Relationship Talk: Faithful Attraction

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but how do you have a conversation because that's what I'll do is my purpose is to be able to serve you tonight and I could save my honour to be able to serve you I don't feel like I'm worthy to serve you but I feel like this my opportunity to do that so how you have a conversation where there's a roomful of people some of them are married and mistakenly it would be I there's this complete complexity to that because the signals one have had on singles conversation and people who marry want to have an embarrassed conversation and so I don't want to try to do the best I can with that so what I'll do is I'm going to give you points to think about and I'll just jump around I might give a point to single people and I'll say let me say this to marry anyone and I'll say I've got something for everybody and just see how it goes that already tell somebody you believe I faked something fun tonight but we already have fun let me start off by saying the signals I believe that they understand I hadn't been signaled in thirty more years I met my wife 31 years ago saying let's not act like I know what's up it's a lot of new stuff up here they had a hit again but not their bubbly but here's what I think is timeless I think about the single piece without what I want to make clarity a priority in my relationships I think you've got to make clarity the priority you should write that down because this is important make clarity of Bernie and I think that goes both ways I think one way to make 30 a priority in your relationship as a single person is if you are in a relationship or you're contemplating the relationship or there's some personal interest or some people of interest always be upfront with them hey you know some of us gotta get some fun I'm too old for these games place like this say Xbox this my life so so clearly says this is what I am this is who I am and this is what I'm about if I don't what an exclusive relationship if I if you that kind of person would date around because they're single again and you want to try to seem us out there and you just just you lost a lot of weight and you have to try to keep awake see whether they say like your pool weights like just be honest with people like not really country this is trying to do free right now I ain't trying to be locked in and focused on any one person I want to have the flexibility I mean be honest and upfront with people and and you ought to get clarity from people too I think I think I think a lot of people find themselves in relationships with their where there's some level of memory ambiguity about where you stand I can't live like that if you don't want me telling me like don't keep dragging me along hurt me hurt me today so I can think I'll make it to Bob hurt me right now hurt me the nun hold on to me don't hold me up I got no future and let me know and some of us saw at first to being hurt with the truth you're so you're so truth reality avoid your truth reality avoider and because to avoid being hurt by the truth the person your relationship has discerned that so they don't want to hurt you so they just keep stringing you along they have no intention with you being a part of their future but you see see what I'm saying is the person that's really that you really want to be an eraser with is not gonna play with you later because you don't play with it you only play with a if I go to restore that one abasa isis plate waiters - but let's not mess with how much - we don't normally just rather get hard we'd be cured with this cuz I'm about to take this from the dealership about walk out the store with this but if I have a problem I'll play with it on we play with stuff we don't attend to home so your relation with somebody keeps playing with you and he's a believer some red flag with you with somebody ask you about relation what many people on take the next minute we all seriously it ain't like that with us you're lucky just wonder how much weight if you don't have clarity about where you stand that's not good job said even if we're gonna be we got to be cleared justified we got this year and we clearly got a clarity because because when okay when people are playing with you Essen that's a revelation that you're an option you understand that right that that means that means you're expendable just saying I can lose you because I got other options yes let me jump over the merits a second come right back to us agree whenever whenever I meet with a couple and one of them is done very rarely can somebody be completely done it may have been joined to a person have been fully invested in relationship when they're really done is usually another kind of I will say that it may not even be a full-fledged severe one but somebody is D giving them somebody is sending Facebook messages that they used to have relationship with and this is now rekindle something and they said you know when I said you were one I always thought that should have been the one anyway and kind of just is kind of shifted in that direction away from you but now that we both are in this situation that we realize where there was gonna be always funny that's - not even funny in America let me come make these things myself so when you're in the world of Poker anyway in poker Oh a whole car a whole car when you get dealt your name you get dealt in poker all of your cars are visible except your whole car and sometimes get to low cards whole cars are always facedown only the recipient knows what the whole audience whole card is always secretive nobody knows it but you wonder reason one ways you can know your whole car is when your relationship is always on the down-low you go with somebody victim and you live in LA no but he always wanted rumors and Dumfries [Applause] you can t wear your black man but now see you get you can't and the object of the whole car is the car just because you know cuz if let's say you are 7 4 you ain't you may be holding the car kissing kissing pluck a check or clean then I get up rain so I hope you pay this is gonna ace in the hole I hold on to you till something else comes along but I'll never go public with you I'll always tell people when we see if somebody does catch us all the way out Guthries at the Black Panther movie I'll Hazzard issue is just a friend but then I'm gonna have sex with you like you're my wife and you dumb enough to keep falling so lovely of the time but privately you freaking [Music] to spin with Jesus [Applause] [Applause] and I'm saying you might be Google being a hobo just W sometimes I deeply is she when I stay in this situation with Wambach today and the dangers lady so you fellas know there's some lady playing with you the spittle everybody who heard that she never lets you down with you one minute they she act like she can do it out to the next and she playing I'm saying to say we're gonna play us to Jesus she can't fool around just like you hey yourself in the [Applause] clinician bye y'all no give me Genesis 2:23 in Genesis 2 from your chest Genesis 2:23 12 we'll say something to them to the very colors listen it is gathering a new king james burger must never see each other hundred miles per hour faster tickets Motown I'll slip cup holder committee I'm sorry Adam said this is now bone of my bone flesh of my flesh bone of my bone flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman was taken out of bone of my bone especially let's break this down what you're married we just say be all be all one be all one some of you can't stay married because you can't [Music] [Music] [Music] that is tappable synchronous synchronization anatomically you can't get any closer than ball and bone and flesh in flesh we are swimming we aren't you love it we got as close as maybe then we are one can you get any closer than that look at the next verse the next verse says and therefore shall a man leave their muscley father mother be joy ever joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh leave juggling what leave jumping one leave Joey one it is difficult when you've been single looking you've been married which is just about everybody you know you've been single most of your life you'd be very reflection of your life so we never be sick we've got to be independent we know how to control your spouse and you wanna watch this the reason why you you can't be jolene jolene jolene join join join join join through the we're joined is jacked so late so late so in accounts so in insurance policies joint tax returns most of us come into a marriage we got independent accounts we have you got the credit account they got a bank down you gotta bust you guys don't think I'm their own money you buy your own sex tape around a couple times in there obviously is a babe and I'm telling you the less entitled enjoyed you are that easy it is for your balance that's why your best but it's hard to balance with your money tied up and you're spinning both your names over rent and buggy and release and both your names on the bookies but we think more intense returns both of these are the issue of policy and Rob today you want to check up above the legs on the bank account if both of you are working together to make the suits for the future and bogey you're all in but are you joining together your swing is hard to bring up you wanna you want the benefits of ferrets but the liberty of being single so then you get to have sex without saying Jesus I'm sorry but you're not committed to the person they'll be back another minute father I just and community [Music] what's this man therefore shall a man leave his most valued relationship and don't you dare tell me mama dear mama I will always look mama she's my favorite girl you only get one you only get one you understand that's my mother my son's got my wife's name - they got me no way you talk about a man leaving his mother might I say suddenly one time in the worst part of our marriage we had a bad burgers for 23 years that's the fact she said it was 21 she told me one time she said your mother want to be married to you that was a violation [Music] listen man what she was saying is your mother won't let you go she was right and I wouldn't let her go I remember to tell my mother in front of us you said you think that I knew my mom raised us by our step in but you can't join to you [Music] some of us are having a connection problem because we have a disconnection right you can't be all if there's made all out I'll get your mother to give up your old flame you see we get we have fun we've got a call oh god we want to call our spouse insecure when they start raising issues about people they have publicly you've been husband the issue is it is insecurity and i'ma tell you I was head of security it's because the relationship is now secure secure because security is secure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first separate call you you got an answer put it with a cellphone record that's what let's do you have to change them you got to make people from your past catching up with you difficult it's not being all accessible to Aaron I used to be close with Lee everybody's young Lee even your most trusted relationship has to be really has to be left for this movement because now your spouse is your focus some people didn't leave some people want to get married but nobody want to adjust their life my travel vanes are you more free you want to stick so you go view all your girlfriend single hand promiscuous dead marriage records he's got there with your very self still around the country club anyone at Buffalo Wild Wings drinking beer with your own single buddies [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Bible says forgetting those things to us a prophet God resisting crises the world says don't ever you where you came from God says forgive somebody's wrong just because I grew up but you don't mean up those of religion in the same direction any relationship that you have that is not supportive of your marriage must receive distance and separates the necessary from you you gotta create powers you should be in embarrassed couples booth down but when our very get around get around are you you got to think up something [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it does [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Music] let me say something everybody you know I didn't see your son please join everyone it's intentional connect things put it together bring it all together I'll say never give something everybody this is not for single tumor it isn't everybody you know we've been created in the image of God I believe that God is trying I'm not trying to make a doctrine about it I believe that God is one but he's revealed himself in three distinct persons the Father the Son and Holy Spirit and I hated the bait that Theologica but I think God is trying to he's one God but his father son Holy Spirit well he's made his creation trying like he is what's up everybody overflow everybody in other rooms I hear some people that other wrongs want to shut them up to overflows god bless let us hear y'all I'm telling you right there they act up in here coming right over there in something so God has made us try you know wait lead us right on this were made are both body soul and spirit let me get two people up there man and a woman let me say age 28 I need a 28 year old mate 28 28 anybody 28 mister babies if you double flowing you're 28 year old man this running here come over here no no manners 28 come on up in you know the rubber scared [Applause] twenty-eight what's this questions we [Applause] [Applause] okay 28 never body soul spirit for the most part we cannot mature at the same place physically 28 years old you can be kind of grow into maturity physical maturity the same pace as spiritual part of us starts when we're not born but when we're born again the spirit part of our life starts with morning it just step aside a little bit you to closer so so let's just say this is the same what's your name mr. day so let's just say bond started his relation with God in 11 years old did you got saved at 11 years old and really he really committed and he's been following price for 17 years but let's say Tiffany just got saved in 26 what I'm saying is by virtue of reality he's going to be further along spiritually if he's been consistent as she is I'm saying you just have to respect and understand that gap you we look at people who are same ages us but they just came into this right their sphere just was made alive so there's a maturity gap but you just think I'm gonna focus on there's a third part of us called our soul that's often neglected by church people like we work out and get our bodies into shape and we go to church to get out of spirits right but our soul is just as important in fact the Bible says God wants us to behold body soul and spirit the soul of a human being can become very I don't say that in the negative sense I mean is this growth is this growth is delayed based on some of y'all may have heard me do that talk and design when I when I talk about the differences between we're Adam and Eve go from right like Adam is from the ground is from the ribbon and we have differences based on where we're from but the differences with your soul is not based on where you're from is based on how you were raised and most often it's not always men but a lot of us men were raised in the way that our soul was crushed some women who raised the same way - let me explain to you your soul is housed somewhere between the front of your shoulders and your waist this is your soul region it is the place where you feel were you you emo you cried you have passion you have you hurt is where your heart exists and the natural reaction to be mostly pain as tears in crime and when Tiffany I'm to say for example most women in this is racing with Tiffany was young if she was a little girl if she cried as she was six years old somebody would hold her hold her tell us why are you crying baby was wrong somebody hurts you but her tears were never rejected particularly if she was raised by somebody healthy now when you race with somebody who's unlucky they don't give you a boy or girl they got time for your crime and some of us that's why we got parents who would have been chosen before they're ready because they're raising us in a volatile environment that doesn't give us the emotional safety now it happens to men I just say something really deeply yeah most of us men were told we were four five six years old stop back my little gorilla cries but so for her crying was okay any specific normal for him kind was bad so what's he gonna do many nervous I'm taking accompany the fast-track we'll take what happened by the time he's 18 he's learned to shut all this thing that's why you deal with a man you wonder how can be so insensitive how can we sell you don't have compassion you know fearless like it's just food why is he like that des titres ready first so watch this because this is shut down but on the other hand she's fully connected that's what integrity is it needs to be integrated so her mind her soul or spirit her body all of his integrator that's why okay that's why you can't get to her drawers without going for a handle buzzes open it can we be fooling me but but because there's a disconnect between his head and his head if he just sees a woman he can go into her he doesn't have to feel so you love it see you call those three keys not a three-piece fragment you come up but you hold me what you feeling I'm feeling that this day and you see I'm in like this some of y'all gotta love me like he can go he can have sex video because there's no connects I'm not saying do you understand what I'm saying so honey six dad like I was raised that way nobody not the gossip of the gang crap even JC second and I gotta let the song that's why we can get the Epistle into somebody's head I don't feel no kid how do you do that God has to heal this whole region of a person who's been shut down in this face and open it back up again so they have feelings where it's okay to feel that you're a whole man like out to be anything if a woman started crying in here right now does she just started bawling crying without any coaching about to get around [Music] [Applause] if one man is possibly the most famous money later [Applause] [Applause] because there were things that I was missing in my there were things that I didn't get from my parents things I'd make different my father things that I long for my mother and I tried to replace in other ways when I was pregnant I'm just telling you something ladies all these dudes a freak some of a fragment that's what we have to encourage them getting close to God and get close to men who are opening mostly that's why wonder who take one of the reasons why I love pastor Sega so much I've always looked up to him even though he's shorter to me so I just go down here and I look up to master chickens can cry in a minute he cry like a light and when I first I couldn't do it I could never crop in a movie couldn't cry never will make me cry and when I started getting close to him and started eating his heart he got closer getting Father by him I started crying I got go like that was a big bullet would be like I could cry like now I'll be trying I gonna be in church and my finish trying to get that thing real quick when I saw now if I'm giving out too much information let me move on let's talk the signals again here's another point to take we don't tolerate immaturity say this after me say I'm trying to be a partner not parent [Applause] Jula do I have like a man at night and what I'd like a kid all day do and I like a woman at night I can't you if you give it to us or money and you spill your whole check on your nails and your head and your pocketbooks and you don't have enough money to rent I hate your energy and I have sex with [Applause] our God you gotta grow up sometimes I grow up we keep having these little Peter Pan relationships with these little immature video games all day [Applause] [Applause] just wait no Macias run [Applause] I can't see us y'all got stuff some of y'all okay so so the married people got their money separate the single people paid each other's breath you go sign it the stuff not moving together we have for the pilot it allows your life you have to see if a person has enough fiscal independence and stability to see how they handle money why do you rescue people you fill out the applications you gonna have to do all the paperwork you go research stuff for him see questions okay there you go how many have you ladies and they have a son let me tell you what you've got to be very careful about particularly his father's not living with him yet it'd be very careful that you're not raising a son who is not strong enough to be independent because your natural inclination as a woman is to protect him and I'm saying he needs men around him that pulls some of that protection away that can toughen him in the Toronado because it's going to take a real man that show how to become that's not - and did you always so because he's only a aut and he needed no time so you fussing at the coast and then it's come say lazy you don't want to hustle to practice so you know what you do instead of a good hustle you super stain stain turn the team make another team responsibility somebody's in trouble asaba teachers you don't think with your household bottom when you're here looking like Issa for some things [Applause] so you think that little rested to do the wrong and keep building them up keep them up keep them out and what you're doing is he's going to look for water and take care of it because you wouldn't have defended one women and you make big money and you've got your stuff together and you've got a BMW and you've got your masters and you got all that you feel like you're in a position to do it so you wanna help them drop the CD doesn't get a good [Applause] married people let me jump over the singles for second America there's something that I called relational ad D right there's my second book I think we call it science technology which you don't know can't hurt you about 45% of the book so you're a grown man it's hard to finish the thing is I'm so I'm a DD can't focus right can't get this pretty from a get this poor guy one things I talk about in the book is a BD relational ADP ATP is attention deficit disorder which is a mental health challenge for somebody who has an inability to focus on things and this they you know kind of stay on track and and I think I don't mean anybody knows because all the big mental health personnel so I would never use the term two-spirit disparagingly but I believe relationships suffer from a DD so what happens is this would happen when people first get married there's a lot of attention given to each other over time there's an attention deficit disorder in a relationship and it usually comes a CE or ad you know there's a BC time in emerge then there's an ad time of marriage you've heard of BC and AD BC is before children 80 is after them Joker's or after dependents after the dependents come it's a game shows before you had kids young as always you can have sex in the kitchen my name is Bob now the case initially we keep on linking them up they know all this energy that used to go to him now goes to he there's a tribute to maybe breastfeed [Applause] they did not rest [Applause] Sloman him like this like this [Applause] give them fast to help with your homework and put them in bed and he is my 10:15 and you've got enough hitters even crawl to your room and crawl up and big and fess up being your husband looking at your leg I think so because he gets tired of the rejection because you're always tired develop some rain gauge well give way to go because if he can't have sex with his wife he'll take matters into his own hand it goes to his website for Trixie and then it becomes a porn addict masturbating in you'll be taken off no joke it's gonna work took a nap woke up was rolling across the top of the palace and saw Bathsheba naked in her own yard baby and he saw this now if he was then this is David the worshipper god I love you we were Muslim us still bootlegging David stuff to this day we sing stuff right out of the song but I'm telling you he loved God he was certainly distracted in his boy and he's got he got eight lives in his house none actually but he's looking at this woman and instead of him turning away said nah man I can't do that he's just kept looking can't look anything about pornography use the Bible says the eyes never satisfied with just seen pornography is a sliding board to hell disagree search 300 percent of porn addicts have infidelity in their marriage summit 300 percent of the time that's the high presenters and they were men and women addicted to porn it's it's a it's a mean thing because we teach you didn't have sex with our relationship I don't have to communicate to you I don't have to treat you right all I have to do is go to that hood of that site and I can have any size any color any shape any style I want sex on demand the problem with that is you have a virtual sex but you're married to a human who has feelings who may be integrated who may need to feel close to you to open a robot to you because her heart and her liver connected the problem is a man doesn't necessarily have to feel close but he feels valued when he says she can't feel sexual but she doesn't feel close to him he never feel valued when he's not getting sex so the divide continues and eventually the Copan is pulled to somebody your worth you have to build into your marriage intentional times of closeness it has to be intentional I want to give you this because I really don't know how long I've been talking I really know what time does star tokens you remember 17 second three minutes I think I should have a 4-dimensional or 40 marriage 40 Mariners toward me I me these DS your marriage should consist of dating that's an important D you should date every week at least once a week even you had a money go somewhere for free and dating does not include strollers and car seats and chills them drop them togas off somewhere drop all the church to church [Applause] on the street where on these parents service because Jesus by dating a lot of marriages or suffering is a no-fun you take it to get married can you date the state better here's another one treatment for deep barriers is when they're treating me you're gonna dream together just sit around some time to just say what could be what do you want to be in five years what do you want to be in ten years but it won't be financially what kind of house do we want to live in it we're kind of constantly monitor out what kind of schools do we want to be able to our children is what kind of financial freedom luminary should build a city and ringing the other not us Audrina the third D is discovering you should be dating dreaming and discovery that's getting to know one another know one another the two ways of getting to know one another there's intellectual knowledge then there's intimacy knowledge in the Bible in the book of Genesis in Old Testament which describes the word sex it was saying the man knew his wealth so there should be someone at Liberty God regularly regular sex protects the marriage regular sex protects the merits regular sex protects America you should do it as often as you can you know your publicist me but you gotta get to know each other that conversation is conversations to get to the feeling level and the deep level of what you're putting your needs what do you feel what are you afraid of what are your fears what are your flaws what are your fantasies can we ask those questions and get to the root of who we are and still be safe can I share with you my fears and my flaws and my fantasies and you still love me can I let you see in me they used to look that's deep right getting to know each other having conversations that go below the surface to what the weather it is to have dearly the what I'm dreaming discovery that's deep discovering dreaming dating and de cycling together de cycling creating that that's an ideal marriage do I have a perfect marriage oh I do right to decide them together worse or together I really think that ideally you should go to the same church I think I really do a thing okay let's just say this that's just saying you got to research and she goes to church or you go to church she goes to church the young voter signatures I'm saying it try this if you go to church and a head you go wonders have one observes new daughter both whoa but it's trying to be together I think it's dangerous for a man or woman to continue to be seen the lonely in worship because eventually what the breeders gonna come by they good and he passed the investment in his and he'd been doing his curls and his mom come out with a tantrum skeet is on the look [Applause] but a speeder was daddy when he said you need to look at your own bringing it up worshipping together sharing things spiritual screws together last 40 minutes I got okay I'll say normal things things this is mostly because there were all the things things I think that I think it's a single problem with a secret relationship the reason why you got to give more eyes and ears on your relationships if you have it's because all the love is blind your friends are your family they being black that's why you gotta get other people to look at the person and talk to the person and being Alaska so what you think you will speak slower than the slow their stop going on trips alone together stop being so private stop disappearing from your circle you're not married yet anyway I've talked about a long time I think we're gonna do some questions and stuff like this so let's do [Applause] let's go what's the format so I think there are microphones in here I don't know if there any in the hallway or in the overflow rooms with their microphones in here that somebody can come up to and ask a question or give us an area or give a comment I think this is being recorded this is being recorded so to sum is this live streaming - it's on Facebook laughing all right the views expressed as you can see your holiness [Applause] you guys the dating the courtship after possibly dating multiple people would you say that the strategy [Music] oh she seriously we uh [Applause] listen the question is most sincere and I love it because he said deeper than multiple people do you go with you wonder what you mean now here's let me take something that can be very emotionally paying for somebody we've ever relationship with somebody and you believe okay put yourself in this is with you I think it's if observation of somebody who told me how what they need how I want to stay I want you to introduce of me saying yeah girl divorcing him come on he saved I'm saying you gotta you gotta look at you [Applause] you know like why should I live in a marriage relation with somebody whose testimony is this was God's choice and Americans with an awesome be a Christian man I'm playing these are grandbabies afraid I will be another like that just to God [Music] [Applause] you gotta look would you be great question who else is there one what's this West's question to go traffic like to say first [Applause] [Music] absolutely yes see to me courtship is a search it's research this revelation you can turn able to handle what they're talking about okay do the research later yeah be disconnectable see from a security produces ambiguity whenever a relationship between two persons is sexually dis cloudy and we don't know what to do our minds diffuse were feeling convicted we're feeling shame we don't hear the God the same way you know worship except touch people cool water never subside [Applause] listen girls they're lying see she was bit was so much better Mumbai say but you really had sex once a good [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right [Applause] oh no all the disconnected promise collected [Music] [Applause] hey Brandon in the zone and he come together behold how do you how do you do sensation with society has programmed so you know like like every cultural every cultural lie or every everything in culture that it leaves out the whole truth right so people in culture look at you know everybody's having sex right the part of the story that people never post is when they're getting an injection for an STD nobody says that turning circus how about abortion and the emotional child of killing another baby top of unwanted pregnancies or or broken heartedness and emotional emotional disconnection and deep fragmented no button on there when the person you're supposed to be favored to finds out and they wash the windows toxic on and they're hurt and then traumatizing it can't trust you and you gotta rebuild us none of those stories are putting out of the narrative their narrative just looks like we just getting our smash home and it's all good and I'm saying you just got to stay whoa like this there's a lot of pain that people who are unlike you are experiencing and I'm telling you a lot of a wish they could go back to where you are [Music] [Applause] a little cheerleader clean house [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me someone with 90% of the churches already already think usually so [Music] that something's that we've enrolled I'm a polluter on earlier but down before the wrong reason to get up and move like that to another church that's real be just for that reason but if you come from in the church is wrong everybody would be as a woman like sitting there's no fixing you may come in the church in the church okay hey listen if you're a single man [Applause] if you're a single man and I want you to stand up if you can't physically send them you're unmarried I want you stand up please cover your look like this come up here just come here [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's more [Applause] [Applause] me [Applause] [Applause] okay yes yes listen listen see Prudential made the statement the reason why I wanted to change the narrative discusses extreme and she says it ain't no man here no men in the church in 90% of language sent us a weapon and the other 10% of men were any already married I'm saying all these men right here are single men so you saying what I'm saying is you see all all you need is water [Applause] we win [Applause] hold on David Christian dating knock on please keep this up [Applause] would you Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] first place so now marry me the first place and I mean anyway it was the worst mistake come on because I don't need to be damaged many damage response that already happened so what do you say in that situation because what we try to do is we don't want to carry that baggage into a new relationship but we are supposed to take those lessons into the new relationship so you don't make those same mistakes and you know and I've been married before so I'm gonna make that same mistake because I do desire to be married again but I wanna do it that way so how do we walk there batteries but don't make those things so make sure the person you have interested in he's completely singing [Applause] as you might be messed myself a God can restore so don't just say war there was zero spice anyway I am unlived with my wife you know I just believe the plans that God has for our life are good I believe the plan everybody's like that's good and I do believe there's a personal responsibility without made some mistakes that have created the circumstances that I am now in that I need to really it's not just Bible study it's not minimizing them but you may have to go to a counselor and have somebody go into that space how traumatizing really was because you just gave us a quick snapshot of the pain but damage to the children make me have to be go cuz whatever happen is every time you look at your children and how they're hurting it'll remind you of what you did and the shame that you had about the thing you thought you got to heal from all of that your self blame so you're just playing with him right down there they're blaming yourself I'm making the decision that God sometimes kind of make but it's a whole lot in there that you gotta be come out of hole and that could take you a lot of time to do that so if I were you I would be focused on a relationship with another person I'll be focusing on having [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody else maybe yes I how do I continue to keep a man interested once I tell him how I let him know that I'm celibate and so my mother's like don't tell the man you celebrate you know I should live he should know that I feels it in my head I'm like okay he should know by my action of my words and like by the way I am but they move too quick and so that's not sexual yeah you know and asking you questions all that conversation you know like I think if we could bring all the second guys back up here again but I would do is I would say you how powerful that is it is clarified and cuts to the chase so let's say let's say a hundred single men up here right and you say what's your name Tina I'm taking about celibate and I'll have sex on your merit if you have a problem with that that's cool I'm saying [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you were looking for someone to be equally dealt with you when everybody is spiritual you say people are spiritual but they're not really this all in it they're people who agnostic there [Music] [Music] but you know so here's the thing I think of bigger at work there are seven point six billion we would work I think our world is too small and I think there's 7 billion people number first of all there 323 million people in America I'm saying first of all take your mind off the 600 Facebook friends I'm just saying our world is so small that we just we we tended we tend to make big conclusions about a small composite of the world that we've seen and understood it doesn't mean that there's not a lot of spiritualists out there are people who are not really truly following Christ what I was saying there are people who are and I'm saying connect with those networks you wouldn't figure I have now that we didn't have when I got a very visionary but a social never where the internet was to give you access to the world like their groups all over the world that you connect with and so expand your expand your reach you your your connection in your relationships expand your your your your boundaries so that you're not just limited to a a living around people and just know at the end of the day that although you may have multiple options do you know you only want to marry one person so you know I know it's easier for me to not say to say that be discouraged because I'm not I say and I don't want to be insensitive today but I also don't want to be a pessimist about it either like people are we're doing weddings all the time so somebody's like a pastor the church bells like 50 weddings a year just like a wedding every week [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you [Music] [Music] [Applause] it is the pursue you know the numbers are not like you know they dominate the women dominate but I can how many brothers and that's just kind of like the question [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I think they had to find a way to get more men to participate in something like this this is not necessarily you know you can use for vacances waited there may have to be some kind of different setup or a different time but I disagree they're not eating it and I believe someone looking for the way really are looking at this [Music] [Applause] so I don't go here so my church is predominantly like 50 and whatever okay or sarong okay I'm female I should not pursue if you work for us to online thing as a Christian because I'm being real I've been o Christian mingle new brothers and yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this person or something so if you had a church because you know I think the good thing is one of the cats probably has all his debts paid [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you are you are in a strategic location how do you think about dating I mean but you know what everything has probably people say somebody there they go man to church they didn't wanna live they didn't need us [Music] there is something good and bad about everything you know I'm just you know you want to cancel that as an option because years and experiences then it's like people who don't want to go to social media because they say this is evil like it's a good or socially you know a lot of advertisement for this event or socially I think that's a good thing officer for 31 years I guess I don't know enough about that to answer that all right mr. Michael Russell just go me Oh success in a whole language we're done okay [Music] [Music] mr. Kameda sir give it up for Josh intuitive [Applause] and we don't wanna we don't want to close tonight service out please don't run out at least if you don't lie to our support get some great tools I got some great relationship stuff that I teach that I didn't teach tonight but will be helpful for you for single DVDs and CDs all kinds of stuff that will help you along your journey on that you strive for something when you I wouldn't give it to you what good and helpful so please stop on a table if you picked it up we don't want to close this service out without giving somebody a chance to get right with God to align their lives with him maybe somebody here tonight is felt a void and say I just don't feel like I'm connected to God the way I should be and I said I'm gonna be honest about that and I love prayer so I can get connected to God and know that I have a relationship with him I don't want to leave you like being around all these people who love God I'm feel close to a little but I feel either and maybe a hand relation with God but I don't want to strain you or maybe I thought I didn't I never did maybe somebody could help me and give me some clarity with that if you feel like you have a spear beat like that in a moment of mass you can just take a step of faith and come to the front and we're gonna preach to disappoint you and maybe you're here tonight and it's two other things maybe you're here and you say I think I'm okay with God spiritually but I would really like to join this church I like to join the first no I'll be good I want to start that relationship tonight you can you can connect tonight with the church you want to do that we want to make sure you have that opportunity so if you have a special needs saying I need clarity and we're staying with God I get to say go out I want to be sure I'm gonna be closer to this mess if I had to pray with you I'll become a Potter's church any one of those things just come to the front right now we want to pray for you just test somebody next to you just say excuse me neither excuse me just Park being mostly from Maryland for a necessity for unskilled you need to go with me they don't give such as you might be at one of the overflow rooms when it's to overflow rooms will wait for you can come over here it's an estimator you talking to me tonight I need I just need a closer walk with God I need a closer walk without I'll need to know God I have relationship with ever that's you come over we we just want to pray with you enjoy our faith with you since you have things you desire there's somebody here today [Music] anybody else it was like that's me that's me tonight but maybe there's a lady here tonight just looking to hit missing [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's going to multiple anybody else before we bring about the breakdown of the closest service out of frame do you say I need special bring I don't just beat the general joining pastor I need special burger in my life without feeling a little facing how do I got to know I need and I want to be clear about it if su [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ladies [Music] [Applause] right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm really gonna pray over sometime [Music] all right y'all ready if your hands are free just lift them up to the Lord they're free father I thank you for this opportunity and that's up these men and women to you who've come with their hearts open for your touch you're here your power your blessing I pray for every need that they have in their life financially spiritually emotionally some may need a medical miracle somebody's mother is sick somebody's in medical trouble right now and they're concerned the hospital turnout would you show yourself mighty and show yourself strong but their bad would you give healing and even if you don't give healing would you give a peace that surpasses all understanding there won't trumpet eyes us and have us tossing and turning all night we trust you God no matter how it turns out we trust you I pray for our spiritual relationship I pray for renewal of squizzle lives around this ultimate I pray for those who didn't come forward or sad that you were touched there right where they are and minister to their lives I pray for marriages that are represented in this room and people-watch gonna give miracles God as only you can bring us closer together give us Maris's than a full of dating and dreaming and the cycling and discovery there are fun-loving and solid and firm and secure gives singles discernment to know who's really full man who's just tolerating me I want to be celebrated not tolerated suck and blow their eyes with the kind of blessings you send their way and we thank you in advance now in Jesus name brother Whipple point I need to pull a couple you guys go so anybody who ever wants to receive a relation kiss relations gonna receive some I see everybody safe we had a full same alter a mental peace to keep [Applause] listen before we move out of here pastor and
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 16,694
Rating: 4.9106698 out of 5
Keywords: relationships, marriage, singles, love, sermon, teaching, jesus, fbcg, zion church, Pastor Keith Battle, Pastor Battle, Keith Battle, dating, courting, chivalry, adam & eve, biblical, God, Bible, relationship talk
Id: Qs9eVbRT2wQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 36sec (5856 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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