I Think I'm Pregnant

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shout out everybody joining us online thankful to God for our connection through the internet it enables us to connect in this way wherever you are in the country of the world right now welcome welcome to this Mother's Day experience and so some of you said you would say something to your mother and I'm saying if she's here tell her if you still can get to her tell her it's okay to go to a cemetery and talk to the last pace place you later but it's but if you still got time some things are worth saying sometimes it's worth being Mabel to go into a difficult space even to a space where love won't be reciprocated or you might fear an argument or judgement you say the right thing even without expecting to hear the right thing sometimes you do was right because it's right yeah and thank you is always right you can always find something to thank somebody for even if they disappointed you or let you down you can always find something to thank somebody for I'm in Luke chapter one I'm gonna begin reading the verse 26 what's up to everybody joining us from the DC jail god bless all of you and we're grateful for this opportunity to share with you guys and ladies right now verse 26 of Luke chapter 1 from the New Living Translation says in the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth a village in Galilee to a virgin named Mary everybody say Mary she was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph a descendant of King David Gabriel verse 28 appeared to her and say greetings favored one the Lord is with you confused and disturbed Mary tried to think what the angel could mean don't be afraid Mary - angel told her for you have found favor with God you will conceive and give birth to a son and you will name him Jesus he will be very great and will be called the son of the Most High the Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David and he will reign over Israel forever his kingdom will never end Mary asks the angel but how can this happen I am a virgin the angel replied the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the baby to be born will be holy and he will be called the Son of God what's more your relative Elizabeth has become pregnant in her old age just elbows somebody say we still got time I'm guys time and opportunity uh people used to say she was barren but she has conceived a son and is now in her six months can you imagine being eighty and six months pregnant that's what's going on here I think that'd be a wonderful birthday gift Bobby for nothing is impossible with God I'm all in the book God is speaking to somebody on your road verse 38 Mary responded I am The Lord's servant made everything you saying about me comes true and then the angel left her verse 39 a few days later Mary hurried down hurry to the hill country of Judea to the town where Zachariah live she entered the house and greeted Elizabeth at the sound of Mary's greeting the best child leap within her and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit Elizabeth gave a clay a glad cry and exclaimed to Mary God has blessed you above all women and your child is blessed why am I so honored that the mother of my lord should visit me when I heard your greeting the baby in my womb jumped for joy you are blessed because you believe that the Lord would do what he said that's interesting Elizabeth was carrying John she's six months pregnant eighty years old and when Jesus's mother shows up at the door carrying Jesus the baby jumped the baby ain't him here yet but in the presence of Jesus jump for joy how do we get so lackadaisical in his presence and verse 45 again says you are blessed because you believe that the Lord would do what he said my subjective day is I think I'm pregnant so there's several guys in here I need to tell you that this has all been planned that I've been told to tell you what the lady next to you has been waiting to surprise you with she's expecting so if you look at her right now she's smiling because that's you it's about ten of y'all so gone and gone and mance they don't even smile at me [Music] I'm only serious my subtitle is Lamaze class when Vicky was pregnant with our children they said something called Lamaze class I don't know if they still have it we haven't had a child in a while anybody ever heard of Lamaze class so let me preface this message by saying I'm not an advocate for Lamaze class I'm not I'm not against it I'm not protesting them or supporting them I'm just a preacher's trying to come up with a little cute title that's all I don't know that you can't sing them about women boy you say something about women or men you I went in the bathroom we went out to dinner with a couple other day last week and when the bathroom and the men and women went into the same bathroom I'm like things has changed that's I decided I ain't had to go no more when he walks I mean there were doors close but everybody in the same areas like this is the world we so I don't know if Lamaze is something politically incorrect I don't know the women's movement is grave right don't write me no email huh I'm not an ob/gyn I'm not a doctor I'm not a woman I'm just a preacher who's trying to figure out how to preacher the same people 19 years and come up with something different to say a year I'm just trying making this up a mission let me go on do my little sermon don't email me about that now my understanding of Lamaze is is that it focuses on helping women prepare women how to how to manage childbirth how to how to turn pain into productive labor and techniques involved in what they intend to be natural trial birth that's that's so I'm gonna get to that in a moment first I want to walk through this passage a bit and because because the Bible says that Eve the first mother her name Eve means the mother of all living things which lets me know that if you if you if you have the capacity to be the mother of all living things that giving birth to children is not the only thing you can give birth to and if you can give birth to more than just children then it means that not just women can give birth in fact I believe it's a tragedy if you spend your whole life on this earth and never give birth to something that you will leave behind to me that is a life that is self consumed and self centered that you would have lived your whole life and have never delivered anything that will be here when you leave think about that that God is a fertile god and he's looking for places he can plant his dreams and visions and how he can change the world but he's always gonna do it through people he's looking for people to whom he can show himself strong people who just aren't about themselves so so as we look at this whole subjective day I'm not just talking to mothers I'm talking about everybody who thinks they're pregnant was something that they're supposed to deliver there are three phases you're gonna go through in this prenatal stage of delivering something it's the same thing Mary went through in verses 26 to 28 in Luke chapter 1 when the angel comes to her and says Hail Mary you're favored amongst women you're you're you found favor with God it troubled her her first reaction to an idea that she was special she doesn't even know what's about to happen her first reaction is to be startled in troubled your first reaction to when you think God may want to use you to do something is always troubling it's disturbing because it disrupts your normal flow you have to understand when Mary got this announcement she was planning a wedding do you know how important it is for a woman to plan a wedding I'm going through it again we're about to celebrate our 30th 30th vow renewal thank God God let us make it we hope all y'all come to it it's on June 15 one o'clock look I'm saying it's like for a woman to plan a wedding is a big deal Mary is planning to marry Joseph and it's a big deal and in the midst of this it is interrupted by an assignment by the way I'm gonna introduce you to something I'm gonna put some menu that could in the relationship i'ma put some menu that might make him want to kill you because she's gonna be pregnant and he didn't touch her which meant that she was unfaithful and by law she could be stoned to death and the Bible even says when Joseph found out she was pregnant he thought about divorcing her you mean doing what you want me to do can cause me to lose somebody I love woo interrupted the flow I mean God each other so the first thing is there's a reaction is pretty overwhelming like I'm not she didn't say anything I allowed she pondered that she wanted it what does this mean then as he went deeper and says oh you're gonna give birth to the Messiah in verse 31 and 32 and 33 he's gonna be the son of God you're gonna name Jesus he'll be son of the most my god and he will rule over the throne of David and his his kingdom soul shall last forever and and all these wonderful things about him and then she starts his face - but after you go from this perplexed phase of being silent these stars speaking up and saying well I got some I got some limitations how's that supposed to work the howl phase of birthing anything is the most paralyzing phase and her how question really makes sense she said how can I be I'm a virgin I mean I'm not even in heaven I'm not even in a sexual relationship how am I supposed to have a child how remember whenever you stuck at the intersection of what and how how introduces how takes you from your passion to your confusion and whenever you hit how one of the things you need to discover is who who is it that's gonna help me with the house who is it that has my insight on how to do what I don't know how to do but another answer to the word how whenever you have a how question another answer to how is sometimes it's gonna be a miracle to solves it in Mary's case it was a miracle how how am I supposed to get pregnant how am I supposed to deliver the Son of God the Messiah when I'm not even in a sex relationship and God says in verse 35 the Holy Spirit gonna do this it's gonna be a miracle they think about this ladies anybody here ever had a baby think about this you sitting in church you ain't even having sex you're celibate I know that I know that's hard to imagine I'm just saying let's just say for the sake of illustration and the Holy Spirit just come over you and they see you know you pregnant that's pretty deep that's called a miracle now how you gonna explain that though so I said what you doing pregnant with you know Holy Spirit did this to me they taking you right to the hospital negative God will do something in you that don't even make sense that makes you look crazy makes you look foolish she says how he says it's gonna be a miracle see some of you you're how is the answer to your house there's gonna be a miracle I don't even know how I just know what God's gonna do and I know somehow he's gonna work it out because what God will do is who put you in a situation where the dream is so big and the vision is so critical that it's gonna require a mirakl for it to come to pass he's got to open the door he's got to bring in the resources he's got to make away he's got to talk to somebody he's got to give you favor he's got to change somebody's mind he's got to change somebody's attitude he's got to get somebody else on board it's up to him you do your part but some of its gonna be a supernatural pal it's gonna be God intervening then she moves into the third phase cuz cuz with the angel says isn't by the way look at what God did just in case you think I can't do this look at what he did for Elizabeth Elizabeth is old and she's pregnant now watch this Elizabeth is old and she's not supposed to be having kids and you're young so Elizabeth is old and barren you're young and inexperienced so Elizabeth's at a place where people think she can't deliver anything else and you're at a place where people think you're not ready to deliver anything and the difference is is God in both cases can take somebody that people think are done and they can still deliver and somebody thinks that God said the people think they ain't ready and they can deliver because of the god factor and when she heard that the Bible says she says I'm your servant whatever you say let it be done I'm all-in I surrender because I'm your servant servants surrender there is no surrendering without first being a servant the reason why people are surrendered is because you don't see yourself as really a servant when it's really about you and things must meet your expectations and requirements and all of that stuff has got to be lined up the way you do it that's why many of you don't serve God because it doesn't line up the way you want it to so you spend your life waiting on things to be lined up the way you wanted to at working with people you want to work with it can't be anybody to upset you or disrupts you or disturbs you or make sure your skin itch I think you'll leave the church you you know been dissenters already because the mighty defended you but after a while you got to start saying is there something broken in me that makes things have to be perfect for me to serve surrender is the word of a servant she surrenders to it and watch what happens y'all because this happens to us we go from a silent place of you know I don't know what this is about to a place where I'm speaking up my own it's gonna work to a place where we surrender to it now watch what happens when you surrender the Bible says as soon as she surrendered Gabriel left her there's always the leaving when you surrender Gabriel a meme hugger this woman has surrendered to the biggest assignment in human history and he should have said that's my girl I'm so proud of you let me go with you tell Joseph with you so he won't be tall confused and be mad at you he left what do you do when you know God spoke to you and then he leaves you around people who didn't hear what he said what do you do when you have this spiritual moment like like this isn't this is a powerful moment the angel Gabriel has visited her and they having this powerful exchange what are you doing you in church and the spirit is high and the message is right for you you know God is speaking to you because you know that the person is speaking that man or woman on stage speaking doesn't even know you enough to know to even say that so you know is God speaking to you but then we can't stay here what happens we you have to leave the environment that you heard from God in and go into an environment that's totally different than the environment so now you leave here and get in a car not a chariot not a cloud a Honda and go to a house with there people who aren't interested in what you're talking about like how do you take the eternal into the earthly because it's an eternal it's an eternal dream it's an eternal vision it's an eternal thing God wants to bring to you but it must happen in the earthly context and that can blow you away that's why many people don't execute the dream and execute the vision and execute the thing that God put in them because when I'm trust into an environment watch this I'm given a dream but I'm supposed to flesh it out in a very normal and reality based environment do you understand what I'm saying that's not the only leaving that happens there are two leavings it's also interesting to me that God also leaves out the problems that will accompany what you deliver see let me tell you to put the first up again for look at verse 31 so here's the gable Gables telling her what this Suns gonna be like in verse 31 he says you're gonna call him Jesus right you go he's gonna be a saying goes on Jesus cou verse 32 what's gonna happen he's gonna be great very great and we call the son of the Most High he'll be he'll be given the throne of his ancestor David so I see throne I see very great I see Most High look at the next verse verse 33 he'll reign over Israel forever his kingdom will never end look at verse go down to verse 35 listen to all these great things that we hear about him verse 35 the Holy Spirit will come over me and the part of the Most High God the baby will be born will be wholly he'll be called the Son of God all these words that all I hear is son of God son of the Most High holy very great kingdom will never end but what about this what about betrayal what about a disappearance what about death threats what about flogging what about one day you're gonna stand in a hill called Calvary and watch him be brutally murdered God knew all of that and left it out I'm telling you there's some things about your dream that have been left out and the reason why you need to know it so you have to understand you ain't going birth nothing that ain't gonna hurt you now you can sing it ain't gonna hurt you but I'm gonna tell you right now it's gonna hurt you and the reason why you're gonna reason why you got to know that whatever you breasts gonna hurt you if some of you have gotten discouraged because God gave you something you delivered it and it's hurting you so bad you think you miss God but I'm trying to tell you pain has come pain as a part of anything you gonna deliver you can't deliver anything without it hurting you now watch my wife deliver three kids that's why I would never I would never have a kid if I was I never had not one maybe adopt one never never deliver one ever I'm America's son ASA was born I went to school I said watching Bible College in time and then when I went to class he said well hard to go I said there was a lot of bleeding a lot of hollering a lot of screaming but I made it men being it was scrubs passing out like they in like they had a cousin never felt a contraction let me get a paper cut and watch me watch me call in I remember one time when my youngest son Kendall was born she was we were at Holy Cross house but I had a contraction and rose about the bed and yelled and looked at me I just gave Carol Burnett said having a contraction is like taking your bottom lip and pulling it over your head who in their right mind day nothing I want that bad in fact if I had to have a baby if I had to have a baby I would say I'm have put me to sleep wake me up when it's over in fact only one way to wake me up when they graduate I don't want to change those diapers don't want to deal with no dis will be did they graduate good good was it with honors or did they just make it alright wake me up when they get out of cars oh I wanna adopt somebody that graduate school Malati they walk with Jesus that do what they supposed to do I don't want to deal with none that other stuff kids hurt I think ears are you think you're gonna deliver something that don't hurt it's gonna hurt and God left all that out in fact in fact let me let me let me let me go here some let me go into some see on mother's day mother's they could be a very sad and painful time because a lot of people miss their mothers I miss my mother it's a sad time when you can't be around the person that you love but there's even a deeper sadness that Mary can relate to it's one thing to lose your mother but Mary knows what it's like to lose your child what kind of pain is that to lose your child and Mary lost her child multiple times in fact in fact if you really think about it mothering is all about losing you lose from the beginning think about this if you carry a child for 35 36 37 38 39 40 weeks something's been living inside of you and then through paying and pushing her or whether they pull the baby out of you you push it out yourself there is there's a loss there's a look when that baby leaves you though it may be relief there is lost something was living and growing in you foot foot for months it's now gone and some people are depressed about that loss and it is and it not only did Mary lose Jesus delivering him but but she watched him die one day to watch your child die is difficult but she didn't that's not the only time Sheila in Luke chapter 2 she lost him when he was 12 y'all read okay when they were they went to a something called the Feast of Tabernacles they went to the Passover festival I'm sorry the Passover festival and only way back from the Passover festival the Bible says as Mary and Joseph coming home they lost contact with Jesus but they didn't stop and look for him because they assumed he was in the group because it was really a vision village raises children back then you know the whole village neighborhood raised her some of y'all remember that when the village raised shows you remember I mean you get in trouble you can get three beatings a he meant like your neighbors had a chance they had the rest they had permission to beat you and this snitch on you and then you get beat again like that's how it was back then the whole village raised him so so I went until the Bible says they got home and they knew he wasn't there and three days later the Bible says they found him three days later in the temple they had lost Jesus for three days which they had no idea God was preparing them for the doctors three days and their lives when they would lose him in Calvary for three days until he rose again but that was a loss and it was a deep loss because even when they found Jesus and they went to the temple and they can basically confronted him about disobedience Jesus said what you're doing looking for me don't you know I must be about my real father's business and everything changed right then see see this is there any parent in here that knows what it's like to lose a child that ain't even a it okay I got work with y'all I'm saying when you lose control when you lose influence over their life when they stop making their own decisions does anybody know what it's like to lose a child it's one thing to lose a child in a miscarriage or or to lose a child or stillbirth all of it hurts but when you lose a child because they get old enough to make their own choices and they're not doing what you raised them to do and they're not living like you're raised in the live that's a loss sometimes your child is lost and they're still living because they're not living up to your expectations and I'm telling you God knew it when they were having the baby shower and you were sitting under balloons he knew then that you would lose that child that's okay y'all ain't ready for this he knew this why would you give me a towel and should know I'm gonna lose why would you make them all walk with you and follow you and serve I did the best I could to train this child in the right way and they still go where they want to go and live like they want to live and act like they want to live and smoke what they want to smoke and drink what they want to drink and sleep with who they want to sleep with and don't even follow god that's a loss and God knew it it's almost like the first Sun God had natural Sun was Adam and he leaves them in the garden he says don't eat this don't eat that you can eat this you can't eat death you can do this you can't do that and as soon as Adam and Eve cross the line made a decision to disobey God the first thing God says was not a question was not a statement it was a question Adam well I lost them not not geographically where are you I'm looking at you ask you where are you you're where I left you physically but you're not like I left you where we have you gone morally with does anybody understand what it's like see when your children were little like you say the wrong thing you correct them that's not how you say that they could do the wrong thing and you correct them you could go to wrong way you bear up their hands and you don't walk over there you know what go Nessa you know walk on the street without holding my hand you don't walk do that stay away from that you can do that but then they get old and they start walking where they want to walk who understands what I'm talking about it's a law and I had to ask God why would you let that huh why would you let somebody have a child that you know they're gonna lose you know they're gonna lose to the streets you know they're gonna lose to the prison system you're not gonna lose the trust or whatever it is you're not gonna lose it then why would you let them have why would you let them go through that and God says because they're not theirs to start with God said that means your kids to start with us hey not my kids they look like me act like me got my disposition God told me this morning said all you did was have sex you just had sex but you didn't put them together you think just having sex gave him 5 toes and gave her a foot connected to the toes in an ankle connected to the flip and the leg connect it to the ankle and in me connected to the leg and a socket y'all ain't ready for me you you think having sex gave on the nervous system and a cardiovascular system and a respiratory system I gave your child their DNA I gave them their gifts and abilities I gave them their personality I gave him eyes I gave him August all you was doing was having fun then my keys see I wanna set somebody free right now who's feeling bad because you lost a child in miscarriage you lost a child or stillbirth you lost a child to the world or you lost a child at depth I just want to encourage you God knew you were gonna lose and God knew the mistakes you were going to make and I was going to make as a parent when he entrusted him to us and guess what they were never ours to start with at the end of the day you think having sex can produce that a brain you know how long it would take me to make a person it's gonna take people 3 hours a day to make dinner you gonna make a human we can't that's God's child don't you ever forget it God made them children and he knew everything that was gonna happen let me go to this little Lamaze class so I can get you out of here so you can get to was Red Lobster where are you going in the world of LeMans they have six birthing principals their birth practices that they go by and I'm gonna give you all six they can come on the screen ready the first one they say is is let labor begin on his own let labor begin on his own how does that work faster when you're trying to birth a business of a school an idea don't force it don't rush it it's supposed to take 48 40 weeks for a baby to be ready to be birthed I believe if you focus on anything for 40 weeks you should be able to birth it you should be able to launch it 40 weeks to focus for prenatal care making sure it's ready make sure it's ready for launch but if you ever deliver something in 17 weeks it may not make it the problem is we get so excited about where we're trying to give birth to we deliver it too fast and when you deliver something prematurely you maximize its potential to not survive you understand what I'm saying because most people who are trying to bring something to pass or bring something or breath something into the world you're trying to burst something that will serve people and support people and provide care for people the problem is if you burp it too fast it'll need more care than the care you intend for it to provide take your time here's the second thing they say walk move around and change positions throughout labor what the people in Lamaze believe is is that if you can have a contraction don't have consistent contractions in the same position if you sitting down and you got a contraction stand up for the next one walk around move around put your foot up do something move around him how's that working we trying to burst something whenever you're about to deliver or launch something make sure you don't just pay attention to one aspect of it if it's your baby you got to move around you can't just focus on marketing and branding you got to focus on product development you got to focus on customer service you got to pay attention to staff development and building your team and vision casting and the customer experience you got to focus on your web design and hope the logo is gonna look like all of those things it's your baby you can't you can't be ignorant about what's going on with your baby you got to move around you got to move around now when it's when it's when it's developed when it's launched then you focus on your niche and which what value you bring but before before gets here yeah move around when you're in labor in say I'm saying this is not for everybody but the people is for the tracking with me third thing third thing bring a loved one friend or doula for continued support bring a loved one friend or doula for continued support what's that mean you can't deliver anything by yourself look at somebody say you got go half on a baby [Music] you're trying not to talk Joe Lucas of my old and say it yeah go have on a baby even if you are the primary partner in something you're delivering you still need help that's why Mary was blessed to have Elizabeth see what what you got to do if you're gonna be fertile in this life got to be around fertile people I don't want to be around barren people when I'm trying to be productive when I'm trying to do stuff that matters you ever say I'm insane and this is how you know when you got it Elizabeth when you tell them what you're carrying something leaps in them that's how you know you got a doula that's when you know you got Paulo doula with you right see if I tell you what I'm carrying and you don't leap it ain't no big ain't no big deal I just know you ain't medulla I'm looking for medulla I'm looking for somebody who when I tell him the thing in them leaps you gotta have somebody that's excited about what you're trying to deliver who understands what I'm talking about in here you gotta you see our problem is we keep trying to convince somebody that's not even excited they want us to abort they think we already got too many kids as it is y'all understand I'm not just talking natural I'm telling out your dream I'm telling myself you put it in a file I'm telling myself I'm trying to do some of y'all's labor you ain't delivered too fast most people deliver too slow who's your doula who's your Elizabeth who's excited about what you're trying you don't need you need somebody a saint push push push push you don't need a bunch of people but you need somebody who's excited enough to help you push here's number four number four avoid interventions that are not medically necessary the idea behind Lamaze is the goal is to have a natural childbirth so they say don't use unnecessary medical interventions like if the c-section is not necessary don't do it if an epidural is not necessary don't do it if episiotomy is not necessary don't do it we're gonna show you wages you can maneuver and work through the pain because it's supposed to hurt easy for me to saying it but here's what I will say because I burst other things I birthed a church I birthed a couple of books I birthed a business I have been birthing things and here's what I want to tell you so I say what I take from this is beware of shortcuts be we're doing shortcuts because you don't want to go through the pain of the process because anything is going last has to be built well the reason why stuff that lasts because you found something you taught somebody say man I tell you what man go ahead man give me that I'm gonna go around uptown we're gonna stack that rack that and come back and pack it and by Friday we up and run it huh yeah go ahead we'll stack that rack that pack that come back Jack down the street with the crackling round the back and bait we back in we do dinner Friday I'm saying not only are you going to jail but you're building something England laughs shortcuts impact quality it's supposed to hurt things that a built well last long I want to build something for perpetuity I want to write something that's so good that when I'm dead people still reading it I don't want to write something that's just now you're insane next thing number five hey y'all getting anything out of this avoid giving birth on your back and follow your body's urges to push so I read this I was on the way to the Saturday night service nice vicki i said you supposed to give birth on your back and she said actually if you're flat on your back for actually actually from a gravity standpoint the more upright you are the more effective the push is in fact your best position is squatting actually but you shouldn't be flat on your back being flat on your back means you're resting now watch this balance in the Lamaze class they say don't try to deliver on your back put the put the point up again don't and get a void cover up on your back and follow your body's are just to push I see balance there when you and your back you're supposed to be resting but when your body has an urge to push sit up when you're trying to deliver something and give birth to something make sure you're getting rest but when you get an urge to push get up because there's a rhythm that you have in your life and that rhythm cannot be maintained if you're gonna deliver something anything I've delivered I had to deliver it outside of the rhythm of my normal expectations and responsibilities like you can't write a book with your regular rhythm you got it oh good I can't I don't know how to help people that you can't start a car listen because most of the stuff we're trying to deliver we can't quit our jobs to deliver it so you go have to still go to work you still gotta take care of your family responsibilities you're still in school but you got to deliver something so every now and then you're going to get an urge everything you're gonna do to deliver something happens in spurts and bursts you gotta be willing to follow a burst that gets you up at 2:00 in the morning because you can't sleep anyway and work till 4:00 in the morning and still fun because it's now it's spirt time at aint rest time you listen see a lot of people never deliver something because you're not willing to pay the cost of delivering it so you got a great idea but you think it's gonna happen within the rhythm of your regular pace nobody delivers something without without going harder harder you got to make sacrifices so I used to watch tea like I don't watch television I might watch a boxing match or the Wizards play dad was sad this year watching them I'm saying I watch now watching is an hour half an hour we have try to watch a week it's an hour so you know part of our day we watch an hour of home and garden Channel once a week hey Ben I'm getting good at it I know what I know we show some of the show but here's the thing watch this if you stop watching TV you could you be surprised at how much you could deliver because Moses what's this because you're watching content that somebody else delivered the people that are on TV don't watch it they might only watch the own stuff they deliver whose help who's getting help with this just let me know of you if this is healthy I'm just saying delivering ain't for the faint of heart it's gonna cost you to deliver it but but don't forget to be on your back don't forget you need to rest you don't push while you're resting when it's time to push you get up last thing last thing number six keep mother and baby together it's best for mother baby and breastfeeding this is a picture when the baby first comes out in the world Lamaze they believe the best thing to happen is to immediately connect that baby to his mother so they're bonding and nurturing can happen this is so important because a lot of people who have catalytic gifts who are starters are not nurturers but anything you deliver it you're gonna have to develop and nurture and see here's the problem I like to learn pastor Larry pays kidding me at the service a man that was so good he said that's all good he said because I said I think a lot of us don't understand because the way we raised if you weren't raised with a lot of nurturing you don't know how to nurture even when it's time to nurture in a business context he says all we know a lot of us men all we know how to do is go and we know how to make the baby we know how to go and plant the seed we know how to go and start something but we don't know how to nurture it because we weren't nurtured and I'm saying you're gonna have to develop that as a matter of fact some people who will over nurture it don't know how to release things when they grow so you're still treating a grown child like they still need nurturing because you over nurture you don't know when the release because one of the grow one of the grows of anything you earth is to grow it up so that it has enough independence so today could birth things but how can it burp things when you haven't stopped overparenting it to where it has enough independence where you can now be a parent itself that's some good stuff boy I'm telling you I'm going to say that's some good stuff I'm done I'm gonna stop it right there I'll take one question just to see if I can be of help to somebody just one person who may need some clarity on this and to see how this landed so if there's one person who got one question about what I talked about I'm willing to give you I'm gonna count down five four three two all right now the question we're gonna get you a mic you know the service is over so we we can't go all the way back to the 20s amen hold up make sure she's in in the sound house or whatever house I started a company but I want to make sure that next time when I start my company back up my transport vehicles how do I make sure I stay aligned with what my need is because I was kind of off track with what I was doing so everything he said you know I was um God birthed some things in me and I started doing it but then I started doing just what you said I was all over the place so I had to shut my company down and I want to start it back up but this time I want to make sure I'm aligned with everything as I birthed it take my time and stay on the right track yeah so so I think you just answered it like you know take the mic from before she said no no I'm s where I know her I'm just me you gotta know who you can mess with whatever so I'm still Autochartist before just act like you never heard so this homage request in our giant Fort Washington office in the conference room where I have meetings I was sitting there one day and I'm sitting there by myself nobody's in the office I'm waiting on the next person to come and the light went out it's just cut off so you know I'm I'm paranoid right like weird how that happened so I get up from my chair and walk to the light and it came back on first it was a little spooky didn't I realize I see the light is not a switch it's a button but it's a motion sensor light and the light went off because it didn't detect any motion in the room it assumed the room was empty in fact when you leave the room you don't have to cut the light off it'll cut itself off once it knows nobody's in the room it only lights up when there's a presence there and I liken that to the thing that we're supposed to birf and develop a lot of things that we birf aren't developing because it lacks our presence and whenever we leave it it goes dark and we get frustrated because we want people to support it like once you support it they really work with no bias what people support you I'm supporting you if you're connected to it then it's going to get supported because you're there and a lot of us started something and left it in a mad cuz it died well it can't live without you it's dependent upon you to be enlightened to be alive and I heard Bishop Jake's say this one time he says a lot of people start stuff this is deep a lot of people start stuff and we start stuff hoping that the thing we start will take care of us think about people that start saying when you start something you see this you guy got so many customers so many class may not have some mind getting my coffee for me you just what we see is we see ourselves with so many students so many customers so many clients that it begins to take care of us instead of saying God told me to start this so I can take care of it it's waiting on you to take care of it you keep waiting on the thing you start to take care of you and what it's missing is your presence so you're not going to be able to nurture something if you're if you're not with it and by the way it's gonna take a while for it to grow up till they can take care of you that's another thing people do people try to eat off of a tree - haven't been developed and if you eat off a tree before it's developed you'll kill it because we're expecting it to do what our salary is doing and that's not what it's meant to do you got to wait - it grows enough grows up enough to replace your salary that's why you got to be careful when you quit a job and try to start a business that you really need what you really want to start a business you want to start a business that you don't need the income right away that way you're not pressing people up for deals and and going after people for sales and you're not taking shortcuts cuz you need the money you see them saying mmm I think we just need to have like entrepreneur day at Zion one day it's gonna come out anyway cuz that's yes that's the lens through which I see a lot of things but anyway we're done go let's tan
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 2,969
Rating: 4.9238095 out of 5
Keywords: Lamaze class, pregnancy, Zion Church, Keith Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, DMV, Christian Church, faith, God, Jesus, love of God, business consulting, live your dreams, lamaze, birthing your dream, purpose, passion
Id: lxJpfKS04lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 14sec (2834 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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