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um if you have a Bible turn to Genesis chapter 2 last week there was a pretty strong challenge to men to stay on post a lot of his sisters was standing up and clapping amen today I want to talk about the sisters see if y'all stand up on this time for the brothers to clap today what I'm about to share what you came as a result of a conversation my wife and I were sitting at a table we were sitting around a table and with my daughter and her they're not engaged yet so it's her boyfriend they just went through premarital class with Pastor James Marshall they went through the 12-week class he's doing one day with all of that information in it I think you'd be very helpful for people to attend that well as a result of their completing that class they have assignments they're supposed to interview couples and so they wanted to interview Vicki and I and asked us questions so it was already late that and I was already tired and I said how long does it take and they say over the last couple we met we took two hours I said without an angle work tonight so I thought it was over and so Chris which is his name he says what can I ask you one question I said go ahead he says why did God take a rib from Adam to make Eve and so I said you know I'll look because I never even thought about it never thought about that like you know never thought never been asked that question so I tried to look like I was thinking or praying and then well I didn't know how to answer it so I looked at Vicki and said do you have maybe you have a word for him about that and she didn't have anything to say to him so I just told him I really don't know I really don't know but the next day I came across something that reminded me of his question and so I'm not saying I got the mind of God on this but I want to give you a little RIA Balaji here and tell you what I've discovered and I don't know if this was God's intent around the issue of the rear but I do have a better understanding so somewhere within the circumference of this information may be an answer to why area so I'm calling this talk this conversation the power of the rib the power of a rib Genesis chapter 2 says this going back to verse 18 this night will come over the screen but it says the God says that it's not good that the man should be alone Adam was the only person that God had created at that time there was nothing else in creation that was living as far as human or animals and so God said I will make him a helper suitable for him and the first thing God started doing was creating animals male and field female versions of all the animals God started making and Adams job was to name each animal when Adam was was finished naming all the animals that God had created the Bible says but there was not a helper suitable for Adam then in verse 21 God says I will make him and help her it is suitable for him so this is how God did it verse 21 it says so the Lord God caused a man to fall into a deep sleep and while the man slept the Lord took out one of the man's ribs everybody say ribs and he closed up the opening in verse 22 then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and he brought her to the land then the Lord God made a woman from the rib everybody say rib and he brought her to the man and at last the man exclaimed verse 23 this is now this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh she will be called woman because she was taken from man so I began to think about this why the rear now Matthew Henry says something that I think is easy to remember and there there there's some truth to it it's usually repeated and I kind of like it so I'll just say with what he says and it's been repeated many times but he says God took the woman from the rib not the head so that the woman would rule over the man and not from his feet so that she would be trampled by the man but she took him from his size so that she could walk beside him she is under his arm for protection and near his heart to be loved that's what Matthew Henry says but I'd like to go deeper into it when you go back to verse 21 there is clearly some kind of operation that takes place that seems to be the first medical operation in history that God used some kind of divine anesthesia to put Adam in a deep sleep while he was sleeping God created an incision opened up Adams side and took a rib from him then the Bible says then he closed his flesh up that means he closed the wound up which lets me know that everybody talks about what came out of him but nobody talks about what he went through you cannot open a person side up take something out of them and close it up and they not have a scar I've never heard anybody talk about that here's what you need to know it costs you to be married in order to get a wife he had to get cut open do you know what post-operative pain feels like I mean the Bible doesn't say he was on percocet but you cannot open up how many of you ever had surgery before you cannot open up a human being and go into a space and take something out and close it up and then not be discomfort it costs you it cost him to have a wife and what he had to give up was a requirement for his marriage to continue because even though that was his rib that he had to sacrifice to get his wife God did a c-section on him poor life out of him built the woman not just from a rib but from his flesh because it says he closed the flesh because Adam didn't describe her as die just bone of my bone that's rib but she's also flesh of my flesh so there's some skin and bone that was put together out of Adam to create Eve and wood Adam lost he couldn't get back now we always talk about what a man gains when he gets married he gained the life partner he gained a companion he gained the lover he gained a confidant he gained the co-parent and all of that and that's wonderful all of that may happen but we don't talk about what he gave up when he had to sacrifice and what he gave up he couldn't ask for it back he can't say I want my rear back because as soon as you take back what you sacrificed to get married they were at the marriage is over hmm what's your real and what he what God would God removed from him to give him his wife is something that was deep and something that he had a longer he had that rid of all his life so whatever you have to give up in order to get married is usually something that you've got accustomed to having okay this is a slow group you can't have a wife and keep that - and as soon as you try to get that back the marriage can't survive and y'all am I getting closer you might have to give up your black book you may have to give up your player card you may have to give up being a mama's boy because you can't have a wife and a mama that's real close to you like that you're gonna have to give up something I'm gonna get to the ladies the rib he says that's bone of my bones when when Adam woke up and he said that's bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh he could look at her and know what was missing in him was in her whoo that's good if you're single and you're contemplating marriage you need to be looking for what you're missing in you it should click you you finish me you add value to me I can live without you understand whatever God took him from him he could live without it I can live without you but I'm better with you I can see in you what I'm missing see we want to look for people that just look good and just smell good or whatever it is but I'm saying you got to look deep enough to see that with you I'm better with you you add value to me because if you're only in a relationship that you're the only one that adds value it's not reciprocal it's not trust pollinating if you're the only one that's adding value then you're a missionary dater and missionaries always go and bring hope to hopeless situations always go to restore and redeem and revive renew and pull up people that's what you do you find broken people and you help them out but you're gonna get tired of that after a while if you're the only one pouring into the relationship that gets old what you need is a partner what a man needs is a partner he doesn't need somebody that just takes from him and takes from him and take from him he needs somebody that adds value to him because when there's an imbalance of investment it impacts intimacy if the man is the only one responsible financially and he's got a wife that just wants to buy shoes and pocketbooks all the time and just wants to spend money on the kids like we got it like that and just wants to ride in new cars and just once the kids in private school she never looks at their account never looks at the budget doesn't look at the financial goals she just spends money frivolously that means she's an immature child financially he's trying to be an adult male that can shut down his or his desire to connect with you because he needs a grown woman to handle the money with him so that we can be partners in this sometimes he don't even wanna believe it or not I've Anthony want to be intimate with his wife when she's acting like a little girl because that makes him feel like a pedophile we're the ladies at this week we're the ladies at yahwah's y'all was like this last week [Applause] Rhea Rhea God created woman out of a part of the body that's always covered he didn't create her from the hand or from the ear from the mouthful from anything external critter from a rib that is always covered even when a man is naked his ribs are covered women have a natural inclination and desire to be covered they are optimal women operate optimally when they're covered not when they're out front and in charge but when there's always somebody who's got their protection who's got him covered that's why if you're a single woman you still need some brothers in your life who got you covered so that when somebody's working on your car they don't take you to the cleaners you can take your brother from the church with you and go say they said I need an alternator and whatever else they need they need to copyright on all that and he can go and check it out for you because you got somebody's got you covered cuz everybody needs to see that there's a man in your life who's got you covered who can speak up for you when you're vulnerable do you understand what I'm saying and what you have to understand is brothers that just because a woman desires to be covered by you that means she desires to get under the covers with you just because it ain't that it ain't always that it's more about protection than affection every woman needs to feel secure and safe and no Big Daddy got me covered no somebody busts up in this house at 3:00 in the morning and she wakes him up he'll walk downstairs with his fruitier looms all torn out Noah gonna scratch marks on his butt but he's still going downstairs with a stick to make sure everything is straight she don't need a man she wake him up he say you heard he you go down there and check it out [Applause] ribs somebody say rib it's naturally covered it's covered it's covered it's covered there are three purposes that I saw when I researched this about a rib anatomically the rib serves three purposes the rib cage in general serves three purposes the first is the rib cage protects organs primarily the heart but also the lungs ladies you are internal by nature you see from the inside out so a part of your assignment is to protect your man from intangible danger he's aware of external danger when you protect him from his people and things that would damage his heart and damage the fidelity of your marriage can I go deeper see there's nothing like a woman's vision to see when another woman poses a threat to the fidelity of the relationship when all the man can see it y'all that's your that's your job I'm here to protect that means I have to go through your phone I have to go through your email I have to have all the passwords cuz my job is to be a watchman for this marriage and a watchman for this family I can't let anybody in this house that endangers the fidelity of this house of my children women are built for that they sense and discern things that's why you can't be a man that your woman can't access your data because he who has nothing to hide hides nothing whoever lost the brothers again I'm gonna come back to the sisters what I'm trying to tell you sisters is stop burying your head in the sand and acting like you don't see what you since you already sensed it you have a sixth sense you know where she ain't right you know it something ain't right about that situation you can't shut your lips up I don't give me that like it it's your job to protect him you're a rib and his heart is exposed and he doesn't even know it my wife has never been wrong about women never never never after 27 years that never been wrong about a woman now I don't even already started I just before I even move in that direction even somebody would go hire somebody gonna work closer to me Oh asked her ahead of time what you think she already knows she always knows it's just how women see they see inter you see from the inside your job is to protect his heart and protect the fidelity of marriage another purpose will rib is support somebody say support do you know that the in the upper abdomen is connected to the ribs the shoulder girdle is hanging on to the ribs the muscles in the back hanging onto the rails that that the chest muscles are connected to the ribs that there's so much in our anatomical structure that I that are dependent upon the wrist if the ribs collapse we would fall apart our back even the diaphragm at its base is connected to the base of the rib cage so a woman as a rib provides support watch this one of the reasons why a lot of men are frustrated even though their own posts on post is because their own posts but they don't feel supported it's hard to stay on posts when you don't feel valued and supported would again let me tell you something a lot of marriages are suffering from a Dede attention deficit disorder and men pay attention to ladies how much you pay attention to your children to your mother to your church to your girlfriends and he knows where he lands on the totem pole if your children need anything they got a runny nose you sleep with them they get a fever you at the hospital with them spend the night your children get sick if he's sick you like you need to take something for that need to stop riffing and running you're gonna curl up in the bed with me the children are out there you have rides around the Beltway fly through traffic sliding in the rain to pick your child up so they won't be standing up somewhere if he needs a ride somewhere you came you can't anybody else take you channel by us pick you up your church knee that's why he don't like them kids even though there he is cuz he remembers when he was first he remembers when he was first it's been a while but he remembers when he was first he remembers when he was priority he ran and I know the kids needs your energy but I'm telling you you got to make the kids no daddy come first daddy comes first your father comes first they had to understand that because they're selfish he notices when you put the church in the church's agenda and the pastor's agenda in front that's why he don't like the pastor because you always tell my pastor stop talking about me at your house game dudes are here mad at me that's your fault tell about the pastor all pass the battery is it pastor bad today you better start cheering him on telling them what how great he is we come up here swing on me you know I got a bad knee already anyway I can't even move see see see somebody said support you know you know the MBA just had his free agency and just with these these amazing contracts and these moves that players of making because they were free agents one of the raps on the DC basketball team this is our home basketball team it's different than our home football team it's different than the hockey team it's different because our hockey fans are radical they are always there they're chanted the games they got a bunch of energy the football fans are so they show our flowers before the game tailgating the day after the game they drunk yelling screaming painted this self Bergen and go it's just they radical you know that Wizards fan are the most bougie disconnected fan going to a wizard game like going on a date you burned up you in the club level at cellar club looking around who's who in there ain't even clapping somebody got to do something super that do a flip and a dunk and three-point shot all in the same move do you just say that what's up with you it's just it's just not an energy and then too many of the fans in DC cheer for other players so you can't even tell who the home team is sometimes at the verizon center because they're cheering for the other players and they booing their own players that's why when these guys in their 20s they don't want to play it don't nobody want to come play here and that just insane just about their money it's about the fanbase because let me tell you something when a fan is booed by the home team he wants to play for another team they missed that well I don't boo him every complaint is a booth every Mona sigh do you cheer him on do you thank him for being on post do you think him for his hard work do you think him for its revision do you appreciate him ain't nobody that wants to play for a team that never shows appreciation I'm not saying it's an excuse to get our post I'm just saying it's hard to stay on post when you don't feel supported but it's some brothers are here to won the clap and stand up and high-five me but they just Perla they don't want to get no trouble like you say Amen in your heart as black man every day we got to fight injustice better fight a system that's built against us we got to fight out on the world we got to be the best - even - we got to be better than everybody and to fight the had that fight from 9:00 to 5:00 every day didn't they come home you don't want to come home to fight you want to come home to get support like like when somebody's in a boxing match they fighting for three rounds they fighting for three minutes against an opponent and they hidden in Bobby weaving and going to the face going her body and doing all that and they can't wait for the bell to ring because when the bell rings they go to something called a corner you get to the corner there's a stool waiting for you there's ice waiting for you there's water waiting for you put vaseline on your face there's a cup man taking care of your cuts there's a manager saying you need to keep your hands up then people calling you champ you ain't even the champ you the champ you the champ cheering them on for 60 seconds so you can go back out there and fight but what if you went to the corner and it wasn't no stoolie when you went to the corner and your manager stole you in the face when he went to the corner and the cup man said you ain't nothing you just like your father what if you win to the corner and there was no dinner on the table y'all a go help me preach in here but if you get to the corner and there's no support I can't fight in the ring and in the corner at the same time I can't fight in two places [Applause] somebody say support that's what you supposed to do you should be his biggest cheerleader I got you baby I got you we gonna be all right see we always want to look at what the other person is not doing instead of looking at what we should be doing let me give you a third thing I got a couple of minutes noogie third thing purpose of the rib is not just for protection and support purposes rib is to help we're breathing the ribcage actually helps control breathing because of the muscles in between each rib I'll call intercostal muscles there are internal intercostal muscles in there external intercostal muscles the internal intercostal muscles help with help with inspiration that shoot breathe in the external intercostal muscles help what expiration helps you to breathe out in that deep as a rib you help bring inspiration to your man and you help bring him to his expiration [Applause] you have the power to inspire and you have the power to x-pyr you can you can you can be you can be oxygen to him or you can knock the wind out of now it's okay to take his breath away in certain ways by the way somebody asked me should the man shouldn't a man be the initiator and her wife always be the responder I think whoever keeps doing all the work is going to get tired a man needs a woman who's gonna step up when he's time to say I got this I'll take it from here I'll initiate the fight finances I'll initiate stuff with you I'll initiate sex there's no man that don't want his wife to initiate sex he tired of always anything take the thing tonight any real man wants his woman to come home say what you want boy I'll throw it on you right now that'll take his breath away that's that's inspiration and when he's done here our expiration cuz we give life when we have sex life escape us we give life that's why we don't have life left that's why we go right to sleep don't judge just because you still wide awake you didn't give life it costs me there's some good stuff I'm telling you some good stuff you help him breathe your rib you can be the wind beneath his wings or you can take the air right out of his sails how you doing sister Rhea I hope you never look at a cookout the same hmm I want to close like this I got 90 seconds I want you I'm really gonna have that much time if you're married wherever you're on this building wherever you're watching online I want you to I want to pray for you if you're in this building and you want to come to the altar I want to pray for you your marriage today I want us to pray come on you know neither you even if you in with your spouse come on up here come with me at love you just won't pray for marriages they'll let me tell you something anybody that's married you already know we need prayer only people does marry don't think they need prayers people got married yesterday oh fast it's just so wonderful it's just so fun as I keep going step up for me somebody say rib ribs don't function well when they're fractured one reasons why I believe God made woman from a rib is so that if we ever break them will feel it too you ever noticed you can't hurt your wife and feel good it's so unfair digging her doesn't be ahead tomorrow you hurt your wife's again that's not uncommon and your whole day messed up you can't hurt her it did not hurt you and she can't function if she's fractured so we praying for healing lift your hands Father I pray for every marriage online every marriage in this building at first of all God you would bring healing in a supernatural way restoration is only you can help us to do our part to be the ribs and the leaders you want us to be help us to do our part I pray God that you will keep marriages together it should help us to stay when leaving is easy I pray that you will do it for generational blessings the generations may be blessed because of our commitment to you and to our spouses help us to honor our vows I come against everything every person everything that would destroy these relationships whatever it is cancel it out in the name of Jesus and help us to stand together and fight against everything together that would oppose our unity and closeness help us to do the work that keeps us close in Jesus name Amen [Applause]
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 8,352
Rating: 4.9288259 out of 5
Keywords: rib, kevin hart, my rib, Adam & Eve, Keith Battle, Pastor Keith Battle, Zion Church, love, support, relationships, brad c, simon brown, sermon, bible, jesus, God, teaching, healthy relationships, power, power of a rib
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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