Father's Day Conversation w/ Pastor Paige

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to all the fathers and all the men in general happy father's day we really appreciate you and wherever you are geographically tuned in right now or wherever you are in general in your life i just want this day to be special for all of you we so appreciate you whether you're pastoring or fathering i should say your own biological kids and that's pastoring too or you're raising children that are not yours biologically we all need fathers and this day for me especially brings up a lot of emotions because it reminds me of everything that i am as a dad and everything i'm not as a dad and it also reminds me of everything that i received as a child by way of fathering and everything that i lacked as a child from my father it makes me reflect on uh all the people in my life who play fatherly roles in addition to my biological dad mac battle whom i appreciate but it also makes me think about all the other people who fathered me and who continue to father me to this moment it's a very powerful thing being a father in fact being fathered cannot even be quantified how powerful it is how fathers protect and they direct and they give guidance it's hard to imagine the value of a father in fact it's a powerful thing to be father and it's a painful thing not to be father and so today what i want us to talk about is how do you do it how does one father how do you father i mean what's it all about what's what's the right way what's the correct way of fathering somebody and how do you benefit and build on the fathering that you got as a man when you were a child and and how do you avoid repeating some of the errors of fathering that you received how do you do it and how do you do it effectively that's what i want to talk about this weekend and i don't want to do it alone i figured this would be a good time to have a conversation with somebody that can help me and so the person i've asked to help me today is no stranger to us he is we call him land over larry he is the father of asa jeremiah and amanda grace and he's the husband of the former miss sherry jews everybody welcome to the stage right now my man pastor larry maurice paige henry has a conversation can i talk to you [Music] i need a little information some education can i talk to you can we can we chop it up chop it up chop it up the drummer got the wrong color on his shirt now ah boogie what's up faster face what's going on peanut butter we did it man thanks for coming hanging out with me on father's day i'm so grateful i'm honored i'm honored yeah cause ain't nobody gonna take us nowhere today two socks and a crab cake and the socks don't matter and they're gonna get the crab cake from the chinese store on the corner you're winning and the part haven't been eating off come on man come on let's come with the territory yeah i love it i love it and for those of you who are joining us we're so grateful y'all with us this weekend and and we listen let's first of all say we do not consider ourselves subject matter experts on fathering we're just trying to figure it out ourselves just like many of the men who are watching us and and we know that there are men who are far more qualified than us but certainly with the help of the lord his wisdom we believe we can share something today that will be of help to you so let's go for it yes sir let's have this conversation come on man so listen let me this is where i want to start okay when children are small right when they're younger our voice has preeminent authority like if we just say ah right they lip start quivering for sure eyes tear up and they just froze it right it's just just and they straight that's dad talking right they straighten up right tighten up but as you know and i know uh time goes on and they get a little older and more independent and that i don't carry no weight what happens to us as fathers when our voice is lost in the midst of all the other voices and influences and by the way let me tell y'all all your fathers out there is gonna happen if it hasn't happened yet your voice will fade and its influence is gonna happen so how do we handle that stage of fathering or parenting when our voice is not as powerful as it once was can i get a hug first father-in-law told me it was going to happen and i literally looked at him like yeah right my kids loved me right and it happened yeah and you know i think when kids are born we all should get a pack of new ports like no i'm serious like i don't smoke and i'm not encouraging just to have them need them you just need to slide them and don't even just let them burn out yes what's wrong with oh man but um you know as as i have learned because that's what that's what fathering is it's not just teaching your kids you're learning how to father why your father yeah and part of the the voice that you lose is god's insurance you know when he made us he created us to reproduce and so the whole purpose of parenting and fathering isn't to get them when they're kids they mirror us but as they become adults the goal is to reproduce and to reproduce means they got to replace and to replace means that they got to be independent and is is something about the independence that at least i can't speak for y'all independence triggers my insecurity wow because see when you go independent independent then you make me feel like i need to control yeah but the goal of of the whole goal of giving birth is to reproduce wow so in order to reproduce there has to be a divide and the whole purpose of the divide is to create enough tension so the child can go now me and my insecurity i want to hold on to like the power of babble and i'm trying to keep them in something that god has wired them to to if i don't let them go they're wired to rebel wow that's the cocoon they got to get off yeah i want to keep them in yeah and part of establishing their own voice actually ensures that god's plan goes forward remember the tower of bible he came down he confused the languages because the people all want to stay under one roof he says i need you to move out and it's the same for our children their independence isn't always rebellion it isn't always disrespect that's how i interpret it but oftentimes it's a sign of successful parenting you raise them to develop their own voice so that they can start their own family i don't even know what else to ask you you talk about a paradigm shift from looking at that as being disrespectful right to being developmental yeah that's deep yeah let's do learn it there's so many so there's so many paradigms with this right because i know for me like like you know one of the things i struggled with was was how can i be present in their lives right i need to be more present at the games present at the cheerleading thing or whatever they're involved in or just present but but a part of the development is so you love them with your presence but you got to prepare them for your absence right so in order to prepare them for our absence we got to pull back because i need you to know what it's like to live without me paying all your bills and without me being here to rescue you so that's another paradigm because i need to feel needed doc come on you know that's how you feel we don't need people we just struggle and we're talking all this trash like we got in basketball and we're struggling we're learning all the time i'm learning i love it you call something like that the parent trap yes you call that the parent break that down for us you said it's a trap called the parent trap break that down the common vernacular is the trick bag yeah because what what happens is talking about our voice uh we confuse telling for training and it's not the same um you you show kid i mean you tell kids but you show adults so as they grow you show and what happens is i confuse what i'm telling you to do i told you didn't i tell you how many times i got to keep telling you and i keep looking at me and says i'm not asking you to tell me i'm asking you to show me because that's how i learn you understand yeah so now that's good that's good so and then the other part that i learned is as a parent i have to discern the difference between me disciplining my child and god using my child to discipline me you got to be disciplined to discipline and often times when i discipline my kids i'm out of control look at this this is in this interest this is an oxymoron right right you want them to be who really needs to be right now you out of control trying to tell him to get in control wow how does that work and so so often times it's god is using the child to discipline me the parent trick trap trick back hey let me tell you something i bet people gonna watch this more than once they sending this link to people right now you need to watch this rosco that is so profound and it's again it's like we have to understand what the project you said discipline right sure that seems to be one of the challenging words this word discipline and yeah how does it show up in our lives because when i think of the word discipline um i'm thinking that this rough kind of harsh necessary correction right but how would you define discipline and and how does it look like how does it play out effectively and ineffectively i know you just gave example like what did i tell you in the out of control pair are there any other things that you want to say and unpack as it relates to discipline sure a belt shoe uh branch switch i'm just being honest with i'm telling you how i discipline you know i'm not going to fake yeah most of us learn discipline through what we've experienced absolutely the problem is what we experience is often not the best way to define the term so as i've grown i've come to understand the discipline god says he disciplines those whom he loves wow so there is a correlation between discipline and love and then hebrews 12 and 11 talks about discipline being painful but after a a season it says those who've been who've been trained by it by the disciples reaper harvest so there's a correlation between discipline and training so it causes me now to say well how does this look in god's eyes never ask that i usually i got my discipline from my grandmother my uncles i got beat every day but i'm better now but but but but jesus is actually the the example of discipline yeah because what what he shows us is how love works through discipline in other words to to be a disciple to use that term discipline and disciple are very similar and it means to be a learner it's education wow yeah i want to slow down and i want to say this clear yeah it's not punitive he did not come to punish us he came to develop us that's good so so my discipline if i define it properly is what will it take to develop this child according to their design so that they can produce the best you know how our dad does us yeah he catches us in a mess he looks at our design and then he uses discipline never to punish but always to get the best produce out of us and this what's so deep about it is even when we do wrong we have this expectation of grace from him come on doc that's not how we look that's not our children think you preach and die no you're teaching this is messing me up dude when you hear when i hear stuff like this the first thing i think of is like a lot of people think i wish i had known that yeah like you know what i mean like um like this is information that i could have used so i ain't messed somebody up right and i think this is this is so this is so important what you're sharing because when you when you share discipline in hebrews 12 yeah talking about that point is no discipline in the present is is pleasant right in the present it's not absolutely present right yeah it's painful but you know when it works the discipline brings at harvest right yeah the thing that got me past the page was the pain when we hear that okay we think of the child oh yeah right so i think yeah that's painful this child got to go through this but it's for your good you know it's gonna hurt you more to hurt me right but i but i realized that as a parent it hurts me too because because i struggle with letting my children suffer their consequences so to let them go through the consequences of their own decision hurts me because i want to step in and intervene to nullify the consequences but there's no change without pain so what ends up happening is that's why i like the prodigal son story because the father god the father was wise enough to let that prodigal son suffer outside of his father's awareness he suffered in a far country because if their father had saw his son eating in a pig pen like that he would have rescued him before the father developed him he would have rescued him materially before he got fixed spiritually that's why there's something i can't handle seeing my kids suffer but i have to remember it's what we're searching it's the end game it's the end and i throw this mic can i get is it okay we need to go through it we're gonna be crying up here in a second we're gonna need some tissue in a second you just triggered something in me you remember the story of eli he had two sons hoffney and phineas yeah that's actually with the parent trap where it came from because they were in the temple while taking god's offering sleeping with the women yeah and the father comes to them in first samuel chapter 2 like 24 24 and he says stop what you're doing is wrong yes don't do it yeah i'm thinking that's discipline right in chapter 3 verse 13 god pulls eli up and says essentially i warned you now what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut off your future here is why because you didn't discipline them i was stuck i was saying these are adults yeah i told them to stop i told them it was why am i now in trouble he says here's why telling is not training you told him to stop but you didn't stop him and in order to stop them you're gonna have to put some boundaries around them then i said well why didn't he stop him it says because he and the boys were getting fat off of the offering and i said sometimes i use my kids to satisfy my own needs because if i discipline them it's going to hurt my own inadequacy it triggers something in me because i didn't have it the same i want them to have more than i had you know oh man i i you know i would never treat them the way that i was treated so i go out of my way to over correct and at the same time i under correct because i didn't put boundaries around myself in other words i govern with my emotions and my feelings and my feelings cut off my future wow [Laughter] can we have a conversation [Music] chop it up chop it up boom boom with the gray shirt on hey nah we going to have a good time i i i only had to ask are you getting something out of this is this helpful this is we gonna need a minute to process this um let's try to talk about uh something different for a minute because this is really heavy right okay all right so one of the things that i think we have to be careful of too i know i struggle with right is i okay so there's a passage and i want to i want to okay so when you hear this kind of teaching right which is phenomenal right with you breaking down um if you're a father and you're a parent like me you start feeling guilty right like i dang i messed up in in isaiah chapter one and hopefully they can put these verses on the screen right isaiah chapter one you know where i'm going i'm gonna read these verses to you out of isaiah chapter one because i got them on these cards here um but it's really really amazing when it says that god says this watch this he says listen o heavens pay attention earth this is uh isaiah 1 2. this is what the lord says the children i raise this is what the lord says the children i raised cared for and cared for have rebelled against me he says in verse 3 even an ox knows his own and a donkey recognizes master's care but israel doesn't know his master my people don't recognize my care for them watch this he says oh what a sinful nation they are they are loaded down with a burden of guilt they are evil people corrupt children who have rejected the lord they have despised the holy one of israel and turned their backs on him this is what god is saying about his children yeah and it bless would really bless me if you base your parenting on how well your children do then you have misjudged yourself because that means that god was a bad person because his children were buck wild come on he says my kids have rebelled against me they're evil they corrupt they ain't got no respect for me this is god the father the perfect quintessential parent and the reason why i needed that is because i'm competitive that's my number one clifton strength is competition then number two is achiever so all of my parenting is connected to how well my kids are doing that's when i consider myself are they doing good academically how are they doing in sports how they doing professionally and if they are doing well in those areas i kind of give myself an invisible pat on the back yeah 4.0 we did that right i did one test right right but if they're struggling academically or athletically or professionally or whatever then i tend to feel like a failure but that's not the way you measure it and here's why and i want to encourage dads listening to me right now because every child deacon jose will you say this he said every child every human being is a free moral agent that we all have free will god has given every human being free will yes sir so even if you raise the child in an environment that's conducive to where you want them to be there's no guarantee they're going to end up there because they make their own so so we might as well put our pen down trying to write their movie out because they get to pick up the pen and they start writing the script and they might write a script that doesn't fit what we had in mind for them and i can want something for my child but it's their life and they get to write it the way they want and i just want to encourage every father every parent listening right now that you've done your best don't beat yourself up and sometimes it's all about what the child wants for their own life it's not just on us so i wanted to just slide that in there in the midst of this because even though we're trying to give the standard we also need to give some grace to ourselves that if they they gonna they might not end up like we want them to they might do what they want to do which is their prerogative right and that doesn't make us failures as parents that's one thing i wanted to say so i wanted to throw that in there that was worth it that was worth it here's another here's another uh question i want to ask you josh mcdowell has this statement two things josh mcdowell says rules without relationships leads to rebellion want to hear your thoughts on that and then you say something you say that it doesn't just that we don't just need a village for the children right it takes a village to raise a shot you say the parents need a village too you call that the parenting accountability yes partnership partnership talk about that yeah i'm still stuck on the last piece of encouragement you just gave her yeah i wanted to see i hope nobody thinks but we will repeat again we we don't have this together by any means ask our kids as our kids one thing god will give you in your kids is a reminder that you're not god yeah you know and it humbles you it humbles you so but um your your your first question was rules with our relationship leads the rebellion this is josh mcdowell saying you agree with that so if i could just give a quick picture of what came to mind when i saw that um my wife loves cold stone ice cream and we picked up some ice cream got out the car and i heard i hear this thump and i hear her call from the garage and i i can't i can't sh i got to show you when i came in the garage she was like this she had the cold stone ice cream in the egg she said help me up honey i've fallen and it was not a drop of cold stuff it i still to this day don't know how she didn't lose her her cup right but it helps me to bet it's a little tough getting back up um but it helps me to better understand you ain't practice that nine prizes the rebellion um rules without rebellion falling is harder than getting up come on die huh she didn't lose the cold stone because she loved it [Music] she when when when love is what you lead with it's a lot easier to hold on to what you love kids don't hold on to rules they actually rebel against the rules to teach us that we can't misrepresent who god god is not about rules god set it up so that we would hold on to his love so when a child knows you love them yeah yeah they will hold on to what you say even if they're not following at the moment yeah i'm getting some some some receipts on that and so rules without rebellion is just a reminder we got to lose with our relationship rules with our relationship leads to rebellion you got to make sure that we lead with love and not rules or we misrepresent the character of god wow and the rebellion is a spanking to you to remind you you can't just give me a bunch of rules without spending time and playing with me and talking with me and having a and listening and asking questions and the same thing we do when we spend time with god right he doesn't just give us rules he relates to us and then asking a question and then respecting their answer and respecting it without telling them to shut up that's stupid that's dumb shut your mouth yeah yeah yeah see you think you know everything like like yeah that's a good way of keeping a good conversation down yeah that's a killer yeah and they don't want to talk to you parenting parents need a village too they need a village because i i learned the hard way that i can't parent in private i can't parent in a silo yeah and that i am not just fighting against what's going on in my child but i'm fighting the culture that's also working against my child satan don't work in units he works in teams so households getting jumped and don't even know it and so i realized now if i keep it to myself i didn't gave him the advantage because he works through rulers principalities of thor he's a gang banger that's what the enemy is and he hates the family so i'm fighting my kid but really it's the culture that's working on him that's working in my household so man i better call before i make a move i'm telling what i do sometimes i'm i'm wrong and i need to call my brother ron or my brother kenny or sometimes you and say your perspective is off watch this if i'm not under authority my kids won't submit to mine i learned that it gets passed down so if i can't listen to you why do i think my kids should listen to me yeah you need a village to cover a family yeah and we missed that we missed the block yeah we we both have uh experienced that in our life like when you as a father have to humble yourself and go to somebody who plays a father role in your life and and then do what they say like say no i don't think you should do that right right right i think it's it's powerful to do that one but it's even more powerful to tell your child yeah here's why i'm not doing it yes like my pastor told me that's right that i was handling you the wrong way or my mentor told me my uncle told me or my father said i was him and what they get to see is wow you listen to people yeah yeah yeah because you can't the maturity always respects authority that's right no that's where you are that's good maturity all respectable that's good hashtag oh my god cash happened yeah that's good and i i always say this you stupid trying to get something for father's day i always say this to to to my i say this to my wife i say this i would say this to other parents remember you're you're you're coaching for four quarters and sometimes we judge our kids at halftime yeah and what i realize is i can't grow a seed if i'm stepping on it sometimes i gotta plant it and then i gotta stand off of it and i might not see the roo i might not see the return to the next five five years yeah i can't plan to see yeah we get angry because we don't see fruit now imagine planting the seed and expecting to see fruit immediately yeah that's not growing harvest grow you look crazy bro ain't growing right i told you that last night beating the ground so be encouraged because you you the person the child that gives you the most hell might turn around and be the greatest blessing in the family for generation just don't see it right now i think that's the case with us right that's probably what i'm saying very concerned about me yeah yeah for sure so you you mentioned this is the first half right right so by the way let me just do a a plug please when we finish this conversation do not leave us we got some amazing stuff we're going to show you absolutely that we did some dad for some dads that's going to really bless you want you to stay and watch that right after this this conversation you talked about time right so you also say that there are seasons in which you discipline differently right yes at different stages you your discipline must adjust itself what is that thing you talked about like boundaries freedom fences talk about those stages of discipline yeah you know at least in my mind from what i've from what i've experienced i'm not saying this is the law i'm just giving you a picture if you think about sports there's a season where you're a player a season where you're a coach season where you're an owner a player zero to 11 the the formidable years you're you're playing with them you're you're observing uh your training is disciplined with management so you got a tighter reign that second stage i consider that 12 to 25 that's when you're a coach when you're a coach you're calling to play but you're asking questions remember the goal is to develop them according to their design and you can't do that if you don't discover their talent and so part of that is just guiding them but as an owner and i experienced this at my one of my son's game i was i was in the stands i couldn't be out i was in the box i couldn't be on the field at that point in time it's it's more about a conversation it is it's more about letting them own their decisions and then the life lessons and experiences we get to share together so it's so as they get older you you take your hands more off of the of the of the management wow yeah that's a good picture yeah it's a good picture yeah let's let's talk about people so you grow up in a family we all grew up in some in some family construct whether again whether it's biological or grand mom raised us or foster sister situation whatever we grew up in we learned how to parent from that environment right then you grow up and you get married and now this person didn't grow up in the same house that you did otherwise that would be an inappropriate marriage probably more than likely so you come from two different constructs two different substratums of what parental philosophy we're going to use to rate how we're going to educate the kids how we're going to uh bring about correction coaching player owner all that's different right i'm not talking so that's one potential conflict but then the other one is when you come into a blended family situation and these kids already and the first thing they tell you is you ain't my father this person if f-a-u-v you ain't my father so anyway what is your advice for people who come into context where there may be extreme differences in philosophies on parenting and there you stand with your right god and your remote control in your hand and your pretzels and and you gonna get your two socks for father's day anyway what do you what do you say to those dads that might that's the nfl i mean that's like blended a blended family is probably one of the most challenging constructs to start with and so i'll just say i'm very sensitive to that that's it's hard i don't care who you are um but i i will i will add i i i wish i'm gonna say this as a wish i wish we would look at our relationships like businesses this is a corporate merger and what happens pb is we try to govern our households with our emotions rather than systems [Music] if i owned a company even if you and i came from different places if we're going to partner we write down whatever the values would be what's the when and what are we trying to produce yeah yeah but then instead of depending on your thoughts and my thoughts we would say what systems do we need to produce these results what would happen if blended family says i get that we got disagreements but systems govern behavior not feelings if you leave it to your feelings in the midst of pressure habit and attitude will or is undefeated you can and i know it's tedious who's going to create a system but a system could be as simple as we're going to pray at the beginning of the day we're going to celebrate at least once a day and we're going to pray at the end of the day what i mean by system is a routine that will produce the results that you're looking to produce yeah too many people are going through hell because they're governing life through feelings what if god left the respiratory system to your feelings what what if he left your cardiovascular system to your feelings he doesn't he puts stuff in place that works around the clock to ensure consistency and behavior and if we could and if we can just import that into the the more difficult and messy it is the more structure is needed hmm so we trying to manage mess with mess and wonder why it ain't getting better right right that is so good what if your respiratory system was governed by your feelings i don't feel like i feel like breathing right that's tough that's tough i don't feel like you know beating today my heart beating wow this is so good this is so good hey we're coming we're going to wrap this up let's go here this is well world famous we're going to do this with a drum roll right here uh-huh uh-huh you know what time it is boom robin fire we have family pictures and everything we're gonna find a way to put them up [Music] sure before we do rabbi can we show up can we can we see our kids and our spouses look at them that's the page family that's a beautiful picture man your son's graduation yeah it's hard to get pictures with them that was a miracle him and his sister yeah that that you know i know yeah there he goes yeah there they go pb and that was hard too everybody smile smile i said i love it that's uh beautiful that's our tribe beautiful doc that's our tribe you've done well happy father's day man happy father's day man we did it man i mean let's go get something to eat today man pay for it ourselves that's all that's that's the only way we gonna get it amen amen all right rabbit five we ready this is our world riddell rabbit five you ready let's do it all right larry page what's the most weight you've ever bench pressed now before you answer this a lot of people don't know that you were a personal trainer you had their own personal yeah your own fitness place and you you've been about fitness for you know the majority of your life heaviest weight you bench press it was around 405 or 410. i can't four five or four ten yeah so if you ever need somebody run security or anything of that nature that was a long time i can tell them what 410 is root 410 rule 14. i love it i love it what's your favorite dessert banana pudding banana pudding nice they got some uh we're gonna put a plug in for ben's chili bowl oh they got something don't say it there's a bench as long as it's not delivered by a dallas fan yeah it can't be as long as it comes to another set of hands cause i know you because i know you this would be this might be a tough way top three movies for you oh come on you five stars gladiator would you say you five seven one yeah that's that leadership one you five seven one gladiator and braveheart nice you get it you did it quick yeah all right i'm you could pick three of your favorite tv shows but they're gonna be sequenced in time your favorite one is a child your favorite one is your young adult and your favorite tv show now good uh as a child uh it would have been uh land of the loss enoch and the sleep stacks y'all don't even worry about it i haven't look at the board look at that that's all right don't worry about it some of y'all remember 66. it's like what was that uh pbs one of them channels anyway i can't remember you remember what it was but that was my you said bless me bless your heart yeah and and the super the wonder twins and all that but hannah barbera that whole anyway uh you say it as a young young adult yeah uh probably the cosby's yeah yeah and now i don't have a life now i don't have a tv show that i like man i don't think um the game the white the basketball game yeah you're right i got you i'm like youtube that's my favorite tv show now here's one lebron james or michael jordan who's the greatest basketball player ever so he knows some questions should not be included i know you're going to lose some fans right here you're going to gain some number tell you where to go if you want to stay in the old school club you better say that's what you better say too all right i'm i'm the greatest of all time look at him look how stuck he is i'ma say michael jordan with an asterisk an asterisk yeah i know y'all because we got a little studio audience here of six people because i feel like lebron james is the best all-around you're not gonna appreciate him until he's gone yeah his talent development which is i love is all world my opinion he's gone through several teams and made everybody great michael is a great individual player okay so yeah yeah these are your questions i know this answer best carryout pizza ever matter of fact i'm changing my answer lebron james yeah there it is i'm just just going to say it with you same with your chest lebron james say it like this best pizza you said best carryout pizza ever lito's how about to say i know you ain't bragging i should stand in line for leto this dude is a leader he should have stocking leaders yeah i really should i should have best fast food french fries ever fast fast food french fries any fast food french fries that make you remember and go back i mean and hide them don't share them with your kids mcdonald's mcdonald's the stringy ones with the they're not really french fries you can process you can eat mcdonald's french fries up next year still be good they'd be just as crunchy but like man these jones banging when you make this last year of march and you microwave may come right back in life what you talking about you thought i was dead they the only friends they the only french fries that don't get stale dog their families don't say you add like three drops of oil and put them in the microwave they bounce back strong as a mug like dude what you talking about oh man all right man i gotta get through this i'm sorry man uh tell us some things you enjoy doing that may surprise people the things you enjoy that people may not know uh exercise you need to ask god we know you're excited i'm joking man um but that's good you enjoy you know what um home decoration i know that's your charity design yeah in another life i would i could do that as a job i love it i love it who's the best cook in your house me no i had to catch myself my daughter nice she's a monster she's really good okay so let's do this yeah let's say everybody in your house the four of you cooked oh let's put it this way who's with each person what is their best dish if you had to eat something asa cooked you had to eat something sherry cooked they had to eat something you cooked you had these my amania cook what is the best thing that each person has so this is easy right here acer water out of the refrigerator preferably like the the spencer yeah yeah they didn't just set it on the counter walk away that was the ease of noodles don't even put ice cubes at it just get this scoop put it on the counter uh my wife macaroni and cheese okay mom my daughter my daughter makes and you know i'm i don't really even eat meat but her lamb her lamb chops are out of this world yeah i love you yeah and what about you what's your specialty crab cakes crab cakes and kale crab cakes and care she makes better kale than me but yeah not taught her here's an interesting question if the 66 books of the bible were stripped down the two books and you had to choose which two books one from the old testament and one from the new testament one from what one from the old testament one from the new testament and you had and we had to live with those forever which two books would you pick and why that is who told you to come up with these questions man i make these questions up man genesis genesis and romans and why um genesis gives you your the story of of humanity sets us up romans gives you god's operation system you know so good for me yeah great answer if you were physically blessed to play one professional sport and you could do it for a living what sport would it be what position would you play what sport and what position [Music] probably basketball and point guard yeah as a christian leader and an apologist who's been asked a ton of questions about god faith christianity the bible what has been one of the hardest questions to answer that people ask you about god faith christianity or the bible uh it'd have to be um reconciling god's justice like why would a good god allow so many people to suffer or why did god at least in the old testament wipe out entire nations yeah yeah that's a tough one yeah yeah you want to just in 15 seconds i know what's your short answer to that yeah sure short answer is god is sovereign good yeah look that up what three books have influenced your life the most wow the bible obviously um the most um i i want to say to to some degree seven habits of highly effective people i didn't i can't say i went through the whole thing but his paradigm shift was impactful and i had to come back to you on the third i pinch off in so many books i can't tell you one that's had a life-changing impact but those are two good good yeah we're almost done if your biological father was still here what would you want to tell them dude who came up with these questions man that's what i do duh what would i want to tell my biological father yeah i wish you were here how has his absence help you or hurt you in your own fathering uh the absence hurt me in that i had to work i believe extra hard to both figure out and affirm my identity a lot of energy on that it helped me probably even more because i found that through christ in my walk with god and godly men so had he been here given what i know of him i may have been very influenced by his model and i might not be in this position yeah yeah so appreciate your honesty yeah pastor paige i'm going to say or name a word right and you can only give one word in response to it every word i give you can only give one word you ready yeah sherry page heart a lorenzo mckinney father miriam collins twin ron pinckney it's hard to say in one word can i say best friend is that one word yeah yeah diane collins inspiration amanda page leader the barbershop family ace of page clone covet 19. rest lee collins anchor cicadas sick of them daniel collins bro teddy paige um needs a job i know that's not one word that's his dog and for the last word you can use as many words as you want dad wow model guidance direction leader manager love yeah good all those come to mind yeah awesome yeah hey man i can't thank you enough for this you're laughing you had them tough after we cried we cried and we laughed this has been great i'm so grateful your words have helped all of us and uh so thank you for joining us for this conversation and i want to thank all of y'all who joined us this weekend and been a part of this experience we trust that you've gotten something out of this and i hope you share this link with others and tell them about this conversation it's been our joy to share it with you today can we have a conversation can i talk to you i need a little information some education can i talk to you [Music] hey friends i hope you've enjoyed this father's day conversation we've laughed and we've shared our hearts and it's been a joy to have this time with you all but i want to tell you that even if you're imperfect as a parent there is somebody who is perfect god is a perfect father and he can help all of us be better people first of all and then he can also help us to be better parents but one of the places that it starts with is just having a relationship with him see that's what god offers to us a relationship with him and i want to offer you that opportunity today maybe you have an established relationship with him because the old saying that we're all god's children i know that people mean well when they say that but i don't believe that's true i think we're all god's creation he created all of us without our input without our involvement he created us but if you're going to be his child that's your choice he says behold i stand at the door and knock if any man will open the door i'll come in and sup with him and he with me but you must choose in fact jesus says i am the way the truth and the life and no man comes unto the father but through me so you have to choose to be his child and you can do that simply by just praying a prayer like this saying god god i want you to be my father and jesus i want you to be my savior and god i want you to forgive me for my sins and jesus i thank you for dying for my sins it's just that simple and if you want to do that today right now i can do that with you i can pray with you in fact if you want to open your heart and make a relationship with god yours definitively right now i want to pray with you just open up your heart and say these words to god say god i want you to be my father and jesus i want you to be my savior god forgive me for all of my sins and jesus thank you for dying for all of my sins i thank you for this moment right now amen listen if you prayed that prayer with me there's several things i want to do to help you keep this journey going help you keep going you can text the word next steps to five one five five five that's next steps to 51555 or you can email info at zionchurch.org and we want to help give you information you can just say i just prayed with pastor battle and we want to give you the next steps to keep your faith growing in jesus christ
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 891
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Id: gjybsvZ4cPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 12sec (3012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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