I BOUGHT A SCHOOL GUN MANS Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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we know an individual went to school with guns and drugs got arrested and we have the briefcase here in the unit let's open it up in 1-2 Hales low it's Jeremy today we're headed down south to go pick up a unit that I bought online there's no live auctions within a hundred-mile radius even 150 mile radius until Saturday which we can't wait for but today's Wednesday so I bought it yesterday came down today and we're gonna dig through it and we're gonna see what treasures we can find come Hales or high water we're gonna find something let's find out what it is but before we do see what's inside let me show you when I actually bought it and then we'll fast forward it right now really the thing that interests me the most in this unit this hardshell briefcase I want to know what in the world is inside that hardshell briefcase and to be honest I wouldn't encourage many people to bid on things that they don't know but I'm not gonna lose any money because I know I can sell the rest for at least $100 so 110 is my max with 20 seconds to go let's see if we're gonna win it we got 16 more seconds we're still the high bidder 10 seconds yeah we got this I think mm-hmm 5 4 3 2 and yeah okay yep right here I do this for a living so do you know anything about the previous owner at all any history and were they paying for years or just put it in there and then gone a lot of them just put it in there for a month and then they BAM we just painted and put new universe eyes oh yeah same unit and if you look on the side of the door you'll see the 184 okay but above the door remember that's usually the case they get the free first month or whatever in the last year so she did pay for a little bit constantly late all right mini George we made it let's go treasure hunt in first things first I want to see what's going on here and this isn't a good sign you see this those are goodwill stickers and so that's not gonna help us out probably all that much yeah goodwill I hope we don't have so this we can throw in the truck we got a baby seat we'll throw that in the truck we'll take the bike and we'll throw this in the truck and we'll get back to poppy and then again a little further got a couple nice plant racks here and a couple bags of clothes so I'm not going to go through all the clothes individually I'll do that when I get home at the warehouse but just know I'm gonna pull it out and I'm just gonna load it up because this unit is so small let's just look real quick is that close this is not close this this is something else looks like beach toys maybe I don't know I'll dig in and find out good thing we look deeper in that bag we found a binder now it was obviously purchased from Goodwill looks like in I know 31st of something in 2018 let's take a peek we've got yeah I thought it was gonna be cards hinder extreme behavior I have no idea what this is can you guys Google this and let me know what it is in the comment section we've got baseball cards let's see that's 87 we might have some there's nineties ken griffey jr. wish I had his rookie Don well this is all Ken Griffey we might have as rookie in here oh here's a stamp collection look at that there's a stamp collection right there we'll have to look through all of that and there's a stamp catalog maybe we'll find something don't look at this all right there you have it we got another drug users unit which it's typically the case but what happens as drugs get involved and then they lose all of their stuff so I'm gonna have to get my gloves 80s I'm gonna have to get my gloves and be a whole lot more careful now I found names and I thought I would google them really quick never in a million years did I think I would find the son being charged with two guns in the high school I have a stamp collection this is a stamp collector gone bad busted for guns at school and drugs who knows what and the Hales we're gonna find in here now my concern now isn't only just drugs it's or are we gonna find firearms in here so I moved this so we could get a better peek let's just go ahead we'll look down inside each one I don't know that we're gonna get too crazy digging because we got to go through this stuff really carefully alright let's see what we have here we've got we got a bag of like just bags some shoe down there that bag of I don't know is that oil for your hair look that's all it's all goodwill this is all thrift store stuff so it's not the best out here it might be something and let's scoot in down there at least we got another selfie stick cuz I break these ends all the time this is what we use to actually film so the camera goes in here so that's good and look at there over there we got a gift card as a matter of fact we have been holding all of our gift cards we're gonna do a gift card here real soon we're gonna show you everything that we get from the gift cards there's a Bible down here let's look in the Bible just real quick there's half a ball that's odd let's see see if we can no nothing hidden in the Bible nothing under there oh here's the other half of the bra that is weird and we do have some kind of drugs anybody know what those are leave it in the comments down here it's like garbage yeah that's empty weird got hair trimmers we got cards all right let's keep digging and other stuff another tote with goodwill stickers on it a lot of times these people low-income he'll get goodwill vouchers and so a lot of this stuff just might have came from a goodwill voucher this looks like once a kid stuff there's a bag of cars ash that came from Goodwill as well so 10 bucks for this bag of cars we'd want to go through and look for red lines and older cars in there that are more collectible that could have something there there's a LeapPad dinosaurs there's kids clothes looks like there's some stuff there's a blaze diecast kissing bear truck alright this looks like all kids stuff you know they're nothing nothing I want to spend too much time on in here what I really want to do is get back to that briefcase and find out what's hiding in there and who knows that could be a weapon oddly enough there are four giant suitcases that I can see have one small one back here what's inside we've got it looks like household junk although I see my little pony down let's look see that my little pony candles here we go and my little pony this could be pretty collectible 1985 Hasbro this thing is heavy my goodness because it's good it's filled with it's filled with the old records for kids oh no way yeah look there's Flintstones I can't believe this look at this this in itself there's the Unicorn we'll send that to Mike storage auction pirate mother Goose it's a small world Disney this in itself was worth Raggedy Ann this was worth the purchase right there Peter Pan right here this is it this one item right here will pay for this unit with all these records remember people don't buy things they buy memories nine times out of ten when you're looking to resell things such as this how cool is that okay so this is great again more goodwill stuff maybe they bought it at Goodwill if they did I buy things like goodwill resale all the time we've got a kids box got a bunch of Fitness not sure what these are these might be for I don't know apparently they're for working out so well set that aside we got a kid box I got a lot of paperwork in here we'll go through that later whoa look at this this is brand-new Puma $34 fourteen brand-new brand-new look at that Reebok brand new $24 brand-new brand-new at $40 Wow okay this this one suitcase just paid for the unit I was going too fast because I'm on a time crunch I'm actually stopping to drop off if you the video dead man's parents I'm dropping off the last of the belongings to the parents and then I have to get back home in time to take Jorge to radiation so going too fast I miss this entire My Little Pony record to go with the actual record case how cool is that this piece of luggage here I had to edit the video footage out because it's filled with personal documents and photos as a matter of fact the tote behind it looks like it's filled with pictures too I'm gonna go through the white tote next and if I find anything of value I will show it to you but there's just too much personal stuff for me to spend 10 days editing all of that stuff out so let's dig in and I'll show you the highlights from the white tote after a quick search I got the top things right here we got a rewards card we got gift cards under there and most importantly I got a little bit of change so thing is we go through every single one look at that change is actually in a wrapper we go through all of these pennies like that's a 1969 so that's full copper or majority copper and so we hold on to that but there was a Canadian penny as well and we got a flashdrive 32gig Jebus loves going through those and there's a there's an actual facial mask as well so George loves those and then most importantly right here cuz I haven't eaten yet I'm hoping this as a Reese's it's got to be something it's lunchtime guys you know what I mean so sometimes you gotta improvise adapt you got over a comma not bad not bad at all that briefcase is still calling my name but this bag is right here so let's rip in it looks like there's clothing which yep there is some nice construction boots and I suppose aren't trail Wow those ones stay my keys it's in here this is a sewing kit okay so that's a little sewing boxes bags Thanks something's nasty in there like a dog pillow it's just there's a mr. buck oh I was gonna say it's a mr. Buchan buckets of fun oh this is that's xbox360 is what that is come on something be in here please come on make it worth it make it worth it I think it's in there it is okay call of duty in maybe three yep it is okay come on come on UFC in there this is great event yep both in there far cry 3 yeah yeah okay that was the mr. bucket of fun right there you had some surprises and you didn't you mr. buckets all right I'll go through that in more detail and a little bit look at this okay we're stuff tied everywhere all right we've got fisher-price more paperwork and I really should have my gloves on right now school stuff more paperwork I'm not gonna dig really deep because I don't want to get hurt again like I did a few weeks back and that drug dealers unit you know there's a lot of baby stuff maybe maybe the school gunman and a girl got pregnant digital photos granny's wacky prize bag there that stamps for stampin okay not okay I'm not sure what this is anybody know what that is no spleens not sure what that is there's more please laminate bracelets all right well let's move this stuff let's get into the suitcase underneath it this looks like one of the biggest suitcases clothing mm-hmm just be careful here okay that's pictures we hold a second whole second here here we go Xbox 360 check ah in there awesome okay this is pretty pretty common it's not in there I probably have a ton of those at home with with with the actual discs with no no case so we're probably doing okay piece of glass you know I mean last thing I need is drug unit poking me cutting me broken glass just because I'm going fast I got too many places to be at once I can't wait for full-time help okay here we got Lightning McQueen it's just markers all right it looks like there is can you see this there's a GT race track down in here in the box so a 1:43 as far sighs we've got another box here you got a kid box yeah it's all in there how cool is that got a lot of teeth oh you know what we have we got a ton of party light and we got a ton of paints that's what we have I just went through a couple bags and the hamper that I won't be able to show you because there's just again too much personal stuff and it takes way too much to actually is this some kind of waste reducer to edit all of that information out we do have a Jacqueline Smith purse let's see what we can find let's be really careful something there we got another purse there is another purse in here we've got a ripped up ripped up picture so probably you got more change probably a failed relationship with the reported gunmen basically that's what I'm seeing a child with the reported gunman oh wow there's a lot of change down here and a failed relationship so I'll try and show you there's a lot of change to go through now a lot of times what we get is you planted the money we don't plant anything we find what we find whether it's good or whether it's bad we show it all do you and so sometimes we hit it big sometimes we hit it small sometimes we hit it medium sometimes we don't hit it at all is this another person here's another purse within a third purse with in the second purse which was in the first purse this is starting to sound like a hole in the bottom of the sea there's a person to person in the purse the person to person a purse there's a purse there's a purse there's a purse done in person a purse I took all the boring clothes bags and I just threw them up in the truck I figured you didn't want to see them I don't want to see them I'm just gonna go through them later and then they'll get donated to Goodwill where they probably came from anyway let's go dig into the good stuff I'm going to take the briefcase that we're wondering what's in I'm gonna set it aside over here we're going to go through these three things and then we're going to get into the briefcase and find out exactly what's inside all right two more suitcases you're stuck on something looks like something else electronic here Kodak's something definitely clothing let's just look real quick I'm not gonna dig too deep we can dig in this at home just looking in the corners see if somebody hits something it might be something more close hi this one's it done let's grab the next one this one looks like it's packed oh here we go we got some electronics Audiovox I'm not sure what that is for galaxy 7 refine sure not don't know what that is HoMedics try me oh my goodness alright careful this I got hurt last time I think I would learn my lesson and I almost did learn my lesson again all right we got cellphones all right that's for stamp collecting I hadn't be careful make sure that wasn't personal stuff Audiovox monitor power the future is wild kind of DVD okay we'll just throw that back in there till we get home hopefully you can see okay all here's more all kinds of electronics destroyed phones taken apart all right see what's in here so you probably have full computers in here all right opener right and that's that's a huge bag of clothing all right that's just a huge bag of clothing I'm going to throw that in the trunk and we're gonna get into the tote and then the briefcase most people hide their best stuff in the back corners so let's see what we got all right we definitely have paperwork here so purse see if we have any more gift cards we have yeah we sure do NetSpend cards as well there we go there's for example right there this thing is filled with cards so we're going to go through all the cards that we get oh my goodness there's a ton of them we're going to go through all the cars that we get in a whole other video and we're going to show you how that all goes and takes place what we got here looks like we got a DVD Tower of all kinds of movies five little monkeys just gonna set this over here just a little concerned about moving this stuff I don't know what that is here's another purse Henri Bendel see what's in here that's makeup and a Straight Talk card we got down here holy cow all right we found more of the stamp collection that's an international collection and more of the card collection we're gonna see some Michael Jordan we're going to have to go through that I'm gonna have to go through that later because I'm always on a time crunch more stamp collecting books some of them was heavily medicated for sure put that back in the mango cleanse just pull this up well we can see money down here Jolly Ranchers candy there's a lollypop here's mr. Potato Head but I just don't have time to eat all this stuff right now so this stuff is gonna have to wait for me to eat it later I'm gonna have to go through this hell let's just pull a few things out I know I'm gonna be late but curiosity is getting to you and it's getting to me I want to know you want to know yeah and there's the baby right there RCA the DVD reader broken glass or something all right so there's one thing there could be anything in here here's more electronics here's another purse more pieces of electronics what do we have more pills more and more pills crafts and art stuff all right let's load this up let's get in that briefcase we know an individual went to school with guns and drugs got arrested and we have the briefcase here in the unit let's open it up in 1 2 3
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 149,624
Rating: 4.5515151 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, school shooter, school gun, gun
Id: GH75Xd4I5hA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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