MONEY LEFT BEHIND in the locker I bought for $1,661 at an online abandoned storage auction!

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all right do you see that what we got here oh oh i think i know what this is this looks like a silverware box oh what do we have here we got some goodies oh we've got some money yes got some money and i see pen marks on the stitching maybe these are real signatures do you guys recognize any of these signatures here this is interesting oh yes oh yes we love the beanie babies whoa this is a stiff that's a stiff bear oh oh that right there yes oh rat poop gross it's raining poop hallelujah oh good more beanie babies [Music] oh lockernuts what what a surprise didn't see you there all right well hey i'm glad that you're here because i got something exciting to show you let's get in this and you'll see all right do you see that do you see that do you see that it's so exciting do you all right well maybe you don't know what i'm talking about but last time there's a whole bunch of junk right here big old stack of junk all that stuff that i drug out i had to put back in and i it was so frustrating to me that the other night over the weekend you know what they're about to close but i'm gonna run over there i'm gonna throw all that stuff in my truck and then the next morning i took it to the dumps it just feels good i like it i'm kind of like ocd about that stuff i like a clean locker i like organization right so anyways with that let's get into it we're going to start on those boxes right back there all right and what i'm talking about is this not that you couldn't see it from the doorway big old wall of boxes it's so fun it's so fun i love seeing this now we do have a little bit of furniture that we've been you know kind of like it's like an archaeological dig right the more more we remove the more artifacts are found well sort of true about furniture only these kinds of fines really do suck except for that that's a trunk but the couches are no good but there's still so many boxes here let's pull one out and start going through it right now we got in this one right here hickory farms it's a lot of photos this is all gonna go back to the office and uh they will try to get it back to the owners it doesn't mean owners will come to get it but let's go make it available to them for free what's this one pvo spare room oh what we got here oh i think i know what this is this looks like a silverware box i did find some paperwork for a silverware set and uh come on let's see is this is it okay let's see rogers brothers silver plate okay silver plate right there okay let's just make sure there's something else in here too look at the handle right here i can see two different styles see that there's this one and this one there's two different sets in here here's one set right here rogers brothers i think rogers brothers does make true sterling it's not very common though 1847 rogers brothers is i think that's plated too it feels like it's got the right weight to it so i'm not sure what we'll have to take this home and take a closer look at it just to make sure but what is this with the antler handle it's probably a knife in germany that's what i would guess right now that's my prediction oh very scuffed up i think that could still be polished up super sharp baker hammer forged stainless steel made in the usa rondo i thought maybe germany but it is usa and that is okay with me that's a beautiful beautiful knife right here it feels great man too carving up a big fat turkey on thanksgiving with that that'd be nice nice fork here serving fork or whatever we call it carving fork oh sharpener very nice very very nice okay that's a good set right there that's gonna be worth a few bucks if this was a real sterling set right here we're talking over well over a thousand dollars in just silver scrap silver alone but it is not we will make sure but that set right there will probably make our i would say what that will make our live auctions okay that's an auction piece okay and if you're thinking to yourself what do you mean by why do you say live auction what do you mean by live auction jack what are you talking about this box looks interesting um well guys we do a live auction on our youtube channel every monday night hopefully i didn't break this every monday night at 5 pm pacific we'll flash the graphic right up here make sure you guys check it out if you haven't seen our auctions before they are a heck of a lot of fun every monday at 5 p.m 1980 mouse house i spent 20 bucks on that good oh that's neat that's porsha almost definitely porsha so this is a glass piece got the frosted on the inside that's that's a neat piece this not so much not so much that doesn't do it for me okay that's a very old sifter brommels made in usa measuring sifter yeah that's cool we're finding a lot of antiques in this locker i see some very old camera here oh yes brownie camera target 616 in the usa that's pretty sweet there's definitely a collector market for these types of old cameras i love finding them i love it this locker is kind of funny it's reminded me of our locker we bought which we called the no show locker because no other bidder showed up just me and jana that was a fantastic locker a guy's entire life of collecting he had quite a few old cameras like that and this locker already reminded me of it this is uh some junk mail what's this i see something down here don't look at that check number but oh oh oh what do we have here oh oh that's some old bills right there look at that yeah that's actually besides coins this is the first money we found in here um cashola guys i've been looking through the direct mail just thinking i just feel like we're going to find an envelope of money and there we did find a little bit of cash 27 bucks there's some old bills though yes money is one of the best things to find that's kind of funny there's some checks they wrote fifteen dollars each to the knights of columbus but no one ever catched them oh 50 cents too nice i like that i like it oh i get a lot that's a good way to start a day out it's a good way to start a box out what else we got here we're going to go through everything we cannot let paperwork go we're going to have to search he's that really does slow me down though but i got to search through every single thing good thing it's fun i don't mind it at all this is a little heavy right here and that's why these are like sandbags what is that for little american flags sandbags with the rope around it maybe door stopper i don't know kevin okay a little americana stuff that's nice all right there's americana santa more americana i love my grandparents all right so uh yeah i'm already starting to think maybe we're going to have some americana lots in our option together make a nice little collection lot who who who is locker nuts are you locking us i think you are if you're watching this i think you are a little locker nuts okay there's a pair of owls not that americana made in china oh boy is that not an oxymoron i'm just gonna open it because sometimes people put cash in there you never know i want to make sure not this one all right it looks like a handmade thing that's neat an old coffee tin no money sometimes that's another thing that you put money in the old 10's not that i've ever found money in what i'm just saying could be it could be i don't know five words someone put a lot of work into that look at all these little cut pieces of wood here but i don't know if it's nice it's just it is something it's something it's going to get donated is what it's going to get now i i do sell clean markets we do do garage sales and that's it for that box but bulky items like that that might bring in just a few dollars it's just too big i do donate it because to me it's about space and cost effectiveness uh i just gotta be i gotta be careful i gotta be wise about what i put aside to bring to the flea market and i can only fit so much in the mercedes van right here so you know i gotta be careful oh whoa did you see that that's a bunch of rat turds right there oh i don't know if that got on camera that was disgusting that is hecka gross there were rats in here there was just a little bit of food just enough to bring them in and help make a mess all right well then now we're gonna have to do a little sweep because i don't like walking on rat turds all right wrap poop swept cleaned and gross this box says spare room blankets oh yeah that's not blankets right there's a blanket on top that is definitely not blankets so cool let's let's find out what else is in here pine cones and those actually smell pretty good cinnamon scented pine cones this one last yeah a bunch of medicine and junk mail what a surprise pretty funny in that bag of junk mail is a wallet take it all out then we're gonna make sure there's no money all right i have found money in wallets before i found a hundred dollar bill folded up inside a little pocket like this you really do gotta check not that i'm telling anyone anything they don't already know of course when you find a wallet you're gonna check it right that's a very old bart ticket that's our train metro that we have here in the san francisco bay area three dollars 35 cents let's see the wheels of a car here let's see what that is there's a tiger [Music] ford officially licensed product telephone gift yeah that's all right sheets or something tablecloths or sheets i'm not sure a shirt another shirt oh this one's a brand new tag zoo new old stock again extra large okay we'll put that aside okay what's this sun wheel paradise pier oh this is disney yeah disneyland resort nice i think this is probably vintage sneak preview cal disney's california adventure very nice we love selling disney stuff american express appointment book 2008 okay i don't think that's a collector's item this looks like a tray for a printer maybe not but it looks like something slide underneath a printer here's another one of those trays will leather goods eugene oregon that's a nice little bag right here we got some goodies oh we've got some money yes got some money and that's a clean little bag we're definitely going to put that in a lot somehow somewhere all right casino stuff they definitely like to go to the casinos which is a very common theme in lockers i don't know why but i find a lot of it maybe that's just how the other half lives i don't go to the casinos not very often i just don't like to lose money oh man look at that whole thing right there thunder valley casino got some nice sweaters here progressions nice this one is really nice it's heavy liz where it's cotton that's a heavy heavy sweater there it's got some weight to it very nice flat iron mills british vogue acrylic fiber stained it classic elements acrylic and rayon and wool all right that's nice gross little baby blanket see where do you see your what's this that's sad somebody dead and houston shirt that definitely looks like 80s maybe early 90s that's the look on it anyways there's a sealed tape right here for a video camera okay thunder valley casino and it's a like a football plate like a serving plate right so or maybe a super bowl party or something i don't know maybe they wanted as a prize that's pretty funny okay for g la i think this one came from france let's find out oh what's it say right here spare room glass cups and glass plates okay not not what i want to read what we got let's see what's in the box that's what you all want to know right that's what we came for oh okay that's actually not bad at all this is savion west indies we found a whole box of this stuff mostly plates and small saucers and stuff okay and it i looked it up it's worth some money these plates right here sell for all right i saw a set of four now this is smaller this is like a solid plate with the dinner plates instead of four like 30 bucks sold this is not bad usually i really don't like finding this kind of stuff but right now at least it's got some value oh man there's two more mark fragile i'm just kidding it's fragile but this one's much lighter oh do you guys see back there i don't know how much the gopro is not good at picking stuff up in the darkness but do you see that right there that is a let me switch cameras okay now we're on the iphone which does better at picking up dark areas but also it's got the flash on it so i got a light so do you see that right there that big black case it's got the little right there like the little buckles right in the handle that to me looks like an instrument case and it's very large so that'd be like a guitar or a bass or something that's my guess but don't forget guys the story on this unit this unit here i paid 1510 at auction but this unit got auctioned off last month and last month when it sold it sold for five grand because there's that big gun safe in the front but the person who bought it when they showed up they discovered as well as the management here discovered that the unit had gotten broken into the gun safe was stolen and uh the person backed out the deal which is what went up for auction again and why i bought it right now i'm kind of thinking like hey even for five grand this is a pretty good locker i think we're gonna make well i mean double that so obviously it's better to make ten grand on a fifteen hundred dollar investment than ten grand on a five thousand dollar investment but still if there's a gun safe here the guy owned guns that could and i found a 22 in here already it could be a gun case too i don't want to say it too loud because there's other people around and uh they do have problems with thefts here which is why they close the gates at six which makes it very difficult i can't work late but anyways let's get to this box this one's much lighter than the other one one of the earlier episodes we found a piece of murano glass that is just outstanding beautiful beautiful we're actually auctioning that off tonight that'll be long past when you by the time you see this but there has been some murano glass in this locker that is disgusting so who knows what we're finding here what the heck 20 bucks on it it's a little fire hiding oh it's a salt and pepper shaker why is that 20 bucks okay it's a little dalmatian guy omnibus philippines huh oci i'm not familiar with that maybe that's a better brand what is this oh ooh old cards we like finding old cards that's a really old set of cards here interesting all right i do like this locker guys i hope that you are enjoying going on this adventure with me because i'm having fun and i just hope you guys have fun too so far the comments on this locker series has been pretty outstanding and this is like part i think like i don't know seven or something part six or seven make sure you go back and watch all the other ones we've been finding amazing stuff not to say this is amazing but it is interesting and it's unique i've never found one before but uh we have found some amazing stuff we got a little bit of christmas stuff this i like right here mickey mouse firemen i think this guy's a fireman because he's had a lot of firemen stuff here's another fireman related christmas ornament all right some terra cotta pottery i think this is for plants got the cork bottom for moisture i think but you put a plant pot on top of it for decorative purposes only uh what else would this be for you gonna live in that house are you gonna try to put a pet hamster or something there what else would that be for it's obviously decoration i was looking to see if this is department 56 or anything on there but i don't think it is yeah it's like a knockoff but it's the depart 56 halloween stuff is worth good money you gotta be on the lookout for those things this right here is a very heavy piece made in china which doesn't usually do it for me but this is like this guy cast iron or something is extremely heavy oh you know what it's eye to get it it sits on the mantel right here you hang your stockings that's why it's so heavy it's very heavy it's painted um but i do think it i mean it is metal and i think it might be cast iron it's very heavy okay what's this the um case it's in is obviously wrecked it's yellowed and cracked very old display case this doesn't look like real signatures though i might be wrong but i well i don't know maybe oh maybe it is because it he signed up into the stitching there and i see pen marks on the stitching maybe these are real signatures do you guys recognize any of these signatures here joe rudy paul lind something matt alexander ken mcmullen jim todd chuck panner or i don't know don balor yeah these actually i think are real signatures billy williams right here and that pen mark is on the actual stitching this is a real these are real okay and it says a's on the display those are a's players i'd say probably from the 80s okay i don't know what that is r with the number 495 on it ah bomber she's got a missing earring it's not in here the little potted plants kind of disintegrating the foam base on it the flowers here are very old though those are neat they need to be cleaned up though there's some dust on them this is a beautiful looking piece i wish her earring was complete i'm gonna put that aside just because that i don't know if that's i don't think it's worth anything but the chance that it might be we're going to need to research that a little bit okay somebody loves you grandma oh boy okay old cam candy they put so much packing paper at the bottom of the box um it's probably great it probably saved a few pieces but um yeah definitely limits how much you can put in a box okay let's see what's in here this is a big wardrobe box my guess is closed but you never know yeah there's some old clothes in here for sure there's a leather jacket right here okay we're gonna have to go through it all let me uh let me start pulling this stuff out i'll start the camera back again if it's interesting look at this piece here it says jalate denim wear made in hong kong um which also shows the age potential age it's kind of neat with the little daisies here there's the back side there's two of these i don't know if this is a vintage like the cool vintage is that cool vintage i don't know i really don't here's some ties and i this is some interesting stuff do you see this one right here that one especially i'm kind of drawn to in the background here silk originals by allen of california that to me looks it looks pretty cool it's got some little holes on here too i think the moths may have been nibbling on that interesting pieces here this guy is kind of a cool style okay here's that leather jacket american outerwear there's something in these pockets i think you know yeah there is what's in here disneyland flex passport from 1999 and some disney probably some travel brochures here yup and then some disneyland napkins how funny the jacket itself is all right it's not great it's just okay american outerwear i don't know about that brand made in india 100 genuine lamb skin leather lamb skin that's not cow leather that's lamb wow it is soft it's very soft okay a couple more um denim pieces vintage denim shirts especially the americana one is kind of interesting maybe oh that's that quiz i found a few pieces like that before this one's got some either wear or makeup on it so i think i'm gonna donate that but this one is kind of interesting oh my boy i think i've been seeing that a lot huh kind of interesting kind of interesting well some of this stuff is kind of interesting limited to usa another vintage americana clothing piece nice all right we got all the clothes out this was on the bottom the humongous pillow pretty funny what else we got in here hmm thunder valley casino looks like either trash cans or something christmas coil a little basket oh these look like uh ice buckets i think i think they're for drinks they're ice buckets that's clever okay wow that one is uh definitely more exposed now that big wardrobe box is right there that's an older dresser i'm very interested in what that piece looks like when we get that out but first another fragile box a little bit heavier maybe more dishware let's see christmas see some christmas stuff okay this is just like the other piece this is very heavy so that's a 15 piece all right made from china i don't know how they put so much metal into these things and ship them all the way from china and sell them for just 15 bucks seems kind of crazy but that's what that is we got a bunch of them these are all very heavy uh stocking holders okay yep here we have more of these so like i said these are the sauvignon west indies this size right here is what i saw like four of them selling for 30 bucks i'm gonna tackle this right here i'm a little scared of it to be honest with you because whenever boxes are stacked taller than me which is not that's not a big accomplishment for the stacker right i'm not that tall but when this one's really high whenever they're up there i can't see up there and when you start pulling them out you tilt them this way and all the rat turns roll off into your hair that is a disgusting feeling it's already happened in this locker not today but an earlier day so gross so i gotta be careful with this hmm and there was a rat turd right up there not a bunch of them but it only takes one i hear fluid in here what's a pbo oh okay huh shide vineyards well okay this is probably pretty decent 2011 pinyo i don't drink a lot of wine but we do we have a wine fridge this is interesting well something is leaking there looks like maybe this guy right here yeah this one's been leaking um probably that's the most expensive one stinking merlot from sonoma valley that's probably the best one concocted 1991 merlot lake county these are all local wines for us here in the bay area pinot navarro wait navarro that's the guy's last name navarro vineyards anderson valley mendocino nice and these guys here will probably take home i don't know if nothing else jana can use it in cooking right that's a little dark in here but look at this this is i'll try to figure out what this is this is a one of those bins upside down and the bottom is just completely given out and busted down all right now let's get this one out this is so fun i'm having a great time bags and christmas decor okay because i see this this stuff here which is uh commonly used to display those department 56 and this is department 56 right here the fallen snow and he's got a ton of those little berber rugs here brand new okay here's the pillows he talked about and look at that those are some funky pillows like why did you guys store those those would have been okay to throw away you didn't need to keep those those aren't bringing back any memories another new old stock here 36 dollars a grandma's love is never ending okay that's kind of nice look at that blanket 2000 it says oh this is thomas kincaid thomas kincaid painter of light holiday 2000 oh yes look at this thomas kincaid blanket i wonder if that's got any value i'd say probably not but it's nice it's definitely high quality you could tell if you were touching it like i am right now you know what i mean it is uh that's a little bit nicer party light that's funny that's a big candle right there party light number three three four eight i don't know if there's very much value in these they smell good you can tell they're high quality camels that's for sure oh this is something better potentially potentially i should say i haven't found very many of these party light pieces they can have some value not quite like department 56 but they are not bad this is a hook and ladder right here party light hook and ladder see that number three it's a fire station and again with the firemen theme because i think the guy was the fireman just put the candle right in there oh and here's the number right here p7 300 fire station that's an interesting piece right there sunbeam an electric blanket cord okay oh yes oh yes more beanie babies more beanie babies more beanie babies oh what's this that's something a little different it's a tie it's the fireman awesome um and this i don't want to take them out because i want to get them dirty but this little bag right here too look at this beanie baby beanie baby we love the beanie babies because they sell in our auction flaky flaky i never thought i'd be so excited to find beanie babies but then we started selling them i just love having things that sell good i have i love having things that my buyers get excited about that one's heavy linen closet all right it's probably i don't know maybe linens that's my guess oh rat poop gross it's raining poop hallelujah oh good more beanie babies i think there's a lid on that or else it would have been pooping in the bag all right this one was up top it's a little dirty right there i don't like to see that because we know the rats rats have gotten into this unit so far the rat destruction you know damage has been pretty minimal they just have rat droppings which is pretty gross pretty gross yeah that's definitely signing them dirty little running around on top of our boxes and that's a shame right here because this is uh what whoa this is a stiff that's a stiff bear of course it's like i think this is the first stiff i've ever even found and they say stiff there's the button right there that's how they say you can tell if it's a stiff it has a button in the ear and it's thing called cola you got coca-cola collectibility you got stiff and the bear world yeah it's too bad the outside of the box gotten kind of grody we take out some bleach wipes to that will get it at least sanitary but they put the packing tape over that and that's going to definitely devalue it this is hard to get off this plastic tape you know i use a combination of things goof off lighter fluid heat gun all those things don't work real well with the plastic tape more plush let's see what kind of plush not very many in here a couple bags that's it oh ty okay beanie kids beanie kids is what we got here bean kids beanie kids all right are those as good as beanie babies i don't know i don't think we found beanie kids before here's a few more thai and these are the larger animals we've got a few of those pieces in tonight's auction or live auction uh nice okay we'll see about value on these we'll be loading these up and selling them as well okay linen box let's see what we got yes i know probably linens but you just never know and there's a there's a wine bottle right there for you oh no this is not all linens i do see some yeah yep yep towels old towels okay we'll donate all that okay we'll help donate it what do we got here bailey's a little gift bag uh a gift basket not bad irish cream huh that's too bad that um we won't be able to uh donate that because the alcohol they can't sell it i'll put it aside in our flea market garage sale box whatever and we're not sure what you know which we'll go to next but that's where it'll go eventually not supposed to sell there either but don't tell anyone this is interesting oh what's this oh it's an old buzzer yes yes yes yes an old wall that's a nice piece right there vintage i use a old wall that was my grandpa's that's what i used to uh cut my hair not not that i do that very much lately but when i do that's what i use stainless steel oh nice what do we got him show him something good nothing that took the air out of the sails blue on you dan river per kale pillowcases fashion combed per kale those are nice and that is an old set okay new old stock right here there's another old sheet muslin sheet that muslin refers to i think the thread count it was a style of muslin there's mother back then there was like muslin and per kay when i said back then i'm saying in the 80s i used to sell sheets i used to have a little business at the flea market we sold sheets and they sold muslin and prakale sheets and parkails were the upper end the muslims were the more affordable here's the uh here's another one and i've heard that these old sheets have value and you can such a pretty penny on uh on ebay but i have never tried but maybe we will canon canon was a good uh manufacturer okay much more sheets donate don't the new old stock will will keep we'll look into that but the don't the other stuff donate we'll donate it allergy ease pillow covers okay here's a craftsman router it looks like a pretty beefy router but it is a little older oh my goodness nothing looks like it's brand spanking new that router has never been used what the heck it's an older router but i think it's still a few bucks look at that the shell's a cherry mint one and a half horsepower router it's pretty nice i mean we're gonna get probably 15 bucks for that at the garage sale but i'm going to see if i can sell that on uh ebay might have more value there all right this box is up on top of that couch oh man unfortunately they put this tape on here instead of the lid that's too bad because it's up top so i know the rats have been running around here and you can see this blanket right here there's a wrap poop right there there's little spots on it from their pee or whatever that's a brand new sheet it's very soft microfiber ruined wait a second this is department 56 another piece that they taped over which kind of ruins it and that rats have nibbled on it and it's functified contaminated but yeah that sucks it's all brand new inside i wonder if this one's got some value i'm sure we can sell it without the box it's still a nice little set here but the box however is not okay what else we got in here oh luckily this protected it i think for the most part from the contamination this is an old piece of uh embroidery right or what do you call it this is a this is a old tablecloth right here that's what that is some clothes an old tie dye b and b wear that's an old tie-dye shirt right there it's not single stitch but it's still a little bit older a little wall decoration here americana look at that a little mat like a welcome mat kitchen mat or something it was dry clean too oh fossil let's see if it's got anything in here no all right that's weird it's upside down but no nothing don't take it back take it back it was just falling out it's a clock it's a woody with a surfboard clock the fossil makes sense because they make watches right that's a neat piece 34. heck yeah that's nice velvet throw i'll throw it in there i'll throw it in the donation box some more towels and such hmm it's a hallmark ornament with the corvette racetrack here maybe not corvette yeah i think it is corvette yeah that's kind of neat [Applause] a little mug brand new these guys bought a lot of stuff never used it your deli nine premium milk chocolate squares i'm sure the rats loved it okay this little bag luckily all this is kept clean in the bag coca-cola toothpick dispenser salt and pepper shaker kitchen timer and some brand new sealed pack of playing cards that's the coca-cola racing family that's cool and a bottle opener liquid-filled bottle opener whatever they bought from this stuff is from god shocks is 46. okay that's a good-sized box let's go through this one all right we store it on its side so maybe we'll open it on its side it's a little bit taller so what do we got um christmas christmas not cool christmas either some blankets and towels oh that right there yes i like to see that disney dang it i've if you guys watched the locker i bought called stacked on the left we found so much disney lennox those guys were huge disney lennox uh collectors and they were beautiful pieces maybe we find that one still i'm gonna definitely have to be on the lookout for it what's this the granite brothers jewelers okay maybe we got something better we got something better 14k i'm pretty sure i can see that with my eyes 14k all right just a little tiny bit but it's still 14k
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 40,169
Rating: 4.9470801 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, gun safe, stolen, robbery, break in, thieves, robbers, found gold, found guns
Id: mNgfyhx5sfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 22sec (2362 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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