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this one i like if it can run i like it because that is that is funny that is hilarious if i pull up to the club and i and i get me and brianna out of the wood car we're dressed up like lumberjacks baby it's time to party what's going on guys and welcome back to mk my name is damian you didn't think i came on here without something to talk about did you have you heard about daily it's the new coke of reddit channels if you're a longtime subscriber of mk you might remember a time where there was only one voice for the reddit videos and no not that one talking about my voice well dealing is just that so if that's your jam go to the link in the description or the pin to comment and go check out dealy did i mention it was pride month happy pride month everybody anyway let's look at some things that have some awful taste but are executed mwah great league is this great execution that's my fur like just because it works doesn't mean it's great execution my man is in a a turquoise hot rod but just like functionality and execution are two different things and i don't think this is a this is a great execution i think he just made sure it runs i'm not even sure if that's a good thing the star wars jar jar binks fleece blanket uh with everyone's favorite character it's 46 dollars i i peaked on the mic that made me so mad 40 you're charging me almost 50 dollars to have no no jar jar's life is not worth fifty dollars a little blanket commemorating him okay this is actually pretty dope this one you know they say have eyes in the back your head well i have bulbasaur's eyes in the back of mine okay all right no but really i think this is super cool i like this this is great taste and he chose a great starter and got a dope ass cut as well this is good taste and good execution whoa i mean i'm actually kind of torn on this because on one hand it's like why and why would why hat why on the other hand i am impressed that he gathered this many pencils assuming that this has no empty space inside uh that is the only way i will remain impressed with this that if that's hollow on the inside he's lost my respect or they've lost my respect rather they were all whittled down by hand [Laughter] no no to the cheese hat you take that off go out in the sun with that start smelling melted cheese or velveeta melting over your nose no dude this is actually kind of sick i would i would drive this this is cool some of these things are awful too okay to you awful taste to you but to me i like it and i'm gonna i'm gonna drive it ah ah no no no that gives me the creep that like went down my that that entered my body and expelled itself from me like a demon at the same time i hated that not a fan not a fan at all this crabby purse well yes it's a crabby purse yes indeed it is a crabby purse but does that mean it's crappy a crappy taste no not really um i don't know what it's made out of i don't know who kate spade is but they're responsible for this uh aquatic accessory i don't know i have no opinion on this if if someone has like if they want to be you know an aqua themed person i assume that's for you but i i don't think it's great taste or great execution whatsoever i think this falls into the neither category actually are these like jacked up crocs do these babies go into four-wheel drive wait hold on zoom on that price tag thirty dollars burn the store down no thirty dollars no no nah whoa actually that's kind of badass this this this is a statement vehicle i like this one do flames shoot out of it this is cool does smoke come out the mouth this is a sick car i don't know why you put it onto this particular make and model but hey you you got you got to do what you got to do i guess again with these sick ass car if that was evil this is good that was devil this is angle this is this is sick i love this kind of [ __ ] man i'm not even a car guy i just love people like this it's a dragon dude it's a dragon that's sick pulling up in the dragon whip hell yeah man is this for shining shoes what a what a funky little shoe shining station actually that's kind of that's kind of cute that's not so that that that is an appropriate level of cute for a shoe shining station i would go there have like three little three little guys come out and shine my shoes and then go you're done and i go thanks alvin and the chipmunks where where's jason ah yes when when the gamers go to prom you should see the you should see the guy he's dressed up in a mountain dew tux it's just classy these don't even look real these look like they're cgi like this looks like something i'd see like a youtube poop this doesn't look like a real thing are these real physical objects you can find like out in the open i would take one home with me i like these spider earrings because everyone loves getting slapped upside the head by random strangers trying to help ow dude got a spider on your those earrings oh you're a you're a weirdo you're a weird person you're a strange character oh no there's so much that upsets me with this i don't even know where to start i can appreciate that they have all of the cross log like on the front of the cabinets facing each other so that way they're not like all like pointing in one direction i like the opposing z's but who do you just really it's not even like a farmer lifestyle you just this is just this just is upsetting it's just upsetting [Laughter] oh come on into my playmat bathroom you thought carpeted bathrooms were bad this one's even worse this turtle shaped footstool actually that's kind of tight that's kind of i would pick that up that's kind of tight get the turtle stool would this even work anymore like with this function as a controller because it feels like you just shoved mark hamill's head into that uh center p i don't know what the that part of the the playstation controller is called i don't use consoles except for a switch but it feels like you kind of just ruined this this controller it's a cool art piece now hanging like put it up on display but there's you can't use that anymore man you broke it what the hell is this you you show up to the to the hangout with the furry crocs with the furry sandals sorry you show up to the party with furry sandals you're sitting outside like like like the dog you are okay we're chaining you up to the tree not allowed up on the couch either is that hair this photo is blurry as hell but is that that's kind of tight like these that's like when those dudes do those like beard competitions and have those super long impressive beards i think this is cool i see nothing wrong with that the hamburger bed makes a return yeah i love the burger bed yes with the pickle pillows can't get enough of the burger bed all right so kermit the hand here hmm yeah i hate that that makes me uncomfortable a horse's ass in the middle here rich people have the worst like choices for like decoration and i think it's because once you once you get to a level of wealth you've lost all touch with reality and so you just start buying things that throw into your home that are expensive just for the fact that they're expensive like this horse's ass you know it's not quite the scene from revenant where leo sleeps inside a horse but it'll do i can see you're a fan of the idea my dad a home inspector sent this to me the other day installing that carpet can't have been easy i want to know where the house this is he's got the the little uh work sink all these wine glasses is this a wine cabinet a wine cupboard a wine cellar a wine dungeon where what is this room what purpose does it serve and why are the walls carpeted that's a sick looking guitar i'm not even gonna front that looks cool that looks cool as hell i like that a lot i'm a fan of that and i dig this space invaders couch once they're not like this is cool looking man it's all angular and neat and it's referential like if you had a gaming little like room and you could fit a couch in there put that in there that's sick i love that and i like these shoes too now you're just now you're just now you're just making me feel good i like these i like these shoes a lot now now we're just getting the cool stuff and you ruined it you ruined it with whatever you wanna i don't wanna call these shoes but i can't quite call them pants so i don't they're in a weird in-between where it makes me greatly uncomfortable well personally not a fan however that's a really cool unique way to do it this is quite legitimately a case of awful taste but great execution this right here this is what the subreddit was built for more like these oh oh god it's the demon that thing away gene or so help me god this kitchen is in an 8.6 million dollar home in the atlanta area and what did i say about rich people having weird awful stupid yucky taste this makes no sense this isn't practical this isn't even like good for show this is just let me throw three or four chandeliers in my kitchen and also adorn everything with gold trim and while we're at it make everything marble and hey we're not stopping there let's just add these two random spiral columns to the end of my island why there's no purpose there's no point you're not having guests over because you've killed them you knew strange people i know i watched society i know what happens this is this is foul this is this is this is just disrespectful to me personally i don't even want to look i'm going to throw up if i look at it more yo sailor koala [Music] can you put up a like the noise koalas make please just so you understand exactly the kind of thing we're dealing with your koalas are not cute you ever seen a drop bear they're native to specifically australia this litter decoration made for an aquarium that's a says a lot about society oh that's actually kind of sick i can appreciate that that's well done that's that that's art that's ort i like that i don't know who owns this car but i can gather a lot about his personality just from the design alone this man watched mad max once and is now prepared for anything you can't see it but behind the grill it opens up and there's spikes this dude is ready prepared and thirsty for for carnage and chaos oh mario not into the warp pipe huh no [Laughter] you gotta go down there dude they said i had to wear a mask you didn't have to say what the mask had to look like so hey you know face hug a mask for me who is the melon boy who is that funky melon [Laughter] [Music] like the koala worked the mcdonald's moose i didn't know that was like a mascot and it doesn't work at all moose meeson are terrifying oh this is even worse i didn't think it could get worse this looks like a oni ng drawing this looks like a an oni drawing you can't tell me this mug it doesn't look like it's saying leviosa i actually like this one more than the crab claw but i still hate it just enough to never want to see it again it's in that nice little sweet spot you know what this is a rich person car like the other cars we've seen were cool had cool designs i would totally expect some rich person like some like comically rich like scrooge mcduck rich like richie rich i would expect them to drive this car this is just like disgusting enough to reach that level of wealth oh he's he's in the learning environment with the with the hentai drip teacher doesn't even know doesn't even know that's kind of cool it's got that classic house like when you think of a when you think of a suburban house you get that that design it's colorful it's got some personality i like this i don't know what to make of this motorcycle like yes i i wouldn't do it but i mean this looks like another situation of hey i guess it works what i'm more concerned about is the bold red letters of just a dentistry in the background there that looks like it goes into what is a supermarket building right next to the nail and spa center that's what i'm scared of the dentistry that goes on in there it looks like no looks like the suspiria logo just a little bit i don't like that i don't know what's going on in there i want zero part of it duck dimma dome owner of the dimmesdale dimmit dagger that's right then you're dim a dead i like that i don't care what you say that some zoomer is gonna buy that and have that in their home and i'm all for it i like that a lot i appreciate that they appreciate its message that is a violently pink car that is an aggressively pink vehicle like you have pink and then you have perk and this is the ladder man you could have had it at the like the actual nail but the fact you made it the point like the extension then past your actual nail i think is the real disgusting part here and those rings look like they're way too tight on your finger are you okay what's going on here how far will you go in the name of fashion 3d printer grills baby it ain't designer it's designed in my home this keycap puller tool why does that d key look so tiny how small are your keyboard key how big are your fingers that's what i want to know now this looks like a small ass key that made my stomach turn that's just you're just you disgust me zip it back up yo look it's the fortnite tires [Laughter] he put it on the whiplash a hand-painted rugrats toilet seat you gotta hand it to them they did a pretty good job you could have fooled me i did not realize this was hand painted until i read that it was this is a very good job okay okay that's cool i personally wouldn't buy that because i i don't like having things with faces in my home especially if i'm going to bed i feel like they're looking at me but yeah no this is cool strut your stuff in the worst way possible i hate everything about those might do your thing but just do it away from me please forever that's a fun repurposing if it's comfortable i don't see any problem with it i think that's i think that's a fun way to reuse uh one of these skis that's cool i like that skittles has it going on hop on the skittles ride throttle the rainbow taste the rainbow and this is a fun little guitar i like these i like these designs i could see that being played in a band i like it i i don't have a problem this i have a very big problem with why is everything carpeted here i used to think carpeting everything was a fun like a fun little quirky thing now i hate it i i don't want to see it i don't want to think about it it makes me uncomfortable remove it strip it away oh god these president when you get elected to the white house you have to wear these it's it is required joe biden's wearing these right now to remember the the sacrifices of those before him okay now these are cool little baby-faced macaroons and stuff i can see this being like a halloween treat i like these these are fun that's actually really neat who the hell why does it have a penis it's censored for a reason why did he why did you give it a penis can it nut that's what i want to know now is it dripping is it leaky ah finally a see-through stormtrooper now you can aim yo surfs up surfer boy white claw here to tell you uh drink in the ocean through the cans in the sea give the turtles a sip not for me but that's kind of sick i gotta hand it to him to get that as a tattoo if that's something you're into yeah bud that's awesome this is actually one of the only other cars i don't like here and i don't like it because it can't actually transform you have uh it's not more than meets the eye it's exactly what you think it is and that's lame a grand theft auto vice city tattoo you just got the cover art painted on your arm nah it's lame you're stupid these are wookie shoes that my brother bought and you know what as long as you have an appropriate option for these i'm not i'm not if i'm not upset because at least there's a theme here you know exactly what's going on it's better than the furry sandals for sure i appreciate these these these are these pass the vibe check for me and that's gonna do it for r slash a t b g e and hey that's my time here folks if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for content from mk or alternatively you can go check out daily in the pinned comment description and go see more of me because what's what's better to ingest than a than a sweet baritone voice reading sweet sweet reddit memes you tell me i'll wait and until next time i'll be seeing
Channel: EmKay
Views: 410,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, atbge, r/atbge, cringe, reddit cringe, diwhy, r/diwhy
Id: tspfLU5rY_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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