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hi so me and my friends all decided to get on among us today now if you've seen my channel before you saw we did a video almost identical to this a couple days ago maybe even a week ago at this point i'm not entirely sure go check that out right up there at the top there should be a little thing up here that will show you everything you need to know that's how the game works that shows you who's playing yeah we'll just get straight into it hey so i know it's super super unlikely but sometimes youtube glitches out and will unsubscribe you from random creators please quickly scroll down and check that you're still subscribed to me it only takes a second and it'll be greatly appreciated and also if you want to subscribe to me in the first place i'm going to steal your cat i'm only saying to the top i'm going to electrical first knock electrical out the way then we're only staying to the top that's all we do we don't get in the way of anyone we don't incite murder we just quickly just do electrical super fast get electric out of the way nice and early shields go now leave now leave we don't go back nice we go to coms and shields do those quickly and then we don't head anywhere else oh it's a download [ __ ] we do comms shields and then we stick to the middle and the like archer we do the ovaries of the ship so from here i do not venture anywhere that would be stupid of me to go to so we stay in admin we do the admin upload we do the fixed wiring and storage but we okay you're chasing me help what i was following you is that chasing you what do you mean you stood so still at the beginning of the game but you didn't do anything and i was reading my chat and [ __ ] oh because i was watching the security and then you were chasing me all the way around to the canteen so i thought it was you so i caught a meeting you're silly how about you're silly you're a silly boy park i died to nikki probably don't wait i'm just going to take you to swipe nicki how good are you at swiping pretty good sticking there nice we'll submit the scan at med bay then we'll go into security and we will stay in security we're just going to stay in security just watch the cameras for a bit hi friends as well i did not find turbo i found um i found jack in cctv well were you cheating trouble again this round who saw who because i was with scott and nikki all the way at the end although at the end i saw scott and nikki went into electrical i passed them yeah i pretty much finished all my tasks i'm just waiting for sample so i went on cameras for a bit i then left cameras when jack walked in because he scared me i think this is a self-report i think it's funny in david even thinking he finished his task that's very very quick i'm voting for funding it's two imposters we need to get someone so i haven't finished my tasks i still need to look at the sample i think it's funny in david i'm going fundy first and i think it's gonna be david i do think i feel like it's will because why would you accuse both of them how does david have to do anything with this because i've seen the other three oh i forgot phil a completely blanked film well because i've been with nikki and scott was too electrical the entire time you weren't there he's playing it maybe david it's still not me by the way i think this is a self-report and i have no information on the second one i left jax like nikki you seen me in electrical i only just left jack was that a selfish because i didn't know like you've seen me i would have murdered you in there i i don't know if you would have i think it's david still i'm gonna stick with david so i know it's not nikki and scott as long as i stay near david i will have the answer if you kill me then we'll know hey he didn't kill me okay come with me then david come with me come with me oh oh it's your way of killing me no you're just taunting me you're teasing me doing a little jig he's doing all [ __ ] oh oh hello nikki i was expecting nikki there come on david this way this way david let's go do my last thing down here this way straight on here i'm losing david here i'm just head straight to oxygen because nikki's going to see if we can talk she'll get it happening there we go and hopefully david's in oxygen so i can keep an eye on him oh it's well uh no it's not no it's phil it's phil it's phil i know that scott and nikki didn't get the first kill because they were with me and i thought it was david davis found dead it's phil it has to be filled phil's the only possible culprit you're jumping on me pretty quick there dude nikki why do you think it's well nicki nicki nicki he was dead in weapons not medbay okay then it's not will because i saw will and david go into med bay i only saw will go out i wanted to check it but then he got reported so i thought maybe someone saw him in midway and you saw me run with you in cafeteria okay wait so where was the body also if it was david in med bay then will could not have reported it because will went out of med bay yeah i don't know how david got there then because i didn't see david david david was running with me i was staying near david because i knew david was the i knew david was the weak link in our channel jumped on my like he jumped on me so quick that how could this not be a self-report like am i the only one seeing this yeah you are phil i saw you come out of that vent [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] his little tip for all you among us fans out there hit the wires from here in store so you can stand in the corridor and you don't have to worry about being stabbed because you can stand right there same thing with some of the tasks in admin too you can just stand right in the doorway no one can see that was too fast apparently storage fuel engine i hate fuel engines man i'm just going to do all the navigation and weapons stuff first download nice good day jack okay we're fine jack just kills people in the middle of corridors so you've always got to be wary around jackie poo wires ahead of me and then when i see i actually didn't see the body [Music] really yeah i'll tell you my entire thing i went to do the the shoot thing all the way to pride of cafeteria then went to navigation do two things there did the download then said [ __ ] it i'll do cctv and then buddy report it i've never gone into a room and not seen the body i didn't go in the room i didn't go on reaction oh i thought you went in the room okay don't worry i think we're skipping yeah double vote for himself for funding okay nobody's just like putting his cards on the table he's like i know who it is i'm all in dude has never been wrong though he's got success i don't know i'm only suspicious of fundy because of how much he's so coy i'm only suspicious of fundy of never mind oh i'm not looking forward to fuel man hello scott what is scott doing he's on a proper runabout i'm not sure about all scotty poo i'm actually not gonna do any task with anyone near me if there's anyone near me i'm not oh no no no no no no no wait is there the ball going to go up bar did go up bar did go up for nicki just refused to do any oh no no no no no okay we're fine i just don't want to be near anyone when the tasks happen dude that's how you die i want to be alive i want to live i don't think it's nikki nikki's just got her little tasks working let's just stick together play it close oh oh do it phil you grab this while you're doing that phil i'm fine to do it with three people don't leave me i'm fine to do it near three people just not near one um all right that's where we leave each other then i guess i need to go do lower engine just do this and then get straight on cctv and be the cctv boys okay we're good we're good okay i'm going on cctv bubble was the last one with me ah there is a dead body let's see if okay jack reported it and he came in so i don't think it's just uh i was just green above me literally underneath the camera hey i have a theory will you me and phil were together weren't we with nick yeah yeah and then you went into security didn't you and i was outside i'll be honest when i went to security i saw the body on security but i didn't move because i wanted to see if someone would run past it and not report it so i could double them jack walked straight up to it and reported it from the wrong direction which proves that it probably wasn't him unless jack walked away waited for the cameras to switch on and then walked back and reported it so i think squat saw me in admin i'm saying i think it's nikki because those are up from our group i will do exactly what you want me to i trust you to the end of the earth you pick and i will copy it that's a lot of pressure man you're saying nicki i'm saying it's time for and then we split elbows got a sixth sense man why weren't you just dancing leading me somewhere voting no funny i was suspicious of you as well because i didn't see you doing it my entire round i was doing my task and then you'd lead me somewhere else you weren't because i saw you walk up to walls and then i didn't see the taskbar move to be fair some of them were wiring tasks and the bar doesn't move until you've done all three but he stopped at things like upload which do move the bar that's why i think it's fundy and nikki that's my case well i feel like four of us have voted nicki ness round so so funny we're gonna lose if you do that if we trust turbo i don't trust him just saying but we'll see if we should trust him from here man there's no way you're not emergency button let's go dubbo is the king he is so [ __ ] good at this game terrifying if i could be imposter please let me be imposter with [ __ ] tubbo imposter game with wilbur and tubber we would lose probably because i'm pretty [ __ ] so i saw tubber with fundy up here you monitored here's a crazy thing so there's this [ __ ] ceiling light that just drops down dead on top of it's crazy because everyone goes off in groups because there's so many of us so you take note of who goes off in what direction at the beginning of the first round and then once you've got that galaxy guys i'm gonna do exactly what you just said yeah we toppo is the king tubbo is the k pogs in the chat for tubbo please he is so [ __ ] good at this game it's terrifying if i could be imposter please let me be imposter with [ __ ] tubbo i go with the cameras nikki comes out event looks at me and then goes back in bed and it's just a mad dash to get to the button [ __ ] kills before i reach it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] i've got to play it good for tubbo i've got to make it up to tobo okay god uh i was just walking through fields and i found um this major's body cut to the chase who do you think it is we'll vote them whatever you say okay i saw at the beginning that weird fish went down didn't you yeah you went down so i showed that you were an admin and major's body was right and scoring i was right behind you but i didn't see the body i was the only person who went into admin what do you mean well if you're behind me you didn't i came through from shields i had done download in the cafeteria and i think i was heading to admin to do the upload oh do you know you didn't we're nowhere near us because i was with wilbur and navigation i was together with you uh scott who also went to no no no i saw you it was me scott and tubbers navigation you were just nowhere near that's what i was like why would you lie why would you like it can we have a tumble roll let's have a drumroll for the turbo and he was oh all it took was two loud people me and tubbo just to control the situation all it takes to win is two imposters who can control the situation and you can just roll it just because he's being loud that doesn't mean he's being right get in the game if you're not here give me a minute wilbur tommy we'll download data in cafeteria first and then do the three things in admin that's a good start no one dies in cafeteria cafeteria is your safest bet everyone loves cafeteria name someone who doesn't like cafeteria you're wrong they love it it's worrying oh the next one's gonna be an electrical isn't it and i'm gonna be [ __ ] oh it's in navigation that's okay i need a navigation oh hi guys all right i died and then i walked up past uh the up to the navigation the bit with all the steering wheels and [ __ ] and then i just see all this blood and [ __ ] i i almost vomited i tell you that okay so did tell them to come from there i was in admit and i was doing the swipes and then i and then i walked down past the table thank you i got a bad read tommy i'm getting a bad read on you right now yeah i was literally an admin for so i could have killed you if i wanted you if i if i wanted to because i'm strong yeah i'm gonna skip vote i'm gonna skip though we don't need to vote anyone i'm not doing the reactor meltdown [ __ ] that that's far away such a boomer someone else will do it for me i'll do something else i'll do the thing that helps me someone else will do the other thing hello tommy hi tommy tommy oh don't do it don't come close to me just oh that he's faking it he was bad i knew it little [ __ ] gremlin child little gremlin child i hate him i hate anything that tommy and it stands for anything tommy and it stands for i am just against i'm against [Laughter] yeah why should i not throw you out the plane right now i went through uh the hallway through communications and i was in navigation doing um the wiring and that i was not involved whatsoever but those that did immediately kill me out on this so where did you go i went electrical though what do you think [Music] jack who did you vote for i don't buy jacob if it's not funny if it's not it's probably jack no it's because i was winning and then jack apparently was with here i think we just lost because tommy made the wrong callback [Music] [Applause] looks like the tables have turned shut the [ __ ] up tommy tommy you're a little gremlin boy you have no friends literally no one cares about you in the whole world but everyone everyone quite everyone quiet everyone quiet anyone who wants to relax and just unwind come into the other vc and just be quiet are you playing this is such a mess of audio tell us about the story my favorite thing tommy was about that when you were like i swiped the card but i was dead by that point so you walked up to the oxygen tight like corner just stood at that i was like
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 3,205,063
Rating: 4.9787655 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: YD7565PhJpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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