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regarde in assist chapter 2 I brought some tools I don't have products I have tools I have things that I think will help you in your journey with the Lord how to know God's will for your life as a DVD that I think is very important because people just sometimes I've referred about what's next what am I supposed to be doing with my life and I have a message called hash tag goals the way I do my life schedule my life and 90 day increments there are four seasons in every calendar year therefore really 89 day periods and if you set your life up you don't have to try to accomplish your dream overnight you can set goals that move you in the direction of your dreams and and you take steps towards your dreams and I talked about that in this DVD and there are other tools out there you can get that I pray will be of help to you Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 says didn't the Lord God this new living translation formed a man from the dust of the ground he breathed the breath of life into a demands and nostrils and the man became a living person my subjective day is once upon a time in Eden yeah it's got the same reaction all day don't know don't service there's nothing special about the subject I had to call it something so that's what I'm calling it I really just want to talk to you about relationships today and have a conversation about relationships as as it unfolds out of this passage in Genesis chapter 2 I pray that these things might be life-giving I thought it's interesting that in verse 7 of Genesis 2 that the Bible says the Lord God formed Adam out of the ground made him from dust then it says then he breathed into him the breath of life and the man became a living person so life came after where God filled him with he was formed before he was filled and and and and and what formed him allowed him to be but what filled him allowed him to live and I say that to every single person in here if you're looking for a relationship don't get distracted by how they're formed and miss what they're full of you're looking at breasts in but but you better be looking at you better figure out what's in her and what's in him you're looking at abdominals but do they have ambition you're looking at their hair flow and texture but do they have character we like form because we like the way people dress and that's cool you win the fashion contest and all of that but what's on you will be in our closet but what's in you I'm I have to live with that's why when you're in a relationship with people you got to get past it yeah you find your left then let's talk keep talking so I can see what's in you because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak and if I ask the right questions I can I can have a revelation of who you are internally that's very important verse eight says God took this man whom he formed and he filled and then he put him into a fruitful environment he placed him into the Garden of Eden that's where he planted Adam into the Garden of Eden that is a fruitful place he's a field man he's a form man and he's in a fruitful environment God delivered me from anything that ain't fruitful I want to be in an environment where people are growing and things are growing because anything that's not growing is withering and dying he takes this form man and he's in the garden that's where he lives that's his residence God gave him a residence then in verse 15 God placed him over the garden placed him in the garden to tend it and to watch over it so we can discover very quickly in this chapter that Adam has a relationship with God God's life is in him he has he has a place to live in the Garden of Eden and he also has a job he had all that before he got his wife he's got a relationship with God he's got his own place he's got a job he's got a purpose he's got an assignment he's got responsibilities he's also got boundaries in his life God told him in verses 16 and 17 that every tree in the Garden of Eden you may freely eat except the tree that's in the wrist of the garden you may not eat of that tree and the day you eat of it you shall surely die and he never died before he got married which tells me he obeyed that word so now I just have a relationship with God he's got a relationship with God's Word and he's obedient and where in fact I don't know how long Adam was single because we read everything to happen in the chapter it looks like all this happened really quickly I don't know how long he was single but I know he didn't disobey God - he got married it is important in fact God God has so much confidence in Adam that God because Eve didn't have a biological father God himself walked her down the aisle and presented her to Adam and says he's ready he's got a job he has a relationship with me he's not just formed he's filled he's fruitful he has his purpose he has a place to live he ain't living at his parents house where he didn't have any parents but he had a place he can take care of you and I give my blessing to this union every woman needs a man who has authority in your life to approve of the man who wants to move into a position of authority in your life somebody that's going to evaluate him not just based on the surface but based on substance can you cover her can you take care of her will you provide for her and the reason why Adam was ready for Eve is because Adam was raised by his father God one of the reasons why we don't have enough Adams ready for their Eve's today is because we got too many men who've been raised by women and that's not an indictment that's just a fact the problem is when a woman is overly engaged in her son's life in particular he becomes a mama's boy and that's cute when he's little but it disables him when he becomes a man so much so didn't out he doesn't know how to relate in certain things with a level of responsibility and care because he tends to relate even to men like his mother did let me back out of that because he gets his cues from his mother and he gets so much protection from his mother he gets to me he gets raised and so he doesn't know how to balance his checkbook he's irresponsible with money he'd rather go shopping to pay child support he's elusive he's irresponsible when he was a child his mother didn't make him stay committed to stuff if he cried she pulled him out but his father let him sit there and cry and get tough that's why you got to step back if your mother and let the men in his life develop him because a man you got to have a real man show a boy how to be a man because we employ the soft stuff he's gonna stay on the same team we're the same coach and he's gonna do the sprints and we all carry throw-up on the field where his mother went to rescue him pay his cellphone form go to Britt go pay all his bills for until his job application out for him you do his laundry form that's why he'll never be independent and never be responsible and some Eve is waiting on you to back up and let them become a man so that she'll have somebody she can depend on okay okay okay I can leave that alone let me leave that alone [Music] one of the challenges in this generation is that we have a generation of people in the Millennial category who have been disabled by our enablement and so there's a generation who grinded and suffered and pressed and dug to make it and to move and to excel and to graduate all we had to go through and so our children's strength is their strength is our struggle our struggle became their strength they're not strong because they struggled this wrong because we struggled but that's why many of them are still in their 30s living at home because we haven't prepared them to launch so they don't have an enable meant to be prepared to be responsible and the way you make shows are responsible if you is you withdraw support you've got to let them struggle a little bit so they get strong stop bailing them out stop paying for everything stop filling out everything let them struggle anyway I'm back to this story back to Eden let me just think eat and stay out of your business here in Eden Adam experiences this mystery called marriage that is a mystery marriage is a mystery that's what Paul called it that's probably why he didn't stay married he said it's a mystery you'll get that later so here's the mystery of it Adam was watching God in verse 9 developed trees out of the ground then in verse 19 he watches God create animals out of the ground then something happens Adam experiences something he'd never experienced called a nap he wakes up and sees somebody he's never seen something he's never seen him which is a woman and that he he wakes up and he becomes something he's never been which is a husband that's quick that nap was everything when that man went to sleep he was single he woke up he was married maybe you should try that instead of going online to dating calm just go take a nap maybe you wake up tomorrow be there [Applause] so when God created the vegetation he went in the ground and when he created animals he went in the ground and when he created Adam he went in the ground but when he created Eve he didn't go in the ground he went in at him she and even come from the same place I believe because he was supposed to have dominion over everything in the ground when the trees came out the ground he came out the ground he supposed to have to me you know vegetation he supposed to have dominion over the animals he supposed to have dominion over himself maybe evening coming from the ground because God knew he wouldn't go had no dominion over her SHANY income for beer don't even try to don't even try to run her I'm only serious so I'm sure when Adam woke up he's sore because he had to be cut open and something was taken from him I had a friend let me tell you quick job when I was in Bible College that had a friend this is just a joke y'all this is just a joke this is a white friend of mine he was cool this is joke blacklivesmatter they're really good we go a white friend named Shane was messing with me an Old Testament survey class and get out she she was born out falling asleep in class and so he elbowed me and say he said man I knew I knew Adam wasn't black I said what'd you tell my man is clear that Adam was black he had to be black he came from dirt and the Garden of Eden was in Africa it is it is etymologically Jill geographically clear that the Garden of Eden was somewhere in Africa he had to be black he says man away he was black I said well you telling me he said you know God couldn't got a rib from a black man it's just a joke black lives matter power to the people so God takes this rear from Adam and with the rib he makes his wife now Adam is missing something but what he's missing is in front of him you know when you met the right one because they got what you're missing you complete me we click that's why people new chin are attracted to people who are opposite of him you're outgoing I'm a homebody you're introverted I'm extroverted you like to spin I like to save you want to fly first class I want to take the minivan save money you like the winners I like the summers you change jobs every three years I worked the same pace 35 years you understand saying your differences are not to compete with each other it's to complete each of them now as you get older as you get older people don't want to be people get old want to marry somebody just like them they don't want no dirt I got to have a difference you like check us I like checkers you like that TV show that's one of my favorites you go to bed at night me too I won't be up all night people keep me up making a bug noise I like going bend down to put my CPAP machine on have my shorts off flip-flops t-shirt all throw up that's what I do people they don't want anything different that's what we want but now look at this look at this mystery this mystery of marriage part of the mystery of marriage is where they're from look at somebody say were you from are you from where you from Adam is from the ground Eve is from the rear I'm from famine Heights I'm not that's not where I was born where you were born and where you from not the same always I was born in Colombia Hospital for Women in Washington DC that place doesn't even exist anymore as condos that's not where I'm from that's where I was born where I'm from where I spent all of my life to the day I got married was in Addison Chapel Apartments 1507 elkwood Lane apartment number 301 right off the Addison Road right by the one to be a place Addison Chapel departments that's where I live all of my life has been shaped by that community my style my vernacular what I like what I'm impressed by where I'm afraid of who I cheer for which by the way I don't know how you can be from here and be a Dallas Cowboy fan I don't understand where are you from you know say so so so I understand the dysfunction and sense it's fun anyway anyway Vickie is from New York [Applause] she grew up in Hempstead Long Island Vickie grew up in a and she had white neighbors I mean real white people live around I ain't never seen no white people to this day in my apartment complex there was nothing white around it it was a good humor truck they used the company that was as white as we got her family her her parents have been married 55 years my mother and father had five marriages between them that's where I'm from yes they were saying her father worked 37 years in the school district in the Bronx as an administrator and a schoolteacher and he retired my father has been in algebra no always like he liked working for people I don't either I don't like working for people I just got to be my own boss that's where we're from she has no brothers or sisters I have no sisters only one brother and we fought a lot she don't even know what it's like to fight when Vicki's family gets in the car they can drive from North Carolina to New York with very little conversation and it's nothing wrong in the cop they might say y'all want to crack a burl you want pancake house you know that's simple but the rest of town everybody's quiet every now and then maybe Ariana have somebody say something but not really let me tell you something where my family gets in the car if it's silent for ten minutes somebody about to get stabbed in the car they her family they think before they speak we think while we're talking we like let me let me tell you well deliveries no let me figure this out that's how we are did when she had she when we got married she was asking me am i coming to the table for dinner I'm like we didn't sit at the table he dinner my mother would cook then it was a free fall you just win the kitchen made a plate they sit around and have conversations do you understand where we from most of the tension in relationships has to do with the origin like like you haven't you keep asking the person where you headed and what's your vision what's your mission what's your ambition that's important but if you don't find out where they're from you will scratch your head in frustration over and over again because when I'm funk has determined my philosophy my construct my values Hartree women when I think about education all of that is formed in shape by where I'm from Adam and Eve are from two different places verse seven says Adam is from the ground verse 22 says Eve is from the real Adam is from the ground he we as men were created out of the ground that means we're earthy were worldly we out in the nature Eve on the other hand is from the rear she came out of man that's why women are more relationally in tune than men because you were born you were created relational your etymological creation you came out of relationship we came from we from them streets we all known about no relationship we have no clue where there's dysfunction in this connection so so so and atoms from the ground manner from the ground that's why we that's why you'll never see a man cave upstairs we like it in the basement a man won't even buy a house if we don't have bet he's looking around house we have a den we have an extended kitchen we have this and before we got a fireplace of it man won't know whether y'all got a basement no basement Queen buying this we got to have a basement and we don't want y'all down there because now we are from [Applause] you're from the rear Adams from the ground if you look at what Adams from and Genesis 2 7 and 8 and 9 Adam is from the ground that South the Bible says he was placed east in Eden so Adam is from the ground net South he's in the east part of Eden Adam is really from southeast that's where Adam is from from Southie Eve from Uptown this won't be a situation right there Eve is from the rib she is she is created out of a place that is covered the ribs are covered even when you're naked the ribs are covered because a woman was created from a covered place there was something and every woman that longs to be covered am i safe here did you have me covered have you taken me into consideration is there a place for me am I gonna have to ride in the fifth car with the grand key is or am I gonna be up there with you where I belong am I covered have you taken me into consideration am i covering y'all gonna help me in a minute am I covered I don't care how much women's rights and women's liberation will push you into this face I'm telling you every woman has a desire her to be covered covered covered is this house we're in covered is this car I'm driving covered if something happens to these children are we covered if something happens to you when you die am I covered did you take care of that did you love me to death and my covered that's why it's easier to sell insurance to a woman than it is to a man because insurance is all about coverage coverage am I covered and my cover that's why a woman always has an umbrella in her car I don't have an umbrella in my car a woman ain't gonna be covert umbrellas not in her car because she never knows when it might rain she's got to make sure cuz this hair cannot survive if I'm not coming that's why I night she wears that stuff all on her head and got it all wrapped up like a slave because she's got to be covered I'm trying to teach her stuff every lady who say I gotta be covered I wanna know do you have me covered will you cover me when I make a mistake or will you put me out there and expose me will you do me like Adam did Eve when she made the mistake see when Adam was confronted about his sin instead of him owning it he blamed me for it that's not covering will you step up and do what Adam should have done when God confronted him Adam should have said hey God that's on me I was dead a whole time watching her talk to the snake I should have stepped in and stepped into my rightful position and defended her and interrupted the conversation but I left her on her own that's covering right there can I tell you about a woman that I don't have comfort with because she's nice to you but she's leaning to me will you cover me about that situation over you put me out there say you know she petty like that let me let me do something let me do some let me demonstrate something let me get two guys over here here you go two guys and two ladies can we do that please or two like any two ladies any two guys I feel demonstrative glory to God let me do this I want to show you something I want you to be God I want you to be you be Satan no no no I need a new couple can you be Satan you'd be saved y'all married no your Eve you're engaged to him yeah look at here this is real right here so so so your II he's Adam right I want you to see something see where you from controls the order of God in your house when you look at Genesis chapter 3 when the enemy came in the form of a serpent and tricked Eve in Genesis 3 I know we don't have a scripture because I'd ask for the key to the temptation is a matter of order somebody say order when God spoke his word he spoke it to Adam Genesis 2 don't touch that tree right here's what you can do don't do that God spoke his word to Adam when the serpent came the serpent spoke to Eve don't miss this the key to the temptation is to get stuff out of order see see see the serpent knew not to talk to him cuz he knew what God said she's basing her knowledge of what God said or what he taught her y'all ain't ready for this that's why she added stuff to it cuz she didn't go to Bible study he did he was right there so now that the serpent is talking to her with nothing's out of order because she's been created to see one of the gifts of a woman is because she was created internally she has insight she has insight he has foresight he watched the ground so he understands seed time and harvest so a man has foresight that's why we can be providers because we see things before they're needed provision pro vision before vision that's why we provide we work with our hands and we provide she has her strength of vision is in sight if she's behind you she's connected to you she can see things you cannot see so she can discern things that you can't discern you're not built for it she has vision that we don't have so she can pick up stuff in the room she can tell that a woman smiled at you inappropriately he said I know what she meant by that right you just say Oh get out of here we went to fourth grade together but she knows it behind the smile was a was it was a message oh I'm not talking to it here y'all understand what I'm saying now watch this Plus this because the serpent is talking to her Eve is now out of position Adam is out of position because verse verse six says he was standing right there he is watching the serpent talk te right step aside for a second so the chakras having the conversation with Eve so now instead of being his eyes now she's being his mouthpiece which means it's out of order it can't go right now because now she's speaking to the devil because go to verse 6 it says it says the serpent asked Eve has because God said to you and what she should have done was it says let me refer you to my husband I defer to my husband so he can handle this because but because he's out of position he can't be what he's supposed to be because he didn't have her in sight he can't see what she sees if she was back here and the serpent was talking to him she would be like boo let me tell you lead that devil alone he ain't right he ain't right but because she's not what she's supposed to be she can't do what she's supposed to do because the end of y'all are you ready for this today silly good God some of y'all this is what's wrong in your house you won't respect your man enough to leave but I'm telling you if you out in front it's out of order you were created to see you can't see and speak at the same time we're in trouble we're in trouble we're in trouble we're in trouble the enemy is having a conversation with you about something he had a conversation with God about and he's out of position he should have said excuse me but you didn't talk to me about this you haven't say I'm saying y'all go back to sit down let me go back to the past don't get too far for now somebody say where you from Adams from the ground Eve is from the rear it impacts their reproductive system because Adam is from the ground he works the ground the ground is his job he's a seed planter when it comes to reproduction men carry something called zerah is seed we sow seed the woman is from inside she's a she's from the rib the woman receives seed she's a man with a wound she's a womb man and if a woman receives see from her man she doesn't give him seed back she'll give him a baby because whatever you sow into a woman she'll give it back to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over that's why if you don't like what's coming out of your woman you got to look at what you putting into her [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you put love and support and sacrifice and care and praise in a woman she'll glow and represent you well wherever she goes but you stop disrespecting her and put your hands on her and talking to her negative I have not seen hell knows no fury like a woman scorned because somebody say were you from atoms from the ground Eve from the rear atoms from the ground His function his responsibility is to is to provide he works his hand he's a provider there's no biblical command in the scriptures for a woman to have a job outside of her home the only biblical command for a woman in the Bible command is for a woman to care for a home and their children that's and her love her husband that's Bible if she has a job she has an enterprise like the woman in Proverbs 31 it should be supplementary but there are many commands in the Bible for a man to provide for his family in fact it says if a man that provide for his family he's worse than an unbeliever it says if a man doesn't work he's not supposed to eat God's welfare-to-work program is that every unemployed man should be on a fast that's the best the Bible so Adams job is to provide Eve's job is as a rib the rib the rib cages provides support our backs our upper chest our upper abdomen even our lower abdomen all of that is hanging on the precipice of our rib cage if you take people's rib cages out everything will collapse up here what I'm saying is ladies you were built to support you were built the support you should be your husband's biggest cheerleader your words matter more than anybody else you should have pom-poms saying go Rallo go Rallo yeah do it you should work sometimes form those trust me there's a lady named Keisha at work that will do it if you want one of the blessings that I have of their passage Incas has afforded me to do is to help we're doing chapels for the Washington Wizards and one of the things that I noticed is that a lot of super star basketball players don't want to play for the DC team because the fan base is so fickle like you can get booed at it's your home game as a home player if you play for the wizards because the fan base is so fickle so those people don't want to play it and even though they're the millionaire players and they should ignore it but they're young and what our discovered is is that a lot of star players don't want to play for a team when they get booed at home when they get booed at home they want to get traded to another team I said when they get booed at home they want to get traded to another team [Applause] sometimes your silence and your complaining is like booing I like you can you have the power to build a man up you can put Breathitt that their intercostal muscles in the in the ribcage help with X exhaling and inhaling you can control you can you can put breath into your man and you can knock the wind out of them you have that kind of power you can be the wind believe his wings or you can knock the wind out of his sails you had that kind of power with your ability to support that's why in the world of boxing in the world of boxing when two boxers in the ring they trying to kill each other for three minutes they got three minutes to fight and they hitting each other in the ribs in their face and ears and nose and blood and all that and going on and then when the person is getting beat up is most happy when they hit that thing going that means they got ten seconds left man if I could just hold on for ten more seconds but this man kills me then the bell rings and they get to go to their corner their four corners in the boxing ring they're to neutral corners and they're to specific corners for each box when you go to your corner it's red or blue you're there's a stool waiting for you you sit down on the stool and then there's somebody behind you in your ear telling you you're gonna be all right and they give you some water and they put something on your cuts and they put ice on your face to knock down the swelling and they put vaseline on your face and then there's somebody in front of you saying you can do this champ stick it move keep your hands up they call your champion one-nothing either used to check you check he's getting tired you can do this and for 60 seconds they encourage you to go back into the ring and fight another round and you did when you first came out he's like I don't want to do this no more but in those 60 seconds you got enough encouragement in your corner to go back out and fight again when I'm telling you ladies every man is in a fight every day of his life we're fighting injustice we're fighting racism we're fighting my opportunities we're fighting the odds are against us I'm saying when the fight is over I want to come home to my corner and guess daggone support is there a chair there for me it's somebody rubbing my shoulders tell you to chip you can do this again I can't fight out here and fight in my corner you gonna make me go to another corner you know what another corner is this happy hour men hate his job for eight hours hate going home only how he happiest when he getting drunk got to get drunk to go home to deal with the lack of support let me wrap this up I got to do this okay your angle dude you've seen it all day who else in here is engaged who's engaged getting better and you both here bride and groom to be here come on up here come on up here I want y'all if y'all come in I want y'all to do something and I'm out let me do this and I'ma leave y'all alone look at them they so nice so nice I love it I love it I love it tell them can y'all come here can you come here get you right here yeah yeah yeah y'all do to you and her can you come up here sir you good take your time take your time you're gonna be good up here just come stand right here stand right here you're good don't take don't go to further take your time all right I want you to stand right here in between these going rap they represent your parents you come over here you ain't married yet stand right here can you face turn turn towards me and once you turn towards him this guy's asking for your daughter in marriage I'm sure you've already evaluated him because he's trying to take your name off your name is Tate what's your name Oh Howard he brought to take your name off for her well hyphenated that's insulting Tate Howard ot gonna be gone somebody has to say it devours who gives this woman to be married marriage is a gift of a woman to a man that's a gift she's your gift it's not just a gift but it's also a taking because it's a Bible that the vows also say do you take her to be your lawfully in that wedded wife that that taking is not the gift part is the responsibility part will you take responsibility for her because now you're gonna take his name off what you're telling him is is that I got it from here his name got her to this point got her through school got her her first call and anybody drop your name and what you're saying is I may not be able to provide right away on your level I'm not sure Asia but I'll have your heart she'll be just as safe with me as she was at you you ready to do that I'm gonna marry y'all right now I take you know that means I got you I got you I got you you know what every woman wants she wants to be able to be as Genesis 2:25 says they were both naked and not ashamed that means there was nothing to hide total transparency you know she wants to know can I tell you everything that I've been hiding and you still love me can I tell you what they did to me as a child that I haven't told anybody and you still love me can I let you know my secrets and you're not use it against me can I finally rest secure in somebody who will accept me weaknesses and all when I'm acting crazy when I have PMS pretty mean system do it all do you still have her till I got you I got you for better or for worse I got you in sickness and in health I got you for richer or for poorer I got you no matter what comes I don't got you now and then when somebody else comes along that looks better or does me better excuse me nice I got them no I got you forever because if you got a plan B leave her alone right now I got you I got you the other Sam Sam I got you all right make a decision I've made a decision for you when I made a decision that means I've brought an end to everything else decision means I've decided to choose you everybody else got to be cut off if I got to change my number no ex-girlfriends still have access to me no old flame still has access to me I'll block them I'll unfriend them you can that you can trust me you can check my phone at any time no secret Pascoe's no no secrecy you got me I'm fully yours I'm committed to you I got you are you with me no matter what I got you I got you if we grow old and we have to stand over your parents grave and bury them I still got you I got you if we have to spend holidays visiting our own children in prison I got you I got you if you get so sick you can't walk and I got to push you around in a wheelchair I still got you I got you something starts happening in your mind and you forget who you are and you don't even know my name I still got you for better or for worse in sickness and in health no matter what happens I got you I got you at that attack and they have to cut your breasts off to save your life I got you cuz your fall is not more important than my commitment to you I got you for better or for worse forever I got you and I will never leave you I'll never forsake you I've got you and if you don't mean that don't mess with her that's what we need now that's how you should do it when I got you and it's wherever you go let me see you can't get out of line it's still death I told my wife Vicky I said I got you it don't matter what happens my wife has MS that's public and I'll she has MS sometimes she has an exacerbation and can't move on one side I don't care I'll bring her food to the bed and feed her a washer if I have to I got you you ain't got to worry about it come hell or high water I don't care what happened I got you I love you always till I can't tell I don't even know myself I love you and nothing will come between you and me I love you always always always you gotta have that kind of love that you post about it the object posting about the Redskins you posted about the Cowboys I post about her so that the devil the who cheese everybody else will know that I am in love with her and I'm committed to her she Solomon's wife says his banner over me was love it's like he paraded his love down the street for his right wife you got to do that for your spouse that way they have confidence I'm done I'm done this are we gonna close it listen you've been a good church today I believe if you're going to have a great marriage you need to be married to Jesus I think that's very important so here's what I'm going to ask you to do for those of you who already stayed late you already know how to 1 12 o'clock service goals I'm going to ask you to not be so concerned about leaving the sanctuary if you don't have to because somebody may want to make Jesus their spouse today that's biblical we are the Bride of Christ and Jesus proposed to us in blood you don't have to wonder if he'll die for you he already did I already did I'd die for you before you even acknowledge me jesus said and if you have a love relationship with him it'll help you in your love relationships it's critical it's critical as we all stand if you're here today and you're saying I need that relationship I want a relationship with the Lord I don't have it and I want it today I'm gonna invite you to come down to the front there people here who will counsel you and help you make that decision and help you with that process then maybe you're hearing you're already you already have relationship with Jesus but you don't have a church home and you want this to be your church home so yeah I want to join this church I want to be an official member of this church whatever it takes you come on now wherever you are I want a relationship with Jesus I want a relationship with this church [Applause] maybe you're here today you're saying man I just need to read commit my life to Christ I want to recommit my marriage to the Lord I want to recommend myself as huh even if my spouse is not here I need to recommend myself to my covenant into God and to my spouse I want to do that today publicly maybe that's you I want to just rededicate my life to look I'm not even married but I want to rededicate my life to the Lord today you can come on praise God finally if you're here you saying hey I don't know if I'm saving that I'm not really sure but I need I'm not gonna confuse about it I want a certainty if that's you you can come so you want to start a relationship with the lawyer you want to accept Christ as your Savior you want you want to become a part of this church you want to recommit your life to the Lord or you just want to be sure where you stand with God come on now come on now amen amen you
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 12,406
Rating: 4.9347825 out of 5
Keywords: DMV, FBCG, Pastor Battle, Keith Battle, Love, Relationships, marriage, divorce, God, Jesus, church, sermon, christian church, bible, adam and eve, teaching, I Got You
Id: eaVxk4hgOrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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