r/Mildlyinfuriating · drawer for a single chopstick

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i love how this puzzle piece is supposed to symbolize meditation in like a tranquil and peaceful state of mind and yet they leave it with one piece missing like how could they do this what's going on everyone welcome back to easy peasy my name is david the baker and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash mildly infuriating it's the content that everyone hates but just can't seem to look away from i'm sure you guys are ready so without further ado let's go i mean you could park your car like this or you could park it like a decent human being i mean seriously you're not even double parked you're quadruple parked that's terrible oh man you have the guinness world record book collection like that's so cool um quick question can you fix 2017 if not we can't be friends this accessory may not be supported ah i hate this notification like i'll plug it into my iphone using my like apple certified charger and it'll be like this accessory may not be supported like what you're apple how is this not supported deleted says deleted this is probably the best advice on this thread wait what what did he say oh man now we'll never get to know what they said this sucks zero percent nudity zero percent swearing zero percent violence zero percent indecency 100 talent i don't care what the video is comments like these are so annoying i wish reddit would just go back to silver gold and platinum awards that don't take up half my freaking screen while i'm scrolling and the reddit community is like bet big bet just flooded with awards hey guys take a look at my magnetic cube oh hey man that's pretty cool hey wait fix it fix it right now my boyfriend offered me half his banana i don't know what the problem is he said he'd give you half his banana he split it in half i don't know why you're complaining thank you ups i'm sure this poster that says do not bend right on the packaging will hang up great [Laughter] oh the mailman or male woman was just not having it today they were like yeah it says do not bend honestly i don't care and just snaps it in half and you got played man huh okay i've literally never seen this happen before but apparently you twisted the cap so hard that the plastic around the cap came off which now means that you've got a useless bottle unless of course you like puncture the plastic and like drink out of it like a neanderthal honestly that's probably your best bet sorry your post has been removed as the title is in all caps which is known in the state of california to cause cancer what i've never heard of that before i want to ask these people like what are their sources because i i've literally never heard of that before that is insane there's a gaming chair company called ite they photoshopped a photo of me sitting in a tld today video and used it as an ad for years never seen their chair in my life i don't even care if the chair is great this is trashy don't buy their stupid chair honestly props to marquez brownlee i i agree this is a pretty trashy business practice i i think that they deserve all the hate they get at least for this stun this is particularly trashy i changed my comments so you don't know why i got so many likes you're a sick sick man mister how my family cuts and puts away sliced cheese well time for a new family mcdonald's really do be disrespectful with your food they're like oh you want fries it just dumps the whole thing in the bag have fun picking them out of the brown paper bag you jerk it's like wha why are they so mad at us what do we do the two buttons on my ceiling fan remote at the bottom are both clockwise yeah they are which makes one of the buttons absolutely wrong you're gonna have to label which one goes in which direction because yeah that's the only way you'll be able to figure it out god i wish there was an easier way to do this oh it's like a coding thing so if the answer is like 2 6 14 any of those are true but every other number that's not those have to be listed as false which means that you've got to go through a lot of numbers that's that's awful i feel so sorry for you my favorite color is let's see blue equals red red equals orange yellow equals yellow green equals green but blue equals purple and purple equals blue this is just that we're big braining it right now [Laughter] i don't even hate this like this isn't mildly infuriating to me this is this is art i love this grass that has an imprint of a traffic cone come on that that's lovely i love that how do people keep getting away with this like they work on your house they design it they do everything and they manage to mess up the column and you don't immediately ask for a refund for your house i i can't live in here the column's messed up it like decreases the value of your house because it's a freaking mess it's like come on i don't want this my friend eats chips and dip by putting chips on the couch oh no the grease the oils from the chips are just gonna sink right into the fabric of the couch leaving a permanent stain because it's oil you're not going to get that out just get get a plate or a paper towel come on man as a power raid fan myself this this is just really saddening what if i wanted a red powerade what am i going to have to do i'm going to have to dive into the pool of powerade bottles just to grab me one red one like come on this is stupid you know not everything has to be a drawer this would have been better off just being one of those fake drawers that don't actually open because like what are you gonna put in here one fork like this is stupid oh man rest in peace to this aux cord these things are so annoying to replace i don't even know how it broke like this but yeah whoever this broke for i'm sorry that sucks 488 except one of the eights are upside down how do you even mess this up you already drew the four and the eight how did you mess up the last number oof what in the world kind of fence is this is that even concrete it looks like drywall i i don't know whose fence this is but they need to redecorate like now ah yes when your fitted sheet doesn't fit the mattress yeah that's pain [Laughter] i don't even want to be too critical on this bathroom like unless this is carpet you know i would say it's not too bad i mean it's clearly somebody's choice maybe a little too many flowers but you know hey it's your bathroom it's your choice inhale exhale yep all the fog just straight to the glasses i wear glasses myself and yeah it sucks literal screwdrivers this wouldn't even work for anything and i absolutely hate it i go to get some ice cream and find it inside of a block of ice it's the ice avatar he's been frozen for a hundred years nah i'm just kidding but for real now is the time for your minecraft skills to kick in grab a pickaxe and just get to that ice cream oh cool swedish fish and yet all this unnecessary plastic is probably gonna be killing fish so yeah irony huh i feel like we haven't fully internalized how cursed the iowa county map is to be fair i don't even think this is cursed i think this is the best way to separate counties cut them off somewhat evenly i mean it's good it's organized i like it what you don't like it what are you some kind of weirdo stop saying karen karen is a sexist and racist term equivalent to the n word for white women okay okay go off calling a woman karen is an attempt to get rid of women's rights to stand up for themselves now that that's settled give me a second i'm sorry it's the n word for white women okay now that that's [Laughter] now that that's settled y'all need to stop using the sexism racist term karen is worse than nick or okay okay i'm done man i can't i can't okay we gotta move on we gotta keep going i can't do this one oh no that's your car key that's like that's actually awful you kind of need your car key i don't know maybe super glue it back that might not even work this is this is awful that's not even mildly infuriating that's just extraordinarily inconveniencing why couldn't you just put the light in the center where the faucet is it would have been so easy good news my custom face mask arrived the bad news is that they printed my face twenty percent too large bro you look like a cartoon character i'm not even gonna lie why nobody asked you to stand like this he's over here trying to pull a michael jackson smooth criminal pose he looks like the acute angles we learn about in geometry class i mean to be real it is mildly infuriating i don't know why anybody feels the need to stand like this oh man you know what happened here i bet these chairs were placed near a window where one side got a lot of light and the other side got absolutely no light ah light damage sucks man i'm sorry when you get comfortable in your bed but forgot to turn the lights off yeah that is so unfortunate but not as unfortunate as this light switch because the door frame is there you're gonna have to use a lot more energy just to turn it on and off like my comment if black lives matter stop using a movement to get likes it's stupid you look like a clown sit down dear reddit i don't want to watch live streams top broadcast right now yeah i hate to say it but reddit is not listening huge anti-mask protest in berlin when numbers of coco 19 cases have been going up continuously in germany ah yes this is how a pandemic wins it's big brain time r slash [ __ ] masks okay i'm sure i'm about to read some anti-mask stuff but like i feel like r slash masks could be like a sex toy thing you know like masks put them on your face and then get i don't know i feel like it could be a product but let's see this community is a group of people who don't agree with wearing masks we all may have our own reasons for not wearing a mask feel free to post about news lawsuits and the legality of the situation your country of origin does not matter you are welcome here i know there's going to be a couple people in the audience who are like well i don't get the problem they just create a subreddit for themselves for what they believe in here's my problem with this nobody is forcing you to wear a mask in your private house or in your domicile in your yard nobody's gonna force you to wear a mask but if you go out in public or to private companies where they mandate you to wear a mask then you don't have a legal stance to say i'm not going to even though i'm in somebody else's property like you can't do that so when people talk about like the legality of situations that you find yourself in if costco wants you to put on a mask put on a mask or don't go to costco you don't have to do this it just it's uh that part of it makes me feel like gosh this is kind of stupid but hey you know live your life wow okay seems like a bit of a waste if you know you're just trying to conserve makeup you just slather your arm in it like it's paint why not put it on someone's lips and take a picture of their lips like that seems like a way better idea you find a box of matches and oh what do you know they're all burnt who puts them back in the box that's such a dumb idea i mean at least you got one match left i hope that serves you well uh yeah i get these messages like when you just restart your phone for like a really long time it goes and says message failed to sin 313 days ago like i don't care anymore just leave me alone electro boom funny compilation try not the laugh challenge jeez how many ads are you gonna put in this video this video is more ads than content come on lava and minecraft magma and minecraft versus lava in real life and magma in real life yeah they got them all the way flip-flopped but hey i mean it's minecraft didn't they just add a creature like a like a light squid or something that doesn't even light up i don't know something stupid like that like minecraft makes mistakes okay join us for our newest support group moms mothers supporting other moms wouldn't that be msom not moms that's not how acronyms work yikes that phone is cracked i'm sorry you're just you're gonna have to get that fixed the case on that phone seemed to really let you down i just moved to miami and i have to get a coco test or quarantine for two weeks before school i was asking where the best places to get tested were and one of them seriously said oh you could just pay for a fake negative test and you wouldn't have to quarantine tons of people do it well i mean it is florida so you know what did you expect oh no that's the plug that gives you signal yeah no you're yeah you're gonna be without signal for a while the notification dot for the discord app is not centered and it's making me upset someone seriously painted over this pictograph dated 500 a.d in utah to mark their property line well if that isn't trashy i don't know what is paracetamol and then a bunch of scribbles but you know coming from a doctor it's kind of the same thing ah you're just as bad as the first guy the lines just not mean anything to you you're just like no okay i'll just park anywhere what a jerk okay yeah this is annoying and nobody wants to but if you're like me you can just eat the sticker come on just just do it eat the sticker what are you some kind of weirdo yeah just like the last one this happens to people a lot but if you're like me again you just eat the bowl like don't even take the plastic off just eat it all you know each and every pencil is designed perfectly except for the red one the red one just had to be labeled on a different side of course because why not i go to my friend's phone and this is the crap i see just everything is grouped i mean some people like it this way but if everything is grouped how come there's like five or six pages like what more could you have on your phone i made cherry pie the cat stood on it well it looks like it's time for a new pet i mean cats are great but yeah no this is unacceptable oh man i remember one time in elementary school i forgot to pack my lunch and all i had was one pop-tart that was in the bottom of my book bag i opened it up and it looked exactly like this and i was so sad i never ate a pop-tart after that i bought a four pack of frozen pretzels only got two in about 17 salt packets i mean yeah you basically just bought salt with like two extra pretzels on the side you got played by trader joe's and usually i would say it's not your fault but they got traitor in their own name so come on hey look there's three comments oh what do they say wow such empty but you just said that there were three comments ha white parents catch their kid loading a python into a t-shirt cannon and be like i'm counting down to five bryson white parents catch their kids loading a python into a t-shirt cannon and be like i'm counting to five bryson oh so when you posted it it gets removed but when this person posts it it gets six thousand upvotes because yeah that's how the rules work return rental textbooks not returnable if shrink wrap is broken okay so you're just not supposed to read it how are you gonna pass your seagull class it doesn't even make sense this should be stopped the original post 36 upvotes and the repost with 268 upvotes no really it's a real problem but uh yeah i don't think it's ever gonna be fixed uh may i i saw this on thanks i hate it and again i don't like it it's not even mildly infuriating it's extraordinarily like dysfunctional get it out of my face oh my goodness i thought i was looking at a puddle of water this is an ipad oh my goodness no wait if the light is coming from this side of the ball how can the shadow be on the same side the lights coming from the oh logic logic is just not making sense it was 220 sheets now it's 220 sheets awesome oh we've all had this happen to us the door handles just grabs us like hey where you think you're going and you're just like hey man let me go and you look so stupid trying to get it off of you yeah it sucks two days ago the soap went missing from the kitchen sink today i looked up wait a second is it is it connected to the kitchen blinds oh man i would have probably never found it oh man i i think this is a beautiful house like i can imagine going through this house and being like this place is really beautiful but what they did with the stairs here just no just flat out disgusting the wall street journal says stop wasting money on unnecessary monthly subscriptions but uh yeah you should totally subscribe to the wall street journal our monthly subscription is 28.99 per month you could get netflix hulu and disney plus for that price the right side of the duct tape the left side and splitting ways yep happens with every roll you the chick from tock nah wrong number what account said that this was her number it didn't you just couldn't see the last number so everyone is guessing the last one ah man this poor person is just trying to live their life and they've got tick-tockers virtually knocking on their door like hey are you the tick-tock chick and i bet they're just like uh no can you please leave me alone like how tragic i mean you could clean your food you could just you know pick up your trash when you're done eating or you could just make a mess you know have a food fight like what is this high school musical clean up your food hey will this product work with a ps4 i don't know i don't own a ps4 to test it on does it work on a ps4 i used it on a five-year-old hp laptop and it works fine yeah but that's not answering the question stop stop doing this oh man i love honeycomb designs hey wait a second why who did this get rid of masks and the tips will be bigger that's why i only tipped you five cents see like it doesn't matter if you like wearing masks or if you don't this is just a trashy thing to do don't do this that one popsicle stick probably ruined like 20 sheets of paper towels what a shame oh speaking of shames like look at this toilet roll this is just it's been shredded what happened did freddy krueger try and use your toilet paper like gosh the amount of official trailers which are fan made are too damn high you know what i agree sometimes i see something i'm like oh is this real and then i realize it's a fan trailer and it's already used footage and it's like ah this sucks like it'll be edited really well but it still sucks i mean you could put the tv right in front of the fireplace but oh no that outlet is there which means you know you just can't mount it it's too late i'm pretty sure the outlet has nothing to do with whether or not you can mount the tv there so they just made a really poor decision seventy-two percent gave five stars eight percent of people gave one stars and for some reason they spelled out the word 20 for 20 with four stars i don't know why you chose to do it like this but hey you do you what even is this collection of wires couldn't you just wrap it around the stick like what you're supposed to do clearly somebody has never vacuumed before because they just they butchered the wires you know when they said that somebody could build the brick wall for like a hundred dollars you shouldn't be surprised when this is what you get unless of course these people probably pay like thousands of dollars for the wall like you normally would and they were left with this then yeah i'd be furious cereal with water instead of milk this would not make gordon ramsay happy i mean you could have put the windows all in a straight line but you know why do that when you can just make a mess i mean it's good and it's pretty but you messed up you could swap the pink with the red or you could put the pink next to the purple but like this this is just wrong what do we continue to use after it is broken an egg oh and that got some ultimate awards on reddit bruh someone spent 125 on you wtf i found out about the reward earlier today and thought to myself that i am never going to stumble upon one it didn't even take one day to be proven wrong wow it's reddit fame like this that that so many people yearn over you know and this guy got it on his first try i'm not even hating i think that's awesome oh those are reddit awards i'm sorry i thought i was having a stroke and these poor people were trying to spell out the word well you can see what word they were trying to spell out and they weren't able to do it what a shame i got up to get a drink then my ankle twisted and i banged my head into the drywall f my life oh i'm so sorry uh you're just losing at life right now that that's terrible what did a five-year-old design this you know i thought this was supposed to say time flies but there's no f which means that all right now all i can read is lies i have no clue what it's trying to say if i read it straight forward it's [Music] i i don't like it i don't like it one bit your post goes against our community standards on adult sexualization solicitation no one else can see your post we have these standards because sexual solicitation can make some people feel unsafe on facebook okay let's see the post 18 and 50 cents an hour to pack boxes on the weekends perfect job for a college student oh yeah man that's way too sexual i don't even know how you thought that could pass like come on man packing boxes we all know what that means right no really like right i have no idea how this is sexual at all well everyone that's my time i hope you enjoyed this episode of r slash mildly infuriating if you were indeed mildly infuriated make sure to support the channel by pressing the subscribe and like button and don't forget to press the notification bell to be notified of all our easy peasy uploads i'm your host david the baker and i will see you in the next video peace out and three thumbs up
Channel: EzPz
Views: 290,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, Mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfurating, extremely infuriating, r/extremelyinfurating, reddit memes
Id: 0fU2s-kcZhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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