The Evolution Of Jacksepticeye

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Top of the morning' to you laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back, I guess, to me reacting to some of my older stuff. But this, this one is a little different. And, this isn't the same as I've normally done Where I just pick videos myself and go through them And react to them This is something that I... that was suggested to me when I was going around YouTube last night and I thought it'd be a fun idea to make a video on it. It's called, "The Evolution of Jacksepticeye" And it's by: Berries and Cubes And I think what they've done is "The Evolution of Jacksepticeye" by looking back to Jack's intro and subscriber milestones from November 2013 to September 2016 So, they've gone back over all my old videos, I think, and shown the progression, of the channel. 'Cause what I've done before is just picked select videos that I thought were fun or like I could remember recording. But this is going to go through a bunch of stuff. Umm, and it'll be interesting to see how much I've changed over the years 'cause I'm not the same as when I started. I’m a lot more confident at what I’m doing now and I’m a lot more boisterous and I have a lot more um, I don’t know. Flair? Hahaha, I guess? Uh, let's just start. Old Jack: "Okay, so..." <Music> (Ahhhh!) <Music> (Ooooh. Nice.) <Music> "Hey guys. Jacksepticeye here, and..." "Hey guys! What is going on" <Music> "Hey guys and gals!" (Haha) "Hey Hey! What's up" (Haha, there it is!) "I am Jack-septic-eye." (The "Hey Hey" intro stayed for a while, that's what I was actually gonna make the thing) (and then it turned into "Hello, all you beautiful people" later on) ('cause I didn't know what to do!) (And I was like, every Youtuber has a intro, I need an intro.) (I need something, I need something catchy, I need something that's mine. I need something that no one else has ever done before.) (I put way too much pressure on myself to get it-) (to get an intro and then it naturally just turned into) (what it is now. But back then, it was all over the place.) "Hey hey, what is shaking boys and girls." (What is shaking.) "I am Jacksepticeye." "Hey hey, what is going on everybody. I am Jacksepticeye." "Hey hey, what is going on (Aah Dark Souls!) everybody." "Okay! What is up. We-" (I had a series of Dark Souls goin' ages and ages ago.) (Actually I think I had two, this was just a regular Dark Souls Let's Play) (because I loved Dark Souls so much, and when it came out it blew me away I was like I have) (to record a series on this. Uh, and then I went back later and I did a) ("How to get the best magic build") (um, Dark Souls series, which didn't take off and people weren't really watching it so I stopped it.) (But God-- I remember recording these.) (And I remember, um, I went to Korea I think, in the middle of recording these and I had some of them prep-) (It was the first time I evra-ever had to prep for a trip) (and I had to do videos in advance.) (See, even back then, 2013, 2012! Mother of Jesus!) "We are Dark Souls." "We're back, in Dark Souls!" (Jack: Aaaah!) "Hey hey, what is going on. So after deciding against (Jack: some SICK Battlefield!) Light Town, I have also decided against the catacombs." "Hey heyyy, what is going on. My name-" (Can you notice the change? I got a Blue Yeti mic at that stage!) (*Clap* Ooh your boi Jack's moving up in the world at this point! Hahahaha) (Ah Gawd and I remember this, I was playing like with the anti-air in Battlefield 3 and I was) (destroying ass, for like rounds before that, and then I got in to record a video of it and I was terrible.) "- is Jacksepticeye." "Hey Hey what is going on everyone (Ah, Far Cry the game that started it all) My name is Jacksepticeye" (Ah, I forgot to crop out, I forgot to uhh, turn off the fraps counter) (which now I'd be like, cause there's no face in it so now I'd be like, if I was to re-record this again) (and I, I didn't, I forgot to crop that out I'd just stretch it out) (a small bit so nobody would really notice the difference, take out that square) (but back then, nope, Jack didn't even have skills to be able to do that) (No-no-where-with-all. No foreshadowing, no-) (Or real forethought not foreshadowing.) "Hey Hey! What is going on? I am Jacksepticeye." "Hey hey, what is going on? Jacksepticeye here" "Where we going dude? Oh you kinda did a little wobbly there didn't you?" "Hey, hey! Guys, what is the craic" (OHHHH What is the craic?!) (OH I was trying to be Irish.) (That's the first time I tried to show Irishness through my content.) (Um, now of course it's like 'top of the morning' and it's so overdone and over-exaggerated and everything) (but back then) (like I was trying to 'hide' the fact that I was Irish, well not trying to hide it so much as) (I-like-if-I I thought that if I spoke the way I normally spoke back then, that no one would understand what I was saying) (because I was Irish and nobody would watch that, and I thought I had to be...) (*mumbling* There's a hair sticking down.) (I thought I had to be this guy who spoke clearly, and openly and) (that people would like, recognize and I had to have some sorta like) (stage persona, stage voice or something like that, some sort of character) (Or some sort of voice that I was proud of) (and back then I didn't talk the way I normally talked) (And my accent was much thicker back then as well) (and then when I started talking like this) ('Hey hey. What is going on?' Everything was so slow.) <Song: Will the circle...> (Oh and I did this cause I thought it was cool. Again...) <Song: be unbroken> (I-I did that because I used to do, like, as they say, compilations and little reviews and everything.) The 'You don't know Jack' series.) "G'day Boys and Girls (AHH *claps* SURVIVAL HUNTER) I'm the Survival Hunter (That was my favorite series to do at the time because it was my-my first, like, (original sketch type of thing that I did on my own.) (and I was proud of it and nobody else was doing the same kind of thing.) (It was like a Steve Irwin, Bear Grylls Survival thing) (that I did in Far Cry, and then I adapted it to other games later on but-) (it never really went much further, there was like one gimmick to it) (and people have asked me to bring it back again, but) (there's not a whole lot left in it to do!) "I'm gonna show you what it takes to survive (Jack: I was so proud of the intro as well!) some of the most dangerous situations video games have to offer." "Hello everyone, what is going down, what is shaking. (What is shaking.) My name is Jacksepticeye." "Hello, everyone, (Oh!) welcome. My name is Jack... (It almost started there. HELLO! All You Beautiful People out there!) (My name is Jacksepticeye.) (Oh I remember. People keep asking me if I remember that intro.) (Of course I remember- God I was so weird.) -Septiceye" "Hello all you beautiful (*clap*) people out there (There it is! *giggling*) "Hello ... everyone (Ah.) all you beautiful people out there, my name is Jacksepticeye"... "Hello all you beautiful people out there" (Awh the first facecam video, what game is that?) (Is that Amnesia? Did I play-ah-well I know I played Amnesia but awh man the old setup. Th-this webcam) (was like a five Euro webcam that I got in Tesco that I didn't know what it was gonna be like-) (well I got it years and years before that and then I was like, OK everybody else is doing facecam) (I kinda wanna try facecam stuff 'cause I liked, I liked the type of let's plays where you could see someone's face) (I wasn't copying a trend even though it looks like that, I just enjoyed that type of content) (so I was like ok I'll get a facecam and at the time I didn't have a camera) (good enough so I just started using this) (which you can't fucking see anything) (and then, like I have my Blue Yeti with the pop filter over it and there's a sock over the Blue Yeti) (because it used to pop so much) (ohh the memories) (I didn't do a full Amnesia let's play, I just did a couple of episodes and nobody was watching it which back then nobody was watching anything I did) (I don't know why I didn't just keep going) "HELLO all you beautiful people out there" (Jack: Aaaahhh the first vlog) My name is Jacksepticeye" (Tha-that was back in the cabins.) (Good Lord, and all my little DVDs) (My little masks that I made in Korea) (Oh, God! So long ago, April 30th, 2013!) (See, this is when I started doing YouTube properly.) (I-I was uploading videos back in 2012 but) (they were just-they were kind of nothing and it was very inconsistent) (I was uploading like once a week, twice a week) (and then I started to ramp up a small bit) (but it was around this time when I started bringing my face into stuff) (that I started uploading twice a day) (so everything kind of changed by then so that's when I considered the time when I properly) (started Youtube) (and that's when it kind of like kept goin') (That's when I started to gain speed and traction and momentum. Just by simply uploading consistently.) (Consistency was the-the biggest thing and I had like a thing over the window in the back) (so everything was dark.) (And this was a vlog talking about the "do's" and "dont's" of horror) (in video games, and I can't remember what I actually said in it) (but, I'm sure some of them still pertain to what I feel now, but man, UGH) (That's a flash from the past, and my little foam at the side) (The whole wall at the back was all foam as well) (but I had some spare left over parts) (That I just put on the wall 'cause I wanted to dampen the sound as much as possible) (and this was before I started putting the mattresses in the background to dampen out the sound even further) ('cause there's a- there was a bigger room in the back that I couldn't close off.) "Hello! All you beautiful people out there." (Oh Cry of Fear!) "My name is Jacksepticeye" "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies" (There it is!) (Haha! the first video with that iconic intro) (There was no high five at the start either, it was just me) ('Top of the mornin' to ya laddies') (and I, I kept mixing it up, I kept saying that Jeff The Killer was the first video) (that had that intro in it but it's not, it's Maere, uhm, When Lights Die) (but I think I, I think I recorded Jeff The Killer first but then uploaded this one first) (uhm so in my head I keep remembering that Jeff The Killer was the first video with it in it) (Oh mother of God, and you see the window in the background there) (I didn't have anything in the background and I hated that 'cause I wanted to block off this) (but I couldn't at the time, I had nothing to put up and then I put up a bedsheet) (with mattresses behind it so you couldn't see anything) (ooooh m-m-movie movie magic) (Jesus, did I like record it in a... wrong aspect ratio and everything?) (My Jesus...) (there was no high five back then and I made up the intro.) (I've said all this stuff before, but it's good to reiterate.) (I made up the intro because I was like, okay, what's-) (people didn't think I was Irish 'cause of the way I was talking) (and who could blame them 'cause my accent-) (and I was putting on kind of a voice) (and I wasn't settling into who I was at the time.) (but I was like, okay-) (how can I prove that I'm Irish? What's the most stereotypically Irish thing I could say?) (and then I remembered the episode of Friends where Monica says) ('TOP O' DA MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES') (so I even, like, overdid the accent and everything.) "My name Is Jacksepticeye." "Top of the morning to ya laddies!" "My name is Jacksepticeye!" "OK, so welcome back laddies!" "Top of the morning to ya laddies!" (Ah, Jesus, the fuckin') (I wa-I was comparing the mics) (Cos I got this) (Uh, the Rode Podcaster) (I wanted to get a better mic, and I was trying to figure out which mics) (were good, then I got the Rode Podcaster) (And I was trying to convince myself that it was better) (so I did a-a comparison of the two!) (Um, and I was- I was- I loved) (looking up videos about people comparing...) (tech? Cos I was trying to get my) (setup better, so I tried to do one of those videos myself!) (And, I- I thought that this sounded better at the time, because I bought it new) (so I wanted to convince myself that it was better, but it wasn't.) I-I don't like that mic at all. "My name is Jacksepticeye!" "Top of the morning to ya laddies." "My name is Jacksepticeye!" (Aw, the sheet is there now!) "We just hit-" (Look at that!) "1,000" "subscrib-" (A whole thousand subscribers!) (That was a big deal to me- you can't see it in my face) ('Cause I was still a bit awkward on camera) (But that at the time was a really big deal to me) "Top of the morning to ya laddies!" "My name is Jacksepticeye! And WELCOME BACK TO MAAAD FATHER" (Aah, I loved playing that game!) (That came out again, didn't it? Mad Father?) (It wa- And I said) ("MAAD FATHER") (Instead of "Mad Father" the way I'd normally say it) "Muahahaha!" "Top of the morning to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye! And welcome back to LIIITTLE INFERNOO!" ("LITTLE INFERNOO!") (Awhhh) (God!) (I loved that series!! 'Cause that was the first series that I ever did that...) (was me!) (Well, it's still kinda awkward, and there's still some parts) (where I speak a bit differently and everything) (But that was the first series that I did start to finish) (the entire thing, um-) ('Cause I did Cry of Fear, but I wasn't happy with that series) ('Cause it turned out really awkward and I couldn't finish the game) (properly myself! So I had to get help.) (Um, and then Little Inferno) (was a game that I played that I was-) (I- I feel like I settled more into myself at that point) (And I- I FELT like myself.) (I felt like Jack.) "OOOOH!" "Ah, it's a new day!" "Time to check on the ole' YouTube channel!" "Huh?" *GASP* "ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED!?!?" (Ohh! I was so fuckin' proud of) (that video too! I was like) (Oh! I'd set up the camera properly to make it seem like) (I woke up in bed, and I was wearing the hoodie, and the hat) (and everything to make it seem like that I just) (slept that way ALL the time!) (And then I, I like ADR'd all the lines) (I- I went back and dubbed over them) (Awhh! Oh) (Cringey!) (But cringey is good! It's good to) (go back and watch these things) (because it shows how much I've changed) (And even- even now, between August 2013) (And December 20-) (December 2012 Ack! Chokin' on my own saliva!) (You can tell how much I've changed already and this) (From August to August again) (you're gonna see a huge change) "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies. My name is Jacksepticeye." "WOOOOWWWWW 2,000!!!!!!" "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies. "(Ahhhh) (This is - this is the video) (These are the videos I started to do the high five) (Uhm, but that fuckin' 'WHOOOOOOO 2000!!') lol bro (That's like the 'I LOVE NATURE... SO MUCH - HELLO, BIRDS!') (Which will probably end up being in here as well, but this is the) (This is the video that showed up in the Pewdiepie shout out) WHAPOOSH! "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye" *Whopush* "Top of the mornin-" (Jack: There it is!) (That's the first time I ever used the sound effect) (September 2013 I think this is the Pewdiepie shout out winner) <Video> "to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and i just got mentioned in a Pewdiepie video!" *WHOPISH* "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye!" "Hey Vegeta, how many subscribers do i have now?" Vegeta: "Over 9,000!" *WHOPISH* (Jack: Okay, okay, forgive me, okay? I know, I know how cringy that is, and how cliche it is ) (but back then it wasn't because back then, that was when Vine had started to come to fruition a lot!) (Like a lot of people were posting Vines and it was like the hip new thing to do) (so I started posting Vines to YouTube) (there were some Vines that I uploaded myself, like, shaving my beard and then had ketchup all over my face) (shit like that, and- like now it's so dumb lookin', but back then, it seemed fine) (It seemed like, well within the realm of normality) (And I use to upload them to YouTube and consider that an upload for the day, but back then I was uploading like, 4 to 5 videos a day.) <Video> "15 THOUSAND!" (*GIGGLE* HOLY BALLSSSS!!!) (Is what I said right after that, but good Lord. This is such a blast from the past. It's not even that long ago.) (It's only November 2013. But Jesus!) <Video> *Whopish* "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to HAAAAAPPY WHEEEEELS!!!!!" (R.I.P. - R.I.P. Happy Wheels. Happy Wheels is gone now, but Jesus that-that was like, the prime of Happy Wheels. That's when it all started.) (That wasn't the first video of Happy Wheels 'cause I said 'Welcome back to Happy Wheels'.) (OH! And fun fact, the first episode of Happy Wheels I- I mentioned this as well before. I had to redo all the sound effects myself.) ('Cause when I did the episode the sound didn't record, so I had to go back in and record miscellaneous) (sounds in Happy Wheels and take sounds from the internet and everything and put them all into the episode.) (So, very few things actually have a proper sound in that episode. Aww.) (The 'Reading Your Comments.') (That started off...It is coming back by the way. I am doing 'Reading Comments', I actually plan on recording it today...) (I don't know if I should say that 'cause I don't know when this video is going up. This video can go up after that or whatever.) (But *clears throat*) (The first 'Reading Your Comments' episodes I didn't have the 'and now' It was just me doing a normal intro.) "20,000 Subscribers!" (Mother of God, 20,000.) (Was back in November 2013.) (Like November this year will be 4 years since 20K subs.) (And the channel is at 15 million now.) (Like, this is- this is the type of stuff that I try to remind myself of, is these types of videos and this type of content... and this location and everything) (Because that, that- like, life was SO different back then) <Video> "And now... (There it is) YouTube Comments" (The first) "with Jacksepticeye" (intro) *Whopush* "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye" "30,000 SUBSCRIBERS!" (And there, that's when things started to kick up) (Because it was November to December) (when I gained 10K subs) (and that- that to me was fuckin' insane) (10K subs in a month) (to me was like 'woah, what the fuck?') (and then) (it was like 30 to 60K at the start of January 2014) (And then by the end of the year, it was 3 million.) (So 2014 was the year that everything just went FWOOSH!) (And that, that freaked me the fuck out) (But it also made me super excited) (and I was so passionate and driven) <Video> "Say WHAAAAT?!" "Recently we just hit 40,0000 subscribers." (Oh yeah I did a skit for that.) (That wasn't me doin' a fake voice 'cause I wanted to talk like that. That was me puttin' on a voice on purpose 'cause it was like 'HELLO!') '(And welcome to Jacksepticeye! We just hit 40 thousand subscribers') (It was so fucking bad) "Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies. My name is Jacksepticeye and we just hit 100 thousand subscribers" (Jesus, March 3rd 2014, 100K subs) (Oh, my God) (Tha-that's... yeah) (So three years on from that and the channel hit fifteen million) (Seriously, that's insane) "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jack-" (Ah, the facial hair started to come in then as well) ('Cause I always wanted to grow facial hair) (but I never could, and of course the time I tried to do it) (had to be when the world was watching) (When more people in my entire life had ever watched me try to grow facial hair.) (I decided to go full force at it.) "Guess what" "I am moving" "Top of the morning to you Laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye!" (May 2014, fucking Killian, haha) (May 2014 was when I moved) (and now it's coming up to May... 2017 so three years later) (and I'm getting ready to move again) (Which) (It's just crazy, and I think it's good) (um, at the time) ('cause now it's like, 'Oh Jack don't move') ('I'm so used to like, the background that's here. I'm so used to you being in this setup and everything') (But back then) (people freaked out when i moved the first time) (people were so upset that i was losing the log cabin behind me) (and that it was like, such a-a little intimate spot) (and people hated this because it was like, such a big room and everything) (and- sorry to leave your face on screen like that Killian) (Uhm, people freaked out back then, that I was moving.) (So I should show you like, the cycle) (That people freak out when there's any sort of change anyway) (Um, and that really bothered me back then) ('cause I was really worried that everyone would just leave the channel) (Because I moved house) (Even though it was the greatest thing I think I ever could've done for my YouTube career) (was moving 'cause not only was it just a whole new chapter of my life when I got to move out of my parents') (and I got to go do my own thing, but I got better internet which let me be able to collab with all the other YouTubers) ('cause back then I couldn't. I collabbed with Mark back at the log cabin and my internet was so bad) (that I couldn't even send him the face cam file for him to be able to upload it.) (and... like... I don't know) (but that's so crazy and just to... like, to point out how much people freaked out back then) (so I put up a curtain behind me so you couldn't see the background anymore because) (I wanted to somehow retain what it was back at the cabins) (Which to me now that seems ridiculous) (I shoulda just been like 'you know what? I moved, people'll get over it.') ('Cause that's kinda what i'm like now.) (That- 'Yes, I'm moving. Yes, it's going to be a change. Yes, it's going to be different.') (But different isn't bad, different can be great.) (And I think that moving again) (is badly needed for myself) (because) (I'm getting so...) (I dunno...) (I'm getting so creatively suffocated) (with where I live now, and I'm so bored of it and I'm so tired of, like) (the same walls every day, and everything) (I wan- I want a change, so - it's gonna be good!) (This is a thing for Turbo Dismount) (Er, we thought it'd be funny, we were getting ready to record) (Turbo Dismount and I wanted to put Killian into a video) (and have fun with me 'cause he was fascinated by the YouTube stuff) (and then we ended up recording Turbo Dismount) (and it was his idea to be like, 'Hey, why don't we just do like, a different intro? It'd be funny if I did your intro') (and I was like, 'That's- that's not a bad idea') (but I actually had to go pee at the time, so...) <Video> "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye." (He nailed it! Ha) <Video> "We hit 900 thousand subs-" (Yeah, 900K at August 11th) <Video> "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye" (And then August 20th was a million.) (Tha- that's crazy. Hahaha.) (Thank you guys. Seriously.) (I haven't said it yet, but I am very grateful for everything that's happened.) (I don't want this to be a video where it's just me, lookin' at myself) (and being like, 'Yeah! I did that!') (Like, I- I'm very much aware) (that all of you did this for me) (and helped the channel get to where it is) (and... like, all of these milestones are celebrating all of you, on the channel.) (It's- well, it's celebrating both of us, like the channel) (and... me, and you guys, and everything we just do together) (So... AWWWH I'm so fuckin' proud.) (So proud of everything that's happened.) (And, it was after this then that stuff really started to...) (Like at the start of this year stuff was rocketin' along very fast) (But after this, was when it was like, a million every two months) (And that- that freaked me out, 'cause that's a lot of pressure, I...) (It was a thing when it happened, I was like 'Holy crap!') (And I- I was like, even at this point... even now there's part of me that's still paranoid) (that if I do something wrong, everyone's just gonna leave.) (And that...) (Becau- because I don't put myself on such a pedestal, because I don't put myself up) (as some sort of like... huge figure) (or anything like that and I don't think that I'm amazing) (I don't think that I'm super-special, I don't think that I'm like, one in a million) (that just had so much talent that I made this happen. I got very lucky with YouTube.) (Uhm, I had- I had a certain amount of charisma and a certain amount of energy) (and the accent and everything...) (It helped along, but I got very, very lucky with the things that happened on YouTube.) (And... (Because of that, I- I think it's kept me sort of grounded in a lot of ways) (and I never said to myself like, 'Yeah, you did this all on your own, dude!) ('You're amazing! You're fantastic!') (and that also stopped me from like, going way above and beyond) (And... *sigh*) (I dunno) (I guess what I'm tryin' to say is, in a way it never made me feel like) (what I had was never gonna go away.) (I always had that feeling that, I need to work for this, I need to keep goin') (I need to... keep this consistency, this work ethic) (This passion goin' constantly) (Because...) (It- it was that type of work ethic that got me to where I am) (and got the channel to where it is, and let me help- let me help meet all you guys) (So... I- I was always paranoid that if I didn't do that, that the world would just forget about me.) (I didn't think I was unique enough that people would remember me forever) (so I was always paranoid that everyone would leave.) (And I guess part of me is still kinda paranoid about that.) (It's- it's a strange feelin'.) <Video> "We did it! We hit 2 million subscribers before the end of the year!" "Good job, you! And you! And you!" "And... nooot you!" (Hahaha) <Video> "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome ba-" (Th- this is, yeah. The day when Jack decided to use a greenscreen.) (Wow, you've really done all your work, Berries and Cubes.) (You really know like, all the little ins and outs. That's awesome.) (This... I tried out a greenscreen.) (Umm, 'cause I thought, it's a pain in the ass to actually have) (like, a proper backdrop up, and the backdrop didn't look very nice) (so I was like, ok I'll get a greenscreen so I can mess around with the backdrop.) (And I never liked the greenscreen effect of having your head down here) (and having like, the cut-out, I never liked that) (I always liked the little box) (because I didn't want to like, blend into the background of the game) (I liked showing that yes, I'm in a room) (playing a game, kind of thing. I didn't want it to be anything else.) (So... I dunno, I just like the aesthetic of that.) (But, I tried using a greenscreen, you can see here, I hated it... because) (it allowed for more diverse backgrounds but when I would move, and I'm super-animated) (and bounce around all over the place) (it used to like, be very blurry, and I hated that.) <Video> "back to Turbo Dismount!" "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!" (So I got rid of it, heh.) "3 million subscribers!" (That was the day before my birthday!) (3 million subs.) (Jesus! Ahahaha.) (2015...) (and then February, two years later, uhh...) (It kind of, uhh...) (quintupled.) (Heh heh... Fuckin' hell! Haha oh my God!) (That's actually scary now when you think about it.) <Video> "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!" (So by now...) "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!" (I was very much myself.) "Thank you all so much for making the channel reach 8 million subscribers." (January last year was 8 million.) (Urrgh, aww that's so much pressure!) ("Oh haha God! Ahaha...) (Yeah, by now I'm definitely very much myself, like 2015 onwards was when) (I started to be like, the- the boisterous) (regular version of myself) (and I wasn't ashamed of it any more) (I was just trying to be who I actually was.) (And not really caring what anybody else thought about it 'cause at that point) (I was like, 'You know what? If these amount of people are subscribing to the channel) (I must be doing SOMETHING right!') (So, w-why...) (Like, 'cause it was never a fake thing, it was never a thing of trying to, like) (trick people into subscribing to the channel, I was never puttin' on a version of myself...) (that I thought would, again, trick people.) (It was more of a case of puttin' on a- a different version of myself) ('cause I wasn't comfortable with who I was yet.) (And then, by- the more and more I did it, the more I kind of settled into who I was) (and I was like, 'You know what? Fuck it! Let's just do this!') <Video> "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye" (Papers, Please.) "And I'm back with Bob and playin' Rocket League and had to do an intro really quick" "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye" (Yeah I moved away from the backdrop.) "And welcome back to what should be the final episode of Papers, Please." (And it was!) (I got rid of the backdrop 'cause I was sick of it. I...) ('Cause, the idea of the backdrop was to get rid of the room behind me) (and not have the room be like, a distraction.) (I didn't want people lookin' in the background and seein' stuff like...) ('cause people used to be like, 'Oh, he didn't make his bed today!') (I was like, why the fuck does that matter?!) (So I put up the backdrop to just be me, the camera, and the game, and you guys.) (And then, I got sick of the backdrop because it got in the way.) (I had to set it up every time, and then like, I couldn't push my chair back or anything like that) (and it blocked off half the room and it just, it took up too much space.) (So I decided 'You know what? Fuck it! I'm just gonna get rid of the backdrop and, be myself.') <Video> "Are you sayin' that you have to wait around for ages inside me? Hours at a time? That I'm ex-" (And this was when I got the new camera. Not the one I'm using right now) (I decided to use a different one for this, because, I dunno.) (The other one was a pain in the ass to set up for this. Umm...) (but the other camera that I always use now) (is the same one that I got here and it's such a nice camera.) ('Cause I was always about improving, or trying to improve, and gettin' new stuff) (and, makin' things...) (as good as I possibly could for the people watching so I got a very good mic) (a very good camera) (umm, the quality of the content, that was always subjective but at least) (I could get the quality up so the people watching were watching like, a super-clear image) (that was 60fps and you could see everything properly) (and if I pointed out something, like... I dunno) (Just trying to make it the best possible experience possible, so there was nothing in the way) (There was no) (like, muddy camera, there was nothing blurry) (you could actually see stuff moving properly in focus and you could hear everything clearly) (Umm, 'cause it was always kind of like an investment to make the channel as best as I possibly could.) <Video> "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye" (Ahh the green chair!) "Every time I hear that intro now..." (Hello buddy!) "all I can think about is the 'All the Way' song." "Hello and welcome to the Jacksepticeye Power Hour!" (There it began.) "Today we laugh in the face of science to see, 'Magic - is it real?' (I fuckin' love that video. I love that video so much 'cause it was like, 'You know what?) (Let's- let's record some dumb shit. Let's just record some skits and sketches and I had...) (I had no idea what to do so I went out and I bought the first stupid thing I could find) (which was the magic kit, like, 'Yeah, I can probably make this into something!') (So I sat down with that, and then I told Robin that... Robin is on board at this point) (Robin came on in May, uhh, 2016) (And then... I- I started to do, or I just sat down and did it, and I didn't know) (how it was gonna turn out, it was like 'This is gonna be awful!') (So I said to Robin, 'Can you please try and make this...) (good, somehow?!' And then he knocked it out of the park with the editing on that.) (And it was funnier than I actually thought it was, when I recorded it I thought a whole bunch of nothing happened) (But it was funny, almost, that nothing happened.) (That was kind of the joke of the whole thing.) (So I really like that video.) <Video> "There's more of them! This must be new because I didn't see this one when I was doing the other one..." (Aww, that's the end.) (That was September 2016. Holy God that was a rollercoaster!) (From start to finish there's so much in there!) (By the end it's like, 'Well yeah, that's- that's Jack') (but like, back at the start...) <Video> "OK, sooo....." (Like, that's such a change! And such a difference!) (Haha, that's kinda crazy. I- I don't even know what to say about it) (other than, yeah, I'm completely different than what I was back in November 2012.) (Because of course I am.) (Of course I was gonna change that much in five years.) (Well, close enough to five years. Four and a half.) (But thank you for making that, Berries and Cubes. There's some other ones as well) (but this is the one that showed up, where YouTube was like, 'Hey!) (Maybe watch this!') (Which is weird that YouTube's recommending stuff about myself, but I guess) (it would, 'cause I have to check all my own videos to make sure they're ok when they upload, so...) (YouTube's like, 'Oh, you like watching Jacksepticeye?' Hahaha!) (Ahem...) (But seriously, this- this is...) (so bizarre, and...) (it- it's good to watch something like this, I think, to remind myself of where) (everything started. I always try to remember it anyway, and try to stay grounded) (and remain humble and modest about everything that's happened because....) (I dunno, I hate the YouTubers that get big and then think they're hot shit) (or think that they own the place or think that they're better than other people.) [I agree] ('Cause, I dunno, we're all like, everyone who does YouTube...) (at least most of the people who I watch...) (are just... regular people who got very, very lucky.) (And especially me! I got very, very lucky with what I do and the type of stuff that I do) (and to have so many people here on the channel) (because anybody could've done what I did! Just starting off making videos,) (putting your energy and your passion into it, and just being yourself.) (Again, a- albeit being a more... being a different version of yourself, because) (I- I didn't wanna show off my accent all that much 'cause I was kind of embarrassed by it.) (And again, didn't think anyone would watch it. But, the type of person I was in the videos) (was definitely myself. Ummm...) (And again, anybody could do that, anybody can just start off and start recording videos and...) (Uh, I think what got me, and got the channel to where it was) (was because I just threw everything I had at it.) (I had so much passion and so much drive to wanna do it, every day) (that I just kept on doing it and I never once, like...) (thought about it being my job. I never once thought about it being a thing that I would do) (every day... ummmm...) (like as my main thing. I always just went at it as like, a hobby.) (And did it because I wanted to do it, and put my all into the videos that I was making.) (It might not show, because the videos are very crude and crummy now) (but at the time, that was like, the best I could do and what else could I do?) (But yeah, it's nice to remind myself of that once in a while.) (That it started from nothing.) (And that at some point...) (maybe people will forget about me. Maybe my time on YouTube will come to an end) (and maybe very few people will actually remember the name Jacksepticeye, but...) (I can be proud in the fact that I did it... *singing* 'Myyyy Wayyyy' *laughs*) (I can be proud in the fact that I did it, and did it genuinely.) (And did it honestly. And I never tried to trick people and I never tried to bullshit people.) (I just did it from the heart, and...) (kept playing games, and kept trying to entertain people and make people smile) (and tried to make myself happy, make myself proud, and...) (Sure, I've made some dumb decisions along the way, and I didn't avail of...) (a lot of the opportunities that came my way...) (Uhh... 'cause I got a lot of opportunities last year and the year before) (and I keep thinking, 'Awh, have I missed my chance?') (But... I- I think life is what you make of it, you make your own opportunities.) (You set new goals and you, you try and overcome that and...) (Just keep on progressing and improving, so...) (I dunno, I'm just happy with the way things are, and I'm very proud.) (And I'm really glad you're all still here and didn't abandon me, so...) (thank you for that, it really means the world to me. But anyway! This video's gone on) (long enough so I'm gonna end it here.) (THANK YOU GUYS, SO MUCH FOR WATCHING IT, IF YOU LIKED IT - ) (PUNCH THE LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE - ) (LIKE A BOSS!) (AND - ) (High fives all round!) *Whopush!* *Whopush!* (BUT THANK YOU GUYS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES - ) (IN THE NEXT VIDEO!) <Outro music> Got very close that time! Punch! Punch! Punch! Haha.
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 7,923,754
Rating: 4.9634695 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, Reacting to old videos, Reacting to my old videos, old videos, reacting to old videos jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye old videos, cringe, reaction, old video reaction, vlog, jacksepticeye reacts, evolution, the evolution of jacksepticeye, evolve, evolving, growth, change, jacksepticeye change, first videos, jacksepticeye first video, Far Cry 3, Happy Wheels, intro, first video with intro, top of the morning
Id: J9PxLvmtclI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 23sec (2063 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2017
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