REAL LIFE STORAGE WARS AUCTION / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker With Mystery Boxes

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vintage blown glass clear ball Christmas ornaments with a candle inside five thousand dollars how the Hales aren't you today remember lucky number thirteen the storage unit I bought back in October filled with antiques because it was a former antique mall booth probably tons and tons of booths well we're digging back into it today we'll be going through it for months maybe even a full year with as many boxes there are so let's dig in and let's find out exactly how much treasure and exactly how much profit we can make today think we can find $500 worth let me know down in the comments hale's yes or Hailes no and just as a reminder don't forget to subscribe hit that Bell make sure you hit the all notifications because a lot of YouTube right now they're not getting notifications out the way to fix that go click on the Bell unclick it click again click all and you'll make sure you know every time we upload a new video and every time we go live [Music] here it is once again folks mounds and mountains and stacks and rows and anything you can think of this is all from that gigantic number 13 unit and it goes down the length of about 50 foot wall and it's double stacked back box after box after box after box it's gonna take a long time to get through this one but let's dig in let's find some treasure I'm itching to find some treasure is gonna be either the best or the worst you can say that again oh I forgot to tell you if you want to bid on some of the really cool stuff that we find in storage units that you've seen in the actual videos make sure you click on the link in the description and in the pinned comment for the grime spines hailstorm auction phase - you can get a little piece of the Hales history to own for your very self come mister tally man tally muffin name no feel I wanna go home they like coming you want to make some money look at this I think this is Norman Rockwell oh it is it's Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post glass set look at this collectible glasses oh look at that my grandma used to collect this and even as a even as a grade school I would go to garage sales and I would kind Norman Rockwell stuff and I would actually pick that up for my grandma and grandma always used to tell me Jeremy when when I passed all this stuff is going back to you that didn't happen let's see how much were they asking how much were they asking they were asking $20 $20 at the mall booth for that set of glasses how cool is that that is that's cool for me just because just because of the history with grandma every time I would see Norman Rockwell Saturday Evening Post I would think about grandma and I'm sure there are things for you guys as well let me know in the comments below what are things that would make you think about your family the past grandma grandpa there's along those lines look at this old candle candle holders there's gonna be a lot of nice glassware I'm sure in here I'm not particularly fond of glass but I know you guys are and norm I particularly fond of Avon but I know some of you guys are unfortunately the Avon doesn't sell like it used to you got to have a real rare piece they sure what that is man that's an old planter look we got all kinds of small thing here and let's get a date on the paper 2001 2001 now remember everything in this unit we did learn that the previous owner passed away he had a I love that little amber I think that's amber glass he passed away he had a booth at the local local antique mall and it's at his girlfriend actually put all of this in a storage unit it sat for 32 years this looks like maybe it was uh it looks like his broken nope yeah yeah broken probably a tree for for necklaces and things like that and there's little perfume bottles which I'm sure he's asking a dollar for that asking a dollar for that perfume bottles getting the reality of having a mall booth you'll get more money selling online that's just the reality of it you you widen your market and so a lot of these old prices number one they're old but number two there's such a larger market and so more demand online you make a whole lot more money selling on a platform like eBay pretty cool right there let's let's look at one more in here I then let's run into a different box yeah it's a nice green glass come on big money big money big money big money here we okay I grew up in a grocery store family grocery store started in nineteen eighteen hails grocery we had all kinds of the old bottles the old pop bottles down in the basement back then basements weren't concrete they were dirt when I would get in trouble my dad would send me down to sweep the basement floor you can imagine I was down there for hours it was sweep the floor until you find the bottom to the concrete yeah never found a creepy basement tons of old old pop bottles like this I haven't seen one of these a 50/50 in a long time how cool is that with the cap still on it now I saw all of this obviously because I grew up in a grocery store uptown I don't remember uptown oh wait that's the lemonade I think I do here's a here's a golden age' ginger ale he's a cool check that out extra dry not sure how you can be extra dry when you just be dry I mean I get extra wet I don't get extra dry so if you can explain that to me in the comments let me know there's some more extra dry these are so cool this would look so awesome as it oh look at that a double cool lock these would look so amazing in a vintage set up kind of old town family store you don't put them on display here at the warehouse - let's see oh you know the other thing we could do we could turn these in tribal posit we really could see right there return for deposit how much do you think we could get for that this box it actually says the business but there's not a single weight or sound that actually makes me think it is dishes I think this box is mislabeled because you don't hear any there's another thing I love this guy put wrapping over everything this is either he kept this that's from 2004 as a collectible piece or it was protective and I'm gonna I guess it was protective look at this 1989 WJ HS this looks like a yearbook yes it is this is a yearbook so believe it or not if you are look up yearbooks on eBay right now they sell especially if you had a celebrity that went to school old-school scrapbook $12 is what he was asking oh look at this the old emphysema right emphysema Empyrean schizophrenia look at that this is cool you got the history and the paperwork there look at this is an old Ohio Ohio University letter greetings friends so you up and done it best wishes for a long long life of happiness and success PS something too soon right once in a while howdy that's from Ohio State University here's a marriage certificate remember we did not buy this person's unit this is an antique dealer that bought all of this so this person he probably bought it at a garage sale something along those lines marriage service look at all this the bride's book this is wild oh look at this antique photos that's cool old scrapbook all right we got some old-time magazines it looks like we got a bunch of we do we have a bunch of them time look at this he's asking three dollars the reality is if you have the right one it's worth so much more there's a football the hitters and now we're getting in some football one of two bucks apiece for that look at all this paperwork the the mere 1930 this is another the Sharon the Sharon high school this is another yearbook the mirror night look at that that's 1930 he's got it sealed in here all right I know we you put it in plastic to protect it but I've got to see what a yearbook looked like in 1930 I've never seen a yearbook from 1930 look at the dragon oh my goodness it is never seen anything so cool and autographs everywhere I wonder if we have any famous people in there that that could be worth something right there okay now old calendars look at this we've got old calendars and again this is a whole nother market of collectability so these calendars know a year 1980-1981 we got a 1980 here we got a we got a 1979 here's a funeral home of 1979 calendars have a collectability all to themselves especially if they're if they're promoting I know tractors or whatever it is Harley Davidsons so a ton of calendars wow this is what it was labeled dishes right there there's words at those are the dishes was he asking $25 for the what's that say boom ton Booton Boonton dish set right shoe box just 56 pieces right there for the dish set for the room honestly I I don't know much about boomtown but I have a feeling the paper is worth more than the actual dishes all right big moneymaker here we go a heavy one you know what heavy means right it means books now after what we just found this is a good thing bank letters that build businesses is this this is actual letters a suggested letter that a bank would use I'm guessing okay so there you have it songs of long ago which are they asking this kind of okay so I've been doing eBay practically since eBay actually hit the internet okay some of the items that I've sold for the most books paper of all things books and paper thousands upon thousands of dollars think of comics some comics can go for hundreds of thousands of dollars that's a book paper thousands and thousands of dollars so we always want to make sure we look these things up even things like look at this you got Betty Crocker's new good and easy cookbook now I'm not saying that this one's gonna be worth a lot they got it priced at three dollars but I know there are some cookbooks that I've sold that I've sold for hundreds of dollars here is Kipling some stories some more stories American government you know some of these could be worth something I'm not checking the pages on all of these doctor elite Ally dr. Ellen let's see a year on this although I gotta admit my my Roman my Roman numerals are a little off I can't even find a date dr. Ellen right there so oh oh here here's gonna be a collectible here's the Teddy Ruxpin right there Teddy Ruxpin remember Teddy Ruxpin actually they told you the story so now we have the book yeah this this is gonna be sold on on eBay that's an eBay for sure and things like this sci-fi usually go pretty well to just want to look a few more pieces down here just to see like what's this Ohio development and publicity Commission looks like mice got the edge yeah mice got the it well mice only got the edge see some of these books can be worth hundreds of dollars we just don't know unless we check each one and it's obviously a process to check every single one beyond the frontier there's money in here it's just hard to know how much okay this one actually says toys so I'm hoping I'm hoping because we all know that's my favorite and frankly I think it sells the best although this does not look like toys but oh wow wow there looks like there's some pretty cool stuff in here though okay look at this he has this as wood art okay two dollars this isn't wood art this is actually the base of a wood planer so wood planers if you were to look up wood planers on ebay you'll see that some of these people collect nothing but just wood planers so this would be a collectible piece because the metal planer piece would come in here the handle would be up here you'd go back and forth that's probably has some value if we can actually identify what it went to and that may take a little bit of work but that could be the difference between a dollar or hundreds of dollars look at this look at this I think we have a jewelry box we do there is a jewelry box in there look at this here that's a really cool wood car play that just zoom that's pretty awesome oh and we have some markings on the back is anybody recognize anybody recognize that marking kazars gosh yen's errs i feel like some of the ink is missing if you know what it is let me know in the comments below okay and then we've got the this looks like a jewelry box to me look at the inlay and the the deacon you know just the the decal there yep jewelry box beautiful jewelry box look at that how cool okay and obviously we've got some other decor pieces in here everything from I know you people remember when these ducks were all the fad everybody had to have a duck in their house I wouldn't know oh and then it went to concrete ducks and then it went to you have to put a raincoat on your concrete duck and a bonnet what were we thinking I mean seriously we were thinking about chickens so everything's better with chicken so this has got a lot of cool stuff let's move on to the next one here let's get rid of that thing I'm not sure what that was that's uh I think that's a fruit basket holder right there oh and you know what we just found look at this look at all the fruits we've got all the crazy old fruits I'm thinking there's got to be something I could do it just to get George look at that grape marbled grapes there's got to be something that were George George or plastic lemons and nuts for anybody who needed oh you know what I think they are did you make plastic nuts we find those in every unit an bananas we find plastic bananas and every unit - okay what is this thing I have no idea what this is maybe some of you guys do not sure about that one oh you know what now I'm starting to see because there is a spindle wheel down here so it looks like it's some kind of spindle wheel with an orange something okay and look at that beautiful I think that's red does anybody recognize that marking unfortunately the the lip is broken but I think there's still some money to be made there whoops let's see what's in this box come on banana banana fanna fo fanna me mama man oh my goodness are you guys seeing this you see this this is a portrait called grandpa's toilet and it's copyrighted 1903 grandpa's toilet now an antique er obviously owned all this but I doubt that Oh careful I doubt that the antiquer actually looked behind everything look he's got another grandpa's toilet there's one okay the other one was for four dollars look this grandpa's toilet is for four dollars this grandpa's toilet with nowhere near as nice as a frame is four dollars art is another area we got a we got a look at okay look at that old school picture makes you wonder if these guys were politicians or what all right let's just for the fun of it we're gonna look we do we have some riding back there where would they hide the money I've never ever found money hidden behind a picture ever and yet people still say they find it yet to find it I've not been one of the lucky ones well these ones look like they were lucky he was really I think he got lucky just not as lucky as me even though it's winter here in Ohio one of the things I can do with this stuff a lot of a lot of this stuff I could sell in the warehouse but since the weather is so inclement here and it's freezing cold what I do I just take it to my local auction house so for example like Christmas items right now this will be really hot but there's only one time of year where you can sell Christmas items really quick and really hot and that's right around Christmas so I'd want to get this immediately to my auctioneer so this will go Monday every Monday I take a load of the auctioneer but some Christmas items such as blow molds or even old oil lamps or even for example here you have the old style wipes these are actually worth money so it's good to do a search just get on eBay do a soul search type in Christmas just type in the word Christmas and then see what comes up in regards to values as a matter of fact let's just do it right now let's take a peek on how once you jump on eBay jump in the actual search bar just type Christmas all right really easy you don't need to hit an actual grouping just hit Christmas and hit Search all right we're gonna see all kinds of stuff right now right 17 million items if you look up in the left-hand corner we're gonna hit filter scroll down and we're gonna go to sold okay we want to know what actual things sold for that tells us the real value so sold hit done and then I want a sort from highest to lowest this really gives me the education on what I should be looking for look at this 40-foot majestic mountain pine commercial artificial Christmas tree somebody sold a plastic tree for $19,900 all right Christmas RAC packs graded I didn't even know what these were I didn't know tops had a Christmas rack packs graded baseball cards but here you go twelve thousand five hundred and let's keep going there's a Rolex for twelve thousand but look this is where we're getting a real education we've got the flocked prelim sterling Christmas tree twelve and a half foot brand new so we're five hundred bucks they're not sure plus eleven thousand two hundred shipping that makes a little bit more sense okay our decor platinum karat here we go that's a nicer ring would that be nice if we found something like that in these boxes we'll give this first edition Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol 9500 this is why we have to look through the books what if we actually have the first edition of a Christmas carol we have to look we have to know that's why we take the time to do it here's a postcard to Grandma from granddaughter this is wild eight thousand dollars for an early 1900s Christmas postcard remember when I told you paper sells for more than anything look at this let's just look all right eight thousand dollars let's take a peek at the pictures one of eight Wow look at you know the cooked postcards that that we've been finding look at this man I hope I hope we have this one in a lot of postcards we've got stuff from what I think the Civil War and everything Wow eight thousand dollars for that piece of paper a postcard a postcard here's another Christmas carol $7,400 let's see what else we can find another christmas carol and we just typed in the word christmas ornaments there you go right there guys ornaments 6200 $14.50 ornaments you gotta look at everything and the way that you do it is you actually get on eBay this tells you what people are actually practically paying this had another ornament nope that's a partridge in a pear tree you know partridge in a pear tree look here here's a nativity here is a hand-carved nativity scene four thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars and seventy five cents what are you doing with the nativity scenes that you find at the garage sales and that you find in the storage units you better make sure you're looking at eBay because you could be passing up some real money look a here vintage blown glass clear ball Christmas ornaments with a candle inside five thousand dollars this is where you get the education type in a word look at the soul to go highest to lowest [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 31,251
Rating: 4.8803325 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 2z4Cnw9FLpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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