Remakes and Remasters (Remastered)

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despacito remastered

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/konahriik21 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

I swear to god if I don't hear any news on Petscop I will literally kill my self whilest jacking off to leafy

That's right, you read right, whilest jacking off to leafy.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

That was such a good video, I really enjoyed watching it, 10/10, make more, even if they do take a bit of time.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/Noxava 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Does pyro even check this sub anymore?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/zyzzyne__ 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

go back to bullying kids

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Funny thing is that this has less upvotes than all the fucking despacito memes

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/FuckinElaMain 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Thought you died

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2018 🗫︎ replies

Another great vid Pyro. You're content is always a joy to watch

but Pewds was right that boogie down challenge kid did look like you.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/DankPiscean 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Fuck you

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SexisillegalinChina 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2018 🗫︎ replies
if u read this ur a magical wizard xddd Everyone here loves video games (but im a 12 year old loser) Now when I said that I'm sure a list popped into your head, these could be games that you want a deep intimate like your mom have big or small gay Experience with even if that's just a single level or character from a game because when you turn the game off are the game its self This explosion goes off in your head the characters you encounter the choices you made the loot you got on the other hand you have Games that insight you with this blind rage where you just die over and over watching the same guy (because your bad at the game) Wipe the floor with you every time (what i said in the thing) To the point where you just go fuck this get out your chair start a revolution with the locals and kill the country's flamboyant warlord (because you raged are something idk) Aren't you Maria? I wouldn't advise that by the way I got eight months, but the thing is even though that game wipes the floor with you And you keep telling your friends the myriad of excuses why and how you died you came back, and that's all that matters, baby 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞 Try me bitch I dare ya Elmer fudd looking ass. The one thing to realize is that no game will please everyone You'll always have people that like or dislike a title unless you're talking about garfield cart if you say that game sucks You are objectively wrong come on come on come on what? What the hell is this? Yeah I take back everything I said zero outta ten before Properly jumping in I do want to say Dunkey did make a video on this in 2016 and I'm starting to notice a trend as of late, Dunkeys video is great and covered most areas This is just my personal take on it, and how it's affected my favorite franchises So please hold off writing that concise and well formatted critique for just a few more minutes Now gaming in technology or in this constant Bad Rat race with each other because video games Age faster than pretty much any other media, take TV for example you can watch an episode of The Walking Dead from last year Hmm that CGI fucking sucks. Then go way back to 2011 with the second season of The Walking Dead Wow, it's it's actually better What happened there are games that avoid this ageing usually because of their unique art direction But if your games going for a more realistic look it's gonna age about as quick as my content. Now I remember there's a bear down here if you miss this jump, but me being the amazing acrobat- ah fuck Where's the bear? Oh my oh Jesus That actually wasn't too hard to be fair, like I remember from my childhood this being one of the hardest fights ever I just died over and over to this oh my god It doesn't help that gaming is easily one of the most saturated markets out there with every one decent quality title released you'll have about 20 brainlets trying as hard as possible for you to depart with your money for a game That was probably made with goAnimate, but hey if a franchise is doing well because there's a well-executed formula I respect that. But if you're copying the same map without any huge changes. I think we have a problem. Now chances are you've been gaming for a long time you might be able to remember the first game you played as a kid Having no idea What the fuck you were doing because you were like 30 seconds out of the womb But you still have this dumbass smile on your face the whole time. Kowalski how's the leg? definitely broken sir, two places. Well unfortunately healthcare isn't free in America so damnit Remasters and remakes are crucial here as they built that bridge between your old classics and bringing them into the present Now keep in mind remakes and remasters are totally different things now firstly We got the remaster. A remaster is taken an already existing game and just scrub in the dirt off it This is the bare minimum in most cases usually just upscaling the resolution or doubling the framerate if you're lucky You'll actually notice the difference comparing it to the original. I'm just bewildered how many of these remasters there are that change Absolutely nothing. So here we got GTA san andreas And uh They they change the time of day And sometimes the remaster actually looks worse than the original, take fable anniversary For example everything now looks so faded and dried out sure the actual polygon count is higher You can't argue with that, but what's the point if the game's original style is lost. An example of a remaster done well Is Halo Anniversary, a game like this caters to both parties having updated Visuals while also being able to switch back to the original version on the fly, that's why when a remaster is announced But no physical gameplay is shown I'm so hesitant because they might have changed too much or too little to be worth your purchase. I hate as well How some of these Cheap-ass remasters always throw in the dlc and act like it's a selling point like they're fully aware that there was no point Updating these games yet, take Skyrim special edition purchasing this means most of your original Skyrim mods will be totally incompatible and instead of fixing this they just added paid mods into the game literally None of the bugs are fix and they tried to hide the original Skyrim from search results But it's okay guys because mushrooms are now in 4k But sometimes when remasters do add in or replace content from the original It destroys the framework of the entire game, take the Silent Hill remaster. They change so much about the second and third games Notice how I said changed not updated because nothing here is an update instead. They somehow downgraded the entire experience But then again these are the guys that instead of remaking Metal Gear Solid 3 They made it into a fucking slot machine firstly They scaled back the fog, so you could see everything they replace sound assets there were all somehow worse than the original Including replacing the entire voice cast of both games in Silent Hill 2 James was this bumbling idiot and every line was delivered with this intriguing curiosity But in the remaster they just replaced him with Troy Baker because Troy Baker must voice every single character By law how do you know about that? Aren't you Maria Who are you my name is Dewitt I'm a friend I love Troy, but you can't undo the tone of the game for a popular voice actor Well that's first of all the most preposterous thing I've ever heard. Steve Blum is pretty popular Doesn't mean you have to add him into everything. I'll never hurt you like she did So why don't you want me? It's because you're Vietcong I'm certain that the dog from the secret ending made this game all that we're waiting on now is the Silent Hill slot machine Oh what the fuck- just remember guys Silent Hills was cancelled for this But sometimes if you're super lucky changes a remaster brings can Actually benefit the game like when they increase the player cap in Dark Souls 2 the Prisoner of Azkaban or when Banjo Kazooie was remastered and ported over to xbox the stop and swap they had on the N64 was fully realised, too bad the rewards can suck my left nut come on man this has gotta be good I've waited 10 years for this since the original banjo kazooie A gamer picture Also the first Dark Souls is being remastered now, that's a thing next to none of the combats been changed I didn't really appreciate Dark Souls until the third installment So it's kind of disappointing that stuff like the weapon arts won't appear in the remaster But it does seem the multiplayer is being massively improved, the player count has been upped and the password matchmaking from Souls 3 Is back and finally the gods have answered our prayers bumping us up from peer-to-peer servers to fully D E D I C A T E D Remember how you'd spend like 24 years trying to summon a dude into your world Only for it to fail anyway well not anymore fucko, because we out here in the year 2018 this is a prime example of a game that will favor newcomers over old making it more accessible while still staying Somewhat true to its core fanbase. It's a shame That literally nothing's been changed Apart from multiplayer mechanics like it would have been nice to see some different enemy or item placement although for me I'll get to see solare in HD and that's all a man can want One remaster I'd really like to see is Simpsons hit and run you could play this game like a total degenerate asshole But just because you didn't directly kill anybody It was a kid-friendly game you guys want road rage to be remastered instead, but could you get out your car in that game? I don't think so I don't think so now moving away from the remasters you have the R E M A K E S Where the remasters reuse the original game and polished it up, remakes are usually crafted Straight from the ground up you better be ready for this The original Crash, Crash 2 and Crash Warped fully remastered from the ground up for PlayStation 4, so let's have a look at that Chris Chris, I think I got it But when remaking a game It's easy to lose focus on what the original designers envisioned Especially since it's usually a totally new team that works on the game, so it's a much higher risk compared to a remaster But when everything clicks and a remake is crafted by people who are just as invested as you it can lead to something beautiful Ratchet and Clank is a good example. Hey, i- is Ratchet and Clank really 15 years old yes The original looks simple But has this really pronounced art style now upgrade that with today's technology now you have these massive Ensemble pieces that just flood your senses because there's so much going on It's a shame the game was capped at 30 frames, but it's almost a worthy sacrifice for these amazing visuals Almost remakes don't just improve the graphics They also try to modernize the gameplay whether that's more tight and responsive controls Or features to make the experience feel more unique with Ratchet and Clank they did this by adding a weapon upgrade tree, weapons will upgrade depending on how much they were used you could stick with one weapon and Totally clean house with it while also wanting to try out new Weapons to see how they'd fare upgraded remember how hard it was buying the Rhino But also how rewardingly devastating it was to use, now imagine upgrading that thing and you've basically won the game if a Remaster is turning your dirt house into wood a remake is creating a cathedral for gamers Where all the choir boys wear gay ass shirts like these. One remake I'm most excited for is the Spyro Reignited trilogy mainly because the most recent reincarnation of Spyro looks like a diseased mentally insane idiot Remember when I was a kid just spending all night on the first Spyro games I have such a deep connection with these games because they're so interconnected with my childhood especially the first game I still remember having only seconds left after completing the time trials or relaxing on the edges of the maps taking in those simple but aesthetically pleasing Skyboxes, I remember these plants that would scare the bejesus out of me as a kid to the point where I'd hide like a little bitch And chill with these guys. How's it going man. You just you just Ah ah you asshole you asshole Fuck you, man. Don't worry chicken. I got you cut- ah God damn it. Also. Who remembers that impossible gauntlet of run jumps you had to do on treetops. Of course you don't because I Gayboy am the only man on earth to have mastered it You can't make this jump. You can't make it. I'm a 40 year old man, and I still can't make the stop Also there was this part where you used a rail gun to turn the entire population into midgets I also remember how underwhelming the bus fights were in pretty much every game But we don't we don't talk about that right still to this day at the ripe age of 45 I boot up Spyro the Dragon And try to do in a hundred percent run saving all the dragons knock it the shit out of the egg thieves And listening to that soundtrack cuz oh man that soundtrack If any of you know it's in my videos the majority of background music I use is from Spyro It was composed by Stewart Copeland and although he isn't gonna come back for the remake the game's going to Reimagine his soundtrack so hopefully it'll sound certainly like this And less like this *Someone having a seizure on a piano* And although Stuart may be out of the picture, Tom Kenny is reprising his role as Spyro Which is pretty slick. Is this rain ever gonna stop? I've forgotten what the Sun looks like we should go on vacation! Somewhere warm, somewhere sunny Tom did a great job with the second and third Spyro games now You're probably wondering who voice Spyro in the first game It was mr. Weed from Family Guy go on the wiki page upbeat serious man The one thing I hope they rectify is the controls they were serviceable but they felt way too tank like I want to feel like I'm playing a prepubescent dragon not fucking Chris Redfield a lot of people say that Spyro, and crash go hand in hand even the remakes follow each other on Twitter, but in my eyes It's like comparing Elon Musk to cheesecake. Spyro was a more expansive adventure being able to fully move in a 3d environment while crash was more linear, but incredibly tightly constructed also Maybe I'm a bit biased because the plants scared the shit out of me as a kid so I totally Refused to complete the first level of the game. I'm not a coward I just know how to preserve my own life. One problem with remaking games is solely relying on the nostalgia the original fans had although It's amazing seeing your childhood games being bought into the present you gotta Understand that you're sharing that remake with someone who was probably your age when you first played the game and then when he's your age He'll probably have a remake of the remake another game we got is Timesplitters. I love this franchise man You had this oddball cast of characters, the two main characters look like they were from the year four billion throughout the game you are Bouncing through time it felt like a spiritual successor to Goldeneye even including that weird feature that you had no hand holding the gun Seriously, what the fuck was up with that you felt like this was a serious story with crushing undertones about humanity's impending doom Out of the darkness they came with a hateful will to destroy humanity We fought long and hard, but no we are lost. I think the plot got a bit convoluted though Especially when they added the dinosaur character who used dual tommy guns now I know Goldeneye had some weed characters like random tasks. Well when your left hand becomes a playable character I think you're breaking the Canon. I think my favorite overall character was Gretel from the second game She had no dialogue or personality whatsoever, but she had a pretty good physique So I'd give a 10 this series is long dead and although there were playable levels in homefront - a game That's actually worse than the Easter Egg It's referencing the licensing is owned by Crytek and people have tried for years to get them to re-release it with next to no progress There is a project working on remaking the game on a new engine, and it does look promising boy in all honesty You're better off Just emulating the game and playing it with a controller Skip the first game and jump straight into the second and third look at this brain lit here firing one rocket at a time I'd love to see the Metal Gear games get remade the first male Gear Solid did get remade in 2004 and two and three have had remasters But it'd be great to see a total overhaul of the series about five years from now with every game Represented in the Fox engine because as of now the Metal Gear series couldn't end on a more terrible note Linda How are you doing? You look like you've clocked some miles since we last spoke Yeah a few I've heard. They don't make them like me anymore. There was this other guy though army infiltration He wore a bandana or something I heard he finally retired Really? Yep. _______________ Sam Yeah God I fucking hate Konami man. Now as good as remake sound they aren't immune to shitty design for every series of unfortunate events Remake you have your Bangkok dangerous remake with the landscape of gaming changing so quickly Games that were classics years ago totally lose all value To the modern market and in an industry where passion is lost over printing money the people who are put in charge of Reimagining your childhood could be the inhabitants of Arkham Asylum. I'm very sure that Perfect Dark zero Was created by the Joker in a sick twisted prank to get back at Batman by spreading as much injustice as humanly possible while in the confines of a videogame Teach you to mess with my business Get down! You're not gonna try another shot no The original was you playing as a spy infiltrating high-tech compounds the first levels felt contained and concise condensing the combat into mini arenas But the later levels opened up way too much with these giant empty landscapes taking you Ages to get to each objective the remake took all the shit levels in perfect dark and made that the entire game There's a cover system but no one will use it because the Environments are just so barren so enemies will rush you like their brains are set to airplane mode I mean look at this review IGN Did I know these guys don't do the best job at times or like E V E R We all still die fast, respond fast and kill fast It's as satisfying to cycle as it's always been especially when you do less dying and more killing. That's it That's every first-person shooter ever made Dumb bi-, but even they don't give a crap about this game You don't really have a clear idea of what you're doing or specifically why you're doing it You'll know generally what your goals are, but there's really no character in the game And there's not a lot of sense of motivation for you to knock The graphics in the games are are really good in general. Yeah, I appreciate the effort you're putting into this review If you genuinely enjoyed this game and thought it was better than the original you are a complete brainless Oh wow it's it's Gayboy. This man is a brainlet I think the best Example of a shitty remake was Shadow Run, the game was originally an RPG with a cyberpunk theme much like Deus Ex. C'mon San- (Sandra) *pew* Oh my god daddy What a shame he was a good man. What a rotten way to die W H A T A S H A M E fourteen years later They remade the game as a multiplayer FPS now if you want a remake a game into a totally different genre That's fine, but if you have to shut your servers down, then eventually go bankrupt I think something went seriously wrong and even on launch it was so hard to find a full Lobby Shadow Run started as a pen and paper role-playing game but then went on to become a board game, a Sega Genesis game, dozens of novels, Super Nintendo game and even a first-person shooter for Xbox and PC It's a shame as well because it had a lot of great plays to conventional multiplayer most multiplayer games have a character or item that can heal you but in shadow run you'd plant a seed into the ground that would sprout a tree that would heal everyone both you, and the enemy while also providing cover and simultaneously giving you Position away or how about that anyone who dies can be revived as long as their bodies intact so killing an enemy wouldn't be enough You'd be pumping rounds into a corpse to make sure it can't be resurrected later. I mean in what other game Are you gonna have a guy with a minigun and a guy with a katana duking it out and the guy with the katana? actually wins Oh But apparently Shadowrun introduced games for Windows Live Right Okay I take back everything I said the game is dog shit there was no love or crap put into this game But look look at this look at these races clearly they were stolen from Skyrim It's very obvious guys in conclusion bros remakes and remasters are always gonna be a mixed bag And if you're worried about your childhood classic being botched There's always the choice of emulating a game or even tracking down the original copy online someone's selling Final Fantasy 7 for a hundred and seventy five million pound Yup A Hundred percent positive feedback, but no matter where you look at it games are going to be re-invisioned and rebooted for years to come Now could someone please explain to me what the fuck is a tie Well well well the little orange rat has come out to play. Fuck off you public property cunt
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 4,566,405
Rating: 4.9298739 out of 5
Keywords: Remakes and Remasters, Remastered, game remakes, game remasters, pyrocynical, spyro, spyro reignited triology, dunkey, videogamedunkey, SATIRE, dark souls
Id: 0vlhnyYlU0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 24 2018
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