've got revenge is best served frozen we don't own a car and live at the end of a cul-de-sac i have people use my driveway all the time to turn around it's not a huge deal to me a little annoying when they compact the snow and it's harder to shovel but whatever one of my neighbors had a ride service come pick up their kid every day the van would park in my spot and begin honking at like 8am i worked nights at the time half the time he'd be half parked on my grass i told my neighbor that i don't overly mind my spot being used but not if he's going to honk like that every morning and especially not if he's going to drive over what little lawn i have every time she spoke with him he ignored it i spoke with him and got what's your problem man it's not like you're using it to which i repeat it that i don't mind him using it if he stays off my grass and doesn't honk every morning apparently suggesting he wait till the kid notices he's there or god forbid he have to drag his bud out of the car to knock on a door was just ridiculous and inhumane of me so i left a recycle bin at the foot of my driveway he just ran over it i called the dispatch for the ride service and was told they are subcontractors and technically self-employed but they will pass along the message i wake up the next day to pounding on my door dude is mad him how dare you call my boss you stupid jerk what the heck is wrong with you me well it's quite simple you were told not to use my driveway if you were going to drive on my lawn and wake me up every morning now get off my doorstep i'll sue you if i lose my job because of you you've been warned don't trespass on my driveway or property again dude storms off in a huff so this happened on a thursday the kids have a pd day the next and it's supposed to be one of those delightful canadian weekends where it drops to like negative 40 celsius for my american friends negative 40 is where celsius and fahrenheit meet up so it's so cold so that night and i grabbed one of my more beat up plastic garbage bins made sure to plug all the holes with a generous amount of duct tape stuck a sign on it that read private property driveway not for public use and proceeded to fill it to the brim with water now before anyone thinks i'm a jerk willing to potentially endanger anyone in the car i'd like to point out that my neighbor's kid is the first to be picked up so it's just the driver in the car cue monday morning he sees the garbage can backs up a bit more and defiantly charges the garbage can as if to teach me a lesson and proceeds to cause some pretty serious damage to the front end of his car dude gets out fuming calls the cops and comes pounding on my door screaming about how i'm going to buy him a new car and that i'm about to be arrested cop so let me make sure i understand this situation he asked you not to park here if you couldn't refrain from honking then warned you not to park here and put up a barrier now you expect him to be charged and pay for damages you caused yourself to your vehicle in an attempt to destroy his own personal property i will never forget the look on his face when the officer said yeah that's not how this works and turned to me asking if i wanted to pursue charges for him damaging my personal property i just gave him the most crap-eating grin i could muster and said nah i think we're good i then went back inside to enjoy a morning coffee while watching him from my kitchen window as he paced back and forth in the cold waiting for a tow truck and having to call the company he worked for to explain why they needed to send out another driver to complete his route a cul-de-sac can also be used to describe a street with no exit which is exactly where my home is it's easier for them to use my driveway than three-point turn their way out like austin powers i was drinking my morning coffee because they were 6 p.m to 2 a.m shifts so nights but not quite overnight and i usually got up around 10 am every time he'd wake me up around 8 or so i wouldn't be able to get back to sleep hence why i needed him to stop next we've got we don't sell pizza because you have the wrong number the end result of this story which i will tell you up front is that we lost the ability to order from several local pizza huts for life we used to have a phone number that was very similar to a pizza hud and our two numbers were commonly mixed up for obvious reasons this was back before the days of cell phones and everyone having their own personal number and we actually had to get a caller id because of this for years we had this pizza hut's client base call our house and order pizzas the thing is people will not listen when you tell them sorry wrong number we would have people call back four to five times and then begin screaming into the phone i know this is a pizza hut you jerk or give me the number or i'll kick your butt this was pretty normal and the pizza hut was even aware of this and profusely apologized when we would call them never giving us anything for free though despite the massive inconvenience of the phone ringing off the hook well pizza hut corporates then pays for an advertisement on paper billboard and phone book and guess what they botched the number they put our number on the things for the phone number as one of the locations in our town for pizza hut's pizza why because ones and sevens are the same number apparently the phone calls we get explore it goes from like three to five calls a day to like 100 to 200. initially we were directing people with a message that simply said this is not pizza hut their number is blank it didn't end well we would get calls from people screaming into the voice recording i want a pizza this is bull i'm going to get whoever doesn't answer this phone aren't boomers great we got that crap all the time from older people well upon this happening my dad calls into the pizza hut and says look all we want is to not have to change our number if you guys will please change yours or pay for ours to be changed it was like a 10 convenience fee or something we will stop getting your dang phone calls the manager cussed my dad who had him on speakerphone calling him all kinds of names for getting him bad reviews as well as losing customers to his branch which is locally owned what a joke it's costing their business a solid 10 grand easy over a phone number why not just change it i don't know my dad looks at the phone hangs up and says okay jerk you want to be like that about it my dad then instructs my 17 year old self and my sister to take all calls from now on if it rings pick it up take the order and say okay your pizza should be there in one and a half hours then when they call back to tell them sorry the driver just left and if they call back a third time say well i can get you on the phone with my manager but he's probably going to kick your butt if you keep complaining and then switch the phone with someone else and have them say listen here jerk you aren't getting your pizza and we're keeping your money get over it or something along those lines two weeks pass and my dad tries to get the pizza hut to change our number for free never pointing out that they messed up their ad as apparently they were completely oblivious to this fact again the manager screams at my dad saying i don't have the money to change your number we even tried calling other pizza huts to get the issue resolved and their corporate with no real luck fair enough it's game on time now why for two reasons one my dad got a phone with a transfer button and two because summer was rolling around and me and my sister loved messing with people over this it was a really bad influence on us to be honest we fielded phone calls every day all day long we had friends come over and they loved partaking in the same thing we had a general plan one every other call would get a pizza delivery too on the other calls we would get them really upset by talking smack to them and saying okay do you want to speak with my manager and just call transfer them to the pizza hut it took six more weeks of us doing this and the pizza hut closed a few weeks before they closed we got a phone call from pizza hut corporate who more or less threatened us with a cease and desist sounded like they didn't really understand what was actually happening as they accused us of stealing their phone calls we called their corporate and explained what was going on and even played our recordings of us talking with them before about the issue and them ignoring us all they said is you had better stop this is illegal over and over we didn't stop they were aware of what was going on and didn't want to do anything about it because to fix their foo bar a few weeks after the owner lost his job he called our house and was trying to argue with my dad about how bad of a person he was because i lost money and got my butt beat several times apparently we had upset a few people so bad they actually went in and got revenge on him and the other staff to this day it cracks me up that a company can be so oblivious and is the single reason i don't believe we live in anything close to a meritocracy anyone in this position who has any merit would instantly change their number but not a corporation who has money to sue and not a middle manager who has an ego problem so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 308,681
Rating: 4.804987 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: RbjzqhXnWSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 28sec (9328 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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