Best RETRO GAMES Moments! (Part 3) - Game Grumps Compilations

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I hate Sbassbear compilations... is it asking too much for game titles and episode numbers? Everyone else does it and some even include the thumbnails and sometimes provide a nickname for the clip.

Edit: game titles appear briefly before clip.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/wiikendwarrior84 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sbassbear put Cyberball in this compilation but didn't put in the hilarious "did you point?" exchange, which was literally the funniest part of that LP. WTF

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/loonifer888 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
tennis tennis tennis and tennis mmm tennis tennis just have you considered mmm tennis tennis oh my god Jesus Christ no get right up on the get right up on the net really tennis tennis tennis tennis tennis tennis tennis tennis tennis tennis Aaron there has to be a way to hit a different kind of shot right and I'm pushing all of the body there's only one button dude this is Atari remember house way max two buttons would you please [ __ ] move no why would I move I'm getting this I'm I'm 100 percent safe this is the worst this is worse I'm giving us the trophy for worst this is just a disaster you cannot penetrate this wall okay hit a lob oh god Han there's you there's all you gotta do is stand in front of the ball this is the longest point of tennis in the history of man even if I move it doesn't move all right I'll try back here perfect it's a mercy mercy kill okay don't oh my god I wish I was dead well now you get to serve yeah and it's wow yeah okay holy [ __ ] whoa dude what's with the [ __ ] rocket power moves [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] rocket power whoa oh my god oh my god Aaron you can't make it go anywhere else I'm like pushing the joystick in different directions I will do everything I can to make it move me too I'm flying all around I'm hitting it back here maybe there's a different button down there nope up here difference that and no over here you got it you got it back you got to make it interesting on the server or else this [ __ ] happens the second hit it [ __ ] goes into this it's very funny and center I can't believe this how does it happen I don't know you must have been pushing to the side knows I cuz your side man you came up how'd you do it I don't know yeah I'm still playing yeah oh yeah get it oh my god yep guys help yep we'll help here yep guys we need you to oh yeah we need no guys I need you really break this up yep no computers [ __ ] the computer could do anything at once but it chooses to keep it in the center oh now they're gonna [ __ ] oh my gosh let them let them do it yeah you know what you know why guys you take it from here oh how in the [ __ ] that is yeah that is in how do we ship this I don't know all the only thing I could do is come in and be like dude you need a Brit you need a rest you deserve a break I'll do this for a while okay yeah and ready come in on three one two three go go go I need you I need you oh thank god thank god he's here I cannot believe you want to sidebar real quick over here sidebar hey you been I'm doing all right man cool yeah yeah they've really hit a they've hit a nice cycle now they've found their stride like it's progressively getting more in in efficient and I bet like in in like a minute or two they'll just be standing in the center if they're like we don't need this superfluous movement here we can just stay here oh my god what is this game beer cans why are their beer cans in his game I know what beer can I want one filled with beer nice so I can get drunk and forget about dude green wilfred of ivanhoe join me my leadership is average [Music] well the defenders of the crown I have lost outflank yeah he's a he's absolutely [ __ ] body do you do battles rage across watch out for the terrible oh my god Jesus you're out of control so hard to control this I don't know Oh God like I think the nutcase on the loose is the worst the least of your problems she's already needed another Street filled with garbage and the aliens Oh like what that's that was high oh my god in a cold open oh man oh this is the game the [ __ ] that's crazy watch out for [ __ ] crawling I didn't so much pain climbing a ladder is that the side pain and we who are you what a nutcase just what I need another nutcase just what I need a flying nutcase just what I need that cases multiple nutcase I need gravity a nutcase that's real fire wow that's real fire hold on I need to go in for a second definitely fire of the real kind welcome to Where's Waldo the game nope Shh three pixels tall how the hell are you supposed to delineate whether or not it's [ __ ] Waldo was really brutal yep that's him you got him you got to look for the Hat he's kind of he's kind of always in the same position to the cave just pitch black oh my god I'm like scanning over the [ __ ] area and that's whatever it's just pop up well we get to do a Where's Waldo on the moon or is it did he just come up here to asphyxiate shy that is absurd wow that is it all right let's do one hard with this oh the moon limited-time I think it's the same ones though oh my god he [ __ ] is that the entire game yeah I've only got five minutes we just beat the whole game damn you could easily do that in five minutes cuz you know where the [ __ ] they are cuz you played it on easy mode now that can't be it has to be honest oh yeah Oh No okay Oh 94 baby just be super bro okay so the ones that are yellow see like HB toss that would be a run play but the ones that are kind of orangey our pass plays okay and though the brightly laughs [ __ ] it yeah I got it yes you got it I'm good okay hike hike hike okay all right I forgot the one I chose the passer run it's no good god damn it this game is hardest [ __ ] what's the objective the objective is to score points hold on I have to I have to see set audibles set music play call mode call tenor who sponsored by Amazon wait what did I did I ruin its fourth and 22 so you probably want to kick okay well no man what did I kick its no you just you just ran a play okay let's see what we got in the old playbook for oh but it felt good oh [ __ ] did you actually get that I'll kill me [ __ ] shoot me in the head no [ __ ] game is impossible how do you [ __ ] move it - it's like a hairpin trigger I swear to God well it's two - nothing at the head back at it again oh god I just wanted to hug you do you see me hokum yeah so you hug them those awesome I know well I think I got my god points yes it's three to two now three points for that yeah how come I what I'll glue not two points because one was a safety and the other is a field goal also you didn't do anything to earn the safety I just fell in the endzone how dare you just me or you this is me kicking off to you this game is terrible you're terrible got it go go go this sucks [ __ ] this [ __ ] sucks so what this so what is it like oh he's probably in a point because it's the doing of the third or whatever and then what and then the other teams like who he's probably good point so you probably do one thing [Laughter] I do not because you said like well you're in this position so you should probably point and then all have to punt defend so it's like so that's what happens in real sports what the defending team is like oh well they're probably gonna punt so we should probably depend upon that's right oh okay Oh Mike this is a Sonic the Hedgehog clone oh really oh I'm so excited mohawk and headphone jack and mohawk is an it'll is like mo i've already hit a bonus stage I guess God in heaven I think I'm having a stroke what the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude oh my god sauce is the game this is [ __ ] bananas my god this is how its start that's just like a music video from the eighties snow this is the know this is what music videos from the 80s could never be you gotta collect all the CDs oh [ __ ] you electrocuted I got a doe not the beginning Oh game sucks okay 5 minutes and 23 seconds that's the mark that's the mark of time what was that I did this was dead to him oh oh it's a giant celiac CD the music changed yes but why because you just [ __ ] hit the quick flip tricks mix 96 quick flip trick now the party can get going it's a thing now they may have named a mixtape that one time I was gonna say like there's no way that you just like came up with that on the spot well it's certainly not the mad fat crazy cool feel good mix of 98 it's not nothing touches that badge not one badge dead erased all color from the world that's mad can you answer my riddle that's ad that's smart move that's a smart move oh me too bad it wasn't smart is good driving misses boring home where are we where are we Oh Lord yes what did you went too far off the track Zito's trying to Wayne yeah [ __ ] me you gotta lean into the drift do not yet teach me and feel the drift whoops what the hell was that I don't know did you just see this yeah hello and welcome to Sonic and Sonic it's Sonic this is the first time they had to do you just have a partner what the [ __ ] was that I was really weird alright I'm gonna go back over that like the JFK assassination ii thought i could walk on the spikes boy crap suck on my book and weand is dick suck on my book and we look at that dick look I'm a big fellow home took of my tiny wee big baby it's okay women oh he's complete about childbirth but have you ever had a pass a gallstone kidney stones are like a grain of sand basically it's and then when we got a [ __ ] crank out a hold baby hold fat baby you have a cap a dam my really tiny I know they have a goop shoot instead of a pork sword I know I took sex ed class you do dick just imagine how [ __ ] annoyed sonic must be that he's gonna stand here he's like I want to run fast [Music] boy we should definitely put on some heavy metal music and have him just bang his head to that it's in the demo oh that inner game release itself yeah I bet that's a cope [Music] wait a second this game giving me like subliminal messages yeah just [ __ ] deal with it I already have like fears of like that I'm living in a simulation and I'm Sonic the Hedgehog is trying to speak to me from beyond the Simula wake up that's absurd 4:27 if I knew how to subtract oh are you I love it it's a nice little compromise there Sonic is my daddy Sonic is my dad's name well now your dad kid welcome back to game grumps ooh that's Aaron Hanson I'm Ciroc Anton and we are ready to jam I'm actually on board with this a bit of you just giving yourself a random name yeah but you have to remain Airy I love Sonic let me just say right now really I'm I'm I'm a Sonic fan Matt can you take these clips out of context please thank you ah damnit are in the same thing [ __ ] like go fast are you doing you die it's [ __ ] stupid okay I'm a Sonic fan oh look at that that's awesome okay I also say as you mentioned Detroit I can no longer think of the Detroit playthrough without hearing Nicki Minaj be like boy toy named Troy used to live in Detroit think about that it's driving me nuts I'm not just going nuts I like her look at Matt's impression of that scene as [ __ ] perfect as perfect as the original was it kind of is like Donald Trump impression I would I was Dinah here's two things all right okay drip dream daddy came out no mention of game grumps oh this is this is way after I already knew that Kotaku hated me right it was just another like wow oh my god just let me fall oh nice okay so dream that he comes out no mention of game grumps the developer and publisher of the game yeah okay which seems weird yeah yeah cuz any other game would have mention of the developer and publisher yes it's a [ __ ] gaming news publication yes second good good game comes out they report on it right mm-hmm they put it in a category called game grooms and misspelled game grumps as a [ __ ] tag so there's a tag on Kotaku for news articles labeled game grew imps it's still there that's funny today so if you search game grumps on Kotaku you don't get an article about good game but if you search game grooms you can read all about our YouTube red show look man I got no problem with people except is Kotaku Fatah Kalina person which is yeah which is a company made of people I don't care right but that's the thing like this there's got to be people who love the show at Kotaku it's a big I don't understand then why do they treat us just Malays there were so many [ __ ] articles about like know this youtuber did this and this youtuber did that and whenever we do something [ __ ] awesome they don't give a [ __ ] what what honestly dude what could be less important I know look 100 percent yes I agree with you I know and it's not something that keeps me awake at night yeah but whenever it's like they're mentioned I'm like ah fair enough I wonder if they're gonna write a hilarious and cool I gotta feel like that might be coming honestly that would put me in hysterics that would make my day this air mechanic it's pretty good right this is a game about going slow in the water I know hmm it sure is I mean look at how fast I'm going the fastest thing alive the cartoon says not to baby oh maybe mr. Bubb give me the sweet Bob give me that sweet Bob that Bob oh there it is whoa did you beat it uh yeah you didn't you died huh is this heaven it did you beat it of course I beat it oh yeah Aaron great job I was reading a [ __ ] reddit post that your friend Aaron dan one jumps just jump but okay Erin but see what did I just say about jump where oh yeah it was Erin what in God's name is this it's a week of garfield' watch out there's a slug oh this has some immediately getting some Dennis the Menace vibes from this oh you like Dennis the Menace huh does it remind you a little bit of the house and you're gonna like this game yeah it's a letter like a home alone kind of it does oh now he's a cat hello can you can you fight anything kick stuff I guess ah [Laughter] [ __ ] I got this oh yeah all right I have a good feeling about this why is that a thing I just gotta get hit I guess yes sir oh my god okay boy you are crushing it dude third time was truly a charm in a week of garfield' - now that I have pie power or whatever this is five POW that's what it looks like yeah what else would it be and then I can't wait to get it that's cat I got smiley bag you guys are all [ __ ] this house back [ __ ] well this is all they had Dan this was not all they had this was 1989 yeah it was there's a 2 full Zelda games had come out and they were working on a Link to the Past yeah and those looked worse than this game is art all they had was sticks and leaves back then gonna actually see the corners of your mouth like you were trying not to laugh well say Zelda Mario garbage compared to masterpieces such as week of garfield' where you can this and this and you can go straight between them just and don't Dan that's what I was saying at the beginning what did I tell you about it was okay oh speaking of France France congratulations on winning the World Cup Wow yeah to all our French fans congratula ser what's the word what's the word for congratulations is that in French no I made it up I totally made it up you made up congratula ser yeah if I word how come you milk baby daddy dude look at your [ __ ] look at what you jump [Music] you know pattern baldness it looks like a week of garfield' is about to celebrate its 30th anniversary a whole week just for Garfield ok imagine all the things you could do you could ride a bike you can play a skateboard you could ride a tuba give a homeless dance dance dance you could play a little ditty I think this is invincibility right now triggered guitar guitar consume to mot play a pizza yes best had I was about to say don't for a second thank you [Laughter] yeah that was that was dope dokoni mus Cody's on you have $900,000 yes I bought very fast titanium Wow I'm going to buy very fast magnesium I'm gonna oh that's all I got oh jeez oops especially well the safety can get a faster magna boost Oh your team's gonna be so good and I'm gonna have one really awesome guy that's good destroy everybody no boy I hope so let's go Oh Oh looks like you [ __ ] up I didn't [ __ ] up I'm just on offense piece of [ __ ] I'm on defense baby you can get so competitive formation Oh Oh God chemistry here I have no idea what I just don't like it oh my God look how [ __ ] fast your guy is cuz I got that very strong titanium oh my god you put it all in one dude I can't catch him it's a nightmare it's getting warm well see wait stay wait stay wait alright yeah look at me this is so stupid oh my god oh my god threaded the Robo needle there yeah well what a gift you have true a true football master oh I'm super slow Oh your quarterback became aluminum average again oh no why why handle that money why did that talk you games suck try pushing the gate like the thing again like to the left or the right maybe Oh or maybe it's only temporary that can't be right that doesn't feel right that's so expensive for it to only be temporary I do I do I don't throat yeah this game is harder now isn't it I don't get it I never got football oh look at that punch oh yeah dude you better watch out cuz here there are no vibes allowed and no Beavis oh you don't want the baseball I'm trying to get it little then get it you silly [ __ ] oh god these controls yeah you got eight baseball's now I got good you you you made them they don't die they multiply I can't pick up that big I'm pushing all the buttons am I out of time time's up are you serious I have to shoot myself in the head and come on I like can't even beat a little beibei's kids Oh unsupervised minors are prohibited from engaging in authorized leisure activities allow me to escort you to a more suitable attraction game over you oh my god oh no chi'lan this is I'm gonna hand you the controller and see if you ma'am but I'm full of vibes and Beavis I know I know I swear to God I must figure out how to throw this baseball uppercut what was that throwing haymakers dude all right here we go yeah oh damn dude this rules that's way better oh my god that holy so much more damn it yeah oh my god that's incredible this jump stuck in Bebe's kids yeah yeah once you start you can never stop I got hit in the [ __ ] head why do I have nine pots now I previously had 10 pots I don't know but you're running out of life dude may I have life back again why is that now I have 10 pots once more why did the [ __ ] is happening to it here we are again loading loading loading keep those doggies loading oh that's good right there's that go when that happens like the background of a Speed Racer frame what yeah I know I feel like we're two dimensionally going through hyperspace they're loading the game in they're going very fast to look at game that data's look so fast Oh they've gone to play it is raining sideways that's how it is good so fat oh so you're going to enjoy the oh there I am look at them go getting crushed okay whoa that animation rule I know right well the [ __ ] you looks album wow that's like the Empire State Building at age 2 oh that's me screaming oh that's your scream yeah that paralyzes things with fear sometimes just like this Godzilla is just like trying to impress people but like nothing's working scream it paralyzes people with fear sometimes I swear it does it sometimes okay okay hold on I'm gonna breathe fire in the oppressive building them get yeah I destroyed the [ __ ] out of there yeah of cars whoops there's a boy my penis yeah game rips is you know it's like a Kickstarter video it starts out and it's like game grumps is think to get it getting pink thing inning inning in a you clever game grumps is dan and Erin playing games on a couch but what do people want out of game grumps and moreover what are people missing we raised over $100 in the last eight years that's insane amazing paperboy delivers trucks or blue look like [ __ ] noodles okay I guess because I already broke their window and yeah broke their [ __ ] wind huh yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] gotcha oh drunk boy drop point [ __ ] you yeah zap tum' well I don't know if that's good cuz he's your customer give them to newspapers I don't even give a [ __ ] [ __ ] statue men 70 ah stop skateboarding into me [ __ ] kid from that 70s show [Laughter] self-defense you got too advanced so you got through intermediate I just came here for the walls check to check out my [ __ ] check out my moves check out my moves damn don't you get points ladies ladies check out check out my thrust like double up ladies do you like a man with a massive head injury do you like a man with problems speaking [Laughter] by we're going old school with one of our old favorites oh man we haven't played this in years honestly I've been [ __ ] itching to play this [ __ ] really I just remember the memory of having the good time and I don't remember a [ __ ] thing about this okay great well we had to we had two matches yeah one I remember that I won because you were learning the ropes and the next one was like an insane masterpiece of like last-second madness all right lemme J so [ __ ] rich right now this is fun I'll hum rich with hey I was the one who suggested to play this I see your toe tapping in irritation yeah well I'm trying to I'm trying to make it well I'm trying to have a kit happen is drip my ass Oh make a coffee out of my ass ribs alright really reliving my seven-year-old dreams to ever beat anyone yes no shoot it in why don't you [ __ ] shoot the buttons don't [ __ ] work okay I never knew that I felt so badly about myself at the core and the kill i played this [ __ ] game oh really oh yeah this is happening right now yeah that's very good eat it eat my eat my tip eat my tip with you this was a good game Jesus Christ I was hitting the shoot button over and over again I eat it out 16:01 okay we figured out what Aaron's problem was yeah yeah he was just tapping the buttons too fast and they weren't registering so that's why you couldn't shoot you apparently can't just like mash it you have to like hold it first for a split second longer than a tap yeah there's a little bit of grace to it grace okay yeah that's the word you want to use okay so who are you gonna be my mash titties it's fight time it's fight time oh my god oh my god oh no oh yeah no no I'm out of here oh dude forget it fruits forget it passing it that's it no shooting it oh oh shooting it oh shoot Oh oh jeez oh hello Forrest Whitaker my name's Brent Randall time Randall pass it to Randall Randall's getting it he's shooting it he's scoring it holy crap okay five we might have to go to penalties I'm [ __ ] bricks here yeah [ __ ] dude alright he's going towards it you have a limited amount of time to shoot oh damn alright alright oh it's my last shot amber Lake - yeah alright sudden death oh my god oh my god sudden death overtime Oh two minutes not okay not okay oh wait which side are we on oh shoot what flag as you think I don't know oh you're going that way okay you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me I was so go use this are you [ __ ] all right absolutely insane this is ridiculous okay you press the home button you're gonna press the home button again oh Jesus it's over it's over what oh no its icing oh Christ okay so if you can score immediately I can't even [ __ ] believe it just hit the bottom button towards the goal as soon as you get it oh nevermind it's over oh my god are you kidding oh man that was good that was awesome holy Christ hello okay so seriously last last game of ice hockey we promise look we're sorry because after this we're out of teams well we're just like I'm sorry we're just having too much fun yeah you you guys try playing this and tell me it's not freakin addictive oh [ __ ] I had a clean breakaway there too dang it Randall's in town is that your battle cry Santa Claus dude Randall's company oh Jesus Christ like that's but suddenly I [ __ ] can't stop the Polish Express oh god oh god oh come on lazy Randall lazy ran lazy Randall he visits the children there's some gifts and treats treat food a visit to this ice rink yeah okay we've got a game I've got a weak goalie game he's exploiting open-book on the open ice [Laughter] holy crap we are [ __ ] impregnating these goals oh yes Oh yes oh no oh yes oh yes oh [ __ ] no no gonna shoot okay she's three guys all right anytime baby-making time it's not baby ready to shoot that sperm right no don't goal vagina oh my god [ __ ] [ __ ] a walnut with four you get [ __ ] so nervous get it in get it in you [ __ ] go grab the puck grab the Pug my words shooting it about putting it oh I'm finding it all right [ __ ] don't lose the book get it up penalty's we're gonna penalties again walking kidding here we go I think we're playing I think I think we're playing oh yeah yeah I don't know that was you but like oh you're getting your ass beat by some tiny punchy guy we don't even have a controller plugged in right now what's the plot of this I don't know that's where dinosaurs for hire okay who's a new hired us [ __ ] probably another dinosaur again what if I told you I was Jewish I would say okay cool I guess but what if you know what I mean like I would've been yelling to you you would have been one in line to you know I said yelling you yell to me I would assume you just found out about it as in you did the what if I 23 skidoo or whatever do you know what you be lying your friends about what's the next call give us your blood and we'll give you some days I sent them a package of my blood and they sent me July 38 you know what's happening here I got I got a page usage oh so red means there's two I think so oh my god is impossible - jeepers crease okay walk into the waterfall and then you'll find some bombs what does think of a cross on a shield I don't religion Chinese you couldn't possibly be the dragon or Oh what the hell for bushes in a row that's not how nature works go right you don't travel around utility at the end of time who's gonna get tired first huh who's gonna tired first certainly not the robot oh [ __ ] oh my god I'm about to leave why I'm like a [ __ ] this is like actually trying to kill a fly in your house but just [ __ ] land did they do they like have to land yeah they that I mean that's the only way to kill him but I mean is would he ever go on forever yeah I've never seen one like that oh there we go there he goes oh right you were yeah they're just trying to make a trickier you know they're trying to defend of big gap you know like I gotcha they're just trying to make it go yeah grab you by the legs you're like oh they're like you're coming into it and then you're like please don't chop up my lips and make beat him in there like that's how you make hot dogs and then the story's over and you go home feeling like okay you had a hot dog it's theater what the [ __ ] are you talking about the movie let's play a money-making game oh yeah many more opportunities I have to get new rupees now I can get more bombs right yeah but cool that they let me pay for them yeah perfect yes I want this like amazing before you go god I'm running out of money yeah dude you gotta get malach happened well you lost $40 I met it paid for bombs they didn't take the eyes of Goma go - god they're so annoying those things what what no the little TV snow guys oh the skull in bad reception I [Music] don't know what they're called good it's what they always reminded me of well because the TV snow guys make your your sword stop working for a minute and then the light lakes can overwhelm you with their pancake flavor and then they'll eat your shield yeah you go buy a new one oh this stupid bastard it's right you have to buy a new one yeah God sucks oh my god stop stop well you gotta go to spectacle Rock Wow well that's where death something if I remember correctly the old man said something very important about this he said my friend's name is Danny and he is a good a Zelda player he likes to shoot swords at La Noel's they gots awards for hands but I don't care how did they hug their children that must kiss them lots of kisses anyway I was like is this gonna resolve in some way they go up the oh all right there's a money-making game in there if you want to play oh I love moneymaker games oh so well let's do it yeah dude let's see hell yeah hope I lose $40 let's go this one yeah hey I lost $10 congratulations but I'm gonna play again and win it back by grabbing the one on the left yeah all right but now I've got the hothead there we go we the one on the left so far but you don't lose it too you catch this is totally the Aaron Hanson school of justification lay the left lay the left one dude it's always the left one really yeah it's the past four times it's been the left one you better be right about this you saw all right let's get out of heavy [ __ ] but [ __ ] fill up the ladder okay kill the ringleader which one is he they look the same not being wizards not the best navigator oh just a navigator stop stop which is better than you know this bee is kicking the [ __ ] out of me oh my god he's doing a celebratory diaper I don't know why that is the funniest to me is it up in this corner yeah okay I a celebratory diaper yeah you don't remember that I don't it's from us really I think so unless it comes from somewhere but we've been saying it myself retreat diaper I don't know I believe it was you secrets I've got it secret - oh thank you do you think they look like under there naked men you think they got little dangly penises please control yourself we have to fight Ganon - that you think the shootin magic well I got a little dangly Pedro I'll forget these [ __ ] no I it's it's too risky no you're risky you're a risky gamble by Megumi Hayashi Baro please stop talking for a minute playing ma'am I never noticed the Triforce does gamegrumps colors I keep thinking you're going to poke your buttocks on those stilts hell no but it never seems to happen dude why would I do that when I could poke my buttocks on this [ __ ] fine log no Sam and we've brought the episode full circle thanks for joining us everybody on the next episode of game grumps we will be talking about more anal penetration I don't think we will be actually I think we we may have said all that needs to be said on that side well I'm half of the show so say that we do [Laughter] we get to say about that new guy I could call up the payroll company right now it's a Dern Avidan quit couple of cards over here this has been a very chill and pleasant playthrough I hope people want us to keep playing this yeah man it's putting us in a nice nice space right [ __ ] good game good energy yeah good bro good bro good bros let's get bros good friendship yeah good dick got a nice it you got a nice deck good yeah good Boober yeah good kid solid shaft [Laughter] wasn't there a big square Yoshi face smiling at the oh that just turns you back into Yoshi oh I don't need to get it cuz I'm you know well great I thought it was perhaps a one up your one up hey hey did you just scold yourself you're a 1-up hey calm it down in here damn man alright I just wanted to feel real [Music] oh oh you better watch yourself really what's gonna happen it's gonna have the pain is gonna rain down on you oh my god the gazebos to be tricky I love their Zamboni's know how many times we have to go through this [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] your Heinie's slender hand goes in did you win the point um and and just exit okay oh sweet yeah yeah oh we're like at the same time yeah yeah mine no mine I have the other yeah stop rape wait wait wait this is just do that automatically yeah it does the way they move is amazing and we're at different pitches when we move to oh my god alright okay it's not wound cuz there's no N there's no n there's no n no oh tried that already what else could it be tam old bolt ok fold I'm serious well what is it Gould what the hell is spelled that way he should have stayed in school and what the hell are wood it could have also been could alright one two one baby well it's hard for my brain to put [ __ ] together all the time you know I hear we shouldn't have gone for high school level like okay oh go dry up in a snake lake
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 375,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game grumps, gamegrumps, funny, arin, letsplay, gaming, game grumps compilation, best of, arin hanson, best moments, game grumps best of, funniest moments, game grumps emotional, dan avidan, dan avidan compilation, game grumps best moments, egoraptor compilation, game grumps laughter, game grumps laughing fit, game grumps funniest moments, best of game grumps, game grumps funny compilation
Id: 6-J0Z7cAqYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 14sec (3494 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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