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look at this we just found a lockbox we have a display case and a lockbox see what we have we got something wrapped up the giant eagle holy cow let's see what we have in here federal ammunition pop it and we're back at the warehouse today and we know so many of you rely on what the Hales for not only your entertainment but your education on how to make money working from home one of the most important things in a time like this you can be assured we will continue to be committed to sharing all kinds of education and entertainment with you as a matter of fact we'll go through the process on this video as we continue to go through the $1,800 and the $1,700 storage units these are gonna take months to get through so don't you worry every single day you're gonna have another video to watch so make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the all notifications the little bell and turn the notifications on your Apple product so you always always can see what the Hales we find [Music] to be in this business there's two fundamental questions you have to answer for yourself number one how are you gonna move at all I always always encourage a covered trailer such as this with a ramp door because everything is done on the ground level you don't want to be lifting up over and over and over again and a box truck well that's a whole nother engine you have to deal with so thankfully we've got Ramses we've got the covered trailer but the second question is where am I gonna put it and this stuff can overwhelm your life so we're fortunate also to have the warehouse now we're lucky that we have the dock space let's just climb up right now here we go with my makeshift stairs so the dock space everything comes up into here and we've got plenty of space and I'm getting ready right now to even do some sorting but as you can see here's the that's the $1,800 unit and then here's the $1700 unit you've got to sort it all and you've got to have a place to put it all here's where we're putting all the license plates so even this much space well frankly it can be overwhelming when you're buying at a volume but you also can't just buy you have got to sell and we've got great videos teaching you how as a matter of fact I'm gonna pin one it's gonna be right there for you it's gonna teach you how to sell the items that you acquire in different ideas different ways to do that while you're at home that video is a great video for anybody whether you're buying storage units or not it'll teach you creative ways to make money at home on online platforms with stuff you already have now look at all this I've already got stuff this is stuff as we're going through the unit that I may be missing a part or a piece for example let's look here okay I've got four locks locks are incredible things when you're in the storage unit business there's three things you always want to bring to a storage unit option your ID you've got to bring your driver's license locks because you're responsible for securing your purchase afterwards and then cash ninety-nine percent of the auctions are gonna be cash nice thing with public storage they typically let you put it on a credit card but be aware because those public storage auctions will go for a higher price because people can charge them and they don't have to be in cash you know what as a matter of fact I'm gonna teach you how to find storage unit auctions in your area as well right here or here one of those areas there's another pinned area sharing a phenomenal video with you how to find storage unit options both live and online let's open this thing up we haven't even peaked in here yet let's see holy cow it's heavy I'm gonna have to take this lid that I've been using as a table and yes yes yes oh nice this frankly this is man this is gold right here we were talking with our friend auctioneer Steve Wilson that we needed a car safe a personal vault for your firearms and your valuables because we carry cash with us all the time and we obviously protect ourselves as well especially when we carried the cash that we have this is going home this is gonna be used in the vehicle for sure without a doubt brand-new here we go again brand new I'm gonna set that aside cuz we're not selling that back we're gonna use that here's a Road King wow what is this a CB brand new Road King CB includes the preferred noise microphone a $60 value alright there it is what do you guys think how much there we're gonna have to look that one up online it looks like it looks like it's money though to me what else look this tote oh my goodness we were so so lucky here is these units are amazing here is kobold more brand-new cobalt tools these will go back to Lowe's I'll get a store credit I'll use those on my apartment we've got whenever this is the ideal compression connectors installation kit oh wow wha-wha-wha wha-wha-wha-wha here's another 300 oh my goodness that is that's what's so heavy there is a 300 mechanics piece set in here advanced tool set 300 piece right there 300 piece cobalt pure money brand-new never used count how many times I say brand-new because this is just this is amazing look at this we got a brand new Porter Cable brand new porter cable something something I don't know what it is yet but oh my goodness brand new porter cable little saw 20 volt lithium and I know we got batteries there's the brand-new blade with it there's got to be a battery in here as well so circular saw with the carrying case I'm sure there's a battery somewhere I just I mean all and the great thing is you guys can all do this - there's nothing there is nothing that I do that you can't do on a daily basis whoa look at that brand-new Delta Annihilator that's the Annihilator that's what we're gonna do when this virus dead on Tools we're gonna annihilate it so there is the ultimate wrecking bar right there if you get into the wrecking business you can wreak some stuff with that that's for sure serious we got carabiner clips we got power strip we got channel locks brand new channel locks these are they are channel lock brands so DSL cable or no maybe that's a landline cable not sure we really need that we've got a 16 piece precision knife I mean it will excuse me huh knife 16 piece precision can knife set this is just amazing and there's an exacto so I've said this once before I'm gonna say it again if I on average if let's just say there's a hundred boxes and a hundred totes if I on average can make $100 per baht 10 grand just like that now I firmly believe in I'm gonna prove it to you because I'm gonna I'm gonna actually take all these tools back to Lowe's and get an in-store credit I believe there's over ten thousand dollars just in tools tools alone that I will use on my apartments and my rental properties from here on into the future let's dig into something else a lot of you may be wanting to get into storage units but frankly you're just like hey I don't know what to bid and we see a lot of that all the time but don't worry there's over 500 videos on the channel and daily videos that come out every single day that teach you what to look for for example when you see a unit filled with high-quality high-dollar totes that's a good sign that people had something of value because they bought something of value to store hopefully all right that's what we call a profiling you don't bid on garbage let's see what we have in here hopefully it's not garbage oh and by the way if you have questions every Sunday night every Sunday night at 9 p.m. Eastern Standard we go live and we answer your question take a peek in here look at this wouldn't you know it I am new 300 max psi air compressor hose again this for us there's lots of mains to make money we don't have to post this online we can actually take this back and get a store credit because it's brand-new it's still sealed and that's completely and totally legal that's part of the plan but things like well here look at this this would be what I would consider collectible because if you go into Christie Krispy Kreme they're gonna charge you for something like this now often look Applebee's let's see go green with psi Applebee's all over here this is all here's another one here's another one Applebee's ok and you're asking ok how this guy get this stuff well we already know because there's a story in every single you there's always a story and this guy owned a touring company therefore he got free stuff everywhere as a matter of look at this here is oh my goodness it's so heavy an entire box in the tote of his business pens and there are tons and tons and tons of them so not only did he give out freebies he was obviously getting freebies from everywhere as well let's see what else do we have here we've got freebies from anywhere and everywhere the French Lick Resort not sure what that is where it is but there's one two three four five so much more when you profile a unit look for the story if it looks like garbage guess what the story is garbage if it looks good guess what the story's gonna be good nine times out of ten profiling helps you calculate the risk when buying that way you're always making profit there is no reason anyone should ever lose buying a storage unit you never have to lose any money you should always be making it I want to jump back over here to the $1700 unit side but remember both of these units were purchased for everything in the unit were purchased and owned by the same person let's open up another look at wait wait wait wait wait this is this oh you know what this looks like okay this looks like an old actually it looks like harness working for a horse and then it was turned into a key holder okay there we go there we go this was old harness working for horse turned into a then key holder that you would hang up at home cool stuff nonetheless so a lot of people will go man how do you even get rid of this well there's lots of different ways to get rid of it and that one video that I referenced earlier will share with you but Facebook marketplace is a huge place right now people without work are posting almost everything they own on Facebook marketplace remember the goal in acquiring wealth and be fluent buy low sell high everything works in cycles so everything is gonna be extremely low right now income sales everything but the cycle will go back up and you'll make a ton of money so now is the time to absolutely buy if you have the the the income to do so and even if you don't have mass income there's still opportunities for you to find things really low hold on to them then sell them really high let's look at some other things in here let's look at what do we have here oh boy okay we got a bunch of smalls in here this is kind of cool people love this stuff if I can get it to where I can show you I'm not gonna take them all out of the bag but look we've got like porcelain I see a Walmart I see peppers I see it IRRI corn there's acorns porcelain pieces look at that just kind of out look there's a cucumber cuz you're my cucumber my precious cucumber just looks like a drying rack we got moose crossing Canada remember there was a lot of travel this individual was doing let's see and we have found a fun plot of antiques let's see what we have here this is part of the fun cake frosty glass there set that aside see what else we have this might be look at all that paper that's a lot of paper and that's a good sign for this story because they were protecting these look hand-painted they were protecting what they actually put in here is there any oh this is heavy whatever it is this is heavy and it is not another glass this is this this looks like a lighter I think I don't know let's see it is oh my goodness look at that still has spark all right let's look inside lighters are a huge area of collectability online and I'm seeing any markings but holy cow that thing is heavy I think is really heavy I'll set that aside we'll sell will sell lighters for our viewers in a bulk lot and every Sunday night on our live stream we try and give with that we try and give our viewers bulk items so that they can then go resale and generate income just like us so that's our live stream we do what we call a minute to win it that looks like some kind of fondue set 229 was the original price way back when ever at WT grant I don't even know probably something there probably something there's some smalls for sure let's look here Oh nightlight nightlight wrap some paper that is now we're getting perplexing here we go shot glasses we get a million of those here's something else here a little piece of pottery looks like the old crocks huh there we go focusing in now we got more oh we got more what this is old picture I was hoping for old a and W that old am w stuff any of the old soda stuff that stuff is just so cool alright I think those are the same car I think all of those are all of the same glasses inside here let's get another tote whenever you're doing your sort you always want to have gloves on now I know you figured that out already right remember safety first even if I'm not always safe you should always do safety first I like to live life on the edge you you stay a little bit further back okay oh my look at this this is a display case oh oh look at this we just found a lock box we have a display case and a lock box okay all right let me take the top here let me take the top put it back on all right we already saw a Canada theme so I know this business was out of Mentor and then another City as well I forget Willoughby or maybe something like that so we found one lockbox already in this unit and it had collectible coins and money in it we found another safe that was filled with money we found so much gold and silver already oh who knows all right let's figure it out let's see what's in here here we go look at that we got state of West Virginia Canada Ontario state of West Virginia here we go come on we've got looks like we got old paperwork and we do have a key we have a key to the lockbox but nothing in the actual lockbox I'm curious if that key even fits so to find out let's find out if the key goes in there honestly it's so rusted I don't think anything no I don't think that goes in there at all all right let's take a look at this display things are a little uneven because I'm I'm just I'm on top of other things okay upside down or oh here we go okay I guess the way that you would display this you would take this off okay and you into okay here's here's what you do you would display like this now we've already found tons of gold and silver and jewelry so let's turn this around this doesn't look like the highest dollar stuff I'm gonna put that glass piece there let's see we've got that might be an old perfume perfume piece you would open it and then Paris oh it's yeah it's makeup powder a little power powder tin right there okay all right let's set that one over we've got all right this rosary it's labeled a rosary for $15 so there's a rosary and there's another there's other pieces in here too this piece this piece is labeled for $18 and see is it sterling can we see anything underneath here let's get a good look look how pretty that butterfly is it definitely looks handmade and it's it's craftsmanship is incredible okay so vintage piece here we have to look this up and other pieces in here too this looks like it could be gold it's pinned in a bag see we've got other pieces old beads now we did find out that they were antique dealers as well so there's $15 so don't be don't be shocked if we find high high-end antiques in here we already have and that's been a ton of fun I'm gonna set this aside with the actual lockbox we'll take this back off and just in case we'll put our gloves back on because safety first okay and see what we have we got something wrapped up a giant eagle holy cow this look at this look at this this is old this is probably worth $100 right here during the war they would make they would make art on the old shells look at the old art here okay it says 19 1914 to 1919 world war this is World War one no way this is a World War one shell with all the art my goodness look at this right there World War one shell alright let's get it see sometimes the shells are dated we got 75 millimeter I don't see a date but this looks like this looks like this is World War one artwork how cool Wow just so I don't even know what to say this stuff is so random there's such incredible stuff in here you find money you find amazing and then what do you find kills cold and flu virus yes this is worth even more that's going home let's go and it's got a fresh scent alright let's set that aside what else what else could we actually have in here all right now look you find that piece of World War one art and then you find this random this unit is so crazy there's so little garbage you always get garbage but there's so little in this and then you find another antique I don't even know what this is but I know there's antiques in here everywhere I'm gonna set that aside let's see what's in here okay looks like we got a little antique toy in here little antique kept going toy but look there's stuff in towels come on come on come on come on we've got is that the Dutch boy that might be the Dutch boy that looks like an antique planter strikes again there yes this is the way my life goes try and record it and try not to break anything all right there's more in here look at this we just found we found money we did find money I don't think this is silver or collectible money but there is money hiding in there whoo that will pull bolt blue old medicine oh that's no way that's an old vicks vapor rub jar wow that's pretty Wow okay one more big thing in here it's like an old drill holder something big in here wrapped in towels it is piece of glass piece of ornate glass it's pretty not as pretty as George but it's a teleporter let's dig into another tote but remember these units are so huge that's why moving it and that's why storing it are the two biggest factors when you get into this business it's gonna take us a couple months to get through everything but man it's gonna be hails of a fun time let's see what we have in here we've got oh man this this individual high-dollar everything let's see what he had here imported Ashton made by hand ah didn't leave any and got your taxation right there's 25 cigars right there we've got diecast we got number 17 Harley J's still in the box of course it's brand-new why wouldn't have been brand-new everything in here is brand-new if you haven't seen the previous week's videos you've got to go back just on the playlist you go to what the Hales you go to click on what the Hales and then it'll have videos you go through videos and you go back in time and you can see everything from this unit this has been the greatest unit I've ever purchased in the 20 plus years I've been doing this let's see what we have inside here got stuff hidden in bags oh there's tape even let's see let's hope it's good stuff and we've got we've got Coast Guard we've got separate Coast Guard right there check that out United States Coast Guard flag that's beautiful that is really cool and what else do we have we got a ship I'm gonna knock hold that is it's a Coast Guard ship I was gonna say I'm not gonna get it out but I'm gonna try ripping through the plastic so you can see it you know I should have Micah knife United States Coast Guard right there you know what we'll do well probably put this we'll probably put this in a lot for you guys for a Sunday Night Live because there's just so much look at all the shells look at all the shells he bought all these shells for $6.99 so fine all right let's keep Oh something else is hidden in here I just felt it I missed it I know what it is I definitely know what it is it is yeah yeah Georgia Georgia George ah that Georgia is always on my mind she's such a peach when she wants to be back we've got five parrot o'clock we have a brand new sealed parrot clock in here so if anybody wants to look that up it cost him thirty nine ninety five right there for the parrot clock yeah okay we got an ammo can here but let's not hit that first let's uh let's get we got out a bunch it looks like we got a bunch of cigar boxes how's this one work well that one okay there we go we've got cigar box there now even though the cigars aren't in there which I don't have a license to sell tobacco anyway nor what I but the boxes are collectible so that's cool like here's another one uh Olevia or leave yeah right there there's an Olivia 24 cigars so we've got a buddy we got a buddy up in Sandusky loves cigars might see if we just get those to him I don't know I don't know if Eric actually collects the boxes or not but here's a Romeo Romeo y Julieta does that remind you of Jeremy and George Churchill's 57 56 by 7 there's nice little box there see if we have a price we don't have a price on those here is another box Alan opted Lynott wide Lynott and holy cow we have a price on those this box cost them two hundred twenty three dollars and seventy cents Wow it looks like there's a magnet that goes on there there's a surgeon general's warning all right so holy cow well if we actually find some in here there's another the edge bunch of boxes bunch of bunch of boxes here's another one the Boneshaker now again the boxes are all collectible I can resell every single one of these boxes 20 cigars what's this this doesn't look like a cigar maybe it'd be another uh some kind of you oh I think you put bubba gump shrimp that's what it is the Bubba Gump shrimp you open it up and you turn it on and then alright yeah and then or maybe you turn it on like this no you turned on like this and then it's gonna light up inside there I get it I get it okay cool Bubba Bubba Gump shrimp that's cool more cigar boxes we probably have a hundred dollars in just cigar boxes in here because people will buy these so there's there's some the nicer the cigar box obviously the better it's gonna sell but we probably honestly we have $100 in cigar boxes coz I'm still pulling them out there's another Olivia little nice cigar box there people like to hide things in these so yeah that's part of profiling knowing where people hide things people hide things anywhere and everywhere there's a Daytona Beach Florida looks like we're gonna have a shot glass collection did Tona Beach Florida which we get a ton ton of shot glasses and what do we have here I don't dial none 911 five bucks if we can see it yep there we go I don't dial 911 once oh that's a bullet well supposed to look like it got some paperwork we've got holy cow look at this Myrtle Beach South Carolina like a maple syrup jug this guy was everywhere with his touring bus company so he traveled anywhere and everywhere and I frankly I think you got a ton of freebies tools not so much but I mean I can't foresee anybody giving them all those tools there's another cigar box yeah easily yeah we've got a hundred dollars a cigar boxes easily see what else we have here we got another Bubba Gump shrimp and here we've got uh we got a West Virginia shot glass that costs him $7 right there black bear West Virginia trying to get in the shot glass usually they're trying to not hit shot that was trying to get the shot which I'm guessing we're gonna have another that's another shot glass it sure is it's check that out that is the Bubba Gump shrimp shot glass with the shrimp right there we're probably loud all these glasses up in solemn on a live auction alright let's see what we got there it is there it is we already found the World War 1 casing for it for the massive massive bullet let's see what we have in here federal ammunition pop it and boom we have foam if you want to see a video that actually has a ton of things inside an ammo box click up top because we opened a safe and the safe had an ammo box and this ammo box was filled with money [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 37,791
Rating: 4.9061832 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: UhzK79W-_5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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